THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMRTJURG, COLOMBI A COUNTY, PA. is I'isli Culture- I) Hip rainier. Homo yi-m-s ng0 1 conceived the idea of raising my own llsli bv tlio t'liiiainm lion of mi rutlllelnl iiond. Near my limine several Biiitirs liivke out in the head of a mnnll hollow, ma-rounded on tln-co sides bv amidl rltlifcs or liltrli uround. All t had to do to collect a fine body of water, was to build n lovco or einbankinent of dirt from one. lull to the other, which I did, about eight feet hljih, iweive lcuc nt urn uae, Rlonny to ciirlit, in ui.- top, inKint tno dirt irom the In mm-, wiieru i uwij;iiou my noun, tor me l veo. 1 Irs tfrtvc mo a ho lv of water cvcriny Homo two ncrcs of ground, with a depth of two to eight fuet. Tinrevent mv Iiond from fillimr no I cut a ditch around it on tho hillsude, to carry ott all thu wash water fiom rnm- 1 ho next thing was to stock my iiond with choice, game full. Thin was easily accomplished with a net in a mnnll lake tour miles distant such as white perch nnd black bass, both ery ohoieo game llsh. I now havo my pond well stocked Wuli 'hese varieties and the common perch that inhabits almost nil tho waters. With tho hook and lino 1 can, In a very short space of time, catch all the fish I want any day, and I can havo them on my tablo every day if I want them. Any farmer that has springs or miming brooks on his farm can rune all tho tisli ho wants for his own table and many more, at little expense or trouble, by tho construction of nrtilicial ponds. t4amo fish, such as I havo mentioned, and trout, requiro pnro water to do well; other kinds, such as tho different species of cattish, buffalo and carp, do well in stag nant waters if in sullWeiit quantity. There is no healthier diet for man than game fish, and nothing easier obtained, and with very littlu expense. Why do not farmers then avail themselves of this wholesome and lino diet, much easier raised than hogs or sheep, and greatly to be preferred as a health diett Noth ing breeds so rapidly as fish, and the daffger is your water will get over stocked. Tito day is not far distant when fish will bo raised by tho millions all over tlio country, and the farmer will find it cheaper and healthier meat than beef or pork. A. Harris, in Home and Jutrm. I'lS I'urk Pays. Pig farming may bo profitable or a source of loss. A lew pigs of almost any breed can bo grown on a dairy farm with proht,lmt if the number is increased the piggery may become an expense. It is clearly determined by a long experi ence that pig pork is tho pork that pays. Young hogs marketed when a year old arc much more profitable than older ones. This being true, and it is espec ially so in the older states a breed should bo selected that matures early and fattens quickly. Tho best pig has the least amount of offal in dressing; is com paot in parts, and it.s flesh is of tho very best quality. Of such arc the Essex and Suffolk and somo other allied "small breeds." One can "go further and fare worse" than to select the Esex for the piggery that is to make profitable re turns. There is some prejudice against black pigs, but it should be remembered that the color is less thau skin deep, and the blackest pig makes as whito dressed pork as any other. There is money in pigs if a good breed is choseu and prop erly managed. Tho value of lull blood ed pigs over the "graded" is strikingly shown when a pair of tho forineris taken into a neighborhood whero only the 'common hog" was before. Potatoes Uinhr Straw. Several years ago there was much said about growing potatoes under straw and there are several reports from those wno liavo tried the method with success, Interest in the subject aiipears to bo re nowed, to judge from inquiries. The method is very Minnie; the land is nro- pared in tho usual maimer and the rows marked oil; the sets nro dropped along the rows and vei v slightly, or not at all covered with soihand the wholo field or bed, eight or ten inches in thickness with old straw. Nothing moro is re quired until digging time unless some Mr -ng weeds should mako their way innmgii tno straw, and these may be pulled. It is claimed that the yield is larger and thu potatoes arc much hand fomer than those treated in the usual manner. Logan Uutiloiie. Addro s of a Hig Chief when invited to take a walk: "When tho white fathei starts tho music wo waltz to it. Wo have been asked to ii rigate tho country here and hoe corn like tho white man. Our heaits are heavy, and wo cannot promote thu string beau. Wo will do what is right, hut we cannot work. J ho Indian can not hunt the potato bug when tho deer and autelopo are ripe. lie cannot dig post holes in the hot sun w henthoehanue calls upon him to go forth into the forest. Hire, where we havo roamed tluough the tall glass and hunted the deer and tiiilimo, the palelaco asks us to dig irri gation ditches and plow tho green earth with a rebellious mule. Hen, where our war-cry has been answered back by the giant hills, wo nro told to whack bulls and join the Chuich. Tjiey como to us and tell us to go to school and wear pants. They ask us to learn tho language aim go to uongrcfs. I hey send men to us who want us to learn to spell and wear suspenders. Wo cannot do this. Wo aro used to tho ways of our people. Our custoina aro as old as tho universe. Wo scratch our backs against tho mountain piuo as my people did a thousand years ago. Wo cannot change. Wo can leave our land, but wu cannot change our socks every spring mid do as thu wlnlo man does. Wo can go away from our homes and live in a strange land, but wo can not wear open-back shirts and lead in prayer. Wariiors, wo will go to tho land our whito father has giveii us. Wo wilt tauo our squaws and our yellow dogs, cur wigwams and our fleas. Wo will go to our new homo beyond thu river now, and when tho autumn comes we will take a bridal tour back to this country Wo will construct a holocaust, whatever that is, and spatter tho intel lectual faculties ol tho ranches all over tho country. This is all. I am dono. I havo made my remarks. I havo twitter ed my twit. Laramie City .Jootn trmty. 1IA1IV SAVKIi. Wo aro so thankful to say that our baby was permanently cured of a dangerous and protracted inegulaiity ot tho bowels by tho use ot ilop Jjittcis by its mother, which at tho same time restored her to perfect hculthnnd strength. Tho parents, ItochrHtcr, N. Y, Seo another column. nufftdo J-Ztpreai. Vermin on fowls and about hen roosts will leave headquarters by injecting from a syringe n week steep of pcnnyroynl herb ten. Drive this weak steep thoroughly over tho wonts and tho poultry audit will cleanso them from lice. Several varieties of flies nnnoy nnd suck blood from Jioises and other animals. Penny, royal fcttep will drive them away if tho aiiirnai is Vaulted with -St Aiflerivan A Forest Srcnc lleshlo The Amazon, On tho third evening after our depart ure from Bogota, wo enoamped on the banks of tho Kio Putam.yo (a trihutnry of the Amar.on), in a grove of majestic adansonins, or uumkoy llg trees. High ovor our heads we henrtl an iiieossmit grunting and chattering, but the evening was too far advanced for us to distinguish the little creatures that moved in the top branches of the tall trees. Tho next morning, however, the noise recommen ced, and wo saw that the grunters were n sort of small rnecooiis,and thu chalteiers a tto'ip ot motion, w capuchin monkeys After a consultation with tho Indians, wo fastened our monkey, Billy, to a string, and made him go up the tree as high ps wu could diivuhim without be traying our presence to his relatives. Wo no traps for catching them, but our plan was to Ut them come uenreiiotigh for us to shoot ono of tho mothers with out hurting her babies. Billy's rope, as we had expected, got entangled before long, and, finding himself at the end of his tether, he began to Mjucal, and his cries soon nttt acted tho attention of his friends in tho tree-top. Wo heard a rustling in tho branches, and presently an old ring-tail made his appearance, and, seeing a stranger, his chattering at once brought down a troop of his com panions, mostly old male, though. Mother-monkeys with babies aro very shy, and those in the tree lop seemed to have some idea that all was not right. Their husbands, though, came nearer and nearer nnd had almost rendu. d Billy's perch, when all at opco their leader slipped behind tho treo like a dodging squirrel, and at thu satno moment wo heard fi out above a fierce, long drawn scream; a harpy-eagle was circling a rem id tho tree-top, and coming down with a sudden swoop, he seized one luckless mother-monkey, that had not found time to reach a hiding-place. The poor thing held on to her branch with all her might, knowing that her life and her baby's were nt stake, but the eagle caught her by tho throat and his thiottling clutch at last made her relax her grip, anil with a single tlap of his mighty wings, tho harpy raised himself some twenty feet, mother, baby, and all. Then we witness ed a most curious instance of maternal dovotion aud animal instinct unless I should call it presence of mind : when branch after branch slipped from her grip nnd nil hope wns over, the mother with her own hands tore her baby from her neck and flung it down into tho tree rather than have it share tho fate she know totbe in store for herself. I stood up and fued both barrels of my gun after tho robber, but without effect ; tho rascal already had ascended to a height of at least two hundred feet, and ho flew off, with his victim dangling from between his claws. From "Adventures in tho American Tropics," by Dr. F. L Oswald, in it. Nicholas for August. A tUFl'ICUI.T l'llOUI.UM SOLVKl). Ambition, competition and ovcr-excr tion use up the vital poweis of men and women, so that a desire for stimulants seems to be a natural human passion, and drunkenness prevails on account of this necessity lor bodily and mental mvigor ation. Parker's Ginirer Tonic faiilv solves tho diflicult problem, and has brought health and happiness into many desolate homes. It does not tear down an already debilitated system, but builds it up without intoxicating. Jinmiirrr Seo other column. CAUTIOW. GET THE STKOMCJ COlflPETlTIOlV In the niHiiulacturo of Organs is resulting in the production nnd sale ui fcuuuo, iminu Hum luicnur iiiuiuriuiH. i reier particularly to bogus Organs that are continually springing into existence, witlioul ...v ii.mnnvi, iu ; uiiuivu ujiuiijj, aim nieii wiien purclias ed found to be dear at any price. Will yuu not then, reador, ix you contemplate consider it vour onlv safeguard in names of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment of oi ia ui liiu i:uicriii iiLtrti jlmi i: v i; hih ol the Only Authorized Agent foi tho BBtey Organs in vvi.muumvuuuy, JX juiumiitu jor nve years irom the manu facturers accompanies every Estey Organ, A TRUE A PERFECT STRENGTHENED A SURE REVIVER. IltOX T1ITTJ3US mo Uglily rccoramonJel for all illscasea rc. qtiiritig a certain and efficient ton lo ; Wicciall lndigtition, Vyspqaui, Inter millent J 'cvtrs, Want of Appetite. Jjma of Strength, Isuk of Umirgy, ttc Knrlclica tho tlocwl, utrenjfthens lite lunscles, aud fives new Ufu to tlio nerves. Tliey ml liko n cliurin on tlio tllgodvit organs, removing all Uystieiitio Byiutitoms, tucli M Shatimj MeW, Ilcichi)uj,JIcai in the Stomach, JIeartLurn,tle. Tlio (iltly Iron Proitnnitlou that will not blacken tho tooth or t;lvu heiuluolKt. Bold hy all druggists. Wrlto for tho A II 0 Book, JJ2 n. of useful and amusing reading tent frte, IHtOAVN CHEMICAL CO., KfUUtnoro, Md. DII ILrld TAKE SIMMONS LIVKR REGULATOR. n win ixtNitivciy tuiostcri lloiiOitvlii'. DYSPEPSIA. The lifgulMor will positively cute thin tctrlblo tllMMm. o assert emphatically what wu knuw lo UC II uu. CONSTIPATION MionMitflttw rrar-itiled nsa tnilintr ailment No. tiirocloMnnrtMho tit meg' regularity of lim bonols, i rn'iniurr, twut nnriirp v$ lasing Mmmons lave urguniior. n is lmrniK-m, mini mm ptiecttiai. PILES. llcllof l nt hand for thoso who suffer day after day with Pile. It nm cim il hundreds uinl (II euro run. MALARIA. 1'orannn nny nvnlil nil nttnek by oocnilonnlly liver In lii'ulllty nnilon, Bad Br oath OcnTn'ly nrlMntr from n ithonlnrcil stomncli, enn hu curruu'fu vy i ikiiij; siinmomi Liver ltegmnior. Jaundice, Simmons I Ivor Itonutatorsoon er.ulloatoi Hit ills ensn from tlio t-jMem, letting llio skin clear nut! ireu irum uu impunueH. COLIC. rlitMren suffcrtnff 1 f It rnltn noon nnii-!rtiiv ve. tlef hen s mmottfl I.lvrr ttoprulator Is nrtmltilstereil, Adults also derive Krout In-tielltrrom tlili mrdlrlne, ltlsnot miplriMitut. It Is harmless nml effective, ruruy vcKetnuio, Sold by all DruggistB. THY IT. Judom, 'sMy . sons' J'lin.i'iv I'lll.n make Ni-wllleh I. nml v. ill Willi! teli h i h.1v..n llin lilnml In 1; t'-eiiHi-er -t. m t.i Cii'ee ontl.i. Ativtirronn Vi'iOM'lllii lelll'. Iie.r'itfruliiltntuwcpks li"i-oi. r i tin... Ii nltli. If mclin tlilncr 6 I M;. Senile hi nl fur 8 li tlpr utaniiH. .V. .71)1; s'll V .! I'd.. Jl. It.... f'lrmrrly Jinniinr, .1. irJTS IWNTf-T! EVKuvwuniin t wl! I.Jwll I O tiia I CU tholKit I-iMiiilyKnit-Umk Machine pr.T inui.i. l. Will kmUpatrof fkhh . witu III. I I. an.l 'l'OIJ eomrUele, In aJm'w.t i. It U1 r w knit a trial variety of rancy ttolkrorvwiMithereliinlwiir a renly market St-n 1 for tlr. i.lor nn.l terms In the Twainl)!)-HnlttlllB Mni'tiliio (.'a, 41)9 WitKtilQitton St.. Itugtun. Mass. mayo, -si. ly al.1 Most Frasrast It refreshing of Perfnaos Exceedingly Delicate nnd Lasting. Prise, 23 ots.; Largs Bottles, 73 oto- SM ly dcilm In Druffi h I'trfuiTirr Slgnitun of 1IU eot A Co , N . Y.. on tverjr bottle. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC i Tho Medicine for Every Family, NEVER INTOXICATES. Madifrom Ginger, Huchu. Mandrake, Stilllngu, and ether of the bent vegetable remedies known, Park Eli's Gincem Tomc has remarkably varied curative power, & U the greatest Stomach Correct or, lllood 1'uriiier ainl Liver Regulator e cr made ft The Best Medicine You can Use forRostoringHcaltli & Strength Iteommenccta act from thefim dwe, searches out the weak crgam, and is warranted to cure or help all diseases of the Dowels, Stomach, Ulood, Kidneys, 1a cr, Urinary Organs, all Complaints of Women, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, llhcuma tlsm and PruiikpiiiiPKR. Try a bottle to-day ; i t may save your life, 50 ct, and $t sizesntnlldmggUts. Every gcnuinebottle has our signature on outside wrapper, iliscoi St Co.( N. Y, Iarge saving in buying $x size. Just "Wlmt Ih Wnnlcd. Eerjlody whose hair is gray cr fadM has felt the need of a Halt Restorer find dressing that is cleanly, agrcealJy perfumed and harmless. Tar. ker's Hair Tal&am satisfies the most fastidious in these respects. Sold by druggists at 50c. and $1, OCt. 1, 'SO-ly SUBSC1UDE NOW FOR THE COLUMBIAN SI. 50 IN ADVANCE. BEATTVS r(?ans is useful htops, 0 seta reeda iil-Ji-orily fto. PlanosfUsnp filllua. caulotf. Fico. Aadrcba lleatty, WaaUlngton, N.J. BEST. Buying an Organ snlfft i m 1 mw itn aeintt ni i.x J. SELTZER, Agent, Bloomsburg, P a TONIC Tiir I'ntnrr'i rtav vir t'nld In thu in' .11, ao , lineit, llh lit 1 1 nniff r, n tnHtlfKi m mo Btrons 1 tho CO till nnd iirftilwr U10 alxciued metiibrntio. I'm- IhtiiftirvH. feiiiIfR3iri'ly n rnttluio into KM'S OltKAM DAIiJI ItAvtne rnlnpd nn otnlAtitn IotaI rpniltntlon. rtlsnli rln ifl'iiit'cr rrcpirntloiis in tlio i trinity nt illH- uifi'UM'ry. 1, on un mrniH nmnn. ri-ui'Kiii'i"" iw n MoiHlritul riiniitv uliTPicr ktrnwii. A Mlrtrinl will rotivlncu lio itiriM. ski ptlcitl or Its rtuntlto poivcrs. lt rtTr-cHnllv eUutisis tlio mwiI iani.ii,'cs tit I'ntrttlml Htm, fninlng litallliy hitm ions, ol laiH li.M iitmnnMotj ntitl Irritation, irolcitotlii' mem- 11 rnniii m huh nr me limn riom ,nii uonn con s. Coiiinli'telv heals tlio rortw. nml rcit res tho sens? ot tatn ntirl wncll. I ;resnlta nro renllril vy n tpiv niipiifftiioris. a iiiciouu iii'mini'iiiimui ncleil win euro t'nturrh. As a lioustlir.M icmedv for cold In tho lit nd It Is uiicnnalt'd. 'I ho halm Ii t'nj to mo nntl iigrrcnMc. t-oM liy dntsRlstii nt r.o cents tut rccupr, or ru cents uniiiinu npacKase HcnJ for ctrculnr, Mtli full Inforiiiailon. r.l.Y'S CIIBAM HAI.M CO., Owign, N. V. Foil sale In Ulnoinsnurgtif Mnjrr llros.,0. A.KIcltn, W.J. llru'lprshott nml J U.KlDiiorlsandur Whole- salo Drtigglatii generally. nl.oct. Vi-ly d AND Paper Hanging. WM. F. BODINEi IKON jST., 11EL0W SECOND, HI.OOMBlllJl'.a, l'n Is prepared to do all kinds of HOUS33 rAIKTTIWO l'luln and Urnnmcutal PAPER HANGING, 110TI1 DKCOltATlVE AND 1'LAIN. All Kim orriirnltiirc Itopitlrcd, nnd mnuo tiM good as new. NONE HUT FIIIST-CLASS WORKMEN I'M PLOYED Estimates IVTado on nil Work, WM. P. HODINE. WHITE B;LOrkT!ZSI MONUMENTS, HSADSTONES,&c. Aro recommended by thoUet authority. They will novor cracV, chlp.corrodo, rustor BECOME MOSS GROWN. They nro puic, rcflncd, cast 7lnc. They nro beau tiful, duratlo and cheap, send for circulars to JOHN- A. OWENS, GEN, AGEIjT. LEWTSBUBG, PA. Or Imiulroof I'. I'. Kline, llloomsburg. JulJ.'i m TEXAS ARKANSAS AND LOUISIANA- CHE Ar HOMES TOIL ALL ! 50,000 Laborers can get Im ediato Employ. mcnt, au;oa wages, eu t tarns ana itau rcad: in Tesas Alone The Fonth-WEstern Immigratiou C. Will mall, on implication, free of cost, potnKo pre paid, books Kith mnps.pnlngnulhcntlcandrelloblo In'orinnt lon.ln detail, of tho btnto of Tcxns,of Artan B.ii.or of Wehtcrn LculMana. Wo dctlro to conrer with thoso wishing to better their condition and aro medtUitlirg a chanpo to a new country. Address II. t). liUVii , secretory, Austln.'lexas. J. N. VICTOlt, Eastern Manager. uronnwar. ew vorK. Foreign Office : WM. M 1 ANO. 1'rctldci.t I.iMik'nliall llouso, Iendcnball St , Ixndon, E. C England, nug 19 4.w HIGH GRADE BONE MANURES. .tt7?V AHtllltUS SftUALS l"W PREPARED CHEMICALS For FarmerB to Compost at Home, All fiom orizuiile Imni'ti, iliy. will drill, In pmil I'nckimi'H, each boar linranalv.U. ami Xi:r neiulit. Tr.d M.rt. For Freight ltntea lioncu nml Clirutam, ndilreiii WILLIAMS, CLAEK & CO., Office, 10! Pearl Street, N, Y. Jnly lMw WANTED 03XT SALARY. Men I o sell Trees, Shrubs, (ir.ii o Vines, ltos-a. etc No revlous i-xpcrlcnrc necessary. Expenses paid. .1. l'' LHJLAith., UEcrJlnan, iiocnebter, N. - Benson's CapciuB Porous Plaster. No Itrmrdr More WKKly or Favorably Known. It Is llapltt in l.'cllcMiitr. mrk In cnilng. For I amk 1UCK. I IIU'JUIISM. KMM.V AlFllTlONS UMl ACllCH nnd l'alns Oet.eral'y, It Is tho unilvallid rem edy, d July 16-4W A ROYAL GENTLEMAN. Ilv JUDOE TUl'l.dEE oullioi cf "A FOOL'S EH- HAM," He. liy tuins lit mortars, pathttlo and inniimg. imiuinintij imisiraiiu. i nee oia oi tv by t-ulicrli tion. Men mdwrmcn wanted to take orders Fxpenenco n ioi:H( erntlon. hut, Indus try and i mil) rise n ore valued. A peimaneutblt uatlon to the r ulit rtteon. Addtcbs IJOL'tiLASS 1IKOT1IEHS., ito Luestnut si., i nnaacipnia, i'a- aug li 4-wia tbe mm mm machine Wtereas, tlio world renowned reputation of tho Avliite hewing Machine Induces manr unKTmnulnnn rnmnptltrtrn tn rnnrt. tn all klods ot mean tricks to injure lta reputation, wo White Machine ejeept from Its regular authoilred dealers, who will w ouamiucu vy mu luuuniug ivurruuiy. WK WAHItANT THE NATUHAL WJCAIt AND TEAK OFVTIIK White Shuttle Mm Machine, PLATE Nl'MllKlt UlSnan FOH FAMILY 1'IIltl'O- UVI1 . 111.1. Ui.l lllli.D.ifil.unn ma... 11 . m . 1. iiwi, lll.uiinilAjJl Allllbu 1U JVvJkl 111A DArviA IN IlKl'AUt FOlt THE TKItM OF 1'IVB VKAltH mum Tlllb DATE, rilKS US CUAlitlK. This warruntv pxcerAR thn hi-f-MirMt-n nr nftprtlns iwuuilia HtU BUUlUtB. This warranty will not be sustained unless the Plato number above Klven corresponds with the number on tbe Bhuttlo race slide, llewore of defaced ur uiierca numrjera. WHITE BEWINU MACHINE CO. Tho "WHITE" Shuttle Sowing Maehlno nasoBiiTiR ciriciTT thsnany other family Bowing nw.iuo mr uuiuy viviy vasiviy oi wors. J, BALTZElt, Cleneral Agent, lilooDuburg, Fit. Oir. I, -to-u. J. W, RaEDER, PRACTICAL BOOK BINDER No 110 M KHT niAIIUKT HTHEUT, WILKES-BREE, FA. A IMlio ltoiiiilnr AlRRttzlncN, Ilar- pcr'N, MTiniicr'f, i.iucirH, hi, Klcliolax, lloiiml In nny hljlo Dcklrcd. Onnwnouilonco Solltllcd P. O. TUcix 160. July) Via Wl '" 4-,.wtt.uLni;.' 'iilj W rfi' .lCriiSa,i0'",is ; " wr,LPVi . yrA'tlnwo. it win BLOOM SB URG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOKJtAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. TIIISBOIIOOL, as'ntprcsont constituted, otters thn very best facilities for Professional anil Classical lcarnlnp. liulldlntrsspaclous, lnvitlnc and comtnoulous i completely heated by steiun. well ventilated, iitriitini hv mm. nml fiimit,nri trim n hnnniirni annntv r,t sprlnc water. iwauon ni.mniui, iinu easy oi access. Toncucrs oxncricnccu, onicient, and auvo lo their work. Dlsclplluo, llrm but k nd, uniform and thorouu'u. Expensop moderate. Fitly cents n week deduction to all oxpectlns to teach. Students admitted at any tlmo. Hootns reserved when desired. Courses ot study prescribed by tho stato I I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Conrso In Miuic. IV. Course In Art. V. Courso in 1'liyslcal Culture. Tho Elementary Bclentltlo and Clas-rtca! Coursos nro I'ltOFESSlONAL. aud Studonts irraduatntr therein, rnivlrn stntn nitiinmn. nnnr.irrino thn fniimatn cprrcsppr.dlnK Degrees i Master of tho KlcincntS! incirnitaintnenis,, signeii uy mo uincors or ino iioard Tho course of Html y prescribed by tho Htato Is liberal, and thn S clentlflo nnd Classical coursos aro not Inferior to thoso of our host CoHeircs Tho BtateriMvulresa higher order ol cltlzemhlp. Tho times dcti.imllt. HU ono of thn prime objects of this School to help to secure ft. bv snt nnd cnlclentTcaehers tor her Schools. TothlsendR nollclts vountr nersnns or trnud abllltliis ami r-nnri mininua iiin. i,S ,iii ml. ni. Il.iilftnli.tilu nnllhlilntiln .11 .linh II H.nMl.n. tun. tuvn,o,..o, iW ti. nubu iv it uiiiisuis Catalogue. address tlio Principal. HON. WII.I.IA.II t:i,Vl;i,l l'rrnlilrnt Honrtl Kent. S .'70.- SPRING CLOTHING THE LARGEST - - OIF CLOTHING. JUST WHAT WE REPRESENT IT FOR CUSTOM TAILORING OR READY MADE. MTOW Iff HAND AVE INVITE YOUR EXAMINATION TO KM "WHAT TO WEAK," AND "How TO WEABIT." CALL AT avid ffiwEfeig THE DAVIS. $1,000 REWARD. OKK THOUSAND (l.OOO) DOLLAHS 1-n.CAllu.M clleieu to Afil 1'KKtjnw thai wilhlo as GH EAT A ItANGK OF WOIIK on AN'Y OTHER MACI1INK. WHAT THE NEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. It will make wide hem on sheets. Ac., hem nil manner of bias woolen goods, as f.oft merino, crapo, or goods difficult to hem on other machines. It makes a more clastlo stitch than nnv otbermachlne. It will turn a hem and put in piping at same tlmo ltwlll turn a htm. hrntrl on tlm rtrtht. &irin and stitch on trimming at ono opcrat on. It will do If Whs? bias or straight, either nnenttnn ui nuviLii ijiiutia. It will rell across teams on any goods. 1 will bind a Dress nr Sktrt. nrrt iiwnnraMnit cither with or without Miowliig (.niches: bind Drehs uuuua nnu tut' Burnt man rial, eitnert-caitops.poitils, snuartsor SUalcht. Iho onlv inni hire timr ufu hmJ Hats, Cloaks, or other articles with Mas. tatln or oils, iiuiu jf mint am wictu, wunoui casting! ji, win gainer wun or witnout Bowing on. It will trather between tnn till epn nnri rot nn nt uiu oaiuu lliuu. II Will mako amnio and stlteh n ninnw min tlio facing at tho arao tlmo. It will shirr nny kind of goods. It will mako nlalted trltnmtntr plthpr with nr with. out sewing it on. It will mako nlalted trlmmlnrr either xcfliinnrri nr straight, and bow a piping on at the tamo tlmo. It win inane Knuo plaiting. J. SAIl'ZER, Gon'l AKcnt, llloumsburg. Pa. oct. 1, '80-tf. it 1 " 4 r aiii ft r LEGAL ULANKS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT THIS OITIOK 11 l!t,i t T Hi- ,v I i 1 , i II. , I i I 61 i nt ' Hi".. t.i 1)15 JltM ! K91 ; t. :i t o" n i tirtis, 8jTJ tf?II a !' " ;'ruaN.1;' m tffciZi ' y ''f- ''. it-k.-i . .i'.' W'i l"! I tvn in rli t "i I ft- IJltd .-l'fA' Cirf, i .ml f r Ib1 "'" Jtaiiuv n... i,, , 1 jvi 5'l OtlillUtt. tllKlll III. Ill III i l.Vi rkVlI 'ful I'tttiUi tin .ta il.ui.i 7 tiisi l'nr raid, furtlior nit n u b?, unit eiica it .tim, ,ii I OK I Siuluvf, rnldr. ati, i PIl 11 J, Q.A. PEAK G.n'lEl.rnA l'JI ItmS ftl.7 Uroailuay SiwVi r' n t Juno 11 n Master of tlio Hclcnces ; Master ot thoCIaslcs. tlraduatoa In tho other Courses rccelvo Normal L'ortincates ot Tiistei". .1.11. .I...1..ln.h.l. ....... ...I .1 . - . itiuiu uu t wiuittn, luun putvuia, uuu uuiiuuanr. opportunities tot well p ' of Trunlrrn. p. p. Hlf.LMVEH. iiiiiii.ii - - STOCK SPEEE'S PORT GRAPE Used In tho principal Churches for Communion purposes. EXCELLENT FOR LADIES AND WEAELY PERSONS AND THE AGED. Speer's Port Grape Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. rphls Celebrntrd Kntlve Wlno Is mndo from tho X Julco of tho t porto (irapo raised In this Country Its Invaluable Tonio and Strengthening Properties aro unsurpassed by any other Native Wlno. Iieb g tno puro Juice of tliolltape. produced under Mr. fpecr's own personal supervision, lta purity nnd genulnrntss are gurantccd. 1 ho joungest child muy partake of Its generous qualities and tho weak est Invalid uso It lo advantage It la particularly beninclnl to tho aged and debilitated, and suited to tho various ailments that affect tho weaker sex. it Is in every respict, 1. wimi to lilt i;tui;u ott. SPEER'S Tho 1'. J. fillKKKY Is n Wlno of Superior character and partaktsof the golden qualities of the grape, from which It is made, ror rurlty, HIchncfcs,S'lavtir anu jut uicai iTopenus, it win no round unexcelled. SPEER'S IB. J.JSi'snidy. This 1IKANDY stands unrivaled In this Country, VW.Ig .HI DtlIIVI tll UJVUltl j.uiuoua. IT IS A l'tJKK distillation t om tho grapo and con. tains valuable medical properties It has a delicate flavor, similar to that of thn grapes frrin which ItlsdlstllH'd.and Is In great favor luiiuu'liisi Hum luuiuico. Sco that the signature ot ALF1IEP KrEKlt.I'assalo i-i u. is ui i t ijiu cerr ui eacu notiie, SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM. deo' "80 1- To Nervous Sufferers The Great European ivexcay. int. j, u. siuwoN'a srKciMO mkiiicinb. Dr. J. II. Slmiiftn's f-ritlllc Mtdlcltu la n nnsitlvii curelortneiwiiktf ltdj or bri.ln orexcers ofi.ny klnd,suchasweakness and nil diseases resulting from Nervous Iieblltty, Irrltutllli j.Mi ntal Anxiety, Languor, I attitude, Dei rtsslcu 01 feplrllsond func- iieuai uuiuiigiuuiiis ii uit ut'iiuiia Mbltm ken 1 rally, l uli sln U,e jiacK or Diue, ww. ofMemoiy, rrema that lead (t com-mptlon.lnsatit ty & an early gravi or both. Nomattei how shut ti red Hit system may be f rem excesses of a 11 J kind, a shortcourso u tins tutuieitio wm teitoiu thu lost functions and procure health and happiness clllc Mtalclno Is tt In ir used wllli woiidnrrul Hurn ss l'amnhleta sent frco to all, Wrlto for them and get full particular, l'rlce, SpeclBo fl.oo per package, or six packages iur v u, 111 uv Bum uy uiuu uu rreeipi. or money. Address all orders, J. 11. KIMI'HIiN's WKIHCINKCO. Mm. 104 and lt Main street, lluffalo, N, Y, let). 1 1 , 'si-if TyAINWIUGHT A 00., WHOLES AUI UKOOIItS, I'niUDiLrntx, Deal era In Til AS, HYltUlU, VOVMX, BDOAK, MOLAaSK.i K1CX, BT1CH, B101M BOM, to., tiA N. K. Ourofar Ikoona ajod Aroh ktroota, KTJfSWI VUl tubUte UV1 IvUt&ttoA. . . i ' fitrnlshlni? Intclll mnrnvn llirlr tlmo J . . . . ' ...... 'V -V .1 paid labor after leaving School. For , Secretary. Ayer's Hair Vigor, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It Is a most agrce.iblo dressing, which Is at onco harmless nntl effectual, for pro serving tho hair. It restores, with tho gloss anil freshness of youth, failed or gray, light, and rod hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, as may bo desired. By Its uso thin hair Is thickened, and baldness often though not always cured. It cheeks falling of tho hair Immediately, and causes a new growth lu all eases where tho glands aro not decayed; whilo to brashy, weak, or otherwise diseased hair, it Imparts vitality and strength, and renders It pliable. Tho Viaon cleanses tho scalp, cures and prevents tlio formation of dandruff; and, by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, it heals most if not all of tho humors and diseases peculiar to tho scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of tho scalp aud hair aro impossible. As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair The Viooit is Incomparable. It is color less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil whito cambric. It imparts an agrceablo and lasting perfume, and as an article for tho toilet It is economical and unsurpassed in Its excellence. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer&Co., l'ractkal nnd Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. hold nr all nuuGuisTS ETEnTwrnsnff. slni -?m THE CREAT B VJiLINGTOlT no VTK. 3"No other lino runsThrco Through i'as- ..H.. ...Luis unity uuiweuii niicaga, lies Mnlnt' Council Ulutls, Omaha, Lincoln, St. .litantilt Attlilo... t,V...I.A t .-.).. v.'",'.., ...vt.tM.ii,;nii mill 1VUI1S.1H V.I1V. I Irect rannrctloiis fur nil points In Kansas, ...........,, ttt.t,, ,, 3 uilllllK. jtitiiiiuiill, u- vada. Now Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and California. 1110 Bnortost, speediest nnd Most Comforta ble llmito vlalluunlbul to Fort Scott, Dcnlson, ..ttttf, tit.itstiMi, tusiiii, duu miiunio, liaivcs ton nnd all points In Texas. Tho tincinialcil Inducements offered by this I. no to Travelers nnd Tourists, nro as follows: Tho celebrated I'ullraan (Kl-whrol) l'alnco v.tvt.-itiiK v.itio, run tuny on tins, U 11. .V Q. l'alnco llrnwlng-ltoom Cars, with Ilorton'a ltccllnlng Chairs. No extra ehnrgo for Seats in Iteclinliig Chairs. Tho famous C. It. i Q. .fitiiiiK vatu, iJtirKt'iiun nilliiKinir cars fitted with Uleprant Illiih-llarkcd Italian Ito volvlng Chairs for tho oxclusivo uso of Urst- Steel Track and Superior Knulnment, com bined wllli their Great Through. Car Arraniro mcnt,mnkes this, abnvo till others, Ihofavorlto Itouto to tho South, Bouth-West, and tho Far loll Try It, nml you will find travcllnr; a luxury Tlmmgli Tickets via this Celebrated Lino for salo at all ollieositi tho United States and vittiitiiiti. Allnformatlon nhnut Hates of Fare, Slecix .1. .tv. ttitm.itiiiiii,, nut; JllllKtt, CvCh will Iw cheerfully given by applying to J. Q. A. 11UAN, Ocn'I Ilnstern Agent, X Wiiihlnglnti St.. lit stoti. Muss. iuitlltl7 llronlwav, How York. JAMES It. WOOl 1. lien. l'ns. Atrt.. t'hlr-iift , T. .1. 1'O'milt, Gcu. Mauaacr, Chioago. Warth 18, '60, 40t CANCERS CURED At Crate's Career Icfiiraarr. Aaaietn. N v. lIVNDllEps OF I'KllbONS fromoll paits of tho woild have been cured of this much dreaded dls- .ttrti nnu iiiniiutv muig witnesses i im 1 1 iicv ii nro la tn riniii'd licin atertlbio and untimely tlcaih. Iir.ftois.itlnlfttisaniHliol'nor treated free. Wttto iti,. . ..r..,..v'.".ft i'"irriiiuinrB. Anaiirissurs in i i v , & 1 bltOWN, Addlttu, N. Y. Weaver & Oo's Ads can I niado at home by any active man crwoinan, boylcr clrl. You will not no ouiigiu to lenvo jour own town, orbn away from i,ES ii . ' ",'"" ui'o iau I'uruucuno oust' ness It trnnlri nn mi-llnl WK WILL hTAltT Y I" WITH AN OUTFIT WOItTH If you are tmrlojcd du'rl'iii,' the day you can moko frcm II in an t venlr p. M mo rf our agents renorf a rrnt t rr in n wintrin .tov ,i'rttA !?r.,uAWlcllla,a toK.0. llimoilT. to liarelay street,N,1. v4co maich 11, mb SUPEMOR TO ALL OTIIEim. Jtiniriif UlChcst rrlrts Awarded. PIANOS Hli:vi:it as rON,!iArthfctrfctrhllaflcirhla, lllutett Avarets for tin ttit tinrr... i aim, viuituoiai ana i enn a state ralrs. ui uhu 11, w&co LATEST STYLES OF At tho 'OOLTJMBIAlI OFf I0E. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES ISA PENNSYLVANIA KAII.UOAI). 1'IULA- X UEM'llIA A UltlR It. It. DIVISION. SUMMKK TIMK TAIILE. On and after Runrtny. June 1V.tit, tho tralnn on tho l'hl'ndclphlntt Krln Ha lroatl Division wll run asfouowst WEmVAtI)i KrloJIall leaves l'lillatlnlphH lUSnm " " llnrilsburif 4 2,1am " William fort 84.11? " " .Tetsuy Miuro t'"9um " " lck Haven utnam ' " Itcnovo lli'Snm " arrlvo at Krlo 7 4,1 p m Niagara fispress lcavesl'lilladeli.hla uui)i m " lliirilihuti,' Ui6pni " arr. nt VMlilamiport " " lock Haven 4Ai!im " " Itenovti 5 so iim " ' Kaim in 5pm Fast. Lino leaves Philadelphia 12 10 11 m " ll'iriMiuig 4 oti ti ru " nrrlvo at Wlillamsport 7 63 fi m " " Lock Haven 0 10 p m KAHTWAHD. I'acino Kxpross leaves Iick Haven 7 en a m " " Jersey Hl.oro 7 87 nm " " Wlillamsport 8!0nm " arrlvo at Harrlsbtiru lnospm " " l'hlladelphla k son ni " " Kane coo a in Day KxprcBS leaves Itcnovo looam " " Lock Haven 11 Mam " " V lllhtinsport lsjnpin " arrive at Harrlsburi; 8 4vpm ' " riilladelphla 0 4ipm " " Erlo 1185 am Erlo Mall leaves Itcnovo 0 1 0 p ni " Uick Haven loionm " " llllamsport II 8d p nt ' arrives nt 1 larrlsburir B 00 n m " " l'hlladclplim 185am Fast Lino leaves Wlillamsport U 15 a m " arrives at Harrlsburi,' 8 15 am " " 1'hlladclpRla 7 83am Erlo Mali and Fast Lino west nnd I'ncltlo Express East mako close conntctlons nt Northumberland Willi L. & U. It. It. trains for Wllkcsbnrro and ttcraoton, Erlo Mall West, Niagara Express West and Fast Lino West mako close connection at Wllllotnsport with N. C. It. W. trains north. 1 Niagara Express West nnd Day Express Kan mokoclosoconncctluii atLockllnvcn with 11, a. v. It. It. trains. Erlo Mall cast and West connect at Erlo with trains on L. 8. M. a. It. It. j nt Corry with o. C. 11. l'.A- W. It. If.; at Emporium with U. N. Y.l It. (. nnd at Driftwood with A. V. It. it. I'arlor cars will run between ITitlalelphln nnd Wlllamsport on Niagara Express west, and Day ex press Kast. Sleeping cars on all night trains. WM.A. 11 A LD WIN, Uencrnl Supt. NORTHERN CENTRAL KAILWAY COMPANY, on and nftcr January 17th, US1, trains wUl lcavo sunbury osfouovts !i N0UTIIWAKD. Northern Express 0.30 a. m., arrlvo Elmlra U.30 pm Arrlvo at Canandalgua 3.S3 p. m " ltochcstcr 4.40 " " Niagara. 8 43 " Niagara Express 1.05 p.m. nrrlvo E'mlraO.osp m arrlvo Canandalgua 8.31 " " Itochuster 0 45 " " Niagara 12.50 a m Fast lino Clo p in arrlvo Elmlra 11.05 p m " Wutklus n.65 p m 80UT11WAHD. Southern Express 1.32 a. m. arrlvo Harrlsb'g 3,15a m nrrlvo Phlladolphla 7.35 " " New Yorlc 10.35 " " Ualtltnoro 7.40 " Washington 9,02 a m raclllo Express 10.110 a m arrlvo Harrlsb'g 12.05 p m arrlvo Philadelphia 3,45 p m " Now York 0.S3 " " Holtlinoro c.2) " Washington 7.62 Day Express 1.5!) p m arrlvo Harrlsburg S.tii p m " Philadelphia c.45 " " NewYoiU 0.80 ' " Ualtlmoro 035 " Washington 7.5i Erlo Mall 1.05 a. m. arrlvo Harrlsburg 3,05 a. m " Philadelphia 7.35 " " Now York '0.33 " " Ualtlmoro 7.10 " Washington 0.02 L. P. FAHMElt, (lenoral I'assengor Agoit. FHANK THOMSON, General Manat r. piIILADELI'HA AUD READING ROAD ARRANGEMENT OF TASSENGER TRAINS. Juno 27, 1ES1. TRAINS LEAVE KCrEUT AS FOI.LOWS(8CNDAYKXCKPrBD For Now York, Philadelphia, Heading, Pottsvllle Tamaqua, &c, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. 7,20 and c,45 p. ra. For Wlillamsport, 0,15 8,60 a. m. and 4,06 p. m. TRAINS FOB RCl'BKT LEAVE AS FOLLOWS, (SCNPAT K CEl'TEU.) Leavo Now Y'ork, via. Tamancnd 0,00 a. ra. and via. Bound Urook Itouto 7,45 a. in. Leavo Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Lcavo Heading, 11,55 a. m., Pottsvllle, 12,0 p. m and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leavo Catawlssa, 0,10 8,40 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leavo Wllllamsport,o,45 a.m,2,oo p. m. and 4,30 p. m Passengers to and from Now York, via. Tama ncnd and to and from Phllalelphla go througa without change ot cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, CO. HANCOCK, General Manager ticncral Passenger and Ticket Agent,, ust tf. DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA A Nil WESTERN IIAH.UOAD. BLOOM8IJURG DIVISION. Time-Table No. 39, Takes effect at 4:30 A. M MONDAY. JUNK 10, 1878. NOltTH, STATIONS. SOUTH a.m. p ra p.m 0 16 0 10 b 25 0 33 6 40 6 43 6 60 6 65 6 69 7 10 7 18 7 IS 7 28 7 85 7 42 8 U4 8 25 8 43 8 63 9 05 7 13 7 23 Rrrnntnn 9 35 9 43 2 10 ltollevito 2 16 2 22 2 30 9 33 2 44 2 49 1 63 67 3 IS 3 15 3 10 3 15 3 21 3 26 3 35 3 60 4 03 4 1C 4 18 4 25 4 29 1 S.1 'layiorviiie.. ...Lackawanna., Plttston .. West Plttston, Wyoming Maltby...., Dennett Kingston KlntrRtnn S 6S 10 07 10 18 10 83 10 2g ..Plymouth June,. fivmniiiti . Avondalo Nanncoko .Uunlock's crook. ...Shlckshlnny..., ....Hick's Ferry.... ....Ueach Haven... -IJerwlck .... .....Hrlar Creek..... ...Wlllnw llrnvn 10 34 16 42 10 r.1 ii or 11 13 11 80 Llmo Hldgo.,.!! 7 ! ...llloomsburg.....' llntttr. 11 39 4 42 7 44 11 43 II 61 11 KT 4 49 4 85 s oa 8 pa 8 Hi 860 8 21 9 81 9 9 Catawlssa Iltldgo! imuviliu.t. Chulasky. Cameron .Northuinborbisa, 12 18 fi 19 9 18 t 80 S 43 12 40 n p.m. p.m. a. a W. F. LTALSTEAD, Supt. Buporlntendont'B Offleo, Scran ton, Juno 10, is78, (T "1 A Su,nt. furnished free, with full Instrtie X I I I J10".8 ,or conducting the most protllablo VJ 1 7 JVf,lt'fcli Uml aI1J' 0110 Cfln engage In. ...w..1,ie buslntsslssoeasy to lenrn, ai-dour Instructions nro to simple nnd plain, that nny ono can male gieat i n ills lit mire very start. Noone can fall who Is willing to woik. Women aro as sue- ,!.p'.u S? " fni 1 J Krls cn c" largo sums. JlBny have made at thu LuslncBs our ono liundred ?l 1rs ln .? ,sl"r'lo M 'ek. Nothing llko It ever known n?'fViA.1.1..wll?..c"B?r'! wo sut prised atthecoso iI1'ira'"i"y wl"' wl''cb they aro ablo lo mako 5JSS.e?..V can eERuge In this business during jour spaio tlmeat gri at profit. You do not have to Invest capital In It. Vo take all tho risk. Those who ?n?itl.u,,dy, "'"SS?' tbom wrlto to ns at once. All 'oJi ,6,y AadrtN'l1t&Co.,Augusta,MiUne YQU CAN BUY THE BLATCIILEY IIiiliiril,nritiniC'oii rrf I'urcclalujtr Iron liuch ono Mi'iiofled witlixuy nainoas I im lo,';"1 ' wnrmntf.l (,, iiialertal n. con t ab, if v'V,r ,Blu U. "" l' ' Sf wrlWiSrS?1 you' w" wlu CUAB. O. BLATOnXEY, Manufacturer, 30? Market Bt, Phlladolphla, P, march 4, "Sl-tm alts HELPi Youreclvrsbyinakng money Vhen a eolilen rimmA i nr. feied, thereby always keeping ?fini;niM '.H1 aro eHwd,KtierBlly tccmo YMi' '.,lc b0 do not Improve luctt biiiKViirtaV;VTO nilln'ifV 2i?.l.Mif"?.U! t"y 100,6 ,nn n tJCeS ordinary ws gt s. v o liirrjlth en rxtecalve outfit and (KtiiTmj urltlly. You can cUotemr Jl olf lln r it U v 1 it tr enly jiur rr")m nt. Fulllrfcittttltn lid ill tbaUiieVaed M( fre: p.m. p.m. a.m. V 30 4 12 9 4fi 9 23 9 17 9 37 9 1)3 9 30 8 08 3 51 9 21 8 81 3 40 9 19 8 46 3 41 9 14 12 41 12 36 8 33 3 SO 9 04 8 13 3 10 8 44 8 23 3 20 8 65 8 12 3 12 8 47 8 04 3 04 8 38 7 61 9 51 !W 7 33 2 39 G 17 HI lit 8 12 7 25 S 23 S 06 7 IS 7 14 7 10 7 02 9 04 7 44 8 66 1 67 7 38 6 60 1 61 7 S3 t 45 1 46 7 29 6 27 1 97 T 11 6 IB 6 00 1 00 6 45 p.m. p.m a.m.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers