The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 05, 1881, Image 4
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUBG, COLUMBIA OlUiSlXr, PA. Tlin r'ririit, (m op and run Tiir. 9iiAso. Prum 1 10 Afflcrlnan AitrtcuUtirldt (or August. Willi tliU month lieifiiin tlm fait woik r vl thu iiioio tininitly it in cntureil upon tho holler. Tim ntuhhluft nro now lilc, mill thoy cm ho plowed nl oneo for tho fall sowlny, thiispiovoiithiynfiiowth of weoK from riiicning their uooils. Wheat requires n deep lioli, ami mellow Hoil. All tho hard lumps nhouhl ho bro ken up liy tlm limrow and pulverized, using a Held roller to aid in this work, if tin harrow does not bring them line. Briii'diig of thu coil to a liner ulato is now recognized, and thero aro a great many "pulverizers' upon tho market es pecially designed for this work. To inoso wno cannot afford (or think tliev cannot) such an implement, tho common harrow and a log roller will ijostifllc'tciit, If used thoroughly to mcparo tho coll as a bed for tho seed. Tho old method of broad cast sowing of wheat is fast, being miperseded by tho mipcrior ono of drill ing mo grain. Tlio drill secures uni formity ot depth and by putting all tho grains in a proper placo for growth, theio is a saving in tho amount of seed used six peokt) of good plump urain and no other should ho used issnlliciont nor acre,if sowed wuh a drill. iluch do ponds upon thu variolvof seed sown. and tho tanner should ntako a study of uus manor, to iieiorimno wiitcli is tlio host kind of wheat for his soil and lo calily. Early sowing is tho best, except when there-hi ilanircr from tho llessiati lly. Lato no wed wheat makes such a poor growth before tlio frosts como that i.. is not in good slmpo for winter, and it is not, sure oi giving oven a lair crop. Tho preparation of tho soil for ryo islho samo us lor wiieat, though it will do well on a pooler soil than wheat. A soil that is rich enough for a good crop of ryo, can no mane, in many cases, to pro duco a more nnvintr cron bv addim? a dressing of 300 pounds of any good ier tilizcr, and sowing it to wheat. Tlio vanit ot ryo straw in somo localities may make the rvo crop, grain and straw to- gtiU r. uioio proiilablo than oven a trood ei p ut wheat. This only is tho caso i. ur clues where thostraw brings a high print.. A number of crops may bo grown to: fodder. White turnips may bo suwn this month, and in good soil, with pi p r . are, (100 to SCO bushels of this e.vii lN iit food may bo obtained per acre. TIj. i,o mills need to bo fed out rapidly, bu it carefully stored will lint until January. Jlillct, if sown early this month, on rich soil, will niako an excel lent feed for lato fall; and rjo, sowed now, if not needed for pasture, pioduco a lino growth for tho spring soiling of tho farm stock. Tho loot cro)s,mangcls and beets and field cabbages need frequent cultivation during Ihis month, and until tho leaves cover tho ground. If tho weeds aro al lowed to grow, and tho soil is left un stirred, the crop will be small. Sugar beets nro best if earthed up at tho boil ings, so that tho roots aro eutirely below ground. Mangels do not require this "hilling up." "Potatoes should bo har vested jubt as soon as they aro lipe, otherwisu tho tubers maystait into a now growth. Thoy aro much moro apt to bo affected by tho "rot" if left long in the soil. If this "disease," which is a fungus growth, makes its appearance, the vines should all bo burned ho soon as tho potatoes arc dug, as tho spores aro thus destroyed in vast quantities. When other work is out of tlio way, much may bo done to make tho spring work lighter by plowing in tho fall. When this is done early it is much like a fallow in its effect upon tho soil it kills tho weeds, loosens tho soil, and allows of chemical changes that niako plant food available. Heavy clay soil is much improved by caily fall plowing. Muck is a valuable material for tho barnyard, stable and compost heap, and can bo dug with tho greatest ease at this season ot tho year. It may bo drawn from tho bed to the heap near by, where it can dry out, and afterwards be taken to tho place whole it Is to ho stiired lor use. Din inir' tlio drv weauier oi uiih nioiiiu drama van bo dug with greater comfoit and less expense than when the soil is full of water. The value of a drain depends upon the tlior ouahnesri with which tho woik is done. It i-houhl boa peiuianont impiovemeut. Tiirn'lH. TheieiK 1 1, ciop that the fanner puts i i,o ground that pas him In Her than tlu iiiinip. We aro aware thai with inn- j'liM is it is looked upon as of little nornm i; but it lias never received the consideration to which it is really entitled, and thoso who turn up their nous al it nro not "enuino fawners. It is a ci op, moreover, that is put in when the huiryiiig woik of thu season is over; win ii it oeeiipiis ground tha has already bi-i'ii u-cd for something else Tho cul- liv.iiiim alo, sav of fiom ono lo two a,'! i-f turnips, involves comparatively lur 1'ilior. i'ho ci op, too, is harvested i'i N veiuber, when there is almost no oi "i i labor ufi tlio farm to interfere with it. As to thu variety of seid to sow, wo there is no turnip equal to thu pulpit- ti p. tondn hKini; ot bono ma is almost indispensable to an abund ant crop, For'mi early cioji take tho Jwiy J' lat JJutcli and sow broadcast.aud now is tho time. Tho Purple Top for tho regular farm crop. This should bo sr wed in (bills thirty inches apait, and when tho turnip" urn thosizoof u hickory nut thin out to eight or ten inches apart in tho low. Tin v M'ldoni fail in affoid- inga satisfactory wop. The crop can be put in the first half of August. Where land is a little shoit, sow among tho corn at tlio last working. They will t ot inlerftio in tlio least with that wop, generally, and very little when itishar Vvstcd. JJe sure always to proem e seed from established seed houses of reputa tion, and usu that grown hero instead of hi J'.urojHi it you wish thu best and F.-ifest article. An illustration of tho value ofrevne cination is nffordeo by a report just fur nished by the chief medical ollicer of thu Gei' Post OIllcu in ICngland. This ii-poit ralales to nn average niunherof 10,101 persons employed in thu postal service m London, all of whom have been required lo undergo re vaccinal ion on admission to thu service, unless that operation has been performed within seven years previously. Among these j:ei-soiM,iluriiigten years 1870 1880,theio has not hcciHi single fnlal casu of small pox, and in only ten instances have there been non fatal attacks, all of which were of a very slight character. In the tele graph depaitnien:, where the eufor o ment of ruvaccination has not hem ear ned out with quite tho same ooiupleli ncfS, 12 cases have onuirred in thu same period among it staff averaging 1,-lfiH in niuibor. Eight of these attacks weui of poisons wh had not been rovaeciuateil, un.ll one proved fatal. Thu remaining four were of rovacoinated pi ihoiik, who all ii ifi etly r eovi red without pilling. This I'xperioneo, likr that of thu muses of Ihu siniill-pox hospital, kwiiw to -how that rev affiliated piisons enjoy abmlm. immunily from severe attacks of small pox, and thut their lisk of eutching I hat disease at all, even in tlio modified i form, is iulinUcsinud, A correspondent tells of nn amusing incident that occurred last week on a train that was crossing the Hooky Moun tains: "A travelling peddler undertook in tho cars to sell a largo "diamond" ring to a miner who had made his pile. "Humph," said the minor, after critically exaniiniiigtlio ring, "they've got common stono up in tlio diggins whom I vo been that'll cut that diamond all lo piecesl" "If you'll find a piece of stono that, will cut that diamond I'll givo it to vou," said tho peddler. "All right," salll I ho miner, "if I can't cut that diamond with a stone, I'll buy it of you." Thwoupon the miner took tho ring in his hand ami pulled fiom his vest pocket a small piece of brown looking stone, similar to a bit of dark free stone, except the grain was very line, and with this ho proceeded to cut nuil scratch tho "diamond" with sev eral ugly looking gashes, A group of passengers that hail gathered about the minor were nniazcd.but whlo thoy smiled, tho peddler with his diamond withdrew discomfited. "That little piece of brown stone," explained tlio miner, "is a piece of corundum that I got on tho Hocky Mountains and it's tho best diamond test" or in tho world. It won't scar a genuine diamond, but will everlastingly cut up pieces of glass or quartz." a noon 1'oi:nitio. Ono of tho gieatest troubles of our people is weakness of tho stomach. As this soon causes indigestion, nervousness nnd rheumatism, they prevail in almost every American household. There is positively no need for anybody lo suffer from these painful troubles who can buy a )() cent bottle of Paikcr'stJinger Ton ic; for this superior medicine always tones up the stomach and nervous sys tem, and keeps tho kidneys active in cairying off the foul matterthus leaving a good foundation for perfect health. A7". 0. 1'icuyune. While all the world nowadays knows of tho torpedo, invented and named by Fulton, as a machine to blow up shipr, coi .laratively few know that it takes its name from a fish, of marvellous electii cal propci lies, which .vas anatomized by tho famous surgeon John Hunter. The torpedo is found in tho Mediterranean thu Hay of Biscay, and tho .Southern English and Irish waters, Tho ancients employed it as a therapeutic agunt. It is believed to uso its extraordinary poweis to benumb a big enemy or to capture a smaller lish. It loves to lie in sand, in which it will bury itself by flapping it" oxtrometies, throwing tho sand over its back. on it then and you will lie prone in a moment. It is sometiuu.-sohl for food in French markets. 11AIIV SAVKll. We aro so thaiiklul to say that our baby was permanently cured of a dangerous and protracted irrcgulaiity of the bowels by the use of Hop Bittets by its mother, which at tho same time restored her to perfect health and length.---Tho patents, Rochester, N. Y. See another column. liuffulo J-Jxpress. "Dear me!" exclaimed a landlady, "it does seem impossible for me to make lio. Ii ends meet. "Well, then, said the boarder,"supposc you make one end vej, tablesr Fotrir road soinewhero that ilvsneptics should eat their food dry. IIu never calls for champagne now without an injunc tion to the waiter to have it extra di v. Is a habit of ridinc a ridintr. habit, or is a riding habit a habit, of riding? CA'SJTIOIV. GET THE STKONCi COMPETITION In tho iniuiufacture of Organs in rtvulting in tlio production nnd piiIo of chenp goods, mndo from inl'oiior imitoria's. I refer jiarticuliuly to bogus Organs that aro continually springing into existence without any merit whatever, except to he ofl'ercd cheap, and then when purchas ed found to he dear at any price. Will you not then, reador, If you Contemplate Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard lo select an instrument boai-inr tlm mimes of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment of . I'll . 1.1 , 1 I?.., -! , 0 siyies ox uiu cuicuraum r-siey uigans cau now DeFeen at tlio new rooms of the Only Authorized Agent foi tho Estey Organs in Coluuibiii Oonnty. A guarantee for fivo years from the manu facturers accompanied every Estey Organ. Juness.'SO-tC A TRUE A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER, IKON BlTTJUiS tiro liljihly like a rliuim 011 tlio iW'MtS'K organs, reinovhiK all Uyuiiciitloiiyiiiiitoiiiii, nuoli as UhMwj the Fontl, Jlelehtnij, J 'leut in tha Stomach, 1 feartbum, etc. Tlio only Iron rrupitmUoii that will not hlaclcou tlio tenth or jjho llCitilltolln. Hold 1 all druggists. Write for tlio A 11 0 llook, U2 jip. of useful and amiuliijt muling nl jrtt. WltOWN CIIKHIIOAL CO., Bnltimoro, M&. BITTERS I Or btitii ty loyt)rirotlcrB TAKE SIMMONS LIVER MffiULATOR. II will iionIIIvi Iv cnru Kick lleiidiKhe. DYSPEPSIA. Tim llcgiil.iior will imslilvelv rnrn llili tcrrlblo iltM'iwo. V o insert i iniiliiillrally wu know to be into. CONSTIPATION Hiontdiiottii rcu.mltil nsn trlillnif nllmcnt, Na turn iii'tnunU tiiu ulinnstmiiilnrltynf llio liowi'N. Tliorrfuiv, iisiM tuiliini by tiiklinr Mmmnm I.lver lictfiilAtor It in lmimlt'81, mllit unit cntclunl, PILES. trc'lcf h nl. Imnil fur thnswlinniitTpr il.vvnfk'r il.i.v with 1'ilo.i, HniiHCiiiMllmnilii'iliiiiiiil will euro MALARIA. IVrnons may mold nil ntlni ki tiy nooniloinlly intilns n Una.! or Simmons itiwiiAtor lo keep tlio liver in healthy notion. Bad Broath. ilenorally itrlslnjr from n ill.vml'Mvit stomach, can bo corrected hy taking Mmmntm Liver ItcKulalor. Jomidico, simmona t.tver ItoaulalorBoon eradicates thlq ills oaf) from tho HjMnin, letting tin) skin clear nnd froo fiom nil Impurities, COLIC. Children surrorlnc with colic noon cxperlenco rn lief when S minonn Mver llcculnlor 18 nrtmltilaterrd, AdiilK n'so deilvo prcat benefit from thu nvitlclne. It In not unpleasant. It la harmless nnd effect! to. Purely vegetable. Sold by all Druggists. TItV IT. Jimosm, "M-ly If RIG! I '.l.nn.l I'., i...,,f !. flffd ... n, .. V t-l. Pin l. nnd will i-"iit).i ,eljr i-'mni-ii iho Mil In i -i i ii ..,. '1,1 in "i.,t i i, , Aiivtierwiti Mll.lM'IIClk.. I (I'll tlllt-'liefllllllKlllMHkl iii-niei-n un..i.ii ; In al'li. If -uelin llilni' IkjIvIMk Si titli' . 1 1 r ; lellee nlnnim. J. S. ,t01lm .1' CO., lluitmt, alius., fnvmtrly i.'rtinfie. Mr, flRFMTQ WflNTFtl nvKiivtvnniiE TTm J, . v. V" 1 tU U'"'"! iimllvltnlt- lillt .tlnrtilm, j Vit invrutni. Will tnllapalrof ii-kiiv,wii.i Ili;i:i, ami 'lOU (oiiiplcVe, In aiMiliiiitm it win alsu tint a treat vatkty or Iincr wolk rof Mlilch Itierclsoltrar n tcaily market SnJ lor circular oii.t trrnM M tho 'I'woiiihls- Hnltl iuir Kliichluc Co., WiMlilnsliin St., llcvtun. .Matt, mnj n, Mj uli Most Fragrant & EefrccMng of Pennmcs Exceedingly Oellcztu and Lasting. Prlee, 23 eto.: Large Bsttle3, 75 eta. SoU by dkl.n In Dru(riA lVrfumery. SlgQAtdrt of Ui coi ft Co., N. Y., on ttrrj totU. ; PARKER'S GINGER TONIC Tho Modlclne for Every Family. NEVER INTOXICATES. Made from Ginger, Euclm, Mandrake, SuHlngia, Y anu cincr oi ine uesi vccciauo remedies known, t Tarkbh's Ginger Tonic has remarkably varied curative powers U is he grea tci Mnmach Correct or, Blood 1'urifier and Liver KeguL tor ever made & The Best Medicino You can Uso for Kestoring Health & Strength It commences to act from the firt dow, searches out the weak trgaiw, and is warrat'itd lu cure or help nl) diseases of the llowtl, Stomach, llliwd, Kidneys, Livtr, Urinary Organs, all Complaints of Women, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Khcutna tixni and lfruiikeiinefii. Try .i bcttle to-day ! t may save your life. 50 ct. and $ 1 sizes at all drugg Ssts. Every genuine bottle hajoursiqnatureon oittuJe wrapjKr, lliscox & Co., N. Y Large saving In buying $1 size. Juh Iiat i Wtmteil. Kver!iody whose hair is gray or failed has fell the I'ccdof .1 Hair IieMorcr nnd dressing Utat is cleanly. ugreealJy perfuined nnd harmless. J'ar kcr's Hair Halsatn satisfies thu most fastiJioui la tliese respects. Sold by diuggUtsat 50c. nnd$i. oct. l.'60-ly SUUSCR115K NOW KOU THE COL tJBI Sl.:0 IN ADVANUH. TiTlATTy'S nrtans 13 usorul stops, n seta roeila JJ'fc w nnv IMnnnMtlVK.n, lr-llna Cit'ilOK. Kin). Amimd lli'ntty, WmhliiKton, N. .1, ra.tyii, " 11I.I BEST. J. SALTZER, Agent, Bloomsburg, Pa Oil TONIC recommended for nil illncanca ro- JUST OUT. MORRIS & IRELAND'S NEW IMPROVED 33IGS-I1T FAXTOEI F SAFE. THE ONLY EIGHT FLANGE SAFE MADE IN THE WORLD. AND OONTAININGOUR Patent Inside Bolt Work, Patent Hinged Cap, Four-wheel Locks, Lirjide Iron Linings, Solid Iron Corners, LATEST FROM MAINE. Lock's Mlll'8, Oxford Co , Me. Messrs. MorrH A Ireland:; dt'Uts: On tlio 'J'-'oil i.f November, Hta, our upon! mill ui Ills place, ciiai! . two Mnrles lilgli, whs 10 tutly consumed by Ire, In wlilcli tlicio vmularue iiuniillty or spool lumber, spo'i mill tlocltd, nil suft aoiinl. Tho Urn Uur jcd fur tliruo ai d u Halt dais. Wo lud ni.oof your wiles In nur mill 11 ml TuisJuy muriilni; ru'lowlny, elKhiy hints utter. Ihelliv.a wus loo hot ti. liundle, UelDK eiivorcd with Imrulni; lilmkrt. M.mntlinu alter It uiih oH'iied 1tl.1l (lio ion. tuntM Hero III 11 ooil fcliiliiol preoi tvultin, not , houk i.riipo"htln','ile!troed. 11111 sailJlleil Willi your Hnfe.1 nnd Imvo puichuscil unollier, mill can cliei rluMy recommend lliemio any ono lslilnirto secino lliLlr vatuubloH fiem tielutdesiiiijed In lire. oniHtruiy, I. (I. Tkuiih, TREMENDOUS TEST. HoaslliiK Thirty lions In ft lied ot Ued Hot Coals. Cornlnt;, N, Y January c, 'si. Morris. I: lieland IIosIoilMiish. llcullcmcn:-ou tho n'uht of tlio ilro luourvll lasu on tho'.'Ctli ult.lli dlu uso one of ynir No. c hares l am pleased lo Intoim you, alter tho lloor Kavo way It fell Into tlm cellar, Into alieiipol lunn luircoal, where it rooRted for thirty hours, nurclt Izensund myself Kavoiipihu hoio of anjUili'K' oe Hit; huvnl In It. on lieln- luken from Urn riiliiH I was happily disappointed to Hint my cash, voui hers and oilier ni I lull h ot value peiniily pieservcd. 'I he combination works well now. I am siillslliil your new mid luipiiivid vuuk, onn of whli h, 11 No. vo, I lnvn oril- red of j our hki'iiI In-d.iy, will anoril nliMilulii pun eel K 11 In any hit. Truly Yours, u. s. IIaknks. STILL AHEAD- lloolicslcr, N. II., Dec. 10, &0, .Mi'hMS. Morris i Ireland: Dear Sirs: In tho dlansl roils tiro width took placo In this town Nov. o, tho Mori Is uud lrelmd sale In my store was subjected to n seviro lest, b'lnif thrown Into I lie lellnr niiil a liugo nioKS of debris ri ll upon II, and It was in llio mlns somo two days. I tiko pleasure lu iLlormliiK jou that upon cxrava lloiill wasopeniu wltlmui 1 rouble nnd the contents were found to le inilcjuicil. I cheerfully lecorn mend yourmr, tanu siiomIu 1 want another I should ceriuiiuy puicnase ono irorn you. Yours truly, 0. W. IIowk. STILL ANOTHER. Fiom tho Ureat Klio lu Troy, Now York. Troy, N. Y., Hecembcr 11, 1819. Mi s 'if. Morris A Ireland. Iloston: (lentli men: Aller wllneKiliiL' the Clint red book) oiitot II o sarcs 1 peiieii, also ono of my own widen wa anolher 'iiate. which v;n nolln tho heal 01 tlm Urn I ke Ihu No 0 lalelv purchased of jou, which w is lu the Hi u over fnny-i lijht boars, ami had to ln eimlli.uul plavciloh duriiiit Monduy iiluht. us It wiivciiuipii leiy Rurruui ocu wuu uurnini; miisiiiis in d inli.'i 11 lluinalilu mateilal, 011 Hpeninif It In the ruins Tin day l rii'rr.mni, I wus pleiised to lliid the (.1 in I i'ii I h, heoks, pnpi rs nnd nouoy Hern ullpio Hi'rieil In n 11 iiiiirkui ly Kind coudllinii. Wllhthls pi oof 1 f I lie II 1 e ipiallilesof your sale wo liuvu (,Mv en yi or nielli an order f rotii: No. 8 safe. Yours respectfully, Davis & ro. THE Gil 12 AT BOSTON FIEE. JANUAIIY. 1880. Morris & Ireland's Sale i A train Tilumpliant-Messrs. iliiu. iveuuau & ijun. iiuru Dale lieveuis lis Valuable contents Intact, after beuitr sub ject! d to laien eheat for una Hundred and Thirty Hours. lloston, January 2, isso. Mobsra.MorrH a Ireland. Horn on: flenU:-On the night of December , last, the building occupied lu part by us at No. VI Federal street, and w hl(h wus four etorles high and about sou leetotep, caught Ilro and was destroyed, with all Its contents, cuuPlMlngi f 11 very laigo slock of paper, took binders' materials and o'l or mercnun. Ol.e. vi lillo st veral other largo bullrilngs udjolnln ours were burnt d ut the fame time, Iho tliiiiies were extinguished the following dav. but our stock con tinued to burn for dais thereafter. Alter a tit lay of 13o hourv wo wero able 10 navo our sale dug out fi 0111 thu 1 ulns and oientd, and werti pleaded to tlnd all tho contents well preserved. The sufucoutulaed our most valuable books, pupers. jn.l!dt b, t lc, and wu ncwlcelbuie lliatour JurtL'Diei.l was coirtctln tui leg oi.oot your infet, which wo decided to du nlier know ing the woiiHt-1 lul record of your baits In lliegriul llobiiui meet 'in We regrd the proirc Hon if your hale i.s unM remarkable, and this tire is a guaranty ot lis security 10 ibosu who may wlbli to purchase. Yours very truly, Kick, Kknoali. ,v Co, Also a Communication from Ex-Gover nor Aloz. Rico, lloston, January 2, ls.vo. MtS.SU-IM0IIHI34IIIKI.AN0. dents: lbavonmdo careful examination ft the contents of tho eoio purchased ot you somo years since by thu tlrm ot luce, Kendall & Co , and which was biibiectlu tho test of enormous heat In Die meat Pro ot last iiunday nlirht. I reuard tho se curity of thu Sato under llio circumstances as most remarkable. None ot Its contents were burned, nor were asyot them so injured by boat as to bo materially damaged I should commit any securlt. les to your satj hereafter with additional contU donee. WUU great respect, youis very truly. Alexander ll.lllco. THE LATEST YET. BUr THE SAUB BESUIT, Ho. Norrldgowock, Mo., t'cb, 1, issi, Messrs Mirrls A Irulaiitl, Huston Mass.! The satu 1 Kiutht of you lust October was Inn Iwo-story wooden building, which buried Jan. as. 'run building took lire In the night, and Iho uif , bul'dlug and Its contents, felllnlo thu cellar uhii uplluofdry wood, making a hot tlru wlilcli lasleil fur leu hours. Tint outblue of tho safe wuh Pouli il red hot, It melted tho bundle and dial oft tho dour Ihu contents cousli'ted of wan lies, Jeweliy, bill 1 1 . warn, books papers An., all of which cumii out in good t'OiidlUou. I'apurs lying agali st tlio Insluuot tho i-ufu wurv not Injured. Tho safii thowa fur It self WLUtltls, and I feel well satisfied with whith hasdouu, ITeasu wrlto what yodcau allow for It toward a oow ono, and ubll.'o, O.IMIALI CHAMPION RECORD in the GREAT BOSTON FIRE in 1812. irHend for prices and doucrtptlro catalogue bo. f oro purchasing elsewhere. MORRIS & IRELAND, 64 SUDBURY ST. Boston Mass. BL80MSBU8C STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOllMAL SCHOOL DIST1UCT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Kiiv. D. J. WALLER, J;:., Ph. D., Principal. liuliiTrngsspaclo sPi Ji'iinKiiiiifni. ami nasv of access. Toachera modcrnto. fifty cents a week deduction to nil oxpcctlng to teach, students admitted at any tlirw. itoomi rofteneu wticn uciiicu. Courses of study prescribed by tho Utato t I. Moilel .School. IF. rrcpumtmy. III. Klemciilary. IV, Cl.wlrnl. Aillimric;niiii! I. Aculciiilo. 1 1. Commercial. I IT. Conine In Music. IV. Course in Art. V. (Vurso in I'liynical Cullure. Tho Klpmcntan'. Sclcntlllo and ClanliMl Courses corresponding tiegrces; M.istcrot tlio Uleinonts! 'hc!rnttnlntu.-nts,,slgi,ejlb w Mate r-'i uln'sii hie i det land It. It la one ot tun prlrno ob new of this sciuioi to lieln to seeun; Tl, by furnl ih ntf In elll en" unci "iilrtJnt I'c ac era for her Sol u uls. To I ltsetid It sollcltu young persum .if good alillltles nnd good purposi'S.-thow who ileslr'i tulmprovij their tlrni Yh"lrwon oppotliinltles for well paid labor after leaving School. I'oi i.atniogui', nuiirt-R mo iTinnpai, UIIIIN. Vrll.l.IA.II l;i.Vi:l,l., I'rmlileiit llnnril seri.",''!''. SPRING THE largest OIF CLOTHING. just what wp: REPRESENT IT FOB CUSTOM TAILORING -JR BEADY MADE. wow oitr ri.iKfB WEINYLTE YOUJl EXAMINATION TO KNOW "WHAT TO WEAR," AHD "now TO WEAR IT." CALL AT ) ft 11 THE DA VIS. $1,000 HESWAKB. ONU THoUSAN'I) (l.OOO) DOI.I.A IIS I'ltEMIU.M ll-ieil 10 Is' Y I'HliSON' lli il will do 11- tiitKAT A JtANOK OK WORK mi ANY OTHKli MACniNIi NEW MVJs'yERTlCAL FEED Will do without basting. It will make wide hem 011 sheets, Ac, hern all manner ot bias woolen goods, as toft merino, crapo, or eoods difficult to hem on other It makrs a more clastic stitcli than any oilier machine. It will turn a ht m and put in plplne; at samo t'.ir.o Itwlll turn a htm. bew braid on tlio rlfjlit sldo and stitch on trimming at ono ojieratlou. It will do fi lllDi; bias or straight, cither on cotton or woolen goods. It will tell ucross scams on any goods. 1 win bind n Huts or Pktrtand tew on facing, either with or without Hiowlng Mllchee: bind lirebs Hoods with the so mo material, either scallops, points, squares or stialKhi. 'Ihoonb mathlno Ihutwlll bind rats, Clonks, or other aitltles with bias, satin or silk, f 1 oiu ys to a Ii i In sin mt!i, wllhout banting. It will gather with or without hewing on. It will gather between two pieces nnd Bew on at tho same Umu. It will makoarunie and stitch u pillow slip on to the facing at the mine time. It will shirr any kind of goods. It will mnke plaited tilmmlng cither with or with out sewing It on. It will make plaited trimming cither scallajied or straight and sew a piping on at lliebaruc time. It will uiuko knlfo plaiting. J. SAl.TZKR. Gou'l Agent, iiloomsburg, I'n. oct. 1,'80-tf. !.(. aim ml .1 11 in vl lt4ln KTI'IIH t iM'tfTl. 'mil riiictt" nifi imtii utility. u umr VE(l.OO.nUATO flIMfNO -.n i UJj;lj!,0, A U it "li'JiN. hy )) Hi V III s r I H X ut w in ltr luilj luw Vi II il.'l.-lii will I-(-1M1 I tft ill)' -Arfi t-illillt Iiriit'll it' ut j fMnn il tti tif nit, mi.l to j fi 11 r until Ih-luUr :ilt fi.lltmhur. l'ulliiiiii I'.tluiti ttr nil (in I) l.i - Ci.miHiTiy rn.iu OHtOMlOt Ci UMJU. m,U','ri. TlH'HKA wi KAHHAK U1TY. lunnliii i il".' i I ui uiif i I iui(.'eif mi'4 to UUt VB it hi I I UE1JI.O. lMntiif ('(it- tint 1 ttnlunl lu mII ilirum'li IruliiH, Ik wild HiftiU iiui Ui uLUhirtl a! U.nituihot Mn riiti of vt nty-iify iMiti Tor ratra, further hit rnitiu: ftutl uicpmt Mn UI UtlltK J, Q. A. J1EAN. Geii'JEttm A", 117 UriHid WRV.Ki-wYfirl- tuu 3 i W Mil ten fit It. stun Mum LKOAL ULANKS, ' AMVAYS ON HAND to Mnfenrw Swap m a mi .im, well ventilated, ll?lited by gar,, anH fui nWidt wlUi ft bounUtul suuply Of puie.sott oxncrlcnccd, oniclcnt, and nllvo to thelr work. Dlnclpline, tlrm but kind, uniform and thorough. Kxrenso nro I'IIOI LSMIONAI,, ami siunnnis graunaing Master nf the Sclonoes s Maxtor ot tho ClaIC3, of Trutlrr CLOTHINGE - STOCK PORT GRAPE WINE Vsed In Iho principal Churches for Communion purposes. ej::sllent i-on laiiec and weaely PEIISCKS AND THE AGED. tpeer'M Fozt Grape Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. mills Celebrated Native Wlno Is made from the JL Juice of tho Oporiollrapo raised in this Country Its InvalmWe Tonio and Si lengthening Properties aro unsurpassed by any oilier Natlio Wlno. Ilel1 g too pure Juice ot tho drape, produced under Mr. Hpecr's own personal su ervislon, Its puilty and L'uiiiniif iirss arc curautecd. 'I'ho vounirrsi child may purmko o( Us geuciousiiuulltlts and thu weak- usi luisnii use itiu huviiiiiiii;u 11 is pnriicuiaiiy bcnlllclal vo tha aged nnd debilitated, and suited to the various aliments Unit ntTecl tho weaker sex. It 13 in oiery respect wims 'lo tin hkliku on. SPEER'S Tho 1'. J. sn KltltV Is a Wlno of Superior character nnd partakes of the gulden qualities ot thotrnpc, from which It. la mado. Kor I'urlty. Hlchness.navor nun .milieu rroperties, ii win ue louuu unexecutu. SPEEll'S This IlKANDV standi unrlvalod In ihls Country, being tar superior foe medical purposes. IT IB A ruilli dlbtlllitllon f tim Uio grano nnd con. tains valuablo medical propirtlcs It lias a dellcato mvor, similar to that of tho grapes from which It Is dlstlllcd.and Is In gniat favor among ursi uiu.ii iiiuiiiii'ti. tloo that tho fclgnnturo of AI.VltRD HrBKIt.rasaalo N J., Is over tlio cork of each botllo, SOLiI BY a. A. KLEIM. doom 'sou To I'orvoas Cufforcrs Iho Orcat Eurojcan Rsxcdy. im. J. b. smrsoN'sisrEctrio mkdicink. llr. .1. II. Blinpson'sHpeclilo Mcdlclno is a positive euro for overwcikcf Iwdy or brain oroMess of uny kind, such ns weakness and nil dtscascH runultlng from Nervous Debility. Irrltablllty.Menlal Aiikletv. l.uiiL'iior, Ijisbltude. Depression ul bplrlls nnd func tional dorungt'inents of the neriona tjbUm geu ei.iuj, i uuin in urn l hick or niue, loss. of Mcinoiy, rrein. turooldngo unildly eases that lead tt conmptlon,lusaid ty & an early gravi urlioth. Nomiitlei how sliitlertil I In system limy Do f run excesses of mi kind, a f.hoi t cuurtio ni.s in, uu-iiiu wi.i xhi,,,,; i.... lost functions and procure health and happiness n linu uviuie ,, in ucnimniK uui nilu Klutllll, I lie Dpu eltlo Mcdlclno la being used with wonderful riic.vms. Pamphlets sent freo to all, Wrllu f or IIu m uuil get lull iiarirlou'nr. l'rlci', fipi elllo it.oo per package, or six packages for 13,' o. Will bo sent by mall on receipt of ruouey, Address all orders, J, II. HI.MI'HON's MKDIU1N1S L'U. tioa im aim po muin streci, uunaio, ti, V. ion. ll.HMt Ty AINWKIOIIT & CO., WUOLEHAUt (IIIOCKltS, ruiuniLruii, Doakmla VBAB, HYltUi-S, OOfflfg, BUUAlt, MOLAtoBS HICK, BTlCia, I01 BOM, tUS., to. II, Jl, Corn or Geooaa ut Area niroou, wrordm'wm roortve'ljrompt ttuuiOaa. iiieri'iu, ttivim uiw, inpiiiuuii, uuiiicinux iiii-iuiiuiwii tlnilu.ites In the other Courses rccoho. Normal Cprtlilcnles arc not lnfiilor to thoin nf our best t'oltcgcn, P. V. IUM.JtVKi:, Secretary. way KENEWE IIas been In conntnn uso by tho pulillo . nml is tlio tieet preplirfttloli ever lnventeit for ltKSTOlt INO OKAY IIAIK TO ITS VOUTIIFCr. COLOIt ANI Tho Gtato Assayor and Olicmiat of Mass, and leading endorso nnd it as a groat triumph in medi cine LIFE. It supplies tho natural food nnd color to the Iinlr glnuds without staining llio skin. It will lncrcnso nml tlilchcn tho groivth of tho hair, prevent Its blanching nnd falling off, nml thus AV1SIIT UALUNKSS. It cures Itching, Erup tions nnd Dandruff. As n HAIR DltKSSlNO It Is very desirable, giving tbo linlr a silken softness which nil ndmlro. It keeps tho head clean, swoct and healthy. WHISKERS will rhnngo tho bcnrtl to n JlllOtVN or I1LAC1C nt discretion, llelng In ono preparation It is easily npplled, nnd produces n permanent color that will not wash off. I'ltKl'AKED II V R, P. HALL & GO,, NASHUA, N.H. SoldbytllDMlarslii Midlclnn THE CHEAT JiXJItljINGTON ROUTE. t27"No other lino runsThroo Through fao Bongcr Trains Daily botwecn Chicago, Dog Moines, Council muffs, Omaha, Lincoln. St. Josoph, Atchison, Topcka and Kansas City. Direct connections for nil points in Kansas, Nebraska. Colorado, Wyoming. Jlontann, Ne vada, Now Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and California. Tho Shortest, SXodlcst nnd Most Comforta ble llouto via Hannibal to Fort Scott, Dcnlson, Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Galvos ton nnd all points In Texas. Tho unoijuoled Inducements offered by this Lino to Travelers nnd Tourists, nro as follows: Tho colobratod Pullman (IC-whcel) l'alaco Bleeping Cars, run only on this Line, C, II. & Q. l'alaco Drawlng-Hoom Cars, with Horton's UoollnlngCliBlrs. No oxtm ehnrgo for 8eaM In Itecllnltig Chairs. Tho famous C, II. & Q. l'alaco Dining Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars fitted witli lilcgant Hlgli-Itaeked ltattan lte volvlng Clmlrs for tho cxcluslvo uso of flret class pastcngcrs. Steel Track anil Superior Equipment, com bined with tbolrOrcnt Through Cur Arrange ment, makes I hit, nbovo all others, tho f avorito llouto to tho South, Soutu-Wcst, nnd tho For West. Try It, nnd you will find traveling u luxury Instead of a discomfort. Through Tlckots via this Celebrated Lino for mlo at nil offices lu tbo United states and Canada. All Information nbntit llntoi of Fare, Sloop Ing Car Accnmmodutlons, Time Tables, 4c, will bo cheerfully glvon by npplylng to J. Q. A. 11HAN. flcn'l llastorn Agent, axi Washington St., lloston, Mass. , '"id HIT lliouhvai , Nov York. JAME3 It- WOOD. Ocn. 1'nss. Agi. Chicago. T.J. rOTTTJIt, Ceil. Manager, Chicago. March is, 'to, m CANCERS CURED At Orano's Cancer Infirmary. Addlpen. M v. UTTWniltMtU liriiirivo . ...ii ... - worn liavo Uen cured or this mucli arratlcd rtla- Juen icmitd irt-m ninrltuo un untimely death. for fi rlrtllft irlilniftnll ,,..l..,. -i- .. iittit Vii V i i Vii".!i uHirei. viuuuri'is.'j i;ra. MUSNJUIIAWWMUKrM Weaver & Co'o Ads. tl fin n A VPATj co" 10 inmlont homo by 0)1. UUU il I III Ail ywlltoiunn or woman, uuiwen 10 icmo jour on iohii, or bn away from ll0LU0,Vcr u,l,'l A"' ",lu n conduct tho btiBl ni ss. It ritiuln 8 nn capital. WH WII.I, bTAHT YOlt Wmi AN OUTFIT WOUTII U jou oio rinpioytd duiilg tlio day you can inrko rom f I to 3 an cttnlrg. Kmo if our ogenu ropt t a profit of tM lu a Hnglo duy. Aiti at otico 111 rarttculars to B. a. hlliLoUT. "o lidiciay strict, N. Y. wico iniuch u, -si-cra SUI'EHIOlt TO ALL OTHERS. .MliVlilt X- WON,T.rcUElrectriilladelphla. yigboat Awards ror tho best rianos: London Tarls, Centennial and renn'u Statu I'alrs. ma rch 11, 'fi-tm wCn LATEST STYLES OP II Si. FIASCOS At tbo 'COLUMBIAN OFFICE.' I RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES L UUM'IIIA A UltlK It. It. DIVISION. SUMMER TIME TAlIfiE. on and utter Sunday, .luno li.iisi, ii,n ...... on tun I'hliadoipuia K Krin na iroad im IMon wii Vni as follows l . rnt wrsn wahi). ItrloMftll lcftvo.l l'hllitdi'lphl i Utlnm ' ' llnrrlflmrg Jssaw VHIilani At 8 3S5S " ' liek llmcn oninm " I'liioiii llirinm arrlvo at Uric tvSS Niagara l!'rei.HleiiM'iil'hlliiilr. Ida unonin riiirn'iiiri Vi iR n m nil.aM ll!.iiii.,,i. s'tnm ' " lock 4 ni 2 " itcnovo ft a p m V.tft i.lno I'nvis l1.lintoi In i u ,q in " llsrrlsl,.,f OjhH " nrrtvoat Wl'Il.inisi . ri t K b Hi bocklhivta o j3p m HASTWAItt). raclDo twrrosi letiioi Uftt ll.nn 7 3ftm I'-ri '"-i.' 1 1 , 7n iii " ,' .wititMifc'ort HMaiA ' nrthuat 1 Milt.'Uiir IV 'in d ni ;; Phiiudiiiphu ,?m " ." Kane (I 10 rim Day TtKprt'63 leaves Itennvo Hi'isani " " loeKiluvcn 11 Ma h! " ' wild im pr.rt u a,n m arrive nt nmriib'i'v oiunm " " rhUiwiiipLi'i ennm " " Erie 11 33 an Krlo Alall leaves I'.cnovn n 00m ' " I.oel; Haven lo 10 f, m " " Wliiutnsiort lmitim " arrives nt Ilarrlsburg s on a m " ' l'lillii'leliiii.i Fast Lino leaves Mlllamsport l.ia.u-i ' urrlvtw at llarrlsourg a in a m ' ' I'htlariolpuI.T. ru3,;n, Ilrlo Mall ant! I.lno west find I'ai llle 'M,rp K.isl. iiiaki' clou- cotiiitctlniiH at , . a , . Itli U & 11. II. H. tralt.s for Wik. ,bano ai Scranlon, Krlo Mall West, Niagara Kxpnm Wc3t rj a '.( Lino West make clo.o cormtctloh at Wllllemjt L vUtli.N. o. It, W. Immunol Hi. 1 Niagara Kxpress West nnd Day Kxprf .s Fa-t make closo count ctluh nt Lock IIiimii with n. k trains. ' Krlo Mall cast nnd West connect nt, Erie will trains on l. H U. ; at. corrywllh o.t'.ii l'.A- V, It. It.i at Hniporlutn with II, N. Y,l'. It. i? and at Driftwood with A. V. ti, u. Parlor cars wilt run between riillalelnlda anl WlUainsport 011 Niagara express west, and nay r. press nasi. Sleeping cars on nil nl'iht trnlns. WM.A.HALUWIN, I1e11er.1l upt, N S COMl'AtlV. ' On nnd afler .lanuarv nth. issl. ir.iina win Suubury ns follows NOIITIIWAHD. Northern Express .:tu a. m arrive f.lmlra 1J.30 pu Arrlvo nt U.muudalgua 3.23 p. n, " Hochester 4.J0 " Niagara. 8 43 Niagara Express 1.05 p. m. nrrlvo lmlra 0.03 p u. nrrl 0 Ciinnndalgua 8.35 " ' Jtochcslor 0 43 " " Niagara 12.50 .a m Fast lino c.lo p m arrlvo I'.lmlra 11.03 p u " Wat kins 11.63 pu SOUTHWAltD. Southern Bxprer.s l.Ti a. m.urrlvollarrlsb'g 3.10a tj nrrlvo l'lilladolphla 1.33 " " Now York 10.33 " " Ualtlmoro 7.40 " Woshlngtons.osa in r.ic lie Kxprcsi 'o.eo a m arrlvo Harrlsb'g ia.05 p n Llllio l'hliadelphla 3.43pu " Now York C.S3 ' " Ualtlmoro cm " Washington T.B2 Day Expres-O.GI p in arrlio Ilnrrlslurg S.IU pu " 1'hlladelphU c.45 " " NowYoik 9.M " ' Uultliiiuie 11.33 ' Washington 7.r.2 Krlo Mall 1.H3 a. m. uri Ivu llarrlbhtirg 3.(isa,m ' l'hliadelphla 7.35 " " Now York '(UJ " " Ualllmoro 7.40 " Wnshlnglon ti.02 I.. 1'. KAKMUtl, Ocncral rasoouger Agoit. FltANK THOMSON, UeneralMnnagir. piIILADELl'JlA AN J) JtKAUING KOAD AHRANQEM ENX OF PASSENGER TUAINiS. Juno 27, 1SS1. TKAINS LEAYX KOCKKT AS KOI.t.l)WP(St'KnAr KXCKITIt For New York, rhtladelphla, Heading, rotlsvlUf Tiimaqim, &o 11 ,43 n. m For Oatawlssa, 11,4"; 11. m. T,sn aud fi,45 p. m. For Wllllainsport, 6,15 o,to n. m. and 4,0s p, m, TKAIKS KOH KITXUT LEAVE AS FOLLOWS, (SCKPAV I CElTKn.) Leavo Now York, vl.i. Tamnnend 11,00 a. m. and via. Hound Ilrook Itouto 7, 11 n. 111. Leavo Philadelphia, 9,4s a. rn. Leavo Heading, ll.toa. m., Pottsvlllo, 12,co p. a andTamanua, 1,35 p. in. Lonvo Catawlssa, 6,10 8,40 a. m. nnd 4,00 p. m, Leave Wllllainsport, 9.45 a.m,2,oo p. m. andt,3) p. n l'assengers to and from Now York, v la. 'Jama- nend and to nnd from Plil.a lelphU go tbraugj rt'ltloutchanKO of cars. J. 12. WOOTTEN, tleneral Moungcr V. O. HANCOCK, Uencral passenger and Ticket Agent, Jan. 10, ust-tf. D ELAW'ARE, LACKAWANNA AUl WKSTEHN ItAlLltOAD. BlAOOMBBUJUl DIVISION. nmo-Tablo No. 39, Takes effect at 4:30 A. MONUAY. JUNK lu, 1SI8. MOUTH, STATION!). south. a.m. p.iu, p.i scrnnton.. Uellevuu., Tftvlorvllle 9 35 2 111 C 2 16 6 8 45 9 68 10 07 2 21 t ...Lackawanna.... t 30 i ii 2 44 2 49 I! 53 57 3 15 3 15 3 10 3 15 3 21 3 26 rnisiou... .. Wflt Plttsum... Wyoming. Maltby.. UcnnetU. Klurhton. 10 13 10 33 10 29 10 84 18 42 10 65 Kingston ..riyinouiu June, ....Plymouth AvontUlo Nantlcoko .Hunlock's creek. 3 35 8 3 60 8 ...btiictaiiinny..... ....Hick's Ferry.... ....licach Haven... -Berwick .... Urtar Creek ...Willow drove..., Lime Itldgo..... Kspy........ ...Iiloomsburg Iluiwrt 11 07 11 13 11 2d 4 03 8 4 10 8 4 18 9 4 S5 7 i 29 7 4 S3 7 4 42 7 4 49 8 4 55 8 6 00 8 B 19 8 9 IS 9 u 30 9 B 43 9 11 39 11 45 II 51 Catawlssn litldgo. 11 67 ....nanviiiu ....Chulosky ....Comoron 12 18 .NortliuiaberlADd, p.m. p.ta. &.B W. V, HALSTKAD, Bnpt BuporPitennnnfa omen, Scranton, Juno 10, ISTS. ill i f Outfit lurnlflicd free, with full Instruct VI I I I Hons for conductlug tho most promatie tl) I W business thut uny ono can engage lc V 'j he business Is bo easy to learn, audovr Insti uctlon.i nro toblmplonnd plain, that anyone can make great protltsficmilyveiyttnrt. Nooue can fall who lswllllLgto woik. Women nro ns suc omful ns men. Pojb and glrlscnn cam largo sumi Many bnvo mado at tho buslncts ovkroco hundrrtl dollars lu a slnglo week. Nolhlngllko It over knewn befnio. All who eiigago urosurpilscd at the cum nml rapidity with which they aro ablo to mole money. You can enptigo In this buMncss durlts your eparo llmont great l'.rotlt. Y'ou do not have 10 In vest capital In It. Wotnkoallthotlsk. ahobewlio need icady inoncj", should wrlto to us at once. All furnished tree, Aadrcta 'nnjK Co.,Augusta,MalDO oct. 16' -so-iy YOU CAN BUY THE BLATCHLEY M. t. U U I, iU Uiilliiril,orxvllliCoiiitr,Iui'trIalii,orIroii l.liiiiiga. i:.i.i oiiu tiiini II ;,1 with my imuiu ta maiiunu turer in wniraiited In inutrrlul and ten. Hruetlon. Fur mo by Iho Inn houes In tlm trade. If you ilu not knnw wheru to til thf pump, wrllu to inn h In low, and I will fe'hd liatnn of iiwnt nearest you, wiio will mpply uU ut my lowest prleei,. CIIAS. 0. 11LATCIILEY, Manufacturer, ROS Market St., Philadelphia, Ti. march 4, mi-cm ni;a XT 17 T "Ti Yourselves by inakng monf J l-l M l Mwhen .f ld'n n tie tt" I I I'i I J I If" d. h, at, ' Y' overly irnm, our door. he. who alwajatako ndvanlogti oflho good riuo " lie king inoiiij llift aie uffi'n d, gt ui r lly C'ln wealthy, wnllo ihtso who do not luipiivu iu i hancesKmsIn In poicrlj. We want nmnv wciaes, tlOVH llfirt L'ltlM In ttn,L- Il r nu Hirl.l In I liflr Oil II 10 callilcs. Tho business will pay moro than Un time' ordinary wegts. Wo furnish au extensive outfit nj all that jou need, tree. No ono who engages falls to maVfl tllfmev TPFV rnnlHlv. Vmi nntt dtivntO VOUf wtole tune to tho woik or only jour tpriiuiciufnu. Full IntoruaUon and til that tsneedtd at iittre. Address fariMOM Oo, rortlaoa, Ualiie. ocU&KO-U p.m. p.m. a.m. y m 1 12 if. 2.1 9 17 9 37 0 ns 9 ) hH ill 9 21 8 CI 3 46 9 19 8 46 3 41 9 14 12 41 Pi tt 8 33 3 30 9 04 8 13 S 10 8 44 8 23 3 110 111 8 12 3 12 8 47 8 04 3 04 8 8!) IM 3 61 8 SS 7 38 2 39 8 17 7 l2 2 34 8 12 7 25 2 23 8 06 7 18 7 14 7 1U 7 02 S 04 7 44 CO 1 07 7 38 0 50 1 61 7 S3 0 45 l 46 7 29 6 27 1 27 I 11 6 13 00 1 CO B 45 p.m. p.m .