The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 23, 1881, Image 3

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    ,wmA"mroiuioemiiMPBUrmwv Mrim-w m;viivHinmp4i nmwirww)tf wBmTwwWiiWiMW wmw
HMWJf'JintH, KMDAY NrlT.M, l',sl.
I. K. Krlckbanm, ndminltrnli)r of INtor
Applematl, deceased, oilers valuattlo ltntts of
Bald dcccMed,lu Ilenton lownalilp, at prlvato
sale, Sfo advcrtlen)cnt.
Tlio executors of Thomfti Glblions offer real
estalo at private no. Hne nilvertlpcment.
Oarrlclt Mnllery, AilmlnlHrator of O. II.
Well', wlllexpOKfl rcnl elate to putillc aalo on
the prcmlfos In llfrwlck on November 10.
""Now heaters will lio planed In llio Uphcopal
clmrcli ihls Fallj
Saturday, Srpleinticr !21lli U llosh Jfiuliour,
or tlic Jewish Now Year.
The. band had a fentival on Saturday nlghl,
and It wna very well attonded,
The Sullivan county fair will lie hold ut D.
ihore on the Gtli, Gib and 7lli of October.
I'on Sub.-A dcilmblo building lot In
jiloornfburg, corner of Main and West streets,
l'rlce reasonable, Icrmi to milt purchaser. In
quire of Geo. K.EIwtll.
The Berks County Fair will bo held In tbo
City of. It lading, on thn 27th,23lh, 29th Bnd
30th limit., ami promts to bo the largest and
moit succWul Ibu J,ai over laken placo In
iho county. There will be new features each
day, and on Wednet-diy, Beplomber 28lh, there
will ha a special cheap excursion from all point
on tlio Philadelphia and Reading Itillroad
nnd branches at greatly reduced rates of fare.
Are you going to paint? If so.seml (o Henry
B Kcuv, Montour I'nlut Works, Kuperl, To.,
Mr sampl.' rnul ard prices of Strictly l'ure
While I,i nd, Slate Colors. Iron I'alnts. l'ultv
tta., and save the wholesale anil rntnll mnfii.
You can mix your own colors, from beat mater
lal, with l'ure l.infced Oll.for 75 cents to $1.20
per gallon,
Respectfully Yours ,e.,
apr. Ifi-Gm IIknry 8. Ukav.
KortBAW!. Fifty sbtrfs of wnler stock and
eight share? of gas slock. Will bo sold In
mglo shares or all together, to suit purchasers.
Inquire at this office. t'f
On Friday last, at about half ptst ten o'clock
tho morning, , Mrs. I. S, Kuhn whllo In
hsr house on Centre street, hoard a
crackling noise, as if caused by flames. She
stepped out of doors and oil looking up saw
that (he rcol of tho back kitchen was on tire.
Hhn, l l. Il.l. t..t.U.t-
uuuruitUdQUl UVI tllllMICII IU tllC II V 111 UUI I U I . , ... . I, 1
houseofMr. John Wolf, and adaughlor of that " i""
The Prohlbltlilnisis of ibu cruntv held
.... .1 i.i nrnnnnn i. ki ii. in i..ui. 1...11 i
.i,pnratieo. Vcr BIIL'ffCSllVO Of in ilni III nf ........ m v,i,:ii iiuiiuillg,
' I Sordini .liant t...,. I .1.. 1 '.! ...
Almanacs for 1885
Miss Amelia 1). Webb, opjucil o, cchiol fir
young children, on Wednesday, in tbo Weaver
house on Market street.
It Is simply marvelous how quickly constipa
tion, biliousness, sick headache, fever and
ague, and malaria, are cured by "Sellers' Liv
er Pills." "M
Tho church nt McIIenry's appointment, Or
ango township, will bo dodicated next Sunday.
Rev. M. L.Smyser wlllpfliciato. A gsneral in
vitation lo tho public h extended.
Among tho cases set down for argument in
the United States Ditrict Court at Wilkes
llirro, this week, is that of Daniol V. Scybcrt
ye. Tho First National Rank of Rerwlck.
Two lot', with good lionpc, barn and out
buildings on each, for sale, in Hloomlmrg. In
(ititro of William Kmckiuum.
July 29-tf
Mr. rhlncas Thomas of Rear Gap has shown
us ono of the finest peaches we have seen this
teasoo. It vun of admirable shape and color,
of rich flavor, and weighed seven ounces.
Wanted. A girl to do general housework
in a house supplied with all modern conveni
ences. Must understand cooking. Inquire at
th'n office.
Lovers of buckwheat cakes aro beginning
to fret about tho short crop of the grain. It is
quite probable that buckwheat will bo high in
pricein Ibis part of tho country, but c.ikes will
be baked for all that.
Col. Andrew Lee, of Wilkccllarre, has pur
chased tho hotel property at Harvey's Likc,for
$10,800. Ho intends to make many improve
ments, and a narrow gauge railroad from
Wilkee-Rarre is talked of.
did.Ue for Associate Judge, was endorsed and
reter nvdy al-o unmed for the same office
K. M. Knorr wns selected for Prothonotary
n. 11. Wilier for RegiMcr and Recorder and
1-.. II. brown furTreasurtr, both Republican
ctnuiuue", wcm endowed, and 11 ehnnl Whit.
moytr as nominsled for County Commis
sioner. The Convention was a vcrv uuiet one.
in f.tct, few people knew that Mich an event had
taken place.
A bad smash-up occurred on the L, & B, R
R. at Rriarorcek on Tuesday morning last. A
troiij'it tram was running on a switch and
some of tho cars were still on the main track,
when another freight train enme daliing along
at about eighteen miles an hour. The engine
struck ilie rear of the train and some twenty
cars were more or lesi damaged. Tho cngina
wis nea'ly demolished and it is Fiid cannot bo
repaired for les iban $o,000. Fortnmtely no
lives wero lest. A dense fog provailid at the
time and the engineer of the second frciiht
could not see the train passing on to tb
On Wednesday aliernoon, members of the
Rescue and Friendship fire companies with the
Illoomsliiirg and Espy cornet bands marclu
through town on thur way to Rupert. There
they took a special train and went to Reading,
to take part in the grand firemen' parudc on
lhursday. The Rescue company, 12 strong,
was preceiicu by me Home Mntl wltu 14 mem
hers and u drum msjor. The Friendship boys
were 20 in number and headed by the Espy
band of 10 members. This is a comparatively
new musical organization, and bids fair to be
success, as their playing on Wednesday waa
heartily praised. The hose carriages of lli
(wo companies were sent to Reading on Tues
Lost. A gold pen nnd pencil wilh black
holder was taken from tho Law Library during
court. It was especially valued as n. gilt. Any
Information concerning the tamo will bo gladly
received at this office.
InvltationH hayo been ifsuid for the wedding
of Miss Mary Browcr, daughter of J.J. Urow-
... T tl -IT' l
er, 12-q anil air. j. jjowuru single, on tieu
ncsday morning, October 5th, at nine o'clock
at St. Paul's Church, thh town.
Navigation on tho imril is temporarily sus
pended on nccount of a, half way be.
tween Bloomsbnrg rind Berwick, on Sunday
morning lait. The water has been let out and
it will be two weeks at least before the boats
can run.
Frank Malven, of Port Jervis, caught n
large black bass tome days ago. When it wa
cleaned, It was found to contain two snaber,
one slxtoen inches long nnd the other about a
foot. The kind of bait that a bass won't tackle
i 8 scarce. Miljord Dispatch
At a meeting of the directors of tho North
and West Branch Railway Co. held in Wilkes
Barrolast week, Mr. Frank Mclinphlin re
tirod from tho board and was succeeded by Col.
Charles M. Conyncham. Mr. McLaughlin has
assumed the con tract for grading the road.
Tho Republicans and Greenbackers of Schuyl
kill county each held a convention on tho
game duy and divided tbo county nomination-,
tho Grtonbackcrs Inking tho lion's ehnre. Tin
independent Republicans have a ticket of
their own, and the dianccs for Democratic
buccoss aro just too inexpressibly immense.
Fort Rknt. Third story of the new Colum
bian building, 2fix75 feet. Also four large ofii
ces on eecond floor well lighted. Has and
walorin the building. Will probably be heat
ed by steam, Ready for occupancy before No
Tember 1st. Inquire of Geo- E. Elwell.
iiouitsnt'ttQ inrstons
On Monday tho 6th Inst., Mrs. LannChs-
pin, an ngod widow, livlnn In tho family of
Jacob Shoemaker, In Fishiagcrek township,
vaccinated herself, using n pin for that pur
pose, with vaccine matter fmm the arm of a
neighbor's child. In a short time her arm be
came very bn'J, medical aid was calleil, hut
nothing could bo done to benefit her and she
fed on Friday last. She was a member of the
M. 15. church, nnd was very highly esteemed,
HoiiMjaa St saKUTuan.
Maloy OlLDWtT At the Litliemn tnran'1-
age, Panvlll", P.. on Ang-Wt filh, 1SI, by
Rev. M. II. NMmM. Mt. Ffnnk Mloy, rif
Bloonnburg ami Mim Mary L. Gilbert,'a.
FitKAS, Near Rohrsbutc, on the 13lh of
Miss Maggio Patton, since the amputation oi September, Mary Rebecca Frcas, aged 8 months
and 10 days.
gentleman dragged a length ol hose to tho rn-
langered premises nnd soon nstrinm of water
wai thrown upon Iho roof, Mr. Oils Wllllnms,
wno lives across the street, henril the alarm
and ran to render such nld ai was tiecos'nry. A
second lioso was attached to the pavo wash In
front of tho houso and this nll'orded nn ample.
supply of water. The Incipient fire was ptompt-
ly extinguished, before any material damngt
was dene. Our readers should exercise great
watchfuliiefii, durinu tho contlnunnco of the
drought, as a spark falling upon dry sblnght
night produco very M-rlruin results.
Several statements have been it-cuiitly pub
lished of the entire success which has attended
tbo keeping of winter npples under water. Tho
experiment Is worth repeating, observing the
precaution of maintaining the temperature
nearly down to the frcer.tng-prtiut. Tho nily.xu-
laeoi of this practice arp, first, tbo exclusion of
air currents, and, secondly, a temperatuie not
liable to fluctuations, or which canuot quickly
change So long as the water ran bo kept quite
cold, the fruit will he likely to remain
sjundj if too warm the r.kin will bo likely to
swell and crack by ovet-alnnrplionof luoisturo
Grai i-s have bom succrasfully kept in the smie
way, the water remaiuing near ficeiirg. A
damp cellar for fiuit on shelves is bet er th'an
one so dry as to cause shrivelling, provided it
is cold. If wanu, decay would bo likely to
commence soon. '
Tho Welshmen of Luzernn county were
strongly in favor of Davica for Slate Treasurer
and do not tako kindly to the candidate the
machine has provided. In consequence they
threaten to bolt and support Wolfo. This U
a cheerful state of affairs for tho contemplation
of Governor Iloytand Attorney General I nl
imer, both of whom live in the county.
Tho out-buildings of John Rider, in Frank
Tin township, wero destroyed by fire on Satur
day night lsst. Thehoue narrowly escaped.
Capt. J. B. Robison who Uvea near, saw the
flames and went to tho asbistance of bis neigh
bor, and rendered valuable nld in Baving the
property. Tho out-kitchen and smoke bouse
were burned, .
Vennor, tho weather prophet, has been pe
culiarly unfortunate in bis predictions of late,
and has lost stunding In the community. He
prophesied wet weather nfier the 15th inst.,and
it is very evident that we have not
like dampnefs. He ibinks that in October
there la likely to bo "loo much rain," and that
.sleet and snow will fall early with sharp frosts.
The captain of Co. D , Danville, denies lhat
the men of his command bihaved in a disorder
ly manner at Shickshlni y when returning from
tho ssncampment at Wijkes Barre. He says the
rowdlea belonged lo somo oilier orgsnizition
We aro glad lo know that Dsnvllle was not dis.
graced by mich unsrldierlike and ungenllo
.manly behavior.
The xecent showers barely wet iho surface of
the ground. Winter wheat thould have been
eowed by Ibis lime, but there are very few acres
even plowed for its reception. Unless drenching
rain soon falls, the farroora will begin to de
spair, as it is useless oilher to plow or bow grain
so long as the earch is In lis r't P"c ,c.d
condition. The duration of the drougth is
At tho scsion ot the United Stntcs District
Court, held in Williamsport last week, th
time was principally occupied by petty cases of
passing counterfeit coin and illegal sales
liquor. Most of them were of too little mo
ment to excite Interest. John Burger, who
lives near Wilkes-Barro, was tried for illicit
distilling. His testimony was of the most
amusing character. He said that the United
States olficiaI found an old kettle in his
chicken-coop, thrown there wiib other old iron,
and having found a tub of soft soap, they de
clared it wus sour mash, and had him arrested
and locked up in jail. The jury convicted him,
but the judge evidently did not consider the
crime o honious one, as ho imposed the lowest
sentence permitted by law. It would seem as
if the government detectives could find bigger
game than old women and ignorant men who
sell a quart or two of liquor 01 pass a bad half
Soon afier President Gaifitld was shot, Mr.
Cyrus W. Field of New York, suggested tho
rai-inir of a fund for the benefit of Mrs. Gai-
field and the children This met with popular
favor and nlready some S180,000 has been col
lected. Now that the I'reresident is dead, it is
proposed to increase ibis amount perhaps lo
half a m'llion. Subscriptions are pouring in
from all parts of iho country, and there are un
doubtedly many citizens of Columbia County
who aro willing to subscribe to euch a fund.
Tosavo trouble, we are willing to receive sums
of money, publish the names of subcrihois in
the Coi.umhian, and forward the amount re
loived to A. J. Drexel & Co., the Philadelphia
bankers, who have consented to act as agents.
Small contributions will be acknowledged as
promptly as those of greater i-ize.
THE FA 1 11.
The showy ptnterH for the County Fair bavo
been received and distributed through tho
county, and will, without douht, add to the in
tcreet already fell in the exhibition, With
favorable weather, a most fuccessful and pleas
urable week may lie counted upon. Ihe pre
miums oflersd are liberal, tho novelties pre
fenled are interesting and amusing, and tho
arrangements for exhibitors and spectators are
complete. From picsmt indications there will
healargeand fine list otcxliimts. lusmucuio
hp tin md lhat there will be heavy falls of rain
beforo Ihe opening of the fair, aa tho roads are
In a vory duety condition and oxcetdingly un-
li..-iimt for driving. Unless untoreseen con
tineencies arise, wo expect to seo the grounds
crowded with ralisfied spectators.
Tho mtmbors of iho Town Co-incil ough t to
knoi' If they do not, lhat ihe disorder prevail
ing on the main street last Satuiday night, was
pimply outrageous. Men under tho influence
of liquor 6wngsered,cursed and quarreled with
out even a rebuke from Ihe police. In front of
the Court House for a toupleof hours, nngry
nnd drunken fellows indulged In profane and
indecent lungunge, shouted in stentorian tones
and challenged each oilier to fight. Young
women passing along the strict, on their way
home from tho band festival, were shocked and
disgusted. Is there a police forco in Blooms-
burg? If not, the Council had best Bppoiut
one without dejay, and let (he officers be men
who will do their duty. The town lins estab
lished a reputation for order and decency,
which Saturday night's exhibition will go far
to destroy. Wo aro thus explicit about the
mailer, because a Town Council so careful of
public morality as to prohibit the sale of cigars
and soda water, cannot, we feel sure, overlook
grave offences against public order and moral
ity. It is much to be hoped that there will be
, no more such boisterous and digraceful con
duct to chronicle, but that tho police will man
fully enforce the law.
Miss KU.i Black is visiting her aunt, Mrs.
Lay, al Allentown,
On Sunday las', Norman and Eliubcth
Ivllur, buried their tittle daughter, Kirnh K.
aged -I years, (I months nnd 21 days.
The following prcambio and resolutions were
unanimouily adopted al a sponlal meeting of
the literary aocletiea of the Blosmsburg State
Normal Scbooh
Whkupa', It has pleasd Almlahtv God.
whose hand we tocoirnize in all things, and to
whose voice wn huinbW and submissively bow,
in riu irom nn onriue tieiovou rrenliifint,
James A. G irfu-'d, therefore, ii i
JIcmUcxI. u us as societies, lint bv his
deiuli the n.vion has lotn wise nun Christian
ruler, whose dignity of character and resigna
tion to tho Divit 0 -rill . cmnmund our resptct
a a nation, and thnt of ihe world nt lirge,nd
II I 1.1- 1 l 1 v '
win ever Keep uia memory ensiiriueu in our
l'ewlml. That wo are deeply sensible of Iho
great loss which tho bereaved fuml!ainl ag-d
mothor havo sunt aired In the removal of an af-
fect'onilc husband, father nnd eon, nnd lender
them our warmest sympathies in their (ltp
fllicion, coiumi'litii: thrm to the can,- of lliui,
who hath siiil, "I will ! lather (o the falh
erless nnj a btishaid to thw widow," and pray
that IIo may uiinhter "tilo them ibc richot
rorsola lions of His gtuce in Christ J man.
JU.wltvJ, I hut then! re,clutkiris be entered
npju the mviils of the Pliilologlau and Call
epian eocie' of (he Normal School, nnd pnb
lnhed In t'"- tounly pip-.-rs nnd lhat their re
spective halls be draped in mourning for thirty
Jennie Wells, Geohoe Feree,
Alice Eno au, Fhakk Hill,
Alva Com:, Kdwaiw Mooiif,
Joint Committee.
Business .Notice:
tiro umlonbtoiUy tlio clieiipcat ami
innat durable tence mane, la not
rllbcted by fire, wind or floodjilocw
Ladiis, be careful to got votirdresios made mi cm,80 B1I0W drifts, tflkeS f'owor
tcins. Bold by O. I . Marr.
David Lowi'tiberg would Infiirut the pub
lic tlmt ho has jimt returned from
New York
with n full lino of Ready Mado Clolliliiir
Oloths niidOfisjiiiioree of tho but quality njd
latest aiyle.'
Hrih, Cups, alfi a full lino of
Novi-Wea fur Fill and Wlntor
anil uuld invito un curly inspection
nf tho snmn,
OaU laid for oat. and
Young nt L'r'.it S'rort.
corn by Silas
posts and fitoolc cannot, ptnn it
do'vn. Our wire in lour pointed,
j'h made of two strands of munlier
12 beat galvanized steel wire twist
ed toeciner usi cnouiiii 10 ai 10 v
for con tract ion nnd expnnsin.i vi
Hummof and Winter, barbs are
fastened every seven inebes. The
use of barbed wire ih no longer nn
experiment, an last your over one
ituiuirca tnousanu muea were pur.
up. ve oelieve cur wire to ne
vnrtcr. ifVTiiAoiiniN'AUY
..w... . ,,- , , . .
In Hip rrmrse nf A for,- ilavs F. D. Dent CI 111U 0081 liUU CHCM)C.-L HOW IlltlL'
will have one of tbo lanwt nnd most com- nfiinfiivpd hnrfmRe. u, m Tiuiile of tlie
nlotc Blocks nf RnotK end Shoca. of all grades, 1.. . .... 1 ,- r . iy.
,ver r,irr.-(l to iho motile, of tills (HillutV. I oeHL oieei Virulliltl riUISJ.i IL-UI, uu
" . - I ,1 1 I i 1
Uon't iiiaito your puiciisscs until you navu me potUHl liavnl?; mo greiuesi
much nno exauuneii meso gnous. cpt---w , 0v.(rii ...,,1 v 1. 1
least weitrht ot any nut
IVIr, Isniah Hagonbuch
We havo on our table, a copy of the con'
ilensed History of Berwick, Bloomnburs, Cala
wissa. Danville and some oilier places, com-
nilMl and nubliahed by D. JI. Kuitz, and neat
i nrinteJ bv the Catawis'u A'tica Item. Wo
aio unable to speak of the accuracy of dales
aud facto. The compiler ha evidently spent
much time in tbo preparation ol the book, hut
tt,n, .v. h whole it la only an advertising spec
..i..,:r W commend the enterprise of the
....1,11.1,., hi, 1. w pannot see Ihe wisdom of
those who have paid their money for this style
f -.Itforilainir. About one hundred dollars
have boen carried away from thia town, fur
which those who contributed will never receive
nv nercenlible beneOt. Tbo same amouni o
money investe.1 In advertising in home paperB
would have been a much belter inveaimeuv,
ti, rlt,.rfi of the morning maila baa
n ... l.a an Intnle rablo nuisance, and tho
people of Blooiosburg demand that the post
nllien dennrlment shall make a change.
L. A II. R. R. will nol make such arrangemonts
aa willed ihe maila here, the government au
,i,n-tii .imnlil ntonce tuko measures to com
...i n. (iflll..,pni nf tho contract. The road
,IU, tllU IU,"
Tho re-union of veteran soldiers of Luzorne,
Lackawanna, Wyoming, Wayne and Susque
hanna counties was held in Wilkcs-Ilarre on
Friday last. Tho city was gaily decorated with
llass and bunting and thousands of sight-seera
filled Ihe streets. Grand Army I'osta wero in
line from Scranton, Plymouth, While Haven,
Carbondale and Wilkee-Barre, nnd delegations
from I'ltlslon, Kingston and Scranton. Aftir
parading through tbo principal streets, the
veterans proceeded lo a grove on tbo river
bank opposite the city. An address of welcome
was delivered by Msjor Brodrick and Judge
Rice made an eloquent nnd spirited speicl
He was followed by Judge K. L. Dana and
Gen. McCartnoy. Resolutions wero auopteil
condemning the shooting of the President, and
rrirrcttlnL' tho death ot Gen. Burnable. Let
ters were read Irom (ten. Hancock and Gov
ernur Hoyt, who 1e.10 unable to be prm-ent.
The following officers weio elected: Prosl
ent, r. J. Amsilen, bcrauton, v,oiumauuer 01
Iriffiu Vostj Secretary, Capt. J. W. Howell,
Scranton; Treasurer, Capt. P. DeLicy, Scran-
111, President of tho Veterans' Association of
that place.
The day was most cnjoyably spent in picnic
tyle, and in the evening the grovo wai hnl-
iantly illuminated.
Mrs M. Risblon in visiting frienibi in Phila
H. V. White went to Philadelphia on Wed
nesday, lo spend a few days.
Miss Lottio Powell of New York, Is tho gnesl
of tho Misses Brower.
Isaiah Rupert, of Hnzlulon, is spending a
few days in town.
J. J. Brower went to Philadelphia on Wed
nerdtiy for business purposes.
Mr. J. W. Gibbs went to Detroit, Miib., on
Wednesday, to visit relatives.
Mr. W. L. Mantling of Dorr's, has gone to
Rochester, N. Y., and will bo absent five or bix
Mrs. Charles Paxton and Mr. Christian, of
Leesburg, Va are the guists of Mr. Lloyd
Pailon, at Rupert"'
Miss Bella aud Miss Ida VandtHllce, guests
of Hon. T. Jeff Vandorslice, returned to iheir
homes in Philadelphia on Wednesday morning
Dr. G. P. Waller and family.of Osceola, No
braska, are in town, llie Doctur 19 loosing
well, aud says be likes the western country too
well to think of returning liast to live.
A . .1 - rtm l Ll. Iinhlon llie4lliOln
. 1. ic nmnnied to havo o I ,.,. nni in bo naid for such slovenly work
, ... .,. , rtnb. The Presi- ul., , tB, l-uaone miil was not reioivcil
dent of the Society advertises for an animal I , ie fu,owil,g day, when of course
. II.... ii. iiTim lioif must be lliin, .,... wnr of no vniue whutevor,
nu iiius uesciiufo " , .1 iicn.".---- . , , 1-..,
rn...r -mil have a good sat of , ,,.. merchants, professional and buBlneu
-pi ,n,it ahould belonglhy, .,w inconvenienced und irjurei
, ...1 lurned bp a Hide l Z ilelavs. aud it is full limo something
the 'rooter.' and it ought to be long enough to llecUlve WB .done. Annul tbecontract with tl.
. .1.T..1 mw ihrouch any fence, ,c. n It. R. II nctblng ekf c' h llono 8111
He should bfl able lo lo trot or run at Ihe rale , msi,, CQm0 UVer the CaUivlBBa road. As
of, 2.40 when pushed by the boy." We uo no rf I10W( lh, , carrying t nuiS , cm
........n.i i.i. ,n,,w ranners raise lhat (-,!, worst kltii and will no longer be cajmly
kln.1 of stock', but if Wiy one of them has such loUtiteA, Tbo superintendent of Iberaljway
"critter," this ia uce 10 get r'" "'"Ice wo lru"'
' Lmlla.e atlentlon and afford relief to a SDlfer-
-of if.
.Grand ItapliU Tlniu.l
OIim. 8. filrJckktid, K,-p, of 6 tta
'Place, Boston, Man., after reUtlng I.I- surprb
,ing recovory from 4-hiummlm by St. JacoU t
Oil, s.yK I cannot Cnd word, to convey wjr
-VwHeand Krt:tdoo the .discoyeof ibis
l-communllv. Puck bortos would bo pre
ferabU lo the present carrlors.
','Ladhn highly praho Mall Bitters."
'Physlclaof prescribe them fretlv."
The Urged bottle and best medicine."
"Our best peopU UVeNaJt nimrt,"
"Sut cule fur chills and liver lleae
The announcement of tho 1'residenl's doalh
was recei ed with profound sorrow in Bloomt
burg, and instant arrnngi-meits wero made to
givooutwnrd expression lo the popuhr grief.
Tho bolls were tolled, anil In a very brief space
of timo the greater number of huildingj upon
tbo main street were draped in black or dis
played flags looped wilh crape. Four largo
flags wero hung across the street In front of
tbo Eichago Hotel, Central Hotel, Mover's
d.-ug store rnd I. W. Hartman's store. The
buildings most elaborately draped were, tho
Kxchnnge Hotel, G. A. Clark's book store, W.
C. McKinney's,Moyer Bro's.,1. W. McKelvy's,
I, W, Hnrlman's. J. J. Browcr's, D. Lowen
berg'SjIIolmes & Sihuylei's and X. J, Hauler-
shotl's. The columns in front of the Court
House were encircled with bread hands of
black nnd draped flags wero placed in the
posts that uphold the lamps. Business, was
suspended during the morning and the streets
wero filled with people dicussing the sad
event. In the evening a meeting of citizens
was held al tho Court House. It was at first
iutended lo meet out of doors, but it grew dark
so eatly that nn aiijournmunt was had to the
court room, which was ppeedily filled, A large
proportion of those present were ladies. Hon.
William Elwell was called to Ihe chair aud
made a brief but feeling address elating that
Iho objtctof the meeting was lo express the
profound sorrow of the community for the ca
lamity which had belallen the nation. Rev.
D. J. Waller, Jr., offered a fervent prayer for
tho afflicted family of ihe President, nnd for
tho people of tho eouutiy whope Chief Magis
trate had been taken from them under circum
stances so terrible. On motion tho chairman
appointed Messrs. J. G. Freeze, L. S. Winter
steen, C. G. Barkley, J. C. Brown and O. E.
Elwell lo draft resolutions expressive of the
senso of iho meeting. Tho committee retired,
and during their absence Cel. Samuel Knorr
spoko briilly of the President's death. He said
that there were times in the lives of nations, as
of individuals, when it was host thnt tho bunion
of sorrow should bo borne in silence. His re
marks wero well expressed and appropriate.
Col. Freeze, of Ibu (ommittco on resolutions,
reported Ihe following, which wero adopted
At a public mooting of the citizens of tho
Town of Bloniiishurg, at the Court House, on
ue'dav evening, September 20th, n'sembud
n the occasion " f tin ucalh of James A. G ir-
field, late Pre ident of Ihe United States, it wai
Itttolvcd, That wo deeply mourn the untime
ly death of President James A. Garfield and
hat we tenner our sympatnies lo tlie
fllicled wife, and Ihu members of his family.
lUmUvl. Thnt wo n commend lo oui commit
niiy the ubaervanco of Iho day of his funeral
oy a loiai siipeniuii ui dunned?.
Capt. C. B. lirockway cllercd the fullowirg
order, which was read by the chairman:
llitulnuartcn Hocicty of the Soldiers and Sailors
oj the Warty loin, oj uuiumuia county.
Bi,oomsiiuro, Pa., Sent. 20th, 1881. 1
General Orilor No. 7.
As n mark of respect to our murdered Presl-
out and late Comuinuiler-in-Chief, Gen Jiuucb
Garfield, all Jionorauly illstli irgeil bonnera
and Sailors in tlin rounty, are requested to
wear as n badge of mourning, until after his
Interment, a b..dgc of crniio on the leU arm
above the elbow. Please notify our comrades.
C. B. Bkockwav, S. ICkorii,
Secretary. President.
Tho moeting then adjourned. During its
continuance there was a marked degree of
quiet decorum, nnd at tho close thoso present
ofi the room speaking in low tones and evi
dently felling the solemnity of tho occasion.
E. Butterio.l: ,h Co.'s September fashion
books and puttprn at 0. 0. Marr.
Old turLevs, old Iicui, old gceae, youne;
anil -lil ducks wauled bv alias loung tit
Liebl Stret:t. for illicit h will pay Uio
hlfchen market ptico. ntigSO-lui
The finest lino ol Ready-made Clothing in
Aho County w. now ne seen nt
David Lowenbt gs Clothing Storo.
1,000 i:ood live Calve wanted, Lot them I
como trum tho north, south, erst and west,
by Vilinlcsalc anil tciali. itm cnnDriiig
your good Calves right along now any timo
on Mondav. Tuesday. Wednesday and
Thun-ilay of each and every v;eefc anil got
your cash or goods lor them at Silas Young'H
i i n. ;..l , r
jjiKut cucei. juiy lii-utu
having taken clmrgo of our Stovd
and Tinware DepartinentjWould bo
pleased to seo bis old friends and
customers, as well as new ones
His long experience in thia branch
of trade may bo a Bale guarantee
ot it stumeu ami carenu Hoiecuun
of the best stoves in tho market
Wo have somo New .Ranges, pos
scssing new iv.xd novel ieatures,
well worth the attention of buyers.
Our stock of Houso Furnishing
Goods is large and we would bo
pleased to havo you call and look
them over, whether you wiah to
vith the buy or not.
e. Put
It does not seem to bo gener
ally understood by somo of our
trade that wo arc prepared to do
Tinsmithing in all its branches.
Thia we havo often noticed by
tho expressions of suvpriso of
many who, when in the rear of
our store, noticed men working in
an adjoining building. Wo car
rv a Vull stock of Tin and Tin-
it I smith's Supplies and are prepared
3-1 nt all times to do all kinds of
work. Aa low prices seem to be
the mest popular wo havo
l n , . ,-ws I
up on spools oi aoout juu rous
weighing about 1UU pounds, rnce
W t 4 - ,S ,1 1
per pound i i corns oy spooi,
less (p
less (luantmes m cents m
iwing the same grado of fin ns
heretofore and other work at cor
responding prices,
eo n woman picking a bunch of grapes
In another column, at Spcer's Yinoynrds,
from which Sneer's Pott Qrapo Wino la
made, that la so hiphly esteemed by the
medical ptolciHion for tho use of Invalids,
wtukly persons aud the aged. Sold by
C. A. Kleim. jan 7'S1 ly
Tho WOYOIjE SHIRT can only bo ob
tained .
at David Lowe nberg'a.
4,000 petunia of nice Pitted Cherries,
4,000 pounds of uiue Drlfcd Uaspbcrries
wanted by Siliir Ynutig nt Light Street, for
which he will pay the Highest market price.
luiy lo-bui
New Goods nt C. C. Marr's.
IlEIt HOUSE I'OV.'DFll cures rnoro licrscs, mules
ena sheep than any other medicine. Mure every
time. ociaz, 'te-iyeow
uz, vs. U. II. Knt.
Caleb O'llrien et,
diet for defendant.
Petition to vacate road in Benton township,
near John Allegu's. b. J. I'eaier, w. A. Am
merman and 11 Jtouwua apponueu viewers.
Oraueovlllo M. B. F, Asiociation vs. It. A,
Henry. Verdict tor plalntill lor lands ue
scrinea in wrti-
ptiiinn for!road n ConvnL'haut township,
Mavbarrv Bnyder,, Unnitl Btine and t'eter
Swank appointed viewers,
I. W. JIcKelvy appointed guardian of 0. W,
and Bessie Mchelvy,
A. Lohman audit: exceptions overruled
and report confirmed.
Widow's amiraiaement In estate of Mosos 1'
Mans) exceptions overrulod and report con
Estate of John Bostouj audltoi'a report con
firmod nisi,
Petition filed of four minor children of 1.
Hi and Kllu U- Shul for appointment of.,
S. Kobbinaas guardian,
Hubert l'orsell appointed guardian of Wil
Ham K. i'restou.
License of J. II, Sliuman, Beaver towushl
transforretl n Thomas cnunian,
Court order venires lo issue for grand and
traverso Jurors for the IJecotuber term
Pmlllnn In varnle road In Centre lownsllil
near Samuel WhltmlreVi D. K. Bloan.'Silas
Young and John W. Ilofluian appointed view
John Sands, John Thrasher, B. I''- Edgar,
Handerson Woods, John Derr and Ooorge Hur1
leuian.Sr., appointed to Inspect the workman
ship of a bridge in Sugarjoaf near JohnCohA
An adjqurripd court worderpd for Qctobvi
Slat noxi, at (en o'clock a. in,
Court adjourned to meet on Ha(nrday morn
ing, September 21lli at ten o'clo9k,
' Llndsey's Blood Searcher" the gieat mull
clno for f rvrrsiid sgne, malarls, and all blr od
))ao. Dou't fall to uh) it. wr(H
l'retty Kuili lor Children just arrived
Neat Suits fur Boys
Ktylish Suits for Youths
all of the latest Style ami Best duality
nt tho lowest Prices cau now be bought
at ihe Popular Clothing fctoio ot
David Lowcnberg.
10,000 good Spring Chickens wanted.
Bring them right along now and get your
cash or goods for them at Silas Young's,
Light Street. july 16 im
C, C. Marr buys butter, eggs, Jard, pota-
ton, chicEcnH, oats and corn.
Mr. I). W. Smith, of Limestonevillc,
Montour counlv. bavs hohas used on Vi-
homo ' Self-biuder since 1870: has cut 100
acres: ben nt no expense for repairs: has
cut oats (hat were :ii badly down and tangled
as it wus possible to be, and will wager
tho price, of tlio machine that he can cut
any grain that it is posrible to cut with any
mnchine. and bind it lighter and better than
ran lift dono bv bn re. T. W. Turnl, near
Buck Horn, my tbo "Osborne" Self binder
boueht lust year, ' hlln the tun 'and does all
thnt is ohiiiuid for it.
P. E, Mans, near Danville, says he cut tho
worst tancled oats he ever saw, last year,
with tlie "Osborne," and cannot speak too
highly in us
HAKMAN ii HAfSKKT, Agfllts,
juno 10 Illooiiibbuig.Pn,
Hcadnttartcrs for Saichols, Trunks &o
ut D. Loivmbng's,
Tlio Uc6t. Sahn 111 llio world fur Cuts, Urul'.oj,
Sores, I'lcirs, f.,lt Itl'eum Truer, Chapped Hands, forns nr.U all k.nilsct M(u Krunttons
Vieckli'siirid l'lmplcs. 'I'ho silvc IsguaruiiU'ia lo
cUcisThrt ratluiiuion lnrcrj cai.eorii.oiii.yie
limdMl. I!o stirelo n-l IJi-nrj'h Carbolic Mdic, as
all oihera arc Mitlriilmtlons. l'rlco as cents. Kir
bale hj nil Uiui.-ststs. oct!, 'Mi-Ikow
10.000 ilozen cowl fresh eggs and 10,000
pounds good fresh butter wanted by tiilas
Young, at Li'.'bt Sircet, for which ho will
pay the higheM market price. aug2G-lin
Clieaper nnd better Clothing can now be
houirht at
Thu old Popular Store of David Lowcnberg
a nMin:nrR roi'NTRlil tir.
Tiitrn la n ilauL-crous countcrrclt In circulation,
purpurtliifi lobo"Valnut Leaf Hair licstorer." Tim
stioncisi evidenco cltl.o girat value of "Walnut
Leaf Ualr Hestorti" Is Ihelact lhat parlies know
lnir lis eacacy try lo Imliuto it. Kaeli bottle oi tho
r;euuliiulieia"l3e Umlle'-oftlio Hgnaturuot "U.
IS. ll' :ker-' thomaiiu'nctiircr-blownln thoRlnisj
r.n.1 tini i. id nrn.r' la ns elearaid hatuilci-G ab Via
tor, whl'o It robbCSM t. all iLe ccrnionent propel Ilea
necetsary to restore lire, Mcor, BroAth, and color w
theluilr. l'urchoso only fmm lesponslblo parties.
Sach twtilo wananieO. C. N. iCrlttcnton, ew
Yuik City, M lilsa,e Airent. oct, fo-tf
Si'verwaro. Watches.Jewclry.Clocks.&c
In pursuanco of and tn accordance with tho direc
tions contained In the last nlll and testament of
Joseph l'ohe, Into of Centro townthlp, Columbia
covity, deceased, tho undersigned will cxposo to
public salo on tho premlbes In each case In Centre
and Jlllllln townships, on T11U1ISDAY, FRIDAY
Sept. 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 1881,
HlX (iO(II) l'AU.llH OltTltACTSOl'I.ANI),
as follows, to-wlt: Tho 1st, snd end Srd tracts
will bo sold on TIlUlibDAY, the 22nd, commen
cing nt 10 o'clock with tho 1st, nt 1 o'clock with tho
2nd and at 3 o'clcck with tho Srd. Tho 1st tract is
sltuato In centre township, aleng tho public read at
tho foot ot tho Lima lilflge, now occupied by John
Waters, containing
1 15 Acres ol' I.niiel,
moro or less, whereon aro erected moseiHof ciood
J, . nine liiillilliiKn,oncsct the larger, especially cal
culated for the farm, with alargo springer nercr-
fal,-ig eoldwater at Iho doer, connected wltu a
largo spring house, out summer kitchen, a largo
wagon house, hog pen and corn cribs unaer cover,
combined. The othtr bet ot buildings arc better cal
culated for tenants, lelnga gocdlnrgohou'eahda
small tarii,waKonhoufC,thotir.aker Hiop.t'lder press,
hog pcn,( en houic at colli place.weh and fountain
pump at tho door, and thl3 form with tho two sets
of bull dings will bo told separately by n division lino
and suivey which will to exhibited on day of sale
or tORtlber, a3 ma Ubtsuit puel ascr.ard the In
terest cf the i state, ihtri lssiso cn this farm ten
or lwelo ncrcsof the verj' best Whltn oak Tlmlicr,
adjoliiliigaiids.opli'gtoardtbo publlcioud. Tho
land Is et the best llinestunu boll, and In a blli stato
of cultivation, a tiotd Arile Orchard In goodbenr
Ing older, Tluie Is on this Inrin also, aboutlltuen
acres ol Hood Limestone Kldge, somo uncovered and
ready for working.
Thebtroi.d m.cll.s fltuoto In Cmtre township,
near the Lime IllOge, Mcupled b Mei licnl'ohe.ftnd
135 .ici CN of Lstml,
more or 'ebs, 'n a high Mato of cultivation, woll tim
bered, and cf tho best lliccsteve boll; fruit of all
kinds, lxce-Mcrit t-rrlng er ceil Mater ccr.
nected with a latgo spring lieuso. The build
build'rgstnllilsfnimaioall new.lorgo and com"
modlous, crrs'sllng cf u KKW HANK llAliN, with a
well of gncd writer nt ihe doer, a wagon houso and
torn crib ccrrbirid. Thire Is aho a hoy shed, and
a LAWK KKW IK lfcL,wth gocd well of water at
the doer, end a I rant ul jaid suiTOunillng the
house, oven house, bi.tnmer heuse, and aUout-bulld-
lngs bulriig'-r tn r. nisl-Casa irndcrn farm. 'J here
Is a MmcMrrc quarry, two rcw kllna In running or
der and new lime hcuro en same.
The third tract is ulso sltuuto In Centro township,
near Lime lilc'ge, ar d Is cccupled by Joseph Olgcr,
111 Avi-cn, More or,
of tho choicest Umistono sou and bottom land
whereon aio erected
A Coml l,nrgp Hrlrk Hoiimo,
with a good well of co'd water attho door, a largo
and handy summer house, a spring houso, ovun
houbo end u ni w ecal hruse,a large Honk ham with
cued si raw and cuttle sheds over tho yard, alarm
hegpeu w ith corn btorrliouto above, a largowagon I
bhed a. d corn crli.b ccmblncd. An orchard la situ-1
nto near the dwelling which Is In good condition and I
cmci-H nrjotii inreo acres oi crouna. -mis mace wui i
bo sold subject to a dower of mo thousand dollars!
to Anna Jiuicr, widow or George i; juuer.oeccasea. I
There Is about ten acres ot the eiy bust Lime Mono
muL-u LIIl 1111-5 ItlllU.
'J lie Jiunnutm iiaciswiu lesoc on iTioay,me i
2Srd. I'binu.enclne with tl.i 4lh at 10 ocloek a. m.. I
aud with the (Hi at '2 o'clock n. m. Tho 4th la situ-1
ntcil In Centre township, near iJmo Hldgo, aloni; the
river mail, icr.iuog uoiu iiioc.msDuru 10 nernicK, oc
cupied by I'tillip uehs, and containing
The following decisions of tho Supreme
Court relativo lo public roads, will be found of
Interest, not only to lawyerx, but to general
readers. A knowledge of the point stated in
these decisions will save much useless labor and
unnecessary exponso Inlaying the matter beforo
tho Courts:
The omission of the Ouarler Stsslons to fix
the width of a public road, is fatal to the pro
ceedings. 3 vV. &.S 39; 1 Pennsylvania S.K.
A nubile road cannot be laid alone; side of
and adioinint! another public road, so as to In
crease the width of bolh together more limn
fifty feet. 1 W a a, 3D.
person, though n petitioner lor the laying
out of a road, may, being the owner of tho
lands over which tlio road is laid out, obtain
damagos. 8 Valb, 174.
A mad Ihrouch the lands of a minor oucht
not to be laid out without notice totheguardian
of the minor, 1 l'enn'a. a, iv j;. dOd.
An order lo view and vacate a public road is
not a matter of right in tlio petitioncis, but of
ncretinn In ihe uourl oi wuancr missions, b
Walls, 17 2, 170.
A draft of the load Is unnecessary, 0 Barr
85. Hut a report changing tlio location of a
romt inu-l Uu accompanied uy a uiall. tun.
A It. liiO.
Viewers nro to report compeiifatlon, not for
taking tlio soil, bul fr Ibu right of passing
over it. 8 W. 177-, 0 11. 51 li 3 P. It., 13'J; 3
I), 153, 375.
It will be presumed lb it parties not men
tioned in tbo report liavuHiisUlnod uo damagts,
2 S. ,1i It. 277.
Tlio award of damages does not bear Interest,
It Is the duty of viewer to take into c msld
erallon the possibility of the road revorllng
buck to tho proprietor, by being vacated al
somo future day llio rights left lo him over and
under tho highway hi milworvlenco to Iho pub.
Ho nnisairei ami also tbo advantages derived
All kinds o( Watches, clocks and Jewelry nest
ly repaired ana warr&niea.
may it, 78-tr
Has purchased thotitorkand HhkIucrh of I. llacen
buoli, and I snow prepared to do all kinds otwork
in ins me. iiuuibing uau lios ruling unpuciuuy,
liunuiv, DlUVl l
la a great variety, A 11 work dono by
Main Street corner of Uast,
..w -n- -- --- i'- . i i MATieiriAi, rum inouiiAnvn. ah t,
ny iho owiiut iriim i .viug .."" i y(u inctuiianua vuiran t,
his premises, a . iu.
Whatever may be tlio naluro of the losi or
dimago which the owner of llio land sustains,
ho npist bo compensatod fur it. P V, 177
A tenant for years is Ihe owner of au elate
In the land, '.within the meaning of tho law,nnd
entitled lo recover damages for an li jury lo his
term, Aiiigneny ni,u i-emsvilio .Turnpike
IIS Acres, Mova or I.CN8,
or the btstlKjttem land. In a very hlch state or cul-
ttvailen, wheieun are erected largo and convenient I
larm nuuuuigs, euusisueii oi u
with a irocil well of culd water at thu door, another
dwellltg UsmollerdlmenslciiBEuliubleforatenant I ar n largo und nevi r falling spring of water I
conmctedwlthiigocdtpniig houtu. A goodoveu I
houeo stands near the farm dwelllDg-, also a smoke I
you will find,
among' other places
of interest, the Grand
Depot well worthy of a
visit. Its floor and callcrv
spaces now cover over three
acrcs.and arc filled with Dry Goods,
Carpets, China, Furniture, etc. The
last addition is a Iarce and beautiful
Picture Gallery, to which admittance is free.
The Pneumatic Tubes carrying the money
through the air, and the Electric-Light Machinery,
arc also worth seeing.
There is a LunchRoom in the building. Valises,
baskets and packages can be left in charge of attendant in
Ladies' Waiting Room.
Mr. Wanamaker is desirous that visitors should feel at
homo when they come, and bo free to purchase or not, aa
they please.
Nora Our large Catalogue, with prices and full
directions for shopping by mail from any part of the United
States, will be mailed gratuitously upon request, address
John Wanamakek, Grand Dkpot, Philadelphia.
house.a large barn, und a new wokuu shed.hajEhed
nml ecirn crib combined, and a (rood lariro hoi- m n I
conveniently arranged, 'ibis place Is w ell suppih d 1
wilh all kli.dsof fruit. iDCludlrtr an Arnln Orchard. I
compewi-d or choice and rare ttees, In good condition I
and j hiding hirgt ly oven- season, I
-ine ciunaei isiusu suuuieiu icmro lownsnin. i
near Mine indue, occupied by John bhuman. and I
5)0 AcrcN ol' Lam!,
mrro or less.whereon aro erected a tarirft New Unm.
new hay tltds, corn cribs, and nurso stable, with I
nuivi ut uiu uuvi, u
(loud I.urgo 1'iirui llntllliiir,
conveniently arranct d with a largo summer houso I
witu a good wen or com water at llio door, oven I
uouse a',0 au oiner necessary ouunuiiuirgs. ibis I
farm is bupplledwlth fruit and tbo land U bottom, I
In tho verj best statu ot cultivation.
Tho r.ui ano last tract win ne sold on Saturday,
tho mil-, commencing at ten o'clock In thnrnrrnnnn.
and Is situated lu MlOUn township, near llinunvllle,
Rowell & Co'b. Advfc's.
"What will
101 AcrcN of Limit.
goon wagon nouso ana corn crins, nog n, chicken
house, a good i&rgo riiAMK liWKl.l.lNd, summer
house, witn goou, nover-iaiuiig water at the door
moro or less, la a hlgbstato ot cultivation, whereon
aro e n cu d a large barn w Uh the appropHale sliwla.u
TAHIIANT'8 SEhTZKll A'PItlKNT curot" asks
the sun cut Irom a multitude or diseases. SVo an
swer! it will rt move freiu llm sj Klein thu ucuvo
uuuau ui mubi ui uiu uimiiiiih luut lilibll is neir in.
11 wont mend a broken limb, r.or closo a bullet hole:
but It inuv ho molltably used In sioiuaehloillheaHon.
It will do no ono uny harm, and may do much good.
ir it uuu t-u nit nun t sun your i-ase,
Sept, , 4-w r
J cftngtven for an im U.S. Dollar. Illustrated
ipu VUcatftloBue, with prices paid tor old and
ruro coles, rest tren tor in cents.
c. bTJflQKUWALT, Lancaster, l'a.
tscpto 4-w r
A YEAli ana expenses to seems
cutnt yre. Adoitial'.o. vjckehy
Augusta, Maine. r Sept,4w.
rpo AliviillTlsidlM fend JS cents for our 100
.1 page pamphlet, all about New sparer Advertising.
Address OKu.r.ltowj'LL: Co.. lo spruce btree
t?Cpt 9, 4W
oui-bulldlngs, &e. On lids placo Is somo very Uno
timber land and liult of every desclpt'on.
l'ot tosslon ol tho above to Voglieu to the purchas
er or purchasers thereof, ApiU 1, nsi. Deeds
ihu cxnenso or
wllllxi delivered when tho unal purchase money
purchasers anil
shall he raid or secured bv Loud und lnnriju-Ati.
All grain In tho ground and purttinul proiierly oa
tho preuibK-sri-sened.
liiii.M- nr KAi-is. -itn per centoione-fourlhcl
ot tl
urchaso money to ho paid at the slrUtlnu down
o proinrly, the one-lourtn lens the ten per
cent, beioru tukluu possmslon oa April lsMbttt, one-
iiuii ui uu. uuiiimv niui iuicii-m uu uio amount re--laulnlng
unpaid Irom April 1st, issv, to be paid on
AprU Ut, Ibsih The balarco wilh Inlensllole paid
ou A prll st, No timber sliull be cut except tor
use u nd lmproemeut of Iho lai ins, until ul least
one-half of inopurchuiiu money bl all be paid crbc
cured ui aforesaid.
August 18, 1881. Kxecutors.
TAViOR.WiC- Travelhr,
Said: "I take gnat pleasure In recommending to
ludvnts the Academy of Mr. Bwlthtu O. bhorllldgo."
Bald (isse) : "I cheeifully consent lo tbo use of my
ua mo as reference, ily bo s w 111 return to j ou (tor
their fourth car) alter their uoatlon."
Por new llluslrali d circular eildniw KWIT1I1N P
BlliiltTI.UHiK, A, W., Harvard linlveislty Uraduato
MedU l u., m miles from 1 hlladeipbla.
Bept,,4.w r
X' UTIII!ltN TUXAH ollera greater attractions
1 In way of of noou, iheap liindu, heullhy ccunlry,
limo climate, anunaanco or tlmtir and water, dl
open lo set
uon tbo-i
Oimpsny v. Jltce, Kuprrine Court, riiubnrg.
XyaJ JcmreoJ, 8pl. 24, lB5'J.
Thrwa oi.u coareutTioss are well seasoned by age
and nuK TXSTxn and nave novcrjet had a I'm c,t
tied by any court ol law, Their asueu aw all lC'sU
ty Uld UOZAUl
ed in sottp sncimirioa ure- lluv
nf viua onlv.
Loisea ruourTLT and uonkstlt adlustMl nnd mil
as soon as determined by Cuiustuh V. KKm. urio-
AL AOIMT IVI Al)Jl'hTBliUOMSt'Ka, l'l.
The people ot Columbia county should fcatronlie
tbe ageucy where lossca irony are settled and ruUd
by one ot their own cltliuns, T
woMrrHSbB, Knuivv tun DHAjjcda
TRkY, i,'W.
verslty or products, tlmu any other region now
eiiumeni. minis rapidly ueelopitgHec
l'ex"h raelUe IIuUhuv Iiu In uiH-ratlnn
cier sid inlliu nt nnd, alotii; which are lo bo had.
at low prices and enesy terms, millions of acres
ufgoviduiidcheupllullriiad and (Jovernment Units
but reetnlly oiwmd for hctilcmcnt I'or circulars
and mars trtsliur trutbtul informal on. addresM w.
U.AIUUMH, ijind ccmmh)idonei,'l,,l', itullwayj
... n-fisas. A
rwpt,,-v( r.
, irnir.
lll.OOMMIUUO, f X,
y fee round to ltECOltosil OPMCk in ih j
Ccutt llCUfH),
U Articles In one. Mil
Hons la use -everybody's
choice. 44-paKii calaloguo
cif iithf r anfclaltlea Irve.
4,M. IICNVIH ilT'lino.
Tho ni w Wasto Hepulrlng Uiend and (ItinKkiur.
l'rco fiom Uran or March. Bei.dtor circular.
KAHWEl.l.s UlllNKy, ViopU, Wmertown, N. Y.
I'or salo hy Xltehcll, Flctchi r & Co., l'hlla. l'a.
Dt-pb V, IW, u
CUTICUEa Pcnuimcnlly Cures
Ilunioi's of tlio Scalp and Skin.
I'utleuia Kinedlis are for sau ly all druggist,
l'rleo of l I'TlirilA, n Medicinal Jelly, small boxes,
hoc,: largo boxes, 1, CUTICTKA llhbOLVENT, the
new IlliH'd l'urlller, II perbollle. CiTicVKillsiuo
iNiL T on kt Boir, vtc. futle ura lledlelnal Bhavlng
heap, Itc i In I,uih lor barbers and laica consumers,
We. Principal di pot.
WKKKB A Iliri'Kll, l!oston,Masa.
IVAH mallid lice on lecelpt or price.
l'cr Ibis Yonlli's Weather, prepared expiffsly for
Bcinple cot j mailed lor So stamp,
J. M. BiomuKT, Pub., New Ycik, l'hlla., orCklcago.
sept, v, 3-w, us o
Vassar College.
MJUdllKKKl-SlU, N.Y.
Kxumluutlcna for lulrai.c. Wai. 14th. t'alalcKUea
sent cn appllcaticu w L,1JKA.N, lteguiror,
July s, Ml-Hia ir,