MM THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA 00 WJPA. SIriinRO Tests. In cnrly times, Mpt'cmlly ninong tho Gorman tribM, In cm1 of doubt it was tho custom to njipi'iil to Iho jjoiIh to de cide in'fnVor of Innocencd or unlit. Out of tins arose tlio ordeals wliieb lasted long after the introduction of Christian ity, and which wero modlllcd, restricted, anil nt last suiinresscd. Ono of tho last of theso strange relie-s of tho past, was tho wager of battle, In which tho nccused and tho accuser fought In tho irescnco of tho judge, and God was supposed to favor tho linltt, and irivo victory to tho lust cause. It will scarcely bo credited, and yet it is a solemn fact, that it was not until tho vrnr 1RI0. u-itlilii tint lm-innrv of mum- j - - - j - - j j still alive, that waiter by battlo was abol ished In En chml. Tho Germans carried it with them to Kngland, but Germany was tho country where waiter of battlo was most com mon. When a man waj accused of a crimo, ho could deny his guilt and do claro himself ready to provo his inno conco by n personal combat. Tho chal lenge had to bo aoseptcd unless tho no cusor could show that tho accused was not entitled to tho tirivileco of battle. A day was appointed by tho judgo for tho combat, tho dofondant was taken into custody, and tho accuser cave secu rity to appear at tho time and plaeo fixed. On day of tho battle, tho parties met in tho presouco of tho judgo, armed with tho appointed weapons. Even whero a woman was tho nccu sor, tho woman slio impeached might thus challenge. As liowover, a man would bo almost certain to ovcrcomo his frail antagonist, regulations wero adopt- cd winch put them more on an equality. Tho man waV to stand in a nit neailv up to his waist, to be armed with a. club hardened in the fire; tho dress to consist of tunioaud trowsurs, that of tho woman boint all united. Her arm was either club, or a cloth iu which a stone, weigh iuc from ono to fivo pounds was tied According to tho regulations in sotuo parts of Germauv, tho man's club was twclvo inches lonit, and twico tho thick' ncss of thtl thumb at tho end. Tho woman's was heavier. Six weeks' preparation was nl ways allowed, and on tho day of tho combat tho weapons mid nttiro of tho antagonists wero carefully examined. It was no trilling matter. Tho party who failed did so at tho forfeit of life, and, in tho caso of a woman, sho was burned alivo in the pit whero tho no- cus-'U had stood. Wh'-n the combatants, each with four seconds, air Uvocate,a marshal ot arms, a trainer and a monitor, entered the arena, marked by a circle of stones, the strictest bilence was enjoined. Only the seconds were allowed to speak, and they interfered iu ease of any trouble arising. When the signal was given the com bat began. A blow struck beforo this forfeited the battle. Ah the fight went on, each was allowed to call for time twice. If cither called a third timo the opposito side was declared victorious. Tbo Victory consisted in exhausting the opponent, or striking him down; and if oven ono of tho antagonists dropped hia weapon three times the decision was recorded against tho unfortunate person, and death was tho penalty. After Many Days. an Ai:.STiii:no iiomanok of hkvenok. A young girl leaned idly against tho riohly carved staircase of a mansion on Warburton avenue, Yonkers, nud gazed languidly into tho brilliantly lighted parlor in which croups of those on whoso chocks tho brilliant flush of health was glowing, glided gracefully through fig ures of a waltz. Trisstissma Vero was an only child. As her namo indicated, a great sorrow was connected with tho cntranco into a cold, cruel world of this red-lipped beauty, whoso nineteenth birthday was being celebrated by tho merry throngs to whom allusion has been mado. On tho night of her birth tho young father, who had looked forward with such tender joy to this crowning point in his lifo had started out hurriedly for tho doctor and. had fal len iuto a coal hole. Tho nurso said it was n bad onion. When Mr Vere sued the city for 25,000 damages and got a verdict for six ccnts,ho remembered this. Turning sadly away from tho court house, an old gray gipsy woman stopped him. "Do you know me, W. II. Vero V sho hissed in a low voice, her faco lighting up with a malignant look. 'No, woman ; what would'st thou with me ?" "Forty-seven years ago," muttered tho old crono hoarsely, "your dead and gone father put ipecac in some melons that wero growing in tho back yard of tho Voro mansion. Tho next day our entiro family throw up everything they poss essed. I wns only a littlo girl then, but I remember tho cold, pitiless sinilo on tho face of your father as ho rodo by our humble cot, and saw my youngest broth er going to tho drug storo for something to settle his stomach, and sworo to be revenged. 1 have kept my oath. My son was in the jury that tried your case, and his voto defeated you. Utit do not think my anger is sated. The O'ltouikcs uevcr forgive. Ero another sun shall have risen a deep sorrow will fall on your house. Remember tho gip sy's warning and tuinble." And with thse words tho toothless virago stepped silently around the cor ner and was lost to sight. The night tho celebration of Trisatissi ma's nineteenth birthday took place, and in tho excitemeut of the ovent W. II. Vero thought of nothing but how to mako his guests happy. About 1 1 o clock tho butler approached his niiatrchs and whispered a few words in her car. A frightened look passi-d oyer her face, mid nastily seating horselt on a tautcuil sho sunt a Hcrvimt to summon her husband. IIo canio. "Hill," sho said hoarsely, "somo ono has stolen tho ico cream. "God licit itB 1" ejaculated the miof- stricken man. "Why did I not heed tho gipsy's warning V l nonparty was a laiinre.aiM tho haughty prido of tho Vero family was humbled, Tho next morning a littlo boy brought homo seven empty too croain ireezers. saying that a dark visaged tnan had Hauled them to nun tor delivery. Tho old (tipsy woman disappeared mysteriously and at tho end of that timo sho got out ot jail. A farmer who is noted for tho excel- lenco of his com crop says that his plan for years has been to now clover on a third part of his plow laud, and let it mow nud remain uncut through tho cu tiro season, plowing it under lato tho uoxt season and planting corn upon it. His experiment, ho says, teaches him that tho clover, with its vast amount of roots, is fully equal to twenty-live loads of manure per acre, men no takes another third part nud proceeds in tho Batno way. Few fanners appreciate tho value ot clover, "Did you hurt youreelft" inquired a sympathetic t&3serbv of a man who Tad nUnfttd and f alien, o, cnf6itodi A Good Chicken Story. Wo hoard a good chloken story yes terday, whether old or new we don't know, but it is good anyhow. An irascible sea captain settled down t Portland lifo by the side of a well- tempered man, and tho two got along very well until tho hen question came up. Said tho captain : "1 like you as a neighbor,liut 1 don t liko your hens, nud if they trouble mo any nioro I'll shoot them Tho mild mannered neighbor studied over tho matter some, but knowing tho captain s reputation well by report, ho replied : "veil,it wo cant get niong any other way, shoot tho Iieim, bill I would take it as a favor if you would throw them when dead over into my yard and yell to my wite. "All right, said tho captain. Tho next day the captain's gun wns heard, and a dead hen fell in tho quiet man s yard. 'I ho next day another hen wns thrown over, tho next two, and tho day after three. "Say," said tho quiet man, "couldn't you scatter them along 1 Wo really can not dispose ot tho number you arc killing." "Givo them to your poor relations, grullly replied tho captain. And tho quiet man did. IIo kept his neighbors well supplied in chickens lor somo weeks. A few months after the captain said to tho quiet man : "I have half a dozen nieo hens I am going to givo you if you will keep quiut about that altair. "flow is that 7 said the quiet man. "Are you sorry becauco jou killed my hens T "Your hens?" said tho captain "Those hens belonged to my wife 1 did not know she had any until I had fed you and your neighbors all summer out of her Hock. a rnoi'Ksson spuakino to si:n- snitx pkopi.i:. Dr. S ,tho prominent Eastern med ical lecturer, says: "Every day sensible people como to mo complaining of their health being broken down. Tlio an swers to my inquiries always are what 1 surmise nature s laws havo been to tally disregarded: consequently tho blood, tho stream of life, becomes con taminated and as a result of this blood poisoning, I find dyspepsia and disor dered fnnotions of tho heart, lungx, liv er and kidneys, accompanied by head ache,uervous debility and other impaiit d orgamo functions, oltou verging on par alysis. In order to kep the digestive organs in proper health and strength, I and my friends iu tin- "rofesMu have recommended Brown's Iron Uittors-t'iey act so mildly and soothingly, never leav ing any unpleasant alter cfleetH,Biioiigth ening tho organs of dictation, and per manently removing every symptom of ill health, languor and debility. No remedy in the East gives mioh good sat isfaction as I5rown s Iron Bitters, and all druggists can procure it for you. Don't be persuaded to use a substitute. This remedy contains no alcohol and it is tho only preparation of iron that does not blacken the teeth. Aim. If you want to get tho reputation of knowing a as Professor Proctor does. He guessed what happened three or four million years ago and predicts what is to happen 15,000,000 years hence. It is only a few years since ho commenced, and now ho can get credit at any grocery. Tho Gront Unfailing BPBOIFIO FOlt Liver Complaint. Till! HY.IIl'TO.lH til' UVKIl COMPLAINT aro uneasiness nnil pain In tlio side, sometimes pain in Inn siinuid'T, nnd is mla'jikcn tor rheumatism tho stomach H arroctod with 1 us ot nppctlto nml slckncm; bowels, In general, costive, sometimes nlti-rnntlna- with In f Ihn In troubled with pain, and dull, heavy Ren-ntlout conHldi-rnblo loss otmomory. with painful tomntton ot having left undone sometlilni? hlch nu jht to ha o been done t otton complaining ot weakness, debility and low Bplrlls. Bomctlm-'S mouy of tho obovo symptoms nl tpTirt thn illneiwn. nnrt nl, other t imes very low of tnem but tho Liver 18 gonorniiy tuo trgan mosi um.ivcu. hhoi'LAte rnn liveii, and prevent l)yl'etln. C'ninllimllon, .Jnmultre. ltllloinAt litekt.. tlhllln anil I'ru-r, llrmliielte, ('idle, DejirriMloii ir SiilriiH, hour Ninin-m-li, lli-nrihurn, I'M.-, eln. Tonic, buT Cut lint Met Simmons Mver itogulatnr, purely vefrotnblo, 19 tho tnedlclno pei-wmly used In tlio south to txrouso ino torpm uier 10 nciuuiy aniun. It net! wim rxtrniirillnnrr jvnvpr nmlelllener on Ihnmor unit Kltineyn. Tbo octlm ot til'- cegtn v or is froo frori nausea or crlping. his tuon ciTectiv in Hmrtinsr mo socro tlonsottho Llvor, causing tho bllo to net as a ath. artlo. When t hero la au oxcoss of bllo In tho Stom neh. thn Itcsnliitor Is nn act'vo Dunro : after tho re moval of ihs bllo It will ressuKiU) tlio oowels unfl Imnait vlL'.ir una hoiilth to the wholo srbtcin. Frepsifl only by J. 11. Zullln Co. Sold by all June , l-ty OF LYMM, WASS. iHscovrnsn or LVD 8 A E, P3WKHAKI'3 V3GETABP COMPOUND. Tlio Poltlve Care For sill Fcinaio Complaints. TMpre:U", m t hor9 flenlflM, consist a of YtRvtaWo VrojK'i ( 'oi tli at tiro l.arailwfl to tbo inoat tlol icAtelnralliL t';on nno trial tlio merits of 'this Com v)jndwt:i Iw rot:.;iilpd,tn relief is lmmrdlatoj and !icn lti uwln rnr.t!micJt In nlnctj-nlno cows In n liun. drcl.r. onnflucr.t euro IncfTcrtoJ.aa thousand will tes tify r rv;ytit.t of Its proven iito-dny rw c(jtruut".iKvlandrrejcrJbtdljy tho tost physicians In the country. It will cure entirely tho wont form of fMllng tiu Ltuiiu, Iibucorrhfi'a, IrrccaUr and paUuul Mciwfninton,Rll(ivarIftnT.-n itUs, InCaimaatlon and DccntTitH,, flotnfc,nllIih'.lamtnis and (ho con-r'iu-jul Mplnl wtktii g ,i Jli i '-finally adaptcil t t'u C!iiri(,-o of Life, ItwiUUI jUo and cxprl tumors tr a t'wutcnifMftT pnrly foijo of dorelopmpnt, V,q t-"t9n-y toe ticaroj humors there Is chocked very fi-ditylluura. Ii f m.C It l.tM proved to lo I ho pri t ot and l;t remedy thnt has tver hocn dlicovor oil. It ponnpritcB v cry jmi-tlon of tho yHtt m, and elves w Ilfeajtd vlflOr, It removes falntncfis,iutulcncy, do troji all i'Tin; for ttliiiUanta, and relieves wcaLnett Of OtOftUiTlK h ltcur-I.lo.'tln(7, JTeftriK"hw, Uerroiig rrost ration, Gtstf . 1 lAu.l-tj , fair fli'kwtj, lX'1-rctl.lon ai.d Indi SosHon. Thabfoollr-tf ot brarhitf down, causing pain, weight iukI imcka 'ho, ij oIrhtb pcrrcnncntly cureil ty Usua. Itvlllat si! times, and uudercll clrcumbtan c4a, act la harutony with tho law that fovurn tlo rVrKitJiicyConirlUof clthrr vex this comounj Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 233 and 22I Western Avenue, I-nn, Mwa ilcoSI.iM). Six bottkHfor'XOO, EeiithyniaUlntho forraof pills, tint In tho form of Jjizcncfu, on receipt rf price, $1.00, per tor, for either, lira. 1 INKIIAU fio- ly answers all letters of Inquiry. Ecnd for pom l'.ct, AddroaaasatiTO Mention this paper. No family bhoUJ ho without LYDIA E. ri.SKTUM UVt TILLS. Th'7 euro On "patlcn, CUlousncs andTLi;- -Ityof tiieLlT(.r Me rp f'rtox. GKNKHAIi UMiCTION Mtmnr inn minT I'llUUJ JiliLiV Aivii I luinblft county, Commonwealth of I'eniisyiv.nln.t o hereby makulmown and proclaim to tho nimlltlCrt eu-ciors oi l oiumom utiuut m.ii.i. hvuv.... villi bo held on Tuesday, November 8th, llK'Injt ir t ot siud tho Tucwlay next tollowlnp tho tlrst Monday i tm.niM fnr Hie tiurnoso ot eleelllut tho 80V- oral persons hereinafter named, to-wlt! Ono person for Htato Treasurer 01 i-cnnsyivuuui Ono person for l'rothonotary of Columbia county, Ono person for County . Treasurer of Columbia ,eounty. ono person for ucinstcr ona uccoruor ui iuiuuiv county. 'ihroo poisons for County commissioners 01 w lumbla county. Threo persons for County AUilltors or uommira county. Two persons for Atscclato .ludsrcs 01 uoiumoia covnty. t AteA i.AMhi. Mitn L-nnwn nnd crlvn hotleothattho n1,mes nt lioldlncr tho ntOR-sald elect Ion Intho sever- ' : . . 1 -i . - t...n.Hnrf ln.n.lina tvlllllt, tho county of Columbia are as follows, vizi Deavor township, nt tho publlo houso ot Joseph 11. Hhmnnn. Pentoii lowiiihln, nt tho public nouso cr inram lloss, in wo town or ncnroii. Hast llloom, at tho Court liourp, in rnomiuurR. W'ei.t llloom. at tho Court House, In Illoomsburg, linnmtrli nf Uerwlck. at tlio ofrieo Ot Wi J. Kuorr, in UinlHirouirhof licrwlclt, UoroiiBli ot centnilln, at tho public nouso ot n llam li'lter. llrloreroeK township, at tho publlo school houso near 12 aim lllc. CnUiwlsoa township, at tho public houso of 0. 1 Kosliuibauuer k uo., in ine wjwh ui iuii Centre tovnshlp, at tho school houso near ljifay ttU' cnas'. North cnnvnitham OLstrlel, nt tlio school liouso near tlio colliery ot John AUUctnon co. south Conynghain District, at tho liouso of .Mrs. Thomas Monroe. FMilmrcitoK township, nt tho school houso near V. J). WMIO H. I'ranklln township, ot tho iJiwrcnco school house, (ireenwoort township, at tho houso ot L. 0, Pattou. Hemlock township, at the public houso ot chos. II. Dlctterlch, In tho town ot llucls Horn, .ineksan township, at iho house of Etekh l Colo. Ixicust township, at tho publlo houso of Huntel Knurr, In NumcUla. Mlfllln township, nt tho publlo house ot Aaron ItekH. in tho town of Miniumuc, Mmllwn township, at tho publlo Bchool liouso In Jcrwytown. Mt. Pleasant township, at tho houso of II. V, Moiitck. .Montour township, nt tho publlo liouso of Kcubcn llauch. at Hubert. Main township, at tho public liouso ot Jeremiah h LongenberBer. lioiirinecreck township, at tho houso of fjamuel Minor. nrnnm tnwnshtn. nt tho public houso Of E. VJnsniraln Ornncevlllo. l'lno township, nt tho Centre School House, lately nxca oy a voio oi ino euueiia u -wuu lynuniin-. Buirarloat tow nshtp, at tho liouso of Norman Colo, V( st Scott at tho publlo houso of Jolin Ei-Krolh In I.tcht Street. l-.nst Scott township, nt tho public liouso of Jacob juuier, in espy, At nil elections licri-AtUr held undir tho laws of tin- Ciinmobu cnltli. the cu euon pons man uu open ...I nt r. r.-clfK V- ll tl.C fni I'llf.litl. Hlld SllUll COll- tinuo open without interruption or adjournment until scUn o'clock lu the CH-nlng when tho polls will bo closed. NOTICE IS HUUEHY OIVKN, That every person PxcoptliiB .Tusllcrx of tlio Pence nr., I NoliirK-M VllllllO 1111(1 I'lTSMlM In the in tilt In (.civile r.f the Miite.who Hin 1 hold or shall within two mouths l.nvo held any ri'n-o or nppulnt meiitof prellt ur iruM under the Vrit-d StatoH.iir of this State, niiilcll or oniomti d Ulitrlel, whellwra roiniiilviluiic'l olb'.er ur, n suIh mllnntu offleeri r v'i-nt who is or shall be i-inplii,ed uniler the I.- -I '. Hire. 12x eutlM- or .luillclm-j' l"epiirtnieut of tin . m.ik-, or of any city or of imj Incurpoiaud dislrlit, ,ind nli-o, that eury member ot conttrobM and of tin- Mate U-Kll:ilme, mid ot tlio hcleet or common oiuiuil of any city, or commissioners of any lncoi iior.ili-d dMrlct.ari) by law Incapable of holding orexen-hlugnt the same llnio Iho oillco or appoint ment of .Imlge, Insiieclor or Cleik of any elecllonot thtl ConiniimweaHh, 1111 1 1 ant no Insiieclor, Judgo or other ouiccr oi sucn eiceuon biiuu uu tiioiuiu uj hi- limn i-ntnil fnr. 1iu Inspectors and Judgo of tho dictions shall mi.nt nr II I resneelivo blaces unpointed for holding tho election In tho district to w hleli they respectively t kn n'eirirk In tho mernliii?. and each of said lnspcotorH thall nppolnt ono clerk, who shall la iiuallttt-il otei- of such district. 'Iho imulliicd votcm of thu hovoral districts In this county nt all general, wwiisnip oor m.t, nml meetnl plictlous. are licit by hereaftei auilioiUed iiiidreiiuluO to voto by tickets punted or written, or piutly printed and partly wiltleu, sever ally cloHblllcd as follows: ono ticket fchall emliraca mo names oi uu .muKea ui umim , .u., lubelled, outilde, ".liimclnry," one ticket shall cm- braeoino names ui uti uiu oimu imivwo -wu 'Male; ono ueiwei. mum unuiuw nisi, sjwsmbsasm. CMWffiwwsraffiesisuaaa rrxi'i it-. .'f . -f t-. . . t . . . - -a r .- L-j.-j'.iw v u it v j CAUrl"lIIf. GET THE BEST. ESTEY 023-JL3S. and Members of Ah- sembly, If voted fnr, and members of Congress, if oted for, nnd to labelled "County ;" cno ticket shall nml In lu. Ifihplled tho names of all county ofllcers voted for, Including tho omco or enalor, ...i.-n., iiir nnmpHof nil low nsliln olllcers voted for. and Ik) labelled "Townslilpi'' ono ticket shall cm- Draco tho names of all boi ough oniccrs oica lor, ana .... InW.llnl IM.rnilirll.'l ud each class Uiall bo dcposltod In Beparato bal- 101 w UZAL II KNT, ShcrlfTs Office, Bloomsburg, Sheriff. September 10, T l-tf wMMim 1 .4 In the manufacture of Organs is rcultini' in the production and sale oi cueap goous, miuio irom mitnor niaiorniiK. i reicr particularly to bogus Organs tliat are continually springing into existence, without any merit whatever, except to bo offered cheap, and then when purchas ed found to be dear at any price. "Will you not then, reader, If jgrou Ooiitemplctie Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearinir the names of first class, wholly responsible makei-s. A good assortment of .Pit. ..l.i ...lT.'.i r i . .-, siyjcs oi me cciconucu jz-sicy organs can now UOfceen at tlio new rooms ot the Only Authorized Agent fbi tho Entey Oxgaua in Columbia Comity. A guarautee for fivo years from tho manu facturers accompanies every Estey Organ. J. SLT2SER, Agent, Blooraastmrg, Pa Jario J3,'80-tt w A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. 1 IRON" IHTTKRS nro lil; recommended for all diseases rc- nulrhi!! a certain and efficient tomo : capocially Jiulinuliun. Dtmmma, Inier- vUltnt i'Viw, Want of appetite. Loss of Strength, Lnck of Energy, etc llnrlclica tlio lilwxl, strengthens tho muscles, and gives new lifo to tho nerves. The act Ilka a charm on tho dlKetdvt organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Ukatiny the VuoJ, lldchiny, Hcut in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc Tlio only Iron Preparation Unit will not bhiolccn tlio tooth or fjlvo hwiduolitt. Bold by till druggists. Writs for tlio A 11 0 Book, 32 iip. of useful and unusiuK reading trnt fru. ItllOWN CHEMICAL CO., Boltlmoro, Md. " . ...... r-...--a .iJ.i. .t. , -'-.y .ti.rCVi'rt Wl ,tntriJit .1 J "I)KNN8YLVANIA ItAILUO.Vt). rjnt A UUlil'lllA Oi AlllUt it, 11, IHVIHION, BUMMER TIME TABLE, on and after Sunday. Juno i&ifrai. it.. .... on tho l'hllndolphlft S Krto ltn'.lroaa Ulvlslonn tti .5' aafollowm u 1,111 UitBl WAUIJ. BLGSMSBUfJG STATE HORM A L .8 C bOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Kov. D. J. WALLBiR, Jr., Ph. D., Fxinoipal. Tnisson ButlJlnirtt sprlnir wiitp; ijllOIZllOIltl moderate, t court or " m.Bt " JXJfiSS 3l urnlshcd with a bountiful supply of rro,sotl 1UU3 i LMili'Jti;kl -V " v.... , , . . . . . ,.-(, Ithful. anu easr ot aeceis. Tcachoi scxncrlencod, oniclont, and allio to their wct)t. ly cents u week deduction to all oxpecttnif to teacu. Uxpcnsos clous. Invltlntr nnd commodious Dliclnilnc. firm but kind, uniform ana uiorouBu. Btudonta aduilltod nt any inno. uoouis rcscrTeu ion fnrtv Drescrllied hy tlio Htato I 1. Model Rcliool. II. Preparatory. III. r.lementary. IV, Uaaicm. Aillnnel (!(iiiraoii ! I Ac-idomlc. II. Commercial. III. Courco In Music. corresnondinirlieitroes: Master ot tlio Klcmonts: Master or niowcicncesi noswrui uioLuwra i imir n r.riiinnii 'ii i h.. mvTiitju iiv vim 'Jiiivctn ui i-nu um i-mm . .... ..... . a n.,.-.. .,, imnt riminrrna v.. - - . ... . .. i.iih...i wt ti.n ti ntrtnt mo otki fin a jinn i fiMiirsns nrn Tinr. inirnir 111 Liiutu ui uiu "vov vimhh1"" ... . . catalogue. address ino i-nncipni. v v niM.MVKIt. Pecn-tnry. HON. WILLIAM HLWIi'LL, l'rrlilent rtonrit of TruHli-c-i. . iiii.umjik, i-n um. Hopt,S.'7.- IV. Cotirso In Art. V. Courso In Physical Culture. Brio Mall lcavos l'hlladclphla " HarrWiurs " " Wllllam.port " " .Tcrsoy shore " " lck Haven " " ltonovo " nrrlvo at Krlo Niagara Itxprcsa loavos I'hlladolphla iinrn-MJUifr " nrr. at Wllliarnsport " " Iclc Haven " " ltonovo " Knnn Kast Line loavos riilladolnhln ' " Ilarrl3hnr? " nrrlvo at Wllliarnsport 11 " Lock Haven KASTWAltn. l'aclflo Bxprcus loaca imk Haven urr.ey Klioro ' " Mllllamspoit " arrive at llartlstmrir " I'hlladolphla i " Kano Day I!xpr03a leaves ltcnovo " " Iick Haven ' ' Wllliarnsport " arrive nt Harrlsburir ' " rhiladolphl.i ' " Erio Krlo Mail loaves Ilonovo ' " Look Haven " " vvnitamsport " arrlvos at llarilsbnrtr l'hlladelphht GftP.FI ELD'S: 6,000 AOKNTH WANTED to sell tho LIFE OF GARFIELD- Ills earlvllfo and career as heldter and Statesman hia etnritnn ami ndmlnlstratlon : hts Rssasslnutloii his herolo sIiul'bIo for lite; ivondeitul medical treau incut; blood polsonlns! removal to lilueron: death, otc. Profusely I-luMraUd. t-'plendld pcitralt of uarueia, nu who uuti uioii.1 1 ; sujiu ui mu Miuur 1DL'; tho sick chamber: Gulteau lu his tells tlio Biiio-eniiH nml tho cal lret. a he only comnlcto and authtntl. work. There Is a fortune for acents tlrst In Iho Held with this I-OOK. uuuiikoik!. r0K quiciv. Aldreiiubbard IiriS., l'ubs., 7IB Chestnut St. I'hUa. oct I, iw. d rmcrlto I'or'ralt from a Negative by Illerstadt, Artist, of New York, of hith (le n. aailleld ordered over 2i00 for personal usR. ins mi.v urui.r lur iuu jnhi.un forotho arsassiuatlon. H70 ItaSl, 1. Buperlorto tho Ilncst Heel pinto, Thopoople want a Standard l'urtralt. Airents wanted U) tell Oai Hold's 1'uvorlto, SSIIPOBTBAIT. oct Parker's Ginger Tonic Cu'cs Complaints ct Women and diseases of tho Ktomach, Uowels, Lungs Liver and Hidnojs, and Is ontlrely different from Hitters, fllngcr Lssouctsand other Tonics, as It nevtr Intoxicates, coo, and II blzca. largo Saving Buying tl slzo, IIISCOX 4; CO., Chemists, N. Y. oct T, 4W. 0 GA ciaule AgCDts wanted for Lifo of 1'iesldent (larllold. A com. pletctalthful history from lothocrao. bi tho eminent blocrnthrr. Col. conwell. intitdueilonly ills Lxcelleney, John I). ixinir (lovetnerot Jirtftiehurttts hocks an ready for delivery. An 1( f,nntlj llluslrated volume. Km florf rd edltlen. I.lbeinl terms. Ager.tatako orders forfinmvu lo CO ccplrs dally. Outsells nnv other book ten to ono Agmtsneer mado money bo fast. Thollork rells ltw.lf. Ixperlenee vol nicessary. l'allurn uiKtMMi. Allirtko linmrnse prollts. IU valetcimsfiee. Ol'OLdE bllNWN SCO., Port land, Maine, r oct. 14, 'si-lm tee mm mm mmm Whereas, tho world renowned reputation of the wlnto (Sewing Machine Induces many unscrupulous competitors to resort to all ktnd.1 ot mean tricks to Injure Its reputation, we bos to caution all Intending purchasers not to buy a White Machine except from Its regular nuthcrlicd dealers, who will be subtalnod by tho following warranty, WE WAHltANT THE NATUltAL WEAK AND TEAlt OP TJIK White Shuttle Sewi Machine, PLATE NUMI1EH 103.131) FOIt FAMILY ITItt'O HES, ANIIIIKHK1IV AdltKETOKKEl' THE HA ME IN ItlCI'AIIt KOit TDK TlillM OK 1'IVli VKAUH FltOM THIS DATE. FltBU OF OHAIIOE. .This warranty execpta the brtotogo of needles bobbins and shutth-B. Thlswananty will not be sustained unlets the plate number above riven corresponds -wltli Uio nuuiuer uu uio buuiuu rucobiiue, tiuwuro ui ueiuwu or oiteroa numnors, WHITE HEWINO MACHINE CO, Tho "WHITE" Shuttlo Ecwbg MncMno Has oaxitEK ciricirv ttuuiany other family Bowing miuMuut lur uuuig every vuritiy oi viurK. J, BALTrttll, ucnorol Agent, Ulcomsborv, Fa, Oct, U 'W-u. LATEST STYLES OP If? fUT! WIIFJ? ill Ono of the problems of Good nnd Comfortable Living -13 THE MATTER OF CLOTHING, STY L WKLUIADE CLOTHING AT THU VEKVLOWKST 1'ltlCES . EXAMINE oun STOCK of YOUTHS BOYS anu CIIIliDKKNS HATS fou MEN, 150YS, YOUTHS, AND ( I1ILDIIEN. SIIIltTS, 1'KAKL WHITE, 15IOYOLK SI1111TS, JjATKST out. BUSINESS AND DRESS SIIIltTS, HANDSOME PATTERNS DESIHABEE STYLES IS OUH MOTTO. A FULL LINE OF FALL STYLES .1UST H1SCH1VKI). MEHCHT TAILORING DEPARTSV1EMT. Perfect Fits, Latest Styles, Full Satisfaction. CALL AND EXAMINE THE LARGEST STOCK OP CLOTHING ma CASS1MERES1N THE COUNTY Headquarters for TRUNKS, SATCHELS, VALISES THE DAVIS. SPEER'S GRAPE VJI ONE THOUSAND (1,000) DOLLARS I RKMIUM oirercd lo ANY PERRON lli:it will ilo n GREAT A ItANQE OF WORK on ANY OTHER MACHINE. M'HAT THE MW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. It will moko wldo licra on sheets, 4e licra ull manner of bins w oolen goods, os hott merino, crape, or kooUs dlfllcult to bem on other It makes a more clastic etltch than r.ny other mnclilne. It will turn a him una put In piping nt bamo time ItwIU turn a hem. mw brntd on the right Bldo and stitch on trimming nt tne operntlcn. it M ill do fclllns bias or straight, either on cotton or woolen goods. It will tell ncro&s scams on nn; gcods. 1 will bind a DrcbB or Bklrt nnd i-ew on facing, either with cr without UiowlngMltcbrs; bird Hn-ss Goods wllh tliesnrae material, eltherscnllops.polnts, sciunrrsor Mrnight. The culy machlno thatwlll bind Hats, Cloaks, or other Articles with bios, fntln or Bilk, from X' to8liichislnwlutb,w1llioutbatliig. U will gather with or without tewing on. It will gather between two pieces and sew on at the same time. It will mako nruftlo and stitch a pillow slip on to the facing at the tamo timo. it will shirr any kind of goods. It will mako plaited trimming olUicr with or with out sewing It on. It will mako plaited trimming either scalloped or straight and sew a pipit g ou nl tho somo time. It will make knife plaiting. J. SALTZER, Gen'l AroiiI. lilooriiBLurL'. Pn, cel. I, '80-lf. HIDES. Tho Eighect Market Prico in Cash I'AIU KOlt ALL KIKDB 01' IllllEH AT A. SOLLEBKIUS HIain SiiiKirr.OrrosiTE Stone Chuuch, BLOOMSBURG, PA. April 8, "eo-iy Uf cd in the prlnclrnl Churches forCorrmunlcn purrotcs. EXCELLENT FOE LAUItS .MD V?EAL'1Y PEBSCMS AND THE AO 2D. J'.ll-j.Ulk i,lll-.lrlff H.f)tf V- M. l. illil,ninl will cunipUU-lv i-l imo iho bin ilin tlHienllrosvi.tem In tliu-u i nniii. Aiivihth'D who will t-iku 1 pill "iichnlplu f:nm 1 In b w. -I; , n iy bo rosUiri-l t i unii-vl luuilPi, If nui-lin ihiiig lioiionlblo. Hcutlr.- m for h Ict'cr tnmin, . N. ,l(HrSIKi .t- :u., llostmi, Must., Jurmfj-(7liiH(oi-, Mi; AGENTS WANTED iffsaSST thic Jlni lllnp i t-, r luvuitr.l. Will Knlll'Jrif im linga, wim IllUJf, ana TOM cniiiplrte, In IW tninuU-g. 11 iv IU ulii knit a tttl vtuu.1 or i aiicy warkrorlitili thao U uhv jr a rcaily maikvt SenJ lor ilri qUr mA tormi tu tho Tivomblj- KulltlliU Machine Co., 4iU U'MUuitunHU iktou, ilita. mayc, -61 .ly nld BEAM'Y'S Organs 18 useful stops, o sets reeda ""' iu, riiuiou jit up. in-jnua may iK, Fue. '8, ' AuiiieiB Utntty, Wnihlngton, M.J, Spoer's Port Grape Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. mbts Celfbrntrd Nntlve Wlno Is mado from tho a. juico or mo vpono urape raiscu inuiiscounlry IU Iovnluublo Tonio end Strengthening Properties nro unsurpassed by nny other Kntlvo Wlno. llcli g tho puro Juice ot thotlrnpe, produced under Jlr. Bpter's own suttrvltlon, Its runty nnd genulntness ore guraiitecd. Tho youngest child may pnnoke of Its generous qualities and tho weak est Invalid use It lo ndvnntngo It Is particularly beninclal to the aged and debilitated, and suited to tho various ailments that affect tho weaker sex. It Is in CTcry respect a wiwi lilt lucuuu ON. SPEER'S Is. J". Sherry, Tho r. J. SllUllliy Is a Wlno ot Supeilorcharacter and mm Us a the golden aunlltlisrt the crane. Horn which It Is mode. Vgr l'urlty, Illchness,Flavor anu .-mi (mm itoi ernes, it win vu icucd imexccllcd, SPEER'S This 11RANDY stands unrivaled In this Country. IT is A ITllK dlstlliatlcn t om tbo grnpo nndcon IUIUO lUIUUUJV lUVUiVUI IJlUiaiVlVlS It has a delicate flaor, slmllor to thnt of tho grarcs from which It Is dtbUUtd.and Is in great fnor UUIUUti UIOI V.IIWW 4IUUIUI D. Beo tbnt tbo signature of ALFJlBn Sl'EKlt.l'assalo n. u., ib uver uiu tirr. oi entn oottio, SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM, dee si tot- To Nervous Sufferers Tho Great European uoiLcuy. PH. 1. B. BIBIHOH'B SI'tCIHO UKPICIMK. Dr. J. II. Simpson's Bneclllo lledlelnn Is n nrniv,. cut o tor ovcrw ci k of body or brnln or excess of uny klud, such ns weakness and nil dlsrntes rosultlnc from Nervous Debility, Irrltablllly.Mental Anxiety. Languor, Lnstltudo, llcprtsslon ol Bplrlts nnd funo- vmuai uumutiviuciiia ut uiu ueivuuu fcjbiem gCh- jiacK or biao, uom-r- nrcuj. UTXB. of Memory. lTenu- turooldugeanddla eascs that lead u consinptlon, tnsanl ty li an early grn( or both. No matter how shattered tin system may bo from excesses ot an) kind, a short course ul lliib ini dlcliio wTnTTSlSTutliS imu. luutuuuB uuu i-iuvuit, itcuiiu ana 11a wnerp oeioie was oi-sponoenty and gloom, 'life bpe- vii.w .'n uiii.u ui viuk WMU "IU1 wuuuertui BUCOCbB. iniiieiueui seni, neo to an. wnto-fortucmand get tun LEGAL BLANKS, ALWAYS ON HAND r-artrlcu ar. l'rlce, bpccltlo 11.00 per package, or six nackntros for 1 6,1 o, will be tent by moll on receipt of money. Address nil oiders, J. 11. tlMi-tsoN'B ML'iiiujneco leb. 11, 'BMt TrTAunviuouT & oo., WIIOLEHALE QltOOiatS, VaaiBtunik, Dealers In TBiB, HVltDID, Wri'aS, BUOAK, MOLABSBH men, sricsa, tio-iss iota, 4a, ie, tlOI TRENEWE mm V ns been In conntnnl no by tho publlo for over twenty yearn, nnd U tlio best preparation cier Invented for IlKSTOll INO Olt.VV IIAIlt TO ITS YOUTIIFUL OOLOIl AND LIVE. j V. LIM I It I supplies tho unturnl food nnd color to tho Imlr glonils without Btnlnlng tho fkln. It will Inert 110 and thlclicn tho growth of tho hair, prevent Its blanching and falling off, nnil thus AVEKT 11ALDN1.SS It cures Itching, Erup tions nnd Dandruff. As a IIAIIl DKllSSINO ltlsvery (lelrnl)lo, giving tho liulr ellUen softness which nil nilmlrc. It liocps tho head cloau, ewect and healthy. I XV II Tho Stato Assnyer and Chemist of Mass. and leading endorso and it as a groat' triumph in medi-cino. WHISKERS will ehnngo tlio beard to n IIIIOIVM or I1LACIC nt discretion, liclng In ono preparation It Is easily applied, anil produces n permanent color tliat will not wash oir. I'ltUrAllKD MY I, P, HALL & GO,, NASHUA, N.H, Sold by ill Dealcn In Medlclnei RAIL ROAD TIME TABL.Es"" llMpm i am fl 411 n m l'9ul, ,?oia 11 (is aM ooonm IS 5Pm M p in r. so p m ,m '.ipm lio i m m pi T M p m oiopm 7 mii m a m 8 so a in U ns pin 8 sup m on a in loosam I i lis a m 12 . p m ia p m B nm II 8j am Jivpm loinpin u a i ln Si Jura 1 85 am lifisam Tsinra Fast Lino leaves Wllllnruspurt ntrlvcsatllarrlsburir " l'hlladelpRliv Krlo Mall and Fast Lino west and Pacinc v,mt. Itiiii mako eloso connections at Noriimini , h;.v with L. Ai II. 11. It. trains tor WllkesLnrro nnd Hcrnnton, ErloflallWest. Niagara Hxnrcss West r.mi p.. Lino West mako cloao cotiiioetlon nt wiillomsrioit with N. C It. W. trams north. 1 " Nlntrnra Uxrresa West and Ilnv rinnt. r... mako eloso connectlun nt Lock Ilaicn wuh 1J. K.v. it. It. trains. Erlo Mall ont and West connect at win, trains on I 8. K. M. H, It. It. j at Corry with o.i'.li l1. W. It. it.; at Emporium with II, U, YU it. h" and nt Drlttwood with A. V. it. It. I'nrlor cars will run between Phllali ir.iiin m Wlllnmnort on Niagara Kinross west, nml n.iv i-r. press Hast. Bleeping cars on nil night trnm.i. W.11.A. IIAMIVYIN, Ucneral supt. UNKOUALLHD IN Touo, Toucli.VQrlanaiisliip & DnraWIity. wiTXJAji nwAnn & co. Ko3.3)lnnilU)6 Wt-nt Ilililmoro Street, Ilalllnjora Ka 1 1? FUth Avenue, New York, oct 11, 4w, r 5.000 AO If NTS WANTKD TO SULL TflK LIFE OF GARFIELD! OKTHKItN CENTRAL RAILWAY UOMI'ANV. On and after January 11th. 1681. trains win i Bunbury ns follows :i nUUTUWAItl). Northern Exprcsa n. m., nrrlvo Jllmlrn U.sopm Arrivo nt canandMgua s.m p. m " Hoehostcr 4,io " " Niagara, fi is Niagara Express LOG p. m. arrivo K'mlrn C.05 p m nrrlvo Cannndalgua 8.35 " " Itoclicster o " Niagara U.Mnm Fast lino o.lo p m nrrlvo Klmlra 11.05 p m " Wntklns n.65pm BOUTIIWAltl). Bouthom Express 1.3-2 n. m. nrrlvo Ilnrrlsb'g 3.1.', a m nrrlvu rhllndclplila T.35 " Now York lu.35 " " Ilaltluioro T.40 " Washington a m l'aclflo Express 10.00 a m arrivo Ilnrrlsb'g m.15 p m nrrlvo l'lil'adelphla 3.45 p m II Vrlf ft 6 11 " Ilnltlmoro f..!i " Waiililngton T.f.i Day Exprcssl.w) p m arrivo Ilnrr'sbuig 8.H) p m " l'hlladclphla 045 " " NowYoik " " Ualtlmoro c.85 " Washington 7.5i Erlo Mali l.o a. m. nrrlvo llarrlsburg 3.0c n. m " I'hlladelphla 7.35 " " Now York 0.35 " " Ualtlmoro 7.4Q " Washington L I'. FAllJinit, Uemirall'a.i.TongerAgett. FJlANK THOMSON, Ounoralllane.gir. - - TT.r , TXTT T.T 1 1 TT t t.l I TATHTI T, I T, ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Juno 87, 19S1. TRAINS I.BAVK KOmilT AS 10LI.OWB(aUNPATEICKIUD For Now York, Philadelphia, Heading, I'ottsilllo Tamaqua, AO., 11,45 a. m For Cataw-lssa, 11,45 n. m. 7, to and c,i5 p. m. For Wllllamsport,6,15 8,w a. in. and 4,04 p. in. TRAINS FOH BUrKRT LRAVH AS VOLLOWS, (80NDAT S CE1-TE11.1 Ixjavo Now York, vU. 'l'nmoncnd 0,00 n. m. and via. Hound Urook Itouto 7,45 a. in. Leavo Philadelphia, 9,4.1 n. m. Loavo Hooding, ll.wa. m., rottsvlllo, 111,30 p. m andTamnqua, 1,36 p. m. Leave Catawlssa, 6,10 8,40 a. m. and 4,oo p, m. Loavo Wllliarnsport ,9,45 0.111,2,0c p. m. and 4,30 p. m rassengcrs to and from Now York, via. Tains- nend and to and from Philadelphia go tbrougu 'Vlthoutchangoot cars. J. E. WOOITEN, Goneral Manager. C. 0. HANCOCK, Ck-neral Passenger mid Tlckot Agent., 118I tf. His enrlv lifo nnd enieer nssotdlrr nnd Rtntr-Kmnn hli elccilon nnd uonilhU-tmllon ; hlsnssasslnatlon ; uis niTGio ttruggiB for life; wonderful medical treat ment : blood-poisoning : removal to Elberou : death etc. l roiusily llluslrated. Splendid portrait ot Oarlleld, his wife nr.d mother ; scene ot tho shoot ing; tho blclcenombrr; tluiteau In his cell: tho surgeons, and Iho Cabinet. 'Iho onlv comnlcto and nutnentle work. Hicro Is a ttiriuro for agents ilrst in ine neiu wim mis nook. outtltBip. Spunknulck, Address IILliliAHl) lines , 7V3 Chestnut kU, I'Ulla- ueipuia. oct, 14, 4w, r imiPLOYMEHT-haS'aSfKSS-J! ti OCt, 14, 4W, AluoSALAHV nvrmonlU. All EXPENSES od.untcl. WAOCH pruiniillr kld, SLOAN mwu ucu, iiu r, lut'inuilll. V, $777 A YEAH otic outfit irre. AddrcisP Augusta, llalce. r ijiicnscs to ngents O.V1CHEKY oct 11, 4W, rpp ADVEuTISICHS.-Loh est Halts tor ndvcrtlslng J in l.rno Rood newspapers sent free. Address UliU. u vt iu,, s uo.. 101 oct, 14, 4w. cprucoot,, N, v. irnOOflL1"10.0"1.0110 'eor by or' Kent. 4)&U(J UlLLAH tor 8 dinerent articles which retainer tl, and we will show you howto mnke Jiis-toln njenr. to mention thlspaper. B.T. HcCK.soNtCO, ... . bewwcuig, union Co., Pa, OCt 7, 4W AND Paper Hanging. WM, F. BODINEi IHON 1ST., IIC1.0W FEtOND, 1H.CCKH1V1IQ, Pa is prepared to ao au kinds ot HOUSE FAXNTINO Plain and oninmcutal. PAPER HANGING, BOTH UECOHATIVE AND PLAIN, All lilmlH orFiiritldirc Rcimlrcd IIIHI IIHKIO UN gool iih 11 ov. NONE HUT FlllST-CLAbS WOHKMENIMl'LOYED Estlmntcn Mado on all Work, WM, F. BOD1NE. J. W, RAEDER PRACTICAL LOOK BINDER No 1 10 WEST AMItKET hTItHHT, "WILKES-BABHE, PA. JtliiiiM nil Uiu ciiiiciiI imblira 110ns 111 on 3- mj ic) 411111)11 dt (jlrc. Sntlhfiiclloii giiuinu Iccil, Oorrosponilenco Bollcltod P, 0. Rox ICO, 1. H, Cnrrlitl nltrnttoii Rlvfii iu Ull A'Uli Hl'ATIIY&. M. C. SLOAH & BRO. nLOOBJSUURG, VA, Manufuctarerflol Carrbgen, Bngglco, IhoctenB, BleJfihB, I'LATl'OHil WAOON8, to. Vtrtt-oiwu work uitmys oa turn. ItXPAUttNQ MKATLV DOKK. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA WKSTEHN HAII.UOAD. ULOOMSBURQ DIVISION. Tlme-Tabla No. 39, Take3 oiroct at 4:3 AND A. U p.m. v w 9 44 9 118 0 91 9 23 9 17 9 li MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1878. NOHTH, I STATIONS. I SOUTH. p.m. 3 49 3 40 8 ill 3 21 8 18 3 18 a.m.1 9 B.1 9 17 9 SO 9 11 9 09 9 04 0 10 9 00 8 M 8 43 85 8 91 8 OS 8 Ul T 65 3 01 3 55 'i 47 3 40 3 80 '1 VI) I 05 1 45 lit 1 10 l no 7 48 13 45 7 44 12 S3 T 40 l'i IS 7 32 13 13 7 25 13 00 7 80 11 tO 7 IS It 30 67 10 60 6 45 3) 10 00 p.m. a.m 8 CI 6 64 8 46 8 88 6 31 8 30 8 11 8 04 7 69 7 60 7 48 7 19 7 33 7 2S 7 34 I 09 6 46 a.m. ,. ..Scranton llellevuo .Taylorvlllo.,.. ...LAcuawanna.... ...... Pitt ton ,. West llttston... , Wyoming , Maltby liennett. Kingston Kingston ..Plymouth June. ....Plymouth Avondalo Nautlcoko llunlock's Crook. ....Hblckshlnny..... ....iiicK's rcrry.... ....Heach Haven,., ..Berwick .... Urlar Creek.... :..WIUow Urovo..., .umo ltiagu.... .......lispy...... Bloomsburg.. Huncrt...., Cntawlssa llrldgo. ,.1'UUVUIU... ..Chulasky,, ..Cameron. .Northumberland. a.m. 9 30 s 42 9 (0 9 67 10 07 10 03 10 18 10 18 10 S 1! 21 1 36 S 31 a 4 j S 17 61 a;a a 5'j 8 01 a iu i os a 13 3 IS 10 34 3 24 10 43 3 33 p.m. p.m Y id u a.. 10 6B 11 07 11 13 11 3J 11 39 11 43 11 61 11 67 13 18 11 48 3 60 4 03 4 10 0 40 I, 45 S 61 7 00 7 1)5 7 10 7 15 7 21 7 33 7 81 7 M 7 to S 00 f (IS 8 35 8 t6 II 16 9 25 4 18 9 85 4 25 6 40 4 29 4 S3 4 43 4 49 4 49 6 00 B 18 0 10 7 DO 7 15 7 3 7 tO 7 6S 8 31 9 IS 8 49 u 80 0 t5 6 46 9 ill n.m. n.m. a.m . W. V, nALUTKAD, Hunt. Buporlntondont's omco, scranton, Juno 10, lsia. THE CHEAT IiUIiLINGTON ItOVTE. ,E?T,.N2i!il.her iln?. runs Tliroo Through I'as S?.nFr. Tral,la..utll.l' botweou Chicago, Dog ino'"0i9' ".n.c" l,m'l Omaha, Lincoln, St. i?.,'.U,JVlcl'1?.un' Topeko and Kansas City. Nobraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, No- OiSlfnrnlnL Moxlco'ArllODO Wabo, Oregon nnd i.i'i'i'? Bfort.cM, Bpeallost nnd Most Comfort Wo Itouto vlullamilbul to Fort Scott, Denlson, J .?n',lILn"8tt?n Au"i!"' 8m Antonio, aolvoa- toi and oil points In Texas. ii Ua. "neiiiialcd Induecnients offoroil by this ,,; , - - L- .nuiiBin, uiu ua ii.iiunD, colobrnted Pu man iliLwhnnli l'nlneo S".in1'c0 I'ruwIngMtoom Cars, with llortou's HecllnlngChiih-s. No extra chargo for Heats ll1, Winlrs. Tho famous ft. II. A Q. Palaetl 11 ntmrr'nra nnrr.n.,..a r...Z it I filled with lilegaiit Hlgli-llacked Itnttnn Ho vplvlng Chairs for the cicluslvo uso of flrst- olass naonirnrfi , Htoel Track ami Superior Rnulnmcnt. com- vimii wim tnpirfireatThrougli Car Arrango mcnt,makosthls,nbovoallntliers, tho favorite wllit0 to th0 Soutb' Bouth-Woetund tho Vat iT,r,J,3 ',nil1X0' w'll And traveling a luxury Iwttcnd or a discomfort. Through Tlcknta via this Celebrated Lino Canada! ,n tbo UnUe1 tiUiUM All Information about Itatos or Puro, Sloop. !?,fiP'lr.'A,,0.m.!"o,all'"i li"1" Tttblos, &a, Willi cheerfully glvon by upplylna to J. Q. A. niCAN, flon'l Kantorn Agent, wa witsiiiiigtoii 8L, Itoeton. Mntia. ,,u, ,,l5,'sw IirwidwaT, Niiw York. J AWL'S It, Wf Km. 1 out I'M. AsU Obtoniro. 'ft t'rt &iTi it Ti . V, WT1 r