THE C(SLU5fBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE 0OL0M.B1AN. ll,OelMStlt!K(l, Kill DAT, Al'dUST.U, 1881. runuu SALES, " The aeltnlnlslratorii of William Vliltp, do Ceeit, will expoo teal olnlo to public Nile on tlio premises In Scott lovrnrlilp on Knturilny, grptcnihor 3rd, at one p. tn. Moycr llros. have creeled a mibManllnl awn ing In front of Ihelr drug ploro on Main street Tlio ctiiployoca nf llicli. A II. It, H, company wcro paid on Tlmrfdiy. Tiie mercury on Kritlay afternoon lanl, roo to the r-urprlsliur height of 10.V, To fully nppriciuiu cool weather It U ncee... uiry lo nnderirt fiifili utiniMplicrlcnl misery an win presented last week. A. Bollcdcr pays iho highest prices In cash for Call, Sheep and Lamb Sklnc, nlso for nil kind of lleof Hides. uug52w A numbcrof young ladle, of this town, hail a very pleasant picnic in Ziner's woods, above Ornngovllle, on Weilncsdiy last. There is a very heavy paenRcr tradr- over ihc Ii. A H just now, tlio number of commercial men on tlio road seems to bo In crcislng. Clarenco D. Middle, formerly of Danville, tiled in that town on Monday, lie lived In New York, but returned to his old homo to end his days. Two lots, with Rood house, barn and out buildings on each, for aide, in l!loombnrg. In quire of WiMIAM KlliCKIUUM. july 29-tf Oscar Wilde, tho poet of tho London All llietic, has succeeded In describing lest than nothingness be speaks of tho "bnrren memory of unkissed kit-ccs." Great Scott, that must bo thin. Tho Republic in thinks that n Democratic Convention is a dull gntliorln; and that In it ono finds no individuality, rerlinps, but tnn Kcnublicati county convention one finds no in dividual!. A band ol stroll mg pluyerH mado merry music on theslrecls lnt Monday evening with violins and harp. After hearing such "concord of sweet pounds," tho organ grinder becomes nn object of increased aversion. Notwithstanding iho latcnersof his announce' went, Cyrus U. McHcnry mado n good run ni candidate for Associate Judge. i o arc in formed that there nro five township" in th county which he did not Invo time to visit. Mr. Philip Appleman of Kishingcreok town- ship, has shown us a stalk of oats which mens urei six feet, two and a half inchos in lent; The head contained no less than ISO grains This is tho largest stalk wo liavo ever seen, and wo do not believe it will b.; equalled lw season A single rcnll rare, distance ono mile and quarter, for $100 u side, look placo on the riv ir at Wilkcs-Itarrc on Saturday last. Tho con tenants were Tim Lennhan, of New York, and H. S. Chase, of Wilkes-I'arre, nnd ihe race was won by Iho latter. A young man named J. Adam'", who carried the mail fiom Nunticoko lo points along Har vcj'rf Creek, was drowned whilst bathing in the cmal on Saturday afternoon hist. IIm was taken with cramps nnd sank before ho could be rescued. Wo havo leceived tlio cataloguo of Lewis tjwn Academy for 1SS0-1881" This flourishing institution is under the able management of l'rof. W. Hi my S(hu)ler, sen of our townsman Dr. Schuyler, Thero urn 131 names of pchohirs upon the rolls. The next term bigins Augimt 31st anil continues until December -Oth. The "fly dispillirs," or whatever their name maybe, which Mr. Tnhbs has placed on the dining room tables at tho Kxchnngo llotil, do' their work admirably and tho guests are not an noyed byj the buzzing pests. Flits are nuisances of tho most exasperating kind, nnd iheir ban ishment is a boon to be appreciated. Have yon seen iho r.cwconxl? If not, get up just before suniiso mid look at visitor You can see it by finding tho star Alpha Auri gi, then to tho left and bolow this, the star lteta Auriga and inn lino with tho two is the n iw comet. Any of your friends can point out iho stars named if they know where the blepscd twinklers are. lames Van Horn died of unnll pox, on Kii day night last, at about eleven n'cloik, and was buried the same night. Ho was very low on the preceding Sunday, but rallied tofuch a degren that Iho physician in ntlendanco enter tained hones ol his recovery. Un.Jliursiluy he grew worso and sank steadily until he died This is the third doatli from the diseaso. Tho Catholic Cenietory at Wilkcs-Iiarre was recently found lo bo in n most disgraceful con dition. The graves wero very shallow and in somo placos the ends of tho coffins protruded from tho ground. .Streams of putiid mat'er oozed from the decaying bodies nnd poisoned Ihe air. Prompt measures wero taken to remedy the evils and no cnrel-'a burials will take place in the Cemetery hereafter. Tho city is badly in need of a system of drainage. James McGinnis, who was committed to Bloom rburg jsil two weeks ago, charged with Inccn diaripw in nttcmpllng to set fire to North Ashland i olliery, was on Monday admitted to bail in Iho sum of $1000, Patrick Dcugl.crty, of Ilomesvillc, and John Crane, of Ccnyrghnui township, aro his boundsmon. Hall was en tered befoio Squire Flanlgan, of Centiulia. Athland Adiocule. Vennor sayB that wo may expect a great cha.ige about tho time the new comet is in its perihelion, when it will be nlso ntnreU Ihe oarth. This will occur on tho 20lh of Iho pres ent month. During tho tirndTrom Iho 15th to Iho 20th instead of being burned up.sswo might expect, ho says wo shall nearly bo fror-en by frosts nnd stronc cold northerly winds. If he't hit it nuy better than ho did for the first two weeks of tho month, thero Is not much cause for alarm. Samuel Miller was arrested and lodged iu jail nt Williamsporl on Saturday, charpod with Iho murder of his father, Joseph Miller, of Clinton township. The latler, who was 71 years of age, was Insured for $-10,000, of which Iho son held $2,000. Suspicion was aroused, and a post-mortem examination iovealo.1 tho presence of poison. The coroner's jury ren- dered u verdict that Ihe poison had been ad mlnislertd by Samuel Miller. The crimo Is so revolting that the trial of the accused will cre ate great excitement. It Is claimed for the prisoner that lie htf borne a good character, ud thero teems to be a strong belief that he Is innocent. Thelrusteos of the Pennsylvania State Col lege in Centre county havo established fifty freo scholsrfhlpH In tho College--ono for each ben atorlal district. Any boy 15 years or over call be a candidate for thoscholarshlpof thedUtrlct in which ho Itvi l. Thoro wilt bo a competitive examination, but a Senator will havo the priv ilege of selocllng any ono of the candidates who Is cpiallfied, Applicants will be examined in the common English branches, physical gcog Mphy, hlghor algobians faros quadratic, four bonks of geometry and United Stales History. The scholarships will entitle Iho holder lo four jears free tuition, nnd will frfo ihem from the oilier college charges, eurh as room rent fuel, etc Wo understand it is the Intention to put tho big saw mill nt this pjacc, which has been Idlo lOr SOmeVPAfR. ill nhAMllnn . which aro now being made, can be completed. A Wllllamsport firm, It is snld, will operate It nnu saw i,uuo,000 Teet of logs this season. Tho mill is well located, llm tioinl l a rrnml nnn for the lumber trade, and wo cannot fee whv tho ,,,e "in, ii properly managed, should not do prouiaulu business. Sunburn Oxtdle. A festival will bo held on the nfiernoon and evening of AurusI 20th In Thomas Mctlenry's urove, two miles northwest of Orancovllle. H ippcr will ho forved from five o'clock un it Iho doso of iho festivities and ice cream and other refreshments ran bo obtained at any tltno. flood imulo will be furnished. The prccco ls will be applied lo building ihe church at tho aid lonry appointment. All are cordially In vited. There are no new cases of small pox lo re- pott, and the disease msv Iih to having finished Its course Mr. Zimmerman has recovert d and no longer need medical at tendance. There is a possibility that his wife nnd Hire children may havo the disease in i troJlfieil form, as they havo been in the house with him. Tliev hive been vnrclnnted. Tlirrn Is no longer any danger lo bo nnnrehended. Should tho Zimmoiman f.imlly bo attacked, mey will bo totally l-olatcd.Hiid their residence on ltnilrnnd street is a long dlstauco from the centre of town mi. aiimib jmiMnan met wit in serous ac r i..ii.v t- ii ... cident on Tuesday last. lie boarded tho twelve o'clock Irnln nt Iho station, intending to get off at Hie hast street crossing, and in so doing. missed his footing nnd was thrown under tho wheels. His right leg was broken in three planes below tho knee, his body badly cut and bruised nnd one of his hands Injured. Dr. Gardner set tho broken bones, nnd rendered sucli other assistance ns was necessary. Mr, llidleiunn has cpilto a period ol enforced idle ness beforu him, ns it will bo long before ho will bo ablo to lenvo tho house. Nathan Creasy died at his homo In Cala- wlssa township, on Sunday morning last, aged fifty years nnd six months, He had been sick about two weeks, having been prostrated whilst canvassing Iho county as a candidate for Treas urer. Mr. Creasy was well and favorably known in tho community and bad many warm friends who will keenly regret his death. He bore an enviable reputation ns nn lionet and upright man, a good citizen and n loyal friend. The funeral took place on Tuesday and the re mains wero interred iu tlio IJtiormed Luther an Cemetery, Cntnwissa. Last week, Messrs. Colton, Ulrich and other engineers of the Nortli and West Branch lliil- way Lompany, wero in Y ilks-lurre, running Iho lines for tl.o new road. At South Wilkes- Iiarro, connection was made with tho Central H. It. of New Jersey and from that point a line was run, following the canal, to Market street in tho city. It is fluted that the road will con nect with Iho Heading II. It. at Catawi3-a. Tho work will bo pushed rapidly to completion, and tho wlsistlu of the locomotive and the rumble of tho c i,-s aro pounds that will soon bo heard along tho South bide nf the Su.-ipiehanna. Great sale of Dry Goods and Notions nt 58 Main street, Shivt.'s Mock, from tho late firm of .1. Williams ,t Co., Hiughamton, N. Y. Hio entire stock must be closed out nt once, nt a great sacrifice in prices. Mu litis -1 cents per yard upwards. Calicoes, 4 and C cents per yard. (I'esl.) Lawns 0 cents per yard. Cheviot Shirtl -ITi cents. Special bargiins in Dress Good3 and Shawls. Gill st oneo and secure bargains nt tlio sigh of tho lted 1'lag. Groat bargiins in Dry Goods. Shivo's block. 08 Main street, lllooms- hirg.l'-i. t It was rumored a few diys ago that one of of Mr William Itulme's familv was sick with small pox. Mr. Hiilmo owns a fino farm near Denton, nnd his homo stands near the main road. A red flag was displayed one tnornin and tins was thought to Inufcalo tho presence of the disease. It turns out, however, that tho sanguinary emblem was flung to tho breize, not to announce small pox, but to notify the stage drivor that a package awaited transportation to ISIoomsburc. Of course thero was no disease in iho house. It does feeni as if the average citizen loses his head whenever small pox is mentioned, and "4raightw.iy forgotteth what manner of man ho was," ns regards common sense. Thero bus bun too much disorder in lllooms- burir of l ite, nrd the fair fame of ihe town has sull'ered in consequence. No serious breaches of llie peaco have occurred, but there has been boisterous and unseemly bihavior, au l that loud and profane talk which springs from over indulgence in intoxicating liquors. I his H all wrope-. and should be slopped at once. Our town has a reputation for good older second to none in the State, and it must be maintained at all hazirds. Noisy and quarrelsome revel lers should be diiven from the streets, nil pro fane and vulgar language checked, and scullling or any indecorous actions promptly slopped, Such things would not be permitted in any of the larger towns or cities, nud is no reason why they should be tolerated here. The good name of the town is worth money to every property owner within limits. OATAWIKSA LIUKNbKS AGAIN, Editor of tub Columman: I clipped the folioivini; from your paper n few weeks ago, a rnniiiient on a emulation from Iho Journul. "II the warning now given does not produce nroner re orm so mat tun law snau ne ou served, wo will not only revoko tho licenses hut. irrniitiio others." "Now, let the Journal nam9 its informant. Whoever thnt zealous tcmperauro advocate may be, wo giiaranleo that ho is not willing lo have his name publi-hid, and that ho is unable to go into court und swear to n single fact. While there are very many pcorlo who nro always rady to find lnult with those who are entrust. nl with Ihe execution of tho laws, it Is notice able thnt these (.nine perrons are never ready in n.sim in thu nnlurceintlit nf law, by cdiiilni; int i court to tell what ihcy know. They are innrnl cowards. Calnwissa can now gel rid of its taloons it it can fhow that iho statement of tho Journal is true lo the HlghKst extent." I nm not the informant of Ihe Journal, nor nm I one who would bo likily to Pie the great est evils in thu place. Hut lest I should be classed among iho "moral cowaid'," I will Bay ilmt I have seen more drilliKinncts in Uata u'lu.n nhnnt the saloons, sirre the lictnso cases, than 1 saw lufore the protest was befoio court OKttlnst litense. Tho mrouragiiueul given lo ill., .oiniil iiniints ocainst iKiuor, by Ihu Court, iln.- not inspire mo to uo into court on the llminp (illpallnn Kilt I Illll ready Ullll willltlL- at nuy time, to be calkd into court, to testify to tlio above tacts. Gko, H. Dkcjunt, Pastor cf tho Iteformo dChuiih at Calawlssa. Gitawitsa, August Olh, 1881. The kind of testimony which Mr. Dechnntofiers to liivo, proves nothing becnuso of its generality. It would not even prove that thero Is more drunkenness now than beforo ihe protest, but simply lhat ho hat seen more, becnuse his atten tion lias been particularly directed to it. It is not ovldenco that the liquor came from Cala- wlssa. If (ho facts aro as staled, the remedy is ii very simple one, Personal reflection ujion tho Court is not the manner prescribed by the Legislature for punishing violations ol the liquor laws, Wo aro informed that Ihero has been more drunkennesi in Berwick flnco the Court itjuied lo ran any licinsc there, Ihnu thero was when nil the holt Is and several sa loons wero In full blast. If the Court la re sponsible for an incicaso ot drunkenncea In CalawisBa, then It Is responsible fcr tho pntne stato oflli.nssin Ilorwlck, W e aro surprised that men of intelligence hould bo so Illogical and unreasonable. UOllteHllUllel lttlMOUS Our town is often visited by tho Indians who " 'rom,,lnK vacation with farmers In Grtcnw01' "llr 1'opuinr linuotiaKer, s. iiurningcr, ana wifi have sustained a sevoto nflllcllun In ''oath of their llttlo daughter, an only child, Mary Janclta, aged about eighteen months llcnjamin Kcdllno buried n little son last Saturday and anothor lies In n very critical con dition. An infant son of L. J. nnd Kllio Ulatk died on Saturday evening, aged seven weeks. Dysentery Is racing hero now nl a fearful rate. There are Ion or eletoti encsnt Iho pres ent lime, nuxlly clnUmij but theio aro a few of lliosoadvnmcd In life. 0, 8. Long's wife anil daughter aro here, vis iting his mother. Al'l'KAHANCl! 01' T11R AIIMY WollU. I'roiiipted by roidlng nn nrcount of Iho ter rible ravages of ihe army worm in a west ern paper, Mr. ltobcrt Miexell, of Huntington township, proceeded to his corn field to see tf the pests had made their appearance In tho Iial. To his surprise hu found them in great numbers, secreted in ihe lopaol tlio inr. They resemble ihe cut worm in everything but color and are of different sizes. The color depends somewhat upon tlio ago or sizo of the worn: They begin their desliuctivo operations lit ho end of the car farthest froui tho stalk and work downward until, in so mo Instances, nothing re main except the slump of the stalk, This dis. covery by Mr. Miexell has been ihe subject ol inmost discussion in ilia I neighborhood nnd it is feared If tho worms keep on In their dovasta. tion, the corn crop will be a total failure. Mountain l'cho. A CA1II) OF THANKS. To Ihc Democracy of Columbia Giunty: 1 deem it meet at this time, in consideration of the evident appreciation of my services nod worth by the Democracy, lo render Ihanks tho parly for lis generous support both In the past nnd nt the lato delfgato tlcctlon. Al though not nominated, yet It is a source of tho greatest gratification nnd pleasure for me to note that my friends i-till retain a warm and kindly feeling for me, ns evinced by the hnnd somo vote r.coived in tho convention. I feel confident ih it I discharged the dutioiof llegis ter and Recorder filth fully andconsiteutly,antl sincerely trust with satisfaction to the poop! of the county. Again, 1 ruturn thanks to the Democracy for past nud present political fa vors. W. II. Jauoiiv Dlootnsburg, August 10, 1SS1. I'EltSONAh. Major S. P. Hanley nnd Cot A. 1) S..ley of lierwick, called at tlio Coixmiiian ollice on Tuesday, O. llruco Wells is reading law iu the office of C. W. Miller, Etrp Air. and Mrs. William Neal are vi'itirg in Towanda. Mrs. William Elwell, who has been nt th Elmira Water Cure for tho benefit nf her health, for several montlm past, returned homo lat week, much improved. Dr. J. B. McKelvy has improved in health so much that he was able to tnko n wr.lit on Wednei-div. Ho is still eiuilo wiak. John Cadman has withdrawn from tho cam paign for County Commissioner. Col. John J, KretZ'3 started fir Lewis' Lake to-day. II. V. Emit spent severrl days in town this week. I-IIYSICIANS ltCUISrr.UED. Tho following names of physicians have been registoied in Ihe prolbonnlnrj's t.ffice, in addi tion to thoso already published: O. A. Mcgugell, born in Sterling, Wayto county,!'.! ; graduated as M. D. from Casiletcn Medical College, Vermont, June ICth, 1859; re sides in Orangeville. Charles Wesley Ammerman,born in Aebttry, iMshingcreok township; graduated as M. D. from Cleveland Medical College, Ohio, Febru ary 19, h, 1873; resides in Ornngevillj. Theo. Clarence Harlcr, born in Luzerne entity; graduated as Al. I). Irom tho Ilal'i- moro College of Physicians nnd Surgeoiis,l!alli more, Md., March 1st, 18S1: rtsides in Espy. Luther IS. Kline, lorn in llnsh township, Northumberland county; ginduated as M. D. from Jefl'eison Medical College, March 9th, 1Su7; resides in Cutawissa. Thomas J. Swisher, bjrn in Jersoytown; graduated as M. D., from Bellevuo Hospital Medical College, New York, March 10tb,1802; resides in Jersoylown. Louis J, Adams, born in llriartreek town ship; graduated as M. D. from Jefferson Medi cil College March lOib, 1877; resides in Evans- ville. John C. Fruit, born in Jorseylown; graduated as M. D. from Jefferson Medical College March 7lh, 1857; resides in Jerseytown. KOUND ABOUT ItOAUINCCllEEK. Picnics are in full blast hereabout. Miss Manly, of Ashland, is visiting relatives near here. Mis'. Harriet Ilowir was vMting relatives nl Uazlelon and I'Veelutid ice cully. Three Indies nt Iho Esll.or Furnace picnic on Kilurday, either fsinted or hail convulsions. Since list Saturday evening we havo been having some very fine ihowe is,which gives the corn as well ni other things a better nppenr anre. Itcmemhor tho picnics; nno at this place August "Oth, also the Mime day at Mill Grove; Iho Kcrnville band 'estival the 27th, and the Free Will September 3rd. We had the ple;:siue of taking by tho hand, our friend II. V. Whito, a law student in tho office of MeBrs. Freezo A Fycrly, of Illooms burg. Mr. White appeared to bo ts jovial as over. Mr. I). F. Brnr.d', r-f New Jersey, and Sam uel Snydor, Y.-t of Mlfllinviile, wcro calling on friends and relatives in this place and Cula wissa township. Coma again, cenllemcn, but next tlinu bring your ladles with you and stop longer. Joseph Cor), n farmer near here, wo aro in formed, almost fell down in the field while binding oats last Siittiielny. It was either a sun stroke or n slight slroko of palsy, While having on nxo in ono hnnd, Inst Thursday, Mr. J. 8. f-tolt asked I). S. Helwlg for an apple, whereupon ho threw Mr. Scott one and by some mlsbnp in catching it, he cutnn ugly gash in tho palm of nno his bauds. Main's International Show exhibited here on Wednesday, afternoon nnd eveuing. The tentwas not very capacious, but it wasnbsolute ly packed with men, women und children a numbtr of babies in arms , being bewildered speclutors. The show is not,' a tiicus. as might be Imagined because the performance is given under canvas, but a variety cnttrlalnment with athletic feats interspersed. A man with an Iron jaw performed some marvelous acls, lifting cha its nnd a barrel with his teeth, and finally lifting the barrel with two woll-grown boys perched on lis lop. There were two clowns ono of wh oui c rot keel some of Ihc most venera blojokea we have ever beard, The tumbling was pa stablo, trapeze performance good, cccen tricllles about up to the average. Therowas also mi excellent ctnttrllonist. The Show Is ful ly worth ihc price of admission and is much better lhau was to havo been expected. "Women and children lake Malt Ulttcw." "A Pot feet fooel ruedfeinc." "Not a vile rum bitter." "A perfect renovator of exhausted naluro," Mo H fcucccf fcful medicine ever compounded. DKMOCHATIO COl.NTY CONVENTION. Pursuant lo a call of tho Chairman of Ihe County Committee, the Democratic Conven tion met on Tuesday last, nt the Opera Houso in this town, for Iho purposoof mnklng nom inations for county cfiieers. David Lowcn- berg, Chairman of tho Standing Committee, called tho meeting to order at 11 a. tn., nnd tho following temporary organization was effected. resident, MBjor S. P. Hanley, of Iiorwlck) Secretary, N. U. Funk, Uloor.isbutgj Heading Clerk, F. P. Hlllmoycr, Illoomsburg; Tellers, . L. Glrtnn, of Pino, and J. I), Bod Inc. of Main, On motion, tho temporary organization was made permanent. The list of townships was called, and delegates rnmo forwnrd and presenled their credentials. All were found in proper form except Centre, tlio delegates from that township having only n printed ticket with tho number of votes cast for each candidate, thereon. Aficr satisfactory proof thnt the fig ures were all right, ns cost, tho convention agreed to accept tho returns nnd admit tho del egatcs, On a call uf the roll, the following del egates wero found to bo present? LIST 01' UKhniATKS. Heaver Isnao Klingernian, J. J. Drclsbncb, Jacob Bakor. Berwick S. P. Hanley, A. 1). Sceley. Benton-. I. S. Kline, A. 11. Stine, A. Hart- man, Bloom East N. U. Funk, G. M. Lockard, John Gall'ghcr. Bloom West C. It. Sterling, Stephen Knorr. llrlnrcreek C. II. Campbell, II. M. Evans. Calawlssa C. Dehart, Jesso Meusch, William Herner, Centralia William Latighlin, James Daley. Centre J. Hoffman, C. Marsh. Conyngbnni N. Owen Cain, Charles ITa. gerty. Conyngham S. Andrew Donohoe, Patrick Wilson. Fishlngcreek Hiram Markle, Hirnm Karns, N. W. Hess, William Long. Franklin Andrew Lorcman, Davie' H;eder, Greenwood William Eyer, Joseph Keller. Hemlock T.J. Vandirslice, W. Wintcrsteen. Jackson F. M. Parker, Wilson Colo. Locust Kolandus Herboin, David Stlno, Dan iel Knorr, A. Stine, Madison W. J. Allen, Kobert Manning, P. D. Werkhoiscr. Main J. D. Bodine, J. W. Shuman. Mlffliu A. W. Hess, D. 0. Bond, S, II. Wolf Montour Samuel Giger, Josiah Giger. Mt. Pleasant Joseph Ikeler, Lon Krcsslcr Orange Geo. Fleckenstlnc, William Mostellor. Pine Thomas Gordner, A. E. Girton. ltoarlngcretk Da id Long, William Znner. West Scott J. Terwilliger, II. C. Kdchner. East Scott John Savage, Dr. P. F. Hedeker. Sugarloaf W. B. Pelerman, James Shullz, Cyrus Larish, Tho volis of each township were then read after which tlio 0 invention neljourned until 2 p, m. At 2.15 the Convention mot, nnd upon roll call it was found that Dr. Bedeker, of West Scott was nbscnt, arid T. W. Hnrtman was substituted in his Btcad. Nomination of candidates for Associate Judge, being in order, thu convention votes wore read and result ed ns follows: Shuman, 39 votes; Lake, 39; McHcnry, 2S1; Krickbaum, 12J; Frey, 11. It , requiring -15 votes lo nominate, thoro was no nomination, and the second ballot was laken with the same result. On third ballot the name of I. K. Krickbaum was dropped, be h iving tlio lowest number of votes. Tho result was as follows: Like, 43J Shuman, .T.lj McHcnry, 30 5-0 Frey, 11 Fourth Jlallvt. Lake, 4Ci Shiiinan, 521 Mcllenry, 33 5-0 Messrs, Lako and Shuman wero declared duly nominated, rnoTitoNoTAnv. Thero was no opposition to William Krick baum for tins office, and on rending tho votes it npnoared that he received 06 convention votes and C. M. Blakerore vote. anii kccordeh. I'irU llallot. Sterner, Jacoby, Eyerly, Herring, 37 20 t; -l Kequisite to nominate, 35. G. was declired nominated. TlSKASUUEIi. First Ualht. Johnson, Tewka'iury, Miller, Kiefer, Creasy, W. Sterner 31 11 C 7 y The Chairman stated that ho regretted loan. nounce llie ucaln ot Air Ureay since tlio dele gate election. His naino was dropped, and second ballot taken as follows: Second Jlullol. Johnson, 38 'feivksbury, 10 Kiefer, 7 Miller, 0 A. M. Johnson, of Locust, having received the icquiille number of votes, was declared I lie nominees. co.mmissioni:kh. First llallot. Heicharl, Edgar, Pohc, Fisher, 1 1 ess, 49 31 22 13 10 Charles nomincss. Iteichart was declared ono of the Stcond Jlallot. Edgar, Polie, Hcs, 351 15 13 15 Fisher, B, F. Eelgar was declared (ho nominee. AUMTOKS. (MV. Hess, of Mifllin, and Dr. L. J. Ad- nms, of Briarcreek, were nominal! d for County Auditors by acclamation. Tho following reso lution wa adopted: Re'olccd, That W. J. Burkaltw and C. B. Jackson bo the representatives to Iho next Stato Convenlit n, for the purposoof nomina ting a canutilnto lor bint o Treasurer, anel that they in connection with Ihe repirscntntives l;oi)i ine oilier counties, select a senatorial eltl- egnie. On motion, the Convention adjourned. WYOMING BKM1NA11V AND COMJIBItCIAI, ejULLIUUi Has accommodollors for 175 boarders and 200 day students. Prepares students for nil Iho leading colleges. Has fivo graduating courses: u normal course, for tiacbeis; a German Pro fessor ot Music; competint leathers In French German and Painting. Discipline, parental. Ihe Commercial College has no superior, pro. vides two banks, fivo telegraph cflices, whole sala and retail coal departments, instruction in Laws of Business, Political Economy, Ac. Next term opens August 31st. Commercial students addresB Itev. L. L. Kpieguo, A. M , nil others Ucv. D. Copeland, D, )., Principal, Kingston, l'a. july 23-Ow Tills Is (lie time of year wlicn the eiccieluous liatmna peel is a trup for iho feet of the un wary, and It serves aa an Index lo the diame ters ofthe passers-by. Iho inconsiderate ilirow IteUiwnjtlie Incautious trample upon llj llio sellisli pass It by, anil tlio Ii niiinneW iiiminiiifni . It will do Ihe least removo it to a place where harm. Aroyoti goitiR to paint? If so.aend lo Henry H.lteay, Montour l'alnt Works, Ituperl, l'a., lor samplo cam and pricci of Strictly l'uru While Lead. Slate Colors, Iron Paints. Putty Ac, and save llie wholosale and retail profit, You can mix your own colors, from best mater ial, with Pure Llnteed Oll.for 75 cents to $1.5!0 pcr gallon, Itospectfully Yours Ac, a I'Ioniu with variations, Accidents, discomforts and annoyances of divers sorts seem to bo Inseparable from that va rlely of otil-ibor entertainment known as n picnic, Showers fall, lunches arospolled,wsgon break down, and mishaps of more or less mo ment bofall the pleastiro seekers. Thoso mis chances, as a rule, pertain to picnics In day 'ight and are varied to some extent when the lima it changed. Onn afternoon last week, ft party of young pcoplo loft Illoomsburg toonjoy themselves in a grove not nany miles from Orangeville, Intending to putakeof suppornnd then return In the glory of n full orbed moon, The plan was'onginnl and would have been de lightful had It lint beou for tho "uncx- pnclfil," which wo nro told "always happens." Tho rnrty did not arrive nt tho place of lielr destination until the sun hail set, nnd the twilight faded into night with such nun- .,...!. 11, it.., .1 .!.. ...... I jiu i.i'miijr, mat uiu UYlllliit; mt'lll MJlti I'llbiu I in -i fl-irlttieaa whtnli wnnhl b-ivn li.irn Cim. mcrian, had not Iho gentlemen kindled huge bonfires to dispel the gloom. Tho moon did not shine forth resplendent, on the contrary cho retired behind murky batiks of clouds and .,... i.i , , ,. m. . , illumined the scene not u whit. Tho dnrkness increased nud n few rain drops paltered upon Ihu lenves. This was tho signal for n hasty de parture and the big wagon was soon on its way lo Orangeville, A halt was made at tho hotel in that town, and for an hour nnd a half there was patient waiting for tho storm lhat camo not. This was not highly enlivening nnd at last pa tience ceased to be n virtue, and iho revellers started for home. Not a great distanco Imd been traversed when a lurching of the wagon, foIlowel by n full stop to progress evidenced a crisis. Matches were lighUd, and it was ascer-1 tained lhat one of the hind wheels was hanging I over a vawninr- rbasm. and lhat a friendlv lren nlono prevented tho tumble of tho vehicle nut' its occupants down a miniature precipice. This danger pas'ol, another effort lo reach home was made, but once more the wheels loft the high way and sought rcfjgd in a ditch. A houso stood near by and to tho occupant an nppeal was mado for a lantern, Tho Illuminator was procured, and the gentlemen of tho parly look turns in carrying this bead light in frontof tlio cquipago until they reached Illoomsburg, at the cheery hour of four o'clock in the morning weary, foot-sore and forlorn. Persons pto- postng picnics hereafter this season, will not bo like'y togniti many recruits from Iho rnnksof this lantern brigade To them the beauties ol moonlight picnics are but ns phnnteimsof ti dis ordered imagination, as unsubstantial as the biseless fabric of a vision," fier an objuration of three weeks or so, the dally ,Sn shone feebly on Friday hut and then sank out of sight once more. There were a couplo of incoherent, irrelevant nud badly written communications iu the issue, ono of which reflected strongly on tho political vuga- ricsofC. B. Brcckway In 1SGS and 1872, at which times he was connected with thu Colum bian. As we had nothing whatever to do with the paper in tho years mentioned, we havo nothing to say concerning tho strictures upon Mr. Brockway's course. Philadelphia Times. J rillLADBLi'IIIA I'OLICK DEPAKT.MENT. Tho Philadelphia Letlycr of December 29, 1SS0, mentions among many others, the cao ot Chief of Police of lhat city, Samuel II. Given, Esq., who says be used St. Jncob's Oil in his family for vaiions painful ailments, with excel lent results. lie has nlso hcnid from many who have used it for rheumatism, thnt it alone of all remedies did them good. Marriages. Wei.i.ivkk Lemon. At tho residence ol tho bride, August Clh, J6SI, by Bev. N. B. Smith, Mr. Henry B. Welliver and Miss Hi lie K. Lriritn both of .Stockton, Luzerne county. Deaths. IvLIKK. In Fishlngcreek township on the 27ih of July, Leonard Kline, aged 2'J years, 1 month and 12 days. Hr.iS At Afton on IhofUh of August, Mrs. Anna E. Hess, consort of Isaac lies', uged 02 years, a months anil days. Wahden In Scott tnwnsbip,Jiily 20th 1SS1, Alexander Perden Warelcn, sged 22 years, 8 months anil 12 days, Business Notices An enul-vi variety of Straw Hats (Jlea'ing out very etienp at David Lowcnberg'x. A full amorinu-nt of Neck Wear for get tlemen nt F. D. Dentlcr's. Navy Blue Suits, JSavy utile rants. nut nno at David Lowenbcrgs, 1 ,000 good live Calves wanted. Let them conip from llie north, Mutib, fust und west, bv vholeti-e nt d ihJI. leu ei.i.bring your good Cnlvo right nlcrg nowiiny time nn flleireli'V, iuesuay, wetinoMifly itnu Thursday uf eaih mid every week midget vnur cash or j:e.e.fjs lor them nt Pilns Young's Light Street. july 15-Gui For Fine Shots of all kinds, ee to Dent- terV. White Vests, Dpt-lers, Linen Pants, A l.trgo line ol buuimrrliooil.s at David Loweuberg's. Seo it woman picking n bunch nf grapes in another column, at Spcer's Vineyards, r I ,i o. . .1. I lriiui which Dpttf h r (in urnpe w ine is made, that is to highly fstccuiiel by tho medical profession for the use ol invalids, weakly persons and tho aged. So'd by O. A. Klelni. jau 7'81 1 y ... For n Fine Dress Pliirt, l'or l'lni' lai'cy thirtgo to David Lejwi nbi rg's, 1.000 iioumIk of i Up Pitied Cherries, 4,000 pnurels of nice Driid BasiibtrrieH wnulril by Silas Young nt Light Sire e t, (or Willi Ii l I'Min j ny tlio Iiiglitsl imitlitt price. july ioiim TbebeM aiolhccbeurcM buy vour Boots nuu anrca m uenucr, 10.C0O good Spring Chickens wanted. Bring llii in light itlnng now nnd get your cash nr goods for thtin nt Silas Young'. Light filled. july 15 2m When in the coitiso or human events it beco.. e'H neeoisiiiy lo pimhusei Clothing, for it barpnin in tn David Lnwcribcr's anilyou will get lull vnluo for your money. Mr. I). W. Smith, or Limestonuvillc, Monteitir county, fava hohna usee! nn ' O-I l,r,,n I Knir.liln.lnr utw,o IC7II. 1... ,., 1 ri v.. ,...v imv. IIU'uiiiwi ncri's: lit'CIl nt no nxiii nsn ir mm r- cut oats tliat wero an badly down nud tangled na it wbh possioio to uo, aim will wager the price of thu inachino that bo can cut any gruin thnt It is possible tti cut with nny inacuuie, aim uimi uii'tnicr anil ticnertlinn can bo do no by hand. T. W, I'urtol, near JiucK Jlorn, fay8tho"Ooborno"t5cirbindei bonitlit last year, "fills tlio bill" nnd does all llhnt is claimed lor it. 1', K, SIuiis, near Dauvlllo. snvs lio cut Iho wor1 tnnpit" no ever saw, flstycar, w'o "Osborne," and cannot epeak tot i.tgi.iy S vtMl? 1 liAUMAN & IlABflEKT, Agflltg, june 10 llloonuburg.Pa. A lUS'UtKOJB COl'NTKllltlT, Hierolsa donseroua counterfeit In circulation, purpn line to to "Walnut Lent Hair Kestore"-." 1 lie! MroLgebt ttleltnco ofil.o ttieanaluo of "Walnut Leaf Uulr HiBlcucr" 18 tint tact Hint parties krow lug llHinicorytryiolrnliotolt. Fiuli Lottie of tlio 'tU0EN A. OWENS, GEN, AGENT. and tlio "Ill It tiler" Is us tie amnn iniiiii,uiTi.u. I ' m jiuuiui ter.wl.lleltickeilisulltlieecniromut pitrrtle8 TJ!B"X7'3"t4'PlTTT5 rx T A ui''ryton-itoRiliiiNtieorlEiv.Ui,Rnacolortl w J-f,-tl -f A. iiio uair i ureuase oiuy rrotn ieH;nilLlo iarllt-H. i;.V.,; W . .v' viiuemoii, new HOLMES & SOHUYLEH. are undoubtedly tho cheapest and most durable fence- made, is not rlleclcd by fire, wind or fiood.does not cause snow drifts, takes fewer posta and stock cannot push it down. Our wire is four pointed, is mado ol two strands ot number f, , . . . . . . i'i lii Heat, miivuuix'.'u biuui who t-wisu- Ctl together JUSt enough to illlOW for COIltniCttOtl 1111(1 CXimnsioil 111 glimmer ll'ld Winter, Wbs IITC r- , .. i .......... :,.1.,. rpi. iastcnetl every seven inches, llie , use ot named wire is no longer an experiment, as last year over one hundred thousand miles were put up. Wc believe our wire to bo the best and cheapest now man ufactured because it is mado of the best steel wiroand runs 15 feet to the POUlltl llilVina the greatest streiUrtll and visibility With the lea8t wcgllt 0f !my ,n!Ul0 put 1 F i,f inn ,.,1D 1 . V'.1 DP"",n """"" WClKhlllfi: al)Ollt 100 POUIKiS. PlTCO per pound 11 cents by the spool, less quantities 114 cents per pound. HOLMES & SCHUYLER. KOISTKH'S NOTIOES. otlca la liereliv irHen to all letratccs. credi tors and other persons Interested In tho estates of mo respofiivo decedents and minors, tnattne roi lowlnirndtntntstrarorsoxecutors' and cuardlans' ac countH liae been llled In tlio olllco or tlio Keirlsler ot Col. Co, and will be presented tor conilrmation nnd allownnco In tho orphans' Court to bo held In Uloninsburg. tu Monday, Sept. fi, issi, at a o'cloclc p. in. uu Kiuu u;u : 1. Tlio Ilnal account of It. K.Jackson, executor of n. m i.umore.iuto or tno uortiiiL'ncr lierwieK.oe- ceased, as llled by ej, 11. Jackson, his oxecutor. 2. Tho first nnd Hnnl account of TJavlil Krclsher. administrator of Sarah. Krelsher, lato of Locust luiv usuip, iie;ci'Hm.u. 3. Tho tlrst and Ilnal account of Christian Clewell and diaries CI well, administrators ot Jacob Clewell, lato ot Catuwlssa township, deceased. 4. Tho second and Ilnal account, of I'ctcr Shelham- or nnd itones sclilleher.executors of tflmon shol- namer, lato ot Heaver township, deceased. 5. Tho tlrst account of It. W. Lyons, guanllan of Anmisincha I'rcscott, minor child of Charles lTcscott, lato of I'lno township, oeceasod. fl. Tho first account of It. V. Lyons, guanllan of (I. H.nescoii, minor eiuia or ctmni-s rrcscott, nno oi i'lno iimnwnp, ueceiiseu. 7. TUo Ilrst und Ilnal account ot Joseph Hcacock. ndmlulstrator or .Martha Ilcaco;k, luto of tireenwood townslilp, rteceae,ed. 8. Tho second and supplementary account cf J. II. Vandersllco nnd J. II. White, executors of I-saao Wliliu, laloot Scjtt township, ek-ceuscu. 9, Tho tlrst and final account of Daniel P. I.cvnn, guardian of Chailott l-'ox-, minor child ot II. II. t ox, lata or Locust, rownsiup, doceasoa. 10. Tho Ilrst and llnal account of Henry Lazarus nnd jmoit-i i.ii.urus, oxeuiora oi Samuel iaz.irus. nuu ui .tiuniour lowusnip, nccciueu. 11. Tho nrst and Ilnal account of William F. llowor nud ueuben ltanp, administrators or joun luup, lato ot rrariKltn town&mp, deceased. 12. Tho account of neorco '. correll, admlnthtrntor do bonis non of Anihony Smikr, Into of .Minim township, deceased; and also tho account of Charles A. Knorr, nuumilstrntor of samu estate, us uitu uy uooryo ii , vuneii. 13 Tim iln and partial account ot J. W. John and H. Knorr, executors ot Stacy John, lato of .Main Ultt llhlllll, UlTVUM'll. II. The first nr.dllnal accouut of Samuel Nc.vliard, administrator or Jonas Wright.latoot ltrlarcrcek lowiisuip, ueeeaseu. to. Tho account of Stephen Srroytr. administrator or wiiuam F.mnojer, lato ot JUiuiti township, 10. The first and Ilnal account nf Abrnm Kline, ad. mlolstrntorol Catharine lliutman.lato of Orani,o eutuauip, ue-'oeraiiuu. IT. Tho ilnal accouut ot Slargarct It. Yeager, survi ving administrator o, lieorgo W, Yeager, lato of u'juuai. luwxiMiiu, ueeeubeu, is. Tho tlrst and Ilnal account cf L. It. II n pert and Kit liaiton.ndmtiilsirntora of K. J, Thornton, nuuui nit, lunii ui jnuuuiBuiii, ue.ue.usvu, 13. Thoc' :ount of Jacob (larretsou, trustee, uedcr the will of Alexander (larretson.lntu of Colum bia deceased, ot Jlattldu carretton, also now uei.i;aacu. 'jo, Tho nrst and llnal account of Jesso He'cs. UACtmur ui -i iiat-p l llious, lain UI IjGCUSI, IOWU- Miip, ue-wnnt-u. 21. first und pa M account of John Annleninn. oxecutor of l'lram Appleman, late ot Hemlock lutTiiciii)-, in'ii-asu. 22. Tho fourth account of John Appleman, surviving oxecutor of Peter Applemau, lato of llemlocn luwusiup, ucotasi-a. 23. The Ilrst imd partial account c,t John ltarlir nuu jiuii-uuiii jit-t-tui, 1-xre.uiurs ui Aurnin lieaver.lato of It oai'ngcreek township deceased. 21, Tho account of Jervmlah s. Yolie', executor of Sully Ann Yolie, late cf Mlfillu township, de- 25, 'i lie nuni nrcount of Famucl 1) etter ck. eruar- dlao of Laura Dellaten, n mmor child or lienja-1 nuu iiwuiiv, jiiiu ui vcuiru uiwubuip, ueceiiteu. 20. Tho Ilrst and partial account of IsaJah How er.t-x. ecutor or .Michael M, llower.lato ot Locust town- I aul,', Uliuuncu. 2T, The so -nnd nnd rartlal account of John II. l)als nnd Margaret ilavls, admlntstrntora of DaMd jia.ia, iaio oi iicover tuwnsmp, aeccasea. 2S. Tho llnal nceountof U K. Walter, guardian of Laura 1'. Walle-, minor child of D. J. Waller, of iuu lutvu vi muuuisuur;. S3. Tho llrt and final account of Jacob M. Ilclsli- llnc, udmlr'-trator of ,iohn Jlelshllne, late of jienion ruwnbuip, acccascu. 30. Tho llrstaiidrinal accoi'U of Abraham Drlbcl- nis, auintiPstrator of Jacob Drlbelbis, luto of i iuu euwiibii-p, ueccabeei, ai, jiii) oecouni, or josepn r. Knlttle, guar- uiuti u iiuni:n iii L-Iiutuiuur IUII1U1 CUIltl Ol JU- cob hostenbauder, latoot C'utawltsa towuthtp, decea.sed. 32. Tin; a' count of David Lowenberg, administrator uiuuu'Hi'tjvuih, iuio oi luu'iuwn otiuooini- uuit;, uL-ue-uteu, 33. Tho ilnal ncco jut of Dai iu LowcnberL'. adminis trator of tuo-goltelsvilck, laieot Iho Town of uiuuujbuui, ue.e;ou&t'U. Cl. The nrst nnd t arllal account of Ifalah n erer and uu.7v,'i! iii- i, in iiiuininiLuia cum llblUIilinie) I unnexo, of John Ulirer, lato of Montour town-1 oui,-, uiiuaMJu. 83. The account of Klmber C. i:nt. administrator of .luuii aui, mui ui scon, townbuip, aeceased. SC. Tho account ot James Sliuitz, at'nlnlstrator of iiiiK" niuiiz, iaiu o Jiicicson luwnsiiip, do- UMliUUi SI. Tho Ilrst and nartliil ncenunt. nf n. is iinrtmnn Jolin A pplrman and William hhn Iter, executois V uuuiue.1 (-imueri, iuio ui iuu luwu ot lllooms- uuij,, ut;i;i-iUH.,u, IS. Tlio tlrst and llnal nceount of Cortes lfobbins. iiilinlnlbtrnlorof Daniel W. Itnbblus, lato of tho .w... u. ,iiwMi.uil' UlliUlU 39. Tho llnal account of I). A. Viniknn n,im'i,kir,, lurutJonathenoeorKclato ot franklin town. DUi,', UlVlilWU, 40. 1'lrst nnd llnal account nf e.'nrr.iind iir,.in,or.i. ndri'inistratrlx, Ac, cf Thoiaus 1). lusher, do- 41. Account, of JaineaW. Hajinnn, ndinlnlslratorof til l i hujiiuiii,iiuuui liriUlllll'KlUWIlMllp, uc- 42. I'll st and final nccouni nt v ll l-nii- n,i,,,i,,iu trnlor do bunts nonet WelllDKton II, ICnt.lalo ot tno Town of illoomsburg, deceased. 41. First nnd llnal account r-f John Hartman. a1 I rn'ntst ator or Daniel Ni-iiinrr. iiwm, ni .i. I 41. KllM liml Hnnl aCCOUDt Or .inPOll nnH.lnr-,,1- nvn nlnrnr.lnlin llrlih, T.iV, uii o,f, . ,.T, iuu- , First and final account ot Aaron Mastcller 7.1.11,1 ; t ii ; riMm!'iiiiii,iur, uiiinr ile-eenh -l i'unmau, iueo oi .nuin 10WU8UI1, 0 First and Unal account ot Itentamln Evjnii,ad. inlruslmuir of Ieaao t'rj dtr, lale ol L'enlro low n- i'l uve-l-usuu. Keirlster'a onice, 1 W. H.JACOUY. Uloomsbure August i tv, -st.f KOL'lstor, WHITE EROMZE MONUMENTS, HSADSTONES.&c. Aro rccoinraendeU ny tlio Lest authority, will noor cracV, clilp.corrodo, lustor Tliey BECOME MOSS GROWN. They are pure, renncd. cast ilno. Thev urn i.. 7, lliut, uurauio uudclican. Send fc,rrininr,inii I Or Inquire otV.V, initio, WtxirahLurff, July I V-ta HOLMES & SCHUYLER. TO TOVE & TINWARE BXJ"5rr.'E!3RS: Mr. Isaiah Hagcnbuch havintr taken charge of our Stove and Tinware Department, would bo pleuscd to see Jus old Jnenus and customers, as well as new ones His long experience in this branch of trade may bo a safe guarantee of a studied and careful selection of the best stove3 in the market. We have some New llanges, pos sessing new and novel features, well worth the attention of buyers. Our stock of House Furnishing Goods is large and wc would be pleased to have you call and look them over, whether you wish to buy or not. HOLMES & SCHUYLER OPERA HOUSE DEALER IN STOVES, HEATERS AND DAMES, LOW DOWN GRATES, MANTELS &C SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVSN TO PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE. PEIVATE DWELLINGS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS HEATED BY STEAK! OR HOT AIR. AWNINGS OF ALL STYLES AND SHAPES MADE TO ORDER. H-oofizig and' Spouting Done at Sliort X&oticea ROOFING FROM FIVE TO TEN GENTS PEE SQUAREIFOOT, plIt-L SJOCK Of IEOfI, LErD, AD TEA. CQXJ flfE. On the ist of this month our stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods at Oak Hall was seven hundred and forty-three thousand one hundred and seventy-five dollars and eighty-one cents. Where is there another such stock to select from ? The old house has been remodeled. The old hands (most of them) are still there. The old principles of jut and right prices, sound goods, fashionable styles, substantial finish, are strictly adhered to. A A 9 J. 4t mvy ft Who founded the business, is at Oak I Iall every day look ing after things, and in all the history of Oak Hall it was to push up its high standards and drop down to lowest prices. X$Z?An old-time greeting to our friends cvcryxvhcrc, and another cordial invitation extended to come to Oak Hall. Wanamaker & Brown, OAK HALL, Cor. Sixth and Market Streets, Philadelphia. The Largest Clothing House iu America. ostscript. The last new thing we have done is to open a TEN DOLLAR ROOM, where we have gathered a great lot of full Suits, suitable for dress or business, which we shall sell at jJUo. You can judge of the cheapness of our stock by seeing wnar. we can uo lor j,io. LATER T RTVT.PS! on I At tho 'COLUMBIAN' 0FJEI0E.' HOLMES & SCHUYLER. TINSMITHING. It does not sccin to bo gener ally understood by somo of our trade that wo are prepared to do Tinsmithing in all its branches. This we havo often noticed by tho expressions of surpriso of many who, when in tho rear of our store, noticed men working in an adjoining building. We car ry a full stock of Tin and Tin smith's Supplies and arc prepared at all limes to do all kinds oi work. As low prices seem to bo tho most popular wo havo REDUCED THE PRICE OF ROOFING To 5 Gents a Foot, UBing the same grade of tin as heretofore and other work at cor responding prices. HOLMES & SCHUYLER. W. & B. gUSINESSOAKDS, VISITJNO CAItDH, LWItlt HVAI1H. , inn, HKAim, r03TKl(ti, ki.,tx. Neatly aud Cheaply rrinUU nt the Colo mam Office.