wawmiiiwamnmuMM THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG-, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Ihf r'xrr.ier'a lull .rntnry. Tlio coming fnnucr lmt got to lo n .n'iontlllo man, nnil ilic mmiht thf niuttct ia niii!iH'ly fnwil tlio Ituilor for lilin ami nil hi folk. Tin- v i.:ilillitltH of noil art nH important tm lliv u:itbi1il Iuh of the tenuis Hclcrioil to work tl-onu and tlio fnnt"r who it a fiicl jmlip- of hois lies' iiul ; jhkii jtiitifu or no iutlffr a all if W lniid, H In adoriy n,odi',iiy.'iit. Then aro tunny furifivM 'who ortntiot rend or who liavc never lictnl - tlimMPMiun oo 8"iK who know no'hij'jj about phon pli itc. tdtro;'i'i' nr po'.aih, litit, iipvpHIio ' is have IU'VT jet failed to work any 1 nd vhah liiM ti-jt put into thMi vara vUhporftc' iHiwkh. X itwiOiHtimiling 'irarr of ;! , tliy lin lh.otl v"io olwcrvc.i', v. .. ,;fod iiiptnoryand Imvo sj.ot-1 d atv.iy (Ik- .vocMciiof their ' 'niti, uovir t. ho .m into wonfo, hut oM.y to he '! ij. il o.itin ( hoirown piac- ' . a fund ot u-, fnl knowledge an piv- "t"il as t'h' "ii-t Icaiiicd profcmf ever lu.oiR'd id T'n'so nun aro Hcunititio fur.niM in Uio true c;iso of tho tennj y t limy cannot express theiiifolvi-H in a-iy tnodp only liy example. Prm-pl is ii 'jdod their pouTrx. Tney necr emiM hi eome tencliern bivattso it would take a 1 li'tinv.t to show what thoy know, and their pupils would ho HUinir.intiimU'il be fore thoy were ready to graduate. Tlieso hoine-madu siiioiitiliu farmers have no apparatus to perform kuo.Ii ox licrltncutt as terra cultiiro calls for; no chemicals with which to test tho many fallacies laid before- tho rural public; but oidy a few little grains of common sen? o which in a pure soil would grow such a tonibly Round crop of experience. And hero lies their safety; they do not know enough to bo misled by any of tho many plausible theories offered them; thoy can not understand them and their brain re mains tmmuddled. Blessed bo ignorance when so eminently useful. There is a class of farmers coining to tho front, however, who aro possessed with a de siro for knowledge, who have learned that in this year 1H81, "knowkdgo is power." These men havo not tho tech nical knowledge to enable them to use philosophical apparatus, or to cull sam ples, or to create combinations from the constituents of the soil on their farms, and aro thus held back from much tirau- tieal knowledge absolutely necessary to their prosperity, lo tins class I wisli to offer a few ideas, which, if pursued, will prove extremely interesting as well as. protitable. soils aro extremely various, ranging trotn clay so pure as to make the best of or ok, itown to sand so pure as to travel to and fro with every wind. Every kind of soil when acted upon by water (lain) acts as a filter. Clay allows but little of the mineral components to pass, while sand suffers all to descend to a certain depth. Tho various mixtures of clay and sand, the basis oi all sous, arrest the tcr tilizing properties of liquids according as tho proposition ot each predominates, Here wo havo the secret of profitable manuring. A clay soil will retain the ferti i.ing i rinciph s near tho Btirfaco,and surface-rooted plants will iind their food there when they need it. A sandy soil allows tho strength of manure to wash deeper, consequently deep-rooted plants must bo placed there. Tho exact placo of retardation of the strength of manure. in any green soil, then, is a mattor oi great, nupoitance. 'Without this knowl edge crops may be put in so contrary to their requirements as to causo a general failure over the wbolo farm; while with it, hy a mere shilling to congenial held; (very eio'p would havo been succor-Sir'. Salt (lie lows. Cows should reemo all the salt they want. A very good plan is to make an nrtiticial sall-bek by placing ground or coarse salt iu troughs accessible to tho cows when they want to get it; or by placing larger pieces of ordinary rock aalt where tho cows may lick at them when they feel inclined. Most people Ball their cows about onco a week, and then irivo them a pretty good dose. This is, of course, better than not to give any, but its incongruity and unfitness will better bo appreciated perhaps by the dairyma't himself if ho will try taking his own Bait in tho sumo way; say on bat urday or Sunday morning, ho should eat a teaspnouful of salt, and let that do for the wei k. A cow imi t a human being tit physiology and common sense are pretty much the same, whether they ;u applied to man or other animal.-, iu tin matter of alimentation and tho ordinary functions of digestion and so on. if cows are fed in the stable every day they should caon have a good teaspoon ful of salt every morning in the trough or a pieco of jock salt )nay Ho in the trough to bo licked when sho wants it. If cows are not stabled.every day or two h box of salt should bo placed m the Held, or at tho milking place, so as to be accessible any tuno when the cow teel like having a lick. Kooil fur llruwicg Fowls. Tho J'dultry Yard says that food for young and grqwing fowls must, to obtain good growth, bo rich in nitrates and phosphates' Corn meal contains much oil, which, before it can bo appropriated by the system, lias to go through a mini her of chemical changes, conseouentlv it is too vioh a food to be fed exclusively to very young chickens. Coarse oatmeal mixed with milk, is very nutritious lood Cracked or whole wheat is also excellent and tho two mixi d iu equal parts give undoubtedly, tho bust giainfood we can obtain, with perhaps, tho exception of rico. Milk curd is very nutritious, and should always bo given them when it can bo had. It insect food is uot abund ant, and milk or curd not obtaiuable.fced fresh meat boiled and minced. Aftor tho chickens havo got a good start in feathers, com meal can bo used as tho general grain food, as oatmeal aud wheat (thongh tho best)aro too expensive for constant use. For vegetables, boiled potatoes, mushed and mixed with wheat bran, aro excellent. Carrots as Food fur Stock. In many respects, carrots nro prefera ble to any kind of roots raised in this country for stock. A (jivon weight con tains n larger proportion of ilesh, fat aud milkforniing principles. They im part a desirable color and no undesirable odor or flavor to milk. Thoy aro rich in sugar and aro therefore relished by young stock. When cooked, thoy nro readily oaten by pigs aud poultry. As food for horses thoy nro very far superior to any roots grown. Many horsemen iu the cities go to great pains to procure a supply of carrots for their stables They improve tho digestion of horses, keep up their condition, and impart a gloss to tho hair. CarrotH aro almost tho only kind of roots that can bo fed to homes with advantage. A brother aroso iu n weekly prayer meeting in Now Jersoy, and said: "Brethren, when I consider tho shoit iicwi of life I feel as if I might bo taken away ttuddcidy, like a thief in tho night "Is there much water in the cistern, IJiddyt" inquired ngeiitlenmn of his Btr varil irlrl. "Jl' full on tho bottoju," ebe relied. hv Uwo'a ouo tdHmlL Table Etiquette. l'Ulll.tSlir.ll FOR Tilt I1KNKI1T OF FOItKHlN KltS. Macaroni should bocutintoshottpfc ces and should be onion with an even, tftflpeful motion, film absorbed by the yard. Stones iu ohwilos or othor fruit ihould not bo placed upon the tablecloth, but slid quietly and unostentatiously Into the poe.k' t "of your uelhbor or noiseless ly towed under the tnWo. If one of tho u. i, lb l.iin fhould d'"' - raw oyMcr into his bosom and he should have trouble in fisbt"" i.i, do ti i make f.weliotiH remain alout u, but n st him to find ii, bviiihuig li'-n lily all tho time. If y.hI lrike a, worm in your fruit d.' not oall uWe' i ion to it by tn.iMna( it withtho nui.-i.u km-. ThW is not only. ncotuh, but ii is regarded in the boM society as blao and exceedingly vice versa. If von cannot accept an invitation t liniier do not. write your regiots on tho back of a pool chock with a bluo pencil. This is uot legnrded as ricochet. A simple noto to your host, informing him that your washer woman refuses to elent, is sullicient. In dunking wine, when you get to tho bottom of your glass, do not tlnow your lieail back and draw in your urcaiu hko tho exhaust of a bathtub in order to got tho last drop, as it engenders a feeling of tho most depressing melancholy among the gue.Hs. After eating a considerable amount, no not rise and unbiieklo your vest Btrap in order to get more room, a'' it " is not ex actly itn fait and deshabille. If, by mistake, you drink out ot your finger bowl, laugh heartily and make some lacetious retnaiK, which win chango tho course of conversation and enow the friendly leeling among mo members of the party. If vou happen to drop gravy on your knifo blade back near tho handle do not run tho blado down your throat to re move tho gravy, as it might injure your epiglottis, and it is not embonpoint, any way. When vou aro at dinner do not take up a raw oyster on your fork and play- miry asK your iiost n u is ueuu. iko- marks about death aro in very poor taste. Pears should bo held by tho stems and peeled gently but firmly, not as though you were skinning a dead horse. It is not bou ton. Oranges aro held on a fork while be ing pulled, and the facetious style of squirting the juice into the eyes of tho hostess is now au revoir. The new edition of Webster's diction ary contains the principles of pronuncia tion, rules f or-spelling, prefixes and suf- nxes, pionuiiemg vooauiiiunvs, tjuuiii tions, words, phrases, proverbs and col loquial expressions from the Greek, Latin aud modern foreign languages rendered into Jitighsh, with n table ot money, weight, and measure of the principal com mercial countries in tho world, including gold and silver coinage. A complete English grammar is found in this diction ary. 1 his book has been compiled lor every business, profession, teacher, stu dent, and family. Accompanying the book is acomplete index,ruiming through all tho letters of the alphabet, which aio stamped on tho lid so that by turning to any letter ot tho beginning ot a word you can open the book in au instant, thus saving much time aud labor. CAUTflOHT. GET THE STRONO COMPETITION In the manufacture of Organs is resulting in tho production and sale of cheap goods, made from inferior materials. I refer particularly to bogus Organs that are continually any merit wnuiever, excupi to uo oiiureu cneap, ana men wiien purclias cd found to be dear at any price. Will you not then, reader, If you Contemplate Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard to names of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment of styles ot the celebrated itstey Organs cau now be seen at tho now rooms of the Only Authorized Agent foi the Estey Organs in Columbia Oounty. A guarantee for five years from the manu facturers accompanies every Estey Organ. Jane u.'so-tt A TRUE w A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER IltON BITTIIIIS are highly liko a charm on tho illgerllwi organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such ai Usfin7 the Foal, lldching, Jlmt intheStmac,JIeaTUwn,tle. Tlio only Iron Preparation that will not blacken tho teeth or fr'vo hcutlnohe. Bold ly all druggists. Write for Uio A It 0 Iiook, 32 n. of useful aud amusing rcaillng tent free. IIUOWN GIIKMICAXi CO., BalUmoro, MO. BITTERS l'lir I'nrllfst Torpedo lloat. A naval olllcer who is well versed in sueh mutter, tays thnt the earliest tor pedo boat ever invented was that do signed-by David llushkell, one of tho ollioers of the American army during tho Revolution Tho vessel was shapeu like a watch cao, and loaded so as to stand on itn edge in the water. It was intond i 1 jo bo ft submnr'tio affair, operated by a man inside, who by tun ing a crank, kept it i notion Attached t' th' ma chine was a box containing I'M pounds of powder, ami a e.1o"Work arrangement 30 "imti'ivtd ft to exnlodu tho powder a a givMi lime. This box had a chain at Uiuhod in it, aul.e "lid of .vhiohwasa lnrgr'jih). The idea wnslo run under the bottom of a voms'O, diivu tho pin Into her, then oust the bus Jnnw from the tor pedo boat and get as far off as possible, lhe lleet of Loid Howe was at that time lung in Now York harbor, audHergeant Kr.ra Leo agreed to make a ttial of tho new invention by attempting to blow up one of tho loyal voxels. Ho was placed in the mnidiine. nnd ran it down the bay and under tho bottom of Lord Howe's flagship, the Eagle, lie then attempted to drive the pin into her bottom, but a heavy sheathing of copper prevented; and after slaying under tho ship for several hours he cast loose the powder package and returned to tho city. It is probable that if this attempt had been successful it would havo advanced torpedo waifaro a hundred years. A gentleman at Elmira, N. Y., recent ly tested tho notion provnlunt among nurserymen that if on tho longest day of tho year, Juno 21, tho bark of a tree is entirely peeled off, no injury will bo done to tho live, but that a now bark will immediately grow thereon. Ho had an old and worthless apple tree, from which he stripped the bark on tho 21st of Juue,aud to his surprise tho leaves did not eveii wilt, but grew right along, and the tree is now growing a lino bark. It is explained that about thattlmo in Juno tho sap of tho tree does not lie immedi ately next to tho bark, but is confined iu a delicate inner bark that forms. Thus peeling the bark off, at tho samo time, does not deprive tho tree of tho sap. a Tii.vviu.tuis stoiiv. After spending months at European and American watering places and thou sands of dollars looking for health, I re turned home disheartened and wretched. I had consulted the best physicians and traveled far and near without benefit and expected to die. A fiiend urged atrial of Parker's Ginger Tonic. Three bot tles and careful diet have worked won ders and brought mo excellent health and spirits, and you may publish my ex perience for tho benefit of similar suffer ers. A Cincinnati lady. The boys arc laughing about an oper ator in tho Galveston ollice. Ho took a written messago from old Mose, and after painfully scrutinizing it B.aid, "You must write it plainer, undo ; I can't make head or tail of it." "Never mind boss, jess send it off as it is. My boy Jim knows de olb man's handwrite. Hit's a shame your f adder nebber sent yer to school bo you cud read writin." The Chii ago Times says: "New York papers disclose that mussels aro destroy ing tho oysters." The muscles most de structive to oysters, however, aro at tached to the New x oik jaw. BEST, springing into existence, without select an instrument bearine the J. SELTZER, Agent, Bloomsburg, F a ON ROE TONIC W recommended for all diseases re- ilert Fragrant is Ecfitshltiff of Poifaass exceedingly Oollcato ami lasting. Price, 23 eta; Large Bottle:), 7 i ota. 8olJljr4cftlrlli,nnigA IVtfofncrf. Cltfutlrsa efltl. t A Co., N. Y., w, wry kolllt. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC Tho Modlclno for Every FnmllYi NEVEP1 INTOXICATES. Madefi tin C in r. Hucliu. Maru'rAVr.Riilllnpt. H f and other ofilu h t vcgmMe trrnediM known, 4 t Takrh's Oivgpv To- ic hit rrm trknUv varied 1 f curativttK.wcr. ' ilthe crenictt ' tonm n(itrwt J L. ... 1 . . . . " 1 r of, Hiootirurrif-i ftndldvci KCjfuutor ever rude re t Tho Boat Mcdioino You oan Use i t forEostoriogHoalth&Strongth j Itconir. nctita U fi- m lhe f rt done, tcmhc.1 A ittSv ik'ii!tn on.l I ivfutAPti d tu ere or i lie'pnll ..ii of tho t'o"! Stumn It, Illxxl. j r KWrt'-yl, liver Urinary OrcfciK, fill L'ott ptninMof J AV'nnwMi. fJeivomn', Fleet lensness, llhturon 4 Vim mi! TininVeunoiii. liynl, tjl't.i tl y( ittmiytftveyourli'e. s'tt. 4 nit ii -'re it LilntppiM Kvn'cenuinebotlie has cur 'ictuttirnon cmt t.ii, wrnt-Dcr. Hiycox & 4 L Co., N. Y. lArgoMing in buying $! tire. Jtiat TVJmt in Wnntcil. Vvi-TboHy Vr.M hiir It t. y ( r foil' 1 h felt hi iifitof a I1 iir f!rtorer ol il driisini; that Is rleinly, ncreealJy ti-rfnraeil nml li.iimt. I'ar. ker'i llAirt'tlsamt-itiiries theintwt f.HtUious In l1ieete,pectl. Pohl Lydniftr;ilin! joe. unit $t. oct. t, tv-iy a Vtifanrnt l'uvimllrn l'tllm vn... i.ti. IfliKMl.anU will comiilctcly clmtiRo tho blood In thnriitlrcirktcm In lhr( o ii.niilli. Anvpcri-on who rlll tako 1 pill each nlitht from 1 tn lawpoKn niaylKji'r.toi-wltoritiiiit lii'allli. If mclin tlilnir IhjiioIIiIp, Sontln'iinll frtr 8 letlcr tnmii, J. S. ,l(HI.SOX CO., llmton, Slats., fnvmrrtif JUintwr, Jltr, AGEHTSWAHTED OTrfflVyM una Jlnchlnn evor laventxil. will knllnpatror fiocklius.witn lli:i:i, una TOH romiilrtc. In SO inlnulca. It will also knit n ureal variety of t ancy jurkror which thcralialwan n reaily rarket, ifcn.l lor circular an.l tenns lo tho Twniillily Itiilltliur Maclilno Co. ,4tV Washington tit., liubton, Unas, may 6, -HI. ly alj Directions For Catarrh Hay Kcvcr, cold in tlio head, c lujert with llttlo miner, u nartlrle ot Iho Uulm lino tno uosti lis ; draw strong orcaths through the noHo. It will bo ub ioiIjcJ, cleansing, and healing tho diseased joicuibiahu. For IonfneNs, Mnily a partlclo Into "Iho ear. KLY'S CI5EAM HALM tlavlne trained an cnvlnlilo lornl renutatlon. rtlsnln. clng ahotiior preparations In tho vicinity of ills discovery, la, on its merits alone, recognized as a wondeifnl remedy wherever known, a fair trial will convince the most skeptical of Its curatlvo powcra. It effectually cleanses tho nasal passugos of Catarrhal virus, earning healthy secretions, al luys Inflammation and Irritation, irotectstlic mem branal linings of tho head from additional colds, comnlotelv heals the sores, and restures the sense of tasto and smell. ncncl!clai:rcsulls nro roallzed y a row applications. A thorough treatment as di rected will euro catarrh. Ah a household lemedy for cold In the head It Is unequalcd. Tho balm lh easy to uto and ngretable. trolrt by druggists at to cents. On leculpt of ISO cents will mall a package Send for circular, with full Information. KLY'S UHKAM HALM CO., Owcgo, N. Y. Pou salo In llloomsbnrgbr Jloycr liros., O. A. Kletm, N. J. llenderahotl and J. II. Ktunorts nnd by Wholo- salo Druggists generally. si, oct, 'so-ly d BEATTyf? Organs is useful stops, o sots rreds uaaj.ii. q pjy fcs pianos MM up tvillus. Catalog. Freo. Aouress Ucatiy, Waihlngton, N.J. may o, 'i-iy am Danchy & Co'b. Advt's. BEATTY'S dress Daniel K. He 0110AN8, 17 Stops, 5 Pet. (lold cn Toncua lleeda. only t$6 Ad- Hcatty, Washington, N. J. aug ! 4w 1IEVISKD NEW TESTAMENTS I Illustrattd. Cheapest and llfht. Sells at sight. noLm.Ns prnrrnPTAT. RfRMTR T AgPEts Wanted. A. J. HOLVAN & Ct rh.la. 0 OLD MEDAL AWARDED tho Author. A aew&nu grxl uea Work,wnfTnted the tnwt and ohoapMt, tndiipenxabis to euerj inftn,ntiUedHthQScMnco(LU ortBelf-LrQMrT&tion bound In fin 08 1 Kmnch iqueIid, ombowed, fall cUt.aoOpp.foiiUinsbeAQtiial utoel acTaTmn. 125 precnr I tiomi, piioa only S1.2& nn( bf 'ntftilt UlaBtrateduniple,6oaUi And nnw.Addrma l'A&hnilv Mtwl. biUJVY 1X11 DLlit KKK. No, 4 Ualfincbtt. Itoitvn. nilLf, 20, 4-SV a A bnok of rnro iirlKluuIIty, cnthh-il PRACTICAL LIFE. Tho great problem solved. Tho individual carefu'ly consiutrcu ircm me apn or respnusiuiiiny up 10 uki turlt.y.ln regard to education, home, fcoclety, loe, niarrlaire. bitblncss, fcc How bread eaters are to b tiread winners. Tho volume abounnsln striking thoughts, rare tnfoimatlon nnd lntoro common. snnsH. l'ull nitpn cnlorod nlutrs each ono a cem. Agents wanled everywhere. Send ror circulars, lull description terms, io., address J. c. McCukpy Co , t'uiiaiiuipuia, ra. u uug xu, s-. 6W.0 AOEN'18 WANTED to sell Iho Life of PRESIDENT GAKFJELD. ncludlncn full and n-curato account or Ulsbrlef but eventful admlnlbti niton ; thogientconlllct ulthlhn Sla witrls" hcaueu w iobkiuib: Uio oiurjoucai attempt to assasslnoto him, with full partloul nsof his cxtratirdlnarv Btirelcal trtaunent. etc. Thou- snnds desire full parilculars, hencu this book Is selling Immensely. Tei ins liberal, outfit we. Cir culars free. Hubbard lires., I'ups., va cuestnutst. i-niia. atig s, 4.w d TEXAS AKKANSAS AND LOUISIANA- CBEAPHOaaEB rOX. AXXi! B0.C0O Laborers can get Immediate Emplry ineni, atucoa wages, ca xaims ana uan roads In Texas Alcne The SoiHestern Immigration Co Will mall, on nprllei tlon, free of cost, postage pro paid, books wtlh uaps.gitlngRUthenticandrellablo Inforrnatlnn.ln detail, of the state ofTexas.of Arkan sas.or of Western Lculslana. We desire to confer with those wishing to better tneir condition and aro meditating a change to a now country. Address 1). (I. DU Vai , Secretary, Austln.Tcias. J. rt. t Jliuu, .iuiieru jnuuujr, U3 liroadway, New York, Foreign Ofllco : WM. M l ano, l'retldeLt Leadenhall House. Lcadcnhall St., London, K. C, England, aug i-w THE TOTE mm MACHINE Whereas, the world renowned teputatlon ot tlio White sewing Macliino Induces many unscrupulous competitors to resort to all klndH of mean tricks to Injure Its reputation, we ufgiocauuun auintcnuingpurtuagermiub w uuy White Machine except from Its regular authorized dealers, who will be BUBUIned hy tho following warranty, WE WAllltANT THE NATUHAL WEAK AND TEAK Of TUB White Shuttle Me Machine, PLATE NUMIIElt 1033311 FOH FAMILY rnitPO HKS. AND 1IKHKUY AllltBB TO KUK1 THE SAME IN ItEI'AIR WJlt THE TEKM OV 1'IVIS YKAltH KHOM TIIIU DATE, FltEE C CIIAIIUE. This warranty excepts the breakage of needles bobbins and Bhultlea. This warranty will not be sustained unless the plate number above riven corresponds wllh the nuiaber on the Bhuttle race slide, ltewaro of defaced or altered numbers, WHITE 8XWIN0 MACHINE 00. Tho "WHITE" SbnttlD Sewing MacUno litis oKiinn oirioiTT titan ny ether family Bowing Hacntne lor aowg every vuiuij ui wore. J, SALTCKlt, OenerU Agent. itiuoaubanf. t'. SUUSCKIUE NOW TOR THZ3 COXitT2BXA.3Sr il.fiO IN -ADYAltOK. new rirh ri nnm B 80MSB8RC 1m SIXTH U011MAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburgj Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. S. WALiiBR, Jr., Ph. D., Principal.' TntMSnillWll. niinr nvrtnnt rnr.fltltnt..i1. nfVTA tlifi ve.rv henl. frtflltlM trtr l'mr1nnfll onrl rMftwftfii tnarnlnti'. iiiiuuiiiKHspacioua, lnviiing aim uunimuumua ; cornrieieiy ncaica uy steam, wmi vcuui.uca, iiuuiu uy gaa, nnrlnc water. IH'atlou healthful, unit easy ot accoas. Teachers oxperleneeit, eniclent, anil allTO to their work. Discipline, firm but klml, uniform and thorough, moderate. Fitly eenla a week deduction to nil expecting to leach, students admitted at any llmu. llooms reserved when desired. Uunrues of aludy prescribed by the HUilo t I. Motlul School. II. Preparatory. Ill, Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses ! I, Academic. II. Commercial. III. Courec In Music IV. Course In Art. V. Course tn Physical Culture. Tho momentary. Hclcntino and Classical Courses aro I'KOPKSStONAU and students graduatn? therein, lecclvostato Diplomat, conferrlnc the followto corrcspondlnK Degrees ; Master ot tho Elements l Master of Iho Sciences ; Master ot tho Classics. Uraduatcs In tho other Courses recelvo Noruial Cortlllcatcs LUL'iraiuiiuuit'nis,, qiquu uy mu uiuccrs or loo uoaru The course of Btuil y prescribed by tho State la liberal, anil tho 8 riontlflc and Classical courses aro not Inferior to thoso of our best Colloecs. i Jiuouiwrctmircaanignururueroi citizcnsnin. RCntanilcnicli'ntTeacherstorherschools. Tothtsendlt solicits younif persous of good nbllltlos and antiinciri,ainia,asritu(icnis. to nil sucn it promises Catalogue, address tho 1'rlnclpal. HON. WII.I.IA.H KI.VJ!I,I Ircl(trnl Honnl oopr. '70.- SPRING LARGEST CLOTHING. JUST WHAT WE REPRESENT IT FOR CUSTOM TAILORING mow oiur HAND AVE INVLTE YOUE EXAJMINA'iTON TO HOW "WHAT TO WEAR," AN) "How TO WEAR IT." CALL AT THE DAVIS. $1,000 REWARD. oNIi; THOUSAND (l.OOO) DOLLAHS 1 HKM1UM oirercd lo ANY PERSON hat wil! ilo as QKEAT A RANOE OF AVOHK on ANY OTHER MACHINE. WHAT THE HEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. It will mako wide Item on sheets, &c., hem all manner ot bias woolen goods, as soft merino, crape, or goods difficult to hem on other machines. It makes a more elastlo stitch than any other machine It will turn a hem and put In, piping at Bamo tlmo Itwlll turn a hem. sew braid on Uio right sldo and stitch on trimming at one operation. It will do felling bias or straight, either on cotton It will fell across Beams on any goods. I will bind a PrefB or Skirt nnd Eew on facing, either with or without thowlng Mllcbes; bind Dress flnrwlfl Willi tliHItnmnTnnliiHfll iillhn.cnnllnnonnlnfn squares or straight, lhe only machine that will bind" hum, i.iuaKb, or ouier articles wun mas. Baiin or mm, irom x 10 a incnes in wioin, wimoui basting. It will gather with or wltnout sewing on. it will gather between two pieces and eew on at UioBOUlO UUIO. It will make amnio and Btltch a pillow Blip on to tho facing at the same tlmo. It will shirr any kind ot goods. It will make plaited trimming cither with or with out sewing It on. It will make plaited trimming either scallapcd or straight, and sew aptplrg will make knife plaiting. on at the same time. It J. SALTZER, Gen'l Agent, Uloomsburg, Pa. oct. 1, '80-tf. Juno IT-Sm LEGAL 11LANKS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT THIS OJTICI WMIytllXI1iaWCT'WW frS.1 "H:r,.,';'T.-:( fel KJffTj l-'l'llMII) if u.k,i.ri M'ri ffVVi ful'jrl TIM II, .l:V,.,uilll Mf(t ,ifr ..Hlin- Il'l , il.' ' l!f " tl-,lfl ml,', l lo r.t,ir I tit iti I tjl) .'ii . ii :iu r,,u,,iiir. I8!fl , i til II i I'.l V " Ml, l I iS.jl h.UttSM. i,ni,,...l. ,. liLV, r ui, a i. in,., ,i n iin., 'I, , i, iy, A nl- tui, be oliiAtii ,tat Uidnii'Di f ,v Kit rahn, hirtlii.rlDf, r nnti,- ? fi nml fli,.;m:t Jliiii ol Unll f"' ' ul -liil Ir,.,.. ailtlirln, 1 JM 1. Q. A. SCAN, Oin'ILMlrmA ICS Jaul :II7 llnnulwuy Nimiml i:i 1t Wakhluilmi H. iit Mn- STATE BOBMAL SCHOOL oi j uaiue Thn tlmns (let land It. xue iimca (icuanu it. one oi uiu unrao oujecia oi aiain dovoiouing moir powers, nnnnbunaani opportunities ror wen paid laDoranericuvingBcnooi. ror of TiuMcci. CLOTHINGE - - STOCK OR READY MADE. SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE I'sed In tho principal Churches for Communion pui poses. EXCELLENT FOF.iLADIES AUD WEAELV PEHSC1TS A1TD THE AGED. Spoer'a Pott Grape Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. This Celebrated Native Wlno'ls made from tho Juice ot the oporto urape raised In this Country Its Invaluable Tonio and Strengthening Properties are unsurpassed by any other Native Wlno. Uclr g tho pure julcoof the Urape. produced under Mr. Hpecr's own perbonal supervision, its purity and Ki-uuiurijt-Ba ulu uruuiLX'U. lliu yuuilgcal CUIIU may partake of Its generous qualities and tno weak est Invalid use It to advantage. It Is particularly benltlclalto tho aged and debilitated, and suited to tho various ailments that afreet tho weaker sex. It Is In every respect wink to UK iikliku ON. SPEER'S I. JT. Sherry, The r. J. snifltltY Is a W'lno of Superior character and partnkcBof tho golden qualities of thegrapo, from v, hlch It Is made. For I'urlty, Itlchnii,f lavor and Medical lTopertles, It will be found unexcelled. SPEER'S I. J, Brandy This llRANHY stands unrivaled In this Country, being far superior tor medical purposes. IT IB A 1'UliK distillation f cm tho grapo and con tains valuable medical properties It has a delicate flavor, flirllar to thnt of the grapes frcm which It Is dlstillcd.and Is In great favor umong lirst class famllltB. t!eo that the signature of AI.FKKD SPKEIt.Passalo N, J., la ovi r tho cotV. ot each bottle. SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM. dec n io t, To Nervous Sufferers Iho Qrcat European Boizciy. . J. .8IMl'SON'B:8VECinO MSDICIKR. Dr.J.II.KIinpscn'sr.iwItlo IKdlclto lsnposltlvo cure toi oieiwi'ikcf 1 ody or bnu orrcosH of any Kind, such as weakncMi and nil dlnntes rasultlng fiom henous Ueblllly, Iriltublllty.Mrnlal Anxiety. Languor, lassltudn, lie nualtn ol bplrltu and func tional doraLgimeniB tf tho urrmis tjxtciu gen cmllj , l ulus In tho iiaeK or biuh, Lean orjtiemory, rrrma lureoldugo nnddla eahea that lead ti oonnnptlon, lnsatil ly li an early gravi or both. No mallei how Bhattered On system maybofron, exeetses o t an) kind, a short court-u u i nib mi dlcliie w ill i tbloru" Uw lost functions and procure health and napplnm where beioro was despondency end gloom, 'lhe bpe clflo Medicine Is being used with wonderful succebs. l'ainphlets sent free to all. Write for them and get full rartrlcuiar. Price, Bpocino jl.oo per package, or six packages for is.) o. Will bo sent by mall on receipt of money. Address all orders, J, II. bIMl'HuN'sNKDiciNKCO. Ncs. tM and 1( Main street, Uutralo, N. Y, lob.ll, W-tf TyAINWWOHT A CO., WIlOLEaALB OltOCBltS, Pun-iniiruu, Dealenls Tjtia, HYinira, oorm, bvqxv, mouuskk wi, ariosa, Houa tosi, to, a. M. Jt Ottn ot uoo&a taa Art Hmt rrtniitnii miTini irninnin'ruw. nnu runiisnna ira'i a uouniuui buhp.,y ui ,uiv,ru KxFenscr tuts ocnooi lo ncip wj aecuru it. by furnishing lhtolll. good purposes, those who desire to lmprovotholr time F. P. BIM.MYEU, Secretary, .rnFTSB.V 5eiuk HAIR TRENEWE ni been In constant me by the public . for over twenty ye. anil Is the best preparation ever Invented for RESTOR ING! ORAT HAIR TO ITS YOUTHFUL COLOR AND Tho Stato Asiayor and Ohcmist of Magg. and leading endorse and it as a groat triumph in medi cine. V LIFE. It mi supplies the natural food and color to ths hair gland without staining the skin. It will Increase and thicken tho growth of tho hair, prevent Its blanching and falling off, and thus AVERT BALDNESS, f It i cures Itching, Erup tions and Dandruff. As a It AIR DRESSING It Is very desirable, giving the hair n silken sortneis which all admire. It keeps tho bead clean, sweet and healthy, ' WHISKERS wtll change the beard to a 11K0WN or BLACK at discretion. Being In one preparation It Is easily applied, and produces permanent color that will not wash off. PREPARED UY R, P. HALL & GO,, NASHUA, N.H. 8lbr tllDiilinlnMilli. tea uy makng money when a o goiacn cnanco is oi- J lilt II fored, ilurctiy alwayskooplug a. pteriy frcm your door, Those who alwajs laVe udTKUtagi' of the good chances for making money that are offend, generally become wealthy, wuilo Ihoso who do not Improve such cbancis remain In povertj. We want many women, boys and girls to work for us light In their own 10 caiutes. Iho business will pay more than tun times ordinary wages. We furnlsu anextenelvo outntand all that you need, free. No ono who engages falls to make money very raj Illy. You can devote your whnla time to thDvvork or only your spare moments Fall information and all that U ueedod sent freo. Addriss srrxjON t Co., Portland, Milne, oct ira ly. CANCERS CURED At Crane's Cancer Infiraary, Addlscn, II. T. IlUNDltKDS OF PEIIhONH from all parts of tho world havu been cured of this much dreaded dis ease and are now living witnesses that they have bein rescued ircm ateirlhio and untimely death. Docturs, lllnlslcrs end tho Poor trealedfrec. Write toraclrcular giving full particulars. AdddrctsDrs. GEO. I HANE & 1.1TM1 lliiOWN, Addlfcon, N. Y. Oct. 1, 'SO-ly ' AND Paper Hanging. WM. F. BODINE, UtON ST., 1IKI.0W HEIOND, PLOOMbUfJllO, Pa IB prepared to do all kinds ot housb FAinrxxsro Plain and Ornamental. PAPER HANGING, 110T1I DEC01UT1VE AND PLAIN. All kinds ol'Furnlturo Ilciinlrcd. una mauo nN gooa as new, NONE 11UT FIItST-CLASS WOKKMEN EMPLOYED Bstimatci Made on all Work. WM. F. BODINE. WHITE BRONZE MONUMENTS, EEADSTONES.&c. Aro recommended by the best authority. They will novor crack, chlp.corrodc, tust or BECOME MOSS GROWN. They ere pure, iclincd, cast jlnc. They aro beau tiful, durable and cheap, fcind for circulars to JOHN. A. OWENS, GEN. AGENT, LB"WISBURa, PA or Inquire ot V, p. Kline, UloomRburg. Juli.il-m piitnt furnlf bed Irec, with full instruc tions tcr conducting tlo most profitable buoineu that any ono can engage in. instiuctlon V,,. SiS !JSk,Wat r,i'F,lu",cmuv,'.r5'itart. Soone .......... ,o n tuuij; w ,mi k uuen ure as suo- mmVv nS.Yfi; fa? M cnu i'" lree "umt wany have aadeal lhe Lutinr-fji mirmm T,imrt.H tlSS? luu'Llf 0 Nothing like It ever known ,h':., .'. ""SMiBPE" aieturtrlfccd atthecase Tm.v' vVf. . vmlu .lmy uo Sblo to make w f ft nnn. "k'ngo In this buslneBS during l our Minie time at gn at pi oht. You do not have to fcVlH,'Vtoa',Ual ln w e J' the rlhk. Thole who fnd,W ni'hey, Bhould write lo us at once. All it fs'v- AoatssTci &CoAugusta,MHne J. W, RAEDER, PRACTICAL BOOK BINDER No 110 WJCHT AUltHlTT HTltllliT, WILKES-BARHB, PA. Ill ml h nil Uio current nubllca tluns Iu any hI j lo you muy de sire. SuilsiucUou Kuuruu leeil. Correspondence solicited P. O. Box 160. P. 8. Cureful uUenflon riven to " 1UIIMUAT10!VS7 T HOAL BliANirn (v att. tnuna mm mm j ii RAILROAD TIME TABLES DKLriiU fi BI1IB H " DIVISION. A SUJIMKU TIME TAHLK, on nl r.flir Hunily. luro tn.ti.si. thn im.. m thirhliM'clphl'i t IJrlnlin lrouitlilvlsior will tun ASt0U0(7SI WRfTWAffTV Krle Jifll 1 'ftros Phltadtli lili , " Hiirrlt.l)tji-g i Vt'lilIatnrort i " .lersoy .ih.ire ieic nn n " licnovo i iirrlrn nt Hrlo 31 aw 8 4a a in oiOuu 4iam ltesam 1 4.', p m snoam 1215 pm B IS p M 4 20 p m 6 80 p in lot 6pm m lo p m 4 oo pin ttiptn io p m jrsajn "finm 8 no a m s sopm ooonm loosnm ii Mam mspm a 40 p m 45pm lUJara 9iH)pm miopia 11 so p m 8ooam t 35 a m V is a m Niagara Kxprcss lcavcBriilladeliihla " Ii4llIbllUlg orr. nt wiiiluii'-iiort " Lock ilmea i, licnovi) ii 'i Knnn F.iat Line leacn Philadelphia " Hurrisburg " arrive at wiiiiamtpnrt " I.ri'k liftv n KAd'fWAlUJ. Pw.inc repress leaven tool? 1tft7en " Villllirriport " nrrlvo at, ltarriFiiir,f " ' l'lilad:lpi,u ' Knno Day Kxprcai leaven ltcnovo " Lock Huven ' Wimntiupcrt " arrive at Ilnrrlburg ' Philadelphia ii Etle Krlo Mall leaves ltcnovo ' " IxicK Haven " . " Illlamsport 11 arrives nt llarrlsburg " l'hiiaocipnia Fast Lino leaves Wllilnmsport ' arrives at llarrlsburg " " PhUndelphln Bisam 1 it am Krle Mall and Fast Lino west and Pacino Emnu East mako close connections at Northumberland with u B. It. It. trains for WUkcsbarre ana Hcrnnton, Krlo Mall West, Niagara Kxprcis West and Fa Lino West mako close connection nt WUliomspott with N. C. It. W. trains north. Niagara Express West and Day Express Kast makeclosocouncctlun atLockllnveu with U.K. v. It. It. trains. Erlo Malt cast and West connect at Krlo with trains on i u. s.m. . u. rains on L. H. & .M. S. it. It. ; at Corry with O. c, li .A: W. It. Il.i at Emporium with U. N. Y.4P. 11. H, nd at Driftwood with A. V. It. II. andr Parlor cars will run between Phllalelphla ana Wlllamsport on Niagara Kxpress west, nnd Hay Kx. pleas Hast. Bleeping cm a on nil night tralna. WM.A. 1IALUWIN, Ucncral Mupt, NORTHEKN CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY. On and nfMT January lTUi, 1881, trains will leava Bunbury as follows :, NOKTIIWAltD. Northern Express o.so a. m., arrive Elmira 19.30 pra Arrlvo at Canandalgua 8.25 p. m " ltochostor 4.40 " Niagara. 8 48 Niagara Exprosa 1.05 p. m. arrive E'mlrao.osp rn arrlvo Canandalgua 8.35 11 " itochoster 9 45 " " Niagara la.GOnm Fast lino Clo p m nrrlvo Elmira 11.05 pra " WnlklnB 11.55 pm BOUT1IWAHD. Southern Express ,n a. m. arrlvo Harrlsb'g 3.15a ra arrlvo Philadelphia 7.3.1 " " Now York 10.35 " " Halttmoro 7.40 " Washington 9,02 a m Paclfle Express 10.110 a m arrlvo Harrlsb'g vim p m nrrlvo Philadelphia 3.15 pro V Now York 0,5 " " Ualtlirtoro 6.90 " Washington 7,r,s Day Express l.W p rn arrive llarrlsburg a.io p m ' Philadelphia 0.45 " " New York u.so llaltlmoro 035 " ashlnglon 7.52 Erlo Mali 1.C5 a. m. arrive II nrrhburg f.ot a. m " Philadelphia T.B3 " " Now York '0.35 " " Daltlmoro 7.n " Waehlngton 9 03 L. P. FAItMKlt, General Passongor, Aijout, 1'ItANK THOMSON, Orncral Maragi r. J)l ILADELTOA AND RKADINQ ROAD ARRANGEMENT OF TASSEXGER TRAINS. Juno 87, 1831. TRAINS LEAVE ROrKHT AS rOM.OW5(SUHPAVEXCEmD For Now York, Philadelphia, Reading, Pettsvllle Tamaqua, tc, 11,45 a. m For Catawls3a, ll,5 a. in. 7,'jo and c,i5 p. in. For W Illlamsport, 0,15 d,50 a. m. and 4,oc p. m. TRAINS FOH RCI'XBT I.E1VK AS FOIJ.0WH, (80NIIAY K CJrrBn.) Leave New York, vl.i. Tamanend 9,00 n. m. and via. Hound lliook Houtu 7,45 n. in. Leavo Philadelphia, 3,4.'. a. ru. Leavo ltoadlng, ll.asa. in., PotUvllle, is,r.s p. to and Tumaqua, 1,35 p. m. Loavo Catnwlssa, o,lo 8,40 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leavo Wllllamsport,9.45 a.m,?,oo p. m. and 4,30 p, m Passengers to and from New York, via. Tama nend and to and from PhllaJclphla go througa without chango of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Monagor C. O, HANCOCK, General Pnsscngor ana Ticket Agent. Jan. 10, ust tf. DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN HA1LP.OAD. BLOOMBBURG DIVISION. Time-Table No. 39, Takes effect at 4:30 a. X MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1878. NOUT1I. STATIONS. 60HTII. p.m. p.m. a.m. 9 so 4 13 9 46 9 23 9 17 9 37 9 3 9 30 8 68 3 51 9 91 8 01 3 43 9 19 8 40 3 41 9 14 19 41 12 SI 8 83 3 30 9 04 8 13 3 10 8 44 8 93 3 20 8 68 8 12 3 12 8 47 8 04 3 04 8 311 I 61 2 61 8 28 7 38 2 39 8 17 7 IU 2 84 8 12 7 25 2 23 8 00 T 18 7 14 7 10 7 02 2 04 7 44 66 1 67 7 88 0 60 1 61 T S3 6 45 1 40 7 29 0 27 1 87 7 11 0 IB 0 00 1 00 6 46 p.m. p.m a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m ..Scran ton.., 9 as 2 10 o it 3 it 0 so 9 45 2 22 Ii vs 2 BO 0 S3 9 68 2 38 C 40 2 44 0 45 10 07 2 49 0 60 2 63 0 55 67 0 W 10 18 3 15 7 10 10 33 3 16 T 18 3 10 7 IS 10 29 8 16 7 16 3 91 7 35 ..nellevuo... Tuylorvllle.., ...Lackawanna, ...... Pitts ton .. West Plttston... Wyoming.., Mallby... .Dennett. Kingston Kingston ..Plymouth June., ....Plymouth Avondalo Nantlcoke .Uunlock'B Creek. 10 34 3 SO 7 41 10 42 3 35 8 04 10 CS 3 60 8 23 ...Shlckshlnny ....uicjt'H irerry.. ....Beach Haven.,, ........Berwick .... .....Briar Creek..... ...WUlow Grove.... Lime KIdgo... ,. J8py....w. ...Vloomsburg.,,.. Huoert 11 07 4 03 8 45 11 13 4 10 8 65 11 20 4 13 9 05 4 26 7 15 4 29 7 23 4 S3 7 80 11 39 4 42 7 44 11 46 4 49 8 (d 1161 4 6S 8 32 Catawlusa Bridge. 11 67 6 00 S 60 12 18 fi 18 8 21 ...UHUVU1U ...Chulasky. ...Cameron 9 18 9 61 b 80 9 .Northumberland. 13 46 5 45 9 p.m. p.m. o.to W. F. TJALBTEAD, SBPt. Superintendent's Office, scrnnton, June 10, lrts. THE GREAT BURLINGTON ROUTE. WNo other lino runs Threo Through Pas senger Trains Dally betweon Chicago, Dcs Moines, Council Illuffs, Omabo, Lincoln, St. Joseph, Atchison, Topeka anil Kansas City. Direct connections for all points In Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, No-' California Ioxlco Arlzonai ln, Oregon and The Shortest. Speediest and Most Comfort l)Io Itoulo vlalfanntbul to Fort Scott, Dcnlaon, Dallas, Houston, Austin. San Antonio, aalyes ton and all points In Texas. Tho unoqualcd Inducements offorod brthls Lino to Travelers nnd Tourists, aro as follows! The celebrated Pullman (10-nheel) Palaco Blcoplng Cars, run only on this Lino, C II. Q. Palaco Drawtng-Hoom Cars, with Morton's Hcc Inlng Chairs. No extra chargo for Beats In Itecllnlng Chairs. Tho famous C, II. & Q. Palace Dining Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars fitted with Elcgaut High-Hacked Itattan Re volving Chairs for tbo exclusive ueo of flmt class pusiengors. Steel Track ami Superior Equipment, com bined with their Great Through CarArrawro tnent, makos 1 his, abovo all others, the f avorito Homo to tho South, Bouth-Woit, and tlio VX West. Try It, and you will And trareUng a luxury Instead or a discomfort. Through Tickets via thU Celebrated Lino for salo at til offices la Uio United States ana Canada. All information about Rates of Vara, Bloop. tar Cat AooonirooiUUona, lime Tables, &o will bo cheerfully given by acpllug to J. Q. A. DKAN, Oeo-I ICastero Aient, . MJ OMBUIU 4t IV CfcUKttiM WMK J 4!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers