THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. jtljiitifiiait. J. K. BITTSNBEKDEB, ElUt4"- BLOOMSBURG, FA. Friday. October 7. 1881. ORAXflR NOIILF. The Democrat b M nto Convention did well in nominating Orattgo Noblo for tho Rtaudard hearer of tho party in thu coming batllo. lie is nn energotio, nt-tlvo ruul suoccsafiil biiaiticisa mnn, tto raised himself from comjiarativo poverty to great wealth by sagacity and applica tion, nnd in now prominently connected with many leading industries of thu city in which ho resides. As ho has shown himself capable of mauagini; his jtrivnto affairs with profit, it is Fair" to presume that ho would handlo tho publio funds witli honesty nnd discretion if chosen Stulo Treasurer. Mr. Noblu was born in Washington county. Now York, April 27th, 1817, nnd is now Of years of ago. In early life ho was n farmer hut abandoned tho tilling of tho soil for tho more profi table ventures. of mercantile life. Ho was one of tho earliest oil operators and owned a valuable well as far back as 1S03. Ilo lias lived in Erie for seven teen years nnd has been an intlueutial and valuable citizon. lie lias served four terms as Mayor of tho city. His business enterprises are many ; ho is Diesidentof the Keystone National Hank, half owner of the Hay State Iron Works, tho head of a sowing machiuo company and is interested in oil and iron. Mr. 2sToblo has served one term in the legis lature and has been an opponent of the Standard Oil Company a fact that en titles him to the support of nil anti-monopolists. There is no reason why ho should not poll the full vote of the paity and this he doubtless will do. In the present distracted condition of the He publican party in the State, it is more than probable that Mr. Noblo will be elected. Every Democrat should vote for him and make the majority as large as possible. Mr. Noblo will make an t'llicieut officer and lellcct credit upon the Democratic paity of the State, while gust ding the interests of the public. Queen Victoria, during tho sickness of President Garfield, showed a true womanly sympathy for Mrs. Garfield nnd repeatedly sent messages expiessive of tho most k'iudly feeling. After tho President's death, Minister Lowell re ceived tho following telegram from tho Queen : 'Would you express my sin cere condolence to tho lato President's mother and inquire after her health, as well as after Mrs. Garfield's?" Her Maj esty adds : "I should bo thankful if you would procure mo a good photograph of General Garfield." Mrs. Garfield replied in fitting terms and promised that tho request should bo complied with. If the titieen were in the habit of sympathising with foreigners in their aillictions there would bo nothing remarkable in this ac tion on her part. But such is not tho case on the contrary this is tho first time, so far as tho United States are concerned, that Queen Victoria has ever shown any particular interest in the grief ot strangers. Tho Erie Herald, an alleged Demo cratic paper, has declared against Mr. Noble, for no better reason, according to the Philadelphia Timis, than that it is the personal org m of William L. Scott who doesn t liko .Mr. Noble. Tho Times "welcomes tho Herald to tho indenen dent line, no matter why of how it was driven out of the party traces," and says farther that "kicking is always whole some." The majority of right minded men will not agree with the Times, nor do wo believe tho Times would bo will ing to stand by its own assertion. That sort of thing 13 not "independence," but pure "cussedness," without a shadow of an excuse. It would bo impossible to maintain any kind of party discipline, if personal motives were accepted as ade quate oxciistH for bolting. Tho Times u so frightfully independent that per haps it prefers anarchy and asort-of "de'il take the hindmost" ticket. The opinion is rapidly spreading that radical changes are necessary in the Millet svillo State Nonnal School, and filch as do not alTect the scholars. The faculty and sonio of tho trustees are pur uiug a eoutso which is at once ille gal nnd ridiculous and are drawing pub. lie contempt upon themselves. The fac ulty appear to bo very small autocrats who are vindictive and overbearing, and their arbitrary and foolish measures are bringing tho school into di-repute. Whether they have any right to dismiss scliolais for refusing to obey illogical and silly cominamh may be a subject of dispute, but there can bo no doubt what ever that the faculty have no right to forbid other Normal Schools from receiv ingtho dismissed pupils. Tho faculty may find themselves confronted with un pleasant legal ptoctedings unless they abandon that lino of procedure. Peace does not ivitru iu Luzerne, tho home of lloyt and Palmer, attd despite, the autocratic dictation of tho "bosses", there is a decided boom for Wolfe. Iu tho city of Wilkes Lane, under tho very no3es of tiio party magnates, n Woliu ciuo nas oeen organized with a very re spectable roll of members and a proba bility of further accessions. Mr. Palmer on hearing of tho intention to start such a club thought that it would be "liko n hitniblo bee, biggist at its birth." The club rather liked tho idea nnd adopted me name oi toe minimo jjoes, out J'al. liter's prediction has proved untrue, for the membership is increasing. Pittstoti will add a good many recruits to Wolfe's army, and it is quite likely that tho voto for the machine candidate iu November1 will not greatly please Catnerpn, lloyt, t5 uo. Two plans havo been suggested for' the relief ot tho iUtchigan siiltercrs by utilizing tho cloths used iu tlrnninir buildings ; ouo ot these is to send the cloths direct to those in need, and tho other is to sell tho goods at auction aud remit tho proceeds. Either plan would bo beneficial. In thu larger cities, alpaca, cashmere and even moro costly materials wero used and these would tniiko excellent dresses. Tho lighter iiuubliuH, fco could bo used for linings. Tho express companies have volunteered to carry all such goods free of charge if delivered at tho railroad stations, it it is decided to sell tho stuffs, (ho money will bo Edit without loss of time. There nro thousands in great distress nnd prompt efforts should bo made to lelievo them. As tho Piovidenco J'rest truthfully says, "train jobbing seems to bo one of tho safest us well as one of tho most pro fitable lliita of business in tho South mm Gnlualia A. Grow don't shout for i WoUo WMfamtport Gazette 0 Dull etiv. Just as loudly as ho docs for Bally. t Capt. H. W. llowgate, tho embezzling Signal Service officer returned to Wash ington on Tuesday and was arrested on tho charge of embezzling $50,000 addi tional of goverment money. ., ' . i . . .. i .Tudtro Tourgeo says that tho most ro nmrknblo thing about President Arthur is his tremendous organizing power. Ev idently tho Judgo has not yet finished his "fcrrnnd." Tho theological faculty of Yalo Col logo has decided to uso tho revised ver sion of tho Now Testament, voting it "better than any other English version, oocatiso it ioiiows more exactly tiio Greek text as originally written, and is a moro clear and correct translation." Hon. Simon Cameron says that Mr Wolfo has nover given any ovidenco of tils tuness tor tlto ollico ot Statu tieas- urer. Sneaking of litucss, how veiv very.inteiesting it would bo to know tho peculiar illness ot itr. uanicroiia sou Don, for tho ollico of United Stales Sen nlor. Mr. Cameron is such a shroWd old gentleman that it is possible lie has discovered what nobody else has. On thu way homo from tho Democrat ic State Convention nt Williatnsport, some of tho Philadelphia delegates be haved in an outrageous manner and earned merited contempt. One Bob Lister Smith shot Sam Josephs, indicting a wound in tho foot. Tho shooting of Josephs is a matter of no moment ex cept in that it affords an excellent op portunity to send Smith to jail for n sea son and this opportunity should not bo overlooked. In tho Supremo Court of this State on Monday a decision was delivered in the case of Stack vs. O'Hura, sustaining tho Com I ot Jivcoming county, f'nther Stack brought suitagaiust Bishop O'llara to recover damages for his unlawful re moval from his charge. This will prob ably lie the end ot the litigation between Father Stack and Bishop O'llara, which in one form or nnother lias been before tho Courts for years. a rumor is ntioat mat vanuernur, in order to obtain a western outlet from Philadelphia, contemplates building a branch road to connect Antrim, Tioga county, witli Williatnsport, a distance of fifty miles. At tho latter place it will connect with tho Catawissa branch of tho Heading It. It. By means of certain branch roads tho inaiti lmo ot tho New lork Central win bo reached and a through lino obtained to Philadelphia. mm.:.. : : it ...... j. ilia la uiijiwi i.iui, u u iiu. The Philadelphia Republican conven tion for tho nomination of candidates for City Commissioner, held a few days ago, was tho most disgraceful affair of the kind that ever occurred in tho btate. Squabbling and quarreling led to fight ing aud smashing ot furniture anu ended in a regular riot. Tho police filially managed to restore order. The machiuo organs havo litllo to say their elo quenco is reserved to magnify trilling dis orders in a Democratic convention into monstrous proportions, llowovcr there is this to be said, that Philadelphia pol iticians of whatever belief manago to disgrace the party to which they adhere. The Philadelphia Chronicle Herald makes uso of tho following language, which is as truo as it is severe: "The Philadelphia delegation to tho Democrat ic convention canted tho contempt of the country men. Tho rural Democrat all over the State is giving vent to his dis gust at tho conduct of the ignoramuses, clowns and tricksters who made up a large part of tho delegation that was supposed to represent tho 75,000 Demo crats of Philadelphia. Will tho party in this city ever get tho upper hand of these people who cheat and disgrace it and make tho name of a "Philadelphia Democrat" a b)vwo'rd of shame and re in the Stato convention every year" Some of our over-wise Republican or gans have discovered that Hon. Orange Noblo was Senator Wallace's man in the recent Convention and Mr Davis was tho choice of Hon. Samuel J; Randall. Neither Mr. Wallace nor Mr. Randall took any pait whatever in the proceed ings and tho latter was not even in Wil liamsport. We fit inly believe that if the Dcinoeratio paity were to adopt the Bible as a platform, that some such paper as iho Altoona Tribune would straightway set about convincing its l'euilt-rsj.tliat the book was an utterly unteliablu publiea tion and emauuted from a faction fight in tho paity. Mr. Joseph Iv. llogeit, tlto new chair man ot the iJemocratio atule ueiitial Committee, is the editor nnd proprietor of tho Wilkes-Barro Union Trader and well known to all politicians in this part of tho State. He was a candidate for Stato treasurer at tho recent con vention and was tho repiesentative of tlto young Democracy. His election as oliuirniau may bo attributed to that fact. Although be is a young man he has had long experience iu polities and will make an able aud clllctcnt chairman, lie has held the ollico of register in Luzerne county and conducted its nffairs with signal ability. Mr. Bogert has plenty of pluck aud determination, and will make tho campaign n warm ono for the Republicans. And now tho wonderful Tribune is maintaining that the law by which per sons not members of tho Senate nro pro hibited from taking part in its proceed ings is iu conllict with that clause of tho Constitution which provides that no Stato shall bo deprived of its equal auk frngo in tho Senato 1 So that if two Sen ntois from ono Stato wero to die, or liko Conkling and Piatt to resign, tlto day before tho Senate was to meet, the Sen ato could not be organized until a new election was held to fill their placeB. What a paper 1 What a paper 1 Why, oh why, doesn't it consult a law primer when it is minded to talk about law But if it did, it would no longer bo tho Tribune. What a paper I What a pa por.iV; Y. World. Counsel for tho government have filed affidavits in tlto Star route case, against Thotnns J. Brady, John L. French, Wil liam II. Turner, Georgo L. McDonough and Samuel P. Drown, for conspiring to defraud tho United States, and prayed that tho same be tiled, and warrants bo issued iu tho ordinary form, ns prayed for. AVarrants havo been issued for the arrest of tho defendants, and it is prob able that Gen. Brady's property will bo attached. Proceedings will also bo com meuced against ex-Senator Dorsoy. It really begins to look as" if these publio plundtreis might ho consigned to jail nnd some nt least of tho peoplo's inottoy recovered. It will he a tall plunio in Arthurs cap if it is proved that a Repub lican administration dare put Republican thieves iu jail Mid keep them there. TIIK l'LATFOKM. I'lio rciolulirius adopted hv tho recent uetiioeiniio Mate Convention, though somewhat diffuso are sound in principle and iu accordance with tho belief Of all good men of the party. They will am- -., . : ply repay perusal aud wo bono that our leu'iura win iiiKU imiu 10 careiuuy con sider them. Brielly summarised, they declare for homo rule, freedom of elec tions, opposition to monopoly nnd abuse of oorpotato franchises, economy in pub lio expenditures, and demand the unfal tering prosecution of tho Star ronto thieves. In stato politics tho tcpublicntt administration is arraigned for its sub serviency to eoiporations, its nbuso of trusts, its wastefulness in expenditure, nnd its shameless abuso of tho pardoning power. Tho resolutions close witli n sincere expression of the profound sorrow of tho democrats of Pennsylvania for tho dcatli of President Garfield, of sympathy f ot itis stricken family, and of execration for ids assassin. The length of tho resolutions should not prevent their being read attentively. WOLFE'S CAMPAIGN. Charles S. Wolfo delivered his open ing speech of the campaign in tho As sembly buildings, Philadelphia on Tues day night. Tho hall was densely pack ed and hundreds wero tillable to gain ad mission. A long list of Vice Presidents and Secretaries included tho names of many of tlto most prominent and influen tial Republicans in the city. Dr. Thomas 1'. Morton a well known physician pre sided. Tho speech was even more vig orous nnd telling than had been expect ed. Ilo reviewed in scathing language tho operations of tho machine for the past livo years and exposed tho rotten ness of the Pardon Poard aud tho ras cality of tho Riot Bill. It was a scorch ing arraignment, and cannot fail to pro duco an effect upon the moro indepen dent aud honest Republicans. Tho J'ress admits that there is much truth in the charges mado by Mr. Wolfe and unites witli him in condemning tho acts com plained of. The 1'rest says, "If Mr. Wolfe follows up his campaign witli tho vigor and directness of attack with which ho lias begun, it is manifest that tho ex pectations entertained of a quiet cam paign will bo very far from realized." The organs throughout tho Stato have received orders from Chairman Cooper not to notice Mr. Wolfe, but wo are in clined to believe that tho only result this will produce, will be an increased demand for independent papers wherein Mr. Wolfe's utterances are duly set forth and his actions chronicled. A SKIlltlUS CASK. In tlto early part of July last a man named Viceuzo ltebello, a fruit dealer in New Orleans, was arrested on tho sup position that ho was Esposito, a bandit, who was wanted by tho Italian govern ment for murder aud other crimes, ltebello was taken to Now York hun dreds of miles from his homo and had a hearing beforo United States Comtnis sioner Osborn. Tho identity was not conclusively proved and ruueh testimony ot a contacting character was given, On tho T3th of September tho Commis sioner rendered his decision against tlto prisoner,' and he was sent abroad on tho 21st nit. Messrs. W. D. Shipman and W. G. Choate, counsel for ltebello, have submitted an elaborate memorial to Sec retary Blaino to bo laid beforo tho Pres ident sharply reviewing tho case. They hold that tho arrest was illegal, tho ques tion of identity not proved and tho steal thy removal of tho prisoner culpable. Tho memorial is carefully drawn and will doubtless rcceivo tho attention it do- serves. 1 ho legal gentlemen request tlto return of ltebello to this country where tho question of his liability to extradi tion can propcriy bo determined. It does appear as if there had been too much haste in tlto matter and ns if it had not been conclusively proved that Rebello was Esposito. A subject so grave as this should rcceivo instant at tention as tho extradition of foreign born citizens is a delicate duty and should on ly bo exercised with great precaution. Tho case presunt many singular features and its conclusion will bo awaited with great attxiety by all foreigners in this country. nn; ass.siys tkial. Distiict Attorney Corkltill last week issued subpoenas to the following wit nesses for tlto government in tho caso of the United States vs. Charles J. Guiteau: Edward A. Bailey, stenographer, whe lms a large mass ot notes of conversa tions with Guiteau while in jail, giving his history from early boyhood, reasons for committing the act, etc. j Georgo W. Adams, president of tho J'Juenin; SVr ublishing Compauv, who was m the depot en route to Capo May when tlto shooting occurred! Georgo W. McElrath, detective ; Dr. D. W. Bliss and Dr. D. S. Lamb, who wero present at the autopsy ; Jacob P. Smith, special officer iit tlto Baltimore and Potomao Railroad depot, who witnessed tho shooting and assisted in tho arrest ot tiuiteau ; barah E. D. White, in charge of tlto ladies' waiting room at tho depot, who witnessed the shooting and helped to raise tho President ; Robert A. Park, ticket-seller, wito jumped through tho window of his ollico and assisted in raising tho Presi, dent ; Policeman Patrick Kearney, who spoko to tho President just beforo tho shooting, toiling him ho had ten minutes to wait for tho train ( this witness also assisted m Guiteau s arrest. Tho caso was submitted to tho grand jury on Tuesday and most of thu wit nesses mentioned gavo their testimony. Mr. Edward L. Du Barry, a new witness, who was present at tho depot and wit nessed tlto bhootiug,also testified. At ono o'clock in tlto afternoon tlto jury took a recess, nnd tlto foreman, Mr. Churchman, proceeded to tlto ollico of tho district at torney and placed iu Colonel Corkhill's hands a presentment against Charles J. Guiteau for tlto murder of James A. Garfield, President of tho United States, by wounding him witli n bullet fired from a pistol in tho hands of Charles J. Guiteau, at tho Baltimore and Potomao depot, on or about tho second day of July, a. j. 1881. At, this writing,District Attorney Cork hill had not completed tho formal in dictmcnt. fl'lio titito for Guiteau's nr raignineut lilts not been made publio and probably will not bo. There is very lit tle excitement in Washington nnd tiio officers do not anticipate any trouble. Guitentt is to bo brought from tho jail to tho ooutt, a distanco of nearly threo miles in tlto regular prision van, and his trial will be conducted in every respect the same as that of any other criminal. Tho work of removing draperies for tho Michigan sufferers began iu New York on '1 uesday. Such goods ns aro suitable for dresses will bo sent West, and tho remainder sold nt auction. It is thought that S20.000 will bo realized from tho sale. Thu deieudants in the star routo cases ntmoarcd in nouit at AVfiHliinnInn mi 'lVosduy and veto released upon $7600 and $4000 MK. Hough on Conkling. At tho Baptist Ministers' meeting in Now York, on Monday tho ReV. Dr. Wnyland lloyt of Brooklyn, speaking of the death of tho lato President, said ! "If President Arthur in tho faco of this most awful Providenco should tnko into his closo counsels, or should put Into a prom inent position in ollico that mnn who in this Stnto incarnates tho hideous spoils system, and who, though I speak it with wonder nnd horror, was tho only man Nortli or South who stood with mute lips In our recent distress, then thcro ought to go up such a protest from press, pulpit, nnd people, that tho President would realize that his seat is tho gift of tho people and that ho is their servant, continued npplausc, Tito best place to rebuke tho system is in its representative." News' Items. Tho Susquehanna river nt Ilarrisbttrg, is lower now titan it lias been since 180I1. Somebody in Utica has written a let ter threatening the life of ox Senator Conkling. A meeting of tlto Democratic Stato Cominitteo will bo held in Bolton's hotel, Harrisburg, on Tuesday, October 11th The threo robbors who plundered the train on tlto Iron Mountain It. R. last week havo been captured. A train of forty oil cars caught fire near Port Jervis, on tlto Erie R It., last ednesday.and many ol them exploded Some 3511,000 gallons of oil were burned Matvin tho bigamist and forger plead guilty to a chargo of forgery in the Richmond, Va court nnd was sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary. A lire in Ehuira last Friday destroyed a livo story block and adjoining proper ty valued at SM0.000. The Advertiser ollico narrowly escaped destruction. Tornadoes and heavy rain storms havo caused great losses m Nebraska, Wiscoii sin nnd Minnesota. No lives were lost but many persons wero seriously injured. Franklin J. Moses, ex-Govenor of South Carolina, was arrested in New York on Monday, charged with swind ling William S. Hall out of $25. Twelvo buildings wero destroyed bv firo at Warren,this Stale, on Sunday last causing a loss ot s5U,UUU: insurance SlG.fiOO. Nelson W. Aldrich is tlto successor of Gen. Burnside in tlto United States Sen ate. Ilo is not -10 vears old and is now a congressman from Rhode Island. Edward Law, a member of the legis latino from Philadelphia was drowned in tho Schuylkill river on Wednesday by tlto capsizing of a shell in whicli ho was rowing. James Williams, twenty-ono years of age, was killed last week by falling down the air shaft of tho Stanton mino nt Wilkesbarrc. Tho shaft is five hundred feet deep. Mr. Kcono's horses in England gained fresh laurels Inst week. Foxhall won the Grand Duke Michael stakes at Newmar- kot,with Fulano sccond,nnd Golden Gate won the Granby stakes. An attache of tho Surgeon-General's Department at Washington alleges that on Monday night ho heard two men on tho street plotting tlto murder of Presi dent Arthur. Emanuel Lazams,a well known citizen of Pittstoti. jumped from tlto third story of his Iiouso on Tuesday, while laboring under an attack of delirium tremens and died in half an hour afterwards. Tho New York State Republican Con vention was held on Wednesday last. Senator Warner Miller was chosen chair man and tho friends of Conkling were beaten nt all points. Dispatches from all parts of New Eng land indicato tho thermometer below freezing point and considerable damngo dono to crop3. A dispatch from Stowe, Vt., states that it began snowing there Wednesday forenoon, and fruit is frozen on tlto trees. A 'fire in Eldred, McKean county, on Friday last, destroyed a large pait of tho town and caused losses estimated at $100,000, half of which amount is cover ed by insurance. Five acres wero burn ed over. Cat.uskii. Choking, putrid mucous accumulations aro dislodged, tho nasal passages cleansed.disinfected and healed, breath sweetened, mell taste, and hear ing restored, and constitutional tendency checked by Sanfoid's Radical Cure. Tho sufferings of the burned-out peo plo of Michigan havo been increased by disease Typho nialarial fever, bilious colio and pneumonia nro playing sad havoc among the persons rendered home less by tho recent forest iires. Mnny deaths have already occurred, and sev eral of the sufferers aro now lying at tlto point of death. St. Louis Western Watchman. MllSIO II ATM CIlAItJIS, KTC. Ono of the grcnt manufacturing inter ests of Boston is tlto Emerson Piano Company, whoso pianos nro used with high appreciation and satisfaction throughout tlto world. In a recent con versation with Mr. Jos. Uramer, ono of tho propnetois.that gentleman remaiked: "I havo usoil thnt snlendid rcmedv. St. Jacob's Oil, in my family,nnd found it to bo so very beneficial that I will never bo without it. ft has cured mo of a severe caso of rheumatism after other remedies had failed." Charles Pierce, imprisoned at Bloom- ington, Ills., for horse stealing, recently Killed lus jailor. Un Saturday niglit an immciiso crowd overpowered tlto Bheriff and his olhccrs, took Pierce from tho jail and hanged him. There was great excitement, Tito highest hopes and interest of tlto raco rest on tho purity, health and strength of womanhood. Wo takq pleas. tiro in referring our readers to tho ro markablo efficacy of LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound in nil that class of diseases from which women suffer so much. Iitl'OUTANT to TitAVEUins Sneclal in ducements areoflVrtd you by tho Hurlincton itoute. it win pay you to reau tuclr silver llaoment to b found ehowhere in this issue. March 18 -10-w NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATl Of JOHN RAVI', DECEASED, Thn underalpncrl amlltnr nnnrtlntrrt l,v iu n,. 'bans' Court of Columbia tnmnku Htutritm. Inn of tho fund In the hands of tho administrators to and among tho parties loyally entitled to rcceivo tho same will ineL-t lh rmrtlfH IntprnttAii inimM estate at his oillce In the town of liloomsburg, In natd county, on Saturday, the M day of cctoTwr, atlo o'clock a. m of taut day, when and where all iruinuBtuu-itiru-u jiitaiu 1-muw must aucnq or bo forever debarred (rum any sharo of aald fund. OUY JACOnY. octT,4w, Auditor, $28801 msdo In ono yoar by one agent. Iwiidloo fora small 8mtde, orONE DO I. LA H tor 8 different arUclou Which retail for it. and wo will Bhow vou how to maku tQ la a year, De.suro to mention this paper, tl. T. UiJCK, bONACO. Uwliburg, Union Co., Fa. uticura PYAEMIA Or Blood Poisoning, which Rosults in Abc:sros, Ulcers, Soros. Carbun olos, Boils, Itching Humors, Cured. FEVER SORE What 1 tell 7011 Is tho truth, told for no other pur two but to testify to tho merits ot tho Cutlour llomedlcs. Mr. Frederick Teuton, of this town, has boon troubled for years with a Fovcr Boro on ono ot his legs. Last fall and all winter ho could hardly walk a Btcp. 1 Induced him to tako your ncmcdles, lto lias taken about four bottles Cutlcura llcsolvcnt, and used tho Cutlcura and Cutlcura Soap external ly. Ills leg to-day la almost well, nnd ho walks with caso. It was ft sight to behold-black, and swollen very badly. I wish you could seo his leg to-day, Tho cnango would astonish you. C1IAS. II, TKHT, Alfred, MO, SALT RI1KUM Will McDonald. 5541 nparhnrn Street. Clitcairo, gratefully acknowledges a cure of salt niieutn on head, neck, foeo, nrms ami legs, for seventeen years; not ablo to walk erc"nt m hands nnd knees for ono yearj not ablo to heip himself for eight years) tried hundreds of rcmeitlrs; doctors pronounced hts caso iiu,,i-u;nu, yui muut.'uuy uuruu uy uhj uuuuuru uuiuu- GREAT BI.OOD MEDICINES. Tho halt has not been fold as to tho great curative powers Of the Cuttctim llpmnrUon. I linvn nittri linn. dreds of dollars for medicines to euro diseases of tho oioo nnu ssm. anu nover found anything yet to CIIAS. A. WILLIAMS, PfOTldcnco.H. I TREATMENT. Tho rutlcnrft treatment fur thn etirn of Sktn.Scntn and lilood nispnsos, consists In tho Internal usonf rutlcura lte.TOlvcnt, tho now Illood I'uriner, and the external uso of cutlcura and Cutlcura Soap, tho (Iroat Skin cures. Trice of cm'lcintA.Rnvll boxc, r0c.: largo boxes ft.crTIOim V hesoi.VKNT, ft per botUo. Cutlcura woap , ioo. uiuicura shaving Boaap, use. sold by c druj,-jl5ts. Pepot, WEEKS ft roTTEIt, Boston, Mass. CATARRH Sanford's Radical Cure, Complete Treatment For $100. Clear head and voice, easy breathing, sweet breath, perfect smell, tasto nnd hearing, no cough, no choking, no distress. Theso happy conditions nro brought about In tho severest ca ses of Catarrh by that most agreeable, rcono. mlcal, speedy, safe and never Mlilng specinc, sanford's ltndlcal Curo. Comploio and Infnlllhlo treatment, consisting of ono bottle of tho Itadl cal Cure, ono box of Catarrhal solvent nnd ono Improved Inhaler, all wrapped m ono packaeo, wmi ireausi) and directions, nnd snlcl by oil druggists for $1. Ask for Sanford's Cure. General Agents, WJEKtC l'OITEU, nosTon, Jiass. ttHMMM ltTH. M CE. Itoaches. Watnr llugj nnd lied nnd IV I'AKhON'S KXTEHMI miuck Anis eatrnvenou. Natoii and die. No fear or oai sme' s. liirns. granaries and households often clr-nred in a tuig'o night. Best and cheapest vermin killer In tho world. o failure In 80 vears. Every box warrant ed, sold by all grocers ntd druggists. Afk for! rAKsoas1, .Maueurorsjc. by weeks s totter uosion, .-uass. Democratic State Ticket. FOH STATE THEASUHEH, HON. ORANGE NOBLE, OF ERIE. Democratic Couaty Ticket ASSOCIATE JCDdE. FliANKLIN h. SIIUMAN, of Catawiua. JAMES LAKE, Of Scott. rnoTiioKOTAnv. WILLIAM KIUCKUAUM. of lllovm. KE01S1 Ell AND KECORDKK. 0. W. S1EIINEH, of Bloom, COENTT TREASURER, A. M. JOUNSON, of Locust, COONTV COMMISSIONERS. CIIAHLS ItEICUAHD, of Main. B. F. EDGAIt, of Fishingcrcch. Al'DITORI. c. W. HESS, L. J. ADAMS. a TX1KH71PI3! W.t.vriin for tho Lit' s.a.tjr MuMAQ mvruh to Services nnrt as: I'YItED THESIDENT uARFIEL uy ucv. or. orapf r of New Voile This with our An o. 1 Woik for Home. Llbraiy orCounttnL' .,IUI1UUI Ul Jtllltri-un 1'irtrri-f.a. K r ImnLalnnnn ..UU-9V. tut JUIADYAY. AEV lOBE. Oct T, 4-w ala Parker's Ginger Tonic Circs Complaints of Women and diseases of tho Stomach, Bowels, Lungs Liver, and KldnetF.and Is cnureiy uinerentjrom Ultttrs, otnger Essences and other Tonics, as It nevi r Intoxicates. 60c. and ft slies. Largo Saving Billing tl size. I1ISCOX & CO., Chemists, N. V. octT, 4w. d 6,0(10 AOE.VIS WANTED to sell tho LIFE OF GARFIELD- Ills enrlv lift) anil earrrr ns hniritrr nnrt Rtntmnn , bis election and admlnlst ration : his assassination : his heroic struggle) for Hie; wonderful medical treat ment; blood lwlsouliur; itmcval toEltwon: death. oto. TioIUfcely Illustrated, tpletidld nortralt of oarneld. his wife and mother; teeno of tho shoot, lnir: Die sick chamber: (iuiirnu in hin mil, ti, surgeons and tho cabinet, a ho only complete- and authentic woik. Therotsa forluno for agentanm in uiu iivm n jui iuib UVUK. UUIUIH blU. PDt'uK nUICK, Addicts Hubbard Brts., rubs., va Chestnut St. Pblla. oct 7, 4w. U GARFIELD'S: Favorite Portrait from a Negative by tuerbuiui, jurist, or New Yoik, of which (im, Oaitleld ordered over SOOO forpeisonal ush. Ills last crderwas tor loo Justbe loro the assassination. Mzo IdxSl, l, superior to jno nnest (teei plate, The people want a standard i ui u mi,, ki-jho mum (i iu ten uarnems ravortte. Draper, t N. Y. E. if. PORTRAIT. treat, ioj ji-way,w. y, oct 7, 4w. Valuable Real Estate AT PRIVATE SALE THE LAItOK FL0URIN0 MILL In Hemlock township known is tho RED MILL Is offe icd nt nil ATE SALE, This mill Is 47 feet by .0 feet and contains FOUR PAIRS OF BURRS. Usual ly tun by wider rower, but has a steam cn L'tno to run It In time of unusually low water. It has A Largo Custom Trado and thcro Is a bargain In It., For further particulars In qui root M. H. AITLBMAN, Oct. 7-8m Uloomsburg, I'a. E XECUTOR'S NOTICE. UTi:t or josm'ii weaver, deceased. Letters testamentary on tho estato of Joseph Weaver,late ef the loi. n of llloomsburg.Columbla ep. 1'iim'u.. deceased, lxnu been granted by the llegfs. ter of said county to I. W. JicKelvy, executor, of jwuujBuurK-. AfiperHuiis uuwrKCJaunsagainBiino estate of the decedent aro requested to present them for icttlduent nudtboio Indented to ttioestutoto inalo pajmintio tho undrtigncd executor with, out delay. I.W, MCKELVY, Executor, SUIlSOItIHE NOW FOR THE COLUMBIAN $1.60 IN ABVAKCIQ. I 8 .TOTI0E Itf PARflTION K8TATK or JOnN P. CHAM, DtCXISKD. To Susan K. Coorcr. Baltm Township, Luzcrno county, la., Mahola Cridg, Brlarcreck township. Columbia county, Msry, Intermarried with W. A. 3 lltlttaln of Brlarcreck township, Columbia county. Mary R, savago ot iirccnvlllo, Tennessee, Clark Mansfield, Marshall, Texas, Mrs. Frank A. Nngalo lias, 983 walnut street, I'hlla., 'n nnd W, J, Mans field, Berwick, I'a. erecting i Y'ou nro hereby no tified thai In accordance with a writ ot partition Is sued out of tho orrhans court of Columbia county, Stato of I'a.. An Inquest will bo held by tho under signed on the following described premises to wit I Certain pleco or parcel of land tho samo being n vacant lot bounded nnd described ns follows, to-wlti Sltuato partly In tho borough ot Berwick, Columbia county, and partly In sa'cm township Luzerne county, beginning at tho corner of h rout nnd Walnut street In Berwick, therco north twer tynvo degrees west nvo hundred nnd flvo feet to ft corner, thenco nortli slxty-tlvo degrees east threo hundred and seventeen feet to a corner, thenco south twenty.nvo degrees east nvo hundred and twcnty-nlno feet to ti corner, thenco couth sixty seven degrees west threo hundred nnd sixteen feet ,o the cornur tho placo of beginning, containing ono hundred nnd sixty-threo thousand threo hundred nno forty-eight I03,MS) square feet ot ground.elgh ty.flvo thousand light hundred nnd fifty ys,m) sauaro feet, ptttiato in Columbia rnuntv ai.ri sov- niity.sovrn thousand four hundred and nlnety-clgl't ti,Htf-7Ptiiimi iti-t ui uiu Bamu is miumu iu i.ui'ritu .iiiuii.ii., iu uik.i-1 mill vrumm-r uiu enuiuuuii uu divided vithout Injury toor spotllngtho wholo nnd If uui, u vaiuu mm iipnraim, uiu nnmo in nccoraance with Act of Assembly. Tho said inquisition will bo held on tho premises on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1881, at 9 o'clock p. m., when nnd whero you may attend ii juu uiiuk iiruuer. U. H. ENT C. II. Jackson, Attorney for ostato. ' Sheriff. Shorirrs omce, Sept. 0, If 81, w. OriCU 18 IIICREHY QIVEN that an np Plication will be made underthn Art rif Asur-m. blv 01 the Commonwcaltn of I'ennsvlvanla. entitled "An Act to provide for tho Incorporation nnd Itegu. latton of certain Corporations." nnnrnvnii Aniil with. Ifc74, and the supplements thereto, for ;tho Charier of nn Intended corporation to bo called tho Pennsyl vania .Mutual Telegraph Companv. tho character and object ot which Is tho construction, mainte nance and operation ot a ,-clegrnph lino In tho coun ties of Philadelphia, nclaware, Chester, Lancaster, i-uiiu'i-iiuiiu, rruuKiin, nuniingaon, iicurora, i-ui-ton, Lwvrcnee, liutler, Wjomlng, liradfnrd.susquo hannn. Northampton, Lchluh. Berks. Lebanon. l)au- phln, Jlontgomcrv, Carbon, Luzerne, Lackawanna, cuiiujiKiii, vuiuiuuiu, imuuuur, isonnuoioeiiana, Ly coming, Union. Erie. Warren. McKean. Crawford. cniiigo, Clarion, Arm trong, Westmoreland, Alle ghany, Wnfhlnglon, Fayette, somerset, Mercer, llenvcr nnd Clinton, In the Stato of Pennsylvania nnd for thes" purposes to have, poss ss,nnd enjoy ml the rights, benents, franchises, nnd privileges fuiiinrt-uii) ijiuBum Act or Assemoiy ana nssui p'ements. HEAD & PETIT, Solicitors, Sept. S3-3W 8t(t Walnut street, Philadelphia. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF JOHN iiaylor, deceased. Letters of Administration on tho estato of John Baylor, lato of Montour township, Columbia countv. I'ennn, deceased, have been granted by tho Regis- iui ui uiu uuumy 10 i eier p. ivarsunor aamtn Istrator. All Dcrsons havlnir claims aealnst tho estate of tho uect-dent rro requested to present mi-Hi iui cumt-iuuuL, uuu iusu inucuica to me es- inio to maKo payment to U13 unaersigncd adminis trators without delay. riSTEIt S. KAItSIINEIt, Catawlssi. Administrators. Sept. V 0-w UDITOR'S NOTICE. L. SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Mnnha Adams vs. I Joseph A. Ilonrlo and Tho orangevllto it. s. 1'. & Loan Association. In tho Court of Common Pleas of Columblacounty. Judgt. No. in, Jlay T isso. Ft. fa. No. 35. May T..1S8I. Vend. ex. No. 82 j ecpt. t. issi. Tho real estate herein having been purchased by alien creditor whose receipt was attached, Tho omngeMlle M. s. I-'. & Loan Association appear and dispute such implication of proceeds of b.Hh. Where upon .loin O. Fruezo was appointed auditor to mako distribution tf tho said funds: Notlco H hereby given, that the auditor will attend at his omcoln Bloomsburg, on Wednesday, October Mh, at o'clock o. m. for that purpose, when and whero all persons having claims upon said fund aro requested to present them, or bo forever debarred from com ing in on said tund. JOHN O. FREEZE, Auditor. Sept. 23, 4-w. UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF JONAS WIUQIIT, DECEASED, Notice Is hereby give that Iho polnted an nudltor by tho orphans' Court of colum bla county, to dlstrlbuto balance ot fund In tho hands of somuel Ncjhard. Administrate of Jonas wrignr, mm or EriarcrecK townmip, will attend nt. his r-Olrn In flin tnirti rt Ulnntn.,,,.. nn Saturday, t'ctober S2nd, A. D 1881, at nine o'clock hi uiu luruuuuu 10 punurm inu uuttes or ins appoint ment, when and whero all persons having claims against iho said estate aro requested to present tho knmeor be forever debarred from coming In for a clime rum iuuu, JOHN O. FREEZE, Sep. 83 4w Auditor. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. IN HE-ESTATE OF JOHN DE1SHL1NE, DECEASED. The understcned. Aufltinr nnnnlntnl hv tin, nr. plmns' Court ot Columbia county, to mako distribu tion of tie fund In the hands of tho adminis trator of tho estato of said decedent, to and nmong uiu uuc i-iiiiui-u uirrt-iu, win t-it at nis ollico in bloomsburg.on S turday.oct. nd,lE81, nt lo o'c'ock ln tho torenron, to pcrlo'm tho duties of his aPDOlntment. when nnrl whr-rn n. I nnrttra t'lteresled In wild fund must nppear and present their claims or bo forever debarred from any sharo of said fund. R. BUCKINGHAM, t.ep. ?j-lw. Auditor UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF JOnN LATCOCK, DECEA8ED Th undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or gans' court or Columbia county, to mako dlstrlbu lon of the tund In the hads of Oav a Lonenbcrc. administrator of John Lnjcock, deceased, lato ot thu town of Blccmtburg, will attend nt his ollico in Bloomsburg on Thii'soay, Octolcr "th. A. D., USl, nt nlno o'clock In iho forenoon, to perform tiiedu tlen of his appointment, when and where all persons having claims uguinbtthe said estato aro requested to picbi-iittliem or bo forever dctarred from com ing ti) fora sharo of snld fund. v. u. uuuuivv, A I , Sop. 23-4 w Auditor. UDITOR'S NOTICE. . KSTATK Or IIAV1I1 SlUrFFli, DECEASED. The undersigned auditor nnnolnled bv tbn Or phans' Court, ef t-Olurabia county to mako distribu tion oi wie mini in ana among me purilcj entitled thereto. 1 1 sit nt his ofllee Inlleivik-k on Prlflnv. thulflhdayof Novembi r. l'bl nt 9 o'clock a. in., to perlorm the duties of his appointment, when and pnuru un pircons uaMiig claims, ngtuns' luo es'ato it-cuiviug uny buuru oi sum iuqu ... MJ- UI uuu l-luiv I.H- PUII1C.1 1 UCUlllllU UUUI U II. J tCKSON, Sept. 3n,t Auditor. A UDU OIl'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF 0E0RBK RE1SWICK, DECEASED, The underfilled auditor nnnolntfil hv thn nr. ;)liaus' Court of Columbia county to mako dlstrlbu- nolda. Administrator of tho estato of Oeorrn iipIi. .ion or ino naianeo in me nanus fir isiwimi. nitu, urufHscu, iu uiiu uiuuii uiu partus euiititu thereto, will sit ut his ofllcu In llloomabiiri? nn tii,-r. uuj, uiu z in iijij ui wv;(uut-r, iesi, ul U'Q OC10CK in ment when and where all persons haUm? ulaims uio lorenoou, io peiiorm ino nunes or ms appoint ugaiunt nam esinie win appear ana piove luo same or be forever debarred from receiving any part ot UIUMU1D, JOHN 31, CLARK, Sep.23'l.4w Auditor, UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF GEOKQE W. YEAGEK, DECEASED. The undersigned Auditor appointed by tho Or phans' Court of Columbia county, lo make dlstrlbu. Hon ot the funds In thu bands of Mrs. Margaret YoiKer. surviving aCmlnlstratilx to and ainonir creditors or parties er tilled thereto, will mcetper- DUUB UUtll-BlCU IU UIU UlbLIltllU UI IUU aUUOft of his nppolntinent at his onie In tho town of Bloomsburg In mid county, on Monday, the Slih day of ootobt r, A, D., issi, at ten o'clock a. m., of said day, when and whero nil parlies Interested lu Bald fund must attend or bo forever debarred from u suaru vi sum iuieta uriunu. SAMUEL KNORH, sep.2'-vw Auditor, A UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF JOHN ENT, DECEASED. The underslcncd auditor appointed by tho or- hens' Court of Columbia! ounty. to mako distribu tion of tho baIaco ot tho fund tu tho hards ot tho administrator ot tho estato or satd decedent to and nniongparties entitled thereto, win sit at hlsonicu in juocmsuurg, ino nil uuy oi novemouer, issi,at o o'clock In the forenoon, to perform thoMutles ui ins opr uiuuiicui. niii-ii uuu ttuuru an par ties interested In said fund must attend, or bo for. over debarred from any sharo of sold fund. A. U FRITZ, Auditor. Bept 23, 4-w. UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK JACOB DH1BKUHH, DECEASED, Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or lians' Court of t'olumblacounlv. to makct dlstrlbu. Ion of the balance of tho fund In the hands ottho admlnlMiatorotthecMateor said decedent to and among parties tntllied Hereto, will sit at tils omce In Bloemsbuig, on the !4th day ot October, issi, at in o'clock In iho forenoon, to iwrlrm tho duties of his appoint men, when and where all par ties iiiteiistcd In said fund must attend or bo for ever dekaned trcm any thuro oi (aid fund. J.. L, FRITZ, Auditor. Sept 83, 4-w UDl'IOK'SNOIICE, in KE-mAiKOFn. p. iirniin, veciasid. Iho underHgncd auditor appointed by tho Or rhans' court of Columbia crunty to maku dlttrlbu. Hon of the tund In tho hands ot tho executor ot II. It, Applrman, blown by the ilrst and patllal account, to and nmotn? the names cnlltkd thereto, hereby glvts nonce that ho will alt In tho illKliurgo tf thedutlis of his appointment at Ills on cu in tho town cf lilocmsLuriron Vnmiuv. October V4lh, iss1. at ten o'clcck In tho forenoon of bu- nay in wimii ume aiu Place nil peuepa In. tereslid In Bald fund ure nqulrtd to attend or bo (orcveraenarridficmauytuaroor the some. R. BUCKINGHAM, tep. 2.'-4w Auditor. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. N ESTATE OF JACOB CLEWELL, DECEASED. Tho undersigned Auditor appointed by tho Orphans' Court ottoiumblarounty to make dlstrlbt'liou ol tho balance In the bancs of the adm'r. toandamong the parties U gaily tntllied to net-He the mmo will ut(t Iho onus inn-retted lu tatd estate at hU eniceln tl e'l'tv-ntt Bloomsbutgin faldcoun. ly, ou Satuiday, Ihetlh day of November, lbst. at tino'clbtk a. in , of Mild day, when and whero all panics lnt m sled In mid estate must attend or ba lorever dtt-urud from un) Mine cf said I una. fci'iuMKrAitn, t4It,0-w Auditor, nsr EXHIBIT Is now being hold daily by In ovcry ono of tlioir THIRTY-TWO DEPARTMENTS, Of tho newest, choicest nnd most fashionnblo things in ALL KINDS OF DRY GOODS, For tho coming Fall and Winter. Especially does this npply t0 Silks, Velvets and Plushes, Novolties in Dress Textures, Plain Dress Goods, Fancy Black Fabrics, Cloths and Cloakings, Hosiery and Underwear, Linen Goods, Kid and Fabric Gloves, "We havo, besides, tho largest STAPLE such as Prints, Muslins, Sheetings, Wool and Canton Flannels, Blankets, Quilts, c. Our jiroiiavations for the Fall and Winter trado aro on so vast a scnlo that no written description can do them justice, but a personal visit is absolutely necessary for a proper appreciation. ' StrawbFiilge & Clothier, EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. Tie BIST FOR LEAST MONEY. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK S. E. Cor. Sixth and Market Sts., PHILADELPHIA. Tite Largest Clothing House m Abiekioa. O. IB. ROBBIUS, (SUCCESSOR. TO D. W. H.OBBIWS,) DB AI.BR IW Pino IlrandlcN, WiinkfcN, filim, IttiniN, uiul nil KIucIn of Wines cou- six nl ly un tittiKl, IMPORTED ALKS AND FUUTEBS IN BOTTLES BY THE DOZEN. Lanillords throughout the county will find it to their advantage to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. BLOOMSBURG, PA., Main Street, 2nd July , 'so-ly WEBER - - PIA1TOS, FINK INLAID FKENOII WALNUT CASE 0I10AN, U STOPS $90 CASH Easy Term. Sntliiftiniin.. . 'J ... Zr?0 . JIUSIO HALL ULOOK, Juno lu, "st-iy ' UDITOIfS KOT1CE. OK J0SEI-1I W. HUBS, DKCXASBD. ni,V V.nt,''."lt'"ftl Auditor arpolntcd by tho Or. ,"u.n oj Columbia couut'y to wakoismbu. . w 1 'Ti ."""""uenenaaot tue executor ot Jo. iiA..,!;.!11 "i'.' dcaFeil, to uud amopg me par. tho SMh nTi nn, ','1?, 7, '"ocmsburif on Friday w o smu nay ot October, A. I)., issi, at ten o'clock in meen't,r,5f,?.S VrWlY tliM Wwpoiiiu Jif,' wllln lltul wIiero all pertons bavins any tlwof. Otlarn.0 trcm uccIvIdk any share Sept. so-v 0. 0. PBACOCK, Auditor, DITOR'S NOTICE. KSTATK OY D. W. H0BB1N8. DECI1BID. ?.n,c !'?e? A.uJltor appointed by theOr- ?. e.ourt 01 Col1u'"l'"4 reunly, to make dlstrlbu lion oil no money In the handaot o. II. liobblns PCn,f'iIl.',?.SD(1"mon'J 'hrrt'ea entitled thereto. ir'".81 't0 cmce or K' Ikeler. Ittiln the Town 2? f.l??5i?1uJ'r' on.taturday, October Mn. lwi, at ten o'clock . , totirloim the duties ofhls nni rolntmeut. y,hin and where fill persona rSavlns aw v. .,vw .vwiiiut, imj oure luereor. Sept. tWw V. V, I'iACOOK, Auditor, TO TItESPASSINQ. k o ii j'ri.vim mc unci y cauiieneoaeiiinBt trcsDass. Irt:oiithefainow owned by Jtbu MollandaUo . - ... w v m j uiitumi wur, will in von tre lowBthlp. All lunlli ir la toiLldden on iiirt premK-eaand Ufto law. eaandtrciiautrauCILe dealt with accord- JOHN WATTEIIS, UiMiaaje. Ladies' Eeady-Mado Garments, Misses' and, Children's Suits, Boys' Clothing, Corsets and Muslin Underwear, Shawls and Skirts, Infants' Underwear Men's Furnishing, Goods, Ribbons and Laces, stock wo havo ovor shown in GOODS, (CILTfflIW(G THE HALL. Door below Iron. HARDMAW -W-E ROOMS, WIIiKES-BAlURB, PA. jUDITOK'S NOTICE. ISI1TB OY BiXl'IL Bllimil, bickibjd: ,.V,Ddef,r,1'tl auditor appointed by tho Or Pl'aE;' court ot Columbia county, at tho requestor SSnUi.J?r.tlia ',"! ard nclrs. to mako dlstrl button ptiuuds in the hands ol the executors, as Si!?rn,l!y i.Vnr6i aBd ,ar,lal account will sit at his ifnf Jn,nlSfmB!l"l!'..on. Maty, NoTetnber 11th, iniV?tifni9.ckck "J ihe ""enoon to attend to tho .dh, ml '.;ls. 'PO'ninient. All pcrsorB haTlnit SifSWi1 ,la,tl ei,a,e W1U PPear-and prove tho s!ld tund. ut"urC(1 tnta rece.vthK any share ot Bept.M.t. GKO.K. KLWKIJ, Auditor, UDITOR'S NOTIC1,. KSTATK OF 1NTH0NV BNTCIB, DXCI1BKD. the underslgred auditor appointed bythoOr phans' court ol Columbia county, to make- distribu tion ot the balarce ol the tund. In me hands ol the administrator ot fcald and amonf tho Tardea entitled thereto, will bit at bla ctllco In the tovin of llloom6burif, on Katurday, the twen ty ninth day ol oci. A, 1.,hi, at ten o'clock In tho lorenoou. to rerlorm tho duties of hta appoint ment, when and where and whero all parties Inter r U d In said fund must attend or bo debarred from rtceHlns any share thereof. Bept. 80-lw Auditor. JgLEOTION NOTICE, nf.'.'JS '". tyjito given that the ret-uhur annual wi'i'R1'1 ,Da Stockholders ol tho Bloomsburff i.liFfSf""1."111 ' held tn Woomsburif Octo ber Ulh 1MJ, at tho roico ot K. II. LllTWt, &q, al two-oVlock In the afternoon, for ibo purpose oleW J .L .ard.i' I'toctwa toecne lor Ih-) ensu'nn 5 .'"!? ,orl,'e transacuon ol any other buslnosa ol the Coinpany, 8pt.ttM riWK r. liJIXMBrElt, Secy.