The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 05, 1881, Image 1

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    " 1 JJ'-L - - "J,
J.ncd H'r.UIr, every lfr,n, morning, nl
ittooMsntmo, coummA coiintv pa
at two pollam nor year, M cents rtiount lilinwnrt
when paid in ailvanrn, 'to sulwcr itJSf 2,, ? 7S
county tuo terms nro M pcry ricilr
lirNo paper dlvnminiiPil btccnt it ihn nini
tho tniWlMicrs, until nn arrearages are M To.. !
continued credit win not lio irtven. 1 ' '
Alllinpcniicntoutor tho Slate or to distant nost
onlccs mint b.) pad for In advance, unless nmS:
Mblo person In Columbia county oMiiinS to mvrvKa
subscription duo on demand. w Pay wo
thocounty" 14 " 1"lgt!r 0XI,CU,d ,rom '''UMtlbcrs In
Tlio Jobbing Department of tho CoujmiiIan l vcrr
wmplcte.nndour Job Printing will eomriaro finr7
biy with lhat of tho large cltlo au worK aono SS
demand, neatly and at inodcrato prices. n
r 'a. imouKWAY,
A T T 0 H N 13 Y-A T-L A W,
Cof.rMBtAtt ltmf.ttsa, llloom.iburg, r,
Membsr at tuo VnltiM states Law Association,
ColijetKms mrti' ti any pail ul America or Europo.
Office, Second door from 1st National Bank,
A ttornoy-at-Law,
Office III Grit's lIuartKti,
'1 U ri VJ. nUCKALEW,
nioomsMirg, Pa.
t.irn nn Mtitn St root, flrttdoor below CourttlouBt
jiil e over Schuyler's Hardware Store.
It. n. MTTI.1I. HOB'T. H. UTTI.H,
T"1 II. ft B. T5. LITTIiT?,
ltloomsburg, l'a.
Ofllenlnllrower'sumirtlnt.'.BPrond Ooor.rriom Nn.
Ulonmsburtr, Pn.
A ttorn o v-ut -1 jaw.
r.T.ooMsimnn, pa.
onieocornor of Contra and Main Streets. Clark's
Can bo conaiiltetl in Gcruinn.
Oouimman BoiLriNd, Bloomsburfj, Pa,
Member of tho United States Law Association.
Collections made In uny part of America or Europo
s. KN0KK.
Notary Public
onico In Hartman's Block, Corner JIatn and Mar
l;et streets, Bloomsburi;, l'a.
SSfreiuinm and Bounties Collected,
onleo In lirower'H Block, one door below Columbian
onlcolnll..!. Clark's Ilulldlng, stcond lloor, over
llorrmau's Hour and fceil toro.
Oct. 8, 'fco.
T H.,
onico In Mrs. Knfs Building, third door from Main
si reec Mny'J'.'si.
.Tncksnn Building, Booms -1 iitnl 5,
May 0, 'Hi. BERWICK, PA.
Catawlsna, Pa.
collections promptly mado nnd remitted. (J'ce
oipn'ilto Catawliaa Doposlt llauk. 6m-3S
cntnwtisa, Pa.
omce, corner of Third and Main streets.
,4 L. VlllTA, Odlce
Xi. lu Columbian uuimintr. n,
T) 11UCICIN0IIAM, Atlortiev-nt.T.uw. Or
LXi.lIco, Brockwny'a uulldlnsr, 1st lloor, Blooms,
fiurt', Pcnn'a. may '"-
.1 1 A 1?T.'T.I.7V AltMrnrv.!lt.l.:lV. (BllL'e
, la Brower's building, ind story, ltooms 4 & 6
JB. BORISON, Atlorney-at-Law. Office
', In Hartman's building, Main street.
DR. WM.M. BEBEK, Surgeon anil Pliysi
clan, onico Markot atroct. Near depot.
JB. EVANS, M. I)., Surgeon and Physi
. clan, (Onico and Uesldenco on Third street
" II. MrKttr.VY. M. T).. Rurireon anil Pliy
. Blclan.northBldoMaln street, below Market.
1"B. J. 0. BUTTEE,
Oftlco, North Market street,
Oct. 1, 19. Bloomsburg, TO.
Main street, opposite Episcopal Church, Blooms
burg, Pa.
If Tooth oxtractod without pain.
Oct, 1 1B79,
All styles of work dono In a superior manner, work
wurrniitcd as represented. Tkktji Extkact
xu without I'aih by tho uso of (las, and
frcoof chargo when artlllclal teeth
aro Inserted,
onico over Bloomsburg Banking Company.
7o be open at all hours during the day.
Not. ss-ly
Bowing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re-
pured, Opkua IIoubk Building, Bloomtburg, pa,
TAVII) LOWENBKRG, Merchant Tullor
J J Main St., ubOTO central Hotel.
IS. KUnN, dealer in Meat. Tallow, etc.,
. Centre street, between Second and Third,
Tonsorial Artist,
a flimln nt .1.1 Btr.A l,rlnP rYntlANnl! 110
TECaud has as usual a Kl ItST.OLAbS i BAltllKlt
SIIOl'. Ho respectfully boilelts tho patronago of
Mia UlUUUHlUllieiB UUU Ul HIU UUUilu fcVMV.w.w.
K LJ fllilMf fc.n In who wlah to eiiffatTO til
V K tho most pleasant and profitable, business
known. Everything new. Capllat not rc
V?' quired. We will furnlslnnu even thing. 1"
aoayaua upwards w easily inuau wiiuuimii"
Many n w v. in ki rs wnuted ut nc(-. nai.v an um
tl.lf fun iln.m tit ihiihi.ln.jol. Jjjlfd tllHkO as U1UU
No ono who is willing towoik ti Us to moko tur
liomy uv..ry a,iy unii u u ) n.iioiiln fc.vo k at n
ordinary employment, Thofa who enpagoa onoo
wuinndahhort road to rortuan. Aduru; IIIIai.,
urr t (lo., Portland, valns.
0. E.SLWELL, 1 -
J. K, BITTENBEHDEIt, I "oprlotors.
iini n ",i i j "impHi rooms, i am rooms.
Hot and cold water, and all modern conveniences!
Cor. Centra nnd Hall Bond Bts., near I.. M. Depot.
Lowest Prices will net to undersold.
Manufacturer of MINI! CAlt WHEELS, coal lircak
crnndllrldgo castings, Water I'lps( stovei, Tin.
ware, Plows, 1UON FENCE, and .ill kind;) of Iron aud
Brass Cntlngs.
Tho nlRtnal Montrose, Iron lioam, rltrlit hand
left band, nnd Mde hill Plows, lli best In thu mark
et, nnd all kinds of plow repairs.
Cook ovos, I'.oom stoves, nnd Moi on tor hcatlmr
ctores, tchool houses, churches, Ac. Aleo thu larir-
estfltccl;of repairs for city stovoa, whotcsalo and
rotail, BucUaFIreUrlcl:,ilrntc, C'ros Ptecis, Lids
Ac. A-n., Stove pipe, (W Bollctn, Skllllts, Ciko-
Plates, largo lion Kittles, (Jo gallons to l barrels)
I; arm Bolls, Sl:d Solcc, Wagon Boxes,
"Allontown Bone Mauuro"
Jan u, 'M-iy
Tho Highest Market Pries in Cash
I.cntiicr nnd Slum rinding Store,
Main Stiuxt, Opposite Stoni: Ciiuncu,
April S, Wy
Lumber of all kinds for salo as cheap
as the cheapest for cash or
may r. r- m
Announces to tho public that ho 13 prepared to do
an kuhi.s ui
Custom Tailoring
promptly and at reasonable prices. Now is the sea
bon for :i
And Tlnclcy's the rlacc to get a proper lit.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Shop over lllllmeycr's Grocery, Corner of Main and
Centre Streets, .....
BliUU.USlSimU, l'A.
Silverware. Watehes.Jowelry.Clocks.&c
ah L'lnrio rtf u'airitiR. rinrLn nnd Jowelrv Deat
1 rcpiurcii uu mmuMM-u.
may it
Tho uptown Clothier, has Just received ft flno ino
01 ISCW UOUUt UUU 13 I'll J'UHU wiiwauup
For Men and Boys In tho ceatcM. manner and Latest
Matsi Caps. &o.i
tin.rf.rlhnri rail nnil FTflrntnn. EVANS ULOCK
corner Mam aim iruu duxvio,
Tho umlcrslcncd hayloir put ; hla ." JJJ" ?!j
I' ! ll l.lnHaVif r,rr lit lltq llnft.
furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used Is
well Masoned and nono but skilled workmen are
furnlbhed on application. Plans nnd ppoclflcations
prepared by an experienced araugmaman.
lIlOOIIINlllll K, IH.
..... . . ..Mn t xm.a rt ki irltll CftftBAriml htf DIM
and kirk TKSTxn and havo never yet had a loss sot.
lieu uy any couri ui mn. m r'""
ed in Soi-io sccuuinrsand aro liable to the hazard
Losses rwiMrri.T and tiokkstit adlueted and paid
as soon as determined by cuiiistian Y. Knait, si'KC-
The neople "f Columbia e unty Rl-niUrt putrontn'
thour!. win. i j" 1'iir.y aro oeiiled and pula
:!.. .?.;,. ..ui. 1-itii.inn.
Nov a,
. oir.n,,.'vr ij,v'' i"ivuifc
forth Ameruuupf pciioIpnU, l
ifrauklln.ot ' "
Pennsylvania of "
Karroorsof York.r.
llanovcrof New York.
Momco otTMarkot tmoot No. . Blcwuitanrtr, Pa,
Neuralgia, Sc'atica, Lumbago,
Backache, Soroness of Via Chost, Gout,
Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and
Sprains, 3urns and Scalds,
General Bodily Pains,
Tooth, Ear and Headacho, Frosted Foot
and Ears, end all oihnr Pains
and Aches.
No rrfpntnthn on t nrtli i qual Rr, jArr.ri Oir. ns
a aiii'i ,.m,i.',! ili.l rii-ufiKxttrnnl Keniedy,
A tt'nl .titnlN liut fio rnmf nmtlvly trtlllpir fiutliy
or so intH, ami ewry ,m Fiinirliie -.villi imiu
c:n'i. ,ul. n tp, (!, , 'j(,f tf its cUtlnu,
Blrcctions In Eleen LanRiingf. "
a.vogj;l3sr, & coM
ltdlltmore, Mil., U. S. A.
At this season, various diseases of tho
liowels arc prevalent, and many lives are
hat through lack of knowlcdgo of a safo
mid sure remedy. PEMtY Davis' Pain
Ku.lku is n sure euro for Diarrhoea, Dys
entery, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Summer
Complaint, etc., nnd is pcrfecUy safe.
Bead the following!
llAiNmunoE, N. Y., March 52. 18S1.
1'EnnT DAVIw'PaIM KiLLEn nttrrjallt to afford
fnti'ini rtlitf far crauip and palu In tup stomach.
Johkvii BunorrT.
NlellOLVILlE, N. Y.. lli. 3, ltl.
Tho very bnt uieillcluo 1 know of for ilyBentf ry,
cho'cra morliU9, ami rramps lu tho etouioch. lla0
llHotl It for ycuru, and It In lure rur ovcrj tlmo.
JOMua W. Den.
Moinoona. Iowa, March 12, lwl.
I havo lined jour Pain Killer In novoro canea or
crami, onllcaiul cholera lnotbUH,aiul It iravo atmoet
Instant relict. I K. Oaliiwfll.
CAI1NE9V1LLE, OA., Fell. 21, 1ml.
l'or twenty jenrn I liatnupoil your Pain KiLLEn
In my f AuiUy. llai o tiwxl it many tlmi-a for bowel
cnlimlaf ntrf, ami It nhrnyl eHrtl. ould not foci flalo
without a botile lu tho liuua J. II. Ivie.
baco, Me., Jan. ia, ltwL
I la e iicil I'EiiiiY Davia' Pain Ki lleii for tn clvo
year. It U mitr. itm, ami Tfllablt. No mother
bhould uUow It to bo out of tbo family.
11. 1. Hates.
O.iEinA, N. Y., Fell, in. If 1.
AVc bcffan iifilntr It our llifrty jt'iin aim, ami It
nlway-4 kivlh linniodlato rlUf. Would hardly dara
to tfo to bed without a bottlu ill Uio lioui,'.
W. (). Hi'Eimv.
COHVATnORO, S. 0.,lVu. iwl.
Nearly every family lu thlo htetton l-wi " botllo
lu Uio hou.o. Da. B. Mouto.-i.
If. H. Cosm'l.ATi:,
CllElFLIlt'M'.SlU l'lll'HhlA.reb. S, Pl.
IllllokllOlMll'KUltYllAVIll'PAIN Ki l.l.hlialliiont
frointhoilayltMa.i introdiiciid.ftlnl niter j ears of
iiliM.ratioii aud u-'o I n,-.rd lU I'rebtuco lu my
houpeliold iw an intUrjnu.t.w titm.ttt.
I tl l'm'THi. It. H. ConBtU.
I hail lioen povcral dnyn Millerlinf wninljr from
dlirrliu-a. nccoinjianlod with lnteliM! iialo, when I
tried your Pain Killkii, and found aliiuwt luxtaut
rollcf. II. . I. .MINE.
21 Montaciui: Ht., London, Kno.
Purini? a refidenco of tweiity-thrvo care In India,
I haio Klven It lu luany ca. of dlarrhma, dyw'n
tery, and cholera, and nccr knew It to fall to imo
relief. H- CLAiunaE.
No family can safely bo without this
invaluable remedy. Its price brings it
within the reach of all.
For salo by all druggists at 25c, 50c.
and $1.00 per bottle.
PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors,
Providence, 11. 1.
WM. F. 330DINE.
Is prepared to ao an kiikis oi
Plain and ornamental
All kliulN orFiirnltiiro Rcjmlrcd.
aud ninilo as good an now.
Estimates IVIado on all Work,
m.OO,USHl7K, l'A,
Manufacturers of
Carriages, Buggies, Phactono, Sleighs,
Plrst-claas work always on hand.
Prlota redneod to suit the times.
Has purchased the Block and Business of I.IIagcn-
.. .. . ..... .......... ...t Inrin.llM.ri. nf IU,.!
UUC1J, UUU in lion I'lll'uicu lu uu nil uuua u. iium
inmsune. numuiLg ulu uus ruling hmiiiiuuj,
Tinware, stoves,
rrlqES AND HETEfls;
in agrcat variety. All work dono by
Main Btreet corner of East,
Ml.OOiilSltiriUJ, 1A,
riJRPAM nMlft
l'or Catarrh
liny Fever, CoM lu the
little n lifer, a panicle
jf tho Balm Into tnu
I klAVlf. CJr.peii.l Tl!Si
Inostrllsi draw strong
ureaiiis tnrougu ine
aoso. It will bo ab
witii'd, cleansing, and
'icallng tho diseased
lAnnlv a narllclo into
tuo car.
iiavlnir valued an cuvlablo local leiiutatlon. dlsnla.
elng all otter preparations In thu Mclnlty of ills
dlsi'overy. Is, on Its merlls alone, rvcognUed as a
wonderful remnp wheiever ki,nvvn, a fair trial
will oonvincu uio must bKeptieui oi iw euratue
powers. It ellectually cleausi's tho nasal passages
ot uaimiiini wrus, uuuMiig iii'uuuy birreuous, al
lays Inilammatlon and Irrltallou. trotertHtho mem-
nitinHi uniuirN in me ii-uii iii'ii, tu i -icoius,
cr. i " 'hi soi ., n ufuu- iii.ibense
of i ..Vi. ai d . tn, i.'i i il,r sunx uro roalUea
byafiw npi Hem Ions. A Uierougu irealiusiitasdl
recii'd w III cure Caturrh. Ah u househola remcdj
rnr cold In the head It Is utii iiunli'il. The bnlin lu
, v to uro nnd ngntniile Sold l drugg'niHtoii
Cuuia. on receipt of Hi null, will null u package
aiuu lui uubui.i n ...I mil luimuittUlia,
Fou Bale In Bloomsburg by Mover Bros., O. A. Klclm,
N.J. Uenderehott and J. II, Ufnjorls and by Whole
st,MMy a
Tho hue of licr lildo was dusky brown
Her body was leau and her neck was slim,
Ono horn tutned up nnd tho Oilier turned down,
Nlie was keen of vhden nnd long of limb ;
Willi a Roman no-.o nnd a (hurt stump tell,
And rib llku tho hoopi of n homu-tnadj pall.
Many n mirk did her body bear i
Sho had been a target for all things known t
On many a fear tho dusky hair
would grow no inoru where It oneo had
grown i
Many a passionate, parting shot
Had left upon licr a lasting spot.
Many and many a well-alined stono,
Many a brickbat ef goodly sle,
And many u cud gel swlllly lluown,
Had brought thu tears to her loving eyes i
Or had bounded off from hir bony oaek,
with a nolio llk'i tho wmid of .i tillu crack,
Many n dav had she parsed In the pound
l'or heliilng heisolt to her neighbor's corn :
Many a cowardly cur and hound
Hud been Iratistliid on licr orumpled horn !
Many a teapot utid old tin pall
Had the (armor bo) tied to her time-worn tr.ll.
Old Deacon Uru) was a pious man.
Though sometimes tempted to bo rrofa&e.
Wheu tnahy a weary inllo l.o ran
To dilvo her out of hl.i growing grain.
Sharp weru tho pranks stio used to play
To get her nil and to get nwny.
Mm? know when the Deacon went to town j
alio wisely watched htm when ho wont by;
Ho never passed her without a frown
And au cwi glance from each augry eye:
Ho would crack his whip lu a suily way
And drlo along In hU "ouc-Lorte sliay."
Than ut his homestead the loved to call,
Lifting hlo bars with er.'innlelliorn:
Nimbly sealing his gaulen wall,
Helping hcinelf to his standing corn:
Bating lit j cabbage, uno by enc,
Iiur.ylus homo when her work was done,
llli human pabslous wero quick to rise.
And binding forth w 1th a savago cry,
Willi fury blalng from both his ejoj,
As lightnings llikli In s ta mor kky,
Redder nnd redder his faco would grow,
And niter tho creature he would go.
Over the garden, round and round,
Breaking his pear and apple trees.
Tramping Ills melons Into the ground,
overturning his hlvca of bees i
Leaving him angry aud badly stung,
Wishing tho old cow's neck was wrung.
Thu mosses grew on tho garden wall ;
The j ears went by with their work nnd play ;
Tho boys of tho village grew strong and tall,
And tho gray-lialeul farmers passed away,
ono by ono, as tho led leaes fall,
But the highway cow ou lived them all.
Select Story.
ITranslaled fiom (tic Frsncli by Jtromo A
Hart, in San Franeifcn Argonaut, Jutiu 1881.
It was the nay bclorc the shootuif
season began. Hunters were pouring
out from l'aris in all directions. Two
might havo been seen leisurely proceed
ing toward tuo beeaux station, but com
ing from different directions. Both wero
accoutieil elegantly lrom jaunty cap to
leathern gaiters ; both carried a liliit gun
ind handsome, game bag ; both remark
ed with satisfaction tho effect their cos
tumes produced on tho female heart ; in
short, both wero 1 ansians aud hunters
Jjut one was old and tlic other was
vouug. Full sixty years must have been
needed to gri.zlo the locks of the ono
but twenty three had passed over the
others head.
Tho elder reached the station a few
moments before tho other. Ho entered
an empty compartment, but scarcely had
ho done so when the door opened, and
tho younger hunter entered. They
stared at each other for a moment, but it
was the elder who spoke hrst.
"illy dear Ijoismbert, I am delighted
to seo you, ho said, prcssui'; the other i
hand with simulated warmth.
"And I, loo, Prcthibaiit," returned the
young man, "am enchanted. What is it
Thiiiyrumiuy says now? 'Thrice blessed
"Perhaps you mean, 'Thrico blessed
is't to meet a friendly face," replied tho
"Yes, that's it. Who was tho fellow
that said it, now? It was it was "
"Laniartiuo T asked the other, dryly.
"Ah, yes, that's tho man Lamartinc.
Strange I could not think of it."
"Very, replied 1'ietliibatit. "liut now
I think of it, Do Musset was the author
of tho line."
"Yes, so ho was," replied the other,col
oring; "lie s ono ot my tavonto authors,
you knov;.
Outwardly l'rethibaut replied with a
grunt. Inwardly ho said : "Tho sanioas
ever. What an ass tho fellow is 1"
On tho other hand, lioiscibert bit his
lip, and muttered : "Confound tho old
fool i as pedantio as over."
Theso two gentleman wero about to
mako a reasonably long railway journey
Alter a lengthy silence, Pretlnbaut
began :
'1 seo you aro in hunting rig. Might
I ask whero you are bound ?"
"lcs; J. m (joint; to veirieres. Juno
shooting at that Chateau."
"What I lias Vautnron invited
l'rethibaut interrupted, but suddenly
"1 es. VaiiKiron lias asked mo to como
down to Verrieres aud open tho shooting
season wan mm. And you whero nro
you going, Prcthibautt"
"To verricrcB.
"What you also?" HoisgiberfH tone
expressed astonishment, but certainly
not pleasure.
"Oh,yes. For ten years I havo open
ed tho season there. It wouldn't do for
mo to miss one."
"How fortunate wo chanced te meetl"
said 15oisgibert,in n tono as destitute of
emotion nsis tho creak of a dooi.
"It was indeed a happy chance," re
plied l'rethibaut, witli tho inflection of a
innn who bids his creditor como to-morrow.
And wliilo their lips distilled honeyed
words they wero full of bitterness within.
Pretliibaut's retlections wero something
like this:
"How in tho fiend's naniocould VniiK-
irou bo ho idiotic as to invito this bo
curled popinjay to his house ? I did not
think linn so stupid so husband like, so
to speak as that. When a man of
lifty-two marries a girl of nineteen, lio
Biiuuiu not invito iiaiKisomo yoting-uan
J. '..11 t 1 .1 .
dies io spenii weeks at ins nouso. And
more particularly should lie not invite n
dandy who wus licr slave all l.ts Wiiilut'
who was always waltzing with her. who
always turned her iiuisio for her when
she played, who always had an orohobtm
seal when sue was m n- box. And yet
augiion HtupKi vu hospitable Vnu
iron ho invites this fellow beneath hit
roof. Well, well I"
On tho other hand, Uoisgibei t's brail
was no less busy. His rellectioiiH ran
something like tins :
"I wonder why that blockhead follows
ruo no jieruidtcntly T For tho past your lio
seems to linvo exercised a noiinf CHiion
iigoon mo. Ho HPCins to linvo divined
my secret, too. And yet lio in not n
relative of Madame Vmigiron. Confound
tlm old idiot I Soino ono told mo lio was
in Switwiland, and hero I find liiin on
Iih way to Verriores."
Tho two men Fcowled at each other,
and then Hinotlicied their faces into ex
nri'hHipnlesMiefifl. The train rolled on.
lloisgibcrt drew an imineiiNo cigar from
hia ease, and lighted it. Then as if lio
had just thought of it
f "O, excuse me. I bclievo tobacco is
disagreeable to you."
"No, sir j liy no means, sir j you aro
dreaming, Kir;" retorted rretliib.nit s "I
smoke like a cliimiioy,sir," and lighting
a larger cigar ho puffed nwny deliantly.
At ttio expiration of Ion minules Iho
two gentlemen were so shrouded in
smoke tiiat ''ey could not see noroMj tho
5ut all things have an end. Tho
train at last reached tho expected station
ami iiiero was vaugtron s carriage awnit-
ng tiiem. A brisk drive of a few linn
utes aoro llio country, and they were at
v eiriras.
Am they descended in tho court-vard.
Vangiron advanced. He pressed l'rctlii
bant warmly by the hand, erected Ilois-
gibort witli lua warmth, and bade the
servant show the latter L'eiitlcuinu to his
"As for you my old friend," said he to
Prelhiheit, "come into tho mirden. and
ei us seat ourselves over there in the
summer house. I have soinothiii!? I
... 0 -
I want to aslc your
wan i to say io you,
t . . . . o
io vice.
"lint will you follow it?"
"Of course, since 1 ask it."
"inn mat noes not follow nnv moro
than you do. People aro always asking
advice; they rarelv follow it. 'Last vear
in this very month, and where wo now sit.
you asked my opinion as to whether you
should marry. I advised vou to l'tvo and
die a bachelor. Well, three months after
that 1 had to pretend to be glad when I
saw you hauged I mean married."
vangiron viciously kicked a nebblo on
tho gravel walk before him."
"Well, what is it about?" said Pruthi-
Vangiron paused a while. "Well."
said lie, rehtctanllv. "it's about mv
"What," said l'rethibaut, "Already?"
"Come," said Vauuiron. imnatientlv.
don't bo getting idioliu ideas into your
neaii. i nave nothing, to reproach her
"liut you havo
something on your
"Yes, I have. I am jealous "
"Of Maurice lioisgihort."
"How do you know?"
"I know, because I have seen "
"Seen," shouted Vangiron, bounding
from his seat. "Seen ! seen ! What havo
you seen?"
"Come, now," said l'rethibaut, "don't
bo gettingany idiotic ideas into your head
I have seen nothing alarming. I have
seen, however, that the young puppy
lioisgibert, is altogether too attentive to
your wife."
"Well, that's what I wanted to speak
anoui. ine lellow lias presumed to ad
dress some verses to her."
"What aio they about?"
"What are they about? Oh, what all
poets write about moon on tho waves,
stars, and llowers, gentle zephvrs.angels.
goiidolas,syinpathetic souls, and all soils
JWIUIIU lllllll.
"Naturally," said Prethibaiit. "I might
havo known it liut how did you come
to see tins letter r
"Why, Hoi'tenso brought it to me her
self, of cop e."
"Sho did, eli ? Well, Vangiron, I con
gratulate you on your wife. Now listen
to me. Will you follow my advice?"
"Whatever I may say or do, you will
not contradict or oppose me T
"f promise.
"Very well, then. Young lioisgibert
will not favor us with his company dur
ing tho shooting season. Here is what
you must do ; to-night, at dinner, when
you sco mo take a pinch ot snulT, striko
the table with your list, and say, in a
cavernous voice: 'I would do the same."'
"Hum," said Vangiron, "a cavernous
voice, it pinch of snuff, and a blow on
tho table. Why what how "
"IN ever mind, Said l'rethibaut; "do as
tell you, old boy, and you're all right."
That evening wero gathered aiound
Vaugiron's festivo board eight gentle
men, bix vacant chairs showed that tiie
ladies had left them. Unnumbered
empty bottles showed that they wero
good hunters and true. But ono man
had attempted to escapo and ioiii the
ladies. Several times lioisgibert mado a
move, but.l'rethibnut would invariably
ask, with much kindness, "Are you not
well this evening, sir ?" so lio was forced
to remain.
Of nil the merry crowd, Prcthibaiit
alone seemed preoccupied. There was n
gloomy expression upon his face, nnd it
finally attracted attention,
"What's the matter with vou to-iimbf:
Prcthibautt" asked ono ot thu guests;
"you look as if you wero at a funeral.''
"f'ardon me, gentlemen, replied the
gloomy one, "there aro certain anniver
saries, in n inmiH lite but no; the story
is not a pleasant one."
"Never mind what's tho odds? f!o
oil and toll it any way," was tho cry.
"Very well, gentleman," said l'rethi
baut placing his snuff box on tho table
before him, and gazing on it with deen
melancholy, "I will tell you tho story.
Thirty-fivu years ago to-day I was tho
chief actor in n domestic tragedy."
"You!" interrupted Vangiron, "you in
a domestic tragedy 1"
For reply l'rethibaut favored his
friend witli a violent kick under tho tablo
and went on :
"At that timo I was but twenty five .
my lifo was peaceful and happy. 1 had a
wife whom I adored, a daughter whom I
"What, you 1" bawled Vnugirou.
" i es, went on him
another kick; "My cstato was in tho
Ardeiincs,nud I was a passionato hunter.
Adjoining my property was that of a
man u litt'e younger than I. Ho was
about tho same agotisMiiuiien U ilsgibeit
hen, nnd, by the way houiiiuli jvcembled
mm. v en, we oiteu met; wo iieonne
friends. lie came to my house, and
gentlemen, but my blood boiU wheu I
think ol it ho wrote some verses to my
"W cil, I sought him out. I told him
that one ot us must dio: that in order tj
avoid scandal, wo would load our pieces
witli buckshot, conceal ourselves on both
sides of tho trail, nnd when a boar was
.1..:..,... 1 I ' ..11 n .. '
uiivuuijt us wuwumuuro inn not at the
"It was done. Tliirtv-livo vcars nL'o
to day wo lay crouched there, glaring at
each other across tho trail. Whether a
consciousness of guilt had unnerved my
r..t ii.. i i " t i ,
muuim muni, or iioi, i (to not. Know,
yet 1 was uninjured. But both loads
lrom my kuii struck him and he fell
hank, his head and breast pierced with
is not moro to tell. I wis arrested and
released, as on the surface it was acci-
dental. My wifodied in a mad house:
my daughter died shortly after, and now
lam alone. Can vou wonder ireutlo-
men that I am melancholy when thu
years bring round again tho day on which
i siew mv iriciidT
Ho shook his head gloomily, and took
a pinch of snuff. '
augirou stiuek the table a violent
llblll. M'ltloll .tin1.. ,1... ..Ina., 1
"I would do tliesamii," lie cried. "You
...ii-.h in i,ii, liiu i: n-'.-n 11 ir.
weru perfectly right. I would do thu
At breakfast tho next morning it was
noticed that Maurice lioisgibert was ab-
sent. The host found n note from him
at his plate however which he rend
M. lJoisg'ibcrt lias received a litter
which forces liiui to leave for Paris at
once. Important business. Hu bona M.
Vangiron to receive his cxcusetl.. nnd a
much regrets that he cannot remain with
tho pleasant party at tho Chateau de
"Well." said l'rethibaut, in a whisper
to tho host, "What did I tell vou ?"
"l'rethibaut, replied Vangiron, with
an admiring glance, "what a dreadful
liar vou ate!"
Kiver.i of Molten Lava.
Private advices from the Sandwich
Islands report that tho famous volcano,
Mauna J.oa, is still in cruptiou, and has
neen continuously so since tho early part
of October. The inhabitants sav that tbo
present eruption exceeds in grandeur,
extent and activity any that they can re-
mctnuer, or ot which there is any record,
Tho American residents say thattlio spec
tacle is magnificent, and well worth a
voyago thither. The piineiple crater,
some fli.UUU teel long and 9.000 to
10,000 feet wide, is constantly belching
forth smoke, steam and llames, and oc-
casionally throws up vast rocks, wliilo
the lava pours down thu sides of the
inonntain,nearly M,000 feet high in broad
streams. A letter received some time
ago lrom Honolulu said: "lor some
months tho people of the island of Ha
waii havo been greatly excited by the
eruption of tho volcano Mauna Loa which
tar oxeeeds any former outbreak of that
celebrated mountain of tire. The crup-
t.ou began early in thu evening on tho
rth ot October, a lew miles noilh ot the
summit crater, and Mowed rapidly down
to the plateau lying between lea and
tho Mauna J.oa. ft formed two branch
es, ono running toward thu old crater of
lvilauea, and the other toward the east.
On being lirst observed, it was seen that
the great stream of liquid firo was
making its way toward Kea. liut early
on Saturday morning, somu twelve hours
alter the outbreak, it was noticed that a
second How appealed, and was rapidly
running in tho direction of the beautiful
town of Ililo. Immediately there was
tho utmost nlnrm, and for a time tlicro
was every fear that tho place was des
lined to bo overwhelmed. But before
uiu sireiiu iiatt reaciien nan me distance
to a deep Swood, which stands in the
wuv, it siiil(lenly,and without any appar
ent reason, turned abruptly to the north
ward. So the llow continued until Wed-
neMliiy, llo-ober Kith, when the two
st reams ran beside each other for a con.
siderablo distance, presenting one nf the
grandest sights which could possibly be
witnessed. From both livers of red hot
matter there ascended dene columns of
steam and smoke, and these, as they
( went upward and united for a time,
formed nn arch-liko avenue, through
which there could for miles bo seen the
dull glare of tho boiling and bubbling
mass which steadily moved on its way,
Suddenly, here and there, great cones
would bo thrown up, and again streams
ot lava, as it unable to hud a vent in
nny other duection, were forced upward
in columns to tho height of scores of
feet. For moro than thirty miles from
the outlet tho liquid firo rolled on. tho
width of the streams being from ono
hundred to two hundred yards, and their
deptli varying from six and eight to
twenty and thirty feet, according to tho
nature ot tho ground over which they
mane their way. in places, too, tl eir
front edgo rose ton height of thirty feet,
presenting tho appearance ot an ad
vanced wnu oi nro. from tins mass
great blocks of matter continually crum
Died and iiroko on, inning with a dull
crash which cannot bo described. As
lias been intimated, if tho lava continues
to (low in tho direction which it has now
tnken, there will be hardly any danger
of its doing any damage to Ililo. Hun
ning as it doet, it would have to fill up
tuo great, vauey oi run uio and Waliu
ku swamps beforo reaching the neigh
Dornooii oi uio town. Mill thero is a
danger lhat a stream may strike and
follow tho course of tho "llow" of lBS-
fiG, which lasted thirteen months, and
sent tho burning lava over an nrea esti
mated at three hundred siiuaro miles.
If it should tako this course it would in
all probability go to and beyond Ililo.
onii, it is at present iwcntv-ono nines
from that place, and tho prospect is that town will escape, llolealoh, on tho
contrary, is in tho fi-entest. il.'iiwrni- lint
......... .f ... ... P . .
witiio mere is in any event moro than a
probability that much fixed property
will bo lost, thero is but littlo danger of
loss ot lifo. Tho iiow of lava is so slow
and regular that it can easily bo avoided
and nil movnbles of value taken out of
us course.
How; bin: HncotiNi.KK Him, Mrs.
1..1!.... !.. '.. I I 1 - .,
.illlllin uiun ll n unwound, fcllVS 1110 SMI
l'liincisco iW, was ouo of the nas
1 1. .. ..C. . r r. .. r -.
..:.. nt li i..:.. . ...i.i i i
seuifcis uu uiu ijiuio oi itnrnm i n.
.a - e " I ' ' '- w .n i.w-
tamed four days over tune. Mrs. B.
bore her anxiety witli commendable for-
-!i...l !l .1 . I , l -.
iiiiuic until uio mini (my. hue was
taking lunch with some friends nt a res-
fiurai'l, where tho w-iilfr hebvd her to
su"n sbrtniii -aiiid in A ulasn Unit eon
taitiid ft small portion of whiskey. She
h id only eiuWn few mouthful when
sho burnt lu. j tear. "WJiiUh the mat
. .. r.. II atl , 1 . .
t'T, mis. jirowni sain i no company,
much surprised. "Why, sobbed thu
poor woman, "m m-my worst H'arn uro
resized, iknow thai poor Julius 1ms
been drowm-d. J itst taste these shrimp i,
And as theio was no donviii'' that thnv
tasted oxuetly like old Brown, thu widow
wns conducted home. Sho had just do
onlded that she would look exceedingly
Well in black when tho Btenmcr arrived.
TTrt? VlT ttt!f A V Xfrtt. f MO 11
A (llnsi Snake
Along the Upper Urazos and in western
Texas, whero nourished tho horned frog,
is tho strangest snake known to natu
ralists. He is sometimes called tho glnns
snnke. He is from two to four feet
lo'.'f - 'i witli a striped back, lie is not
self when attacked by a powerful foe is
sinuliarto that of tho possum or skunk,
Instead of Hying back lie brakes into a
dozen pieces, and every piece, distinct in
itsclf.Hcs apparently dead on tho ground,
Sometimes the pieces aro a foot apart.
When the foo disappears tho pieces grad
iiauy como logeuier, iiiuio in nneniiaKu
md crawl off. The naturalist will initu-
rally nk if the pieces are futiiely scpar
aled, 1 answer they nro. in him or ten-
ll f 1 1 II ll 1 ll 4 I ll (! 11 fniT.'tlllr. Yflll P.Illl fl I f, H I
the ground with an a c between the pieces.
... ....
Mr. II. Edwards, whoso post ,oflico nd-
dress is Montgomery, Alabama, showeit
mc one of tlu'W snakes at Waco. lie
still lm- it alive, and will prove, with the
living snake or by answering a letter
fr'" a"y naturalist tho accuracy of this
story. The glass snake which Mr. Ed
wards showed in" had lost the tip of its
tail. When I asked the owner how it
happened, he said : "the snake went to
pieces one day and bctoio it got together
hungry kiugsnake, which I still have,
swallowed the tail. Mr. Edwards has
several kingsnakes. Like tho glass snake
thev aro not poisonous: still they kill tho
largest snake in tho bottoms. They
make a spring at a largo snake or rabbit,
coil in.ilaully around its neck and strau-
fj'0 'l choke it to death. A king snake
livo feet long will strangle a dog or a lat
tlesnake. The only snake able to defend
itnclf against the king snake is tho glass
snake. When the king snake Hiinngs at
the glass oiiako the glass snake breaks
into pieces nnd its foo niiglit as well try
to stranglo a basket ot clothes-pins or a
pau - iui 01 sardines. jut wcrcuis j cx-
as Tetter.
A Small lioy's Ex iilanation.
. ... I
was Sunday evening. Angelica
had invited her "be3t young man" to tho
evening meal. Everything passed olf
narmomousiyunui juigenca s seven-year-
old brother broke tho blissful siienco by
"Oil ma! ycr outer seen Mr. Lighted
tho other night, when ho called to take
Angio to the drill, ho looked so nice sit-
tin' 'long side of her with his arm"
"Fredl" screamed tho maiden, whose
face began to assume tho color of a well
done crab quickly placing her hand
over tho boy s mouth.
"ler oughter seen him continued tho
persistent informant, after gaining his
breath, and tho embarrassed girl's hand
was removed; "lie had his arm
"1' reddiel shouted tho mother, as m
her frantic attempts to reach tho boy's
auricular appendage, sho upset the con
tents of tho teapot in Mr. Lighted's lap,
making numerous ltussian war maps
over his new lavender pantaloons.
"1 was lust gom to sav, tho halt
frightened boy pleaded, between a cry
u ui au injured whine, "he had his
inn "
You boy!" thundered tho father,
"away to tho wood shed."
Aud tho boy mado for the nearest
exit, exclaiming as he waltzed. "I was
only going to say Mr. Lighted had his
nrmy clothes on, and leavo it to lnni if
" "
And the boy was permitted to return,
una mo remainder oi tnu mcai was spent
in explanations from tho family in re
gard to tho number ot times 1'reddio had
to bo "talked to" for using his fingers
for a ladle.
How a liulioon Dines.
Harry, thu largo Chacina baboon in
the Philadelphia "Zoo," lias been taught
to dine in a civilized fashion. 1 lie lust
alpaca coat put on him he tore in shreds,
and at hrst lie opposed dining at a table
very vigorously, b"t he soon grasped the
idea that if he did as his keeper wanted
mm to ho would bo rewarded with a
lump of sugar, and after that ho became
a very apt scholar, lie lias recently been
fitted out witli a blue canvass coat trim
med with red nnd wliilo bands, and but-
t0,'s a?.lftr" trade dollars, fio now
,tak?8 11B. ,Ilt,!ll '"l"'1'!'. Fc;d table
"avl"K .co" ,)U.".1 101' . i tl1?1
1111:111 in iii-u in nun ui, ix u uiuun in uiu
morning and the next at r o'clock in tho
afternoon. At u sign from tho keeper
he seats himself upon tho stool and de
murely waits to be helped. iho bill ol
fare varies, consisting of rice, sweet pota
toes, biend and butter, milk, &c, given
at (liltcuut tunes. Saturday lio was al
lowed sweet potatoes and tea, with sev
eral lumps of sugar. As tho keeper
sl'ced tho potatoes tho baboon leisurely
anil (leisurely picked up tho pieces and
placed them in his mooth, taking from
tho cup, which ho held in both hands, n
draught ot tea occasionally. When the
meal was finish' d he took a roll in the
grass and then, nt a sign, jumped on the
Keeper h back and was carried part of
tho way to his inclosiire. Boioro tho
summer is over tho young fcmalo baboon
will bo put through a similar course of
training, so she can take the plaeu at
tho tablo now occupied by tho keeper.
A Muliluon Sinner-
Elder Hallonbeck was preaching in
Hayes Valley, California, some time ago,
when tho most "solid citizen in that
section uroso and proceeded to mako a
few remarks. lie rather pompously
ioM how ho had become converted, and
then went on to sav that tho revival had
his (titit'o approbation, anil that hu was
on tho whole, quilo satisfied with there-
suits accomplished. Hu hoped his ex
ample would greatly uncoiirago those
around hint, nnd lio wished it understood
that should it bo needed be was quite
ready to subscribe !?.ri00 to piovent the
good cansu from failing.
Alter he hud ant down, luder Hallen
I ueeK, who appeared io nu llhleiuilg with
i , i. ...i i . ,. .
extreme attention, turned quietly to tho
congregation and said :
Is thero nnv other miserable, repen
tant, puisepioud sinner who would like
to say n lew v.'ordn In fore the meeting
there v.,i8 .-unetluiig nioiu linn u
sjmm oi p.-iKio a the prumii.tmi pnru
louked nt his watch and quietly drifted
Cliaucar couldn't snail. Neither oonbl
Bacon. filiRikupcinrro was tho worst of
tho lot. Ho couldn't evou sp)ll his
name. Aud for that mutter, no more
can nny ono else.
A Kansas cyclone blew a man bud
hoadod, lite wig wns a new ouo nml
is 1 tfili.lWa
tU X 3M Oil IT
Onolneh tut) uw tyon taoo
Twolnchea... .no t.m &.m t.m is.00
Threo Inches 4 ft) i'A l.m IW10
Four incheji ,.m v.nt is.m
SuarterooiumD.... m) h.ui laon is.m M.nn
nif column lo.rt) 11 011 2.1.00 mm
ono column KJ.oo zi.m so.ui ro.oo
Yearly advertliementu piynblo quarterly. Tran
sient ttdvertlsemenis mint l paid for tfore lawnxd
except where parties have accounts.
Leeal advertisements two dftllari per Inch tot threo
Invrtlons, nnd at that rate tor additional Insertion!
llhout reference 10 length.
Executor's. AdinlnWratorX and Auditor's now
three dollArs. Must bo paid for when inserteiL
Transient or 1tc.iI noUcta, len cen W a lino, rmrular
(wlvurtlwment half rates.
1 urd. In tho "lliulness Dtroctory" column, cwo
dollar per year for each lino.
Odd Items.
Darwin rises .at 0 and goes to lied nt
10, That's tho kind of baboon he is.
hay i
l'or tn'eitty-livo years I havo been se
verely alllioted with Hay Fever, aud havo
triedmanv leniodier) without relief. While
suiieringiutensely 1 was induced, through
Mr. lichotiorrf testimonial, to try Jilya
Cream Mini. Iho immediate ('fleet was
marvelous. I havo been exposed to heat,
drniightSTtnd dust, and huvo escaped a
return attack. J pronounce Ely's Cream
"nun umu mi ni i-cii-i, iiuiiinii a.
Oair,PresbyteiiaiiPnstor,KhzabethN. J.
Having been ulllicted witli Hav Fever
for years' I gave Ely'H Cream Halm a
1 . I if. . .1 ! T .
trial; was much benefited if not perman
ently cured. I havo had no real attacks
since using it E. II. Ilnuch, Editor 6'ifr
btm Count JJcmocrul, Mnitch Chunk,
l'a. Piico r0 cents.
The .'. . Man lias discovered that
the nwthetio cornet player is ntoo looter,
When a bald-headed man buys a dust
er, mohair would bo most nppiopriato.
A llll'l'lCUI.T I'ltOllLt-VU SOLVED.
Ambition, competition aud over-oxer-tion
use up tho vital powers of men nnd
women, so that a desire for stimulants
seems to bo a natural human passion, nnd
drunkenness prevails on account of this
necessity for bodily nnd mental invigor
ation. "Parker's Ginger Tonic fairly
solves tho diflicult problem, and lias
brought health and happiness into many
desolate homes. It does not tear down
an already debilitated system, but builds
it up without intoxicating. JCnquirc;'
Sco other column.
When a dog is being drowned would
it lie proper to call his hist howl the dogs-
" 0 Knv l,c,so"8 t0 l0r "
1.1imuiiiifiiisii, .ui in iiu iiii:i;L .LUUUIIII
.1 1....1 i. t .1. -
";l1" ingn, 'eii, pains in tuo megs,
were so depressed, weak, with many
otll" symptoms tending to that disease,
of tho lungs. These symptoms wero all
tho painful offsprings of a torpid and
jy .-.."- ni...m......
i i mg- J "?se sympl
diseased liver. W e could till a volume
with testimonials ot thousands SQaitectcd
who wero permanently cured by taking
Simmons Liver Regulator.
There is ono good thing about a boy
when a circus is in town you know
whero to look for him,
Many a young man thinks himself the
cream of society when he is nothing but
a imiKsop.
Tho liver is tho organ most snccdilv
disordered by malarial poisons. Aycr's
Ague Cure expels these poisons from tho
system, and is a most excellent remedy
for liver complaints.
There seems to be a pressing neeiVin
this country of an improved india-rubber
liver warranted malaria proof.
No lady witli any refinement will uso
her husband's niceischnuiu pipe to drive
nails in the wall.
Joseph Durrinlurger, Broadway, But
falo, was induced by Ins brother to try
Thomas' Eclectric Oil for a smained nn-
kle; and witli half a dozen ainiiications
ho was enabled to walk round again all
Those who havo tried it confess thnt u
large, healthy mustard plaster worn at
thu back contains moio heat than a
heavy ovcicont.
When your girl gives yon the mitten, and
you feel j our heart is broke,
Don't give way to black despair, but treat
it as a joke.
Get your health in first class order, a bot
tle oi Spring Blossom buy,
And gaily join a singing class, and for
another sweetheart try.
Price TiO cents, trial bottles 10 cents.
Mary Walker asserts that tho Venus
de Medici never wore corsets. Of course
not. Sho didn't wear anything; her
wardrobe was tore so.
AN OI.Il ritll'.Nll.
He was afllieted with a lame back and
general debility; ho was recommended
Thomas' Eclectrio Oil which cured him
at once. This famous specific is a posi
tive remedy for bodily pain.
The small sttenms in New Jersey aro
so nearly dry that the little fishes aro
running around witli tin .cups in their
niouuis uegging lor something to drink.
Query: What is the best family med
icine in the world to regulate tho bowels,
purify tho blood, remove costivencssnnd
biliousness, aid digestion and tono up tho
whole system? Truth and honor compels
us to answer, Hop Bitters ; being pure,
perfect and harmless. Seo another
column. Toledo Jilmlc.
"How," asks an anxious mother, "shall
we bring up our girls?" Well, if they aro
playing in tho cellar, shout "rats!" That
will bring them up.
Opium is tho most dangerous drug, es
pecially when given tochildien in tho
shape of a soothing lemedy. Dr. BuII'h
Baby Kyi up is win muted not to contain
opium in any foim and is tho most inno
cent nnd efficacious remedy for children
teething. Prico Sii cents a bottle.
A kind writer says: "You can trust
a man who loves a horse or it dog." A
livery stable man says ho has tried it and
finds thero is no money in it.
kootous ani ciuutoin:.
Tim doctors of New York City, hun-
l i r. i , ... i r, !'..
iirens oi wimiii iinvu visiicii sneers vino
yards during tliu winu making season,
saj's his Poit (Irapo Wiuo has proved
to bo j ui re, unadulterated, of a lino flavor
and tiniiu pioperties, and is unsurpassed
for its lestoiative powers, and they pro
scribe it as u very superior wine." Tho
piincipal Churches in Now York and
Brooklyn uso it for communion. For salo
by C. A. Kleim, Druggist, Bloomsburg
A Bvi i.irt. Bux A new ballot box
lias ju.,t l,i-cn submitted to tho Frenoli
government. It has two locks, eneli
npouitig witli n different key, and nn nn-
pitrntus which clips a tub or corner from
tho tlukut duDOKitcd hv tlm r,!wtni- mwl
I droiw the stilt) into mm nun of (In, l,,,v
tho ticket going into tho other division,
Simultaneously tho machine registers on
a table befoio tlm voter the number of
tickets clipped. Tho ballots must ogreo
in number with tho stubs, and both with
n. i..n.L. ,i.
h.t...nir !.., ,i...i...n. i. i
... .in.. ,.i..i .nu uiinvi um UIBH ui mm