THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUM 5IA COUNTY, PA. Ijfr IpIitnilMttt. ?.' I" BITTEHBiiNDEn, Edllcr' BLOOMSBUKG, PA. Friday, Sopt. 1), 18H1. THE l'KESIDENT'S CONDITION. Tho cxccsslvo nnd ioisotious mi nt Washington, exorcised such a dcVil! liUing inlluciiw upon tho wounded Pres ident, thai it wns determined to rcinovo liinj to Long Brnnuh. At an early hour on Tuesday morning an express wagon was driven to tho Whho llouso nnd in this tho President was laid and convoyed to tho railroad statiot:. Tho Pennsylvania It. It. company had provided tho hand some pahteo car formerly used hy Col. Scotland to this ho was safely transferred and placed upon a spring bed. At pro cisely half past six o'clock tho train, con sisting of an engine, baggage car and three special palace cars started, on its journey. Tho President boro tho mov ing very well, in fact his pulso decreased after leaving tho White House. The journey was safely accomplished and at nine minutes past one o'clock tho train rollea into hong I stanch. From Wash ington to lhltimoru tho train ran at an averagu speed of about thirty miles an hour. After tins tho speed was increas ed, as it was found that there was no nioro vibration to tho bed than when running moio slowly. At every station along tho road throngs of spectators stood with uncovered heads eagerly and earnestly watching the car in which the President lay. A temporary track had been laid at. Long 1'raiu'h to the cottage winch the Presidential party was to oo cupy, and thu wounded man was carried from tho car to tho bedroom which hud been prepared for him. After his arrival tho President complained of fatigue and his ptdso roso to 121, but ho soon rallied, slept soundly and tho fever caused by tho excitement of travelling materially abated. On Wednesday morning his pulso had do creased to 100, and ho seemed to be bet ter in every way. Tho windows of tho room iti which ho lies look out upon the ocean not more than 100 feet away, and the cool salt breezes keep the tempera ture at a comfortable height. It is hoped and believed that the tracine; sea air will have a most invigorating effect, and tho developments of tho noxt few hours nro awaited with tho greatest anx iety. There can bo no doubt that in the debilitating atmosphere of Washington, tho President was slowly sinking, and that his life could not have been many days prolonged. Ho boro tho fatigues ot tho journey even better than his phy sicians anticipated and they declared that ho had actually improved whilo on the way. He is jjreatlv emaciated and his face is thin and haggard. His oyes however, are briirht and evidently tako note of all that transpires. A detach ment ot lsattery A. l'irst Artillery will compose the military guard around the cottage. The Boston TrimscrijU sarcastically remarks that "it is a little curious, come to think of it, that all tho best surgeons in tho country aro now editing New V ork papers. Tho Press waxes impatient at tho de lay in prosecuting tho delinquent county ollicers in Lycoming, and asks "who s afraid up there in Lycoming county 1 Y tiy not cage ttio Uouuty Commission crs at once, and bo done with it." It is stated that, for tho first time, the three Stato prisons paid their current ex penses (liirmtr the past three months. This is, if true, a most delcctablo condi tion of affairs aud will bo duly appre ciated by tax-payers. Why is it that tho Democratic Stand ing Committoo do not meet and elect a Chairman 1 No meeting has yet beon hold, in accordauco with that ruio of the party which provides for tho election of a Uhairmau by the members ot tho com mittee. Nothing has been heard of tho Star route investigation for somo timo, tho shooting of tho President having been tho main topic of inte.-est, but wo aro assured that the work of hunting down tho thieves still continues. If any of these plunderers find their way into jail it will he a genuine surpriso aud a cause of much rejoicing. Tho Republicans of Schuylkill county aro having a regular circus, with thu liveliest kind of a programme Tho party is split in two and each faction has held a convention and nominated a full et of county ollicers. Tho "independent" faction, on Monday, adopted a resolution recommending tho delegates to tho con vention of 1882 to secure tho nomination of Charles S. Wolfe for governor. Tho Heading It. It. Company's affairs are in a bad a stato as ever, owing to tho fact that tho proposed scheme of President Bond for tho reorganization of tho Heading railroad lias been rejected by tho syndicate of banks relied on to purchaso tho four per cent, bonds. It is also stated that largo holders of tho junior securities of tho Heading rail road have refused to accept Bond's scheme, and tho general mortgage hoi dors aro demanding tho overdue and un paid interest. Stories of a threatened foreclosure aro eh diluting. This is most unfortunate for tho stockholders. Since .tho adjournment of tho last Grand Jury in St. Louis on tho 14th ult., which left twenty six murder cases on tho docket, thine havo occurred nino de liberate, cold blooded murders, three homicides, and thirty-five cases of as sault with intent to kill. Tho people of tho city have, very naturally, become in diiruant, and ouo of tho leading papers states very distinctly that if tho ollicers of tho law do not tako immediate steps to prevent crimo and punish offenders, tho lamp posts will bo ornamented with tho coipjcs of tomo of theso red-handed inurdeieiH. No other city in tho Union can show such a deplorable criminal list and tho wrath and indignation of the citi zens is not to bo wondered at. Tho statesman known ns Wood.pulp Millor, recently ohosoii Senator by somo of the Now Yi ork legislators, it is now claimed was not legally elected. Somo of tho half-breed organs nro growing un Juippy over tho chance that ho inuy bo rejected by thu Senate. Tho constitution juovides that an United States Senator must DO eiceieu uy u niujuriiy ui mu members of both Iiousch of tho Statu legislature. There was not a majority jj tho senate present wuuu .miner wu decimal elided. If Miller wero a Dem ocrat nl! tho organs of tho Kepublioan paity would ay aloud against tho enor mity of his king admitted to a seat in tlio Senoto. Ah U h thov consider It shocking that oven a doubt ehould bo tubed against filler's elifjiMIHy, Tho Bloomsburg Coi.UMniAN insists that Judge Jero Black "Is now and al ways has been a Hepubllcnn." J'hiltt tMpiitt Timet. Tho obovo is an absolutely false and uncalled for item. Tho Columbian of course-, nover made any such nbstird statement. What the Times needs is an exchange editor who can read English Lieut. Flippor, tho colored officer of tho army, wnoso adventures at West Point aro familiar to all readers of news papers, has been detected in embezzling some $1700 of government funds.received by him as Commissary of his regiment at Kort Davis. The money, which was in the form of checks, was found on tho person of Lucv Smith tho colored cook. Flipper was orrested and placed in tho guard houso and tho woman sent to jail. The three colored men sent to West Point havo turned out badlv j ono failed to pas examination. Whitlakcr muti lated himself to gain sympathy and was court martialed,atid now Clipper is found to be a thief. If theso aro tho beat spec imens of tho ''nation's wards," let us havo no moro West Point cadets of their race. JUIKIK MiACK'S LOYAbTY. In tho Philadelphia Press of last Fri day, is a very interesting interviow with Judge Joseph Holt, President Buchan an's Secretary of Wnr, after Floyd, nnd subsequently Judge Advocate General .luring tho war. Judge Holt fully and conpletely corroborates Judgo Black's statements and declares that Stanton, 1 Slack and himselt were ot tho same mind as regards the defending of tho toits ami protecting ot other property of tho federal government. Ho further declares that Mr. Buchanan was thor oughly loyal though anxious to avoid a war. Judge Holt, as is well known, was a Republican and opposed to Judge Ulack not only politically but personally, there having been no intercourse between tho two men subsequent to tho trial of tho conspirators following tho death of Lincoln. His corroboration of Judge Black's allegations will possess great weight with thoso who wero inclined to doubt tho accuracy of tho Judge's words. It was popularly believed that Judge Holt was dead, so completely had he retired from public view and his re appearance at this timo give his state ments a peculiarly strong effect. It is very much to bo hoped that tho Press will publish all this interesting matter in pamphlet form. There can bo no doubt that the book would have a large sale. The Threats at Lynching Guiiean, Tho American people owe it to them selves to frown down the foolish and excitable people who talk about making our nation's capital 'the theatre for a disgraceful scene of lawlessness in the oyes of all mankind. Guitcau, oven more than Wilkes Booth, bdeauso this is a time of peace, has weakened our .1 t r .i i, people s lauu in mu suuiciency oi mo safeguards which reason, patriotism, and respect for tho will of tho majority have been supposed to throw around the per son of the Chief Magistrate of this Re public. It will add to this feeling of insecurity, aim to uiu sense oi Hiiumu aim disappointment which mingles with it, if it is demonstrated that tho govern ment, tho inherent and uuexcrtcd strength of which could not prevent the crimo of Guiteau, cannot by its exerted strength properly punish him and save him from murder by a mob. Shall a pack of fools bo allowed to further dis graco this great Republio by making its Capital tho sceno of tho rough justico of a tribo of savages or a camp of pioneers boyond the limits of law and tho influ ences of civilization ? Shall tho wretch who has sought to murder our President bo made also tho occasion ot putting this disgraco upon us 1 Tho thinking, law- abiding peoplo of America say no, aud it is time that the expression of their opinion had begun to silence this talk about lynching in tho Capital of tho Re public. Wilmington Iwery Evening. DEATH OF I1ENDK1CK B. WKIGI1T. Tho veteran Congressman, Hcndrick Bradloy Wright, died at his homo in Wilkes Barro on Friday morning last, aged 73 years. Ho was born in Plymouth, Luzerno (Joimty, l a., on April 24, 1808. llo pur sued the usual classical and inathemat ical studies nt Dickinson's College, after ward Btuditd law, and was admitted to the bar of Luzerne County on Nov. 8, 1831. During the following ten years ho dovotcd himself to his profession. In 18-11 ho was elected to the Pennsylvania Legislaturc,aud was re-elected In 1S42. Ho was instrumental in securing the passago of tho stay law of 18-12, and in connection with Judge Elwell, of Colum bia, in abolishing the imprisonment of poor debtors. In 18-13 tho nomination of State Sena tor was tendered him, but ho declined it, aud was again elected to the House. Up on tho opening of tho session he was chosen Speaker. Ho was a delegate at largo to tho Democratic National Con vention which met in Baltimore ill 1844. In 18.r)2 ho was elected to Congress, aud was renominated in 1854, but was de feated by the Hon. II. M. Fuller. In 18G1 ho was nominated by both parties, and was, of course, elected. After that ho wrote two works, ono a "Practical Treatise on Labor," tho other "Historical Sketches of Plymouth,', his native town, llo was once moro tho Democratic can didate for Congressman at largo in 1872, and, being endorsed by tho Working men's Convention, run soveral thousand voles ahead of tho ticket In 1873 ho was Chairman of tho, Stato Central Con mittee, and conducted a vigorous cam paign. Mr. Wright was nominated for Congress in 1870, in the Luzerno district, and was elected by 1,450 majority. Re nominated in 1878, he obtained a majori ty of 2,191. In 1880 tho Democrats of his district nominated a straight-out party candidate and Mr. Wright rati on tho National ticket, but was overwhelm ingly defeated. His political career ended on tho 4th of March, this year, and ho retired from public life after thirteen years of service in the stato and national legislatures,ein braced in a period of forty years. On Apiil 21, 1835, ho was married to Mury Ann Bradley Robinson, daughter of John W. Robinson, and grand-daughter of Col. Zebulon Butler, who com. manded tho Amerioan forces at tho bat tle of Wyoming, on July 8, 1778, Mrs. Wright died on Sept. 8, 1871. Ho hud suffered for somo months with dropsy complicated with other diseases. Col. Wright was ehuritablo and warm hearted a true friend of tho poor. Ho had long been an advocate of tlo rights of thu workingman, aud whilo at times wrong in his viows, was always siuccre. Ho will bo mihsed by tho poor of his city who had for ytais never asked aid of him in vain. A meeting of tho Luzerno County bar was held ou Saturday and resolutions wero adopted expressive of sorrow at tho death of an old and valued member. Tho funeral took place on Monday and tho sorvicos wero conduc ted by Jit. Itcv. Jlishop Stevens, assiatod by Rev, II. E-1 lay den. ANOTHER INDIAN .MAS8A('ltE Despatches from Kort Grant, Now Mexico, annouueo tho dismal tidings that- Gen. Carr's command has been nt tacked by Whito Mountain Indians nnd n number of soldiers killed. It was at first reported that the cntiro command 1 10 soldiers and 7 ollicers had per ished, but this was subsequently denied. Tho reservation of theso savages is lo 'catcd about 100 miles north ot Wilcox, near tho lino of Now Mexico. Tho tribo numbers about 1,500 lu all. They can muster about 400 warriors. This is tho only tribo of Apaches which has not been whipped into subjection. Thoy wero moved ill 1870 into tho San Carlos reservation, but wero recalled nnd re turned to their old hunting grounds, where thoy havo been over since. Tho nttack was commenced by Gen. Carr's Indian scouts nnd thu news of tho massacre wero brought on by Indian runners. An nmplo forco of infantry, cavalry and artillery has beon scut to Kort Apache. This fort is 210 miles from Tucson, by wagon road. Tho country is mountainous and full of can yons Biiitnblo for ambushing and sur prising an enemy. Tho mountains nro covered witli pi no nnd other timber, and streams of running water abound. In fact it is tho best umbered and watered section of thu territory. There are many strongholds in tho mountains in which a mere handful of determined men could successfully resist the advance of a hun dred times their number. Tho Apacho country is settled almost entirely by Mormons, and it is reported that there is an understanding between them and tho Indiaus. Thcro is grcat excitement nt Tucson and much indignation is expressed at tho conduct of Indian Agent Tiffany. Ho has studiously denied that thero was any dauger of trouble and repeatedly asserted that none of thu agency Indians wero off tho reservation. It is claimed by thoso well informed that so largo a body of Indians could not have been ab sent without tho knowledge of tho agent, and had ho informed tho military author ities of tho fact the massacre would doubtless havo been averted. Tho Whito Mountain Apaches are tho most warlike, and have always been consid ered superior to any other branch of the numerous subdivisions of the great Apacho nation. A general outbreak of tho Apaches is feared and as theso num ber some 800 warriors tho troublo as sumes gravo proportions. Thero seems to bo no good reason to bcliove that such frightful occurrences will not tako place from year to year, so long as Indians exist in the West. Heretofore it has been urged by friends of the red men, that tho corruption and frauds committed by agents had impelled them to acts of violence. In this in stance there appears to have been no causo whatever for tho outbreak, except tho bloodthirsty and revengeful passions of tho savages. Tho Indian business has always been mismanaged by tho government and probably always will be. Massacre will follow massacre, un less indeed tho hardy frontiersmen should orgauizo in largo numbers and devote themselves to tho extermination of Indians wherever found. This action might do away with tho Indian Department, but it would save hundreds of lives and give needed rest to tho borders. News Items. Williamsport was visited by a severe storm on Thursday night of last week and, during its continuance, tho largo planing mills of Otto & Sons wereBtruck by lightning and totally destroyed, 84 machines of various hinds, 1500 feet of lumber, workmen s tools xa wero lost and the losses aggregate moro than $50,- 000. Nearly a hundred men wero tiirown out of employment. It has not been de cided whether the mills will be rebuilt. No human agency can bo speedily cleanse, the blood, clear tho complexion and skin, restore the hair and euro every species of itching, scaly and scrofulous humors of the skin, scalp and blood as tho Uuticura Remedies. A young man'named William Hughes was f ountl in a pool ot water near inanton mines, Wilkes Jiarre, last b nday morn ing. Ho was thrown from his horse whilo searching for cattlo in tho night, and falling into the pool -his head stuck in tho mud and ho suffocated. Thousands of ladies have found sud den relief from all thoir woeB by tho use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Com pound, the great remedy for diseases pe cliar to females. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. Tho Washington Hotel, corner Broad way and Battery Place Now York, built in 1742 for a residence by British Admiral Warren, and claimed to bo the oldest building in the city, has been bought by Cyrus W. Field who will demoliBh it and erect an immense now structure. Cleveland Leader. Mr. Orlando Weathcrbcc, says an ex change of ours, proprietor "Tho Spencer Pharmacy," Spencer, Mass., reports: My customers speak very highly of tho Great German Remedy, St. Jacob's Oil, it having always given excellent satis faction. Ono of them, Mr. Henry Bel cher, has been greatly benefited by its use in a caso of severe rheumatism, nnd ho refers to it in terms of tho highest praise. Tho scarcity of water in Schuylkill county has necessitated tho stopping of work at several collieries. Water has to to be conveyed to others in wagons. The immense- forest fires in Pike county have been extinguished by tho recent heavy showers. Thero havo been heavy losses by fire in tho petroleum region near Olean N. Y. Engine houses, derricks, timber, oil &o wero destroyed. Tho woods near Mahanoy City aro on firo and burning furiously. Tremendous fires are reported in Erie county in which barns, houses, hay stacks &o were swept away. Doylestown, with a population of less than three thousand, has eight news papers, secular and religious. Mrs. Frauces Hodgson Burnett, tho clever authoress'of "That Lass o' Lowrio's" and other good novels, reccutly saved tho life of a drowning man at Loug Beach. Kilburn J. Chandler, city editor of tho Ilnrrisburg Patriot, was shot by Naudaln Hamilton on Friday night last Hamilton insulted Chaudlcr and provok ed a quarrel, during which ho fired two shots, ono of which took effect in Chandler's left leg. Hamilton was ar rested and gavo bail in $2800. Thero wero 20,000 persons present at tho Grangers picnioiu Williams' Grove, near Mechanicsburg, last week. Repre sentatives from this Stato, Virginia, Maryland, Now York, Now Jersoy and Delaware were on tho grounds. On Friday addresses wero delivered by Messrs. Hensel of thu Lancaster Jntelh yencer and Smith of tho Philadelphia Press. Lorenzo Delmonleo, tho renowned caterer of Now York, died on Saturday ge4 C8 year, llo Ievw ttlwgo ttU, Thomas C. Nenl of Chicago, becamo insane on tho night of September 1st, nnd rushed into tho Btreet shooting every ono ho met. Four men were wounded, two of whom, William Siiringcord, n watchman, and William Johnson, color ed, will probably die. Ncal was shot by an officer nnd captured. In Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, North Carolina nnd Indiana, Tuesday was observed as a day of prayer for tho recovery of tho President. In lown, Massachusetts, Michigan nnd Now Jersoy Thursday was devoted to tho same pur pose. The peoplo of Arkansas offered up prayers for tho President on tho 14th of July. COUHT I'ltOCBKDINOS. Tho regular term of Court oponcd on Monday last, nil Judges ou the boticli. Auditor's report In estate; of Andro w Sliu 'nmn confirmed nisi. Keport of salo in estate of Potcr Michael, confirmed .iM. Keport of sale In astute of Qoorgn Hoi lenbsclc, confirmed n;sl. Petition for review of a road In Green wood, from Thotnai Wright's to Frlond's meeting house, filed by leare of Court. Cjrua Mclleury, Mlclmol Vsnco nnd Euiandus Unsugst appointed vlowors of a road in Scott township. Keport of Oommlsiloncr on contented will of Unnjamin McHcnry, decoasod, filed. Auditor's report in estate- of lleiijnmln Sav ago, confirmed nisi. Auditor' report in cstato of J. P. Connor, confirmed nisi. Keport of viewers of a in Franklin, confirmed nisi. ! ;Heturn of salo in cstato of W. Verry (Con firmed nisi. Keport of Commissioners In favor of nn in dependent school district In Cntnwiasa town ship, confirmed nisi. Ou petition, Chas. Billeg and Sol. Strauss or appointed supervisors of Locust township. Keturn of partition In ostato of 1). De mott, confirmed nisi. Sale of real estate ordered In estate of G. H. Wells, and bond approved. Keturn of constables tnkon In open court. Grand Jurors called nnd sworn, A.' 1' lleller appointed foreman. Petition for partition filed in estate of J. P. Craig. Keturn of sale in estate of Mary Cleaver, confirmed nisi. Keturn of partition in estate of John Kline, confirmed nisi. . Keturn of partition in estate of Georgo Urcfce, confirmed nisi. Kcpoitof rc-vlewers of n road in JIalu and Denver, in favor of laying out a road, con firmed nisi. The following auditor's reports wero filed and confirmed nisi: Estate of Jacob Bow er. Entate of L. Adams. Estate of Lydia W. Dodion. EstntoofM. Gruber. Estate of J. B. Dodson. Estate of Joshua Bavage. J. Bachmau vs. Euhn et. nl. Appeal filed. E. Shutt aud J, M. Shultz appointed tip staves. Peter McGraw sworn in as a citizen of tho United States. Deputation of Chailcs Hartman by con stable of Hemlock, approved. Keturn of coroner's inquest on body of S. Q. Collins filed and approved. Sale oi real estate ordered in estate of Pe ter Hayman. Writ of partition awarded in estate of John Gigger. . Keturn of sale in estate of W. Whito,con- firmed nisi. Auditor's reports in the following rslates confirmed nisi: Estate of John MeKey nolds. Estate of E-tella Case. Eatateof T, J. Thornton. Keport of viewers in favor of a road in Jackson and Benton, near B. Savage's, confirmed nisi. Keport of viewers ot a road in Jackson and Sugnrloaf, confirmed nisi. Keport o f viewors in favor of a road nenr Jesse- Fritz's, in Sugarloaf, confirmed nisi. Keport of viewers in favor of a road in Bloom, Hemlock and Mt. Pleasant, con firmed nisi. Remonstrance, exceptions nnd petition for reviewers filed. Thomas Schefller vs. Kato Schefilcr. Di vorce decreed. Auditor's report In cstato ol S. V. Karnes, confirmed nisi. Auditor's report in estate of John Davu, confirmed nisi. Estate of Kebecca Vanderslico. Keturn of notico to heirs filed, Keport of viewors of a road in Jtoariug creek, confirmed nisi. Keturn of sale confirm d nisi in estate of Philip Miller. I. A. Dewitt; Geo. Cole and G. W.Uttap pointed re-viewers ot a road la Fisuingcreek Widow s appraisements, and accounts pre sented by Kegister for confirmation. Supplemental report of Commissioner on division line between Brlarcreck and Fish iugcrcek townships, filed. Opinions of Court filed In the following cases: Centralis Baying 1-unu vs. oarau Haffey. Bonton Saving Fund vs. O. L. Da vis. Orangevillo Saving Fund vs. A. B. Herring. D. F. Sey bcrt vs. Thomas Gerity. Commonwealth vs. Stephen Dleterick,now trial granted, Charles Gibbons appointed guardian of G. A. Young nnd Lula O. Young. Petitlou for partition filed in estato of Jane Kitchen. J. G, Nevius vs. Elralra Ncvlus. Divorce answer filed. Keport of viewers of Catawissa school lot, confirmed nisi. Commonwealth vs. E. C. Bundy, Bill ig nored, prosecutor to pay costs. Commonwealth vs. F. Smith. Bill ig nored, prolocutor to pay coats. Commonwealth vs. J. W. Eder. Bill ig nored, county to pay costs. Commonwealth vs. A. Koup. A true bill, G. W. Supplee, W. It. Dcraott and W. Eyer appoiuted viewers to vacate a road in Pine. John Menscb, B. Khoads and John Quick appointed viewers of a road in Madison near D. 8. Patterson's. John Hartman, A. Hartman and I, Mc Bride appointed viewers to vacate a road in Madison near T. O. Wilson's. Keport of auditor in estate of J. Mi Dowell, confirmed nisi, 'V. T. Creasy appointed guardian of Min nie B. Kaup, Petitlou of James Barton, guardian, for an order to invest funds, allowed by tho court, Auditor's report in cstato of John Evoland, confirmed nisi. M, M, nendcrshott, appointed guardian of Charity M,, Oscar E. and Annie M, Camp, Answer to citation in estato ot John Con. cer, filed. On petition of G, W OorreH, order grant ed to make deed In estate of A, Snyder, Charles Rink vs. Kminn Kink, Dlrorco decreed; Commonwealth vs. Andrew Koup. Case tried, "Void let fur defendant, not guilty, protecutor and defendant each to pay half the costs, Commonwealth vg, Thomas Gorrlty, A true hill. Commonwealth vs. Charles IJuu-oknechl, A true Mil, Commonwealth vs. John Pcruiig 'A Hue bill Thomas C. Wilson appointed guardian of Mary and Harriet Eck. Partition awarded in estato of Jonas Harlzel. Partition awarded in estate of M. M Hnrtzel. Georgo Cole, Alixnndcr Krnmer, J. H, Ifecler, Samuel Mclletiry, J. Black nnd John Mnther appointed Inspectors of a county bridge In Greenwood, W. L. Manning, G. W. Fnrver, G. W. Derr, H. (A Hess, V. B, Poterman and I). Lewis appointed viewers of two county bridges, one In Jackson nnd ono In "Sugar loaf. B. G. Kne, K. J. Davis nnd J. M, Long nppolntid viewers to vscnto n road in FWi Ingcrcek, near B. Albertson's. Cyrus Mcllonry, W. L. Manning anil O. W. Derr appointed viewers of a road In Greenwood, near Thomas Mather's. Commonwealth vs. James McGiutils. A (run hill. Commonwealth vs. Scott township super visors. True bill. Report of viewers In favor of a county bridge near A. M. Johnson's in Locust, ap proved by Grand Jurr, Keport of Inspectors for brldgo near E. J. Mcllcnry's, confirmed. Keport of Inspectors lor brldgo near Kim ball's mill, confirmed. Martin Gaujhen naturalized in open court. LMrouTANT to Tkavki.ers Special In ducements aro offered you by tho Burlington Route. It will pay you to read their adver tisement to be lounu elsewhere in this issue. March 18 10-w Democratic Couaty Ticket. ASSOCIATE JCDOE. PKANKUM U. SUUSIAN, of Catawitsa. JAMKS LAKE, oSeM. rnoTiioNOTAnv. WILLIAM KItlCKIlAUM. of Bloom. I1KOISTEH AND KKC01IDEI1. O. W. STKItNKlt, of llloom. C0DNTV TRKASCltKK. A. JI. JOHNSON, of Locust. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. ClIAItLKS IlEICIIAHI), of Main. I). F. EDOAlt, of FUhmgcrech. AUDITORS. C. W. IIKSS, L. J. ADAMS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Great Unfailing SPECIFIC foi: iMHTOOKf T.itpp rnmiilaiiit thu bYAii'Toais oi' i.ivmt complaint are uneasiness and rain In ttio side, sometimes rntn In tho shoulder, nnd Is mistaken ror rheumatism; tho Stomach Is affected with loss of nimetlto and sickness; bowels, In general, costive, sometimes alternating with lnx; the heart 13 troubled with pain, and dull, heavy sensation ; considerable loss ut memory, with painful sensation ot having left undono fcomcthtng hlcti ought to have bten uono ; often complaining of weakness debility nnd low spirits, bonietlmtsmany of tha nbovo sjmptoms nltond tho disease, and at other times very fow of them ; but tlio Liver is generally tho organ most JUVU1VUU. RUOULATE TI1E LlVEft, AND 1'HEVENT IynH'lln, Cnimllpiitloii, Umimllrr, IlilliiunAt tiirka. CliUlrt nnd Fl'vor, lleailarlir, Culle, Dt'Itrt-hhlnii of SplrliN, Sour Mnni-hi-Ii, lltiirtbiii-ii, Pllew, nr. Tonic, Alterative nuil Calhartlc! Simmons Liver Itegulator, purely vegetablo, Is tho medlcmo generally used In the south to arouso tno lorpm uur to ucaitny action. It nctn with extrnnrillnnry power nnd rlllcncy uu mo iivcr ami uituii-yH. Tho action of tho liegulator Is frco from nausea o griping. Itlsmostcnectlvo In startlnc tho secro lions of tho Liver, causing tho bUo to act as a cat.i- uruu. inn inero is an excess oi ouo in mo stom ach, tho Krculator is an actlvo rnircn : after tlio re moval of tho tlio It will regulato tho bowels and Impart vlgur and health to tue whola sjstcm. Prepared only by J. II. ZeUln&Co. sold by all Juno M, '8My SHERIFFS SALE. I)y virtuocf a writ of Fieri Facias, and to mo dl rccted, will bo exposed to publto salo on tho prem ises In Orecnwood township, Columbia county, at a o'clock p.m.. on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1881, All that certain messuage or piece of land sltuato In the township of Greenwood, County of Columbia, and Stato of Pennsylvanta,beglnnlngat a whito oak, gono, thenco by lands ot A. Patterson and Samuel Ilogart, thenco by land of IUcliard rollock south twenty-throo degrees and ono-half cast ono hun dred and forty perches and eight-tenths to a whito oak on tho north bonk ot Baton's Hun, thenco up tho samo wost twenty-six porches to a hemlock on tho bank of tho samo, thenco by Uio samo and land of Nicholas Kindt north forty-flvo degrees west nine perches to a whito oak stump, thenco by the same south eighty-three degrees wost twenty-three perches to a beech, thenco by tlio samo souUi soven. ty-nlno degrees and three-fourths west Blxty.clght perches and three-tenths to a whlU) plno, thenco by tho same north forty-are degrees west nine perches and five-tenths to a clno stump.thcnco by tho samo south elghty-flvo degrees west forty-eight poiches and thrco-tonths to a post,thencu by tho Bamo north twenty-throo degrees and one-halt west soventy- Ilvo rerches and elght-tentlis to a post, thenco by land ot Archbald Patterson north sixty-six degrees and ono-half cast one hundred and slxty-nvo pcrch- 01 to tho place ot beginning, containing ono hun dred and tf n acres more or less on which aro erected a two story fromo dwelling houso, barn, hog stable, wagon Hied, spring houso and other out-butldlngs Seized, taken In execution at Uio suit of N, Ilooco, Trustco of Angelina Merrell against Clark Morrell, and to bo sold as tho property ot Clark Merrell. Knohk, Attorney. V. H. INT, Sheriff. JOTICK IN PARHTION- To fcusnn E. Cooper. Salem Township, Luzerne noiintv. I n.. Mahala Cralir. Vrlarcrcek townsliln. Columbia county, Mnry, Intermarried with w. A. J. nrlttaln of llrlarcreektownflilp, columbli county, Mary K. Savage of flrctnvlllo, Tcnnesbco, Clark hno ts vtninut Rtifft. Milla.. Pa., and W.J. Mans field, nerwtck, I'a. Urcetlng i Yon aro hereby no titled that In acrordancowlthawrlt of partition Is sued out ot tho Orphans Court of Columbia county, state of I'a-.annqueBtwlllbo held by tho under signed on the following described premises to wit i Certain piece or parcel of land tho samu being a vacant lot bounded and described as follows, to-w It: SltuaU) rartly In tho borough of lierwlck, Columh'a countv. and partly In baiem township Luzerne county, wgwniug iiv mu uurucr ui i-ruui and Walnut streets In lierwlck, thenco north twen- ty.nve octrees w est nvoiimiareaanu nvu iccnoa corner, thenco north Blxty-nvo degrees cast throe hundred and seventeen feet to a corner, thence south twenty-Ore degrees east me hundred and twentv.nlnn fret to a rorner. thenco south sixty- seven degrees wrst three hundred and sixteen feet to ino corner tao pincw m nt-k-iiiuiub, '"uu'u8 hundred ar d rlxty-three thousand three hundred anfl terty-elcht (103.843) Bnuara feot of ground.clgh- ty.flvo thousand tight hundred and Hlly (M,W0) mim . mtimtn in Columbia county and hev- enty.ujven thousand four hundred and ninety-eight (1i,4vS)squaro reel or me mmv in bhuuiu iu iiuitruu rnuQtv.i-n. Tn nKrwtnln whether tho tamo can be divided without Injury to or spolllngtbe whole and It not. 10 value ana appraise iuu same iu luaxuutuitu with Act of Assembly. Tho at Id Inquisition wUl bo ueiu tn uio premises on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2'J, 1881, at o'clock p. m., Un and wbero you may attend Ityouuinkpicvtr. ""sheriff. Sheriffs omco, Sept. 9, Itai, ew. fui lunrAipmi itu, xvtu and NKltTOUi DKillU'rr. . . , 1 he nt Waste Iterating tread and OemVlour. Free fiozu Iiran or HUrcfc. Bend for circular. FAUWitLL ltlllMKS, PropD., Watertown, N. Y, For Bale by UitcUU, Fljlthf r Oo, HUM. Ft. tpl ,. im iivuiivuuii miiiivvu rfiNfi srim Hit I im mm mm (jj(ticura TlUfi GREAT SiCIIN OUltE, INFATjIiIBIiY CURBS KchlnirniKl Scaly llsc.NCB,Sci-ir- Hons lltimoiM, uiccrx, rm Soi-ch nml nicrcurlnl tf fYcUoiiN ulion nil oilier II tun ii n Agencies Fall, THE CUTICUIIA TI1KATMENT, for tho euro ot Skin, Hcnlp aott lllood Diseases, conMsta In tlio Intcritat uso ot CtiTicfitA Uksoi.vent, tho now niood Purifier, and tho external uso of Cuticuba and CcTictmA SoAr, thi Groat Skin euros. For Sunburn, Tan and (Iroasy Hkln uso Cutlcuro HOup, an exquisite tllct, bat i and nursery s.inatlvo, irngrnnt vtiiu uciiuuuh uui-i uuuib imu ii.uug talsums. SALT IlllKUM Will McDonald, S5U Doarborn Street, Chicago, gratefully acknowledges a euro Of Salt Ithoum on head, nock, faco. arms and legs, for seventeen yrnrsj not ablo lo walk excopt o hand nnd kneos for ono j ean not able to hep hlmwlf for eight years ; tried hundreds ot remedies; doctors pronounced his caso hopeless; permanently cured by tho Cutlcura Kotno dles. PSORIASIS. It. E. Uanwntcr, Esq., HendcrEon, N. Y cured ot Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twenty years' standing, by tho Cutlcura ltcsolvont Internally and Cutlcura nnd Cutlcura Soap externally. Tho most wonderful caso on record. Cure certified to before n Justice of the poaco nnd prominent citizens, ah amicioa wuu Itching am scaly Diseases should send to us for tins testimonial In tuU. SKIN DISEASE. F. II. Drake, Esq., Detroit, Mich., suffered beyond nil description from askln dlsoaso which appeared on his hands, head nnd faco, and nearly destroyed his eyes. Tho most careful doctoring failed to help him. and otter all had failed ho used tho Cutlcura iicsoivent lntrmnny.uuiicura ami cuueurn noap ex ternally, nnd was. cured, and has rcma ncd perfectly vreu to uiis (lay. SOROFULA. lion. William Taylor, Boston, says ; "After thrco months' uso of tho Cutlcura Itcmcdlcs, nnd 12 years of as constant Buffering from humor of tho face, neck and scalp as was over endured, I can say that 1 am cured, nnd prouounco my caso tho most re markable on record. I havo been so elated with my success that I havo storped men on tho Btrcctwho wero nnilctod and told them to get tho Cutlcura Itcmcdlcs and they would euro mem. SKIN HUMORS. Mrs. S. K. Whipple, Decatur, Mich., writes that hor faco, head and somo parts of her body wero al most raw. Head covered with scabs and Borca SutTcrcd fearfully and tried over thing. Permanent ly cured by Cutlcura Remedies. CUTIUURA. Cutlcura Itcincdlcs nro for salo by all druggtsts.Fr!co of cutlcura. a Medicinal Jelly, small boxes co cents ; largo boxis II. cutlcura Uesolvcnt. tho new mooa Puriner.ll per bottlo. cutlcura Medicinal Toilet soap, mccnifl. uuueura .-ucuicinai cuaving ooap, lo ccnia, in ears lur uaruera auu iurgu uuuauiucrB. M)ccuta. Principal depot, Weeks Totter, Doston, Mass. IT"AU mailed free on receipt of price. COLUNs no col ums ' voltaic Elkc- O I I.A8TER. COStlnC 25CcntS, VOLTAIC ggiUCTHO i-icctilcal appllanco beforo tho PLAG.TVV& public. Theylnstantly relieve Malaria, rtter and &guennd Kidney and Urinary Dinicuities. and may be worn over tho pit of tho Btotnach, over tho kldnoys or any atTected part. I'ricoss cents. Sold everywhere. WEEKS & POT teh, uoston, Mass. d septa, 1-m UUITOR'S NOTICli. ESTATE OF JOSUCA BAVAQE, DECEASED. Tho undersigned Auditor appointed by tho Or phans' Court of Coletubla county, on exceptions to to tno nrcountof tho Administrator of said dece dent, wtll sit In tho discharge of tho dutlesof his ap pointment at tho. ofllce of Knorr & Wlnteruceu In tho 1 own of llloon.sbnrg, on Friday, August 2Mb, 181, at ten o'clock In tho forenoon of said day, when and whero all persons Interested may attend, If they think proper, L. S. WINTEltSTEEN, July 29-4W Auditor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP W., C. HAOEKBCCH, DECEASED. Letters of administration on tho estato of W. C. Ilagcnbuch, lato ot Centre twp, Columbia county, deceased, havo Deen granted by tho Register of said county to tho undersigned administrator. All persons having claims ngalnst tho cstato ot said decodent are requested to present them for settlement and those Indebted to (ho estato to mako payment to tho undersigned administratrix without delay, MRS. SALLIE IIAOENBUCn augl2 4-w Administratrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF SnADKECn UESS, DECEASED. Letters of Administration on theestateot Shad rcch Iless, lato or sugarloaf township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, deceased, havo been granted by tho Register of said county to Jamca Pcloimaa, of Davidson township, administrator. Al pcrbons having claims against the estate ot said deco dent aro requested to present them for settlement, and thoso indebted to Uio estate to mako payment to tho undersigned Administrator, without delay. JAMES PBTKRMAN, aug 12 4-w Administrator. JgiXEOUTOU'8 NOTICE. ESTATE OF JOUN ALLEUAR, DECEASED. Lcttera testamentary on tho. estato of John Alle gar, lato of Flshlngcieek twp., Columbia comity, deceased, havo been granted by Uio Register ol uald county to M. A. Ammcrmon, of Forks, executor. All persons having claims against the estate of satd de cedent are requested to present them for settle ment, nnd thobo Indebted to tho cstato to mako payment to tho undersigned executor, wlUiout dolay. M.A.AMMERMAN. C, W. Miller, Eocutor, Att'y. Forks P. o., Pa, aug C-cw Six pgr cent 1st Mortgage Bonds Free from Government and State Tax. Interest payable promptly October and April. A LIMITED AMOUNT FORSALE At par and accrued interest. An ply to Henry 8. Keay, Kupert, Pa. sept, o-nw VENDOR'S PREDIOTKfflS! For thU Month's Woather, prepared expressly for NTOOIIAKT'H KJiVlUW KamnlA mn, mnllrvl fnran ntnmn J.M.Stoddaht, Pub., New York, Phlla., or Chicago. Rowell & o'b. Advtfs. 'What will TAUHANTS RELTZEH APEIUENT core f asks the surrcrcr rrom a rauuuuae ot aiv.-ascs. wo an swer i It v. Ill removo from tho system tho actlvo cause of most ot the diseases that flesh Is heir to. it wont mend a broken umD, nor eioso a buiiet uoic but It may be proiltnbli used lu momu-iWo diseases. It will do no one any harm, and mav do much irood. uy it anu bco ii ii. Mem.nuii.yuur uu&o. SOLO UY ALL DItUGCUSTS. Sept. 9, 4-w r BAV ARB TAVIiOR,W & Traveller, Kaldi "I tako creat pleasure in recommending to parents trie Academy of Mr. Hwlthtn C. Shortlldtfo." Bon. rERNAKDO WOOD,!!. O. Said (1680) i "I cheerfully consent to tho uso of my nomo as refcrf see. My boys will return to you (tor uivir iuuiiu )iurj uuur lueir vucuuuu. Vor now Illustrated circular address SW1TIIIN c. SIIOUTUDUK. A. 11., Harvard Ur'verslty Uraduato tledU I'a., lit miles from rhUadeipnla. dcjii. v, -w r V OKTllItltN TUXAH offers ereattr attractions 1 1 In v.av of of irood. chean landH. healthy country. ijiiui cumaie, ci miner unu water, di open in sett tinent. In this rapidly developing see- versity or creuucis. n an av oiner reirion now i.uu iiiu-jejuBA ruviiiu uuumiy uua iu ujieruiiuu over beo miles of n ad, uIouk which are lo bo had, at low pi ices and oncitty terms, millions of acres ofKooaaiidcheupJiallroad and Oovernmcut lands, but recently opened for setilemeut. Kor circulars aud maps KUliitf tiuthiul lnloimatlon, address W. II. AMIA.MH. Land commissioner. T. & r. Hallway. Marshall, Texas. Dopi, v, -w r T3,TT1lvrrnipi,pci Articles In ono. Mil d UXM J-XlXV 9 uonsln use overvbodv-s choice ii-page calaloguo SIFTERS. of other stxelaltlea rren. J.M. HUhTKK M'K'OCo,, Cincinnati, O, AUKNTo ANTHU. r Herts, 4-w (tifirtnKlven for an 1M4 U. H. Dol'ar. Illustrated ipOUUcatalopue, with prices paid for old and rare coins, tree for lu cents. j, Diftiuiuin Abii uuigosier, ra. ept i-w r $777 A YIUH uo expenses to agents ostat rree. Address r, O. VICKBHY Aiuruata, Maine. r feeptt, 4w, mo AUTKUTIHKHH-Ktntf u oenU for our let) put) iMiupmct,MjiwunonaimpGrAtfveri2anr. CddrtciUlGu.r.KUWliU.AtJU, l Spruou blnxL BJi mmr Carpets, last addition through the air, and arc also worth seeing. There is a Lunch-Boom in the building. Valises, baskets and packages can be left in charge of attendant In Ladies' Waiting Room. Mr. Wanamakcr is desirous that visitors should feel at homo when they come, and be free to purchase or not, as they please. Note. Our larga Catalogue, with prices and full directions for shopping by mail from any part of the United States, will be mailed gratuitously upon request, address John Wanamakkr, Grand DiiroT, Philadelphia. O. IB. BOBBINS, iSTTCOBSaoH TO X. W. ROBBINS.) DBAIiBR IN Fine BrniMllcH, WhlNlilcM, Ih, IMPORTED ALKS AND POUTEltS fv call and cxnmino my stock before BLOOMSBURG, PA., Main Stroot, 2nd julyo.'so-ly WEBER - - PIANOS, a. una iimiaik ruttituu haiuiii vixan uiuin, aii o, .y.i" uiion, Easy Tonus. SntlRftictlon ttuat-iiiitcctl. BA.aonxT's :pi-A.:tsro ware rooms, iMUSIC HALL J1LOOK, WXLKBS-?aAXUUE, FA. Juno 10, '8l-1y -t,nr.,i iu, nn Tiiif,,iiir viTiivitm Rupture Dk.J.a. SIlKn.MAN Is tbo orlRioal nrcl only I)b. biiekmaf, known to tlio public for Hie rust us jenrs tlirougu his successful method of treatluff Uupturo without Uiennnnynnce and Injury trussts Inflict. Ills systom ot euro Is by Locnl Kxternal Applica tions. Pundr treatment no hlndrnnco from labor, and Hconrlty ntfolnsi do ith from strnnpulnted Uup turo. rollouts from can recelvo treatment innve ror noino Bama ny. SHERIFFS SALK By virtuo of sundiy writs of Issued out of tho Court of Common ricasot Columbia coun ty, and tomo directed, will bo exposed to publlo salo at tho Court llouso In Dloomsburg, nt two o'clock p. m., on SATUKDAY, SEPTEMUER 10, 1881. All tliat certain messuago and tract of landBltu ato In Orant-o township, Columbia county nnd Stato of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning ut u stone corner of Jesso Colo man's land, thenco by tho samo north eighteen and ft bait degrees cast fifty-two perches and soven tenths to stones, thenco by lands ot John Megarglo and Isaac nagenbucb. south sixty-seven and a half cegrees west live perches to a stone, thenco by land of tho estate ot Conrad Adams north six and tbreo fourth dcgijes west sixty-seven perches, thenco by land ot tho estato of Samuel Conner cast nvo perchos and two-tenths to a plno, thenco by tho same north clghty-threo degrees eadt thlrty-sovcn percbes to tho place of beginning, containing seventeen acres and ono hundred and twenty-ono porches strict measure; the above tract being improved farm land. seized, taken lnoxecutlon at tho sultot Martha Adams against Joseph Ilcnrlo and tho Orangevillo M. S. P. and L. Association terro tenant, and to bo sold as the property of Joseph Ilenrlo and tho Or angev''lo M. 8. F. and, L. Association terro tenant, smiths, Attoynoys. vend Ex. ALSO, All that certain piece of ground situate in Mimin township, Columbia county,Pennsylvanla,descrlbed aa follows, to-wlt: Bounded on tho north by land of John Atcn, cast by land of n, Schweppcnhel3cr, Bouthby lands of Thomas Atcn and on tho west by lands of Charles Kllngerman, containing ono hun dred and ton acres moro orless.on which ore erected a frame house, barn and out-bulldlngs, ALSO. Ono tract of land sltuato In said township ot Miff lin, bounded nn thn nnrth ml rnut. liv inn.,o n. . - -- . . . V "3 MWUO U( ThomaB Aten, on tho south by lands of Michael uiuvur a uuira, on mo wesi uy lanas or wuuam rarr containing twenty four acres moi e or less, cn which aro erected a two story frame hniim nnii n'm. buildings. AIO. Ono tract bounded on tho north bvinnflnti i.- Bchwcpponhclser and Samuel Snyder, on tho east ur lunus or Lawrcnca waiera. nn tim Hnnt, i.v in.H of Abraham Bchwcppcnhclstr and on tho wost by land of John Aten, containing thirty-four acres moro or loss, on which aro erected a framo house, uuiu, anu out-uuuaings. ALSO, Ono tract of land bnunrteri nn thn nnrtn hv i.nri n. Stephen (leartart and others, on Ihotast by other i owinri'jjeuiiciaer, on uio south by land of John Atin And nn Mint., . - ... .. vdv ,uuu v. uuaepa Gearhart, containing ono hundred acres more or ""i"" nmcuuxe ireciea a irtmc house, barn and out-buildings. ALSO, OliO lOt Of CTOUnd Mtlintn tn thn tnmn nt llln.Hii Columbia COUnl V. 1'ennnvlvnnln hmmrlM nHHr. Bcrlbod as rollows, to-wlt t Outlie nortli by land ot iAjuKfflutTBwana iwo publto roads being a corner lot In t.nld tmtn. m w1iimiiviimaim... - r .H ..ivMiHvvivvimuvriu story brlk btoro lioube v ith tho appertcnanccs. seized, taken In eiccutlon at Uio bult ot Samuei llCCk aslcncd In thn 'n1n TnTlIn f'rtr t tr Ui,nni w -vvuuij JUUlUUt BaTlnff pund and Loan Aasoclatlon airalnst I. K GAliU'annnnl.n,,. . - . uvunjrviiuiiiau uuu iuu vuiuuiDia uounty Mutual Savin L' Fund and lain Auwinttnn nA , w ..m,v)MUl4WWIDWUIH Uio propvity of I. K, Schweppenhelscr, A-iTTi-K & aiillkk, AUornejs. At Vend. Ex. AU VI Fa. ALSO, A 11 that certain lotnrnipmnf inndfii,nA , v. .u.. J'tUUy In Franklin townftliln. nnd naniv ,n nA . , , , . v-j M, vauvvvissu township, Columbia county, and Bute ot I'cnnsyl- uuu uuuuucuuuu ucBgnueu 03 I0110WB, tO Wlt I on the north by C'ntnwiun rm.i. .....' w . . . ' UMiuuBiun by lards lato ot Georgo scott and tho Banvlllo, uu n lines uurro Jiau iioau COIBpOliy.nnd on iho south bv Sarah A. Mutmvnnr, nn h '. . w.uw.1 ug nmbUJ tho Susquehanna titer, coitalnlngrouracrcsmoru i uu nuim mc citeicu a email rromo building and sheds. ALSO. All tlmf. rrrtnln tnr'ksnnrrn nnn ia . . mwubwuiuk u Kruunu Blt- uato In the towncMilnimshiirr,in . , b, vviuuium wjiiuiy. and stato ot I'ennsylvanla and bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wlt i Beginning at a poston tho south west side of Main street and lot No. u an4 running thenco along said street south fltty-threo degrees east llfly-nvo feet to an alley, tnenoo south thlrly-sovcn deirroefl went nnn hiir.rird nnd eight feet to back alley, thence along said altjy Mwm niijr-vunv uegrets west ruryuvofeet towc NO. S. OfOnnHnld lind (liAnin nlnnll.. onrnn .1. ' - - hhh ...vhvw VUW WMtg , 1 1 1 1 ihlrty-seveo degrees east ono hundred and nlioty eight tect to the place of beginning, containing one fourth ot on acre t e Iho tame mere or less onvhich aro irocttd a two story brick duelling 'iouse, a frame dwell lng house, stable und jiuf ouW hnlldfniM eeutd, uua la eitcuUoo aU4rM l.v. On visitinir Philadelphia you will find. among other places of interest, the Grand Depot well- worthy of a visit. Its floor and gallery snaccs now cover over three acrcs.nnd are filled with Dry Goods, China, Furniture, etc. Tho is a large and beautiful lecture Qallcry, to which admittance is free. The Pneumatic 2tbcs carrying the money the Electric-Light Machinery, Knni,nnil nil Ulii.lKol TfVIiics con. IN DOTTLES BY THE DOZEN. will find it to their advantage la purchasing elsewhere. Door below Iron. HARDIVIAIVr niaut ii I) m xt ik enm'iin nnn men Hook with likeness of bad cases beforo andallit cure, with testimonials from dlstlPBUhhtd rlun clans ministers, merehnnts and others, n ailed lei ten cents. PH. ail MiM AN can bo consulted at Mi Now York omco, ?51 llroadway, Mondays, Turtdaii and Saturdays; and at bla Loston onice, 43 JUS street, Weducbdnys, Hiursdavs and Kildajs. scp. o-3w d McK ( Ivy against J. It. Grnul and to bo sold as tho property ot J. n. Oraul. MIU.KK, Att'y. Fl. I'a. ALSO, All that certain three tracts pieces or parcels ol land sltuato In Orange township, Columbia countv, and stato of Pennsylvania. Tract number one boun ded nnd described as follows, to-wlt : Beginning nt a plno tree, thence by lands of Jacob Shellhorn de ceased, south fifteen degjecs east soventy six perches to a btonc, thenco by lands of John Hcmlj deceased bouxh seventy-four and one-half degrees west ono hundicd and three-tenth perches to a stono thenco by lands of I'hoebo Whltmoyer n"rth fifteen degrees west ntty two perches to a ston thenco by lands of Bnme north sixty-ono degrees east ono hundred and three perches to a plno the placo of fceglnnlng.contalnlng thirty seven acres ana ono hundred nnd two perches nnd allowances of land with the appurtenances thereunto belonglaj, It bcl ng tho samo tract ol land which Isaao Ilagcn buch dated A. I). 1652 conveyed to John Stlner. Tract number two bounded and described as follows to-wlt: Beginning ut astonehoap corner of John Conner thenco by his land north fourteen degrees west twenty-eight and seven-tenths perchos to a post thenco by land of Levi Alkman south-forty-six degrees west seventy-six perches to a post thenco by lands ot George Whltmlro north seventy eight degreoseast sixty and two-tenths pero hes to tho place of beginning, containing five acres anonlnoty two perches moro or less withal! the nppurtennnccs, tho samo being a part of a larger tract surveyed In tho name of David Dumon. Tract number throo bounded and described as fel lows, Beginnlngat a stonolnthe llntiot land of John SUncr thenco by land of Frederics Berk and along a reserved road by lands of Benja min Achonbaeh, Joseph Whltmoyer and Levi and. J. JE. Alkman north twelvo and ono quarter degrees west seventy eight and seven-tenth perches toa stono, thenco by lands of Peter Plfer north II and thrco quarters degrees oast thirty live perches to a stono theneo by land of John Conner south twelvo and ono quarter degrees east thlrty-nlno and two-tenth perches to a stono thenco by land of Joho Stlner south forty eight and three-fourth degrees west forty pcrthes to iho place of beginning con taining nttccn ncresandfour perches of land strict measure being the samo tract of land which Jacob Selgfrlcd convoyed to John SUncr. Seized, taken In execution at tho sultofths Orangevillo Mutual Savlrg Fund and Loan Associa tion against John Stlner and to bo told as tho prop erty or jonn suncr. Mltutu, AttV. Ft Fa, ALSO, A certain lot or piece of ground sltuato In tho township of Conyngham In said county ot Columbia on tho westerly tldo ot tho Catawissa road (so call ed) leading from the borough of Ashland In Schuyl kill county to tho borough of Ccntralla columtla county, said lov being known as lot No. slxty-thrco i?luPPor, Blinjitlcs, as laid out by tho Locust Moun lun coal & li on t'l mpany, on which is erected a ??2,Wa,"yi Bloned frame building fourteen (U) ret w'?e, U1!'' sixteen (H) feet long. seized, taken in execution nt tho Bultof William JrJ.n.r.r "Kbs'Anthonyuerrlty owner or reputed owner and t ontraetor.aud to bo sold as tho property or Anthony tierrlly owner orretmted owner and contractor. briKNKY, Att'y. Lev. Fo.5 V, U. KNT. Sheriff. Valuable Real Estate AT PRIVATE SALE! TllO Ufidnrfll Priori rtnfk.l,.n.HUM .n.ininentn . B"V4,uUUU10llmU, IHiU IVOUUUVBW annoxo of I'eter A ppleman,late of Ucnton township, deceased. orrorR thn fnnf,.ir, . - -.vMiufs ufcov, iwu y. VM.'WWW - private silo. All that portion ot tho following de scribed T1IACT OF LAND, In Benton township, utu BI1 ,uuuws: on the north by lands of it i V. COlley. J. V. Llinln .nd 1 M-iil l.n,, nn lliQ west by lands ot Ell Mclltnry,' John E. Appleman ond I'eter Laubach, on tho south by lands ot Wll llrta Ilulmoand Margaret Dildlno, and on tho east by lands oi Kenton II. Davis and Stott K. colley, luuiuiuuig Jti'jiny.KUlllT AcnKS.moro or less, whereon Bank Ham, i,vagon houso and other out-bulldlng. only that portion lying on the west sldo of Fishing creek win Jjo sold. Also, al', that tractot landBltuate In Benton town ship, bounded on the weBt by lands ot Kebecca Con ner, on tho north by lands of the heirs of Thomas Da'ls, deceased, and J, V, Chapln.on theBOUthby lands of KztUel pole, containing KIOI1TBKN ACltES, more or less, unimproved land. Will bo Bold aa a whole or In parcels to suit purchasers. Terms mado known on application to I. K. K1I1CKUAUM, Administrator, 4c, cambra,l'ft, CUTICURA Permanently Curea Humors of tho Bcaln and Skin. PriS iJSr'WiJSR.fS'f" ara. saJa ov a" druggists. BMMUiS1LU,.,f 11 MeOlclnsI Jelly, small loxea, new fiSrfb,'1, .CUTICUItA KKfcbLVKNT. tho nvJS'rtncr, tl per botuo. cuticuiu mimc- II C iMiiT'r-v uuucuraMedMnal Shaving WP.,p1tU'b,;ra "Otargeconsuiner., I mu i,v,rJtk8 ITKlt, Boston as
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers