The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 16, 1881, Image 3

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nLoonsnonn, fmpai skpt. io, isai.
ronuo BALKS,
I. K. Krlckbanni, administrator of 1'tlcr
Appleman, deceased, offers valuable lands of
said dcccased,ln Ilcnlon townthlp, nt private
snloi SrO ailvortltotnent.
Tlio executors of Joseph Polie, deceased, will
cell real eslnlo on Heptembcr 22nd, 23rd nnd
21lh. Soe advertisement.
Tlio executors of Thomas Gibbons offer real
estato at private sale. 800 advortUeme nt.
Oatrick Mallery, AdmlnUlralor of O. II.
Well", will expose real ostato to public snla on
the prcmlsoi In liernlck on November 10.
Port Sale. Pliw nr
eight shares of gas slock. Will bo sold In
"ingio mares or all togeth6r, to sutt purchasers.
iuiuire ni mis office, if
W it. -r t 1
m. , ... I IUD KBBUIttUU ui mi eAuncucuu
no tunuue in mo weather mm ...k fi.i.. .t... .1 r j i 1.1. .u 1
. , - unuuiuiau lU&k l WUtlflB lOUmi 111 UIBCK USBS
ri v 11 ' 1 , m fr09" rcPrlc, n Mi when eooked, Identical In laBte with the
,...,. i,us great ana glorious countrj flesh. Hn Bays that tho worms are no more
..... , ynriegatea weather to tho detrimental than Ibore found In chceso or chost.
square foot 7 VBr,i m f 1 ,7, , ' ,T , f Ch'U "', then he I. guilty of a false pretense, would be my speedy death. The law, therefore,
earth Hall Columbis P nut. and in fact, add something to tho sweet- A mere promise to do a ihlng which one c.n wisely takes from him tho temptation to brim:
. nosa of tho fish. In Western wators whero do, but which ho afterwards refuses to do, Is about the event, by forblddlngwch a contract.
Dr. P. II. Bhnlu, a prominent physician of Z; , , ' t , 7, 001 0 falM ,rolenso unJer lhe statute. In tho The ovlls of gambling In such policies are also
,.u.i. .... ,'... . . . "ways contained worms irom about thelirstol nnlnlnn nfihn ni.i . .tih,.....!. . .,,.1 .1:. I ftnrl rrrAol ond itiArofnrA I lift tftW will
Shenandoah, was found dead In hi. office on Z ,n" tZ TM T. L, "I" " ' !ho ?tatt M0 not PInt and groat, and therefore the aw will
.Monday last. The cause of death was nrobt. i " "'V rVt 7 " . i , , ,7 ,,0Beu 10 WKe lul9 question lrom tho jury, tlio not sanction insurance ootaineii ror me pur-
l.ft.V ... 17 1 , w. ... v...v vommouwoaith has lalloa to support the lirst I pose of speculating upon the naiarn 01 a mo m
Peaches ato senrce mid high.
Dr. B. F. Qardnor nuiputattd a limb of Mies
uiy congestion of the brain. Hl
brouglit to llloomsburg and burled on Wed.
nenlay. Ur. Hhulti married a daughter o( Zeb
ulon ItobblnB and bIio died about a year ago.
of llohrsburg on
Maggio 1'nlton,
of last woek.
A fresh tomato leaf, cruh(d and applied, ij
said to bo a good antidote fur thu sting of a
Lydia Heacock, an Inmate of Iho poor house,
died In that institution on Tuesday night, from
Judge Krlckbaum .lost a valuable horse last
Friday. It died In about two hours after it
Tinstaktn sick
Somo of our sportsmen have bagged some
Cue plump rail and rccd birds ninco tlio first
ofthpmonlh. The birds aro in oxcollcnt con
Tho Williamsport Convocation of tho Pro'
tcslant isplfcopai unurcu, will ho held in
Bloomsbnrg, on Tuesday, Septembor 27th.
The SherlfTon Monday sold the properly of
Anthony Gerrhy, in (Jonvngham township, to
William Cleaver for 35,
Joseph Brown, porter at the Central Hotel,
died on Sunday, of pneumonia. His body was
taken to Light Street on Monday, for burial
Tho Friendship Fire company will givea ball
in Browei's Hall on the; evening of Thursday
and Friday during the Fair.
In one day last week, 200 cars loaded with
l,rnt nastcd over tho L. & B. H. It. Tho cars
contained 75,000 or 80,000 bushels of grain.
A fertlval will bo held at tho Lutheran church
at Buck Horn September 23rd and 24lh. Sup
tier will bo served on Saturday from 4 to
9 p. m
Two lots, with eood house, barn and out I
buildings on oacli, for sale, in llloomsburg. In-
quite 0r Wiuum Kriukdaom.
July 29. if
a broaoh of contract. For examnlo. If a nhr. temptation to "the pirty Interested to bring
chaser of trooda nrnmlsM in ilnil about. If Dosslblo. tho event Insured against
doos not, 'although his promise was eno. The annals of crime furnish more than one In
clous and fair, and also false when mado. all stance whoro murder has beon perpetrated by
thatdoesnot make him a criminal) but, If he the holders of such; policies that they might
Last week the me,, . 1" , . 1 1 .V t T 7,., , "Presented that be had money at home, or that reap tho rruita or speculative miuranco upon
hw . a 11 ,f.S ?U'7. WM sl,OVe.0? d0 nol.,njure ,h0 tot. e.d1"0 PUW. bat he had valuable real estate or personal prop, the life of their victim. If an entire stranger
erty, when In truth he did not, and obtained
money or goods upon tho strength of this reprc-
to me were permitted to take out Insurance oti
my life, his sole Interest, you must perceive,
W. C. Johnston, Esq., of Danville, was In
Foil ItENT.-Third slory of tho new Coltjm. t0wn on bu9!nCB8 Wednesday.
man building, 25x76 feet. Also four largo offi.
ces on second floor well lightea. (las and
water m the building. Will probably be heat-
od by steam. P.esdy for occupancy bofore No
vember 1st. Inquiro of Geo. 12. Klwell.
An excellent breakfast dish is mado of pees
and potatoes. The potatoes aro boiled soft.
cut Into slices and laid In n dish with salt and
nenner. Tho
and mixed with potato, a lump of butter is v!il 10 UwUburK nnd other point
Captain Pratt, 01 the Carlisle Indian training
school, pussed through town on Tuesday eve
ning on his way to Mlllvlllc.
Mrs. E. W. Klwell and children, of Towan.
da, are vllling their relatives hero.
Colonel and Mrs. Sinclair, of Philadelphia,
wero the guests of Mrs. J. B. McKclvy this
Miss Minnio Eyerlv has returned from a
added, nnd. mill Imtm. ....,.1 .1.. .it.i.
, ...... uw.u ivuini UTtT IIIO 111RU.
11 must hoBct in the oven to brown.
"Ladiai highly prniso Malt Bitters."
"Physicians prefcribe them freely."
"Tho largest bottle and best medicine."
"Our best people tako Malt Bitters."
"Suro cure for chills and livor diseases."
The foundry of Haruian & Hasscrl narrowly
escaped destruction by hro last Monday night.
At about midnight a bright light was discov
ered io the engine room, and an investigation
showed that tho floor was on fire. An alarm
wai given and the flames extinguished before
much damage wbs done. In ten minutes moro
the fou ndry would havo been beyond saving.
A very brilliant meteor was seen hereon
Tuesday night. It moved in a northerly di-
recuuu, ami whb vhiuio only about hall a
minute. The nucleus was exceedingly bright,
and the tail waB of two colors red and yellow
and gavo forth dnizlmg coruscations attend d
by a crackling noise. When it first blazed
forth, tho heavens wero illumined as if by a
great fire.
Adults 25 cents, children 15 cents.
Mr. AmsndusPrentips and Miss Liziio Kleim
woro married on Wednesday morning, at the
liousu of the bridt'a father, Henry Kltdni, on
East street. They loit on tho noon train for 11
bridal trip.
tin.mnn & Ilnfpirtnre eiectin" an additional
lulldiic. fifty feet in length, at their foundry,
tn oivo increased facilities for filling tho nu
mprniis orders now on hand. This looks like
The Mountain Echo ttatca that thn hr;
planing mill nt Ejpy was burned last week
Happily, such was net the cane. Mr- Hut
Itdge's duelling waB d. troyed, as noted in the
It is simply marvelous how quickly constipa
tion, biliousness, eicl; headache, (ever ai.d
ague, and malaria, aro cured by ' Sellers' Liv
or Pills." sert
There are a great many cases of diphtheria
among tho children throughout tho neighbor
ing towns. Mr. and Mrs. John Deiter, of Ha
aleion, havo buried three children within the
past ruonth who died of ibis dleoaeo. -litrukk
fiomo of the residents of the lower end of
Eohrsburgtake exception to tho charge made
by our correspondent two weeks ago, in which
the little b'oys of lliat neighborhood were ac
cused of being noisy on tJundoy. The parents
clai m thai the chargo is untrue.
J. J. Brower's carpet store is in Brower's
block, nearly opposite the Exchange Hotel, on
the main street. His Btoek of carpets, rugs, oil
cloths mats, druggets.&c, is now complete, and
those dosirous of obtaining good bargains Bhould
call and examine the goods before making a decision.
On Saturday night, the cellars of B. F. Hicks
and Pierco Foulk on Sixtli street, were entered
by sneak thieves and whatever could be found
in the way of eatables was carried off. The
entries were cflectcd through the cellar doors.
J'eople uhould be careful to lock all their doors
.at night.
It U full time that the members of tho Stand
ing Committee meet and choose a chairman
There is work to bo 'done befoio election and
if the full vote is to be polled, interest must ho
created. Until a chairmau is elected there is
no responsible leader to whom the voters can
look for a proper management of the campaigr.
On Friday morning last, a compositor in the
UOLUMMAN office saw smoko and flaire issu
ing from the roofof Caldwell's bakery on Cen
tre street. He gave the alarm and the applica
tion ol a few buckets of water extinguished tho
flames before any material damage was done.
A spark trom ihechimney falling on the super
heated ehinglos caused tho fire.
The Normal School b.girB Iib Fall term un-
.Ipi. unusualltr iavorr.ble conditions. There aro
76 boarders and 164 pupils who live outside of
the school buildiiig-making a total 01 -ou.
This is the largest number the school has ever
had at this time of vear. There couia nanny
be better evidence that the school is growing
la public f,tvor, ihsn the fact that tho attend
ance steadily increases.
n""t. 1 . .
ine people 01 ine county navoalmrst re
covered from tho small pox senro, and it is full
time. There never was any cause for al.irm,
out'ide of the town,and only in the earlier days
of the disease was any anxiety felt here. Now the
disease has run its course, the Normal and pub
lic schools are open, and bmintus ts hrlgliten-
ing. Next month the Fair will attract hun
dreds of people to ihe town and full confidence
will ho one; more restored. Ono of tho most
dlstrcsing fpnturesnf ivntrgious disease, is Iho
length of time required to convinco people that
it no longer exists.
Mr. nnd Mr. H. W. McKelvy, at their rcni-
dence on French street, enler'ained their reK
lives aim n lev menus bitnniay ovemnc,
August 27, it beinj? the fmt annivemry of
Master J. Ilotd McKelvy's birthdav. Mixter
Boyd wan kindly romemberc d with many suif
nb'o nnd pretty piesents, nnd a bountiful sup
per wai prepared by the charming littlo mother,
is hoste, of which nil partook with many
praises. After paing an enjoyable evening
tho guests returned to their homes, leaving
many kind wMieswilh Mr. nod Mr?. SIcKelvy
and tliei' vet lovely child. Summit Oounty
Leader, IlrccUnbridge. Cot.
"Lindsey's Blood Searcher" tho great medi
cine for fever nrd ague, malaria, and all blood
poison. Don't fail to use it. sep
f Uloomsburg. f'ir
pastl8orl0yatsln the employ of the P. &
K. R. K. Company .as a master mason ami
ilder. has thecontract for building the
bridge of the N. & W. B. R. K. across the
mouth of the Catawissa creek at this plate. He
Is maWim. ennd headwcv in his excavations for
the shore abutments, the present low stage of
water beine aomewhal to his msiuvamsge.
The masons will bu put to work the first of
next weok. Catawixsa Nexci Jtem.
A bill in equity is now pending in court ak.
ing for an Injunction to restrain the removal
of the pump in Irontoflhe Central Hotd. It U
alleged on one side that the pump i
nuisance and an obstruction In the highway,
wL'lln ilm. u,t,n onnosed to Its removal
claim that it was put thero many years ago by
subscription, under an artirlo of agreement,
and that many of the adjoining property owners
have the right to iume under this agreement.
Thn rAOH wm' lifaril nil Monday last, and the
papers are now In the hands of the Court.
Gen. Slgfried, commanding the Third Brlg
itv In ramii at Wilkes-Barre, has ad.
dressed a Utter to Mr. H. Whltman.landlord of
the Shickehlnny Holel.asklng Information cou.
earning the" riotous and unseemly conduct of
certain sqldlera on their way home. The Gener
al particularly desires to know whether any offi.
eerawere present when Mr. Whitman's eigr
and liquors were stolen and his wife Insulted.
Iftheofleuces charged were actually committed
thero are lively times ahead for the soldier
boys, t
La Fayette (Ind.) Sunday Times.
Our city drupgits roport an Immenaoeale
of 81. Jacob' Oil, ylng tho demand Is basid
upon thepopulvlty of success. Wherever
Ithai been used, It has proved IU value a
hoisand fold, and receives IU be4 .encomium
from tbow Vrbo have tried iU
Judge Junkin, at the Perry county court, re
cently gave caution to hotel keepers about the
practice of selling liquor by the bottle. He
said the landlord was bound to know who was
to use the liquor, and that no man had a right
to sell a bottle of liquor to a sober man who
transferred it to those who were in the habit of
becoming intoxicated, or to minors. I' was al
ways BUpicious when a sober man bought a
bottle of whiskey; he gonerally was employed
to buy it for those to whom innkeepers would
not or dare not sell it. Proof of its transfer
and use by drunkard' or minors was sufficient
cause for revoking the innkeeper a license.
Mr. Joseph Moyer returned to his homo in
the West onThursday.
Dr. Carter, of Booth Bay, Mo., has been
spending several days with his iister-ln-law,Mrs.
O. D. 8. Marclay.
By reference to the list published elsewhere
in this issuo of Iho Columman, It will bo seen
that tho premiums ofl'ered this year are even
more liberal than usual. This should induce
our people to present a l irger nnd better clas'
of exhibits. Thero are somo novel and inter
esting features In the list, such as a mule race,
in which the last ono crossing tho score will
winj a race for lady riders: foot races, Ac. A
premium is offered for any couplo married on
tho grounds "and the Socioty will supply the
minister. The purses to be awarded for trials
of speed nro sufficiently large to attract good
horses, and there is no reason why these races
should not bo satisfactory. If the weather is
favorable tho twenty-sixth annual fair of the
Society will surpass all its predecessors,
The price of tickets has been fixed as fol
lows: Single admission 25 cents, exhibitor's
tickets with four checks, SI. 00, horse or horses
and carriage 25 cents, membership tickotSl.00,
U a meeting of Couucil hold lat week,
-Messrs. uorrell anil Katib wero appointed a
eommittco to locate two lamp posts on Second
street in ncoll-town. the request ol -Mrs. .Hue
Brown , to creit a v.'randa infront of the Cen
tral Hotel, wat denied. The rale for day labor
on the streets wis fixed at . 51.10. The Presi
dent was authorized to instruct the Constable to
notify all places of business not to sell cigars,
tobacco, soda, ('rinks or any unnecessary goods
on Sunday. Tho roaon for this notion of
Council is, that in one place in tho town there
has b'on too much open traffic an 1 toa much
noise on Sunday. In the hotels -it is an
noying to transient guests not to be able to pur
chase cigars 011 Sunday, nnd they can hardly
bo expected to lay in u stock on Saturday. It
is well, of course, to obserre the Lord's Day
and refrain from tho transictionot bueiucss,but
too stringent measure! are apt to Ititd to in
fraetions of the law. However, if the Council
will see lh t graver ovils aro remedied, and or-
.1 1 ..t. 1 .... . !!..
there will not bo much grumbling, though
many persons are of opinion that tho proprie
tors of tho offending establishment ought to
have been notified to do away with tho evils
complained of.
Tho Council agreed to pay the Lutheran con
gregation r-)U lor grouud taken in opcnini;
Centre street, and the same sum to the Re
formed church. A number of bills were paid,
aggregating $2028.20,
support the first I pose of speculating upon
count in the indictment. I which the assured has no Interest."
The next quoitlon Is, did the failure to make I Th policy procured by theio two agents of
tho promised assignment constitute tho crlmo I the Bnme compnny, by getting the son Wesley,
ofltrceny7 Tho evidence is that Yorge, who for a trifle, to let his name be used, when it
was himself an agent of tho New Berlin Mutual was fully understood that neither ho nor hla
Belief Association, had roceived twelvo dollars father should have tho benefit of the iniur-
from Samuel ol tho Commonwealth's ance, but that the agents should have It, was an
witnesses, to buy Miller a policy upon the life unlawful dooument nnd of no value nothing
of this same old gentleman, William Bcoch,but could be recovored upon It at law. It maybe
that Yorge, for some roason that does not ap. that some Insurance companlea would pay
pear, got Itoup to act for him not only In such policies, in order to establish a reputation
Miller's matter but his own, and that when for paying losses, but as legal claim St could not
Koup procured the policy for Miller, tho twelve be enforced. When parties engaged Inaschcms
dollars paid Yorge wero deducted from the of that kind come in and ask the aid of the
sum charged Miller, so that Yorge got his Court to enforce their Illegal contract,the Court
twelve dollars In that it was rightfully appro-1 will not grant relief to either, It will not make
prmlcd to Miller's beneut out of a credit to 1 use of the process of law to assist persons la
Yorge, on the company's books, of BOme fif-I gambling or In enforcing contraota which are
teen or sixteen dollars, tho balanco Ithrco or contrarv to nubile morals.
four dollars being applied towards paying for Tho jury in this case may dispose of the
Yorgo's policy, which, as It was for the aamo costs, if thoy acquit the defendant. Whether
amount as Miller's two thousand dollars, I sentence can be Imposed upon such finding will
probably cost about tho same as his, leaving I be considered by tho Court after the verdiot.
something to be advanced by Konp out of his
own pocket, and thus giving him a right to
hold tho Instrument until Yorgo would relm
bifrso him for that advance. Yorge says that
there was an account between himself and
Koup, and that Itoup owed him ten or eleven
dollars on that, while Koup soys that tho'bal
anco was the other way a dispute between
these two agents as to which owed tho other.
Larceny is the folonlous taking nnd carrying
away of tho personal property of another. From
this definition it is evident that if tho taker
honestly claims the property to bo his own, he
cannot bo guilty of larceny. Whose wns this
property? The paper, whatever It was, was In
Koup'a possession; It stood in his name, stands
In his nnmo yet. Ho had represented, per
haps, that ho had transferred it, but that was
to obtain somo advantago between himself and
Yorge, who never had either title or posses
sion, and from whom, therefore, there could
be no "taking away."
But it is said that Ihe defendant may be con
victed of hrcenv as a bailee. A bailee is one
who recsives from tho owner a personal chattel
to be kept or used und relumed Io tho owner.
By virtua of a statute of this State, onowho has
received tho property of another an a bailee,
and converts it to his own nse, may be in
dieted for larceny as a bailee. One who bor
rows property of another, and eelis It or other
wiso converts it to his own use, is guilty of lar
ceny as a bailee. But where ouo has agreed to
obtain property fcr anolhor, as his agent, does
S3 pnrllv atliin own cxponso, nnd then refuses
to deliver it till he is reimbursed, he is not
guilty of larceny as a bailee If he endeavors
to use his possession Io cheat Iho alleged owner
out of his properly, he may he guilty of larceny
a bailee, provided such alleged owner has
lillo carrying the right of possession.
Larceny cannot be committed of an article
that has no value. It becomes important to
inquiro whether ihe policy in question is to
be esteemed a valuable thing In 1S7G a law
was passed, entitled "An Act for tho Incorpo
ration and Regulation of Insurance Companies."
This act provides that such companies shall bo
fVerdlct Defendant not guilt'
William II. Yorge to nay half tl
defendant Andrew Koup, the other half.
Ity; prosecutor
tho costs, and
Business Notices
David Lonenberc would Inform tho pub
lic that ho has just roturned from
new xorK
with a full line of Ready Mado Clothing
Cloths nnd Cassimcrcs of tho best quality and
latest style.
iiats, uspa, niso a urn imo 01
Novelties for Fall and Wlntor
and would Invito an early inspection
or the same.
nro undoubtedly tho cheapest and
most (luraDlo icnco tnnuo, is nou
rflected by lire, wind or llood,does
not causo snow drifts, takes fower
posts and stock cannot push it
down. Our wiro is lour pointed,
is mado of two strands of number
2 best tralvanized steel wiro twist
ed together Just enough to allow
for contraction and expansion in
Summer and Winter, barbs are
fastenod every seven inches. Ihe
use of barbed wire is no longer an
experiment, as last year over one
hundred thousand miles wero put
up. We beliovo our wire to be
the best and cheapest now man
ufactured because it is mado of the
best steel wire and runs 16 feet to
tho pound having tho greatest
strength and visibility with the
east weichx oi any made, rut
up on spools of about 100 rods
weighing about 100 pounds. Price
per pound 11 cents by tlio spool,
ess quantities 114 cents per
Cash raid for oats and
Young at Light Strcot.
corn by Silas
All colors of CO cent nil wool Cashmcro at
I. W. Hartman'e.
WANTED Two good salesmen to sell
the Sincor Sewing Machine. Either on
salary or commission. Apply to tho Singer
sowing Machine uuico,
u. m . WEIB8, Ageni,
In the course of a few days P. D. Dentler
will havo ono of tho largest and most com
plete stocks of Boots and Shoes, of all grades,
over ollercu to tho people ot mis county,
Don't make vour pui chases until you have
called and examined these goods. Bcp9-2w
Lutz & Sloan will ell you black or col
ored Dress Silks as cheap as you can get
them in thobtatc.
Old turleys. old hens, old ceese, young
and old ducks wanted bv Silas Young at
Liebt Street, for which ho will pay tho
highest market price. aug2G-lm
The finest line ot Keady-made Clothing In
The Count v can now be seen at
David Lowenberg'a Clothing Store.
Getting ready for Columbia County Fair
at I. W. Hantaan b,
1 .000 erood livo Calves wanted. Let them
como from the north. Bouth. eaBt and west,
by wholesale ard retail. You canbring
your good uaives rigni aiong now any uuio
on Monday. Jtuesaay, weuncsuay wiu
organized in tho same manner as mutual firo I Thursday of each and every week and get
ct is vour cash or gooas ior inem aiouas xoung a
Uentlemkn of the Jury: There is upon
the statute-book a law making it a crime fcr
one person to obtain from unothcr, by mtocs
of false pretenses, any money or oilier valuable
thing. This statute, first passed in this State
in 1812, is a transcript of an English statute
pased in the reign of George III. , and had re
ceived by the English tribunals a construction,
which, after its adoption here, was followed by
our courts; Iho statute being considered a salu
tary one, because by means of falsehood and
insurance companies are; olhorwise tho act is
silent in regard to them makes no provision
for thiir government, and gives no definition
of their power. Within the last year there have
been incorporated, according to the report of
the Insurance Commission, one hundred and
thirty-one life assessment companies, five of I
which are located in Union county, whore Ihe
Now Berlin Mutual Relief Association is Bi tu
tted. It is manifest that theso companies are
not organized in such number Io supply any
public want or for any beneficial purpose.
Judging by the practices of many of the com-
pan ief, as reported by tho Insurance Commis
sion, it would be fair to say that their motive is
pecuniary greed.
No doubt some of theso companies have been
organized for the purpose of affording Ihe ben
efits of a good safe Insurance to themselves and
their fellow citizens; but Iho larger part oi
them, it is to bo feared, have been organized Io
enable (heir officers to make monoy and to
Light Street.
july 15-Gm
At the camp fire of Capt. C. G.Jackson Post
No. 159 G. A. K. to tnke place on ihe 22nd
23rd and 21th insls,, there will he various and I deception to obtain Ibe coni-entof tlio owner of 8nec,ilai0 0n tho lives of othorB. This is shown wanted by Silas Young at Light Street, for I house, oven house, summer htusc.anaaUout-buUd-
I. W. Hartmnn is running off all his fash
ion patterns at 10 cents,
See a woman picking a bunch of grapes
In another column, at Speer's Vineyards,
from which Speer's l'ort Urape Wine is
made, that is bo highly esteemed by th
medical motesuion tor the use oi invalids
weakly persons and the aged. Sold by
O. A. Kleim. jan 7'8l ly
Black Shawls for Fall use at J.W. Hart
man'e, $2.&U to VJ.w
Brine vour samples of Silk to Lutz&
Sloan's, and compare them, to bo sure that
they will sell you cheaper than you can get
The BICYOLE SHIRT can only boob
at David Lowenberg s,
4,000 pounds of t it o Pitied Cherries,
4,000 pounds of nice Dritd Raspberries
Mr. Isaiah Haconbnoh
having taken chargo of our Stovo
and Tinware Department, would bo
pleased to see his old friends and
customers, as well as new ones,
His long experience in this branch
of trade may bo a safe guarantee
of a studied and careful selection
of tho best stoves in tho market.
We havo somo New Ranges, pos
sessing new and novel features,
well worth tho attention of buyers.
Our stock of House Furnishing
Goods is large and wo would be
pleased to havo you call and look
them over, whether you wish to
buy or not.
It does not seem to bo gener
ally understood by somo of our
trade that wo aro prepared to do
Tinsmithing in all its branches.
This we havo often noticed by
tho expressions of surprise of
many who, when in tho rear of
our store, noticed men working in
an adjoining building. Wo car
ry a full stock of Tin and Tin
smith's Supplies and are prepared
at all times to do all kinds ot
work. Ab low prices eeemAto bo
the most popular wo havo
To 5 Cents a Foot,
using tho same grade of tin as
heretofore and other work at cor
responding prices.
Real Estate I
In pursuanco ot and In accordance with the direc
tions contained In the last will and testament ot
Joseph rohc, late ot Centre township, Columbia
county, deceased, tho undersigned will expose to
pub'lo sale on tho premises In each case In centra
and Miniln townships, on THURSDAY, FRIDAY
Sept. 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 1881,
as follows, to-wlt: The 1st, ted and ard tracts
will bo sold on THURSDAY, tho S2nd, commen
cing at io o'clock vi 1th tho 1st, at l o'clock with the
2nd and at 3 o'clock with tho srd. The 1st tract Is
situate In Centre township, along the publlo road at
tho foot of the Lime ltldge, now occupied by John
Waters, containing
145 Acres of Land,
more or less, whereon are erected two euof (lood
I'rnmo JlulldlntiK, ono set tho larger, especially cal
culated for tho farm, with a largo spring tlnorer-
(alllng cold water at the door, connected with a
large spring house, out summer kitchen, a large
wagon house, hog pen and corn cribs under cover,
combined. Tho other set of buildings are better cal
culated for tenants, being a good large house and a
smalli barn,wBgonhoute,thoemakerfhop,clder press.
hog pen,ovcn bouEo nt each place.weli and fountain
pump at the door, and this farm with tho two seta
of bull din gs will be sold separately by a division Uae
anil survey which will bo exhibited on day ot sole
or together, as may lett tuit purchaser, and the In
terest ct the estate. Thcrcisslso on tills farm ten
or twelve acres of tho very best White oak Timber,
adjoining and s.oplng toward the publlo road. The
land Is ot tho best limestone soil, and In a high state
ot cultivation, a Oocd Apple Orchard In good bear
ing order. There Is on this farm also, about fifteen
acres ot Good Limestone Ridge, somo uncovered and
ready for working.
The second tract Is situate In Centre township,
near tho Lime nidge, occupied by Stephen rohe,and
138 Acres of Knd,
more or less, in a high ttato of cultivation, well Um
bered, and ot the best limestone soil; fruit ot al1
kinds, Excellent Sprliig of Culd Water con
nected with a large spring house. Tho hutld
bulldlDgsonlblsfnimareall new, large and com
modlous, consisting ef a NEW RANK 1IAKN, wlUi a
well of good water at Ihu door, a wagon house and
corn crib combined. There Is also a hay shed, and
al.AKUIi NfcW lic l'SK, with good well of water at
the door, nnd a beaultful yard surrounding the
Biindry sports, including canifsof fcot ball,?nck property to part with it is next of kin to taking
and peg races, wheeling malche, a shaved pig iho properly away from htm when he does not
to catch, and n greased pole to climb, l'nzca I know it; hut litis statute was not Intended to
will bo awarded to the winners in llieno con-, facilitate the enforcement of civil contracts i it
tots and a firemen's trumpet and n cornel fur I WBs enacted for the purcoso of protecting ihe
Ihe band will bo ynted for. Dress parade at I public and individuals from offenses that wero
six o'clock each evening, nnd ppeeches aflor- I deemed so immoral as to be criminal, and fan
At night the camp will be b'illianlly not bo used for the collection of debts or the
Illuminated. It n expei led l'osls Irom many settlement of accounts,
neichborine towns will bo present, and alto- In tbe present cao, the Commonwealth
nether a very pleafant and enjoyable lime may charges that "Andrew Koup, unlawfully and
be anticipated. wickedly dovUing and intending to cheat and
defraud one W. II. irge, ot his goods,
Tho manner in which Ihe malls are carrieu money and property, (lul laiseiy anil aesigmu
over the L. & U. H. It simply intolerable, ly pretend to (lie said l orse that he, Konp,
and tho Postmaster-General ought to take tnoa- knew lhat he, lloup, could procure and obtain
sures to correct the' abuse. About every other Bn assignment or transfer of au inurnment io
,Io.,.i1,p morning mail fails to reach llloomsburg writing, being an insurance upon the lite of
and is brouglit hero either at noon or later in one William Heech, purporting to be a policy
the day, much to ihennnojnnce and discomfort of insuranco issued by the Now Uerlin .Mutual
nfnurnean u. mere ceriaiiuy cuu nu j" i uenui ns-utiiuiuii.
by current events, the practica of the ngentB many instances, not to select good ricks
reai on why this thing should continue at the
pleasure of the railroad company and to the
thedetrimeutof the community. If the Ij &
II R. It. is not In fault it should not be cen
nnml. but if iho failures of Iho mail are at
tributable to caiiies wllhln IU control, then
something should bo done at once to abate what
has become a very lare nuuanco.
Now, the porson iudictid under (his statute
is entitled to havo thu very matter in which it
is alleged that he lias bien guilty of falsehood
sotforlh in the indictment, for it is nhat istet
forth it) the indiclmtnt that lie is to como pre
pared Io meet, The Commonwealth, then, al
leges that that tho pretense lhat wan tuade by
Itoup was lhat he could procure and transfer a
policy of insurance on Beech's life, and further
The total cost of repairs at the Reformtd that Kpup on the strength ot lhat false pretence
church was $1050. The amount ubscrlheu anu obtained avaiuauiopaper, io.wii a "ccriuicaib
nnt.l in in 51300. leaving a balance of $350 to (policy) of insurance on the life of Deech from
1 collected. The repairs wero made through tho prosecutor Yorge.
fh,". of It'v. O. If. S.runck,paHor of In the first place, did Roup pretend that he
....... t. i.t, ,.m,.l Kunervis. knew he could get a transfer of the insuranco
the cuutcn, UIIU u,m, ,...-..- . .,t ,
mi . i...ti.n., r,roBiit ft nno annear-1 "" v v..uw b.. K
1110 uumuuik I ... . . , ,,.., .,, v
i .11. nml (nlornnllv. nnd Is highly 1 provo
ance, exienmu, ,U.I,1 In nt,lRir, un lnnrnpa .inrm IWchU
croditablo to all concerned in ine irapnivi- - - -- -- - --
humuhmiu I iir ml ntrrpni with Knnii that In a latter
mi. iUnrrt hi nifl re.aetiicuiiuu i
way In which this
l I ia re.dei Hratlon me,
last Sunday, very good, both at morning should procure it for him
Ind evening service. Rev. T. P. HoiTmeler, a policy (probably in the only
former pastor of the church, preached very
able sermons morning and evening, ivev
F. Hontc preached an Interesting and insltuct
Jvo sermon In the afternoon,
On Thursday lat while William IJomboy
was turning a drill in the tunnel worked by
William Ivny, his puttier rahwd the drill and
struck him on the arm breaking It just above
the wrist.
Ralph Ivey has returned from a visit to
Miffl Hallle Appleman accompanied Hro,
Anna Ohl to Michigan.
Klias Ult exhibits a ben's egg weaturing
7 J by 01 Indie,
Tho festival hold by the band was a success.
A very large crowd was In attendance. The
Silver Haud of Catawlsa furnished the najjelo
nnd they can fill the bill every time. They
.,.ented wilh a prite cake. Mrs. Chas.
Hasfert drow the other priie cake. The re
ceipts we over ,$H0. The member of our
band hereby tender their sincere thanks to the
n.i.vrUnx Rsnd, to the ladies who no kindly as,
slBted,Md to tho coniroiwlU 'ur tlwlrgener-
could be done,) in iho name of a son of Wil
Ham Beech (John yVoMey Beech), and then
had it transferred to lilmtelf,so that it would bo
fa ebape for him to pass over to somebody elo.
If Roup pretended that he could procure a pol
icy on the llfo of Iloech, was not that true
Did he not in fact obtain one, tskpn in tho
name ot John Wesley Beech, and transferred
Io himself, Roup, who held it with the power
of making an assignment?
I havo mado these remarks, bccau8 tlietjom
tnonwealth must establish the complaint jupf as
laid in her indictment
But it has been held by the courts, ever since
(hit statute was pased, that a mere naked He la
not a falsa pretenre
In Commonwealth JIutchiiiBon, 2 Par
son'a Roport', 816, Judge King, an eminent.
jurist, approvingly cited an hogllsb decision
under the statute of which ours It a transcript,
to the following effect
''A representation that a person could or
would do a particular act, as that lie could or
would get a bill discounted, though he knew he
could not, Is not a false pretense wljIn the act,
but rather a breach of promise."
The false pretense mint have relation to some
fist jn ejfUjence at tho lime of the alleged
fulsohQoJ, widj&iaqaut lo ecoaethuig mora than
Kiti good lives, but lo reek out and apply for
bad risks upon bad lives the nearer the grave
tho better, ihe risk; those, having reanonable
prospects of an early demise bring, in general,
tliu only ones wanted If such be the conduct
fthef-e companies, then they tolerate, if they
do not maintain, mischief worse than the lot
tery, worse than the faro-table, worse than any
other form of gambling; for theirs is gambling
in human life, and furnishes the strongest in
centive to still higher crimes. The framers of
his act never could iiave intended to permit
practices so contrary to Iho general policy of
the law and so corrupting in their influence
upon public morals. Tbe speculative fever
caused by the number and nature of these com
panies has seized upon all classes, until It has
come to he believed by many that a short road
to wealth has been discovered. This is a delu-
ion, of which, nb doubt, sad experience will,
In the end, convinco the victims, who will then
wonder how thoy could havo boen no easily
cheat! d.
Is the policy described in this indictment a
Yulid legal Instrument? It was obtained at the
nslancu of Yorgo, Iho proseculor,upon tho hfo
of a man whom he had never aeon. Was it ob
tained upon him becaueo of his advanced age,
he then being feventy-alx,and of tbe consequent
probability that he could not long survive ,
and would therefore bo a good Bubject whose
death wou(d mako very speedy return for all
the Investments that were made on his life?
Was that ihe reason, Ihe object and the pur
pose of obtaining this policyT I say to you- gen
tlemon of ihe jury, that, If such was the gtse
the wholo proceedpig was against the policy of
the law. The policy-holder was not a relative
.f William Becchi William Beech owed him
nothing; he bad, therefore, no inlerest in the
life of William Beech; on the contrary, if be
or auy of his assignees bad any interest at all,
it waa an Interest in the death of William
A oase wan tried in a United titate court al
Pittsburg, last June, In which Daniel f. fcjey;
bort, the use party, claimed to havq a policy
jnthe Jfutual Benefit Life Insurance Company
on the lorrs then up eased person, a stranger
to himself. Judge Aclilsonj of that court, In
his charge lo the jtjry,lftid clown the. lay, as wo
m lo!d if, l) lUejo words;
"U gobernl pulp of lay that no onp part
procure valid Insurance upon a llfe,unless he has
an Interest In that life, I may Insure my own
life, for I have an Interest In It; but an entire
stranger tu me, one who has no interest In my
Jifu as a creditor or otherwlse,cannot take out a
valid policy on rpy life, Should ho procuro such
a no oy. tho aw would condemn t as mere
wager, a bet on my life, a gambling contract
and there could be no recovery thereon, This
rule prevails not In Ida Interest of Insutanoe
companlea, not out of rtgatd for them; the
rule la itselt founded In good morals and in'
sound pub)o policy, It has been well sild of
such wagering policies, that If valid, hey
. . ad. t
would not only atlota lacilllios lor aqraor'
Ulog lyelttn ol fptnlnb Irfit furntaU etrong
w hich he will pay tbe highest market price.
(uiy lo-bm
Brine all your dried Iruit to I, W. Hart-
Pretty Suits for Children just arrived
Neat Suits fur Boys
Stylish Suits for Youths
all of the latehtS'yleand Best quality
at the lowest 1'rices can now be bought
at The Popular Clothing ntore ol
uaviu LiiiwetiDerg.
10.000 good Spring Chickens wanted.
Bring thorn right along now and get your
cash or toods for them at Silas Young ,
light Street. juiy io zm
A fow Siiramercoods yet nt Lutz & Sloan'n
that will be sold very cheap to mako room
tor hall utojt.
Ilungarian Yarns will bo the ealo this
Fall. Go and seo it at I. W. Ilartmau's.
InfS belonging to a nrbt-cl&sa modern farm. There
ts allmestene qmrry, twonew kilns In running or
der and new lime bouse on same.
The. third tract Is also situate In Centre township,
near Lime Klrtge, and Is occupied by Joseph oiger,
111 Acre, More or Lena,
of tho choicest limestone soil and bottom Und
whereon aro erected
A flood Larue II rick House,
with a good well of cold water at the door, a large
and handy summer bevse, a eprtng house, oven
bouso und a new ceal Loufca large Bank Barn with
L'ood htraw nnd cattio seeds ovei mo vara, a larire
liog mi wlih eei n stonhoute above, a large wagon I
shea and corn crins combined. An orchard la situ-1
ale near the dwelling v. hich is In good condition and I
covera sdoui mree acres ui grouna. 'roispiacowui i
bo sold Bublectto a dower Mflve thousand dollars I
to Anna Miller, widow of George P. MlUer.deceased. I
There Is about ten acres ot the very bst Llmebtone I
uiuge- on Mils iarm. i
Tho 4th and Mh tracts will be sold on Friday, the I
S8rd, commencing with the 4th ut 10 o clock a. m., I
and with the ethats o'clock p.m. Tho 4inUjBltu-l
eupled by l'tuip llcaa, and containing
nt d in Centra townshlo. near
mcr roaa, leaaing irum moomfeuurg to
,lme ltldge, along the I
i Berwick, oc-1
Mr. D. W. Smith, of Llmestoneville,
Montour county, says holms used an "Os
borne ' Self-bii.der since 1870; lias cut ICO
acres; been at no expense for repairt; has
cut . oata that wero as badly down and tangled
as it was possible to be. and will wager
the price of the machine that he can cut
any grain that it Is possible to cut wltb any
maobine. and bind It tighter nnd better than
can be done by band. T. W. Pursel. near
Buck Horn, says tho "Osborne" Self binder
bought last year, "fills tbe bill" and doea all
that is claimed for it,
P. E. Maus, near Danville, says lie cut the
worst tangled oats he ever saw, last year.
with the "Osborne," and cannot speak too
highly in its praise.
Haeman & HAtwwvr, Agents,
june 10 Bloomnburg, l'a
I. W. Hartmnn having been to PbiladcK
phia and his son to New York, thoy can
118 AcrcN, More or K.C8B,
ot tho best bottom land, In a very high state of cut-1
tlvailou. whinon are erected largo and convenient I
rarm nuuaiiiga, consisting or a
with a rood well of cold water at the door, another I
dwelling of smaller dimensions suitable for a tenant I
house.near a large and never falling sprtng of water I
cunueeieu wuu u t,wi rpuuK jiuumj. a guouoveni
ittnu unc
you will find,
Wr among otlicr places
of interest, the Grand
y Depot well worthy of a
visit. Its floor and gallery
spaces now cover over three
acres, and are filled with Dry Goods.
Carpets, China, Furniture, etc. The
last addition is a larce and beautiful
Picture Gallery, to which admittance is free.
The Pneumatic lubes carryintr the money
through the air, and the Mectric-Iight Machinery
are also worth seeing.
There is a Lunch-Boom Jn the building. Valise,
baskets and packages can be left in charge of attendant io
Ladies' Waiting Room.
Mr. Wanamaker is desirous that visitors should feel at
home when they come, and be free to purchase or not, as
they please.
Note. Our largo Catalogue, with prices and full
directions for shopping by mail from any part of the United
States, will be mailed gratuitously upon request, address
John Wanauakkr, Grand Depot, Philadelphia.
bouso stands ncnr the f
clllng; also a smoke I
bouse.a large barn, and a hew wagon shcd.ha shed I
with all kinds ot fruit. Including an Apple Orchard,
and corn crib ccrnb ncd. and a cood larve lint- nen
convenient ly arranged. 1 bis place la well sypplled I
Howell & Oo'a. Advfa.
composed or choice and rare tret, Lo good condition I
TUo oth tract 1& aleo nit u ate In Centre township,
and yielding largely em:
near Lime lildce. occupied by John Bhuman. and I
00 Acres or Land,
mora or less.whereon are erected a larire Now Barn. I
new hay sheds, corn cribs, and horse, stable, with I
. i . ..
flood I.nrao Farm Dwelling,
rnnvonlPTiflv .1tl n larvA mnt... h.noa
now nhnw vnn thn eArllfint tulr nt Pull S"tb a good well of cold water at the door.oven
now onow you me earnest atocc 01 fail I house and all other necessary out-bulldugs. ibis
Headquarters for Satohels, Trunks ko
at D. Lowenberg's.
It seems strange that any ono will surfer from the
many derangementa brought on by an tmnure coo.
union oi umj uiuuu, wueu DvuvjL'a iiunMJ ana
LlVBlt 8YHUP will restore perfect health to tho
physical organization, it Is Indeed a strengthening
apilip. piraoiiuv hi wMJ.awu lifts yrytvp tieiip
the Vest blood puriner ever dlscoverea. eaei
uaiiy uiiiik cyiviii, pjuiiiuku uisvaey, nmKiiewi
of the Kidneys, all Nervous1 disorders and Debility.
tv currents luuiroiiuu, tw uiiuica uio um iwi jvmif,
and the yoang feel gay; and will Inyarlably drlvo
out of tho system the many .tils that human flesh la
,eir W. a eingie ooiue wtr prove to you
lb as a neaitu ronewer. ior tl
barm, espectapy w
farm la tunnlled with fruit and tbe land la bottom.
tn the very beat state of cultlraUon.
The em anaust tract win besom on Saturday,
the (4th, commencing at ten o'clock in tho forenooo,
and Is situated In MIBlln township, near MlBlluvUle,
101 Acres or Land,
more or less, In a high state of cultivation, whereon
are erected a large bsra wila the appropriate abeds,a
good wagon hoiwe and corn cribs, hog pen, chicken
boose, avood large riiAMB uwullino. summer
vuuBt-, nuu gunu. iicTvi.iRiiiDK water at me ooor
"WUal vrtU
the sufferer trom a multitude of diseases. We an
awert ;tv.Ulrtmove trim the sjstem the active
cause of moat ot tbe diseases that Desh Is heir to.
It wont mend a broken limb, nor close a ballet hole;
but It mav bo Drontablv used In stomachic diseases.
It will do no one any harm, and may do much good.
t ry iv ana nee u n worn sun your case.
B?t, tVw r
out-bulldlngs, so. On this placo Is some verrOaa
id and fruit of every description.
Umber land
iu lta mer. I 'U
health ronewer. tor t uu like k I f?
nnMulllr ' ufbr.' 1 Hu AirSnlh1nt laftfirri I All
llVViai 3 TV 14V 4 IMV WtM VI4U4W V M M Wl I ; . . I . " '
hausHvo hature: haVlnirB 'tendeioy to lessen thu I V I'rranefiea..
loeseslon o: the above to We given to liepurchas.
irru l. ims. nyij
the MPvW t the purchasers and
islivo hature, having a tendeaoy- to
uriJ vljjootUie brain and nbrows ayi
er or purchasers the
to be at the mnd
Lvlliye sienvered'when the nnal purchase money
V ve pata or 'secured oy bono and mortagace.
grain tn the ground and perscnal property en
M .' Ut SALK. Ten
1 9 A A&B I AT1.0,fWt & TrwtUUt.
Bald i "1 take great pleasure In recowmtafeng to
parvnta toe Ac&acmy oi Mr, owiuua v. Baoruiage.
Sad. rX.KAK9 WOOB.BC. O.
JP.pOft down popd frpseggiand
pounds good fresh butter wanted by Silas
Young, at Light titrcet, for which he will
pay the uighest market price, auguu-im
Cheaper and better Clothing can now be
bought at
Thv I'olllflr rjtore of Pftvd Iowerihrg.
Theio Is a dacgeroua counurteH In elrculatloa, I
f urporuug u w "namuv tx'au uair iienuurer. " I ua
trongeBi evidence of the great value ol "Walnut
Loaf llalr lteatorer" Is the fact that nanlei know.
Ing Us tfllcacy try to Imitate It. Kach bolUe ut the I
genuine uas a "iao simue- ni me signature ot "a,
K. Hecker' the manufacturer blown In the vlasai
and the "Keatorer' Is as clear and harmleea aa wa-1
ter, while It poBesea all the component praperttaal
iiecewary to restore lift;, viwr, growth, and lor W
-iiio omr. j-vrouuu vuvf 4iv4B
ikll of the balaai
ALB. Ten per ctfttioie-iettrthof
QWy to be Uald at Ue atrlklng down
h IV ene-tourtn tees the tea per
Bald (lssv) "I cheerfully consent to the use of my
i name as reference, uj noys wui retu
their fourth year) after their vacation.'
tut Dosneaslon o Anni nn.
I of tbe ualaaoe with interest on tha immmt nv.
malning unpaid from April ist,lt82, to bo paid on
tu ii, ion. me naiaoce wttn interest to be nald
UUt.lt84. MO Umber aluUlba cut fiimnlrnr
use and Improvement of the turns, until at least
Vat ew Illustrated circular addrcsa 8W1TU1H C.
8IIOKTLIDUK, A, M., uai-vard University Uraduavo
jtcuia ri.i i uukm irvw ruuauoipuia.
Sept, , -w r
Aprllltt, 1184.
one-halt of the purchase money shall be paid or a
cured as aforesaid.
Wh wolf,
XJOUTUUUN TJCnoe greater attractions
j.v in way o ui goa, cai
icnmaie. akuooance
lur ot product, tkan any other region now
lement. In this ranldlr develunlnt hma.
aw icih rtcuv nuiw uu in oucrauon
eer W HUesef tiva, along which are to bo had,
Mtow wiu'inu un etty te:
t low
I iroCii
but recently opened for settlement. For circulars
irma. million or acrra
audcbeapKaliruad and Government landu.
and maps giving truthful Information, addresa
II.AUUAUH, Land CcmnUialoner, X, & 1'. Uaiwi
I Mtuaui) IVMOi
4 I
aA.XiX.nsra- oiiglWW'S
. . . . -1
II Articles In one. Mil
lions lu use even body U
vuuiaa. 44-pugQ ouututf
fe C f) rtglvcn for an 1604 U. 8. Dollar.
myr w w wauilUgUB, W11Q pnCCI
rare coma, post tree for iu cents.
catalogue, with prices paid tor old and
Kept 9 i.w
C. BTBIGKHWALT, Lancaster, Pa.
rttrv rv rv A VHAlt ana ex
J 7 OitM Ire. Aodi
PI I Augnsta, Maine.
penses 10 agents
r Beptf,4w.
10 ADTEHTIMKUB Send U tents tor oar 16
, all aooutr.
Sept , aw
naire remablet, all about Newspaper javeriiamg.
Adilrots UBO. 1'. ltOWBLL CO.. is bpruco fctrtot,
mm mm
The new waste lie pairing oread ana uem rtoar.
Free from Uran or Htarch. Hcnd for clrcnlar.
rAKWBLL viilMCH, iTopli., Watertown, W. T.
ror sale by Mitchell, rietcher A Co., raua, 1-u.
8ept , ir. d
CUTICURA Permanently Cures
Humors ot the Kcalp and ckin.
Cutlevra reaiedlei are for sain by all drugrtaU.
I'rico 01 CVTIVVKA, a Medlein.l Jelly, nnlltoic,
cue.; large boxes. II. CUT1CUIIA IIKBOLVKNT, tho
new Ulucd I'artier. 11 per bottle. CcticokaMidic
inu. 'lean bear, (tc cutlcuru Medicinal bkavlnr
Map, ito.;tn bars lor barbers and large tvasomere,
tut. rrtoeipaldepot.
ay A II mailed tree on receipt ot pnoe.
ror this Month's Weather, prepared expressly for
Sample copy mallad tor 10 Btaaw.
J. M. BrooiKT, fab., Kw Yoik, hhil.. r Chicago,
aept, 1, t-w, sa a
Vassal? College
roUQUKIKFtjlB, m. y,
Bxamlnailooefetesmsoe. 8ept. 141k. Cataiogkeo
aent tn appucauoa 10 W. UXAVAM, Utclstrar.
July w, Vi-stn e
fl.W IN ADlrtaKO