TIIK COLUMBIAN AM) DEMOCRAT, BLQOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA GU'UuEY, PA. Stitrins HibSiiII. Tlu-rd nro tunny f. inner unit Hiirilwiers who Hfliluu mtr Ihu noil about their jtlniiU oxucit when it la iilisolutely lieo I'sinry for the iiirnHU of tU'stuiyintf WeeiU. .Aerntioii or exposure of llio sou to tlio fiction of tin' air, U often of much importance, in order to scenro a full de velopment of nil cultivated plantni and this is m much a purl of cultivation a tliosulitluliif,' of weed. Tlio hiwlmiid nmu i not sntisliud even with u natural growth in cultivated plant, but m-eks an abnormal growth in tlio whole or in those, parts of plants designed for his ttso or that of his nnhnals. He does not, strictly speaking, follow nature, but en deavors to improve upon her ways of d.ting things; consequently ho plows, sows, cultivates, and forces plants to niako nn abnormal growth. Wo have known farmers who appeared to think that the less ploughing, hoeing and stir ring the soil about plants tlio "better,iro vided a fair return was secured for their labor. Hut such men nro usually satis fied with what others would consider a half crop, aud it is needless to say that they find fanning a poor business. i'lio best and most thorough farmers do not stir tho soil too much or too often, either in prepaiing it for tho reception of crops or afterward. A single ploughing for wheal or other small grains is not enough in order to break up and thor oughly jinlvcrizo tho soil; and although a iair yield may be obtained under such systems, a far better ono would bo se cured if tlio ground was turned over two or threo times, and after each ploughing thoroughly harrowed. The old system of summer fallowing laud, when thor oughly carried out, can scarcely bo im proved upon in preparing land for cither winter or spring wheat. By ploughing two or threo times during the milliliter, mid harrowing after each lurniim, not only is the soil mixed umlpiilvcim'd, hut mo weeds also are ilestroyeu whicii usu ally spiing up whenever rich soil with its seeds is brought to the surface. Of course, land may bo constantly cropped without rest, provided it is kept rich by tlio addition of fertilizers, but there arc few farmers who can supply theso in suilicient abundance to preserve tho fer tility, and for this, rotation of crops must bo practised, or tlio land rested. Whatever system of cultivation is prac ticed, the farmer should manage to keep up tho fertility of his land, and when ever ho finds his crops failing he may rest assured that a change is necessary. Sometimes deeper ploughing will pro duco a marked improvement in feilility, but the subsoil, if brought to the sur face, needs to be fully aerated and pul verized before it will be in good eondi tion for tlio reception of seeds. In tho cultivation of corn, pttatoes, and similar crops, stiningthe soil among the plants can scaicly bo tepeatcd too frequently dining tho early pat t of the season; in fact, these operations may bo continued until tho crop is well on to watd maturity. Every timo the plow or cultivator is inn through the rows small weeds aro desttoyeily lumps broken up, and air and its accompanying moisture admitted. Tho ground may be too wet for ploughing or stirring witli culti vators and hoes, but it is never too dry, bee ause tlio moro frequently these imple ments arc used the more moisture will tho soil absorb from the air. If any of our leaders doubt this, let them try a small plat of ground during dry weath er, stirring the soil every day, and leav ing an adjoining plat undistui bed. Tlio iirst will remain moist and sponge like, long after ihu other is as dry as dust. Tho samo effect is produced in the fre quently cultivated corn tield, and a good crop can often bu made in a dry season by tho constant use of tho plough and cultivator, when it they aru not used, tho plants would ceitainly perish. Many scientific reasons could be given in addition tho above for stilling and pulverizing tlio soil, but they all involve tho one siinplu fact that stirring it fre quently ami thoroughly is extremely ben eficial to the crops growing thereon. Just how long or lato the fariiur should cviitiuue (lie cultivation of his eoi u or po tatoes is a matter for him to decide, but hu need have no fear of doing such crops harm as long as the roots are not destroyed by the implement used among lliem, or the tops lirokeii down in the operation. Tlio market gardeners near all of our larger cities seem to un deistand tho importance of thorough and aimost constant stirring ul the soil about thei plants; and wlulli-r there are weeds or not, the hocti and uultiva tors nro ki pt going, and the enormous eiops raised .show that tliero is some thing in the management of soil, as well as in iis natural or acquired feitility. jy. J . Ann. HOW TO 8.WK. . All men and women who woik hard with mind or body aru subject to peri odieai attacks of biliousness, whjoh may end in disordered kidneys or liver and dangerous illness. A !M cent or $1,00 bottle- of l'arker's (Singer - Timid will keen them organs active, ami by pre veniing tho ailack save you much sick ness, loss ol timo ami great expense, Jinny families are kept in perfect liealin by iiMiig tlio Ionic wlipn spring or lull sickntss threatens. JJelny at such limes means danger. .Detroit J'-ess. See other column. renusylvaain's Crows. From tho Pennsylvania Stato Agricul tural Jsepoit wo glean tlio following statement of tho crops of tho btnto and their value: "Our Stato stands second in tlio corn producing States, on an average three years' yield, tho first being Nebraska, and first, so fur as tho combined ratio of tho price per bushel and tho scale per aero is estimated. She is second, next to Wisconsin, that is, in tho average oat crop of threo yenrs. bhe is tliuil in the total value of nil crops, taken for eight lending states, Bliuois being tlio first and New York tho second. She stnnds the fourth among eight largo states in her wheat crop of threo average yeais, and sixth in tim total value of her wheat crop in money. This again proves very little, as ('alifornia's wheat crop stands highest on this list. Her potato crop is worth annually over six millions of dollars; her buckwheat crop nearly seven millions, Her hay crop is second only to that of Now York, and was worth over thitty sixmillloimof dollars last year. Uy theso oitini'ites, Pennsylvania in.ulo the high est cash product per ftcio out of eight greatest liny producing states. Tobacco, not much bragged about as n Pennsyl vania product, returned last year $1, 700,0011, or a higher yield to tho acre than that of any other State." Moiik iiian A I'm. Once a geiltleillllll who had the mai vi lous gift of shaping h great many tilings out of orange peel, was displaying his abilitlin at a dinner itatly befoio Theodoio Hook mid Thoin us Jlill, and Hiicottded in counterfeiting a pig to tho admiration of the company, Mr, Jlill tried tho samo lent, and, after destroying and strewing the table with the 'il of it dozen oranges, give it up with Ihu exoluination, 'Hung the pig! I can't make one." "Nny, Hill," exclaim- rd Hook, glancing nt mu iness onumi t,ible, "you lmvo tjoue morej Inotem ofl Nue pigeon have Mtftdfc n litter." 1 TIib Tnllft of Hip Fly. Tim toilelto of the fly is as carefully nttended to as thai of the most frivolors of human insects. With it contempt for tlio looking glas he biiihes himself up and wabbles his little round head, chuck full of vanity, wherever ho happens lo be. Sometimes after a long day of dis sipation nnd llirting, with his six smalt legs and little round body nil soiled with syrup and butter nnd cream, ho passes out of tlio dining room and wing his wny to the elean,whitn cord nlong which the morning-glories climb, and in this re tired spol, heedless of tho crafty spider that is practicing gymnastics it few feet above him, lie proceeds to pniify and sweeten himself for the refreshing repose nnd soft dreams of the balmy summer night, so necessary to one who is expec ted to bo eaily at breakfast. It is a wonderful toilette. Nesting himself on his front nnd middle legs, ho throws his hind legs rapidly over his body, bending down his frail wings for an instant with tho pressuie, then raking them over with a backward motion, which ho repeats until they arc bright nnd clean. Then ho pushes the two legs nlong tinder the wings, giving that queer structure a thorough currying, every now and then throwing the legs out and nibbing them together to remove what he haseollecled from liis corporal surface. Next ho goes to work upon his van. Besting on his head and middle legs, ho raises his two forelegs and begins a vigorous scraping of his hind and shoulders, using his pro boscis eveiy little while to push tho ac cumulation from his limbs. At times he is so energetic that it seems as if ho wcrj trying to pull his head off, but no lly ever committed suicide. Some of Ins motions very much resemble those of pussy at her toilet. It is plain, even to the naked eye, that he does his work thoroughly, for when he is finished lie looks liko a new lly, so clean and neat has he made himself within a few minutes. The white cord is (killed, but lloppv is himself again, ami lie bids the morning glories a very good evening. l'uoriTAiu.i; iTii:xis. Tho most wonderful and marvelous suc cess in cases whero persons are sick or wasting away from a condition of miser ablcness, that no ono knows what ails them, (profitable patients for doctors.) is obtained by tne uso of Hop Bitters. They begin to euro from tho first doso and keep it up until perfect health and sti ength is restored. Whoever is nlliictcd in this way need not suffer, when they can get Hop Bitters. Cincinnati Star. A Gun. Avrni l'noiniiiors Ki:t. A shoo factory at Albany has received the diagram of a foot, from Sandusky, Ohio. Tho girl placed her bare foot upon a sheet ol paper, and a pencil mark was drown close around the outline. This foot, as shown by tho diagram, is 17 inches long, 7l inches at the widest pail, and could take a No, 20 boot, though a No. 30 would be just tho thing. Tliu ball of tho foot is just 19 inches around, mstep llij niches, and the hcci measiins 22 inches. Tho ankle measures 1(! inches. This immense pedal adorns the person of Miss Mary Wells, of Sandus ky, Ohio, whoso weight is 100 pounds, nnd she is but 17 vears old. Ihodia gram was sent to the manufacturer as a curiosity. not rou a koutuni;. "Phew, I wouldn't marry her if she'd a fortune. Poor girl, she'd bo all right if sho took Spring Blossom, tho bit thing in the world for offensive bieath." Price, f0 cents; trial bottles, 10 cents CAUTION. GET THE BEST. bstey oia-nsrs STKOWCf OMl)ETITIOV In the manufacture of Organs is n 1 "ll- l 01 cneap goous, in sum irom interior iniuerntis. i reier particularly to bogus Organs that are continually springing into existence, without any merit whatever, except to be ofTiiml cheap, and then when purchas ed found to bo dear at any price. Will you not then, reader, If you Contemplate Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearinir the names of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment of styles ot the celebrated Jistey Urgans can now bcFcen at the new rooms ot tho Only Authorizsd iigentfoi the Estey Organs in Columbia County. A guarantee for five years from tho manu facturers accompanies oVery Kstey Organ. J. SJMuT2SER, Agent. juoeiiJ.w-rt A TRUE lffO A TRUE TONIC ! A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. IRON JHTTJCItS nro liislily quiring a certain am mittest Fntr$, Want tlio liliKxl.fctrenrrlliel liko a clmriii on tho illccid'fe orguiis, removing all dysiiciitlo uy iniitoms, sucli ai UUstimj lite Foal, lttuhirnj,leut in the Stomach, Heartburn, tic. Tlio only Iron l'ruiiimitioii tluit will not blacken tho teoth or ulvo licailaolia. Kold ly all druggists. Writo for tlio A 11 0 llook, S2 in. of useful and uiauslng reading tent ret, liltOAVN CIIISMIOAIj CO., Baltimore, Mil, BITTERS I r Sale by Moyr Hrtitri, SAKE SIMMONS Lira ItBGULATOR. It M ill ioIU I'ly cure, Sick Sleitilaclic. DYf PEPS I A Thi licguliHor will iMrttllvply rtiro thtstcrrlblo (tlsciifo. wo ancrt emphatically what wo know to ho tiuo. CONSTIPATION 'IwnM until - rrgnnlut un ft trllllnjf nltmont. Nn turn iKimnd the ntmns' rcgnliillv of the bowels. Tlirn-ti-iv, hmUI. tinliire b inking Simmon Mvcr Itognlilur It M harmless, tnlldnnil i ITiitiiJl. PILES. lllcf U nt tsninlfor llnwo who MilTer day after di llh riles. It nnsctiMl hundreds and will euro )ou. MALARIA. Persons may avoid nil nttadu ty occasionally Inking a rl'i" of Simmons ilogiitatur to keeptl.o liver in healthy action. Bad Bieath llenera'ly nrtlnif from n dl-tonWeil stomach, can bo corrected by tiklng Simmons Liver litgulator. Jaundice, Simmons T.lver IfKUlfitor soon (radicates tills tils eas" from Hi" s,i-teiii, leaving tlio skin clenr and free fiein all impurities, COLIC. children suffering villi colic noon experience ro ller wle'n s minon t.lver Kcgulator I nilinlnwercd. AdtiltnlnileilU' great hem-ill. from I lilt medicine, llli unt unn'1-.-mtit. It li harmless nnd rlTcollvr. Purely ugtlable. Sold by nil Druggists. TRY IT. Juno it, 'al ly RICH BLOOD! -.'in(iiM J'(l. niako New llleh .1! cuii'j.li lely ctiniiirt) the. IiIikhIIu i -nii . t'l',' 'tciil'i', An i-erwm -villi-'. I m '. i irl,tfnmi 1 luliiveeki in - .-ImnMi-i ln' I hr .llli. It Mich a tlilnir U-K.ltil-. s, nt liv 1.1 i!t r -r s li Her klaniin. J. ,V. .IOII ., V .V CO., Manlon, JInss., fol-inuh Jtitttrfnr, ?tfi may ti, Ml .ly Ho:t Fragrant It Rcf:e:ain2 ef Perfumes Exceedingly Delicate and Lasting. Price, 29 cts.: Lares rjuiea, 73 eta. Sol i ty Urtlcn la Hnigi A IVrfuaicry. !gnilur ef I IU enzSt CotN.Y., ca lierj tctlle. PARKER'S QiHGER TONIC The Medicino for Every Family. NEVER INTOXICATES. Mail from Ginper, I'ucliti, Mandrake, StfI.inLn, nnd other uf the best vegetable remedies known, Parker's Ginger Tomc hai rem irk ably varied curative power, ti iMhe creatp-t J- lorrueh Correct or. Wood l'urifier and Liver KcguLitor c cr made ft : Tho Best Medicino You can Uso : forKQstoringHcalth& Strength Itcommcnccstoact from the Ami rinse, Marches ; out the vcjik ergar.-t, find U warranted to cine ot help all de-cases of the I'owcl, ttomath, Iilood, Kidneys, l4tr,UrlnaryOrpans,nllCoiiitilaint$of Women, Nervousness, Slp!c$sucM. IMicutoo " thru and Ih unkniiiPM. Tryalwittlctu-dayi it may fftve your life. soct. and $i ncntalldniEgi.t. Fery genuine bottle hasour ticnaturccn outside wrapitr, Ili&cox c Ca, N. Y. Large saving in buying $i sue. Just Wlint l 'Wnntcil. Everyt-otly whnie h.ilr H crry t r fotlej llfll felt tliu need of a ll.ni KeKtorcr aril resting Uft 1& cleanly. agreeaNy pcifunieil on j lurml.M, Tat Let'a Hair Ual&.im sjtisfies tlio must fastidious U thee respects. SoM Ly dnijtcisti at 50c. and $2 . pCt.l.'80-ly SUJSCHIHK NOW FOK THE COLUMBIAIT S1..-.0 IN ADVANCE. T3T1 ATTIV'R Orirjr.s 18 useful stops, 0 nets reeds JiiiiiiJiouiy im. i-iaDostissnp tennis, o.laloir l-'ioc. AaarebS Ucatty, Washington, N.J. may 0, 'si-ly uia raniJting in the liroduction and Bale , -r . Bloomsburg, Pa. TONIC rccomraendcU for all diseases re mi I-' ml.lViiI AGENTS WANTED raTO:!tfvKlSi tlnu .H.u llli-- cur inti'iiti-l. Will nulla pair ot n - mini, w.i.i lll'.l.rj mi-! TOP, etimplilc, in ainiinutrii It wiila.jo knit a iirtat variety of Imicj'-y-rk ror w 1,1, li tlicrcUatwnrH it realy market Sfii-1 f--r rlrriilnrntiil ten,'- i thi" Twomtily Iliilttllis Itliichliift ('n.iliMWw-lilmiti-nst., Ikotuu, Mass. all JUST OUT. MORRIS & IRELAND'S NEW IMPROVED EIGHT 71.AIJGE FIRE-PROOF SAFE. THK ONLY EIGHT FLANGE SAFE MADE IN THE WORLD. AND CONTAINING OUR Patent Inside Eolt Work, Patent Hinged Cap, Four-wheel Locks, Inside Iron Linings, Solid Iron Cornors, LATEST FROM MAINE. Lock's Mill's, oxford co , .Me. Messrs. Morris A Ireland:: Hen'.a: On tlio wnd M November, 1T9, niirapool mill nt ' Ills place, tn&fii. two sinrles lilfli, wnHio tilllv wmninu.'il liv Hie. In which lliern ui .1 1 irii iliiiintlty of spool lumber, spo'im and blocks, nil sen sum it. 1 liu Urn burned lor llireo nml 11 null d.iis. o iiiin 0110 1' )oursare in our mm nun TiiiKd.iy inornlUK lolloivlii',', I'lglity lienrs nller: llio llre.lt wits loo liol to liuiidle, Rllii; uoveied Willi liurnlliK liloeks. Somn timo utler It van opentd nnd Ihu con tents were In a K'ood httitoof prevrMitlon, not ,i book or pipo-twins destroscd. 1 11111 salMled Willi your Mules utid lmvo nurciiasi'd nnotlier. und enu elieertii'ly reeoinmend them lo nnyonu wlsldnifto heeiuo ineir vuiiiuuiesiioiu ocini; oesiioyeii oy lire. Yours truly, I. (I. 'I'kiiith, TREMENDOUS TEST. Koastlntr Tblrty lloirslnn Ilcdof lied Hot Coals. Corning, N. Y -lanuary c, hi. Morris fc Ireland. Hobton..MabU. (lenlleineu;-on the nljjUtoftbo lira Inourvll Intro on thoSOtli nlt.Ilidlu uso one of ynnr No. a SuftH I am pleased lo inform you, after tbo lloor giivo way It fill low tin; cellar, lino a heap of burn ing coal, vrbcro it roatted for tlilrty hours, our cit izens mid myself KiiMi up Hie hoi 0 of an thing be ing suvrd In It. un being taken from the ruins twos happily disappointed to Und my cash, vouchers nnd other aniens of value perlettly preserved. The combination works well now. I uin satlslli'd your new and Improved work, ono of which, a No. w, 1 hivoord-ri'd of jour agent to-day, win anord absolute protection In any lire. Truly Yours, K. s. jjahnes. STILL AHEAD- liochislcr, N. II., Dec. to, so. Mossrs. Morris & Irclaod: Dear Sirs: In tho dlsabtrous tiro wnlchtook place tn this toun Nov. no, ihu Morris nnd Irel ind sale In my store us subjected to a sevcro test, blug IhroHU Into the cellar and a hugo mass ot debits fell upon II, nnd It was In tho lUlnsbonio two dm s. I take pleasuio In Informing j 011 that upon excava tion It was opened without 1 rouble and tlieconlx nta were found to le uninjured. I checrrully recom mend your salt sa,u biiouiu 1 want another I should cortmnly puiehase oi.o from yoti. Yours U'dy, C. V. Howk. STILL ANOTHER, From tlio Great Fire In Troy, Now York. Troy, N. Y., December II, 181a. Mesirs. Morris ,t Ireland, liostnn: (lentleinent-Aller wllne.S'lng tho charred books outol tho safes openoii, also one of my own widen wn anolhur 11 axe. which was not In tho heal of the lire like tho No c lalelv purchased ot jou.whleh was In tho lire over toriy.i Ight hoars, unci hud to bo continually plaefl on during Mond.iy night, its It u. completely suriouided with burning iniisllns ai.d otluT IMI.1m.1blo maleilal.on opening It In 1110 rulniTno'duy tflen oon, I wus pleased to llnd tho conlents, books, naptrs nnd money were all pie served tn a rem it kat ly goi.d condlllon. Wlthtldi proof of the Hie tpialliles ol yourfalo wohavoglv en jour agentan erderf roi.oNO. ssafe. Yours respectfully, Divis & Co. THE GREAT BOSTON FIRE. JANUARY. 110. Morris A Ireland's Hafo I Again Tilumpliant-Messrs. itiee, (euuau & uok. largo nuiu iteveais ii V.iluablo coutenis I m if 1, after being sul JetUd 10 luten obeut for one Hundred und 'thirty Hours. Hoston, January , tssu. Miihsrs. MnrrliA Ireland, lioston: lien It:- On tlio night of Deceuitcr 2H, last, Hid bu tniiir oeeu in n 11, part uy usnt r". vi I'euenii Ktrett, iiii'l whli h was four no lies hljjli nnd about aiu 11 ll oeeii, luugui nro mm wun uebirojeu, whii all ItHrniilihlK.cunMMIiiKcr u veiy laigo sloelt of pnpvr, look ciuuers tuuienavi unu ui or inereiuiu 014,'. VVLI In w vi ral other larun bullrilnm uillolnlnt.- ours wt re burnt d at Ihu Kime time, the Uamca were exl sL'tiklicd the lolloultiL' dav. but our slock con tinned to bum for dajs thcreutter. Altera di lay of 13o hours wo weio able 10 nave our sale dug out from tlio ruins and opened, and were pleaded to tir.il all tbo conU'tilH well preserved. 'I bo uifeconlnlocd our must valuable books, papers, iiollcles, etc., and weiiowfeeliuruthatourjntlgait'iit was coinctlu buiUg ono ot uur fates, which wo decided to do after knuwuiL' the wonterlul record of your Bales In tbo gn at Hoston lire ol Wo reguru the ptou c tlon ol jour tale bb incst remarkable, acU this Urn ts a guaranty of Its ucurlty 10 those who may wish to pureiuiso. Yours very truly, Hick, Keniui.i, & Co. Al.o a Communication from Es-Govor-nor Ales. Rico, lioston, January 11, ISMi, MKS8im MdKHIS & IltRLANU. (lenis: Ihaveuiado cateful examination rf the contenlH of tho bale uurchased of you some ears Unco by tho llrm of luce, Kendall ft Co , und which was hiibiectto ILu test of eLormous heat lit tlio gieat lire of last Sunday night. 1 reuard the se curity of tho safo under the circumstances as most remarkable. None ef Us contents vera burned. nor were any 01 uieuiBo injured oy neat, us 10 uu materially doinaced I should commit any W entit les to your saf j bcrcatter wltli additional conll- uenuo, uiui ureui. rccv'L, juuis very iruij. Alexander 11. nice, THE LATEST YET. BUT THE SAME RESULT, Ho. Norrldgowock, Mo., I'ub.l, lsst. Messrs Morris & lieland. Boston Mass.: The sale 1 rnueht uf vou lust October was Inn iwo-slory wooden building, which buried Jan, vs. The building luck life In tho night, und the safe, bul'dltg and Its contents, lellluto iho cellar upon uplluotory wood, making a hot flro whlrli lasted tor ten hours. 'I he nulslde of Ihu safu wai l.eiili'd red hot. It melted the handle and dial oil tho door. 'Ihu contents conslfttd of watches, kwelrv. tllver. ware, books '"! rs ic, all of which cuinn out In gucd condition, i'aptia lying agalist tnotnsldoof thu MiM with not Inluitil 'I hu sain ihows for It. M il wi.ui Ills, and I ftel well satlttlid wllh what It. uasuono, rieaso write wnat you can auow tor u iuwuiuuuuw uue, uuu iiuiioU, O. F. HALL. CHAMPION RECORD ill lie GREAT BOSTON FIRE in 1872. r VKeud for prices and doscrlptlvo catalogue be torn purchasing elsewhere, MORRIS & IRELAND, 64 SUDBURY ST. Boston Mass. a. Ill) Mm40M,h I" ! m 1 1 i? mm mm Mm ' I iftliilftlirilllH J'tT BLOCMSBOBG STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL SIXTH -NOIULAL SCHOOL UISTJUCT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. T1IISSOII001,, oh at present constituted, oilers tho very best facilities tor Professional and C'lasiicnt learning. Iliilldlnirs spacious. Invltln2 nnd commodious i completely healed by sleara, well ventilated. Uchted by cas. and furnished with n hniinilfnl simhlv nf tmre.si.fl spring water. iflcitnon neaiintiii, nuu eiwy ut necess. i caeiicrs oxperienceu, eiiieieiu, unu nuvo 10 muir worK. insripiinn, nrm nut Kind, uniform and thorough. KXpcnsor moderate, fifty cents a week deduct Inn to all expecting to teach, students uduilttod nt uny tlino. llooins resorveil wbnn desired. i;our?;es oi stuoy preserioeu oy me ntato t I. Model School. IT. Preparatory. III. Kletnentary. IV, Claslcal. Adjunct Courses I I. Acailemio. II. Commercial. III. Cour.'c in Muic. IV. Course In Tho momentary Scientific and Classical Courses nro I'llOFUSSIONAt,. nnd Hludonts trrndu.itni correspondlngtiegreesi -Master of tho Elements! .Master of tliu fcclences i Master Cf thoClaslei. tlraduatcs In tho other Courses receive Normal Cortlllcates their attainments,, signed by tlio oillrers of tho Hoard ot Tustee , The course of stud y prescribed by tho Htato Is liberal, and tho s zlontlllc and Classical courses aro not Inferior lo thosn of our best Colleges, The state reuulrcsa higher order ol cltl2enldp. Tliotlmes rli land It. ItH oueof the prlmo objects of lids school to help to sccumtt, by furnishing Intelli gent nnd onicleut Teachers for her Schools. Tothlscndlt solicits young persons of good abilities and good purposes,-thojo who deslro tolmprovo llielr time and their talents, as -tudents. To all such It promises aldlu daveloplng ihelr powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor utter leaving school, for ..IllltVll, , U',U,, i. I.IU t (III!.,,.,!,, ma. i i.i.i.v.h i;ia lii.i., rrminent nonru Sept.l. '!.- SPRING CLOTHINC LARGEST OF CLOTHING. JUST WHAT WE REPRESENT IT FOB CUSTOi TAILORING OR READY TOE. mom OTS i-iabtb WH INVITE YOUIl EXA1M I NATION TO KNOW "WHAT TO WEAR" AND "How TO WEAR IT." CALL AT THE DAVIS. $1,000 REWARD, ONK THOUSAND (l.OOO) HOLLA ItH iH KM 1 U.vl MlVicd 10 NY 1'KitSoN thit will do OHKAT A JtANOK OK WOHK on ANY 01 H Kit MACHINE. WHAT THE NEW 5AVJS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. It will mnko wide hem on sheets, c, hem nil mnnnerof bias woolen goods, ns Bolt merino, erapo, or goods dllllciilt to hem on oilier machines. It makes a more elastic stitch than any other machine. It will turn a hem and put In piping nt snmu 1 1 1110 ltwlll turn a hem. bow braid on Iho right side and Btltch on trimming at ono operation. It will dot lllugblasor straight, eltlieroncolton or woolen goods. It will fell across beams on nny goods. I will bind a lin ts or Pklrturd few on facing, either with or without Miowlngbltlehts: bind liribb Hoods wlih the same material, ellhcr(callups,polntR, wpiaresor stalglit. 1 lie only mat nine that will bind Unix, Cloaks, or oilier nrlleles vim Mas, tat In or silk, from a to 3 Inched In wh lb, without basting. ltwlll gather with or wltlnut sewing on. ltwlllgather between two pieces and sew on at Utosame lliw. ltwlll inakn 11 rutllo and stitch a pillow slip on to tho facing at tho tamo timo. It will bhlrr any kind ot goods. It will make plaited trimming either with or with out newlng It on. it will msko plaited trimming cither Bcallaped or straight and sew a piping on nt the same time. It will make knife plaiting. J. SALT ZKK, Gen) Agent, Illoorasburg, Pa. oct. 1, '80-tf. 1 l(l"tit T'KKTH. fin I i -nl f"- Kffii , tn DRTJ .O 11 UP '"TNOS, on ' UI A O Vi'V I t t nt won'ta' y ' t lki(i will f l u lUii-t'n 1 ''(' . n'l-l tu I'tll III r twlnir. fni nit' mi u'i'v i.iti cinrAao 7 UNO I Ht VVk'ti. TUl'UKAk A f'A CITY, luimin.rM Un wi MitiiM 1' uioir-uii lupKNVE 1 id 1 UfcULO. Innlutf ('ut aro nt II tii mi ah ttnuUL'h liuim, In wht' (itiil I'Milxr t.bUiuttl at Hie noi ti'c i itu of h ti Hly-ttTO (inU, Tor rutt s, furtlior Inf rnmtt iui4 tifi-mit Aliip ol UnlUi1 -iiIdm lint, ailUa-ss, 0. A. BEAN, Oen'l Eastern Ai. 17 llrnniiwn v.NmvYnrk anil .1 i. U l ln tiiii-t. 1't'fitiin, Mam J in i iMm LK(JAL JILANICS, AliWAYS ON JIANI) AT TJIIS OFFJCK 01 -rriixirm. STOCK PORT GRAPE" WINE Used In the principal Churches for Communion Etirposes. EXCELLENT FOB LALKS AMD WEAELY PERSONS AND THE AGED. peer's Foxt Grape Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. mhls Celebrated Native Wlno Is made fromlho .1. Juice of tho Oporto llrape mlscd In thlst'ouuliy Its Invaluable Tonic nnd Strongthening Proporties am unsnrpassed bv nny oilier Native Wlno. llcl g tno puro Julcoof Iheilrniv, product d under .Mr. Hcer own personal stiervitlnn, Ita purity ni.d genuinrncsi aro guran'eed. 't ho joiingesi child tuny pjrtnkn ot Its generous quidltleaand tho weak est InvullitUhu It to advantage It is particularly bctiltlclal to tho aged nnd debilitated, and suited to tho various ailments that affect the weaker Rex. It Is In every respect WINK TO UK UKI.1KI) ON. SPEER'tJ I. J. Sherry, Tlio 1'. J. HIIKltltY Is a Wlno of Superior character and partakes of the golden qualities of the grope, from which It is made. 1'or Purity, lilcbuess,f lavor and Medical Properties, It will bo found unexcelled. SPEEIl'S This IlftANDV stands unrivaled In this Country, being far supeilor for medical purposes. IT IS A l'Ulti: distillation t cm tho grapo and con tains valttablo medical properties It has a dcllcato llivor, tlmllar to that of tho grapes from which It Is dlstllled.and Is In great fav or among llrst class families. Boo that tho signature ot ALFI'.Bl) BPKER,I'as.3alo N J., Is over thu corK of each bottle. SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM. doo im -ao t- To Nenroas Sufferers Ihs Qrsst Ecropcaa Hoxody. UK. J. B. SlMI'SONU.SI-XCiria MKIUCINlt. nr. J. li. Simpson's Hpeclno Medlelno lsajiosltlvo euro for overwork of body or br lu or excess uf nny klu l.Biicli as weakness und all diseases rasultlng li 0111 Nervous lubllltv lirltablllty.Menlal Anxleiy, languor, li&slltidu, Depiesslou 01 Spirits and func tional dar.iugeineuts of thn tierions bystem ten t riil.v. I'alns In Ihu liacK or niue, iajs. or Mcino-y, I'rema turooldagoanddl'. euses that leuil li conrinptlon.liisaid ty an early uraYi or both. Nomattei bow hhittered tin HMcui mayb9frou excesses o t an kind, a short courfeu w ui.o iiittbeinu wni u eiOie n.J lost functions and procure health and happiness where before wes despondency and gloom. 'I be spe elite Medicine Is being used with wonderful sum ss 1'ainphleis sent treo to all. Wrlto for them and get lull partrlcuujr. I'rlco, SpeclUo f l.oo per package, or six packages for (3,- o. Will bo sent by mall on receipt of money. Address all ordcin, J. II. SIMl'SuN's MKDICINK to. No tut and U 6 Main street, Uurialo, ,N. y. leb. It, '8Mf TVAINWHIOHT & CX)., WHOLESALE OltOCJtlti), I'DILIIIIU-OU, Dealers ta TKAB, SYHU1, VOVFES, BUOAII, WOLAH,E) men, srioxa, iioam mojl, to to. H K. Oortor tcd and Aro autta, WOnlrr will titl6 tilill v li ihu. Art. V. Courso in l'liyslcitl Culture. therein. ivi Htm,, tu n i.n.,r.,rri Mm fniinwln i. 1'. IlIi.L.MYIil, secretary. Ayer's Hair Vigor, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It Is a most agrccablo dressing, which Is at once harmless ami effectual, for pre serving the hair. It restores, with tho gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a llch brown, or deep black, as may bo desired. lly Its uso thin hair Is thickened, and baldness often though not always cutcd. It checks falling of the hair Immediately, and causes a new growth In all cases wlicro tho glands aro not decayed; while to brashy, vtcak, or otherwise diseased hair, it Imparts vitality and strength, and renders it pliable. The Vicion cleanses tho scalp, cures and prevents tho formation of dandruff; and, hy Its cooling, stimulating, and soothing propel tics, it heals most if not all of tho humors and diseases peculiar to tlio scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of tho scalp and hair aro impossible. As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair Tlio Vinon is Incomparable. It Is color It.:;:;, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil whlto cambric. It Imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article for the toilet it is economical and unsurpassed in its excellence. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 84 Co., l'rartlcnl and Analytical Chemlt, Lowell, Mass. solo sv all uuL'GUtSTS EYEnroruBnx. THE CHEAT IWItLmGTON JIOU'ME. G7No other lino runs Threo Throuitti Pas. sender Trains Dally botwecn Chicago, Dos Molnei, Council HlunN, Omuha, Lincoln. St. Joseph, Atchison, Topekn nnd Kansas City. Direct connections for nil points In Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Ne vada, Now Mexico, Arizona, ldnho.Orcgonantl California. Tho Shortost, Speediest nnd Most Comforta Moltouto via Hannibal to Fort Scott, Dcnlson, Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Ualvcs ton and all points In Texas. Tho unoqunlcd Inducements offered by this Lino to Travelers nnd Tourists, nro ns follows; Tho celebrated I'ullman (IG-nheel) I'ulara Bleeping Care, run only on this Line, C 11. It Q. l'ulaco Drawlng-Itoom Cars, with llorton'a lCecIlninirChnlrs. Nu oxtm elinrKo for Seats In Itccllnlng Chairs. Tho famous C. II. & y. l'alaco Dlnlntr Cars, florseous Kuinklnfr Cars nttcd with Klcirant HlKh-Ilacked Itattnn Itc rolving Chairs for tho cxctuslvo uso ot flrst classpiLienecrs. Steel Track and Superior nouipmcnt, com bined with tholrOreat Through Car Arrange ment, makes t Ids, nbove all nt hers, tho favorite ltouto to tho South, South-Wcst,and tbo Far West. Try it, nnd yoti will find traveling a luxury Instead or n discomfort. Through Tickets via this Celebrated Lino for salo ut nil olliccs In tbo United States ami Canada. All Information about Hates of Fnro,Sleep Inc Car Accommodations, Timo Tables, &c will tio cheerfully given by applying to J. Q. A. URAM.acu'l Eastern Agent, ax) Washington St., HoBton. Mass. ..,., nnd 1117 llioidwnv.Noiv l'ork. JAMES It. W OOD. lien. I'ass. Art.. Clilengu. T.J. l'O'rriUt.Oen. Munager, Chicago. March 16, 'h, lut At Crate's Cancer Infirmary, Addi:en, IT. T. liyNDIlEIiS 01' PEHi-ONS lioinalt parts of . tho world liavo lien cured U ihlsmuch dreadid Uls eabo nnd are now living wuntsns tliatlhei have beentucutd Irem atmlbio ltd iinilmoly death, Doctuia. Mliilsltrsendlhol'cnr tnatidfno. Write li'.';.! c,r?Lr. ?lvln R f ull r.nri it ulorB. AdddretsUrs. 0 t'l 1 bi.OWN, Addltcn.N.Y. Weaver & Co's Ads AV 1? A lJ c"n ,l" "l"rt0 at home by I Pt A t . any f live man or woman, T, U)y LT Kui, ylu wni B0t m obllgi tl t o lea o our o n I ow p. or I n ay from homo oyer night. Any one tan conduct the busi ness. It iKiulitsnoeniltal. K WILL OTAltT Vl'tJ WITH AN OUTFIT WOllTII If jou aro unplejed during tho day you can make from fl lots iiiiuUi g, heme of our agents report u prollt of m in a Unu u duv . hih nt g. t-i L'lu du for full pniilculuis tu K street, N. V, wit , iillihoUT, so lmiclay uiaich U, 'ui-6m MjL otiieusl SUPBlUOIt TO JIKVEU ANOS lllk!lie-l I'llil'S Awuidtd, ."HHVllH hON.mircU street Philadelphia, Ugliest Awards for tbo tat llanos: London Paris, Centennial and renn'a Stato Fairs, march 11, 'H-nn wco LATEST STYLES OP At tho 'COLUMBIAN OFFICE.' RAILROAD TIME TA B LES ML KNNnVliVAMA I'.All.llUAIl. J'llILA. HKM'IIM a mult li. i(. jii iniu.N. SUMMEK TIME TAI1LE, on and After Hunday, .tttnn l'Mil, tlio train. on tlio Philadelphia Hrlo Ita lroad illusion win run as follows l WKHTlVAHtl. KrinMalt Icavos I'hllndelplilt " llnrrWiurg i ' Wllllain-port ii " .teisey nhore 11 Lock llavtn " lleliovo lltSpra 4 s.i n m 8 40 n in o'j a is .o-iii a in II i Sato 7 l ,n arrlvo at lino Niagara Kxpre&s leitvesl'lilludeli Ida it no n in 8 " Ilarrlstmrg laiBpm ui r, iiw ii.utini ui ti ai.pm lock Haven 4 urn m " " lienovo Bii'ipin ' Khim' tn j',, M Fast t.tno leaves l'lilladelphla 12 lo p m " lMriWmig in. n,, nrrlvent Wlillair.spurt IMptn " " Lock Haven o nip m EASTWAHll. 1'acino Hspress leaves Lock Haven 7 1 3 a m Wn. , , , 11 in NMiiinmspiiit Rvoam " nirho at llarrlsburg tif'Spm " Philadelphia sopm 11 " Kane coo am May Kxprcss loaves lienovo Ions am " Lock llnvcii 11 vsniu " ' V'llilnins)ort l'iilspm 11 arrive at HnrrlsDurg a iiipni ' " Philadelphia o n p in " " Krio It as am Krto Mall leaves Itenovo u onm 11 Ijck Haven miopm " ' wniiaoisport li sopm 11 arrives nt llarrlsbtirg s oo a m " " riilladclplna 1 33 a m Fast Lino leaves Mlllamsport I lonm ' arrives at llarrlsbtirg s is a m " " Phlladelpiila 7 H5 n m Krlo Mall and Fast Lino west nnd l'aetllo I'.xprcss Kist mako close connections at Northumberland with L. It 11. II. II, trains for Wlikcsbntro nnri Mranton, Erto Mall West, Niagara Expross West and I'att Lino West mako close connection at Wllltoinsiioit vTlth N. C, It. W. trains north. Niagara Express West nnd Day Express EaU makecIOFdcoiihictlun ntLocKliavcn vtltlii:. K. v. It. 1!. trains. Erie .Mall east and West connect nt Erie with trains on L. H, &M. ti. Jt. it. i at CotTy with o, C. II. F.4: W. U. it.; at Emporium with H. N, Y.al', it, it. and nt Driftwood with A, V, It. II. Parlor cars will run between l'hllalclplila and Wlllamsport on Niagara Express west, and Day Ex press Jfast. Sleeping cars on all night, tralni. WM. A. IIALDWIN, Cenoral supt. NOIiTHKHN (JKNTJIAL IIA1LWAY COMPANY. On nnd after January 17th, 1SS1, trains will lcavo Sunbury as follow si, NOItTHWAIID. Northern Express c,3o a, ni arrive Elmlra 12.S0 pra Arrlvo nt C.inandalgua 3.2J p. ru " ltochesler 4.1U " Niagara. 8 45 ' Niagara Express 1.03 p. in, arrlvo EUnlrao.osp m arrlvo Cnnaudalgtta u.33 11 " itochester 9 45 " " Niagara u.coam Fast lino c.io p m arrlvo Elmlra 11,05 p m " Wat kins lt.tspm SOUTHWAHD. Southern Express 1.SK n. m. arrlvo Harrlsb'g 3.15a m arrlvo l'lilladelphla 7.35 " " New York 10.35 " Ilaltimoro 7.40 " Washington ,02 a m Paclilo Express lo.on a tn arrlvo Harrlsb'g 12.06 p m errlve Philadelphia 3.15 p m " New Y'ork c.25 " " Ilaltimoro 0.20 " Washington 7.62 Day ExpresH.31 p in arrlvo Harrlsburg s.tu p m ' Philadelphia 0.4a " " NewY'oik U.30 " " Haltltnoio 0.33 " Washington 7.02 Krlo Mall 1.03 a. rn. arrlvo Harrlsburg 3. 00 a. m " Philadelphia 7.35 " " New Y'ork 0.33 " " llaltlmora 7.40 " Washington u.oa L. 1'. FAHMEIt, Ooneral Passenger Agett. FItANK THOMSON, General Manager. JHILADEIil'IIA AND HEADING KOAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGE1! TRAINS. May so, lssi. TKAINS LBAVB BUTKHT AS F0LL0WS(SDNDAV KXCEITKD For Now York, Philadelphia, Ileadmg, l'ottsvlllp Tamaq.ua, &c, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 u. m, 7 ,10 and 0,13 p. m. For Wullamsport,C,15 d,to a. m. and 4,06 p. m. TKAINS FOR BCl'IBT LEAVR AS FOLLOWS, (StfTDAT K CBtTEP.) Leave New York, via. Tamanend 8,45 a. m. nnd via. Hound 11 rook ltouto 7,45 a. in. Lcavo Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leave Heading, 11,55 a. tn., I'ottsvllle, 1S,C0 p. m andTamaqua, 1,35 p. in. Lcavo Catawlssa, 6,10 8, 10 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Lcavo Wllllanisport,9,45a.m,2,oo p. m. and 4,3a p. m Passengers to and from Now Y'ork, via. Tnraa nond and to and from Phlla Iclphla go througu without change of cars. J. K. YVOOTTEN, ticncral Manager C. G, HANCOCK, Ocncral l'assengcr nnd Ticket Agent. Jan.l(),nsi-tf. D ELAWARE, IiACKA WANNA ANIi WKSTEILN HA1LHOAD. BLOOSIHBinJO DIVISION. Time-Table No. 39, Takes effect at 4:30 A. SOUTH. a.m. n.m, Scran ton Ilellevue Taylorville.. . . ..Lackawanna,.... Plltston ., Wist Plttston... Wyomiug Maltby -llennett.. .... Kingston Kingston ..Plymouth June. ....Plymouth Avondalo Nantlcoko .Uunlock's 1. reck:. ...Hhlckshlnny.... .... Hlclt's Ferry.... ....llcach Haven.,, -Berwick .... lirtar creek -.Willow llrovo. Llmo Jtldirc 9 35 9 i!3 9 68 10 07 2 10 2 is 2 22 2 30 2 ss 2 44 2 49 2 63 67 3 (S 3 15 3 10 3 15 3 21 3 26 3 33 3 CO 4 03 4 10 4 18 4 '.IS 4 29 4 33 4 42 10 IS 10 33 10 2J III 34 10 42 10 65 11 07 It 13 11 20 .... ..Espy.. ...Illoorasburg .ltupert Catawlssa llrldgo. Danville Chulasky....... Cameron 1 .Northumberland,1 11 45 4 49 II 61 4 63 67 B 00 6 IS 9 18 u 30 C 45 13 18 19 45 r.ra. p.m. a.m W. V. UAL13TBAD, SupU Saporlntondent's Office, Horuiton, June 10, 1S7S. (l t f otitllt furnished frecwim full tnstrnc V. I I Hons for conducting tho most profitable ij 1 W business that any ono tun engage la. ,v w Iho business Is so easy to learn, and our Instructions aro so simple and plain. Hint anyone cau make gieat fronts fromtlcvery btnrt. Noono can fall w bo Is wining to w ork. Women aro ns suo netbtul ns men. Loss nnd girls cau lam largo sums. Many bavo mado ut tho bUblneES overono hundrid dollai s In n Bliiclo v, eek. Nothing liko it ci er known befoie, AH who engage arosurpiistd atthocaso und inpldliy with which they aro able to mako money. You can engage In this business during your tparu time at grmi prow. You do not have to fuvest capital in it. Wo tako all tho risk. Thosowho need reudy money, should write to usatonco. All furnished free. Addrcts Ikvk & Co,, Augusta.Malno oct. 15' 80-ly ' b ' YOU CAN BUY THE BLATCHLEV PUMP ynllnnl.oMvithCoptifr.I'orctlalii.orlron j.iiiiik. loieh unu tt.icleil with my name as inaniiraiturer 11 wnrrantwl in material awl con. ktruetlon l,)r ma by tlio Ut bouses In tho trade. If jou do net knew hcro to get IhH pump, wrlle U) mo us below, ami I will tend mm 10 of iiKent neimikt you, who will kupnlyyou at my lowest prlcta, " ' OlIAS. 0. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer, 308 Market St., Philadelphia, ra. march 4, "8l-m ns HFTPS 'ourselves by makng money lagoiaen eiiunuu i therebv alwavskecplug who alwaj a take advantage of the good chances for ma king money that arc offered, generally becomu weallhy, kdIIb theso who do not linpiovu such chances remain In poverty, We want many women, Sf,.B,a"di "s'oworkforus right In thjlr own lo calities. Tbo buslnets will pay moro than tin times Stf.'Sir We furnish an exterudvo outfit ana all that you need. free. No one who engtgea falls to Sfitl "f "pldly. You can devoto your wijoia time 10 the Vork or only your spare innnenta. Full Information antLall that ts neeitd eentm-e. Afldtois bniooM co., 1'ortunu, Maine, ocUSfO-V NOKTH, p.m. p.m. a.m. 9 30 4 la 9 40 9 23 9 17 9 37 9 OS 9 30 8 6S 3 51 9 91 8 51 3 40 9 19 8 46 3 4t 9 14 12 41 12 36 8 33 3 30 9 04 8 13 3 10 8 41 8 23 3 20 8 83 8 12 3 12 8 47 8 04 3 04 8 39 7 51 2 51 8 SS 7 33 2 39 8 17 7 2 9 34 8 12 7 25 2 2S 8 06 7 18 7 14 7 10 7 03 2 04 7 44l 66 1 67 7 33 IS 60 1 61 7 S3 6 15 1 JO T 29 6 97 1 27 7 11 C 13 6 UO I 00 0 45 p.m. p.m. n.m.