THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Milking Cons. Oow.1 urcnuncirtlly imlki'd twice a ilay, rumieitiiiea uflviiur, Imt twicn is tmouIi, uR"s thu cow shid her milk, or tho IIUfCM till) CKHV Hlll'll HIT IIIIIK, Or I mirier U found of iiiaurtlntpiit wipac to lioltl it. Tho titiu' ictniitetl to in will vnry with the ciicuiiwtnnocs. Wli pacify milk mry with the ciiciuiwtniiocs. When mid whoro milking is dono for trnmtttnr- Irilioii to sonic ilUtunt mnrkut early milk ing in tho moriiiny U ncoi'ssnry. It should lio ilono ri'ulnily, whether it is earlier or later. As it rnlo no milker should lie required to milk moro than twelve powh morning anil eveiiinpi some can milk fifteen cowp,but Kent rally oneV arms and hands get lireil liy tho time twelve cows aro ui'lkl. Tho time for milking a cow must vary nwordlng to conditioim; ono cow may bo milko-l in four minutes, while another may require fifteen or twenty minutes in order to be milked thoroughly clean. If milking is not carefully, regularly and thoroughly don.', tho quality of milk produced will be daily diminished. If any is left in the udder it tends to dry the cow or shrink her dally yield of milk. Great care must therefore bo exercised in this re gard Tho stripping increaso tho quan tity of cream not only, but tho flavor and quality of tho butter also. Head tho fol lowing statements; "We filled several largo teacups of the same size," said Dr. Anderson, of Bath, Kngland, "com inencing with milk at the beginning of tho milking and others nt regular inter vals, till the last, which was filled with tho stripping;! or strokings. These were severally weighed so as to ascertain that tho quantity of it was tho sanie, and af ter repeating this experiment a number of times, with different cows, tho resnlU were stated as follows: Tho quantity of cream for tho first draw cup was in every case much infeiior and smaller than (.hat from the cup last drawn, those between giving less or moro as they wero nearer tho beginning or the end. In tho case of soino cows tho variation of cream from tho first cup to the last was in tho proportion of sixteen to one. The differeuco in quality was much greater .than in quantity. In tho first cup the cream was thin, and in the last cup the cream was thicker and richer in color, more so than any other. Tho difference in the quality of the milk that remained after the cream was off was greater than either in respect to tho quantity and quality of the cream. Tho milk of the first cup was thin and bluish, as if a large proportion was water, whilo that of tho last cup was of a thick consisten cy and of yellow color, more liko that of cream than of milk, both in appearance and taste A little mess fed to a cow while milking has a good effect, and she meanwhile yields her milk more freely. As nearly as possible, observe twelve hours between milking, a rule of more importance than at first might seem to a careless milker, lhc beattnu ot a cow with a milking stool, or kicking with your leet, should never be allowed. I'.aiso More Sheep. The following extract from tho liueks County Intcllluence will aiioly with equal force to many places, outside of i'eiinsylvania. I hero are sections in Bucks county whero sheen husbandry could bo profitably followed. This is more especially the case in the hilly (lis tricts skirting tho riverfromTaylorsville up, and in the more hilly and rocky parts, of llockhill, Milford, Springiicld and Haycock. Wherever tho ground is rolling or hilly and dry, sheep will do -ii -.1 it i i i .... exoeiium.iy wen, sum may oe raised quite profitably when tno pneo ot tho wool and tho mutton aie considered. The greatest drawback is the number of dogs and their disposition to attack tho sheep. But there aro too many doM and too few v sheep; if tho ono kind of stock could be very largely thinned off, tho other and much moro profitable kind could bo moro s'jcccssiiiUy kept. There aro so few Bheep in tho country and so few people seem to bo will'mir to keep and handlo them that it will proba bly bo a loug timo beforo much atten tion to them, even in districts where tbov would be remunerative and prof itable. The steady advance in tho price of meat will cause some farmers to look into mutton raising after a whilo because thero is evidently a profit in it, and on steep, hilly rocky land there is moro money in sheep than any kind of livu mock on itio larni, and much less work than in the dairy. liuying a In buying a horse, says "Turf, Field and Farm," look first to his head and eyes for signs of intelligence, temper courage and honesty. Unless a liorso has brains you cannot teach him to do any thing well. If bad qualities prevail in i horse, education only serves to enlarge and intensify them. The head is "the in dicator of disposition in the horse. A square muzzle with largo nostrils ovi deuces an amplu breathing apparatus and great lung power. Noxt, see .that ho is well cut under tho jowl, with iaw bones broad and wide apart iiniler the throttle, iireadth and tullness between tho ears and eyes is always desirable, Tho eyo should bo lull and hazlo in color ears small und thin and thrown well for ward. Thu liorso that turns his ears back until they almost meet at tho point ... . . - .. ... . 1 T f . . 1 . . . is not to du ii iisien. no is a unci or kicker, and is sure to ho vicious in otiie respects. A horse with a dashing face is cowardly, and a cowardly bruto being naturally vicious, can never bo trained to anything well. A horse with a round ing nose, tapering forehead and abroad lull place below the eyes is always trench erous and mischievous. Avoid a long legged, stilty horse. Select ono with a short, straight back and rump, withers high and sloping, well set back mid broad, with good depth of chest, fore legs short, hind legs straight with tho hocks low down, short pastern joints and a round, mulish foot By observ irig (ho abovo hints a liorso may bo so lected that is graceful, good-natured, Bcrviccablo and a prizo to tho owner. The Origin of Jlnstanl. Beforo tho year 1729 mustatd was little known at English tables. About this time an old woman of the nnino of Clements, residing in Durham, began to grind tho seed in a mill and to pass the Hour through sovcrul procoiscs necessary to freo it from its husks. Sho kent her secret to herself for many years, during which she sold quantities of mustard throughout tho country, but especially in Loudon. Hero it was introduced to tho Hoyal table, where it received tho npprov. al of George I. From tho circumstance of Mrs. Clements being a resident at Durham, it obtained tho name of Durham mustard. Tho manufacture of mustaid consisted in simply grinding tho seeds into very fine Hour, a bushel of seed weighing sixty pounds yielding twenty eight pounds to thirty pounds of Hour ol mustard. A falso taste, however, arose for having an improved color, and the flour of mustard was introduced from which the oil bad been abstracted. Hence other materials, such as cajwioum powder, turmeric, terra nlba, wliealen Hour, eta, Vitro lded to liriiVJiheilR.yjtr nnd lb 'ncreftW'tlro Vnll6vJWV. '; How a YVoninn Docs It. Some crusty old oiu inmlj'inii thus tells iow n woman goes to work to miil u cUcr. It is n libel on tho sow Koine of the gills will make it red hot for him if he is discovered. Any day when you lave time you can see how sho docs it y droiipiuu into tho postotiice. oho nr ives there with a letter in her hand. It s a sheet of note In a whiTo envelope. She halts in front of the stamp window, opens her mouth to ask for a stamp, but suddenly dans away to seo it sho has made any errors in tho names or dates. It takes her llvo minutes to make Hiiro of this uud then she balances thu letter on her finger, and the awful query arises n her mind ; "1 eiM'ius it h au over- weiiiht," She steps U the window and asks tho clerk if lie has a three-cent stamp, fearing he hasn't. Sho looks over every e'liipartinent inner portnio naio before sho finds the change to pay for it. 1 he tun commences as she gets tho stamp. Sho fiddles around to one iide, removes her gloves, closely inspects tho stamp and hesitates whether to "lick it or wet her linger, bhe linaliv con- duties it would not bo nico to show her tongue and wets her finger and passes it over envelope. Sho is so long picking up tho stamp that tho moisture is ab sorbed and tho stamp slides off the en velope, oho tries it twice more with iko success, and getting desperate she gives the stamp a "lick" and it sticks. Then comes tho sealing of tho letter. She wets her finger again, but tho en velope flies open, and, after three min utes delay she has pass her tongue along tho streak of dried mucilage. She holds tho letter a long tinio to tuako sure that tho envelope is all right, and finally ap pears at the window and asks : "Three cents is enough, is it. ?" "Yes, ma'am." 'This will go out to day ? "Certainly. Will it go to Chicago without tho name of the county on 1" "Just tho same." "V hat tune will it reach there 7 "lo- norrow morning." She sighs, turns the etler over and over, and finally asks: "Shall I drop it into ono of those places there 'I" "Yes, ma'am." She walks up in front of tho six orifices, closely scans each ono of them, finally makes a choice and drops no she doesn't. Sho stops to seo whero it will fall, pressing her face against tho window until sho flat tens her noso out of shape, and sho loesn t drop it where she intended to. She, however, releases it at last, looks down to make sure that it did not go on tho tloor, and turns away with a sigh ol regret that she didn t lake ono more look at the superscription. The Wood Floors of llnssln. Tho finest floors are said to ho seen in Russia. ' For those of tho highest grade tropical woods are exclusively .employed f ir and pino are never used as m conse quence ot their sticky character they at tract and retain dirt and dust, and there by soon become blackened. Fitch pine, too, is liablo to shrink, oven alter being well seasoned. The mosaic wood floors u liussia aro often of extraordinary beauty. One in tho summer palace is of small squares of beauty, inlaid with mother-of-pearl. A considerable trade is done in Dant.ic and Higa by exporting small lilocks oJ oak tor parquet lloois, 1 Here is an nclivo demand tor these m Franco and Germany, but none in Eng land. If n amoker u-i-ro in nlif-u- im lii niirrir ' . ' . i e.--- arm swallow it that would be a cigarette wouldn't it? CAW GET THE BEST. ESTEY OIEGr-ZtsTS. STRONG- COMPETITION In tho mumiiucture ot Urgans is resulting m tho production und sale of cheap goods, made froin inferior materials. 1 refer particularly to uogus organs una tiro coiiuiiiiuuy springing into existence withoul any merit whatever, except to bo offered cheap, and then when purchas ed found to be dear at any price. Will yuu not then, reader, If you Contemplate Buying an Organ consider it your only saleguard to names ot hrst class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment of styles oi mo coicDrateu r.stoy urgans can now be seen at tho new rooms ot tho Only Autnorizsd .agent foi tho Estoy Organs uoiumoia uounty. .a guarantee ior live years from the iacturera accompanies every Ji,stcy June w.'so-t! A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. IKON BITTIOKS aro hllily rocomraendcil for all diseases re qulilng a certain and efliclciit i Olllo ; especially Indiytttitm, Dytpepiia, Inter' mitlett i'mrs, Want of AppeliU. Lou vJStrtnijth, Lack JiWyy, tic. Knriclica tho blood, ktrcngthena tho muscles, and gives new llfo to tho nerves. They act liko a charm on the Naaii'X, oryans, removing all dyepejitlo symptom, Bitch as 'Jatintj thel'uud,llachiwj,lcat in lU Stomach, lTmrUAirn,etc, Tlio only Iron Preparation Hint will not blacken tlio tooth or glvo lioatlnolie. Sold by all druggists. AVrlto for the A II 0 Jiook, 32 pp. of useful und amusing reading free, JJKOWN OIIKMIOATj CO., linltlmoro, Md. BITTER i'orSttlw hf Moyr Brother Tim Itnilromt Iteilaiirnnt. "This 1m the p'ltterhmiso, is it 1 asked tho sad pa-senger, sitting nt tho corner tabid in the restnurnnt, "Yes, sir," said tho waiter, with tho weary air of a man who was tired of having to tell tho same lie n thousand times a day, "porterhouse stoak, t ir,saiuo as you ordered, sir." "Do vim rut poiterliouso sleak from between tho horns this year t" asked tho sad passenger, with the intonation of a man who wanted to ktuivy. "Sir ? said the waiter. "It Formed to bo a triflo tenderer last year," the sad passenger went on, with the nif of a tired man indulging in pleas ant reminiscence! of tho past, "but I re member now ; it was cut a trillo lower down then. Last year you cut your porterhouse steaks from the curl in the lore-head and the sirloins from tho shin But I think this comes from between the horns. I used to live in a boarding house whero thoy cut the poi terliouso be tween tho hoi ns. and this one reminds me of them. Animal dead this steak came from 1" "Dead," echoed tho astonished waiter; "course, sir. Ho was butchered, sir. "Butchered to niako a Koman holi day," sighed tho passenger. "IIo would be more likely to niako a Koman swear. was time ho was killed, llo hadn't many more years to livo on this earth. Ah, here is tho brass tip from ono of lils horns. Dropped into the steak, no doubt, whilo you wero slicing it oil. What do vou do with these steaks when the guests aro through with them t" Tho waiter looked puzzled. "Why, sir," lie said, "they ain't nothing left of em, sir. "Possible 7" said tho sad passenger ; "what becomes of them 1" The waiter looked nervous. "What," he said ; "tho customers eat them up." The sad passenger looked up with an air of interest. "Incrediblo, ho ex claimed ; "cannot accept your statement without proof. They may hide thorn under their chairs, or secrete tliom in their napkins, or they may carry thorn away in their pockets to throw at bur glars. Here, let's see ono of them eat this, and I will beliovo you. Trust me, good waiter, I " But the waiter pointed to a printed placard inscribed : "Positively no trust," and went to the cashier's desk to tell the boss to look out for that man at the corner table, as ho didn't seem to bo sat isfied with liis steak and asked for trust. No show at all: Gaho Snodgrass re cently applied to Hcv. Aniinidab Bledso, ot liluo Light Austin Tabernacle, to some pecuniary assistance. "I jess can't do it, replied Parson Uledso. "I has to sport my pore olo mtiddor." "But yer pore olo mudder says you don t do nut- fin for her." "Well, den, cf I don't do nufiin for my poor olo mudder what's do use ot nn outsider like you tryin ter niako mo shell out! Texas otltiirs. A TKAVni.r.It S STOKY. After spending months at European and American watering places and thou sands of dollars looking for health, I re turned home disheartened and wretched I had consulted tho best physicians and traveled far and near without benefit mid expected to die. A fiiend urged atiial ot 1 arkers Winger Tonic. Three bot tles and careful diet have worked won ders and brought mo excellent health and spirits, and you may publish my ex perience tor the benefit ot similar suller crs. A Cincinnati lady. SOW. select an instrument bearing the nianu Urgan. J. SELTZER, A&ent, Bloomsfburg, Pa Hut merAnb ft uefrashinc onVMraej Exceedingly Delicate anil lading. Price, 2Bo3.i Larjol.". i.i Jota. BeMlyAtttmlR Drop A IYrfuti,r7. 8 fiittuf, of 11 1 et A Co f N. Y., An inrj tulo. PARKER'S GINGER TGMC C Tho McjHcIno for Evory Familyi IN I UAlwM I LOi M t-frumGinccr. Utichii.MantlraVp.StlUIncis, k ana finer ottiieucu vcfieiaMa remeuiei Known, rh m r's Ginger Tonic h.M remarkably varied t cir.ilive power i, ft i .the ereateit ctomach Correct or, JJlood l'miicr and Liver Regulator er made & Tho Sost Medioino You can Uso forEoatoriugEoalth& Strength Itcommeneetto tact from the firudoe, uearclici out the wmV organs nit i v arrant e J to cure or help oil ica.ra of tho BoweH, Stomach, lllwd, Kidneys, Livct. Urinary (rnn, nil tontil.iintoI Women, Nervousness, Sleeplcuncn, lllicuma tlsm tnl lininkf tin m. Try nliUtl-3 to-day I tlm.iy&aveyciirlife. sort, and$t siresMftlMniBguti, Kvery genuine bottla has our signature on outride wrapper, Iliox & Co., N. Y, Large siung inbuytng$icUe. Just Wlint Ih tViiutctl Everybody whose h!!r U gny cr tided hM felt the reed of n 1 f Air Restorer oud dr- that Is cleanly, agrccalJy jwrfumed and harmless Par ker's Hair llalsam satisfies the most fastidious la ihcst rcp.tu. Sc'd ty druggists nt jk. und $t, oct.i,eo-iy f wimmm SB mmm I ii i IS lid 11 mm PERRY MIS3 pain mm is a runi:i.Y vegetable hiimedy For INTERNAL and SLTTHtHAl Uir. A wirn mid upcaty urn iVr Kara Throat, CoukIim, Colds IHnhlttrrln, Chills, DIurrlipa.DyRcntpry.t'ruinpu, Clioluiu, Mummer Comp!a!i!t, MUlt lIoadncliiNNcuralslii.UliiMM.iuiif-iii, limlKCK, CulH, Sjraliin, clc. JVrcdv mi to und intcrnalla or eJcrm'J-j,t ml certain In nllnrd relief. Nn family i-aii M lio without It. Hold liy nil ,lrii;")lti tit 'Me, flOc, 111 hi SI n iMtih: PERRY DAVIS ( tOtl,Propr!otcr, ProvlJonoo, ti.l. N. S, TINGLEY. Announces to the public that lio Is rrcrnrcd to do all kinds ot Custom Tailoring, promptly und nt rea.sou.nblo prices. Now 13 tho Ben son lor a -NEW SPEJNGSTJIT- And Tlngloj 's tho plsce to pet a proper nt. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop over DIUmcyur'H (Iroccry, Corrcrot JIalnnnd centra attccts, DLOimSMJUG, PA. C. F. HARDER, DEAI.EU IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, PAINT, OIL AND VARNISHES, DO0RS.SASH, BLIPS, BRACKETS Lumber of all kinds for sale as cheap as the cheapest for cash or produce. CATAWISSA, TJ. mayo o-m -t sfiMji rill', v ' LTsF fiWH auvrt For Catarih f.Aif,ilJjt:.uT.t.1,rt-llI.iv Pnver. Cold In tlio LATAHRII.COLCS ft1. rfj!e..d, Ac, insert with aiVwALDf!tUflllltlo flnccr, a partlrlo U10 Halm Into tno nostrils : draw strong breaths through tho noso. It will to lib- xoibed, cleansing, and bcalmtr tho diseased membrane. 0 For rJoaliicsM, Apply a partlclo Into the car. KLU'S CHKAM BALM Ilavlntr trained nn cnvlablo local renutatlou. dlsnln clng all other preparations In tho vicinity of dls dlseovery. Is, ou Its merits alone, recognized ns a wonderful remedy wheruver known. A fulr trial will convince tho most skeptical of Its curative powers. It effectually cleanses tho nasal passages ui luiurruui wi us, i-uusiui; lit-uuuy secrtiiunti, ni layn lDlIammatlon and Irritation, i mlf clKllin mem. brnnalllnlngs ct tho head fiom additional colds, comnletclv heals tho sores, and recti, rrs tlio sensr ot taste and smell, Dcnetlclai;result8 aro realized byafew applications. A thorough uentmentaBdl reeled ulil cure Catarrh. As a household remedy for cold In tho head It Is uucnualed. '1 lio balm la easy to uso and agreeable, bold by druggists ut ctt uema. uu iL-L-eiia ui uui-euis win inau n pacKage ouuu iui uiivuiai, niiu mil iiiiuiinuuojj. ELY'S CKKAM UAtM CO., Owcgo, N. Y. Fou salo In WoomBburgby Mej er Uros., o. A. Klelm, ii. u. liviiucioiiuii. uuuu. jj. iiiiiKiris anu oy uoic salo Druggists generally,, 81, oct. HO-ly d THE MITE SEf iIlACHIM Wtore&s, tho world renowned leputatton of tho White faewiiig Machine Induces many unscrupulous competitors to resort to u muua ui uu-uu iritkn iu injure nn reputation, wo beg to caution all Intending purchasers not to buy a White Machine picept from 1U regular authorized dealers, who will IK RtintnlllPrl tlV tllM fnllriulnn urarrnnlu ' WB WAHHANT THU NATUKAI, WEAK AND TKAli Or TUB White Slmtile SewiDn Machine, I'LATB NUMllKlt 1(133:111 K0 FAMILY l'UItl'O HKS. AND llEIIKUY AI1IIEKT0 KKK1' TUB HAMK IN IIUI'AIK YUi TUB TKIIM OV FIVi VK.MIH KItOW T1I1B DATB, KltEtt Or CHAltOB. This warranty excepts tho broaxago ot noodles bobbins and shuttles. This warranty will not be sustained unless tho plate number above Riven corresponds with tno number on tho shuttle race dUdo. lieware ct defaced or altered numbers, WIIITB BBWINCI MACHINE CO, Tho "WHITE" ShntUo Sewing Maohlne Ituoiiitia cirAcirr than any other family Sawing Michloo tor aoing every variety of -woniT J, BA.LTZKK, OOnoral AgMit, ji Mi BLOOM SB U8C. STATE HOBMAL SSHGOL SIXTH KOItMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D.f Principal. Lasntprosont constituted, otic- t'io cry best facilities for Professional and Clasiicni learning. slous, Inviting ana commodious , ouiplctcly heated by steam, won ventilated, llshted by cas, and furnished wltu n bounlllul supply ot purcsott Tiiisacii JIulldlnRn sprint; Hate; Locution!!1! moderate l' Courses of thful. anucasy ot accoss. Toachei a experienced, onicleut, and allvo to their work. Discipline, llrm but kind, unlforr .Vy cents a week deduction to nil oxpoctlnir to teach. Htudents admitted at any tlmo. ltoouis reserved when doslred. tudy prescribed by tho stnto t II. I'rennratorv. III. h Ailjiinet Course) ! I. Acailemio, II. Commercial. III. CotirVe In Mttale. IV. Course In Art. Elomentary Sclonttlle and Classical Courses aro t'UOFRSSIONA',, anJ StudenM graduntnir therein, recolvo stato Diplomas, conferring tho followln por.dlnir negroes i Master of the lilemcntss Master of tho .Sciences ; Muster of the Claries, tlraduatcs In tho other Uoursos receive Normal cortllicatcs Tho course ot stud oresorlbed by tho 8Mto Is liberal, and tho S jlentinc and classical courses aro not Inferior to Ihoso of our best Colleges. Tho stato i-equlresa lilKher order ot citizenship. Tho times del land It. It U one ot tin; prime objects of this School to help to secure It. liyfurnlf lilnc Inlellt. ntnndcmclentToachersforhor Schools. Tolhtseiullt solicits younsf persons nt good abilities und cood purposes.-thoso who deslro to Improve their time and their talents, as students. To all such it promises catalogue, naures mo rrincipai. HON. Wll,l,l..1l Kl.VVni.l., Irr11rnt Honril SCt'l.x.'IS.- HOW WM One of the problems of Good and Comfortable- Living IS THE MATTER OF CLOTHING. STYLISH, KXAMINB Wlil.l.MADI'; YOUTHS 150YS and CIIILDliENS CLOTHING CLOTHING AT THE VEHY LOWEST PRICEH HATS fou MEN', HOYS, YOUTnS, AND CIllLDltEN. SI I II ITS, VEA1JL WHITE, lilCYt'LE SHIKTS, LATEST OlTI MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Perfect Fits, Latest Styles, Full Satisfaction. CALL AND EXAMINE THE LARGEST STOCK 0? CLOTHING and OASSlMERESffi THE COUNTY M. Pull JLtixxG of iFus'.TAisIimg S-oods. ikadcpmrtont for TRUNKS, SATCHELS, VALISES WEcrcSaamt TaiB! St eniSs' saSfiiiaiiCE' THE DAVIS. ONE TIIDUSAND (1,000) DOLLARS I'REMIUM oirered to ANY PERSON that will do m GREAT A 1CAXQE OE WORK on ANY OTHER MACHINE. WHAT THE SEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. It will innko wWo licrn on Mici'ts, c, licra all munnerof biiiH woolon goods, ob toll merino, cranii, or gooda dlfllcult to beta on other mnclilnes. It makes a moro elastic fctiuli tlian any otlur maclilne. It will turn a licrn and put In plrlr.K at same tlmo It win turn a ton, tew untM on tlio rlglil Bldo and Btltch on tilrnmlng at cnu optrat'on. It will do frlllDcblas or Bttalglit, cltlier on cotton or woolen goods. It will roll bcioMramg on any tcods. . I will bind a Hrei-H or Skiit. ni'tl uwon facing, clllierwltlmrwllliout hlicwlngnilclns; blim DreM Hoods with tliefcoim inaleilal.i llliirfcnllops,i)OliitH, Bquaifsor tttalglit. 'Iliernij inntlilnotlintwllltlnd Hats, Cloaks, or oilier nttlclch Willi Mas, tatln or slllt, from x 10 s licluslii wlctli.wltliout tasting. It will gather wltu orwllhcut tewing on. Itwlllgather tetween two pit tow on nt thubamo tlmo. II will makoarulllo anil Btllelui pillow hllii on lo tho lacing at the tamo time. it will Milt r any kind of goods. It w 111 mako plaited trimming either with or w Kn out sew lug tt on. It will make, plaited trltrmlng cither Bcalloprd or straight, nndhcwaplplegonat time. It will inuko knife plaiting. J. SALTZER, Gpu Agent, RloomsburE, Pa. out. 1, '80-tf. HIDES. Tho Highest Market Price- in CaBh rAlllVOIt ALL KINDS 0F HIDES AT A. SOIiXiBDBRS Leather nntl .Shoe riiuHug Slot c Main Sinr.nT, Owositc Stone Church, BLOOMSBUHG, PA. April 8, 'SWy NEW HIGH BLOOO! riimoiH I,i,'mli.(. j'UU ,!,, lllmvl.aml will . Miij,t,.ii ,-tnni i tl 1 1.,,,.1 i tliurnllrovu n Iu til-,, i ,,,, n,. , , ,. , Uliil vi il . J , . 1 . , niifL'.i fii.Tii It., : r. i , Ill.-'VllOIV.tol-i ' I .v . I lu.iil'l, if Hill ,. II , liopos-lliln. .i.,i ii r. 'I r. r I. I'.-i- m ..... A6EHTS WANTED n.muy uuYr SJinlimtci. It lil knit stiat,rlcty"r !n.l' X,rkir,,iWclI S1 ,re,.,?" " ready m.fl?t ' hTifl aid BEATTY S Organs 18 useful stops, o ieta reeds "..only cs. PianostlMup I illlus. Oiitulog. Krco, Aduius Deutly, WuEhlugton, N.J, may fl, 'bl-ly uld LEGAL 1JLANKS, ATAVAYS ON HAND AT - 'iHIS'Olf FICK. 2 "7'.'"TTrVy'faT. ' A A i rflL emcntary. IV, Clasmeul. aldln developing their powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor alter leaving School. For . nf Trimteen. ouuSTOOK ok I5US1NESS AND DllUSS SHIIITS, HANDSOME PATTERNS DES1RAI5EE STYLES is our Morro. A EULL LINE OK KALL STYLES JUST liEOEIVEI). SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE Used In tho principal Churches for Uorrmunlon curpo&es. EXCELLENT FOB LADI-S AMD V7EASLY PEnSONS AND THE AGED. Speor'o Port Grape Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. mills C'elcbraKd Nal!o Wine Is mailo frornlho X Julcoof tho Cport od rape ralsul In Ihlsuouulry Its InvnliiaMo Tonic and Strengthening Proporties nro uriRurpaPLcd tv any oilier NalUo Wlno. llcli ir tho pure Julcocf ihodiapc. produced under Mr. t-pier-s own personal surcrvislon, its purity nnd genuineness aro gurantied. 'Jho youngest child may partake of Its generous (iuallttes.and tho weak- ......... w uMttuuuu. ti ia ituuiuuiauy Peiilllelal to the aged and debilitated, and suited lo tho various nllnie ills that afreet tlioweitkerKcx. Itls uu,i.-i t tar, i u na iii'.i.iii;ii UN. SPEER'S 1". .. Sherry, itiu,o, jo u w iiiu ui oijfii'riur tuurftCiCr nnd jiirlolccaM tbi golden ntiullth a of thocrar. Irom w lilcli Ii Is made. For I'm ity, I UcliDi-hS, Flavor n-lm II T L'lf L'tHIV In 1I'IA , . . BPEFB'B JP8 .ir.Bi'aiuiy. This HKANDV etnnds unrivaled in this country Lclng far Burn lor for mtdlcal purpotes. IT IS A rilllEdldlllallon f cm tho gtarc atd ccn talus vnluahlo medical properties. s .v ....a u,iiiuu' ,u.,ui, riuiuur iu inoi or inn grapes ti t m w hit h It Is dlst llled,ai.d is In gi eat fai or It lino n ,1... ltinu .- Sco that tlio signature tf ALFIIKI) filTElt.rasFalo m., jauiv. iiiu wi r. u( t-uui dome. SOIID BY G. A. KLEIM. dec u sot- To NerTcas Sufferers The Great European PH. J, B, PIMPSON'S'SI-KCIKIO JIKDICINB, Pr. J. 11. Simpson's Krecltlo Jledlclno is n nnstitvi, euro tor overwork of body or bain or eurta cf ony from Nervous Debility, lrrltablllty.Mental Anxiety: Languor, Lassltudo, Del risslcn 01 bplrlls and tuno-. tlonal dorangements of the nervous sybtcin gen. IIU..J, ll.ll Dill HIV lIUCJv UI D1UU, IMBtV oi .Memory, rrrina turoold ago aiulUH cases that lead tt contraption, lnsanl ty au early gravi or both. Nomattci how shattered tht system may be from excesses of an kind, a short courso ot mm iiruicihu wIIITTRofo Qii lost functions and procure health and happiness whero beforo was despondency and gloom. 1 he Kno- PlMrt l,.nl(.nn la t.olnd Iii.f.rt will. ,..H..-., h.'.h .w...uv w v . u.n. u nuuuilllll OUttt CD. Pamphlets sent freo to all. Write for them and get full particular. Price, bpocino jl.oo per package, or six packages iu, iiii wBiiiiw man uu lueeirii, or money. Address all orders, J, II. Bl.MI W N's MUDlt'lNKCO ..uo. iv nun ii'U iuuiu Bueui, UUUIUO, 1,1. AINWRIOHT A CO., WUOLKSALK (HiOUKltS, 1'UILlOILrUU, Dealers In TKAB, BYKUIU, OOrfKU, HUUAII, MOLABSIW kici, tnoH, (toils aoDi, to., to, H, S. Corner boobrui ana Areh ttreets, "Ww will roeeiTu tutrntt MtuaUon. NY -TlX2l. Discipline, llrm but kind, uniform and thorough. Kxpcnso? V. Cotmc In Physical Culture. time Dtr.LMYKK, Secretary. Is n cornpottntl ot tho vlrluci of sartaparll la, stlllingla, timnilraUe, yullow dock, with the loillilo of potash ami Iron, all powcrlul lilnoil-tualtltig, lilooil-cleanslii, ami llfe-stis-talnlng I'letnents. It is thu purest, safest, nml must effectual alterntivn uii'illclno known or available to thn public. The sci ences ot lueillclne anil chemistry liavo never pioilueeil su valuable a tcmeily, norniiij so jioti'tit to euro nil diseases lesultinc from Impure hlooil. It cures Scrofula mill nil scrofulous discuses, ICi-yslpelus, Hose, or St, Anthony's Klre, IMinples mikI Kaee-grnlis, 1'ustiiles, Jtlotelics, Hulls, Tumors, Tetter, Iliiiniirs, Suit Khoiilii, Scnld-liead, ItliiK-woini, Ulcers, Sores, Klieiiiinitlsm, Ioieitrlal Dlsense, Neurnlglii, Fotnuli! Weiilc ni'sses nncl IrreKUlnritlos, .luiimllce, Atloctlons of the I.Ivor, Oyspei.slu, Knincliitlon, und General Debility. Il.v its si'iirchlng anil cleansing qualities It r I" sea out tlio loitl corruptions which contaminate the blouil nml cause derauge meiitiind decay. It stimulates and enlivens thu vital functions, promotes energy and strength, restores and preserves health, und Infuses new life nnd vigor throughout tho wholu system. No sufferer from any dis caso which arises from impurity of tho blood n-cd despair who will give Ayeii's SAitsM'.utn.i.A a fair trial. It is folly lo experiment with the numer ous low-nriccd mixtures, ol cheap materials, and without medicinal virtues, offeied as lilood-puriilers, w hile disease becomes moro llrinly seated. Avi.u'. SAitsAi'.vnii.i.A is a medicine of such concentrated curative power, that It Is liy fur tho best, cheapest, uud most reliable blood-purifier known. I'hysHans know Its composition, nnd pie Bcriljii it. It lias been widely used for forty years, and has won the, uuqualllled confi dence of millions whom it has benefited. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Si Co., I'l-nctlcnl anil Anal) Ileal Oliviulstn, Lowell, Mass. tOLO UY AM. UUCUUUTS L V WlllIllE. HEL3 ! Yourselves by makng money iJ when a golden chanco Is of fered, thereby always koeplng novertv trom vour door. Tiinni who always take ndvantnge of tho good chances for uiiKiug uiuue luii. uru ouereu, generally become wealthy, wnllo those who do not Improve Buch chances remain In poverty. Wo want many women, boys andirlrls to notklorus rlL-htln tlietrnwnin. cuttles. Tho business will pay moro than tin times ordinary wa?cs. Wo furnish an oxtjnstvo outnt and all tnat you need. free. Ho one who engages falls to miko money very rat Illy. Vou cm devoto yoir wliolo tlmo to tnowork or only your spiro moments run .niiraui'i u anui'i inar. is meioa setir free, Addr.'sa irmaoN Co., Portland, Maine, oot la'SO-ljr, At Crane's Career Infitcarv. Addlscn, II. Y, Hl'KDltEDS OF PKllbONH rromall parts of .tlio woild have been cured of this much dreaded d!3 caho and are now living witnesses thntthej have been lefcued trom ntctrlbie and untimely death, lioctctf, Jllnineis end the Poor tienlidfne. Write ;r..," l",lu"li,K'"g"iii purucuiniB. Auunress urs. ,jii. i i.a.i. siua Jail lri:u N, ACdlf wi, N. V. Oct. 1, 'bti-ly AND Paper Han.giiig. WM. F. BOIDINE, IKON IhT., 1IKI0W f-HtOM), lllLOMMIUItl, Pa is piepareii to do all kinds of HOUSE FAXHXIZvTa l'luln and Ornamcnial PAPER HANGING, DOTH DKC0HAT1VK AND PLAIN. All klntlN ol riirnlliiro Itii:ili'ul. "nn tuadusiK guixi ih m v, NONK DUT KIItST-OLAKS WOltKWKN FMPI.OVED Sstirnatca XVXado on all Work, WM. F. BODlNB. Cf1 1 A P.""11 furnished free, with full lnstruc- T I I I ! , cnnuuciing ii e mobt prontawe iii i i iiiui uu iiuu enu uugagc in. Instructions mo foblmpleand plain, that any one nil1,! ff.JWiM rrf lllfciumueviryMart. Koone S??J '.' ,Uo li,w,llllrK '0 tik. Wcmtu tire annuo. vn'v ,S? '"i'nu ,'?,nn.u PHIs cw tarn large sums. Jlom have made altho tusli tte over ono Tiundicd (lollatB in ii wick, Nothlngliko It ever known nrrt'J'iH !A,'?..t,,'!?vu. arcurpilMd iitthoenso and lapldlty with wl.Tih tl.ey ate able to make Sl'.P. ?A,Vl cnn fhPf!B in this bublr.ct.s duilng SrJ f r?,',".1!-1, ?.1 W f r-i cfit. Vcu do pot have to invest capital In It. We tnlo all the risk. 'J Iioso who ?n,utidjLLeu9"lluU'(1 write to us at once. All Mute ArtJrMSTvy &Co.,Augu6tn,MaIne J. W, RAEDER, PRACTICAL BOOK BINDER No 1 10 j;iT JIA1IK1.T hTI!i:i:T, WILKES-BARHB, PA. IJIiulN all Uu; ciii iTnt imliilca lions lit liny sljlc jou iiuiy ic Mie, .SaiiMiit Hon giiitrau- Correspomlence solicited P. 0. Box ICO. I. t. C iii eltil al( ii(ioii bIvcii lo ail LAW I'l I.1CATIS. bept V, tt M, C, SLOAE & BRO. iiLootiisiiuiu;. Munufaoturera ot Carrlagos, Bcgglos, Phactono, Sloigb, l'LATfOHM WAGONS, tc, Klratclaas work always on hand. KKI'AIHINU NKATLY DONS. lrl i reduced to suit too time. suusoiuuifi now yon THE OOXitT3BXA.3ST pa-psapaMla (1.80 WIADVANOE. , RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES P1 :CNNHYt,VANI V.AILHOMi. I'jtlh, UKI.l'llIA & lillllt it. U. DIVISION. SUMMKU TIME TABLE. on ann nurr suniijj-. .mnn i;, si, tnn , on tho l'liiindoiplila Krlo lut lroad Olvt ion v in as follows i 1 " vvmrwAuu. Krlo Mall lrnvos l'lilladelplda " " llarriitiurg 11 wiillamport " " .Icrney t'wre " " Look Haven '' Jll'IJOU ' nrilvn nt. title "Mum .'3 a in H 411 u , " '"' i :s '' ' A '. '-nm 1 45 p m oi ii ra -a i nm n'-'om " ' in ' ii tn ' .'. 1 "i mum 4 II i ) tl 1 1 p in o lo p m 7 MS am Ti-lam Rvonm isnipin ,'nvo' c on a m hi o. n tn ll 85. m liii.iptn Niagara Kxpicsn luMURl'lillftdeii Ida imn itiimrL 11 air. nt wnilaiiisiiuit " " Lockllavui " " ltenovo " " KllEH Piust Lino lf-ariB I'hiliiilt it hia " IlurrHbin;f " nnlvoal Wllllamspnrt " " Lock Haven KAtmVAUD. Paclfio llxprcss leaves IhkiI; llav. n " r ' Jetve Stli'iro " " vvllllamspoit " arrlvoat llarrlsburg " " l-lilladolphla " " Kane Day Express leuves ltcnovo " " lock Haven " ' Vllllninsiioit " tirrlvent Ilarrlaburir ' " Philadelphia " " trie Krlo Mall leaves licnovo " lock Haven " " willlamsnort " arrives at llarrisburg " . " l'lilladclpinu Fast Lino leaves Wllliamsport " arrives at llarHsbiin? 1. SU l HI 11 85 a m ompra icilopm 11 ..i p in 3ooam i us a in la 15 am " " l'hlladclpiila "nam ' 83 n tn I.IIU .Mini iviu, ...nil 1.111'j wi-.iii nun I lieillU J.Tprt Hast inakO close connections nt NoitliiiintieriiirS with L. & D. II. II. trains for Wllkebbarro aid Wcrauten, " Krlo MallWcst, Niagara Kxpross West nnd IVt Lino West mako close connection nt Wllllcmsnott with N. 0. it. W. trains north. 1 Niagata Kpress West and Day Express Eau make close connect lun at Lock Haven with li.H v II. It. trains. Krlo Mall coat and West connect at Erlo wltii inv ...tut (lllil ,,l-a, VMlllULL III, wiri Ins nn L. H, A:.M, tj. H. it. ut C'orry with o.t'.ii W. 11. It.; at Kmporlum with U, N. Y.fil. H. ii 1 nt Driftwood with A. V. !:. It. ' I'.A- V and ii 1 1111111 I'll - ti, IV J' It kJt Ik, i Parlor cam will run between l'hllalelplila am Wlll.imsport on Niagara Kxprcss west, nnd Day pressGist. Sleeping cars on nil nljjlit trains. A. J1ALDVVIN, General Supt. NonTllHItN OKNTI'.AL KAIIAVAY t.'OMI'ANV. on and afier January 1Ttli, issi, trains will lcava SunUuryns follows ii "..nam NOItTlIWAIiD. Northern Hxpress e.3nn. m., nrrlvo Elmira l?.30pn Arrlvo at Canandalgua 3,'iv p. ci " Hochostcr .,io " " Nlagari. s 45 Niagara Kxpresa 1.05 p. m. nrrlvo Eimlra n.oj p ra nrtivo Canandalgua 8.35 " " Itochester 9 n " Niagara n.ooam Fast lino 6.10 p tn arrlvo Elmira 11,05 p ra " Watklns 11.55 pm SOUTIIWAltD. Hoitthcrn Express 1.3a a. m. nrrlvo Harrlsb'g 8.15a m arrlvo Philadelphia 1.35 " New York 10.35 " Ilaltimoro J, to " Waslilngton 0,02 a m l'aclllc HxptesH 10.01) a m arrive Harrlsb'g is.os p m nrtlvu Philadelphia 3.45pm " Now York 0.13 " " UiUtmuro cm ' Washtn-ton Day Express 1.5') p m arrlvo Harrlbburg D.topm " I'lilladelphlii 0.15 " " Now York 0.30 " " ilaltimoro 0 35 " Wa'iJiinfrtm ",5i! Krlo Hail l.iii a. 111. arrlvo Hai rlsburg 5,01 a. ra " riiilaaelpUIn 7.33 " " Now York "0.35 " " IieJtltcoro 7.40 " Washington 0.03 L. 1'. FAltMEIt, (ioncraU'.is. engor A'!tt.t. I'ltANK THOMSON, (icncral Jlaiifjir. pUlLADEIil'IIA AND HEADING 1IOAD AltKANGEMKNT OF PASSENGER TnAINa. Juno 27, If si, TRAINS Lit AYR nuTRKT S rOI.LOWS(8Ui;nATKXf;itlT10 For Now York, Philadelphia, Heading, rottnvllla Tamaqua, &a., 11,43 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. 7,so and 6,45 p. tn. For Wllllamaport, c,13 s,60 a. ra. and 4,og p. m, TKA1K3F0U HDl'SKT LKAVR A9 K01I.0WS, (StJKDAT It CKl'TRD.) Lcavo Now York, vu. Tamanend l),oo n. m. and via. Hound Brook ltouto 7,13 a. in. Lcavo Philadelphia, 9,48 a. m. Leave Heading, u,wa. m., rottsvlllo, u,3o p. m, 1,35 p. m. Leave Ontawlssa, 6,10 s,40 a. rn. and 4,00 p. m, Loavo,o145a.m,s,oo p. m. and 1,3d p. ra Passengers to and trom Now York, via. Tams- nend and to and from Philadelphia go througa without changoot cats. J. E. WOOTTEN, C. 0, HANCOCK, acneral Manager General Passenger nnd Ticket Agent. Jan.10, 1181-tf. EliAAVAKE, LACKAWANNA WEbTJSUN UA1I.UOAD. BLOOMSBU1U1 DIVISION. ANn Tlmo-Tablo No. 33, Takes effect nt 4:30 A. -M MONDAY, JUNK 10, 1S73, NOliTIT, bTATlONU. BOUTII. p.m. p.m. a.m, a.m. p.m. p.ia 1 M V 44 a as U 31 v a a n 9 11 3 in v so Scranton llellevuo Taylorvllle.... ...Lackawanna.... l'lttston .. West l'lttston... Wyoming Maltby Dennett 9 so i 15 13 1 31 3 31t 2 81 2 42 2 47 3 M K f 4 2 tJ 3 I'M 3 03 C 10 1 45 C M 7 00 7 l'5 7 10 7 15 7S 7 3S 3 40 3 31 3 24 3 18 3 13 9 S7 9 43 9 tu 3 m 9 11 9 O'J 9 01 9 57 10 07 10 02 9 10 00 8 si 8 49 8 33 8 31 8 IIS S 1)1 3 Oi) i 55 I! 47 i 4) I 30 1! SU 'I f-5 1 45 IB 8 nt 8 54 Kingston Kingston ,. Plymouth June.. 10 19 10 18 10 2fi 10 Dl 10 43 10 ta It 07 11 13 11 'Al 7 S 7 43 7 tO 3 08 3 l:i 6 4C 8 3S ....t'lymouiu Avondalo Nantleoko .Uunlock'a treek. ...MilcksMnny..... 3 IS 6 I'D 3 31 6 IIS 8 SI 3 33 3 Ml 8 33 8 IS II 15 9 3 J 16 8 '.'01 8 11 a ot 7 ts .... Dick's Ferry..,. 4 03 4 10 1 15 1 mi ....ucncii iiaven... Hcrwlck llrlnr creek 7 55 4 19 1 48 VI 45 7 41 Vi 31 7 40 1 St, 4 1!5 0 40 4 39 (0 4 3.1 7 W 4 42 7 15 4 49 7 3 T .11 7 jnl ...Willow Ilrovo,.., .IJino itldge ipy. -., Dloomsburg import 7 SI 13 13 . 7 rtl 11 39 7 VII 13 00 7 30 11 tl) 7 15 11 SO 11 45 11 61 7 as1 7 34 7 08 4 19 5 Uu 6 IS 9 13 u 31) 6 45 7 tl) 7 IS V 3 8 43 0 tJ 3 tJ Cataw lasa Hrldge, 11 t7 13 IS 0 57 10 50 ft 45 3) 10 UI XIUUVlllO. chulasky Cameron 45 .Northumberland, 12 45 p.rn, a.m a.m. p.m. p.m. fc-ta W. V, ITAliTKAI), sapi. Huperlntoudtmf's omco, scranton, June 10, 1579, THE CREAT liVJlLIXGTON noiiTi:. tNo other lino runs Thrco Throurli i'as ?ffir. T!'lU"3l,?l,llr.lJ0twct,n Chicago lies lntt' "jV".",0" 'I Omaha. Lincoln, J0iCili, Atchison, 'Pope in mid Kansas City. fc',.)",.c;,lo"., w n" points iTanMi ,c,," Sol0.rndtb Wyowlwr. .Montana, Nci California. Mcxloo,ArlloIia Idaho.Oicgonand ,,,'i'''I1,0f;l'rtC3lt. Snmllcst nnd Most Comforta liPiioS"!1!0 vl" "'""i'''. to Fort Scott, llcnlsoti, Inn nml1f.?,U.S"n! AU6,', "' pal AutOUiO, aillVCS- ton and u points in 'icias, r i 10. H!!'',l', Indiiecments rfrcrcil by this A;!'0 'o t "pvolcra and Tourists, aro as follows uii?. ie.olo,Vn,tri1 I'lilhnnn (liVwheul) Pnlaco Hle p n tara. tun mily on this Line, 0 II. & H'Jn1 ico ''"iV'ng-Uooin Cars, with Morton's ltce Iniiig t halin. Nu oxtm chargo for Hrats i?,!1,1.",1,"1 'ho famoin C. II. Ii 0. .".. ?. I,'.l."',,l:f 1 .'lorgooiiH f miikhur Cars lilted vniii I.ievttnt lllnli-llaektil Itnttan Itc volvlmr tlmlrs for tho exclusive uto of llrat tl.t's iionifori. h,lpi'' Superior Kiiulpmcnt. com- Mncd with tliolr fl runt Through Car Arrniiiro iiient, inalici I iln, iibovo ull ol horn, tho f.ivoi Uo w"-it "l0buutu South-West, und tho Fur i.,'1.rIlit,?"',,y"u W,UI ni"1 traveling n luxury In-trniliifadlsiimirort. 'Ihr-iiudi Tickets via this Colebriitnl Mini for hiiloutiiil iiilliosln tho Uuitudritates uud All liifurtiiatloii ntmut Hatos of Varo, 8leeH In Car Aioiiiiini(nl.itloin, Tlmo Tables, &a, will lie ehuci fully given by upplylng to J. J. A. lilt AN. (len'l Rastorn Agent, Mi V K'hineton Bt.. Ilostcii. Muss. H JAMIJ ill Won' . 11, l;a. Atrt., ftolomto. T J lH'in,ai,trcVi.MatuMir,CUlca4fO. 9