fcMrtiJwwiiMfiiaineMnMiaiiaiMiiwmaatMMH iMtird Weeklf, every I'rt.lrtr mnrnln,, ni niXOMSliUHO,CO,UMIltA COUNTY PS ,T two pm.MM per year, fsp cei .h.roV-il aitrm-M wlicn rain luiuivaiira. 10 SUlrcrlbors outnf ,. county tho terms are per year, strictly In advnt ca I r-No paper discontinued except at tha ont inn m Ihd publisher, until nil arrearages are p id. bu im , continued credit will not lx given. " 1 mlu' uul ,on8 All papers sent nut of thosfato or to rtntant nmi oniceii must bo pa d for ;ln advance, unles." n re-tffi ululo person in Columbia county assumes to nay tlm BunwrlPtlnn duo on demand. ,m' l" tn'ocounty!5 U D 'n!f,!r aCt0I fro,n 8Ub3:bcrs In ThnJohblnif Den irtment nf n.n nm ....... ... complete, and our Job 1'rlntlng will coimuru ,,ln,X Mywlthlhatot tho large rules. All wordoto oS dora.tnd, neatly and at moderate nrtoos. " oa l'lIOl'lWSIONAIi OAltPS, V i ti r ti ' n i m .... AUU'UM'iI -A. A V, Coi.cuntAN ticiLDisn, tucomsburg, r, Member of tho Unite., states Uw AmnciaiiAn collections trde in tiny part of Amciica or Kurope. A ttorn oy nt-1 ,nw, Office, Second door from 1st National Hank. llUlOMSIIUIKI PA, N U. FUNIC, Attorney at- Lnw. M.OOMSlJu'lW.rA, Offlcoln rtnt llott.ntNu. c II ft W.J.I1UCKALEW, ' ATTOUNKYS.AT-LAW, Uloomsturg, ra. Office on Malt strect.nrstdoorbolowcourtilousf TOIIN M CLARK, 0 ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW, tttontndhnm Office over Schuyler's Hardware Store. I, it. t.iTTt.u. roh't. n, i.trri r ri H. R. Tl. T.TTTLK, ' J' ATTOIWEYS-AT-MW, Ulnomshurg, I'a. c W.MTUiER, J 4 mrfnTTJV Am V 4 tar Oftlrr tn Brower,Btmi1(llntr(itMmi1 nnnr.rnom No. , Uloomaburfft t'a. FRANK ZARR. Attornoy-at-Tjaw, niiOOMBimiin. v. nrfloo corner of Contro nnd Main Streets. Clark's litillrtlng. (!ati bo consulted in German. 1KO. E. HIAVEMj, U A T TO R N B Y-A T-l, A W, G'ot.UMtiuN Uttit.oiNO, ISInnmsburg, I'a. Mcirher of thu United states law Association. Collections rnado In any part of Amerlen or Europe S, KNOIllt. I S. WIMTKUSTFEN. Notary Public KNORR & WINTERS TEEN', Attoi'noys-at-1 jRW. omen In Harl man's Itloek, Corner Main mid Mar ket streets, llloomsuurg, I'a. tgg'I'cMiont and Jlountlc Collected, pun, E. WIRT, Attornoy-at-Law, omre In Itrowcr's Illock, one door in-low comimiiian Hulkllng HLOOMSUUUO, PA. QUY JACOUY, A ttornoyal-1 .aw, w.ooMsnuito, OnlenlnlI..T.('luk'sni!llilltr,scoiid lloor, over Ilomiun's Hour and feed store. tICt. 8, t-0, T II. MAIZE, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Office In Mrs. Ent's llulldlnr;, third di or rmrn Jlaln street. Muy'W.'dl. K. OfaWALD, Attoi neynt-Lnwi Jackson Iiuilding, Rooms -1 nnd T, Mayo, 'SI. I1EUWICJK, I'A. w M. li. EYBRLY, ATTOUNEY-AT-IAW, Catawlssa.l'a. nolloctlons promptly madn nnd reintttod. "fllcn onposlto Catawtssii Doposlt llauk. ein-38 ii. nnAWN, ' A T T O R N E Y-A T-1 - A W , (-Hljiwlssa. I'a. Offlce, corner of Third and Main streets. Ah. FRITZ, Atinrney-iil 1tw. Olljee , In Columbian llulldlnc Junn v i, '81. D ItUCKINdllAM, Attortu-v.nt.I.nw. Of 1 V'.tlce, Hrockway's llulldlni;, 1st llonr, lllomns buri,', ivnn'a. may I, ' c ii nibiriuv A iinriinv.nl. T.iiw. Office , In Ilrower's Bulldlne, 2nu story, iium t 1 II. ROIIISON, Attorney-at-I.aw. J In Ilartman's building, Main street. Office D It. VM. M. REHEIt,irKcon and I'hysi- ci'in. umco motkoi iiieou neuruuimu T R. EVANS, M. D., Surgeon and Pliyfli ii cian, i , (omco and ltOBtdoncu on Third street R. MoKELVY, M. D.,Siirseon and Phy sician, north bldo Main street, below Market, D R. J. 0. It UTTER, rilYSICIAN HOItnEON, omco, North Market street, Oct. l, T9, Illooinsbnrg, I'd. D It. I. Ii. KAMI, pn.A(TPinAi. ni.'.VTisT Main Btreot, opposite Episcopal Church, lAooms tiurir, I'a. vr Teeth oitracUnl wltliout pain. Oct. I J879. w. h. house:, BLOOMSBURG, COL. 00. PA. All styles of work dono In n superior manner, work warranted as represented, tkktii I:xtkct d witiiopt 1'iiN by tho use of (!as, and free of cliarpo when nrtltlclal teeth aro Inserted. Ofllco oyer llloomsburt' llanklbff Company. 7o be open at all ftoun during the day. Not. 3-ly MltjCKLLANKOtlH p M. DIlINKEIl, OUNan.l LOCKSMITH. SowlnB Machines and Machinery of all kinds rc- PUred. UmKA Hocax llulldlni;, llloomsbtirtr, I'a. I) AVID L0WENI1ER0, Mereliant Tailor Mam Ht., above Central Hotel. I 8. KUIIN, dealer ii. Meal, Tsllow, elc, JAMES IlEILIiY, Tonsorial Ai'tist, SSL'atnnt. tit old ntanit nndur KXl'IIANdK III) TWiand has as usuul it KJIthT-cLAKS HA It KICK 81101'. He respectfully solicits the patronauv of u,u uuHwiiiertt UUU Ul U1U uuuuu ttuuviiuij. )alyl,'b)-u $5! Outflt free to those who wish to cniraitt) In the most nlnasant and nrotlUill') business i Koowu. Hveryuuuif now, i.uiiai iiuv miirrm wn will riirniHii vim KYurvuinitr. biu uayanu upwards is easily inaue wiuiuutgiujiut,- woyirom Home over nigub no ruut wuawvor, Many now workni-H wanted at onoe. Manv aro inak- Inj fortunes at t he business Ladles make as much M men, and young boys and girls mokonreat pay. no one who Is wllmiir to work fi lis to make mora Wonev nvurv iinv than oan he made In aweek it any ordinary employment. Those who eiurage a onoo "ui una a abort roaoio rouuue, Aauruu huiv- Portland. aloe. ti, a o-i a.E.ELWELI,, J. K, BITTEN3EMDB11, roprielen. EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BM0M3BURB. PA. oi'i'os-triccoitiiT house. not aim cold water, and all modern eonu-nlcnccsi B, F. SHABPLESS, (-'or. Centro and Hall ltoad sts near t. k u. Depot. Lowest Prices- will net bo undersold. Manufacturer of MINE CAH WIIEKLH, Coal Ilreak er nnd llrlil"i Cnstlnirs, Water Pipes, Moves, Tin. wnro, Mows, ikon FENCE, and all kinds of Iron and UrassC Mtntfs. Tho frtKtnnl Monlroso, Iron beam, rleht band lelt hand, nnd sldo hill Plows, tho best In tho mark et, nnd nil kinds of plow repairs. Cook Btovcs, Itoom Stoves, and Stoves for heatlnc stores, tchool houses, churches, Ac. Also tho Inrc est stock of repairs for city stoves, wholesale and retail, such as Flro Ilrlck.Oratcs, Cros3 Pieces, Lids tc. ftc, stovo Pipe, Cook Hollers, Pkimts, Cake (laics, large Iron Kettles, (20 gallons to Itf barrels) Farm Hells, sl'd Po'es, Wagon Iloxcs, "Allentown Bono Manure" I'LASTEH, t.M.T, Ac, Ac. Jan , 'so-iy PLUMBI1.G, GAS FITTING, STOVES and TINWARE. -:o: E. B. BROWER Hns purehnserttlmMo'kand Hustiiessof I. Ilngcn Mieh.unil is i-ow pMpurert Huio nil kinds i f work Tii'iVitMoUr wi,f ru11,"h H,,"K usKUa,ij'- H0 f-(EAJEtS, inagreal vnrlety. All work done by EXPERIENCED HANDS, Main ft r-et corner of East, Iti.oo.MMti'Ki;, im, CTFTHARDERr DEALEIt IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, PAINT. OIL AND VARNISHES, DOOBS.SASH, BLIPS, "RACKETS Lumber of all kinds for sale as cheap as the cheapes4 for cash or produce. CATAWISSA, IP.A.. ma- u fi- m N. S. T1NGLEY. nnouneesto tho nubile that ho Is r.rcnnrcd torio All kllidn of Custom Tailoring, nrninntly and at reasonable prlcts. Now 13 tho sea son for a -NEW SriUKG SUIT- And Tingle) s I ho pheo to get a I roper Mt, Satisfaction Guaranteed. shop over lllllmcycr's Grocery, Corner of Main and centre Mieets, C. 33. SAVAGE, DKAI.KH IN Silverware. Watckes.Jcwelry.Clockt.it All kinds of Watches, clocks and Jowolry neat lv repaueu aim wumiuiuu. may II, 18-tf SPRING AND tUMMEB CLOTHING .-)0(- A. J. EVANS, Tlio iiptovn Cloihlcr, 1ms Just received n Uno lino RPRlNfi AND SUMMtK SUNS For Men uud Hoys In tho neatest manner nnd Latest GENTS' FUHNIS1I1KG GOODS, Alwnjsonhand Cull a nd K amine, EVANS' HI.OCK xnooxvxsBuxia, fa. BLDOMSBURB PLAWMB MILL, :o. . . ... . i.lc UlanlnrrMIII ntl Tho undersigned navinrim 10 00 lilt fclliua vi " . FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDSt MOULDINGS. FLOORING, Etc. well 'KcJ and none tut slctUcd workmen aro All tumtinp nourl lu employed. ESTIMATES FOR, BUILDINGS furnished on application. I'lans and epoclllcatloiLS turnisiH 'i uii ! i . . Hrnuuntsmnn. prepareu wjr i" - tHIAUIXS KRCG, llluuniNliiirK, !' pTlU? INSUKAN(JE. C1IHISTIAN Y. KNAI'I', HLOOMSIIUW!, I'A, ,,,,1-i'INIl AMKItlUA VHSHllANCK COMPANY. IINIUIH U- i bono oi.n cosroRATioNH aro well seasoned by ago ami kiss txstkii and nave neer jui uou .y .'-.-tied bi any tourt of law. Their assets aro nil JiiTOBt "dln wwDBTBHiTliiaand aro liable to the hazard as soon as determined by ',. II1U Hininuj fiHiiivi""" rauAi iniui - xy F. IUKTMAN AM KIM-OAK INHUHANCE COMI'ANIKfli rranklln, of " " Pennsylvania of " Kurmers of York, I'a. Ilanovurof Now Ywk. Manhattiinof 14 onto on Market Htnot No. , Blooinsfcurg, Pa, ooU.I-. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, RHEttHi St V tlouralgla, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Sorenoss of iho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swollings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No rrernratlon on earth ei)ual Kt. Jxcons Oit as a nfr.aitre, jfnic and 7ifi;Kxternal ltcmcdy, A trial entails but tho eomparatlMly trilling outlny of so -i-iil, and eNcry mo mfli-rlng with pain can have cheap and )isltlve proof of Its claims. Directions la Eleven I-aiiKuagcq. BOLD BT ALL DRUQOISTS AND DEALERS IK MEDICINE. A.VOGSIiER & CO., JlnUtmnre, Mit V. H. A. Summer Complaints At tills pe.ison, various diseases of tho bowel nix prevalent, and many lives are hat through luck of knowledge of n safo and njiro remedy. Pkuuy Davis Pain K.M.iat is a sirc cure, for Diarrlifra, T)ys entcryC'Iiolcra, Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint, etc., and is jicrutly mjc. Head the following: ItMNiiiui'fjE, N. V., March 23, lt. I'F.nitv Davi-' Vain Killui nttrrjnfi to afont iniuint rtiitf tot crump and pain in tlinttoinacli. JnSKI'M ItL'KDIlT. NiciiOLViLtc, N. Y..lVl.a, Iwl. Tim rtry hrtt incdtctno I know of for dynciitcry, clio ma )norliiiri,n'nl crAinjHiaUiotoinaih. JIao u-od It for j turn, uud it li ir eim every timo. Julius W. Dee. Moinhov t Iowa. March 12, 11. I haxonwd jour I'ain Kili.kuIu cevcro caortOf rnunp. colic iiiiilchok-ru uiurbu.RnditKaoaluioet ltiPUut re lei. Ii i:. Cai.ihvjlu CAHNP.HVILLK, UA., l'tb. , IWJl. Tor twenty year I lno tif-ed our I'ain Kilixti in my f.unily II in uk1 it nuny tlnicH for low(l i oniphtmn, ain t it ntttvn rum, oulil not ftl nalu vitUoutubotdJlutiiuhjUfc. J. 11 Ivuv Hco, Mi'-, Jan. S3, 11. llii o unt d l'nititv I) wis' I'ain Killlii for twelo year. It li tne. utt unit Trimble, So mother fhouUl ulluw it to im out of tho fiuuilv. ii. i. jr Ks. Onfiih, K.V..1V1). 1", ivi, Wo fH't'an iiflnr 't (. r th rty jt-ur uko, nnd it nlHjH wv4 luiiiK :l tm n-l ci. Wnu'd lurttly duro to ko to lutl v, ithotit u liottlo lu Uui lion-f. s. o. sii.unv. CnNvvAYnono, H (J , IV It. 1 t Ncnrlj'cvt ry laiudy in thid Ketio'i I niu Uitllo In tho hoti-t Iit. 11. Mom on. U S Conulatf, (hihtr.r.n. ll:ii:Ni.tit l'i.i'm lh. . 11. Ihavokiiownl'MiHVl) wia'J'Ais Kn.Li-iia'Miof-t fMin thoduy It v:h itrodtiCfJ,aiid nittr jcum of ohriervuiion und U'f I itKiit'd It pfocLco In my holUWhOld tW LU n;h nertntn'tl. 1 K I'tiTim. M H. Consul HuuTus-DN-TursT. Knii. I had lofn RONtral dayn n.i!loriii' fumly fmii diarrlui'j, iicconn'iuro I with i;tino lulu, win u I triDit our I'ain Kn.Liu:,:iHtl lomul lainn-tiiii'taiit relief, II J. INonk. 21 Montaouk Rr., London, j;m. During .in?pfilcncooftweuty-thnoe'irp in India, l uavo tmtn it m luuw ca; oi diarrua-a, ayhen- ki,- i. iu tuuy uii ,i,m i u.t-u, . r, on.t cholera, and ucur knew H t full to imo nlicf. No family can safely bo without this invuhublu rcuiuily. Its nrico brings it witliin the reach of all. l-'or sale by all druggists nt 25c, 50c. and S1.00 per bottle. I'KHliY IX' DAVIS & PO.V, Proprietors, l'rovidence, 15. 1. MRS. LYDIA E. PiNKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. mscovEncu op LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Tho Positive Cura For nil Female Complaints. Thtsprtrvirfttion, $jttU namrt BlgnlflM, constats of Vh-i)ULla lijiortloii that aro hannliuu to tho tuobt cttl tcatoliivtdltl. Vion ono tHaltlio merits of 'tldj Coin. i)und will Uo roctjaIzivl, oj rvtluf H Immcdiatoi and win n itt inota ronllnuo), In iihicty-nlno cos in a bun. dnltRixTiiiAnt'ntcuroIacffciUidtliouBaiKlji will toa tlfy. On oceimnt of IU proven mcrlt It U to-tlay rt conimnnitManditrcacrlboJ bj tho toht physicians In thucouiitry. It will cure entirely tho worst form of falling nf tlm uUiniD, l urorrliri'n, Jrrctrular and jwUnful HorutruAtion.aJIOvttilanTroublcB, InfUmmation and nceratioii, noNlIiipf,aUItaitAc-nionts anil the con HiHiuontRpInalwtaknotisndli 'KHclaUy adapted t tUoChatiKitof Ufu, ItMllldldMtilvo and cip l tumors ft-om tlioutcrualnnn early stago of dovlopment, tho ttinicitfy tdiunoiTuushuiuurstheru U chuckud very veihlyliy luu-w. In f-ut It ha prorod t) lx tho prrxit. ".t aii lot nnudy tUU has crer boon discover iti. H icniiLat( $ t vt ry Hjrtlon of tho system, uul fives new lift) an J viyor. It remove j faint neja.fTatuIoucy, (! st j all era? Uitf for tthuulaiitd, and ivlltjvcs wcuLntt of t!ionloniaoh Iti'urc4iaoatlnr, Headaches, Nervous Trohtratlon, Qcncrol lability, blLepluaiuAi, l)cprrwJon j.d liuli trotion. ThatfitilU-irotboarliitf down, causlntf aln, weight and baclatho. Id aluayv ivrmanently cured by ltsuno, Itwrdlatalltlmcs,aQdunderaU clrcuuutan in, act In batiuony with the law that cot cms ths feiualos)tcni. For Kiduey Complaints of either wi this compound lsuiisurpucd. Lydla E. PinklianVs Vegetable Compound Is pit imred at 333 and ira W cutct n Avi-nue, Ijr rn, Man, ,'rivo tl OJ, His bottlLa for 3.D0. u nt by mall In ths founof pIUi, ataofu tho form oflzrneo, on receii I ofprlco, SI.w, Kr hor, fur cither. Win. I ISKUAM fmlyauiwersalllctteniof Imiuiry, Bend for ptuu j'lilbt. AtliirutLiojahovo Mentha this jxi;yr, family shuuhMMi without lA'DIA V. I'lNKIlAM UVlCUriLIA They cura Conctljiatlon, XUiiuiuneks aiilTin'lJit7of tbtf Ursr, ttiU'ti.r U. H. C. SLOlli & BRO. Itl.OO.llSIIlTItO, I'A, Manufacturers of Carriag03, Bnggiea, Phaotonn, Slolghs I"LATWHM WAOONH, 0. Plrst-olana w-jrk alwayu on hand. HKI'AIUINO NKATLV 1HINS. lrl-J rrtjnoort t alt rhn tlmi-n. HIDES. Tho Highest Markot Prico in Cash I'Al'll'Oll ALL KINDS OK IIIUKS AT A. SOLLEDER'S t'.tuillicr anil 8litio I'liullng Store, Main SritKirr, Oi-j-osiyi! Brows Cmnum, nLOOMSBUUG, PA. Aprils, tnnjr Poetical. TIIK WAYSIDK WELIj. Ho storreil nt tho waysldo well. Whoro tho water ns cool nnd deep; There wcro feathery ferns 'twlxt tho mossy stones. And gray was tho old well-sweep. Ho left his cnrrlaco alone; Nor could coachman or footman tell Why tho master stopped In tho dusty road To drink at tho waysldo woll, lie swayed with his gloved hands The well-sweep creaking nnd slow, Whllo from seam and scar In tho bucket's sldo Tho water plashed hack below. Ho lifted It to tho curb, And bent down to tho bucket's brl-n; No furrows of tlmo or enro had marked Tho face that looked back at him. Ho saw but a farmer's boy As ho stooped o'er tho brim to drink, And ruddy and tonncd was tho laughing face, That met his over tho brink, Tho o es wcro sunny and clear, And tho brow undlmmed by care, Whllo from under the brim uf tho old straw hat Strajcd curls of chestnut hair, Ho turned away with a sigh; Nor could coachman or footman tell Wlij tho master stopped In his rMu that day To drink at tho wajsllo well, Walter Learned. TUB UNCIIANIIKAULi: IHIAD. Thoy chango not, thousli tho world Is over chang ing; In memory still t hey live, tho dear ones gone, While others Hue, thoy seem to fondly linger, To cheer our pathway ai wo wander lone. They live ti bless ui ever, Dissevered from us never. Tho world's great throng Is (wlflly by us hasting, Their eyes Intent on luring pil7cs sought Whlli) our loved dead look kindly on us ever, With smiles morosweet than gold hasever brought. Their rjrs loi k eihlly niver, Their lovo endures fo'rover. Upon our mlndi, our looks, our senses falPng, Time chisels changes as tho ) ears Hit by, Still chisels nono Ukii the features loving, Still lug upon us with un undltnuied cjo They look and lovo forever, Unkindly gazing never. When all our years iuvo lied, the last departing, When f lends have ihunged, ha cbecn and pas sed nway, Unchanged our uend aiencar the cnly living Adovvn eternal jcars prolonging stay. Our dead desert us never, Aro with us nuw and cur. THE LAST CABINET DAY. Tin: i'kiday iinroni. Tin: siiooiino. A' special forrcpjioiitlent of tho Philit dulpliin. Times lit Washington writes as lolkiWH, uniler (Into ot August Z2nd: A lout; ri-sKloiico in nslmiirlon proves tho nail faut that "court life" at tlio capital of a mjmlilic is precisely tliu sumo as in n monarchy, except in tho ohango of its duratiun. As tho timo to iceomplisli results is so very brief tho odious process becomes more patent and loss cam is lakon to hide all the art and skill practiced by tho parasites who sur round tho Executive and who chango his nature in si very biief time unless, like "Old Ilickoiy" or Abraham Lincoln, lie cannot be veneered by his surround injrs because the identity is too stiong. When a citizen enters tho White I louse as the political bend of tho nation ho never hears another familiar word. From tho august Secretary of State to the scul lion in the kitchen it is "Mr. President." Not only tlio inclination downward of tho head with the bending muscles of iho knee, hut even the voices of tho old friends become humble iu tone and de ferential in spirit. Clinging servants in tho shape of Congressmen in fact, all other mortals who have faors to cravo creep and crawl before the face of majesty. 15y and by the strong and de signing of either si-.v el)o all the rest avvay, and form a cordon aiound the Kxoeutivo, (inloring all in the shape of everything which teaches his ears and eyes until he is no longer himself and is as blind as a b.it hung to tho walls of tho Mammoth Cave. H1K LAST CAlllNKT HAY. In proof of tho above assertion the writer will givo tlio readers of The Times a description of tho list day at the White House buforo tlio nltempt was made upon President (lai field's life. It was Friday, tho last "Cabinet day" iu tho . annals of this administration. It was thu lirst day of July, hot and sultry beyond description, Tho breeze which swept through tlio open doors of the Mansion came like tho breath from an open oven. The spray from tho foun tains turned into vapor iu its ascending Might and reminded the beholder of boil ing geysers in n volcanic plain. Inside the White House a crowd had congre gated to improve the opportunity of tho last chance before the President should depailoii his summer tour, lloth branch es of Congress, army and navy, Gover nors of States and Territories, with the odds and ends of humanity all unknown to fame, were collected in an indescriba ble whirling kaleidoscope. At times the stairs leading to the "throno room" would Ik) turned into n cataract, but instead of animalcule in tho water it was humanity in tho air. The stuns free from tho de scending mass would bo instantly filled with the same kind of material iu an up ward llight, to remain until hope was dead, and tho lirst result A'ould bo enacted again. It was understood that tho President would seo tho people bo tween tho hours of ten and twelve, al though it was "Cabinet day." Uut.alas, tho "people" meant tho Cabinet ollicers, for not content with seeing their chief at tho twelve o'clock council, it appeared that each had a littlu private business of his own. At ton o'clock, or rather five minutes after, tho cone of tho Treasury Department deposited Secretary Win dom, apparently fresh from tho hands of his laundress, faultlessly attired in thin nest of summer covering, on tho Execu tive porch. Thu fragrance of a perfumed hath still clung to his handsome person and nothing could bo compared to it but heaven's own dew clinging to a morning glory. With mischief dancing in his ha.el eyes and a wavo of his fragrant hand to tho little woman whoso duty it is to press his olllci.il naino between leaves of lavender, ho disappeared. Then came Lincoln "Hob" tho people call him, not t.'ill like his late father, but stil wart of limb and broad of shoulder, a strong, haiidsomo face, which lights up with tlio saino expression which wo all re member who had tho honor of standing iu tho prcbenco of Abraham Lincoln. A moment and ho is gono. Anil now canies Postmaster General James, look ing neither to tho right nor tho left, with his cyes bent as usual iu one direction. Huilt on tho narrow-gaugo plan, long, slim, shallow nnd slender, ophidian and dazzling, ono listens for tho death deal ing rattle. Cold chills begin to creep ulong the great uprvocontros. 1 Iodides up tho stairs. Thank heaven, ho has gone. A moment later and a prominent Governor says :' "Garfield never knows what that man is bringing about." Stand nsido 1 1 lo's little, but how ho can stingl It is MaoVeagh a Scottish chiof. Tho tat tan nliild, bare legs and pibroch nio invisible. Hound, deiiso nnd compact ns a lmlicU with tho characteristics of Scot land which mark him ns surely as the furzothat each season adorns tholienther. American-born generations may stand between him and his ancestors, but ho is no more changed than an English walnut would be, transplanted to tlio AVestern continent. stii.i, tiihy comi:. Square, heavy-rigircd, sitting low in tho water, bearing down under full sail, determined to reach tho port in time this is Secretary Kirkwood. His clothes aro thin and lleccy, but moro shocpy looking than cloud-liko. Ho perspires 1 One is reminded of groat drops of rain pattering on a shingled roof, only tho noiso must exist in tho imagination. Homely and plain as a crooked apple tree, and yet tho very Bhado where it would be delightful to linger. Only a rough shell, containing the sweetest of kernels. After eleven I The clock hands point lo tho hour of twelve A moving tableau enters tho broad corridor from a side door. Secretary Hlaiuo is tho cen tral figure, On his right walks Sir Ed ward Thornton, in full court dress, daz sding in decorations and gold lace. Ho has come to take formal leave of the President, as ho has been called home by his Queen. On the left of the Secre tary walks his eldest daughter, proudly Aliss Alice Hlaiuo. She is clad in pure white,unrclieved by color. A broad brimmed chip iiat on tho back of her head frames her oval brunelto face, and with her youth and grace she is a striking addition to tho picture. Secretary Hlaiuo looks troubled and worried. The shad ows have grown darker under his eves. while the other portions of his face aro far more pallid than of yore. His stop is less elastic, but tho heat must be con sidered. Tho doors close and tho cur tain ff.lls. It should have been men tioned before that the officials who guard tho front doors of tho White House have tho power to assign people to different rooms in the order which may seem to them best. Those whom they consider of most consequence aro permitted to go up tho stairs, whilst tho "rabble," so call ed from want of honorary prefixes to their names, must remain below. This is applicable to Cabinet day. When the fortunate arrives up stairs the winnow ing process goes on again. Tho highest privilege is to bo permitted to enter tho room or headquarters of Mr. J. Stanley Hrown, a youth of twenty-two summers, whoso velvet cheeks, destituto of himuto ornament or manly decoration, is suffi cient evidence of his guileless innocenco and his willingness to obey tho will of others. Mr. Hose, who had been tho President's private secretary for vc.it s when he was a Congressman, was found to have opinions of his own, and it did not suit those who have matters in hand to have that kind of mati rial to man age. ax lxoiiir.xr. Whilst Dr. Ulii-.s has shown tho con try thai ho docs not believe in having loo manv doctois around, Svvaini and Hoi-kwell aro the men who keen guan at the chamber door - if tho President and will not permit n fiL-ndly face to pass As proot tlio following tact is given to the readers of The 'Times ; When Mrs. Gaili. Id visited New York, before her lalo illness, she invited her warm per sonal friend, Mis-, li i.isom, to accompany her. The two 'intend d to vUil the nit . galleries together. Mis. Garfield wished i t have Alt-s Hansoms opinion on a ! picture of Alexander Hamilton that had l.itely been resin n otod anil come to light after lying for many years among the j rubbish. Mrs. Hookwcll also wont! along When the names of tho august, female Ptesidenluil party were m ule un i to bo. given to tho pnss Colonel Hock well iustruelid iho correspondents to leave out Miss Hansom's name, saving that "no names must bo mentioned but Mrs. Garliold and Mis. Hookwcll." All tho old trust ed friends of tho Gattields aro thrust aside, whilst Swaim and Hook wcll guard the doors. Tho isolation and cruelly towards tho President is not tho work of thodoctors.for they aroonly intent on killing off each other and if tho coun try could he relieved of this surplus mate-rial tho nation would have cause to 10 joieo. W.MTINO AN AUIIIUNCi:. Hut coming back to tho White House, among thoso permitted to wait up stairs was tho gallant Colonel llueil, who had coino to Washington after an eighteen months' campaign in tho field after tho murdering Victoria nnd his savage band, lie waited until thu Cabinet meeting was over, and it was well on to -I o'clock. "Hotter on an Indian trail in tho wilder ness than tho trail of a President, if this is tho experience," ho said. Did Presi ident Garfield know that this bravo, gal hint soldier awaited audience at his dooi f Thu writer believes not. Did tho soldier depart with his face crisped with disap pointment '( Ho did. Who saw tho President 1 Ono woman of all tho wom en who hung nrouud like tho lost souls around tho gates of Paradise. This was Mrs. General Morgan L. Smith, tho woman who began asuitiuthuNovv York courts for $-,OuO damages for refusing to pay her for giving u decision of tho Supremo Court in advance of its being known through tho regular news chan nel. Mrs. Morgan Smith informed tho writer that her interview with the Pres ident was perfectly satisfactory. Tho joy stamped on her beautiful face was sutficieut proof. Tho soldier walked sad and dejected away, but from tho window of the Executive Mansion n woman's eyes filled with team followed his retreat ing iootBtops; and from tho holiest depths of her heart ascended tho prayer that God would shield and protect him, and givo his bravo soul and strong arm thu strength to protect tlio lono settlors from the murderous savages that infest our remote frontier. Olivia. William Hrooks attempted to shoot his wife, nt Shelby, N. C. Tho indigna tlon of his neighbors wns outspoken, and they proposed to hnvo him prosecuted) but ho said that thoy need not go to that trouble, for ho fully realized his despica ble character, and would punish himself with death on the following day. Next morning ho shouldered his gun mid a ropo and started for tho woods, telling his family that when they heard a sliot thoy might know that lie was hanging himself, nnd could get his body. Thoy did not believe him: yet they went in search of him on hearing tho promised signal, nnd found him dead. , 1881. Ancient Spirts nnd Feats. 11Y mt. it. SlIIXTON MACKimii:. Among other things that li.ivo floated down on tho tide of hoar antiquity, nth lelio exercises of strength and skill aro to bo counted in. Pugilism, foot races, quoit-throwing, wrestling, lenping, the acts of acrobats, rope dancing,"" nnd walking on tho tight rope, aro almost "as old ns tho hills." Many of our readers liavo either seen or heard of tho surprising feats of Mon sieur Hlondin, a wonderful French per former, who won ft great reputation and Hots of money" tliioughout tho United States, some- twenty years ago, as a rope walker. Sinco then Hlondin has chiefly lived in Europe, occasioally pcrfoi'tdng and nlways surpassing rivalry, whether on tho part of male or female rivals. It was Hlondin who having fixed a tight ropo across Niagara and its foaming waters beneath, used that slender path way to walk, run, and danco upon. Ho walked he ran along tho cord, which scorned to tho spectators as a mero thread, IIo sat down lo dino upon it or play tho violin. IIo crossed it with a stout man upon his back. Ho drove a wheelbarrow before him upon it. Ho oven crossed the abyss on a bicycle. Hope-dancing wn's first heard of about H. C. lai,1), when tho feast of Hacchus was instituted in Greece that is, some :i2L'o years ago, Ancient medals, care fully preserved in the cabinets of curi ous collectors, and of public musouins, show how and what tho dancers on ropo performed in the olden timo. Somo of them ran up and down on a ropo stretched obliquely. Others walked upon a horizontal line, cither tight or slack, with or without a balancing pole, often throwing somersaults just as if thev stood on solid ground. i picture or iicrciiianeum shows a man danoing on the rope, and playing, much at his ease, upon a throe-stringed yy- in the timo ot the empire, tho Homans were so much addicted to those hazard ous and adroit feats that animals such as horses and elephants were trained to walk on the tightrope; and Pliny, who mentions this, allirni that they descend ed from tho rope backward. In tho.se days tho dancers wore won- (Irously skillful. Some, after having walked along the rope, would take olf their clothes and put them on again, while on this slender looting, apparently with as much ease as if they were in their bedrooms. Hope-dancing pasred, as an amuse ment, from Homo to her conquered pro vinces. Later, in tho reign of Charles V, a man at Paris stretched slender cords from the towers of Xotre Dame, and slid down them so i.ipidly that ho was called "Lo Voletir," or t ho l-'lyor. When Isabel, of Havana, Queen of France by mairiage, entered Paris, "Lo Voletir," attired ns an angel, glided down a lopo from tho lower of Notro D.mio to the biidgo over tho Seine, and, tit the moment the lady pa-sod, stood be fore hor, while he removed a splendid crown from his head lo hers. Similar, and ecn far more difficult feats in this line were performed in Lon don, Milan and G.-noa. An ancient painting shows how, on tho feast day of St. M.nk, the patron saint of Venice, an aciobat, walked down, occasionally pausing to ilance, upon a ropo suspended from the Campanile to tho Quay of tho Giaud Canal. In earl) Greece athletic exercises wcro held iu the highest; those who endeav ored to excel in I hem wore called alh h l-v, which signifies combtl.mits. Thev hail to p-w ili.-i-tigh a long and severe onir.se of i x ivises and prac ice before they could o'l'i-r the lints, as coinpetitois iniho public games, What was the reward the prize? Simply a wieath of laurel, pine, wild olive, or oak leaves, according to the lo cality, lionor ol tlio vicloivwns enough hi these curly days. The athletes had to strive for tho mas tery iu foot ami in chariot races, in wrestling, in throwing the quoit, in pu gilism, in combats with swords, javelins or dices. Tlio winners obtained high privileges, as well sis honors, and their statues wcro placed iu tho sacred grovo of Olyinpia, iu Elis henco tho naino of tho Olvtnpiau games. Feals ol strength wcro thought high ly of. Joined with skill, as in wrestling, it counted for a groat deal. Hercules is reputed to have carried off tho prize, as a wrestler, at tho Olympian Gaines. Hy tho way, as tho athletes wcro not bur dened with any garments, women were not permitted to witness competitive per formalities. Pugilism, sometimes familiarly called "fisticuffs," was among tho ancient games. When, itr a wrestle, tho rivals came to blows from fistH to faces, it was called the pancrerc. Hoxing was onu of the earliest of man's perfoimances, whether in sport or anger. The Greeks had their children instructed iu pugilism, as woll as iu phil t sophy and the lino arts. Great care was devoted to training and preparing them. The Greek pugilist, was well rubbed with oil, to make his limbs bupple nnd slippeiy, and each fist was fortified by tho cestus, consisting of leather thongs wound nrouud it and tho foio part of tho arm. In combat, tho blows given witli tho aid of this armor were often fatal. Hoxing matches wore often alluded to or described by Homer, Virgil and other classical writers. Tho crown'ui" glory was to "go iu and win" coming out of tlio contest safo and sound, with out scratch or bruise. Even children glorified in tho marks of the .strife. "Tho Labor of Hercules," formoily much in vogue iu Venice, was Greek iu its origin. It consisted of a human pyra mid, lonncd by somo thirty ablo bod ied men. of whom twenty, arms linked together, formed tho base, tier after tier rising, until the summit was formed by n single innn.htaiidiiig on tho joined hands of tho row next beneath him, consisting of four men This human npox would go through a series of skillful and interesting perform ances, to tho delight of tho (logo, tlio nobles, tho fair ladies, tho Grand Coun cil, tlio Senate, nnd tho Commons of Venice, and finally jump down from tho top of tho pyramid upon n matrof-s spread for him on tho ground. This is tho way with modem gymnasts. There were other feats, still in use. Among these aro jumping iu whieh.by tlio way, the flea excels, seeing that with a single leap ho clears a distaiico of one hundred times tho length of his own body, nnd has been trained to drag a weight twenty-four timcH heavier than himself. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XV, NO. 35 COIiUMHIA DKMOOHAT, VOI..XLVI, NO. VC t In connection with tho subject upon which I have been gossipping to-day, iu this column, nro tho acrobats of past and present lime, about whom much that would bo interesting to tho general read er might bo written. Thoy aro famil iar beings, too, from their performances in tho circus, thu nmpithcatre, and occa sionally tho play house. Dear, very dear to all ages nnd to both soxes, nro these gay and glittering beings, who hang or swing from tho trapeze, nscond geometrical staircases, walking on a great ball, lido on half a dozen steeds nt a timo, and, swiftly borno nrouud tho saw-dusted pit, doviato now and then, to take flying leaps through hoops covered with" tissue paper, and carefully held up by tho clown in the ring, and, nt odd times, by the ring-master, grand creature as ho is. How a Chinese, Woman wns Illsposnl of. On the evening of tlio 30th of June, while tho C. N. Company's steamer Peking was lying alongside tho hulk at Hankow, tho ollicers witnessed an at tempt to drown a woman from a sampan close to the lauding steps, on tlio pait of two inen, ono of whom wns seen to push hor into tlio water. Mr. Morgan, ct the customs service, who saw tho occurrence from tho shore, ran down tho steps and rescued tho woman, the water there be ing only about six feet deep. When he pulled her out of tho water it was found that hor hands wore tied behind hor and that a largo stono was fastened around her neck. She said lo her rescuer : Maskeo I more bettor I die." When she had recovered from tho effects of her bath sho wont homo. Al -l:!30 a. m , tho next day she was "successfully drowned" by her two brothers in-law, tho men whoso attempt had been frustrated on tho previous day. They took her out this timo into tho middle of tho river and having attached a lino to her waist, as well as pinioned her arms and fixed n stone round her neck, they pushed hor into tho water as before. After life was extinct they pulled tho body up bv the lino round the waist, look it ashore and buried it with tho usual funeral rites The crime of the deceased was staled to be that "she lofuscd to marry an old man ; sho being a fine, blooming widow, wanted solnotlung better." Tho details of the actual murder were given to Mr Morgan bv somo Chineto who witnessed both events, and tho murderers them selves told him that it would have boon bettor if ho had not interfi-ied with their first attempt. China. AI'jm, July . A Countryman Astonished- "Professor" E. C. Hassett, of this city, can tell many interesting incidents con nected with his experience as ;t psycho logist and a balloonist, but ho never was taken lor "old clovenhoot but once. This was on Talcotl Mountain, where he- was making a cup of ' Flench" coffee by mo road, mis was done Dy pouring a little brandy into a cup of cold coffee, and then setting fire to it. While he was so employed, a fanner came jogging by in his wagon, and hauled up to" seo wiiai unsscu was up to. i no latter in vited the old man to take some coffee I he brandy was Mill blazing, but the more brilliant blaze of the noonday sun co npletely obscured the flame. ' The countryman alighted, and asked for match with which to light his pipe. 'I don t two matches," was Hassett's answer. "Seo !" And Hassdt held a piece of paper over tne cup ol cotioe, ainl H ignited tnstan ly. Ho turned to hand the light to the stranger, and saw htm clambering into ins wagon. "Gel up !" shouted the man to hi horse. "I never have dined with th devil, and I don't propose to begin now. And he drove furiously away. Jfn-t pmi j imeit. till Henrly r.atlnp Thcro aro habits in eating ns well (triiiKiug or sinoKing. There mo (tiller out classes of eaters, such as the bolti is, who swallow their (Illinois in live nun tites and thou run off to workshop or the counting house 5 the gorge-is, who think tliattho great end ot lilo is lo"e-at drink and bo merry ; tho gourmands who stuff their stomach as they would a sac with corn ; tho dyspeptic caters, the oil biers, who aro chiefly ladies who like to keep themselves petite and delicate and thoso who oat reasonably. The bolt ors and gorgcrs aro certain to become dyspeptics and tho nibblers toboaffecte with nervous disorders. Tho stomach is not so strong us somo people imagine and when people become ill from those careless habits Ihev run to tho doctor to euro them of what they could easily have cured themselves and saved their liionev and then- health. After si person list oaten a meal ho should vvsiit a little w hile-be-foio going to business. Wo aro all well enough off with three meals a day wiiu we-ii cookou loott. loung women of the nibbling class ought not to ashamed to oat a good hoaity meal stead of eating little and often, J)r, (f. Jancieiay, A'cto York, bo in J: Huw Lincoln Kmlt-d a Dispute. During Mr. Lincoln's timo thoro was groat row over the postoflico at Dayton O. two Hotspurs wcro in tho field. Po. tition after petition in favor of ono or the other poured in upon tho President, and (leiegation alter delegation hastened Washington to arguo the case. Mi- Lincoln was a loug-hiiff'.-iing man, but ms paueiice gave out at lasi. no could not determine that ono applicant was iu tlio slightest degree more competent, or moro patriotic, or bettor supported than tho other. 1' itially, after being boied by a iresii delegation, no saut to ins secre tary ; "This matter lias got to end some how, lii'ing nio n pair a pair of scales i no scales wcro Drought. "Now put in all tho petitions and letters in fvor of ono man, and seo how much thoy weigl and then weigh the other fellow's pile. It was found that onu bundle was thre quarters of a pound heavier than tho other. "Make out nn appointment ouco lor tho man who has tho heaviest papers," said Mr. Lincoln, nnd it was dono. A Hhodo Island Clergyman was given permission to sing "Tho Sweet Dye and Hyo in an insane asylum. Many patients wuru moe-(i. ao wns ino uiergyinun iiu iiiuiuicH iuuvcu nun clear (low Etairs. Aboitt 1)01)0 pounds of roses nro 10- quired to produce one pound of tlio attar ot roses. Ulns delightful nerfumo chiefly produced iu Hulgntin, where tho yicm in iomi was osiimaioil at S5.1KI0. 111 CM R.00 8.00 T.on ii.no .00 13.00 moo ls.m ir.no v,.oo SO.0O 00.00 It s.m lit.ro 1R.O0 sn.no BWKI loaro Twolncnes.. ....... s.no 1.00 Thrco inches 4.co Four Inches........ s.no T.m Jtmrter column.... mxi nau column.. ... lew ii.-i-' one column so.oo x no VMrtv A1rrrtlemArit.. n.lvnblA nuartorlr. Tran- Wont adve rtlwmentii must bo paid for ucforo Inserted except whoro partIC3 have accounts. Legal advertisements two dollars ner Inch for thrco tn-rtlons, and nt that raw tor additional insertions without reference to length. Executor's, Administrator's, nnd Auditors notices three dollars. Must bo paid for when Inserted. Transient or Local notices, ten ccnta a Une, regular advcrtljcmcnts halt rate. cards In the "Business Directory" column, one dollar per year for each line. Odd Items. No room wns over found largo onoiigh to hold both a fat man nnd a mosquito. correspondent wants to know tho derivation of tho word Hartford. It's Hartford to tell. No scrofula can bo bo deep seated, no soro can be so stubborn, but that Ayer's bnrsnparilla will bo found helpful. It ,111 eltect n euro it euro bo possible. Fashion item Shorter pants are seen on dogs during tho dog days. At last an American play has proved a success m i'aris. Two 1 renclimcn wrote it. WII1.N THElir.'s A WIM. TIlKItn's A WAY. Any ono who has the will to try Thom as' Eclcctric Oil will surely find tho way to robust health in cases of bronchial af fections, sore throat, pains, etc.; and as nn internal roiuedv it is invaluable. A boy in Georgia was knocked off a nuilo by lightning tho other day. Tho lightning didn't dare tackle the mule. Why is a Zulu hollo liko a prophet of old? ilocauso sho has not juuch on 'or iu her own country. l'liin-ry good. .Tuo. Uncon, Laporte, Indiana, writes: Your Spring Hlossom is all you cracked it up to be. My dyspepsia has all van ished; why don t you advertise it; what itiiowanco will ott innko it 1 tauo a lozcn bottles, so that I could oblige my friends occasionally?" Price CO cents, trial bottles 10 cents. "That butter is too fresh," as tho man remarked when the goat lilted hiin over the garden fence. A fruitful source of anxiety is found in tlio small bov who has gorged him self with green apples. It isn't becauso a woman is exactly afraid of a cow that sho runs away and mm earns. It is because gored dresses aro not fashionable. moor fosiTivi:. Wo have tho most positivo and con vincing proof that Thomas' Eclcctric Oil is a most effectual specific for bodily pain. In cases of rheumatism and neu ralgia it gives instant relief. Ouo clam doesn't make n chowder. Hut very frequently that is about all you got in it, all tho same. They enforce the laws so strictly in Vermont that a man who disposed of a small pond was arrested for pool selling. si'unn's ror.T okaph wi.ni:. Physicians employ Spoor's Port Grapi Wine iu their practice in all cases when do practice in all cases where a pure wine is called for, unit do all m their power to foster and encourage its production, for the reason that pure Port Wine is a difficult thing to got, una they are loth to prescribe a doubtful or info- nor article'. Hundreds oi Nowiorli lectors have visited Spoor's vineyards, but twelve miles from New York, and exsimined and tested the wine. For sale by C. A. Kle-tni, druggist, Blooms burg, Pa. Mrs. Paitington says th.it a man fell down the other day in an apple jack lit itid tlisit Ins life was extirpated. Cincinnati has founded a "Homo" for widows who liavo no intention of accept ing a second oiler. It. is hoped that at least two rooms will be occupied. hay n:vi:n. Mossis. White & Hurdick, druggists-, Ithsi'M, N. Y. 1 can recommend Ely's Cream Halm to icliovo all persons suffer ing with rose cold and hay fever. I have lioeii a sullerer Ironi the same complaints; liavo had great relief by using tho balm. I have recommended it lo many of my frii lids for t'atsinh, and in all case's where they liavo used the Halm freely have been cured. T. Kennov, dry goods merchant, Ithaca, N. Y. Sept. 0, 1880. TrontoiyN. .1., Oct. 23, 1880. I havo suffered for e'ght vc'ars with Hay Fever in Onnlnch fS.M l'-0 during July, August and September. In the beginning of July this year, I rcsoit ed lo Ely's Cream Halm, and hayo been entirely fieo from the fever sinco tho first application. 1 can recommend it sis a cure. Edward C. Ililhuan, at tho Now Jersey State Arsenal, Prico fil) cents. Potato bugs make a good f-cnrlct dye, it is said. Possibly this may mako scar let ribbons cheaper by tlio time they go out of fashion. It is said that th'nly persons m a small town in Michigan weio poisoned recent ly by entihg i-ausnges. This conies from leaving bias-s Colhus on dogf. Mr. Johnson, Pulaski, Ky., killed a bronzo turkey gobbler, eighteen months old, that accoiding to sworn statement, weighed fifty-five pounds. A DIl l-lCl l.T I'HOIII.KJI HOI.Vl'.I). Ambition, ccmpetitit u and over-exertion uso up the vital powers of men and women, so that n desire for stimulants seems to bo a natural human passion, and diunkenness prenils on account of this necessity foi bodily and nuiital invigor atioti. l'aiker's Ginger Tonic faiiiy solves tho difficult problem, and has brought health and happiness into mauy desolate homes. It docs not tear down an already debilitated sji-tcm, but builds it up without intoxicating. Jlwjuircr Seo other column. A person who falls into the Chicago river docs't die by di owning at nil. He is dt nd befoio ho' touches tlio water. Tho smell kills him. Men aro liko pins. Ono with a littlu tic nd may bo jtitt as t-hnip ns ouo witli a big bend. "Tluro is a donkoy in this section that esvts raw fish, and is very fond of it." Jersey paper. We see nothing strange in this when wo remember that fish is known to bo first-class brayin' food, TONIC, Al.TI-ltAHVi; AND (' TII AltTld. Simmons Liver Hegulator, purely veg etable, is not unpleasant to tho taste. It is the nudicinc gent rally used in tho South to mouse the loi pid liver tn healthy notion, It cures uialniin, biliousness, dys popsia, headache, constipation and piles. The action of the H( gulator is free from nausea or griping. It is most effective in starting tho hccielions of tho liver, caus ing tlio bilu to net ns a cnthnrtlc. When there is an excess of bile in tho stomach, tho Hegulator is nn activo purgo; after tho removal of tho bile, it will regulate tho bowels and impait vigor and health to the whole syMe-ui 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers