The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 05, 1881, Image 3

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Hl,OOMSIltIII, FlllllAY, AtOUST 8, 1881.
Michael, nilmlnlalrntor of 1'clrr Mi
rli.icl, will cpII rcol olnfc on the jirptnlses In
Mifflin township on Pntnrditjr, Anj-iisl fill,.
Tlio Dnmocrnllo vot(irnof lliorevprnlillMrlcM
ol (.'oliuntiln county will mtol at th nu:il
iluce: of holding thu uonernl olcctlon,oti Satur
dur, Aiign't Otli, 1881, tiolwfcn the liourn of
Ihrco nnti ocven o-iiock in tlio nnornoon, nml
clfd dflffiulM hy Inllotto reprmtnt tlio ills,
(rids In the County CJonvrntlnn In he htlil In
llio Optra Home, MoomsburH on 'I'licpilty,
Aiifiuat 11 o'clock, a. m , to ilc In
nomination two cimllilstc for Awociale Juilgc,
one cnniliilftlo for Oonnly Trunurtr, onn ranill
d.itc Inr l'rotlionotnry, onn cnmlid.ito for lteg.
litor itid Itouotilor, nml two candidate for
Comity Cointnlsnoncr, nnd to tnnnct nidi,
oilur lunino8S ni tho Interest of tlio Democrat
ic putty urny require. Also at tho nunc tlmo
and pi ices nnd In tho mmo tmnncrj tho Dem
ocratic electors In each dlat let will elect o no
person to serve as a tnomber of tlio County
Standing (J)tmnlltoo which will meet immedi
ately on tlio adjournment of the Convention.
lWf order of tho County Committee,
David Lowr.NiiF.aa,
Apportionment of delegates according to
tlio vote fjr Governor in 1878.
llcavcr l"0 3 Delegates
Herwick HO 2 '
Uenton 177 3 "
llloom Kast Ward lPfl 3 "
JStoom-Wret Ward 109 2 "
llriarereek 8S 2 "
Ca!nwla 178 3
Centrnlia '13
Centra 130
Conyngham K. 21
Conyngham S. 11
Kishingcreok 2'JO
Greenwood 147 2
Hemlock 130 2
Jnck'on 108 2
Locust 220 !
Madison 100
Main 112
MilUin 178
Montour 81
Mt. Pleasant 88
Orange 75
I'iro U'J
Koaringcrcck 07
East b'cott 00
West Scott CG
Sugnrloaf 167
Don't forget tovoto to-morrow.
Th c ptnr trees ore loaded with fruit.
There is every probability of a largo crop of
Tho list of jurors will ho published noxt
Services will bo held in St. Paul's church
on Sunday, August 14th.
Lemonade with n dash of ginger it, Is a pain'
table and refreshing drink in these hot days.
It is as much the duly of n consistent Demo
unt to vote nt tho dehgnto elections, aB at the
general elections.
The campaign has btcn lively this weekend
it is probable that there will bo nn exciting
contest nt tho Convention on Tuesday next.
Eycry gocd Democrat chould attend the del
egato election to-morrow, and poll his vote for
the best men on tho tirkct.
Tho recant showers havo proved very bene
ficial to corn and potatoes, and tho farmers are
in belter spirits
A. Solleder pays (he highct prices in call
for Calf, Sheep nnd Lamb Skins, also for nil
kinds of Ilecf Hides. augS2w
Kev.W.K. Delwiler,ofLewieburg,will preach
in ibe Evangelical church on Fourth street
next Sabbath at three o'clock.
Woodcock aro tnid to be unupually scarce
Ibis ycur. They certainly aro in this vicinity.
as onrsporttmen havo succeeded in bagging
but few.
Two lots, with good house, barn and out.
buildings on each, for sale, in Uloonvburg. In.
quire of William KnicicnAuii.
July 20-tf
Dr. W. M Iteber ns the flret physician to
regis (cr his name in the prothonot.iry's cilice,
according to law. 0thcr8 will doubtless follow
his examplo without Joss of lime.
Jn ck O'Donnel), of Centrnlia, is a pedostrian
an d lms challenged several of llio light heeled
in en of his neighboiliocd, to run him live miles
for $300 or ?C00 n side.
It is rumored that another biaw baud is to
bo organ ized, tho members of which aro lobe
colored men, Tho air will Foon bo filled wilh
melody if llmt'H the name of it.
Layton Ilunynn'ti bull dog was really and efli
caciously chcwid up on Market Urcel last Sat'
urday evening, by an innocent black setter.
Haven't bull does n lcpulation as lighttn?
Th is ia tlio limo for dyfentery. Victims of
the mnlady should tako no solid food, drink
rice water and reft quietly by lying down, and
ihcy will need no medicine.
ItatllefnoliCH nro unusually numerous this
summer, nml thero havo been more urgo rep
tiles ki lied thnu wo have noted for many years.
One i-nnko is reported as having twenty ono
A woman in Williarnspoit sell young rab
bits and Mnltwo cats, tho former nt 50 to 00
cents ii pair, nnd tho latter lit $2.50 to $3.00
There nre all sorts of ways tomako n living and
this is ono of the ueldeit.
Tho number of salcpmcn for city hoiifcs now
upon the road, is really nstonlshlng. Thero
must bo a good market to justify the presence
of such n hoct of traveling men.
Watermelons Lring fiom thirty to fitly cents
apiece, and tnoi-t of lliem havo a sickly ap
pearance. ViUiumiwt Jlanner.
Sickly, eh? Have you rcen tho fellows that
ate them?
The regular monthly meeting of tho Mer
chant's Association will bo hold in their room
on Friday evening nt 8J o'clock. A full at
tendance is requested as thero Is bueiuesi of im
portance to transact.
In justice to W. II, Jncohy, wo would slato
that he has n ever refused lo pay his subscrip
tion to flit campaign club of Iat full, and that
it has been paid. Mr. Jncoby,llko n few others
here In town, contributed liberally to the
expenses outside of his subscription.
Col. J, O. Freezo will visit Lewis' Lako next
week, to avoid, if possible, an attack ofhiseild
enemy hay fever. If tho Colonel will capture
and briug homo that thousand pound lurtle,thi
cornmunlly will be under fc'reat obligations to
Among the charters granted by the Govern
nr, last wcok, was one to the Plymouth Nnvl
gallon Company, for tho purposo of keeping
and maintaining a, steam boat or lino of steam
boits on tho river Susquchnna,to carry persons
and properly thereon) the business uflii'ii of the
company to be in Plymouth, Lnzerno courtly.
Capital tlcck, ?0,000 Clinrtcr perpetual.
Uouverneur, (N. V) Herald.
With grent pleasure we can recommend as n
radlertl euro far rheumatism, St. Jacob'H Oil.
Thh wonderful remedy lms been exteiiHivcly
used by large numbers of people who dally los
ity lo ilu marvelous fIbilK
l'rcasllrown and wife lmvo front) to the tea
shore to spond the month. During UU nWnco
we arc requeued to say that persons having any
lnurance business to transact with him should
call on James C. Drown.
Holmoi & Schnylor haye placed Mr. Isaiah
Hngenbuch at the head ol their stove and tin
ware department. He has had long experience
In tho ImsiiiMs and will provo n valimblc a-"I'lant.
Ihoro ha been no now casn of small pox
for two weeks. llt o per-on, Mr. Janus
snllorn, is now under medical trentmctit.mid
111" Is on tho road to recover. lllnn. .i..
may foirly clm ,0 )0 fff0 ff0m 0lfomo
Mr. 0.1 H.rd.r.d
latawus,, liaut(ct-d nnew shop and put up
new machinery nnd engine to meet tlio lc-
uirtmcnisot lii i.ereas in hn.lm. w
glail to note such n mhstantlal proof of pros
The new cornel i now i.;i,l l ii. ..i .
irom nomtt two bV nrk n it. a .,,..,! ;i
daylight. It will increa.e In hlel,ii,n until
he liltli, when it will gradually rormte from
lie earth. As a popular spettiicln It is not n
Tho Viliiamport Gascllc and Jhllelin Isn't
ing nnyunng in the wny t.f investigating cor
iption in the county cffices.but Is crying lust!
Or the Democrats In tirneiwiiln ll... ,r.,.l.
mt's n chenn melbml nf i.,iil r.t: r.
. n..... 1..1..11, iui
Tho Wuyno camp meeting will begin next
hursday and continue ten dnva. Tim In.lU,.
tions nre, tint the attendance will be greater
man over Delore. lixuirs on lichen mill bo
issued over llio rnllronds On nnil nflfr Aumi&t
Jin, and Ingijftgn will lo clieclccd through.
Cant. M. M.
cu rue genernl sales agency for the wholesale
uorisu or i-rancis .Ionian & Sons, of Phlladel
phin. Wo congratulate the firm on securing
tho fcrvicesof so cental nml r(Tir!t ..
man and have no doubt that ho will be success.
till in burmics-,
Mr. lioyd Stiles, of Ilcnton, while on the
mountain cne- day last week was biltcn by a
rattlesnake, lie having somo onion in his
pO(kcts,poiindcd them m and tied thorn nn ibn
wound, nnd after drinking a large quantity of
whiskey started homo. He haa almost recover
cd from the dangerous accident.
If you want to do something for the benefit
of the Democratic party, show vour
IttAN to your neighbor who docs not take it.
and ask him lo subecribo for it. It is not nnlv
the leading party paper, but is acknowledged
by men orall parties to be the beat journal pub
lihed in tho county.
Tho 7fiMj)(Teincc Journal says that "the way
to resent nn invitation lo drink so that the in
suit will never be ofl'ered again is to tnke bran
ely that costs forty cents a glass." It mny be
remarked that the writer of the above displays
altogether too much good taste as regarcs liquor
for tho editor of n temperance journal.
Tho Herwick Independent is authority for the
statement that tho payroll of the Jackson fc
Woodin Manufacturing Company is $1500 pcr
ilay. There ore nearly 12C0 workmen em
ploye!! nnd tho capacity of tho works is twen-
ly gondolas, or fificen house cars per day, nnd
from one hundred and fifiy lo two hundred car
wheels per day.
The Sanitarium is over-crowded nnd wo
nro informed that the architect is making
plans for another building, to be mucl;
larger than 'cither of the others and to be
erected immediately. We understand from the
medical ofliccrs that all Summer boarders have
been refused and that none have or will bo
It isadifgrace to Ibe intelligence of Colum
bia county that comparatively few of tho vo
ters of all parties lake the county papers. There
are about feven thousand voters, and of these
we aro fully Ealhficd that less than one-half
are subscribers to the home papers. It may be
that somo of tliero lake city papers, but if a
man dees not tako interest enough in his own
counly alTairs to keep postcd,bo is not likely to
spend much time in reading city news.
Columbia county presents tho singular
spectacle of a man who deserted the Democrat1
ic party, joined the Greenbackers, was elected
comrnii'f-ioncr, and now has tho cheek and ef
frontery to aek Ihe Democracy to nominate and
elect him for Itegistcr aud Kecorder. Unless
wo mistake the temper of our old Democratic
friends of that county, Mr. Herring will be
gi ven a free permit lo retire to private life and
a solid Democrat will be put in the oflico of
Register nml Recorder one who did not de
serthii party owing to his greed for office.
Mi'lnn Aryvs.
A few weeks ago there was a letting at the Com
missioneth' eflico for some work to be done
nt tho bridges over Little Fishingcreek, near
Mordnnsville. A number of perfons wcro pre
cut and handed in scnled proposals forthe jobs,
We are informed by reliable authority that af
ter nil Ihe bids wero opened and read, Commis
sionerllerringnaidho had a bid at homo whicl
was handed lohim hut which ho hud forgotten
to bring down. He was permitted to present it
afterwnrds,nd when opened it proved to bo un
der that of the lowest bidder. It may havo bceu
nil right, but it is rot a fair nor honorable way
to do business, and if thero was no connivance
about it, it is i-ingular that ho did not think of
the bldhnnded him, until nftcr tho othein wero
read. It Ib just such actions as this that lms
brought tho Commissioners' office intodisrepute
for tho post few years.
There was nn uxcillng tussle in front of tho
Kxchnnge Hotel on Monday afternoon. A
young rough nnmed Adolpb Kcster, under the
influence of liquor, became boisterous nnd Con
stable Harris ai-sisted by policeman J. C, Sler
ncr proceeded lo nrrcst him, but ho resisted bo
vigorouly that iho attempt proved fitiiilesfl.
Heknonkcd the Conslablo down and while tho
ofliceiswere mopping him around in the mud
ho got in a kiik witli both feet on Harris'
stomach. Afiera good deal of loud nnd pro
fane talk on both tides, the officers let the man
go, but why ho was net put in llio lock-up no
body could understand, The fact Is he should
have been arrested on a warrant for assauli nnd
battory and resisting an officer, and bound
over to court. If such thing happen a few
more limes, the polieo forco of Illoouibburg
will not inspire the lawlc-w elass wilh awe and
fear lo any great extent.
As tho llmo Is npprnnching under tho Act of
Assembly when ills lawful to kill squirrels,
forlheadvuntaceof all interested, wo publish
the Act of Assembly bearing on Ihe case:
Sfc. 2. No person shall kill or exposo for
salu tir havo in his or her possesion, ufler tho
same has been killed, any gray, black or fox
squirrel between tho first day of January and
ihefirM day of September in each year under a
f ensliy of five dollars for each mid every squir
rel so killed, oxpoud lor fulo or had in pos
session. This section is from tho net to tmenil ami
consolidate llio t-cvernl aits relating lo gamo
and fish, npproved the8rd ilay of June, A. I),,
1878, Thero was not any genernl gamo law
passed in 1870, tho legislature did not meet in
1880, anil llio supplements paksed In 1831 do
not change this section of tho net of 1878 In re
lation to the tlmo for (hooting tqulrrels.
"Mult Hitlers aio the best 'bitters.'"
"Thoy promote t-letp nnd allay nervousness."
"Ileal liver and kidney medicines (old."
"They knock the Vhillb' every lime."
"llent ill ir g for surfing in ol hers to Lo Iitd."
The pliTslclnns of thl town and vicinity,
with their wive', had a picnic in tho grovo at
Hupert on Thursday.
Areyou going to paint? If S'l.send lo Henry
fUlenv, Monlonr Paint Works, Ku ,rl, P .,
lor sample cntd and prices "I Mtrleliy I'uiu
hllo Ltnd. Slato Cnlois, In.n Palms, Putty
o , and savo tho wholesale mid retail profit.
rou can mix your own colon, from best mater
ial, wilh Pure Linseed Oll.for 7fi cents lo$l.20
per gallon.
l.nspcctfully l ours iVc,
npr. 15-flm Hkniiv H. Ukav.
Tho inlneiB nlLnpnn Colliery, Cenlralla, re
cently struck f ir an mlvance. They work by
tho car, uud ihe cari used lire of two sizes, For
the larj.0 ear one doiUr is paid, and for the
small ono ninety cents. Tho miners say that
the small cars contain as much coal ea Ihe
largo one, on account of tho heavy topping,
They siy that tlm highest wige mnde by any
minor nt tliH colliery for list in inlli was
dollar and ninety cent per day, and that the
average wages made are below this,
f HnrrUbliri'. is
visiting Mist Haltlo McKclvy.
U. It. Ikeler and fjmlly nre spending a weeK
nt Capo May.
Tj. VV.1II1-A lt!tfnua ttna V.r.ri.1 tttmnttlteil tenth-
er of a school at Kckloy, Luzcrno county. His
term begins August loth.
Wfl nrn tnfnrnn,1 l.t. tlr 1fn1in- itin nttpllll
ing physician, that Dr. J. B. McKclvy is re
covering from his illness.
Mtiior Jo. Coons nml Mr. Simon Long,
prominent cilizens of Wilkes-l!irrc,iiro in town
the guest ol .Mr. Daviet l.owenborg.
Accortliwr to llio now law regulating dele
gate elections, it is neces-iary for tlio officers
of election to be sworn, under pains and penal-
tics for neglect. The caths havo been printed
on the List of Voters, wilh instructions to pros
idents nnd clorks. vVo desire lo call tho atten
tion of tho c filters to the imporlanco of taking
the outbs prescribed, as n neglect so lo do, may
lend to Ibc throwing out of the veto of the dis
trict. The law is peremptory and must be
obeyed, nnd we are thus particular in dwelling
upon the eubjcit, becauso heretofore uo such
duty has been necessary. Let thtru bo no
omissions nnd, consequently, no disputes in
wyoming sem1nahy and co.mmf1icial
Has nccommodatiot s for 175 boardcri and 200
day students. Prepares students for all the
loading colleges. Has five graduating c urses:
a normal course, for teachers; a Oermnn Pro
fessor ot Music; competent teachers In French,
German a nil Painting. Discipline, parental.
The Commercial College has no superior, pro.
vides two banks, five telegraph cilices, whole
sala and retail coal departments, instruction in
Laws of Husincss, Political Kconomy, &c. Next
torm opens August 31st. Commercial students
address Kev. L L. Sptoguc, A. M , nil others
Itev. D. Copeland, D. D., Principal, Kingston
Pa. july 23-Ow
Patrick Lave lie, of Centrnlia, accompanied
by a Mr. llurke, having taken rifuge under n
tree during tho heavy thunder storm on Friday
afternoon, the former was struck by lightning
and instantly killed, the stroke passing down
the treo to a level with Mr. Lavelle's bend,
where it left the treo wilh tho results above
stated. Mr. Lavellc leav's a mother and sev
oral brot hers and sisters to mourn his sudden
demise. The funeral took placo in the Cath
olic cemetery, Sune'ay, and by somo means or
other the report beenmo currtul that on Mon
day he was heard lo "halloo" in the grave. On
tho strength of this rumor his friends ordered
tho disinterment of the corpse, and on remov
ing Iho earth from ofTIhe boely, ho was discov
ored to be dead, not having moved in the coffin
Tho grave was again filled. The rumor cnused
a tremendous excitement in tho place, fully one
half ihe village witnessing the disinterment.
Catavissa Niusltcm,
It seems from the Canada papers that Mr.
Henr y O. Yennor has extended his "revited"
prcd iclions so that they include August in de
tail, as given below: August 1, probably warm
and oppressive; 2 and 5, generally pleasant
weather, fairly warm days,acd cool to cold eve
nings an d nights; 6, fair and pleasant; 7, Sun
day, brat a nd storms; 8 and 10, sultry weather
with heavy showers, cooler evenings and nights;
11-13, heat again in the United States, with
cloudy and sultry weather, storms in Canada;
1-1, Sunday, cooler change; 15, cooler to cold
and clou ely and ploasnnt; 16; storms through
out portiu ns of Virginia; 17 and 18, hailstorms
and frost) probably in some portions; 10 and
20, heat and storms 21 sultry and showery;
22, sultry and'wiudy; 23 and 21, heat and wind;
25 and 27 heavy storms on tho Lakcs,on the St.
Lawrence and nround New York; 27-29, cool
er weather w ith rains srd frosts in tho north
ern section; 30 and 31, fair and pleasant weath
er, wilh cool evenings and nights, with indica
tions of returning heat.
A DIG tlllOW.
llloomsburg is to have a circus nt last and
sUnd on nn even footing wilh her neighbors.
On Wednesday next, the 101b inst, Main &
Cii'snew International Show will pitch its
tcnta here and give an aflornoon and evening
performance. In addition to tho usual features
of a show of this kind, there is a pnntomine
company, a Iroupo of educated dogs, and
diverB novel nnd interesting specialties not to
bo found, ordinarily, under canvas. Among
the performers are, Mnud D'Alma, the child
ropo walker, Kelly and Hanly Irish sketch ar
tists, Jlurch, Pettitand Kelly tho clowns, Mons.
D'Alma of Ihe Iron Jaw. Them nro also tum
blers, contorlionislH, jii):glers,vocallsls, dancers,
Ac, all of whom form n strong company and
oiler n very interesting nnd amusing pro
gramme. Tho street pnrade is announced for
one o'clock in the afternoon. As this is tho first
show of the kii.d (his season, worthy of pat
ronage, it is fair to presume that tho tent will
ho woll filled at both performances. Tho nd
mission is only twenlyitivo cenis a fact that
will havo duo weight with sight-Mers.
The Sunday schools of this place, will hold a
basket picnic on Saluiday in Dora Dent's
woods. Several ministers will address the
Itev. A. Ilrittaln held tho Quarterly Confer
ence and preached on Sunday, Itev. T
O. Cites will preach on Sunday evening,
the 7lh.
A number of our people Intend tenting at
Mountain Uiovo.
There are many sick in thts vicinity at pres
ent. Misa Holllo Pursel is visiting friends at
Mr. WUhani Dent and wife,of Danvillo spent
Sunday here.
The order ofO. U, A. M, has been reorgan
ized, and isreniving new members ut every
Mr, Wil'lam Kauster has relumed from tho
Mr. A. 15. Hurlman recently in cnoday reiset
Ihe tire on twenty wheel?, besides doing oilier
Mrs. Cnlbarinii hlinc, of Willlamsporl, and
Mrs, Mary Chuicr, of TopcU, Kansas, are tho
guel3 of N. P, Moore-, JCiej,
1'ItVSICIANH ltHd'SlUtllit).
The following phvslelMH havo rcglste'rvl
their names In tho prolhomitnry's office nsri-
quired by lawi
William M. Iteber, Imm in I nwisluip, Un
ion county) grndimldl n M. !)., from Ji (TVr-
son Medical College, .M iicli Kith, lK0:lj res.dtB
In llloomsburg.
Albert L. Turner, born In Litchfield, CVinn.i
g'aduated as M, I),, from Ittrkslilro Medical
College, Mas , October ICth, 1800; resides In
John K. H'lhins, born in Hnnbiiry, North
umberland county; graduated as M. D., from
Jefl'erson Medlcnl College, March 10th. 1812;
reside) In Calnwlssn.
William It. ltohlcs, born liiCatnwissa;grsd
tialetl asM. D.,from Jrfieron Mcdicnl College,
March 12lh, 1873; nldcs in Oalawiva.
Oeorgo V. Menrs, born in Nunilillajgmdiiated
as JI. I)., from Jill.-rsnn Mcdiral CoUeire,
March 12il, 1878; reidc in Cstswissa,
Jtistph It, M. Kvnns, born in (liecniiil
timrishlp; Kradiialid m M. D,frniu lVnnsyi
vnilia Colbg', PhilmUlpliln, Mulch
5th, 1859; resides In llloomsburg.
At a meeting of the Town Council, held on
We'diieulay cvenlnR In!, all Iho member wire-
prceut. Ihe grade of Ilidge Alley was ap
proved n returned by tho surveyor. Tho Coun
cil in a body agreid tei examinu the grndu on
Fourth anil Pi-nn streets on Thursday. Mr.
llrockw&y presented n petition from Mrs. Jane
'. Drown, praying for the removal of Iho
itmp in front of the Central Hotol, nnd tho
erection of a veranda In fiont, not lo extend
inorejlhsn fourftct from tho front of the build
ing. Lnid upon iho lablo Building permits
granted to 11, It. Vnnnatia and Messrs. Nenl on
Seventh stri ct. Council granted William itu
pcrtjo for keeping the gutters and walks in
order at Market Square. A number of bills
wcro ordered to be paid. A resolution was
adopted to Issue bonds to tho amount ol $3,000,
nt-lj jier cent, interest pa)nblc semi-annually.
This is to meet nn excess of the present out
standing orders and current expenses of the
year, beyond the tnxes assessed, Tho paving
on Catherine street was ordered lobedono with
in sixty days, between Third and Sixth streets.
On motion, Newton Boono was appointed Col
lector of Town tax.
Postmaster General Jamep,sayB Iho Piltabitrg
rod, has hit upon n plan of facilitating tho
transmission through the mails, at aciieap rate,
of small sums of money. Tho new device is an
improvement upon the system of postal orders
recently adopted by the English postal author
ilies. The improvement consists of three col
umns of figures, one to represent dollars, tho
second tens nnd the third units. Two denom
inations of these orders arc lo be issued one
for all sums within $2.60, nnd tho other for
all sums within SC. The five dollar card has
four figures and n cipher in Ihe dollar column
and nil the numerals in each of tho other col
umns. Tho postmaster t-elling Iho order will
deslgnnto Ihe amount lo be drawn by punch,
ing the figures in the respective columns. The
orders will be payable to bearer, and the post,
office will not be responsible for their safe de.
livery any more than for fractional currency,
for which they nre intended ns a substitute.
Both sets of orders are to he printed on hank
note paper, to be finely engraved nnd other
precautions taken against counterfeiting. It is
expected that Ihe government will bo able to
Bell them at from 'J lo 3 cents for a $2.50 or
ilcr and from i to 5 cents for a S5 order. The
postmaster will enter the nmount of the order
in writing on a stub, which will be the only
check tho department will nerd, nnd will con
tain only the amount of the order, the dato of
issue nnd the nnmo of the office upon which
the order is drawn. This will do away with
a great deal of clerical labor, since the names
of Ihe remitter and the payee will not be entered
at all in the records as is done in the money
order transactions, nor will any advices bo is
sued. In order to prevent the use of the postal
orders as currency, they are lo be redeemable
only for three months after date of issue.
At the criminal term sessions in March last,
a bill of indictment was found against O. Ii.
Melick, on a chaice preferred by John F. Por
ter, for obtaining money under false pretemcs.
Ho had sold to Mr. Porter some territorial
rights for the manufacture nnd salo of a certain
.liinel of paint for rooting purposes, etc. A cl
ick claimiiiB that ho had a patent richt.throtish
another party, on the paint. It was nfterwenls
ascertained that no such patent had been issued
from the paltnt office. Melick gave bail for his
appearance at court at the October session, and
shortly after left Williamsport. The text
heard of him was, that he was under arrest
in Cattaraugus county, under tho chargo of
lorgery in tne llilru uegreo, urougtit about as
follows; A stranger came to town with n draft
for SwOO; the hank olhcers were acquainted
Willi iMencK, nnu lie laieiick; lolu the hank
peonle that he was acquainted with the man.
and that he was all right, nnd tho monoy was
paid. Tho man disappeared directly after, and
the draft proved to bo a forgery. Melick was
arrested and locked up. About tho same time
a man hail been locked up lur drunkenness.
Tho next morning nn officer went to Melick in
the jail, supposing him lo be Iho man who had
been placed there for drunkenness, nnd told him
to gel out nnd try nnd keep sober. Melick saw
at once the mistake, and win smart enough to
take advantage of it. As soon ns bo recovered
his liberty he left that section cf country hur
riedly. A reward wan ollered for his capture.
He went from Uieie direct lo Dock Haven, but
a telegram arrived in time to secure his arrest.
Tho New York State uuthoritics immediately
mnde n requisition on Governor Hoyt for the
body of the prhoner. At this juncture, J. It.
Itcardon, Unp, district attorney of Lycoming
coiimy, put In his claim for tho prisoner, and n
conllict ol authorities ensued. District Attor
ney Kenrdon went to Ilntrisburg and laid tho
matter heforo tho department, nnd upon a heal
ing Governor Hoyt refused lo surrender the
party to the New York Slato authorities, as
there was n bill of indictment pending against
him in Lycoming renin ty, Pa. Upon applies
lion for a writ of habeas corpus from the Ly
coming county authorities, Judge Mayer sur
rendered Melick, and, accompanied by the
District Attorney nnd Deputy SherifrYeiiRer,
ho rnino to Williamsport and was lodged in
jail. It may he slated that Melick abo escaped
from Lock Haven, while he was under urrost
there. Ho found a number of friends (here,
and nftcr telling them a very plnusihlo story
the-y agreed to he responsible for his appear
ance. Ho was llien given his liberty tinder
promise lo not leavo the plnro before Iho re
turn of District Attorney Kcnrdou from liar
risbiirg. Hut this promise he violated, an it
was soon learned that ho lied left tho town. Of
ficers wore sent idler him and he wai ovr rtakcr
near Jersey Shorn. Those who wero his ball
hero, no doubt feel banny over the successful
oIlbrtB of our District Attorney. Other hall Is
now being hunted up for Melick, but the par
ties that nre working for it should he nwnro ol
the fact that in case he Is liberated here, ho
will ho picked up immediately by n New York
officer unci taken lo Catliirnugus on llio reqiilsi
Hon from the Gctemor of New York. UVf
liamtport Gazitlc and JluUttin.
.TnincH Fitzpati ick, aged fifteen, clerk
in a Nuw Yoik sugar refinery, collected
Sl-l,000 on Monday and has not nincu
been seen.
Iiishop IC. O. Ilnven of tlio M. H.
Oliurcli, died nt Portland, Oregon, on
CUXNINOHAM-Oiuui. At the residence of
the bride's patents, in llloomsburg, on iholUlh
of July, 183!, by Itev. F. P. Mnnharl.Mr John
P, Cunningham, nf Allcntowu, l'a,, and Miss
Elmlra J, Graul, of llloomsburg.
Knuiv WaimiT. On the ICih of July,
1831, tit the Manse, llloomsburg, by iiuv. Sluurt
Mllchell, Mr. John iteedy, of Her, wick, Pa, to
Mis Je-Jiitna Wright, uf Danville, Pa.
Stk inku Cautiikan. On Sunday, July
01, 1881, at Illotmsburg, by llev. F. 1', Man
hart, Mr. Dei'juuiiu Stcruor am! MIsa'Aun
Ijpifllnllon for Teachers
Tho following net lms liron Hiuuil by
llio Governor anil Is now the law.
Section 1. I'd il oimctcil by llio Scn
alo :ni'l llousoof IJo'iri'sciitiitivi-i of tlio
rommonwt nllli of lYiiinyl tinlii in gi n
eraliuesiiiilily iiu l, mill It islii'ii'by enacted
bv tin- iiiiiliiiiii v of t1u Niiino: Tlml,
from tinii after tin- ti:ts9!io of Ibis not, it
shall bo Hie eliity of tin1 ncliool elirei'toiH
ot till! RUVOI'ltl HOllOOl lllfitrilltH of tillM
coiiniiomvt'nltli, titul they aio hereby re
ijititeil to allow tlio Hidiool teaelieisi cin
ploycel in naiil Hcliool ilistrictH, who hid
nctttally cngaireel in teaching school
tliereiii,tlio tunc nml wagon whilst iittenil-
nig ainl paiticipiiting in the i xen-Hes of
tlio annual eeuuity iiut'tnle lor tho ini
jirov i i nt nf t ni'licrf.
Si:i'tioN 2. That altlieclineoftliDntmiml
sesiuiiM of the snlil institute!, it sliall be
the ilnly of the sevi'inl ctty,boi-oitgli nnd
county siiii'iinteiiilenls, to make n re
port to eni'li ooanl sehool ilirectors in
their lespeoiivo jinisilietlotis setting
forth tlio number of ilays that each
teaelier -iliall Irivo utteiwleil and partici
imted in the t'M'ivisfK of iho annual
teachers' Institute, which said repot I
shall bo the. bnsia for allowing tho teacli
cr.s tlielr titnu and wages: Provided,
That tho provisions of this act shall not
extend lo tlio fust school tlisttict ot
I'eiiiisvlvntiianor to tho counties wherein
speciaf laws, regulating or relating to
county institutes, aro in lorce.
Business Polices
Lost On Monday July account book,
The Cutler will be liberally rewarded by return.
ing It to .1. f . UAT.BWKLL.
Remember that Lutss t Sloan sell Illnck
Silks Bile! Cashmeres ns cheap nsthusamo
iunlity rati bo bought in tho fctfite.
An endless variety of Straw Hats
Clearing out very cheap at
David Lowenhcrg's.
A full assortment of Neck Venr for gcii'
tlomen at F. I). Dcntler's.
Navy Hltio Suits,
Nnvy Blue Pants. A full lino
nt David Lowenbcrgs.
1 .000 cood live Calves wanted. Let them
come from Iho north, south, tntt nml wett,
by wholesalo ittnil. Yen rnnbring
your good Calves right along now any time
on Monday, Tuesday, Wtdnctdny nntl
Thursday of each and every week nnd got
your crs-Ii or gocds for them nt Si Ins Young's
Light Street. july lo-um
For Fine Shoes of nil kinds, go to Dent,
White Vests, Dusters, Linen Pants,
A largo lino of SuniinfrGooeh
at David Lowenberg's.
Sco n woman picking a bunch of grapes
in nunllicr column, at (.peers vineyards,
from which Snrer's Port Grapo Wmo is
iniide, that is so highly esteemed by tho
mceucni proicsmon lor iho use oi luviiuun,
weakly persons nnd tho nged. Sold by
C. A. Kleim. jan 7'S1 ly
ItcninpntR nnd Summer Dress Gocds will
be sold very cheap atLu.z ft Sloan's tomako
room lor lnll gooels.
For a Fine Dress Shirt,
For a Fine Fancy Shirt go to
David Lowenhcrg's,
1.000 rounds of rice Pitted Cherries
1,000 pounds of nice Dried Raspberries
wanted by Silas Young at Light Street, for
w liitti he will pay iiionigiicst miirnet price,
july lD-0m
The best ate flic cheapest
and Slices of Dentler,
-buy your Hoots
10,000 good Spring Chickens wautcd.
Bring them right along now and gel your
cash or goods for them at Silas Young's,
Light Street. july ib-xm
When in tho course ot human events it
becomes necessary to purchase ClothiDg, for
a bargain go to Daviel Lowenuerg s nnu you
will get lull value lor your money.
Mr. D. W. Smith, of Limestonevlllo.
Moutour county, enys he has used nn "Os
borne ' Self-binder since 1&79; has cut 100
acres-; been at no expense for repairs; has
cutouts tint were as badly down anei tangled
as it was possible to be, nud will wager
tho price ot tue umcniue mat no can cut
any grain tbnt it is possible to cut with any
mn'ehinp. and bind ittiihter and better than
can be done by hand. T. W. Pursel, near
Heck Horn, says tho "Osborne" Self-binder
bojght last year, "fills the bill" and docs ail
that is claimed An it.
P. B. Jlaus, near Danville, says ho cut the
worst tangled oaH he c7cr saw, last year,
with ho "Osborne," and cannot speak too
highly in its praise.
Haiiman & Hassxrt, Agents,
juno 10 llloomsburg, Pa.
Tlierolsa elantreioiis counterfeit In circulation,
purporting to be "Walnut I-out UiilrHestO'i i-.'"llio
stroncesteMUenco oltlm great valua of "Walnut
Leaf Jlntr Htstorer'MstliofacttliatparOca know
ing Its cnlcacy try to Imllalo It. Kaeh hoJlo of tho
pcnulrie lies a "fuc sJrnllo" of llio Ettrnaturo of '!).
15. liieker" the marufiictmer Mown tn thoirlfutB;
and tho "l!estorir"isuseleur anil liormleiiHus wa
ter, while It rcts.esfrs all tlio component properties
necessary to retor o life, vliror, (.-row tli, ana color la
tho hair, l'urrlioui only from icsnonslblo parties,
Kaeh lotlln warranted, c. N. Crltte-itou, Now
York City, Wholesale Agent. cot. V2, so-tf
Dauchy & Co'b. Advt's.
nni rnin r0 01K1AN8, 17 Stops, 5 Hot eiolcl
lll'jAJ I I O cn Tongue lici'cts.only fc-s. Ad
dress liantel K, lieatty, Washington, N. J. July 2lw
r 11JNUH 01 SIIIITKD to AIX I'AHTH of the
ftDP ATJQI I country. l'ltlOKS LOW and
UltuAlxo! iTeuns of raiment ICasv. Send
for Catalogue. HOlUC'i: WliTEIts CO., Manufac
turers unildealers, 8Ss Ilioodway, New Yoil;.
July VJ-4W el
Ibn A n Uior, A ne w and Rrt-t fcl tx 1
teal Worlt,w(irTnUd the tMwt and
rhoaprat.inttiMnvDii-tjlsto tmry
ui-n,ntiUfKluuioticiAnciioI Jila
or,UlMroiurTaLiun ;' bound ia
fliMmt tVtmcti manlin, tMutMMAMl.
full pit JU() pp.fMi)Uuna beintiful
tionft, lnc noly $l5 sent hf
inul; ilIntrttofluple,6contflt
rUflW TITVIPIP llltitoicir Kr.W.ll. J'Alt-
renei nuw,ntiunin nauouj oi
exiiu,, luiuuui,
K lilt, Na 4 llultiucli it. Huston.
JulyS'J 4-w
' on ... : v.
!:.Is.vo', Men1
Rowoll & Oo's. Advc'o.
. .V " ,Vivi '""'""Koij iii'guinrin tnooowc's
niialfas liable to clUtut-ohs lmwlio nirngular.
Ilu may be attacked by contagious cltEeases, unU so
No Ono Wlio is Tliolu uglily liegulnrln tliobowc's
may tlio Irreg
tO OUtHlllu llltllier.iWH. Ilmilunl ' '
' litlLluilH nr-trlv nu wnht.,..,
cf c"rosrcEiiliirtly, ana contcqucut Immunity from
Juiy IWw
Twant ONE eiKuiit In every town lo sell n valuali'e
brlleiO. lio uirilirv rc nulrf f I ii nl Ii ..,iu ...n
AdOreisr.0. Jioili8,htw Yeikcily. Julyin-iivr
PAMPHLET 'wa;.,lBc,v m ras'o'M
v u'yu-Hw
mo uiulotiblcdly the clieitpcst nnd
most duriiblo tenco iniuic, is not
lll't'tcd by lire, wind or lloocl.doos
not ttinii! snow drifts, takes tbwci
iKjsts a nd stock cannot, pn-li il
down. Our wire is lour pointed,
is made ol two strands ol iititnber
12 lie.4 galvanized steel witetwist-
tl toellicr jiMt onougli to allow
or (jontraelion and expansion in
Summer and Winter, barbs are
fastened every seven indies. The
use of barbed wire is no longer an
experiment, as last "iir over one
inndretl thousand miles wero put
i r i i il..
tij). we neiiove on- wire to ue
Iho best, and obcapesL now man
ufactured because it is made of the
beat steel wireand runs 15 foot to
tho pound havimi the greatest
strength and visibility with the
least, weight ol any made, rut
up on spools of about 100 rods
weighing about 100 pounds. Price
per pound 11 cents by the spool,
less quantities Hi eenta per
Smith's Patent Blind and Shutter Eowcr.
Mnitlers can ho plnci-d 4, norfi Inelics apart,
ar.d held securely (n cltlier poaltlon. Agcnta want
ed In every loimty. can maku nig wages summer
anei eau. 1110 neM and Iiaiiuf0ine.i uiing uul. re'i"
at every liouso. Wrllo for particulars!. Samples by
man ror r cenis posingc. Aiiciresa
sal Masteh Stkkkt, 1'iiu.AnKr.fiiM, l'A,
July l ww r
Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster.
No Itemerty Moro Widely or Favorably Known. It
Is Hnpld in lielieving. ejulcl; In curing- 1orl.AMK
Hack, lUiECMATifsr, Kit-xsv AiiBcuiiNS and Aciies
and rams Generally, it is tne unrivancu rem
cdy. U July iww
CUTICUIIA Permanently Cures
Humors ot the ccalp and ekin.
rjllllr-urn inTiirxllr.a nrn for bnln i.v nil ilrilrrrlnto
I'rlco of CUTICUIIA, n mod! 'al Jeilv, miihII boxes,
COO.-, large boxes, tl. CUTICUIIA IIKSOI.VE.NT, the
new Iilood 1'urlflcr. Il ner bottle. CrncfnA Jlnnic- 'j oilet SoAr-, cutlcurn Sledlclnal Shaving
soap, no.; in tors ror uorters anu largo consumers,
W) I'rlnclpal depot,
WJEKK8 & 1'OTTElt, l)oston,Mass.
C0OO AGENT S WANTED to sell tlio I.lfo 0
Including a full and accurate account of his brief but
eventful udmlnlstintlon s the grentconlllct wltlithe
"Stalwarts" beaded by Conkllng: tbo diabolical
attempt to assassinaio mm, meoieai ireaimeuieic.
'i no intense lnieresi rxciiea euuhesuiousuDua iouo
slro full particulars, berco this book must sell Im
mensely. Termsllberal. Outtlt r,oe. Circulars free. Ad
dress Hubbard Bros., rubs., na Chestnut ht, 1'hlla.
juiy ioc v ci
For Formeri to Comtjcit at Home.
KCJ All frnm n.oflnln .l.p wilt
elrlll. tn cooel I'ackaizes. each bear-
4 iDcanalveis. nndNKTweleht.
For Freight lUltcn hence, and Circulars, address
Offl ce, 109 Pearl Street, V, Y,
Jnly 15-cw
Whereas, the world renowned reputation of tho
White faewiiig Machine
Induces many unscrupulous competitors to resort to
all kinds of mean tricks tu Injure Us reputation, wo
bee to tnutlon all Intondlntr purchasers not to buya
White Machine
excopt from Its retrular authorized dealers, who will
be sustained by the followlni; warranty.
White Slmttle Scwim Machine,
n.ATK NUMiiwt itinrinii l'oit family rimi'o-
This warranty excepts tlio brtuKngo of needles
bobbins and shuttles.
This warranty will not bo sustained unb sa tho
plate number nbovo Riven corresponds wilh the
number on tlio shuttlo race slldo, llowure ot defaced
or altered numbers.
Tho "WHITE" Shuttle Eovdng Machine
Has obxatkr capacity than any otherfawuy tieiwlng
Macnino lor aoing every variety oi worK
J, BAI.TZSlt, Goueral Agent.
tiicor -nnrcr, va.
Oct. 1. "0-tf.
Aro reccmincndea by tlio best authority. They
win never craclr , chip.corrode, i ust or
They aro pure, refined, cast zlno. They nre beau-
iiiui, uuruuiu uucecucap, ctenci ror circulars to
J3-WIS3TJS,a, ?.
or Imiulroof v. l: Klluir, lUoomiburs.
July 1 m
Nu 1 10 WIST .IIAIIHCT hTltlll'.T,
.Ill flu oiiiiiiti-iiiii;i7.iii-H, JUr
jiei 'k, S i timer,, MIK'U'm, M.
Ait'liolns Itouiul in tiny
MjHi Ilislt'iel. Solkltce I', O. llox 180.
July 1 two
Mr. iHniah Hagonbuch
liitviny taken charge of our Stove
iiiurrinwnre Department would he
leased to sco ins old menus and
eustomeiv, as well an new ones
Mis lo'iK experience m Una brancli
oi'lrade may he it sale guarantee
of n studied ami careful selection
of the beat stoves in the market.
Wo have some Nuw Ranges, pos
sessing new ami novel feature.!,
well worth the attention ot buyeir-1.
Our slock of House Furnishing
Good? is large and we would he
pleased to have you call and look
them over, whether you wish lo
buy or not.
Roof iixg and Spouting Done at Short
On the i st of this month our stock of Men's and
Boys' Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods at Oak Hall
was seven hundred and forty-three thousand one hundred.
and seventy-five dollars and eighty-one cents.
Where is there another such stock to select from ?
The. old house has been remodeled.
The old hands (most of them) are still there.
The old principles of just and right prices, sound
goods, fashionable styles, substantial finish, are strictly
adhered to.
Who founded the business, is at Oak Hall every day look
ing after things, and in all the history of Oak Hall it was
to push up its high standards and drop down to lowest
XjcSr;;; old-time greeting to our friends evcrjtvere,
and another cordial invitation extended to come to Oak Hall.
Wanamaker & Brown,
Cor. Sixth and Market Streets, Philadelphia.
Tbo Largest Clothing House In America.
The last new tiling we have done is to open a TEN
DOLLAR ROOM, where we have gathered a great lot
of full Suits, suitable for dress or business, which we shall
sell at $io.
You can judge of the cheapness of our stock by seeing
what we can do for $io. y. & H,
It does not seem to be gener
ttlly uiHlorsldod by some of our
t ratio that we nre jircimied tr do
TiiiHiuithiiig iu till its branches.
This we have olkm noticed bv
the exjireHHions of surprise of
ninny wlio, when in ihe rear ot
out Htore, noticed men working in
an adjoining building. Wo car
ry a lull stock of Tin and Tin
Rmith's Funtilics ami tire nronared
at all times lo do all kinds of
work. As low prices peein to bo
the mest ponuliu we have
using the same grade of tin as
hoielof'oro nnd other work at cor
responding prices.
111-mtl UBAD3,
Nratly ml,) PilutMl at llio C
hian Ollice.