0 THE OOLUMBUH. - - - III.OOItSDUB(l, Fill DAT OCTOIlEtt Jth, lfil. I'DDLIO BALK3, I. K. Krlckbiimn, rvlmtnlitrator of Peter Applemsn, deceased, oflern valuable lands of said elecetvecl,ln Benton town-hip, at jitivftlo gate. See advertisement. Tlio executors of ThonmsOlbbona offer real estate at private mlo. Boe advertisement. Uarrlck Mattery, Adiulnlotralor of O. II. Well, will expose real estate lo public sain on the iprcmUo In Ikrnlckon November 10. Our rciuovnl to the new office, nnd tbe pur chico of new typo nnd machinery will cost tin abmit $1500. All persnn Indebted to us are earnestly requostid to folllo wliboiil delay, bo that we can tnfot our bills when due. We are sending, statements out as rapidly an they can bo prepared, and we hope no one will lake of fense at bolng asked toVquare accounts. 100 ttoro boxes for sale by Alexander & Woodhoiue. BNck and white oatrlch plumes will bo used In trimming Fall hats. Look out fur liorao thieves. They a robe coming unpleasantly numerous throughout the Slate. A cherry treo In full bloom adorns the prem ises of W. B. Frerw, In Berwick. Such n curl- onity Is worth n vlit. Tbe Columbia County Merchants Ansocla. tlon will meet at their ball this, Friday, eve ning at eight o'clock. The woods on theCntawlssa mountains were oa fito last week, but a timely fall of rain ex tinguished the flames. Tho Friendship Firo company will given tall in Browei's Hall on the", evenings of Thursday and Friday during the Fair. A crack in one of tho boilers at Lockards' car works boa necessitated a partial suspension of work until repairs are made. Adolphus Kester who waa sent to jail in de fault ol bail for disorderly conduct, bas secured bondsmen and la now at liberty. It Is reported that the crop of wild pigeons is very large this season In Pennsylvania Have you seen any in thU vicinity? Tumors, erysipelas, mercurial disease?, scrof ula, and general debil ity curid by "Dr. Lind- iey'd Blood Bearcher." oct The Bloomsburg Cornet Band will given concort and dance ut Sterner'a Hill, this, Frl day, evening, and a pleasant titno is promised, In tho yard of J. F. Caldwe H's bakery, Main and Centre street?, there is an npple tree in blossom, lliero snoend to the wonder tbi year. Rev. B. B. Ilenchey, of Northumberland, will preach in the Baptist church of thn town, next Sunday morning and evening, at the usual hours. The sovnnteenth annual convention of the Pennsylvania State Sunday School Association will be held at Johnstown October 18th and 19th. ; Annie Muller committed suicido In Detroit because her sweetheart gave his trousers to an- .other girl to tnend. Veritablo breeches of the ;peace were they. Two lots, with good house, barn and out buildings on each, for sale, in Bloomsburg. In quire of William Kmckuaum. july 29-tf Malaria has Invaded the Milton Arqiis estab lishment and prostrated tbe editor and two coin pod lorn. The paper appeared last week by dint of much exertion. Fob Sams. A desirable building lot in Bloomsburg, corner of Main and Went streets. Price reasonable, terms to suit purchaser. In quire of Geo. E. Elwell. Arrangements are being made to supply Mt. Carmcl and Ceutralia with water, by the Brush Valley water works, for which a charter has been applied and $20,000 subscribed. Monday last was (be most Boleran of fasts in the Jewish calendar. It is known as Yom JCippur, tbe great Day of Atonement, and it is strictly observed by tho orthodox Jews. The "Cheap Store" will return to Blooms burg about the 10th or 12th Inst, and our peo ple aro notified to expect great harcaius, aa the balance of the stock must be closed out. Cards are out fur the wedding ot Mr. Levi Waller and Miss Buckalew, daughter of Hon C R. Buckalew, at St. Paul's church on Wed-. ueeday afternoon, Oclo. 12lb, at half past one William Kramer bas sold his utoro business to G M. & J. K. Lockard who will hereafter conduct it themselves. We understand that Mr. Kramer will act for tbe Lockards as storekeeper. The statement mode in many of thenowspa pers of the Slate that firemen aro exempt from taxation, to Ihe amount of $5, proves to be un true. Careful search by lawyers fails to bring .to light any such law. Navigation on tho West Branch canal.whlch has been suspended for several weeks on ac count of low water, waa resumed on Sunday, large number of boats loaded with lumber are mow going through. The Sunbury Gatette is a very independent or nnn-rnmmittnl Renublican loumal and holsta the names of both Wolfe anil Baily for State Treasurer. "You pays your money ana yoa takes your choice." Burglars have again appeared in Sunbury and three houses were recently entered ana ran sacked. Blootnsbarg bas not been moleted by these marauders, but It would bo well for our citiiens to bolt and bar doors and windows after dark. The pump in front of tbe Central Hotel was .removed last Satuiday, after 70 years of useful ness. It Is rather ead to think that this water.glv. ing bentiaelorlias been an Illegal obstruction in the public highway for seventy year, and, aa 'Sncb, Jiablo to removal at any time. A Missouri farmer claims that every quail on man's farm Is worth, at the least calculation, dollar for the good done In destroying chinch bugs. If this be correct, it would certainly be to the Interest of our farmers to keep at least one covey of quail on the farm. It Is said that squirrel are numerous this year, but we havo not heard that many have been shot in this county. Perhaps with cooler weather thore may be moro inter, eit on the part cf our fpoiUrncn. As will be seen In our advertising columns, the well-known Red Mill In Hemlock town ship, is offered at private sale. The advanta. geaof this proper.y are familiar to nil in the county who are Interested in willing, fd it only necessary to call attention to the nollco of sale, m The mercury took a tumble on Wednesday morning and got down to 35"only three de grew above the freexluir point. la it any win der la view of such extraordinary perfirnian. that Vennor cannot gt say nearer the truth In his predictions. Milwaukee Kvining WiacrwIii.J ABTItONO CONtjUKItOIt, According lo an Illinois exchange, ourdsys of rheumatism r well nigh numbered. Si. Jacob's Oil fciiteii rbeuinallo territory, and conquers every fuljrct. That's right. We telliVt in it. "Stllt' Liver Pllla ard remedy for malaria, liver complaint, cos tiveness, etc., for fifty years. ocl vennot's predictions for the months have beeneo conspicuously inexact that very Utile faith is loft In his weather proph ecles. He savs that "will. . lint I. cirofut observation anybody can be a weather prophet.'' The simplicity of this plan Irreslst ibly leads m to wonder why Vennor study and observe. Although the people of this country Imvn suflired from tho effects of the long-continued drought, they ought to bo thankful that the terrihlo tornadofs which have devastated the Y est have not visited them. The loss of life ana property by tlieoo hnrricsnes has been very Krem in many 01 Ihe Western states. A disease resembllne hoe cholera nrevulln In mo vicinity ot Ume-stoneville. Several firm. ors havo lost from five to twenty hoes each ah rented fe tried thus far havo proved una vailing, iho animals all Ictnl do not live longer than a week and some cf them die after tho elcknrss of a day or two. Counterfeit fie dollar notes on thn Leicester National Bank, of Leicester. Mass.. and tho first National Ihnk of St. Johnsbury. Vt. nre in circulation. Take a look at all five dollar notes before putting them in your pocket book. You might receive one of iheso worthless things. A Neapolitan gardener, alter yoarsof exner. Iment, has produced a camella with a dtlicate perfume, and thinks it probable that these flowers may in the near future bo so cultivated as to rival ths rose !n fragrance. It is lo be hoped that bin bolicf may prove true. With perfume, the camelia would be tho most perfect of tlnwcrs. Beer drinkers in Bloomsburg will bo sorry to hear that Philip Robinson's brewery in Scranton was destroyed by fito on Sunday morning last. The workmen who slept on the premises made a narrow cectpe by leaping through windows. The loss h said lo bo $25,000. Tho beer made by Robinson was of good quality and met with ready salohero, Tho Friondshlp Fire Company of Danville, won the second prize at the tournament in Reading fur making the run of 300 yards to hydrant, attaching and laying one line of hose 300 ftrot, breaklrg coupling, attaching play pipe and showing water. The prize was Spiwn and Dennison hose jumper, valued at S160. Our neighbor "fire laddies" aro to be congratulated on their success Lite pears may bo kept In a cod cellar In shallow boxes ranged one above another, aud open in the front ir part, so that each box can be examined from time to limp, and the lipo ones removed, A few fine pmrs for home use can be kept in a closet and covered wi'h a blanket, by which their ripening will he hast1 ened. Many of our nudor fill doubiless remember tbe small tent "li.iw of Main & Co., which waa In Bloomsburg soino weeks ngo, one of the prin cipal performer being Signor La Andre, the man with Ihe iron jaw. This athlete met hit death at the State fair in Indianapolis last week. He was holding a barrel of water and two men with his teeth, and letting go his hold was fa tally irurbeil. A determined warfare has been begun in New York against mutilated silver coins, and at many places they will not bo taken In pay ment. Designing rascals punch holes in the coins and steal a certain amount of silver. This lessens tho value of the piece and the effort is now making to stop the practice by preventing the circulation of thejeoins. Don't tako them, or you may be left with several on your hands and no demand for them. The Friendship and Rescue fire companies had a friendly con lest on Wednesday last,which was quite interesting. They ran a distance of 200 yards, unreeled 100 feet of hose, detached coupled and threw water. The Friendship proved the victor, having accomplished the work in one minute and twenty two seconds, The Rescue's time waa one uinuteand thirty one seconds. As will be seen, both companies acqulttted themselves well. The North Branch Railroad company made application lo the Court of Common Pleas for the approval of a bond in the sum of 10,000 for lands of tbe Sutquehanna Coal Company or Pennsylvania Railroad Company at Nan, ticoke. It was argued on behalf of the North Branch Railroad Company by Attorney Gen eral Palmer and ex-Stnator Buckalew, and on the other side by E. P. Darling, Esq. Upon technical grounds Ihe application was with, drawn for the present, but it will be renewed upon ten day' notice to Ihe Prtsident of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Mr. Rob erts. Union-Leader, Sept. 30th. Owners of horses will do well to keep close watch over their animals and take prompt mea. s tires in case of disease. A new and mystenou horse disease, to which tho name of "pink.eje" bas been given, has made Its appearance in St. Louis. Chicago and New York. In the torme city 0000 horses are already laid up. It ii claimed by sima veterinary surgeons that the disease is Identical with the oplzooty will which horsemen have becomo familiar. How fir it may spread cannot be foreseen, and it may become epidemic throughout the country, In ilarrisburg recently several finehorses have died from blood poisoning, and spasmodic colic is prevalent. Watch your horces and if disease attacks them, uso evory mo ins to keep It from spreading. WAIL FAlLUHE:). The Bloomsburg papers are drawing nlten tlon to the repe nto 1 failures of tho morning mail on the L. A B. R. R. and dealing some sharn raps at the company and demanding o the department to Institute a reform. We join with them In this complaint. There is no rea son why a railroad company should not be held toils contract as closely as u private Individ ual. The trouble I, railroad companies know that if tho mall carrying la taken from them there is no other mode to serve It, hence their indiflereuco as to complaints on this score. The Post Oflico department should liud some way to bring these dejinqueuu to their duty or else cut down their appropriations, jjamvie met- litjenctr, AT TJIH Ol'BIW HOySB. The evor popiiar play of "Uncle Toui'i Cabiu" drow a large audience to the Opra House on Monday evening last. It was quilo well presented and gave general sitlsfaclion, If ' . . I .... ..1. .t.. 1. nml wo may Judge oy me Biienmnuu iiusuih tears that attended tne numoroua sou aiueiu n.rts of the nleoo. Fred Mower roado a dig nlfied Unclt 2W, O. J. H'ininons an acceptable St. Clair, Maud Hlllman a very exuberant and vlvacloui Jbrwy. The other parU were f.lrlv rendered. Little Blanche Hlllman as ;,,. nnke her lines with a clesrnesaof cnuncla tion and with a self possession remarkable inoo Toun a child, Th big dogs were quite feature In ihe play, The vllajitv of this drama Is marvelous. Afier being on the bparqs for thirty years it yet has sufficient allractlve power to fill a houie.wlimi Qlqjr pays or equal or greater merit fall to pay ei()nies, NBAHLV A MIHAOUl! 11. Asenitlt Hall.Blnghauiion, N, Y. writes; f have suffered for several mouths wlih a dull palu through left lung and shoulders, I lost my spirits, appetite and odor, and could with difficulty ktl P " ,,ft, Mf roollier P' ,rfiJ some Burdock Blocd Blttets: I took ihem a directed, and bsvefelt no pain lnce firat week after using them, and am ni" "l0" well." Price $1-00, IriM 8' 10 fl'i THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMBBUllGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. . For cigars, tobacco, pipes. Ac bo to Alex- I nder A Woodhonse. whose stock is Ihe larirost and best In Bloomsburg. Country morchants can mako rare bargains by purchasing of this tlrm, who are fair dealers and liberal lo their customers. Tho dwelling house of John detain, noar Catawlssa, waa totally destroyed by fire on Wed. nesilay morning last, together with most ol Its contents. The Inmates were eliehllv burned In making their escape, so rapid waa tho progress of the flames. The loss fallsboavlly upon Mr. Oelkln who Is a poor man, and a subscription to alii him has been started in Catawlssn. Messrs. Alexander A Woodhonse will here after havo a lclall candy' department In their store nnd their grand opening will take place to-morrow, Saturday. There baa been such a demand for this addition to their business, that It ir deemed best to yiold to the wishes of their custumers. A cboico assortment of randies, plain and fancy, will be kept on hand at, all times. I'EltSONAL. Mr. II. Ilruco Clark hasgonoto the ctly to purchase new goods. BJMrs. Dr. Conner, of Wllkcs-Barre.ls visiting her parents on Market street. Jacob Snyder, formerly ofEipy, his taken up his residence In Bloomsburg. Brower Bruglerof Missouri has returned to Bloomsburg to attend tho Normal School. His younger brother Edward accompanied him for the earne purpose When you come to the Fair next week be sure and call on J. J. Brower and inspect his splendid stock of carpet, rugs, mat',oil cloths, hassocks, Ice. He has carpets of all grades and and for all prices, and is sure that ho can suit all demand. His stock has recently been re newed and now Includes the latest and most fashionable goods In his line. Wo advise our readers to stop at Mr. Browei's store and satisfy themselves that our statement is true. UUCK1IOHN NEWS. 8. S, Shoemaker who has been confined to his room for two months is not improving. Mr. A. B. Vanliew is in Philadelphia lay ing in a stock of goods. Mr. Sylvostcr Pursel lost a valuable cow on Tuesday. Quite a latge parly surprised Ihe Rev. G. V. Savidgo on Friday evening. Mr. Frank P. Harris has gone lo Philadel phla to attend the Coll ge of Pharmacy. Mr. Harry Stoddcr', of Wilke"-Barre was the guest of Dr. C LVnker on Saturday. On the evening ol the recent festival, the spring house of H. D. McBride was robbed of fourteen pounds of baiter, and W. C. Ilichart had the cushions stolen out of bis bugny. Our band have just received some more new instruments. The boys aio making rapid pro gress under their proficient teacher, Prof. Thomas Metliero.ll. The recent lestlval held by tho members of the Lutheran church was a decided succeess, The receipts were over 5200 and net profits ever $150. 'A very fine cake baked by Mrs. Wesley Pursel was presented to the band they in return presented it to their teacher, Mr. Metherell. The members of the Luthoran church desire to return their sincere thanks to the band fur their music furnbhed on the occasion of their festival and to the public In general for their assistance and patronage. Merchants who visit Bloomsburg during the Fair, should not fail lo visit tbe wholesale de. parlment of Moyer Bros.' establishment. They will find a very large and complete stock of drugs, chemicals, paints, oils, varnishes,potash, sigars and, in fact, everything pertaining to tbe drug business. Moyer Bros, have such exten sive dealings with manufacturers that they are enabled to purchase at the lowest possible rates and give the advantage of bargains to their customers. County merchants will find that they can obtain belter articles and cheaper prices fro ni Moyer BrOB. iban they can secure by purchasing direct from city dealers. A TO'N TUilP AGITATION. Many years ago when it was customary to start a city by locating a pump In some central site, and then building up all around il,a town, pump was erected on a spot that has since be. come the leading thoroughfire of Bloomsburg. With the march of civilization and the enlarge ment of ideas, a demand arose for the removal of the pump which was looked upon by tbe more progressive people of Ihe place as a nui sauce. Tho6e who entettained a regard for the venerable, contended buweyer, that ns the pump was "an old setllei" it should remain where it was placed, until such time as it raw fit to go ti pieces of its own accord, like Iht wondeiful one-boss boy, which It will here, membcred broke down "All at once, and nothing first, Just like bubbles when they burst." This difference of c pinion naturally led to a lively dispute, and the pump became a polit ical issue. There was the pump and the antl pump parly, and so vigorously did they advo cate their principles that they managed to di vide opinion on the subject throughout the county and narrowly eica ed urging a plank on tbe matiorln the several btate Conventions, The contest might have achieved National no- torioty were it not for the unfortunate fact that 'it drifted Into the Ucal court, where,sad to siy, the venerable Judge Elwell "sat down" on the pump, and decided'it roust go. He claimed that it had no rights never had any, not even the title of a' squatter, and lliat itwaslilllo belter than a standing Miisance. It is slyly hint. ed that tbe milkmen of the place were mostly in favor of retention, as they found it a vnlua ble'ally in watering their stock. Bo this as it may, rumo- stales that an effort will be mado by its old friends to secure it a place in Central Park uear the obelisk. Scranton Iltpublican NOTICE. There will be a meeting of the Democrutic Standing Committee, at the Court House, In Bloomsburg, on Monday, the 17lh day of Oc tober, at 2 o'clock, p. in., for the purpose of making arrangements for the coming campaign, A full attendance is rtquetid. The following la a list of ihe members who hxvo been elected pr appointed in tho various districts. O. A. KtKiM, G. A. HERRING, Secretary, Chairman, Ileuver JtB'O Rittephonse. Benton Rohr Mcllenry, Berwick O. B. Jaoksou. Briarcreek Charles Roed, Llo mi K. 0. A. Herring. Bloom W, C. A. Klelm. Catawlssa W. T. Creasy. Cnfralia Patrick McBrearty. Centre-CharlRs Marsh. Couyngham N.-iThqmaj Chapman. Conyngham S. John Mowrer, F.ishipgcreek James De Vltt. Franklin M. Hower. Greenwood Theodore Lemon. Hemlock Setb Shoemaker. Jackson John F, Dtrr. ix)CUt-M. YPMft Mac)io John li Hrjil'lt. Main-David S. ljrowp, l!l!luX W Up?. Montqur-P, A, Rvan, Mt, I'leas-antr-Ellas lwl. Orange O. Herring, Pino P. W. Bones. Koarlngcreek Dvld Savage. Scolt li T. W. Hartman. Scott W. George Relchart, flugarloaf Cyrus Lurbh. TUB COUNTY MlU A meeting of the Executlvo Committee of the Agricultural Hocloty was held at the Kx- change Hotel on Baturday last, to mako find arrangements for the Fair noxt week. It wss decided to lay a pipe to connect with lh Water Company's main, In trier tint there may be an ample supply of water for livo stock. Thore aro three wells on thn ground from which water can be drawn for drinking pur poses, Ao. A bell will be placed on the Com mittee's building, lor (ho purpose of summon ing tbe judges and members of the Committee, as occasion demands. M. O. Woodward hat been appointed Chief of Police on Ihe grounds and C. K. Hughes, Chief Marshal. There will be a large pollco force ol good material and the best of order will be maintained. No driving will be allowed on tho track un til tho oponlngol the Fair, and now locks have been placed on the gates to prevent access to the grounds, Excursion rates haye been secured ovor the various railroads. Tickets on the Rending road will be good from tho 12th to tho 17th Insts., nnd lhoo on ihe L. A B, and i-unbury. Hazloton A Wilkes-Birre roida, during the days of the F.ilr's continuance. Diuuer wilt be served on the grounds by the Reform Church nnd tho price will remain the same as last year, despite tho increased cost of edibles. Excellent meals will be filrnishod a fact which lovers o( good eating will do well to bear in mind. Mr. F. B. Hartman, the Secretary of the So ciety, wilt be at Iho office of T. Jeff. Vander slice, Esq., on Monday nnd Tuesday next, for the purpose of making entries. The Committee are dolni; all In their power to mako the Fair a success, and there seems to be no reason why it should not bo. The recent change in the weather will render a visit to tho grounds much more comfortable and, unless stoira sets tn, there will undoubtedly boa large attendance, both from this and adjoining counties. PENNSYLVANIA STATE PAIIl AND HTTS11URC1 EXPOSITION, SKITEMDEH, tS81. The PitUburg Exposition and Pennsylvania State Fair now In progress, have awarded to tbe Davis Sewing Machine, the silver medal for best doublo thread sewing machine, first prizo for best plain work, first prize for best fancy work, and first prize fur best silk embroi dery. Other machines represented there were the Wheeler A Wilson, Homf, Singer, Domes tic, New Home, Wilon, and others. Be sure and see the Davis Sewing Machine work at the Fair, October 12ih, 1881. J. Saltzeh, General Agent, Main street, Bloomsburg Oct. 7-2w MNnLE-IlHOWEK. Ouo of the most brilliant weddings that Bloomsburg has ever witnessed occurred on Wednesday morning last, at St. Paul's Episco pal church. The parties to the contract were Miss Mary Brower, youngest daughter of J. J. Brower, Esq., oflhis town, nnd Mr. J, Howard Lingle, of Bellefonte. The church was beauti fully trimmed with flowers aud evergreens, a large floral bell hanging from the corona in the chancel. At the sprointtd hour, nine o'clock, Ibe invited guests were in their seats, and soon aflerward the bridal party arrived. At the the door they were mit by the ushers, who headed the procession up tbe centre aisle, ibe bridesmaids following, ard the bride entering last on the arm of her father. Ab the proces sion moved up the aisle, tbe organist per formed Ibo Bridal March from "Lohengrin" and the clergymen, Rev. J. Hewitt, of Belle fonte, and Rev. L. Zahner, the Rector, entered the chancel from the vestry room, accompanied by the groom, and his "best man," Mr. C. F. Montgomery, of Bellelonte. The bridal party stopped at the foot of tbo cbancel steps, tho groom receiving tbe bride from her father, and the two proceeded lo the chancel rail where the marrisgo ceremony wbb performed. At tho close the organ pealed forth In joyous tones tbo familiar old "Wedding March" by Mendel sobn and ihe parly left tbo church in reverse order of entering. The ushera were Mr. Rich ard Beaston, of Blantbard, Centre county; Mr. J. L. Spangler and Mr. T. J. Keogh, of Belle fonte and Mr. Jas. C. Williams, of Baltimore. The gentltmen all wore full dress suite. The bridesmaids were Mite Ada Brower, sister of the bride, and Miss Lottie Powell, of New York, and were dressed in white mull with veils, and water lilies. The bride was beaut! fully attirtd in while brocaded silk, with long I rain, tulle veil and orange blossoms. The din mond ear rings worn by her were the gift of the groom, A reception was held at the residerce ol Mr. Brower lrom half pa-t nine to half past eleven, and was atttndtd by moro than one hundred perrons. Among Ihoso prosennroin other places were Miss Flora Fox, Miss Kate Best, Miss Bessie Montgomery, Miss Emmn Lingle, Mrs. J. Hewitt,and Mr. M. J. Limn, ( f Bellefonte; Mrs. A. A. Marple, of Bridgeport, Pa.; Mrs. Baldy, Miss Martha Bald and Ml Mertie Baldy, of Danville; Mr. Murray, of New York; Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Monroe of Rupert There were many valuable and handsome gifls, a fewof which are named hen: Li.-ge f.imily Bible, diamond ring, mantel clock, two sconces, fruit dish, beiry dish, two cake busk? ete, toilet set, a number of perfumery botilc, two card receiver?, two pickle castorp,ice pitch pr, jewel box, pie knife, brass candlesticks, two l imp-, napkin ring", butter knives, two doien silver lea spoons, fruit knives, nut picks, coffee spoons, saU spoons, painted china, laiubre quins, wall pockels, va-ev, and a number tf beautiful fancy articles. Mr. ard Jin. Lit gle lift heme 'midst n show erof rice ai d Id shots, lo take the noon train. They wmi tn Philadilphia, and from there will visit New York, Ballimoro and Richmond, taking a dip ifulout two wttks. May they tvo long ai d prosper. "ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS I1KIK TO.!' Arlsiigfroin infinity of the blood,lorpia liver Irrcgulir bowels, disordered kidneys, etc., can bo safely and speedily cured by Burdock Blood Hitters. Price $1.00, trial tize 10 cents. TI1K 1IEHWICK EXPERIMENT. Kuiroits Coi.ViilUANi Allow me to brrnk my long silence whh a few words concerning ihe rosult of the experiment of unlicensed ho tels. It is well known that the press of neigh boring towns, and many of tbe citizens of this lowu, ronsidtr the fchi me a failure. As ihe press gels its knowledge from the citizens of Ilerwick, the littler ure responsible for the ver diet, Thoje of us who have reported the ex. perimeiit unsalislaclorllr, as well as those who believe it a success, gem rally have been moved to do so, not by a (lore ii qutry or observation, bit by our wish, desire or hope. These con Hiding opinions have induced urn try to lay aside prejudice, anil Ihen ii ijnlre ai d obierve. As the reult of my inquiry, I find that iho po ioe sea as l'iiu drunkenness now as before the era of prohibition, hut that tho carousing is con. fluid mainly lo the lower end of the lowu,hencu Ihe citizens of that region generally condemn ibe temperance p'an, while those living in the hotel quarter tall er u hold It. One business man remarked to me, that certain ofhisemto- mora once taidy with orders, now are prompt with cash pgvueniri eiiother said that certain of ils patrons are rot sp touch n arrears ft formerly; boih wore positive tills improvement, Is owing to the nonlicipsi plan. Another ob server says the young men drink fess and that there U less social di Ink Ing. These statements, lua measure, i tr-et what the police see, and probably foim a Idler criterion forjudging the inatlerllnitl e guieial commer.ts floating maAniiuumjiMauiwj around. The conclusion to which your report, er, an advocate i l nolther licensed hotels nor prohibition, but n layman ai it were, has como Is that thoso who I rved liquor before tho new era love It still and drink ll tbatlhosewho drank socially, only, do so no longer; that thero are fewer iiew recruits lo tbe srmy of thinkers and this result In lUelf stamps the non-licemo plan with "not failuro bul succcs ," for success in this matter moans not curing the drunkard but turning the young and giddy from the drunkard's path. Any scheme that accomplish os this is a success, and if I were an ardent re former in this particular branch I would not waste n moment upon the army of drunkards, but direct all my efforts against the reinforce mcnts It Is apt lo receive. Let this army go lo tho "dogs" unbridled, but let It go alone. Ur.i'OiiTEit. Berwick, Pa., Oct. 6, 1881. Tho Montour White Lead, Zinc and Color Works, of Rupert,Pa,, have recently lnoreaed their facilities and put their mills in first cl.vs working order and procured Iho services of W. E. B. Dtvic, of Philadelphia, an experienced practical painter nnd manufacturer, as Super intendent. They have no hesitancy, therefore, to guarantee nil the goods equtl, If not superior to any In tho market. Their motto is "Quality the Fitet Ooniitlcmtion." They aro now manu facturing Pure ready-mixed ard Puro Tinted Paato Paints from Pure Llnacod Oil, Whlto Lead, Zino and Fine Colors. Car, Bridge, Ship and Roof Paints, Dry, in pure linseed oil and realy-mixid. Puro White Lead, Zinc, Colors, Pure Linscod Oil, Putty, Ac, Ac. If you need paints of any kind send for sam ple card and price list. HENRY S. REAY, Oct. 7-3m Rupert, Pa. HOUND ADOUT HOAlllNUCREEK. Fresh cider at Yeaget's old cider mill dally. Water sells at from $1 to $1.60 per barrel in Ccntralia. Mr. Geo, W. Yeager lost n valuable horse on the 0th ult, Jacob Drelsbach, of Roaringcreek township, had a paraletic stroke recently. Geo. O. Yesger nnd D. S. Helwlg each lost a bono recently, Chas. Cleaver, of Ibis place, is teaching school in Cliillisquaqtiu township, Northum berland county. Messrs. Willits Sline and Birt Hughes went to Berrysburg, Dauphin county, on business tbo latter part of last week. Mr. Rolandus Herbeln was attending tbo fu neral of Mr. and Mr.. David Herbeir, late ol Oly township, Berks county, tho caily part of last week. Mr. George Fenstermacher, a much respect ed citizen of this township, who died in his seventioth year, was buried in tho Free Will (U. B.) cemetery on tho 4ii Inst. The M. E. Quarterly Conference will meet in the Methodist church here, October 22nd ar.d 23rd. Services by the Presiding Elder are ex pected Sunday morning ot 10 o'clock. Mr.-Alfrcd Marks, late of Riverside, but a former resident and school leather of this vi cinity, was inferred in the Methodist burial grounds last Wednesday afternoon. He was aged 41 years. Well digging is remarkably prevalent in thir village; during the severe drouth, J. K. Her ner, Daniel Houck, Montilius Yeager, John Herner and Rudolph Yeager, each dug one. George, a son of J!r. Harry Hill, of Cata wlssa township, about eighteen years old, la recently beenme violently insane, from being kicked by a horso it is supposed, and was last Friday conveyed lo Ibe Danville Insane Asylum. Cleavkk Periiy OnThiirfday.Septfmber let, joal, at the residence ot -Mr. I'., C Cleaver, near here, by Ihe Rev. John Lloy, Mr. C. L. Clonver to Miss Mnrv Perrv. both of this town ship. May tiieir undertaking be one attended with tranquility and prosperity. During ibe past monlb, Charles Fahringer and W. J. Hughes, of Milton; Harvey Yeager and wife, of Pljmouth: Hannnh M. Yeacer. ol Scranton; Mr anil Mrs. Lloyd Bschman, of ounbury; AI. V. II. hline, ol Uatawi-sa; Hall Yeacerund John Sanders, of Bear Gap. vhited this neighborhood. . The followire Is an official list of Ihe teach ers for the viirionq schools of this township, for the coming term: West blabtown school, Fran cis Utcker: r.ast Mnbtown, Miss J'.mma Rum- bereer: Johnson's. Haines Ycst: RetdV. Elins I nomas; Winn's, .Mr. Lampl ell J AI orris', Alia CnJey;,Niimidiii, Mi-s (! Cleaver; Kernvi 1, Mis-Spinntv; Brntsif,', Miss Hailie Hughes; Slraussei's, Miss Jennie Morris; Beaver's, Mis Ida Hughes As vet, no appointineiils hnve hie, i mule for iho Fisher m d the Fun. ure schools. "THE COMMODOHE Jos. L Fool, ti e Ci inmodore, E'gin, 111., soys Thomas' electric Oil cured liim of sciati ca with one application, thoroughly applied. 1 1 also cured him of a severe cold and cough. He thinks it ii very valuable remedy and will never be without it. F. H. Drake, Esq., Detroit, has recovered from a terrible skin humor, which covered bis htnd, face nnd hands, by using Cuticiira Re solvent int ernally and Cuticura and Cuticiira Soap externally. This is Rood news, Business Notices C, O. Marr buys geese feathers. Everybody puL'ht to sen I. W. HartiiianV aew uoods nest weet. Arrived and now ready for inspection, tho largest stock of Boots and Shoes in tho county. Call at Dentlfr's and be convinced. Nice Calico atO, C. Mnrr's at nix cfiils a yard. New Priiils, BIu!itis ni d a full line of btaplo Goods at prices to suit all, Clark & Son II. B.'Clark, nf tbo firm of H. J. Clark & Son is now in the city adding to their ul ready large stock for Fall. The finest and largest stock of Winter clofliipg in Illctini-btiig to be i found at Gross N . Y. kiore Illoom. Ladies's Shoes in nil widths at Dentler's. Did veil sio tbut 43 CO suit of clothes fit Uross' N. Y. storo Illoom? nnitillra. Itlufb Rllr nnH nllior l.tmaa C..11 line oi tank- fringes, 1'HSiamcnterits, plan and beaded, Drtt and Uoat Trimmings. What a good warm Overcoat at Grow' N Y. store for tU.OO, Illoom. Shawls will be one nf tbo attractions I. V. Hartman'a next wf pfc, at A large asfortinent of black and colored 1T1..-.. 1 IT. I . i. . . ... . v I'lvum unci velveteens ai J.uu cc oioail Hoots and Shoes still selling at cost Q rots' N. Y. store illoom. at More new stylo Hoop Skirts at Lulr Sloan's , A full lino ot staple and Fancy Notion in an vMieues at uiait ,V con's. ii ajj i" , .... M Hals anil Caps, the latest styles just rrctiv ed ut Gross' N. Y siore Bloom, Llltx & Sloan's new slock nt' Isrilpi.' I'.mlu anil L'olwaiiB will be In this week. Competition nowhero. Gross tho Clothier uas icucck'cd the pilces down, Illoom, I.llt RlnHn llHVH II w ru aVnn al.l. I single tuii doublo Shawls cheaper than ever, u, i.eiiarpieeH (ink lust relu.rncel lrom CUV at cl lu I'Ptttm til a Urutt il. b ..I' tbe No tldlis mill FaiiI'V flnr.flii liiflnill.ii r..ll It. of Wools and Merinos, Hosiery ami Undoi wear, to which be invites the attention ol vtuoiesaie ami retail buyers. HOLMES & SCHUYLER. BARBED WIRE FENCES tiro undoubtedly tho cheapest and most durable fence made, is not rflectcd by fire, wind or llooddoes not cause snow drifts, takes fewer osts and stock cannot push it down. Our wire is four pointed, is made of two strands of number 2 best Galvanized steel wire twist ed together iust enough to allow for contraction and expansion in Summer and Winter, barbs aro fastened every seven inches. Tho uso of barbed wire is no longer an experiment, as last your over one nmdrcu thousand miles were put up. Wo believe our wire to ue tlio best and cheapest now man ufactured because it is mado of the best steel wiroand runs 15 feet to tho pound having tho greatest strength and visibility with the east weight ot any made, rut up on spools oi about iuu rotts weighing about 1UU pounds, irnce per pound 11 cents by tho spool, ess quantities Hi cents per pound. HOLMES & SCHUYLER. T.tltnv Mj Ktrtnntf nf T.tr.V.1 fiCraat Imnn tnnrlA n rrrpnr rprllli.ttmi tn thr.tr cmnrltj "Phptr aro selling calico nt Ii cents, muslins at 5 cents, gingnams ni 8 cents, cottonaoe at iu cents, and everything kept in a general store 1 ! 1. A-i 1 1 -. 1 1 ml iiKuwisu. jiti unu secure u uurgaiii. xuey wilt nnv thn htr.hfKt. nAnli nrlro fur nil thn ..... y --j - . n i - - - - - good veal calves, chicken?, turkeys, geese, dticus ycu can ortug ttiem. itiey also pay cu-ili for dried lruit, butter and eggs. Give us a trial. LILLEY & SLEPPY. Mr. Gross of the N. Y. Clothinir storo lias received an Immense stock of Overcoats and Suits. It will pay you to examine bis stock. Bloom. 0. 0. Marr buys Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, Lard, Chickens and Dried Fruit. 10.000 dozen cood fresh ceres and 10,000 pounds good fresh butter wanted by Silas Young, at Lieht Street, for which he will pav the highest market price. aug2G-4m What a fine lino of Overcoats Gross the Clothier baB lor such low prices. Bloom Pa; Do not forget that you can cet Dress Silks, black or colored, at Lutz & Sloan's, ai cheap as anywhere in tho State. PlrtrL- .. Snn will linvn In n Iftrirn linn nf Ladies' Coats and Dolmans, shawls. Ladles' Cloth for coats, &c. David Lowenbercr would inform tho pub lic that bo has just returned from New York with a full line of Heady Made Clothinir Oloths and Casiimercs of the best quality aad latest style. Hats, Laps, also a lull line ol Novelties for Fall and Winter and would invito an early inspection ot the same. Tho createst barirains In Wintor Clothing ever offered to the peoplo of Columbia Co. at Gross' N. Y. storo Bloom, For black and colored Cashmeres en to Lutz & Sloan's. Silks, black and in colors, black and col ored Cshmere!, black and colored Silk Vel vet- unit b'liiiiM, bins or straight. Ulan- Son. 1 .(100 I'niul live' f'nlvM wnnlril. . Let them come lrom ihe rorth, se utb, cast and west, by uhtilrsfilp mil ic-tnil. Ycu canbrirg your uood Calve rlplit along now any time nn Mniiiltiv Tn. til.. v. V.lnitilnv ciiiH .... ....... , - " j . . . w J TlinrKiInv nf pftf n nnd rvnrv wpplr Slid pot your c'H-n or gnous 101 uu m ru oiias louug s Light Slreet. ' july 15-Cra See a woman picking a bunch of crapes in another column, at Speer's Vineyards, fiom which Spier'n Port Grape Wino is made, that is to blihly fstermcd by tbe medical protesHon lor tl.e use ol Invalids, weakly persons titid the seed. Sold by U. A. Kipiiu, jan 7'81 ly Ymi can buy cheaper at 0 O, Marr's than any ptHco in town. The BICYOLF sillHT can only be ob tained nt David Lowe nbf rg's. '1.000 pounds ot ilee Pitted Cherries. 1,000 pomels of nice Dried Ilappberries wanted by Silas Ynung nt Light Stree-t, for w nn ii nr win i a uie i itiirn marxd price, july 10-Oin Btibbr Shoes of all binds nt Dentler's. IIKNItY'SOAMlOI.IO SALVE. Tho Ursi. ftnlio In lliu world for Cuts. Iirnlsns. Sores, rictis, Hult line urn Titter, Chapped Hands, uunuiuiiiB. lurnn ulu tin Kllianur Mviu ttruoiions Freckles and l'lninlcs. 'lliu snlvu la cuarunleea to (,'lvo perfect Fntlsractlon lu every ensu or money re funded. ISo euro to pet Henry's Carbolic Salve, aa uu unit- uro uui iiniuiuuos itil-u xa cents, rvi sale by ull drugglnts. oct 94, Hi-ljrow The fiuest Hue ot Kcady-niade Clothing in i tie ejouiilYcnc now Ue seen at David Lowrnbeig's Clothing Store. Fall week will see I. W. Hartman'a store full of goods aud customers. Pretty Suits for Children just arrived Neat Suits Cur Boys Slylbli Suits for Youths nil of the lalett Siyle and Beet cmalltv at the lowest Prices cau now be bought ui j. no l opuiiir uiowiiug einre ot ijhviu .uuivfiiberg. Headquarters for Saichels, Trunks &o at D. Loweuberg'i. Don't forget Clark & Son havo now In a larue line oi uress Uoods u tlio latest ntvlc and shades and at prices not to be undersold. ' r , ItEIl llnltHK POWDKIt cures mnrn linnuto n...ii.a and slicop tlian any other medicine. Sure' every will. W.1JUOW Unnnan am Reddish line Shoes for KontB, sold only at Detitler c Cheaper and belter Clothing can now be IIIIIIirilL HI The old Popular Store of David Lowenberg T. W. llmlmfln nflf-ru dnrlttt. li.a t .- . -- ..... .v hu.i.. ..in irir handsome lino of Dress Goods, all pricen. iiKlviai. uaHtiiua lUUUIlTU'll in ClICUlAtlOll purportlutr to bo "Walnut Ual Ualr l(ctret"Tlio BtrongcB; evide nce of Uie great value ot "Walnut 1 .'iHf llntr llutrti-f.ri In t iia taut There Is a dangerous counterfeit In rliculattcn Mirnni-ttncr In lrfi .lU'nlnuf l..a ll.,i. TT:.ir.u Uig Its efllcaey t ry to I ml i am iu Kacli bottle" Pennine has a "fac simile" of tho signature of "l '1',,"7,e rpauurjictiirer-blctt n in the gusii wuu mu - iiiD.uii i uhiwmkiju uariuiefca as wa; ter. wbllei It possesses sU the oomponent pronertlca necebxarv to rttim urn. nm. ,.V;...i., . J3 tK5 York Oily, Wtioluaa Ant. OCt, M,6tHl HOLMES & SOHUYLER. TO STOVE & TINWARE BUYERS: Mr. Isaiah Hngonbuch having taken charge of our Stovd nnd Tinware Department, would bo pleased to see his old friends and customers, as well aB new ones. His long experience in this branch of trade may bo a safe guarantee of a studied nnd careful selection of tho best stoves in tho market Wo havo some Now Ranges, pos sessing new and novel features, well worth tho attention ot buyers. Our stock of House Furnishing Goods is lurgo and wo would be pleased to havo you call and look them over, whether you wish to buy or not. HOLMES & SOHUYLER 4 O C. C. GALIGNAN, BBSeWsBVj through the air, are also worth seeing. Iflr There is a Lunch-Room in the building. Valises, baskets and packages can be left in charge of attendant in Ladies' Waiting Room. Mr. Wanamakcr is desirous that visitors should feel at home when they come, and bo free to purchase or not, aa they please. Note. Our largo Catalogue, with prices and full directions for shopping by mail from any part of the United States, will be mailed gratuitously upon request, address John Wanamakuk, Grand Dutot, Philadelphia. PUBLIC SALE OP VALUAllLK REAL ESTATE! &1 vlrtuo cf an order ot tbe Court ot Oommon I'leaso! Columbia county, setting tortU that pur part No. i In tuo wilt ot tnciulBltltn In No. ISiof December Tei in, li to, In tlio Court el Common Pleas of Columbia county, Fdwanl Wagner guardian of Lizzie Watts.a minor child olOllrcr Watts deceased! &c, vs. YI111( m Watts, waa not taken at tho ap pralied value thereof, and that tho samo should bo sold at jiuMlo auction by tho UherltT cf Colum bia county. Now therefore I, U. 11. Knt, lllfli bhe r. la or Columbia county aforccaldln compliance with said order, will expoMi to public salo on tho premi ses In Franklin township, Columbia county, To., on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1881, at 10 o'clock a. ra. if raid day tbo said tract or pur part No, i, bounded ond described as follows. tc wltt UcBlnnlUB at a corner cf tract No. l, thence by land of Ileujamln Ford south two degrees wcat twenty-six I ciches to a corner, thence by tho samo Boutli sovcnty.lUe dpgrewseost sotou and five-tenth perches to a cornir, thooce by land of William llur raelster south ttxtcen Degrees west forty-eight perches to a white ouk thence by land of John ArUey and other 4 north seventy-three degrees west one hundred and tlitj-llve pitches to a stone, thenco by lands ot l'oxton and Umlth and others north live, degrees eakt sotenty-four perches to a sto&e, thenco along tract No. 1 souUi slxty.nlne and one-half degrees east one hundred and suty-threo porches to the place ot beginning, containing 76 Acres and one-hundred end tUty-tlx percheo, on which la erected a wo-atory i LOG HOUSE and outbutldlDga, V. U.. KNT, BherltT, BepU M, t(, fOB PBIKTLNG " tT Nolly and cbeapl mncuuv) alfi HOLMES e&SOETOYLBlt TINSMITHING. It docs not eccm to bo gener ally understood by Bomo of our trade that wo are prepared to do Tinsmithing iu all its branches. This wo havo often noticed by tho expressions of surprise of many who, when in tho rear of our store, noticed men working in an adjoining building. Wo car ry a full stock of Tin and Tin Rtiiit.li'n Knrm15ffi nnd nre nrenared at all times to do all kinds of work. As low prices seem, to bo the most popular wo havo REDUCED THE PRICE OP ROOFING To 5 Cents a Foot, using tho same grade of tin aa heretofore and other work at cor responding prices. HOLMES & SCHUYLER. s o W H 14 MORNING LIGHT, DOUBLE HEATER. J t JJiJVJVJIUUUU XVVJT.tr.XM On visiting Philadelphia you will find, mong other places ntcrest, the Grand ijbI of i Depot well worthy of a visit. Its floor and gallery spaces now cover over three acres.and are filled with Dry Goods, Carpets, China, Furniture, etc. The last addition is a larce and beautiful Picture Gallery, to which admittance is free. The Ptxcumaiie Tubes carrying the money and the Eleclrio-Light Machinery OltPIIANS' COURT SALK, OF VALUABLK REAL ESTATE! Ily vlrtuo of an order of tho orphans' Court ot Columbia County, tho undersigned Administrator of tho estate ot a, II, Wells, late of the borough ot Herwlck, in said county decerned, wtllcxioseto public salo, on tho promises on SATUEDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1881, at ono o'clock In tuo afternoon cf said day, tho fol lowing described property, to-wlli AH that ceita'r. piece cr purccl cf land or lotof ground tltuato in Ilerwick aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to-wli: On the cast by Market street, west ly en alley, north by lot ot William Faust and eouth by lot of W. J, Knorr, number tcv en on Market street, on which are erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, Stable and outbuildings. 1EUMH OP SALE. Ten per cent, of one-fourth, of the purchase money to bo paid at tbe striking down of ihe property; tho one fourth lets the ten per rent, at tl e e ocnimatlcn or sale, and tho remaining three-fourths In one yiar thcrealter with Inlcicbttrim ccctli mutton nisi. OAIIKKK MALLKUV, O. Il.JicxsoK, Administrator. Attorney. sep. 10, M to QllARTEK NOTICE. OTICK IS I1K1IKBV OIVfcN that an appli cation ulll te made under tbo Act of Assem bly a luo ccmmonwcalth ot l'cnns)iTanla, enti tled "An Act loprovldofor tho Incorporation and regulation of reitaln coriwratlons" approved April lb. UU, aid ihe ui iiementB thereto, for the chatter cf i Intended ccrrcrutlon, o tx called the locust Mountutn Water Company, tho chamclererd ct'Jcct of which la lo surlily water lo the public, or the Inhabitants cf the lonnthlp ot t'onjegbmu, In tbecoi'ity cf Columbia, atdvlclnt ty.und to t.xf icUe all lights ttcldeut there to or neo ewaiy tlietflor, aid for trero puipotesto have. Kir-sew, am enjoy a'l the rights I ene Its, franthiscij and pi Ulle gt sot sold Act it csudblyatd IU sup ple aionts. " u. WILLIAM O. FIIKYMAN, ..J!w.1f,,h' l'""1'" ol lie rdeulsned lu Ttah. i-tiW, ue: le jetuold. 4 letiwr-cr will pi ove prop erty, pv cnanitiHJ Uleo u awsy wiihin tlxiy fla) , w H , III Ui dltnote a ol eiecordfrir to law, Sept. bUUwajVOetotwunty; lie