The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 29, 1881, Image 2

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    0. E. ELWELl, Uu...
FH-lnv. July QO. 18R1
Democratic Stnto Comnilttoo.
Tlicro will bo a meeting of tho Demo
cratic State Committee at Bolton's Ho
tel, Hnrrislntrg, nt 12 m., on Wlncn
tlay, August 10, to tletcrmino upon :i
time nnd )laco for holding the next Stito
Convention. A full nttendanco of tho
lncmbera of the committco is requested.
A. II. Dim,
Tho latest sensation in New York is a
suit for libel against John Kelly's paper,
tho Jfrpress, for 8 100,000 damage. Tho
plaintiff is Mrs. II. T. Helmbold, wife of
tho well-known Dr. llelmhohl, and the
charge is that tho Express contained
articles detrimental to her fair fame.
The Chairman of tho Republican Stato
Central Committee has issued a call for a
Stato Convention, to ho held in tho Hall
of tho IIouso of KepreHcntativcs in
Jiarnsburg, on Thursday beptomiior tun.
A Stato Treasurer is the only ollicer to
bo nominated.
If A. IJ. Ilerrinir is a democrat now
ho has deserted tho party for which ho
made rules two years ago, and by which
ho was elected to tho ollico ho holds nt
present. If ho is still a Grcenbacker, ho
ought not to receive support from tho
Democratic partv. If ho is a Democrat
now,ho has proven a deserter tho second
tinio and oiightuot to bo trusted in ollico
ny tiio people.
Tho Now York legislature succeeded
in electing a Senator last Friday, to suc
ceed Mr. Conkling. Eldridgo Gerry
Lapham, tho now Senator, is a lawyer of
considerable ability and has been a mem
ber of Congress since 187-1, having been
four times elected. Ho is not a brilliant
man and will not take a prominent place
in tho Senate. As a Kepublicau he is
known as a "stalwart," and is ati admir
er of Conkling. Tho great state of New
York has never been before represented
by men of such small calibre as ''wood
pulp" Miller and E. G. Lapham.
The Greenback Convention at Orango
ville, last Saturday, adopted the follow
ing remarkable resolution : "That it is
tho sense of this Convention that tho
men who arc nominated shall stand by
the principles of tho Greenback party as
long as a man is left to stand by them,
during tho tei in of the ollico lor which
they are nominated." This must havo
been intended as a rebuke to A. 15. Ilor
ringiwhodid not "stand by the principles"
ot ins party "during tiio term ot tho oi
fice" ho now holds, but desertiM tho or
ganization in tho hope of Hccui iiii; anoth
er ollico. Do Mr. Herring's Greenback
friends think their censure will improve
his chances for nDemoeratio nomination?
Tho Saengorfest which began on Mon
day, in VVilkes-lJarre, was a perfect suc
cess. Tuo city was proiusely decked
with flags and banners and the streets
wero thronged with people. There were
eleven visitin.r Ko(!ietics.numberiii!!ilmiit.
IM members, and two Wilkes-Barro A immlM.r of viw,t.
bands were present. The first concert
took place in tho armory on Monday
cvpiiinr-. Tho necnnd conceit was mven
ou Tuesday evening, on which occasidn
tin, nriM, mn.rim- took nlnc-e. An im.
mouse crowd was in attendance ut each
concert. On Wednesday there was' a
grand parade and picnic and tho prizes'
worn in tint wiiim-is. In tint
ovening thero was a lino display of fire-
Lord J.ofcog dies game and falls with
ii)s nice to nis "iiau-urecu iocs. vnen
l.l .1 .1 - . 1. . .; . - r T.l .
nu jciinicu oi uiu eieciiun oi jjnpuam as
United States Senator, he immediately
Bent tho following despatch. Nobody
understands exactly what ho means, and
it is quite likely that ho doesn't know
itniir tji M(l its I liUd-' trtll dim IWIlllMliJl-
edly shows grit. "The near lu uro" will
bo anxiously awaited.
Nhw Yohk, July 22, 1881.
To the Hon. Jnmtr Armstrong, Member oftMAa-1
uuwiy, aanny;
ilia imriiic lonMorry r.l Hie rii-rlm band,
which on lone Ins Hood lornrinc'nle nml truth.
hi my gratitude anil ndruiraiion. Home
clown tiy (ortiiilcirii anil ablioirent netricies.
wuirh never before w-y in die Kep'jbli-
rao purijyiiH uieoirrv ut lint iurgir apcl man
timxl will l-nst live in I lie highest honor. A
near fmure wi 1 vindicate thiir wMi.m and
crown 'kern wilb approval, l'lr-aie ask tliero
nil for mo to recent) my inimt gnu. fill ock
This year of grauo is pioiilio of dead
looks, and no sooner is one disposed of
tnan another lakes iU place. They liavo
nnoi'i itiiuuu of rather u peculiar kind
and just how it is to bo settled is not at
present apparent. Governor Plalsted of
that Slate is a Democrat, but hit advisers,
known as tho executive council, are all
Kepuhlionu3. These gentlemen under
took to u.Rot the authority vested in tho
governor, ionised tooonurmtiis nomina i
nous aim at a meeting neid on t no With
, .... . .1
insu one oi tne councilors grossly tnsult-
cii tiio ijovornor. 1 Ins was rather more
than he could endure.and rising from his
mm nu iuii.uu nuuiny wiui uiu gavei
nnd said "Gentlemen, this-council is ad-
1 1. I !.l. .1... 1
journed aine dla." As the Governor
only had i tho power to convono tho conn-
CM, tho deadlock is CdmplotO. TIlOCOUll-
ollors nro in despair and thero is soino
talk of calling upon Secretary Blalno to
looso tne unoi which tuoso too energetic
councilors havo tied.
Who can wonder at tho degradation
of Republican politics T That tho thick-
ami thin political organs of tho parly
snouid swnuow any caiidiaato setup and
elected for any oflico by a party conven
tion, would of itself go far to stiliu thu
moral lifo of tho party. But what is to bo
expected when wo liud journals like the
Triii m i t 'r i , t
i-nunueipnia j,eu'er, which are not com
monly considoiod to be political organs.
styingof such a soaudalous nvmit uf tho
eieouoii i ot -woou-puip minor to Uw
"The criticism on his business of pa
per and pulp mill owner have no peril
iioiuiy. J I would He well it there wore
nmru business inen.iiieohanius nnd manu
facturers in Congress, in nluoo of tho
HUpernbundanoo of lawyers."
No pertinency, quotha? It is not
pertinent to the question nf a man's lit
lies for the Situate, is it not. that hu
I ! l...l l. i.i I
nave vioiaieu decency nni i no
laws of tho land n a member of (hu
jiuusu ui ivepreauriiuiives ny loonyiiig nuuu iiihi rum yuitm uin r ny muj uirpq
nnd voting into his own pocket a duty to Congress. In 1840 ho hceatiio Ajtor
nn a commodity manufactured by him I uey General of the United States Two
rr .. i n . i... i. i i . h?i.... i c .......... f... i. ...i
self? It would bo well, would It, if thero
were more "bu. incus men" in Congress
lu imitaiu Mi". Warner Miller in tho
'buplin's" of jirostituting Jo thoadvnn
fyige of their private interest! tin public
tiiKt eonfidoil lo them by their oonstilu?
-j..nt?V; a. BWrr'. .
On Saturday morning last n sudden
and aiarnilnu ihanco occurred in t m
l'iesident'8 condition. A severe chill
was followed by a blub fever, durinif
which his pulse rose to 1!10 nnd his tem
perature was such as to eauso much
alarm. Dr. Almicw and Dr. Hamilton.
the ('onsullhiL'suricoiis, werohuminoned
and went to Washington on a special
train. A consultation una held on the
following morning and it was determined
that the unfavorable symptoms were
caused by tho formation of tin abscess at
tho point whore a rib had been splintered
by the assassin's bullet. An incision was
made, three inches below tho mouth of
tho wound, and tho pus allowed to llow.
This afforded immediato relief and tho
President rested well and began to im
prove. His pulso decreased and his
tompcraturo onco inoro becamo normal.
Sinco that time, tho President has been
nearly as well as before tho chill. On
Tuesday, Dr. Agnow removed several
pieces of splintered bono from tho
wound. This operation permitted tho
pus to tlow more freely and afforded re
lief. Tho President is quite weak and
cannot bo pronounced outof danger. It
is said that it may become necessary to
cut out tho ball, nnd tho surgeons are
in doubt as to tho results which may fol
low the operation.
On the 20th of July, tho most famous
Indian chieftain of modem times arrived
at Port Huford with tho remnant of his
baud, nnd surrendered to Major Broth
ortou. Deserted by tho great body of his
followers, with starvation staring him in
tho face and forsaken by his daughter,
who eloped with a young bravo of Low
Dog's band, the stubborn old chief broke
down at last and resolved to give him
self into tho hands of his foes. It was
Sitting Bull's people that slaughtered
thu gallant Custer and his command, and
since that time the chief and his fol
lowers have found refugo across the
Canadian bortliT. In many respects he
was the most formidable Indian the
troops have ever encountered. lie is a
thorough aborigino and now ns a sullen
captive doubtless hates the white man
with unabated fervor.
When tho despondent warrior entered
tho fort he was accompanied by only two
hundred of his people. At tho fight with
Custer in 1870,he commanded some 3000
warriors. Small wonder is it that seeing
his force reduced to a ha'udfull, the old
mail at last realized his helplessness.
What is to be' done with him ? If lie is
to be fed and cared for by the govern
ment, let good faith be kept with him.
Otherwise it is not beyond tho possibil
ities that, at Bomo future day, Sitting
Bull may once more figure in a bloody
tragedy on the plains, and draw to him
enough discontented Indians to inaugu
rate another war. Such things have been
done, and may occur again.
Judge Pearson filed his opinion in tho
legislative mandamus case, on Tuesday
last. This caso is an application for a
writ of mandamus upon State Treasurer
Butler to compel him to pay' mem
bers of tho Legislature ten dollars per
day for tho extra fifty days of service at
tho last session of tho Legislature, tho
application being mado under a special
act passed at that session. Last Winter
an opinion was rendered by tho Attorney
i i ., , i i i-i . .i
General, in which ho held that tho por
turn of tho Act of May 11, 1874, whicl
provides tor an extra per diem eompen
tion violates tho constitution, which
provides simply for a salary,
, -.u!10 "aturally, tho members of the
i-egisiaturo did not accept tins view anil
t00'1 1110 matter into court, lilO opm
rendered on Tuesday is long and
elaborate and concludes as follows;
"Wo a'e, therefore, clearly of opinion
I htt BO much of tho Act of tho 11th of
-py already cited, as pretends
g-vo daily pay in addition to a lixed su
to. ncmberu of tho Legislature, is uncoil
I ol""uu"i' VUIU. 11 WOIIIU LIU 1111
lawful for the State Treasurer to pay it
this court cannot enforce payment by
mandamus, auu tho samo must be re
I r -i iit i t. .
I iuseu. w o leave out ot view every
I question of policy or expediency. Those
I are questions for tho Legislature alone,
over which the iudiciarv has no control.
I and no right or disposition to pnss judg-
It is probable that the case will bo
carried to the Supreme Court for final
settlement Just now tho outlook is not
promising for the impecunious members
oi ino legislature.
Klsowhero will be found a communi
cation on tho subject of Mr. Herring's
candidacy, to which we invito tho atten
tion ot our readers. It is from the pen
of a sterling Democrat and meiits a
careful perusal. Tho langungu U plain
and to tho polht.and tho arguments are ir
refutable. In staling our objections to
mi, Herring ax u uaiiiiiiiaio lor ulllco.
suojeui to jjemooraito rules, we are en
tirely free from pciwmal bins and only
consider tiio mattfr from a paily stand
poiui. vo ueiii'veti men, and wn lie
Ilerringhas no iiL'lil
to ask or expect Dt-inocratio suppoit at
this tlmo. I(e is, to all intents and pur
posen, outside of the party lines, as ho is
yet tho incumbent of an ollico bestowed
mum him i,v it,,. ni-.nni.n.bnra n i.nJ
" J " . vi-m"tvnii . 4.U lim
K.mi n nf thn Tiannnt',n
party and ought not to ask or receive an
otllcn from thmn. until lm Imu
iimof that hia nnur nllitfriiiinn ia
if.. ; &
thing more than a tonipornry expedient
to Mtniirn n..rnnnl nilvnnrir.-n 'i'i...
Democracy will rooeivo into thoir oamp
ovon deserters from thu enemy, hut are
not u-illin tn nrnnt. Ilii.m .... ...iut.w.u
nnttl they have served a term in tho
ranks, Such promotions are unf.iir to
those who havo manfully struggled nt all
times to maintain I)oirOoratiusupreuiuoy;
lira uuiiist to uiiudidateh whoso chums
ire paramount: and are mibvuiulvu of
discipline in tho party organization. It
14 Hecauso wo lirmly believe these opin-
ions to ),p -v, that wo nro opposed to
Mr. Herring as a paiulidate for ltcgistcr
and Heoordor. It may ho tn add
tho oonvlution that even the uomlnat on
of Mr. Herring wouhl by no means ho
equivalent to an election, hut, on the con-.
trary, would bo apt to lead to dissensions
and heart-burnings th:tt could not result
olliorwUo tlmu to tho Injury o! tho Dww
oiiratlii nni'tv ot Un linn hia itniinlv.
- j-ii i -- -
Judge Nathan Clifford of tho United
States Supremo Court died, at Cornish,
Mo., on Monday morning last. Ho was
bni'ii at Humuoy N. II, AtiL'iist 18th
J 803, and u'aH.therefore, neaily 78 yearn
of age. Whilxtyct a young man ho was
reniiaieoiy eiccieu iwii u ui no legislature.
. ll.. .l.....l... .1. ...... 1 ! .. .
In 18111 ho was Attorney Oemiial of tho
years after he was commissioner to Mexico
mid tiib-ioquently minister to that couu
try. OntI)iJ2th of January J 857 ho
was commissioned i jjiiiico of tho bu
prcmo Court of tho United $tajn am
jiHd tho position until hia death, jrOiloi
of mfyji j-lfan :M "years. Aft ititi-rnAlnj
united ttntm and
story is told illustrating tho strict integ
rily and high sense of duly displayed on
the most tijing occasions by Justlco
ClilToid. The juMico was president of
tho famous elecloral commission, nnd a
firm believer In the validity of Tihlcn's
title. His position mude itnecessary for
him to sign the decisions of theeoinmis
sion. 'I ho preparation of tho papeis in
tho h'lorida enso fell to Senator Hoar, on
account, of Senator Hdiuund's lllness,and
their completion was delayed until with
in a few minutes of noon of the fourth
of March, Justice Clifford, by insisting
upon a careful personal Hciuliny of tho
pipcrs,couhl havo put olT their execution
until too late, nnd prevented the inaugu
ration of Mr. Hayes Ho did not,how
ever, throw tho smallest obstnclo in the
way of tho work, but showed almost
equal anxiety with Senator Hoar in hur
rying it forward, and promptly allixed
his signature as soon as thu documents
were completed. But ho never went to
tho White House during tho Hayes ad
ministration, so bitter wns his feeling lu
thu matter.
In tho Knglish Housu of Commons on
Monday, Sir William V. llarcourt, Homo
Secretary, mado the startling statement
that infernal machines had been sent
from America, nnd that six of theso dia
bolical machines had been discovered in
one vessel and four in another. Ho further
stated that investigations to discover tho
consignors and consignees are in progress.
Each machine contained cloven cart
ridges, eacli of which was charged witli
nitro-glycei'ino and a compound of tho
naturu of and similar to gun cotton. One
of tho supposed cement parrels had in all
fourteen pounds of this dangerous ex
plosive material in it, and it is impossible
to estimate thu fatal effects of oven uu
accidental concussion upon such a mass.
Por the last nine months open threats of
such outrages have appeared in the
Fenian press of America, and subscrip
tions havo been openly collected for tho
purpose, lie believed tho conspiracies
wero connected with tho avowed projects
of tho Penian press of America. He con
cluded as follows: "It is my firm belief
that the American Government is as de
sirous as the English Government to sup
prcs such crimes."
Thero is not thu shadow of a doubt
that Sir William is correct in his belief.
No civilized government can contemplate
save with abhorrence, any such fiendish
conspiiacy to destroy life and property.
Decent and respectable Irishmen in every
part of this country should do their ut
most to detect nnd expose all of their
race who are concerned in so grievous a
crime. The people of this country will
not for a moment tolerate anyth'ng sav
oring ot assassination, least of all at this
time, when tho President lies wounded
by tho shot of a murderous vagabond.
No efforts should bo spared to unearth
theso detestable plots nnd bring the plot
ters to punishment. This is a nation of
freemen, not brigauds,aud no timu should
bo lost in convincing the people of Eng
land that Americans abhor assassination
in whatever form it may present itself.
It is a disgrace to any government that
such blood-thirsty scoundrels are per
mitted to plot against thu citizens of a
irieiully power.
Euitoii Coi.umiuan: It has been
matter ot wonderment with mo lor some
time past.why you did not call the atten
tion of the Democrats of the county to
tho political character of some of thu
candidates who are seeking nomination
this fall, at our hands. I am glad to
observo that in your number of last week
you have dono what I hoped. You have
pointed out tho unseemly pretensions of
one candidate, and have shown that ho
is not worthy of Democratic confidence,
nor indeed the coulidenco of any party
A man who leaves tho party in what ho
supposes its death struggle, and joins
and enlists in a hostile party and becomes
a leader therein, and does his best to de
stroy thu political organization which ho
deserted, must have an unusual amount
of impudence to enable- him to offer to
reioin tho party to which ho turned
traitor, while yet holding a commission
under its enemies. What right has such
a man to Democratic support, or to tho
support of any party? Can tho Green
backers trust him ? Can the llopubli-
oans trust lumf wiry should thojJenio
What advantageth it a man to have
fought the Whigs and the Native Amer
icans and the Know Nothings and tho
nepuimcans lor a whole political mo-
time, it the renegades and the traitors
aud the double-dyed turn coats are to
Onjoy the otlices which his valor has
saved? If all men had done as Mr. Her
ring did, where would be tho Democratic
organization to-tlay, and where would ho
look lor his ollico 7 That man has tho
respect and confidence of the community
who Btuuds by his political colors, and
that parly has thu lovo and fenlty of its
members' which rewards deserters accor-
ng to their deeds.
1V one.I mil rejoiced that tho Comim
pi.VN has called liMt, u (.ho case of tho
candidacy of Mr. Heiring, and by the
example, on an otuer iuen in two like
manner offending. Ho helped to strike
down a liemooratio candidate for Sheriff,
ho led the Greenback forces to aid the
Hepnblieans against the Democrats.
Por which of these deeds are tho Domo
crats now called on to support him?
What labor can ho show done in our be
half what victory has ho nchiovod for
us ? The howl of Herring helped tho
hurrah when Republicans nnd Grocn
backers, joined cheers over our defeat,
let hishowl now be onoof anguish rather
than of rejoicing. 1
Winetv-iiinu out ot overv hundred
Deuioorats in tho county stand by yon in
this thing. Let us havo truo,iii(lincing
and unpurohasablo Democrats for the
offices, let tho party ho truo to itself and
tho peoplo will again rally to its standard
and give it their conlldeneu and huh.
port. ts
The Philadelphia rress of tho 21sthiht.
contains a damaging statement, live col
umns in length.showing how tho treasury
t'fi huvm iuuuuu in uiu IlllUISIIIllgOI Slip-
il'ies for thu legislative ntul other depart
menu of the State government. Not
only wero largo nmonnts of goods fur
nished at extravagant rates, but articles
wero actually paid for that wero never
delivered at all. Enormous quantities of
stationery wero ptirchubed for thu lt-i-M.
lature, far in excess of what could havo
wen used by the members. Certain
favored cqiKraptorti were awarded tho
ui'Wi auu uuia mo u i uora wero e t ier
frightened off or bribed to koop ullunuo,
MM.... ii... a,n,,. ,.ni..!i, i.. ' . It,
.nut ii. u umuiiua ivuiu in complici
ty with these rascal? Is boyond a doubt,
lu 1878 tho amount charged for station,
cry, nominally for tho uso of tho Senate
and IIouso was $ihVJ!10.4 1 with 1,1. "50
mjditiotial for tho departments. Not ono
half if vnn delivered und not oup-f
tenth ii!ioc. hi 188Qtlo stationery account
tor tllO deimrtinoiiu ainountpd to, quota
$1000, probably a ImutTBUm than was
necessary. In 1881 this was increased,
to $0000, almost all of which waa pure
steal. During the past vcar bills mrim..
sWilir pvor $1000 were oei tilled by John J
U XivlttiWy, ttjtcnutO LibraTiMi and paid!
ii .
by tho State Treasurer. Ono bill of
S.'iOO wns for goods that wero not re
ceived by Delaney for tho uso of the
Senate, and were nut oven contracted for.
In this bill S100 wns charged for bay
rum nlone. The syndicate of bidders is
composed of Cyrus S. Dctro of Phila
delphia, Chatlos 11. Uergncrof tho 'Ate
lrapfi, Samuel Adams of llarrisburg.and
a Mr, Piper of the I'ntrht. Chief
Clerk Harry lliilm nnd Librarian
Delanoy nro in the pool. To show how
absolutely iraudiileut these expenses
are, it may bo said that a contract
was authorized to do the plumbing ot
the Capitol ntn cost of $fi,800, whoii'an
investigation proved that no plumbing
wns necessary. This was all steal. Kor
Innately tho Stato Treasurer refused to
pay this bill nnd saved tho peoplo
just that amount. The Press savs "Tho
whole structure of tho supplies fs of tho
satnu fraudulent and rotten nature. Tho
business under the direction of corrupt
experts has been reduced to an exact
science, and in tho aggregate it amounts
to gigantio robbery of tens of thousands
of dollars every year. Tho responsi
ble officers of tho'Stato havo been neg
ligent and derelict in permitting such
schemes of plunder to bo carried on with
out understanding and arresting tlicin;
butthu direct culpability falls upon the
subordinates who had iiiimediate chargo
and who entered into tiio conspiracy of
fraud. It will bo a duty which cannot
bo avoided to probo this system of job
bery to tho bottom, nnd let the ax fall
upon tho guilty heads."
It will bo interesting to watch tho pro
gross of this investigation and see how
many of these plunderers are brought to
justice. The Press is entitled to tho
thanks of the wholo community, for tho
thorough and fearless manner in which
it has probed tho rottenness, and will de
servo yet greater praise if the offenders
are sately lodged behind prison bars.
itookwaltpr anil Foster.
Ono of our esteemed Republican eon
temporal les is much exorcised hecauso
liookwalter, the Democratic candidate
for Governor of Ohio, is no more than
successful business man. It sneers i
his alleged disposition to make his "bar
rel' stand for brains and experience.aud
wonders what is to become of us who
vulgar upstart wealth sets up such pre
But will our neighbor tell us what
other qualifications little Charley Poster
possesses 1 Hookwalter made his money
setting tho machinery ot a vast maiiu
lacturing industry in motion, and giving
employment to many hands besides his
own. J'oster made his handling a yar
stick, and is best known to too gener;i
public as Calico Charley. It may also
be prohtably remembered that tho Ho
publicans carried Ohio last year by
false and fiaudtilnnt appeal to thu fears
of "business men," and they have small
reason to complain that one ot that ver
class is now set up to try their sincerity
The practice of running men for ollicc
because they havo money and are will
ingto spend it, is a most pernicious and
alarming one. Wo do not admit thu
this is the caso with Mr. Bookwalter
But if it were, honors would be easy be
tween him and his opponent. Thev havi
both displayed sense enough to mako
money and keep it ; and that is about
all tho peoplo at a distance can say for
either. Poster, to bo sure, lias had some
experience in public life, but it was ex
perience of a very bad and discreditable
kind. Ho traded Hayes into tiio ollico
to which Air. Tilden was elected: an
he filled every decent Kepublicau witl
a deep sense of shamo by betraying tho
Southern Republicans that tho Ohio
crowd might enjoy tho Pcdcral offices
through a fraudulent admmistratioi
Ho took special charge of Sherman'
oanvass at Chicago, and treacherously
knocked him in tho head hecauso ho had
a previous and a better understandin
with Garfield. Bo was a nobody in
congress : mid ho is a nobody anywhere
except where tho tiado of an unscrupu
lous political trickster can be plied toad
vantage, iur. liookwalter has had n
such experience, barring that ho stand
on the samo level with Mr. Postor.whom
tho honest Stalwarts of Ohio may take
tins occasion to settle with tor a long no-
count ot treacheries pei sonal and politi
The mass convention of members of
the Greenback party having been well
v.iv. v.. L.IUl.I. JMIIV III. lll UWlt IV
advertised, enough of the party came :
gether in Megargel's grovu on Saturd
last (July 23rd) to nominate their full
county ticket. The Convention was an
nounced for tho morning and a basket
pio-niu for the afternoon, but the order
ot business, tteemed to bo reversed; per
naps tins waa owing to the ladies tn at
tciidance,who wero in tho majority. Tho
three prominent speakers, who wero ad
vertised to be present, failed to maki
their appearance, and in order that tho
fow who assembled might not feel dis
appointed, Col. E. S. Watson of Will
lamsport, Chairman of tho Stato Com
muteo of, tho dreeuhack party, was
naamy eeni loron I'ruiay evening and
twmu ins iqipeiu:ii'ie.
Tho various gi oup.-, paytook of their pro
visions, at 12 o'clock. All uuictly un hiv
ill ... v
ed this part of tho programme, as there
.uu not seem to uo nnicii enthusiasm
manifested for tho Convention
At 2 o clock the Convention wasoalled
by the election of N. L. Campbell for
president, and David Herring of Orange
ami n. ., isauon ot uentro ns vico pres
idents j aamuci JMnsgruvo ot Green
woou lino rti. I'reiirioKS ot rjontro as
.1 l .1 l.v 1.1 -y.
Secretaries. The following ticket was
men nouunnted by acclamation; As
sociato Judge, Jonas Doty.Fishingcreek.
and Win. Rhodes, Roaringcreck; Treas
urer, ylox. Kreamer, Greenwood; Pro
thoiiotary.H. O. Crevcling.Scotti Begis
tor and Recorder, Jcstso Hicks, Rloonis
burgs Commissioner, A. . While.Sootti
Auditois, .1. it. .liunisoii, Alum, J. M.
Rower, Centre.
iur. .1. Ji. Kohison mado a motion
which was modified to thisefTect: "That
it is thosensoof this Convention that the
men who arp nominated shall stand bv
tho principles of tho Greenback party nq
luujufi ii limn is ion ro siaiui oy ii'cni,
during ino term ot tho ollico lor which
tioy uro nominated.
"lir. . .
r. 44. w. -Hower wns rc-oiepted n$
vuuirman oi ipo woipinitteoot Columbia,
county for tho ensuing year. Motion
mado that they proceed to elect members
oi county uoinmiiteo and that tho Sec
retary call roll of townships. Tho loll
was called, but so fow townships were
represented that selections wero mado
mostly Horn recollection ns to who wen.
flreei backers in tho different townships.
Urcnt ditllciilty was experienced i tfila
attempt. Members for about ono half
uiu vownsni is wero named nml thu.Uouuty
Commlttoo Instructed to till nil vacancies.
Col, K. S. Watson was introduced and
delivered a very able address.
Tho funeral of Dean Stanley took
place on Monday afternoon, at West
minster Abbey. Thcyp was a largo at.
toudnnoo of mourneis, including tho
Prlnco of Wales. Tiio coftin, nnd thq
loom In whloh It was placed, wero pio
fusoly decorated 'with flowers. Tim
Queen stht a wreath of vbses.
A highly sensational letter from
ttrin I. . (.. .i .ii
iv iiiicm i),-irrc,iii ino J'liiiaticiphta limes
of tho tMstinsl., nsserts that thero is a
revival of the Mollio Maguiro organiza
tion in that section. Tho writer claims
that John Mnngnn who wns killed in tho
recent riot nt Pittston, nnd John Hartoti,
whoso body was found in tho river nbovo
tho city, wero victims of thu Mollies.
No proof is offered of the truth of
the statement. Georgo Judge, tho
the keeper of thn Pittston saloon," is said
to be a Mollio Maguiro, but so was the
murdered man Mangan. A gang of
rowdies havo been in tho habit of con
gregating at Judge's house, but it cannot
be shown that they nro connected with
the Mollio Magulrcs. They are dissipa
ted, vicious and despcrato men, ready
for lighting nnd debauchery, but their
counterparts exist in many places of tho
Stato and are not associated willi any
secret organization. Tho Mollio Ma
gititos never flourished in Luzenio ns
they did in Carbon or Schuylkill coun
ties, nnd there does not seem to bo nnv
good reason for believing that they will
do so at this lato day.
News Items.
Tho encnninmont of tho Grand Army
of tho Republic at Gettysburg, wns the
largest over held there. Col. Bacheldcr
dlivered an address on tho famous lmt
tle. The army worm is causing serious
damago to the crops in Illinois,Michigan
Iowa and southern Minnesota. It lias
also appeared in Wisconsin.
Mrs. Maggie Bcrrighan was drowned in
tho river at Nanticoke rn Tuesday,by the
capsizing of a boat.and Maggio McClaln
was drowned at Pittston, on tho same
day by a like accident.
At Asliley,near Wilkcs-Barro,on Mon
day, Edith and Lottie Low, aged respec
tively 10 and 12 years, wero run over by
a passenger train on tho Central Bail
road of New Jersey. They were picking
coal from tho track. The former was
killed and tholallcrso horribly mangled
that she is not expected to recover.
The statue of Gen. J. B. McPherson
was unveiled on Piidny last, in tho pros
enceoi about 1M,UUU people. i. ii. Jinyes,
Gon. Sherman and others delivered ad
Mr. John Hunter, Receiver of Taxes
of Philadelphia, has removed from office
nsuollector ot IJclmqiiont Taxes William
J. Donohugh and appointed Henry B.
Toner in his stead. Donohugh refuses to
recognize Mr. Hunter's authority and
will appeal to the Courts.
Troy, (N. Y.) Morning Telegram and
In tho Philadelphia Times oi a recent
date, wo noticed an item referring to tho
miraculously quick euro of a druggist
ot unit city, &ir. .1. Al. lliggins, Ger
mantown Road and Morris street,
who had an awful attack of rheumatism
of tho knee. Ho applied St. Jacobs Oil
at night, and next morning was well and
in his store as usual.
J. L. W. Matthews, editor of tho
Jourchc Valley Times of Pcrryville
Ark. was assassinated in front of his
ollico on Priday morning last. Tho mur
derer escaped. 'Matthews had been order
ed to leave the county, by a band of
rjifouTANT to Travelers Special In
ducements aro offered you by the Burlington
Route It will pay you to read their adver
tisement to he found elsewhere iu this issue.
Sfarch 18 -10-w
All porsoni wlioso names are announced In this
column, are pledged to abide by tno decision of tiio
Dcmocrutlo convention, which wlllmeotoa Tuesday
August tli.
ns nro authorized to announce tho nnme of
ubimhi v. HjiSM, orsueorioat town9hlp, ns a can
dldate for thorfllcoof County Commissioner, sub
Wo aro authorized to announce tho namoofCY
ItUHIl. McllKNItY. of Pluhlnecreelc township. nsi
candidate for Associate Judgu, subject to tho rulos
ui uiu uuiuucruiiu puny.
Wo are authorized lo ornounco tho narno of
wiLiiiiAMPON 11. JACOliY of Ulocrosburir.ns a can
didate for tho olllcu of KORlMcr and htcorder, Bub-
jwi iu iug luiraui uiu .ucuJitruuu jjuri.
Wo arc authorized to announce tho narno of K. It
ruwK&iiuiu , asa candidate for tho oiiicu orcoun
ty Treasurer, eubjccttn the rules ot the Oemocrat-
iv puny, ii e win nor. iruvei 10 soucii votes.
Wc are authorized to announce thonamo of A. II.
HERRING. of OMneeltownshlD. as a candidate, tor
tho oflico of RcBlbteraud Recorder, subject to tho
ruiuu ui iuu jjciuueruuu party.
Wo are authorized tn announco tho name of (I. W.
STERNER, of tilcorrsburif, as n candidate- for tho
ollico of Register and Recorder, subject to tho ruins
ui uiu uciuucruuc iariy
Wo are authorized to announce the name of WIL
LIAM KRICKDAUM, of Hloomsbnrg, as a candidate
for ro-nomlnatlon for tho oflico of prothonotary and
cl rk of the-sever 1 1 courta, subject to tho rules ot
tho Domocratlo party.
Wo am authorized to announr-fi thn nnmn rit
JAMKS 'LA K E, of Scott township, as a candidate, for
.no nuico oi Associaiu duuye, tjuujectio tuo rules of
iuu iiemocraiic pariy.
Wo are authorized to announce iho nnmn m n. v
KIKIAK, of KlshlnBcreek towhshlp, as a candidate
for the officii of Countv ccmmltaloncr. Hiihinrr. in
Wo are authorized to announco thn nnmn nf P.
SI1UMAN, of (:atawlfa us a candldatofor AS30CI
uiu d uokh, Huujeci ro iiciEociatio rules.
Wo are authorized to announce f hn nnmn nf ka.
THAN CREASY, as a candidate far the nfilen nf
lyouniy iTeoburir.sunjeciiouio ruieaof tho Dem
ocrat lo rarty.
We nrn authorized to anncunee Ihn nnmn nf
ninnun iihik. or ueirro rwn.nip, as n can til-
uitui iur uiu iii!i-u m i;ouriy commissioner, subject
iu iuu i utt-B ui imu I't'iiiucruiic 'mriy.
NATHAN MI!,I.i:if. of Main townshln. nntlinH.ra
us tounnoiiEcnliisnoinuasa cm dldah! tor Iheof-
iicu uii ouniy 'ireaturer, suujtctiouio rules of tho
Doinrcrath' parly.
V o flio authorized to annotinen thn nnmnnf wir.
tor t 'ountv Commissioner, subleet tn ibn rnir.u nt
,1AM H. l-'IHll h It. r,t Mnln iwn)i1n nu n rnnrlMnf.
tho Democratlo party.
Wo ale auttoitied to nnnnunen thn nnmn nf
18AAO K. KltltJKIIAUM, of llentontovnUi'p.ns
a candidate for t bo ojilco or Associate Judt'e.subJoct
to tho rules of tho Democratlo party.
We are authortxedto nnnnitnen thn nnmnnf .T
I'AUI. KRKY. of I'eaver townsliln. as n enmllrlati,
for AiBoclato Judco. bublect to tho rules of uiu
Democratlo party.
M lOH EI. V. EYKItLY. of llloonrhiirt.. nutlinrlrni
us to announce lils nainoss a candidate for tho of
pee pf Hi'((lkter and Recorder, Rub)ct to tueddcls
l,ou of tliiiDcmocratlo county Convention, n
Wo are authorized tn nnnnnnrn thn namn nf
HARI KH ItKICHART, of Main township, osfican.
lililtn fur Hill i III.I. nt I'nim.v fin.r..MiI..n... b..i.
Joct to iho decision of tho Deuiocmio Couvcnilou
We are authorized tn Annntmrn t nim. nr
JAMES Malntownkhlp, as a candldata
for t ho onlco ot County Treasurer, subject the rula j
ol the Uw-moy tauo yafty, ,l - t
JOIINWiN, of LcouHt fowiishlp uxh canuTilite' for
oBlct of t'ouuty Tremnurer, tAibk-ct to tho rules
ot tho iHimucruuo patty.
"Wt are aulboil't d tA nnnAu-M thn n.,,... nt a j
Williani J. Delehauly, tho well known
clog dancer, win found insane on tho
u street in New York, on Monday mid wns
lucked un.
Shelby, Pullman Ss Hamilton's Circus
tent wns nltacked in Pottsvillo Inst week
nnd the performance broken up. Stones,
clubs nnd pistols were Used but forlunnte
ly no lives wero lost. Tho men belong
lug lo this circus wero assailed in Pitts
ton n tow dnys ngo nnd nlso at Mahnnoy
City. Tho iironiietois of thu show do
eliiro that they will not give nnother ex
hibition in tho coal regions.
Health, bono and haiinlness aro re
stored bv tho use of Lydia E. Pinklinin'B
vcgetnuio compound. It is a positive
euro for nil those diseases from which
women suffer so much. Send to Mrs.
liydinU.Pinkhn n,ii33 Western Avenue,
Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets.
Tho lariro mill of tho Lock Haven
Pulp nnd Paper Company caught firo on
i limy
niorniriL' last nnd wns totnllv de
stroyed. Tho loss was S 100,000. Tho
origin of tho hro is not known. Ann-
strong ifc Hixon of Philadelphia- wero
tuo proprietors. Tiio mill will bo nt onco
Parents should not foriret that their
shoo bills can bo reduced ono half bv
purchasing for their children shoes with
tho A. S. T. Tiplupou them. They wear
as long ns the metal, while milling to the
beauty of tho shoe.
Thu Merchant's Hotel iu Shenandoah
was destroyed by firo on Priday morn
ing last. Loss $00,000 ; insuraiico 2.'),
000. It wns tho work of an incendiary.
"Forced by my political coiiuectionsin
to litiblio life,uiy sufferings wero iutensi
lied by the comments of those who saw
my face and head covered with scrofu
lous humor, said a gentleman recently
uiireu oy uueura itemeilies.
A colored man named Mao Jennings
nt Indian Creek Vn., was advised to lleo
from the Suite to escape arrest for some
erimu. instead ot mat Jio went into
t.:tv pit nnd threw himself against tt cir
cular saw, having his head sawed in
Last week a large number of liquor
dealers in "Wilkes-Parro wero arrested
for selling on Sunday, thu informers bc
in H. P. Fisher and J allies AV. Moorn
of AVilkes-lJarro and II. lJaumgardner of
vmie naven. xiieso men. nnd Abler
man AVood beforo whom tho suits where
brought, havo been arrested for eonsnira
ey nnd aro now in jail,o.cci)t AVood who
r !1 I l.'l o. r . . . .
iiiiiiiiicii oau. some oi tno dealers had
pain money to settle the suits .against
Itoliing and Scaly Diseases- Humors of
tho Scalp aud Skm rerwauoiitly
(leo. W. Drown, H Marshall St., Vrovlil.'nce, It. L,
cured by Cutlcura Remedies of a Rliifwoiin lluinoi
f-otJitllio barber's, which spread all oer Ills oars,
neck and face, and for six years resisted all kinds of
skin humor"
1'. II Ural.-", Ksi., agent for Harper llros., Ho-
trolt, .Mich , Hives an ivslont hlng account of I1I3 caso
(eczema rodcil), which had been treated by a con
sultation of p'ljsiclani without benefit, and which
speedily jieldod to tho Cutlcura Resolvent inter
nally and Cutlcuru Soap externally.
II. A. Raymond, Auditor V. W., J. S. It. R., Jack -
sou, Jllch., was cured ot scald Head of nlno years'
duration by tho Cuucura Remedies.
Hon. Wrn. Tajlor, Boston, SIoss., pormaneutly
cured ot a humor of the faco and scalp (eczema)
mat had been treated unsuccessfully for twelvo
years by many of lioston's bost physicians and most
no'ed specialists, as well as European authorities,
Mrs. Dowers, lis Clinton St , Cincinnati, speaks ot sisters child, cured of mllkcitst which
resUted all remedies tor two years. Now a flno.
healthy boy, with a beautiful head ot hair.
l' A. Ilean, Steam Fire 'Cnglno c, ltoston, was
cured of alopecia, or fullliiifef Iho lialr. by tho Cut
lcura Resolvent Internally and Cullcurannd Cuu
lcura soap externally, wiileli completely lvstored.
nis nair when all fald ho would lose It.
Thomas Lee, ma Pranuiord vv., Philadelphia,
nmicieo wiui dandruff, which for twentr j'oara had
covered his se.ilp vlth scales niie-iiu irier of an Inch I
in lUlckness, cured by Cuilcura Remedies.
Tin Cuttcura Treatment In tho Internal uso of tho
cutlcura Resolvent, thi nrw Ulood nurlller. aud tho
external Ut.e of Ciit'cura und Cutlcura soap, tho
ureal kkiii curo.
For Sunburn, Tan and (iroasyKlcln uso Cutlcuru
soap, nu eniulslU) toilet, bath aud nursery sanative,
fragrant with delicious flower odors and hoallng
Itemodlos are for salo by all druggists. Prlco of Cut
lcura, n Medicinal Jelly, tmall boxes CO cents ; laifo
ooxeBji. cuticuraite&oivent, tiio new niooul'url.
Her, $i per bottle. Cutlcura Koan (tho (lueen of
medicinal and toilet aoips), si cents. Cutlcura Med-
icinni Minvlni Soap, lis cents. I'rlnclpal depot,
1VKKKH I-Clier, iiosi-on, MASH
WA1I mailed free on receipt of price.
Mmo continuous nnd nowrr.
fuleleetileal uetlon laolunlned
V(!LTAloKMfirrTSin,.lPIn Covins' Voltaic Klectrlo
vuuAijgjkugiKJ9 j.Unt.,8 n,an nnyli batterv
Pi A btcBS mode Tt-ej ure a speedy onil
Wla I Llv" eerlnfn rim. litr P.Hi, m .1
11 tniin.T3 ui IUUL.UOSS, i-ner, iiiuuejs,unu lirlntin-
Organs, lthcumatisw, Neuralgia, Ilysttrl.i, Female
Weakness, Nervous rains and, Malurla
and Vem and Ague, l'rlco !5 cents. Sold every-
wncre. w kkks i; voima, hoston. MAbs.
1 umt largo bodied liBI) COW, six years old.
.IJ 0110 oar nuirkeil. left tlin m-finiaoM r.f tim ni.
serlber ubout two weeks ago. A liberal reward will
w i'aiu kw tnu iciuruui iuu uilltuai.
Illoomsburg, July, 89-lw
T11U Underfilltllld Atllllnr nnnntntiwl l.v
luiiiim uuii in 1 uiuinum county, on exceptions to
totnoaccountef tho Adtnlnli.iratur of said dece
dent, win sit In iho d' charge of lUucluilesof hUnn-
imlnr.ii.. nr. nf tit... r.iti... nin..H. tin....
.7 -. ; w.ii.u u (.111,11 v 11 iiiii-jTiiucii
n tho TbWll of lllooilikburir. rn Krhlnv. A ih.iwi m.ii.
131. at ten OVlOek til thn riiwrinini lit ,1...-'
ir'i'i" a",rt,will'ro n" pun-uiw Interested may utiendl
, , , . o. VV1W TBI STIi KV,
3ulyi.4w Audltir.
unnor.'s notice.
Ja the Orptam' Court for the Cuunlt of Co-
T io Aiiuitor orpolnteu ty tho Coiut, on motion or
1. l. 1 11 uilllisuil l.Ml.. 111 nisi riniiiji 11 m 1 11111 in fiiu
or.d-oiuied, will meet tho pantra Intciestml, for
II.1.0, '",'f i,,0,cs .cl lilauppnlntment on Vrlday, August
v ' ',,"i,'"u uyiii-ii p. in., uiuisonicu in nor
wli-l. Pu.iVvliciiBiidvvhirualportleHlnteri'stodnre
reiiuirod to picfent their Calais or bo dtbaireu
ii.'iu vuiiiiii 111 u(uu nam iuuu.
, , . ANUItKW K.03WAIII),
lulyS-lw Auditor,
1UDGE LE'n'JNti.
Thero will ba let. nt Welllncton
;ton Vcager's hotul.
niuut.ivu, iaicuii lowribnip,
rcuiisvivanla. on Tue.dav. ah
ono o'clock In tho afternoon. 'Ilm rnntiur-r tn i,,iii
naeo Locust townihln. In lti, n urtitnti l.n.n.,
me u iiuvJKD uiu iiutiiitiKvit-eK, near ruiiner Kur
end bridge sa feet long, 10 feet wldo from out to
out. Abutments 10 berebullisto bo ltuoitwldo.
J feel thick, nnd t feet above low watermark. I'ler
IU.CUUV. taipcbiibuia uuitviii uuu lurcetfl tuo
ton. undo feet thick.
I'lanti and sueellleatlriiiH urn nt iim ..m..n
rif flu. r'mttitu lni.,, ltlft.... I..M... ... wl,lvv
V.....I.A..WUVID, .'lVVlUUUIb, I .
HTKi nsN po in, v commlsjioners
ju iibi winjii . Ol
A. H. HKIMMNfl. I fV.lllfr.Ma .
Iftnct. T II t.urJ ti.i, vv,u""'" V",
CorQiElsbtjOneia; Office, JiUly I8U1, m, jVv
TTassav College.
Ux mliiHtlons tor entrance, 8pt HHi, CatAiotrueii
through the air, and
' aro also worth seeing.
There is a Lunch-Room in the building. Valises,
baskets and packages can be left in charge of attendant in
Ladies' Waiting Room.
Mr. Wanamakcr is desirous that visitors should feel at
home when they come, and be free to purchase or not, aa
they please.
Note. Our largu Catalogue, with prices and full
directions for shopping by mail from any part of the United
States, will le mailed gratuitously upon request, address
John Wanamakuk, Guano Depot, 1,iuijm)ei.i,iiia.
Vine KmiiillcM, U'hlsUlflN, ltis, Itiin.N, nml nil Kinds of WIhck con.
etirtill- on liatul.
Landlords through out tho county will iind it lo their wlvuulngo 1
cull ami cxamiuo my stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Main Stroct, 2nd Door bolow Iron. -,'sn-ly
WBBKB. - -
i:asy TcritiN.
sA.aoisr3s :piA.isro -wa.:r:e boo e .
June In, HMy
Tiie yclopa3ilia War.
TllO mOntll Of .llllV ISl. Wlt.nPRifl.q f hn rnmntottftn nf flirt trrfnofr nn.l itirtcf ImnnHnnt lltnron'
tills country una thu eetuury luivo seen. It U
iuu, in m i ira uciuu vui'iinnt, uonimnini; iu per
lto cost.
....... -i. .in ua ..v.., aim .-i ivi ueut muru viiuu
Cli.imbcr's IvncyclopioJIa. which forms the basis of tho Library of Unlu-rsnl l;noweilRO (tl o last Iol
doneilioapf ism), belnif reprinted verbatim nsnpnitlon of Us cententi,), Is Hie lnl oilcus pruluct of the
ripest lirltlsh nn-1 Huropjan gclio'urrhlp. r Tr'Vf T V 't hns ileulopid thtoiiRli ueentury of cy.
elopimlla inaklnin Its varluus editions V LLlUJUl huMng tei n inuny tlmis revised lnsuc
cusslveyeirs. till it hi-seomo to be universally recognized, by llici-o iimreient lolurtee, mibtindlni; nt
the very frout of (treat usitrcutlons ijf knoivledfre. and tetter ndapten than any other O.vclorirala for
popular use. It cr mains sucn full and Important luforma Hon ns the ordinal y rcoder.or thn cnrilul student
is UKelv to seek, unon about. vr..(iei) in m-rt. iti.n.i innnt nr i.iir..n.. i-nm. i..h.... r.i,aini.iKiu vi...-.
clortedia, however, Is h foielgu produaion, edited nnd published 101 u fritltn inortet, nml could not be
expected to Klvo ms niucii prominence to American topics ns American renders inluht dtslro. To supply
U1,aD.iot'!d,lcllc3nlaKocorP, T?rl) nil-Tl f Ameilon iditots and writers lmo
uuc iiuiiuiiuuv luueit-s upon uooilL
of hiinian knowledge, i rlnKlnif the who'0 number
.i J,,"3Vuow,orKI?tli()rouKhlv.inertainlzed,
vfotk ' Mcltia.? prccedl'dU 10 15nc'''cl0P;cl11'-ln
Pl-?TT1lV. Si ,h0 .'?. ,Y?lume?' fppiploto, ln extra c'oth blndlnij, $IB.oo. ln halt Uussla. sprinkled.
1. J-i t-V.IJ eases, IS'j.uo. m halt llussla, gut top 22.50. In full library sheep, marbled 0 dges, m.w
hrn,T,?i?,sPM.r,15.l,ra va" e Imporianco ot this grot Kncycloptodla lies especially In tho fact that It Ii
7,.S ,.in "?rM ' of very ono who aspires after knowledgo and culture. It Is really a library of
nvinTiaUwieu?Jtl.rl,.',,!1 J li'VAf rTmXT education easily within tho reach
ruv rK- wb,? of 1110 lr.V.UljU 1.1UJN country and apprentice boy of tho
rSinnwnnncvcry tho land owes It to himself nnd to his children that such a
SiSmi Z 'enccfoi-wara form apart of tho outfit of his homo. To tho professional man, nnd cury
person of lnteUlrfencu In ovory walk of life, a Cyclopaedia Is a necessity.
LlnSt publishers who
Proh t of neurly two tn Ulon do'lars 011 1 heir fyciopiedln) 11 cm I bo
?,"mn,J,?..t rJ;n'I,L;1 ,Uat. "".'Ir mVno' ollt'3 aro brk "' I'-tlr n-wer
ugt-nts and booksellers who have been used 10 getting 110111 40 tnu) rer c
,Tn! "'"ri'useaioseiiiniiiinrnr) of unnerKil Knowlidpocn 15 m-
$10 ()0(l TJ KV A T? I "ilsslon, though thos-e who nie not fchou-Hghtici discovert but
iiiHnV,?nn.M,Vrt n,l.lL-,J 1.J i1"'1'" ?wn reffi, nttir oil, nro Ideutlenl with tho lutertslsot
, ' t nlr . .1 -V; " u"o" otT ..w; ,iV ; . " "wv
. J?' f pom than ono million volumes pr
LSy.L"''' moio
noiBhtoranndrrlemlHvni i-n
tllQO. rv. w,miuu,M,ui(;mu uujr uiiU uruunii; ilVO ur lUOrU tMila ut onu
.,..A?l:JaiAni?"c"ra pur .frlrntH and p.itrons to iro to work- nromntlv nnd vlrniislv. mm
$5,000 Reward ?,,,lltJl,)i'i.,t''I''J'nmt,n,''t1'0 "rst clubngonts whosendns
I w "AV C'lUbS Of nOt leSS tliail til, Rlthoi-llinra c.ffa I..... ,kI. n.i
$5, 000 Reward !lf,S1!!M'??,Io,i,h0.,lret ftwi ,0 VP "Ist'lDufen among thn 100 olub agents
' Tl..-. . . . during till samo time. SOnd US thn Inrmmr. nuinlmrnf niihr.ritwru
..iV.V..u".'"n''"? siiosenners must Inovetycato
1111 "uuis reeHve l K
noufvTs Iffl&SiSttMl"? ?,',!'.? 'ST 5Po.m,f they desire, In tho va
sprinkled eilges. nnd i is for tiui vVTiiimirin iitiV LV " eiuui, i.ou roriuo voiuino lu half llussia,
tte utmost rrumptue". vvlthln our bui ? tnrm?. ZnVTH.,or.lho ml h(-IH wl" bo y us will,
being illllrVtho older of tlielricrelpt by us! mauutatlure "ot'luatng not later than July loth, ordeis
cat.1&?oW i!it oKKd puWloru.VrisnIS ,wo Vn rc"urst- -'eserlptlvo
scribing book-maklug and typo-b ' ttlnL' by - ? f,f,V;s,.cluD3,at".1. WMramu. painpblet de
monoy order, registered .SttrPoy'VracSou'sf SJ a'
JOHN 11. ALDKN, Manacikh
Letters Of Altmlnlatrnfln., n..
claims against tho estnto "of tl , ierodent dro ru
nSedtt,!'rt1.fvni,,i'1cm tm 8Htlleln""' aa"tlioo
'"ilfii1'.".-10. ! ?tntu to mako payment to thn
uuueraigueunuminibtrntors without delay;
.HlllV llin-yi?r.
July 15 r,.r Admloistratcrs.
lSur't ll'nr'mnlnnl,,0n,,I10l',,(,,, by '''0
tho balance I . the V .L'
thffiiar!.',? iu,ln1Vift,,i",y.1.'! ""lku ulMrlliutit
isirioilllou Of
;,, ,,nv,i ,;,;,, '""""..V,1 '"oiiuurr. toand
tliVi , K "JC, y.Dc1".,k'1 .,0. Jw tin
id among
ho hume
Ids' omen in tho Town "1 ffl Si, '
ty. on Katuiday, U10 suili day 01 Auiruit i&T
nt ten o'clock n. in., of said day, when unlwhern I
l.atlesliiiei-e.stcd In bald estat r ,ittt ShSTI.0. S'J
July 15 'Uw
II. I'. ZAItH,
,TIw undcrtlgncd auditor appointed bv thn nr
Phans" court 01 1'niiitninn ,.a,,!.I.t ,le or-
tlun of the haunco of iho esiStof 1 Lsdla w Za'
son, deceased, ns shown by Iho neeoi t or" i!S?n
MoMial . AdrnlnlstrninpAf ,ri,iVi..ij?.V"..0.!. !M
r. H.llunt.AdnilnufMtnrVrsaia John
SEaAu,.l,i wl" WMtparllcn Inteu" oil for' LhV dm.
Jackson ItlUldiBB. llo wiek luVvTl ci aiKhe?oli1S
m ' interested are to iM and proV3 their
claims or bo uebarrej from coming In on s 11 rind
July IMw
A, K,
Sent I yMftiSS. w:.K-?..
AMKllroAN JiUlKK . l.i
visit! 11 tt
you will find,
among other places
of interest, the Grand
jjcpoi wen wormy ot a
visit, Its floor and gallery
-tt 1 11 ..... j.
spaces now cover over three
acrcs,niularc filled with Dry Goods,
China, Furniture, etc. The
last addition is a large and beautiful
J'iclurc Gallery, to which admittance is free.
The Pneumatic Tubes carryinir the moncv
the Electric-Light Machinery,
Hfi.53tX!! EE AXff
,Sittlsn:tl(m Gtiatantiim'.
tho Library oi Unlveraal Knowl eitco, InrKii tjpo ertl-
com moru limner man Apuu-ioirs cjciorieain, ill less
o U11U3UU u uuiunujUKl, ui a llllio in
little in ore than onc-fuurtU
I II 111 15.
of titles t ndtr onu al
,wm topics, covcrlnK tiio entlro Held
and tho Llbiary of Unlu-rtnl Hi owledtro becomes at
,l10 ,luia- ut a mcro fracjlon of tho cost of any similar
naut'iicni Hrranetmcniioauoji.
havo grown rich (It Is said that tho Applctons hno
bo sale of thilr hlph-nrlced nubllcn-
uvi-ruiioiMi. ui I'ourro ino uouk
Hut tno Literary llev-
inn resus it-is, ior us pnirctriogc
i-o if 13, iur ua piuroi'uge, unuii nus never iookiu
n'ec inbt riv nr TTTl t Trwrnn
than two 1 () (lljlJ h AlirKN I S.
' "o"' -'." uy uuiiiug wuuyuur
v.-,-. -uw ...imiiu UUUi c,.-
bo forwarded to in
rLwurds will bo pilntrd, with the
tdl n ROAD WAY, NEW YOltK.
H.,Ir.t;fJeir?.n,".fc,n('n,nryJ0" 1'0 enato of John
iiV,i,..l,il?nLVut''-'vwod '"' rolurntJla county.
e, n,flvl.l; I1.0!? l't'X ti,UMI d '' ,1,u lO'S'sltr Ot Mill
lw.,S,Vl0J.,l.K ""'' file. c?xtculor. All
SiiiS?.,8.,1.'1- t'"".u'5 KU"M ""J "tato of bald do
m..nint,u,r?. ,r,UUcb.u? '.' r'nt Ihimrcr settle
ment, uud Iboio liidtbted to tho istuto to mako
jofy.CU 10 untli'rslsned, administrator, without
C. W, MlLI.HH,
Juno U-Rw
1). K, RLOAN,
orangevillo, l'a.
Kcsal Estate I
fly vlrtuo of an order lesued out of tho Orphans
Court ot Cclumbla county, tho un Jerslgned admin
tstrator of the cbtato ot Peter Jtlchacl.deccased, will
expose to public talo on tho premises In JlinUu
townihtp, on
at ten o'clock a. m., tho following described rcat
estalo, to-witt
i c''riu'n,lnsuaBo and TltAOT ot LAVU bltuato
in baldMllilln township, bounded and described as
follows, towlti on thu west and norm by lands or
1 etor Michael, on the eait by lands ot John Hootna
contanlng U'8 W03t bylan,l30t "eorgo Nungesser,,
Twenty-nine Acros
more or less, with tho nrpurtenanccs, whereon aro
erootcd a
?r .?,?,;LU1W"1E6! "WP'-OK reserving liovvev
or, tho crops now growing upontuo promises.
tZm'HllK--rea irc"-
kln- dDwn?,P.?ICl,Ht0 m0My t0 vm at tho strt
il JL r , W'Wi U10 ono- foutth less tho
f. 41 )b0 fOE"'"itttlon t-f salo, and tho
irmalntnitthtee-fourth- in ... ....
mwrfM from coniirmatiori nisi.
iriifi iijciircu 111 MiiiiutT limit 1 u M' 1