HIE COLUMBIAN. iii.oiuisiaitii, nn hat, Atduvr lo, usi, I'UIIMO HAtns. ' The aelmlnUtralors of William vVhlte, e0. ceanerf, will expoco rcul citato to public nale on tho premise In Scott townnlilp on Salnrtlny, Hrpteniliei 3nl, al one p, in. I. K. Krlrltui'im, n liniuWtrator of lMer Alp' derenml, olli-m valuable 1 iiida of aIcI ileeaetl,ln Ileulon town hip, At private Sale. 8- 0 mlirilUcmriit. Tho cxHiilomif Jo-i-tili 1'olw, deceit-pil will eell triil isliiio on B.itimber '22ml, '23nl niul '21 li. So ncWi r Iscim-nt. Cratnp, crnmp, crnmp, Hit-1 a arc matching, Cheer npi cucumbers havo coinu, An-I In tho il ctor'acire, Wo iniiy soft y, bollly swear, Unit we'll never eat tho bletsed things again, The Afrlrnn church t-n in i Hireling will begin on fcuntley next In the grove hi Unpen. Tho Mt'htuiir county D'tniictiillc couvtntlon will ho hclit at Dutivlllu next Montlay. Camp m clings are in full Monm nnd iho at tendance nppoars to lie lnigir thnn ever. In tho precenl wormy couilltlnn of the M ick bftF, vermifuge ought lo prove n taking bn.lt. Thomas MiCoimick fell uml broke IiIa nrm, abjve tho elbov, on the ilny of tho Conven tion. Tho Oainwlma Cornel band parcel through lown on Saiutelity evening oti heir way to a hstival at Hpy. Snapping luriles are nnmetoiis In certain walets thin foncon anil whero they are found fieh are unusually BCiirci". The Krloiidsblp Kite Con pany propone hoh' Itga Ftstivfcl on Friday nnd Saturday eve ning?, August 2fit!i and 27th. Tho Signal Service i ffitera report ihaton the 12tb itipt , not a drop of rain fill ntij where in the United Slater, a fuel novcr before rioonled. Kentucky bus pioduced a mule with tight leg-. Think of ibo posnibililioi of kicking in that animal, nt a proptrdegree ofexaptratlon. Two lotP, with pond boi'so, barn and out buildings on oach, for wile, in liloomburg. In ,.tf. 0f William Kuickuaum. july 29 tf Tho recent cases of small pox havo been ol a mild type and this is thought lo indicate the dying out of the el sene. Thoee ho wore first attacked were the greatest euflerets. Do poor farmer ever niict wilh filal acci dents' We ai-k btcaura in iho telegraphic re porls of mich mifforiunes, the victim is inva riably spoken of as a "wealthy farmei." Truly riches brii g lots of Iroublo in this world, a The railroad men ol the L. & H. road, Willi their wivis and swtelheiirls had a piiuic at Hupert on Saturday. A special tram of live coaches conveyed ihe plraeure nekers from Kingston. A new kicd of potato tug has made its a peaiance ana feedB upon the potatoes, nol mo lesiing tho tops. If they are any meaner than the original bugs we're sorry to hear of their advent. The Lycoming County Cimmissioners are to be brought to trial, and subtcriptions ure asked from the tax payers of ihe couuly lo di fray the One of ihe uble.it lnwyeis in Iho Stalo has been engngul lo conduct the case. It is necessary to havou good deal of fieidom in Republican conventions in this county if it were otherwise, the manager cnnldiiol appoint Iiloinn-burg men tori present outside town hip which Bend no delegates. fri... ii . u iim.ni nt tliinnliice will bere- Ion ci lur. Ashland AiUvcate. Mutb lutlon or waleimelon? 1'uIIhUU Unon A Gxed tint of course, something that can't clopo. Charles Coleman, Elijuh Iless and Milton Heps went lo Elk Kun Point, near tho old Hess tavern, Sugarloaf township, on the lllh mst., and killed ten rattlcsnakex, one of which was four fpet fie inehiH lone. Three more werti seen, but escaped. Marvlai.ders say that a watt riuelon should bo for two days on ice bt fore being ealen, nnd should ihen It-ealen between meals. 'o, we have not the ftintci-t idea why a melon should be kepi to long, nor do we believe it would prove fatal if ealen al dinner, for instance. Tho district attorney of D.iuphin county has determined to enter suit againt all the physi cian in that county who havo failed lo regis ter as rtqiiiied by law We comnier d this fact to those of our phypicians who have neglected to perform this duly. It i belter to pay tho prolbonotary one dollar, than to give a justice of (hepcacoone hundred dilhirs. Samuel Miller, who was arrested and impris oned in Willismsport several days ago.charged with causing the dtath of his fithtrby poison so as to obtain the insurance on bis life, h" been dbebargid from custody. The charge could not in any way lo mbsianliated, and the coroner jury are censured for rendering a ver dict on insufficient evidence. A paragraph is going tho rounds of the press advisini! parents 10 let tbtir children go hare foot -for a pari of the day at least, during the summer months. If the suggestion i ailoplttl there will be any number of youngsters wilh cutandbrnisid feet and that isuboul all it will amount tc. Hcallh can bo maintained without discarding shoes. Steuben Built r. the oldest ci Uen of Wilkts Ilarre. ditd on Friclsy laM, al the advanced age of ninety two vears. llo was the son of Col. Zebulon Butler, who ci mmandeil me ?ci- tlers at the nmsacro of Wyoming in ma. Mr. Buller was Ihe editor of the Wyoming UrraM, the firH paper ettablMied in I.uzerne county, in 1818. For the btntfil of those young mm who smoke cigarettes, we would mention ihe fact that thofo injurious articles are largtly made of tobacco ibiaintd from cigar slumps picked upon iheiliettB. The New York llaald has been inveligaling Ihe mailt r and Anils strong Cfroimdrf fnr llinli.lirf. Slick locigirs or pipe', boys, and you will have better tobacco lo smoke. Wherever black bass bnve been caught of late, their flesh has been found to teem with worms. These naraltC3 are yellow and about as large as a gram of wheat. Their presence dooa not affect ihe hcallh of iho fih, which urn an Itvalv nml ni-iivH aa ever. It is thought that iIih wnrma ro of Ihe some nature as the trichina worms found in pork. Pui.'t eat bas till cold weather sets In. An Iowa husband ongoing homo found hlf wife curouslnu with four men. He auroltly got Ihe five cireiidus Into fivo different rooms, Tockid thedoors,andlhtn tlua-hed them sound ly, one by one. This could happen in Sunbury any day if ceitaln husbands hud any "and. in.. . ..i i.t ....nnimnnt nt itnmorall IlllUbll BIKIUKIHK .nja...."- ly. Can It be possible that ihe moral atmos- .1 r. ...... . II. I., tal.ili.il piltre oi ounuury is so itirrini - Biistnn (Mass.) Cultivator Mr. M P. M.,fHP. Weslboio. Mu-s., men tlons to us Ihe gMtilyli'B information that St. Jacob's Oil nlieved him nt a very reveiu UckofSciftlio rheuiuatlnu, und Is an eictl liptlhinir, THE John Allstntt speaks well of tho shaving and hair cutting limine In Krto, lo. Ho say, be is doing much belter than he anticipated w-.cn, noving ,., Jolltl . 7, " I , il tli'-ervemeueci m ' , A now counterfeit In the shape of a mnerter I dollar has madelts appearance In Philadelphia me oogus piece is well executed, and except. rg ny expert, is somewhat ilifllcult lo delect. It wool I be will for our merchants and others to keep a shaip louloiit for them, as they will In all probability Ket Into this section of tho Stiio. Mensrs. S,cl,uylfr.t llolino of ihls town have c minds fjr 8'ipplylng the hoiliiiif npparalns for llmtUillinit ho ist- and stmo room of A. J. 1' Ih'l'g, a hardware merchant of Shanaiiitnah. Schuylkill county, and aWi for the public school building of Iho same town. Wo are gad lo know ih it lhcgo.,dworkmausblpofour lownsinni m tluly appreciated abroad. A correspondent of the Sulllvati county Dan- ncml slates that lb- averse- detiih of f.nwl' Like is nbout thirte feet and that It nnvern nboiu onii hiimlrid nnd lnl ltn writi r in ihe I'hiladclnhk 7 that the 1 ike waCOO acres In exentand thai no bottom had b-en found nt a depth of fiOO feel. The TiWsiirlhl,' was very Mailable but dm not epin to have been conspicuously exact a in l.icts. Old dicks of iho kind that our ance- torsii'cd lo haveslaiidliig In their siltlnL' rooms and kltchei s that tell the davs of the moniln Ihe movements of the moon and heavenly bod- les ami slriko wilh a found that reverberates through the whole house, are becoming quite fnshlnnablp. But a few years neo thev nspd to sill at v.ndue st one tlolliir lo three dollar and four dollar', but they h-ivo now gone up from twelve tlollnrs lo fifly dollars. A slrange old genilemm cmo near being Irowned in the canal on Tnptilnv nft. iuiu iritnns wenuo tno rtfcue. Slinme on tho party who pinhtd him into the water. Danville liecoid. l-l. ..1 e-i Well, it doesn't seem lo bp just tho prontr thing, to push elderly gentlemen in the canal I list to seo them dionn. Queer ide.iaof fun Ihey havo in Danville. Water anakci abound in FUhlngcrcek and are killed when found, becausp ihey ro crawl ing and unnghlly reptiles and not beciuse they are consulerid dangerous. And vet it would appear that water strikes can b.lo. A young man who lives at Newnmnvillp was severely bitten by one of then snakes, whilst fishing a few d iys ago, and iho physician who wa cil'cd to dres the wound, extracted a fang fully three- fourths of an im h long. Dr. .1. K. Evans bas no small pox p-ttients at preseni. He lut aticnil.d the Z'minernian familv, all of whom are now convalescent Mr. Zimmerman had a mild firm of the dis- one, and when hp wi taken his three children hadiolbttn vaciitid. The operation was performed on all ot them wilh tho fi Bowing re sult: With two of them vaccination was sue- cessful and bolh had mild attacks of the di eiw; the other had conlluent small pox and was very near to death, as vaccination failed in Us case. This seems lo prove the ifiicacy of the operation beyond a doubt. Charles A. Ashburner, and II M. Chance M. D , of Ph lidelphia, and Professor E. M. Dooliitle, of the Lehigh University, a com mis fion appointed to make the Smle geological survey of the Anlhracile coal fields, have nr- ivtd in Wilkes-IWre and commenced their labors. A frame building has been erected on tho Court House grounds and therein will be calculated the exact latiluleai d longitude. It is thought that two y.ars and a half will bo re quintl in complete the survey of ihe Wyoming coal li- Ids. Seteral well uuihentiraitd cases of dealh from cholera in ihicity were yeittrdry repwrl ed. isaanton Republican. Scranton commits more crime to the squire fo ,t lhaii any other city in the olate. Wu- liamsport Oazelle and Jlullelin. Scranton n worse off lhan Wilkes-Barre. It not only has small pox in its suburbs, but hat choleia in its melropolitan conhno-". tvnion- Leader. Judging from the above cheerful lit'le no- ticej, Scranton must be an avrcealile placo or residence If you escape the roughs th cholera or small pox gets you. Mr. S. P. Hanly was unanimously chosen IVsidtnt of Ihe Democratic county convention held al lib om-burg on Tuesday. It is the first time this t fiice has been given lo anv one bill a resident of Blooin-burg and lb- ch'-ice rell t'tcil crttlil on the delegaies a-aenil led. Mr. Hanly is held In high ei-teem by all who know him and especially by the peoflof this place Tluswas tlnniuutrattu by the Inuper- ance Cornet Baud, who sertnail.d him on Tuendav evening, after his arrival home. Ber wick Independent. The above is correct except as to the pres deney of the county conventions. Several gen tlemen, nol re-ddints of liloomsburg hayo beon chosen to presid-. Good fresh advertisements are not the least interesting and valuable portion of a newspa per. Advertisements are news. They tell read era what they want to know; where goods can be bought, what they are sold for, who has houtes to rent or sell, who wishes to purchase real es tate, where employment and labor can be ob tained, and a thousand other things that they want to know. Il is an error to suppose that only the editors and reporters supply news worth roading. The skillful advertiser lur- nishes a good share of it, and If there are any roaders who fail to look over the advertising columns ol their paper, thoy miss a good deal nf information that will prove vuluible lo them. One of Ihe most cheering signs of the limes s the in. reased interest taken by the people in sanitary matters. For years past, too much In iliflVrcnco has prevailed and, asa coni'itiuence there has been a great amountof sickne-w which . mild bnve been prevented by a reonabtc at lo.ition to the laws of health. During th- nrocnt Summer ihe streets, alleys snd privtte grounds have been more or les thoroughly cleaned and Iho result cannot but prove eail. factory, liloomsburg, in common wilh oilier towns in Ihe Stale, is in bt tier order to-day, lhan ever before. It is beginning lo be under stood ihul cleanliness isindlspeusalleto health, ml Uml no community can hope to be free from tliBease, where fillh and dirt are allowed lo accumulate. The prevalence of small pox has had Bomelhing to do wilh the cleansing of public and private premises and, to this extent, has been a bltsing in disguise. If any of our roaders intend lo emigrate to Iowa, the following promissory notes in use In that Stale, will be found of interest. Iho .f- yulAdvuer of Chicago i responsible for the form, which may ho coimiilereil thorougn; "Without relief fiom appraisimei t, slay or exemption I iws, ami in cise sun is inmiiiiitai for Ha collect Ion ,uny th i ng andeveiy hiugin my be levied upon and sold inclu ding the last suit of t lollies, the school books and food nf my children, with the cntlm or cot fins any of the fsmily may bo buried in; and ihutuvurv arliclo issold and there re mains anything due on Ihe note, 1 agree that the setvirt" of myself and family shall lie sold ..niii il, ,t. inuiid nl' ihe note be satisfied. And I further agree that in case suit is lnliluttd for lis collection, to pay rraonanie aiiornejr iroi-, in..nihr with boanl bills, hack hire, saloon I.IHh and other miscellaneous expenses for U.icir ml near relatives whils suit Is pend I,,,. A nil 1 further aeree lo live Oil corn bread and sorghum molassta until Ihe demands ol this note are satisfied wilh interest at ihe rale of ten percent. Irom tiaie, payaiuoannuauy. "Women and children take Mall Hitlers." 'A Perficl food medicine." "Not a vile rum hitler." "A perfect renovator of exhausted nature," lMsl succttsful tufdicine tvtr coupoatided COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOM8BU IU J, (JOLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ! M. C. Woodward on Wednesday arreteil six boys fjr Irespalng on Ihn truck patch ol Mr. "''t " ! ' rm, i u .uhfi n"d ,"e" befnti J, II. Mniz- Kmi,, who held . lof R Mi"nK nlltl "l'Chargeil tho . Areyou going to paint? II so,send lo Henry Hcuv, Monlour I'slnt Works, Rupert, l'a.. for sample card and prices of Slrlctlv Pure hlle I,ead. Stale Colors, Iron Paints. Pultv &c , and save Iho whulesale nnd retail tiiofit. You can mix your own colors, from best maler- wilh Pure Linseed Oil.for 75 cents to $1.20 per gallon, Respectfully Yours 4c, apr. 16-Cm I! Ilnhy S. Rett. Sinco tho last lsue of iho Cot.u.MlHAN sever al esses of small POX havo hpn rennrled. but none of them of such gravity as to cnuo serious npiirohenslons. Tho names of the nfilicted Persons nre as follows ! Hv.-in tone", Kaft Street; Joeph Hcs, on lUllroad Streo', between Fourth and Plfilij Ida Stumor, Scott town; Mrs. Hilemari, Wot Street, be tween Third and Fourth) Infant of James Van- Horn, Seott town. Mr, Joins ha been In the employ of the Biard of Health and hasneces- sully ben much expo-cd. All of thccaes are of a mild lypp, except the Infant. The babe wa born ab'iut tho time Its father ulid, and may succumb to tho dl'ease owing lo lis ex treme youth and weakness No feats are en tertained by our people, ns tho dleao seems lo be In'lng IU virulent character and asnmlrg a mil ler firm. Tho sick nio receiving excellent treatment and every nitans has bom taken to prevent Ihn spread of the disease. I'EIINONAt.. Miss Fannie Semis is vi-iling Mls-t Annie Sloan. Oio. A. Clark is spending a few days in the city and al Ihe sea shore. Mises Ada aid May Btower aro visiting friends nt Fhamixville, Col. Fret to was obliged lo return home from Li wi-' Lako on Monday, on account tf illness. Mrs. Kothermel and daughter, of Philadp - phin have been the guests of Mrs. Dr. McKclvy, for a few days. The family ol J. H. MiiIjp, Esq. havo re turned In mo from a ten dnvr.' visit lo tho Mountain drove campgrounds. Dr. J. B. McKelvy's recovery has been slow but he is now well enough lo attend to seme of his practice. Col. James Fi'zpntritk, of Ilna'clon, Re publican cat didite for Tna-i'irer, of Luzerne county, fpint a couple of d-tys in town last wiek. lie has many coidial ftiei d. hero who wibh him succtss in hisciu v.iss. WYOMING S1MINA1Y AM) t( JIMI 1 CJIAI. COLLEUK HaB accommodalioi s for 175 boarder" and 200 day students. Prepares students for all the leading colleges. Una fivo graduating ci uises: a normal coursp, for tiatbeis; a German Pro fessor of Music; compitml leathers in French, German and Paintiig. Disciline, artntal The Commercial College has no superior, pro vides two banks, five telegraph cflicts, whole, salo and retail coal deparimrnp, instruction in Laws of Business, Political Economy. &c. Next lei in opens August 31st. Commercial students address Rev. L L. Spisgue, A. M , all others Rev. D. Coptland, D D., Principal, Kingston, Pa. july 23-Gw DKSPlilsATE ITALIANS. Ou Monday last Joseph A. Connelly, at the instance ofcoumclor Collins, lodged in form a lion before M, E. Walker, Esq , charging Wil liam Flynn, boa of the gang of Italians nt work the N. !c W. B. R. R., wiih carrying con- cealtd weapons, A warrant was isstittland placed in Iho hands of Constable Winaus, who iu company with II. J. Yaple, proceeded to the place where the Italians were at woik over a mile below Coal moot. Mr. Winans succeeded in arresting bis man, when some thirty of the Italians came to Flyon'i relief wilh atotes, picks andshovtls, rtleasit-g him from the custody of ihe officer, and handling him quite roughly, while Mr Yaple baiely ta- caped with bis team from tbeir clutches. Mr1 Winans returned to town and procured a w,u- rini for twenty-six of the party, and with sey eral policemen succeeded in making nrresls corly on Tuesday morning. They wore brought bef ire 'Squire Valker,and aftor being told the nature of tho eh urge against them, through an interpreter, Ihey a-ked not to I e sent to prison but be allowed logo hack to work, which was granted. Flynn and some ten others escaped and have fh d the county. Ho ia said to be a des perate chaaracter; would not work nor let the rest do so, and il was owing to Ms control over the men that got them into trouble. A few days sinco he shot Iwico at n ci lored man named Hawkes, who was passing, intending as be raid , lo kill him, Mountain Echo. PHYSICIANS ItEOlSTBIlED. The following uames havo been added to the register, since those last published : Benjamin Frsnklin Sharpies?, bom in Cata- wissa ; graduated p W. 1), from Jelterson Medical College, March 23rd, 1880 .-resides In Numidia. Christian Lcriicer, born in EDzabethvillp, Dauphin county ; graduated ns M. D., from the University of Pennsylvania, -March 12lb 1877 : resides in Buckhorn. Frederick W. Redeker, born in Slreken, Prussia; graduated ai M D from Jeffirson Medical College, March 12th 1878; rcsidc-i in Espy. James Boyd McKtlvy, born in BlooinsbutB ; graduated as M. D. from the University ol Pennaylvanii April Sth 1818; resides in Bloomsburg. Everett W. Rulter, born in Philadelphia 5 graduated as M. D. from the Hahnemann Medical Collegp, Philadelphia, March 6ib 187-1, resides iu Berwick, Jonathan It. Gordner, born in Franklin township, Lycoming county ; has no diploma; has practiced in Light Street and Berwick since 1871; resides in Berwick, David T. Krebs, born in Paradle,Northum berland couuly j graduated at M. D. from Ihe Pennsylvania Medical Colltge, March 01 1857 resides in Light Street. Reuben H. Liltle,born in Kingston, Luzorne county : graduated as M, D. from Casileton Medioal Colltgp, Vermont, July Clh, IK-Ki; re sides in Berwick, Frank 1', Hill, born in Lime Il'dg-, gmdu ted as M D. from Jefferson Medical College, March Hth 1870; resides in Berwick, Alex, B. McCrea, born in Mtuch Chunk Carbm county; graduated as M D. from Long Island Medical College, N. Y., June 1865; resides in Berwick. George L. Regan,bnrn at Union Iron Works Berks county) uinditated as M, 11. from the University of Vermont, June 18U5 resides In Berwick, Deaths. BeitNlNOEB. At Rohrsburg, August 2nd Mary Jennetla Ilerningor, aged 1 year and 7 months. Moons, At Iiohrsburg, July 0h, Maty O, Moore, aged U years, 9 month and 10 days, Bahukii. At Itoliisburg, August Oth, lieu ben Jackson Barber, aged 1 year, 0 months and M days. The above three eleatbs occurred from dys- enlery, BnowN-In Uohrsburg, Aug. 11, Willie El fred, son of Isaaa and Agnus Brown, agrd year Jd 3 months, A "Mutual Ao-eMinent liirtli Asioolath n" htn been oiganlicd at Laiirelton, It iirivHt rf.M7"T W,' mm ininiig ' fn wnii mo t Amplify one i Her c in have lliei infants (burn nfior one Jeal'n mai- riago) Insured. That if, they can secure from SI.OOOlo $3600 when Ihoir Infint Is born,aftor onoyearof married life. A policy of $500 costs $4. CO, nnd for $3000, $'21. All members are taxed $1 per annum, payabio soml-annu- liy. To Illustrate Iho operations of lbs com pany better, it may he saldi A and B marry. They tako nut a policy for $1000 at once Thoy pny $0 fbr II, and $1 additional as yearly tints. At the end of their first voar of mnrriul llfo they pay another Instalment of $1 annual dues. Then, ns soon thereafter as a child Is born to them thoy nr: lo receive full face value of Ihoir policy. No blrlh within a year nfitr tnartisgo is paid for. No allowance Is made for twins or triplets. Each number must pay $1 assessment whenever n child Is horn In the c!ns. There nre no assesmienta iho first year, but iho iiiuiiisl dues must bo paid, no mailer how long tho child live". It must bo born alive, however. FISltlNtJ foil HASH. Now that tho sims in l-ir ha. fldiing Is In Its primp, llip following pr-tcilcil hints In rgnd to the most siicecsliil meihiiiU of catching th, so gimey denizens of our river-', will be o Inter est lo our readers who are Im linnd to nn at- reciition of lim pis. ittoriiil art, e-pet islly rs tho hints are derived from that, woll known nr il Authentic somen of information, S,-ib On en. For hail he ndvi-es the minnow or tin- sod. or, (huh or shim r specie e, fresh water crabs or crawfish, end the di lienor htllgrcmitp. In usinir the mil in Inituuert the ho, k in the tuiddle f he !mcl , just above the bark bone, re- Itiig laVtn n t remove any ofthescnlts or otherwise mar l lie natural appearance- of the minnow, The buss seize the minnow by dart ing nt it and generally carries It fivo or six feet beforo it overcomes the forco of the rush, when he slops iinlil he gi ts iho head fai most, an op- rnticn whieh occupies n full minute. As soon as the bass gels the minnow swallowed, or well on its way, be starts olf in search of other food. Tho angler should not jeik his lino ts foon as ho sees that a fish hasstruck his bait, butshonld give him line until ho conies lo a stop. Then miiko a chert, quick strike, so that if yon do not hook the fi'h Ihe bait will not bo removctl from him more lhan a foot or so. as in esse of n misi tho chances aro that Ihe fish will seize the bait ngnin. If fishirg without a float and you mifs slrikirg Iho fish, let the bait settle to the bottom; nnd the fish will think lie hsskillcd Ihe minnow, ar.d in nine ca'csout of ten will go fi r it again. In baiting with crabs, it is a good plan to brcnk I fi ono of tho pinch- er-', i) th.it ti e crab is partially disabled and cannot ruwl nt d-r roots or stones, and thus bide iisrif nr get the hock fast, Tho black bos will seldom take the crab buit when it's off the bollom, as the fish decs not seem to know what it is swimming about in Iho water. In fishing wilh crabs, it is perhaps best to do wilhrut II e flcnl, and the red may also be dispensed with if desirrd. To put (hp crab on the bonk, inserl the hoe.k on lhour.der elder through ihe sccord wrinkle of the tail from the body, allowing the book lo come out the tail on the back. Throw the bail out as far as pos sible and lei it settle to Ihe bottom. The bass seizes tho crab as he does Ihe minnow, but does not go so far afler taking before he stops, when he turns it about until he gets it tail first. Make the strike when the bats starts lo swim off. In all kinds of fishing tho finer the quality of tackle used the better. Play your fish carefully and do not hurry. Tho Cincinnati Gazette, good Itepub- lican, now speaks of Etiwiu M. Stanton m a way that in the good old clays ot war would have sent its editor ,to Fort Lafayette. "Tlio truth is," says tho Gazette, "that Mr. btanton, wio Had made bluster pass for courage, and acts of gross injustice brutally persisted in for great backbone, was seriously lacking in courage, and liable to break down in great emergencies, as ho did in other in stances besides this. The truo character of our 'great war minister,' was little known to the general public. That be was capable of doing acts of gross in justice was pretty well known, and it passett tor lirmness, hut somo letters to Hiichanan, novcr published tilt after the latter died, revealed a great capacity for duplicity in his character." Tho Democratic Central club of Lu zerne county havo adopted resolutions endorsing Joseph K. 15oer(,editorof the Uiuon-Jjeader, as a candidate lor Mate Treasurer. The Williatnspoit bun and Manner first advocated tho claims of Mr. IJogert, on tho grouud that lie bud run well as a candidate for UegLster of the county. Mathew Vassor's will makes among others tho following bequests : Vassors collego for scholarship, $80,000, and for professorship, 880,000 more; Vassor brothers' homo for aged men, i?li),000; Yassor brothers' hospital, for ground and buildings, 75,000; furniture and fixtures for tho same, 810,000. Carlisle P. Patterson, Superintendent of tho Coast Survoy, died on Monday hiBt at bin residence near Washington, aged 05 years, lie had been in tho gov ernment service for nearly fifty years, a nil had renaered valuable services. Tho Convention of tho Young Men's Christian Association of Central Pennsyl vania, will beheld in ellefonte, on tho 32 ml. 23rd, 21th and 25th of September. It is expected that there will ho a largo number ot delegates present, Business Notices I. W, Harlman waiiin ail Ihe dried fruit in Columbia county. Bring it right along, Oroat raloof Dry Ooods continued a few days longer at Shivo's Itlock, 681 Main street. Have icceived niioiher lot ol'ilonics tics, dre-s ceie ds, hosie ry, notions, and nn- derwoar, which uiuM bo closed out in a low ciavs wiihout merve at a great sacriuce Uress giioeis irom l cenis per yarn upwareis, Prints. l and 5 cents pe r yard (best), muslin 1 cents per yard and upwards, lawiis -1 cents ner van). A lew nieces of black esishincro tit great bareain-e. bbuwls and uiess gooels nit iq ho Mild nt less tlmn half ot original o -st. Oenlf diess, while and colonel cbev int shiits -S cents, Call early and ccure bargains nt Khive's block, S8J Main street, sign of nil ling, great suiu ei uiy goods, ISICH'lll.-blllg, I'll, Just opened at I, W. Harlman's 1,C00 yards beautllul tall styles ol Usik calico. An endless variety ol Straw Hats (Jlearing nut very cheap at David Lowenberg's, A full awortmunt of Neck Wear for gen tlemen at l' D Deutler , -- Long and) muurelluck Slmwls for Full at x. w.iiuriiiiuiis. Navy Hlue Subs, Nevy Uluo Pauls, A full line at David Lowciibcrgs. New lot of 11 lack Cashmetcs CO cents II at I. V. ilailimin's. to Vot Viae Sliow of' all kinds, en to Dent lor'b. Wlilto Ve sis, Dubters, Linen I'ants, A lurjti-lino of 8uuiiuer(.lootls ut David lAiwcubern's. Fuuoy Fall l'laldsjubt received at I. W, Ukttm au's. 1,000 gm.il Uve Calves wauled. Lei them cotiie Iti In On- north, soti'.h, cast ainl west, by wlu-ltselt kmI ini'il. Ye li innbrliife your solid C'iiHc light blent' lu-wuriy time on Mrtdt-y. 'IlirsdHj. Weill., ilay and 'lburnlay i f mill "lid i-v, ry week end tro vmir I ash (,r (til tin lot the In M Hilar, Yeitilig's Light Slttct. July 16-Gic Sen n woman picking a bunch nf grapfs In another column, nt ipce r's Vlneyatds, from which fcipeer's Port Grape Wine- Is niiide, Hint Is so blphly esteemed by tho medic nl profession for the use ol Invalids, weakly persons and the ogcei. fuld by O. A. K'leiltn. Jan 7'81 ly For a Fine Dims Hhlrt, h'or a I'lr.c lAiney Sblitgo (o David liowcnbcrg's, 1,000 pounds of ihe Pitted Cbcrrlfs, 1,000 pom els of nice Dried Itnspberriis wiinlril by Silas Yiuitig nt Light Street, for willed l i-Mill pay the IiighrU nuirkft price, july 15-Cm Tho best nri'tbee lienpcst buy your Hoots and Slices nf Dtntler, 1(1,000 grrd Opting Chicken wanted. Ilrlng tlieni right iilulig now nnd get your CHh nr goods for Ihim at Silos Young's, Light Street. july 1G 2m Winn in Iho course nl hiinniti vents il bi-i'miit-H iiet'esiiiy Id punha-t Clothing, fur a l aigniii fii tn David I.oniberg's niiil jut lullgut lull Miie tor your motley Mr. 1) V Smith, of Llmcstotieville, .Meilitoln eftinty sa he bus tt-ctl nil "(.) borne ' Self-hit ele r slfec 1S7C; haunt 100 acrri,; been at no (Xpone lor repair; has ut eats thai we ic li" Lvi'llv eluwn ;tifl tangled It uts poldi- li he, and will wager tho pricei of the uwhim that ho can tut anv praiii thM it i ,e Vibl.- n, nr w.i1, uny in until in1, sun I I I ter aim netter man all be- eb lie- 1 - 1 W Pureed ni'rir Ihick Horn, r-Hir-ihi ''U-lninie" fplf binder benight lat year, "fills the bill ' aud dots nil that is idsiiiied lor it. P. K. Mans, ucnr Danville, r av-i he cut His worst tangled tints he ever saw, last year, with the "Osbotre, nr.d canuot epr.ife too highly In its praise. Ji.mMAN x tJAssnr.T, igctus, jutie 10 Wooiuobmg, Pa. A niNOr-MOUS ce'l'MKRFKlT. There Ij a iliitiL-eious couiiteitrlt In circulation, nurreirtlni; tci ho " ulnut U-nt Hair Kestere r." 'I he strongeai cvtctenco ottlie grcatMiliiu ct "waliuit Leat nntr lie atorer" la tho tact that pnnlcs know ing ltscnicncytrytolni into it. Each totiu ottho genuine tins a "inn hihiig cuiiiu mkiiuluiu vi -i-. K. I'.eckei" the manu(i.cturcr hlown In tho glafsj niitl tho "Heilciei" Js ns clem- auu horinlcsn as vra. tcr, w lino it rofWtEi an uit- ccmponerii pniinTiics necessary lo reMcc life, Mge.r. groulh, and coloi t tho hair, rurchasoonly Jroln icspo.islb o parlies. Kudi liottlo wnrranttcl. u. N. Crltlenton, New York City, Wholsalo Agent. Oct. S2. RO-tf WILOWS' APPliAISKMKN'tS. V Tho follow Intr appraisements nt real ami personal property sec npait lo wtrtowHot ileeertents halt-been Hied in tliooft'ce ol tho licgtstcr ot Ceil utnuln county, uneter tho Kules ol Court, ami will be iri'Semed ror onsniuie coiiiiriniuii'ii iu uie vipu:ini inirtlo mi Iieiil m iiieiomsiiiirg.iiiiiii'i iitmuiuiuiui- ty. un Mtmclaj, tin1 MU ,iay ot ,-.pi, imi, at two o'clock p. m., ol said clay imle,s exceptions to such continuation aro previously rued, of which all per. sons Interested In rmtd estates will tako notion : 1. Widow of I ceso M. Kek, late of llrlarctcck town ship, ilt-cca-seil. 2. Wifiow of Ilevten llancb, Into of Jtontour township, deceased. 8. Widow ci Joincs Heller, lato cf Greenwood towtshlp, deceased. 4. Widow of W. o. HaKCEhuch, lato of centre lownstnp, ueccosea. B. Widow of .1. II. Klbtler, lato ol ejainwissn town ship, deceased, o. Widow ol Henry Aul, late oi f colt tcwnshlp, de ccascc1. 7. Widow ol II. It. Kline, lato of1 Orarjgo township, dr-ccaseo. 8. Apprstfement of personal property in tho es tate of 1J. Heed Hets, lale of tcott township, set apart to a minor child ot said deccatctl. o. Annmisrment of rcnttv set atiart to Sarah Heps, widow ot Miadrack IlCbS, lato of Sugarlout toWL- buip, oeceasea. Heirlster'B Office. 1 W. n. JftroHY, Uloomsburi;, Aug. 2. W. Ite-glrtcr. Valuable Real Estate AT PRIVATE SAIE! Tho undersigned AelmlLltuator cam tcstameuto annoxo of l'eter Applcmnn,lato of lienton township, deceafed, tfTcis Iho lollowlng1 detci lbed premises ai privates lo. All that poi Hon ot tho following de scribed THACT OK- LAND, in I!cnton township, bounded as followt: On tLo north by lands of If. I. 1'. Colloy.-J. I'', Chapln and A. Wilkinson, on tho west by lands ot Ell Mcll.rjry, .Ichn K. Appleman and l'eter Lauboch, on the ecuth by londsof Wll- Ham Ilulmo anil Jtargaiut Dildlne, and on tno eaM by lunds ol Hetiben II. Puvis and Stott E. Coltey containing KIIIH'I Y-MOH'l' ACHES, moio or less. whereon aro en ctod a two-story l'ltAMK HOUSE, UanR Ham, wagni IiouiH and other out-bulldlngs. Only that poitlon Ijlngou the west side of Flshlrig creek will bo sold. Also, all that tract of land situate In Benton town ship, bounded on the west by lands ot lecbeccii Con ner, on tho north by limits ol 'he heirs of Thomas Davis ili'i'easeil, and ,1. V. Chiipln, on ihusouttiiiy lands ol Uek'el Cole, cniitalnli.g KHlin l-.l-.N ACHES, more or less uiiluipioved land. Will ho sold as n whole or In panels lo stilt pureha-seis. Terms innele) known on application lo 1. K. KHlCKllAll.M, Admlulsliator, sc., nug. Wt Cambra, I a. UDITOlt'S NOTlCh. I-hi AlK W tfl'QII L A ilA, .,,ir., i,i:drir,lL-r,efl Avdltor nrnolnted by llieOr- ThJ pluii'S' Court of c ol nn Mn count), on exceptions to m in,, nriniiiit r,r tip Aitiiiii.isrriilnr of tulil dece dent, will sit in Uii'illH'huiKiioI thodullescr hHiip- pGUitinerit at i no ouito ot iwio.t x. l luu iair.u. In thai emit of r.loouismirir, on I'liony, August, vteu, lssi, at teno'i-lwk In the loretoun tl suld da, when anu wlicc all I ersoiis Inteicsttd may attend, 11 they think proper, ' ' ' , o l IVTIMm 1 1,'lv H, o i,,in,,,,,, July V0-4V' Auditor. E XKCU'l OH'S NOTICE. ESTATE Ol- JOHN AI.I.HIAH, I1KLKASBD. l etters testamentary on the estate ol .Ictin AUe- sr. Into nl t'lshli.ticitCc twp., toliunbu county, eeiMimil. haiBleen inouledbs Ihe lUKliterofsul.l nr,ii,,rv if, m. A. Amiuiitinan. ot Fiiiks. exteiutor. All perwins having claims otjalnst tho e.stalc of bald ite- CCOCUl UrU lUlliini" iw i, rri,i iuu iu, "in- mi,r nml itios-a Indebted to iho cMuie to make pajment to tho uiiderb'sned eitculor, without M. A.AMMEHMAN. O. W, MH.1.EK. K "Oil" r, Ally. ruii.ar,uli, auu ts-cw t ist ok jursons von kuit. tehm I 1 lbSl, .i HA i U JU11U 1WJ, Hlosm-Danlel Itrjfogle.lJ J Lawcll, II W Huckini hr-u, U M Hrluker. Catv'"-ii s 1 Illuei-d. r-.,tr,, T 11 NlrniiM!. i'lshinecrccK v i itcnoer, n J ixins, irnnici .ne lli.iry. I'rankltu Martin Winlerstccn. llreei wood- A r lleuer, Kiijau uisner. 1-oeusi -iircu Keistcr, auiuei jteara. Mndlko'i I hlllp l.U) mid. Jiltinu jonn f uruwn. Montour-Klmer itunyan. Mt. l'leaont A V Kie bler. Amos Wonlcli. Orunce Aim in Dlldlric, Samuel lIUK'tnbuch, Joseph i rawro'ii. lioarln;c.ce k Samuel 1) Levan, 1) 11 Uowcr. TUAVKlUiE juuoiis. 1 IUST WKSK. llentnn-A T lke ll r. CI W Knoilf.p. M ,1 Kline. liloom Mllluni I ruHiius, .lobcpli l diiiils l'rnnk JoniH, Hobcit J Morris, l'hlltp UuUU!;i,t,.li oilrnoro. lirl.i.ei-i'ek Hamuel Conner. catawUsa-J II eieary, ci W ltelfsujder, Il W Wat let, iiuviti eiiiiiu, centriilh'-('(l Mu.phy. centre-A W hptur. Vlhtunncrcck-Jacoi) Ilaj man. Oreenwnml Niunuel Htbner. Hemlock William -M llnilniai), Jackstn-l'arMii Fritz, I iederUk Wile. Locus, huhih lli,t r, Duiilii WiiiiIh, Mudlon-holuiiii liuriil.uul, do Welltvcr, Mnln Mil w III nun, t H lirowu, Miniln Willi' iu Att n. .1 llemlimcr. .Iiieohl'elfer, Ml. 1'leasmit Joit-ji'i Crun ford, hit phou Johubon, CTUl'l 'i lliujiiua. Hcotu .iom'pIi CVI. Hui;ir'0ttl-J D Colo, John Kline. SKl'ONU WhHK, Benton-0 W Keller. liioom John A cox, willt:.m (iffrgcr, William ItllUT, .,1UK I ll'illlllM. , J VlllllUllJU. Catnwlbsa-.M M I'robtv. Centre-J II Alkmiui, wtll'am Kharfer, corijnuhnni I'utrlck Kuau. I'lililiiitcieek .Iiicoh Lelslngp.-, J II Stoker, H hllentcht, William M Siukcr. tl ruenwood -conellus Heecii, Hcinloek-WIUItim Hcnnetf, Ilalph Ivcy, Jaekbou Joliu tmniz Locut-t Mmtlu Utile, Tobias Campbell, Henri ittli'ie, Madlnon-I'eny ChrlstUu, C'jrus ,1 llclter, D Wltlluina. ' Mulei-lletiry lllnderlller, W (' Hlolmrel. .MJtlUu Aurun Aiidrewu, JiweplKI Kwuuk. Atonuuir KlUiaiH liuriell, Janiea r'uinaworth. Mt. Pleasant- Kit Ikelei. oiauuo W illlum V lei kc iistlno, llourimicicik- Julia Itsilt;, Suoll- I'rlbCiis hoiiiboy. Hug.irloaI-A W Kile, t) I, Mooro, BAYAHD XAVLOIl.Wf .0 Traveller SatUi "1 luVo great pleiibuio In ieconiine,dln(;to y-lMl4 IM" VUI41-,U VI JH 1. lllllll V, rilUf IIIUO, Hon. rEKNANDO WOOU.IVX. C, Said (111)1 "I ihivllully toiibeut to lhous.101 m iiaiuvuaielerei.ie. .Mj lojuwlllreturntoioutlu'r 111, 1. I, irll, tu,Lt D. .!.., n ...... 1 " 1 ....... ,ww,hi,,,BW ,uil TUVnilUIl, for new IllUbtr&tciH'iuuliirbtldrtbM kwithikt lillliliTHlje.H a. M., iiuivuril iLhuKiii Uiadualei II ill.. !'... IS l.il-. u l,, I'l lln,,.,, I , . HOLMES Sc SCHUYLER. nro undoubtedly tlio cheapest nnd most mmiblo lenee iuikio, is not Heeled by lire, wind or ilood.doerf not cituso snow tlril'lM, dikes J'ewer 03ts and stock onnnot push it own. Our wire ia tour pointed. is made of two Htrnnds of number 12 bet rnl vu nixed steel wire twist ed together iust enoii'di to allow for contraction aud expansion in Summer and Winter, barbs are fastened every seven inches. The use of barbed wire is no longer an xperinient, as last year over one ltindred thousand mile-i wete put, up. w e ijt'lieve cur witc to he iu best and e.lK'apo.-t now maii- ufai'ttired beeaiwe it is made of the best steel wiroand i nns lo feet to w pound having the grentest troujjrtli and visibility with the eiist weight of any msule. Put i on spool ol aboul 1(K rods weighing about 10U pounds Price ler pound J L cents by tho spool, ess quiintitie3 Lis contf? pur louud. HOLMES 8i SCHUYLER O JiGISTEIt'S NOTICICS. 3 Vi Notice ts hereby irtven lo all lPsrnteVs, rredl tm'.s and othT persons Hitctcsted tn Iho estnloB ol iuu lesprruvoiieceuiius anil minors, tnatlliH rol-lowlnirndmliilstratur- '.,n-, titom' niul iritimti.ihK' nr. counts hint been illcdlii the olllce or tho HetrlMcrcl uui. in, nniiwiitiiopri'M'nit'ii ror contirmatlon and allowance In the orphans' Court to be held In Illonmshurj, on .Monday, Kept. 6, tssi, at a o'clock ui. uji Mttu tiiu ; Tho Una! tircount ol M. K. .Tnekinn. executor ol o. .11. uuiuore.iaioii iho boioughrl lierwtck.dc ceased, ns tiled by u. II. Jaekbon, his executor. 2. 'Iho tlrst and lleul nernnnl, or lhivlil Krptslier. adraliiUtnitiirol Sarah Knlshir, latoot Locust iu i uau i p, ut eea scu. Tho llrit nnd Until nccount ol Christian Clewell and Chillies ci well, admlM'tratcrs ot Jacob uiowen, laio or cuiawissu towiismp, tieceubed. 4. The second and final iiccount ol e'eter shMliam. er anu .noses M-miciitr,executors orolinouShel- iiniiier, miooi neaver cownsmp, eleceaseu. The first account of 11, W. Lsons, guardian ol Annnstacha Iree-cott, minor child ol Charles rrcscou, late el rtno toiuibhtp ucccaacn. Tho first account ol H. W. I.Mins. L-uardtanol O. W. I'libcott, minor child tl Charles l'rebcott, iiitu ui i iuu luiviiMiip, ueceubeu. The ilrst and tlnal account ol Joserh lleacock. administrator ol Marina lleacock, lato of eireenwoou tounttup, deceased. 8. Tho second nnd piipplementnry nccount of .1. ... , i.iiu, io-ilw ui,u ti, ii, ..unit eAi-uuiuin ui I jbiiao wui e, luted t-cnit loi.nshtp, dtceased. 9. The tlrst and tlnal nccount ol DanM 1'. Levan, giiiiiiiinn or Cbiiiioit Fox, minor child ol 11. II. l'O.x, lain ot I.GCUM. toiibhlp, deceased. 10. Thu ilrst. nnd tlnal necountof Henry Ijimrus and u.iiiii i ij!. irus, ox1 citiora oi Samuel Lazirus, i.iui ui .Muniuur iiiiMiaiiip, iieceabea, 11, Tho llrt-t and llnnl nccount of William I'. Iluwer null I'eubi'ii Huitp, adiiilnlstratots ol luiiii iiHup, jau'oi i iiiiikim lownsnip, deceased. 12. The ncrourr of ticnrge corn II. administrator do bonis nun ot (Mi'honv Milder, lain nr Mllllln township, deceased; nnd nlho tho account ot nuneii a. iih,i r, uiiinuiibiruior or samo estaie, ui un ii u i.ei ige i . vjurien. 13 The tliHt unit pnrt'ai iiecouiit ol ,r. W. John and K. l-.ii ir, e.eeutois ol S'uey .lohii, law of Alain lowiihinp, ueeeiu'.eu. II. The Ilrst and llnnl nccount ot Snmtirl Nnvhnnl. admliilstratoror .Icnus Wngbt.taioof llrliticieek iuiisuip, ueeeuseo. 16. The account of Mlerhen Srnoycr. iidmlnlstratnr ui wiiiinni r. finojer, uio oi .Mimin township. 10. The tlrst nnd limit nccount of Abrnm Ktlno. nit. lnlnlbtruiorot Uath. rlnu llartrnan,lato of Orange uvi,niiii, iL-eeuseu. 17. 'Ihi'llnnliicenuiitcl Margaret H. Yenccr. survi ving MliiilnlMriilui ot en tuge W. Y eager, lalu of ,.u,,ni lui, ii-.ii,, II, IL1ISCI1, is. Tho uibt nnd in nl iiei'iiimt of L. It. Itnpcrtatid . .miwi.uuiii iii-,ii, ii, ir, ui i',. .i, iiiuruiuu, ,,.,, . ,,,,, iu,,n u, itiuuiii uui,;, uectiiaeu 19. 'I hp account ot.lreoh tintieleon. I'liblie. imilei' the-will ol All xiiEilerllarretfon. lain ol Colum bia, difeubtd, ot Jautllda aiirretbxn, also now uii-eie-i ii. ai. The liibt aril llr,nl aercunt of Jesse Haines. v-Miv, iitut u, .-ui-iim. iliuu?, laiu UI t-UCUSL IOWU- cuip, ui ueasc'vi, 21. I'lrtt nnd rnrttnl account of John Anrleman. ezerulcr tl Hiram Applcuian, lato ot iicmlock iown5iup, aeet.iiseu. m. The fourth account ol John Apploman, survlvlnR -.uv-'t ut , u .-lupmuiuu, laeu ui ueuiiueic i 1nil3KI, utttiutvu, 83. The ilrst and partial account of John Hnrle and Aiirohum licnicr, executors! of Abrnm lli'aver,Ialo cf Hcnrlagcicck township deceased. 21. The account of Jeremiah . Yohe, executor cf NUiy ,uu Yohe, lttloif Jlimin township, Ue- M. Tho tlnal account of Samuel Diettertrk-. p-imr. ettru ot JJiuta llellaien, a rr'cor child ot Uenja- I mm uuunu, ihu; ui venuo lownsiup, oeceabeo. SO. The flist and purtinl account cf Isaiah How er.cx- ccutor of .Michael Jl. liower.lato ol Locust town- binp, ueceahcu, S7. Tlietovind ajd paillal recount or Join n, Davis anu .viargaret Dnvli, wlinlnlbtiatoia ol David nam, mm or lieaver lownnup, oeceasea. V). Thu llual account of L. K. Waller, cumdlan ot Laura r. vvat e r, minor chl'd cf I). J7 Wuller, of ..u ,u,,u u, .uuu II-UUIU 29. Tlio ilrst aud final account of Jacob M. llclsh- ltnt), admliiWintoi' or .lohn Bel shUue, lato of I jicne-uu wiiYibuip, ucecasea. 30. The nrstae-dtliinl account cf Abraham iirtbcl- dm, admluitu lor- of Jacob Drlbelb,"), lalo ot I I'iru itiwnaiup, aecetisea. 31. The account of Joseph li. Knttllc. L-uar- u,u u, i ii.iiirn ivubii nuiiuiiei minor cunu or .ia coli Ki'btenbai'der, latoof rranklln township, 82. The nccount of Pavle) Lcwentcig, administrator ,u,ui,,miijtuiiv, juiu e,iineiuiin vi iiiooni-j- I urns, uecetu .'U. 33. The final account of David lowcnher rir. eeimhils- iiaioreii e.eorgo i.eiMUCl, laloof UloC'UibtiurK, oeteafed. Iho Townot I Too tlrst and pnrilul eccoontol Ifnltih alee rend jcbipii inpi r, niiinlnlMia.oiH cum tebtemeuto I uniiejiu. oi joi.u umer, lute oi stontour tewn- euip, ucceabeu. ss. Tlio nccount of Klriil-fr C. Knt administrator of .luuu tin, laioci i-eoii township, deceusod. sa. Tho aeee lint ol Junta Miuitz, administrator of ii nun rnuuz, laio or juckbun township, de al. The tlrst ft! el nait al nrrnunt nf 11. v. linrtmon John Apple man and Wlllli'in Wutller, exeoutcral acuiuci piuiuir, iuiu li tue -iuwu oi moouib- uui, uii-i-jiaru, , 33.Thoihst and tlnal neeount ol e'nrteK tinhbir.H uuiiMiiinuiiiui m iMimi iv l.oejoilib, laio CI too 'J tivie ul hJiK ii.tburi,', ileceuned, 39. Thellnnlaieeiuiilol 11. A. Muiimnradin'.nlstra. ,' .luntiiiiuii ueuiKe, iuiu oi L'Tanhiin lown- rui,, uiuiubeu. 40. flrbt uud mini account el Oar. lino Dnisiineh aduiliiibiiuiux, Ac, ct'Ihoniub U. Ublar, de. ceabcd. II. Account c( Jaicen W. IhiMnan, aeinilntstrtitcrol reni iiuj.niuii.iaiooi iJiiaieuek lewm-hlp, de- 1-Ml' t and hnal aecouiit or N. lr l.'imif mimiitia. liiiloriliiltiilHnwinr Wflitrnloii It, Km, lato ot 41. f irbl al.ll 1 nal fleeoimt. ff Jnlin l!nrt,.nn nl iiiiiisiiaitroriiiiniii Nelhait, lit-ool HenUoik tnulikhln ,1, v. il ' I 41, Fliat and llnnl account er.menl, llr-Mnei-r nr,n tl lA I """" '"'b"l liu VI ClbUlllgirv'CK IOWU- ', UVUWA,,, 45. nrt and final nccount ot Aaron Mastelletr. Kunriuuu oi AiuiiiiiiiuMiiweppeiiiici'er.umlii r I vi.i.u vi juiiij i.umuau, iuiu ui main low ibuip, deceased. 1 ' Flitt and llnal account ol lirninmtn lfvinu t,t. iiilt.lbiiulorof Ibauct'rjelcr, laio Of L'cntro town- Iteirlbtcr'sOrrloe, l W. II. JACOHY. Uloombbuii; AUfUbtV,' K.'Sl.r Iteii later. WHITE BilOIKZE MONUMENTS, IIEAESTONES,&c. Are riccininendcatiy thobcbt aulhoilty, w 111 iicv or craclr, chlp.corrodo, rust or They BECOME MOSS GROWN, i iiey nro pure, itliutd, cul tlue. 'i'hvr are beau til if. cl irnhli, nml fiii, u.w , -.( , . v .uiuituiuibUI, , JOHN- A. OWENS, GEN, AGET, Or Inquire UI V, V, Kline, Mexunsbursv )u iv-m HOLMES &. SCHUYLER. TO STOVE & TINWARE OBXJtrrEJDRS: Mr. iB.ii'ah Hagcnbuch having taken charge of our Stove aud Tinware Department would bo pleased to sec his old friends and customers, as well as new ones Mis long experience in this branch of trade may bo a safe guarantee of a studied and careful selection of the best stoves in the market. U'e have some New Hange'S, pos- s-essing new and novel ftj.it tires. . well worth the attention of buycis. Our stock of llou-o Furnishing i Hoods is large and wo would bo f ileased to huve you call and look them over, v hither you wish to I ntv or not. HOLMES & SOHUYL3R OPERA HOUSE, j DEALER I STOVES, HEATERS AND EAIGES, LOW DOWN GRATES. MANTELS &C, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE. f PRIVATE EWELLINGS AND PUBLICBUILDINGS HEATED BY STEA5V1 ORiHOT AIR. AWNINGS OF ALL STYLES AND SHAPES MADE TO ORDER. Hoofing and Spoialirsg Done at Short ECCF1NG FE0MIF1VESTO TENICENTS? PEBISQUASEIFOOT. . wgggsrsmo ... , On the ist of this month our stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods at Oak Hall was seven hundred and forty-three thousand one hundred and seventy-five dollars and eighty-one cents. Where is there another such stock to select from ? The old house has been remodeled. The old hands (most of them) are still there. The old principles of just and right prices, sound goods, fashionable styles, substantial finish, are strictly adhered to. IB ffaimuM Who founded die business, is at Oak Hall every day look ing after things, and in all the history of Oak Hall it was to push up its high standards and drop down to lowest prices. )lr5,- old-time greeting to our friends evcrnohcrc, and ino!hcr cordial invitation extended to come to Oak Hall, " Wanamaker & Brown, OAK HALL, Cor. Sixth and Market Streets, Philadelphia. i Trio Largest Clothing House in America, i Postscript. The last new thing wq have done is to open a TEN DOLLAR, ROOM, where wo have gathered a great lot of full Suits; suitable for dress or business, which wc shall .sail ,aL io. You can judge of the what we can do for 10. L i W ANTE II lla nvaiMiB in every conn tl In I tils MuUu tu lake oldcrK lur .Nuiherv Hu.n- kt,-tiiK i,.,wiur.ri,,.. l-... plofnont.atii01) WdliB. liviwieiieje in the KuuWn. rVr teidih asdiub L',.t, lt.IL, .. (.,.....:.,... J. . ci 1. VIM imcvu Kbtbbllbhed lout. Kl).18,11-lStWW Also Mock at wliolcMK, HOLMES &SOHUYLER. TINSIY1ITHING. It does not eeeni to bo gener ally understood by some of our trade that wo are nrepared to do Tinsmithing in all its branches. This wo havo often noticed by tho expressions of surpriso of many who, when in the rear of our store, noticed men working in an adjoining building. We car ry a full stock of Tin and Tin smith's Supplies and arc prepared at all times to do all kinds of work. As low prices seem to bo the must p'ipulni wo have REDUCEJ HE PRICE OF ROOFING To B Cents o. Foot, using tho Panto grade of tin as heretofore and other work at cor responding prices. HOLMES 8c SCHUYL3H. cheapness of our stock by seeing W. & IJ. bii. Vllll'riK, CAKl. IKi'lil, I itl , Illi.L l'KADti. lWrKnB,o.,JCC, Neatly unci C Lii, j lj rnuitci a t tm SUK OUiCf,