THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. nlmnliiun. J.' il BITTEHBEKDEIl, Zilim- BLOOMSBUKG, PA. Friday. Sop t.i'O, 1881. THK DEAD l'llKSIIIKNT. t Tho futioral trtiiii luft Ellioron nt ten o'clock Wednesday morning. Tho car in which tlio casket wns placed vnn lined with black cloth, between tho win tlovvrt, on tlio lianeling, tttul upon tho ceiling. Tho only bit of Color wnH tho dull red in tho carpet, and tho wood work was wholly draped in black. Along tho ceiling about tiio cornico tltero was a lino ot llags, cloHely festoon oil and interwoven witli black. Tho chandel iers wcro hung in sorgo. Tlio catafahpio was Hlighlly raised from tho tloor of tlio car. Tho next car was lor tlio Burgeons and nltcmiuuls. Following tins, was tho car reserved for Mrs. Uai field. This wns tho ono used by Vronidcnt lloberls oi tlio i'ennsylvanta It, 1!., anil is luxti riously appointed. Tho members of tho cabinet occupied a special car. A spec ial train was run to tho station and President Arthur and General Grant stepped from it and entered tho second car of tho funeral train. At every sta tion nloni; tho route crowds assembled and stood with uncovered heads as the train passed. Hells wcro tolled and in many places thero wero beautiful lloral displays. Tho train arrived in Wash- ini'toit at '1:35 p. m when tho casket was at onco removed to tho hearso in waiting. Tlio funeral parly took seats in carriages, and under military escort tho procession at ouco proceeded to tho C.'ipilOl. AT TUB DKl'OT. A vast tlirontr of neonlo wcro assem bled about tho depot to do honor to tho illustrious doail, every avenuo anil ap proach being densely packed with jost- linjj hut, in every instance, mud and or derly citizens. A largo forco of police wero on duty, and tlio lnuncdiato up Dioaches to tho depot wero roped off aud closed nuainst all save those partici patlng in tlio ceremonies or who held special cuds of admission to tho depot. Tho military wero drawn up along the east sido.ot Sixth street, with tho right resting on Pennsylvania avenuo. Upon tho opposite sido'of tho street nearest to tlio depot, was a long lino ot cainagcs preceded by a hearse, winch was drawn up diiectly at the main gate of tho Sixth street side. It was draped in black of rich and heavy material, wholly unre lieved by any other color, and was drawn by six iron gray whose trappings weio also draped in 6onibro black. Just buforo tho train entered tho depot the platform was cleared by tho police, and tho officers of tho army and navy to the number of 130 formed in single rank upon tlio loll, laeitiir tlio train. As soon as tho last of tho Presidential party had entered their carriages, tho signal was given by tlio buglo and tho military escort formed in line, and tho mourniul procession started on its way to tho capitol. With muflled drums and solemn funeral dirge, tlio procession moved slowly up tho avenue. A dense mass lined tho sidewalks all tho way. AT THE CAPITOL. At tho east Trout of tho capitol a vast assemblago had congregated to viow the funeral cortege. At tho front of tho Bteps thero was a double filo of senators nnd representatives, headed by their re spective officer waiting in respectful si lonco to escort tho remains into tlio ro tunda. At precisely 5:10 tho head of tlio sad procession moving around to tho south sido of tho capital arrived at tlio east front, the arms of the military being reversed and tlio bands playing tho dead march. Tho oflicers of tho army and navy drow up in parallel lines on eitiier sido of tho hearso and tho Ma rino band played "Nearer my God to Thoo." With solemn tread tho remains of Prcsido-it Garfield wero borno into tho rotunda and placed upon tho cata falque. T11K OASKl'.T OPENUIi. At 5:00 p. m. tho lid of tho casket was opened and tho faco of tholato president was exposed to viow. Noiselessly Pres ident Arthur and Secretary Maine, np proaehed and gazed upon tho faco of tho dead nnd then Blowly and sadly pass cd out of tho hall. A lino was formed by Sergcant-at Arms Bright and ono by ono ot those present advanced and danced at tho emaciated and discolored faco of tho dead president. Tho public at lareo was then admitted, and thou sands of persons testified by their re verential conduct nnd mournful counte nances tho soitow which thev exper ienced in looking upon the features of their murdered president. Tho casket is black, with silver handles black rods running along the side, and upon tho top is a silver pinto with tho inscription : ; Jami:s Aiiiiam Gaufiui.d. : Born November 19, 1831. ; Died President of tlio United States : September 19, 1881, Tho casket is lined with white satin, across tho top, and crossing cacli other, aro two long leaves of palm. Only tho faco and shoulders nro seen, and ono needed to know all that remained of James A. Garfield lay thoro to recall tho faco so familiar during life. Tho fnco to those who know General Garfield only from his portraits could not hnvo lioen recognized. Tho body laid in stato in tho rotunda of tho Capitol all day Thursday of last week, and at cloven o'clock on Friday morning tho doors wcro closed. It is estimated that 80,000 people viewed tlio remains. A steady stream of humanity uouiod through tho yast rotunda and thoro was no cessation for hours. In tho afternoon, religious sorvices wore hold and wero nttonded by nil tho representatives of foreign powers in Washington. Thoro wero scats for 1300 but more than 25,000 sought admission. Tho services wero simple and consisted of tlio reading of scriptural passngeu by ltov. Dr. Rniikiti, a prayer by Rev. Dr. Knot, an address by Rev. F. J). Power iinstor of tho church of which Mr. Gnr liohl was a mombor, and a prayer by Hey. J. (. Butler. At tho toot ot tho catnfahiue. facing toward tho east, was n pillow of white (lowers, with blue (low tirn marking tlio inscription. "Tho Union Veteran Corps to their Old Commander." Tlio next lloral emblem wns tho novel and beautiful "Gatew Ajar." Then ennio another massive pillow of roses and ivy made at tho fJovornmont Conservatory, with tho words lettered in bine (lowers in the centre. "Our Mnityrcd President. Back of that, hanging from tlio base of tlio calnfalcjue, nt tho loot ot tlio casket, ym a. Ixjautifiil wreath tho gift of Quoen Victoria. Tho wmkot was then borno from Uk bBildiugand oonv!ycd to tho railroad station. Iinmonao crowds tilled tho Btrccta alongtka lino of-thb jrocopspu. flte line wns headed bv mounted officers of tho funeral escort led by Gen. R. B. A vies. iiPiitiid the lirst hand marched Washington Bight, Infantry, weming liigh beavers and white coats and oar lying their nrnis leveisid. Tho com panics of foot Roldiers which followed wore iihitorms of blue and gray. Tho mariito band with its bright red coals camo next, heading tho Marino Corps. Tho foot nnd light nrtillory brought up tho rear of the military. division. Tho civio procession followed some distanco alter, under tho command of Chief Mar shal Col. Boyd. Tho Do Molay Com niandery of Knights Templar, of which tlio Into President himself wns a mem ber, headed this lino. Carriages con taining tho clergymen and soino of tho physic-inns of tlio Into President came ncxt,',nnd following Iheso was tho heaise, Irawn by six iron gray horses, with a colored coachman at tho head of each one. On cither side of tho hearso wnlk ed tho pall bearers, and enclosing them in its hues camo the Guard of Honor, Die army representatives of tho Guard of Honor marched on tlio light and tho navy on tlio loft. They wcro in full uni form. Carriages containing somo of tho relatives of tlio President's family fol lowed, nnd then Gon. Grant nnd ex Gov. Haves' camo in a close carnage, I'rcst dent Arthur mid Sect clary Blaino rodo nt tho head of n lino of carriages, in which wcro Cabinet Minsters nnd their wives, and the members of the diplomatic- corps in full uniform. Tho Chief Justice of tho Supremo Court nnd tho Associate Justices, tlio Senators of the United Stntcs and members of tho House ot Heiirosentatives, tho Governors of States and Territories, and the iudlciary of iho District, the Judges of tho United Slates Comt, and tho ollicers ol tlio several de partments rodo in carriages following. Tho long lino ended with organized socie ties and citizens who'choso to follow the dead President. Tho funeral train left tho station nt 5:15 nnd was followed by a sreond train carrying Senators nnd Representatives. Only necessary slops were made on tlio route nnd Cleveland was reached nt 1:17 Saturday nftornoon. Five minutes af ter tho train reached tho depot tho cof fin was lifted from tho cars nnd enrried to tlio hearso followed by tho guard of honor with General Sherman nnd Roar Admiral Bodgcrs walking nt tho head. Tho coffin was not again opened. Tho pavilion in which tlio coffin was placed was a very handsomo structure nnd tho interior wns beauiituuy decorated with rare plants, choico flowers and exquisite lloral designs. At 10:30 on Monday morning tho final ceremonies began nt tho pavilion. The services wero opened bv tho singing of the "funeral hymn" by tlio Cleveland vocal society. Portions of scripture from tlio burial servico of tho lipiscopnl church wcro then read by Bishop Bedell, of tho Episcopal diocese of Ohio. Bev. Boss C. Houghton offered a miivcr and was followed by tho Vocal Society who sang a hymn. Bcv. T3auc Erret of Cincinnati delivered an eloquent and touching ndditss in which ho re viowed tho lifo of James A. Gai field, After tho singing of another hymn Dr. Charles Pomeioy delivered tho funeral prayer aud benediction. A very largo procession accompanied tlio body to tlio cemetery. At tho grave in Lake View Cemetery Dr. J. P Robinson, as presi dent of tlio day, opened tho exercises by 1.. . 1 '. T TT T . l !.. of tho Fortv-second regiment, Ohio vol unteers, infantry, which General Garfield commanded. Chaplain Jones spoko at considerable length of his old comrado in arms. Tho Latin odo from Horace was then sung by tho united ucrman singing so cietics. Another hymn was sung bv tho German vocal societies of Cleveland. The exercises closed with benediction by President Hinsdale of Hiram College. Tho knoll where the body of tho pros ident was buried is tlio most choice site in tho cemetery, nnd it is said tho trus tees had been offered $10,000 for it, Tho public vault in which tho remains will lio until their final interment is n chnpel-liko structure of Berea sandstono, gray and yellow in color and Gothic in design. It lias a sonaro tower about sixty feet in height and a narrow door way at tho base, guarded bv iron bars, and on tho insido a door of solid iron. Tho interior is twenty soven feet square and almost devoid of decoration, savo a few withered Uowcrs. It has stono shelves on thrco of its walls for tho rest ing place of tho dead. Tho vault fronts on tho main nvcnuo of tlio cemetery, and immediately in front of it thoro is an ar tificial lako surrounded by bright colored flowers. It is the abode of several whito Bwans, who move slowly to nnd fro over its bright waters. This is tlio only spot m tho cemetery whero tho trustees seem to havo expended private means liber ally. Tho lots of many wealthy families lio around about, and as tlio burying ground is comparatively now all tho monuments aro so, and many of thorn aro claborato and costly in design. Tho land rises gradually to tho crest of tho cemetorv wlicro General Garfield is to ho buried. Monday wns observed as a day of prayer throughout tho United States nnd business was goncrally suspended. At the various military posts and in most of tho larger towns and cities guns wero hred every halt hour and n national sa Into at sunrise nnd sunset. In London thero was never beforo seen such genoral wearing of mourning for n foreignor. Many of tlio Biiopa wero closed and but littlo business was trans acted. Tho English court is in mourn ing, a most unusual tributoof respect for an American. Tho nows from all quar ters of the elobo aro of tlio samo import, Impressive funeral services wcro held in nearly every church, bolls wero tolled aud buildings draped. TUK ASSASSIN. Now low let tho heavy hand of justico bo upon tho wretched Guitcau. With laid as littlo demy as ueconoy requires 101 him bo tried, condeinnod and executed, Everything should bo done in a lawful manner mm wiin a strict, onsorvnuoo oi all tho forms prescribed by tho courts, His guilt Bhould bo established by Bworn witnesses, tlio verdict pronounced by n jury, and tho sentenco of tlio law carried out bv properly constituted olllcors. But thero should bo no unnecessary delay Tho peoplo of this country respect tlio law nnd cheerfully submit to its require ments, but tlioy nro in no liumor to brook tho postponement of tho assassin's doom. Tlioy will not quietly submit to ridiculous pleas of insanity, nor tolerate tho interforonco of crnnky surgcona with high-flown theories nbout tho improper treatment of tho President. Lot Guitonu havo Justice and nothing inoro. This country is not big enough to hold its de cent, honorublo peoplo and tho oownrdly scoundrel who now occupies a eon iiuiio jail nt Washington. Tho denth of ten thousand such fellows would not com pensate for tho loss of tho President it is true, nnd liisapecdy end is only desir ed becauso ho in a stench in tho nostrils of tho people. In thia nation, nssnsnins never havo nnd never will bo Moated. Thoro is no occasion for deeds of von geanoo by a mob. Let the law bo obsorv id in nil ifspccus but let its operation bp untrammelled by tricky devices or silly testimony offered by erajita3-wliothcr , .protossionai or omerwuo, I'rcMlttent Arthur's Inaugural. President Arthur took the oath of oflico at the p,ipit..l on Thuudnv of Inst week in the prosencoof lliocablnel.tho justices of the supremo court, n lew senators mid congressmen, uenernls eiicrninti, Grant and others, forty in nil. Chief Justice Wnlto, in full robes of office, ad ministered tlio oath. Tim President then read from manuscript notes tlio following address. "For tho fourth Unto in tlio history of tho republic its chief magistrate lias been removed by death, All hearts aro filled with grief nnd horror nt tho hideous crinio which has darkened our land, nnd tho memory of tho murdered president, his Protracted sufferings, his unyielding fortitude, thu oxamplo and achievement of his life nnd tlio pathos of his dcatli will forever illumine thu nagesof our his tory. For tho fourth time tho officer elected by tho people nnd ordained by the constitution to fill a vacancy so crea ted is called to nssiimu tho executive chair. Tho wisdom of our fathers for seeiiig tlio most dire possibilities mado sure Unit tho government should nover bo imperilled becauso of tho uncertainty of human lifo. Men may die, but tho fabrics of our free institutions remain unshaken. No higher or more assuring proof could exist of tlio strength and permanence ot popular government man tho fact that, though tho chosen ono of the peoplo be stiuck down, his constitu tional successor is peacefully installed without shock or strain, except tho sor row which mourns tlio bereavement. All tho noblo aspirations of my lamented iredccessor which loimu expression in lis life, tho measures devised and Bug gested during his brief administration to correct abuses nnd enforce economy, to ldvanco prosperity nnd promote the gen eral welfare, to ensure domestic security and maintain friendly and honorable ic lalions with tho nations of tlio earth, will bo garnered in tho heails of tho people, and it will bo my earnest endeavor to proht and to sen that the uatiou shall proht by Ins oxamplo ami cxpei lcnce. Prosperity blesses our country. Our fiscal policy as fixed by law, is well grounded and generally approved. No threatening issuo mars our foreign interests and the wisdom, integrity and thrift ot our peo plo may bo trusted to continue .undis turbed tho present assured career of peace, tranquility and welfare. Tho gloom and anxiety which havo enshroud ed tho country must mako reposo espec ially welcome now. No demand for speedy legislation lias been heard ; no adequate occasion is apparent for an un usual session of congress. Tho consti tution defines tho functions and powers of tho oxccntivo as clearly as those o either of tlio other two departments of tho government, and ho must answer tor tho just exercise of tlio discretion it per inns aim me perioimaiieo ui inu uuiien it imposes, summoned to these Ingn duties and responsibilities and profound ly conscious of their magnitude and gravity, I ussumo the trust imposed by tho constitution, relying for aid on Di vine guidance and tho virtue, patriotism and intelligence of tho American lieo pie." STATE TUEASUKEU. Hon. Ornngo Noble, of Erie, was nom inated for Stato Treasurer by tho Demo cratio State Convention at Williamsport on Wednesday. A full report of the Convention will appear in these columns next week. By the dcatli of Senator Burnsido tlio Democrats will havo a majority of three at tho opening ot tho tjciiato. this will cnablo them to choose a president jn-o tem. who will then swear into office the two Senators from New York,and Burn- side's successor. On a full voto there would bo a tic between Democrats and Republicans. To elect a Democratic president vro tem. it is necessary that every Democrat bo present, and that thero bo no overstrained notions of "cour tesy." Tlio Democrats, by tho way, ap pear to havo a monopoly of that kind of politeness, Republicans not regarding such unimportant matters when anything is to bo gamed by overlooking it. Mayor Graco of Now York, recently dismissed tho Police Commissioners from oflico for neglect of duty in not having tho streets cleaned. .Governor Cornell has overruled tho mayor on tho flimsiest of pretexts and allowed tho Commision- V . . ... n ... .!... f .1...:.. ers to retain tneir ouiccs in siniu oi uiuir misdemeanors. Tho World indignantly says: "The Democratic voters of this city aro not likely to forget this actioii of a Republican Governor, nor aro they likely to forget that it is to Tammany Hall and its Boss that they owo tlio election of tho Republican Governor who has thus identified himself nnd his party with the causo of municipal misgovern ment." It appears to be positive that tlio cab met will bo materially changed, if not ontircly re-constructcd. Attorney Gen era! MacVeagh has tendered his resig nation in writing and assured tho 1'rcs ident it must bo accepted. It is lumored that Secretary Blaino will also retiro within ten days. Other changes aro mentioned but not with authority. Tho appointments mado by President Arthur to nil the vacancies thus caused will be narrowly scrutinized aud will go far to reassure or disappoint tlio peoplo. Tho President's position is not enviable by any means. President Arthur has called a special bcssioii of tho benato for Uctober 10th Tlio Democrats will undoubtedly elect a President pro tem and probably n boo retnry. Tho two now senators lroin Now York and tho ono from Rhode Is lnnd cannot bo sworn in until a presid ing officer is chosen who will administer tho oath of office. It is absurd to claim that a Republican should bo elected and thero nro fow even of tlio Republicans who advocate such a proceeding, Tlio Montour county fnir which was to havo been held last week, was postponed to October 10th, 20th, 21st and 22nd. Tho oondltion of tho weather was tlio principal reason for tho postponement. Tho managers were of opinion tlint if rain fell tho farmers would bo obliged to Btay at homo to look after their plowing and seeding, and if tlio drought contin ued tlio dusty condition ot tho roads would bo a drawback to tho pleasure of the occasion. It is rumored that ox-Surgeon General Hammond has hi preparation a book of 300 plages, severely condemning tho mnnngeinent of tho surgeons who attend od tho President. It is not at all likely Hammond will comprehend that tho country has had nbout as much of his snarling as it enn stand, but Bitch !b iieveilheless,tho plain unvarnished truth, Chinese witnesses do not regard an oatli unless it is tnken by cutting off a fpwl'fl head or breaking a dish. In a recent pnsoin Philadelphia tho witnesses wero pot pei'initti'd to swear on acopunl of thu judge's objections tp chickens and china us adjuncts. H ChincBO cases in crease it will bo necessary to jiave a chicken coop in tho Court Ilouso cellar and ft prppkwy frtoro iu the lobby, THE MAIfi NUISANCE. Wo should like to know what tho post ollieo authorities intend to do about the failure of tho morning malls to reach this town. Twice during tlio present week tho offence has been committed nnd tlio probabilities nro that, unless vig orous measures nro taken, the satno stato of nffnirs will exist next week and tho next. Isn't tho post-olllco department strong enough to compel a railroad com pany to perform tho duties for which it is paidf There nro several thousand people in this valley who would bo glad to havo tho question answered. News Items. 15. S. Chase, of Wilkcs-Barrc, chal lenges nny amateur single sculler on tho Sii8(tichnnna from llnrrisburg to thu licnd waters of tlio river. If tlio race takes place at Wilkcs-Barre, the oxpon ses of visiting oarsmen will bo paid, and if Chaso goes from homo his expenses aro to bo paid. No human ngenov can so speedily cleanse tho blood, clear tho complexion nnd skin, restore tlio hair nnd euro every species of itching, scaly nnd scrofulous humors ot tho skin, sculp and blood as tho Cutlcurn Remedies. Agnes Kitchen, nged sixteen, n daugh ter of John Kitchen, a farmer, was drowned in Harvoy's Lako on Sunday, while crossing in a boat. Sho stood up to cliango places with n companion and upset tho boat. Tho Earl of Airlic, a peer of Scotland, died at a hotel in Denver, Col., on Sun day night, of a congestive chill. We nro strongly disposed to regard that person as the best physician who does most to alleviate human suffering. Judged from this standard, Mrs. Lydia Ifi. l'inkhnm, 233 Western Ave., Lynn, Mass., is entitled to the front rank, for her vegetable compound lsdaily working wonderful cures in fcuialo diseases. Send for circular to tho above address. , Swatlunoro College, nearPliiladelphia, was destroyed by fire on Sunday night. It was insured for Si 50,000 which will cover the loss. Tho students all escaped. Cleveland, (Ohio) Herald. a hammouk's wild way. An Illinois exchange feels called to thus deliver itself: ,"IIis hammock swung looso at tho spoit of tho wind," ami tumbled tho lion. J. S. Irwin on his head, and but for tho application of St. Jacob's Oil, ho might hnvo gono "wheie tho woodbine twineth." Even so dear Iicacon as many others havo gone, who failing to use tho brent tierman Remedy in time, for their rheuniatisin and other dangerous diseases, "hnvo paid tlio debt of Nature. Rub is our motto. A hurricane struck Elmira on Sunday accompanied by a severe ram storm, ft was of brief duration, but terribly de structive. Houses wcro unroofed, trees uprooted and great destruction wrought by tlio heavy fall of rain. Tlio dama ges will amount to thousands of dollars, A tornado at Quinoy, Illinois on Sun day, caused great damage. Several lives wero lost. A number of effigies of Guiteau wero hung in diltcrent parts ot Tsow York on Sunday night and attracted great crowds of people, who pelted them with sticks and stones and hooted and hissed. Tho polico removed sonic of them, whilo oth ers jvere removed by the crowd. At tho firing of a cannon at; Tarry town, N. Y. on Monday morning, a man named Newman was instantly killed, and a man named Sutton mortally wounded. Guitcau lias asked his brother-in-law, Georgo M. Scovilio of Chicago,to defend him at lus coming trial. A tcrriblo accident occurred on the Philadelphia and Reading railroad on Thursday of last week between Gordon and Locust Dale. As a train consisting of ten or iifteen gondola cars, on which wcro tanks used to carry water to differ ent collieries during the protracted drouth, was ascending a heavy grade bo tween tho above points tho rear part of tho tram broke looso and ran back down tho grade with fearful speed and collided with an empty coal train, instantly kill ing tlio fireman, Thomas Yost, of Locust .Dale, and Ueorgo Jvenney, ot I'lnladel phia, and seriously injuring John Haul, of Gordon. The engineer escaped unhurt by jumping. James Williams, aged 21 years, an omployco nt tho Stanton Mines, Wilkes Barre, fell down the air-shaft on Satur day, a distanco of live hundred feet. His body was horribly mangled. Charles Fullorath, a well known miner in tho employ of the Delaware and Hudson company, accidentally walked into No. 2 shaft at Plymouth Tuesday ovcning. lio fell a distanco ot 155 feet. When his body was brought to tho sur- laco it was hardly recognizable. On Tuesday evening a carload of gun powder exploded at Council Jslults, lowa. l no powuer was billed as tho ordinary blasting kind. Tho Union l'aciho Co. refused to receivo it and it wns sent to the yards of tho Rock Island Co. The concussion demolished the company's round houso and repair shops of brio!., and freight house, frame, besides forty or fifty freight cars, and dug a holo in tho ground fifteen feet deep and forty fivo feet in diameter. Windows weru broken in all parts of tho city and ovon in places twenty miles distant. The loss es will aggregato soveral hundred thous and dollars. iMroRTANT to TuAVKt.Kns Ppcclsl in ducements aro offered )ou by the Burlington It ou I e. It will pay you to read their ailvrr tbcinpitt to tic found eleewliere in this issue. March 18 -10-w N E WTdVERTIS EM ENTs7 OPERA HOUSE BLOOMSBURGr. ONE NIGHT ONLY. MONDAY EVENING, 00T0BEK3. SIMMONS & MOWER'S (l.nto orilic WllUlniiuii'o,) UNCLE TOM'S CABIN co3VLBi2sr-A.a:iojsr, WITH MODERN IMPROVEMENTS ! PHILIP H. LEIINEN - MANAGER Now Music I Now and Characteristic F.Cfccta and n Cubtor L'lmractera Hcldcin Knuallcd. TllUlU LINO SLAVE HUNT with IILOOI) HOUNDS I Jubilee SonKS,lioautl(u Allei;o.y,ta. Tho wholo making a grand rovival o( Mrs, Harriet needier StowCs (treat Moral, HcllflouB iind Iiamor Uil Woi It, Admired by all IncU'dltit; ClerertiU'U or all Lk'uomluu lions f ATruo l-JCTUHK -OK- BLAVKHY AS IT WAS TIHKTY YKAItS AUO, Two Siberian Bloodhounds "OOLOXraii" AND "flAVAOfl" Tlio lanrftcer exhibited In this country, and a Vlrbt Clous CMiipuny. UKAVTIl'UL AIXKUOHY "NO CUOSS," 'NO OltOWN."- the rropiE'B ruy at ropyuB raioES i Admission, Kudu cenU. lteserrea tieU w cents, licserrod &cU on 6Ue u F, 11. DKHTUJICa SUOS HTOltli. flitiCliM Till!) GREAT SKIN (JURE, XNFAJiX.XSXi'B" OOTIBS llcliliifrniitl Scaly IMkouncb, Scrof ulous IlumorN, irinnrH) Old 8orvN anil niurcni'lal I'ectloiiN ivlion all oilier Human Agencies I'nll. TIIISCtlTlCUltATItUATMKNT, for tho curoot Skin, Scalp and Mood Diseases, conMsU In tho Intcrnnl uso of Ccticuha 1If.boi.vknt, tho now lllood l'urinor. and tlio oxtornal uso of Ccticuha nnd CuricunA HoAr, tho (iront Skin Cures, For Sunburn, Tan and droasy Bkln uso Cullcura fonp, an oxnulslto toilet, ban nnd nursery sanative fragrant with delicious llower odors and hoallng balsams. SALT HHKim Will McDonald, Mil Dearborn Street, Chicago, gratefully acknowledges a euro ot Salt lihoum on, neck, loco, arms and lofts, (or seventeen years; not nblo to walk except no hands nnd khros for ono year not nblo to hep himself for eight j oars ; tried hundreds of remedies; doctors pronounced his caso hort loss: permanently cured by Iho Cutlcurn llemo- ntcH. PSORIASIS'. 11. K. Carpenter, Uso.., Henderson, N, Y cured ot l'sorlnsls or Leprosy, of twenty years standing, by tho Cutlcurn ltusolrcnt Internally nnd Cutlcurn nnd Cutlcurn Soap externally. Tho most wonderful ensj onrocnid. curDcertiricd to beforo a Junlco ot tlio iH'nen nnd prominent citizens. All ntlllctcd with Itching nnrt Hcnly Diseases should send to us for this testimonial In full. skin'diseaIje! If. II. Drnko, Khi., Detroit, Mich., Buffered beyond nil description from a skin disease which appeared on his hands, head and face, and nearly destroyed his oyes. Tho most careful doctoring failed to help hlin, nnd utter 'all bttd failed ho used tho Cutlcurn itesolvent ini;rnally,t'ntlcura and cutlcura Boap ex ternally, nnd wns cured, nnd has rema ncd pcifccliy well to this day. BOKOFULA. lion. William Tnylor, Boston, sajs ! "Alter thrco months uso of thocullcurn llcmcdleu, nnd lijenrs of as constant suffering from humor of tho face, neck nnd scnlp ns wns ever endured, I enu say that 1 am cured, and pronounco my caso tho moHt ro marknblo on record. I havn been so elated wit li my success that I hnvo stopped men on tho street v. lio wcro mulcted and told them to get thu Cutlcura Ilemeuies and they would euro them. SKIN HUMOUS. .Mrs. S. K. Whipple, Decatur, Mich., writes that her face, head and somo parts of her body wcro nl most raw. Head covered with scabs and sores Hurrored fearfully and tried eicrjtldng. l'ermnnent ly cured by cutlcura Uemodles. 0UTIUU11A. cutlcura Ilcmedles nro for snlo by all drugglsts.l'rico of cut leura, n Medicinal Jelly, small boxes CO cents ; largo boxes $1. cutlcura Itesolvent, tlio now lilooa I'urincr.jl per bottle, cutlcura Medicinal Toilet Soap, 2.1) cent s. Cutlcura Medicinal fclmvlng Hoap, 10 cents, In bars for barbers and largo consumers, Miccntn. principal depot, Wkkks rotter, Boston, Mass. ir-All mailed free ou receipt of price. rsl I tnin. ono coti.tss voltaic ki.fc- CJl"l",,'f TOW I'T-WTEIt, costing 25CCIltS, VniTiic'IpR'tJrir'T l fsr Mipertor to (tvrry .liber niw.iA.ti ,5.4(jUiiua electrical appllanco beforo tho pi .r-rt public. Tlicyinstantly relieve ttSTCiVa DyspepMi), I-Ucr Complaint, Malaria. Feier and .guonnd Kidney nnd t'rliiiiry DID cuttlis. and tnaytwvnn over the pltof tho stomach, over Iho kidneys or nny a ITi fled part. i'rleo 25 cents. Fold ovcryvthero. WKLKS& l'OI' TKH, Boston, Mass. d KcptS, lm Democratic Stutc Ticket. TOIl STATE TltBASUUKK, HON. ORANGE NOBLE, OF ERIK. Democratic County Ticket. ASSOCIATE JD1KIR. FUANKLIN Ij. BI1UMAN, of Catuwissa. JAMES LAKH, of Scott. rilOTIIONOTABV. WILLIAM KIUCKDAUM. of Jlloom. KKOISTEH AND 11ECORCE11. O. W. STKIINEH, of Bloom. COUNTY TREASUBKIl. A. M. JOHNSON, of Locust. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. CHARLES III5ICHAHD, of Main. U. F. EDUAlt, of FisMngcreck. AUDITORS. C. W. HESS, L. J. ADAMS. DMINISTKATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP JOHN BAYLOR, DECEASED. Letters of Administration on tlio estnto of John Baylor. Into of Montour townshln. Columbia countv. rennn, deceased, havo been granted by tho Itegls- ktui huiu cQunty iu j tier o. lttirsunor aomin Istrator. All persons having claims against tho estnto of tlio decedent aro requested to present them for settlement, nnd thoso Indebted tothoes tato to make payment to tho undersigned adminis trators without delay. I'ETEH S. KAIIS1INEII, Catnnlssa. Administrators. Sept. 20 c-w UDITOU'S NOTICE. siiEitn r'a balk ok heal estate. Manila Adams vs. Joseph A. Ilenrlo and Tho Orangevlllo M, S. 1', ic Loan Association. In tho Court of Common rieas of Columblacoruty. Judgt, No. H'3, May T, lbU. HI. to. No. 85. May T..1681. vend. ex. No. 82 sept. T. 18S1. Tho real estate herein having been purchased by a Hen creditor whoso receipt was nltactcd, Tho OrangovIHo M. b. V. & l-onu Association appear and dlsputo such nrpltcatlon of proccccs ot sain. Where upon John 0. Freeze was appointed auditor to mal o distribution ot tho said funds: Notice U hereby given, that tho auditor will attend at his oflico in Iiloomsburg, on Wednesday, October tfth, nt 9 o'clock a. m for that purpose when and whero all persons having claims upon said fund aro rcqucstm 10 prcbCLl mem, ir iu teruver ueuarreu ireui euiu Ing In on said fund. JOHN O. I'ltEEZK, Auditor. Sept. 23, 4-W. jUDITOR'S NOTICE. estate oy jonas wiuanr, deceased, Notlco 13 hen by git o that Iho miderslRnod.ap- Eointc d nn Auditor bj tho Orphans' Court of Coluia la county, to dlttribuio balanco of fund lu tho hands of fccnmel Ncilinid, Admlulstraio of Jonas Wright, Jam or Briarcrcd; township, will attond nt his onico In tlio town of ltlcoimburg. on Saturday, October vand, A. D., Ibsi, at nlno ofclock In tho forenoon to perform tho dv.les cf I1I3 appoint ment when nnd whero all persons having claims ngalnst Hie wild estata aro requested to rresent the same or be forever debarred from coming In for a snare 01 wiuiunu. JOHN O. FHKEZK, Sep. 23-4W Auditor, AUDITOK'S NOTICE IN HE-ESTATE OF JOHN HEISUL1NX, DECEASED. The underslgred. Auditor appointed by tho Or phans' Court ot Columbia county, to make distribu tion of tbe fund In iho hands ot Iho adminis trator of tho cstato of said dwedent, to and among nartles entitled 1 hereto, will elt at his oflico In hloomsbure.on Haturdav.Oct. 22nd.lSSl. at 10 o'o'ock In the forenoon, to pel form tho duUes of his appointment, when and where all parties iniircbieu in hum mud inusi, upneur iiuu pruuvui their claims or bo forever debarred from any share or Bom iuuu. It. BUCKINGHAM, Bcp.n-iw. Auditor A UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OV JOHN LATCOCK, DECEASED Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or. plums' court of Columbia county, to mako dlstrlbu. UUU OI I11U 1UUU III II1U UUUUa HI 'U, U MJHKIiUVIK, admlnlktratorof John Lnjcock, deceased, late of the town of Blcornsburg, will attend at hts onico In liioonisnnrg ou 'I nurtuay, ucioncr uui. a. v., imi, at sine o'clock In tlio forenoon, to nerform the du ties of his appointment, when and whero all persons having claims against the said estate are requested 10 prebeiu mcin or uu lurever ueiairrcu uuiu will ing in for a share oi said lund. V. 11. BKOCKWAY, Bop. icmw Auditor. ATOTICE IS HERE1JY GIVEN tlial an ap 1 plication will lo wade under Iho Act of Assem bly ortlio C'cunmonwcnlth ot I'cnnsylvanlu, entitled "An Act to pioviae lor ire inoorrniruiiuii mm ucku. In linn nf nrlnln cernorallons." annrcved Aurll VJlli 1S7J, and tlio supplements thereto, for .the Charter of an Intended ccrporatlon to bo called tho Pennsyl vania Mutual Telegraph Company, the eliaracler and object of which is the construction, innlnlo nanco and operation of a telegraph lluo In tho coun ties Of miioucirnia, iciawarc, iiieBier, ijincunicr, Cumberland, Franklin, Huntingdon, Bedford, :iful- lull, mwremi', liuwi;i. ivjvuiiuk. in,iuuiu,muNuc- hanna. Northampton, I-clilgti, Berks, Lebanon, Dau- ruin, Jjiomgeinery. Vfuieu, j.uzviuu, itnuniu'ua, Schuylkill, Columbia, Meutnur.Noitliumbeiland.Ly- coming, tiuiun, cnu, niuieu, Aitivuuu, .ianiuiu, Veunngo, Clarion, Armstrong, Westmoreland. Allo- ehnny, Washington, Fayette, (fonurset. Mercer, caver and Clinton, In ((in Mate of l'tnnsilvanla and for these purpwea to have, pons bs.and enjoy all tl.c rlihts, bemllts, traucldhts, and privileges conicmul) Ibesalu Act ot Assembly and Its sup- - wuD.iwrr. Bollcltors. Beet. W-nr US Walnut urttt, madelphte. The Backus "WrUm- Motor m tub most Economical Power Known -FOlt- D1UVING LIGHT MACHINERY. It takes but littlo room. It nover gets out of ropalr. It rau not blow up. It needs no fuel It needs no engineer. There-Is no delay; no firing up; no nshos to clean nway; no extra lnsurnnco to pay; no repair ing necessary! no coal bills to pay, nnd It Is always ready for uso. It Ii Invatuablo for blowing Church Organs, for running rrlntlng rressos, sowing Machines. Turn ing Lathes, scroll Saws, orlnd Stones, C0IT00 Mills, Sausage Machines, Feed Cutters, Corn Mills, Klcvn tors, otc Four horso power nt 40 pounds pressure of water. His noiseless, neat, compact, steady, and above nil IT 18 VERY CHEAP. Send for circular to Iho Backus Water Motor Co., Newark, N. J stating nnmo of paper you saw Ad vertisement In. I'rleo, jib to t-ioo, sept, co-tf UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP JOSEnt W. IUnr.B, DECEASED, Tho undnrrlgncd Auditor nnnolnted bv tho Or phans' court or Columbia county to mako distribu tion of tlio fund In the hands of tlio executor ot Jo seph v. llibln, deceased, in nud nmoog tho par ties entitled thereto, will Bit nt iho onico of K. it. Ikeler, rsq., In tho Town ot Iiloomsburg on Friday, tlio 8Mb day ot October, A. I)., lsi, nt ton o'clock In inu lurenuuu iu pvnurin 1110 uuiiesoi nis npjioini.. lneilt. When anil Wbnrn nil nernnq Imrlnir nnr claims niton said fund will appear nnd prove Iho samo or bo debarred from receiving nny shnro fllClUl. O. C. PEACOCK, Auditor. Sept. i-o-iw A UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF D. W. BOBBINS, DECEASED. Tho undersigned Auditor nppolnted by tlio Or phans' Court of Columbia counly, to mako distribu tion nf the money In tho hands ot c. U. Bobbins, administrator ot tho estnto ofD. W. Bobbins, do censed, to and among tho parties entitled thereto, will sit at tho onico of E. li. Ikeler, Esq.,ln tho Town of Iiloomsburg, on Saturday, October vuth, issi, at ton o'clock a. m. to perform tho duties ot his ap pointment, when nnd whero all persons having nny claim on said fund win appear and rrovo iho same or bo debarred from receiving nny sharo thereof. C. C. PEACOCK, Sept. SO 4w Auditor. A' UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP DAVID SIIAKITII, DECEASED. Tho undersigned nudltor appointed by tlio Or phans' court cf Columbia county to mako distribu tion tf iho fund to and among tho parties entitled tlvreto, vl 1 hit at hts cftice In Berwick on Friday, the ISth day of November, 1S81, nt 9 o'clock n. m., lo perforin tlio duties cf his nppolDlmont, when and whero nil pcrt-ons having claims against tho estnto will appear and prove tho snme.or be debarred from receiving any siinro ot said fund C. 11. JACKSON, Sept, 31-to, Auditor. UOITOU'S NOTICE. ESTATE Ol' SAMCKL BIUFfER, DECEASED. The underfilnncd nudltor annotated bv tho Or. phans' Court of Columbia county, nt tho request ot euiiiiM-i iur inu miiuu unu inu ncirs, 10 maKi) uisiri button of funds In tho hands of tho exocutors, aa shown by thu llrst nnd uartlal account will sir, at Ills onico In Blounsbutir on Friday. November 11th. lst.1, at ten o clcck in tho torenoon to attend to the, duties of his appointment All persons having claims against s alii cstnm will appear and provo tho same, or bo debarred from recurring any sharo of said fund. (iEJ. K. EL WELL, Sept. so, tn. Auditor, AUDITOR'S NOTICK ESTATE OP ANTnONY SNYDER, DECEASED. Tho underslgred auditor nppolnted by thn Or phans' Court ot Columbia county, to mako distribu tion of tho balance of the fund in tun hands of tho administrator of said and among tho parties entitled thereto, will sit at his onico In tho town of Bloomsburg, on Saturday, the twen ty ninth day of Oct. A. D.,usi, at ten ofclockln tho forenoon, to perform tho duties of his appo'nt ment, when nnd where and whero all parties Inter ested In said fund must attend or bo debarred from receiving nny sharo thereof. UEHVEY U. SMITH, Sept. SO-lw Auditor. UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP OE01U3S nEISWICK, DECEASED, The undersigned auditor nppolnted by tho Or phans' court of Columbia county to mako distribu tion of tho balanco In tho hands of David Lowcn nolds, Administrator of the cstato ot Georgo Itcls wick, deceased, to nnd among tho parties entitled thereto, will Bit at his onico In Bloomsburg on;i acs day, tho iisth day of October, issi, nt ten o'clock in tho forenoon, to perform tho duties of his appoint ment when and where nil perseos having claims against said cstato will appear and prove the samo or be forever debarred from receiving any pal t ot tho same. JOHN M. CLAUK, Sep. 23 'Ww Auditor. UDITOR'S NOTICE. ' PSTATE OP OEOBOR W. YEAQKJI, DECEASED Tho undersigned Auditor appointed by tlio Or phans' court of Columbia county, lo mako dlstrlbu. tton of tho funds In tho hands ot Mrs. Margaret Yeagor. surviving administratrix to and among creditors or parties cntitlod thereto, win meet per sons interested In tho discharge ot tho duties ot his appointment at hl3 onico In tho town of Bloomsburg In said eounty, on Monday, tho wui day of ootober, A. D., issi, at ten o'clock n. m., of said day, when and where all parlies Interested In said fund must attend or bo forever debarred from a sharo of raid assets or fund. SAMUEL KNOllIt, Sep. 22, -r- Auditor. UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP JOnN ENT, DECEASED. Tho undersigned nudltor appointed by tho Or phans' court of Columbia county, to mnke distribu tion ot tho balanco ot tho fund In tho hands of tho ndmlulstrator of tho cstato of said decedent to and nmongpartlea entitled thereto, nt his onico In Bloomsburg, tho 7th day of Novcmobcr, lu o'clock In 1110 forenoon, to perform tho .duties ot his appointment, when and where nil par ties Interested in said fund must attend, or bo for ever debarred irorn any snaro of Bold fund. A. L. F11ITZ, Auditor, Sopt23,4-w. UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP JACOB DBIBELBIS, DECEASED. Tho undersigned nudltor appointed by tho Or- f uuKH wuuri ui uuiuuiuiauuuitiy, 10 mau uisinuu Ion of tlio balanco of tho lund In the. hands of tho administrator of the estate of Bald decedent to and among parties entitled thereto, will sit at. bis onico In Bloomsburg, on tho SMtli day of October, issi, ft 10 o'clock In iho forenoon, 111 pvrfrm thn duties ui ma uppoiuiuieu. wucii tuiu vtneru nu fiar. ties inteiested In said fund must attond or bo for ever debarred iroiu any thaiu it saJd fund. A, L, FRITZ, Auditor, sept 23, 4-W UDITOR'S NOTICE. IN KE-LSTATE OP U. D. AWIEMAN, DECEASED. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by the Or phans' Court of Columbia counly to muku dlsirlbu Hon of tho lund tn tho bands of tho execuLur of II. 1), Appltman, deceased, as shown by tho llrst uuu paiuai account, 10 ana among tue panics entitled thereto, hereby gives notlco that he Will alt In the discharge ot the duties of his appointment ni uisuineu m inu lown cr luocmsourg on Moneiy, October 24Ui, imi. nt ten o'clock in tho forenoon of Bald day at which lime and place all persons In terested In Bald fund nro required to attend or bo iorover aooarrea rrom any wiaro ot mo same. It. BUCKINGHAM, Sep. M-4w Auditor, TVTO TRESPASSING. a 11 nersonB are heroly cautioned niralnBttrosnass. Ing on thu faun now owned by Jehu Wolf and also tho farm now owned by Htephin Folic, both In Cen tre townxhlp. All hunting la forbidden on said premises and troEpatscrs Vil.I bo dealt with accord ing 10 iaw, JOI1N WATTHItS, Sept. 80-Cw Llino llhlgu, LECTION NOTICE. Notlco Is hereby glvrn that tho regular annual meetlni? of tho Stockholders of tho ltloomabura Water Company will to held In Bloomsburg Octo ber Utli lt-sl, at tho rnico cf E. II. LITTLE, Esq , at two o'clock In tbe afternoon, for iho purpose ot eleo- iiuk' ajTuruoi junctors lubcrvu jor uio cnsu'ng year and for Iho transaction ot any other business ui iuu vempaiiy, FHANK F. B1LLMEVEH, Secy, Sept, 29-2t UDITOR'S NOriCE. ESTATE OP JACOB CLIWKL, PECEASID, Tho undtrstirred Auditor arnolnted by tho Orrhans1 Court of tolumbln county to tnoko distribution of tuu uiutiucu luiuouuuta vi luuauiu r. 10 uuu among tho pottles h tolly entitled 10 rcccl.o the same will meet tho panics Interested In said cstato at bis etilce In the Town of Biocinsburg in tatdcoun. ty, on Saluiday, Ibotth day of No. ember, issi. at ti n o'clock a. in., of sold day, when and where all pai lies Interested In Bald cstato must attend or be forever debamd from any thaie of bold fund. B. FHANK ZAHIt, sept. S0-4W Auditor. J7 STRAY NOTICE, Tamo lothe rHVilKScf Iho undcit'f tcdlu Flsh. Ji'CHik tcviri-hlu nbout tint. :il a lilik lirmni,, 114' cow, uu 1; jcuifcold. ItvownirvlUpiovoprop Miy, nvcbsiMiBio: leko it away wlUiio fcUty days, 1ril VU Li till 1 cud of according to law, M . , J.D. VcllkNltY,Jr, Bpt60$W KtUlWUUf, WWW OOWity, Vu. LEAST MONEY. WANAMAKER BROWN, OAK HALL, S. E. Cor. Sixth and Market Sts., PHILADELPHIA. Tun Largest Clothing House tn America. Fine ItrnmiicH, Whiskies, fllim, Kiiium, ami nil kliulHOI'VYlncN con. call and examino my stock before purclinsmg elsewhere. BLOOMSBURG, PA., July 0,'so-ly A FINK INLAW FUKNOII WALNUT CASE OKflAN, 1) STOPS, $110 (MSI Jtino 111, ' ,I)R.J.A.IlKHMANIsthoorlK'nat ami only Br. Khkuhan, kuo,vii to the puMlo for iho past ns jcars I uiiuusu ma BiicceBsiui ineiiioii oi ueaui.y nupiuro without i he nnnoyanco nnd Injury trusiia Inlllct. Ilia ayiitem of euro Is hy Local l'-xternal Applica tions. Durltitr treatment no hlndtaLcc from labor, and Security atmlnnL flimth frmn KtrntiL'lllntitd linn. turo. l'atlenta from ahrrcd can receive treatment iuiu icavo ror notno samn clnv. ORPHANS' COURT SALE, OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATEI By vlrtuo of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, tho undersigned Administrator ot tlio cstato of G. II. Wells, lato ot tho borough of Berwick, In said county deceased, wllloxrosoto public Bale, on tlio premises on SATUEDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1881, at ono o'clock In tho afternoon of said day, tho fol lowing described property, to-wlt: All that certain plcco or parcel ot land or lotot ground Eltuato In Berwick aforesaid, bounded nnd described an follows, to-wlt: On tho cast by Market street, west by an nlley, north by lot ot .William Faust and south by lot of W. J. Knorr, number sov en on Market street, on which aro erected a FRAME DWELLING II0USE, Stablo and outbuildings. TKltMS op HALE. Ten per cent, of one-fourth otthepurehaso money to bo paid nt tlio striking dowu of iho property i the ono fourth less the ton per cent, at tho confirmation of sale, nnd the remaining three-fourths In ono year thereafter with tntcrcbtfrcm conliimatlon nisi. aAUUICK MALLKItY, C. B. J ackbon, Administrator. Attornoy. sop. Hi, 'Sl-ts VALUABLE REAL ESTATE -AT PRIVATE! SALE. Tho undersigned Executors of Thomas Olbbons, lato ot Benton township, deceased, oner the fol lowing described premises for salo at prlvato salo; all thai portion ot the following described tract of land In Benton township, bounded as follows; on tho north by lands of Reuben uibbons, on tho west by lands of I'etor Kase, on Iho south by lands of Isaae Olbbons and John Ashleman.onthocastby lands of John thlcman, containing no ACEES, more or loss whereon aro elected a plank dwelling houso and a ood spring of water near byj a good tenant houso on samo property also a BANK and largo Micdover barn yard with good running water nt tho barn nnd largo wagon shed nnd other out-bulldlngs suitable for farm U30. Terms mado known on application to ciiauli:s (iimioNs, G. M. (lllilSONS, Executors, Benton, ra. Sept. 10, 4W. QHAUTER NOTICE. NOTICE 18 IIKHEIly OIVEN that an appli cation will lie mado under tlio Act cf Assem bly ot tho rtuiuiorivicallh of I'ennsjlvanla, enti tled "An Act loprovldofor the Ir.ioroiatlou and regulation of certain corporation!," approved April mth, ltT, and the fcurrkinents thereto, for tho charter cf m Intfndid ccrpirnilon, 10 be called Iho Locust Mountain Water Company, tho character and object of which la to supply water to tho public, or the inhabitants of iho lowwhlp ot Conjnghom, In the county of Columbia, anil vlclnl ty.and to exercise all rlghtB Incident thereto or nec etsary therefor, and for these purposes lo have, possess, and enjoy all Iho rlchts.teneiits, franchises and privileges of said Act of Assembly and Its sup plements. c .,. WILLIAM G. PIIKYMAN, Sept. 9. ww solicitor. T) RIDGE LETTING. ' ""will bo let at Shoemaker's saw mill in lino town- Chin nn U..,.... r,t r.V.. ., n. .,,, wu cuuaituviuuil liu, LOOl, Ub OUO OClOCK p. WI,UKU lu uc c,evieu over iuu wcbi orancnof Littlo Klfchlngcrcck, near bhocmakerB Baw mill In w..wpi,,. iu w a nuuui-u urueu covered brldgo 40 feet long, lo feet wldo from out to out. ..'utu.vuvow.iu "..IB itiuid iu uu IVIHUICU, Plans and tpeclllcatlons can bo seen at tho oflico w ,uu wmuij vviuuiuaiuuvio, iiiuuiubuun;, I U. HTEi'IIEN POIIE, CUAllIJJHHKICIIAltT, A. 11. IIEItllINO, , Commlsslonera ot Columbia County, Attest: J. B. cahky, clerk. vvuuijr, commissioners' unice, Kept. Mill, ltsi. T RIDGE LETTING, Thero will bo let, at Emandus Unangst's hotel Orangevllle. Orange township, Columbia county! Pennsylvania, on Saturday, October bth, 161. at ten o clock In Iho forenoon, the contract for build ing a Bildge over Unincreek, near Daniel Kline's. Oraiigo, townthlp; lo bo a wooden braco. coy. cred bridge ton et long, it feet wldo from out to out. Abutment and wing walls to be repaired. Flans and specifications can bo seen at tho oflico ot the County commissioners, iiloomsburg, I'a, c.!LK3ffilcisA.tT,roamo?,0Dera iJ.Bfoiscier'k1!0' CoCo. Attest: J Commissioners' Office, Pep. Itln, 1881, jgXECUTOR'S NOTICE. XST1TI Of J03Irll WIATIK, BICI1BID. letters tetUtncntary on tho estate of Joseph J eacr,Ute M the tov. not lHoomsburg.Columbla co. wna'a., deceased, havo been granted by tho Ilegls fer oi said counly tel. W.flcKclvr. executor? ot Blootubhurg. All perBona having claims agalnstlhu estate of the decedent are requcslcd toprebentthem for tf Itltineiit andthoni Indebted to tho estate to mVeiaj merit to tho undtrblgntd cieeuter with out delay, ... I.W.McKKLVY, sop.nw Jjwcuto timj best enframe FOlt THE G. IB. IROBBULSTS, (SUCCESSOR XO D. W. KODDINS,) DBAXiER. Xtf MltllllJ llll IHH1". IMPOIITHD ALES AND l'UKTKBS IN UOTTUiS BY THE DOZEN. Landlords throughout ilio county will find it lo their ndvnntngct Main Street, 2nd Door below Iron. WEEER-HARDMART PIAIsTOS, Kiity Term. sutiHiaciioii caiarmitocd. B-A-aoisrs zpiisto "wk,e iRoonvcs, MUPIO ILAIili BLOCK, WILHES-BAIIRE, PA. Rupture Hook with llkrnCFS of bad copcs tefcre ftdrl cure, with KfctlixeiilulK ficm dlflli RtilflKd lUstl clans, ministers, mtrehonls and clheif, imlitllul ten cents. 1K. MlRIiMAN can ro ccntultirtettil New Yorkcmce, SM lircadvtay, Mondays, linduil and Saturdays; and at his Boston onico,' y.lit hireei, eune&uays, 'i nurbuajs unu riiuus. Sep. 0-3W U SHERIFFS SALE. By vlrtuo of awrltot Fieri Facias, anil tome ill. rocted, will bo exposed to public Bale on thu inn-1 lscs In Greenwood township, Columbia county, ttl I o'clock p.m., on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1881, All that certain mojsungo or plcco of land slttuU I in tho township ot Greenwood, County ot Columtli, I nnd state of I'cnnsylvanla.beglnnlng nt a white ou, gono, the nco by lands ot A. Patterson and Botntiel I Bognrt, thenco by land ot Illchard l'ollock soutl I twenty-threo degrees and one-half cast ono dred nnd forty perches and eight-tenths to a ilW I oak on tho north bank ot Baffin's Hun, thenco i; I tho samo west twenty-six perches to a hemioekoi tho bank ot tho eame, Ihcnro by tho samo anil lail I of Nicholas Kindt north forty-llvo degrees mill ntno perches to a whlto oak stump, thenco by I samo south elghty-thrco degrees west twcnty-lliM I perches to a beech, thenco by the Bnmo toutli sctti-ty-nlno degrees and thrco-founhs west slxty-tli'l1 perches and thrcr.tcnths to a whlto plno, thence tf tho samo north forty-llvo degrees west nlno perch nnd five-tenths to a nlno btump,thonco by tlio sum south elghty-flvo degrees west forty-eight peitW and thrcc-lcntha to a post, thenco by tho same null twenty-threo dogrees and ono-halt west sevtMj- llvo pcrchcB and clght-tenlhs to a post, thence tr land of Archbald Patterson north slxty-slx dofnn and one-halt cast ono hundred and Blxty-llvo ixkIh es to tho placo ot beginning, containing one hut dred nnd tcn'acres mora or less on which nro eritttl a two story frnmo dwelling house, barn, hog eiatle wagon died, spring house nnd other Kclzeit, taken tn execution at tlio suit of N. Iiccce, TruBlco of Angelina Merrcll against Clark JlerrcH nnd to bo sold ns Ilia property of Clark Merrcll. Knokk, Attorney, 0. II. ENT, v Sberlfl. jyOTICE IN PARTITION ESTATE OF JOHN 1'. C1U10, EXCUSED. To Susan E. Cooper. Salem Township, LuzcrM counly, 1 n., Jlnhnla CrHlg, Ilrlarcreck touuJJt. Oolumlln eounty, Mary, Intermarried with w.JU. Hrlltalucf Brlartiick township, Columbia county. ninry it. Bavage ct iiieenvnie, Tcrncb-see, ni Mai.Efleld, Wnrthall, Texas, Mrs. Frank A. KOfiSv has, via alnut street, l hlla., l'a nud W, J, Slat Held, Berwick, I'a. (iieetlng: Vou nro hcribjcc tlfleo that In nceordanco .llh a writ ot paitltlont sued out ot Iho Orphans Court ot Columbia county. Stato ot I'o., an inquest will bo held by tho utilpr' signed on tho following described premises to urn Certain pleie or parcel of Iar.d the same bolnif vacant lot bounded and described aa follows, Situate partly In the boiough of Berwick, colutkbtt county. and partly In Salem tottniAlp Lun rno counly, beginning at tho cornor or iral and Walnut sireelb in Berwick, thence north IM ly.llve degrees west llvo hundred and tlvo feettoa corner, thenee north slxn.llo decrees east Hire hundnd and uventien feet to u corner, tlutc; south twenu-uvo digrd eabt nve hundred ui twenty-nine reet to a mrner, thenco south slxty-i-even degrees west three hundred nnd sixteen let! to tho corner tho placo of beilnnlng, containing oi bundled and blxty.three thoutand three hundrd and fcrty-elght nea.ius) square feet ot ground.eltli ty.tlvo thousand eight hundred nnd fifty OAsx) square feet, Htualo in Columbia counly and scv cnty.beven thousand four hundred and nlnety-eltM (I7,4tis) square feet of the samo Is situate In Luztrue eounty.l'a. To ascei tain whether tho bamecan W divided without Injury to or epolllngtho whole andli not. 10 value and appraise the samo In accordance with Act ot At8cmLly. The said Inquisition wUlM held on tho promises on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1881, at 9 o'clock p. in., whon and whero you may atwnl If you think propor. C, B, Jackson, Attorney for cstato. Sheriff. Sheriff's onico, Sept, 0, 81, w. Valuab le Real Estate AT PRIVATE SALE! Tho undorslgned Administrator cn tc3tamcnto annexo of I'eter Appleman,lnto of Benton town&Mri deceaecd, offors tho following desorlbcd premise" at prlvato stlo. All that portion of tho following du scribed THACT OI' LAND, In Benton township, bounded as follows: On tho north by lands of It. I F.Colley, J. F, Chapln and A. Wilkinson, on IM west by lands ot Ell Ncllenry, John E. AprlC""111 and I'eter Laubach, on tho south by lands of WH Uam Ilulmo and Margaret Dildlne, and on the cm' by lands ot lteuben II. Davis and Btott E. collcri containing EKlHTV-EIOIlT ACHKS, more or Ksi, whereon uro erected a two-Btory Fit AM K HOI'S. Bank Barn, wagon houso and other out-buUdiw. Only that portion lying on tho west sido of IAMBS' creek will be sold, Also, all that tract of land sltuato In liBten Uw ship, bounded on tho woat, by lands ol liebocca Cob ser, on tho north by lands ot the hairs ot Thomas Davis, deceased, and J. Y. Chapla, on theBouUiW lands ot Eieklol Cole, eootalnlptr BlUHTlUtS ACHES, more or less, unimproved land. WW bo so as a whnlo or tn parcels to suit purchasers. Terms mado Itnowu on application to I. K. K1UCKBAUM, AdmliO&tJrator, ug.s-u Ouabrft,!'