The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 28, 1881, Image 1
"T dolutrli)ikT. coiiiuBii tiuonrr, m or tnt noriti, ana coi.uu- HUH, CONSOMDATKO.) j ful WUI, eriiry Prldny luarnlim, in 1 IlLOOMSirUW), COLUMBIA COUNTV. V it two per year, 60 centi ilwrount liii'inm when pnlcl In ndvatico. To subscribers out of n, county tho terms tiro 13 per year, strictly In mlvnnc . , t"No paper discontinued cxrVpt at tho nnUni nf 1 the publishers, untJl till arrearages nro paid, but ,nn continued credit will not bo glvon. All papcra sent put of tho State or to distant mm offices must bo paid for In advance, unliwi a renVi Bible person In Columbia county assume to p.iy tip subscription flue on demand. ' ' postage to no longer exacted from subscribers in tic county. 1 In i IN " W i ts.m lis.ra a.ou . T.W )t.W 9.00 '1100 10.00 IVOO 17.03 81.00 saoo m.m It iw im ii in "'1' i - if one Inch I i.'-' TwolncBC....,..,. Throe inene. ...... .n Four InchM. ...... i.rt Suartcr column.... alt column.. 1M One column YerlT ariwrttscmrni. tuyiiils quarterly. ii Blent advertisement irttr V -M for before . mi' except where parties lure .1 units. ltm adrertlsemenfa lw ifullars per Inch for I'm;"'! Insertions, and at that r.ttr- for addiuonai insem wimoui rcierenco 10 icngui, Executor', Administrator', and Auditor's iiiVl three dollars. Must bo paid for when Insortcd. rvv, f AthhtnrP flnnm-lmint nf II.a nA - i . .... m Transient or local notices, ton cent a line. rr. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XV, NO. advertisements halt rate complete, uidour .Job Printing will compare fiivorn '0. H. EtiWELIi, 1 . . BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY OCTOBER 28, 1881. C'OLUMllU DKMOOHAT, VOL XLVI, no." fRrds In Uie "Business Directory" column, i-J aou&r por yew tor e&cn ua. M)M " rr i i i ii hi Wi i m nm i, lie jfaf 1 If PltOl'ltSSIONAL OAHtiS II. HKOUICWA Y, ATTOBNUY-AT-L A W. Coi.rmilAK llcil.DlMi llioomiburg. r Vcinn r it the t'nlt"- States u t?ncuilon, CoKvetlout ip-'te in itij' (url u( Amino or Ktirope. j K vvTl.LMl, Atlornoynt' 1 ,nw Office. Second door front lit National llanlt, lit.OOMSHUWl I'A, N U. KUNK Attorncynt-Lnw, ULOOMSlllIlia, PA. nmce in Kilt's Uon.niMti, C." A W. J.llUCKALEW, ATTOHNEVS-AT-LAW, Illoomsburg,Fa. afflcon Mali Street. flretduorbclowCourtUouat flMw, 1).,1 tiri... J OI5N M CLARK, AVrOHNEY.AT-t.AW, lilooinnburcra. .mice -)ver Scli'iyler's Hardwaro Store. . 1 V H. . R. R. LITTLE, TTOnNRV-AT-IA W, lllootnsburtr, la. r. W MILLKH, ATTOKNEY-AT-I.AW onicetn llrower'flhulldlnit.iccond floor, room Vo. 1. Uloomshurc, l'n. B. FRANK 7.ARR. Atfovnov-at-T .aw. nLOOMHHUIlCt, I'A nmnrnfnerof Centro and Muln Htrcele. cilnrk's Itulldlntr. (!mi be cnn'iillwl In Qeririnn. K. tJHAI'IN, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. ui.od.iisiiiiiti;, i'A' IH Till! MOST Kcononiit'itl Power Known -FOU- DIUVING LIGHT MAOHINKRY. It takes but little room. It never nets outof,iupalr. It can not blow up, It needs no fuel It r.eeils no enclnoor. I Iirre Isno ilcl.xj : no firing tip; no ashes to clean iiwnj; 10 extra Intnranco lo jiajt no repair- nif ii"censary; w coal bills in pny, und Ith iilwajs uaily for use. It Is Invaluable fur blowlni; Chmch Oruans. for ruiinniK 1 rmtintf l-n sse-, McwtnK Jlaclilncs rurn- 1M2 Lntlitft. Hcro'l b'as, (Irlnd wtoaes Coltec Mills, HiusaKO Machlni -", Feid Cutters, Cm n Mills, l.levn lots, elc Four liortu powxr at -in pounds pmsuu- of Ills noseless, mm, compact, steady, and nbote all 11' IS VHRY OHKAl' Weil l to tliu llncks Water Motor Co., M-wniK, N, .1., hliuln? 11.11110 of papir jouhih- nd- ertlsi metit In, I'tice, I5 to 3W. Sept. 30-tf B. F. SHARPLESS, Cor. Centre and Itall Hond sts., mar L. U. Depot. Poetical. Lowest Prices will net undersold. - I'OIl Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of tho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swolrngx and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted F$tt and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. K11 ProTinrntlnn mi enrlh foUbls St. J ICOB4 OIL aa a j.rV.ftMrr.fffmf'fAatid rirafiKxternal Kvinedy. A trial 1 ubills but the eomparatlvily Irllllnp outlay of nit ('ruts, iitul ctitv finu nitrerliu? with pain can hae cheap ami tttlve proof or Its claims. Dlrcctlmii In Klcren I HiiKtiages. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AHD DEALEBB IK MEDICINE. A. VOGEIxER i3& CO., ;i,lI(morc, Mil., V. S.JL (JKAN'l) MOIIiKR'y SKRMON. Tho eupper Is over, the hearth Is swept, And In the wood fires glow; The children cluster to hear u tale Of that time ho lone ago, Wh n Orandma'u hair was golden brown And tho warm blood camo and went, O'er that face that could scarco have been, sweeter than now In Its rl?h content. Dut that face Is wrinkled and care worn now, And the golden hair Is irraj Dut tho light that shono lu the )oung girl's eyes, Has never gono away. And her needtts catch the fire's bright light, As lu and out they go Wltli Iho clicking music that grandma loves, Of lint time so loug ago. And the waiting children love It too For they know tho stoeklo; song llrlngs many n tale to grandmt's heart, Which they shall heir tro long, Hut It brings no Ulo of olden time To grandm t's heart to-night Only a retrain quaint and short Is sung by tho medics bright. Life Is a stocking, grandma sa)B, And yours Is Just beguu, Hut I um knitting tho toe of mine And my work is almost done. With merry hearts wo beglu U knit, And the ribbing Is almost play, some are gay-colored, some are white And somoarciuhcn grey. Hut most arc of many a color, With many a stitch set wrong Aud many a row to be sadly ripped Ero tho wholo la fair and strom;. Hut the saddest, yet happiest time, Is that we court and yet shun When our Ucavenly Father breaks the thread, And says our work U done. And tho chUdron como to say "good night" With tears In their bright young eyes, For In grandma's lap with broken thread Tho finished stocking lies. anon. Vav be found In Court House. ItECOllDEIfS OFFICII 111 Iho Fepf. 10, 'SI, r,-m. G T EO. K. KLWULL, A T TO B N E Y-A T-L A W, Nbw Columbian 11MI.MNU, llloomsburg, Pa. Member of tho United Htatta Law Association, collections mado In any part of Ainci lea or Europe T.. H. WINTKKSTRKN. Notary Public KNORR & WINTERSTEKN, Attorney onico in Hnrtman'B lllock, Corner Main and Mar kct Btrccts, llloomsburg, I'a. Igy'tnsioiis and Jlotniliea Collected. jULirTvTnT, Attornoy-at-Law. onico In Drover's lllock, one door below Ilrockway llullding ULOOMSRURO, I'A. Manufacturer of MINK CAK WHEELS, Ci.ul Ureak crandHrhU'i Castings, Water Pipes, Stoves, Tin ware, How f, I HON FENCE, and all kinds of Iron aud HrassC-Etlngs. The 1 Una! Montroe, Iron beam, right hand left linnu, and side Mil Plow b, the best In tho mark et, and all kinds of plow icpnlrs. Cook Stoves, Hoom Stous, and Stoves for heating stores, chool houses, churches, e. Also tho larg e-it stock of repairs for city stoves wholesale and retail, such 113 Fire Brlck.Oratcs, Cioss Pieces, Lids AC Ac., Store Pipe, Cook Hollers, Skllllts, Cako- l'lales, large Iron Kettles, t2o gallons to 1x 1 arrels) Farm Hells, SPd Soles, Wagon Poxes, "Allontown Bone Manure" PLASTER, "ALT, tc, AC. Jan 8, 'to-ty SPRING AND &UMMES CLOTHING EViiNS, A. J. The uptown Clothier, has Just rtcelved a fine line or rsew uooii, nnu is piepareu 10 iiiuku up Valuable Real Estate AT PRIVATE SALE! The underslgicd ACmlnlsttator cum testamento anuexo cf Peter Arpleman.late of Ilenton towcshlj), dceeatcd, illcs the following described premises at private s.le. All that portion of the following de scilbed THACT OF LAND, In Henton township, bounded us IoIImvk On He I.oitli by lands of It. I F, t'olley, .1. F. Chnplu aiul A. Wilkinson, on the west by latds cf Ell Mcll.t ly, Jcl.n E. Appleman undl'eltr LBUtnch.cmi.o iculh by lands of WI1- l.nm llu'ino and Maigaiet Dildlnc, nnd on the cast by lanil-t of Hiuttn 11, DaMs and Stott E Colley, containing Klull'l Y-EIOIIT ACHES, more or less, whereon uie ended a two-story FliAME HOUSE, Hank Hum, wngon house and othir out-bulldlngs. only thut portion lying on the west side of Fishing- creek will be bold. Also, all that ti acl cf land situate In Denton town-1 ship, bounded on the west by lands of Hebecca Con-1 ner, on the north by lands of 'he helia of Thomas Davis, decrustd. ai d J. F. Chnrtn, on the south by hinds of En-Mel Cole, contalnli.g EIGHTEEN ACHES, more or 'ess, unimproved land. Will be sold as a whole or In pa 1 eels to suit purchasers. Teuns made ki.own on application to I. i;. KltlCKHAUM, Administrator, e., aug. 5-U Ca-ubra, i-a. SPRING AND SUMMER SUITS Valuable Real Estate TUB LOOM UP LIKE. All day, all night, I can hear the Jir Of the loom of life, and near and fir It thrills with Its djcp and mur.'ed sound, As tireless tho wheel go alwaj s round. Huslly , ceaselessly goes thv 1 ioui, In tho light day and the midnight's gloom, The wheels arc turning early anl late, And the woof Is wound In tho w;rp of Fate. Click, clack I there's a thread cf lovo woven lu; Click, clack! another of wrong and bin I What a checkered thing this life will be When w u see It unrolled In eternity I Tlmo, with a faco llko mystery, And hands as busy as hands ran be, sits at tho loom with arms outvpread, To catch In Its meshes each glancing thread. When shall this wonderful web be done 1 In a thousand years, perhaps, or one, Or to-morrow, Whoknoweth? Not you or I; Hut the wheels turn on and tho shuttles 11 y. Ah, sad-oyca weavers, the yoars are slow, Hut each one H nearer tho end I know ; Aud some day the last thread shall hi woven in- (lod grant It be love Instead of sin, Are we spinners of wool In this lite-web sa? Do we MrnU'i the weaver a thread each day? It were better, then, oh. my frlendi, to spin A beautiful thread than a thread of si a I Select Story. Gr UY JAUOHY, A ttornoy-at-1 ,mv, m.ooMsnuiia, nmnin 11 .1 fiAik's HiilldlnL'. second floor, over Hoffman's flour and feed store. Oct. 8, 'SO. T U. MAl'JC, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW For Men and Hoys lu the neatest manner and Latest styles. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HutSi Cupg. &v aIwuib onliand. Ciilland Examine. evaNS' BLOCK .. ..- .. . . . uorner jiuui auu iruu Guccis, PHIVATE SALE 1 LANDING A SWOUDFISII. "Now, then, altogether !" BIiOQWISBtma, PA. C. F. HARDER, A swing 011 the peak halyard ot a I trim smnck, and a tourteen-ieti 8 worn fish rose in the air and was skillfully lowered into a dray that had been back ed up to the pier for its reception. "T ints what I call a roaior, tne captain of the vessel said, holding aside 3jcj. DEAl.HU IN .H1ST1CE OF THE PEACE aniMimim. Ent'H building, third di or from Main street. May vo.'sl. 1 K. 0SWAL1, Attoi neyat-Lawi jH"knn Building, Hopiim 4 and 6, May C, 'SI, Hi:itWICK,l'A. tVTMiL BYERLY, ATTOHNEV-AT-LAW, C&tawlssa.l'a. Collections promptly mado and remitted, offlct onposlte catawlssa Deposit Hank. "-is HARDWARE rLlTLERY, PAINT, OIL AND VARNISHES. DO0RS.M, BLIPS, "RACKETS Lumber of all kinds for sale as cheap ; tho cheapes' for cash or produce, THE LAUGH I'l.Ol'KlNC! MILL In Hemlock township known t s the RED MILL Is tfftiedut IHIV'IKhAI.E 'ILIS mm is -i. icei by i-o Ictt and rciilalcb FOUR I'A 1 1!S OF IJURRS. Utualj iui 1 witir jovir, Lut has a steam en gine b run It In time of iihutually low water. Ithaa A Largo CuLtom Tiade andthiru isa hogalu lu It. Fcrtuitherpartlculais a rcL'iilar ltrivateer. I' me eatlUK, too. inquire of I This one goes to the market, and I should the piece of canvass with commendable pride, so that tne reporter eotiiti ciiien its points. "Just cast your eye over that sword. See how sharp it is ; and then over the body hsw tho lines round .... 1 , 1 r 1 up J. lie wiioio nsn is muue ior speeu trees, another was at the helm, and ah. other in the scat, lashed in like Farragtit at Mobikynid thero was no end of sport. Wo dually sighted a fish off .S.nnhv'icli, nml when wo got over it tho fellow in tho bow let drive and caught it right In tho tail, and off lie wcut, the rope whistling over tho sidu and tho boys a danciu' around liko mad to keep out of it. Wo generally make the liuu fast to n barrel and toss" it over and let the fish tiro him self outs but this didn't suit, so they made It fast to tho painter of the dory and launched her, nnd tumbled in just as the slack camo taut. The dory jump cd ahead and down they went in a heap, and 0110 of them tumbled clean over board. Wo picked him up and filled away after the boat. First they tried to haul the fish in, but this started him in another direction, nnd the rope got foul with the rowlocks and over bIic went. They all piled to tho wind'ard nnd man aged to keep her up, though sin) half filled, lie towed them for about two miles before lie let up at all, and then they communeed to take it, aud such hauling and getting hauled you never saw. One minute they would mako ton or twelve feet on him, and the next he would make a rush, tearing everything and dragging the dory into the water, so that one' had to bail out all tho time. Heforo we got up to them I saw a coat waving, collar down a signal of dis tress and, as they had worked to wind 'ard, wo sent the dingv after them, and soon had them in low. They had all tho fishing they wanted, and wero glad enough to give it up. Their hands were all cut up with tho rope, and thoy wero wet through. One said the rope got wound round his leg and nearly broko it, and altogether they had enough lo last them over night. It was a big fel low, though, and weighed four hundred pounds." "J)on't they grow lurger than that?" "Bless vou." ves," continued the skip per, who was evidently 011 a favorite topic. "I crossed the 15ay of Hernial once, and one evening, it was a dead calm, mind you, we saw some kind of a craft tearing down on us about the size of a ship's cutter with a leg o' mutton sail rigged fore aud aft. It came with a terrible nihil, the sail a waving to anil fro, colored blue like, and in a minute had shot by astern, and wo saw it was a swordlish near thirty feet long. If he had ever struck us, good-bye. They call them sailor lish there, and the top iin is about fifteen or sixteen feet high ; when they are on the surface it stands out of water just like a sail, and tho sword when cut off would be about hirtcen feet long and a good lift for a man. The fin is colored a beautiful blue, and as they come rushing along, the sail whistling in tho wind, with a wave of foam ahead, I tell you it's a pretty sight. I afterward saw a boat smashed by one. The natives along the coast tackle them, and havo a big log fastened to the rope, aud then they toss the log over, and get out of tho way as fast as they can; and when the fish is all played out thoy tow him in. Tho one I saw had about fito boats around him. As soon as it was struck it made a rush and went clean through one, and cut at the pieces right and left. Tho men managed to get away and so did the fish. I saw the boat on the beach afterward, and sonic of the places had been cut through as us it it had been done with a Oct. 7-:un C. E. SAVAGE, PSiLKK IN Silverware. Watches.Jewelry. Clocks. &o m. 8. appleman, judge that it weighed -100 pounds. They f r ,f lUoomsburg, 1'a raak(J tho fneat Uiml 0f 8teaks. Tho Cnouijh tlltiV i tITl- n1.1 is white and ric!;. and somewhat M t, XT II. RIIAWN, ATTORN E Y-AT-L a w , catawlssa, l'n. omcc, corner of Third and Main Streets. k T, WRIT. Allornev-at-Law. Ollice A.. In Hrockway'H llullding, lunom,' Tk TtTTflU'lvniT AA1. AllornOY-tit-I.nw- Of- r ...j w..... .. - -- - , - . . , ,,,, JAi.nce, Hrockwaj's nuiiaing burg, I'cnn'a. CATAWISSA, 3? .A.- may 0 0m PLUMEILG, GAS FITTING. STOVES and TlhWAEE. 1st floor, Hloonis- inay 7, 'so-t f ,1 mnifl.KV, llii 1 1. in iimwer's building. Sfnd story, llO'Ui.r 4 , 5 rt HrnusnN Aitoruev-at-Law Oltiit- , In llartman's building, Main street. U. WM M. ltr?I!EK.Suri:eon ami Pliyn- dun. Oftlco Market ,11 eel. Near depot. Y I! w A WH f n Mnrwnn anil I'hvsl- II . clan, lonice nnd'ltckldcnce 011 Ihlid slieet T B. McKELVY, M. D-, Surgeon anil I'liy U , sicuu.north side Minn sireei, ueiuw .,iuiv, 33. 33. BROWER Has purchased the Sto kai.d Uislnessot I.IIagen buch. and Is now pieiand todoalivinds of work in his line. Plumbing pi u (.is 1 11111 g aupcviauy. Tinware, Stoves, In agitat vuilely. All work doi.oby EXPERIENCED UJDS, Main Street corner ot Eat. Hl.OO.IIStCIIUO, IM. like a mackerel ; 111 fact, they belong to the mackerel family, so 1 m told. It s great sport catching them, but you get used to it,like everything else. 1 vo Deen in the business twentv-two years, and have caught some pretty big lish, I can tell you. Wo nailed this lellow up the Sound, off Montauk, on our way to Martha's Vineyard,and as I had an offer to bring some treight here 1 brought nun in myself. The New England coast is the best place for theui,especially around tho Boutn 01 tne tjape, aim 10 give you ati idea of the importance of tho business knife." 'Do they catch fish in that way 1" "Yes ; I have often seen a swordlish rush into a school of menhaden. They swing the sword right and left, up and down, darting where the fish are the thickest, and you can aotuallv follow them by the trail of blood and halves When they have killed sink, and pick up the pieces ley sink. lheyre great lumpers. I've seen ono spring clear ten feet into the air,aud thrash mound as if crazy,dart off on the surface and turn over, all on ao-1 count of a little parasite that bores into the skin and drives them almost crazy. In tho South seas tho people uso the bills as swords, fixing some kind of a handle 011 them, and in somo of tho larger ones, where the sword is of great length, they aio wielded bv both hands, and form terrible weapon in tho hands of a largo man, who could bring down two or three persons at a blow. "awhsh and Awordhsh never seem to "lluulriiy ik'iilily." The other evl'iiiilg; rimlld at FHiov frnV saloon, the boys word putting up ml elaborate jiractical joke Oil soinobody, and they asked old Captain Skiddy, who had just happened in, to tnko a hand. "Noj gentlemen," said that estimable old citizen, decisively 1 "you don't catch mo taking part in 1111 praclit'ii) jokes. I went out of that busiiios for good over" ten years ngo." "How wa that t" n4u'd the group of beer exterminators. "Well, it was lii the winter of 1870, may be 1871. I was living at Daven port, Iowa, and a innn caini1 round there giving balloon ascensions. One day it was advertised that the mayor of the town was going Up with him! Now the Mayor was 11 lug, fat man, always wore a light suit of clothes and a white hut. This put 1110 in thu notion of Working olT a joko on tho people. I got acquain ted with tho aeronaut, and he agreed to assist in the scheme. We then got an old suit of clothes, and fixed up a dummy .. .!.!..! I'll.. I ...!.l. 1 V .1... f. wineii ire linen wuii sunn, so tuai 11 weighed about two hundred, and would therefore, drop straight and heavy like a man. The day of the accniion there were over thirty thousand people on the ground, and the excitement was very great, sis thero was a high wind blowing at the time. After the balloon got up about a mile, and may be that far south of the town, thoy dropped the dummy over." "Hiy sensation then, eh '.''' "Well, I should say so. But that's just where I lost my grip. While tho crowd was shouting and going wild with horror, I jut laid down on the ground rolled over, and laughed until I wsu just sick." "Should think the crowd would have taken a tumble, too," suggested tho an dience. "Hut just wait. Of course tho crowd made a break out of town to scrape up tlln I'Olll'nns. mill T riltili'iil linmn In mit my fishing tackle, for it struck me tHat tho moit healthy thing I could do would be to go lisiiing lor a day or two. Ue lore 1 leu the house however I was ar rested for murder." "For murder ?" 'Uxactly. A lot nied by tlie sheriff, hired mo. Thev claimed that the dum my had fallen on a fanner and driven his skull clear into the heels of his boots. They said that the balloonatic had turned State's evidence, and the chances weic I'd be hung by a mob before night "Hint was rough. "Well, so 1 thought. 1 was just scared plum to death, and begged the boys to stand by anil protect me. I ponied up 80 lor legal expenses, and thev hid me in!the ''arret of a neighbor' house. They kept me there ten blessed days, and there wa-mt a day but they struck me for a! twentv or two for con tingencies. One night the wholu gang came around full of beer on my money, mind you and said that they had con cluded, as additional precaution, to hide mo in the hollow of an old oak tree about three miles out in thu woods, I saw through the whole business then, and drove 'em out with club. It was a good square case of the biter bit, I know, but they never let up calling me "Dummy Skikdy" after that, until they actually ran mo out of town, and I had to emi grate to this jumping off place of crea tion," and the captain shook his head with a disgusted air as he paid for his hot Scotch and walked out. of bovs, ai'compa rushed in and col- A Dramatic Sceun. a Mi'Hiuntr.i: s ri'i:i:i;ii in couht. Tho A n 1 0 111 a 1 1 c Umlerslilrl. There Is 0110 man who lias comoto tho relief of perishing humanity with what promises to be tho most vnluablo inven tion of tho age. This is Urown's Auto matic irndersiiirt, a garment which, so to speaks changes itself, and automatical ly modifies its warmth in accordance with the thermometer. The material of which this garment is made is kent a nrofound secret by the inventor, but it is of such a nature that it expands rapidly with heat nnd contracts with coual rabidity when exposed to cold. When the atmos phere is at, tho temperature of zero (Fah renheit) the "Automatic Undershirt" is thick, compact, and warmer than tho warmest flannel. As the temperature rises the libers of tho fabric lengthen, nnd it becomes more and more porous, until, at the temperature of 8." degrees, it is a mere netting, which admits of a free pas sage of air and is cooler than any under shirt that has over yet been devised. Thus the wearer is never tcmnted to change it on account of changes in the temperature. On a warm soring morn ing ho finds that his undershirt is cool and comfortable, and if a snow storm comes upbofoio night, ho still finds him self appropriately clnd. The "Automatic L ndcrslnrt thus cllcctually provides against the dangers insenarable from discai'diiigorretTtiiingtlanneliiiidershiits and can hardly lail to save thousands of valuable lives. There is precisely one objection which the caviller may make to this matchless garment, and that is that it will becomo uncomfortably long as tho warm weather approaches. The inventor has anticipated this objection, and his ''Automatic Undershirt is mado in sections, neatly laced together, so that it can be shorten ed to any extent at any time. To slightly shorten an undershirt is a very different thing from radically changing it, and the fact that Brown's ingenious garment can ua siiortciied at will renders it ideally perfect. What is the steam engine, or tho tele graph, or any other famous invention in comparison with the "Automatic Under shirt'" That inestimable garment will bring peace of mind to millions of men who cannot tell whether to change their llannels or to cling to them. It will les sen our death-rates at loast one-half, and Prof. IJrown's name will bo famous long aiter iveeioy and iTamgco aru forgotten. Choral Inaptitudes. liC'V. K. 1 . Jenncv. the wninl niul witty president of Colorado College, was at one tune the beloved pastor of the congregational church 111 a sea-coast town in Massachusetts. To eke out his salary, his people gave him a donation party, among the presents being a fine new iirusx-coai ior tne pastor, and tasty bonnet for bis better half. On the lollowing Sunday, as thoy walked up the,!,. ;.. !,? i.i.ti'. nun imiiniineiiis, mc CI1011' inadvertently struck out with the vol untnry, much to the discomfiture of the sensitive clergyman and his wife, "Who are these 111 bright array V uiu Mime cniircn. a lew weeks ago, the luneral ot a prominent and liicrhlv espected citizen of tho town, bv th'e name of Knight, occurred, 011 which oc ciiMon, by a singular contretemps, the choir sang as their first solontinn tlm usually fitting hymn. "There will be 110 lght there. Tho effect the alto and tenor successively took up the refrain, was well calculated to oxeito the nsibles ot those who had gathered in any 1.,.. 1 ir . - J um, n iiiiiiiihuii spirit. Jiarper s Mag azine. Odd Items. Time and tho mule should atwaysibol taken ny tno lorciock, never by tho lew lOCk. No room was over mado largo cnoiicrh . .0-. to noiti uoth a lat man and a mosquito. CHBONIO I.OOSr.SKSH OP Till! 110WI'.f.S " CBtilts from imperfect digestion. Tho uubub iiu 111 uiu luriiKiiiy 01 11 n nvcr." . regular habit of bodv can bn AiuuirotlEa . . by takingi buninons Liver lSegulntor nid digestion, to stimulate tho dull i iluggish liver and rid the system of jessivo and poisonous bile. Tho Hcgi lor corrects acidity of tho stomach, ci dyspepsia and permanently creates regit' larity of the bowels alike free from laxV ty or costiveness. 1 nave never seen or tried sue 1 .11 imple, ellicacious, satisfactory nnd picas! ant remedy in my life as Simmons Liveri Jtoguiator. "ii. Ilainer. St. Louis, Motf sexton recently arrived from War saw, has been engaged by a telegranli company on account of his experience liil planting Poles. ?,! tit 1 1 - 1 - .. 1 no mam nas a largor IllOUt II in itroi .1 .. , . . . a punion man a iitinian Doing, yot a claiii never talks aoout us neighbor. PIIVSIOIANS' WINH. New York physicians say that thoysl lave been using bneers Port Grann' v aio and wine Hitters In their practice for years, to the entire satisfaction of their patients and themselves, nnd tako'l great pleasure in recommending therhi'trc to the public as being all that is claimed till- tltlltl, nt.rl ... Inn. 41... 1 t t they can find. It is especially mended for consumptives, the aged andiaif! for females generally. For sale by C.' n.. jviunn, oruggisr, uiooinsuurg, l'a. . T in !. ll 1 1 1 I 1 o.uii in. 11. an jusiiioiiauio nniuPK i-i?' at, aaraioga nave their tails banged The iiiiiusuiouaoie mines nave their ribsJ banged. "Why did you steal that watnti?" nil-. ed a benign judge of a prisoner. "Sim ply becauso I felt a little unwell," was the reply, "and a doctor told mo to take 1 soinethincr." "Ah. lmt. whv ,ii,i .- i. .? . , " -' " .J l lull bltl,;u ."z watch nersisli'd tlm mnn r,t in,.. ...i i order. Without chanrniur mi,ai i,- 1 thief answered, "Because I thought,you?,'fMi honor, that, if I only had time I should "9 Curious fact: Tho man whn wnn'tH work for a dollar a day will snr-nd t.u-n'ii l. . , .... """wiST! iiuuis trying to solve a riddle for noth? lnrr. lOL'ir snores nm- "T I.n,-,. flirt pinnln jit, " ontl n.. .1" less a man knows the liannier he is." AU A low me to congratulate you Urown'said3- A SKII.I.IX'I. I'nHI'AlSATION Composed of roots barks, and nlanls.-' Affij :.. t. . '. 1 iiJ!S iiunii iiarinony. auu are a n ensant. nml:. effective medicine, constituto Biirdnr-V ' Blood Bitters, of which highly commend-; ;lf atory reports are being constantly receiv-" ed. I 'rice Si, trial size 10 cents. " '.ft A little shaking up occasionally will do young men good. They who have"" been blanks may becomo dnnliln sivna ?! Ii about 1,500,000 pounds are caught every t a,( logotiier continued the ski 111 i-imiti nf watches, ciocua ana jowouyucai. U repaired and warranted, may IT, 'T8-tf DHJ- U. RUTTER, I'HVSIOIAN tSUHOKOh, Oct, 1, 1. Oftlco, North Market street, Uloomsburg, I'a ryR. I. L. RABB, PR AOTIOA L DENTIST, Main Street, onnoslto Eolscoual Church, Ulooms- burg, la. tr Teoth oxtracted without pain. Oct. 1, 1879. W. Ht HOUSE, BLOOMSBURG, COL. 00. PA. au mti nTuiAri rtnnn m n suoerlor manner, woik warranted as represented. Txurii Kithact n without l'iiiy the use of (las, and treoot charge when artificial teeth aro Inserted. Oftlco over llloomsburg isahklug I'unpan. Jo be open at all hours during the day 0T, K3-1J f-5 MISOKLLANKOUB p M. DRINKER, G.UN and LOC'KHMITH Sewing Machines and Machinery of all kinds ru- pilred. OriKi Hopsk llullding, iiioomnouig, ru. D Avrn T.nwn!NiiKRG. Merili'ini I slim Main St., abovo central uoiei. B. KU1IN. dealer In Meat, Tallow, ! Centre street, betweoi) Bccond and i hiro N. S. T1NGLEY. Announces to lliepuunc uiai i.e is j.iepiucu iuuu a u K1UUS 01 Custom Tailoring, nroiniitlv and at reasonable prlei s. Now la tho sea- son for a NEW SPKINGSUIT- And '1 Ingle 's the luce to get a r toper lit. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop over lllllmejer's orocuiy, ot Ma'n and ceniru Bin-eio, .,.,,,,,.,, ... ISIiIMI.USliUUti, I d. BLOOMSBURG PLANIHG MILL, HThe underilBiiiiI having put his Planing Jllll on ltallroad street, lu lliM-cium condition, Is prepared to do all kinds of won. m ins line. FRAMES, AbH, POORS, BLINDS) MOULDINGS. FLOORING, Ftc. ,iui.. ,1 iii iiMMii.uMcniii ci,. All lumbrr used Is well tcubouert uml muo but kkiliid workmen aro emplojed, ESTIMATES FOR HUILDINQS furnished on application. J'lan and Hpeclllcations prep-ireu uy an e.peuvu.iM ,.tui,ui.uMU, cn.iitt.i:s K1U1C3, IIInoniHltiirfjr, l'n. year, worth about sauu.wu in rouuu numbers. In the Mediterranean, around about Italy and Greece, the business is nearly as good." "How about these stories ot their run ning into ships ?" "I can vouch for one," tho captain re plied. "In 1800 I found myself in Cevlon, and, wanting to get home, I shinoed on the bark Maud, bound for Liverpool. We were browsing along per. "l was coining out ot unesapeaKe bay once, drifting along about five miles to the south'ard of Cape Charles, it be ing a dead calm, when all at once wo saw a great splashing around about thir ty yards astern, I went aloft and saw a a" sawfish and a swordlish lighting liko mad. Tho sawfish's best chance was to keen in close miarters, and the way ho pounded that swordlish was a caution. mint ttmt1j1 um! iin lii f o tjf tmn cimil it 11 t one day oft the 1 ay of Biscay, stunsails d t, u )i3ll woul( baok olT and evervthitig jammed on er, nnu i M i ,,e wnHtJngto tenrtlu, other Tho was leaning on the weatlior cathead sw0...lfitjh .,.kca nwBV nt t,10 S!lmo flmt. when I telt a kind ot a shock just the b t t,m Hk;n of tho othm. wns t00 Uliek kind you leel when a wrryuoat siriKes a fl gQ th , hml j, now ont o w.Ul,, piece ot ice, only si.arpor-ana the next now foral)OUt ten minutes. All hands mimittt there was something thrashing we watcllill, ; tl0 rigging, but all at about near tno cut water mat 1 iook u ,i10 a,..,r.ifiM, ,,,,! (iv ir-nvino- the A few years ago Henry King was son tonced to servo a life term in prison for uiiiiiioiiug iuBiv luiKciiy iietective, A short time after the shooting of Presi dent (Tartioldj King and another convict named Hamilton got into a quarrel re garding the character of Vice-President Arthur nnd his fitness lo administer the affairs of the nation in tho event of Pros idont Garfield's death aud Arthur's suc cession to tho Presidency. Hamilton made some remark which was not com plimentary to Arthur, whereupon King struck his brother convict two blows on the head with an axe,killing him instant ly. King was tried on the charge of murder, at the circuit court in session at Plattsbnrg, X. V., recently, Judgo v 'rnn: c u'si: i on hhuiikt. It makes tho heart of every philan thropist sad to see so many worthless paieiiL muuicuics pulled and adver tised tor the euro of chronic diseases. Usually tho lomedy Usoine vilo cathartic compound or alcoholic preparation, com bined with turpentine, bucliu, or other severo diuretic that affords tho invalid only temporary relief, but which has no lasting effect, and in truth eventually brings on a complication of diseases arising irom a state of worn out. ami nr. When a member of the German Par'SI lament is delivered of a ioko it imtf over as unhnished business. They laiih ' at it next day. r.sifwa A SKlNll'ICANT 1'ACT. The cheapest medicine in use is Thom as Eclectric Oil, because so very little of it is required toeftect acme. For croup, ;rff ninlitnprin nnrl l!jnunn r.i. i ........w...., ...... u.reonvo Ul lliu mugs auu inroai, wiiciner used lor bathing tho chest or throat, or for taking internally " or inhaling it is a matchless compound. In Siberia they have fivo or six hurri- '' canes a day during the summer, nml when a western man visits that country',, he never gets homesick. . ,.,,BWUa,,,iUW jv-j because he was a Xow-ark-man. Yes. 'Mi but you know he looked out of his Ark- .Wt ansaw land. Give tho South a fair j-. show in this thing. kf. don presidin, hausted digestive and urinary organs that ov"' f.ten persons have been aunoyed nothing but death can ieliove. Iuvalids "l,r8 c'lI1g'"ig to their dress or cloth-- ym rust more to nature for their re- "'Si 'J"11 ,10' seldom have they, when .fflk A gentle, medicinal tonic that ck'aniK them, given it a thought that Am ;s enfeebled digestion and B'dock Koot is the most valuablo blood cieanser and purifier known, and a sold .rv r the namo of Bur Price $1, trial size should trust coverv stimulates enteebleu digestion strengthens every part of tho svstem bv its soothing and refreshing effect on both by every drggist under tho ntimn nf ltnr. iiiree witnesses were miud and boih. is niiini-i.V ii .i nml uock Liiood JJittcrs, sworn for tho iirosecution tho prison best assistant. Such a remedy is Brown's 10 cents that I took t( i skipper got Wc sounded tho be a whine, but ueiore tno snipper got ,,.,. ...,.. .,..... , i bn.1(1 ..,., for'nrd it was gone. well that night, and she had made about six inches of water, and wo kept tho mnniu o rrnuuy nlT nml mi flilnlrinrr tlnlt. wo nai starteii a piant. r inauy wc ym rr, boU, ,.08U in tl)C . wUll lho 8hock nitn Tviiemoiith. in tho north of Kntr- -it i.. i !.. It wasn't a second hardly before a big fin was seen ten feet off, and liko u shot the swordlish had struck tho other and mimed ins sworn clean tiirougn nun. piRK INSURAM ft. 0I1HIST1AN V. KNAI'I', HI.00MKUU1UI, I'A. JAMES REILLY, Tonsorial Avtist, sairalnat his old stand under BXC1IANOK 110- nitlTISII AVKIIIOA AHSUKANUS COMPANY. TBI?, and f has as usual a K HST-CLASS HA1IHK1 'eiimaN IHKINHllHANCE COMPANY. BIloV lift resoeetfSlly BOllelts the patronage Of NATIONAL Will! INSUHANCU .COMPANY. Ids oldcustomcis and ot I he publlo generally. HHyl,'so-tf I ..... . .,,ui v 1. . w V PERRY DAVIS' ?m KILLER js a riiur.r,Y vr.or.TAin.r. khmkdy For INTERNAL and ZXTKBKAI. Utt. A Kuro nntl speedy euro for Horn 'J'lnimt, Couch, Colds, Diphtheria, Clillls.Dlnrrlu'Dj'HCiitery.CriimpH, Cholorn, Hummer CoinUlnt, Hick leadncho,K(iurnli;lM.,rtliuiiiiiHtlMiu, llrulscH, Cuts, Hprulnn, etc. iVT(j tat to liko infrniafy or ttln itaand ffa(ii to airord rllf. No family eu aflord to tx without It. Bold by all dniggbu at M3i-., oih-., niui ii a uoiue, nntl thou tho struggle commenced again. The swordlish was last and couldn t haul out, and tho other was half right hero wo took a hand, lowered a boat and harpooned them both, rigged a tacklo and got them aboard. tho sword had broken tho backbone ot tho other lish, and it was so wedged in that they would both have been gobbled up by tho first shark that came along." Hero some one hailed the skipper, with tho information that tho tide was on tho ebb, and wo parted company. 1 ) orfc Attn physician, a cook, and one of the keei crs. No uvideneo was introduced in be half of tho prisoner. The taking of testimony occupied about one hour and a halt, when tho jury retired. Alter an absence of about two hours, it returned and requested the judge to explain the legal difference between murder in the first degree and second degree. .ludgo l.audou was nuout to reply, when tho prisoner arose to his feet and said : "Your honor and gentleman of the jury, this was not a murder in tho second degree. It was a deliberate and premeditated murder. I know that I havo done wrong, that 1 ought to con toss the truth, aud that 1 ought to bo hanged." Here the prisoner's counsel tried in vain to silence him, "No, con tinued King, "I havo done wrong, It is my duty to contess it, and 1 cannot help doing bo. I cannot keep still. I plead guilty to murder in the lust degree. It was fifteen minutes from tho tinio I struck tho first blow with tho axe until I struok him tho second time, and all this time I kept thinking I will linisli this man. If this is not premeditated mur der what is iff I have already killed two men, hat is my Ulo to mo f I he lito of either of those two men whom I have killed is worth a dozen of iiiino, Thu prisoner then sat down, where Iron Bitters, -4i .? ii meincine surnnssinir the nccoruiug to the dentists, immmw Knln nf nil ntlim ....... ,,,1:., ...I,,,.,,,...... I Inoll. ,!,.., i ..Ji? .-. 'ae3!b ...w .... u,.)w 11111,111-0 IVIIV UIUI 1L3 I l,l: HVlit'llUIilLlllL' ULKIIHII Jl millI mr.i-Wc l,n,.ntirt I-,,,-.,.,.. frt :.. 1. I ,.nr. 4i, :.. r .? , ,. ...v..,.. w.vuinu nuu.wi. iui it aula in nuuii I uiai iu U iuw ifeueruiiniis nniimu pui icut Harmony wuii tno laws ot lite and win oo oorn with lalso teeth !. ..11 I -.1 HI.-.WIII, nun, .in pulmonary, urinary nnu Avw' Amr,i' 0i.n i digestive troubles are prevented and ner- i. '.V?' ?.,Ar 1C.C 110 B,,?uM b? 1,1 cveT. M..t.. - i 1 . I HUU-5UUU1U in remons 1 1 iiL 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 v rini'ii iiv iw iiniiiit' turi ir ' "...""i i V V .,J . ." ague prevail. uuiii.iiun iiu iiiuimiii jiuu win not biaCK- ,.,.,.,.,,:.. l... ' , . en the teeth. Physicians and ministers LV" "T. . uti trav- rccomnienti it. both strengthening and savory. Ho was at breakfast, wrestling with a piece of remarkably tough veal. His wite said to him ; " on always say lucres someining to be tnaiiiuul tor in everything. I fancy yond bo pun.led PERRY DAVIS BON, Proprietor, , Proildtnoo, I. EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS. PROPRIETOR BL00MSBURO. PA. oiTosrrjs couht;iiousb. , Iirge and convenient tamplB rooms. Ujth rooms uotaoa eoia waitr, auu an iuuuciu ..,..... The. e OLD COHroBATlur,s uru ivcu Dcanuueu vy ukw and riKKTUBTgn and havo never yet hart a loss sot tied by auy court of law. Their asset are all Invest ed In soiin stiTKiTUsand aiu liable to tho hazard of ruiK only. Losses j-aom'fi.v and uonkbtlt adjustod and; paid as soon as determined by L'tnuamN 1' KKirr, smc- UL AOH-TiM' AlUlMMIlllOOMSBPKa, PA. The people of Columbia o unty should patronize tho agency where losses it any art soiuea ana paia by ono of ineir owncuuens. !,,,,.,,i,.i.u,ua IIOIIITV Villi llUAT.lMn l jiv-'.i . .' - - ' Ntv t. B. K. HAUT-MAN HEI'RKSBNID THE t'OMWIMIl AJIKHK'AN INSUItANCK COMl'ANIKHt Lycoming of .Muucy Pennsylvania. North American of 1'hllade phla, I'a. Kranklln of, ; ' Pennsylvania ot " " Karmcisof York, l'a. Hanover of New York. Manhattan ot Now ork. Ofilco on Market Street, Vo, 9, Hloamsburg, I'a. oct. vi, iv-iy land, where tho bark was owned, nnd went into the dry dock. I here they fouud under the bilge about ten inches of thu sword of ono of these fellows. It had gono through the capper, oak plank ing, and all, and broken off short. I heard ot another case where a ship was struck in the Indian Ocean, and was damaged so that tho owners camo down on the insurance companies, who tried to get out by saying it was a put up jobj but they got Professor Uwcn, the great luigiish scicniiiio man, into court, nnd he sword right and loft that not only did the swordfish do it, I "Who grasps much holds little." but thev wero as dangerous as a snot proprietors ot jmvs uream Ja from a cannon. I don't remember the not claim it to bo a cure-all, but a hiuo upon retired, and very soon camo back exact words of his testlmopy, but ho said remedy for Catarrh and Catarrhal Deaf- with a verdict of guilty. In reply to tho the lorco ot tho blow was equal to so ness, Colds in the Head and llay rover, question as to whether no had anything ot hair as a watermelon, entered an Aus- niany hundred blows Jrom a heavy Lrcam Balm etlectually cleanses the t sledge or a twenty-tour pound shot, nasal passages ot catarrhal virus, cam Anyhow, thoy got the insurance. ing healthy secretions, allays infiatnma Wo most generally uso an iron to tion and irritation, protects tho moinbr catch them, though some use a hook, and ual linings of tho head from addition .1- T. ..I! I J - I! I it 1.1,1.1 i I .1 1.1 I.. I .f . 1. , i . . uie Italians usu somo mini oi a ungu i coins, completely neais uie sores, and re- ciuuur nil hum, ueiweeii mo iiours.oi it useu to itt when t was a boy wneu tuey aro out, to coax mem up. l stores tno sense oi tasto aim smell, lien- ten ociock hi uiu joreiioon auu two i an &tj(my.i. wo nave a rest oi iron rigged on tne eliciai results aro realized by a low nn- ociook in tno niteruoon. mug is Raid jibboom, and the striker stands on this plications. A thorough treatment as di- to bo a remarkably intelligent man, His A farmer on being asked to write a wniiou niau in tuu joreiop smga out. to recteu win cure catarrn. ino nana is appearance iu court on iuestiay was cer- testimonial lor a patent clothes wringer, tho man at tlw holm how to lollow mm. easy to uso and agreeable. Sold by all tainly impressive, and his deliuornto nroduced tho followim?: "I bonnht vnnr "I fear," said a country euratn (n Ida V Wieuer-wurst is an article of street ck, 'when 1 explained to you in ray-. sale peculiar to Cincinnati, and its ped- IMl .c,"aril' ser'non that I"thropy ,; dlers do mot of their business at niirht. ?va9 th0. ,ov.or of "r species, you may . When a cent is handed to the vender! bo "a' '"'"""lerstood mo to say 'specie,' lifts the lid of his tin box, from which wl'lu acco"ts for tho sniallness of tho warm steam comes oozing forth ; seizes colk'cl10"' vC a piece of brown paper and a slice of Thero is a Baltimore boy named "01- black or rye bread, daubs on the latter lie," who is just out of his dresses. A A ibout a tablespoon! id of horse radish.aiid friend of the family nskpil Ollin iiurlmn ' 1 then, with a fork, produces the uiener- boy ho was!" wurst nothing more than a sausage, 'Tin mamma's boy." long and slenderly made, of a reddish, "Why, OHie!" said his father, ro rn.-i.-i iiuL-. iv ii in in in iui. an letiz ii". oruuctiiuiiv. mil has a sort of flavor about it that is "Yes."co boy continued 0lie,"and I'm papa's ; "How can that be?" asked tho friend. "Why, my gracious!" was the renlv. "can t a wagon havo two horses?" Mr. Walter F. McCnne, of Pittsburg, Pa., writes: "My ago is 28 years. I was uuru wuii an excellent nntici ,l,.l ..... W.iailll.LLUll I ....... ,i. I. ;,.r. ,..i .1.., . n.i to mi so el i nm u in imii-tn fin- mil.... ,. .., r ,,i , . . . .. . . . rein "I . J'K1' '"'I'-" t'lumjr, mi". , . , , .. , , "ui iii, iui: ii-o oi ju, having lust lunslied Xi;. 1 c I in v Hiv of tlu in-snni.. niliiiws nn t mt that veal. "Not at all, ho cheerfully mv ml r nt. ,i.,tu.. i tV.iT !... i.i.i. . .. . . i. the murder win premeditated, there was responded, stopping to breathe; "I was 0f dissipation. After six vearsof fast llv- Tho no necessity for any further I'xjtlnnation J m innikingtiioy grateiui wo should be i,lg I felt my constitution broken down ,n do of the law on his part. Tho jury thero. "ml w ""-'t wlu-n it was young." i pUt myself under tho earn of n,. nf our best physicians. His treatment An old man with a head as destitute I seemed to do mo no good. Finally ho mini ui, ut-si i coma uvo out a lew years, o say wny tno sontonco ot death should tin-avenue drug store, ami told tho clerk ami that my bowels, kidneys and lungs , not uopasseti upon nipi, Mug replied : ho wanted a bottlo of hair restorer. I wero nil threatened with consumption . 'Nothing sin the sentence is a just one. "What kind of hair restorer do you pre- and wero fast wasting away in certain a- i ougiii to no naiigeu. no was semen- tor '1 reckon 1 havo to take a bott o decay. tried evervtliiin n.Wi !.". al ced to be hanged nt Plattsbnrg on Nov- of red hair restorer. That was tho color hoping to gain relief. Finnllv 1 drtftn.i Te.c- into a state of melancholy and hopeless despair, suffering excruciatingly from dyspepsia, short breath and urinary ca tarrh. A year ago 1 saw Brown's Iron JJittcrs advertised. I used them and thoy ucieu iiku a ennnu. i soon began to j. iook it party oi young uosion jeiiows uruggists at ou cents, un receipt ot ou manner wneu muiressiug uie court and clothes wringer and am hugely pleased enjoy dreamless slumber and now I feel out last year. They hlrod the wholo pents will mail n package. Stiu for cir- jury mndo a drnnmtio scouo. Tho doom- with it. I bought a jag of wood which niysolf a man onco more, mid havo business, and wanted to do tho wholo cular with full Information, Fly's Cream ed man is thirty-ono years of ago, Ho proved too green nml unfit to burn. 1 gained 54 pounds sinco using tho renie- thing themsol ves. Thoy pitched pennies Balm Co., Owego, N. Y. For sale by was born in New "loi k city, wlioro a. , an tho wholo load through your wring- y- 1 feel very strong, nnd can hold out for tho places, and when wo loft Holmes Q, A. Jvleim, Mover Bros., N. .J. Hell- widowed mother resides, and was educa- t.r, nnd have used the wood for kindling a M pound weight. Brown's Iron Bit Holo ono was hanging over tho oross. dorshott, and J. II. Kiuports. ted in tlio Homan Catholio fuith. ever since ters saved my life "