The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 26, 1881, Image 1

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    he Columbian.
I coivmu. iirmociiat, mi lew ; tiii, inohtii, aiI ooi.o-i-
r.,iti.t Weill, orry I'rlilny morning nt
ninnMunmifi ., ....... . ill
I r-Nn paper ill wnntlniiM cx.Vpt at ,0 nViiion ni
'tt. putiUjlirrs, unill nil nrrenrniea aro pamXt im?,
continued creillla will not bo trlvcn. 1 ' 1 1 "'
Allpnpernw-ntPiitof tliPSlntoor to distant nno
I0mcramitit.bopaM form lulvaneo, iinlesi n reinonl
islblo person In OomnitHa county aistiincs to tiay ti?n
subscription iltio on iloiimnit. 17 1,10
, n'STM'B la no longer oxftete,l from siiliscrltaiT, In
tuo county
I cro-B iPisinsriitsTG-
' The Jobbing: Department of llio Couimiiun verv
complejo. iinil nur Job 1'rlntltiK will eotupi to t.u!Z
bly with llmt ot tlio Uiye cities. All work doiio on
demand, neatly and ntmodcrato pnow. u on
I'KOl'hssiONAI, OAltDs,
1 U.'Hi.Ol'KWAY?,
A T T O U X E Y-A T-L A W,
Coi.cmsiah licit mmi, liioomivurg, r.
Vrmh r of tlie I'nitf,, stales Law Association,
rol'eeiions tnile in my part of America or Kuropo,
E WALLHIt, ' '
A ttornoyat-I aw.
once, second door from 1st National Bank,
oniceln Ent's UraoiNii,
Dloomsturg, Pa.
offle? on Malt' Street, nret door below CourtHouse
jirtce orer Schuyler's nnrdwaro Store.
t. n. Mm. noB'T, b, UTrm
nioomsbnrg, Pa.
nfflceln Ttrowcr'abmidlnciecond noor.rnom No,
1, llloomihurir, ra.
Attor noy-at-7 jaw.
ni.ooMsmnm, pa
nnieo cornor of Centra and Main Streets. Clark's
(!an bo consulted in Gormnn.
CotnuBUN UvtLPiKa, lllnom,bnrii, Pa.
Metrher of the Ifnlted States Law Association.
Collections mndo In any part of America or Europe
Notary Public
Attorneys-nt-l .aw.
Offlco In llartman's Illock, corner Main and Mar.
let streets, Moomsburg, Pa.
t&'Pennnnt ami Jlounlhs (Mlcctcd.
onice In llrowcr's Block, one door below Columbian
Offlce In H..I. CliiU'snulldlng, second lloor, over
IloHiinu's Hour nnu rceu siorc.
Oct. s. 'so.
omcolnMrs. Ent's Building, third duor trom Main
street. '
Mayo, '81. IIEKWICK.PA.
collections promptly mado and remitted, omco
opposiHi uatawiBsa uoposiv uuuk.
w ii. rhawn,
'attorney-at-la w,
CntawLssa, Pa.
Offlco, corner of Third and Main streets.
Alinrnnv.alL'iw. tlflice
In Columbian Building. Juno 21, m.
lV.tlce, lirockway's Building, ist noor, i
turg, Pcnn'a. may I, 'so-t f
r U. BARKLEY, Office
J , In lirower's Duuuing, ami awn , - -
JB. ROBISON, Attorney-at-Law
. la llartman's building, Main street.
at-Law Office
rH. WM. M. REHER, Surgeon an.l Pliysi
lJ Clan. Offlco Market liuei. wear uv.
T H. EVANS, M. D., finrueon ami Pliyai
J , clan,(onice and Itesldtince-on Third streei
T B. McKELVY, M. D., Surgeon anil Phy
U . slclan, north aide Main street, below Markot.
Odlce, North Market street,
Illoorasburg, Pa.
Oct. 1, 79.
Main street, opposite Episcopal Church, Blooms-
rr Teeth extracted without pain.
OCt. 1, 1819.
IB jehh new
All styles of work dono In a superior manner, work
nurnuuru ivi repreenit'ii ibbui
Kn wniiuiT PitN by the use of Has, and
free of charge when nrtinclal teeth
uro Inserted,
onico over Illoomsbiiig Hauklrg Ccinpany.
1o be open at all hours during the day,
Nov, nij
sewing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re-
pured. OrBi Housi Building, lllcomsnurg, ra.
T'VAVm LOWENBKRO, Merchant Tailor
J J Main St., abovo Central Hotel.
T 8. KUIIN, dealer ii. Meat, Tallow, etc,
1 Centre street, Iwtween Keeonn and 1 bird.
James reilly,
Tonsorial Artist,
Skaln at his old stand under KXC 1 1 A NOK 1 If
TELand bus as usual a PIKST-CLASS IIAHBEII
SHIM'. Ho respectfully nollilta the ratroDago of
lis UdcuMoiueid and ot tho publlo generally.
I'4 10, tW-l(
(ft M Outfit rn- to those who lsu W engage In
V K the bum Pleasant and prontaWe busfnesa
irtf) known, Kvcrythlnt new. Capitol not n-V-J
quired. Wo will furnish jnu eyerytht' j. 110
'day and upwards la easily made without suylng
ay from home over nlghU No risk
Mrny new workers wanted at onco. Many aro maw
lojfortunes at the business Udles make as much
Mtaen,BnayoungbojB and girls maketiruat pay.
oona who Is willing to work ft Us to mke
Jioiiey every day than can be made In wk a1 any
Wtnary tmployment. Those who emrage a onoe
JdUnai a auort road to rortune. Ad dria I
T Two noM.Alw nor ynr, M rem, riwn'int nnnwivt
alien p.iM In mlviinco. To wilwcrHK-N oV ? n.
oounty tlio tcnm are M KtririiSiS L.i.L'iL1
J. K. BITTEN3ENDEU, t prcP"9W"'
OlTOMITErot'llT llllt'SK.
not, una cold water, and all modern conveniences
Cor. Centro and ltatl Iload sts., near I., ft u. Depot.
Lowest Prices -will not be undersold.
Manufacturer cf MINE CAll WHEELS, Coal llreak
er and llrldira Castings, Water Pipes, Stoves, Tin-
ware, PlovF, IKON VBSOB, and all kinds of iron and
Tho rr'Klnal Montrose, Iron beam, right hand
left hand, and sldo hill Plows, tho best In tho mark
et, and all kinds of plow repairs.
Cook stoves, ltoom Stoves, and Stoves for heating
stores, School houses, churches, &e. Also tho larg
est stock of repairs for city stoves, whotesalo and
retail, such as Flro Urlck.diatcs, Cross Pieces, Lids
c. fee, Move I'lpo, Cook Hollers, Skllllts, Cake-
Plates, large Iron Ki ttles, 120 gallons to IX Barrels)
Farm Dells, Slid Soles, Wagon lloxcs,
"Allentown Bone Manure"
Jan 9, 'SO-ty
Has mirrlinsril tlinSIn L-ntirt lli.Glnn.e i.f T llnrvn.
Iiueh, and Isi.i.w puintnl 'n do nil kinds otwotk
iiimniMie. i iuniLiig at o na i inn g nspeciaity
Tlnwaie, Moes,
In nerval variety. All work dune by
Main Slr.'el corner of East,
Lumber of all kinds for sale as cheap
as the cheapes4 for cash or
ma c c- m
Announces to the public that to Is prepared to do
an kiiiu.1 oi
Custom Tailoring,
promptly and at reasonable prices. Now la tho sea
son fur a
And Tlriglcy's thu rlacc to get a proper flt.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Shop over Blllmeycr's Clrocery, Corner of Main and
ueniru Bircuio, ...
Silverware. Watchcs.Jewelry.Clooks.&c
All kinds of Watches, CloclP and Jowelry neat
i. repaired ana warniunu.
may 11, 'JS-lf
Tho uptown Clolhler, has just received n lino lino
OIeWliOOUa, IUJU in .
Per Men and Boys In tho neatest manner and latest
Hats. Gaps. &c ,
Alwasonhord Collond Examine. EVANS' BLOCK
uornir Jlltuu mm nv. ....w,
. ..... r, nut hia pianlnirMlllon
SSS Wcoi,dlt.on.,s prepared
u,i t rwisonablerrleeu. All lumta r used Is
!ir s 'asoiied and none but bkUled workmen an
-nitlicd on
,.,.rt on .nrlleallon. Plan- and epeclllcauous
prepared by i
nrepaVed bV an ejperlenctd draugnisinan.
IIIooiiinIiiii'?, I'll.
. i.upnHATioNS aro well seasoned by ago
uw" "";"-;, .ftvn never yet naa a loss set
and fm rw" d nave ne r ,
lied by any court of Uiw i wi 6loto bamr1
of h y-, nA uoNBSTi-T adjusted and paid
iL Auint AM AW!fT" pateonlie
.WliyjVM & eettledrand paid
eu in
.' rvf Uiinnv PnnrjivivaQia.
MHBrtoin of ruidelphla. Pa
rankUn, of "
"ennsylvayla of
ifaruiora of Vork, I".
lanoverof New Vwk.
"SSSSSm iSirtrt BlW Nc, 6, lUocmsburc, W.
00 1. Bl, r-ur,
DHni lira. RT I CKJi
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backaches, Soreness of tho Chest, Gout,
Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and
Sprains, Burns and Scalds,
General Bodily Pains,
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Foot
and Ears, and all other Pains
and Aches.
No Preparation on carlh i qunN Sr. JAeom Oil as
a ,., 5ii rf, .I,...,1 and cit up KxlL-rmil P.cmeily.
A trial i nlnlU but thu cmilwiriUluly trilling outlay
of ill) Cents, ami every nue Miflurlmrultli pain
can have cheap and ltlve proof of Its claims.
Directions In P.lovcn Ijinguagei,
llatttmnrr, Mil., V. H.A.
At this season, various diseases of tho
Ihiwi'U are prevalent, ami many lives arc
lout through lack of knowledge of a safo
and Kiire remedy. I'ehhy Davis' Pain
Kii,m;u w ii sure euro for Diarrltrra, Dys
entery.C'holera.ChoIera Morbus, Summer
Complaint, etc., and U perfectly safe,
Kead the following:
liUNmunoE, N. Y Srnrch 23, 11.
rennv U wis' I'ain Killer ntvrt'aiU to afford
inttant rtlu fur cramp uinl imlu In tlio ftuiitach.
Jm I'll HuniHTT.
MrilOLYtLLE, N. Y.,FlIi. 2, 1HL
Tho ttrtt bt uictllcino I know of for tl Kt-ntorr,
clio'era in or bus, unit cramp lu Uio stomach. lIaQ
iwed it for years, iuuI it ii ture cure every tlmo.
Ji'liuh W. Dee.
MoiNnoNA, Iowa, March 12,
I tia o tiscil nur 1'ai n K I lllii In m ero cuhcs of
cruinji. colic.mnlchokra morbup.and it w o almost
insUnt ruliel. h. K. (Jaldwkll.
(TAIIVF.9VILLE, Ua., Feb. 2,
For twenty yi"irn I haonteii jour 1'ain Killer
In my faintly. llavuiiKitl it many ttm s for iwwtl
cmjlat ntn, ninl It aliravi rnrei. Vt ould not fw 1 nafo
without a bottlo in tho liouc. J. U. Ivir.
Haco, Me., San. 22,
IIaoiif"e(U,Eiuu'U wis' Tain KiLLEnfortweUa
3car-. It i-i afe. sure, and reliable. No mother
bhoulU allow It to bo out of tho family.
Oneida, N. Y l'tl. in, 11.
Vi'e Kftan xiniiv: it our thirty jwir atro. and It
nlwayM(riiiiimietliit ntlcf. ouhl hardly Uaro
to ku to bed w ithout a Uittlu iu Uio Iiouho.
V. o. HrF.nnv.
C()NWAYiior.o, S O., Fi b. 22, Iwl.
Nearly evfry family lu thid m ft ion ki i m a tottlo
Iu tho hotiw. Hu. U. Mouton.
CltEFKLIl.IUirNHH PllUKSH.Ft'b. 8, 1WI.
I hava known I'kuf.y Davis' 1'ain Kill it almost
from tho day it .i liitroduail.auil alter jrars of
obw;ratInn and nco 1 regard lta lirottnco iu my
noudthold as au imtit) wO-le fffi.'y.
I S FoTrm, If. H ConPiiL
Huutcis-on-Thkst, Fva.
I had boon Bovcral dayn mdlprliiK ecrely from
rtiarrhu'a, ncooinraniod with'O jain, wheu I
tried our Killlii, aud lound iiliunht im-tant
relief. II. J. Ni'ONE.
21 Montaol'e Rt.,Ionion, Kno.
UurinKftrwi'lmeoof twf nty-thruo jearulu India,
I have tHven it iu many caen of diarrlura, djen
tcrj, and cholera, and never knew it to fail to ih o
relief. It. Claiiiixie.
No family can bafely be without this
invaluable remedy, lta price brings it
within tho reach of all.
For sale by all druggists at 2oc..50c.
and $1.00 per bottle.
PEUUY DAVIS & SON", Proprietors,
Providence, II. I.
ciscovEiiEii or
Tho Pnwitlvo Cnro
For all Fcmalo Complaints,
Thh preparation, ft4 lta ruima nlgnhlrfl, consUti of
VPKebdilo Fryjiti ties that arc liarmlow to tfco mott del-
lea to Invalid. Uitonoiie trial tno merits or tiu Vom
itoundwilllMirccotrnlziajrullcf U iuimodl&tei and
when U usold coutinued. In ninety-nine caaus In ft hun.
(IroiapcniianentcuruUctrectoduUiougandii will to
tlf jr. On amount cf itiproveninerltsltUto-tlftro.
comment tod and proscribe! If tho bout plovleians In
tho country.
It will euro entirely tho vont form of falling
nf tho utcrua, Ii-uconiua Irregular ajid painful
Mcmtia&Uoii,&lIOvarlan Troubles, Inflammation and
Ulceration, Floodlng9,all DUplaccincnU and t)u con
eoiucntii'lnal weakness, fciidii toclaly adapted t
CioChantrouf Ufa, HMUdliwulre and expel Union
from thu uttrualnan early Btaco of development, Tho
tendency tocanceroujUumorithero I chocked Tcry
uiwddy by IUux
In fact It ha proTt-d to bo the rrrat.
tmt and best remedy that haa erer toon dUiuvor
eJ. It MnucAtes over J portion of tho aystein, and fives
new llfuand vUor. It removes ralntneaviatulcncy u&
ivtroy.jallrrariUi fortlimilaiita,aod ivUovo wu&nea
of tho stomach
It curvy Uloattnfr, Headaches, Nerrnin rrottratlon,
GoneiidltohimY,blcepIAuicss, Pcprcudon aid Ii.dt
pefctltD. That foelinir of hearing do n, causinff 1'ain,
n eight and UacLoLho, in alwuyn pennanentty cured by
lUiuo, ltwlIlataUtInics,anduudcritll clrctimnUa-
ces, at-t in harmony with tho law that governs th
for KiducConi4alnti of either Kt thU cotn;KiubJ
Li uniunkUHcd.
Lydia E PinKfiam's Vegetable Compound
Iiprcmlat21anlsowebteni Avenue, 1 rn, M.vh,
,i ico Ct-Oi S.x Uituot tor iiu. butit ly imui i.i i:.
form of pilJj, aUilu tho foim cf Mtent-es, ou n -'C ,
of prlco. $1.00, per box, for either, lira. II Mi I MM
frctlyansweraalll t tenet Inquiry. Pcnd for (xuu
ph'.it, AuJro4iaja.iovu JJcntion tl mixr.
I,a family iioU'bolthout I.VP1A U VI -KHAM
ni:HriLLH. llwy euro Connipatlon, 14UuukLi
niJLoomsmmo, ia,
Manufacturers of
Carriagos, Bnggioo, Phaetons, Slolghfl,
I'UkTHJHM WA00N8.40.
First-lass work always on nana.
Prti'i-a rwlnrtvl to unit the ttmm.
Tho Highest Market Prico in Cash
I.oiitlittr niul .Shoo rindlnir .Sloro,
Main Stkekt, Oiu'Ositb Stoni; Oiiuuch,
AJUU8, "8ily
O 11030, who dares to namolhcoJ
No longer roseate now, nor soft, nor sweet,
But palo and hardened, dry as stubbli wheat
Kept seven jcars Inn drawer, thy titles shame thio.
Tho brctio that used to blow theo
DUwicn the hedgerow thorns, and tako away
An odor up tho lano to last all day-
It niw, unsw ecleucd would forego theo.
Tho sun that used to smltu theu
And in Ik his glory In thy gorgeous urn,
Till beam opiicarcd to bloom and flower to burn,
It shining now, with hot ahuo would light thee.
Tho dew that used to wet theo
And, white llrst, grow Incarnadined because
It lay upjn theo wucro tho crimson was
If dropping now, would darken where It met thee,
The lly that lit upon theo
To stretch the tendrils ot Its tiny feet
Along thy leaf spuro edge- niter taut
It lighting now, would coldly oenun theo
The beo that onco did suck theo
And build thy perfumed ambers up his hive,
And swoon In then for Joy, till seareo alive
If passing no-, would blindly overlook thee.
The heart does recognljn theo
Alono I Alone thu heart doth smell tho sweet,
Doth view theo fair, doth judgu theo moat com
Peicelvlng all those changes that aisgnlso thee.
Yes, and the heart doth owe theo
More love, dea ' roses, than t' any rosesbold
Which Julia wears at dances, smiling cold,
Lie still upon this heart which bieaki below Ihccl
Elisabeth Jlaiutt lifoKninij.
In tho winged cradlo ot sleep I lay
My darling gently down ;
Kissed nnd closed nro his eyes of gray,
UnJcr his curls' bright crown.
Where, oh where, will lly nnd Boat,
In the winged crad'o of sleep 1
Whom will ho meet In tho worlds remote,
While he (-lumbers soft and d cp?
Warm nnd sw cet as n w hlto blush-roso,
IIH Hinall hand lies In mine,
Hut I cannot follow him w here he goes,
And ho gives no word uorslgn.
Keep him safe, ye heavenly powers,
In dream land vast and dim!
Let no 111, through the Mglit's long hours,
Come nigh to trouble him.
(llvehlm back, when tho dawn s-nnll break,
Willi his matchless baby ihaims,
WUli his love and hi beauty all awake,
Into my happy aruirfl
Ctliu Th(ixtuin St. Sichohs fur Avtjwtl.
Select Story.
Ill the year 1801, when tlio lionet) of
'i':k,:, ..... .. .1 ,.t -v..
j. iiniL jhil a rii'i' iu mi; v;i.uiit. Dir. n a
Kik'oii in GL'iiiiiiny, the king of Prussia,
exhausted by his nstonisliini; elforts to
iiiiiintaiii tho war against France, ie-
liieel his army to the ieace estahlish-
nient. (Joiise(iiently many olhcers who
were stationed at Hamburg received
furlough, or were dismissed from tho
service for n short time, and a life of
military danger and activity gave iilaeu
to habits of idleness and dissipation.
In the early liartot tliusuminer,several
of tliesoollieerHjhavitigdined togetheraud
saeriliced rather freely at the shrino of
the jolly god, adjourned towards evening
to the Jixchango Uoltco House, the most
noted hotel in the city. They entered
singing and shouting iu a most tumul
tuous manner, setting at defiance the
rules of propriety and decorum. Tho
youngest oi the joyous band, the Jsarou
do V , who boro the commission of a
lieutenant in tho army, was about twenty-
live years ot age, wealthy, handsomu
ami elegantly foimed. 5ut his mind did
not correspond with his person ; ho was
vain, insolent, self-conceited and presum
ing. When they entered tho public
rooiiLthey observed an individual ot small
stature, in a l:n k suit, seated alone at a
table, lie held iu his left hand the lour
nal ot the day, whilo his right hand sur
ported a pipe, no paid nut little, atten-,
tion to the entrance of this formidable
host of blackguards,scarcely deigning to
raisu his eyes trom the paper tin was
perusing. Tho young Ilaron, doubtless
offended at an appearance of indifference,
which ho thought bordered on contempt,
approached the man iu black, and said,
with asmilo of bitter irony:
"Ah, my friend, good evening. From
your appearance,! should tako you to be
a schoolmaster, or perhaps a tailor. Am
I right 1 Where is your goose f
Tho citizen raised his eyes and fixed
them for a moment ou the countenance
of his interrogator, and then resumed tho
perusal of tho journal.
"God forgive mo my sins," continued
tho Huron, "ho will not answer me.
Come, my little fellow, wo must bo more
sociable. Ah, I perceive tho reason of
your silenco ; that pipe incommodes you.
As I must hear tho sound of your voice,
allow mo to reliuvo you,"
So saying, he (matched tho pipo from
tho hands of the stranger, and dashed it
to pieces on tho floor, n picco of wit
which his companions applauded with
shouts of laughter.
Without laying linvn tho journal, tho
insulted individual tinned towards tho
eiiii-jncc of tl.o inner room, and coolly
said :
"Waiter, another pipe."
'Well done," resinned the young im
pertinent, "I hnvo gained something,
however; I mado him open his mouth."
Tho pipo was brought, filled nnd
lighted, and thu citizen continued to po
nisii the journal as if nothing had hap
jiencd. lMy little man," Baid the Huron,
'where do you belong? Iu what village
do you exercise your talents) What, no
answer) Havo yiui resolved not to en
ter into convocation with mo)"
Here the insulted person again raised
his head and looked tho young oflicer in
tho face, at the same time pulling out an
immense volume of smoke; hu then de
liberately resumed his former occupa
tion. 'l'erhaps I was mistaken in your char
acter," intinupted tho Haion; "you may
be the ijuid nxnw of a village, and per
haps endeavoiiiig to commit to memory
thencus which that paper eriitains, to
impart iteornttly to your friends and
mighbnis. Hut j out-moko like a Swiss.
Hint pipe causes j ou much inconven
ience." It was a second timu broken.
AVithout oviiicinf by n gcsturo.or nny
visiblo Hign of couuteuaneo.tho least up
pearnuco of anger, the man in blaok
ooolly repeated the first demand ;
"Waiter, another pipe."
"What a melodious voice I" resumed
thu Huron. "Such pnlieneo must bo tho
Attribute- of an angel or a devil. I would
give a thousand tloiins (o m-o you in a
passion ; it would lie (Iclicioiis sport.
An old major, whoso embroidered
coat was dctoiutcd with military ordern,
tuid on whose German physiognomy was
lenieteil frankness, true courage mid
loval'y, who entered the Coffee IIou-vi
Willi those hair bnuiii'd youths, now ad
(lresed the lhiron in a low voice, but
which, notwithstanding, could be heard
in all nails of ihe room :
".My young friend, von are insulting a
"tiiiuger without provocation ; you are
foolishly guilty of a great impertinence,
and vour conduct with that of vour up
plaiidiug comrades, begins to disgust
mo. I beg you will pursue this foolish
joke no further."
1 ho Karon, Willi his companions, ac
cordingly adjourned to a neighboring
room, and commenced playing cards. 1 o
judge from their numerous jokes, fol
lowed by loud peals of laughter, it would
seem that the young ollicer's folly and
linprudenco were already lorgotten. An
hour passed away, all was ninth and
jollity, tho Ilaron had gained a consid
erable Sinn, and his spirits wero propor
tionately buoyant, when the little man
in black entered tho room, and slowly
approaching his chair, tapped him gen
tly on his shoulder, and reipiested to
speak with him iu another apartment.
The Huron regarded him with a look of
disdain over his shoulder, ill lured an ill
timed jest, and laughed iu his face.
'Sir." said the man in black in a deci
ded and manly tone, "you labor under a
tritling mistake, which I must take the
liberty to correct. I -I'm neither a tailor
nor a schoolmaster. I have the honor
to be a post-captain in the Unglish navy,
very much "at your service. You
have insulted me, and I demand satis
faction. To-morrow morning, at seven
o'clock, I shall await you here. IJring
pistols with you.
The astonished Ilaron, who during this
address had risen from hiseh:iir,ehanged
countenance moto than once, and then
answered only by a low bow oi acdiu-
cscenco ; lie dared not trust, nini'-eii to
speak, lest his tongue should betray his
terror, i he captain politely sainted int
rest, of tho company, and left the houe.
With him departed all the gayety of
the lieutenant, lie became tnoiiglittul
and taciturn : his mind wandered from
the tramc, and he soon lost more than lit
had gained. Ho was unnerved with
tenor, while reilectmg on the conse-
(luenees of his folly. What an ailvan
(aire must an adversary possess over him
who could bear with so much calmness
1. .... .
a series ol deiiiadini' lnsuiis, nun wnn
could propose a duel with such impel tur
bable smuj frotd! Such an antagonist
must be sincularlv endowed with cour
aire and skill. Such wero the ideas that
continually passed through his mind.
When tliu company separated, thrv
all agreed to meet at tho samo place at
the appointed hour, liut it is not sup
posed that all slept equally well during
the night. When thov assembled next
morning at the Coffee House, they found
Ihe Englishman before them at tho ren
dezvous : but ho was now dressed in a
splendid suit of tlio naval uniform of his
nation. Ho was attended by a valet,
who carried a ease under his arm.
lie requested the ollieers to accept of
some refreshments ; and they entered
into conversation, when the KnglNhman
gave indications of possessing a cultiva
ted mind and good breeding.
About eight o'clock he rose from his
chair, and begged the Prussian otlieer to
select the spot where their quarrel must
be decided, adding that ho was a stran
ger in the city, and that all places were
aliko to him. Tho Ilaron named tho
ojien pastures lying between Hamburg
and Altoona.
Whenthey arrived on tho ground, tho
hnghshnian linked (he I inssian what
distance ho would prefer. lie answered :
"Fifteen paces."
"The distaneo is too great," resumed
the Knglisliman ; "you will miss me.
Call it ten, if you jilense."
And this proposition was accepted.
Tho major now mado tho observation
, "j"- "
1 captain had no secoml
"This is of littl
the Knglisliman.
If I fall, my
has my orders.
Tho major represented that such a pro-
coediug was contrary to the usage in af
fairs of this kind, and that it such a lor-
mality were neglected tho duel could not
tako place, but ho politely offered to as
sist in that capacity.
When tho ground was marked out,
and each of the tirincipals had taken his
station, tho captain asked his antagonist
significantly if he had good pistols ; 'for,'
said he, "I havo a pair which I often use,
:md which never miss their man. I will
givo yon a proof of their excellence."
lie then called lus servant, and or
dered him to throw something in the air.
Tho man took a handkerchief from his
"Tins is too largo, said uio captain;
"find something elso," Ho took from
his pocket a dried prune. "That will
do, exclaimed his master.
Tho fruit was thrown in tho air, tho
pistol was fired, and tho pruiio was shat
tered into picoes. At this extraordinary
proot ot address, tho spectators wero
struck with astonishment. As to tho
poor lieiitiinaut, ho was more dead than
Tho captain than resumed his station,
and requested his antagonist to lire ; but
tho major interposed, hinting that it was
contrary to ino custom oi ineir country ;
that the offended paity had an undoubted
right to make tho first essay; and after
his firo was returned, trfo rest should be
decided by chance.
"My friend," replied tho captain, "if I
should suffer myself to bo influenced bv
vour opinion, this vouiiLr ifentleman
would never havo an opportunity to test
the quality ol his pistols. I must luiv
my own way iu this partioular ; aud af
ter I havo settled tho affair with this gen
tlemnii, each of his companions who
amused themselves last evening nt my
expense, and who, iiiblcad of rebtraiuing
lliu impel tiueiieu oi ineir ineiui, langui d
at Ins ridiculous lollies, must one alter
another front tho muzzle of my pistol
JNow, sir, 1 am ready. I ako good aim,
for if you miss me you oro a dead man."
Tho lieutenant presented his weapon,
drew thu trigger, and tho ball passed
tluougli tho I'.iigiishinau s hat
"Now, Mr, it is my turn," said tho ea "1 was last evening a butt for
your railleries and your sarcasms. With
out provocation, you insulted me, cover
ed me with humiliations. I was a school.
master, a tailor, a village- babbler. What
am I now) A man. And what aro you T
A miserable wretch; a poltioon, trembling
wilh fear. That death, which iu u fow
minutes you will receive from my hand,
already surrounds you Willi shadows,
tho grim tyrants lev iiniid isniieady ex
tended over you, Your lips nro livid
your eyes nro glassed, and your visatro is
: it. .i. .....!.. n. i . .. . .f. ".
ua puiu an inu winning sneti wmcn III 11
J fuw hours will en volojio your body. Your
leeblo limbs can hardly support vou t in
solence and cowardice go hand in hand
together. Hut before my bullet pierces
your heart, tell me, have you any arrange
MK'iits to make? Have you a last rulieii
to scud a lnther,a uiotlur, n tuMir, or nny
other person wh' Is d ar to cm 7 1 have
here the mntetiaU ipTosary for writing,
and willingly grant you time to make
any arrangements which you may think
1 ho young man muttered something,
of which mi huniblo "1 thank yon" was
all that was intelligible.
"in Unit cae, saul the htiglishinan,
since reconciliation between us is ab
solutely impossible, and it is necessary
that your blood should wash out the
nITronts which I have received, I beg
you to implore, by a fervent but brief
prayer, the mercy ot the I'.ternal rower.
Then, taking off his hat, ho looked
round upon the mute, terrilied spectators
of this closing scene, who, by a spon
taneous impulse, uncovered themselves
in like manner. For a moment or two
there reigned among the group a religious
and solemn silence, which was only inter
rupted by the hard breathing of the suf
fering lieutenant.
At length, seizing the pistol and point
ing it towards the lieutenant, ho kept
him for a minuto in a slate of the most
horrible suspense; then suddenly raising
the weapon, he turned towards the valet,
who stood near him, and handed him
the pistol.
"lukoit, said he; "llns ethcer is not
worthy tho honor of dying by the hand
of an r'nglislimaii."
The next day tho Ilaron do V otiit-
ted that part of tho country, and never
resinned his station in his regiment.
Cheap llrlliery.
Chief Justice l'yne, appointed in 1 09 1
to tho lviiigsJencli in Ireland, was a
notorious bribe-taker. His decisions
were always fair for the most liberal
side. He had a property on tho lllack
water, in Minister, famous as Water-
park, and a passion for good breeds of
cattle, with which tho place was well
stocked. At tho Uork ho v.-as
to sit on a case in which the claims of a
Mr. Weller wero opposed to those of a
Jlr. Wangle, and on tho day lietoro he
left, Watcipark to hold Com t, Mr. Wel
ler sent him twenty-live splendid heifers
and received a very gracious and reus
spring message in return. J he Judge
set forth next day for Cork. When dri
viug along in his eoach-and si.Y, passing
the budgo at. the Jinde liver, the road
was blocked up by a drove of cattle, a
piimo herd ol most valuable short horns.
The Chief Justice asked the man uho
was driving the cattle:
"Whoso beasts are these, my man?
"Thov belong, please your Honor, to
a great gentleman of these parts, Judge
ryne, i our Honor, replied tho coun
"Indeed! cried tho Cliiet Justice, in
in much, "and where aro you
taking tlieni nowf"
"l hey were grazing in my masters
Mr. Xangle's faun, Your Honor, and as
the assizes aro coining ou at Cork, my
master thought the Judge might like to
see that ho took good care ot them, so
I'm taking them to Watci park to show
them to the Judge."
The Judge felt the delicacy of Mr.
Xangle's mode ot giving his present
Putting his hand in his pocket ho pre
sented the herdsman with a guinea, said
ho was Judge l'yne, and "that as his
master, Mr. Mangle, had taken such
good care of his cattle ho (the Judge)
would tako good euro ot him," and or
deicd the herdnian tojdrivo the animals
to Waterpaik.
During the hearing of tho action of
Nunglo vs. Weller, the bearing of tho
Chief Justice seemed at first quite in fa
vor of thu defendant, and that gentle
man nodded often to his attorney, as
much as to say: "It is all right; I have
secured tho Judge." Hut as thu caso
went ou and it was tho province of tlio
i r t,, ,n ,.i, .,,.., ii... i... ,,.,
I tho case so strongly lor the plaintiff that,
to the dismay ot Mr. Weller, the jury
j brought iu a verdict for Mr. oS'anglo
' without leaving tho box, and tho Judgu
certified foriinniediato execution. When,
on his return fioin Minister Circuit, tho
learned Judge arrived at Watorpark, his
first question was:
"Aro tho cattle all satu)
"Perfectly, my lord,"rdplicd tho stew
"Con," said Sir Iiichard Pyne,puUing
ou bis hat, "ill havo to look at them
Tho steward led the way across tho
lawn to a glassy paddock, and there wero
touiid within UU'nly-live lino lienors
cropping thu grass as liuppv as if their
lato master retained his property.
I don t mean these, said thu Uluel
Justice, testily. "I want to sco those fif
ty short-horns which camo after 1 lett
"JJedadI tho long nnd short of it is,
them's all the cattle ou the land, except
what wo bled ouinelve-, my lord.
And so it was; ihe sagacious Mr. Nnu
g'o had so tiini d the departure of his
oaltlo as to meet tho Chief Justice on the
road. Hu had properly drilled his herds
man, who, with tho tact of his country,
lolished the plot of "doing" tho Judge,
for Mr. Nanglu had no great faith in
tho integrity of that functionary. The
nidges coach was no sooner out ol
sight than tho herdsman turned his cat
tie, and beloio nightfall they wero once
morointho tnmiliar lields ot jur. Nan
glo, whiro they were rcarul.
Experimenting on tho depth at which
wheat should be covered, the following
results wero obtained, ut lilty grains
denosited nt the depth of eight inches
only two oamu up, and llieso formed no
heads, at seven inches one-fourth came
up but formed no heads. Ten out of
thu fifty came up when covered live Inch
es deep, but had defective heads. At
four inches coveiing there wero a few
perlcct heads, but most wero defective
ui those eoveieti three inches nil camo
up, but tho bebt yield was from those
covered only two inches deep.
Tho worn look and miserable feelings
of thoso closely confined in mills, ur nt
desks or work tables, nro caused by weak
stomach, kidiiexsor bowels, and show
tho necessity lor somu mild tonio to
build them up. No ono need suffer thus
who will use Paikers (Singer Tonic: for
without intoxiemtiug it has such a bene-
lleieiit iiellon on these sluggish organs us
to cleanse tho poisonous mutters from tho
svstem, that rosy ehee-ksand good health
ami spiius mo Mon Drought liark again.
ptTt. nr rnriir t V Vol. VV Mil nl
A Very Slinliliy (llil House.
The pretentious structure nt Washing
ton whose whiteness has lor nearly a
eiiturv riven loit thennineof tho Into
House, bv which it is known throughout!
the civilized world, is eiiconipasel with
out by malarial breezes from the Potomao
Hats and poisoned witlnii by venomous
gases trom iinpericcuy trapped sower
connections. To put a family to livo in
such a placuis almost as bad as what was
brought to light a few days ago in tho
lower partof Walnut street, where sever-
il children had tiled in oho unpleasant
dwelling owing to tho noxious vapors
thoy wero compelled to inhale. There is
more style about tho White House than
iu the cheap and gloomy tenement, but
foul air, which is no respecter ot persons,
is much the samo iu one as in the other.
When tho White House was built it
was a gorgeous structure for its day. Its
original cost was over a quaitur of a
million dollars. Improvements and addi
tions have since brought its cost, with
that of the grounds around it, to six or
seven tinicsthatsnm. The house lias been
repaired and tinkered and patched and
mended until it is now something like an
old pair of boots which havo been half
soled, heeled and footed a dozen times
and badly need now tops. All that it con
tains m the linoot modern improvements
has been added iu such a fragmentary
way that it is like patches of new cloth
on an old garment. When it was built
modern idonsof heat and ventilation and
water works weio not known. The Po
tomac Flats wero not what thoy aro now.
They havo increased in size, in llatuess
and in malarious potency. To stay in the
White House at night is to risk an attack
of illness. As a residence it is no longer
useful. To expect tho Chief Magistrate
of tho nation to live there is absurd and
unreasonable. It has long been known
that the place is not desirable to stay in,
especially in the glimmer. For years its
occupants havo tound satety andcomlorl.
by going just, outside tho city to tho Sol-
diets Home. lucent investigations into
tho plumbing work of the A bite House
have shown that there are somo object
ionable features which would not bo al
lowed to exist iu a third olas-i inn.
Nor is there any site on tlio whole
twenty-five-acres of ground in the White
House enclosure on winch a residence tor
the President and his family could wisely
lie erected. Jlalana trom those pestifer
ous flats poisons tho wholo territory,
i ho llats are growing worse and worse
every vour. It is suggested that thev be
drained. The suggestion is as sound as
it is venerable. It was made long, lo'ng
ago. To drain tho llats decently can be
done only by filling them up. It would
tako a dozen years and cost a million a
year. Somo of llieso days-it will havo to
be done. Meantime a new Kxeoittivo res
idence is needed. Thero aro plenty of
places in Washington for it. where the
ground is higher and the air purer. We
do not need such a costly building as
kings and emperors are proud to dwell
in. Half a million would pay fnronequite
good enough. The Chief Magistrate of
this country has a right to a home. Now
he has no houe of his own to live in, but
only some rooms in an awkward barn of
a public buihling,thi) rest of which is mado
up of offices and is a tumping ground
for the people of America and all the
rest of ci cation who choose to go there.
Tho President and his family should have
a house iu which ho and the may bo as
private as the humblest citizen in his own
threo-story brick.
It is an evidence of the phenomenal
strength of Mr. Garfield's constitution
that ho has lived for weeks as ho has in
that old house, breathing tho mephitio
air waited into his bed-chamber from
thoso villainous flats, No wonder ho
wants to bo out. Let us hope ho will
soon bo able to go whore ho can breathe
almost any other atmosphere. One of the
first things Congress should do when it
next assembles is to decree the erection
of a new and decent "While House." It
will bo an appropriate national thank of
fering for tho recoverViof tho President.
,, ';,
Komu I.nulliiK questions.
young man who looked as if ho had
a heap of things on his mind, but strug
gled hard to appear outwardly calm, put
a $." bill on thu desk of a Detroit lawyer
the other day and said:
"1 want to ask you a low leading epila
"Go ahead," was the reply, as tho
money was epiickly thrust out of sight,
"If I am engaged te a girl and I no
back on her, what can sho do?"
"Suu you for breach of promise."
"Hut if sho goes back on mo what can
1 dot"
"Hunt up another."
"Urn! Suppose I had presented her
with a $2 fan, a pair of bracelets,a para
sol and a ring t
"lheu shos so much ahead.
"HI bclievo that her infatuation for
another is but a passiutr whim and I
llourish with a revolver and talk of suicide,
what i hen )
nor miner would probably jack you
up and elrop you in tho first mud puddle."
"Uini Miipposo 1 had presented her
mother with n 20 shilling umbrella )"
" 1 hen shu 11 Keen elry.
"And Iht bi oilier with an accordion V
'I'heii he'll worry tho neighbors."
"Suppose, sir, 1 had, for tho sake of
making m self solid uiihthe old man,
presented him with a Sslu watch dosrt
"lie Ii set, hint iiiion you if you have
any iroiiuie.
"Iml Have I got no redress)
"i es, sir; go and lick tho fellow who
has stolen away your gill's affielions."
J II do it.
"inaei to near it. ill iteteiid your caso
lor 5L'u.
'Como to think of it, ho's n bigger
man than I am."
"Then let him lick you nnd I'll mako
it oost hun ssriU,
"Uml I'll think of it."
And tho young man took himself out
A servant girl wrote from New Yoik
te her friends in Hanger, Me., that sho
works in ti house culled llats, and that
they go from eino story to nnnthoriti ven
tilators and send their washing to tho
The scales used for weighing gold in
thu ass'iy olhees nro so delicate that one
ghini o froinasqiiiiit-i'yed man will throw
inein on naiauce.
The idea that nolhing harder than di
nmniids could be made has been oxiilo
...1 C? I I.. , .. , ,
batch ol biscuits.
When a man is doubled up with pain
i would you can iiiut twinst
Wl1 ".'l" l
one inch tlio
Two inches. IO
Thrco Indies 4 on
Vour inrliei iM
ounrteroolumn.... n
llnir imnii li'.uo
Olio column nn.fw
VAnri iirnlptTipiit nirnhin ntiarterlv.
mnt flilvf itlnrmcnUi rnii't li 11 l.l for licfoit) Vnscrtfd
ejtccpt. wliero partial b ire oceouma.
U-m advctll semcnta two dollars per Inch for Ihreo
Insertion, and at llmt rate for additional insertions
without reterenon to loncth.
Kxefutofii, Administrator's, and Auditors noUces
three dollars. Mint U inl.l lor when Inserted.
Tmnaient or IamI notices, ten cents a lino, rcgultr
Mrnrtlnements lull mica.
tarts in tho "lluslnoss Directory column, one
dollar xtr year for Htich lino.
Odd Items.
Every man is fond of sinking tho
nail cm tho head, but when it happens to
be his linger nail his enthusiasm becomes
wild and incoherent.
Querv: What is the best family med
icine in the woild to regulate tho bowels,
purify the blood, remove costiveiiessand
biliousness, aid digestion nnd tono up tho
whole system? Truth and honor compels
us to answer, Hop Hitters; being pure,
perfect and harmless. Sco another
column. Toledo Jllude.
man who has lost two fingers from
his right hand has his own private opin
ion about Fourth of July celebrations.
man has been found who mado somo
money out of the law. He borrowoel it
from a judge and left the country.
M'lXlt's four (lltUT. WISH.
Physicians employ Spoor's Port Grape
Wiiiein their practice iu all oases wheio
a pure wine is called for, and do nil in
their power to foster and encourage its
production, for the reason that pure I'oit
Wine is a difficult thing to gel, and lin y
arc loth to presciibe a doubtful or infe
rior aitiele. Hundreds of New York
doctors have visited Spcer's vineyards,
but twelve miles from New York, and
examined and tested the wine. For sale
by C. A. Kleim, druggist, Hlooms
burg, Pa.
Some geologists havo contradicted
Moses; but ns all geologists havo con
tradicted each other, Moses stands about
as well as anybody.
Wo should not suffer from a cough,
when a few doses of Ayor's Cherry Pec
toral will cure. Time, money, comfort,
health, all aro saved by it.
"I suffered for more than a year with
indigestion. I- was very bilious, occa
sionally having a dumb chill, followed'
by fevers, which prostrated me. 1 took
Simmons I.iver Hrgulntor. and am thor
oughly satisfied that it is all that is re
commended for indigestion and bilious
complaints, for mine was certainly a.
stubborn case. Many of my friends
speak of il, and they all agree that it
possesses all the virtues you claim for it.
A n.niglitowcr,eonductor C. Il.R.,Ga."
A magician in Chicago is drawing
crowded houses. Ho performs the trick of
concealing a letter so that his wife can't
find it.
At a recent dinner an eminent grocer
was urged to contribute something to
tho occaion, if "'twas but a little fueled
i.ovi: Youii NHiiiiiiioi:.
When your friend or neigfibor is la
boring under bodily allliction, indiges
tion, biliousness, constipation, causeel by
impurities of blood, or disoiders of tho
kidneys or liver, don't fail to recommend
Hiii-dock P.lood Hitters, a Hiiro and safo
remedy. Price, 1, tiial size 10 cents.
The man whoincited a Nebraska mob
to lynching has been hanged. That is
to say, hu stole a pair of mules anil was
the man lynched.
Women's lights: "Sir William Ham
ilton said: "Ou earth theie's nothing
great but man." Thanks, Sir William;
ho, thanks awlully. Now, what havo
you to say, Mrs. Livermore?
"I have used your Spring Hlossom feu
dyspepsia, headache, and constipation,
aud find it has done me a great deal of
good. I shall recommend it to my
friends. Henry llcrtoletti, DO Main
street, Huffalo. May 21th." Prico ill)
cents, trial bottles 10 cents.
A boy iu New Jersey is "living with a
bullet holu tluougli his brain," and bis
parents uro afraid that he jvill nuver bo
good for anything save to edit a green
back paper Aomxtown Juntlil,
Somebody asks: "What is a hornet?"
It is a baby lightning rod that supplies
its own elect i icily.
Mr. J. Marsh, Hank of Toronto, Out.,
wutes: "liilioiisness and dyspepsia seem
to havo grown up with me; having been
suflercr Jor ycuis. 1 havo tried many
remedies, but wilh no lasting result until
I used vour Hurdoek Hlood Uitters.
I'hoy have been truly a blessing to mo
tml I cannot siieak too highly ot them.
Price, $1, trial sizo 10 cents.
"Tethered is the Hull 1 log, Jim Can
Come" has taken thu place oi that other
popular song, "Ijupty is tho Craello,
JJaby s ejone. (Jhianjo irwunc.
II AY i r.vint.
Messis. White it liui'dick, druggists,
Ithaca, N. Y. I can recimmiuiid lily's
('ream Halm to relieve all in rsons suffer
ing with rose ceild and liny fever. I have
been a sufferer from the same complaints;
havo had great relief by lining tho balm.
nave recommended it to many oi my
friends for Catarrh, and in all cases
where they havo used tho Balm freely
huo been cured. T. Kcnuoy, dry goods
merchant, Ithaca, N. Y. Sept. 0, 1880.
Trenton, N. J., Oct. 28, 1HS0. I havo
sufli red for eight years with Hay Fever
during July, August and September. In
the bemntung ot July th s year, L resort
ed to lily's Cream Halm, and havo been
entirely free from the fever siuco tlio
first application, i can recommend it as
i cure, r.dwnrd e... Jiiiiman, at the JNew
jersey Slate Aisenal. Price GO cents.
A series of fatalities, accidents and
crimen has occurred iu Switzerland this
Summer. Since the earthquake of July
21, and the htoim which inflicted losses
estimated at ten inillii.n francs, seven
men havo been drowned in tho Lake of
w w 6 ir .
um run ts.) 13.11
i.m afltf lSnn
IH 7.5) 11.0) lm
r.rtO 9 0) 13.00 !l(IO
ifi.oo si
1 1 no jjny wt.Oti ifton
jr. no saoo i.oo 100.00
tho Four Cantons by tho overturning of
n Ixiat; a peasant of tho neighborhood
hits elrowned his lunatic lnother in the
sumo lake; three German toiuists have
lot their lives by a boat accident on
I.ako Constance; three young ladies,
white bathing in tho Aar, were swept
away by tho currint and drowned; a
young man has been drowned in tho
l.ako of Hienne, and several deaths havo
been caused by lightning, suiihlroko nnd
the falling of tiets. During a storm a
colleisal statuo of Helvetia, which hail
been erected to do honor to the Federal
rifle meeting at Fribouig, was blown
elowii, nnd ono member of tho Heception '
Committee was killeel On iho samo
day the muidered body of a young man
was found iu n public pink and there is
no eiluo to the ciiminul. A few days
oarlicr, a iiumbir of ciiminul lunatics,
who hud bee n confuted in a piitoii in I'n
terwablen, wei o allow e d to go out for a
walk, whe n they till toek to iilght, uml
nro still ut lmge. As some of the in hao
committed inurdcu, the people t) tie
district aro iu n Mute of guat nlimu ; i d
go mined.