The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 09, 1881, Image 1

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    The dolumbi.
mitmu mkocmt, nut or tit mum
iMtirrf Weekly, evert Frlilnr
at two polmm per Voir, m !m i!2.YvrA,i
when paid In lu ranr 'Ti" iV.'f't allowed
emtntytho terms nro fa rmr yar tri(?.2,lt,0' tl"
au papers w.nt out ot tha BtKiflrr .ti......
11; roust paid for In "a wmp nnhJl'Si P011
bio person In Columbia coiinty aim.J ""P0"
ibacrtnt on dun nr. riAm..1"1' Wimw Vo pay t in
JOS T-NTrrrT-Ts.T,
TIiO Jobblnor I)eiirtmi,nt , n. r.TrTT."'
complf U rind our , lob l'rtnurio SiimJJ. " i1 vry
biy with Ihnt 01 the "large clffia AifT,P..iro..f,"OM
demand, neatly and at mc&Fato ptiltX dono on
A T T O It N E Y-A T-L A W,
Coi.cmbUw tlnit.DiNo, nioonuburir, Pa,
Bicmu'r oi uiu uniirii Slates Law iu,ii..
Colloctloui made in any part of America or Europe!
OReo. Second tloct firm tnt National funk.
omce in r.nt's UrjiLMsu.
Uloomsbure. ra.
Office on Main street, first door below courttlouie
Onlce urcr sch'iylcr's Hardware Store.
K. n. urn.
17 n,AB.R
ROS'T. K. l.tTTl K
ntonnnhnrif, I'a,
w. miller,
oniceln ltrowor'R building, wnnd flonr.rnnm Nn
t. tlloomsburg, ln.
ni.ooMRiunin, pa
Offlcn cornor of Centra and Main streets. Clark'
(Jan bo consulted in German.
' J
Cm.OMMAN Tlnii.niNn, lllonmswirg, Pa.
Mon-her of the United States Law swlillon
Collectlnns made In any part of AmTlca or F.'iroti
Notary Public
Attovneyn-nt-l ,nw.
omcq In Hartman's lllock, Corner Main and Mar.
kef. streets, Illoorastmrg, I'a.
tSTl'cnwmi and Jitivntien Collected.
frtrtco In llrowcr's lllock, one door below run
A ttoi'noy -nt-L.n w ,
omco In II.. T. Clirk's H'llldliif,', second tloor, o
II'l(in in's Hour and fed tlom
ocU 9, "80.
(inicnlnMrs. Ent's litilldliifr, HiIh) duor fnm Main
MllJ W), 'hi.
Attot noy -at-I-aw,
JrcVboii Building, Kooibb 4 and 5,
jlayo.'Sl. 1IEUWICK, I'A.
CatawUisa, Pa.
collections promptly made and remitted, "flic
oopotlto Qittwlasn Dopoalt. Hank. n-"
vtr 11. KUAWN,
' ATTO IIN13 Y-A T-L A W ,
Catawlsaa. Pa.
onlce, corner of Third and Main streets.
L. FRITZ, Alionicj-nl Law. OfTic
, In Columbian nulldlng. JunoM, "81.
T THinjaNmiAM. Allornnv.n.I.nw. Of-
I j . llco. Ilrockwaya Unlldlnit. 1st lloor, Hloorns-
burif, J'onn'a. niay j, nj-v i
U. BARICLEY, Atlorney-at-Law. Office
In Ilrowor'H uulldliiL'. Slid story, ituuuia o.
R. ROBISON, Attorncy-at-Law.
In IIortman'B building, Main aLroet,
It. WM.M. REIIER, Hnrcerm am! Physl'
clan. Ofllco Market ilroei. Near depot.
T if vrkKra r n Clma.. ami PIivrI
O clan, (Uffice nnd Kesldonce on Tblrd street
JB. McKELVY, M. D., Surgeon and I'hy
alclan.nortUslduilaln street, below Market.
R. J. 0. R UTTER,
omco, NortU Market street,
Uloomsburir, I'a.
Oct, 1, 79.
.Main street, opposite episcopal Cuurch, uiooms
wunr.Pa, r ,
ttr Teeth extracted without pain.
Oct, i, w.
All ktyles of work dono lnj superior manner, work
warranted ua rorreaentod. tkkth Kxtkact
kb witiiodt 1'ain by tho use of (las, and
frooof chargo when artlflclal tioth
uro liibertcd.
onico over liloonisburg Uanklug Ccmpany,
7o be open at all houn during the day.
Nor. ss-ly
Sewing Machines nnd Machinery or all kinds re
p tired. Or ska Uocmk uulldlng, Ulooniiburg, I'a.
AVID LOWENBERQ, Mercliant Tailor
Main St., above Central lioiei.
T 8. KUJIN, dealer In Meal. Tallow,
X Centre street, between Second und Tblrd,
Tonsorial Artist,
s again at bis old Btand under KXCIIANUK 0
TKCand baa aa usuiU a WliaT-CLAbS BAIIHKIi
Bliol', lie rcspecuuliy sollflis the patronage of
bla oldcustomru and of tbo publlo genurally,
July is, nu-U
Outnt tree to those who wish to engage In
tbe moot
ileusani and nrontaoto uukjuoto
Capital uot re-
aulred. We will furnish ynu ever) thing, lie
a day and upwards Is easily made without staylug
away from home over Mbu No risk whatever.
Many new workers wanted at onoe. Many are mnV
tng fortunes at the business Ladles make as muca
as oion, and young boys and girls make great pay.
No one who a wining to work fi Us to make more
tnoiuiy every clay than can be made In a week at any
ordinary euiployiuout. 'ffcoao who engage ..ow
will auS k abort road to fort una. ladruns il II .-
fJarnuM trawk. viu,
O.H.EtnBW,, i ,
J. K. BITTEMBSMflEB, "opriolon.
hSSS ncnoldC water'0 an!$nr?om3' r00""'
u wm water, nnd air modern conveniences"
B, F.
Cor. t'eb.rc aid l:aii i:ovl sts., near I. ft u. Dcpot.
Lowest Prices will not bo undorsold.
Manufacturer ot .v. INK CAU WllKEW, coal Break
erandUrtdgu Castings. Water nPes, Stoves, Tin
ware, no,, HION I'ENCE, and all kinds of Iron and
Brass 0 slings.
Tl.o rrlglnal Montrose, iron beam, right hand
lelt band, and side hill Plows, tho best In thomark-
vi, ana au Kinds of plow repairs,
Cook stoves, Koom Stoves, and Stoves for heating
stores, fchool houses, churches, tc. Also the larg.
est stock of repairs for city stoves, wholesale and
retail, such as Klro Erlck.drates, Cross Pieces, Lids
aw c., hiovo I'iro, cook Boilers. Skimts, cakc
Hates, large Iron Kettles, tso gallons to 1 harrcls)
rrai nciis, bi (! goles, Wagon Boxes,
"Allentown Bono Manuro'
Jan 9, 'so-ty
iinspiirrlmpcd ll.esio knml ll-Mnewof Mlncen
in hi- I? .VI' "nuallklndH t.fwotk
Tbrnar I s,n; X""" 1UI"K Hspccwity.
In a great variety. All erK done by
Main street eorner of Kast,
Lumber of all kinds for sale as cheap
as the cheapes for cash or
ilia, it u in
Atuinnnro&io tlie public tlmt lie la prepared to do
Custom Tailoring,
nrerut'tly and ut rtii-ouniilo nricea. Mnv is tn.t k
suu fur a
And Tlnlcj's the piece to get u i roper tit.
Satisl'action Guaranteed.
Shop over lililmeyer's Grocery, Cor. er of Main and
cent re mrecia,
BLflUMSBl'Itfl, PA.
C. 13. SAVAGE,
Silvorwaro. Watches.Jewolry.ClcckE.ic
tii Linda nf Uatchcs. cloeka nnd Jcwtlry neat
ly repaired and warranted.
way ii,
Tho uptown Clolhler, hiiBjust recdveo a nneiine
of New (lood-s, and Is piepared to make up
for Men and Hoi s In the neatest manner and Latest
Hnts. dtps. &C i
Ai nB r,n band. Call and Kxnmlno. EVAN 8' BLOCK
comer Main and Iron blreets,
i,,.,H,.,. nut. hID Plr.lilticr MUlOD
. VSV f f " l ueS t.i ndlllon. la pi i pared
to do all kinds ot work Ui Us lino.
furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used la
well Maionid and bono but skilled workmen aro
...iCi.H n .nniiejiilon. Mans and specincaiiona
prepaud by an eupcileuoed dMughtsman.
IXIouinNbiirif, I'a.
()KUM AN riliai . ... . vcc cilMPANY.
'.. , ,..,. .Tinvii are well aeatoned by aire
and iMi isnS and have never yet had a loss aet
fftS nv anv oourt of law, Their awn are all Invest
ed ?u so s"BiTisand are liable to the hazard
'r!l!SJ rRoiirrbT and honistly adjusted and paid
as arde?"ulnTd t.y cukistun l Kwry.wao.
tno ugvnrar 'STr,
oj one or iiiuir u.u v
' .....i.iunMVUU
Lyoomlng of Money rvnnsyivania.
North American of l'h.lwphU1 a
Kranklln, of "
Pennsylvania of M
Kanaersof York, T.
UanovarU New York,
uannaiianw " M, ,
lUnOUOIl WWW nww. m, iMMnawMin,!
Nouralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backacho, Soreness of iho Chost, Gout,
Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swel'nos and
Sprains, Burns and Scalds,
Goneral Bodily Pains,
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet
and Ears, and all other Pains
and Aches.
No rrepiratlon f.ti er.rth eipiili Rt. jAcnn Oil aj
a tnir, n.irr, ,l,,i,,lr n,,.! rhi n Uxk-rnal Kemwly.
w.-ri'.1"" '"" th0 eimpamtUily tritlliig oullay
or nil ( ,.,,im, and every nno iuirrrliiR wfili talu
can hao cheap nnd iltlve pn)f of lla elaluii.
Directions In Hoven tjuigiiogis.
HalUmnrr, Mil., V. 8. A.
ib a rnnELY veqetaiilc hemedy
A Buro nnd sppedy euro flr Soro
Throat, CoiirIis, Colds, Dlplitlicrln,
Cholera, Summer Complaint, Sick
Bruises, Cuts, Sprains, etc.
Perfectly tafe to mo internally or eilemalty.&nil
certain to afford relief. No family can afford to
bowithoutlt. Bold by all druggists at 5c,
80c and 81 a botllo.
PERRY DAVIS & 80N, Proprietor,
Provldenoe, R. I.
DiscuvEiiEii or
The rpqUlvo Cora
For all Female Complaints.
ThJ preparation, ej lti nun Jgninef, cotuUU of
VrneUhld J'roiKjrUos that are Lurmlotw to tho want dl
tmtolnvaliJ. Upon ono trial tlio inorlU oft hi Com
pimua wtllborocot'nIJWHi.Mrvllof U Immediate and
vtiuu 1U uo U cuiitlnucJ, la nlnotx-alQu cum-m la a hun,
drwl, aiH,nnanentcurolifTcttHl,aki thousands will tc
tlfjr. Oa account of fu prorcn merit, It Is to-day ri
comiiwndedaadirutcrllMilbjr tlio best pbytlckat la
tho country.
It will euro entirety tho worst form of faUlsg
of tho utoru, Iicurorrhav, IrrvtruUr and painful
Menutnutlon.oll Ovarian TrouMoai, Innanunatlon and
Lltt-ratlon, noodJncsallPIfij.Iaccmi'nts and tho con
iwfiuont spinal wiaknca,mdU inpoclaUy adapted t
thoCh&iiffS(f Ufa, ItwIlldldaolTB and tumors
from tho uterus In an early atago of derelopment. Tha
tendency to cancerous humor there Is chocked very
lu f-i-t U has prorod Ui ho th irrcat.
CJt and lt remedy that haa orer Un dlacorofs
id. It penmutod every portion of the system, and kItc
m w llfoajidtlrfyr. It r,moos folntni'iaiatulcncy, de
al roj-a a!) cravjnjc for stuauhuits, and rcllorea woatnoue
of thostcmi'U
ItcurttrirUutlnz, nfadaches, Krrotu rrostratlon,
QiiHT'iltv.MUty.E.IccplosaitaH, Iiprouklon and Indt
Ifcstloo. TliatfrtUmfcf hcarlngdown, rauilntf p&in,
cluht aud bucVactio, ia always ptnnanently cured ty
ItUito. HvilltttaUtlmca.anduudorall clrcuuutan
ct act In hutudny with the law that youro the
female syntcm.
ForKltUcyCoinplalnUof clthsr wi this corapoun4
Is uasurj dflscU
Lydla E. Pinkham't Vegetable Compound
U inrpan-d at 101 and VA Westf-rn Arenuo, Lycn, Mom,
,'rk'Q LKjttk-a for J.V03. fk ut Ij mail In the
f urm of pllli, uhn In tho f orm of Uxencca, on rtedpt
far price, ISO, por hoi, for cither, ilw. TINKIUM
fnelyaniwtntLlIl.ttcrsif ttviulrj. Bend Ur m-lh-U
Ai'licdi&iahore itenUon tt$ jajer.
No fstV.ljiUouUtU) without LTDU K. rKTlAM
Xa!VEIU';tXi3. They euro Constlpatkm, L!Uuuauo4
wi.t'irpiulty faf tho IJrt-r, tl w.U per hus.
ffl, C. SLOAN & BRO.
in.OO.lISIM'UU, lA,
Oarrlagos, Btjgss, Phaotons, Slolgha,
mrtt-cliua worir always ou bund.
Priot-a reduewl to suit the tlmea.
Tho Highest Market Prlco In Cash
LoutUor nml Shou I'IikIIuk Store
, i
Main Stiieet, Opiwitk Stonk Chuiiwi,
Ho I AM aboard I A travoler
Hetasall from Ilabylandl
Defcro my eyes thcru cornea a blur,'
UutBtllllltia my hand,
And tiy to Bino an oil ho noes,
My bonny, n Diomo boy I
Yea, bon voynjot Ood only knowa
llow much I wlih thee Joy.
Oh 1 toll me, have )ou hoard of hlm
lie woroftfillor'aliat
AM sllvei-.oorded lound tho bi"n,
And-stranser e'on than that
A wondrous salt of tiftv blue,
With pockets deep and wldo ;
Oh I tell mo, Bailors, lell me truo,
How fares ho ou tho tldo?
Wo'vo now no baby In ths house;
rwas but this very morn
Ho dolTod his dainty, 'brolJcrcd blouse,
With skills of snowy lawn 1
And shook a mass ot slkcn curls
From off his sunuy brows
They fretted hltn-"no Uko a girl's,"
Mamma con havo them now.
Ho owned n brand-now pocket book,
Rut that ho could not nnd ;
A knife nnd string was all ho took,
What did ha loavo behind T
A heap of books, with lettera gay,
And hero aid there a toy ;
1 cannot pick tltum up to day,
My heart !s with my boy.
Ho! Ship ahoy 1 Atbojhood town
Cast anchor strong nnd deep.
What, I Tears upon this little gown,
Left for mamma lo keep?
Weep not, butsmHei 'orllirouglj tho air
A mciry me&stjfe rings
"Ji'st sell it to Ibu rag mau theros
I've dono with biby things!"
lllow, FoltFprlngViH.d!
Out ot tho amber west, whun rt wn tho sky
TU.j ahadowHSluwIy ere jp, ond Heavens III lamps
pe.iK evening nigh,
l'au with thy living brfnlh tlio roiisln: narth,
Au,l let thy volco toil toulldiowsy beans
Tho jour's now biu.ith,
Illow Hummer wind I
Wh'ii, atler d ij sot drought and sullen boat.
Out of tlw ho uwd-up clou ls tlurii oumi sa sound
Llkj teholiig feet.
Whl'o from tliedlua .co, boruo un broiay wings,
mi rvn uesonJlngon thi thirsty pla'i,
IIS iK'UUt) lllllg.
lPow, mitumii wind I
out on lliojellow uonils aod Mubhlo Hids,
Stir tho brown brako and soutter
With mjrl.d hinlH,
Sleep after labor, aller lii'mull rest;
lly atieuk 1 r-id araknin, jea, by life and death
'lho won 1 1.1 1 hut.
mow, winter wind I
Out. o'er the tumbling sen loll cloud and mlt
Huariliriu'gli bare branch, s.sirlkltigwkariliintts
V.'heru'er you I let,
rnlvlng Ihi ships; and in and out of all
Working tlods will who, Iroia tho frozon sers,
Cumo a tli's cull
' Plow, breath ('IMnel
lleyond the depllu ut Iho uncounted host,
llej ond tli j in st'.o circle ot the sky,
come, Holy Ohuhl I
.0 1 hatred. bln;plicrnj, bud ell rspiro
'l'o ratio their devil-thrones umld tho gloom,
Come, iiuencblesstiriil
Yea 1 nnd .li) woild Is b illed still In night,
And :o id and long ihy walchmon we-n lu vain-
Come, living light I
Select Story.
A Ilnvcis tlav was tlio twontv-tliirrl
of April in tin.' vcav of our Lord uiijli
ttcn InitiiliKl ami si'voiity-imic. I he
rruiiliitioii ninriiini' iircozt's liiiu liccn
lured into tlie pupjiy lii'lils of Angel Is
Inml, ami put to Bleep by the narcotic:
kisses of Circe. And even the zephyrs
gentle pages to the crst-wliilc brawl
eis had been shut up in tho weather
clerk's signal box until 3 o'clock in tho
aftarnoon. Then tho yachts came, out
ami tno zepnyrs wore released, it was
not very good weather for sailing that
tho zephyrs made, though they blow till
their rosy cheeks were like soap bubbles
and tho wlutu sans wcro lined witl
scented breath. Tho lumbering schoon
crs staggered in zigzag pathways, as if
they meant to slice away tho island
noses with their dull prows ; and, in
deed, lho yachts sailed scarcely any fas-
tor, only the little plungers made un
checked headway, running at their own
sweet will, it seemed. The north harbor
was dotted with sails, livorybody and
everybody's wife and children and friends
were out. So thero was nothing strange
about tho mere presence ot a young man
and a young woman in a small rowboat
amid tho scono of lazy commerce and
busy gayety. Certainly it was not
strange, for there were a hundred other
people out that afternoon in rowboats,
to say nothing of the professional boat
men, tho men with sculls and tho rowing
clubs. If tho people on the yachts which
they met noticed them, they doubtless
viewed them with contempt, or else
looked at them artistioally, and thanked
God for poverty and tho pictiiresqrtt.
As for the couple in the boat, they did
not notice anything but each other at
least except us tho young man found it
necessary to chango his direction in
rowing to avoid being run down. After
a while oven this became unnecessary.
They were rowing with tho ebb tide,and
alter they had passed tho newly finished
bit of sea wall east of the old Meiggs
wharf, the channel was coinpariiilvely
clear. It was then about 3:!!0.
"Let us float," said tho young man j
pretty soon tho tido will turn ; then we
will turn."
'Very well, Tom," Haid tho young
Keally, hIio was as yet a girl. Sho
could not havo been inoro than nineteen.
Her figure was slight, but indicativo o.'
rare gracot illness. Her faoo was not
notty that is, most would not think
it pretty. Loth mouth and noso wero
large. Her eyes wore bluo and held an
odd look half earnest, half care'ess
dilllcult to dctinc, yet impossiblo to dis
regard. It was a striking face, nliuost
fascinating, within a good faco a faco
in which heart showed first and intellect
afterward. ,
The num was extoriorly commonplace
You might t.tko u description at random
troin your scrap book of conventional
current f lot ion, and it would bo likely to
110 nim more man justice, ntii what ot
that. Sho was "Laura" ami ho was
Tlioy had been talking gayly over
Binou they lett tho Iandiuir at tho foot of
Washiniitoii street. Whet, Tom Himkn
thoy apparently reached some coin
man and very satUinctorv conclusion, for
alio looked very happy, and sho said ten
derly for sho had a sweet, low voloe,
lunnuio us a jicrieoi bell or a wavotob 1
Xou win jwk her to morrow, Tom t
"Yes, Laura, or to night, if you like."
"Sho will look at you wild-cved and
porhapH'Scold you n bit."
"Uli, 1 Bin not otrnid. How could I
bo with hucIi a prlstu to gulu T"
Uioy uau jjnwwJ tlio jwnt, tho swini-i
Hung ueacn, 1110 rrcsitio ) thoy wero
heating tlio foil nt tho trnto. A sudden
twirl in tho ci'iront twisted tho bow of
tho boat sharply around. Tom had been
leaning forward, tho better to talk to
Jiftura, tho mora easily to hold her hand,
peibaps. As tho boat shifted Its dimn-
tiou, ho instinctively reached for tho
oars, uis nanus touched tho empty
row-locks. Tlio oars wero iTonn. I !
looked around but thev wero nnwlinrn i
ho seen. A cry of horror aroao to his
lips, jjuckily ho stilled it there He
looked quickly, furtively nt his compan
ion. bho had seen and understood, lie
torced a laugh, and his companion wa9
deceived by it.
"1 hen it was not so very bad?" sho
said, and tho color camo back to her
"No, it is a irood ioke." ho ronlind.
"Only wo will be out rather lato. When
the tido turns we will go back booming."
Ueally ho had very little hope. His
judgment told him that tlio tido had no
yet turned, and unless it did turn almost
instantly, tho swift current would cany
them out into tlio oiling, and amid the
breakers at tho bar, where their frail
boat would not livo an instant. And
then . IIu could not swim a strnfcn.
If ho could, tho distauco to tlio shore was
too far to make that of any use. If on
Iy thoy had a rudder they might run the
boat ashore ; but, unfortunately, thny
had been in time to secure only the very
last, rudderless skiff. "Thank the fates
it does not leak." "Docs not lenk t"
lie looked down, and saw that the regu
lar bottom of the boat was covered will
water to tlio depth of almost half a foob.
ri 1... t ..
tr nun iney imo siarieii away trom 1110
pier landing Tom had braced his feel
.iiiiusi, inuau cnm-oieei, ami jjuuru s
stout boots rested oa the same diy foot
hold. Until then neither had noticed
tho water.
Tom fcenrched in tho bottom of Un
heal for a bailing can. He could not
find oiii'. Laura moved so as to look
into the little lotker under the stern seat
There was no can there.
"What slrdl we do ?" sho said.
"I must bail witli my hat," ho replied
slowly, ;ts if thinking it out ; "tho water
must come in very slowly ; it is a long
time since we left Washington street
whiiif." Ho lool.ed nt his watch ; it
was then past ! and thoy were nearly
opposite Fort I'oiri. So far its they
could -ee there was not s wngle snil in
the oiling. Tl ey looked back at tlm
city. There wero no outcoming tugs or
fteameis, or schooners even. Then they
looked out through tho gate and www
Thero is an untranslatable poetic some
thing about our Golden Gate that the
sympathetic beholder, incoming or out
going, or gazing upon it from any stand
point, never fails to realize something
which, perhaps, ho acknowledges, but
may never put into fitting phrases. Per
haps it is because it seems so to hold the
kevs of our California lifo that wo may
1 , t . 1 r
not dissociate it from cither our history
or our future. Perhaps it is because in
looking at it one can never quite discern
its big boyoud,of weal or of woe, of sun
shine or of toniDost.
"We shoul i never havo had this sun
set anvvvheiv else, Laura, and Tom
minted to the declining sun, hanging
without ael nul above tlm wilderness of
waves. Tin v looked buck to tho oily.
and all the western windows wero
"I did not think there was so much
gold in 'Fiisco," said Tom
Uli, Tom, 1 ilont want to die and
leave it all," said L-iura, tremblingly.
Tho dallying breeze had shaken olt
the spell. The air lied grown srddenly
chill. Far ahead they could seo the
ominous white of the careening swell,
and along the shore they hoard tho dull
boom ot the sur . Lower and lower sank
tho white electrio dazzle. ; buff, and pink,
and orange toning into narrow belts of
opal. Kight ahead rose tho black Far
allones, and as tho sun still sank lower
they stood in unbroken outline against
the disk.
With his soft hat Tom made slow pro
gress in bailing. Until then tho water
oozed in so slowly that danger from
leak ace had not alarmed him; until then
the cm rent, 100, had carried them along
so gently that tho danger of upsetting
had not presented itselt. Jiut alter they
had passed tlio fort tho motion of tho
waves changed, not suddenly but grad
ually until at last tho boat was rocking
iiko a ceder ehiit 111 the eddies ot a mill
race. And still tho tido had not turned.
Ceasing his bailing fornn instantfoiii
thought ho heard tho sound of water
trickling into tho boat. Perhaps it was
his instinct ot danger and not his ears
that wariiid linn, lor tlio waves weio
HplasliiiiL' acaiust tho outside, and the
motion caused a constant lapping of the
water within the boat, loin made 11
careful examination and at last found a
little hole through which lho water
poured in a fitful stream as the boat
rocked from side to side.
"I must stop tho leak," lie said, "can
you bail T"
J ho sun hud set, and the flush was
fading out of tho' western sky. Laura
took ono long look around. In all the
wasto ot waters thero was no moving
object. If thero had been a ship in
sight she could havo scon it, sho tlioiiuht,
almost despairingly.
She began to ball as well as sho could,
with the felt lint, and in her cramped
position. A long lino of gray was com
ing up trom the south.
"It is tog, said Tom, in a whisper.
Until ho said, "It is fog," sho did not
realizo tlio almost utter hopelessness of
their position. Kven if tho tido should
turn betoro they reached tho bar, it
would bo impossible to protect them-
solves in a fog. For a moment sho
thought sho should quito break down,
tho fato beforo them seemed so terrible.
Tom had succeeded in Htopjilng tho lea!.,
and had resumed bailing. To make that
task oahior, ho had cut tho brim from bis
hat. 1 ho tog was now all around them.
and it was quits, dark. Thoy thoucht
thoy beard tho surf inoro distinctly.
"Tlio tido has turned," said Tom.
And so it had, but lustliowthoy would
bo uiticted by tlio change thoy could not
tell, Tom 'kept ou hailing until tho
amount of water in tho boat bad matoii
ally decreased. They had not spokeu
to oaoh other for sonio moments. At la'u
Laura leaned forward. Her hand toadi
ed Tom s, and ho took it in his own.
That hand clasp meant to them, things un.
spoakablo. Her baud was very cold, al
most as cold aa his own. In hia nookot
was a silk handkerchief t ho handed it.
to her, and bade her tic it about her neck
for ho dared not riso to ftetcii it there
himself. Then ho took both b IT lunula
between Ids own, Btilving to keep thau
Laura was tho first to HDonk. nnd her
voico was qulto firm, scarcely oven por
rowful ; "Tom, dear, I do not want to
die t and yet death cannot tako from its
tno boon of having died together.
"Jiut wo shall not d now. Laura t I
know wo 11 not. Tho was the ring of
cuiiviu on in ins tones. Tho prolound
lesignaiiou underlying her words had
sti uck tho right key in his own nature,
Mini iiiu uiuujrui oi ins nrst uestiairing
mood made him almost angry. "IJut ill
awfully hungry wo are, my dear," wero
ins next, woriis.
"I'm shamed of you," said Laura, and
sho nctually laughed. Tom laughed
When two persons in such n position
win niugii, it is ouiier "very bravo or
"very shocking," according to the creed
wo first sucked and tho "so foi A" of our
salad days.
Tlio fog was all nround them and
neither could see tho other's face The
fog was cold nnd from timo to time Laura
had shivered once or twice, audibly,
though qui. 0 involuntarily, for she was
a bravo littlo woman. Wheu tho ripple
of tho young girl's latighto rancr out
amid tho fog (above tho boom of the
surf, tho far away barking of tlio sea
lions on seal rocks, and tho near, yet
distant screams of tho fog signal), and
when his own laughter was smothered
in tlio fog folds, Tom repeated : "But I
am hungiy, awfully "
What he might havo gone on to say
is forever sealed. The next moment tho
boat struck something with great mo
mentum, and that is all Laura remem
bered I ill she awoke in the queer little
cabin of the Sarah Emma, brigantino,
in-bound from Australia.
A woman's gentle faco bent over her
own in anxious, motlieily regard and
dear Tom sat on a locker behind the
gangway, with glad tears in his eyes to
seo the color steal back to her cold
"And now you must havo a bit to eat,"
said the captain's wife, in hospitable ac
15llt Laura shut Jwr nve. hnlf innli.
ciously, and muimitrnd ; "Give it to him
please; lu s always hungry."
"That's what you'll not daro to say
when yon Income .Mi-si. Tom," said tho
young man, triumphantly ; and as tho
matronly figure of the t-ap'uin's wife dis
iijicuii'(i ui mo fiiaiiow ot in gangway
he kissed her shut eves sofilv. and t,nn.
d away. Annuiiu.
So many accidents havo oecnrrpil Uv
lightning this summer, that it might be
supposed people generally would now
begin to obseivu those plain and obvious
precautious which cannot safely bo disi o-
g.iMieu in a iniimiersioriii. Vet wo iind
but littlo uvidence of increased cam in
this direction. Peonlo will m-rsisl in
seeking shelter tinder trees when a heavy
thunder shower conn s,aud young women
will peisist in watching tho lightning
from tho open windows at which they
sit. and parents will i' list on Bonding
their children o ,t in ill heaviest electrio
stoim of the .-.asoii on errands of tho
lean imiioi taui'O. The fatal results
wh'cli often ensue, su-m to eonviv no
lesson oxivpt to the fam'lics whom thev
litei'tly affect
This 011 lit not to be .10. Kvcrv man.
woman .iiid child in tin- country otitiht
to know betler than to stand under .1
high tree in a thunderstorm. Scores of
persons who were alive last spring
would probably lie alive now if they, had
possessed this knowledge and acted 011
it. And why cannot ncoulo bo made
to understand that an open window is
not a. safe place from which to watch tho
weather on such occasions. Everv sea
son it proves to be a post of danger all
over tno country, and yet every year it
seems to maintain its fascination for new
victims. Airuiu, several of tho most ne-
culiarly distressing accidents by lightning
which havo occurred during tho present
summer have happened to poor children
engaged in untimely outdoor errands
rands for their elders".
Another important factor in the fre
quency of lightning accidents is the ig
norance or carelessness which prevails in
tho construction and adjustment of
lightning tods. Thoy are insula! id when
they ought not to be, and the. connection
with the earth is apt to bo defective, if
indeed the conductor itself ia not broken
soinewheie alongside of the building. A
house or barn thus endangered instead
of protected is struck by lightning, and
the owner declares that lightning rods do
more hint than good; and so they do if
not properly applied.
llow IVumits aro rrenarnl for Market.
Peanuts to be prepared for the mar
ket ino placed in a latgu cylinder, from
which they enter ll brushes, where
every nut receives fii mii feet of a brush
ing before il becomes freo Then they
are dropped on an endless belt, passing
along allhoialoof four miles an hour.
On each side of the belt stands girls, and
as iho nuts fall on the belt tho girls with
a quick motion of tho hand, pick out nil
the poor looking nuts, allowing only tho
best to pass the ci uciblc. Those that do
pass drop into bags on tlio floor below.
When tho bag is filled it is sowed up and
branded as "cocks," with the figure of
tho rooster branded on its sides. The
peas caught up by tho gills aro thrown
to ono side, again picked over, the best
singled out, bagged and branded as
"ships." Those aro ns lino a nut as tho
fust for eating, but in tihapo and color
do not comparo with tlio "cocks." The
third grade aro branded as "eagles."
TIicho aro picked out of tho millings of
the "cocks' and "ships." Tlio culliii"s
that tuo left front tho "eagles" are
bagged, sent to tlio top story, and what
littlo meat is in them is shaken out by a
patent shellcr. Tlio nuts being shelled
by this now process, tho meat drops in
bags below, free from dust, or dirtot nny
kind, and is then shipped in 200 pound
sacks to tho Noith, where it is bought
by lho confectioners for the purpose of
making tally or peanut eandv. It may
bo lieie stated that a cculiar kind of oil
is extracted from the imatof the nut.niul
in this specialty a huge trade is done
among the wholesale druggists. There
is nothing wasted, for even tho shells are
made usoful. Thoy ure packed in sacks
and sold to stable keepers for horse-bed-ding,
and very healthy bed they make.
8autiern Warmer's Monthly.
A Ivhodo Island man called a neighbor
a "lantern-jawed cockroach." A suit
for slander resulted, ami tho jury return
ed as follows: "Not guilty on lantern
jawed, but way off 011 cockroach, and
wo fiud damagoa in tho bum of tWn
t!lbUMUIA UltMOOIlAT, Vl L.XLVt, NO, 7
Iiove-ninklnr; In Chicago.
"I am very rich my darling," sho said
8oiuy, punctuating her sentences with
soft, warm kisses. "Already I havo
SI 00,000 worth of four per cents regis
tered in my name, and whon tho leave
nro turning red in tho golden October
(inys, ana tno heius nro laughing in
tho rich nbuudanco of n bountiful bar
vest, 1 shall cut off the coupons. And
when papa dies he will leavo 1110 nearly
200,000 more. Yes, my sweetheait, I
am a vciy happy rrirl." and a fnir vomitf
head nestled confidingly on tho shoulder
01 1110 strong limbed, hazel-eyed young
man to whom this avowal was made. He
looked tenderly down on lho brown
tresses nnd the invisible net that bonnet
them to tho fair forehead. Gently lifting
tlio beautiful faco to his, ho pressed a
passionato kiss on tho full red lips that,
seemed only mado for osculation.
Turning his head away, Herbert Ains
lcigh appeared n moment to bo wrapped
in thought. Then kissin'' Miriam with
a rich, warm, two-for-a 1 darter kiss, lu
said; "Do you lovo mo, Birdie?"
Sho gave nnswer by p'neing her white
arms mound his neck", and throwing her
self madly on his Bbirtfront.
"Do not hug so hp d, darling, an' you
love me, or my cillur stud will raise a
carbuncle on tho back of my neck," ho
said in mellow tones.
"It l only the deep, passionate long
ing of my love, Ilerbeit. It recks not
of carbuncles. 15m, you aro right. Too
much pressure on tho cervical vertebra
will causo an exostosis. My professor of
anatomy told mo that."
"And wo will bo married in tho fall,
my sweetf"
"Yes, Herbert, in the rich.hazv. sensit
ous days of Indian Binr-nor, when the
low note of the farmer's boy seeking the
lost cow is heard as he sits on the vino
embowcrcd stile and blasphemes until
wie me uy leaves ior a cooler spot, "on
must tnkoall my liionev.Tlerbeit: it must
bo yours to do as vou will with it; to at
tain the glorious ;amo that awaits you;
for I know that my love's naino Hll
some day bo known through the length
and breadth of tho land. Surely vou
have an ambition""
I have," said Ilerbeit. kissinrr her
wnuo sno caught her month.
"And you will not let any falso pride
stand in tho way of using my money
to attain tho height you fain would
"No, darling, I will not. You say vou
havo 8100,000 in four per cents. It is
enough. To-morrow I will act, and in
less than a day my name will be as fa
miliar throughout tho world as that of
England's proud Queen."
"Oh Herbert what will you do?"
"I shall purehafo Maud'S."
Two minutes later a human foim
fell with a dull thud on the front porch
of tho haughty pork-packer's residence.
It was Herbert Ainsleigh. The old man
had fired him out. Y-Vowi "Hints to
Parents" ly ITalstead M.
Dressy Woinou in Saratoga.
The lady at Congress hall with the
one hundred and thiity nine diecses, is
still astonishing the "nalivis ami the
.strangers two or three times a day, and
finds her path a pleasant one. Themis
one prodigy here in the porton of a damo
who has not repeated her toilet once in
three weeks, although anaying herself
in two or three different dresses daily,
and announces to her admiring satellites
that she has no maid ; that she would
not trust 0110 of them. Tho tales of her
sixteen trunks and ono room full of
wardrobes and racks of her finery, are
not half so astonishing as tho fact of
her having no neat-handed Phvllis to
, . .... :
sort out and caro for tlio innumerable
bonnets and boots, gloves, fans, flowers,
nnd furbelows that match with and ac-
compnny each toilet. It must bo that
my lady lies awako night'' to plan tho
r... t .1... 1 1 . .,
spectacle of the coming day and toils
wncn otners rest that she may surpass
the rivals in her chosen cult. A Mrs.
Grconwny, of Baltimore, now reigns as
tho "diamond princess" of tho season,
sotting herself ablaze from crown to
girdle with tier dazzling jewel-, and
making all tho other diamond-wearers
in a ball room pale and green with their
lax admiration. Mrs. Astor's regalia is
the only fninous one that surpasses this
Baltimore collection, and it would seem
as if the lady had been in Sinbad's cave
or in a shower of diamonds, so thickly
do they cover her neck, aims and little
finger. Betides all this glitter of pre
cious stones the gossips credit her with
possessing SOn dresses, a fact that is in
tensely mournful nnd truly honrt-icndir.g
when it is remembered 'that a water
ing-place season haidly lasts oversixlv
nays, ana mat thleo dresses a day for all
that timo will leave ninety-live gowns
not worn. St. Louis Globe JJemocrat.
Here are a few words which are fn-
quently used without a pioper notion ot
their meaning. "Quite" means wholl v or
entirely, but it is often employed in the
nse of rather or considerably, ns in the
expressions 'quite n pretty girl' nnd 'quite
a largo number.' 'Tenor' is not seldom
confounded with purport. Tho tenor of
a document is its text or language, whilo
its purport is the substanco of it. 'Au
dience' is sometimes used instead of spec
khuid. in miuicuco is a nouy 01 hear
ers or listeners, and is not tho right name
to apply to a collection of people who go
to see ahorse race, walking match or other
8'iectacje. A man may witne"', however,
not only what ho hears. 'Literal' menus
word for word or necurato to tho letter.
mil is applicable only to verbal stale.
incuts. It is sometimes improperly used
in tho sense of entire or ennmi..ti. .,u
when it is said that a man is a literal
wreck. Literal Bi'Miifies tho onnnftit.i nf
figuratively, but it is often loosely em-
ployed as if it wero nn enuivnlent
slon. Thus it is said of a person who U
badly mangled by the bursting of a boil,
er that ho was 'literally blown to atoms,'
wncn mo writer 111 iaci introduces the
word, literally' to imply thai ho is ovir
stating the ease anil resorting to the H.
eensoof exaggeration Phila. llecord.
One of tho stories told about an enter'
prising citizen 01 Atlantic City is to the
effect that he prpoosed to purchase 11
couple of birds 110m au itinerant nu-r-ehanl,
inquiring; "I Bay, mister, how
much do you ask for your broad-faced
tin keys?"
"They aro owls, Pat."
tfy'Bo jabers, an' I don't care how owld
thoy are, fur it's a boarding houso I
Tha greateat blower iu a country store
is generally tho mildest zephyr whon at
4 M
tm ti.oo
&.f) ROtl
r.oo 11.00
.oo uro
10.00 i3.on
17.(0 evw
so.00 oaro
Two Incfi'is. .... 8.00
Thrco Inchon. ...... 4.11
Pour Inchm 5.0(1
3 nartcr column.... a no
alf ooliirnn. . ...,(l.m
One ooluiun ,.20.00
Yearly artitrtlicmenta parnblo quarterly. Tran
Rlnnt advcrUacmenta must lxi cald for before Insert!
axoept whoro parttoa here accounta.
Lriral adrnnlanmentji two rinliam rvr ineh fnr tlinw
Inwrllor and at that rato for addlUonal uuortlonj
wiuiout reference to length.
Exocutoi'a. AdmlnlMratorM. anil AnirnrM notfnm
throe dollars. Must bo paid for when lnmrtod.
Tranalent or f leal notJmt. Irn rtfmta a tln Mmlu
adrcrtlacmonla half raws.
Cards In the 'ItudfiefiA Dlrnetorr1 mlnmn. aa
dollar per year for each line.
Odd Items.
Tho public has long sinco awarded to
Aycr's JInir Vigor tho foremost plnco
among reliable hair restoratives. It is
effectual, agreeable nnd absolutely harm
less. It makes tho hair fresh and luxu
riant, and old ago scarce nnd unfashion
able When dnrkness reigns tho Boston
Transcript thiuksa light umbrella is tho
best. comi'i.kxions.
It you havo humors and pimples, boils
and eruptions ou face, hands or skin, it
is because tho system needs toning and
purifying. Nothing will give you such
good health, smooth nnd fresh Bkin nnd
vigorous feeling ns Simmons Liver lieg
ulator, purely vegetable and notunplcas
unt to tho taste. Take the Regulator to
stimnlato tho liver, to cleanse tho oyca
nnd skin of yellowness, to inmrovo di
gestion and lo make the breath pure and
Forty of Bnrnum's snakes got away in
Saleill, Mass.. tllO Other dav. and innat.
of tho inhabitants now sleep up stairs.
Ono of Sittinu Bull' a wives is onlleil
Sophia Bull. The old man Bits down on
hay ri:vt:n.
For Ilav V ever T rnnmnmnml'a
Cream Balm. It entirely relieved mo
from the first application: havo been a
stiflercr for teu years Going from home,
and negl cting to take the remedy, I
had an attack; after returning I im
mediately resorted to it, and found
in&tnnt relief. 1 believe, had I betrun
its uso carlter, I should not havo been
troubled. Have stood heat, dust and
draughts ns uell as during other months.
.T. Collvei-, Clerk. 118 Broad stmnt. V.W.
abtth, N.J.
h or years I have been afflicted with
II ay Fever, from early August until
n-ost. I was induced to give Ely's Cream
Balm a trial. Tho relief was immediate.
I legard myself citied. G. Sclireibcr,
Stipt. of Cordage Co., Elizabeth, N. J.
Sept. 2.-, 1 RO. Price 50 cents.
A fisherman's occupation ought to bo
the most profitable, because tho entire
gross receipts are net profits.
A new novel is called "Tho Skeleton
111 the House." Based on the revivnl of
the hoopbkirt, we presume.
When judiciously used, Burdock Blood
Bittcis nie in themselves a remedy for
all tho evils arising from impurities of
the blood, which never fails lo make tho
patient long-lived and happy. Price Si,
trial size 10 cents.
There is only a slight difference be
tween a hand organ and an accordeon.
One is worked with a crank and tho oth
er generally by a "crank."
It is just after a man has received his
bill for a week's seasido board that ho
realises that there i.s no place liko home.
When you aro continually coughing
night and day, annoying everybody
ai.iund you, nnd hoping it will go away
ot its own accord, you nro 1 tinning a
dangerous ribk but uso Dr. Thomat'
electric Oil, an unfailing lemedv in all ,
such cases.
One clam docs not mako a chowder.
But vciy frequently that is about all you
get in it, all the same.
A St. Louis cat has died of sunstroke.
What this country wants is more sun
nnd less bootjneks.
visini.n iJipnovi:jir..-T.
Mr. Noah Bates, Elniira. N.Y. writes:
"About four years aire-1 had an attack
of bilious fever, and never fully recov
i ered. My ditrestivo orcrans worn went.
I tmed, and I would bo completely nros-
, .........1 t .1 a r. f .J 1 .
11 .inn ior nays. .Alter using two bot
tl s of your Burdiek Blood Biltcra tho
improvement was so visiblo that I was
astonished. I can now, though 01 years
of age, do a fair and rensonablo day's
woik. Price Si, trial size 10 cents.
In this contradictory world a man of
principle is f.'i quuitly without interest.
The young lady who could not make
her bangs stay hung said sho was having
a lull timo ot it.
Tho grape eiopof A. Spier's vineyard
in New Jeisey lust year was double tlmt
of ury pievious jear. Hits vineyards in
New Jersey have soincicased each year
that he has hi en enabled lo keep him a
stock four years ahead. Nonosold less
than four yeais old, It has become a
poj ular wine among the best physicians
111 New Yoik, and is hrgcly used for
communion piti poses, and weak and
ned persons. For salo by 0. A. Kleim,
druggist, BWmsburg, Pa.
A race course is made circular, that
:.. . . 1 . '
is iu say n nine tracK is never a square
Tlio worn look and miserable feelings
of those closely confined in mills, r at
desks or work tables, am caused by weak
stomach, kidneys or bowels, nnd show
the necessity for somo mild tonic to
build them up. No one need suffer thus
who will use Paikcr's Ginger Tonic; for
without intoxicating it has such a beno
flcciu action on these sluggish organs as
lo cleanse the poisonous mutters from tho
sys'iein, that rosy cheeks and good henltli
nnd spiuls niu soon brought back again.
JvJtpress. Sie advertisement.
Why TJinlier was Siane.
A writer in a Wist Virginia paper
says that the Shenandoah Valley, when
first settled, 100 years ago, was an open,
prairie-like region, covered with tall grass,
on which heulsof deer, buffalo and elk
fed, and dovold of nil timber except on
occasional ridges; but that nfter it be
came settled, trees sprang up almost as
thickly and regularly ns if seed had been
planted. Theso forests, having been pro
served by tho farmers, cover now a largo
part of tho surface of tho valloy with
hard wood trees of superior excellence
The explanation of this change is that
previous lo tho settlement of the valloy
annual files, negligently started by In
dians, burned up tho young trees, nnd
prevented tlio foimation of foiests, hut
with the ni rival of settlers theso fires
wero prevented! and the opinion is in
serted that tho treeless character of tho
Western prairies is owing to tho Indian
practice of annually burning tho grass.
Were it not for that, dense founts would
have covered these vnU plains for cen-tnries