I r 'OOttmBIl BJMOCBAT, 8T1II 0 TIIR MOUTH, and COLOH ,w 8IAM, CONSOLIDATED.) ' fruited Wkly, erery Frldnr mornln, m ULOOMSBUKO, COMIMMA COUNTY. PA.. M nald In BUTanCA. TO subscrllvni niir n n .. county tho terms nro W per year, strictly In advance lirNo paper dLcontlnueif oxceptnt tho option of tne ruDUWirra, unui nu nmiuwcs are raid, but long continued credlta Tf ill not IwrtTca "".mi, AilnaDcrSfontoutOf IhoHtAtanr In rit.t.n, omoea must bo paid for tnodvanco, unless a rospon. BlDie pemou m i luuiuiiiiuumy osaumca to par till Bitncrtptlon duo on demand. v ' rnRTAcm la no lonrar nxortnl rmm iwi tho countr- Tho Jobbing Department of tlioCol.tiMntiui. complete, and our Job Printing will compare favora bly with that ot the large cittca. All work dono on drmand, ncatty and at modorato price PROFESSIONAL CAllBS. ATTORNEY-AT-L A W, Colcmbum Bmuuso, tuoomsburg, ra Mrmher ot tho t'nltt;.! Stntcn t,aw Ataoclatlon, ColloeUoni tnado in stir part ot America or Kuropo. K WALLKK, " A ttornoy at I ,nv. OCco, Second doorlrom 1st National Canlt. nLooMSDuna, ta. j' U. FUNK, Attornoy-at-Livw, UL00M8UUa, PA. omcoln Knt's nOILDIKU. c. & W.J.nUCKALEW, ATTOHNKV8-AT-LAW, nioomBlurg, ra. Offlc; on Main Strect.nrBtdoorbolowCourtlloust TOIIN M. m.MlK, ATTonNElT.AT-I.AW, Dlooimtiartr, P. OMco orer Sch'iylcr's Hardware Store. K. n MTTT.r. no .h.mttlk ri II. A R. K. LITTLK, ATTOUNKY8-AT-LAW, Hloomahnri;, Pa. c W.MILLKU, ft rrvTv.TTt imriui oniceln TJrowor'abulldinir.Boconrt noor.room No. nioomatmrff, rn. B, FRANK ZARR. Attornoy-nt-Jjaw. BL00M8I1UU0, PA. onico cornor ot Contra nnd Main StrcotB, Clark's minding. Can bo consulted In Gorman. E. CIIAPIN, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. m.noMHin'iMi.vA Mav bo found In ltECOUDKIfS Ol'I'IOR In the court lloupo. fept. IB, 'Sl,6-m. MEO. E. ELWELL, A T TO R N E Y-A T-L A W, NbwCowmbian llDiiniNO, llloomshurg, ra. Mcmbor of tho United btntcs Law Association. Collections mado In any part of America or Euroro S. KNOHB. t B. WtNTmSTMN. Notary Public KNORR & WINTERSTEEN, Attornoys-at-Jjaw. omco in Hnrtman's Ulock, Corner Main and Mar ket streets, Dloomtburg, Pa. t&l'amont and Jiountics Collected, pAUL E. WIRT, Attornoy-at-Law. Olllcoln llrowcr's Uloclt, one door below Ilrockwny IsuUdlni; DLOOSISnURQ, PA. Q.UY JACOIJY, Attornoy-at-Inw, lir.OOM3lHIllO, omco In II.J. Clark's Ilultdlng, second floor, over Hoffman's Uour and feed Wore. OCU 8, so. T II. MAI55H, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Ofllco in Mrs. Ent's Building, third door from Main, street, Mnyw,ni. K. OSWALD, Attornoyat-Law, Jackson Ruilding, Rooms 4 and 0, Haye.W. HKItUTCIC, I'A. TI7"M. L. EYERLY, ATTOHNEy-AT-IiAW, CatAwtssa,Pa. Colloctlona promptly mndo nnd romlttod. onico opposite catawlasa noposlt lianl t-3 Vy II. RIIAWN, 'ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, catawlasa, ra. Office, cornor ot Third nnd MnlnStrcots A L. FRITZ, Atlnrney-nt-Law. Office . in Ilrockwny's IlulldlDg, JunoM, s. ERUCKINOIIA5I, Aliorney.nU.aw. Of .nco, Ilrockwoy'a Building, 1st floor, Hlpiiir.s Durir, Venn'a. mnyT, 'eo-tt c 11 niHL'ICV Allnn. nu.nl. T.UW. Ollil'O , In llrowcr's building, Snd story. Itoomu 4 A, 6 1 B. ROBIBON, Attorncy-nt-I.aw. Office t '. in nartman'a bulldlng.Maln Btroot. D R. WM. M. REBER, Surgeon and Physl- cian, omco uaricet aireui. fium uvii.. ' R. EVANS, M. D., Burgeon and Physl; clan, (Omco and Iiesldenco on Third street " B. McKELVY, M. D., Burgeon anil Pliy . slclan, north sldo Main street, below Markot. D R. J. 0. RUTTER, PnySICIAN&SUHOEON, omco, North Market Btrcot, Oct, l, 19, Bloomsburg, Pa. JR. I. L. RABB, PTl AnTIOAL DENTIST. Main Btroot, opposite Episcopal Church, Blooms burg, Pa. nr- Tooth oxtroctod without pain. Oct. 1. 1679. W. H. HOUSE, BLOOMSBUEaCOL. 00. PA. d wiTiiouT Pain by Uie uso of las, and frco of chargo when arUflclal tooth aro Inserted, onico over Bloomsburg Banking Company. lo he open at all houri during the day, Nov. ss-iy MISCELLANEOUS p M. DRINKER, QUN and LOCKSMITH. Bowing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re pilrod. OrBBA Housx Building, Bloomsburg, Pa. DAVID LOWENBERU. Merchant Tailor Main Ht., abovo Central Hotel. 8. KUIIN, dealer iu Meat, Tallow, etft, Contra Btroot, botweon Bocond and Third. JAMES RE1LLY, Tonsorial Artist, b again nt Ms old tland ur.der KXCIIANOE lio lELland has as usual a WHBT-cUNl BAKBKK Blioi'. Ho resiiecuully tollelts tho palronege of bio oldcubtcmem and of the publlo generally. July l, no-U EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TDBBS, PROPRIETOR BLOOltSnUEO. PA, Ol-KfilTB OCjUItTJllOUSB. Urge tod ecnTehiMit nwbie rtui, PAWi'WfJn J i ' ' 1 ' " . K, BiTTEHBEHDEB, r"owr, Tho Backus Water Motor IH TUn .MOST Economical Power Known -ron- DUIVING LIGHT MAOIIINERY. It takes but llttlo room. It never gels out of,ropnlr. It can not Mow up. It needs no fuel ItKcds no engineer. Thcrolsnodelay; nollrlng up; no nshes to clean away; nocxtralnsurnncotopay, no repair ing nccessarj-j no coal bIll3topay, and It Is always ready for uso. It Is Invalnablo for Wowing Church organs, for running Printing Prestos, Sewing Machines. Turn ing Lathes, scroll saws, Orlcd stones, cottee Mills, Sausago Jlachlnen, Feed Cutters, Corn Mills, Klova tors, etc. Pour horso power at 4a pounds preswro of waier. 11 Is noiseless, neat, compact, steady, and abovo all IT IS VERY 01IEAP. Send for circular to tho ll.iek'is Water Motor Co., Newark, N. !., stating namo of paper you saw ad vertisement In. Price, us lo iMO, scpuso-tt 8, F. SHARPLESS, Cor. Centra and Itall Koad Bta., near L. & B. Depot. Lowest Prices will not bo undersold. Manufacturer cf MINK (.'Alt WHEELS, Coal Break cr nnd llrldgo Castings, Water Pipes, Stoves, Tin waro, Plows, IltON PENCE, and all kinds ot iron and Brass C-stlngs. Tho ( r'gtnal Montroso, Iron beam, right hand left, hand, and sldo hill Plows, thobest In tho mark et, and all kinds of plow repairs. Cook Stoves, Koom Stoves, and Stoves for hoatlng stores, fchoolhousos, churches, tc. Also tho larg est stock of repalis for city stoves, wholosalo and retail, such ns Fire Brick- Orates, Cross Pieces, Lids c. 4c, Stovo Pipe, Cook Boilers, SkllUts, Cake- Plates, large Iron Kettles, (SO gallons to barrels) farm Bells, Sl-d Soles, Wagon Boxes, "Allontown Bone Manure" PLASTEII, SALT.&CtC. Jan , 'SO-iy SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING -M-A. J. EVANS. Tho uptown Clothier, haa lust uctlved a flno lino r.f N'nw (Jnnrtti. nnrl Id niririn-d tn innLn tin SPRING AND SUMMER SUITS For Men and Boys In tho neatest manner and Latest styles. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Wats, Capri, &C; Always on hand. Call and Exrmli.e. EVANS' BLOCK uornor juain ana iron Mrmfa, BtooiYcsuima, fa. C. F. HARDER, IIEALEII IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, PAINT, OIL AND, VARNISHES, DOORS,, BLIPS, BRACKETS Lumber of all kinds for sale as cheap as tho cheapest for cash or produce. CATAWISSA, may 6 o-tu PLUMBING, GAS PITTING, STOVES and TINWARE. :o: E. 33- BEOWEH ITnti nnenVinorirl flinWtiVk' ftlirt IltlSlnCPS Of I. NnCOIl' touch, and la now prcrflrfd todoallklndH ofvorK in ins line, riuuiuuifc' uuu uua ruuujj v,al.jt Tluwnre, Btoes, rA.fJqES ho HETE1S In agrcat variety. All work dono by EXPERIENCED HANDS, Main Street corner of East. iiLoonisnvncj, pa. N. S. TINGLEY. Announces to tho public that ho Is prepared to do all kinus oi Custom Tailoring, promptly and at reosonablo prices. Now la tho sea son iur u -NEW SPRING SUIT- And Tlngloy's tho placo to get a proper lit. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop over Blllmoyer's Orocery, corner ot Main and contro btreota, BLOOMSBUllU, PA. BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL, se ll Tho undcrblgncd having put his Planing MU1 on ltallrosd Hlieut, In flrbt-cmsa condition, Is prepared to ao an Kinus oi wws iu u uuu. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, MOULDINGS. FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used la well hcasoned and none but skilled workmen aro cmpioyiKJ. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnlthed on application. Plan nnd fpoclllcations prepared by on oipencncca arauguisman. IllooniNbiirp;, Ia. piRE INSURANCE. CHItlSTIAN V. KNAPP, BLOOMSBUUO.PA. BItlTISll AMEItlOA ABSUltANCR COMPANV. OK11M AN KIKEINHUHANCE COMPANV. NATIONAL P1HK INSUltANCB COMPANY. UNION INBUltANCE COMPAW Y, 1 hese old coaromTioh's are won teasoned by ago and rim tkstkd and have ncter yet had u loss sol tied by any court of law, TLelr asseut aro all inveat edlD hoineiciKiTitand tie liable to the haiard I rtsta tioumr and donksixt adjusted ana; paid a soon as determined by umiuitumV, Kwirr, aro- Itl A0.Tir AlVltHMlltMUIBirMI, PA. I be people cf ColumUa otunty should potronlio ttrvirercy wberlou ifasy a Bottled and paid Ml, It,-". BLOOMSBUEG, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1881. iron mem thuralgta, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of tho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Spro throat, Swall'nns and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all-other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth roual Pt. Jaoohs Oil. as a V, ah rr, shniie anil cituji External ltcmedy. A trial entails but tho comparatively trilling outlay of no 4''nts, niul every ono sutlerlng with palu can havu cheap and iotItlvc proof of lu claims. Blrcctlmn In Eleven Languages. BOLD BY ALL DBUQQISTS AND DEALERS IN MED10IKE. A.VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, .Mil., K S, A. Valuable Real Estate AT Tho undersigned AdmliiMiator cum tcstamento annexo of Tetcr Applcman.lato ot Benton township, deccated, ones thu following described premises at prlvatoBilo. All that tortlon of Iho following de scribed THACT OF LAND, In Benton township, bounded as tollowx: on tho north by lands of It. L. P. Colley, J. F. Chpln nnd A. Wilkinson, on Uis west by lands of Lil Mclli nry, John K. Apploman and Peter Lnubnch, on the peutu by landBof Wil liam nulmo nnd Margaret Dildlnc, nnd on tho cost by lands ot Kcutcu II. Davis and stott E. Colley, containing EKUH Y-EI01IT ACHES, moro or less. wherton lire erected a two-stor- FltAME HOUSE, Bank Ham, wagon house and other out-bulldlngs. only that portion lj lng on tho west sldo of Flshlng- crcck will be told. Also, all that tract of land situate In Benton town ship, bour,dcd cn the wist by lands ot Hebecca Con ner, on tho north by lands ot tho heirs of Thomas Davis, dectated, and J. F. Chnpln, on tho south by lands ot Eztklel Colo, contalnlr.g EIGHTEEN ACHES, more or less, unimproved land. Will bo sold as a whnlo or In parcels to bult purchasers. Terms mado known on application to I. K. KI11CKBAUM, Administrator, &c, aug. 6-tf Cambra. Pa. Valuable Hoal Eatate AT IFIRI-V-A-Tra SALE THE LARGE PLOUKINO MILL in Hemlock townf hip known i b tho RED MILL Is oru-Kdat llilVAIESALE. This mill 13 47 feet by sofittntidcontnlnB FOUR PAIRS OF BURRS. Usual lj mt I j vi.ter lover, Hit hnsastcamen- glno to run It In time ef unusually low water. It has A Largo Custom Trado andtatro Is a bargain In It. l-'or further particulars Inquire of M. S. APPLEMAN, Oct. 7-3m Bloomsburg, Pa. DKAtKB IN Silverwaro. Watches.Jewelry.Clcckc.&c ah kinds of Watches, clock b and Jewelry neat ly repalrea ana warranica may n, rii-u PERRY DAVI KIUJER IB A rt!IlP.I.Y VEOETAIlI.il BEMEDY For INTEBNAI. and EXTERNAL Uio. A miro niul Bpowly curn for floro Tlinmt, CiiiikIih, Colds, Diphtheria, t;hlllrf,l)liirrliNi,IyMnti-ry,'ruinpi!, Cholera, Hiiiiiiiutr Coniiiliiint, Kick lIoadaolio,N(!iiialKlailtlioiiiiuitli;iii, llrulww, CulH, HnraliiH, cto. lTtetlly vfe louo internally or rrATKalfy.atul ralalii to all'uril relief. U lumlly can ailbnl In lo without it Bold by all drucgULi at USc, uuoii auu 9t a mnuo, PBRRY DAVIS SON.Pronrlator, r-rwviuunuu. if. V V. HARTMAN RiraatiiNTa mi rouowmo AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIEBi Lycoming ot Muncy nmnayivania. North Amortcan of I'luMiKilphla, Pa Franklin, ot ' " Pennsylvania of " Farmera of York, ra. llanoTtirof New York. Manhattan ot " miouotTVarlrct 1KMIK, (.lUaou&mue, Vn, rjc-i.-Uf. V i'WHtWii lf.Villli;iiin iliiliUWWi,.illui Poetical. AMEN 1 I cannot my, Beneath tho prossuro of tlfo'n caica to-day, I Join In thesoj But 1 ran ony That 1 h id rather walk this rugged way, It Him to ploaso. 1 cam nt feel That all Is well when dai k'nlng clouds conceal Tho Milnlnct sun; But then, I know ood llvos and lovos; nnd sa, Binco It Is so, Thy will be donol 1 cannot rpenk In hapry tonesj tho tear drops on my cheeV Show tarn Bid;. But t can spoak Of graco to surfer wlthBubmlsslon meek, Until mado glad, I do not sco Why Ood should o'en permit Bomo things to M, When Ho Is lovo; But I can Ben, Tho' otten dimly, through tho mjstery, lllsuand above! I do not know Whcro falls tho seed, that 1 hao tried to bow With greatest oare; But I shall know Tho meaning of each waiting-hour below, Sometime, somcwhcrol I do not look Upon tho prcsont nor In Nature's book, To read my fato ; But I do look For promlwl blessings In Ood's Holy Book ; And, I can wait. I may not try To keep tho hot tears back-but hush that sigh, "It might havo been ;" And try to still Each rising murmur, and to Ood'n swcot will llespond, "Amen I" K 0, Urowning. INTROSPECTION". Baneful It Is, and boding of no good, To ever gaio within ono's self, to nnd Too complex wotklng of a morbid mind,'; To over cower beneath a sheltering hood, Poising tho bnlanco scal-3 ot ought and would, Sighing for hapry days, now left behind, scorning to thliik a future can bo kind, Hating a present scarcely understood. Such lntrospoctlon la brief tlmo will break Tho healthiest heart, and wreck It In tho dust. Ood knows how many a bitter cut and thrust Tho world will give us for Its bclflsh sako, Without our poisoning tho arrow head. Which, It it kills not, sometimes leaves for dead, Tinsley's Magazine-, Select Story. JEALOUSY IN TWO WORLDS. Students of the world's history are constantly learning that empires and epochs arc born of trilles. But in how many cases tlieso arc legitimate births we havo now no timo to consider. "And you must bring your friend with you. ' Must he, indeed 1 Now the moro Lieutenant Stockton tlioiiKht it over tho further ho seemed drifting from his stoical confidence. It did, indeed, appear a burlesque upon true greatness that a military man should bo tho victim of such fears. But before my readers pass judgment they must bo better informed. 1 wonder if there was anv desijni in tho founders of the military academy at West Point to develop the romantic ten dencies of their country's young defen ilei's ? If so they liave admirably plan tied; if not they havo built stronger than they thought. Urowmntt tho crest ot almost maccess- blo heimits, (jiiardini' tho waters ol tho most historical of American rivers, tho very sito ot this Kugby ol tho young soldier boy enioins ami appluds tho mar- riago of lovo and war. If hero wo look tor tho ardor that pours out "nobio blood as cheerfully as ever after a lone day's sport, when, as infants, they rested their heads upon their mother s knees, or sank to sleep in her arms," we migltt also find explanation why dovotion, born and bred here, should bo fearless and stead fast, with hatred of naught savo trilling and treachery. "tjommenceinent day seems n misno mer to somo ; but 1 think tho title born of a thought happy oven unto inspira tion. It is tho close of tho ideal life, but tho commencement of real lifo ; it is tho door leading from tho nnte-rooiu into tho amphitheatre. But who can know of a happier or a prouder day t Prom Hint timo forward tliero will always bo hcighta to carry by "mining" or Btonn, but at that hour tho victory is complete, and all the world that tho collegian has been taught to sco nnd know lies at his feet Lieutenant Stockton was susccptiblo to his surroundings just as far as a tolerably cool temperament permits itself. In fact, ho willfully surrendered himself to tho delusions of tho hour. For four years ho liad been tho servant if not tho slave of disciplino and study, nnd now camo homo to Boroughton with tho purpose ol linding luo and living it, And that ho uncut Uio better enjoy ins rest ho had insisted upon tho company of young Landers, who, having passed his second year at tho academy, was per milted for tho first time to air his brass buttons and military walk in tho outer world. Borouchton was too small n place not to wonder nt anything wonderlul. bo, when it became noised abroad that Lieu tenant Stockton was engaged to Jennie Hanlan inquiry was lust enthusiastically directed to gathering nil tho shreds of evidenco that supported tho report, and then to debating tho question : "Re solved, that Jennie Hnnlau is not tho girl for Lieutenant Stockton," with tho allirmativo universally triumphant. Hut as Jiioutenant Stockton eared very littlo for such innoci nt interference, he never called for tho report ot tho com tniltee, and Homing seemed nblo lo cloud his anticipations of again meeting the object of his passion, l'ldlosopheis may tell you how earnest natures and soaring nmbitions nro ovei turned by Hashing eyes nnd coquettish wnys, nud it is nn interesting Btiidy, bin Jiieuienant htock ton would hnve nssured you thnt tho point was not an isoiie, nnd Hint lie had fallen iu lovo witli the tmo womanhood that lay underneath nil else. For all theso i canons lio wasrnther ag Kressively proud of Jennio Hanlan moro so than of his own commission or academical honors and so it camo to pass that liis fiist demand on Harry Landers was for his company on n visit to lier liouso. And our story begins wlicro that visit ends. Jealousy is proof of tlio presence of lovo nnd tho nbacnoo of confidence Both elements nro necessary fnctorfl in Uio product. If n innn is Indifferent ton womati'f) favors, or certain ol tlicin, ho cannot id jealous; lul if "lio loves Mill doubts her, lio cmitiot lio nnytliiui; else j Liotitonaiit btooklonfi devotion to Jen- nlo Ilmilnn was established the sowinif circles nil conceded it while prelendlnj; to wonder at it but liis confidence scotned yet moro boundless. Sho might go with whom alio pleased, htnilo as sweetly ns sho divinely willed, dance with tho yoiing lawyer all uiglil, and write down to the academy a full bill of particulais with tho utmost impunity. 5ul this night well I well I there was no possible excuse lor lua lolly, and be would tiank uo more ot it. Bright nnd early noxt morning he left Harry Landers in the library writing a letter liome and saddling his horse.rodo over to Sackett's Harbor to take dinner with a favorito aunt, nnd listen to tho adyico that had been gradually nccuinu- lating over his head for the past two I ns years. In all tlieso anticipations tho Lieuten- ant was not disappointed. Ho received n hearty welcome, nn excellent dinner and even lictter advico ( luo third-class l.l ! !.!.... 1... . 1 1 inuBaiujj ueiNy, uiu ,ij,u iwiiinu- traded that it was not until lato in tho afternoon that he was able to imprint tho farowell kiss on tho old lady's cheek, and becin his retreat from her liosnital- l- But at so sharp a pace did ho urge tho sorrel maro that tho sun was yet an hoar high when tho centre of Ilepworth Forest was reached and timo was granted him to stoj) at tho Powder Springs a favorito spot with him from childhood. Our memories aro loyal to tho law of association, and ns tho Lieutenant fas- tened tho maro to a treo a littlo from the hicrhwav and then throw himself on : f grassy knoll by tho spring, a iianorama oi ins young me, ueioro cpauieiies nnu ambition's dream had como to dazzle, seemed to riso beforo him. His truant days, when without furlough he had stayed from school with certain boon coinpanious,thc hour she spent at this very spot,thoftinof splashingtho waters of tho brook in one niiothers laces, or building a dam a bit below tho fountain source, with faintest manifestations of that en gineering skill that was to scoro him high at tlio academy. But how could ho chase such thoughts long ere thoy brought him to when the oyes of Jennie Hanlan seemed blacker and brighter man the eyes oi tlio other girls, and his bashful glances wero an swered by yet moro ardent ones, until when he linnlly essayed to rival her boldness she would turn away and smile as sweetly elsewhere, and ho awoke to find himself head over heels in love with tho greatest flirt in tho school ? But as thoy grew older he was certain Jennie improved, until, ono bright morning tho very brightest of his lifo tlio past wes all secured by tliat letter ot all let ters, that answered his inflammable epistle from tho academy, and assured him that she, Jennie Hanlan,thoughtle, wayward Jennio Ilaulau, would be his own true sweetheart forever and ever amen. How much longer this young man of 23 would have suffered such commun ions as these to drive his aunt's advice from a level head was never tested, for jiHt then a step was hoard, and with it another, and a remarkably gnill voice announced that they would stoji right there. Alinct instinctively tho Lieutenant kept very still, but a natural curiosity led him to peer through tho foliagu to where thoy had seated themselves. Thoy were not a specially refined or attractive braco of tourists, or such as would make congenial company in a back alloy on a dark night, if one might judge from ap pcarances. it should Do said thoy were Iressed in considerably better stylo than tho model tramp, but their clothes seemed to sneak rather of former splen dors than of future hopes, of a setting than a rising sua. But their conversa tion was decidedly more interesting than themselves. "Ho wns a turn cut youngster, now, wasn't he, Jack ?" "All brass buttons are, camo tho surly answer. "And so sweet on tho girl that I got calous; eh, Jack" with an heroic effort to arouso his companion from his stupor. But Jack appeared wrapped in thought nnd so was the Lieutenant. A great light was shining out lrom a most unexpected source. Ilarrv Landers stood for tho bra's buttons," nnd Jennie Hanlan was out riding with him, and tho bitter sus picions of tho last night returned with tenfold force. "Now, Jack, you'ro a bit envious of mo," said tho moro talkative one, with a grim senBo of tho humorous, which Jack didn't seem to appreciate. "I was wondering what timo ot day it is." It seemed an innocent and reasonable manner of wonder, but his companion looked atliimiuqumngly. Jacks answer ing glance appeared to satisfy him. "Its a go, jack, but i hate to lnghten tho girl." "Ot course, answered Jack, with an oath, "sho might cut your acquaintance, or refuse your hand at tho next Uormnn. Thogrimncss ot tho remark brought aloud "1U ha I from his companion, wlaoli Jack instantly suppressed with his scowling looks, ns ho muttered that it wns time lor them to bo Hack. The idea that the gay young cavalier and the object of his passion would soon bo that way seemed to furnish food for reflection for all three, aud tho silence of natures spot camo back. It could not havo lasted long.but it seemed a full ago to Lieutenant btockton. Again tho coy glances oi .lemiie Hainan were Homing luwuiu jiiiii,iiiiii iiii-u ciiunua ifvciviiiuij him to defend her. When had ho dreamt of a greater privilege t When would his sabre so gaily have leaped from his scab bard? But his arm shrank back now as if there was pollution iu tho cause. He was nsked to ro-cblablish tho throno of trencheiy and to crown tho pieen ot coquettes. He would care no moro for Jennio llnnlan than for any other human being, not so much as for the beggar along tho way; and yet suppose lio didn't what them What mattered it an 7 Aiidiio btole toward the son el, unfastened her,' and felt for his revolver. There was a heavy Hep flushing tho iindeibrush behind him, aud then the sensation of a weight of a he mifcphere fall ing upon liis head, and tlio eaitli seemed to riso up toward him and nil was blank. . It wns n sliange placo wlieio Licuten- nnt Stockton next found himself. Ho wns walking n level plain, wliieli presen ted no object ns far as Uio cyo could nch. Suddenly n man of stunted trrov lb femned o spring froui:lhvjjromid'be foro him. The moro tho Iiiputrn.int wntohod him tho belter ho wns ununited ho had met Jam lioforo ; but Ids perfect 1 identification wim possibly ineveiited by tho inexpressible sadness of his face. "What makes you so unhappy t" asked 0 Vng, who, tlnOo months ngo, cnlertd the Iiieiitenant, the station and cried Bijah out of fifty "15ecause I'm dead," was tho abrupt cents in cash and then Btolo liis vest ns reply. ho went out. Tho Lieutenant involuntarily shudder- "Say, 1'vo just lost my mother," con ed, nt'd again looked about him over tho tinned the vng ; but at that instnnt ho plain. remembered his former call and slid for "And what placo is this T" tho street like a lien dodging a pan of "Hell!" and tho eyes leered up at him dishwater. A thunderbolt followed, and with so exulting a griumco that tho Lieutenant started back', whilst tho only namo ho hud known him by in the other world leaned to Ids lips. "Jack I But "Jack" had as suddenly vanished ho had appeared, nnd the Lieutenant was only Jelt lo wonder it nenry lan tiers had killed him and saved Jennie. Then a gloomy castlo roso before liim, nnd tho Lieutenant entered a door that opened beiorc him. Ho wasin a library, ..1 .1- I 1 m I.-.1 . I...1 uiuganiiy J ill nifiiuii anil "uuimuii ; iiui. his cntranco had attracted another's at tention,and a young man looked up from his writing. It was Harry Landers, Tn unv iimi T.ii.nt.mn.ii Kim.iinn i HtiniriRed is to hiiiidoso that anvthini' could surpriso him now, Imt there was a passionato exultation whicli tinned in otantly to liaunt him with "Shanio 1" and "Devil I" Ho had indeed been mcta- morphoscd into one. Uotli seemed to knownll.and as Ilarrv stalled up ho drew his lcvolver. Almos't simultaneously tho library of the strange pnitli lim-il ilm nlmrn niinrtn rimr ilnwii its corridors and galleries. its corridors and iralleries. Lieutenant Stockton could feel the hot lead hissing through his brain,but ho was living through Ins agony j this world knew no death. Yet ho reeled and stag gered, his eyes yet fixed on Harry Lan ders. When n stream of lilood burst from tho boy's forehead ho could have cried out with joy only he wns too weak, and fell to the floor. That moment a screen to tho light suddenly seemed wrenched npnrt, and Jennie Hanlan, with dishevelled hair and pallid cheeks, rushed between them. Lieutenant Stockton seemed only living now to watch her first movement. She tottored toward him, but ho rudely pushed her back and ironically begged tier not to bo as false to Harry as to him. "Why, Hobort 1" And as his own namo was sounded in tho old way ho seemed to fall asleep despito himself, and when ho awoko lio was m las own room at home, and Jennio Hanlan was bidding him keep quiet or tlio doctor would not let her stay, "Mr. Landers will go," though her voice tiembled as she spoke. "Landers bo hanged I" exclaimed tho Lieutenant, whereupon Jennio Hanlan burst out crying. "Oh, why do you speak to mo so, Robert 7" 'iAnd when did you sco Harry last '!" inquired tho same ironical voice. "Once snieo tho night lie called with you right here a few moments ago but at sight of him you raved so that tho doctor banished him from tho prem ises." "Wero you not out riding with him thut'sday nlternoon 7 V light seemed breaking upon Jennio Hanlau's mind, and it shed its bright- ness over her pale faco. "Guess not," answered his Honor. "Biding with Mr. Landers ? No, iu "Bijah liad a lemon around hero five or deed I And did they knock all your bis weeks ago, but ten to ono tho cock brains out, dear Lieutenant 1" with an roaches havo lugged it off and traded it effort to suppress her gathering mirth, for gum drops. It won't hurt you any "And now tell me, Robert, if you havo to bo tried. been jealous over since Mr. Landers and Nellie Harding found you so badly hurt last night on their stopping at tlio Pow der Springs 1" And tho tempting lips wero bent so close to his that tlio Lieu tenant forgot his lieadaoho and kissed them. Tlio White Honne. Its corner stono was laid on tho Kith of October, 1702, under tho superinteii denco of Captain James Ilobou, an Irish architect, direct from Dublin, who ac cepted the award of SSOO (then thought to bo a largo amount) for tho design. Ho is buried iu tiio Catholic cemetery at Washington, nnd his descendants still live iu that city. Tho British destroyed tho building iu the year 1814, but it was rebuilt by Cap- tain Ilobou, and was first opened for vis- itors on January 1, 1818. Tlin nnrtien nf fnnr lnft.v rnlmmiH. im ti,o 01.th HiaC( wftH ftdded in 1829, dur- jng t,0 administration of President Jackson. It is a lofty building, two stories in height. with u frontage of ono hundred and eighty feet aud a depth of eighty livo feet. Tho vcstibulo within tho front door is fifty feet long by forty wide. Tho famous Fast room, which was finished fifty years ago, is eighty feet long, forty feet wide and twenty two feet high. Eight large mirrors and three chande liers, of crybtnl and silver, adorn tho l oom. Tho walls aro covered witli gray paper, nnd tlio lurmturo is trimmed with ,rnlv ,.,.n and mavoon velvet. With the exco,,tion of our publio halls it is tho nr,fCBt in Ul0 vcmntiy nnd for its size, is ceitaitily tho handsomest. mm,,, i WtdontV ollieo. whieh i nn the Hecoml story, and which is tlio Cabinet room also, is not very large. It is thirty livo or lorty leet long and twenty or twenty-fivo feet wide, with a ceiling about twenty feet high. In tho mid dle of tho floor is a long table, surround ed by bather seated chairs; long lam brequiu curtains of a dark blucish color adorn the windows, and tho carpet is of a red tint, with largo figures, aud a loigo map oi the United States is on tho wall, Washington is a Government creation, and tho White House is chieilv meinora- bio on account of tho men who have IIVl! Ill II AKI V -IIUI it HHP I'rt.LMfrillttl t.xl.q,t Washington, has resided in this tainous house. Tho original cost of this building 1702 waB about 5f3f,00, and tho total cost up to this time about Si, 800,000. A New Yoik goat eiime wist with a lot of poorehildiin tent out tovestwn bonus, and the tiist day it was on an low u fin m it ate hnlf u mile of bnibed wiio fi nee nud wanted more. It is al most impossible to tench a New York goat to eat grass or clover, when he has been In ought up fiom carlicbt infancy on corset ions, tomuto cans and wiecked hoop skiitR KvMjlody is rising Brown'fi Iron Bit- ton nnd cvcrwody is tifitonislitd nl its ftnmUmA tuna vlieroull vlliurs mu - Jadtd TUB COL.UMMAN, VOL. XV.NO.4l' COLUMBIA UKMOOHAT, V0L.XLVI, NO. J; IIIm Honor anil ltljah- lie calk'il, ns ho entered njiy I ,1nor. the IJijah looked tip from his sweqiing ..,,,1 recomilaed him. It was Uio same ho liad not cono fifty feet, when a hand seized his collar and held him fast. He Was led back and locked up, nud when His Honor came in nud opened couit, thn old weenor was first to bo led out : "James Y. Jones," liegan the couit, l nm given lo understand that you can weep when occasion requires. "What occasion " "On all occasions when you can turn your tears into money. You told Bliah that vou had lost three children by penr- . . S . , i ... let lover home broken up wile run awnv out of money, and you wept." "And why shouldn't I ?" "Because you hadn't even a dog to lose by death. Your tears brought lumi) into his throat, nnd ho went down into his hind jiocket for half a dollar, You blessed linn and went way blessed him and stole vest." "And he's got it on now?" cried Bijah as lio looked closer, 1ms so lie has. I recognize 11 UJ" tboso buttons you sewed on with a darning-needlo and some kite string, John Y., you are a bad man." "I've pecn fiir-". "So have I, but thoy didnt hang around hero long. Let's sco 1 Ninety days will let you out just as Winter begins." "Oh, sir I" "And your tears will freeze as they fall, nud can bo put on exhibition." "Gimme ono more chance iustono 1" "Too late I You havo cried your ca reer to its end. Take him in, Bfjah.and chalk his back for a straight ninety. NOT (1001) FOB MELONS. "Phillip llornberger." "Dot's me." "Last night you felt liko eating wa termelon I" "Dot's me somo moro." 'Going to a grocery on Gratiot avonue you selected ono about the size of a sido hill, beat tho price down to thirty cents, and then tried to pay for it, with a door knob and six ten-penny nails." "But ho wouldn't took 'em." "No, and you kicked tlio melon lo pieces." "My foot slipped." "Well your .vhole body is going to slip this morning. I'll make it 5 or thirty days. "I rrurHn'T bavs dor cash and keen out of shall." "Verywell. Two and two aro four and ono is five. Next time pay for your melon." "Next time I puys a squash." "Suit yourself good morning hand out tho next go out of tho fioutdoor now then who's tho noxt victim 1" THE WHISKEY CL'UK. It was a mild-eyed, long-haired young man of 27, who answered to tho name of Donald O' Grinnel, and lio wanted to know of tlio Court if lio couldn't have ft glass of lemonade beforo his trial. :I feel all gone. 'Yes, I suppose so. l'vo never had tho sensation myself, but I've seen so much of it hero that I can imagine what it is. What idled you last night t" "I felt bad." "And what did you do for it V "Took a prescription." "Just so. It was a thumping big drink of whiskey oa top of two boors, wasn't it 7" "I I believe so, but I'm so gone that I can't tell." "Poor youth 1 You aro assistant to a llorist in tho snbuibs. You camo to town about dark last night with your hat on your ear and a desiro in your heart to mash some ono. You took a proserin tioa to give you further courage, and you went into a Michigan avenue storo and offered to chow tho proprietor into shavings for 2 cents. "Did I do that ?" 'Of nnnrsn vnn illil. Ynn ralleil vnnr- self tho War Kugiuo of Detroit, and you annoyed the man until lio mado your heels hit tho ceiling and then flung you into the alloy. "And then what ?" "Then you slept tho sleep of tho drunk, and your snores guided tho olli cers to the pot.' "Well, I'm awfully sorry "ies, so am I. Its a pit ;aty you nro not a statesman instead of a loafer. "I guess I'll begin from morning to bo a statesman." this very "I guess you won't I You'll begin this morning to go to tiio Work Houso for thrco months I" "That finishes mo ; I might as well dio at onco." "Well, do your dying in tho corridor. and please don't kick around and smash Bijah's now coal stove. Fall back and dio and mako room for tho next." WOL't.DNT TltY HIM. John McMasters was as mad as a boo with a pin in him as ho sailed out. He was little, and old, nnd bald-headed and gray, and ho had como down from the upper counties nnd got tight on a glass of beer, and set out to whip a telegraph poie wan one naim ucu ncniim mm. "I demand my disehargo 1" lio shouted as ho toed tho mark. "Well, you can't havo it," quietly I IHlf'll 111N lllllllir. :iH III IIIIIKIII'II It II II harvest applo from his pocket and began eating a. in "Who's going to try mo 1" "Nobody." "Yes thoio be I I demand to bo tried ! I'll seo if I'm to be collared on the street and hauled off to a bnstilo in this fashion." "What's tho chargo V "Diunkcinless." "I wasn't di unk I" "I didn't say you who. You can "1 won't stir a sto." "Oh, yes you will. I haven't go." anv timo to fool nway with suoh tempered om men i w you are, ami i won i try muni ,iv mi. en8y to ugu nml ng,lt.tlbe. Sold liy all '.m?" A,mi"Cft , druggists at 50 cents. On icceipt ojf CO "I lint b nothing. I can find you moro C0llt8 tna u ,,nekiigo. Send for cir- thnna doicn others in this city. Como ,U!ir wjh, fu information. lily's Cioam n , tv,, Balm Co., Owego, N. Y. For salo bv Iktiionldn-tgo. aua ;Bijnh l.nd K v. A. Kleim, Stow Rros., N, J. IIcip. plok liim np und catry 1.1m out. devbhott, and J. II. Kinporls. JIT"' r.n.ii Sdvaftijslrig ifctefl". - : m .(!) In on I7.no JAM an lion "00 II.OU 1100 is.ro It OMlneh ft. ' " faff) lift) saoo rrwoWMiiw. " Ttirw iwnn " ' " row Infhrti . ..am i.ixi (iuartrr ivitumn ... nc ni Unlf column woo li.m Ono column ion avm r,.m saoo -,-l n4vnHlaiiinuni n.rililA nl,irlf!V. Trnn- tlent (ulrcnlwmentb inu1 bo paid lor before viscrusj except wncro pariira imvb accounuv . 1yal advertisement two dollars per Inch for tnrco bTrUons, and At that ram tor additional Inacrtlooa without refcreneo to length. Kscculnris AdmlnlHtraWr'a, and Audlfira no'Jfles I ransicnt or Local notice, ten cents a Una, regula idvortlvjmcnw halt rates, cnrdi In tho "Business Directory" column, on loliar por rear tor eocu una Odd Items. CIIIIONK LOOSENESS OF Till! BOWELS results from imperfect digestion. Tho -causes lie in tho torpidity of the liver, A regular habit of body can bo secured . by taking Simmons Liver Hegulator to . aid digestion, to stimulnto tho dull and sluggish liver and rid mo system ot ex cessive and poisonous bile. Tho Ucguln- tor corrects acidity of tho stomncli, cures dyspepsia and pcrmnuently creates regu larity of the bowels alike freo from lax ity or cosliveiiess. "I havo never seen or tried such a simple, illlcneious,'satisfactory and pleas- ' nut remedy in my life ns Simmons Liver : , Hegulator. "II. Haincr. St. Louis, Mo " - iician, is upoKuu ui as iiiu vA.-jiuiium.-i m tho jirizo ring nnd the expounder of tho Constitution. Thev were speaking of a miser just de- '''' .oo,r,l lT"i,1 1m l,,oe mivlliinnl" "Itn , ce had to, 1.1 " . .' i ? r ' : Miti tllU JMUUIUU it 11C ITl Ul Fogg. "u PACTS. A letter from P. O. Sharpless.druggist, Marion, Ohio, in writing of Thomas' Kc- lectric Oil, says: "One man was cured of sore throat of eight years' standing with ono bottle. Wo havo n number of . eases of rheumatism that havo been cured when other remedies hnvo failed. Wo consider it tlio best medicine sold." According to Rothd-mel's historical picture, Gettysburg wns a drawn liattlo. Ho colored it afterwards. It is said that tho caglo "has a con tempt for all other birds." Tho owl, however, is more contciaptoua still; ho hoots at everything. AFTElt EIGHT I.0NO YEARS. CO. Jacobs,78Folsom Street Buffalo, writes thnt for eight long years he liad tried every known remedy to euro him of piles, also had been treated by physicians without success, when ho was ultimately cured by Thomas' liclectrio Oil. "No, sir," said he, "1 never beat my wife. When I think sho neods to suffer physical pain, I persuade her to try to drivo n nail." If a two wheeled vehiclo is a byciclo and a three wheeled a trycicle, it does not follow that the ono wheeled is an icicle. Jt is a wheelbarrow. VISIBLE lMPlJrjVEMF.NT. Mr. Noah Bates, Elmira, N. Y., writes: "About four years ago I had an attack of bilious fever, and never fully recov ered. My digestivo organs were weak ened and I would bo completely prostra ted for days. After using two bottles of your Burdock Blood Biltors the improvc- nient was so visible that I was aston- "M- i can now, inougn oi years oi "e, uo a lair ami reasonable uay s WUIK. x iiuu 2iuv, iiiui ni.u iu uuijio An editor received a letter from .1 sub scriber, asking him to publish a euro for applo tree worms, lio replied that ho could not suggest a euro until he knew what ailed the worms. "Your handwriting is very bad," said a gentleman once to a publio official. "Yes," lie replied; "but don't you see if I were to write better, people would'fiud out how I spell." i Habit, if not necessity, mak es a hair dressing such as Dr. Ayor's laboratory issues indifpensablo to many. Ayer'a Hair Vigor is ono of the most delightful we have over used. It restores not only tho color but gloss and luxurinnco to Faded gray hair. 'Why dost thou soar, my love?" sings Celia Thaxtor in an exchange Proba bly it is because ho has been trying to mount tho fiery, untamed bicycle, Celia. It will make any man sore. A New Brunswick (N. J.) 4-yenr old on seeing tho cook tako tho baked pota toes from tho oven, was astonished at one which burst its skin. "Oh, Annie," ho exclaimed, "there's ono all anlmt-. toned." Mr. Samuel MoKonzie, Cumberland, Md., writes: "I am 08 years of ago. About four years ngo I began to go into a decline. I buffered fromdyspeisia,stono in tho bladder, weak lungs, and general nervous debility. Nothing I tried did me any good until I used Brown's Iron Bitters. This remedy has mado mo ro- K,,ct n.,.1 u,-.nrr nn,1 T fnr.l oil il,n ftw, and activity of youth once moro in my veins." Ella "Wheeler is out with a now poem, "Mamma Will Not Leave Her Home." It is ono of those sad, pem-ivo strains which wrap a young man up iu melan cholic gloom like a largo looking glass tied up in a bed quilt. physicians' wine. New York physicians sav thnt thoy havo bepn using Spoor's Port Grapo Wiuo and Wino Bitters in their practice tor years, to iho cntiro satisiaction ot their patients and themselves, nnd tako great pleasure in recommending them to tho publio ns being all that is claimed lor them, and, in fact, tho most reliablo thev can find. It is esaeciallv recom mended for consumptives, tho aged and A. Kleim, druggist, Bloomsburg, Pa. "If you grasp a rattlesnake- firmly about tho neck, he cannot hurt you," says a western paper. Keeping about a block ahead of tho snake is also a good scheme. "There's somo things as old as tho hills, anyhow"," said old undo Roubon. "What aro thoy?" asked his nleco. re - I cliihl.' uieyro uio valleys betweoa cm, "Who giasps much holds little." Tho proprietors of lily's Cream Balm do not claim it to be a cine all, but a suio remedy for Catauh and Cataiihal Deaf ness, Colds in tho Head and Hay Fover. Cream Balm effectually cleansoB tlio nasal passages of catauhal virus, caus ing healthy secretions, allays inflamma tion and initation, ptotects tho membra ual linings of tho herd from additional oolds, completely heals the sores and le sions the seiibo of taste and smell. Ben eficial ri suits aro iculixid by a few ap plications. j tiioiongh treatment as dt- your n,ct0,i wjl euro catnrih. Tho balm is
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers