The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 16, 1881, Image 2

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if 8lmiia
0. E. ELWEI.Ii, 1 vMitn
Friday, Sopt. 10. 1881.
Tho latest reports from tlio l'rcs'tdont
imlicnto mi improvement in his condition.
Ho lias liad sonio npputito and liis food
lifts not disagreed with him. There has
been more or less lover and Uio pulso is
still high, hut his phyhiciaus do not at
tach any tpeclal importance to that fan,.
Oil Wednesday tho President was re
moved from bed and placed in a reclining
ohalr. lie enjoyed tho chango and no
ill effects were noticed. Tho principal
danger now lies in the impure condition
of the President's blood. Tho trouble
in the right lung which it was feared
was caused by an abscess does not in
crease, and is not considered dangerous.
Tho President is yet a very sick man,
but hopes arc entertained that ho will
Tho Republican Stato Convention was
huld in Ilarrisburg on Thursday of last
week. From tho ueginuing it was ovi
dent that tho Cameron forces were in
tho majority, and that Gen Davics
would bo dofeated for Stato Treasurer.
M. S. Quay, Cameron's right hand man,
was elected temporary chairman, receiv-'
ing 102 votes to 83 cast for Hon. George
Lear. This showed the relative strcneth
of tho two factious and the vole cast for
tho nominees differed but slightly from
tucso ujjuree, oeinrr 107 lor liaily and 84
for Davics. Tho "independents" made
a vigorous fight but without avail. It
was rough on the anti-Cameronians to
have Quay for presiding oflicer and that
is probably tuo reason ho was chosen,
Cameron does not intend to yield tho
ruins of power without a strnefrlo and
has shown that he has yet a strong fol
lowing. What is tho strength of the
"independents" will bo known when tho
votes aro counted m .November.
Gen. Silas M. Baily is a native of Fay
ette county, forty-fivo years of ace and
is a jeweler. During tho war ho was in
tho Eighth Regiment, of which ho even
tually became Colonel. Jtio has never
held a public office, and nover will if
Wolfe can provent it.
General Ambrose Everhart Burnside
died suddenly at his homo in Bristol R.
I., at cloven o'clock on Tuesday morn
inr last, Tho immediate cause of death
was a spasm of tho heart.
Gen. Burnside was born at Liberty,
Indiana, JMay aard, 1821 and was there
fore a little inoro than 57 years of age,
He graduated at Wcbt Point in 1847,
and remained in the aimy until 1853
when, having invented a bieech-loadiug
rillf, he icsimiul his commission and t-s
tablished a factory for manufacturing
the arum. Inl8Gl,atthc breakiiiu out
of the war, lie was aniininted Colonel of
the First Rh lo l-lniirf regiment. Ik
was made Uiitrudier General after the
first battle of Bull Rim. November 7th
1862, he as-iiinu d command of the Armv
of the Potomac, lie wi uimiwi'ssful
and re-timied January 2Gth, 18G!$. Ii
May following ho was assigned to tho
'command of tho department of the Ohio,
In January, 18G-1, BurnsiiV-' was relieved
and assigned to tho Ninth Corps. Ho
resigned aom tho army April 15th, 18G5
In 18GG and 1867 ho was elected Gov
ernor of Rhode Island. In 1875 he was
chosen United States Senator and was
re elected. His present term would havo
expired March 8, 1887. Gon. Burnsido
was of fine personal appearance, cour
teous in manner and ol good abilities.
Last week a passenger train on tho
Chicago & Alton R It., was stopped
aud robbed by twelvo masked men, be
tween Kansas City and Independence
Mo. Tho express messenger rylused to
surrender tho key of the, safe and was
fatally beaten by tho robbers. All tho
passengers were robbed of tbei. watches
and valuables. Tho exact losi is not
known. Governor Chittenden issued
proclamation calling upon the people to
riso and exterminate the robbers. Large
bodies of mounted men havo been scour
ing the country under tho command of
sheriffs and marshals. Tho latest reports
announce tho capture of several men,
ouo of whom, named Caldwell, has it is
said made a confession. This it is
thought will lead to the capture of tho
whole gang, and probably will put a
stop to future robberies of railroad trains.
Tho Governor is evidently determined
to capture tho villains.
A most unexpected attempt to kill
Gulteau, tho assassin, was made on Sun
day afternoon. Sergeant Mason, of
Battery B, Second Artillery, when re
lieving the guard at the jail, shot at
Guiteau through tho window of his cell.
The ball grazed the assassin's head and
imbedded itself in the wall of tho cell.
Mason was promptly arrested and im
prisoned at the arsenal. Mason's attempt
indicates the detestation in which
Guiteau is held and goes to show
that tho Bufferings of tho Presi
dent havo increased tho angry feel
ing against his assailant. Tho wretched
Guiteau will experience fresh alarm
for his safety, uow that ho has seen that
oven bis guards are not to be trusted.
Tho defeat of Senator Davies by the
machine politicians ol the liepublican
party, has not put sin, end to the fight
against Cameron. lion. (Jlmrles is,
Wolfe has iinnouiictd himself us an in
dependent candidate for State Treasurer
i -ii , : :i' . n :
In various parts of tho State there is
strong opposition to the continuance of
tho Cameron rule, and Mr. Wolfe may
receivo ho large a voto as to defeat tho
machine candidate at tho polls in Novem
ber. 11 the liidciieiideuts have tho cour-
blo to maintain their convictions, tho
year 1881 will see tho overthrow of Cam
eron and tho enfranchising of thousands
of voters who have blindly followed the
dircotipns of tho machine managers,
Tho peoplo of New England seem to
bo imbued with tho same superstitions
now that thoy had in tho days when they
burned witches. Recently there was a
peculiar uppearanco of tho atmos
pbeio and it becamo no dark that lumps
wero lighted and some of tho boIiooIb
and business places wero closed. It was
thought by sorao that the phenomenon
was connected with tho removal of
VroaUlent. It would nuzzlo theso
superstitious people to givo a roason for
their beliof but Moh persons do not
Btructod their defotjates to tho Stato Con-
By tho way, what becamo of that en
dorsement of Attorney General Palmer
the Republican Stato Convention was to
havo given t Was it discovered that
there wero too many legislators present,
to render the attempt altogether safe 1
Even tho itilbtenco of tho machine man
agers might como to naught, when tho
law-makers plunged thou1 hands into
empty pockets. A
Episcopal Diocese of Central l'cnntylratila.
From the journal of tho tenth annual
convention ol the episcopal dioceso ot
CentialPeiinsylvaiiia,iii charge of Bishop
Howe, ot Heading, the following statis
tics are taken :
Clergymen, including tho bishop, OG,
parishes mid missions 12 G, ordinations
6, of which one is to tho priesthood, can-
lidutc.i for holy orders U, churches con
secrated -I, families 6,21 -J, church accom
modations 27,30 1, baptized persons, 12,
098, baptisms 1,130. of which 197 woro
adults, coii'llrmcd Glo, communicants 7,
OGt, marriages 220, burials Gil, Sunday
school scholarsl0,lG3, Biblo class schol
ars GS-1, parish school scholars 185,
churches and chapels 118, rectories 42,
school houses 12, cemeteries 12. Valao
of church property $l,115,440,offerings
1.!t dtr.oAnnno .I!-.-,.,.,... iL-i?
jmruuuiui Qiuu,'ivi)i4u, iiiuwoiiii if,
100.09, extra diocesan S'J,, total
$195,252.29. It ought to be noted that
in many of tho items of this summary
tho report is only an approximation of
tho truth, many parishes having omitted
to make any return, iiishop llowo in
his address, besides diocesan affairs,
discusses tho action of tho general conven
tion upon various matters.
We publish this week tho chargo of
Judgo Elwell to tho jury, in tho caso of
tho Uomruonweaitn against Andrew
Roup. The court refers in severe terms
to tho practices of many of tho assess
ment hfo iusuranco companies that havo
been chartered within tho past few years,
and clearly asserts that policies taken
out on tho lives of thoso in whom tho
holder has no interest, cannot be col
lected. Wo know of at least ono of
theso companies whoso oflicers havo used
overy endeavor to provent fraud, but it
is an unfortunate fact for tho reputation
of tho business, that many of tho per
sons engaged in securing policies are
not men in whom tho public placo con
fidence, and it is the fraudulent practices
of theso peoplo that havo brought down
tho censuro of tho courts and tho publio
generally upon this particular species of
speculation. If any ot these insurance
companies hopo to establish themselves
on a permanent basis, and live down the
odium now attached to them, they must
abandon tho purely speculative aspect of
their business and build up classes of
younger and healthier men and women.
-. . . ... ... e
A littlo more caro in the selection oi
agents and physicians through the coun
try would also tend to elevate them in
tho eyes of tho public. So far as has
como to our knowledge, the companies
located in this county have endeavored
to transact all their business on a fair
basis, and have done all in their power
to prevent agents from securing bad
risks How well they havo succeeded,
time alone will tell.
nuiuiuhv nKsntiJi iivk fiuks.
Last week tierce forest fires in north
eastern Michigan destroved hundreds of
lives aud thotisuuds of dolhus worth of
valuable property. The Innied district
comprises the townships of Tittabawassie,
Kochville, Frankenluth, Saginaw, Buena
Vista, Blumheld, Bndg'port, Birch Run
and Taymuuth, in Saginaw County, and
from a point about three miles west of
Sagiuaw City to within ten miles of St.
Louis, on the Sacrinaw Vallv and St.
Louis Railroad, a strip ono mile wido on
both sides of tho road. In Tuscola Coun
ty, tho townships of Millington, Novesta,
Dayton, Tuscola, Denmark, Vassar,iair
grove, Nowburg, Arbela, Gilford and
Wells havo been swept clean. Hurou
County has been burned over from ono
end to tho other, and presents the ap
pearance ol a blackened desert
Crops were destroyed, barns, houses
aud fences burned and the ground was
strewn with tho dead bodies ot human
beings and animals. It is probable that
lully hvo hundred persons perished.
More than two hundred charred corpses
havo been found and buried and moro
are discovered daily. Moro than fifteen
hundred families aro utterly destitute
and homeless, seeking shelter in barns,
Their condition is pitiable and aid is in
voked from tho whole peoplo ot the
country. It is estimated that fully ten
thousand peoplo aro suffering from bun
ger, halt clad and shelterless. This is
ono of the most frightful misfortunes in
the history of tho country aud appeals
most strongly to the sympathies ot tho
generous and charitable.
The Republicans of the county held
their convention in tho Opera House, on
Monday aitcrnoon. There wero about
forty delegates present. Tho conven
tion was called to order by J. C. Brown
chairman of tho County Committee, and
tho certificates of delegates were pre
sented. When urango township was
reached two sets of delegates claimed
scats. Silas Conner contested tho scat
of II. C. Eves, and Camden Mcars that
of Joseph Crawford. Dr. J. Schuyler
was elected temporary chairman and bo
appointed fc. J. l'ealer, ilieouoro W,
Smith and Peter Laubacli a committee
to decide tho contest in Orange. The
committee retired and tho liveliest kind
of a debate look placo between the mem
bcrs and wituesses. There was evident
ly much bitterness of feeling. Tho
conimltteo finally reported in favor of
seating one of tho contestants, tho chair
man to name tho other, Dr. Schuyler
flatly refused to do anything pt tie Hind
and sent tho committeo back to finish
their work. When they returned they
decided in favor of Messrs Meaiu and
Crawford and tho convention agreed to
this. Then Mr. Eves liuide a very am
mated speech in which he said that ho
hud been duly elected and would repiain
una voto on every question, unless re
moved by force. Ho was sharply inter
runted bv Isaiah Hagenbuch who claim
ed that Eves bad no right to address (ho
convention, as ho was not a delegate
Tho molarity apparently agreed witl
Mr. Ilaoenbuch and Mr. Eves subsided
and refrained from further participation
in tho proceedings. Some novel proposi-
tlons were made ono delegate wished a
committeo on disputed elections appoint
ed before an organizaJon had been pf.
fected or a chairman elected, and another
asked for n committeo to examine cre
dentials after tho delegates had already
voted two or threo times. After tho
ripplo of exoitement caused by Mr. Eves'
speech had subsided, tho convention
settled down to work, G. W. Groveling
was nominated lor prothonotary, by ac
clamation, George A. Buckingham Esq.
mocd to dispenso with uio nomination
for register and recorder,but this was met
by a storm oi uusauuv. i-ruu jico,
J. P. Hayman, R. II Ringler and W.
M. Monroo woro then placed in noralna
tion. Tho first ballot was ineffectual and
votes and Hayninn 11. Rlngler was
dcolnred tho nominee. For commision
or, Joshua Fetlcrnian, John Cadman
nud U F, Whltmoyrr wore nominated.
A ballot was had and resulted as foltows:
'Vtterman 32 voles, Cadniau 4 and
Whltmoycr 3, Mr. Fetlcrnian was de
clared duly nominated, A discussion
thun aroso ns to tho advisability of nom
inating a second commissioner, but it was
hnally deoided not to do so. li. U.
Brown was nominated by acclamation
for county treasuier and Gurrick Mallery
for county auditor in tho same manner.
M. G. Hughes was named for Associato
luugc nnd promptly declined the honor.
Tho convention refused to receivo his
declination and nominated him despite
his objections and also nominated John
Hatitz for tho ofllco of Associato Judge.
Tho delegates present thon named tho
members ot tho standing (Jomnuttco, a
tedious nnd not very satisfactory method
of procedure Nobody seeming to know
just who wero wanted. There was very
lttle interest evinced in any ot tho nom
inations, except for that of commissioner.
Terminal Organization
On the question of an active pcrma-
ncnt organization of tho Democratic
party, tho llarrisburg Jt'atriot makes tho
following Bcnsiblo remarks :
It is tho sublimity of folly to attempt
to organizo a half million of voters in n
three months' canvass. It is utterly ri
diculous to think of adding proselytes to
tho ranks of tho party by distributing
documents and holding mass meetings
in mo neat oi a campaign. 11 is a con
tinuous, ueyer-cuding labor to build up
a party. Not only must tho central or
ganization bo constantly familiar with
overy detail ot party work throughout
tlio State, but it must bo ready at any
and overy moment to take advantago of
any weakness of tho enemy of which it
may bo advised. In tho winter months
when tho average voter has moro leisure
to read and on account of the absenco
of political excitement is moro iuclincd
to think for himself than at any other
time of tho year, tho Stato Committoo
should makoits principal effort at prose
lyting th.o igh tho circulation ot sound
aau instructive puny muruturu. in
deed this kind of work should bo kept
up tho wholo year round. But in order
to accomplish such a task tho (Jhairman
of tho Stato Committeo and his clerks
must bo constantloy employed. Tho
party headquarters must bo kept open
and busy year in and year out without
any intermission. Tho "machine," as
tho vulgar independents would say, must
run with a perpetual motion, it may bo
objected that tho idea is visionary and
! .!--,., 1 !i ! 1 .1
lmpnicuuaoiu uccuusu it nivuivca mu ui-
pendituro of too much monoy. Tho ob-
iection is not well-founded. Tho money
misspent in tho ordinary uiuneso gong
campaign to which wo aro accustomed
will siiilice to carry on all practical and
sensible operations of a State organiza
tion in permanent activity. Besides one
year's trial of tho 'jlan would so com
mend it to tho party that there would be
no difficulty afterward hi raisi.ig the
necessary sinews of war. Tho Chairman
of the State Committee and his cleiks
should, however, be paid annual salaries
sullicieiit to enable them lo devote their
whole time and attention to the party
work. Thev should be men who nro
separated entirely iconi the interests of
taction and who have no amoitious anrs
of their own. Indeed the work of the
State Committee should be pel formed as
systematically as that ot a government
bin can and the functionaries selected to
perform it should hold their places during
good behavior subject to removal only
by the full committee.
Virtue, it seems,is as infectious as sin,
though more dilhcult to make epidemic
Not to bo behind his neighbors, Post
master General James has wouru up tho
civil service machino in the Post Oflico
Department and tho applicants who
servo Uncle Sam henceforth must stand
competitive examination. Our own
Cameron has lately como to believe in
civil servico reform, and ho will doubt
less bo delighted to learn that tho good
work is going on ; but what would Cam-
i - r r- . 1 i.
eron uo 11 oeimtors wero cuuseu uy com
petitive examination? Tho Stato would
loso his statesmanlike jifts if tho system
wero carried to its logical consequences.
Phila. Times.
Georgo Thompson, who farms the
placo of Dr. Leo Cummins, on tho lino
of tho Wilmington and Northern Rail
road, for shares, made an agreement last
Winter to dispose of his sharo of tho
peach crop to B. B. Allen for a horse
and sleigh valued at $150. After dili
gent search in the orchaid last Saturday
week two peaches woro found, ono of
which Mr. Thompson delivered to Dr.
Cummins as his share, and tho other ho
handed over to Mr. Allen, according to
agreement. It is not often that a man
gives a horso and sleigh for a singlo
peach of tho Mountain Roso variety, as
this ono happened to bo, or of any other
Four prisoners mado their cscapo from
tho county prison in Suiibury last week
by cutting a holo in the sheet iron in an
empty cell and removing a portion of tho
stono ceiling, thus making an entranco
into tho garret, from whence they mado
their way to the main part of tho house.
Rushing down the main stairway, they
passed several of tho femalo attend
ants, who wero on tho front porch, and
made good their escape. Their' names
wero Pat Lawless, William Hoagland,
Daniel bchoop and William White.
Lawless was imprisoned for man
slaughter and Hoagland for burglary.
Seuator Butler, of South Carolina,
writing to a local paper, says : "Jour
nalism has become as much a separate
aud distinct profession as mcdicino or
law or engineering or architecture or
mining, and every family should have a
newspaper it they expect or caro lo keei
pace with the currept of events, in this
fast-moving age. Books aro not always
accessible, but newspapers arc, and at
a prico t tint places them within tho reach
ot tho poor as well as tho rich.'
Professor Swift reports that nearly
three thousand letters havo bcon re
ceiyed claipiing the piizo for tho first dis
covery ol popiet ls(tio repent grp&t coin
ot). lie has examined them carpfully,
mid asserts ipat no conclusion can ue
reached, that would bo sclentifio and sat
(.factory, as to tho priority of its d'S
coVery. Uio prnco will therefore not
bo awarded, but. is offered for tho best
essay on comets.
Tho Stato of Massachusetts allows no
negro to voto unless ho can read and
wnto and pay taxes yet tho Republican
organs of that Stato aro howling about
what they call tho enormous crtmo of a
capitation tax as a prerequisite to voting
m Virginia, 'iho negro in Virginia
has superlative advantages over bis
Massachusetts brother very ovidonlly.
Tho Snrinafldil JienulHcan holds
that tho higher education of women
render? them averse to matrimony. Such
being the cart, ouflht that sort of duo
News Items.
Two Bucks oountv fanners Inst week
shipped to Philadelphia 5,520 bushels of
Bv a landslido near Ems, Switzerland,
on Monday, 200 lives woro loBt nnd 80
bouses destroyed.
Yellow fever prevails nt Koy West
but tho authorities there still send out
vessels with clean bills of health.
Tho Stnto Millers' Association hold its
annual session in Pittsburg this week.
Hon. Charles A. Miner of Wilkes Barro
was elected President.
On Monday night nn engino on tho
Lehigh Valley railroad exploded near
Packerton, throwing fifteen freight cars
off tho track and slightly injuring the
Governor Cornell of Now York has
offered u rewnrd of S500 for tho nrrcst
of Patrick Gwvnn, who murdered Mark
Ducrden in Cohoes August 22 last.
Tho boiler of a tugboat exploded nt
Jersey City on Tuesday, killing two men,
wounding threo others and doing great
damago to surrounding property.
Leonard Aimsloy, who was convicted
of forgery in tho Wayno-county Court
in June, and who escaped from tho prison
at iioncsdaio soon niter, was arrestee, m
Wilkes Barro last Sunday.
Walter Hogan and Thomas Lyons,
two of tho threo burglars who robbed
H. N. Farley's store at Equinunk, Pa.,
opposite Lordville, on tho Erio road,
blow open tho safo and shot and wound
ed Mr. Farloy on tho night of August 27,
were sentenced on Saturday, at Hones
dale to twelvo years in tho penitentiary.
Wo ncrceivo bv ono of our Massachu
setts exchanges that Dr. Lorenzo Waite,
of Westfield, an eminent physician of
Berkshire Co. strongly indorses St.
Jacobs Oil. With it ho cured a, caso of
Sciatica that resisted all regular profes
sional treatment, and that had in fact
been abandoned as incurable.
A twenty milo equestrian race between
Miss Crockett Hill, of Kansas, nnd Miss
Ncllio Archer of Missouri, for a purso of
S10,000 and tho championship of Kansas
and Missouri, took placo at Lawrence,
Kansas, on Saturday. Aliss Archer won
in forty six minutes, tho best timo ever
mado in a liko race. There wero 80,000
spectators and $100,000 changed hands
in bets.
By an explosion of gas in tho Key
stone Colliery, Ashland, on Saturday
attcrnoon, John hcolt a nro boss, was
instantly killed, and great damago dono
to tho Tvorkings.
No human agency can so speedily
cleaiiBO tho blood, clear the complexion
and skin, restore the hair aud euro every
species of itching, scaly and scrofulous
humors of the skin, scalp and blood as
the Cuticura Remedies.
On Friday morning last a freight trajn
on the Philadelphia and Erio when pass
ing over Silver creek bridge, near St.
Mary's, was precipitated into tho creek
bv the giving away of tho bridge. The
eais caught fne and Ivemper.llieeugineer
and Parks, the fireman, wero burned to
Thousands of ladies have found sud
den relief from all their woes by the use
of Lydia K. Pinkhams Vegetablo Uom
pound, the great remedy for diseases pe
culiar to femalec. Send to Mrs. Lydia E.
Pinkhati). 233 Western Avenue, Lynn,
Mass., for pamphlets.
Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Compauy
employs 32,500 pcrsous.
Drs. Reybnrn, Barnes and Woodward
havo retired from attendance upon tho
President, and Dr. Bliss alono remains,
with Drs. Agnow nnd Hamil on for con
sulting surgeons. This was tho expressed
wish of the President.
The Grrnd Jury of Fayetto County
last Frida" returned truo bills against
tho seven Molly Maguires charged with
tho murdo-" of Maurice Healy on tho 2G.h
of Juno last. Tho principals in tho mur
der aro alleged to have ue n John Kane,
who was coTiraitted without bail, Pat
Dolan, Mike Dolan and James McFr--
hind, whilo threo o-ho.-s wero accessories.
It is not yet determined when tho trial
will take place.
A Now York letter-writer says : "Book
readint? is crivingwav to tho newspapers.
Everybody reads tho latter, and hence
editors aro making great euuns to in
crcaso their attractions. Tho best wri
ters bavo found books less profitable than
newspaper work."
Hugh Conahan, a miner, was fatally
injured at Sugar .Notch near Wilkes
Barro on Tuesday morning. In descend
ing No. 10 slopo of the Lehigh and
Wilkes Barro Coal Company ho missed
his hold and fell a distance of ntty feet.
Ho was brought to tho surfaco and died
Are yon going to paint? Ji so,8end lo Henry
8. Rear, Montour Paint AVorkt, Rupert, Pa
for sample cprd and price of Strictly Pure
Wlilte Lead. Slate Colore, Iron Painle, Putty
&c., and eave the whole ale and retail profit.
You can mix your own color, from best mater
ial, with Pure Linseed Oil.for 75 cents to $1.20
per gallon.
Respectfully Yours Ac.
Hknhy S. Keat,
It is a trite, yet nevertheless true, paying,
"A friend in need is a friend indeed," and
when can a mau appreciate the efforts of
friendship butter than when it is exercised
in allHyiiigbUsunYilngt? Man may sootlio
his fellow mau and strive to alleviate and
render bearable the untold agonies conse
quent upon rlieuuintitm and neuralgia, by
expression! ot ejuipatliy, hut this does uot
not asHiinge the tattooing formation dauoing
nloug the nerves when tfllicttd with this
torturing malady, Tlitn it is that the wel
come friend, St. Jacob's Ol), tbeOrmt Get
man Remedy, Is lot oduced, nnd by his
power djahdicB the troublesome occupant,
aud U ever held in grateful remembrance.
Important to Tiuvklebs Special lu
ducemeuts aro offend you by the Burlington
Uou e. l wll( pay you to reau their auver
thement to he fuiindelsowtierp in this issue,
March 18
I RVINE.In West Hemlock on Septomber
Srd, Mrs, Catharine Irvine, aged H years,
7 months and 1 day,
Wboatper bushel .ta
Kye 5
oorn. It , , .it
Oats, " ,.,.,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, . .45
Flour per barrol .......,,,, uo
ciovomepa ,,,,;, p,,w
uuiie, ,,,,,,,.,, (...,. ., .w
Knra , , Si
Tallow on
Potatoes ,8D
Dried Apple ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,.,,, o
llama 1
lcitoii........,,, ,,,,-.
Turkays. .-...... ,14
L4Tlpwpoun4M. .1Q
HurDerwo ........... ton
Commonwealth v. Charles Housonrck.
Defendant pleads guilty of unlawful tiding
on enrs. Sentenced to pay a line oi vi.uu,
and ono day in county jail and costs of prcs
Inquest on body of Patrick Lnvello np
provod. Commonwealth vs. John Keller. Cose
triod. Verdict guilty of selling liquor with
out license, Sentenced to pay a lino of 1200
and coats.
Bale of real cstttto ordered lucslatoof 11.
M. Eefc.
CommonweaUh vs. John I'crong. Caso
tried. Verdict guilty of receiving stolen
goods. Sentenced (o imprisonment of 30
days and costs.
Grand Jury mado their report which wns
ordered filed,
M. L. Snyder. Eq,, of Northumberland
county, was sworn In as an attorney,
Oonimomvf.ilth vs. It. ttaganbuch, Lar
ceny. Pleads guilty. Sontcucf, 30 days in
county jail aud costs.
Restaurant license of Petor Gross trans
ferred to li. Stohner.
Report of sale in estate of O. W. SutJifT
confirmed nitt.
James Bishop, A. Federolf and G. Striek
er appointed re-iovlowers of road in Bea
ver nnd Roaringcreok, near Shuman's mills.
J. M. Dewitt, E. Lemon, and S. J, l'ealer
appointed viewers of a road in Benton near
T. B. Cole's.
Sheriff Ent acknowledged tho following
deeds lu open court;
To B. F. Fruit for land in Hemlock town
ship. To O, G. Murphy for land in Contra
ils, two deeds. To Isaac Fisher for land in
Tho following reports of sales wero con
firmed finnllr:
Estate of Margaret Heller, cstato of James
Lamon, estate of Georgo Evans.
The following road reports were confirm
ed finally:
In Fishing creek near Widow Stoker's: in
Qroenwood near David Deniott: in Sugar-
loaf near St. Gabriel's church; in Scott near
Espy; in Orango near JI. Patterson's; In
Oatawissa near HollingHhend's mill; iu Pine
near Shoemaker's; iu Madison near Thomas
Thomas Davis' estate vs Samuel Apple
man, Specific Performance Citation award
ed. L&vinia Pelfler vs. Lowls F. Poiller. DI-
vorc decreod.
Report of Auditor in estutu of Peter Ent,
confirmed nisi.
Commonwealth vs. J. McGiunis. Bail
entered for ttppearanctj at uext term.
Wesley Price vs. Sarah O. Price. Divorce
Joshua Fetterman appointed guardian of
Joslah Fetterman.
Inqueit on body of Joseph Sehatman, of
Catawissa, approved by the Court.
Fetterman et. al. vs. Kuhn et. ul. In equity.
Injunction to restrain defendants from re
moving pump iu front of Central Hotel.
CV,o argued. Held under adviKcmtmt.
J. Kvatii executor vs. Colfmnn et. al.
Excuptiocs to icpon overruled.
Report of Auditor iu estate of Annie F.
Hughes, confirmed nisi.
Estate of Matilda Gnrrelaou. Confirma
tion stricken oil and exceptions allowed to
be died.
O. D. h. Kobteiibuuder vs. J. B. Kuittl
Case tried bcioro a jury. Verdict for plaiu-
tiirfor 15.00.
In matter of It. G. Gillmore. O. B. Jack
sou appointed trustee aud bond approved.
Report of sale in estate of ltouuunis
Strauitter, confirmed finally.
Road iu Catawissa near paper mill. Opin
ion of Court filed. Report of reviewers and
all proceedings in the caso set aside.
Road in Greenwood township near Thom
as Wright's. Exceptions overruled and J.
F. Fowler, John Loie nnd G. W. Supplco
appointed reviewers.
Catawissa school district. Court fix 17th
inst., for confirmation, if no exception be
filed or review ranted.
Samuel Noyhard, H. J, Connor and K
Unangst appointed viewers of a road in
Fishingcreek near Eli Pealer's.
Gilbmt & Kline vs W. Beaumeister and
wife. Caso tried before a jury, verdict for
the plaintiff for land described in writ.
D. K, Grim and son vs J. Stephenson; tried
before a jury. Verdict for plaintiff for
Wellington Yeager, D. Morris and Peter
Swank appointed viewers of a road in Cata
wissa township near paper mill.
Caleb O'Brien et. ux. vsU. H. Ent.Sheriff
Obeo before a jury Thursday morning.
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backache, Soreness of tho Chest, Gout,
Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swoll'ngs and
Sprains, Burns and Scalds,
General Bodily Pains,
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Foot
and Ears, and all othor Pains
and Aches.
No Preparation on cartb equal St. Jacobs Oil U
a tafe.aure. limplo and cheap Exturnal ltemeily.
A trial emails tut Die comparatively IriUIni? outlay
of no CcutM, and overy onu suffering with pain
can tiajp cheap and pc&ttiro proof ot iu clatuu.
Directions lu Eleven languages.
Six per cent 1st Mortgage Mt
Free from Government and State
Inter est payable promptly October and
At par, ami accrued iutereet. Ap
ply to
Henky 6, JReay.
Rupert, Pa.
Sept. -sw '
visitino OAiinu,
Dili, U KA Kil,
Itching nnd Scaly Diseases, Scrof
iilons Ilttmorx, Ulcers, Old
Sores nnd Mercurial Af
frctlonN when nil other
11 ii in an Agencies
Bkln, scalp mid Mood Dlscoics, conttsts In
tlio Internal uso ot CtmciniA Hksolyknt, Iho new
Dlood Purifier, and tlio oxtornM usoof cuticuha and
CiiTicmu Hoir, tho Grwt Skin Ourcs,
For Sunburn, Tan and Oreiur Bkla uso Cuticura
Soap, an oxqulslto toiler, li itn and nursery wiimtlvo,
frngrnnt wltu delicious flower odors and hoillnc
Will McDonald, SWJ Dearborn fltrcot, Chlcaso,
gratefully ncknowlodgos a euro of Salt Itlioum on
Iioad, neck, face, arms and lesrs, for seventeen years:
not ablo to walk except oi hands and knoos for ono
rears not ablo to lioip himself for eight years: tried
hundreds of remedies; doctor nronounecd his caso
hopelcssj permanently cured by tho Cuticura Itemc-
U.K. Carpenter, Esq., Henderson, N. Y cured of
Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twenty years' standing, by
tho Cuticura Ucsolvent internally and Cuticura nnd
Cuticura Soap oxtcrnally. Tho most wonderful Case
ou record, euro oortincd to before a Justice ottho
peoco and prominent cltliens. All aDllcted wiUi
Itching and scaly Diseases should Bend to us for
ims testimonial in run.
P. n. Drako, Esq., Detroit, Mich,, suffered boyond
all description from a skin dlseaso which appeared
on his hands, head and faco, and nearly destroyed
his eyes. Tho most careful doctoring foiled to help
him, and after all had failed ho used tho Cuticura
liesolycnt intcrnally.Cutlcura and cuticura soap ex
ternally, and was cured, and has remained perfectly
Hon. William Taylor, Boston, says i "After threo
monUis' uso ot tho Cuticura Remedies, and 12 years
ot as constant suffering from humor ot tho face,
neck and scalp as was over endured, I can say that
I am cured, and pronounco my case tlio most re
markable on record. I havo been so elated with my
success that I haro stopped men on tho street who
wero aruicted and told them to eet tho Cuticura
Kciueuies ana mey wouia euro mem.
Mrs. 8. E. Whipple, Decatur, Mich., writes that
her faco, heal and some parts of her body wero al
most raw. nead covered with scabs and sores
Suffered fearfully and tried overythlnir. Permanent
ly cured by cuticura Hcmodlcs.
Cuticura Itemodles aro tor salo by all drugglstB.rrlco
ot cuticura. a Medicinal Jelly, small boxes 60 cents :
nrrtn tinv, a 1 f, it, men Ifo.nlm., ....
it,u uv.A.uTi vuuvuiutlinuilllll. UIU lit ,,IUUU
rurltlcr,l per bottlo. Cuticura Medicinal Toilet
Moap, no cents, uuueura jucuicinal Shaving Soap,
15 cenW, In bars for barbers and largo consumers,
cccent. Principal depot,
, . Wkkkb Potter, Hoston, Mass.
tirM mailed free on receipt ot prlco.
n Cot ms' Voltaio Ei.ko-
O t'l.ASTEK. COStlDC25ceniP
VolTAInlSEircTHO ??lorto cu-ry other
- mmm "- eitcincai appliance Dciorn mo
PlAcxcV& public. They Instantly rellovo
Malaria. cver and Kcuennd Kidney and Urinnry
Dinicultlcs, and moylieuorn over tho pltof tho
stomach, over the KlUr.cjs or any uffectcdpait.
Price !5 cents. Sold everywhere. WEEKS POT-, UUSIUQ, 1Q3. Q Sept 2, lm
Letters testamentary on tho estato of Joseph
Weacr.late of tlio loi, n ot llloomsburg.Columblii co.
renn'o., deceased, havo Leon granted by tho Regis
ter of said county to I. W. McKclvy, executor, of
Illiomsburg Alt persons liaMug claims agulnstthe
eitate ottlio decedent aro requested to prebent them
for settlement ami thoso indented to tlio estate lo
mate tiaj inent to tuo unacrygneu executor with,
out delay.
sep. 18-flw Kxecutor.
Letters of adtnlnlM ration on tho estato of W. C,
irnnrimlmli n, Pnhtm,l. nn.......
Moceased, have Deen graMed by tho Keglster of sulu
county to tho unders'gned admlnlstrator.All perbons
huvliig claims nunlnsr. the estato of said decedent
nro 1 1 (puttied to prttcnt them for settlement nnd
thoso Indebted to (Uo cstato lo uiako payment to tho
liiititTHigmmuuinimsirainx wunouv uciay,
augl2 4-w Admlnlslrutrlx.
nip Birlttnrrn , tract nvcfiopn
Letters ot Administration nn tho estate of Shad-
rccn ucss, late ot suganoar township, Columbia
county, Pennsylvania, deceased, havo been granted
by tho Keglster of said county to James Petoi man.
ot Davidson township, administrator. Al persons
having claims against the estate of said dece-
ucia uru rciiuesica 10 prracnL uiem lor settlement,
and those Indebted to tho estate to mako payment
W kflo UiitiUlBlKIltJli AUlii!ill8UUUjr,WiUlUUb UCiU,
AOmln." itralor.
nugt2 4-w .
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Columbia County, tho undersigned Administrator
of tho estate of O. n. Wells, lato ot the borough of
llerwlck, In Bald county doceasod, will oxposo to
publio sale, on tho premises on
at. uua u tiiucK la uiu ouernoon oi sata aay, uio lOI
lowing described property, to-wlt:
All that certa'n piece or parcel of land or lotof
ground situate In llerwlck aforesaid, bounded and
described as follows, to-wiu, On tho cast by Market
Btreet, west by an alley, north by lot ot William
Faust and south by lot ot W. . . Knoi r, number sev-'
on on Market Btreot, on which are erected a
Stable- and outbuildings.
TERMS OP SALE. Ten per cent, ot one-fourth
ot the purchase money to be paid at tho striking
down ot the property ; the ono- fourth lesa the
ton per cent, at the connrmatlon of salo, and the
remaining throe-fourths In one year thereafter with
Interest from confirmation nisi.
C.B.Jackson, Administrator.
Attorney. sep. 18, W ts
Tho undersigned Executors ot Thomas Gibbons,
late of Uenton township, deceased, offer the tot
lowing described premises for sale at prlvato sale;
all that portion ot the following described tract ot
land In Denton township, bounded as follows; on
tho north by lands ot Ileubon nibbons, on tho west
by lands ot Petor Kase, on Iho south by lands ot
Isaas Gibbons and John Ashleman, on tho east by
lands of John sbleman, contfllnlpg
more or loss whereon aro elected a plank dwelling
houso and a good Bprlng of water near by; a good
tonant house on same property also a
33 A. JSrK:
ana large shed over barn yard with good running
water at the barn and large wagon shed and other
out-bulldlnga suitable for farm use.
Terms mado known on application to
Jicnton, Pa,
Sept. W, 4w.
May be found In ItECOItDEU'S OPPIOK in tho
court uouso. Kept. 10, 'ul, e-m.
Democratic County Ticket.
vj Qitatciisa.
vf Scott.
of Bloom,
G, W. STKUNlilt,
oj llloom.
of Locust.
I). V, EDGAIt,
Of JfUingcred,
Q, W.I1KS3,
S. E. Cor. Sixth and Market Sts.,
The Lahgest Clotiuno
O. -33. ROBBINS,
Fine RramllcM, WIiIhIUch, 1iis,
PIHIlllJ 1111 IlillllK ,
Landlords throughout the county
call and examine my stock beiore purchasing elsewhere.
Main Street, 2nd
July 9, '80-1 y
u:iy( mriiM, miNiiiciion guaranteed. zpiajsto wk,e rooms,
Juno to, 'Sl-ly
Du J.A.silKiniANIstl,.ioilK'nal and only nn.
HiiMUMN. known to ti e puMlo fur the rnt as jesre
JhrouKh his successful methwl of treating llurtmo
without itionunoyniieo aid Injury truens lulllct.
ills sj stem of euro Is by l.ruil Kxlcrnal .rpllen
Uons During trcilineut no hindrance from labor,
and trcurlly nnliist doith from strantrulatud Hup
turo. Patients ficm nbr.r.deuii uceHo tienlnunt
...jh ,vi tuiiiiu r.ilini tiny.
. It , UZAL If. EST, High bherllT of Co
lumbla comity, Commonwealth of I'
hereby mako known and proclaim to tho qualified
electors of Columbia eountythat a general election
will bo held on
Tuesday, November 8th, 1881,
(beintr tho Tuesday next following tho first Monday
of said month) for the purposo oi electing tlio sev
eral persons hereinafter named, to-wit:
One person for Stato Treasurer of Pennsylvania.
One person for Prothonotary of Columbia county,
ono person tor county Treasurer of Columbia
Ono person for Keglster and Iltcorder ot Columbia
.Throe persons for. County commissioners of Co
lumbia county, '
county" persons 'or County Auditors of Columbia
Two persons for Asscclato Judges of Columbia
BtHSlS0.!1?! m,.t known nn" Blvo notice that Uio
places of holding tho aforesaid ekctlon In tho sever
al wards, boroughs, difctuctsand townships within
tho county of Columbia aro as follows, viz:
yEeayer tovnshlp, nt tho publio houso ot Joseph
llentcn township, at tho public nouso ot Illram
ness, In tho town oflicnton.
East Bloom, at tho Court Houso, In llloomsburg.
West llloom, at tho Court Houso, In llloomsburg.
Borough of Berwick, at tho ofllco ot W. J. Knorr,
In tho borough ot Berwick. 1
Borough ot Oentmlia, at tho public houso of Wll
Ham Pclfcr.
Brlarcreek township, at tho publio school houso
near hvansvllle.
Catawissa township, nt tho publio houso ot O. L.
Kostoubauder Co., in the town of Catawissa.
nwetoivnshlp, at tho school houso near Lafay-
North Conyngham District, at tho school houso
near tho colliery of John Anderbon & Co.
South Conyngham District, at tho houso ot Mrs.
Thomas Monroe.
tf,l?Mnircroolc townsuip, at tlio school houso nca
C. II. YV lllU) 8.
Franklin township, at the Lawrence school houso.
(ireenwood township, at tho houso ot L. D.
Hemlock townihlprSt the public house ot Chos. H.
Dlettcrlch, In tho town of Buck Horn.
Jackson township, at the houso of Kzcklel Colo.
Locust township, at tho publio houso of Daulei
Knorr, In Numeula.
Miniln township, nt tho publio houso of Aaron
Madison township, at tho publio school houso In
Ml; Pleasant township, at tho houso ot n. w.
Montour township, at tho public houso of Houben
Ilauch, at Ilupert.
Main township, at tho public houso of Jeremiah E
. l'oarlngcreek township, at tho houso of Samuel
.Orango township, nt tho publio houso of It.
Unangst in OrangovUle.
Pino township, at tho Ccnlro School Houso. lately
fixed by a votu ot Uio cltUens ot said township.
Sugarloaf township, at tho houso of Norman Colo,
Vebt Bcott at tho publio house of John Eekroth In
Light Street.
Fast Scott township, at Uio public houso of Jacob
Miller, in Kspy,
At nllelettlons hereofter held under the laws of
this Commonwealth, tho olcctlonpolls bhull bo open
ed at ueun o'clock in tho forenoon, and shall Von.
tlnuu open vtlthout Interruption or udjouinment
uMllej en o'clock In tho eenlng when Uio polls
That every person oxcentlnp Justices of tho Peace
and Aldermen, Notaries Publio and Persons in the
wllltla service of tho;State,v,ho bliall hold or shall
within ivicmetilhs liUvoheldanyrmcoorannomt.
Inent of pront or trust under tho t'rd btates.or of
this Htate, and city or corporated district, whotLsr a
commissioned oflicer or otherwise, a subordinate
onicer or agent who Is or Hiall bo employed under
tho Legislature, Kxecutlvo or Judiciary Department
of this Male, orot any city or of any Incoiuoratcd
district, and also, llmt every member of Congress
and of the Stato Legislature, and ot the select or
common council ot auy city, or commlhsloners ot anr
Incorporated district, lire by law Incapable of holdlni
or exercising at tlio same tlino the onico or appoint
ment ot Juago, msptctor or Clerk of any elccdonof
this Common wealin, and that no Inspector, Judgo or
other onicer of such electlcn bliall bo eligible to be
then voted for.
Tho Inspectors and Judgo of tho elections shall
meet at the respective places appointed tor holding
the election lu tho district lo which they respectively
belong, before seven o'clock In the morning, and
each of said Inspectors shall appoint onu clerk, who
btiall bo a (iualBed voter of such district,
'the qvlUlcd 'Vqtcis. of Uio several dlstrlcti In
this county at all general, township borl
ough nud bpeelttl elections, are hereby hereafter
authorised and required to vote by ticket Printed or
willteu, or partly printed and paiUy written, sever,
ally clabbllled as follows t One ucket shall ombraca
Uio names of all Judges ot Courts voted for. and
labelled, ouWdq. "JuOlplary;'' ono ticket bhall emi
braco tho rlaniei ot all tho State oDIcers voted tor
5 ad to bo labelled "State;" one ticket shaU embraco
io names ot all county officer voted (or, lucluduu!
ho ofllco of Senator, and Members of As.
semblv. If voted for. olid meuibera hi rtm
voted lor, and to labelled "County s" one Ucket shall
embrace the names ol all township ottlcvra voted for.
and bo labelled "Township;'1 one ticket shall em!
brrce the names of all borough o Ulcers voted for, and
Ve labelled "Borough." v.,,H
AnuvauivMuawiui w ueiMuwu in separate Dal.
lot boxes.
XJZAt Il.fiNT,
KherltTBOtnoe, llloomsburg, bberur.
WpteiUrl,6l- " j
House in America.
IIiiiiih, una nil Kinds uI'TYIiich con.
will find it to their advantage lo
Door below Iron.
Peck with HkentEscf bad ccrrs before ardttKt
curr, wllh testimonials from dlttlrigulthcd ityii
Cans ministers, meicbeiils and others, n act a let
ten cents. PH. bll HUMAN can bo coni-ultid al in
Now York onico, 1B1 Broadway, Mondays, Tmdnji
nnd Saturdays; nnd at his Boston nfilro, 43 Mil
street, weuncf-aays, 'inurbuays ana niaajs.
sep. 9.3W d
By Ir;uo cf n writ of Fieri Facias, and to me di
rected, will be exposed to publio salo on tho prem
ises In Greenwood township, Columbia county, atl
o'clock p.m.. on
All that certain mesuago or plcco otland sltuato
In tho township of Greenwood, County of Columcla,
and State ot Pennsylvanls.beglnnlngat a white oak,
gone, thenco by lands of A. Patterson and Samuel
Bogart, thenco by land ot Richard Pollock south
iwcnty.thrco degrees and ono-halt east ono hun
dred and forty icichtsand eight-tenths to a white
oak on tho north bank of Batlln's Bun, thenco up
thoBamowobt twenty-six perches to a hemlock on
tho tank of tho same, tbenro by tho samo and land
ot Nicholas Kindt north forty-flvo degrees wett
nlno pel dies to awblto oak stump, thence by tie
samo south.elghly.threo degrees west twenty-Uirce
perches to a beech, thence by the samo south setcr.
ty-nlno degrees and thrco-founhs west slxty-clglit
perches and three-tenths to a white pine, thence by
tho samo north forty-live degreoa west nine perches
and five-tenths to a Dine stump.thecco by tho same
south eighty.nvo degrees west torty-elght peiches
and three-tenths to a post.tlicnco by tho samo norti
twenty-threo degrees and one-halt west seventj-
flvo perches and eight-tenths to a post, Uience ty
land of Archbald Patterson north slxty-slx degree!
ana one-naif east one hundred ana slxty-nvo pcrcn
63 to the place of beginning, containing one hun
dred and ton'acrcs more or less on which aro erected
a two story frame dwelling house, barn, hog statle
wagon shed, Bprlng house and other out-bulldlnga
Seized, takon In execution at Uio suit ofN. itccce,
Trusteo of Angelina Merrell against Clark Mcrreli,
and to bo sold as tho property ot Clark Mcrreli.
Kkokr, Attorney.
To suson 1'. cooper, snlem Township, Luzerne
county, 1 a., Mabala Craig, Brlarc-eek township,
Columbia county, Mary, Intermarried with W.A.J.
Hrlitnln of llrlaicree't tovnuhlp, Columb'i county,
Mary K. savngo ot Grcimlllo, Tcnnf6tce, Clari
Maiflleld, Marshall, Texas, Mrs. Frank A. Nagalc
hup, i43 vt oinft btreet, 1 1 11a., pa., and W, J, Miins
neld, Berwlcl- pa. Greeting! You aro hereby ec
tilled that In ncioidnnce villi a writ ot partition Is
sued out ot Uio Orphans Couit of Columb'a county.
Slate of i'r., an Itqi et will be held by the under
signed on the following detcribed premlicstowlt:
Certain rleie or paicel of land the samo being a
vacant lot bounded and described as follows, to-wlt:
Situate partly In the borough of Berwick, ColumfcU
county, and partly In Salem township
Luzerne county, btglrnlngat tho co-ner of Front
nnd Wolnut sireelB in Be -wlek, thence noun twen
ty, five degrees vicst live 1 .tndiea and Ave feet tos
corner, thenco north sixty-live degrees est three
hundrtd and sevtntien feet to n corner, therce
south twentj.flvo d( green east five hundred nnd
fenty.nlnofeet to a (onier, thence south sixty
eeen degrees west three hundred and elxteen feet to
the corner tho pluce ot bt pinning, containing en"
hundred aid Hxty-thiee Ihoufoiid threo hundred
nuo forty-eight (lia.BJtquarofeetof ground.clcn
ty.dve thousand eight hundred and fllty (,5sd
square feet, rliuate in Ce.lumbla counly ri.d rev thcusand four hundred and
(TT.-I08) square feet of the snmo Is sltuato In I.uzrrce
county.Po. To escerUIn whether the tame can te
divided vllhout Injury to or spolllngthe w hole and It
rot.iovalueHr,dapprnlse the snmo In accordanee
with Act of Assembly, 'iho sild Innulsltlon will te
held on the premises on
at s o'clock p. m., when and whero you may attend.
It you think proper.
C B. Jacksom, Attorney for estato,
Sheriff's ofllce, Bept, 8,1(81, 6w.
Valuable Real Estate
The undersigned Administrator cum testaincntO'
annexo of Peter Appleman.late ol Benton township,
deceased, one's tho following described premises at
prlvato s.le. All that portion of the following de
scribed THAOT OP LAND, In Benton township,
bounded as follows! on the north by lands of It. U
Y. Colley, J, 1', Cliapin rd A. WUklnson, on th
west by knds ot Ell McEenry, John B, Applemon
andl'eter Laubach, on the south by lands ot Wil
liam Ilulme and Margaret Dildlne, and on the east
by lands ot lteuben U. Davis and Stott K. Colloy,
containing KIUinv.BlOUT ACUU9,moro or less,
whereon ate erected a two-story FltAMii 1IOUSK,
Bank Barn, wagon bouse end other out-bulldlags.
Only that portion lying on tho west aide ot Flshlns
creek will Lo add.
Abo, all that tract o( land situate In Benton town
ship, bounded on Uio west by lands ot llebecca Con
ner, on the north by lands oft he heirs of Thomas
Davla, deceased, and J, F, the south by
lands of Ezeklel Cole, containing EIU1ITKEN
ACHES, more or less, unimproved land. Will bo sold
as a wholo or In parcels to suit purchasers.
Terms mado known on, application tq
'XdinUitoUntor, 40-,