THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSRURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Uh fitlnutfmut. VP 0. E. CLWELL, 1 J. K. DITTENBEWDER, Eft"c ELOOMSBUHG, FA. Pi itlay. Auuust QO. 1881 Damocratio Oouaty Tickot. soot,T jriKiit. FKANKU.V li. SI1U.VUN, tf fliawiMii. JAMBS LAKE, riHlTHftSWWY. WttiUlM KRICKlUUM. d Mm, HRlIrErt AWtl RKOOlllltK, o. w. sranstiit, qfJitom. OOBtftV TRKUIftim. A. M. JOUNSOS, O01J.NTY COMMtfUtONEM. OIIAItLPS ItlilUIIAltD. o Jan. II. l HDOAR, n Fuhingortci, ABDtTOK". O. W. IIRXS, L. J, ADAMS. TUB VtUILNUlill I'KKSIDKNT. Last Momliiy lliu President was ngatn nltnckeel by iiausi-n, and vomited several times. This was checked, and lie rallied somen lint. Ills retained a ccr lain amount of liquid food taken in the mouth. One of the glands in his neck became gi entry a woolen and wlliimed and on ednesday an incision was made to allow thu ims to pass off. This operation imvo immediate relief. The l'resident's imlso has been very liitrh tin rinjr the week, but tho teinpcrature and respiration lime been normal. The physicians do not despair of saving his Ule, hut ho is very weak and mv.-itly emaciated. The President weighed 210 nmumih ai me uiiiuoi uiy Miiuuuiig; now ins weight is about 11',) pounds, ilu-r it a ehanee for his recovery, but the out 1 k is gloomy. The latest despatel shows but little change: pulse 100, tein peiatuiu 08..J, icspiralion 18. Tho New York World appealed in new diess, niehiding a new head, on hatuiday, and is greatly improved by tho change. The Third Brigade N. (J. 1 went into camp at Wilkes Barroon J tiesday morn nig last. I' illy three companies, number ing about SfiOO men, leported lor duty, The eamp was named m honor of tin Pits'ieUm ''Camp Gaifield. Tho association of tho Directors of tl Poor of the State of Pennsylvania will hold their seventh annual convention in Erie, commencing on Tuesday, Septctn ber 'JO at 10 a. in., and continuing tw days. All persons interested in any way in tho woik ot the association have beci invited to attend. According to the recently published repoit ot the mine inspectors ot the an thracite region, tho number or persons killed by accidents in tho coal mines of rennsylvama dm ing tho year IBsO ii02, while 071 were severely injured iuany ol the latter have died ot their i juries since tho repoit was made, and others are crippled for life. Mr. Do L.J Matyr, tho Greenback on tor, it seems, was addressing a publ im in Wisconsin the other day when he made tho imprudent statement that "no Christian could accept inteiest on money." Thereupon a Methodist clergyman in tho audience, the Rev. Sir. Jiorloit, aroso and asked him : ''How about tho parable of tho ten tale ts T' Mr. Dn La JMatyr, being hiuiscll a cle gyt tan, could not reject thoauthoiity r erred to. It is said ho was consider blystaggeied by tho conundrum, and his answer could not ho readily heard by tho reporters. Last week a thousand or moro Sunday School children ai-sembletl at Chautauqua, Now York, to lisien to addresses upon moral fciihjcts,nnd auicotieatthey must have enjoyed. The speakers were "Sniiler' Colfax of unsavory Cudit Mobilier no toriety, and Gen. O. O, Howard thu 'Chiistian soldier" whoso namo is uu pleasantly associated with tho broken Krcedman's Bank Tho professions of this pair of mildewed saints were doubt less free from all allusions to bribery and swindling, and only tho adults present on this occasion could appreciate the "irony of events" that brought forward these two men as moral instructois. The Demoeratio County Conventioi of Luzerne eoe'ity will bu held on Thurs day. September SJ2nd. At a meeting of the County Committee held on Friday last tho Chairman was authorized to em ploy two detective to keep watch over the d(legale- and cand'uhilcs diirii-gand immediately preceding the holding of lh( piimaiies and the Convention, with a view to tho enforcement of tho act of the late Legislature to prevent and punish bribery at delegate dictions and in nom inating bodies. This is not to be con slrued as a belief that (hero is any special coi million to be feared, but to show that tho Demoeratio party has determined to havo tho law strictly observed. With a view to affording relief to per sons who leceivo abusive and annoying postal cards through the mails tho follow ing general instructions to postmasters will soon bo issui d from the post odice department: When any ono is annoyed or expects to be annoyed by postal cards, sent from any particular place or from any known iieixm, ho may direct the postmaster at tho point named to destroy all postal cards addiessed tohiin, or cards Iroin any person named, so addressed, and as far as tho dischargo of tho duties ol the ollico iiei nut sullicient examination, the postmaster should comply with the lequt'st. Tho same request may bo made ol the leceivingpoBtinaster. '1 Indirection to the postmaster should be in writing and should bo filed for preservation. Dm ing thu Into session of the legisla ture, an act was passed authorizing the the appointment of n mixed commission, to be composed of ceituiii Senators and Minibus, Stale (flirt is, and three prjomiiiont oitivuns to bo named by the Governor, fur tho purpose of levibing tho revenue laws of the State, Governor Hoyt has appointed Hon. Charles R. Buckalew of Bloomsbiirg, John A. "Wright of Philadelphia and Cyius Elder ff Johnstown ns inembfis of tho com mission. A meeting will bo hold in Philadelphia on the HOth Inst. Tho work to io done is of tlio uttuobt inipoitauce and will affect the pockets of inoiehants, businfiw men, land owners and corpora Tho whimi'int? nost of DctWnro iriw mi Auiiohronisui, fipoauso women were I ousted for minor offensi s. Km- sm-lt n lew wife boattii'N, lor the rowdies and rulll'iiis who tr-rinriw society w'nh al- heir fiats mid lilliiliri oils, for ho eommlt brutal assaults to tucilituto rohherv, there Is but one citiv, the lnsh aid on by tho imblio llogger till they earn through their bleeding baeks what lit! menus ami what society is hUoiilt enough to do in Its own defenso. Glvo us the whippingpost. Hrookbn JZaglc. When Oeueral Meyer, tho Chief of ho Siirnal Service, died, not loinr niro, me of tho promitienl aspirants for the vacant ollico was Captain llowgato. Fortunately for tho good name of tho Ix'rviuu lie was deteated by Ueiiernl Iluzen. llowixiite recently appeared as ono of the nartieiiiants in .a shockim social scandal, and now turns up as a de- taulterto tlio uoveriiuiunt tor some S5W, 000, Ho has been arrested and coninei- ed to surrender all his property to pro- ect his bondsman, but tho chances of tho Government obtaining any of tlm stolon money, do not seem to bo proini "K- . In Inst, Sunday's l'hiladolnh'a Prens was another contribution to the history of tho last days of tho Buchanan admin istration, furnished by Judge. Jllaek. It even moro vigorous and outspokon than the Hint and will carry conviction to tho great majority of readers. Tho couimtinioatiotis sent to the to dispu ting the statements of Judge Black are all anonymous, and on that account ar not ei titled to as much consideration as are tho utterances of Judge Black, who manfully assumes responsibility for bis assertions. It these tliick-nml-tlnn ue publicans in Philadelphia who assail the Judge, would sign their proper names to their writings, fair-minded men and women would have n better opinion of them and of their views than is possi bio at present It takes four hours and a half to go. by rail, from Hazleton to Wilkes-Barre and so great is the dissatistacliou ot the people residing in or near tho Jnrmrr town that there is talk of seceding. It is proposed to annex the Hazleton region to Carbon county, tho county seat of which can be reached in an hour. When it is known that it requires less timo to go to Isew ork Iroin Wilkes-iiarre than it does to one of tho largest towns in Luzerne county, the wrath of tho suf ferers can lie understood and appreciated Of course there is no necessity for this state of affairs. The Lehigh Valley 1 I!. Coni'jany could speedily remedy the evil by making a decent arrangement of trains, and perhaps will do so now that there has arisen such a storm of dis content. The 1'fnAjterinn inquires wlifllier lli- anti nruliiliition vote iu iurtb Ctiriihiia iiidic.Utv that on the croat mftMl trie tion lliu colored vo 3 1? not lo be relied miV It 1 ok n if that miglitbcs) until tliey art? u Incited an-t chrla tlimzed. What tlse cmilil be oxiu-cted people Ulely in flavery. wlioi-e chief t-inpl ini'its nr sensiHl, and with hniimt mo ta trnininc? The n-nult is a verylmd c.ili for iht-ir education ami elev.ition. 'rets. And what is to bo thought and said of tho liopublicans in that State who voted solidly witli the negroes against ' io whiskey There is need of a niiicl louder call for their "education and ele vation."' If the "moral training" of the colored people is "limited," what can that be of tho whito Republicans ? Th 1'rcss ought not to tramp on its party' toes so recklessly. Several weeks ago the announcement was made that James 31 cJ arlan, the la mons detective who did so much toward breaking up tho Mollie Maguire organi zatioti in Schuylkill county, was dead It is now stated that this report was un true and that when it was made, McPar- lauwashaid at work hunting up the murcereis ol iUatinco llealey atUunba lhe statement that he was dead was purposely made, in order to avert stis picion when he began his search for tho bayetto county Jllollie iuaguires. The promptness with which arrests wero made, and the accuracy with which the clues wero followed, show that McPar- lan has lost none of his skill and judg men - Eight men have been arrested six of wlimn wero released on bail and two confined in prison. Kane, tho worst of these, has been denied bail, as the ev idence is very strong against him, There is a prolific, crop of burglar this Summer and the valley of the Sus qiiehunna has been chosen for their field of operations. Down the river the towns of Suiibury, Danville and Calawibsa have stiflered, and up the river robberr j hav been committed in Naniienki-. Wyoming and rittslon. these depieiiatioim are not the work ot ordinary pilferers am shelf thieves, for in the mnjoiity of cases Kales havo been blown open and their contents stolen. A despatch from Wil kes-Barre states that detectives have been employed to discover the liiaraudeis in that region and put a stop to their work It is evident that there is more than one gang of burglars, as lobberieshave been perpetrated in different sections at al most tho same time. Although tho losses, so far as known, havo not been great, thero is a feeling of insecurity ex tant, which will only be allayed by tho arrest and imprisonment ot the outlaws. State Senator William T. Davies, of liradtord County, is a prominent cand late to- !taie treasurer on the lu-puhli i' ticket, uavies is a man ot nomo shrewdness anil by supporting Galush A. Grow for United States Senator tho legislature, has managed lo confuse the Kopubheaus as to his exact status l tho party. It is generally believed that io is a Cameron man, and that his Btipport of Grow was only for a blind 1 his is probably correct as Ins leanings heretoloro have been Uamcron-ward lie has been making lively running in tho campaign and his chances looked promising. Within a tew days, however, T. liailey, n regular machine man solid for Cauieron.has been brought into tho field nnd, it is claimed, will havo tlio Philadelphia ami Pittsburg delegates to start with. It now remains to bo see what strength Davies has gained by his suppoit ot urow, anil whether Wolle anil tho Reform element will standby him. Several of the up-river iiaix-rs hav stated that tho Danville, Hazleton Wilkes-Biirro R. R. Co., has a ehiirten right to construct a railroad along tho Kast bank ot the fetisquchauua. ihts right, however, only exists on paper. Some yenrs ago when tho North and West Branch R. R. Company began wor!.. tho former company was seme with a sudden spasm of energy and es sayed to lay a track, iu order to prevent tho N. nnd W. B. road from doing so. An injunction was obtained from Judge lil veil which, after argument, was mado perpetual, the Judge holding that thol). H. and W. Company had taken no steps to comply with tho requirements of their rhaitor and could not piny "dog in tho mangor" by reliising to work themselves nnd also refusing to let others work. This injunction was taken to the Snpn me Court untl Judgo HI well was (.ustained by that body. Tho ''right" of tho D. JI. & road doesn't amount) to anything. ' The life of James Buchanan, and cs "fcialU that portion of It whllo ho was Pi. side-it of tin- United States, was gell- ( niliy undetsiooii to on one ot thu liter iindei takings which that accom St, lishod scholar, William B. Weed, had in hand when hu died soino live or six years ago. lo whomsoever the woik as since been entrusted tho long delay f giving it out to tho world Is itiexcit- ible. It has occttred to us, however. since Judge Black has been clearing up some of the obscure points of tho Bu- t .i...!..t ...-.! .1... 1.. .e -O .1.. muunii uiiiuiiiisiiuuou, una uu oi nil inu nun who stood closo lo tho Pennsylva ila statesman would bo tho moH quail- lied at this day for tho performance of this task. It would bo u fitting nnd graceful labor of Judge Black's declin ing age, nnd it would vindicate not alone .Mr. Buchanan's career but his own. II thu Judge should signify his intention lo net before the world the true life of his llustriotis friend, no ono who may bo now engaged on such n work would hes itate lo yield to him. I'hil. Chronicle iieraul. What Tlic Supremo Ucurli .Needs. The peoplo aro fully conscious, never theless, that tho last thrco accessions to the supreme bench, thoso of Harlan, Woods and luatthows, wero not oi such a character as to add greatly to its au thority or dignity. JVich one ot thorn owes liis distinction to his appointment rather than his appointment to his dis tinction. No ono of then had made a great reputation even locally as a jurist. These thrco men, with tho next two lo bo appointed, will constituto a majority of tho bench. Tho other members, Chief Justicu Waito nnd Associates I'leld, Miller, and Bradley, though ablo and ex perienced judges, have no such super fluity of weight that tho bench will safely admit of any further lightening. There ought rather to bo added to its member ship two of tho very best jurists that the country can tiirnish, and they should lie appointed for their ability and learning, their uprightness and judicial character, and without regard to political consul orations in nnv narrow sense. Arcic Vork Times (rep.) PUBLIC EXKJI1ES. Tho socialists, or nihilists, of Switzcr laud aro a peculiarly sanguinary and fe rociotis lot at least so tar as their ut- tei..ncesgo. Tlio authorities havo pro bibited tho holding of a congress of socialists iu .tirich next month and this has so exasperated theso alleged philati Ihropists that they have addressed a ihreateiiiiigletterlothefedcral authorities warning them that tho judges will first be IjIoww up and slating that the socialists have enough dynamite to blow up halt ot Switzerland, and that it is in owitzer land that a conflagration will begin that will burn up the world. Pleasant citizens. those. Hundreds of just such miscreants hint their way every year to tins country. and come to the surface whenever there is a strike or any disputo between em ployers and employees. They never ap pear as pacificators, but always as inciters to riot. The honest workingmen of the country have no deadlier enemies than these disturbers of the peace, and should avoid them as they would the pestilence Thev are not actuated by any truo regard for the welfare of tho workingman, but are controlled by a restless desire to break down all tho restraints of law. Without capital all labor would come to an end and yet these socialists clamor for the ruin of capitalist . Iu the not-distant future this question of socialism will as sume such proportions as to require a set tlemcnt by the government and a vig orous decision too. socialism means' anarchy, bloodshed, ruin and despair. Fine words will not change its meaning, and the well-dressed, soft-spoken, plans iblo "friend of tho workingman", of to day, becomes tomorrow the rcd-shirted, bloodthirsty leader of a mob. Ono of tlr so days tho peoplo will come to know this better than at present. DYNAMITE DEVILTRY. Uno Jereiniah OiJonovan, who mas querades as an Irish patriot under the namo of "O'Donovan Rossa," has been presiding over a "dynamite council"' in JNew York. Tins amiable body of con spirators assembled to perfect plans by which English shipping all over the world was to bo destroyed. Merchant vessels in every port wero to bo blown up and in the opinion of tho council it would bo a pleasant sight to see "all the shipping merchants and insurance com panies of England presenting a petition to Gladstono to reconsider the Irish question." The council did not mention what tho authorities at the different ports would be doing, whilst this wanton de struction was going on, but it is to be inferred that they would congregate on tho wharves to enjoy tho spectacle. The council adjourned after observing that "tho council expresses tho opinion that after September 1st it will bo well for all peaoeablo peoplo to avoid patronizing ships that sail under tho protection of tho English flag." Of con ao t'lis windy nonsense amounts to nothing and, equally of course, no real, earnest friend of Ireland would havo anything to do with O'Donovan or his associates. It may be however, that there aro certain foolish fellows who will bo deceived by this silly talk and contri bute of their hard-earned money to the fund. The only good tho "fund" will do is to provide dinners for O'Donovan and his cronies. No honest Irishman will iiermit himself to bo swindled by such humbugs. Ireland's independence will never be gained by dynamite, nor by campaigns conducted by O'Donovans and "tlio likes of him. Should tho members of this council put nny of their little projects into execution, it might chance that their not too valuable bodies might bo found ornamenting tho nearest lamp post. This country will not tol crate assassins nor wnnton destroyers of private property. The Stato Convention of tho "Six teeners", or graduates of the Soldiers' orphan school, opened iu tho hall of tho houso of representatives in Ilarrisburg on Tuesday last. A veiy largo number of grnduates, male and feinalo, were present. News Items. Not th Carolina crops are badly injured by tho drought. Recent reports nay "thero will not bu a one-third crop of either corn or tobacco." A man, alleged to bo Leo Iliirtmann the well-known Russian nihilist, appealed in tho ollloo of tho Clerk of tho Supremo Court one day last week and, renouncing his allegiance to tho emperor of Russia, tiled a declaration of his intention to be come u citizen of the United States. (Indianapolis Indiana Farmer.) KVEIIVIIOliy ItKlllT. When overy ono says a "thing is so, it must bo so." On this point Mr. A. II. Lyman, Druggist, Manistee, Michigan, writes s Kvery ono who tries St. Jneobs Oil, says (hat it Is tho best remedy over used for rheumatism. Mr. White, a ous tomor. after hnvlnfl" employed every "known specific for rlieumutism was cured U tfacoba Ull. Last Sunday two blocks of buildings in Wheeling W. Va., wero destroyed by re. Loss 00.000. A lire in fsew we-1 of 87",0.M and iu ans caused a loss Louis 100,000 wot III of property was destroyed. Iu WllliaiiHporl tho annery of J. lv. Mosser it Co., was con sumed, Involving a loss of 8-0,000. "I have suffered beyond endurance." My life has been a burden to mo." "I invo been denied the pleasure of socie ty. Extracts from testimonials of those tired ot skin nod scrofulous humors by the Cutictira Remedies. V firo in Ashland, on Monday, de stroyed B. M. llainplon's flour nnd feed store, J. .lomuiis' liquor store, Evan T. tones pool room and restaurant and V, I. Burchflcld's saddlery and harness shop. Loss 810,000 insurance small. I All tho papers havo been drawn up preparatory to taking tho New Jersey Central Railroad Company nnd the Le high and Wilkcs-Bnrro Coal Company out of the hands of tho Receiver. This will bo done when tho courts aro once moro in session. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound revives the drooping spirits j in vigorates and harmonizes the organic functions gives elasticity and firmness to tlio slop, lestores tho natural lustre to the eye, and plants on the jialo check of beauty tho fresh roses of life's spring and early summer time. Govenor Iloyt emphatically denies the report that ho and other prominent State ollicers are interested in "death-bed" in surance companies, and carry policies of 8100,000 eacli in them. Lawrence Lingle, of Reading, n baker, fell from a bridge into the canal at Shick- shinny and was drowned, lie was in toxicated at the tnno ot tho accident. Gen. Leslie Coombs, a veteran of tho war of 181 'J, died at Lexington Ivy. on Monday, aged iSX years. A movement is in progress to have Vennor tho Canadian weather prophet appointed Chief of tho Signal Service in the place oj uen. linzcn. 2.j mile loot race took place m Pottsvillo last Friday, in which the well known pedestrian George Ilazael was the victor. Ho ran tho twenty-five mi'es in two hours, thirty-eight and a unit minutes. Col. J. G. Bentor, ordinance depart incut, commanding the Springlield Arn ory, died of heait disease on Tuesday. lie was an excellent ollicer and will be gieat loss to the service. Dr. W. Mo I. Ostiander, a well know pliVBician of West Pittston, committed snicido by hanging on Tuesday. No causo can be assigned for tho act. Nana's band of Apaches attacked a party of whites, in New Mexico, a few- days since, killing six and wounding eleven. A paity of iniiieis finally drove away tlio Indians. Tho citizens of Oi niige.Texas, incensed at the outrages committed by a gang of despoindoes, arrested and lynched eight of the number. Two were hanged and tho others shot. The largo fiuit warchouso of Warner & Merritt. Philadelphia, was destroyed by fire with its contents, on Tuesday morning. Tlio loss will probable aggre gate 8250,000. At the Lycoming County Democratic vJonvention held on Tuesday tho lollow ing delegates were elected to the Stale convention: Michael Woil, fc..l. Mciuulim and R. A. Ivmsloe. The nominations lor county offices were as follows: M. Iv. Swartz, treasuier j Robeit Wood, reg ister and recorder; L. Tomb and M Kamp county commissioners. The State fair at Pittsburg will con tin ue fioin Siptonber fitb to the 17th The Pennsylvania R. R. will issue ex cursion tickets. The legislative salary caso is to be taken to tho supreme Court and, it nos sible,argued at tho next term in October, at PittBburg Important to Travelers Special in ducements arc offered you by the Burlington Kcuto. It will pay you to read their adver tisement to dp iounu eiscwnere in mis isi-ue, March 18 40-w Valuable Real Estate AT PRIVATE SALE Tho uiderthjnd ACinli.iMiatorcmn tefctnmcnto nnnexo ot l'ttcr Appleman.lato of llenton township, deceated, effe s the following described premises ai prlvutos le. All that portion of tlio following de scribed TRACT OF J-AND, In llenton township bnuided as follow: On the north by lands of It. I, Y. Colley, J, Charm and A. Wilkinson, on tho west by lands of Ell SlcIUnry, John K. Appleman and I'etcr 1-aubotb, on tho toulh by lands ot II- liam Iluline and Margaret Dildlue, and on tho vast by land! of Reuben II. Davis nnd Stott 15. colley, containing EIOII'IY-EKIIIT ACRES, more or less, whereon are erected a two-story FRAMK HOUSE, Rank Darn, wagon houso and other out-bul!dlngs, Only that portion lying on tho west bldo of ilshlng creek will bo sold. Also, all that tracfof land sltuato In Ronton town, shin, bounded on tho est by lands ot Rebecca Con ner, on tho north by lands oflho heirs of Thomas Davis, deceased, atd J. F. Cbapln.on tho south by lands of Ezeklcl Colo, containing KKIIITEUN ACRES, moro or less, unimproved land. Will bo Bold as a whole or In parcels to suit purchase! s. Terms made knuwn on application to 1. K. KltlCKIIAUM, Administrator, &c, uug, 6-tf Cambra, l'a. A UUITOK'S NOTICfc. KHfATK OK JOSUCA 8AVAGK, DECEASED. Thn iinrtfrKlcrrii Auditor firnolntcd by thoOr plums' court ot (tlun Ma county, on exceptions to to tm-orccitntcr the Admlnls-trnlor o. enld dece dent, v. IP bit In the dlH-'mrKeo! tho clutli-sof hlsap- rolntmint at tho ulllce of Knorr ttinurhit-en In the low n of Iiloonrsbnrg, on irlday, August xmu ltsi, at tenoUoik In tho fort noon of sold day, when ana whero all perbons Interested may attend, it uiey mum ytvvvr, . tS, WINTERbTEEN, Julyw-w Auditor, Dauchy & Co's. Advt'a. DP trPMlV'C! OROANS, 17 Steps, 0 Set Ood lil'iA 1 I J O cn Tonguo needs, only tss. Ad dresa Daniel Y. Realty, Washington, N. J. nug SO 4w REVISED NEW TESTAMENTS I Illustrated, Cheapest and Rut. Sells at Sight. i.olman-8 PICTORIAL BIBLES I AgectB Wanted. A. J. Holvjan Co., I'hlla. UUg KG 4W d SOLD MEDAL AWARDED the Author. A ntt and great tied fccl Work,wftmmUHl lh Ut fcnd hUMt. WllHtlKjl0tO ttTBTf lain .tint tiled "the Hoienooof lit orWU-frwerraUun t" UmndLu ttntwl Kranch moftlui.eiulxiwwd. full bUIUO pixcccUlnj beautiful tuuia, prio 0017 (LS&aent by uUi iUaBtrttlaajupla,6conUi ad now.Addr IVabnd Mod HvllUH aUlimuat KKU, Ho. 4 UulAncfc ik lfctca. d A book uTrnrv orljtlnulity, entlih'it PRACTICAL LIFE, The great problem solud. Tho Individual carefu'ly contldi red frrm thu atroof responsibility up to ma turity, In ngatdto education home, soctay, lo-e, murrUKe, bublness, ic How bread caters aro to b bread wIlcith. The volume abounds In striking thoughts, raretiifoimatlon snd Intense common, sense. Full page colored plates ouch one a gem. Agents wanted everywhere, Send for circulars, lull description terms, to , address J, O, McCi-huv & Co , Willadelphla, l'a. a aug m, -w mm AOKN1U WANTED to bCll tlio LlfO Ot PRESIDENT GARFIELD. I Deluding a Mil and a-curite account of his brief but oventfuladuilnlsitatlon ! the vent conflict with tho "Stulwnrts" headed by conkilng; tne diabolical attempt In assassinate him wllnfull partlcularsof hla extraordlnarr surgical trea'ment, etc. Thou - sandi de-sire full particulars, benoe tnu book is selling Immensely, 'ftnai libera), outut Mo. Ctr- cuiara ireo. . llybbard Br., ItWm ChfUliUltit. X-MUv, VtigtM-W U S" A Startling Hovolntion. Suffering of "Oh, illy ;!, lltm I Did S unci-." "I Earnestly Prayed to Dto." "1 two b--en nnitctod for twontr yorrs with nn cbsltnnto Bktn disease, calli-it by somo M.I), a I'so iHsU, nml others Leprosy, cGmmoncltitfonmyM-alp nnd insplto of nil t could do, with tho help of tho most rklltul doctors, It slowly but surely extended, until a; cor RRothla winter It covered my cntlr.i liersoii In form of drr Males, l-'or the lat thrro cars I havo been unabio to do any labor.and surrcr- Inp Intcnsclyall tho time. Every morntnff theto ilild be nc.irly a duitpanttil of soaleH taken from tho nhcet of my bod, somo halt as hi go as tho t-nvclopo containing this lettnr. In tho latter part f winter my skin commenced cracking open. I tried tvorjrlhlnij, almost that coutd bothoiiKht of without any tellef. The lath ot.tuno t btartcd west In hojis 1 could reach tho Hot Hpt-lnus. 1 reached Detroit, and was so low 1 thought I should havo to KO to tho hospital, tutflnaltj gutns far as tnnslntf, Mtcli., whcrolhada sister living, Ono Dr. treated mo about two weeks, hut did mono (food. All thought I had but a short I lino to live. Icar- neatl prayed to dto. Cracked through Ihofklnoll over my back, ncros.8 myilbs, nnns, hands, limbs, feet badly swollen, too-nalls catno on, nuger tvdls dead nnd hard ns bone, hair dead, dry, nnd lifeless as straw, o, my Ood! how I did suffer. Mv ulster. Mm. II. Davis, had a small nart ot a box of Cuifcurn In tho house. Shu wouldn't clvo up; 8.ild 'We will try outtcurn.' Simo was applied on ono hand and arm. Kurckat thero was relief i slopped the terrible burning sensation from tho word go. They immediately got tho Hesolvent c leur.i and Hoan 1 commenced bv taklnirono tal spoonful of Itedolvent thrco times a day.nlter meals; itniliiuun ouco u 11. y. wuicr nuom uiouu ni-ui: used Cutlcura soap freely; applied t'utlcura morn ing and evening. Hcsult, retun-ed to my homo In Just Fix weeks from time, l left nnd my (.kin ns nmooin as ims succi oi paper. IllItAM E. CAM'EN'TKIt. ltcndorBon, .lenerson county, N, V." Swurr. to befoi c mo this 10th day of January, 1S30. A. JI. I.KM-IN1IWH i .lustlco of tho l'eaco, NO HUMAN AGENCY Can so speillly, peenianently nnd economically ciennso the moon, Clear tlio complexion nuu bKin store tho llnlr. and ci-ro everv snecleaof Itohlnir Scaly mid croriilous Humors of tho Skin, (-culpntiii Rlood as tho Cutlcura Remedies, consisting of Cutl cura Uisoltent, tho now blood nuillieivinircnttcurn and Cu'lcura Soap, tho great f kin cum s. Atkyour druggist about them. Right hero in this town you may unuuviuenceB oiiueir wonaenuu eaiingponer. l-'or sunburn, tan and greasy sklnuso Cutlcura oap,an eMiuisuetioeei, ntun nnu nursery nuaiive frngrnnt with delicious llowcr odors and hcallni balsams. Cutlcura Remedies nro for sale by all drujrglsts.Prlre of Cutlcura. a Medicinal Jelly. sm-ill boxes 60 cents: largo ooxtsti. uuncurajiesoiveni, ino new juooa ruriner.fl per boltlo. cultcura tnpdlclnnl toilet Soap, T.i cents. Cutlcura Mcdlelnui Shaving Soap, io cents, in pars tor barbers nnu inrgo consumers do cenu- iTincipai uepor, Wkkks s Potter, Roston, Mass. SWAU mailed frco on rccclrtot price. courws' ono U'.n.iNB1 Voi.Ttm tkio i i.taTKU. c,Miiiir sj cents VnTio T""TrirrTin supi nor io ry umer VCtTAIC H,'LK"il('- leetilcJl nppllauco bet-.r.i tho fti i.oCL iiulillo, Thi-ylnstantl rellovo DtHpepsM, ID cr t'omnlalnt Miiln i In mm-i-nnd (lmiu nnd Kldnes nnd L'rluniv Iiirticnltles. and mnylx-vtorn over the pit of the Muuiiu-ii, over uio kiuj-l-jh or ui iiut-i-icu mi i I'rlco S3 cents. Sold evemvhero. WEEKS ft ROT TER, lioston, Mass. d augl2.lm NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PUBLIC SALE OF VAI.UARLI5 In pursuance of and In nccordanco with tho direc tions contained In tlio latt v.111 nnd testam'-nt of Joseph l'ohe, lato of Ctntro township, Columbia county, deceased, tho undersigned villi expese to pub'ICBaloonthe prtmlbcs lDtuchcrfo In Cenlro and Minim townships, on THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Sept. 22nd, 23rd and 24lli, 1881 six ioon l.'Aitms oit in act.--oi' iaM), as follows, to-wit: Tho let, 2id red Brd tracts will be told on THURSDAY, tho 22nd, commen cing at 10 o'clock v llh tho 1st, nt 1 o'clock with tho 2nd and at a o'clock -pith the lid. 'lhe Httiact Bltuate In Cenlro townthlp, altng tho public rondat tho foot of tho I.lm Rldje, low wcurlcd by John Waters, containing 145 CI'l'N Ol'I.llIMl, moro or less, vihetcon nio circled mnxFtnof (iod l-'riimu Itiilldlniin, occ set tho laigi.r, tbptclullj cal' culated for tho farm, with nh-ige ppilngif never- tailing cold water at tl,o doer, connected vMth largo trrlng hocs-c, out summer kitchen, a largo wagon house, heg ten nnd ccin ctlba undtr cover. combined. Tho ether set of buildings orebctlercal culated for tenants, Vc'ngn get d lingo hou'c nnd small larn,VTagoLLoute,thoin:ckirfliop,cldtrprtss, hog rn,tvrn houfo ntipch place, vch nnd fourti pump at tho door, nnd this fnim with tho twoscts ot buildings will bo sold teporntely by a division lino and turvey which will bo exhibited ondayofsalo or together, as moj Kttmil turclr.tcr, aidlheln teri-Btoft he estate. 1Uiulsblo on lhlsfaim ten ortwelvo acrcsof the-very lebt Whiln Otk Timber- adjoining ardaorlngtownidthe public road. Tto land Is of lhe best limestone soil, and In a high stato of cultivation, a GocdAnle Oidaidln goedtenr. Ing order. Thero Is on this form alto, about Ilttcen acres of Good l.!mcstcno Rldgo, toino uncovered and ready for working, The stead ttactls tltuntc In Centro t wnthlp, near tho LI mo Ridge, occupied b fetiplienl'ohe.and containing 135 Acre of Omul, moro or lets, in a high state of cultivation, well tlm bored, and ot tlio U-bt limestone soil; fruit of nU kinds, Excellent trilng of C'o'd Water con nccted with a laigo bpilrg houso Tho build- buildings on this faim are all new, largo and com modious, consisting of a NEW RANK DARN, with well of good water at tlra door, n wagon houso and corn crib combined. 1 lit re is alto a liny shed, and a LARUE NEW HOUSE, with gocd well of water ho door, and n beaut Jul yard surrounding tho houso, oven house, tjinmerhcuse.ondnlloul-bulld tngs belonul'-g to a first ciaba modern farm. Thero 1 s n llmeste nei out rry, tn o new kilns In running or der and new llmo hour o on samo, Iho third f-uct lsnlsofcltuatoln Centro township, near Mine Ridge, and Is occupied by Joseph oiger, containing 111 .teres, More or I-chN, ot the choicest UmcBtono soil and bottom Und whereon aro erected A (inoil l.nrKO Ilrlrll IIOne, with a good well of co'd water at tho door.a largo and handy sumrrer house, a spring house, oven houso and a new coal heuio.a largo Rank Ram with gord straw nnd entl'u sheds ovei tho yard, u largo hog i i n wlih corn s.on heme above, a Ijrgo wagon shed and coin erltBcembloou. An orchard la bltr aie near thedwe'llngwhlchlsln good condition und covers about three ucre'B of ground. TIiIb place will bo sold subject to ndower ef Ilvo thousand dollars m Arum Miller, wiiinw or (icorce 1'. Mlller.deceaseiL Thero is ubout ten acres ot Iho veiy Ust Llmobtoue Hideo on this farm. 'I no 4th and tth tracts will bo told on Kilday, tho 23rd, renin erring Willi tie -un ai iu ociccKa. in , and with tho sth ut 2 o'clock p, m. The 4th lsbltu- at In rntrn Inwnfsliln. near Llmo RldlTO. Ulontr the river road, leading from RtooTisbt-rg to Rerwlek, oc- cupltd by I'tililp nebs, anu conunniug IIH Acres, more or I.cnn, of tho best bottom land. Inn very high Btatoofcul. llvatlon, whereon aiociecti-d largo and convenient farm buildings, consisting o' a LAKGB PAHM DWELLING, with a good well of cold water at the door, nnotlur dwelling ct smaller dimensions suit .Me for a tenant houso.near a largo and nov.-r failing spring of water connected with a good spi ing hoato, A good oven house stands near tho farm dwelling; also a smoko house.a large bam. and a new wagon bhed.haj bhtd and corn crib combined, and a good lorgo hogpen convojlenlly arranged. This placo Is well supplied with all kinds of fruit. Includli-g an Apple Ore-hard, composed ot cuolco and rare trees, in good condition und yielding large-ly every scaso i. rne tin trace is aibu tmutuuui v.t;jiiiu lumtsiuji, near Lime Itldgo, occupied by John Shuman, and containing DO Acres of I.tuut, moro or leBs.whcreon aio erected a largo New Barn, new hay sheds, corn cribs, and horse stablo, with water at tne door, a fiimil l.iimo I'uriii i)rlllnK conveniently arranged with a largo summer house with a good well i f cold water nt tho door.oven houBoanduil oilier necessary oui-bulldtrgs 'this fuim Is bupplled Willi fruit und the laud Is bottom, 1-1 tl.o vi r, best state of culilvatlon. Tlineth and last tractwlll behold on Saturday, tho still, commencing ut ten o'clock In tho forenoon, und Is bltuated la Mltllln township, near Minilnvlllc, OJcupKU by WIPIara (loetiUiir, und con talus 101 Acres of l,mi(l, moro oi less, lnahlghBtaleofcultlvatlonbvvhereon aro erected a Unto burn with tLeapproprlatu Bheeta.a good wagon Iuubo and c corn cnus, ueg pen, cnu-Kuii i. Iu L' nu liuube, a t-ood Urge FIIAMK DWiiLLINU, summer liousc with l'O d. nevi-i.fulllng water nt Iho door Iiousp, with go d, out buildings, to. On this placo Is somo veryUuo limner lanei nnu nun oi every ucauiipieou. robsebt'ou ol the above toko given to tho purchas er or purchasers theri of, April l, 1'tu. needs to bo at thu ol purchasers and wlllbtf delivered when the tm&l purchase money shall bo paid or secured by bond and inortugago. All grain In the ground and puucnal properly ou the premuk-s reserved. TKIeM OF BALK. Ten per cent of one-fourlh of the puichase money to bo paid at tho striking down of the proirt)i the ono-luurlu leaa the ten per cent, be-lore taklnn potsesbion on April, one halt of the balance with Interest ou the amount re maining uupaid from April 1st, lbs, to be paid on April 1st, UU. lhe talanto with Interest lobe paid on A prll itt, lESt, No tlintx-rsbull bo cut except for 1 use and Improvement of I he latins. unUl ut least j ouo-haif of the purch&so money bhuibopald orso- cured as aJorvuuid. XTKI'MKN rOIIB, vviin vvui.r. roeuton- S1JB1UKFS SALL. liy virtue of s -ndtj writs of lsticd out i of tn,' Court uf Com nun t'loiinof Coluinbla coun ty and to mo directed, wilt bo cxpoted to publlo ilii nt tlm Court House! In llloomaburg, at two cluck p. In., oti SAT UK DAY, SUl'THMHKU 10, 1881. Alttlutcrratn mcssuagn nnd tract of landtltu. nto In orani-o townshlii, Columbia county and stato ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described ns follows, to-wltt Reglnnlng ntn stone corner of Jesse Cole man's land, thenco by tho same north eighteen and halt degre-es oast fifty-two perches and soven- tenths to stones, thenco by lands ot John Jlcgarglo and Isaac llngehbuch south slxty-scvin and a half grees west live perches to n stono, thenco by land of tluiC8tato of Conrad Adams north six and time fourth degrees west Blxty-Boven perchss, thenco by land of tho estate of Samuel Conner cast flvo perches and two-tenths to n plno, thenco by tl.o simo north Ighty-thre-o degreos east thirty-seven pere'-es to the placo of beginning, containing Beventecn acres nnd ono hundred and twenty-ono perches Mrlct fneasuroj tho above tract being Improved farm land. Kclnd, taken In oxccutlon at tho still ot .Mnrtlm Adams ngnlnst Joseph llcnrlo and tho OrangoIUo M.S. F. nnd 1..A sscclatton tcno tenant, nnd to bo sold as tlio property of Joseph Henrlo and tho Or angev l!lo M, S. F. and I- Association tcrro tenant. feimits, AttoyncjB. Vend Ex. AIO, All that certain pleco of ground ulttuvto In Mlniln townslilp, Columbia county.l'cnnsylvnnla.descrlbed as follows, to-wltt Rounded on tho north by land of John Aten, cast by land of It. r, null by lends of Thom-s Atcn and on thowe-stby Unefoof Chatlea Kllngcrmnn, containing ono hun- drrdnndlon acres moroorloss.on which nro erected framo house, barn nnd out-bulldlngj. ALSO. Onn tract ot land sitttato In said township of Miff lin, bounded on tho north and cast by lands of ThoiniiH Aten, on tho south by lands ot Michael Orover'Blielrs, on tho west by lands of William Rnrr containing twenty four acres moro or less, on which aro erected a two story framo house and out buildings. ALPO. Ono tract bounded on tho noitlt by lands of I. K Schwcppciihi Iscr nnd Samuel Knjder, on the cast hy lands of Lawrence Waters, on tho bonth by land ot Abraham Schwcpponhclstr nnd on thu west ly land of John Atcn, containing thirty-four acres moro or lew, on which aro creeled a framo house. barn, and out-bulldlngs. ALSO, Ono tract cf land bounded on Iho north by land of Stephen (loarhart nnd olheis, on tlio east by other lantU ot I, K, Schwcppenhctscr, on tho south by undof John Aten nnd on the west by land of Joseph (icarhirt, contaln'ng ono hunatcd acres moro or less, on which are trcclcd a frtmo house, barn and out-bulldlngs. ALSO, Ono lot of ground sltuato In Iho tow n of Jlalnvlllo Columbia county, Penrsylvanla, bounded nnel de scribed ns follows, to-vvlt : On the north by land of J. E. Longcnbergcr and two publlo roods being corner lot In raid town, on which are erected a twi story brick store houso with tho nppertenances Seized, taken In execution at tho suit ot Samuei Reel; nstlgncd to tho Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Association against I. K Schweppenhclser and tho Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund nnd Loin Association, nod to be sold as tho propci ty of I K. Schw cppenhelscr. Little X Milleh, Attorncjs. Al. Vend. Ex, Al. Fl. Fa. ALSO, A 11 that certain lot or pieco of land sltuato partly In Frankl'n township, nnd tartly In Catawissa township, Columbia county, nnd Stato of Pennsyl vania, and boindcdand described as follows, to wit: onthonoith by Catawissa creek, on the cast by lands lato ot Ccorgo Scott and tho Danvlllo, Ilnzletoii a 'id Wilkes I'arrc Rail Road company and on tho south by Sarah A. Mui ruy and on tho west by tho Susquehanna river, contaiLlng four acres moro or less on w hich aro erected a small frame building and sheds. ALSO. AH that certain trcssuagoandlot of groundslt- uato In tho town of Rloomsturg, Columbia county. nnd stato of Pennsylvania and bounded and do scribed as follows, te wit: Reglnnlng nt a post on tho south west side of Main street nnd lot No. 2 and running thenco along said street south ilfty-threo degrees east flfiy-tlve feet to an alley, tnenco south thirty-seven degrees west one hundred and ninety- eight feet to back alloy, thenco along said alley north fl y-thrco degrees wctt lltfy llvefcct tolot Na.2. aforesaid and thenco along tho samo nori thlrty-sovcn degrees eabt ono hunCrcd and ninety- eight feet to tho place of beginning, containing one. fourth ot an ncre to the Fame moro or lets on which aro erected a two story brick dviclllDg house, framo dwelling house, a stablo and other out- bulle"ngs. Seized, taken In citcutlcn at the suit of I. W McKtlvy against J. It, Graul and to to sold ns the properly GratU. M il..kb, Att'y. Fl. Fa. ALSO, All that certain threo tracts pieces or parcels of land fltuato In crango townthlp, Columbia county. und biutoof Pennsylvania. Tract number ono boun dedand dcEcrlbcdos follows, to-vvlt : Reglnnlng at a plno tree-, thence by lands of Jacob Shellhorn etc ceased, south tlftecn degjees cast seventy six perches to a stone, thenro ly lands of John Remlv do ceased souih seventy-four and one-half degrees west ono bundled and th'ce-tecth rtrchea to stono thence by lands of Photbo Whltmojern-rth ll'teen degrees west lllty two perches to a btono thenco by lands cf famontrth blxty-ono degrees oast ono hundred and thrco pciclics to a plno the placo of I cglnnlng.contatnlng thirty seven acres and ono hundred one! two perches und allowances of land with tho appurtenances thereunto belonging It ocl ng tho same tract ot land which Isaao Ilagen- buch dated A. D. Ism conveyed to John btlncr. Trr ct number two bounded and described as follow to-wit: llcglnnlng at astonoheup corner of John Conner thenco by Ids land north fourteen degree wcsttwiiuly-elght and bcven-tenths perches to pojt thenco by land of Levi Alkmon south forty-six degrees vvebt sevcnty.tlx perches ton post thenco by lands of George Wbttmlro north twenty eight degreet east sixty and two-tenths perches to tho place of beginning, containing flv acres nta ninety two perches moro or less with all tho np uirtennnccs. tho samo being a part ot larger tract suivejed In Iho namo cf David Dumon, Tract number thrco bounded and described as fol lows, Reglnulngat a stone In tho lino of land of Jo tin Miner thenco by land of Frederick Rerk and along a reserved road by lands of Ilenja- mm chenbuch, Joseph WhlimoyorandLovl and J. E. Alkman north twelvo and ono quarter degrees west seventy eight rend seven-tenth perches ton btone, thenco by lands of leter lifer noith 77 and three quarters degrees east thirty flvo perches to a stono ihcnco by land of John Conner south twelve and one quarter degrees cast thlrty-nlno and two-tenth perches to a stono thenco by lat d ot John Stlncr south forty eight and threo-fourth dcgioes wesS fouy perches to tho rlaco of beginning con- ta'ilng llftecnncrcsandfour peichtsot land strict measure being tho same tract of land which Jacob Sclefrled conveyed to John Stlner. Lciied, token in execution ut the cult of tho Oracgcvlllo Jlutril Sav Ii g Fund and Loan ABsochv Hon agr Ui tt Jchn Stlncr and to bo bold as tho prop erty ot John Miner. Mil leu, Att'y. Fl. Fa, ALSO, Acerta'nlct or pleco ot ground Bltuato In tho township of Conjngham Iu said county ct Columbia on tho westerly tldo cf the Catawissa road (so call cd) leading from the bcroughof Ashland In Schuyl kill county to thobcrough of Ccntralla Columbia county, sold lot being known as lot No, slxty-threo (03) upper thantles, as laid out by Iho Locust Moun tuln Coal & Iron Cemrany, on which Is erected a ono nnd n half storied framo building fourteen (U) feet vvldo nnd sixteen (10) feet long. Seized, taken In exceutlonattho suitor William Clever nga"-'.t Anthony Gerrlty owner or reputed owner and contractor,and to be Bold as thu property of Anthony Gerrlty owner or reputed owner and contractor, BrissEY, Att'y. Ley, Fa, U. U. ENT, Sheriff, A DM IN IBTKATOU'S NOTICK. E6T4TE OF HUlmSCH IltSS. IIECIHSED. Icttersot Admlulstiatlon e,n Ihoe-stnteof Shad- rcoh Ilcts lute of bugat 'oaf township, Columbia cueniy, i-eiiusyiTuuiu, uect-ueu, uavu oeeu graniea by tho llcglsierot said county to Jamea I'eluiinan, ot n.ividboii iowniitp, auiniuisirnior. Al iierbons uaving claims aguinsi tne cuiavu oi said dece dent ore requested to presciit them for settlement, and those Indebted to tho cstato to mako pavment to tho uuderelgued Admlnlstrntor.wlthout delay, JAMES 1'BTEItMAN, augl2l-w Administrator, 7XKCUT011'8 NOTICK, USTATK OP JOHN AtLEdtlt, PECK ASBD, I eilers teMumcntary on tho cstato of John AUe- gar, lato ci nsnnige ees mp,, loiumom county, deceased, have le-e n grantid b the Iteglbte' of sa'el couity to M. A. Ainineimun, of Forks, executor. All persons luev Ing claims u gal list the e-btate ot bald do-e-edeituro leiiuebtedlo nrtbtnt them for bt-ttle-lni nt, and tliobo Indebted to the eslutu to make puvment to tho undea'gned executor, without aeluy, M. A.AMMEIIMAN. 0, W All llxk. Kie-CJtor, Att'y. Forks I', o., l'a. nugj tvw CUTlCUliA Peniuineiitly Cures Ilumora of tho Scalp und Skin. Cutlcura iiinedli'B&re for bale by all druggist, l'l ce of CUTICUHA, a Medlcinsl Jelly, small luxe. 60O.J large boxes, tl. CUTlCUItA HkWiLVKNT, thu new llluod I'urlller, II tier boitl. CuticvvtMkVto Nil otii.TBov, K Cutlcura Mt-dlcluvJsUuVli-g heap, ire i tu btmiforbarbera asej luge wnsumern, Mo. J'rlnclpal depot. ' . WWCKS J 1-OTTSn, BostOn,I(JU. AlllftiaiWtrwXinlwxiiutotVrtc. Carpets, last addition through the air, and are also worth seeing. 7 There is a Lunch-Boom in the building. Valises, baskets and packages can be left in charge of attendant in Ladies' Waiting Room. Mr. Wanamakcr is desirous that visitors should feel at homo when they come, and be free to purchase or not, as they please. Note. Our large Catalogue, with prices and full directions for shopping by mail from any part of the United States, will be mailed gratuitously upon request, address John Wanamakek, Grand Depot, Philadelphia. G. IB. ROBBHsTS, (stjcousaon, o?o . w. roduiws,) dbaiiHU. in I'lno JlraiHllcs, VHInMcs, C.Iiin, DirOHTEI) ALUS AND l'OKTEl'.S tlirtwl, out tlio cotuilv call and examine my stock before BLOOMSBURG, PA., Main Street, 2nd July 9,'so-ty WEBER-HAR PIANOS, A FINK INLAID FHENCII "WALNUT Kasy Terms. Sitiismctioit miarnnloiia. BA.ao3sr3s FiA-isro w-cre rooms, JIWIO HALL I5L00K, WILKES-DARKE, PA. Juno tu, 'si-ly GRAND UNION EXCURSION VIA D. L. niEWlOlKClTY Under tho auspices of llydo Park JI. K. Church, and tho Central M. E. Church, Wllkcs-llnrrc. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER G, 1881 FARE FROM KINGSTOiN, AND IKTKBMEDIATH STATIONS. Half rates gtiignnd ictuirlng w"lbe given nil exenrtlciilttblretn Nerlliumlnlunrt to KIr-gstcn. IJlJlOll A H 1 A 1 'iheexcuislin ttolu wlllleove HIMIVION Bt8:f4, i-teibCTAN- . J XtVJVjt JViMi 1J Jli 'ion woa. iii.Hienii-y, s-eplemlur cth, nsl, nrrlvlrg In Mw oik ni 8:!iip id. ttedie-iiuii), t-epli ml cr th, 11 tp lo coney Iblnid bj eio if lhe r.tvv Iron btetimtis, lnoilo of 'rcn tl.toughcut. Inch clo hrs lourtcen vMiter tight ton, ratttr.ints, making them alsoluu-Iy unslnk ablo nnd lUomool. Thuise'fiy, pcr-te-n-.ber tth, v.slt to Long Iirnneh nnd Ocean Grove. To attonimcdaie those dcslilng tosrtnd the Sablath In New Ycik to hrur tho L.ent preachers on their retuin rem the'r vacntlens, tl o txcurnenlbts will it- in bv two breelnl tmlut tno leuvlt.g New oik ntl p. m. Sept. 8th, iho other 1 p.m. Sept. 13th, nrrl.i'.g In terontch to connect with all out going trains. SXTAt coney Islard our excursionists will lo f finished with nsl.oio dinner nt greatly reduced rates! sui plied wlih rathtng suits at half rates s niso admitted to Llbe altrsoiendconcirta In tho I'nvlllonct the (.lent lion ritr.ireetfihurge. This isat-peclal ceuttety feci ed IhiontHn itucnol Iilcnd of tlio mnr.tigeis.andmverbcreiienceoided excursion pnitle-B. 2 '", miinasers havo becured their usual low rates for accuminonntlnns at hotels. llcKriB for sale nti. I, & f. Depot nnd storo of Jlr. I. W. Uattman. l-'or o'I partlcvlars seo "Iho N ew ork nnd Seaside llerol. ,"or nddtess ii.ti. iiieiiohs,.secretiiry, or I.'t-v. It. W. VAN sciioif iK, II do I'ark. Aug sc. 2-W SIIEUIFFB SALE . liy vlrtuo cf sundry writs Issued out of tho Court of common Picas of Columbia county nnd to mu directed, will bo exposed to publlo salo nt tho Court House, In Illoomsburg, 1'euusjlvanla, at two o'clock, p. m. on Monday, September 5th, 1881. A crtaln building sltuato In tho town ot Illooms burg In tho co-inty and state ntorosatd on tho south west corner of Railroad and Iron streets of Bold town; It Is a cno storied frame building, foundry for i.uji.-.iB uuu icueu ana omer iron lmplcmcnts,front lng about forty feet on liallroad street and about sixty feet on Iron street, being about forty feet In width, and sixty feet In depth. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of Charles Krug, against Jllchael Iless owner or reputed owner nnd S. II, Hess agent and contractor, and to bo told as tho property of Jllchael Iless owner or reputed owner and S. JI. Iless nyent and contractor. iKKLxiLAtfy. ' Lev. l'a. ALSO, Tho followlngrcal estate sltuato In tho township mm e.iecit coiurauia county I'cnnsjlvaula bounded nrdde crlbeii ns rm on thobcuth by lands of A. W, Eaten, on the west "j ma nuga anu uustiueuanna Turnpike, on the north by lands of oidtn Mokes, and on tho cast by lands of 1), F.Sejbert containing half ot an acre moro or less, on which aro erected a framo dwelling uuuau, uuiu iuiu UUl.OUliainerS. AUnn nl nf nnnl,, trees. " Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of Charles' Schcnck against Frederick Luther aniitnu.Rnirtno tho property ot Frederick Luther, TUOMi-bON, Att'y. ii-i, ALSO, A 11 that Certain Irner. nf Inml cltnntftln Trn.i...,. vunuouiji, voiumnia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and dtbCllbtd aS fLllOUS. tn.U l 1!lrln,,1nr. .., ., plno knot a corner of land belonging to I'etcr Apple man and Jacob Harris, thence by tho samo north Olgllt Und OnO half deOrOOH. Wf'Rf. RlYtV and seven tenths to a post, thence by land of iho -w.uv. .uiiiuu iie-i-B, iiuiiu ciguijr-boven ana live- eighth dt IirC'tH Wf'Rt t wo till n tltf tl n nrl i lovn u-i .I, cs nnd four teaths to a post, theuco by town lota bo- "e. 's vuuuuu minus, juiiu nisuer, uuancBNcy hard, John Jlarklo. Jlarthall Slin,li-rn,i i,.r,... Weavci, south beventy degrees cast forty-hvo ,.vi wc. uuu cix-H utua io a point on tno west sldo of main btreet In thn lnn r,f iinrMim i1n.w... u.,UpH,vuWUUUj. tho West bldo Of sold street (.null, thlnv.f,,,,, h... grecs east twenty-six perches and five tenths to a peat, the ico by land of lllram Appleman south elghty-bevcn and the eighth degrees east onohun dred and ninety three ptiches and two tcnthuo the pkico tf beginning containing eighty acreB and olghty perches Bttlct measure, vvhea-on nro erected a two anu a half btoiy brick houso, largo bank barn With vvpeiou shed attaelu il nnri fr,i,,,.,i.,i.i,. ,.. sned aud other out.bullildliigsi also u good upnie Seized, taken In exrrntlnn nt n,nci,ii n r.. Itecs, Jefferson llces and ClarrUm Soues and Fe;-' dluand sonea her the use of lllram itecs and Illrnmlletaall ot whom Bttrvlvcd Anna uees wldo ,v, against Nchemlah lteece with notice to U.Y. Fruit terro tt lant and to bo sold oa tho property of Nehemlan lletcowlth notice lo 11, F. Fruit lerro teoa t. o, it. iiuckalcw, Att'y. LeVi rai ALSO, All that certain real c.tntn utuntA in ship, Columbia County, bounded on tho south by river Susnuchanna. on tlm wi-tiiv viiiii,,ii,.,., .... Uio north by canal, and on tno oast by Batnuol Dieter Ick-two lots cculaluing one half aero more orlew, onlbo one lot tlrst named there 1 erected a dwelling houw.and on tho other uMublo and out buuXUngB tho appurtenances. belied, tavtuln ixeiutlnn m n,c,,im, u.,i... Shaffer Indornee of Jacob littler, ogalust John W, nuu nuiuuriu V.1HK sua to ce gold as the uKft ,l.n w t,uk ' Kilwbctl. War. On "Isllinir riiiladclphia yott will fttul, nnionij other places of interest, tiie Grand Depot well worthy of a visit. Its floor and gallery spaces now cover over three acrcs.and are filled with Dry Goods, China, Furniture, etc. Tho is a large and beautiful Picture Gallery, lo which admittance h free. The Pneumatic- Tubes carrying the money the Electric-Light 31achincry, Riiimn, nml all klmlK orVHucH com- IN 150TT1.1CS BY Til 15 H0ZKN. will find it to their udvnntnco lo purchasing elsewhere, Door below Iron. DlYKJiW CASH OIIOAN, STOPS, SilO CASH & II' It. 11. COKEY ISI-AND, ICKG EBj5KCH, CCEj&N geove. To New York nnd icturn in i." 'I o New York, e-oney Islnndoud return 7S ToJNow York,l.e ig liti nth nnd reluin i H5 For all t'10 ubove 1 :I3 Long Urunch to ocean eirove vnd lutuin :i.1- extra c. WAI.TKH Secretary, er ltcv. n. M. CKYDKNVV IbK, Wt'kci-Ilarrc. ALSO, Allthnt ccitn'n trrct, pleeeor parcel oflandtlt nato In tho townHilp ct Jlount rieasaiit In Iho county of Ctiumblie old Mnle cf rennsjlvnnla, bounded on thouorlhbylaiidsofdodfrcyJIe-llik.on tho west by land of Tcler Jntoby, on tho Eoulh by land ot Iliu m 'I Ik runs nml en tho cast by land of Joseph C. Crnwloid, containing Bcvcnty-slx actes moro or less, on which aro erected n iramo dwell ing house, a barn and out-buPdlngs. ALSO. All that certain trnct.rlcco or rarcel of land sltu ato In Iho township of Hemlock In county and btato aforesaid bounded on Iho north and west by land ottho heirs of Jacob Harris deceased, on tho cast by lane's of flodfrty Jlellck and on tho bouth by lands ot tho heirs of Samuel Wonlch deceased, containing twenty eight acres and twenty-ctght perches,on which are erected a twostorjtiomo grist mill, a frame divelllng house, Btablo and out-bulld-Ings. Seized, token In execution nt tho suit of Colum bia County Jlutual Saving Fund and Loan Associa tion against Johu llcnglo and to bo sold as tho prop erty of John lieagle. Litils & Jliu-KK Att'ys. Vend Ex. U. II. KNT. Lherlff. SHERIFF SALE. liy vlrtuo of a writ of Fieri Facias, end to modi, rectod, will bo exposed to publlo salo on tho prem ises at il p. in., on SATURDAY, AJJG., 27, '81. Tho following real e state Htuated In tho borough of Contralla Columbia county and Stato ot l'cnnsj I vanla bounded und elebcrlbed ns IoIIcwb, to wit on the west by Locust av enue.on tho north by lot of John Jloroi.on tho east by a twenty-two fooUUey on tho south by a lot of Joseph 11. Knittlo being twenty live feet moro or Icsb In front, and ono hun dred aud forty feet more or lebs In depth, on which aro erected a two Btory nnd a half framo dwelling houso, frame barn and out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken In oxecutlon at tlio suit of C, D. llrockway against rntrlck F. Durkej and to bo sold as the property ot Patrick F, llurko. BrfocKWAY, Att'y. U. II. KNT, Sheriff. ORPHANS' COURT SALE, OF VALUA1ILK REAL ESTATE! Hy vlrtuo of an order of tho Orphans' court of Columbia County, tho undersigned Administrators of the estate ot Wlllinm White deceased, will cxposo to publlo salo on tho premlsoa In Scott Township on SATUEDAY, SEPTEMBEE.3, 1881. At ono o'clock l. JI. tho following valuable Heal Estate) Bltualo tn Scott township in Bild count, bounded and described as follows i On thu north by land ot Abraham M. White on tho cast and south by land of Sampson Townsend on thu webt by land ot Johu W. lloHman.contalnuig 37 ACHES and sixteen perches blrlct mcosuro on which aroa Fit Asm HOUSE and bank barn and othcr.odt-bulld-I mr A GOOD ORCHARD at Apples 1't-ars, Cherries, io., a well of water at tho houso and ono at tho bi ni, TKItMS OF SAI.K. Ten per cent, of one-fourth, of tho purchase money to bo paid at tlio striking dowu ot the proporty i tho one-fourth less the ten per cent, at tho coutltmatlon of bale, and tho remaining three-fourths In one year thcreancr wlib Interest from confirmation nisi. JOHN M. "Vs'IlITE, . . "QEOUOB CONNKH. Vug in t-k Administrators.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers