The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 02, 1881, Image 2

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lib I
P Wnv, Sont. Q. 1R81.
Dsmoorntic -"aty Tickot
0UA1K Jtll'lK.
i Santt,
of lltnom.
ci. w. sr-KUNMt,
of 11 loom.
CtlAltLKS ftgtOHAUU,
fff Main,
u. I'. ihkimi,
of 1'ithhigcrcck.
0. W. HESS,
.. J. ADAMS.
On Friday last tho wounded President
had nuother rehispe, and sank so rapidly
tliat, on Saturday, even tho physicians
despaired of saving his life, lie rallied,
however, and lias, if not improved, at
least held his own. lie is now ablo to
partake of solid food and his pulse is
lower than at any time since August 8th.
Tlio swollen parotid gland lias tlisoharg-
ed large quamuies oi pus ami isicuueeu
in size. It was feared that tho hint's had
bfcoino affected, but careful tests have
Droved this not to bo tho case. The
wound is slowly healing, but it is thought
will do better now that tho bullet has
chanced its position. The President is
still a very sick man, but there is a ray
of hopu that he may recover. It is in
contemplation to remove him from tlio
White llousu mul, when ho can near
tho fatigue, to his home in Mentor.
Mr. Jay Gould is of tho opinion that,
in event of the Presidents death, an
Eastern man should bo appointed Secre
tarv of the Treasury. A better reason
for tho retention of Mr. Wiudom could
not bo given.
The I'liUadtlnhia JYfSJ miceest tbat Jerry
Ulnck be the icxl Democralic candidate for
President. Bob Ingcrsoll thonM certainly run
against him (w an independent candidate
Cleveland Herald.
Why independent 1 Let him run as
the candidate of his own party of mor
ality, of which he is so distinguished an
ornament. Ho is now and alwayH has
been a Republican. Let tho party sup
port him.
Ex-Suiceon General Hammond is a
i-pinarkable man and is, in his own esti
mation. tho mratest surtreon now living.
He has never seen the President since ho
was shot, but knows more about his con
dition than thoso who pee him daily.
Nobody pays anv particular attention to
JIIU CrillCirmlB U. illiiui mull kliuil inning. i,
and il is snrpiising that tho big nowspr
jicrs consent to print his utterances.
Our impecunious o-Prcsident, Gen
Grant has scraped together a little money
and bought himself a house in New
Yoik. it is a modest little brown ston
edifice fair Moths high and cost the in
Ki.niiiif.fint Mini of S'JiJ.OOO. What arc
thoc New York bankers thinking of,
that they allow the poor man to livo in
such a hovel? Another subscription is in
order and p. d. q. too.
The Williamsport Gazette it Bulletin
advocates the election ol a uepiiuncan
for Comity Commsioner on the groun
that ho lives m tho city anu, tnereior
would have no bill for mileage. That
artrument is as novel as it is weak. If
tho man in question wero elected, ten to
ono his mileagu account would bo tho
biggest of all. The Uasette is too tit
terry too saving of the people's money
trom party motives.
The accident record of the Jiailroao
Gazette shows that there were 102 rail
road accidents in tho United States in
July. Thirty-eight persons wero killed
and 122 injured. Of the 102 accidents 20
caused tho death of one or moro persons
aud 24 caused injury but not aealh.leaving
.18, or 5(5.0 per cent, ot tho wholo num
ber, in which no injury to persons is re
corded. Compared with July, 1880,
there was an increase of 24 in tho nuuv
he. of uccidentis of 17 iu tlio number of
k'Utd and of 22 in that of injured.
The country is certainly without
Dtesident except ono in name, who in th
language of the constitution is unablo to
"dischaige tho powers aud duties of the
said cilice, when by tho same articlt
they "shall deolve upon the vice presi
dent." Mi. Gai field is not only not iu a
condition to ho disturbed with cares of
stato or (-ven tho manual exercise of
mgniug his name, but his mind is only
occasionally lucid aud ho is not in con
dition in which any court would approve
a will made by him. If the constitution
means anything his powers and duties
now devolve ujion another Lancaster
Tho Chicago newspapers last Sunday
contrncd tho following:
Americai I anil frlewlK o' Ireland are h reby
wan ed hko'"'! rmharM g on any vsel Hunt:
tbu (Iriii'li ting alier JhuiBdav, -epleuiber i.
Many may r.cli P'cir .U'tinitioit, but none art
mi'B. IV r rile r of the Ct ntml ( oniniittee."
It was nt first thought that this was a
hoax, but O' Donovan llossa says that it
in probably tho woik of a Chicago dyna
mite club and is perfectly proper. Is it
not nl out tune that the pouco took ine
matler in hand and after ascertaining
who nrc the members of tho "Central
Coinmittto", arrest them and lodgothem
in juilf Then' is something frightful in
tho idea that innocent men, M-omeii and
children are even threatened with such
u terrible death,
'ri.piinfortunatotown of Milton was vis
;.,i I.,, fill, mi Suiidav last. The
taw mill of Murray Dougal tfc Co's ear
kbni s. nnd a Inrcro amount of lumber
u-rvi. iniisiinitd. Tho flames burnt fierce
Jv and but for tho vigorons efforts of the
fin men and tho steam tiro engine, a largo
ooi llngration would have ensued, ine
asphalt urn roof coming the boiler works
r.i il... hIioiih was on fire, hut was
extinguished. Tho planing null of D.
Clinger was in great danger, but was
saved. The loss is estimated at $7,000 j
nnd tho Insurance, two-thirds of that num.
This fire staiUd about eighty rods went
f)f where tho big flro of 1880 started
Its origin is unknown. A largo orowd
noF ItiitViB VcrepreMnt, ww great
A corresiioiulont of tlio Wlllinmsiiort ilk -
Sim ourf thinner writing from WUkw-1
Hnrrc nt tlio tinio of tlio cnutiitnpmciit,
!) "J ho general opinion of "the boys no
Is that Wilkusbarro is no such n plaeo
for a uood tiniu as either Moom or l'liil-
ndelplila. J hus far the interest of tlio
lriiiuin iiHiiiiiiiiiirr iiiKpuiy niif minium.
I to notliing. While at l'hiladelplila
nearly every dress parado was witnessed
by thousands, Put hero only a low hun
dred citizens have, as vet, coino out. It
is generally believed that the pcoplo of
the coal lemons hnvo no love lor the
military arm of the government."
Tlio prices charged by the post-olliecs
for small postal .! savors mora of
oxoibitant motu'v-imtkii!' limn of accom
modation to the public. Tlio business
lias no risks in it tn the l'ost-otlico De-
imrtuieht. mid the foes ehiirirod iiu; pos
itively Imrdeiihomo to poor people. If
tlio object is moiiev making on .llio part
of tin
io government it is all right, but if
it is for the accommodation of tho pub
lic who liavo small bank accounts then
. . . . ... . r .
I'ntiivm i iii'eiii'ii. i tmtiiti i mar tjrean
One of the results which is almost sure
to follow tlio Republican control of the
House ot isepiesenlativcs at Washini'
ton is an itierease in tho expenditures for
various incidental purposes. Jieloro the
Democrats obtained control of the House
$1 ,UU) wi's tho annual expenditure for
furniture and repairs. It was reduced
to one-half. Tho reckless extravaganco
of Koimbliean Congresses received no
check until a Democratic majority took
tho matter in hand. 1 hero are many
other similar matters which received tho
attention of the Democratic Congress and
a saving aggregating millions of dollars
was effected, but tho samo old methods
of plundering the people will bo resorted
to by the horde of public thieves whoso
operations were suspended during Dem-
ocratio rnie nut, wno win again assuuiu
their old nlaces under lJenublican con-
trol of the House. Chester County
It is reported that tho indications are
such as to lead to the belief, that tho
bullet in tho President s body has moved
a distance of about three iuches from its
original position. Tho movement was
in a downward direction anu mo ouuci.
is now believed to be in a place where
it can be readily removed, if indeed
it does not leave tho body in a natural
wav. Another important fact disclosed
by this new discovery is that tho ball
was not encysted, as from tho outset has
been claimed ; lor it it had been encvb
ted, it could not have fallen three inches
and have found its way to the position
where Dr. Hamilton is now understood
to claim that it is ; and of it ,was not en
" " v"
cysted, it has been
and is a constant
source ot irritation
mm.., ,1,.,, ;r ,
. ,., i .,. ...,:., ' i i.:i.
pulse and temperaturo of the wounded
. ' r . , .
: .f. :..... ,i., rni,
i...ii. : .i, ..i.. i.n..Li 0;.,Jmg on Shad Island is reported to bo
the relapse of Friday, and would seem
. f... .i... ..:i.i .1,0
bettor that followed the nimos T boneless
condition of the President on Saturdav.
On Mnmlnv n..vt ilm Htntn fnirwill l-
mn in ilm evnnitim. linilflinn- nt, Pitts,
i.n, rr nn.l fmm i,rpi.tit. inilinnt.innR will
be one of the best exhibitions ever given
hv tbo snniptv. It. will pnntinnn until
y . . J . . : . .
tlio 17th nst. thus mvinf jimt) o tnno
fnr visitors tn ntt..n.l frnm tbn most .lis-
taut points in the State. The exhibits
will be more numerous than on any pre
vious year. Very liberal premiums will
bo offered and among others, may be
mentioned those for butter, which are as
follows :
Tho first premium for best creamery
butter, not less than 100 pounds in quan
tity, made outside ot l'ennsylvania, 522
second prize, 20 ; third prize, S15. JJcst
creamery butter, threo packages, not less
than 100 pound, made m 1 ennsylvama.
52f ; second prize, same quantity, 520
third prize, SIS. Ilest dairy buttei
three packages of not less than 100
pounds, $25 ; second prize, Slo ; third
'irize, $10. Ilest dairy butter print, 10
pound, i$20 ; second best same, $10
third best same, $5.
Excursion tickets will bo issued by
the Pennsylvania li. II. Co., ami thero is
no doubt that thousands ot visitors will
travel over the road.
Tho legislative committee appointed
to arrango for the representation of
Pennsylvania, at tho Yorklown Centen
nial, next month, met at tho Wyoming
Valley Hotel, Wilkes-liawo, last 1'iiday
atternoon. Thero were present, l.ov,
Hoyt, Ex Gov. Hartranft, Adjutant Gen
eral J.atta, benators ueorgo Handy
Smith and A. Wilson Norris, and Repre
sentatives Voeghtly, Cooibaugh, leurth
and Woodrutf. Tho lollowmg resolu
tions wero adopted :
Retailed, That in I he niininn of the commit
tee. die lentraeHtatii n of l'mnsvlrania at York-
town, contemplated by the telution of the
Oeneral Assembly, approved 24th of March,
1881, will include the heads i the Excutivo
and Judicial Departments, anil the Lpisinlature
of the State, and the ( IRreraof the esUblinbid
historical aid repieatntaiive wicieiien, Stale
and lccsl aiidcoinpanieai f the National Guard
of Pennsylvania, including not lea than 1,600
officers and men, and such invlttd guets as the
Conimife mar deem il expedient to indicate.
Jlttolred, That a rub-committee of three, of
which the chairman 8 all he one, be appoint
ed to makeall-necesaary arrangements for Iran-
norta'ior, and that the expends be kept with.
In Ine limits ot ttie appropriation maue by act
of June 29th, 1881.
Tho committee will hold an adjourned
meeting nt the Continental Hotel, rial
adelphia, on September 12th.
Messrs. Smith, Norris and Fourth of
tho general committee wero appointed
the Hub-committee montioned.
The encampment of the Third llrigadu
nt Wilkes-llarre, broko up on Monday
and tbo soldiers returned to their homes.
In n military sense, it wns entirely sue
cessful Tho companies wero nearly all
full and tho men well drilled nnd sol
dierly in bearing. Competent judges
pronounce tho brigade to bo superior to
tho f irst, winch is composed oi city
troops. It is n genuine surprise to tho
people, as well ns to military men, that
country regiments are superior to the
crack city organuations in tho points
that constitute good soldiery. llio
brigade review on Saturday ufternoon
was witnessed by an immense crowd of
sectators, many of whom wero ladies.
After tho review tho troops marched to tlio
city nnd were again reviewed by tho Gov
ernor and staff in fiont of the Wyoming
Valley Hotel. Tlio heat was almost
unendurable nnd tho roads wero covered
with dust to the depth of threo or lour
in.ilieH. Tho soldiers looked liked vet
orans on a long march so covered wero
tbnv jvltli dust. Tho hot weather was
the great drawback to the enjoyment of
tho encampment. Excellent discipline
ved and notliing moro serious
occurred in the infraction of camp rules,
llinn riinnliiL' tho irunnl nt nitwit to so-
amusement in tho city.
Had the heat been less intense and the
itinds less dusty thero would lmvo hetp
llftOffc Visitors to U 'cwtin, lAit tb,0hrgrctih,ffo1aVWCliU0MtcuinKwy.
rs i-scmied tlio troubles mul nnnov-
imces tlioy would lmvo Intel to ciuluro if
storm liad visHi't tlioin. There enn bo
doubt that such triunintf in camp (lit
ties is of much benefit to thu troops and
will fit them for netivo sorvleo should
exigencies arise,
An editorial in tlio Philadelphia Press
of August 2ath, contains tlio iollowing
words ot praise lor our townsman, air.
lluckalew. As the I'ress is tho leading
Uepublieaii paper of tho State, it is fair
to assume that it reflect tlio oiiinlons
of tho bed men of its party :
Charles 1 iliu-.k.iUw o
f Columbia
county, who uervnl in ttie Semite iroiu
lsiiil to 18(it) as tli successor of tho fa
iiioiis jjavid wtimoi, m a man oi on
ferent stamp, llo has in him tho ele
moots of a fitatcsman, and is one ot
tho few men iu Pennsylvania, who have
taken part in public life during tho last
httv years wli' has an idea.
Mr tlii.tlnlmi liml fini.t1)it li
tho principle of
I...! !... ,..1.1.1. 1... .1.,
iihiiuiuy ie iietiuiiumun niuuu in-
veloped into the theory of cumulative
voting, and so entorceti u in mo onsu
tulional Convention of 1372-711, of wirier
ho was a member, that it is now a p.u t
of tho organic law of the Common wealth
Tho theory was applied to tho election
of delegates to the Convention
c i.i .... ,.. ,1... r !.,.. iiui.U
no, i ,
and the Convention afterward applied it
to the choice of Police Magistrates in
Philadelphia and to tho election of tho
directors of railroad corporations. When
Mr. Murphy says Mr. Uuckalew was an
indolent Senator it is evident that will
all his acutcnc&s ho does not know where
to draw tho lino between iiidolency aud
modesty. Mr. Buckalew, bIhco his dis
astrous campaign for tho Governorshi
iu 1872, when ho was ostensibly the ro
form candidate, has been neglected by
his party. Nevertheless, and despite his
politics, he is a man whom tho people
oi me oiaie, wiinoui regaru io iiy.
honor and for whom they cherish
proud feeling as ono of the few modern
I , ; l!,. l.:l.
ivruenc.iii iuiuiuiuiisui Bi:ucaiiii'ii,viiii,i!
ever they may be, who has risen abov
tho petty contentions ot party, and neg
lecting thp battle for the spoils, has de
veloped an idea. Tho high estimation
of his eminent abilities is shown by his
recent appointment by Governor Hoyt
as a member of tho Tax Commission
created by tlio Legislature at tho lato
A terrific tornado burst upon the city
of bavannah on baturday evening, in a
few minutes tlio city was m darkness
and tlio parks, streets and squares wero
rendered impassable by falling trees and
houses. Every wire leading out of the
city was prostrated, fully ono hundred
, - i - i i
,W'C'V"P -M B,lorc8 yarcnouses
lost, men roois auu iuauy uuu men wans
blown in. One house containing six per-
I aniu trno tilmvti inln llio rivnr n,ul livn
i peonio were urowueu. Jivery person uv
. - i i u.
gowned and there has been great loss
of life among the negroes on tho nco
plantotion&and in the neighborhood of
tho aty. 1 ho total loss ot lile, so far
I fitwivf iwl i t hi if v.ii vn ntifi fhnrn n rn
many more wounded. Tho ships in tho
river broke loose from their moorings.
Ssevcral wero sunk and a largo number
damaged. On Tybee Island, nearly ever
house was blown away. Oneliousotook
r? after it fell, consuming Mrs. Georgia
V ollte, her child and her little brother
I n. i
I wiuei uie.iuiui buuul-b u.u luiiuiieu ui v;i
rious riycr resorts. In Savannah the
depots, wharves, elevators and largo
buildings suffered great damage. The
Savannah Morning News building was
unroofed and the printers set up the pa
per in six inches of water. The beautiful
trees lor which tho city is noted are great
ly damaged. Business is paralyzed and
over Sl,000,000 loss has been incurred.
A largo portion of tho city was under
water for sevoral hours. Tho Central
Railroad wharves were badly damaged.
Tho Georgia Infirmary was wrecked, and
the patients barely escaped, a number
being bruised by falling bricks and plas
ter. Numerous vessels wero damaged by
collision and otherwise. A house was
swept down the river and threo of its oo
cupants Mrs. Stokes and her two chil
dren wero drowned. Mr. Stokes barely
escaped. Engineer Kichnrd Fitzgerald,
of the steamer II. 1$. Plant, was drown
ed. 1 lie family of David 13o wens, color
ed, comprising seven persons, were drown
ed. At Fort Pulaski tho ofiicerB' quarters
were Hooded.
At Port Uoyal S. C. a ferry house was
washed away by the high tide, and a
number of persons, variously estimated
at from twenty to forty, wero swept
away and drowned. Seven bodies were
subsequently recovered. Tho high water
J .... .1 - , ,T ,
was cuuscu uy me uurncane,wiiicn ai an
cailicr hour prevailed at savannah.
The Forests of Pennsylvania.
Tho maple and hemlock forests of
Pennsylvania have never had the benefit
of tho right kind of enterprise to render
them as important and productive as their
real value ought . to produce, lor them.
The maple wealth of Pennsylvania is as
valuable as that of her black walnut, if
properly handled, because the wood is
haru nod can bo utilized to as beautiful
effects in building aud furniture as that
of walnut or ash. This wood grows to
enormous abundance iu this State, and
will sooner or later becomo ono of tho
most profitable sources of industry by
thoso who know how to tint it on tho
market. JIarrisburg Telegraph.
The Cigarette Vice Needs Attention.
That something ought to bo done to
diminish the consumption of cigarettes
seems clear. Considerations of public
health aro suiiicient to warrant govern
ment action. Itis a notorious fact, well
known to all dealers in tobacco, ns well
as to many medical men, that, with few
exceptions, tho cigarettes sold are, botli
in tho wrapper and in the lining, mado
of deleterious substnnccs. It ia because
they aro so mado that they can bo sold
so cheap. Thus tens of thousands who
would bo unablo to purchase cigars uso
cigarettes becauso they cost so littlo. If
cigarettes were mado of unpoisoned paper,
nnd tho tilling was ot tobacco, it would
;o impossible to make them tor the pneo
at which they aro now sold. If Con
gross has tho right to provent tho adul
teration of food and drink and of drugs,
it has an equal right to check tho salo of
these fraudulent things called cigarettes,
which aie not at all what they pretend
to be. Arw York J$oening Jfail.
Rev. E. Uowcn.a Welsh clergyman of
Gibson, Pa., fell under a moving passcn
ger train at the Delawaro and Hudson
and Erie railroad dopot, Carbondalo, on
Saturday and had one leg taken off nnd
tho other badly bruised. Ho'is in a criti
cal condition. He wns at ono time pastor
of a church at Wilkes-Banc and was on
of the earliest settleis of Carbondalo.
Gcorco 11. Fill, of Solesbury, Bucks
county, in putting Purls green on pota-
toes, absorbed soiuo oi ine poison in a
emu) cut on bis hniid, inflammation n
trued, followed tor erysipelas Mid ftan.
Yellow fovcr
has appeared at Key
Lydia E. I'inkhnm's Vegetnblo Com
pound revives tho drooping spirits t in
vigorates and harmonizes tlio organic
1 unctions j gives elasticity nnd iirmness
to llio step, restores tho natural bistro to
tho eye, nnd plants on the tialo cheek of
beauty tho fresh roses of Ufo's spring
nnd early suniiner lime.
No human ncrencv can so speedily
ileanio the blood, clear tho complexion
and skin, restore the liali' and cure every
species of itching, scaly nnd scrofulous
luminrs ot the skill, scalp and blood as
the Cutleuru Ucinedies.
Corn in Chicago lias lisenseveinl cents
per bushel, on account of the continued
drought in Illinois and other states, llio
corn and potato crop will not bo a half
one this year.
AltT ani on..
Tho Norfolk Virninian of January
10. 18S1. refers to tho remarkable euro
effected by.Sl. Jacobs Oil iu the case of
l'rol. Uromwoll, known the country
over for his magnificent Art Illutratioiis
who had suffered excruciating torments
from rheumatism, until lie tried tho uu
whoso ellects ho says were magical.
A flro at Heaver Falls, Pa on Mou
lav destroyed Mellon & Son's Hour mill,
the Pittsburg liingo works and Heaver
Fulls steel works. Loss
A number of collieries in and near
Shenandoah, Schuylkill county, have sus
pended work lor wnnt ot water
Two largo fires in Chicago on Satur
day destroyed property valued at $1,000,
000. Fires in Montreal, Huffalo and
Piano, Texas, caused losses aggregating
about $200,000.
Tho largo brewery of Henry Mueller
Philadelphia was destroyed by lire on
Friday morning, l.oss ?i&u,uuu
Lieut. Commander 15. L. Edes nnd
Lieut. L. G. Spalding, U. S. Navy, were
killed nt Newport K. 1. on mommy, by
tlio prematura explosion of a torpedo,
Tho steamboat Stato of New York,
plving between Hartford and Now York
struck a rock on Sunday night near
Goodspecd's Landing and was sunk. All
the uassencers escaped but their baggage
was lost. The loss to vessel aud freight
is $40,000.
George W. Riggs, the well-known
Washington banker died last week, leav
ing an estate valued at iji,uuu,uuu,
Heavy forests fires caused by the win
tor berry pickers are devastating thelum
her recion of Carbon county. It is esti
mated that $10,000 worth of logs in the
White Rock ndgo and Kidder townslui
aro destroved. Hundreds of men are out
liirhting tho fire. William Getz basal
ready lost $3,000 worth of logs.
liarnev Hopper, aged 10, whilst play
in or with" a revolver on Saturday, shot
his comuanion Albert Kepler, aged 10,
tho bullet lodued iu tlio skull. This at
Raymond & Shaffer's saw mill at
Dallas, Ltizerno county, with IfiO.OOO
feet of lumber, was destroyed by lire on
Tuesday evening, loss l0,ooo.
The Democrats of Schuylkill county
have nominated lion. James li. itciliy
for president ltulge. He has served tw
terms in Congress and is an excellet
The steamer Teutonia was wrecked
near Queen Point, recently,and 17.1) live
The drought has caused the failure of
two-thuds ot tho tobacco crop in ian
caster County, involving a loss of ove
Tho West Chesttr Jrffmcmian contains tl
following item, of interest to all owners
horses. We have not heard that tlio dina-
has been ob'erveil in Ibis vicinitv, hut it may
make its appearance later in the reason
There is an epidemic prevalent among horn,
the first nvmiitrmsliiiiiL- a litlit couubi and lb
peat of die dieeafo being ronlinid lo the ihrnnt
and one or both hirgs. Dr. ouig,(I JUnlia,
aays that it dtflera somewhat Irom olherepidcm
ics, and if nut speedily checked runs into a ma
lignant stage of putrid sole throat or djphlhe
ria, anu r.suits in pjrcmiaoruioou poison, r
which sIdko it is contagious, ine
thinks it nns the disease that was a few moLtl
ntn nrevalent in I lie western nait of the Stat
where the mortality was great. He has had
several cares recently under treatment, ono o:
which was fatal, and bet-ays tbat to have tli
disease successfully trtaUd die veterinary sur
neon must be enmlovcd in its early stages, ami
the animal must be properly nursed. There
are indicat ions tl nt hi rses during the coming
autumn will be sllhcted with this disease in
malignant and epidemic lorm.
Important to Travelers Special in
ducements are offered you by the Burlington
Koute. ft will pay you to read tueir adver
tisement to be found elsewhere in this issue,
March 18 40-vr
BlntlN nil tue current publlca
tlons In nii) Nl)leyou may tie
hi if. Satlttfacllon giiurau
tccil. Correspondence solicited P. O. Box ICO.
V. S. Careful ntlriitlon Klven to
Septs, tt
Valuable Real Estate
The undersigned Admlnlstiator cam tcstamcnto
annexo of I'etcr Appleinan.lato of Denton township,
deceased, offers tho following described premises at
prlvato a le. All tbat portion of tbe following: de
scribed TltACT OK MND, In Benton township,
bounded as follows: On tbu north by lands of It. L.
Y, Colley, J, V. Chapln and A. Wilkinson, on tho
west by lands ot 11 llcllrury, John K. Appleman
and Teter Laubacb, on tbo south by lands of Wll.
11am llulue and llartarct DUdlne, and on tbo vast
by lands of itcuben II. Davis and Btott IE. Colley,
coctalnlDH KlOlll Y-KI011T ACltliS, more or less,
whereon are trected a two-story yitAMK llOUHK,
bank barn, wagoa bouse and other out-bulldlngs.
Only tbat portion lylni on tbo west sldo of Fishing
creek will bo sold.
Also, all tbat tract'ef land situate In llenton town
ship, bounded on tbewest by lands ol ltebecca Cob
ner, on tho north by lands of the heirs ol Tboinas
Davis, deceased, and J, P. Chapln, on tbo south by
lands ot Eicklel Cole, container KK1I1TKEN
ACltKS, more or less, unimproved land. Will be sold
as a whole or In parcels to suit purchasers.
Terms made known on application to
I. It. KltlCKUAUM,
Administrator, ic,
au(f, 6-tt Cambra, rs
isTiTi or johuvx sitaui, siciisiv.
Tbo uiidnslciK d Auditor errolntcd by tbe Or
phans' t'oui I oft oluirUu county, on exceptions to
to the attoui t cr tho Admlultiiotor c'T faiu dcci--dent,
will sit In tbe UlK-bBiseof the duties of hU ap
poln linent at the- oBlce of Knorr & WluUrsUwn
In tb e '1 own of ltloon sbiirtr, on Friday, a ugun tuts,
1SS1, fit ten ovlotK iu iuo wrvuwu vi bhiu ua,
when and where all persons Interested may attend,
It they think proper,
July w-tw
CUTICURA Permanently Cfurea
Humors of tlio Scalp and Skin.
f'Hiioura irB.r-dles are foiaafe bT all drutrilsts.
Price of CUTICUltA, a MediHnul Jelly, small boxes,
Mio.l large boxes. II. CUTICUIIA IHtSbLVKNT, the
new Wood rurUicr. tl vr bottle. CtmcuaiMXDio
1H1L Toturf Boat, KM. Cutlcura Medlcljikl Bhavlog
8oap ,l I to bars for barbera and largt oousumen,
to.. Viucid. .
I(ctilno;mil Seal- Il.scriNCB,Scror.
uiniiM Humor, Ulcers, oiu
Sores ami mercurial Af
fections when nil oilier
Human Agencies
mUK CltTKJUItATHKATMKNT, for tlio euro of
m. smn, scalp and lilood Dis uses, coniista in
tho Internal um) of Ccticuiu Hksolvsnt, tho new
Wood Purifier, and tlio external uso of Cuticc b and
CL'TicmtA SoAf, lh dront skin Ourcs.
Far Sluuurn. Tan nnd tlri-iisy Skin uso CuMrtira
SoiiD. mi exntittltn iHtlnr. tut. - nnrl nnrNMrv Hinutlve.
Imuran, nun iiemiuUH UJWer oaom aru nunuuR
WUl McDon.UI, siis DcAruorn street, (Jlitcnifo,
gratefully nokuowledtrua a cure of Salt Uhotira on
Uoail, ni ck, fauo, nrnu and loss, for aaventeen years:
not ablo to walk uxcrut oi hamU and kneosfor ono
jiubuuii io iigiii nun' ir lor eitriu Auom; irii-u
ntndrciU r,r l-t'mwllro: il.n-tj.rK nrniuninciHl tits cnHii
ii'ii'iiem; pcrmnneniiy curru uy 1 no uuiicura uunif
II. K. farp.-n.tcr, Kn Ilcndeison, N. V cured of
Psoi IahIs or (.cproar. of twenty rears' standing, by
tUo Cuticuru llesolicnt Internally and Cutlcuro and
Cullcurn Soap externally. Tlio most wonderful cose
on record, euro certlilctl to boforo a luitloe of llio
x-aco and prominent citizens. All nflllctcd wltli
tchluir and Hculv ntapnm-.q RiiouTil wind tn ua for
tins testimonial In full.
P. U. Drake, Esq., Detroit, Mich., Buffered beyond
oil description from afiktn dlscoso which appeared
on lils bands, bead and faco, and nearly destroyed
bis eyes. Tho most careful doctoring failed to help
him. and after nil Imd fnlletl lm used tho Cutlcura
iiesoiTcnt intcrnaiiy.outicura ana cuueura soap cx-
wi iiiuo , uuu was curea, ana nas rcraa neu pcrieciiy
"til iu 11113 UUJT,
lion. William Taylor, Boston, says s "After threo
months' uso of tho Cutlcura llcmcdles, nnd U years
ot as constant suffering from humor ot tho face,
neck nnd scnlD as was ever endured. I can say that
I am cured, and pronounce my caso tlio most ro
mnrkablo on record. 1 have, been so elated with my
success that I have stopped men on tho street who
wero anilctert and told them to get tbo Cutlcura
ncmeaics and inoy woum euro tnem.
Mrs. 8. B. Whlrple, Decatur, Mich., writes that
her faco bcai and some parts ot her body wero al
most raw. Head covered with scabs nnd sores.
Buffered fearfully and tried every thing. Permanent"
ly curod by Cutlcura llcmcdles.
Cutlcura Hemedlcs aro for salo by all drugglsts.rrtec
ot cutlcura a Medicinal Jelly, small boxes go cents :
large doxph 91. cuueura itesoivcnT, ine new mooa
l'urlller.Jl per bottlo. cutlcura Medlclnol Toilet
soap, 21 cents, cutlcura Medicinal Shaving Soap,
ia cents, in Dars ior oarocrs anu lariro consumers,
ouccnis. rr'ucipui ucpui,
Weeks s Potter, Boston, Mabs,
reAU mailed free on receipt of price
noo r,iuN8' Voltaic Klxc-
u 1-i.ASTEii. costtnc 23 cent!-.
VAITAIfil""!ririn tkicisu pcrior to cvtry oincr
VOLTAIC jHjq IIICTBO clrrtrlcal appliance before tho
Pi Acretfa public. They instantly relievo
vlSTM ' Dvsncnsla. liver complaint.
Malaria, i-ever and cuc and Kidney and Urinary
Dimcultles, and roBy beworn over tbo pltof tho
stomach, over tho k'dnejs or any affected part.
Pr Ice 45 cents. Sold everywhere,
wEfinas iw-
TElt, Boston, Mass. d
septs, 1-m
Real Estate !
In pursuanco of and In accordanco with tho direc
tions contained In the last villi and testament ot
Joseph I'ohe, late of Centro township, Columbia
county, deceased, tbo undersigned v 111 expose, to
pub'lo sale on the premises tn each case In Centre
and MIBlin townships, on THURSDAY, FKIDAY
Sent. 22llfl. 23rd find 24th. 1881.
t.uiui lAu.urt uu 'i if ai,i ur i.jir u,
as follows, to-wlt: Tho 1st, !id ind Srd tracts
will be sold on UlUPSDAY, tho 52nd, commen
cing at loo'clctk v lib the 1st, ut 1 o'clock with tho
2nd and ali o'clock villi tbo fid. The Isttroctls
situate In Cent re tow ntblp, alrcg tl.e public read at
tho foot of tho Lima Hid. e, now occupltd by John
Waters, containing
145 .-teres of Land,
more or less, vtheiccn nie ercctfd monctnorciooil
Friiiue IIuIIiIIiikh, OLc set the laigcr, especially cal
culated for tho farm.VNlth altrge spring ef never-
falling coldvattr nl tic c!ccr. conuctid with a
large sprlrg house, out summer kitchen, a largo
wagon house, bog rcn and ccrn ci lbs under cover,
combined. The clhcr set of buildings arc better cal
culated lor U-itiitP, l(!l,go Eotdlaifeebcu canda
small Um.vist.cLLouicthccffioUrshop.clder press,
hog rtn.ovtn htuto nt cochp)nce,vieli and fountain
pump at tho door, and this faim with tho two sets
of buildings will bo to'd separately by a dnitlon line
and sunty which will be exhibited on day of sale
or together, as uinj Utliuil lurcVnstT, ntd the In
terest of the tHutc, Thiiclsslso on this farm ten
or twelve acres of tbe very best Whltn Oak Timber
adjoining aids oping towardtho public road. Ttc
land Is of tbe best limestone soil, and In a high Btato
ot cultivation, a Good Apple Orclaidln good bear
ing ordei. There Is on this fmm also, about fifteen
acres of Good Limestone Itldgc, tomo uncovered and
ready for working.
Thostcocd tractls situate In Centre fcwnshlp,
sear the Lime Hldge, occupied by Stephen Pohe.and
135 Acres of Land,
more or less, in a high state of cultivation, well Um
bered, oi d ot tbe lest limestone soil; fruit ot all
kinds, Excellent Srrlng of Co'd Water con
nected wltb a laige spring house. Tbo build.
bulldlngson this faimaro all new, large and com.
modlous, consisting of a NEW BANK BARN, with a
well of good water at the door, a wagon house and
corn crib combined. Thero Is also a hay abed, and
a LARGE NLW HOUSE, with good vt ell of water at
tho door, and a beautiful yard surrounding the
houso, oven house, summer house, and aU out-bulld
lngs belonging to a Ur&t-chiss modern farm. Thero
l s a llmestono quarry, tv o new kilns tn running or
der and new lime houso on same.
Tho third tract is also situate In Centre township,
near Llmo Hldgc, and is occupied by Joseph Giger,
111 Acres, More or Lens,
ot tho choicest llmestono soil and bottom land
whereon aro erected
A (load Larue II rick lloe,
with a good well of co'd water at the door, a largo
and handy summer be use, a spring house, oven
houso nnd a new coal house.a large Bonk Barn with
good straw and catllo sheds ovci tho yard, a largo
bog pen with corn ston houto above, a largowagon
sheu and corn crioa cembtrcd. An orchard Is situ
ate near tbe dwelling w hlch is in good condition and
covers abojt three acres of ground. This plfce will
bo sold Bublect to a cower of five thousand dollars
in a mm Miller, widow ot (leonro 1'. Mlller.dcceasecL
There Is about ten acres of tho very bst Llmestono
niago on tuis rarm. M
iho 4th and Mh tracts will he so don Friday, tho
23rd, ccmmenclng with the 4th at 10 o clock a, m.,
and with tho Mb at 2 o'clockp.m.
Tho 4tn la situ
atpii in centra townsniD. near umo muire,
a ted tn Centre township, near
river road, leadlni? from BIoOE
,lmo Hldge, along tho
river road, leading trom Bloomsburg to Berwick, oc-
cupled by PhtUp Hess, and containing
US Acres, Mure or Lcns,
of the best bottom land, In a very high Btato ot cul
tivation, whereon are ei ected largo and convenient
farm buildings, consisting of a
with a good well of cold water at tho door, another
dwelling of smaller dimensions Bult .ble tor a tenant
houso.near a large and never failing spring of water
connected with a good spilng boaso. A good oven
houso stands near the farm QwelUng: also a smote
house, a large barn, and a new wagou 8bed,baysbed
and corn crib combined, and a good large hogpen
convculenUy arranged. This place la will supplied
w lib all kinds of fruit, lncludli g an Apple Orchard,
composed or cbolco and rare trees, in good condition
and yielding largely every season.
The tth tractls also Bltuato la Centro township,
near Lime Itldgc, occupied by John Shuman, and
00 AcreH of Lnnil,
more or less.whe reon are erected a large New Barn,
new hay studs, corn cribs, and hone stable, with
water at the door, a
.'od l.Hrce Farm IlwrlllnK,
conveniently arrangfd with a largo summer bouse
wltb a good well ot cold water at the door, oven
houso aud ail other necessary out-butldn gs 'IhU
furin la supplied with null and the land Is bottom,
In tho very best Btato ot cultivation.
Tbeeth aid last tract will bo sold on Saturday,
tho 24lh, commencing at ten o'clock In tholorenoou,
and li situated Iu .Miaim township, near Miailnvllle,
occupkd by WlUlam aoeUIng, and contains
101 Acres of Lund,
moro or less, tn a blgbstate of cultivation, whereon
aru erected a largo barn with t te appropriate sheds, ,
good wagon houau and com cribs, hog pen, chicken
house, a good large FRAME DKLLlf.O, summer
house, with go d, novoi. falling water at tbe door
out-bulldlngs, &c. On this place Is some very ono
timber landunU tiult of every dimoilpUon.
Possession ot tho above to ko given to the purchas
er or purchasers thereor, April i, via nceas
to tio at llio expense oi iu purcuasera anu
wtllbo delivered when the final Durchaxo money
shall be paid or secured by bond and laortagagu.
All grain in the ground and personal properly on
the promises reserved.
TKitM . or balk. Ten per ceit oi one-rourm ei
the vurchase money to bo paid at the striking down
ot tie wooeni: the one-fourth leas the ten per
cent, before taking possession oi April IsUS, one-
bail VI mv uaiaave wim uuenwt uu uv amount
inalalig unpaid from April 1st, isav, tote paid on
Apru ut, isa. The naianco with interest louapaia
on Aprllist, IBM. No tlnbershaU bo cat except tor
use and Imuroveinent til the farms, until at least
one-half ol tneiiurchaxe money ahail La Dili crao-
trriiPUKN Tout,
By virtuo of sundry writs of Issued out
ot tho Court ot Common Pleas ot Columbia coun
ty, and to mo directed, will bo exposed to publlo
salo at tho Court llouso In Uloomsburg, at two
o'clock p. m on
All that certain mossuago and tract of land situ
a to tn Oranro township, Columbia county and stato
of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows,
lo-wtti Beginning at a stono corner of Jcsso Colo-
man's land, Lhenco by tho same north eighteen and
nhalf degrees cast fifty-two perches and soven.
tenths to stones, lhenco by lands of John Mcgarglo
and Isaac Hagenbucli south sUty.soven and a half
cegrcca west flvo perches to a stone, thenco by land
of tho cstato of Conrad Adams north six and three
fourth degrees west sixty-seven rerchfs, thenco by
land of the t stato of Samuel Conner cost nvc perches
and two-tenths tn n plno, thenco by tho same north
clghty-throo degree east thirty-seven perches to
tbe place of boglunlng, containing seventeen acres
and onn hundred and twenty-one perches strict
measure; thn abovo tract being Improved farm land
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of Martha
Adams against Joseph Ilenrlo and tho Orangolllo
M, 8. F, nnd L. Association tcrro tenant, nnd to bo
sold as tbo property of Joseph Ilenrlo nnd tho Or-
angevlilc M. S. F. nnd u Association tcrro tenant.
smiths, Attoyucys. Vend Bx,
All that certain piece of ground situate tn Minim
township, Columbia county,Pcrinsylvanla,lcEcrlbcd
as follows, to-wlt! Bounded on the north by land
of John A ten, east by land of II, schwcppcnhclser.
BotitHby lxndsof Thorn is Atcn and on tho west by
lands ot Charles Kllngcnnan, containing ono hun
dred and ten acres moreorless.on which aro erected
a f ramo house, barn and out-bulldings.
Ono tract ot land Bltuato In sold township of Miff-
lln, bounded on tho north and cast by lands of
Thomas Atcn, on tho south by lands of Michael
0 rover's heirs, on tho west by lands ot William 1'arr
containing twenty four acres more or less, on which
are erected a two story framo house and out
Ono tract bounded on tho north by lands of I. K.
Schwcppcnhclscr and Samuel Snyder, on tho cast
by lands of tawrenco Waters, on tho south by land
of Abraham Schweppcnhelser and on tho west ty
land ot John A ten, containing thirty-tour acres
moro or less, on which aro erected a framo houso,
barn, and out-bulldlngs.
Ono tract ot land bounded on tho north by land ot
Stephen Ocarhart nnd othci8,on tho cost by other
lands of I. K, Schweppcnhelser, on tho south by.
landot John Aten and on tho west by landof Joseph
Ocarhart, contaln'ng ono hunarcd acres moro or
less, on which aro erected a frame bouse, barn and
Ono lot of ground sltuato In llio town of Malnvlllo
Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and dc
scribed as follows, to-wlt : On the north by land of
J. E. Longcnbcrgcr and two public roods being a
corner lot In f aid town, on which nrc erected a two
story brck store houso with tho appertcnonccs.
Seized, taken ln-cxecutlon nttho suit of Samuel
Beck assigned to the Columbia County Mutual
Saving Fund and Loan Association against I. K,
Schwcppenhelscr and tho Columbia County Mutual
Saving Fund nnd Loan Association, nod to bo soldas
tho property of I. K. Schvt cpponhclscr.
Little & Mama, Attorneys. Al. Vend. Ex.
Al. Fl. Fa.
All that certain lot or pieco ot land situate partly
In Franklin township, and partty In Catawlssa
township, Columbia county, nnd Ktato of Pennsyl
vania, and bounded and described as follows, to
wit : on tho north by Catawlssa creek, on tbo cast
by lands lato ot Ueorgo Scott and the Danvlllo,
Hazleton aud Wilkes Barro Hall ltoad company and
on tho south by Sarah A. Murray and on tho west by
tho Susquehanna river, containing four acres moro
or less on which are erected a small framo building
All that certain messuogeandlot ot ground sit
uate In tho town of Bloomsburg, Columbia county,
and stato ot Pennsylvania and bounded and de
scribed as follows, tc-wlt: Beginning at a post on
the south west stdo ot Main street and lot No. and
running thence along sold street south flfty-threo
I degrees cast fltty-nve feet to an alley, tnenco south
thlrty-soven degrees west ono hundred and ninety-
eight feet to bock alley, thenco along said alhiy
north lltty-three degrees west fifty flvo feet to lot
No. 2. aforesaid and thence along the samo nori
thlrty-soven degrees east ono hundred and ninety-
eight feet to tbe place of beginning, containing one
fourth ot an acre to tbe came moro or lesa on which
aro erected a two story brick dwelling house,
frame dwelling house, a stable and other out
Sclzid, taken In execution at the suit ot I. W,
McKi Ivy against o. It. Graul and to bo sold as tho
property of J. R. Graul.
M nxKK, Att'y. Fl. Fa.
All that certain threo tracts pieces or parcels of
land sltuato In orange township, Columbia county,
and statu ot Pennsylvania. Tract number one boun
ded and described as follows, to-wlt : Beginning at
a plno tree, thence by lands of Jacob ShclUiornd1
ceased, south fifteen degjees east seventy six
perches to a stono, thenco by lands of John Kemlv
deceased south seventy-four and one-half degrees
west ono hundred and three-tenth perches to
stono thence by lands ot Phoebe Whltmoyern"rth
111 teen d( grees west fifty two perches to a stono
thenco by lands of samenerth slxty-ono degrees
east ono hundred and three perches to a plno tbo
pi ace ot t eglnnlng.contalnlng thirty soven acres and
ono hundred and two perches and allowances ot
land with tbo appurtenances thereunto belonging.
it bcl ng the samo tract of land which Isaac llagen
buch dated A. D. 16S2 conveyed to John Stlner,
Tract number two bounded and described as follow
to-wlt: Beginning at a stono heap corner of John
Conner thence by his land north fourteen degrees
west twenty-eight and soven-tcnths perches to
post thence by land of Lovl Alkman south
forty-six degrees west seventy-six perches
to a post thence by lands ot Goorge Whltmlre north
seventy eight degrcet east sixty and two-tenths
perches to tho place of beginning, containing five
acres and ninety two perches more or less with all
tho appurtenances, tbe samo being a port of
larger tract surveyed in tho nomo of David Dumon,
Tract number three bounded and described as fol
lows, to-wlt: Beginning at a stone in the lino of
landot John Stlner thenco by land of Frederick
Bork and along a reserved road by lands ot Benja
min Acbenbacb, Joseph Wbllmoycr and Lovl nnd
J. B. Alkman north twelve and ono quarter degrees
west seventy eight and seven-tenth perches ton
stone, thence by lands ot Peter Piter north Tl
and three quarters degrees east thirty flvo perches
to a stono thenco by land ot John Conner south
twelvo and one quarter degrees cast thlrty.nlno and
two-tenth perches to a stone thenco by lar d ot John
Stlner south forty eight and three-fourth degrees
west forty perches to tho place ot beginning con
taining fifteen acres and tour perches ot land strict
meaBuro being tho same tract ot land which Jacob
Selgfrled conveyed to John Stlner.
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of tlio
Orangovllle Mutual Savlrg Fund and Loan Associa
tion agali st John Stlner nnd to be Bold as tho prop
erty of John Stlner.
Millek, Att'y. Ft. Fa.
A certain lot or piece of ground sltuato In tho
township ot Conynghnm In said county ot Columbia
on tbe westerly side ct tbe Catawlssa road (so call
ed) leading from the borough ot Ashland in Schuyl
kill county to the borough ot Ccntralla Columbia
county, Bald lot being known as lot No. sixty-three
(S3) upper shanties, as laid out by tbe Locust Noun
tain Coal & Iron Ci tnpany, on which is erected a
one and a bait storied frame building fourteen (M)
feet wldo and sixteen (1C) feet long,
Seized, taken in execution at tbe suit of William
Clover against Anthony ccrrliy owner or reputed
owner and costractor.and to bo sold as the property
ol Anthony Gcrrlty owner or reputed owner and
SriNNkT, AU'y. Lev, Fa.
Letters of Administration on the estate of Mmd.
recti Hess lato of uugarloat township, Columbia
county, rcnnsyivoma, ueceuwu, nave ueen graiitec
by tlio Register ot said county to James Petvi man,
ot Davidson townsuip, narainutiraior. Al persons
navinir claims airuiusi, mo iwuiv ui sum neco.
Hi.n, nr r.iti,.itfT tn nrofit-v.t thftln 1t,r Lulilnm...
anu luosD mut'vit-u iu iuv cautie tu inuxu payment
aug 19 4-w
Letters testamentary on tho cstato of John Alio.
ar, late of Flshlugcreek twp., Columbia county,
eceased, have been granted by tho Register of said
oounty to M. A. Aiimermun. or reus, executor. All
persons having claims against the estate of said de
cedent are re-quested to present them for settle
ment, and those Indebted to the estate to make
rmmcLt to the undersigned executor, without
Jl At AJKAllf KM At,
aug m
Forks p. o., Pa,
At tk 'OOWJHBlAN'omOE.'
last addition
through the air, and
arc also worth seeing.
There is a Lunch'Jtoom in the building. Valises,
baskets and packages can be left in charge of attendant in
Ladies' Waiting Room.
Mr. Wanamakcr is desirous that visitors should feel at
home when they come, and be free to purchase or not, as
they please.
Note. Our large Catalogue, with prices and full
directions for shopping by mail from any part of the United
States, will bo mailed gratuitously upon request, address
John Wanamakeu, Guand Depot, Philadelphia.
G. 33. iROBBinsrs,
Fine IlramllcN, WIiInKIch, OIhh,
yiumiy mi
T.mirllnrda flirniurll flllt. tho conntv
"""""""" --- -
call and examine my stock belore
Main Street, 2nd Door below Iron.
July 9, 'SO-ly .
IF I .A.
Enxy Term. SntlHfUctloii CJiiarantccil.
Juno lu, "
VIA D, L. & W B. B.
Under tlio auspices ot Ilyilo Park M. E. Church, and tho Central M. E. Church, Wllkes-Ilarre.
Half rates trolrtr and rcturrliig wlllhe given all
lork ais:8(ii in. Wiudcm.ii), "tptu
rntcr ?tli. tlln
of Iron tliroughout,
Each one has fourteen water
uuie ana inoprooi.
Thursday. Scnir mrer tn I nnt? llrnnch
To accoir inodaie thoso dcblrlng to spend tin ssabbath In New York to hear the great preachers on tlitlr
return Irim their vacatltns. the rxcuiMoulsu will return by two bpitlal trains ono leaMm
New York at 1 p. m Kept. 9lh, tho other 1 p.m. Sept. 18th, arriving In fcrantou to connect with all out
going trains.
rAl Coney Island our excursionists will be furnished with a Bhoro dinner at greatly reduced rates i
supplied with bathing tuliBot half rates ; also admitted to Llbcrattl's (Hand Concerts In tho Pavilion ct
tho Orrat Iron I'ler.nceof thaiRC. This Is a special courtesy secured througha personal friend ot tlio
managers, and never before accorded excursion parths.
1 he managers have secured their usual low rates for accommonatlons at hotels.
llckelBfor saleatU.L &V. Depot and storo ot Jlr. I. W. Ilarlman. ror lull particulars seo "Tie
H.G. UI100K8. secretary, or
llov. It. W. VAN HCI101CK, Hydo Tark.
Aug 20. 8-W
Ily virtuo of sundry writs issued out of tho
Court ot Common l'leas of Columbia county and
to mo directed, will bo exposed to publlo salo at tho
Court House, In Uloomsburg, Pennsylvania, at two
o'clock, p. m. on
Monday, September 5th, 1881.
A certain building sltuato In tho town of Ulooms
burg In tho county and stato otoresald on tho south
west corner of Kallroad and Iron streets or said
town; it is a ono storied framo building, foundry for
costing Iron lento and other iron lmplcments,front
lng about forty teot on Railroad street and about
sixty feet on Iron street, being about forty f cot In
width, and sixty feet In depth.
Belied, taken In execution at tho suit of Charlos
Krug, against Michael Hess owner or rerutcd owner
and 8. M. Hess agent nnd contractor, and to bo sold
as tho property of Michael II ess owner or reputed
uniiuruimo. ju. ites3 ajrent ana contractor.
isklxk, Att'y. Lev. Fa.
Tho following real esuto sltuato in tho townshln
u um, irccK toiumoia county l'ennsylvania
bounded and described as follow s, to-wlt s Bounded
on thoboulh by lands of A. W. Katen.on thuwest
by tho Tioga and Susquehanna TurnDiko. on tho
norib by lands of Olden stokes, and on tho cast by
lands of 1). Y. Scybert containing half of an aero
moro or less, on which aro erected a framo dwelling
uuuau, uaru uuu uui-Duuaings. Also a lot of apnlo
Seized, taken In execution at the suit n nimri
Bchenck against Frederick Luther and to ho sold aa
mu property or rrcderlck Luther.
TiiONrsoN, Att'y. tl Fa.
AU that certain tract of land Bltuato In Hemlock
township, Columbia county, l'ennsylvania. bounded
uuu uebcnoeaas follows, to-wlt; Beginning at a
pine knot a corner of land belonging to Teter Apple
man and Jacob Harris, luenca bv tho damn nnrii,
olght and ono half degrees, west sixty tlvo perches
and soven tenths to a post, thenco by land of the
heirs of Vanlah ltecs, north eighty-seven and flvo.
eighth dexrees.wi-Bt two hundred and cloven Doieh.
cs and four tenths to a post, thenco by town lots bo
longlngtojohn Nevlus.John Klstler, Charles Ney-
u,u, uuuu.nurKie, siarsuau Shoemaker and Ueorgo
Weaver, boutu seventy degrees east forty-hvo
perches and slx-u-ulhs to a nolnt on tho wc&t shin at
main sluetlulhotownot Buikhorn, thenco along
tho west side of said street soul thirty-four do.
giees cast twenty-slx perches and nvo tenths to a
post, thenco by Uiil ot Hiram Appleman Boutb
etghty-toven and live eighth degreos east onohun
trd and ninety three perches and two tcntlnto tho
piuco of beginning containing eighty acres and
eighty perches btilct measure, whereon aro creeled
a two ana a half stoty Uttt house, large bank barn
with wagou shed attacked.and framostable, wagon
sncd anu other out-bulllldlngsialio a good acnlo
Seized, taken In execution at tho suh of Crru il
ilees, Jeffen-.ou llees and Clarrlssi Bones ana Yer.
dlnand souch her tho uso ol Illramliees
and Illram Kces all of whom survived Anna ltecs
widow, ag dnst Nchcmlah Ilecco with notice to u.F,
Fruit terie tenant and to bo sold as tho property ot
Neheinlab, licecowith notico to ll, y. Fruit terro
C. It. liuckalew, Att'y. Lev, Fa.
All that certain real estate sltuato In Centre town
ship, Columbia County, bounded on tho south by
river Bu&qucbanna, on the west by Philip Harris, on
tho north by canal, and on ths oast by Samuel
Dletcrlck two lots containing one mU acre more
or less, on the one lot first named there Is erected a
dwelling house, and on the other a stalk) and out
buildings wl.h the appurtenances.
SUltiil. tjiVf-n In fvniutWin fit IhA milt lirniiAn.
. - - - ... w ,., v. wmu
Shatter lad oneo ct .Jacob Hitler, ogalnu John W,
Chuk aftd XlluWUi Clark and to bo udd u thn
jl&W' JM-uour
vtsitin tr
yoit will find.
anions other places
of interest, the Grand
Depot well worthy of a
visit. Its floor and gallery
spaces now cover over three
acres.andarc filled with Dry Goods,
China. Furniture, etc. Tho
is a large and beautiful
Picture Gallery, to which admittance is free.
The Pneumatic Tithes carrying the money
the Elcciric-Light Machinery,
Riiiiin, mul nil kiiiunoi ttiiich con.
will find it to their ndvnnttigc lo
" , . 1 1
purcnaBing eisuwneru.
IT o s ,
I'o New York and return
To New York, Coney Island and return :i 15
To New York, Long llrnnch and return :i U
For all tho abovo I 3i
Long llrancli to ocean uiuq and return :i,'.e txtra
ejicurHonlslslrcm Norlhtimberlana to BlncMon
The txcurBlon train will leave KIMisiuN at8:r4, anuhCKAK
- TON 9:40 a. m. Tuesday. Kentcmbcr Clh. if 81. nrrlvlntr In Niw
to Coney island In one it thn new Iron Mrfintrs. made
tlghtcomrartments, making Hum absolutely unblLk-
and Ocean Orovo.
O. WALTElt. secretary, or
Itov. II. M. ckydkn wisB, Wllkes-Barro.
All that certain tract, pleco or parcel of land sit
nato In the townchlp ot Mount Pleasant in tho
county of Columbia and Stato of' Pennsylvania,
bounded on tho north by lands of dodf rey Melick.on
tho west by land ot Peter Jacoby, on tho south by
land of Hiram Thomas and on the east by land el
Joseph 0. Crawford, containing Bevcnty-slx acres
moreorless.on which are erected a framo dwell
ing house, a barn and out-bulldlngs.
All that certain tract, pleco or parcel ot land sltu
ato in tho township of Hemlock in county and state
aforesaid, bounded on tho nnrth and west by land
of the heirs ot Jacob Harris deceased, on tho cast
by lands of Godfrey Mcllck and on tho bouth by
lands of the heirs of Samuel Wanlcli deceased,
containing twenty eight acres and twenty-clglit
pcrches,on which aro erected a twostoryframogrlit
mill, a frame dwcll'ng house, stablo and out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of Colum
bia County Mutual t'avlng Fund and Loan Associa
tion against John Beaglo and to be sold as tho prop
erty of John Beagle.
Littlb & millkk Atfys. Vend Kx.
By virtuo of an order of tho Orphans' Court ot
Columbia County, tho undersigned Administrators
of tho cstato of William Whlto deceasod, wilt oxposo
to publlo salo on tho premises tn Scott Township
At one o'clock I', M.
tho fo'lowlng valuable ItealKstalo sltuato In Scott
township in said county, bounded and described as
follows : On the north by land of Abraham M. White-
on tho east and south by land of Bampaon Townsend
on tho west by lahd of John W. Ilorrman.contalntne
and sixteen perches strict measure on which are a
Fit amis house and bank barn and other out-build.
at Apple Pears, Cherries, ia, a woll of water at
tho home and pno nt Iho burn.
TKitiis or BALK. Ten per cent, of one-fourth
ol tho purchase money to bo paid at tho striking
down of tho property; the one-fourth leas the
ieu xr eeui. ai rue connrmation of sale, ana in -
remalnlnif thmA-frilirtlin In nnt vpni.tirrfnftfrwltlii
Interest from connrmation nisi.
aug t-a AdmlnUUatora.
Tho following appraisements of real and
Eersonal property set apart to wldow-B of decedents
avo been tiled In the oftico of tho Iteglster of Col
umbia county, under tho Itules of Court, nnd wlllho-na-seuted
tor absolute connrmation to tho orphans"
Court to bo held tn llloomsburg.ln and for salu coun
ty, on Monday, tho Mb day of Sept., 1881, at two
o'clock p. m., of Bald day unless exceptions to such
confirmation are previously filed, ot which all per
sons Interested In said estates will take notico i
1. Widow ot lleeso M. Kck, late of Brlarcrcek town
ship, deceased.
i. Widow
of lleuben
ltauch, late ol Montour
townRUip, aeor-ased.
. Wldo ot James Heller, late ot
, Widow of W. 0. Hagenbuch, lato of
B. Widow of J. u. Klstler, lato ol Catawlssa town
ship, dtceascd.
. Widow cl lieu ry Aul, lato ot Scott townsnlp, de
ceased. 7. Widow of H. it, Kline, late ot Orange township,
8. Annralsetnent nr
personal property In the ea
SB, late ot scoit township, set
late Ot U. Ileed IK iH mi,, nr unl
apart to a minor child ot bald deceased.
V. Ar
Appraisement or realty net apart to saran Ursa,
widow ot shartmck lions, lU cf BgaMoat town-
ltcgistirtomce. Vru.iJaoour,
liroouwuvxg, Aug. . "auf ngisur.