I Ik KIMUHnMtlRHI mumnMUnM clTI. nttnuti 5tA mrn, and cV. I.tiiefl UVtl.tr, every 1'rMur innrnlnant Bt.OOMSIlUUCl,COUtMlltACOPNTY In when palit in mlvanre. To suiwcr'ii .id on "S mm rtitntr thf. form nrn litu ...,y..l.".OUI'.('l UH Urn traMljhw until mi nnrani a. pa V ut inn son Anottl credits win not ixi oivin vm' ,,ut lwn except at vim option rf All papers sent out of tho slntimr m m.,. . offloes muu bo paid for In advanco. nninu n.llrt for In nrtrnnnr r-..i.:i"iu"' "?1 (unv'ilnttonflUnonUpmatiit. ' ' U1J ttoroun'ty" U n 10"K" 0,IWtfrt f""u """"era The .lobbing lupniment nf tin roi.ciiniiMU m.. complete, find our Job lntlng wlfl rommro rSvoiK My wlthUiatot tho large. rltleV All w dono ?J demand, neatly and nt moairato puces. 1 PROFESSIONAL UAIUlS. H B. IMOCKWAY, yj' A T T 0 R N K Y-A T-Ij A W, Colcmsias ticti.Diso, Bioomilmrg, r. pmti'r of the United states Law Association, Collection nude in any put of America or Europe. jr K. WAlM:R, Attorn oyat- Law, OCleo, Socond doorfiom 1st National nan. ULOOMSUUHO PA, N T U. FUNIC, Attornoy-at-r.nv, ilLOOilSHUKU, rA. omeo in Bnt's llon.mvn, c & W.J.HUCKALEW, ATTOIlNKY8.AT.LAr?, l!loomiturg, Pa. ornceon Main strret,nrsti1oerhclowCourt.nouee TOIINM CLA.r ATTOllNKY-AT-UW, Hlflotrifiburg.Pf,, Hit' over Si h lylt-rn Hardware More. K. iMtTTW, non'T. r.mttik R. LITTLE, IT. A U ATTOHNRVS-AT.I,A V, llloomnhnrg, Pi. 0. W.MILLER, ATTCIIlNKY-AT.T.AW onicoln llrowcr's building, leeonrt floor, room No. ., nioomshurg, Pa. Fit AN K ZARR, A ttornoy-nt-I jaw. RL00MS1UTUO. PA. omen rornor of Ccntro and Main Streets. Clark's lltiltdtng. Can bo consulted in German. E. ELWELL, A T TO U N IS Y-A T-L A W. Coujmhian UuiMtiKU, lltnomsbiirg, r Member of tlio Unlfd States Tjvw Association, Collections mado Innnypart of America orEuropo S. KNOnR. L. H. WIKTKHSTEEK. Notary Public KNOHU & WINTERSTEEN, Attornoys-nt-Lnw. Offlco In nartman's lllock, Corner Main und Jmr kct streets, nioomsburg, Fa. jgTi'cimons anti Jlountics Collected. pAUL E. WIUT, Attornoy-at-Law, Ofllco In lirowcv's niock, one floor below Columbian Uulldlng ULOOMsnuita, pa. UY JACOIJY, Attorney-ut-Law, llLOOMSIlUUO, Offlco In H.J. dirk's luniaing, second floor, Holtman's Hour and feed store. Oct. 8, "80. T II. MAIZE, ' ATTORN EY-AT-LAW AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. omcolnJIrs. Ent'B Building, third door from Main street. May 20, '81. K. OSAVALD, Attorneyat-Law, Jackson Building, Rooms 4 and 5, May 0, SI. 11EHWICK, PA. M. Ij. EYERLY, ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW, Catawlssa.l'a. Collections promptly mado and remitted, omeo opposite uaiawissa iietwoii uun. Tffl- II. RIIAWN, A T T 0 R N E Y-A T-L A W , Catnw lasn, Pa. onicc, corner of Tlilrd nnd Main Streets. A T,. FlilTZ. Allornev-at-I-nw. Office , In Columbian Uulldlng, Juno 21, "81. P burg .WH'kMNniTAM. Atlornev-nM.nw. Of- .lice, lirockway's Uulldlng, 1st lloor, Ulooms ,1'enn'ft. ma' T. WJ-t ' CO. HARK LEY, Attorney-.it-Law. t , In jlrnwer'B building, 2nd story, Itooins .it-Law. Office us 1 It. R011ISON, Altorncy-ut-Law, In llarlmnn'sbulldlng.Mttlnstreot, Olliro D It. AVM. St. REIJER, Surgeon nnd Physi cian, omeo siarKot. Jtreei. neur uvjiui. It. KVANS. M. Tt.. Rnrseon nnd PliVfi olau,(Onico nnd llosldencu on Third street R. SlcKELVY, SI. D., Surgeon and Phy sician, north sldo Main Btrcet, bolow Market, D R. J. 0. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN &8UR0E0N, onico, North Market stroet, oct, i, n. Iiloomsburg, Pa. rR. I. L. RABB, - PRACTICAL DENTIST, Main stroot. ocnoslto Episcopal Church, lllooma- fturg, Pa, nr Teeth cstractcd without pain. OCt, 1 1870, H. HOUSE, BLOOMSBURG, COL. 00. PA, All styles of work done in a superior manner, work wunantedas represented, tbktii JaTKicT i without 1'ain by tho uEfl i of oas, and freoof charge when artificial teeth uro lnttrted. onice over llloomsburg PonkliigCcropany. lobe open at all hour) during the day. NoT.ss-ly MISCELLANEOUS P SI. DRINKER, GUN and LOCKSSHTH, Sowing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re- purod. Oriiu Hodsk imuaing, iiiooiasuuiB, . . D AVID LOWENBERO. Slercliant Inllor Mahi St., abovo central uvwi. 8. KUHN. dealer in Meat. Tallow, etc., , centre street, between Second ana i uiru. JTAME8 REILLY, TonBOi'tai Artist, again at his old stand under Excha NQK Iio- t'l i.nrt linw ox UHllRl a VIllhT-Cl-AbS 0110" SHOP. Ho icspectfully solicits vue wiv hlsoldeustomers uetomeiu una ot me puuuu i,vi.i"ii Jlylli,'80-u rt h fi''HfSfV,!iw;oioTXs5 .Ti) known? KVeTytninU' newV Capitol not re niiiwd v wlU furnish ynuovery thing. $10 aVanwordsUea'w ewwwni. hern qwr uu bS tiJaii. lng fortunes at the buslneM fakS crett naS S evefy day tSfn cin tS madoln awoek t any iiVt...hVil mullD ItiHOLO. AlOTUdS HIUI. ulL in,t-iy J. E. BKrcSBEUBZn, "oprletora. Tho G-roat Uafaillnt; SPSCIFIO roit Liver Complaint. T.IVHIl OO.lll'I.AINT Tin: svjri'To.iH arc imcnMness and pnln In tin side, sometimes nnln d Is misiiiKen for rlmumatlMtu cted with loss nf nppetllo and alternating iri,;'K'.u;"Auffil" ioh i.hn..ii . ""u 13 lliiuuill Willi !.3.?n,Iul,.!lcvy sematlon : cotisldorablo loss . ' , Z Y": " painful senotlon of liavlntt left fTrioVi Z i '." 'K 9kiii,io nnvn teen uono i oiten complalnlUL' of weakm-a. iii.i.nitif nnn iVfri",!. V. Ilm'8lnff.v of tlis above symptoms V o tlJ:eae, nnd nt otiitr times very Cow of involved. eeujrally tbo organ most ItKOULATK THE L1VEH, AND PHEVENT lylrn,ln. CmiMlimllon, .Iniimllc r, lllnll. At. liirlM. llilllmuiil Vewr, lli'iulnrlir, Cnllr, IH irr.1nii ,r H.rll, Sour Mmn nrli, lltiiriliurii, l'llin, cir, ionic, Alii lain c tuui Cntlinrllc! fi,'7','?fi5?I,lvcr "Wlftor. purely vegetable, Is J u- ed cine Ber.crnliy tibed In theSoutli to arouse the torpid Liver lo healthy action. It linn It Ii cMrnorilliiiirj pnurr mid rlllrnrr mi Hip 111 it mill klilnpyn. ,,T'l?t,1An,CMI',.1!'lu,ll,nrl,rren 'mm nausea or r'r'n$ 'tlmosli.ntcmu In Martlnir tlio secre "0,V"M l0Vr.c?liK"oWlotoct as a catli Si ,i ."'n l,1,i,ro.1'"1" nre "' tillelnthestom. ?rlV '' ii'BHlntor Is an active purse : nller Iho ic nmiil of llm Mlo It will rrRulnn. tho bowels untt Impiirt vlK'ir nud henlili m the whole Kf,tnn. l)ni"W3l1 "ly by J" "' Zt'"ln & 0, t"J1J n11 Juno vi, 'Sl.iy nS. LYDIA F. P1NKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. PiscovEnEn or LYDSA K. PirJKHAM'S TO:5gABI'3.P0MPOTOD. T he Pltlvft Cnro For all Female Complaints. Tbtaprop'intloii, m Iti nmi Bljal.Vii, conslrtu of Vtyi toUo riupvrtlcj tL-t art) Lanulois to tho tnoBt del icatciimvlM. U;Knon3trLiltliOi7jeritd ofthla Com pcunl wi!Unjrocof;nIztHl(ai relief is InuncdUto) and hrn lti nwii cOLtHuod, in ninety-nine c aacn la a huix. drcl,tixrauuiet.tcurol3fircctHl,i3 thousoniis wlU Us tifj. 0-1 H' count olt4proYCumcrlt0,ltlnto-dnyri-co.nmciulodmaJi rcaoiibodliy tlio best pliyeiclans la tlio country. It wUl euro entirely tho worst form of falllnff of Iho vtcrus, Lcucorrlia-a, irregular ami painful 5Ien3tnjr,tlon(ullOTariaiiTroalilps( Inflammation and Ultrctlit.i, noollnga.iilirLjjjliicenients and tbo ron iK'idf tt-;iualw.'fiknc!3,aiidl ccjiocially Ovlartoii t tbo CLaiio of life. It wUIiILshtiWo and ctv1 tumors from tbo uUM-uiiinauiarly tUt'o of dcvtlopmcnt, Tbo t-jilfncy tocanccrouihumoratbero Is checltod ery il"cdUyl.yltjUii, l.i ftS U lai froved to li tho (rrcit. ist Kil lJ4t rcinc-Oy that lnw urvr boon diuur t d. 1 1 icmi'ut us c cry portion of tho eystcm, oiul glvea no r lifoant! v!or. It rruiovci f jintnyiw, flatulency, do tttroy-iaHcrvtnjforttlinulanta.and nUovo9caVnc. yf t'-OH" -a. Ii Ucur-nIilDillr;:, KcatUthti, Nervous rrortrfition, Gcm.:o.1 lJi'Ktly.ljlctrltunciJ, Dcj rtw-lon nnd lr.dl p .fion. Tl at ftf tlr.g vf ljoaiinijdowi, cnublny pain, ivtUbt and LoLLacho, iriUway ptirrancntly caml by ltd Use 1 1 v, 111 at all tlmoj, oud undcrall rirctunaUn cc, ret In harmony vita tbo law that govern tho femaloHystcra. For KidncyConipIalfltii of cither ux thin compound liunsurposiud. Lydia E. PinkhanVs Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Lyrn, Maja, .Mco 81.00. Six bottled for $5,0 Bunt by mail lit tho foimofillU.nljcilntaoforui cfLcztuffcs, on rccclit ofrrico, 51.00, rr bor, for cither. Mn. riXKIUU frw-ly answers all Kttcru of Inquiry, Send for pain pliltt. Addrctfiu&l'ovo Haitian thUjxiper. No family ehuuW bo vltbout LYDIA 11 2'ISKIXAM MVntriLta. They cure Com.tIuitlont lUliouiuit. BndTon'IHty of tho L1vt. tt ci U pur box. EXCHANGE HOTEL, W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BLOOMSBURG. PA. OPPOSITE COUItT, HOUSE. I.nrrn nr.d convenient tamnlo rooms. Hath rooms' hot and cold water, and all modern conveniences! B. F, SHARPLESS, Cor. Centre and Kail Itoad Sts., near L. U. Depot, Lowest Prices will net bs undersold, Manufacturer of MINE CAH WHEELS, Coal llreak er nnd Bridge Castings, Water l'lpcs, stoves, Tin ware, Plows, IKON FENCE, and all kinds of Iron and llrass Castings. Tho frlylnnl Montroso, Iron brum, right hand left hand, and Bldohllll'lows, tho bebt in the mark et, and all kinds of rlow repairs. CookStoves, ltoom Stoves, and Stoves for heating stores, fchool houses, churches, 40. Abo tho larg est stock of repairs for city fctoves. wholesale and retail, such as Flro uiick.orctes, crew I'leces, Uds 4c. tc, Stovo ripe, cook noiiers, pkuuis, uiku- riatcs, largo Iron Kettles, isii gallons to 1; barrels) Farm Hells, Sled Soles, 'Wagon Boxes, "Alleutowii Bone Manure" I'LASTEII, SALT, 40., AO. Jan 9, 'so-iy BPB1H0 AKD SUMMER 0LGTH1NG -)o(-A. J. EVANS, Tto uptwn Clothier, bas Just reef Ivort a flue ltno SPRING AND SUMMER SUITS For Jten and Doys In the neatest manner and Latest styles. GENTS' FUKN1B1IIKG GOODS, HntPi Cups. &c..i Alwassonlmnd. Call and Exomlne. EVANS'ULOCK comer Main ana lien aureuf, ELOoiwsBtma, vjs.. BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL, Tim nnderslirned having put his Planing Mill on Itam oc I StKXin & condition, la prepared to do all kinds oi wois iu u .v, FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS. FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. AH lumber used Is SSSoneS wia none but skUled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOB, BUILDINGS fnrnirted on application. I'Uns nnd specUlcuUons rrcparid by an oxporkneed araugnismau. ciiaum:s kiuto, IIIOOUIHltlll t;, I'll. UA.RTMAN KirRistMTiiTni roixowma AMERICAN INflURANOK COMPANIES rranklln, of " l-ennsyUanlaof barmen, otvortg'ft. Iltnowrof flew Yorlt. vomM via.t nuootMo.,Uioomi.bure,pl OP BLOOMSBU11G, PA., FRIDAY, LIST OP PREMIUMS .TO III", AWATIDBD 11V TUB OolmDlIa County lsricultol Society, AT TIIE1U 2GTH ANNUAL FAIR, TO 1)13 HULD AT 15I.OOMSBUUG, PA., Wcdnosday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 12, 13, 14, 15, 1881. CLASS I HORSES. DIVISION 1 STAI.I.IO.NS. .Tiidgea Ellis Kingrose, Supt.j Daniul Stino, John K istlur. 5cst blooded stallion, $10 00 Second best, ! 00 Ucst htnllion for all work, 8 00 Second best, fi 00 Ik'st stallion colt not over ! years, ! 00 Second best, a 00 IVISKIN 1 IIIIAOOllT HOUSES ANDMAUKS. .TtidL'es .Tolin Ever, Stipt. ; Isaac Dyer, Saniuel Glgger. licst oair drauglil liowcs or mares, stylo and strength to be tested in harness Saturday 11 o'clock: SO 00 Second best, ii 00 lvisioNji iwnniAnn houses anhmauks. Judues Dr. O. Lcnker.Suiit.; Samuel Ilidlay, E. M. llcss. cst nr. carriajjo horses ormares, $10 00 Second best, l 00 lurst single, 00 Second siimio, 2 ."0 division -1 coir, niioon makes ani mum'.s. .TikIl'cs A. 1'. Heller. Sunt.: "William .1. ISiillcinan, in. L. V reas. licst brood mare, colt by her side, S3 00 Second best, ' ! 00 I'lnrd Lest, 2 00 Uest Iiorso or maro between threo md four years: C 00 Second best. 2 AO 13est maro or seldinir between two anil lurce yeure, uu Second best, 2 CO licst horse or maro colt between ono and two years, 3 00 Second best. 1 CO licst horsu or marc colt under ten months, 3 00 Second best, 1 CO Uest nr. match colts under 4 years broken to harness, C 00 Second best, 2 CO 15cst pair of mules, 8 00 Second best, 2 CO The committee of thl class will carefully notice all meritorious spans or tennis, not mentioned above and report tho same to the Revising committee for premlums.vlz : Teams of ponies, iroatslogs, c Exhibitors under this class will have their horses on tuo ground by ten o'clock Thursday morning wncniucywm ooexamincu. CLA.SS II CATTLE. Judges Elias Ilondersjiott, Sunt.: B. Croup, E. L. Lemon. SHOUT 1I0I1NS. Pedigrees mustbu furnislied the Sec- rotary at the time of lnakiiitr tho entry with a reference to tlio register in the hem hook. 5Vst bull one year and upwards, $15 00 cow 3 years and upwards, 12 uu cow or'heifcr under 3 years, C 00 calf under 12 months, 3 00 WITHOUT l'EDIOr.KE. Uest bull 3 years and upwards, 8 00 Second best bull 3 vein's and up wards, 4 00 Best cow 3 years and upwards, 7 00 Second best cow 3 years and tip- wards, 3 CO Uest heifer between G and 12 mos., 3 00 Second best heifer between 0 and 12 mouths. 1 CO DEVON s. Pedicirecs must accompany tho oniric licst bull 1 year and upwards, $1." 00 cow 3 years and upwards, 12 00 cow or heifer under 3 years, C 00 calf under 12 months, 3 00 without I'EPionr.K, licst bull 3 years and upwards, $8 00 Second best bull 3 years and up wards, 4 CO licst cow 3 years and upwards, 7 00 Second best cow 3 years and up wards 3 CO liest heifer between C and 12 mos., 3 00 Second best heifer between 0 and 12 months, 1 JI'.ltSKYH. Pediurecs mustaccomiiany thoentries licst bull 1 year and upwards. $1C 00 " cow 3 years and upwards, 12 00 " cow or heifer under 3 years, C 00 " calf under 12 months, 3 00 without I'KDKinrj:. liest bull 3 years and upwards, S8 00 Second bcht bull 3 years and up wards, l OU liest cow 3 years and upwards, 7 00 Second best cow 3 years and ui- wards, 3 00 liest heifer between 0 nnd 12 mos., 3 00 Second best heifer between G and 12 mouths, 1 CO ai.deuneys Pedigrees must accompany tho entries, Host hull 1 year and upwards, 10 00 " cow 3 years and upwards, 12 00 " cow or heifer under 3 years, ! 00 " calf under 12 mouths, 8 00 WITHOUT l'EIUOREES liest bull 3 years and upwards, $8 00 Second best bull 3 years and up wards. 4 00 liest cow 3 years and upwards, 7 00 Second best cow 3 years nud up. wards, 3 CO Uest heifer between G and 12 mos., 3 00 Second best heifer between Gaud 12 months, 1 CO OUEIINSEVS, Pedigrees must accompany thoentries liest bull 1 year and upwards, $15 00 " cow 3 years and upwards, 12 00 " cow or heifer under 3 years, 5 QO calf under 12 months, 3 00 WITHOUT 1'HIHOIHCE. Host bull 3 yours and upwards, $8 00 Second best bull 3 years and up wards, 4 00 llest cow 3 years and upwards, 7 00 Second host cow 3 years ami up wards, 3 liest heifer between G and 12 inos.,-3 00 Second best heifer between 0 and 12 mouths, 1 OIUPIU) STOCK. Uest bull, Second best, liest bull tindor 10 months. cow 2 years and upwnrds, " "heifer under 2 years, NATIVE STOCK. llest bull, Second best, Uest cow, Second best, . ' G 00 3 00 2 00 4 4 2 00 00 00 a co Exhibitors wilt lidve ibrIrrtotk Viruiy''tho judges to MaDilnotiy ten n'tlork . in.,i7i iTiuT&kcy, CLASS III SWINE. Jiidtres A. 1. Kester, Siipt.i Andrew 1 owler, Daniel lorris. llest brood sow and pigs,0 or morc,$0 00 Second best, 4 00 Best boar, fi 00 Second best, 8 00 llest brood sow, o 00 Second best, 2 CO Host lot of nigs, 8 or more, under 8 weeks, 4 00 Second best, 2 00 CLASS IV SIIEIiP. Jiidncs Joseph Dowitt, Supt.: Will iam I urgeson, Isaac JUowery. I5est buck, $0 00 Second best, 4 00 Host owe, o 00 Second best, 3 00 JJcst lot of lambs, not less than 8, 8 00 Second best, 4 00 CLASS V POULTRY. .Tudires A. II. Sharpies, Supt.; Eli I. Old, Thomas IIiiL'enhuch. THItKElS. licst forty pound turkey, $5 o 00 00 00 00 00 00 pair turkeys. Second best, CHICKENS. est trio Leghorns. Hrahinas, black Spanish, buff Cochin, Plymouth Ifoeks, 00 00 PUCKS. lest pair, 1 00 ccond nest, CO nnr.SE. licst pair, Second best, 1 00 CO 1'IOEONS. Uest nnd largest display, 2 00 CLASS VI QUA IN, SEEDS AND FLOUU. Judges John F. Brown, Supt.; John lseagle, Vcsley Ash. Uest fifty lbs. wheat flour, 00 00 00 becontl best, licst lit ty lbs. buckwheat flour, Second best, CO 00 CO 00 CO llest half bushel clover seed, Second best, Uest half bushel timothy seed, second best, Uest bushel whito wheat, Second best, Host bushel red wheat Second best, Uest bushel rye, 00 00 00 00 00 Second best, Uest bushel oats, CO 00 CO becond best, Uest bushel corn, different varieties, CO 00 00 bushel buckwheat, 1 twelve stalks and corn, 1 CLASS VII VEGETABLES. Judires-Joscph Garrison, Supt.; Steven Dresner, JUisha Kiugroso. Best and largest display of potatoes, hall bushel ot each variety, 52 Second best, 1 Best bushel potatoes, 1 hcconcl best, Best half bushel sweet potatoes, raised by exhibitor, 1 00 Best bushel field turnips, CO halt bushel rutabagas, " " sugar beets, " " mangle wurzel, " " beets, " " carrots, " " parsnips, " " onions, peck hops dozen mangoes, peck tomatoes, half dozen vegetable oysters, half dozen squashes, half dozen heads of cabbage, iield pumpkins, half dozen citrons, three bunches celery, four egg plants, two dozen peppers, two quarts lima beans, two quarts butter beans, two dozen radishes, three water melons, J peck peas, peck onion sets, II 70 00 cactus, 1 00 lemon or orange tree, 2 00 three heads cauliflower, CO Persons comnctlnir for nremluma on tho lanrest and liest display ot potatoes will not bo allowed a premium un uiu suuiu sepuniieiy. CLASS VIII FRUIT. DIVISION 1. Judges Oliver Evans, Supt.; John McMichael, F. F. Merceron. Al'PI.ES. Best disiilay of winter, not less than 5 varieties, 0 ot each, S2 00 Second best, 1 00 Best looking peck of fall or winter apples, 1 uo Second best, CO Best keeping winter applcs.A bus. 1 00 Best fall appIcs,not less than I bus. " Best flavored peck fall or winterapples" Bcs-t quart yellow Siberian crabs, CO Uest quart red Siberian crabs, PEAKS. Best display dwarf or standard, iivo varielics.six of each, $2 00 Second-best, 1 00 Best looking, any kind, half dozen CO " flavored inont.jiucy linlf dozen " largest half dozen, dwarf or standard, fall or winter, CO PEACHES. Best display of any kind, fivo vari eties, six of each, 2 00 Best flavored and most juicy A doz. 00 Best and finest looking half dozen, Best and largest variety J doz. each, QUINCES. liest dozen. 1 00 Second best, 50 OlIAl'ES. Best display.wild or cultivated, (hot houso excluded,) fivo varieties, 2 Second best, 1 00 00 CO Best six clusters of Concord, of Delaware, of Clinton, of Isabella, ii ii ii ii ii ii of Hartford Prolific, " of Iona, it ii ii of Adirondac, " " of lichccca, " of York Madoira, PI.U1IS. liest display, not less than two vari eties, ono dozen ench, lUSl'llEUItlES. Best display.nny kind, not less than two varieties, DIVISION 2. CHESTNUTS. Best quart, DIIIEII III HIT. 60 50 50 Best quart dried apples, ii pears, quinces, peaches, cherries, pitted, chorriu unpit&d, ii i u ti ii i SEPTEMBER 23, liest quart dried raspberries, CO i ii blackberries, ii ii i. ii dewberries, " whortleberries, " plums, " twetchcra, " prunes, " IITha fruit not to bo removed until tho closo 'of thn exhibition, sand particular e.iro lo lu observed by all pcmjna iimi, mo same is not injured. CLASS IX WINES AND LIQUOHS. .Tudires Jolinllartniaii. Sunt.: Joseph llalston, Daniel Knorr. llest quart currant wine, ; CO blackberry wine, " grapo wine, " cherry wine, " ryo whiskey, " cider vinegar, " CLASS X DOMESTIC MANUFAC- TUHES. DIVISION 1. Judcres John IC. Orolj;. Hunt.: Mrs. Frank IJomboy, Miss Anna Evans. Uest loaf of bread. $2 00 becond best loaf of bread, 1 CO CO 00 CO liest roll ol butter,3 lbs.- or more, 1 Second best, 1 Beat apple pie, peach jiio, pumpkin or squash pio, mince pie, lemon pie, grape pic, pio of any other kind, rolls, InVcuit, spontje cake, cocoanut cuko, 1 00 pound cake, CO fruit cake, 1 00 ginger cake, 00 cake of any other kind, CO CLASS X CANNED FRUIT &c. DIVISION 2. Jtidccs E. B. Driesbacli. Supt.: Mrs. Douglas iiughes, JUrs. Thos. IJartou. Best canned fruit, different kinds (not less than one quart each ) new. CO CO 00 00 CO Best cucumber pickles, now, l vnrint.v itinblntj ,imi- . 1 cured ham, 1 samples yeast, ham soap, soft soap, gallon maple molasses, 1 II It 00 CLASS X JELLIES,BUTTERS AN1 ) PRESERVES. DIVISION 3. Amos Wanich, Mrs. Jacob Yeager, Best sample fruit jelly, new, 75 " preserves, now, CO ' " butter, new, CLASS XI HOUSEHOLD MANU FACTURES. Judges Jacob Wcnn, Supt.; Mrs. Well l eager, Airs. William Beers. Best ten yards flannel, S2 00 2 00 2 00 ten yards woolen clotli, 1 ten yards carpet, 1 ten yards plain linen, 1 knit wool stockings, ' knit cotton stockings ' knit wool mittens, 1 homo mado chemise. 1 00 00 ii ii 00 1 lb or more, sample stocking yarn, " 1 lb or more, fancy colors, yarn, " Best pair woolen blankets, " " pair linen sheets, " " hand mado night dress, " " patch quilt by girl under 13 yrs.,2 00 CLASS XII NEEDLEWORK AND EMBROIDERY, DIVISION 1. Judges John Deemer, Stipt.; Miss Mary C. Monroe, Miss I. A. Fowler. llest knit quilt, 1 00 " tidy, " suit of clothes, " totting work, " silk embroidery, " cotton embroidery, 00 " worsted embroidery, 1 00 " hand mado lace, coiinteqiane, worsted mat, cotton mat, worked slippers, fancy pin cushion head dress, Best afghan or lap robe, 2 00 cnitmln nnnriln wnrlr. Nilvfr I himhln CLASS XII-ORNAMENTAL WORK, DIVISION 2. Judges-lion. T. Jefl.Vanderslicc,Supt:; Mm. iMhs lives, .Miss xuattie Conner. Best specimen bead work, $1 00 shell work, burr work, leather work, hair work, wax work, moss work, Second best specimen of above, each, CO CLASS XIII-FINE ARTS, PENMAN SHIP AND DESIGNS, DIVISION 1. Judges J. M. Smith Supt.; Miss Agnes r i..i! "c: I.--... cm i v iumuiniiuu, ..tuna jvuiu ouuuiiiii&er. Best oil painting, $2 Second best, 1 Best drawing, 2 Second best, 1 Best specimen penmanship, " book binding, II i-nnit m'nlimwf ., b ti, ,' lettering on marble, " sign painting, display printing, transparent painting, CLASS XIII FLOWERS. DIVISION 2. Judges John B. Withers, Stipt.: juiss ijaura import, iuiss ivato Clears. Best display of flowers, $3 00 Second best, 2 00 Third best, 1 00 Best collection of dahlias, CO II unpn. liniiRf, iilnnlu in hlnnni 1 110 hang, basket with growing plantsCO UliAbS .AlV VltUIUJUCS. Judges D. W. Kitchen, Supt.; Creasoy, Wellington Yeager. Best phaeton, " family carriage, Arthur S3 00 open buggy, top buggy, farm wagon, spring wagon for farm use, spring wagon for pleasure, 2 00 3 00 00 2 00 ii wneeibarrow, sleigh, sulky, ' skeleton wagon, 1 00 2 00 ii ii CLASS XY.r-AGR ICULTUR AL IM PLEMENTS, MACHINERY, tfcO, Judges Jacob Harris, Supt.; Emanuel ptout, Jerry ivoatenbaiuler, 50 1 Best right hand nlow. lip II . 1 leu band jilow, right and left hand plow, cornLplow, nubAlt)low, j wiuufiurtg, dip dip dip dip vUp II 11 l r 1881. PtP.1 iMHmK.1WWllfgBWWfl llest onti-horsc cultivatoor, dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip two-homo cultlvtator. two-liorso corn planter, one-horso corn planter, thresher nnd separator com., mower nnd reaper, hay fork, portable cider press, ii ii it ii clover huller, diji sausage grinder, dip washing machine, dip clothes wringer, dip grubbing hoe, 1 CO set miner's picks 00 pair of four and hind horse shoes, 1 00 nx handle, CO grain cradle, dip roller, dip fanning mill, dip corn shelter, dip straw and fodder cutter, dip harvester, dip hay tender, dip ii Anv new or meritorious Implements exhibited nnd not provided tor In the foregoing class, tho Judges may report tho merits of tho same for premiums to tho Hot lslng Committee, CLASS XVI STOVES, TINWARE, EARTHENWARE, itC. Judges A. B. Clever, Supl.; Stephen Crawford, Frank Hagenbucli. Best cooking stovo with fixtures, 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 parlor stovo with hxtures, variety tinware, variety earthenware; set artificial teeth, display of marble work, 2 00 CLASS XVII CAUINETWARE, SHOEMAKERS, TANNERS, AC. Judges Jiio. V. McIIenry, Supt., Wm. M. Brcdbcnder, Lovingston Yeager. Uest set doublo draught harness, S3 00 " " carriage harness, singlo carriage harness, pair calf boots, ; pair kip boots, pair miner's shoes, : bureau, dressing stand, 1 display cabinetwaro set Windsor chaiis, set spring seat chairs, settee, 1 rocking chair, half dozen brooms, 1 two sides solo leather, 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 CO 1 00 ii B 00 1 00 ii ii ii CO 1 00 1 two sides kip leather, " 1 two calf skins, " '. samplo brick, 00 CLASS XVIII BEES AND BEE HIVES. Judges M. K. Appclniaii.Supt,; Stott MoIIenry, John Mensch, Best swarm Italian bees, Second best, $5 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 00 1 00 CO ii 20 1 00 00 Best swarm black bees, Second best, Best display while clover honey, becond best, Best display buckwheat honey, Second best, Best jar extracted honey, Second best, Best box honey, 0 lbs or more, Second best, Tho bees nnd honey to have been tho produce of mo cxmmiors. CLASS XIX MUSICAL INSTRU MENTS AND SEWING MACHINES. A suitable nlneo tn tlio hulldlnir will be set apart lor lueexnioiuon 01 nrucics euicrcu unuis ciam no premiums. CLASS XX BABIES. Judges-Mrs. T. Jeff. Vaiidcrslice.Supt.; iAlrs. John Wagonsellcr, illrs. lluunah Webb, Mrs. S. M. Quick, Mrs. Alice Edgar. Prettiest baby under ono year, $10 00 Second, 0 00 CLASH AAl MUSIC. Best band in tho county, $20 00 Hand engaged by the Society not to comnete con test to bo on Friday. Competent Judges will bo se- lecieu, CLASS XXII EQUESTRIANISM. Judges Joseph Knelly, Supt.,' ,W M. Monroe, Orvis McIIenry, Miss Sado IJreisbach, JHiss JSetfio iMclIenrv. Best female equestrian, $10 00 Second best, 5, 00 Saturday at tcnu'clpck. CLASS XXIII. Judges G. L. Johnson, Supt.; Wm. Black, Wall Hagenbucli. Foot race Thuisdny at 2 o'clock. Best. SO 00 onco around track. Net less than threo to start. CLASS XXIV. Judges Philip Miller, Supt.; Daniel Mowery, John Gorden. Running Mulo Race, Thursday 3 o'clock. J mile jjheat, not less than four to start, no person to ndo Ins own mule, and tho mulo that comes in last to receivo tho prize. $0 00 CLASS XXV TRIALS OF SPEED. Judges Hon. E. J. McIIenry, Supt.; Wm. .1. Knorr, John Dresner, Hum phrey Parker, Casper Rhawn. COUNTY Sl'OItTINO LIST 11IUIISDAY AT 1 o'clock. Best horso or maro between 4 or 8 years old, in the county, that can trot a mile iu harness, iu 3 min utes, $25 00 Second best, 15 00 Tliiid best, 10 00 1'IIIDAY, 10 O'CLOCK, A. M. Best colt under 4 years.in tho eoun- ty, that can trot a mile iu harness iu 4 minutes, $10! 00 Second best, 5 00 Third best, 3. 00 FAnMEKS' 1.IST.FK1PAY 1 o'ci.OCiri'. M. Uest trotting horse or maro in tho county, that never was on any track before, . $20 00 Sepond best, 10 00 Third best, 5 00 SATUUDAY 1 O'CLOCK, OPEN TO AI.I ueiit trotting horso or maro, Siooioo GO' 00 Second best, Thir(1 h 25 00 All entranco fees must in until i rorn,tiin ,.l,irj- will boinado. f.nlianee leo ten per cvut ot pun. Not less man four eiitrlcH in mako a rnee. All ttlnli lo bo decliKil by the Ut llnwoutot llu lioats. Horses tiollliur Ui tbu Fanner'HTrnt. win tMir.iiirii.i,. lo tlio freo loall. llorww eligible to tho County nniuuH lie. lull I'mu llluieilve UJ all. 1110 CU. tries lolho Farmer's TroLvMIl close nt. 12 nvim-k- Friday noon. Entrleato Saturday's race win clot.6 Saturday atlSo'clock noon, lutho freeio all li: 1 J mum uu uiuuuumu pniiiiuniwiii uunw&ruiM. ltULES AND ItEQUMTIONS, ,1. All ncrtiaiH having nrtlclis tor exhibition or euuijH'iuieu uiait i-wuro exuinuor s checks ol the Association U tiro enu-rlne 1L1 111. 1. MlnnrB canbecomo exhiblibrs when their na. rents have exhibitor's checks, s. 1 he held of competition l open to all, persons irum viueriuuiiiifB uuumui. s cwu ix-ccmo t-xhtbl-tors on tho tame terms as cltut ns of this county. 4. All ttrildcs oncrod for competition muse bo owned bv Iho competitor lorso dais. Fruits, vego. tub H9. Uowers. 40.. lniu,t bo ltuwii hv ilmifmnv.il. lor, and ull tnanufaclured artTcles must bo niadq by tho competitor. ft. No liorto or mare will bo r.llulbla tocnler Vmrm. cr's List or County Spoiling List, under trials et speed, uoli-ta owned by tho tOHipeillor ihlny days irovlousto the Fair. 6. All stock tnubtbewhat It Is represented lobe, or lireinluwa will be lorfelli'd. ' All articles for exhlbtuon or eoinxUUoS mutt be entitled by Va o'clock p la on Wixlnesday the .tUi, uid no ulmslsbrirllUc4CiqtKdto7eiliUi. -tiou cn i wweii iiwey ueioreviaoau(i6 rit, i,n ntllTHItltmr ft1. Vf Mf 9P UOLUM1UA DBMO0nAT,VOIi.Xl.VI, NO. W except by p"rmls8'on of rr.rotnittoo. and no premi ums will be ipAld tn violation of this rolis tacw exhibitors of linr-t, inarrs, or p Idlngf, shall not be required m.Koip Micir luman nun i"; n'"'"' -nlghl. Clnrln I u Fulr. bur. must li .ve them on IU, H.n?"l,LV:."U"",",' n r., bind lufver will iio allowed upon or in tte vicinity of tho fair ground.. And for tbo purwie ci preyeni fi,. ,n!,nVlmia.inn M nn nitmnn holm ProllndS Will emu grounds with tmmus of cliancr, and to provide for tho expulsion ..,- ,.-t.n kitnii iv nnv tnnnns train anmiHMion, there will bo a license granted to all persons enter I ine? with exhtbttt'Jiifi. or for tlw purpose of fijlllng nnynrticlfs,bythoI.lbrarlan of Iho Assonaiion, nc hUdwcrctton.tf tho object of aamlt!on in lawful and proper, upqu uic uu"'lu V ?,'""'LJ ". "V,,"!,",, fffi'Affi'ff.! nteiy utH.-n tho 'detection yT tho '.Ji0"'','1. iniormation kiv linn u, cuui v. , . tteo of anv gnmc of chance or gambling by the per-1 S?"nLBK hiMiion r,f ntiv kind for personal front, or expose ........ . . .1.' ,... n..n,n1 tnfltur nynneu' any article for Bale upon the grounds, o. no iieonso win "o granted to stands th sell spirituous or mtt llfluo .w . . olh . nblos Or not, must to rr spected as pmnto property; nnd auy person delrctedln purloining or Injuring uy pi wllf them, w 11 bo dealt wiin accorairg 10 raw. 11. Jurims npwdlnted to exnmlno the dinoront classos. will confer a favor upon tho A ssocl.it I hi , by calling at tho secretary's ofllco early on Thursday morning to ouinm inau uwiuud, . massed upon and approved by tho lwvlslcg Conimlt- 17, ine repono ui uiu omcmi .juu,w v .ee. oeiore orucrs win u uruu iui iriium rreml'uns awarded to persons residing out of own of liloomsburg, will be paid on tho after- noon ot tho last day ot tho l air, by tho Treasuter.on n-ABnn.dHnn rf ,i.lr nmmf nrnpm. on Wednesday tho giounds will bo open to the nulillr, ami pnntlnnn nnrn rour d 8. " No twrson will bo permitted to vote nt tho next nnnu.il ctocttau of tho ssjclullon without produ- tl.,....i.n. ...til ... ..... n f.DA, Ihn cnrlirv lit- BcnUicg a cussed Urt of the articles ihey wish to exhibit, to tho (Secretary as early as possible, that thoy may bo entered picvlous to me flratdav of ttm Fair, or. leave mom atino ouico oi i.ueu. ?uuuw slice, whero they will bo called for. Use of the Walrus. In looking nt this uncouth auitnal, tho most natural question at onco arises What earthly Bervico can such an un gainly, stupid beast, render? What, in deed, is tho uso of its existence'? But tho answer is swift and satisfactory: were it not for tho subsistence furnished so largely bv tho tiesh and oil of the morso,itw exceedingly doubtful whether tho Esquimaux ot ISortu America, Iroin Bchring Straits clear around to Labra dor could manage to live. It is not to bo inferred that walrus-meat is tbo solo diet of these simplo people, for that is very wide ot the trutu; but mere aro scv- era! months of every year when the exi gencies of tho climalo render it absolute- ly impossible for tho h.ndfest ualivo to crn nut 'mill urnniirn fonil. nnd ibi'ii iho t . ; . ' . . v : . valno ot tuc cacifl ot walrus-meat is ap prcciated, when for weeks and weeks it by using the balm. I havo rccommcntl fnvms tlm hneintiiiie nnd the end of ov- ed it to many of my friends for Catarrh, ery meal. The walrus responds to as ni.inv ilnniani s ot t iq innuit.as t no cam- el of the Arab, or tho cocoa palm of the Smith Soa ial.inflnr. Tts flfsli fnoda him: its oil illuminates and warms his dark hut; its sinews make his bird nets; its tough skin, skillfully stretched over the litrlit. wnmlnn fr.nnr. r-nrnlitnloq in., o . - ' . .. ..It - ,, l i j ...I mous kayak, and tlio serviceable oonuak, or bidarruh; its intestines aro converted into water-proof clothing, while tlii soles to its flippers are transferred to his feet; ami, finally, its ivory is a sourco ot end less utilitv to hini in domestic uso and in trade and barter. Walrus famines among tho Esquimaux havo been recorded ,m pathetio legends 1 .T. 4 nil AC .1.. 1.1 uy iuiuusi, an ui uiu Ruvugu BeiiieiiicuiH m the Arctic Jiven now, as 1 write (November 1880), comes the authentic corroboration of tlio harsh rumor of tho starvation of the inhabitants of St. Law ronco Island thoso people who live just midway between the Old World and the Now, in Alaskan waters. The winter of 1879-80 was ono of pxccptionnl rigor in tho Arctic, though in thiseouutry it was' unusually mild and open. Tlio ico closed HlrlOlId around St. l.awience Island so firm and unshaken by tho mighty powers of wind and tide that the walrus ... .i..:.. i . .1... i .i i weio uiivuii iui iu uiu auuunvaiu una i.n.ivnr.1. nut nf viVuOi nf tho milmimv .... ' ... . 1W liiliiibilnritij n1 flint, is fitir . wiin .limn nn. oxpectedly deprived of their mainstay and support, seem to havo miserably starved to death, with the exception of ono 'small villago on tho' north shore. The residents of tho I'oonook, l'oogovcllyak, and lvag'allegak settlements, perished, to n soul, from hnnn'nr nenrlv tln-pn linn. died men, women and children. I was among tneso people in itifi ciuriug the month ot August, and remarked their manifold superiority over the savages of the iioi lh-weot coast and the great plains. 'Pl, a !!.. .i. ...:.... J. .i... Ihey seemed to hvo during nino months of tho year, almost wlplly upon tho lcsh anu on oi uio waiuis. uiean iimoed, l.-!i,i o,wl ii,.... ..:.r n.. Jilill,-V,,.W, i.il.t IWVJUI, V III.J1UII11II1V : -i ' ;r. .i , " . 1 .. .., - r iiiiiirt'wvu uiu wan men imp py suosisi- enco and relianco upon the walrus herds ot iseiiring sea; and it was lemarked then'that theso people had never been sub jected 10 tho temptation and subsequent sorrow of putting their trust in princes; lenco their iiidependei co and good heart. But now it appears that it will not suffice, either, to put your trust in wal rus. Aor toner. What it Costs to Kill a Muu in M'ur. Wo have somo curious statistics from a 1 ranch author writing on conteiupo . . . . .1. rury wars, six 10 wuac 11 cosis to Kill u man. He takes tlio whole oxpondituio bv the number of men killed n, f HIV. tiuilliit.4 V HIV 11 IV 111 VI I UI lib Jld, or whoso death was owing directly 1 tho war. In tho Crimean war, where field to many were congregated in closo quarters no estimates mat v.w.uuu welo killed tho cost ot &2,1G.j per man. Putting the death in our lato war tit 28-1,000 which is rattier a low estimate, oacli iienin was purcnaseii at a cost ot yiii, -7f: 1.. i. 1..... tvt : .1 c a ,i... t.' 111 . Ill LIIU 1ILLU ItLL-AlIIIl 11 I r-,fllllll iiiiwi iv-ii nitio UIU Ul IUIIBU ,1U1 K1111I1LT a 'man was $4. COO. In tU Danish u - 3,500 lives woro lost at an average o $10,000. In tho Aiistro-Pinssiau cum. paign of 1 8(iG, wliioli ended nt- SndowaJ It. scoins that tho latest exploits' of ?c,i)uu was the prico per' ileutli. It thus be Seen that it cost this Government inoro to extinguish one lito than any of tho other Countries mentioned, and tlmL tuo cost ot killing 111 any of them, wduld maintain several 111 tunes ot pence, A Trencher's Artifice. Frn Roccs.ttio celebrated hult-c'ennlvm prvnolier of NiqiU's, oncu 'sliareil liis ccm. W'H B0(l" know tho' blessing of good gregation iu the most bencllcial way. Ho "oalth ami sound sleep, preached a tremendous Sermon on tliu in- "1 'mvu UM'n n Rfont suffcror from ovifnblo conseipieiiees of a fiinful life. lysfopsia and loss of sleep. As soon ns His hearers were in a convulsion of ex- 1 100I tho least nervous I tnku a doso of cilemont with tho blazing picture of I...1..1 '....,..:i.. 1 .1- ' ii , , piii'iuiiiniB luiuuuiiuii utiuro meir una"- ."ti"- ...d. a,.iu, wiibwuiubviui.', inations. All at onco tio stopped iu tlTo Georgia. ywy midst of an e)ocment appeal, and Tlio Rov. Moses O. Welsh of St An- cried on , "Now, all of you who silicon)- gustine, Fta., not only Bocks torefutotho ly repent of your sin hold up your liaiids." claim of especial niockiiess for Moses, Kvery liand in tho assembly was up in but to prove that Moses never mnd it. an instant, Alio preacher looked upon iwimt ho Said of himself was, not that iu scene for one awful momont, a"d ho was very meek among all tho sons of then addressing tlio Jugtior powers, ox- men, but was morp plagued, nllliotrd or 1 fiinnnnn i initr Ai'iimiuti.i iii.i.....i ii... i , ;". ""'""f1 uiii,iuuii cast uownr ami tins version, Mr. Welsh who with tlnno adiunaiitino sword stand- maintains "is warranted by tho circum- cst at ho nglit of tlio judgment sent of stnnccs.Moses being nt tho tiniehnrraHsed God, hew mo off ovory hand which has indoors by his shrewish wifowhoin ho had been raised hypocritically " In an in. matried somewhat lato in life, and out ' niL'MTM Mill.. V IT rtnrtlnpb.. mil tftfl Two Incftwi. ...'(.!) ,4.00 4M MM M.ni I liM 2 m 13 fin fit nn mmi Tnreo incTKW.1... J.'?; Four incnuf.i.f.i. .fK .1.1.00 ) UI I0l)! IMW SS.IlO iT.ini m.no fA() saw ca.cn ioai onurtrrcrinmn. M Half column. Oiie column. - Tr-arly adrcrtlvmenw piynlitfl nuartwiy. Tran sient MKcrtlvmenl must w paid for before mscrtal except where parties Have- accounts. lrm advertisement two dollars per Inch for throo tnwruona, una at mat rnto for additional lnaortlons wlUiout reterenen to lenptb. Kxortitor'g, Administrator's, nod Auditor's noCees tni-oa doUAlS Must bu paid Cor whon Insortod. Transient or towil notices, ten centa u Unc, regular tdvcrUwmenM lialf rates. rnrds In tho "Muslncss Directory" column, on loUar per year tor each Una. Odd Items. Character: If yotuudgo of Browns character by tlio umbrella ho carries, you wilhform a very poor opinion of Smith, fnr t. ! Smith s umbrella. COMMUNION WINK. Tho grapo crop of A. Spoor's vineyard i . " t,'nnv Inut ve'ir una double that I in JNCW Jersey iasc year w na uouun. inai. I OI ItUV pioviuun Yeiir. um vniuyiiiuB in .Tcrsev havo'so increased each year tbat ho has been enabled to keep him a , ,i, clock four venrfi ahead. Nono sold less vcars old. It has become a I . . .! - . ,1... I K.1...tM:n nn popular WIIIO lliuung luu uvni. pujrBiuniiiB in New York, and is largely used for conimuuion purposes, anu wcaic .nnu ngcel persons. 1 or sale by C. A. Klcim, druggist, llloemsburg, l'n. Attracting attention: Travelers in Tex. as say that tlio hotels iu that lonely Stato aro so run that tho very first thing a guest does when ho enters tho dining room is to Kill a waiter in oruer to "at tract attention." m Francisco I'ost. A IIENEFICENT ACTION. Tlio worn look and miserablo feelings of those ,closely confined in mills, or ut desks or work tables, aro caused by weak stomach, kiduevs or bowels, and show tho necessity lor some mud tonic to build them up. No one need suffer thus who will uso Parker's Ginger Tonic; for without intoxicating it has such a beno ficont action on these sluggish organs as to cleanse tho poisonous matters from tho system, that rosy checks and good health and spirits aro soon brought back again. Jixpvest. bee advertisement. "No kiss," ho said, pleadingly "no kiss from my darling to-night!" "No," she said, emphatically, "no kiss. I hear there's mumps iu your family." It is never to late to mend. Which .i8 why the cobbler never has your boots done at the time promised. HAY FEVKK. Messrs. White & Burdick, Druggists, Ithica, N. Y. I can recommend Ely's (Jrcuui Balm to relievo all persons sut- lenng with Rose Uolcl and llayl'cver. 1 havo been a great Buffercr from tho 1:... i i:r paiiiu uuiujiihiuib, imio uu (jiwn ".-awi antl in all cases whero they havo used i"u neuiy u.nu uxu vuiw. a.. Konney, dry goods merchant, Ithaca, N. Y.: Sept. G, 1880. iir. a. j;. Avery,riiarmacist,iNewarK, . .1. Davmg been severely auiictca for cloven years with Hay Fever, after trying almost OVCrythillg Without avail. g"vo up uu nopesui uemgeureu, warn I purchased of you a box of Ely's Cream Balm. To my surprise after a few ap applications, I was entirely relieved. II. Watson Harris, letter earner, No. 14, News P. O., Newark, N. J. Prico CO cents. Some men go fishing to get fish, and somo don'f tiloso that don't generally I CJ - rrgt what they go lor. Glass eyes for horses aro now mado with such perfection that oven tho an imals themselves caunot sco through tho deception. OIVE Illlf A REST. When enfeebled by long suffering proceeding from torpid liver,biliouBncss, indigestion, constipation, or sick head ache, tako Burdock Blood Bitters, which JJvu rest, w uiu weary ami rciiiviguraiuB "1 the organs oi the body, l'rico &i, trial size 10 cents. I nii,., ,i. i !..! .,it! -L"ul: ucuicus m iiiuiiuj bi-uuiuiivu 1 ,1 'ntalfi vr iinnn. pninnnrnti vi minor- Rtl. ---y, , , , 1 '""u"u """UB" Tho cyclo of life Baby, girl, woman, wife, babe. Exchange. Sometimes it's baby, girl, woman, old maid, poodlo dog. Wm. McCartney, 88 Lloyd street, Buffalo, fell and sprained his ankle. His employer, II. Anderson, 94 Main street, procured spine St. Thomas' Eclectric Oil uid ho says .that, a tow applications ena- blqcl him to go to work as usual. Td.i Lewis lins saved two brass band Id norformurs from drownintr. She never discriminates against a man's calling when he is in Uistro. .Cleveland Herald I T . . . -, Lot a voting man once eet on tho trail . , v .. . . 01 ? yoK lody in a crowded ball room and no will nnd Her very soon, nnu Und her mad. ' IN HOOD SI'lKITS. T. Walker, Cloveland.O., writes: "For tho last twelve months 1 have suffered with lumbago and geueral 'dubility. I commenced takiug Burdock Blood Bit ters about six weeks ago, and now havo great pleasure in stating that I havo re covered my appetite, my comploxionhas grown ruddy, nud feel better altogeth er. ' Prico bl, trial size 10 cents. There is not much danger when it rains "cats and dogs," but when it Spitz docs, look out. U,J ',;Nevcr aya an Irish orator. "writo 1 1 ''yous letter without signing your ,,amo t0 U' How can a single doso of Aycr's Pills at euro ncaiiaoho, Ly roinoving obstruqtcons from tho system relieving thostotnaoh, and giv- iug healthy actiou to the digest ivo appa - 1 rains, .t 1 I . -tT. .. .. ... ... . . I a'l lit . .1 . 1 T n, - . "?" '"'H' . ' I "wnats tlio mailer with littio Johnny sick; ho tumbled off wan of thim wheels without a carriage to it." will ivisconsin loiiiiiuiiinco cnisadei-s was to amend a repealed law. SLEEPLESSNESS. Narcotics and sedatives murder sleep: tho unnatural btupor is soon followed by 111 oiiecis. oimmons j.ivtr iteguiator removes tho cause of restlessness and sleeplessness by regulating tlio bowels, by establishing good digestion and by quieting tho nervrs. Try it. nnd vou a ai'oiiions Liver Regulator and sloop all ,,lnl,i Xt. 1? It. .. ..... i.i'm- iim JsrabiiW v 1: