THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. S A Serious Warnltg to onr Farmm- Tlio following Iciti-r relates to r snbjoot ot oxtrnoruiimry hniioi liinco ; "To the EniToli oI'tiik Sun Sin l'ln tnCirm inn mIiuI he m'innl in-cit-at The worms I found in somu itl wlna', nml iho IlLs nrotinil die sULmftlui sruMtr 'I'lu v b?ititi to lly ab ml six o'clock In tl.n tvenlng, nnd linn ltl dowo bf the sMe'iif tli I'in. Aro thoy innrtywnr mniitrin r Ami will tin-jr Uj nny linrw, to tha hIio.ii?'' OloBudscrioer. vo regret mm itto writer 01 tlio nuovo omitted his Pust-Ollico ihliliVHH In his note, becnuso it ia iiuito Important that our readers sliouUl know from what part of tlio country noxious insects aro receiv ed, that tlicy may bo on tlio lookout for tho satuo species. Tho Hinall silky moths, of which our correspondent sends us specimens, aro tho parenta ot the worms round in lus wheat) nnd, furthermore,they aro among tho most destructive, insects known, be ing no other than tho noted Augonmois gram moth Uclccua ccrcalella), so named because llrst discovered in the provinco of Augoumois, Fiance, about lot) years ago. This iusect has caused tho destruction of thousands of bushels of corn, wheat and other kinds of grain in this country, and from present appearances It will soon mako tho Keeping of grain over winter a vory tlilllcult matter in tho United States, becaitso tlio moths deposit their ecus on tho grain in tho fall Hoon alter it m harvested, and tho worms work on it all through tho cold weather, as well ns in summer, whon stored m bins or giananes. If tho Gov anient or tho fanners of this country could arrest tho progress of this insect by expending 0,000,000 nt this time, it would be the best investment ever made by our people. Wo have been watching the progress (if this post for tho past ten years, and .find that it has become pretty well dis tributed over nearly nil tho grain-grow-iug regions in both tho Northern and Southern Slates. As early as 1702 this Bamo grain moth was so destructive in somo parts of Franco as to nearly cause a famino among tho people, and it would not bo at all strange if the same thing should noon occur in this country, ns no effort is being niado to check tho rava ges of this and soveral other imported grain-destroying insects. Remove all your grain, nnd havo it ground up or otherwise disposed of ; then thoroughly fumigate your granary with sulphur, or sprinkle with carbolic acid diluted with water. Do not nut any grain in tho bins this season, but .store it elsowhere, becauso every moth must either bo destroyed by poison or starved out boforo tho same building will bo a safo depository for any kind of grain again. Furthermore, your neighbors must do tho same, or tho moths will come from their barns to yours. Until rigorous measures are adopted, tho spread and ravages of such pests cannot bo prevent ed. Laws must bo enacted by tho gen eral Government for their suppression, and then enforced to tho very letter. As soon as European countries Hud that wo are sending them infested grain, they will want no morn of it nt any price ; and by that time our farmers will learn what it costs to harbor their enemies. iV. Y. Su. Uoep Ploughing. The Country Gentleman recently had an excellent article on ploughing, and as it was worthy tho attention of all farm ers, we givo a portion of it hero. Deep ploughing is not in tho favor it was somo years ago, and in somo localities and soils it is absolutely injurious. Thoso who practice deep ploughing do not com mend it ns tho crand panacea for all tho evils of jioor soil and imperfect culture as was common only a fow years ago. Regard is and should bo had to circum stances. Nobody now would think of deep ploughing ounliglit sand with little vegetable matter on tho surface. To turn this under ten, eight, or even six inches, is to almost irreparably ruin the field, f know strong heavy soils, with clay subsoil whero onu deep ploughing has required years of good culture, and hundreds of loads of runnuro to get it into good condition for cropping. It is reasonable to suppose that this would be so. It we have manuro enough to fer tilize an acre to the depth of four inches it will be less than half enough to fertil ize eight inches deep, for the under strata is always poorer than tho upper one, tin li) some previous deep ploughing has revei scd tho natural older of things. And if it has, nature does its utmost to restore the true order. It is not only that natural manuring is always on the surface, hut in dry weather and on dry soils fertility guneially tends towards light and air. If the soil is always or mostly saturated with water, fertility may "leach" out Hut usually the ten dency is the other way. Capillary at traction biings water with all it holds in solution, to the soil. Dissolve some pot ash, or lime, or phosphate in water, and turn it upon loose, loamy soil until satu rated. Tho eiy nextday a thick .crust will bo found on the Biiifaee, and if this bo analyzed it will show that much of the mineral has been brought up with tho water and left on tho surface as it evaporated. It in this tendency of iiiiii eialH to Iho surface which causes the hardening of soil that has been heavily manured with mineral feitilizers. liOSM of Cml. In responso tu correspondent, tl American Cultivator says: Lops of en 10 cud and making an artificial ono aro among the exploded fjllaeies of the day. The cow leech of the days gone by used to havo a particular compound for making n cud. Tho fact is, from the symptoms mentioned in your letter, it is evident that your cow's stomach is out of order. You havo been inflicting tlio very same bad practice upon your cow that hu man beings sometimes inflict upon them selves, that of overfeeding and with bim ilar results. If wo could understand the language of your cow, sho would no doubt complain of headache, and if you L'o in front of her you will find that her breath docs not smell sweet or natural, whilo her droppings are either hard or else indicate scouring. In cither ease, give tho animal a pound of Epsom salts. two ounces of gentian nnd two ounces of nitre, ah noon ns tlio cow begins to leel Letter you may rest assured that she will commence chewiim hor cud. Whenever tho cow stops chewing her cud sho is sick, nnu wheneycr,sho resumes tho prac tice she is convalescent. In conclusion, wo would ndvitc, if you ever call in a porson to consult in referenco to a sick cow nnd ho talks about a lost cud or innkiugmiother cud, get him out of the stable as soon ns you can, and dispense . ..ill. ..II 1.! -1...! HUH (111 Jilt JIIL'MUijlUOIIH. A prisoner who has been convicted nt least a half a dozen times is placed nt tho bar. "Your Honor, I should like to havo my cneo postponed for u week. My law yer is ill.'' "Jlut you were captured with your hand in this geiitlunnn'a pocket. What can your counsel say in your defensci" "Precisely so, your honor. That Uj what I am curious to know," ' Trials of a City Horticulturist. "I ain't having ns good luok with my plants this year ns usual." sliihed Mr. Miles,as ho dodged n blacking hi ush and contemplated tho wreck of a geranium bed on which tho missllo landed. "Why not T" asked a friend who had drODDPil around in mn (tin rf.inliiii "llecause," replied Mr. n boot llow past his ear nnd knocked over n I. ....... if.. 1 !.. il- ,.l . I uuiitiuiiii passion iiuwer, "ucoausc wneu i use mo nose to sprinkle tho slnubbery tho pcoiilo ui) stairs can't get anv water. You d hotter stand under the nrbor," he continued ns an ink bottle hissed through the air nnd crashed through a ro9o bush. "Thov nro do'inir llint. In nil rant, tnv nr. lentiou nnd mako mo turn the water off. If you should go out' there you might get hurt." "J Jut I should think it would injure your liowcts, suggested the guest. "It don't do Vm !inv itnnii." Mr. Miles, eyeing nn old oil can, as it ricotled throuuh a natch of fimnliina. "But what Is a fellow to do 7 Plants must havo wator. By Jovo I Thero goes my Japancso lily 1" and ho contemplated the soap dish Hint did it with n melan choly glance. "I don't seo any use in that. Those folks havo got all day to wnnh in. nml vol. tlinv irrnitrrn inn n fntv . ...... j 0..... .. hours in tho morning and ti few moro nt lnirht." "Can't you mako somo kind of nr- ...... I.. ...Wl. lt.... 9" l.kllUIllUllia 1WII1 tllUlll I "I haven't yet," replied Mr. Miles, turning tho hosonino toward a aloriout bed of verbenas. "There is whoo 1 tlicro goes my calla I" ho exclaimed, as a Cimtlillnm mnaliwl tlm frnf mnntn nirninut .. . . . V "O- - t no lenco. "i tnougiit a good dent ot that lily, but I reckon it nin t much good now. "Hut I wouldn't allow anybody to ruin mv irarden liko thatl" pvi'l.-iiiiioil tho guest indignantly. "I'knowjbut if I mako any fuss they'll cut ui, all the woise," moaned Mr. Miles ns n linnt. lnnlf oniurVit. him in Mm utnnll of tho back. "That was lucky, wasn't it?" ho grinned, "If it hadn't been for me halloa I that pink has outlived its usefulness I" ns n hummer ilnu-ii on it. "What I'm most afraid of is they'll git to heaving lurnituro and clocks and looking glasses down here." "vny on earth don tyou turn ott tho water and savo your llowers V "Can't 1 If T don't w.ilnr 'em I linv'11 die anyway, and I'm in hopes the folks .:ii .i:i. .i. 1 ; it in maiuuuii: uieu unns sometimes. Holv Smoke I Thnrn'a mv linlinlmnn hint ed 1" and ho gazed on the stnir rod that did tho damage with tearful eyes. "I've spent hundreds nf dollars on this garden and I hato to seo it bowled over liko ten pins. Thero goes a dahlia, but I don't mind that so much." "Did vour folks break in vnnr lint.hnnsn panes like that? ' asked tho visitor. "Oh, I don't know 1" sighed Mr. Miles. "i guess a eat tight got in tlieie. The cats are most as bad as the family. When one ain't shying bnc-a brao tho other will get up a prize row, and between 'em it puts me to expenses. Whew! thatjends M1V f IllinVnu. I" lilt Illl.tt1lllw1 ..a n lid banged through it. "I guess I'll l"t up now, or there won't be anything left to water to-morrow." And Mr. Miles coiled nn his linsf nml with n POl tillff Jook nt his wmlnhprl llnu-. er-beds, dodged a door knob nnd went inounuuuy to ins supper. liroolclyn JCagle. Yes, you can live cheaper in Europe than in this country, but you'll havo to cat more cold potatoes to do it. SET THE BEST. TET OZRCLA-ZEsTS. 11 " STKONO COMPETITION In the raanuacture of Organs is resulting in the production and ealo of cheap goods, made from inferior materials. I refer particularly to bogus Organs that are continually springing into existence without any merit whatever, except to bo offered cheap, and then when purchas ed found to he dear at any price. Will you not then, reador, If you Contemplate Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing the names of fust class, wholly responsible rankers. A good assortment of siyjes oi mo ccieoraieu iistey urgans can now bo seen at tho now rooms of the Only Authorized Agent foi tho Eafcey Organu in Columbia County. A guarantee for five years from tho manu facturers accompanies every Estcy Organ. June sj.fto-tt A TRUE m A PERFECT STRENGTHENED A SURE REVIVER. iiiux nro nmuijr quiring a certain and efficient tonic ; viitlertt Fercrt, Want of AjytelUe. Ixm of ino nirxMi, f irenyuicna 1110 in usees, umi givia now 1110 10 1110 iiurvcD, 'i lie net liko n charm on tlio digadTO orguus, removing all djrspcpllo symiitoms, Biieh aj Uuti)tgtheJ''ooJ,l(Ming,JlcatintheStonn,jriMrtourn,cti!, TllOOllIy Iron Prciturntioii that will nut blacken tlio teeth or nlvo licnilaolio. Bold liy all dnigglsU. "Write for tlio A II 0 Book, 3a n. ot useful uud amusing reading ttnt free. IHtOAVN CinailOAIj CO., Baltimore, Mil. B vmmmgn HMBjjW BWiK), dHSb. JeirUmMm by Meyer ahNrthttrfl Tho Groot Unfailing SPECIFIC rem Liver Complaint. T1IH HV.Ill'TO.IH 01' MVltll CIMll'I.AtNT nro unpfislnoKS and ruin In tlio sMc. sometlmcn pain In tho Mioultler. tml is mistaken tor rheumatism j til1 Htomapn H nfTpol.'il with 1 uw nf nmie'tllo Ann BlcknoBS) IiuwpIh, In irencral, coatlvr, twinctlme nlternallnif with Inx tlio head Is troubled tsltli pain, nnd dull, lioivy son adon s cor.Rlitcrablo loss ot memory, with painful sciisntlon of liavltijr left iiiiiHuiu mjiiifiningf men nugmio iinvu uitq tiunu t often eomDlalntTiLf of weakness, ilehllltv anrl low spltlto Mometlm 'smany of tlio nliove Bjinptoms attend tho dlieano, nnd nt other times very fow of them out tho liver is Kcncrally tho organ most 1UVU1YIU. ltUOl'tfATB TUB MVCIt, AND l'IIRVNT nyniirpxln. C'int limit .Iiiiiinltee. UlIloinAl- liirltx. rlilllrtfiiiil Focr, lli'MiliirliCt Tulle, lleirenliii uf MtilrliN, Sour Mom nrh, lltiulliurn, I'lleit, rle. Tonic:, Alterative unci Catlinrllc! Nlmmonn Liver llcgtilainr. pitrely vcsrctablo, Is iho meUlolno Kencrally list d In the South to arouse iho torpid i.Ucr to hoollhy uetlnu, ItnetN nllli cxlrnnrillnnry hmver mill flllcnrj ml Iho liver nml hhliies. Tho action of tho licffiitaior Is frco from nausea or Krlpluir. It Is tnosteffoctlvo In startlm,' tho secro llonsuf tho I.lvcr, cnusloc tho bllo to act as a cntli artlo. When thero Is an excess of bllo In iho Stom ach, iho Hoffiiintor Is nn nellvo purifo ; after tho re moval of tho bllo It will repulolo tho bowels and Impart vlpor nnd health to tho wholo system. I'rerarcd only by J. II. Zeilln & Co. Hold by all DrucKltis. Juno 34, 'Sl-ly fclBS. LYD!A E. P1NKIIAM. OF LYNN, MASS. LYD3A E. PENKHAM'S VEQEyAELS COMPOTOD. Tho Positive Cnro For all Fcmalo Complaints. ThlaprppnniUon, m Its iwmo nlffnincs, conslits of VpcpUWo I'ropei tics tliit aro lvtrnileart to tho moot del IcAtuliivalM. Vpon one trial tho merits ortUi Com rounj will bo rocoffntzwl, cw relief Is Immodlatoi nnd when it uw la continued, In nlnet y-nlno caws In a hun. dml,ntKnnancntcurclicfrcctO(lutliousn.n(la wUt tc tlf y. On account of it J j-roTcn mcrlt ft la to-day nv commonileJ iui J itrcscrlbod by tho bet phytlciani la tho country. It will euro entirely tho woret form of falling of tho utt-ru, Lcneorrluvo, lrresular and rful MenatnwtIon,nllOYarlanTroublet Inflammation and Ulceration, Floodlne, all Displacement and tho con oofiuontsrlnal vraluipaH,ftndia especially adapted t tlio Change of IJfo. ItwIUdlsoolTo and eipcd tumon fitiratlieutoittrtlnan early itaffo of dovelopment. Tlio tendency to cmccrous humori thero U chocked Tcry tp-yvUlybyltauw. I.I fact 1 1 hai prored to bo tho (Trent eft and bwt remedy that has eTcr lieen discover cl. It iwraicatca every portion of tho cystcm, and elves new Ufoand vlor. It removes faint ness.natulency, do , rt roj8 all eravtn j for stimulants, and relieves weakness t of tho stomarh Itcun'dlilontlnff, nendiwhes, Jfervous rrostratlon, 0 'nrral Dohiaty.pIccpIc&mcM, Dcpretslon nnd Indl CCfitlon. 'fliat f cclinff of bearing down, causing pain, wclplt and bncVithe, lrirlaya cmancr.tly cured l-y Itsuso. HwIU at ell times, and under all clrcumuUn ,c, act in harmony with tho law that govcrua tho ?fcmalosy$tem. Tor Kidney Complaints of cither sex this compouul Uunflurimsst'J. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound 1,1 prepared at 233 and 233 Wcotcni Avenue, Lynn, rive 1.00. Six 1 willies for $J W. Bent by mall lii tho form of plll9,als4ilntha form of Lounges, on receipt vt price, $1.00, per lx, for tlthcr. Jlrs. miCIUll f-.lyQwveiflallKtterK.f Inriulry, Bend for pain 1 l.Ict, Ad lres.1 aa abovo Mention tht$ pajy!r. J fanitlytliouW bo without U riXKIUM LlVEiipiLLg. They euro Coronation, EUlousnem nrfTfn -ityrf tV Tj r. CJc rtsperbox. , fe,xm$:j$ J. SJMaT!E12R, Agent, Bloomsburg, Pa TONIC rccommcnucti tor nil diseases re- i especially Jndirjtitiun, Jhtpepaui, Inter- Strength, JauJi of JCncr'fj, Ue. 1'nrrclics B Directions Catarrh ivild In tho insert with cariifie lialra Into tno nostrils i draw etron cieaiisuiK, " tho aiscasca monibrano. . . C"..'.I-f For mnlitcNH, ADtilr a, rarllclo Into tlio car. I$IiY8 (JUHAJI HALM Having pnlnril an envlablo local reputation, amnio elnir KlloHer iireparatlons In tlio Tlclnlty of uis diseorcrr, Is, on Its merits alono, rccognlert as a wonderful remedy wherever known. A fairinai will cotivltico the most fckcptlcnl of Its curative powers. K effectually clcanies Iho nasal rassagos of catarrhal virus, causing healthy scercllons, al la)B Inllammatlon anil Irritation, (.rotectstho mem. branallliiliiRs of Iho hcoa from adilllloiialcolds, completely heals tho sores, and restores tho sens; of tasto and smell. ilcnoflclallroHUlts nro realized by a fow applications. A thoiough treatment as qi reeled will cum Catarrh. Ab a household remedy for cold In tho head It Is unequalcd. Tho balm is easy to use and aerecablo. fold by druggists at so eoota. On receipt of 60 cents will mall a package Hcnrt for circular, with full information. KliY'H CltEAJt JIAII CO.,OwegO,N. T. foil sale In liloomsbnrgby Mover Iiros., C A. Klclra, N. .1. llcndershot t and J. h. Kin porta and by Whole salo Druggists generally.. !il,oci.tfl-ly d TENEKAl'i KLECTION rilOCLAMATION. I, tZAt, K. KNT, High Bhcrirt of Co lumbia county, Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, do hereby mako known and proclaim to tho qnallllcd electors of Columbia county that a general election Will bo hold on Tuesday, November 8th, 1881, Owing tlio Tuesday noxt following tho first Monday of Hald month) for tlio purpose oi electing tlio sev eral persons hereinafter named, to-wlt: Ono person for Stato TTeaBurer of Pcnnsjlvanla. Ono person for l'rothonotary ot Columbia county, Ono person for County Treasurer of Columbia county. ono porson for Hcglstcr and Hccorder ot Columbia county. Thrco persons tor County Commissioners ct Co lombia county. Thrco persons lor County Auditors ot Columbia county. Two persona for. Asscclato Judges ot Columbia county. I also hereby mike known and glvo notice that tho places of holding tho aforesaid election In the sever al wardi, boroughs, dl.-tilcis nnd townships within tlio county ot Columbian as follows, vizi Beaver township, at tho publlo houso ot Joseph II. inhuman. Ilenton township, nt tho publle nouso of Illram Hess, In tho town of Ilenton. East Bloom, nt tho Court llouso, In Bloomsburg. West Bloom, at tho Court House, In Bloomsburg. Borough of Berwick, ot tho omco ot W, J. Kuorr, In tho borough of Berwick. Borough of Centralla, nt tho publlo houso of Wll Ham Belter. Brlarcreek township, at tho publlo school houso near Kvansvllle. Catawlss.v township, ot tho publlo houso ot O. L. Kostenbaudcr A Co., in tlio town of Catawlssa. Centre township, at tho school houso near Lafay ctto Creasy's. North Conyngham District, at tho school houso near tho colliery ot John Anderson fi Co. South Conyncham District, at tlio houso of Mrs. Thomas Monroe. Flshlngcreck township, nt tho school houso near C. U. White's. Franklin township, nt tho I-awrcnco school house. (Ircenwood township, at thu houso of .. D. 1'atton. Hemlock township, at the public houso ot Chas. 11. Dletterfch, In tho town of Buck Horn. Jackson township, at tho houso ot Eeklel Colo. Locust townsldn. nt tlio public houso ot Daniel Knorr, In Numcrtla. Sliniln townshiD. at tho tiubllo houso ot Aaron Hess, In tho town of MinilnvlUe. Mndhon township, at tho public school houso in Jcrseytown. Mt, Pleasant township, at tho houso of If. w. Mclllck. Montour township, nt tho public houso ot lleubcn Hnueli, atliupert. Main township, nt tho publle house of Jeremiah E Longcnberger. l'oarlntrcrcok townshln. nt tho houso of Samuel Miller. Oranaro townshln. nt tho publlo houso of E. Unangst In Orangovtlle. rino township, nt tlio Centro School House, lately fixed by a voto ot tho citizens of said township. Sugarloaf township, at tho housu of Norman Colo. West Kcott at tho public houso of John ilekroth In Light Street. nast Scott township, at tho publlo houso of Jacob Miller, In Jispy. At all elections hereafter held under tho laws of tills Commonwealth, tho election pollsshall bo open ed ot seven o'clock In tho forenoon, and shall con tinue open without Interruption or adjournment until seven o'clock in tho evening when tho polls will bo closed. NOTICE IS 1IKUEIIY GIVEN. That every person excepting Justices of tho I'eaco and Aldermen, Notaries Vtibllc and Persons In tho lnllltlaHrUco of the State, who shall hold or shall within two mouths havo held any rim or appoint ment of prollt or trust under the Vr"d Stntes.orof this Hlttle. nnd cltvor cornornted dintrlet. whet hsr a commissioned ofliccr or otherwise, a subordinate olllcer or ngent wno is or Buau uo employed under llm Lecislnturc. Bxecutlvo or Judiciary DcDartment of this state, or of any city or of nny Incorporated district, nnd also, that eery member of Congress and ot tho Htato Legislature, and of tlio belect or common council of ouy city, or commissioners of any Incorporated dlstrlct.aro by law Incapable of holding or exercibinir at me biuuu iiiuu inu uiueuuriiiiiuuii mentof Judire. Inspector or Clerk ot nny elecflonof this commonwealth, and that no Inspector, Judge or 01 ncr oniccr ci hucn cieciiun buuu uo eugiuioiu ue then voted for. Thn Insneclora nnd .Tudiro of tho elections shall meet nt tho respective places unpointed for holding tho election In tho district to which they respectively uoiong, ueioro seven ociocu in inu morning, nnu each of said Inspectors shall appoint ono clerk, who shall bo a imallllcd voter of such district. Tho qualliled voterH of tho several districts In this county at all general, township bor ough and special elections, nro neaby hereafter authoilsed and icqulieo to voto by tickets pilntcd or wiltten, or partly pilntcd nnd pnitiy wiltten, sever ally classllled ns fellows: Ono ticket shall embrace the names of all Judges of Courts voted for, nud labelled, outside, "Judiciary;" one ticket shall em brace tho names of all tho Stato oillcers voted ror and to bo labelled "Mute;" ticket shall embrace tho names of all county officers voted for, Including tlio oiueo oi rcnaior, ana jucmncrg oi As sembly. If voted for. nnd members of concicss. if voted for, and bo labelled "County ;" one ticket shall enioraco inu names ui uu luwiibiup uniccre luiruiur, and bo labelled "Tow nshlp ;" ono ticket shall em Draco tho names of all borough oniccra v otcd for, and bo labelled "Borough." And each class bhaU bo deposited InBCparato bal lot boxes. CZAL 11 KNT, Sbcrltrsonicc, Blocmsburg, Sherltr. Stpttmberio, 'Sl-tt ftiiut utnt tree to U" r- tho most pleas am ,n 1 Inown, Kveothli Nt quired. Wc will In tutnt tree to thciuwho wimto engage in uni ana promuDic ousincss ang new. capital not ro fuinlsh vnu even thine. flO adoyaid urwarda Is easily made without staying fiwuy jnui lAiuv uver uiifiii. nu tisb. wuaiever. Many new veikeis wanted at once. Many aro mak ing tortunes at the business Indies make as much at rren, iLd jciing tiojB and girls make great pay. No one who u willing to work fi Us to make more money every day than can be made In aw cck at any oraiLary tuiplcju.ect. Itcte who engage atonce will tta a then rct.dto rortuns. Adorusli llur Hit ( (., If ititrc. Xnlte. ret. is. o-ly TBE HBlKSffiGfflTCHlNE Whoroas, tho world renowned reputation of tho "White bewiiig Machine Induces many unscrupulous competitors to rtBort to all kinds of mean tricks to Injure Kb reputation, wo beg to rautlon all intending purchasers not to buy a White Machine except from Its regular authorized dealers, who will be sustained by thu following warranty. WB WAH1IANT TUB NATUltAL WEAK AND TEAlt or Tno White Slmlile Sewine Machine, PLATE NUMBRH 10:i!l3fl KOH FAMILY I'Ulll'O SICS. AND HK1IEUV AOltKK TO KHE1' THE SAME IN ItlSl'Ain FOB Till! TKHM OF I'lVK VKA11M FBOM THIS DATE, FHEB Ci' CHAKOB. Thts warranty excepts tho breukago of needles bulitlnsaiid shuttles. This warranty win not be sustained unless the plato number abovo Klven correepouda with tho number on tho shutilo racoBlldo, liuwaro of defacod ur luierea numuers. WHITE SKWlNIl MACHINE CO. Tho "WHITE" Shuttle Swing Maehlno Has OHiiTKR cincn y than any other family Sewing Machine tor doing every variety of work. J, SALTZRK, (lenoral Agent, Ulocmiifctug, Fa. Oct t, .. LATEST STYLES OP VCRi'IMnMM'W For Mil 'COLUMBIAN OtTIOE.' nirnfitinns 1.1 BLOOMSBURG STATE NOKMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NO EM AL SCHOOL DISTE10T. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. Tinsson BUlldlngfl BprlnB watc; Location n moderate t Court of L,aa at present constituted, offers tho very best facilities for Professional and Classical jlbus, Inviting nnd commodious ; completely heated by steam, well ventilated, Ujhted by Ithful, nnu easy of ncccsi. Toachoi soxporlenccd, cfllclent, nnd allvo to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and thorougn, ,1 cents a week deduction to all oxpcctlng to teach, students admitted at any tlmo. Itooms reserved when desired, tudy prescribed by tho State I I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. AiHnnp.t Courses! I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course In Music. IV. Course In Tho Elementary. Sclentlflo and Classical Courses nro IMIOFHSSIONAL, and Students graduatng therein, receive Stato Diplomas, ,confcrrln;j the iJoHowtn corresponding Degrees! Mastcrot tlioISlcmcnU: Mastorof tho Sciences! Mastorot thoClasslcs. uraduates In tho other Courses recelvo Normal Lortlllcatcs inoiraiiainmcniBsignea vy inu uiiiccra or ino noiirii ui j ihw, ....... ... Tho cou rso of stud y prescribed by tho Stato Is liberal, and tho 8 clonttrto and Classical courses nro not Inferior to thoso ot our best toncges. ...,. .,, ..... .hi.,......,.., .tti....t.iH 'Ph. ..... nnri I. I, Id nnnnf llm nrimn nhlnf a nf Mil. Mfhnn! tn linln In SfPllfrt It. llV IlimlSnlnt? iniClll- gont and cniclcntTcachers for her schools. Tothlsondlt solldts young persons ot good abilities and good purposos,-lliosowh"dcslrctolmprovotl timo nnd their talents, as students. To all such It promlsca atdlu developing their powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor after leaving school, for uaiaioguo.aciaressinorrincipni. HON. WIl.I.lA.H i;i,Vi:i.l rrclilent Ilonril sopt.a.'ja.- One of the problems of Gootl nnd Comfortable Living -15 THE MATTER OF CLOTHING. STYL EXAMINE ounSTOCIv or YOUTHS 1JOYS ani CIIILDKENS GLiOTI-IIKTG- AVELLMADE OLOTII1NQ AT THE VERY LOWEST 1'IUCES. HATS ron MEN, HOYS, YOUTHS, AND OHJUmEN. SHIRTS, PEARL WHITE, 15ICYCLE SHIHTS, LATEST OUT. MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Perfect Fits, Latest Styles, Full Satisfaction. CALL AND EXAMINE THE LAEGES'i1 STOCK OP CLOTHING and CASSIMERES1N THE COUNTY A Full Line of Furbishing Goods. Ileadquarters for TRUNKS, SATCHELS, VALISES THE DAVIS. $1,000 REWARD, ONE THOUSAND (1,000) DOLLARS I'REMIUM oflVied 10 ANY PERSON that will 1I0 bb GREAT A 1UNGE OP WORK on ANY OTHER MACHINE. WHAT THE BIW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. It will raako wldo licm on Burets, c, licra all manner ot blaH woolen eoods, as tolt merino, crari", or (roods difficult to nem on oilier It makes a moro elastic Btltcn than any otlicr machine. It will turn a hem and put In piping at same time, It will turn a hem. ecw braid on the right Bide ana stitch on trimming at one operation. It will do fclllnc bias or straight, cither on cotton or woolen goods. It will fell across let ma on any goods. I will hlDd a Dms or Mdrtand tew on facing, cither with er without showing mtehcB: Und Drees (loods wllh the some material, either EcallopB,polnts, fquaresor etialght. H10 only maehlno tluilwfll bind Hats, Cloaks, or other 01 ticks wllh bias, failn or silk, from x to a inchtsln width, wltl.out bastmg. It will gather with or without tcwlDg on. Itwlllgather between two pltcesandscwonat tho samo time. K win mako amnio and Btltchn pillow slip on to tho facing at the tamo time. it will shirr any kind of goods. It will mako plaited trimming cllhor with or with out sewing It on. It win moko plaited trimming cither scallapcd or straight, and hvw a plplpg on at thebamu time. It will mako knlfo plaiting, J. SALTZER, Qen'l Agont, liloumsburg, Pn. oct. 1, '80-tf. HIDES. Tho Highest Markot Prico in Cash 1'AIDFOK ALL KINDS OF IIII1B8 AT A. SOLLEDER'S I.cnlier mul felioc I liulliif; floro JIain Stkekt, Opposite Stone Cjiuhcu, BL001ISBUKG, PA. April 8, "60-ly i rt i 3 11 A VJ, IL. E..V Jl) i'ttrttoila 1'iirtmtlva I'tlf ,miL,. K'..w l'lrl, Ill.xfl. lllnl will coiiii.h.lcly ihiiiivii lilt IiIih il In lioiMllro8vlJHi 111 llii'iu nnlht, Auviieiwii Uli will lain 1 pill Iinlslit riiniiltn I'jwi ckq (ii'iylioiUiriiltoiioiincl lirallh. If mu lia UHug bo JKisillilii. Si nt liv 111 1 1 fur 8 li for unriiiw. J. ,V. JOtlSStlX ,f CO., Jloatun, Mima., funwrltl f ''(' Jlfc. aimlnuui. u will mm knit a linut mriny of funcr- for clrrulw n4 tenm to tho UM omlily KnlMlnfr BiBcliiua t)o., iJ W'Miaaiiwn St., Ikmtuu, Uu, may e, "Sj.iy aid BIEATT'Vfl organs 18 UBcrul Btops, Dsoureods tiiifiiii. oilly Ids. I'lanos llss up. ivjuua. Ontuloir. freo. AbuutB IU ally, Wuthlngton, N.J, may 6, "Sl-ly (UU LEGAL BLANKS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT TH18 QYVKfL. of Trustee. I1USINESS AND DIlKtfS SIIlllTS, handsome tatterns des1rai5ee styles is our motto. JvuTiTTInio OF FALL STYLES JUST RECEIVED. POBT GRAPE WiNE UEed In the principal Churches for communion purposes. EXCELLENT FOR LABIJ S AND WEAKLY PERSONS A1ID THE AGED. Speer'n Fort Grape WiDe FOUR YEARS OLD. This Celebrated Natlvo M'tno Is made from tho Julco of tho Oporto Urapo ralaccl In this country Its Invaluable Tonio and Strengthening Properties aro unsurpassed by any other Native Wlno. Ilclrig the puro Julco of tho Grape, produced under Mr. Hrter's own personal supervMnn, Its purity and genuineness aro gurantced. Tho youngest child may parrnke of Its generous qualltles.and tho weak ebt Invalid ubo It to advantage. It Is particularly boninclal to tho aged and debilitated, and suited to tho various atlmcnta that afreet the weaker sox. It Is In every respect a wink 10 be iielied on. SPEER'S JP. JT. Sherry, Tho r. J. BIIEH11Y Is a Wlno of Bupcrtorcharacter and partakes ct tho golden quallliesot the grape, from which It Is raado. For Purity, HlchneBS,Flavor and llcdlcal l'ropertles, It w 111 be found unexcelled. SPEER'S JP. JT.HrsiiMly. This UKANDY BtaLda unrivaled In this Country, being far huptrlor for medical purposes. IT 18 A I'llIlK dinillatlon f 1 cm the grapo and con tains valuable medical properties. It has a delicate flavor, Flmllur to that of Iho grapes frc m which It Is diatllcd,nnd Is In great favor among llrM class families, Bco that tho slBEaluro tf AI.FIIED BrEEH.rassalo N. J., fa ou r tho corK of each bottle. SOLD BY O. dl'0 24 'SO t- A. KLEIM. To Nervous Sufferers Tho Great European Eoaedy. pr. j, b. Biuraox'S'sriciFio IIXniClME. Dr. J. II. Simpson's Kpcclflo Medlclno Is a positive cuieforou'iworkotbodyor bruin or excess of any kind, such as weakness and all diseases resulting from Nervous Debility, lirltablltty.Mtmal Anxiety, languor, LasslluUe, Dcrrebslon 01 bplills and funo tlonal dorangemcnts of thn nirvons uttiin ten orally, rains In the nacic or iuo, iAtuv 01 memory, rrema turn old age and UI eaBcu uiui ieaa u coufcinptlon, lnsaul ty 4: an early graTi or both. Noinattei how fihattered th( system may bo from excesses o t a 11 kind, a Bhortcoureo 01 Una uuiliciiiu wTIlTCSloTirtEu lost functions nnd procure health and happiness where before waa despondency and gloom. The Bpc clile W calcine Is being used with wonderful success. Pamphlets Bent free U aU. Write for them and get full rartrlcular. l'rlce, Bprcltlo $1.00 per package, or six packages for f 5,( 0. Will bo sent by mall ou receipt of money. AciurcBB an omens, j. 11. Biiii'MUN's MEDICINE CO. Noa. 1M and lie iluln ttrctt, Iluffalo. N,Y. lob.II,HHt TJfTAINWRiaHT & CO., WUOLESALB UHOOBltS, Vmiujxunu, Dealers tn TKAB, BYItUl'B, COVKEE, BDOAlt, JlOLiSHBH mm, ariox, xicisi bodi, Jnx, no. . & OorsM BtOMva ua JUti ttrtMc, loarnlng. ,i.inf n,irfw,rt gas, and furnished vrlth a bountiful supply of purc.son Expcnsot Art. V. Course In Culliirc. ,,.,.,. . . P.P. BILLMEH, Secretary, TRENEWE V nin tieen In ronatnn f uso by tho publlo Tor over twenty years, nnd la tho beat preparation over Invented for HESTOR 1NO OKAY IIAIK TO ITS YOUTIIFDI. COLOIl AND Tho Stato Assayor and Ohemist of Mass. and leading ondorso and it as a great triumph in medi cine LIFK, It supplies tlio nntnrnl food nml color to tho lialr glands without staining tho sliln. It will lncrcnto nnd thicken tho growth of tlio hair, prevent Its blanching and falling off, nnd thus AVI211T 11AI.DMSSS, It curcB Itching, Ernji. tlons nnd nandruff. As n IIAIK DRESSING It Is very deslrnlilo, giving tlio lialr n silken softness which nil ndmlro. It ltccpa tho head clean, Huuct nnd healthy. CWNGHAM'S byg ' WHISKERS will change tho beard to n UKOYTN or BIuVCK at discretion. Doing In ono preparation It Is easily applied, nnd produces n permanent color that will not wash off. l'KUl'AKUIl liY R, P. HALL & CO,, NASHUA, N.H. Sold by all Dealers In Hodlcbei Dauchy & Go's. Advt's. IS Oct&vort,4 ecta Itnl lhuh.Haii,Oi;tJvvo Coupler, I I IUHOIUI Diop. jirucim. p uarH' trttl. noautlfauy IlliihtrAtfvl (JatalnimtwUn Sep. 23-SW d VidnlbtrltL t;i',C'iV.:t. r.;i;TAi.Tii'i.Ar.i:uv2cr.Cr. Tut'd lire. 7, 1SSO. UA'-J ' .fllvcsa IJrUliatit, Whlto and Stonily light, requires no trimming, and lasts for months. Hamplowlek nets., a wicks 2 cts., u wicks iscts. 1 ost go rnlrt. Have thrie tlzes, A, II and I). Agents wanted. AdilieM) MCTAu '111'i.AMl' WICK CO., "0 coi Hand st reet, N. Y. Bcp. n-iw BOLD MFD&I tilt Anthnr A iu...nH .1, liAlWnrli cboapuht, lodnw-uriablo to everr man.ontiUwl Uie Ucienco of Iif o or,8lf-lnwtirTatton ;M bonndin tirniat I'Vtinch inoslmmboeaed. full mltJ&XlDn.contAjrutlMiftniirnl Uons, prico onljf $Lffli cent bj f rnil ; illoBtritod Bample, 6 cont ; KNOW THYSELF.&Si' ttp.28, 4-W d IS AND Paper Hanging. WM, F. BODINEi 1UON (ST., DELOW BEtOND, llLOOWSDl'110, rA la prepared to do all kinds of nOTJSE PAINTING ' Plain and Ornamental, PAPER HANGING, 110TH DECOItATIVK AND PLAIN. All KlnilN ol'I'iiriilltiro ncimlrcd. ami made an gooil ns new. NONE BUT mtST-CLABS WOItKMEN FMPLOYED Estimates IVXado on all Work. WM. P. BOD1NE. (P 1 A p.u,nt luf'thcd free, with full Instruc- ufnnJ ?m,Vhh a t0 10 learn, ad our ,r i "0,"u cunmijiju umi piaio.itiat any ono clnEArj,tf'!!?, fi..,,!'!.'n,?.u;1 ni 1 ?, Kltlscan tain large sums. rtr in,.!,, i u';s ovrouo hundred ita.if "ahHI'F1" wuk' NMl'liKlllio It ever known mil? m .''?.. '"if F. "Ofcuri'tlfctd atthecaso iUA?1 'J."y cl1 ,b' "to able to make imJ, ifS? Vf?;?.' W ttf V""1,,,-..You d0 Et avo to Jfiif yial We ,a'fl 11 1 th risk. Thoso who iXndi;.moSlljt,V,m wrl,oto usatonS. All om woLiS' ADlf"M 1 " 4 AuBusta,Malno J. W. RAEDER, PRACTICAL LOOK BINDER No 1 10 WlihT H!iIIHl:T hTHKlIT, WIIKES-BABRE, PA. Illiulh nil tlm currrnt imbllca UonH In miy Mjlejou may tic nitv. SnilhliHilon biix i all ied. Correspondence solicited P. 0. Box ICO. P. 8. Careful attention given lo M. C. MS & BRO. iiLoosisuvnci, PA, Manulacturura ot Oarringoo, BnggloB, Phaotono, Blolglo, l'LATTOKM WAUON8,Jto. yirat-clxM work alwaja on hand. lUU'AUUNQ NBATLY DONE. .a wtm&mtt 'II II wrn RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES PKNNSYLVANlA UAUItOAl). l-mi , UKI.l'lllA & EHIB li. It. DIVISION ULA' SUMMElt TIME TAHI,R, On nnd nftor Sundty. Juno vimi. n.. . . on tho Philadelphia Krlo Ita:iroad DIvIpIm i n!l,t as follows i ""wniuun, WBSTWAHI). Krlo Mall leaves riilladelplih n r " llarrtshurn isi?5 " ' JcraoyHioro ono.!11 fjoclc'llavcn 5 . " "5? liSJS Niagara Express leaves riuladclpliia 0 m 1 5 arr.atWllllamsport 3 sKS " Lock llnvcn .imRS lleuovo Knnn Fast Lino leaves Philadelphia lsiopn nrrlvo at willlamsport tmSS " Lock Haven 010SS EAbTWAItl). PQ raclflc Kxrrcss loaves Lock Itavnn Jersey s,oro TSTni arr.;Ut,r Sss Day Express loaves Hcnovo in in! 5 Lock Haven iimSS WMlllamsport lJMpm " arrlvoat HnrrlsUurif sShS . :; :; , ?s Krlo Mall leaves Konovo "i?inS ' ' Ixick Haven 10 Jog " " Wllllamiport llMfiS arrives at I larrlsburg i ooaS 11 , " l'liiiadelpum tm2S Fast Lino leaves Willlamsport UisiS arrlvos nt Harrlsburp 3 j J 5 " " 1'hlladclpCla I83nm Erlo Mall and Fast Lino west and Pacific r.. East mako close connections nt Nortliuraiifffl will, T. Jf 11 11 11. Imlh. ,..f.." . UWrlfmJ Erlo Mall West, Niagara Expro3s West nni r, Lino ivestmaKO cioso connection at Wlilloimt; withN.U. II. W.traUis north. """omst Niagara Express West and Day Expresi h& mako closo counectlun at Lock Haven with n t H. It. trains. '' Erlo JIall oast and West connect nt Erlo wik trains on L. S. &M. 8. It. It. i nt Com wit"?) c P.4. W. It. IM at Emporium with 11. N. Y.l' v v nnd nt Driftwood with A. Parlor cars will run between riillalelrihla . WlUamsport on Ntoirara Express west, ami lav t, press last. Sleeping ears 011 all nlslit trains WM.A. lULinuv Oencral bupt, JOUTHKUN CENTRAL RAILWAY SubuaS'to'lIor ,U"' 169t' lralM "W WOUTIIWAUD, Northern Express can n. m arrive Elmlra U.opu jurivu uv uauanaaigua 3,25 p. n " ltochcstcr 4.M " Niagara. SH Niagara Express 1.05 p. m. nrrlvo Eitnlra 0,05 p a nrrivo uanauuaigua8,35 " ltocliester 045 " Niagara 12.Mta Fast lino 0.10 p m nrrlvo Elmlra lLdspa " Wntklns 11,65pm SOUTUWAltD. Southern Express 1.82 a. tn. arrlvo Itarrlsb'g 3.131B arrlvo Philadelphia J.3S " Now York 10.35 " llaltlinoro 1.40 " Washington 9,03 1 a Faclflo Express 10.00 a m nrrlvo Harrlsb'g mm p a arrlvo Philadelphia 3.43 p a " Now York ess " llaltlinoro c.j) " Washington 7.81 Day Exprcssl.m p m arrlvo Harrisburg s.iopa ' riilladelplil.i C.41 . " NcvvYoik 11.30 " Ualtlmoro CSS " Washington J.5J Erlo Mall 1.05 n. m. nrrlvo Ilarrlsburg 3fja,n " Philadelphia T.35 " Now York 0.35 11 Ualtlmoro 7.40 11 Washington 9 01 L. 1'. FAltMKIl, tloneral I'asacngcr Af ett. I'UANIC THOMSON, Ocneral Manapr. pUILADELPHA AND READING 110AD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGEE TRAINS. Juno 117, 1SS1. TRAINS I.KAVK Ilt'rKKT AS rOU.OWB(8mDAVXICEml For Now York, fhlladolphla, Heading, PottSTlM Tnmaqun, Ac, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. 7,20 and 0,43 p. m. For Willlamsport, o,ls 8,50 n. m. and 4,00 p. a, TRAINS FOB KUTIRT LKAVK AS FOLLOWS, (SCKD1T I CBrTRU.l Loavo Now York, via. Tnmanend 0,ou a. ra. uJ via. Hound Ilrook Houto 7,45 a. m. Loavo Philadelphia, 9,40 a. rn. I)avo Heading, ll.HBa. m., rottsvHlo,18,iwp.B andTamaqua,l,35p. m. Loavo Catawlssa, 0,10 8,40 a. m. nnd 4,00 p. 1a. Leave W!lllamsport,9.45 a.m,2,oo p. m. ami 4,s ) p. a I'asscngora to and from Now York, via. Taut nend nnd to nnd from Philadelphia go tUrouSJ without change ot cars. J. E. WOOTTKN, General Maniigir, C. O. IIANCOOK, Oonoral Passenger and Ticket Agent. Jan.10, l-SBl tf. TiELAWARE, LACKAWANNA ANS XJ WESTERN HA1LUOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. Tlmc-Tablo No. 89, Takes offoct at 4:30 A. I MONDAY. JUNE 10, 187S, NOHTH, STATIONS. SOUTH-. p.m. p.m. a.m. CO 8 49 a 35 44 9 &S 3 40 9 17 9 81 8 31 V 10 9 i!:l 8 24 9 14 9 17 3 IS 9 Oil 9 11 3 13 9 UI 9 10 3 0.) 8 SI 9 00 il 6S 8 64 li 47 8 Bl ! 40 8 48 9 30 8 42 2 10 8 S3 8 35 2 05 8 31 8 21 1 45 8 20 8 (13 1 25 S 11 B 01 1 15 8 04 T 65 1 00 T fiS 7 43 12 45 7 44 12 3.1 1 CO 7 40 12 !9 7 40 7 82 13 12 T S9 7 28 12 00 7 83 7 20 11 CO T 23 7 IB 11 80 7 21 G 67 10 GO 7 08 5 45 6 3) JO 00 6 43 p.m. a.m. a.m. i.m. n m. D.m Scran ton ......llcllevuo .....Taylorvlllo.,.. ..Lackawanna...., l-lttston . West Plttston... .....Wyoming, ........Maltby Hennolt .... Kings ton , Klnirston 9 60 2 15 2 91 tO 9 42 '' t 9 60 3 31 6U 9 67 2 11 I" in IIT 1 17 IK 1U 02 2 5i 1 " s:h in 2 5) Til 10 1' a jj 1 10 1 8 8 03 1 1 8 m iii 10 20 a 11 1 w j 111 SOI 10 34 3 !l S 10 43 3 33 S 10 t6 3W S!l 11 07 4 03 111 11 13 4 10 11 2J 4 18 SJ 4 a )3 III 4 S3 1 11 39 4 42 I 11 43 4 49 III 11 6) 4 4) IN 11 67 6 00 I II 12 18 6 IS ; 3 18 8 u30 Oil 12 45 6 15 I ..Plymouth Juno..1 ....riymouui...., Avondalo , Nantlcoko Uunlock's creek ,.Bhlckshlnny..... ....hick's perry.... ....lloach Haven... llerwlck .... ..llrlar crock..... Willow arovo.... Llmo lUdgo .......... .Lspy ...Uloomsburg HUDcrt Catawlssa Urldge. ..uanvtue ..Chulasky, ..Cameron .Northumberland. p.m. p.m. W. F. nALSTEAD, bOPt BnporlntendentD Offlco, soranton, Juno 10, lsis, THE GREAT BUHTjINGTON JIOVTK HTNo other lino runs Thrco Throutili ra Benger Trnins Dally botween uiiiihk". ? Moines, Council llliilTs, Omaha. Lincoln, . I Joseph, Atchison, Topckn and KansiiJ LHJ Direct connccllons fur all points In ""S Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, Aj vailn, Now Mexico, Ariiona, Idaho, Ort-gouwia California. , ... . Tho Btiortost, Speediest nnd Most CmnforlJ Wo Houto vlallannlbal to Fort Scott. Den ; Dallas, Houston, Austin. San Antonio, (lulvw ton und all polms In Texas. . . ,,,,, . Tho nncqualed Imluecmonta offered w w I.lno to Travelers and Tourists, nro aa f'!1,1"" Tho eolobrated I'liUinan (18-wliecll I ' Bleoplnsr Cnrs. run only on thin Lino. t.. li O. I'alaco Drawlng-Hoom Cars, with Hor';?.! Uccllnlng Chairs. No extra charge, for mj In ltecllnlnir Clialrn. Tho famous I'alaco DlnlnifCnrs. Oorgoous Hniok ng lilted with Elegant High-Hacked Itn""","',. vnlvlnet Chairs for tbo exclusive uso of um class p'iseiiBors. , , ,,m. Btccl Track and Buporior EnulPW1,'S. Wncd with their Oroat Through CarArraaJff ment, makes thls,abovo allotlior,tliofMurii Houto to tho South, Boulu-Wost, and to Try It, and you will Und travollng aluiutf Instead of a discomfort. . . , , ,1.1 Through Tickets via Oil Colcbratei WJ! for salo nt all oUleos In tho Unltod btatu J (Junaila. All Information about Ilatos of Faro. rW Inir Car Accommmlatlons, Tlmo Tables, will Iw choorfully irlvon by applying J. Q. A. IIKAN. Oen'l Kastcoi Agent, atXI Wanlilngton Bt., Ik)Stii. mid ai7 llroiidwoy, N' '"' JAMES IL WOOD. (Ion. Vass. Afft.. fbiwir It 'Ti'Kli, lien. Wansor, U-