nM- utMnwurmi. miww I., THE COLUMBIAN Afcl) DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUR.G-, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. i contain iiuo n fjttatilily oi Jai nml waxj tlioso of oats aro foumi not iiliri.'iictily to contain 10 pur cunt of tlicso mibstin ccs. ( Investigation goes to provo tHat mi KiiMi.f oi graaauui in iikmsoiii contains moro of fat and wax tlian when out later. Professor Way found that early cut gras.1 .coutainud-Oj, pur cunt of fat whllfjtliftt Siit tlio liUtur' pat t of .luiio did not'c(i)itai!iSi?oro ililtl 2'M tehu Tlioro avo few persons who havo not notld'd n bhuHh bloom on thu leaves of u,r; ss and grain, pi'ilmps moro distinctly not! :o able in seasons when tbo rainfall is t ot too fabundant. Nov this bloom, is tlio wax of (fib 'pYrlnf, aW at lilnes is iso nfrundnnt ns to IsdnouMy iliterfurd with .tboc'asy , working., of Uiu diiowilu: lil.v .cliipo. Tlifs M'fx j)tceer,ves tho,sng:ir of iuu mint irom ouinu 100 easily wasni'u otit. 1ft caW tli6 yrass gets wet after ll is'tnowil this Wax vtill havo 16 bo washed off before, the sugar be reached. l'lpior l'rolU Wjiqn wp jiitu a servant, to wprk, we ' wu should for what purposo tho animal- is uecufqj . viui many person? n pig is, ft pig and a cow n cow no matter whutlier or not they nro best suited to their jmrjipuo. Jt should' bo '. f cmefiibercd of swlno that tho Berkshire nro best for bacon, the Btuallcr breeds for pork. If you wan pigs wjth'good constitutions which will como to early' maturity nnd weigh 200 pounds jor thereabouts nt, h eaSold, take an Kaeex, Or small 'York shiro boar, and cross him on somo of tho large, coarse(sow8 wifh which tho. St,atc abounds. Such pigs will bo godu feeders,- easily kept, and will glVo 'th'd best nvcrago results for pork and! baoon. If real improvement is expected, n puijii boar should bo used ns much as a pure bred bull on a herd of cows, whether the calves nro wntited for tho dairy or tho butcher. Tho larger tho sow and tlfc smaller tho boar, tho moro will tho pigs bo ablo to cat in proportion to their size, nod tho greater, will no Uiejr growth in proportion to tho food coo'sumea. Trib une and Farmtr. Farmers who havo nover tried In b planting fail to realize tho rapidity cf cultivated forest growth. Judge Whi -inc. of Whitincr, Iowa, has fifty acres in ttQca.of his own plautiugnouomorcthan. nttoen years growth, including a belt ot black walnuts 8-10 rods in length aver aging sixteen rows of trees.and number ing fifty seven thousand. They arc only eight or nine years old, and tho largest v nro four or fivo inches in diameter. "In two years more," tho Judge says, "I shall not have to go to Chicago for my fence jiosts." It has been thought this treo is a slow grower. It has bfjen found, after the first year ortwo, witn'gopd soil and CultivSlion, it coraer'oh . moro rapidly. JJlis mclBod is: T6Vfbury.tKo'uutfl in tho fall inioist gvountpriot too'cleep for frec7.'uig.and cracking" opcuiMb plant i'them aathey begin to bprou'Mn the Spiing,iu rows fivo feet aparfyand'lbnrty &iy thiitv-six inches anart in the rowso cultivate fort wo years as he wouldjforui' Ifo is satisfied that 1 GO acres having a r belt of trees of ten acres, will pro'duco lhorc than tho wholo quarter section wl.thouMho belt. Good Farming! It ls.ono sign of a good farmer if he prizes ntaiiure. It does not require a good farmer" to raise bountiful crops on a farm nlrrndy "IHi, lul ihc art lies in so man uring tho farm that it will produce good crops i ei y ' ' without .losing in fei til it v. A mmiu:iviuuke monov from his, farm and be Avinttful oii fettifizeiH.ibntJ he is not "a good farmer, for ho jsr con stantly rinnlpg-tiland lijto debt which it will'requiro1'years -of lgobd1-nllagO to overcome. Good farming consists of such management as will make tho farm produce the bestno'ssible rc8ultiith"-v out deteriorating trjo sojl.Thjs'jpan qnjy be accomplished" by a rigid economy in' tho making1 nnd .use of' inanure, aud a systematic rotation of crops'itat will bo nho-lenBtrexhauBtivo to" tlie" "Soil. Iris not al wnys-tho'bctrfarmerTwho, grows the most producefromjdiisXacres 'any mot 3 thin it is tho faosfcjsrijceBsfafmeri chai t who'sbllsithe most goods; A farm mal y.elfl abundantly ofiibaufty'.e crops foryearifonnd, return toh3wner a hi ndbrae, income, buji'cro mut" blja rea tion -Bybieror later, for soil oa'diiSt proi uce 'cropV Without fo'i'd any, more that a eoftocaVgive' rak wUriout feed and ilrinWiiWet must liVe ncfaordme'to our meaftnd.prnctice, tho Bamoirulojn; our yg-.-.-f,.. .,.!..,: ii. bin j ..fl'MSirviDSiiUrimii I .ru.il J ...I LiUtur. jfLTinn o u L r. t i I 1 bo Ullinra. if ai iners . Ulub; xeceiyei tho LllolfcaBtHrjo,,bf';c,nr flMrt from) Tiwombift1.'lAjjiiarna.j Tharebie" is a8 lolIoAtenAWl lWkiWlJt and he uiims nicely ana closely trimmed and well rubbed with salt, pulverized enltr etrQtwilf.SrinlSltWCT &h flAsJjV dees rt-ftip(ttfblitoJa aaedjjiaitliam, iifift best Bucar m'olasBes. two or three sooon- ful8,oured from.the'spoon on tho same, and Isalln te3pVtf;flRel?merlt'ftM uiiiKeu, uutoaiuiiu, jBiuiuiuurf nexi-'uuu sidesion top. It remained in bulk ao- cordaig to thcLweathcrfour to. six weeks, and iasJtWn 'bT6k5tfJitfJ anav(heWeat' wasbbd &townrmiU'r.jiJTJii'harfi8 TOre! then heldiip, kettlrsjof diluted ilyflrlni briskly boiling andJftiVai'flPHi'tWKll out tile meat some anu close the pores. Noxtttliey, wero jcHejditi. ooiLUcliian asnesy sacked. huii(;-iM 'to bo-fmokod, 'and. then renlaip un,til taken ihjwfor 'sale or use". 'The lye was previously, pror parca'-rrom tne'.asn ot somo goou jyopu. ulatilne should bq forked, ifvcr'occ.v sioially to mako it flno.. If it is heatliig .tliini mil el: nr In.im nlinnlil lm iniirci) witif. it to absorb thp a'ptmonia which Is Jormcd clunng Uio process or decompo sition."' Sprinkling tho manure' pile-with j7i.-.--,t.'o.iwt.j.. .i..!i.r.ior4'in,..ii.i,in valuable an elempnt o plant food to nu low v lOiA'wasiuiu, Akiiu" w'w'u"jy l&ntls plasrts anNgxpelbnt tertilzdr, A IIKUKKIKKT -AOTION.' . .flliX vrhrrt lnnfc jTnirtnl!ii!iWiI)fefcMiii7ii o..tljP.0ifl'0iy',fpi(fiuiij in mills,,ftriiat stitflapJluikHlneVs fit J bowels; aha.;BliQv ttieneceH6ity lor'some tniiu ionic io .litlHaJJievpc .'pjidUvtd Huffer tlius uhn will usfi I'arker's Gincier- -T6nic: for wiUiout JBtpxtcatuigiit ha buoJh o beno- flcent action on tiiese Bi.uggisii orcans as .system, that rosy cheeks and good health .ntl spu-U'slare Jioon brought back again. A stern wheeLhpat troing up JtVrvcr in gttfliPWrgrkfi!ft',iip Acha dust tliat Bhb looka likoulrame liouso on fir, ' TJe rfVer1 is bq Jaw- that e Veh. tur tle, terrapins and tadpolea caq t got a Urlnlc nt tno pare. Drink'nig ber1 ma'quench tbiret, but one of 0 wirttBt dat'wa el tho fear. pelpqtj ptift(wo tluiijc 'best, suited J.q U'FI Work. vfro r'entii-o dttio. 'Itut In ralsini of animals wta db'Tiol' consUler so imicll'ns "Tho dark placeB of tho eartli nro f ill of tho habitations of cruelty," wrolo I io Psalmist ninny centuries niro. 'J'liltls just as true nowuj it was then, much of iuu cruuiiv ueing in connection witn tiio rites of lieathenUli rell'dons. Ono kif ihejp-jffV tiotnblo inynuerfl tjfnliU'ifliihi' VR Wctlw oSp eaniHAji nf.g tno negroes of Ilayti. This tiractii'o they havo inherited with other "Voudou" horrors from their African nnewtoja. Although Hrtyti iMotftiiihlly under Ho-' man Catholic care, tho Archbishop, fojir bishops and nearly ono hundred priests aVe,,iina)lo to oppovilh.-tiJ powerful i;i lluenco of tiino-hoiiored superstittytt. nmong thp negroes. Tho profes90is bf "Voilcliih,- Mho havb tho (Herpttlt'!ibUsL'r ih.oaelv Villauo wood, oriuinnllv! camo fronvbo Congo const, nid. wero .of tlie tribe called iluiHlugoe,s, celvbf.lte for their skill ns sorcerers and sccrqt. pojso-' hcrtfnnd for beih'c mirpetit sVbrshlnbi's. , bhild slawin and cannibals. ' Out bf ,0vcr'7,00,0p0 ininbi.tii)p! of Hayti lhco arc oiuy who, no not, openiy pc- lohg lo "Voudou." Tho priests 'of Uii.4 t-obidn have absolutely pbwdr, tiwlnft to) their knowlodgo of hcrb-poisOning ittid, of ho, nutldotqst Owjtjg tt, this knowl-, edgoj wluoh ijothjng v.;ill iuducOj.tlicm to divulge, thoy can poison either Bloyly" br quickly, painfully or tho rqvcfsb.'.'n'nd can pWcitro n dd&thdiUo Bleep. TlioVi trb consequently resorted to bynpoiplo. wiio wish to get nu ot otlicrs oitlie;r(o;r gain, from jealousy or tho like. Tlio s-" crct poisoning is carried on to an enor-1 mous extent. It goes on, indeed, undijr tho natno ot "Ubt wherovor nccroes am found. Tho groat feasts of "Voudou" nro at Christmas, at Whitsuntldo nnd at? Kastcr. The drum is beaten at tiiidiiimlt'' nnd tho people nssemblo. Tho ceremony commences by tho most tcrriblo oatlg of Bccrecy. Then dancing begins nnH tho excitement is kept up by copioits libations of rum till ono or moro ot thV) performers fnll down in n fit, when tho spirit of "Voudou" is supposed to havjc entered into them. These orgies last generally thrco nights and sometimes longer. On tho first night n cock is of fered up at tho altar, nnd its blood is drank warm. On tho second a goat is treated in tho samo way. But on thp third night children nro brought inl; their throats nro cut by tho priests ; their blood is handed round and drank warm ffl4iiis!rbej.jj!i-U)cncjit.uiiflBo eaten. Before the sacrifico takes place the priest orders as many children ns hp requires. They must bo of puro African descent and not over ten years of ago. Theso children nro invnriablv forthcom ing, either hv -beiticr voluntarily civen up or obtaineoby 'being stolen by women who mrtko a prbfpssion of it. Thev are expert at their tfatfei EnteriiiK a house at night, naked and'oilcd, they steal th child, and by administering a narcotic noison render it inseVsible"- It is then conveyed to a secret pllJ'Vrll required iui iuu Huuniice, wneii an amiuuiu uriugs it to. Then its throat is cift. Chldieij aro often voluntarily given up Ljvtheir mothers for tho Facrifice. In iotfe,to bo initiated into "Voudou" it isti?cesi sary to havo killed sumo human being t n cliild is preferred. It is believed that jJToudoutsm is on tho increase in Haytij J.ue bejotted ignorance in which tho uih lortunate Wack people lived lor many, generalions ma'de them bo susceptible to. iniluencesofitliisTjcind, that it will bo a long timo.beforo they can bo uxpectei to forsake theirisuperstitions aud riso td .1.: l.'i'". j.h; i I I ! f ,1 v vu. GET Tfi ESTET CEE$C3iA.:N"Sj i - ) . fwr"'irtjf.T' j 1 . rrjrrji.n i p Ctfi00vW?dm'inferioF materiala. I refer particularly toi bogus Organs that are continually Winging, into existence, vitlfpull unrmcritrwhatever, exccTTtrlo bo ol nrl tminfl rn nn nnai nt. 'ATwj nrinn ed fduncl'fo be clear at ahv nrL consider it yjbiirj9iIy , safeguard togpect ,an instrument bearing tlliej uaraea of fet clasaVwliolly r&siionjible inakere. A good afisor.tment oil styles qftlio celebafediEstey Orgaps can ndw bqeeen al'tlip new rppme; HAlnmltia 11 v ytw A nnnwnnlAn fV, t!,.n . I.. 1.1. Colnmbia Oonntv.7 A puiirtin i ! Ju&eV9o-tt' CO InUll A PERFECT STRENQTHfeNER.A iSURE REVIVER. litbN'BITTiilia Voro'i higMy! oulrlffg' a" crtaln"and efficient tnto; licadaoliu Sold by all dniggbOa. Wrlorjio A 11 0 Book, S2 ip, gf weful arid ajnnsiqg reading amlilef.1 IIUOW CIJKMIOAIi CO., Baltimore, Ha. BITTERS Hist Fragrant ti DofroaalES of rerfamoa bxcoouingiy ueiicato nnd Lasting. l"rlee, 23 ota.i Larga BotUi.a, 73 eta. Folltrita!rlaInig,& rtrtiratrj Slgiatart ofltl mi A Co.. N Y.t on ,Ttfy Unit. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC fc,Tlio Moitjclno for, Every Famllyi m . UF.itn INTOXlfcATES. M.t ttam Clncer. Hucl u. Mn!rati. SiiHmri.1. y and i.thermtliG T.mt vect-t,to rcm&lici known, r-AKKfit's OiNCtR 'IJivie ha rcmarUl'y variej cunilwriowcri. ctitneBreAlctt otomachCiinect- r or, UWl l'lirificr nj Uvc i UcguUlor tver raada Ft t Tho Bost Modicino iTou canTJco t forEeatormglTealtli.&StrGngth. P 1 1 commence to act fr6m the firnt tld, aeircne t hcln all diseases of tlie nowrls, Stomach, niood, t Kidneyii, Uvtr, Urinary 0sn,llCoinptainti6( I 1 1 . - .. . . . Cl , . 1 . 1. n m n . t tiini and DrnnkeiinlM. f Tyit)OliIc',tcnlayj Itmyi-Lvcyourlifo. soct. f fnd $i sizetalalltlrvfEisU. Every Renulnstottla Mi our signature on oi.tMje vmrrcr, mscos a La, N, Y, I-irgo saving In buying $t the Just Wltnt I T'nntca. lve rybody whoe hair U gray or fiile.l has felt thenmlofa 1 1 air RtJtorer anJ ilreailDg (hit li cleanly agreeaWy perfumed anil llan1ea Tar M'i llalr lUlsam iatiiltei the rncM laMnlieui lu theio re,pecu . Sold by dritccUU at joe. and $1. I ftj WWW ,tx;t,ysp.ly IVIS!, IS A rURELY VEOETAnr.r. kemedy For INTEItlAL and EXTERNAL Use. A miro'nml spcctly euro for Soro 'Throat, Coujhs, Colds, lilplitlici-ln, CTiills,I)larrlica,I)j-Kciitcry,Crainiifl, Cholera',. Ruiiiiiic'r Coiiiplalnr, Slclc Ileailncht-.Nciirnlsln.Itliciimntltini, JUruLicsCiitB, KpfnluK 'etc. Jircdli wielo iivitulmiatynrfWcrnnVv.iuiil ecrtain to aniird relief. Kafamlly can atlurcl to Wvl(btBt It. Sold by at drutTjifcts at use, OOr., and 91 a bottle. - ,PEBRY'DAVIS ft GON, PropVletoro, , Prcvlclonco, H.I. I'S. TINGLE Y. Artnbunces to tlio public that ho Is prepared to do all kinds ut Custom Tailormg, promptly aud at reasonable prices. Now 13 tho tea sou tor a -NEW SPRING SUIT- nd Tlngley's tho placo to get a proper lit. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ! Sliopoterlllllmeyer's Grocery, Corner ot Main and centra streets, lil.lllDISI'.UIIO.rA. , E BEST, - - i - v--- ort-u cueap, ana inen wnen purclias wju you not men, reatier, Orean., . , j . . i; . r -rwi r: iiJioomsburg, fa recoramcnacdl ll tUseascs Kh, iapbciilyjMtgettim,Ifipepsii.lHttr '! !' is 0-33. SAVAGE, Dilvowaro. Watchcs.Jewolry.Glceks Ac Si All kinds ot Wfttfht-s, Clockh and Jewelry rttat ly rcpalrp.1 and vrnrranted. may IT, 'is-tf PLUMBING, OAS PITTING, STOVES and TINWARE. E. B. BROWER If as purchased tho Stock nnd llnatncsaof I. Ilnccn buch, and is now prepared to do all kinds of work in bis lino, numbing and Uas Kitting aspcclalty. Tinware, stoves, llqES m HeTeeIs In a great variety, A U work dono by EXPERIENCED HA"NDS, M&tn'fitrcot corner of East. nLOOillSUVIlC, I'A. C. F. H ARDER, 1) KALE It IN HAEDWAEE, ODTLERY, PAINT, OIL AND VARNISHES, BO0RS.8ASH BLINDS, BRACKETS Lumber of all kinds for sale as cheap as tho cheapest for cash or produce, CATAWISSA, - 3?-A.- mi, ' mayc -m JpiRE INSUKANCE. CHRISTIAN' F. KNAPP, ULOOMStlOHO, PA, IIHITI8II AMKHlOA ASSUltANOK tlOMPANY. (JKIIM AN FIllKINSUHANCK COMlAY. NAT10MALF1HK INSURANCE COMPANY. UNION INSUltANOK COMPANY. 'these old coHroBATiona aro well seasoned by.airo and rias TEStKi) and Havo never yet bad a loss set tled bv any court ot law. Tbolr nssoU) arti all tnvest- ort In solid SKcuBiTir.sand, aro liable to tbo hazard oi riHE only. i Losses raourriT nnd noresTi.T adjusted nnd nald as soon as determined by Cusuitun t'. Knirr, Brxp- Xh A0KNT ANU ADJUBTSUBI.OOUSBUKO, PA. Tbe peoplo ot Columbia county sbould patronize tbo agency wbero lossoa ttaoy uro settJod and paid by one of tuplr own cit!zns. . rUUJUTNBS iUlTX JfAlit DJSA1UNU Directions For Catarrh liny Fever. Cold In the head, ,&c Intel I with llttlo llnjicr, a parj,lfle ot the llalm Into tno nostrils; draw Btront? oruaius uiruugu lue nose. It will bo ub- Tpioibcd, cleauslnir, and VRjiieanun mo uiauusou inemorane. ELY'S 0KEA3I BALM Havine gained nn enviable local reputation, displa cing nl! otter preparations In tho vicinity of Uls dlscovery. Is, ou its merlta alone, recognized as a wonaenui reijieuy, wnerever kuuwii. a liur -.run will convince- tbo most skeptical of Its curative powi'rs. It effectually cleanses the nasal pahtagos of Catarrhal virus, cauMng healthy, secretions, al lays lnilarmnatlon and irritation, i rotects tho ineirt bfnnal linings ot tho head from addltlonalcolds, completely heals tho sores, and restores the senst of tasto and smell. lienetlclai;rcsulls are realized wy a row applications. A thorough ireaimeni as air rected will euro Catarrh. As a household remedy for cold In the head it Is uneoualcd. Tbo balm It easy to uso and agreeable. iBold by druggists at 60 cents. On receipt of, M cents will mall apackag Send for circular, with tull Information. ' ELYH 'CItKAM BALM CO., Owego, N. Y. ruu sum ill uiuuuisuuiK uy ihujui ijius.,. . u,uim. NJ; Uendershott and J. II. Kluports and by Wholcj salo Druggists generally. St, oct. "so-ly d Danchy & Go's. Advt'a, BEATTY'S dress IKinlel F. UeattyJ OIIQANS, lTStnps.'SFet Goldi lTjngue Jieeas. oniyN. aq tvasnington, n. j. aug u 4w KEViaEU NEW TKSTAMENTa I Illustrattd. Cheapest nnd Best. Sells at Sight, HouiANs PfnTORTAT. RTRl.F.R ! Agents Wanted. A. J. BOL'man & Co., Phila. 'aug !6-4w a BOLD MEDAL AWARDED thp Antbor. A new and crat Uod uu Work,w&rrojitoil the bunt and cbiupect. indifpeoaabid to every XQAntODtiUod 'the Science of Ufa . rielf-PrferT&tion bound trj finoet l'Vnncb rotulin, orabowMl. loll Kilt JOOpiMwnUinsbaaaUfnl I BtoGi inmnnn. ISfi Drenciin. 1 tions) pnoo onTj $L2S cent by mil); illQtxtxl8inrl,fioentn aand ncrw.ArldreM I'Mbodv MrxU It, Wo. 4 UalflDcbst. iSottoa. a A book of ffirc orfglnullty. rntltlcd FRACTIOAL LIFE. The great problem solved. Tho Individual carefully considered from tho nge ot respousIDlUlty up.to ma turity, In regard to education, home, socluty, lo"e; marriage; business, Ac How bread caters aro to hii bread winners. Tbe volume abounds In striking thoughts, rare Infoiraatlon and Intense commor sense. Full page colored plates each one a gent. Agents wanted everywhere, fiend tor circulars, lull de&crlptlon terms, 4c , address J, C. McCuhut Co.; Philadelphia, Pa. d augi, -w 6000 AGENTS, WANTED to sell the Llfo Of, , PRESIDENT GARFIELD. 1 ncludlng a full and accurate account of his brief but evenuuiuumiuisuuiiou ; rue creat coniiiti nun me "Stalwarta" headed by conkllni;: tno diabolical attcflapt to tssasilnate htm, with full particulars or bis extraordinary, surgical treaiment, etc. Thou sands desire full particulars, benco this book is soiling Immensely. Teimsllberal. Outnt 600. cir- cuiaru ireo, Hubbard Bros., Pubs., K? Chestnut St. Phlla. aug so, 4-w d tbe mm mm machine Whereas, the world renowned rcpuatioa of th$ tin 'i tr -l White Machine eicopt from lb) regular authorized dealers, who will ,ba sustained byulho following v, arranfy, Wfl TA1UAT TJ14i NATUltAL WyAlt AND ,TA1 WMte ,S6ile :$mw Machine, PLATE NUMIlKIt 103330 FOB FAMILY' PUHPOj 8E8. ANpimHBUY,A01tEBTQ,KBKP TIIK HAMU IN ItBPAIR niHTIIH TKKM Ol' FITB YBAUM WIOMTIIIH DATE. PUBS Ol'CllAHOK. I This warrntitr eifto the broiuago ot needle rmT,hlnn hnfl ahuttlnH :T 1 This warranty win not be austalncd uDleas thd plate' number above riven corresponds with' the numbor on tbo shuttle race allde. Beware ol defaoeoj yr Kiicrpu uuiuvm a. Has uaiirtu CArXOirr tban tor otbertmUrSewtatf 49IWWBWniV ilk M BL00MSB080 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. Tiiisson llulldlngw. spring wato; Location.! i . , as at prosont constituted, oflera tho very best facilities for Professional and Classical learning. jlous, Inviting and commodious i completely heated by steam, well ventilated, lighted by gas, ana furnished with a bountiful supply of puro.sori ithtuli ana easy of access. Toachcrs experienced, erdclont, and allvo to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and thorougn. Expensof 1 vrnntn n week deduction to all oiticctlne to teach. Students admitted at any tlmo. ltooms reserved when desired. moacrato. ? courses ou tuny prcscrioca oy mo ouuo : I. Model Bchool. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course In Music IV. Course In Art. V. Courxe In Physical Culture. Tho Elomcntnry., Scientific and Classical Courses aro PllOI'RSSloNAL, and Studonts graduatng therein, iccclvostato Diplomas, conferring tho fpllowln corresponding Degrees s Master of tho KlemcnU : Master of tho sclonccs i Master of thu Classics, ilraduatos In tho other Courses receive Normal Certificates thclrattalnments,, signed by theomcersof tholloardof Tustee. .. . t ...,. Tho state ronulrcsa hlghor ordor ot clttzonshlp. Tho times deuand It. It la ono of tho prime objects of this School to help to socuro It, by furnishing Intelli gent and offlclont Teachers tor her Schools. Tothiscndlt solicits young persons ot good abilities and Eood purposes,-thoso who ideslro to ilmprovq their lime and their talonts, as Students. To all such It promlsos nldln dovoloplng their powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor after lcuvlng School. Por catalogue, anaresj no l-nncipai. HON. WILLIAM I:LV1:I,I rrrsldcnt Ilonnl Bcpt.B.'tC- ESPRING CLOTHING; THE LARGEST - CLOTHING. JUST WHAT WE REPRESENT IT FOE CUSTOM TAILORING OR READY MADE. MOW OTff HAND WE INVITE YOUR EXAMINATION TO KUOW "WHAT TO TOE," AD 'IwTfl WEAR IT." " CALL AT THE DAVIS. Sl.OOO REWARD, ONE THOUSAND (1,000) DOLLAHS i UEMJUM offered to ANY PERSON that wjll do as GREAT A RANGE OF WORK on ANY OTHER MACHINE. WHAT THE NEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. Itwtll'make' wide hem on sheets, c, hem all anv c It will turn a hem and put In piping at same time It will turn a htm. sew braid on the right Bldo and sutch on trimming at one operation. It will do felling bias or Btralght, either on cotton or woolen goods. It will fell across set ma on any goods. T Ivfll til nri fi Tlmca nr RlHi-fotM. cnwnnfnHnfr cither with or without showing stitches; bind Dress uuuua wiiu iuesomemaieriai,eiinerrcaiiop8,pois'41 sauarcsorstialeht. Hieonlv machine that will bind Hats, Cloaks, or olber articles with bios, satin or ,8111c. irom x '0 incnesm wiam.wiinoui casting.. It will gather with. or without tewlDg on. It will gather between two pieces and sew on at the same tlmo. Ilwtllmalcearufiloand stitch a plUow slip on to the facing at the samo time, . It will shirr any kind ot goods. It will mako platted trimming either with or with out sewlug it on. It will mako plaited trimming either ecallaprd or oirui'iii., ulu bch ti I'lfiu'guu ut iiie buuiu lime, it will mako kulfu plaiting. J. SALTZER, Gen'l Agent, Bloomsburg, l'a. oct. 1, 'SO-tf. HIDES. Tho Highest Markot Prico in Cash l'AIDroil ALL KINDS OP 1IJDES AT Am SOLLEDER'S Lcatlicr tuicl Shoe Finding Store Main Stiieet, Oitositk Stone Ciiuucii, BL00J1SBUKG, PA. Mprus, -fo-jy NEW RICH BLOOD! i'urnaiK' i'lirfulliw J'llir make New Itlch IIIikmI, ami will completely clinngu tlm blond in (liuUiillre''U'm In threuvfintln. Anviienxni who will tVn 1 pill each iilirlit frum 1 In la week tnavliuresUiriiltOHmiiiil bealtli. If nucha llilng ippojjlbln. Soiitln'niull fur 8 li'tlor ttamn. , J. H. JOll.S NOX .t CO., Jlottun, Must., Jnrtitrrlit llaniior, Jl!c, ' AGENTS WANTED fSlihS tlliir AIlMhlnn rrrr luvtctml. Will kollapalrof itoUUiKi, Willi llisill, and Ton cumiilele, lu aj luliiuki. II will alau tall a nut vtrlety of tuicy- OTv,,urwMcnuiereiBBiwari a rem? uiMWel ttfnj for clrrulu-uid U-mn to tho Twoiulily ItulttllU Ukchluo Co., tun Wiuidaiuju UU IkaUuu. k maye, My aid BBATW8 Organs 18 useful stops, t seta reeds LiiiZ only . llanos I llu up ivillus. uetaicg, nee. Aoaress ueauy, Washington, h.j, may , -si-ly W IiEGrAL BLANKS, A WAYS ON HAND AT THIS OFFICE.; J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., of Tmatcrs. - -. - OF STOCK SPEEE'S E Used In tho principal Churches for Communion purposes. EXCELLENT F0H;LAEII5 AND WEAKLY, PERSONS AND THE AGED. Speer's Fort Grape WiDQ FOUR YEARS OLD. This Celebrated Native Wlno Is mado from tlio Julco ot the oporto Urapo raised la this Country its invaluablo Tonio and Strengthening Properties are unsurpassed by any other Native wine, Ccli.g tbo puro juice of theorape. produced under Mr. speer's own personal supervision, Its purity and genuineness aro guranteed. The youngest child may partake ot Its generous qualities. and the weak est invalid use It to advantage, it Is particularly benlhclal to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various allmcntii that affect the weaker sex. It la in every respect WINE TO BE itELIKU ON. SPEER'S J. JT. Sherry, Tho r. J. snwtllY Is a Wlno of Buperlorcharaetcr and partakes of tbe golden qualities of tho grape, irom which ll Is mode. I'oi purity, lllchness.Flavor and Jledlcal rropertlts, it w 111 bo found unexcelled. . SPEEE'S P. JT.ISi'aiKly. This UNANHY stands unrivaled In this Country, being far eup riot for medical purposes. IT IS A I'UIIE dUtUlallon f om the grape and con tains valuable medical properties It has a delicate hover, s.'nillar fn tlmt. nf thn grates fnm Vihlch It Is dlstllled.apd la In great fuvor among tlrfet class famUlcs. Bee that tbe tlgnaturo of ALFIIEI) SPEElt.rassalo xi. u.t 19 uvt-r me coir or cacu ooiue. SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM. dw u "so u To ilcrvcua Sufferers Ilia Gust European pr. i. b, smrsoN's, srtciMC mxdicinx, llr.J. II. Slmpson'B Srecltlo Medicine is a positive cure for t.eiwerk ot body or brain or excrss ot any kind, bucIi as weakness and all diseases rasultlng from Nervous IKblMty, Irrltablllty.Mental Anxiety, languor, Lassitude, IHrii'Sslcn ol bplriu and func tional darangements of the nervons tjfclem gen- t;ittii, imuaiu iuu jiacK or Diue, i.os.uj or memory, j-rema-turooldagoanddls eases that lead U consmptlou.tnsacl' ty an early gravi or both. No mattei how shattered the system may bo from excesses ot urn kind, a short course u ilua meuiciue w ill restore 1K& lost functions and procure health and happiness where before was despondency and gloom. The Bpo cino Medicine Is being used with wonderful Buccess. rarnphleu sent free to all. Write (or them and get full particular. Price, Speclno 11. oo per package, or six packages for f W 0. Will be sent by mall on receipt of money. Address all orders, J. 11. blMl'HON'sMEUIClNEUO. Noa. 104 and loe Main street, lluffalo, N. y, lob. 11, "81-tf TyAINWRIOHT A CO., wnoLESALB aitoomts, fimiDiirini, Dealers Is teab, HYiturs, corrsut, bdqab, uolauski bicx, bticis, iJtuii aosi, fta, 4a. V. K. OomDrBoochdana Area ttreots, trccam ui itomvo . Principal. ...,,,. . F. P. BILLM Eli, Secretary. THE BEST REMEDY roil Diseases of tho Throat ani Lws, VTri' Inillse.wsof tlio ptil- All UAXv tnonnry organs a safo ami reliable remedy la Invaluable. AY Kit' 9 Curimr rr.cronAL U such a remedy, aud no otlicrsoemliiontlymer. ')', its tho conlldcnco ot ' tlio public. It is a set- CllllilU UUllI UllllltlUI! Jk tlio ineilicinal princi ples nml curntlro vir tues u( the iliicst drugs, cliciulcnlly united, of Bitch power ns to lusuro l,(i irrnntnaf. Iin4tli1i Ml!, efilcteucy nnd uniform- WfTCVOlXl Ity ot results, itstriues nt t10 louuuanouoi an pulmonary diseases, affording prompt relief and rapid cures, and li adapted to patients of any ago or either sex. Being very palatable, tlio youngest children tulto It readily. In ordinary Co tilth?. Cohls, Soro Throat, irvoiii'liitis, liilliU'ii.a, CleiKJiiinn's Soro Throat, Asthiiin, Croup, ami Cn turrli, tlie effect! of Aviit's Ciir.iuiY I'iic TouAt. ate magical, nud multitudes aro nu nually preserved from serious illness by Its timely and faithful use. It should ho kept at hand In every lumielio'.d for tlio pro tection it nfforiH In midden attacks. In 'WliouiitiiR-couli und .Consiiiiiptloli thero H no oilier remedy so enlcacioin, suothliig, nnd helpful. Low prices mo inducements to try some of the many mixtures, or syrups, made of cheap nnd liu'ffei live ingredients, now- olfeied, whlcli. in tliey I'oiil.iiu no curatiru qualities, can afford only temporary relief, and nro sure to deceive and disapiKilut tliu patient. Diseases of tho throat nud lungs demand active and effective treatment; and It is dan eious expeilni 'iitlng with unknown aud cheap medicines, from thu great liability that these diseases may, wlillu so trilled with, liecomu deeply seated or incurable. Use Aykk's Ciiicintv 'K(Ttm,w., nnd yon may confidently expect tin) best results. It is a standard medical preparation, of known and acknowledged curativo power, and is as cheap as Its careful preparation and fine Ingredients will atlow. Eminent pbysiciaus, knowing its composition, pre.scribo it in their practice. Tho test ot half a century 1ms proven Its uhsoliito certainty to citrn all pul monary complaints not already beyond thu reach of human aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 84 Co., Tractlcul anil Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. SOLD nv AU. Di:tui.lTd i:r-uvn ijei-.k. HELPS t'oursclves bymakng money u guiuen cnauce is or tnerebv always kcenlnir novertv rrnm vnnrnnnr. Tlmaii who always tako advantage ot the good chances for making money that are ottered, generally become wealthy, wnlle those who do not Improve such chances remain In poverty. Wo want many women, bovs and elrls to work for us rhrhtln thptr nwn in. calltles. The business will pay more than tun times ordinary wages. We furnish an extensive outfit and all that you need, free. No one who engages falls to maun uiuucy very rupuiy. ou can aevoco your whole time to tliuwork or only your spare momonts Pull Information and all that Is nn,1nrl sent, iwn Adar.'sa Stwson & Co., Portland, Maine. oct,uw-lr. CANCERS CURED At Crano's Cancer Infirmary, Addison, N. 7. HUNDREDS OP I'KHSiONM frnmnll nnplo nf (lm world havo been cured of this much dreaded dls- uucu uuu arc now uving w luiesscs that they have been rescued from a terrible and untimely death. Doctors, Ministers and tho Poor trcatedtrco. Write tor a circular giving full particulars. AdddressDrs. GEO. LltANEi hula llltOWN, Addison, N. Y. Oct. l, 'so-ly AND Paper Hanging. WM. F. BODINEi IKON 1ST., 1IELOW SECOND, BLOOMSllt'IlO, Pa is prepared io no an Kinds or HOUSE FAINXZN O IMatn and Ornamental. PAPER HANGING, BOTH DECORATIVE AND PLAIN. All mucin ol' Furniture Repaired, and madohs good nn new. NONE HUT FIItST-CLASS WORKMEN EMPLOYED Estimates Made on all Work. WM. F. HOD1NE. A outfit furnlthed rree.wlth full mstruc VIII tlonsfor conducllng tho most profitable I) I 1 I business that any ono can csgago In. v' Tho business Is ro easy to learn, and our instructions aro so simple and plain, that anyone can make gi cat rrctltsfrcmtlevery start. Noono can fall who Is willing to work. Women arans suc cessful as men. l'oys and girls can earn large sums. Many have made attbo business over one hundred dollars In a Unglo week. Nothing like It over known before. All who engage aro surprised at tbe ease and rapidity with which tbey are able to make money. You can engage In this business during your spare tlmoat grt at pront. You do not have to tm est capital In It. We take all the risk. Thoso who need l eudy money, should write to us at once. All turnlshid free. Address Thck tCo.,Augusta,Malne oct. 15' "80-ly J. W, RAEDER, PRACTICAL BOOK BINDER No 110 WKftT MIlKliT hTHUliT, WILKES-BRRE, PA. nintlH all the current imlillca tlonN In nny titjlc jbiimuy de Kirt'. SiUlxfiictlpii guurnn tccd. Correspondence solicited P. 0. Box 160, P. S. Careful attention given (o an L,AW l'UIILICATlONS. Bept,tf ffl. C SLOAN & BRO. DLOUlrlSUDRO, PA, Manufacturers of Oarriagoo, BnggloB, Phaotona, Blolghn, PLATTOKM WAQON8, to. WraUclaaa work always on hand. llHPAIHINU NEATLY DONX. Prlotsi reduced to salt tho times. SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR $1.60 IN ADVANCE. CHERRY' RAILROAD TIME TABLES PENNSYLVANIA KAILtlOVI). PJULa. 1IBLP1IIA & EUIE It. it. DIVISION. a SUJtMER TIME TABLE. nn nnil after Sunday, .tunn 1WH1. tim i..,.. onthoPhiladolphlaAErlnlta'iroadDltislonwui ill asfoUowsi ..,.. Wil31 VV AllJ'. Erie Mall leaves Philadelphia ll (is n m " " llarrlaburg 4SSnra 'i William-Port 4nJS " .teracy shore (i9aia ' lKk Uaven 40a tn lienovo lltwam arrlvontErlo TtsnS Niagara Express leaves I'lilladelMila 9 on a ni ' ' ILiriMnirg 1215 pm arr.atwilll.invport sisp " " Lockllau-n 4sonra " " llenovo saiipra " " Kane Hildnm Fast l.lno leaves I'hliadelBhla n io f, m " llnrrlsburg 4 0iipm " arrive at Wllllamsport T ss n m 11 " Lock Haven oiopm EASTWARD. Pacino Itxpress lcaics IOck Haven T ro a m " " Jeraoyshoro 7 87 am " " wllllamsport 8 so am " arrive at llarrlsburg Uosnm " Philadelphia b ol, in " " Kane BOO am Day Express leaves Henovo Inns am " " Lock Haven ll !5am " " Wllllamsport Usapm " arrive at llarrlsburg 3 4iiiim " " Philadelphia twipm " " Brio 1183 am Krlo Mall loaves llenovo utopra " Lock llavcn loiopm ' " Wllllamsport 11 so pin " arrives at llarrlsburg 8 oo a m 11 " Phlladclphi.i 7 Main Fast Lino leaves Wllllamsport In is am " arrives at llarrlsburg 8 is am " " Phlladelplila 7 8Jam Erto Mall and Fast Lino west and Paclilo Exprcu East mako close connections at Northumberland with L. ll. it. 11. trains tor Wllkcsbarro mi Hcranton, Erlo Mall West, Niagara Express West and Fat Lino West mako closo connection at WlUlomsnort with N. C. It. W. trains north. Niagara Express West and Day Express Eut mako closo connection at Lock llavcn. wltlm. K.V 11. It. trains. Erlo Mall cast and West' connect at Erlo with trains on L. 8. AM. H, It. It. : at Corry with O. C.B. VM W. It. It.; at Emporium with 11. N. .&i, n.Y and at Driftwood with A. V. It. It. Parlor cars will run between Phllalelphla atl WlUamsport on Niagara Express west, and Day Ei press East, bleeping cars on all night trains, WM. At UALDWIN, General aupt, NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY. On and after January 17th, 1S91, trains will leava Bunbury as follows : i N0HTHWA11D. Northern Express fl.sa a. m., arrive Elmlra H.30 pta Arrlvo at Canand&lgua 8,23 p, a, " Itochcstcr 4.40 " Niagara. 8 43 Niagara Express l.os p. rn. arrive Elmlra cos p a arrlvo Canandalgua 8.33 " " Hochester 45 " Niagara U.Maa Fast lino cio p m arrlvo Elmlra 11.03 pa " Watkins ll.sspta SOUTHWARD. Southern Express 1.32 a. in. arrlvo Ilarrlsb'g 8.13a a arrlvo Philadelphia 7.85 " " Now York 10.85 " Daltlmoro 7.40 ' ' Washington ,02 a m Faclilc Express 10.00 a m arrlvo Ilarrlsb'g ls.08 p m arrive Philadelphia 8.43 p n " New Y'ork fl.ss " Ilaltlmoro c.so " Washington 7.52 Day Express 1.50 p m arrlvo llarrlsburg s.io p " Philadelphia 0.45 " " Now Y'ork 0.80 " Ualtlmoio o.ss Washington 7.52 Erlo Mall l.os a. m. arrlvo narrlsburg 8.05 n, m ' Philadelphia 7.35 ' ' New York :o.33 " " Boltlmoro 7.40 , " Washington 9.02 L. I'. FARME11, General rassongcr Agec t, FRANK THOMSON, Gonoral Managtr. piIILADEU'lLA AND READING ROAD ARRANGEMENT OP PASSENGER TRAINS. Juno 27, 1SS1. TB1IN8 tXATS MOPB11T 19 r0LL0WS(SBNDiYBXCXrTIS For Now York, Philadelphia, Reading, rottsvUle Tomaqua, &o 11,43 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. 7,20 and 0,45 p. m. For Wllllamsport, ,15 8,50 a. rn. and 4,08 p. m. TRAIN8FOK BUPRKT LSAVI AS FOLLOWS, (SI ND1T I CKPTXD.) Leave Now York, via. Tamancnd 0,00 a. ra. and via. Bound lirook Route 7,43 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leave Reading, 11,55 a. m., PottsvlUo, 12,38 p, m andTamaqua,l,35p. m. Leave Catawlssa, 6,10 8,40 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave WUllamsport,9,45 a.m,!,oo p. m. and 4,30 p. a Passengers to and from Now York, via. Tami nend and to and from Philadelphia go througa without chango ot cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Manager O. O, HANCOCK, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. Jan, io, 1381-tt. D ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA ANU WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. Time-Table No. 89, Takos orroct at 4:30 a. H MONDAY. JUNE 10. 187S. NORTn, 1 STATIONS. SOUTH. P.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. ivn 2 16 6 33 2 19 6 iO 2 22 6 43 2 311 0 it 2 88 0 40 2 44 6 4S 2 49 5I 2 63 6 3 9 50 9 44 9 88 9 81 9 23 0 17 9 12 8 49 9 85 Scran ton Uellevue Taylorvlllo.,.. ,,.Lackawanna...i llttston .. WestPlttaton... 9 85 9 37 9 30 9 91 9 19 14 9 45 9 63 10 07 3 31 8 44 8 41 12 41 19 8S 3 30 3 10 ..Wyoming.. ..jua altby, Dennett. H 0 13 10 18 3 IS 7 10 9 10 9 00 9 04 Kingston Kingston. ..Plymouth Juno.. 8 44 10 83 3 15 3 10 10 39 3 15 7 15 7 IS 7 S3 7 S3 7 41 8 Ul 8 S3 8 51 3 20 8 66 ....I'lymoutn...., Avondalo Nantlcoke .Uunlock's creek, ...Shlckshlnny..,, ....Hick's Ferry..., ....Beach Haven.., .Berwick .... 3 91 8 49 3 12 8 35 S 04 8 91. 2 51 8 03 9 39 8 01 1 84 7 65 2 93 7 43 7 44 7 40 7 39 9 04 7 2t 12 00 8 47' 8 38 8 93 10 84 8 ! 10 42 3 33 10 68 2 60 8 17 8 12 11 07 4 03 8 13 11 13 lit 8U 4 18 9 08 4 1 7 IS i 29 7 23 4 SS 7 SO 8 06 11 9J .....llrlar Creek ..willow tirovo.... Ltmellldge.,.,. fispy...., ...Bloomsburg..... .........ltucert T 44 7 33 7 83 7 29 I 11 11 89 11 43 11 6.1 11 67 12 IS 4 49 7 4 4 49 8 TO 4 49 7 3 BOO SR1 5 18 B 21 9 18 9 61 V 80 9 5 45 9 7 20 1 61 7 16 1 49 Catawlssa Urldgb. 7 12 1 27 uanvuio Chulasky....... Cameron .Northumberland. 6 45 S 30 1 00 6 48 12 40 p.m. p.tn a.m, p.m. p.m. a.u W. If. TTA Lhtkad, sunt. Suporlntendnnt's Otttce, Snranton, June 10, IMS. THE CHEAT ItVIiLINGTON ItOVTJT. HT'No other lino runs Three Through Pas senger Trains .Daily between Chlcugo, Do Moines, Council Ulutfa, Omaha, Lincoln. St. Joseph, Atchison, Tocka and Kansas City, lllrctt connections for nil points in Kansas. Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, No: vaila, Now Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and California. Tho Shortest, Spcodlost and Most Comforta ble llouto via ilaunlbal to Fort Bcott, Dcnlson, Dallas, Houston, Austin, Ban Antonio, Galves ton and all points in Texas. Tho unooualcd Inducements offered bythU Lino to 'I ravclcrs and Tourists, aro as followsi Tho colebratod Pullman (10-wlieel) Palaco Slcoping Car, run only on this Line, C, 11. A Q. Palaco Oniwlng-Hoom Car, with llorton' Rec lulng Chairs. No extra charge for Beats In HccllnliiB Chairs. Tho famous ft. II. J. Palaco lllnlnir Cars, florgpous Smoking Cart fitted with Elcwant High-Hacked Rattan Ho vplvlng Chairs for llio eiclusivo uso of first Class passenger. Btcel Track and Superior Equipment, com bined with tholr Great Through Car Arrango racnt, makes this, above all others, thefavorits Homo to thoBouth, Boutn-Wost, and tho ror West. Try it, and, you will find travoling a luxury Instcad of a discomfort, Thmugh Ticket via this Colobrated Lln for salo ut all omcoiln tho United States and Canada: All Information about Rate of Faro, Sleep" Imr Car Accommodation, Time Tabic, 4o, will lm cboorfully given by applying to J.Q. A. 111? AN, Oen'l Kaitorn Agent. aoa WHshlngtou Bt., Uoston. MaM i.r. .. "d SIT llroadwar, New York. JAMES IL WOOII. Gen. Alft.. Chloago. T. J. Poriiilt, Uott. ifawcer, otiKKo Vanhli.Msw