The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 22, 1881, Image 2

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0. . ELWELL, in...
T'rldny. July QQ. 18R1.
Among tlio iifitnos of cintlitlntca for
county oflicca winch arc niinouncoil in
this paper nppoars thnt of Mr. A. 1$. Her
ring of Orange. This announcement of
n namo for political ofllee in a newspaper
is simply n matter of business between tlio
candidate and tlio newspaper, and it is
not to Do understood as being an agree
mcnt upon tlio part of tlio paper to sup
port that person for olllco nor to vefram
from nny comments which it may deem
it a duly to make. Wo havo no personal
objection to .Mr. Herring as n man, but
as n politician ho has made his own bed,
and must attacli no blamo to the Demo
cratic party nnd its organ if tlioy require
him to lie upon it.
Mr. Herring is announced as n candi
date for Register nnd Recorder "subject
to tho rules of the Democratic party."
As a matter of information wo would
like to know how long it has been since
ho has become subject to tlio "rules o
tlio Democratic party t I lireo years
ago when tho Greenback craze was at its
height, Mr. Herring forsook tho Demo
crncy and cast his bread upon the waters
of tho new movement, llo was nomina
ted as Greenback candidato for county
commissioner and through a split in tho
Republican ranks was elected. Uniy
two years ago he and his party succeeded
iudofeatimi tho regular Democratic nom
inee for shcriff,thus helping to injnro tho
party, for tho defeat of any nominee al
ways tends to demoralize and weaken
our organization. How loug it is since
ho determined to return to his first love
wo aro not informed, but it was probably
not until ho became satisfied that
Grecnbacker no longer stood any chance
for ofliec, and his conversion was there
foro not from principle, but from self
If our organization and supremacy aro
to bo maintained in this county we must
insist that candidates for oflicu shall not
only possess tho necessary qualifications
to till tho positions with ability, hut that
they shall bo selected from among those
who havo always remained loyal to the
Democracy. A man that has done all he
could do, within the past three years to
disorganize that party, lias no claim
upon its members for votes, and ought
not to receive political support from
them until after ho has had a sutlicient
time of probation to show that, ho has
come back to us jvitli the intention
This is an olt year, there being no
stato officers to elect but Treasurer, and
for this reason it is necessary to e.vercUo
unusual caution by tho selection ot can
didates who can poll a full vote. Other
wiso there will bo independent candidates.
and the past shows that in such year
a nomination is not always equivalent to
an election. There aro three other gen
tleman who aro asking for the positio
of Register and Recorder, and they all
possess the merit ot having always ad
horcd to Democratic principles, an
labored for the party. To one of theso
three, then, let the office be given,
preference to ono who has not only re
pudiated tho party quite recently, but
has ;used his mtlueuco to ueioat tlio
regularly nominated candidates of tho
county convention.
As wo said before, it is not Mr. lie
ring, but his political- record that wo
object to, and wo must Hay that wo aro
tiomewhat astonished that die gentleman
should havo tlio assurance to announce
himself ns n Democratic candidate for
ono office, while he yet occupies another
to which ho was elected bv an opposi
tion party whose only mission in this
county was to threaten tho dismember
mcnt of tho Democratic paitv. The
danger is past, but tho attempt shotil
not bo forgotten so soon. If thu Demo
cratio party, through the convention
which meets hero on tho Oth of August
noxt, shall place a reward on political
lnhdehtv bv nominating nnv man tor
any ofliec, who has not been f ilthful, it
will not be necessary after tho election
to seek long for a reason why tho full
ticket was not elected.
A iust published nnccdoto of Chief
.Tinlicu John .Marshall and John C,
Calhoun says Marshall on no meeting
Calhoun on the street at Washington
said, "You seem to be in profound
thought; of what arc yon thinking T
Calhoun replied, "I am thinking of
tho origin of government "And on
what does government depend V ''On
tho production and distribution
wealth." "And on what does the pro
auction and distribution ot wealth de
pond V "That is what I havo not discover
ed!" said Calhoun.
A charming story is told of Carl
Kehurz during the last campaign, He
went to Utica to deliver n Republican
speech in the nfternoon, but on account
ot rain there was a postponement until
uvening. Soliurz refused to speak in tho
evoniug unless he was paid for it, and
this was actually done, Senator Conk
ling giving his onvox lor the amount,
Sohurz is n reformor, be it understood.
Only two years ago A. R. Herring
was a member ot tho committee that
made the rules for the govcrnmentof the
Greenback party in this county. $iuw
ho is asking for ollico "suhjoct to Demo
cratio Rules." This is just the opportu
nny ior ine uemocrncy to leacn inn
lesson that a man who kicks out of the
party truces one year, cannot be elected
to olhce by them tho next.
The Philadelphia-AVeMsayH tho Demo-.
crats ot Uluo have nominated a pocket
book for Governor. A cheerful disre
gard of their own corrupt uso of money
In politics, nnd an unceasing howl over
nlleged Domocratlo rottenness, have
always been marked characteristics of
the party ot lraud and laise pretence,
If tho Djniooratio party is in tho ma
jority in Columbia county, it is to bo
Imped that It will not lend itself to the
scheme that ha linen prepared to put n
grecnbacker in tho nfllpo of Register and
Whoever is nominated by tho Demo
cratio convention for County Treasurer,
should bo a mail with brains enough to
perform tho duties of his ollioo himself,
nnd with honesty enough to perform them
The election of Warner Miller ns
Unitod Slates Senator from New York
reminds .tho Hoston J'oxt of tho Rev,
Gabe Tucker's poctlo remark :
'for I baldly cowls to tell how 7011 e.ften como
A. till dollar saddlo on ft twenty dollar liorbo.
- r
Sixty five liquor dealers were aw-Mlca"
in Wilkcs-Jinmt, on WtKlnitoday, ifor
iccr )ii.igltji iAtra 'on Buiilhty.
In Cincinnati, from tho 10th to the
lfitlt of July, therowere 'JO I deaths from
sunstroke nnd lot) fioni tho excessive
heat, a total ot 11 1. Tills exceeds any
mortality from like causes known in this
Tho 1 'resident is steadily gaining
strength and at last reports there was
every reaon to hope for his llnal re
covery. His temperature nndrespirntion
are normal and his pulse not greatly no
There is a healthy discharge of pus,
nnd there are signs that give evidence
that tjie wound is healing. ihophv"!
cians are giently encouraged nnd, while
thoy do not pronounco the President nr-
solutcly out of danger, say that his re
covery is almost certain.
The Williamsport .Manner is of the
opinion that Mr. Joseph K. Bogeit, of
the Wilkes-Ilano Union-Leader would
make an excellent candidate for Slate
Treasurer on the Democratic ticket. The
Banner cites the fact of liis election to
olllco In l.uzerno county by 2000 major
ity when tho rest of the ticket was dc
iealed by majorities raging 11 0111 iuu to
100, as evidence ol his popularity Mr
llogcrt would make nit elllcient nnd
honest Treasurer beyond all doubt.
In the last number of the North
Unertcan Ilcview is a masterly article
from the pen of .Tudgo Black, written 111
defence of tlio Christian religion nnd in
reply to tho assaults made upon it by
Kobcrt U. ingersoll. Those who Know
Judgo Ulack's ability as a writer do not
need to bo told that tho subject receives
proper treatment, or mat mo lauacious
arguments of the infidel aro all met and
overthrown. The article well merits
careful and thoughtful perusal.
Thousands of people are taking nd van.
tage of the opportunity offered for cheai
travel to the est, by tho war now in
progress between the various great rail
road companies. Tickets are selling it
New York for SO to Chicago, $7..r)0 to
Cincinnati and SM.0 to at Louis
There, is a strong probability that prices
will go down much lower than those
quoted, as tho New York Central olllcials
seem determined to wage war to tn
death. Tho Erie, Baltimore & Ohio
and Pennsylvania roads aro charging
as low rates as the Central.
Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, Dean of the
Cathedral of Westminister.died in London
on Monday morning last, at tho ago of
01. llo was the sou ot tho famous isislio
Stanley of Norwich, and was installed
as Dean in LS03. lie possessed rare in
tellecttial powers, and shone alike in re
ligious and secular literature. lie was
greatly beloved and admired in this
country, and had always been a warm
friend of Americans. His place will bo
hard to fill and bin death is deeply
regretted at home and abroad. I ho cause
ot death was erysipelas.
The sixteenth judicial district,compos
ctl of tlio counties ot liedlordand bonier
set, is much in need of the services of the
independent voter. Bedford county has
nominated John Cessna for judge, an
Somerset county has given the noinin;
tion to A. J. Colburn, 0110 of the mem
bers of tho legislature most liberally de
nounced as a "rooster, by the Philadel
phia papers. As between these tw
there does not appear to bo much chance
of the district having a creditablo judicial
representative. The people ought to
smash slates and elect a better man than
either Cessna or Colburn. Ho could be
readily found.
New York city has become rather
moro unsafe than the roughest mining
towns of the West. Highway robberies
m broad daylight, have been shockingly
frequent ot late, m the most trequente
streets. A brewers collector who w;
driving to bank, a tew days ago, was
assaulted by a gang of highwaymen am
robbed ot about 10,000 m money,
Merchants intending to visit that rowdy
ruled city would do well to make the
wills before starting. Tho alleged polii
force of New Yoi k seems to Ikj of no
earthly uso e.cept to draw their salarii
and participate in ward polities. It w
about tinio something was don'o to n
deem tho reputation of tho metropolis.
A circular has been issued by Dun's
Mercantile .Agency, giving tho busnies
outlook throughout tho country. A
table shows the failures in tho United
States for the past six months of 1881,
to bo 2,803, with liabilities of 840,887,1 50,
For the samo period in 1880 there were
2,497 failures with liabilities of $32,888,-
7G3. Notwithstanding the increnso
shown, it is held that the figures indicate
a hcalthv condition. The business of
tho country has attained a magnitude
never before reached and tho reports
from representative trado centres are all
favorable. In view of this fact the tines
of credit havo been extended, and tho
facility with which weak and unsound
applicants have obtained goods,HccountH
in part far tho number of failures. The
reports indicate a prosperous condition
of affairs that is most encouraging.
Tho New York legislature have sue
ceeded in electing an United States Sen.
ntor, to succeed Thomas C. Piatt, mid
a nioo choice thoy havo made. Warner
Miller is tho namo of the successful can
didate, nnd by comparison Mr. Piatt
soars to tho height ot u statesman, Mr,
Miller is a member of Congress, but tins
never done anything to bring him prom
inently before tlio public, except upon
ono occasion, when ho appeared as tho
defender ot tho wood-pulp monopoly.
This in itself, would have been bad
enough, but when it is known that he Is
the owner of u pulp mill, his conduct as-
siimes a moro disgraceful complexion. It
is to ho inferred that Mr. Miller will
lobby for his own interests ns zealously in
ttie Senate as he has heietofore in tlio
House. Tho Kmpiro State liu ceil duly
not much reason tn feci proud of the
work of her servants in the legislature.
Mr. Miller must ho a Stalwart as it is
said he threatened, beforo tho last elec
tion, to dischargo those of his employees
who voted the jJeinoeratlO ticket
The fact is just recalled that on the
(Otli of June, 1802, Gen. George G,
Meade, then in command of a brigade of
the Pennsylvania reserves, was severely
wounded jn the battle fought 011 that
lay culled Glcuqalc, or ( raziers Iarui,
near Charles uity cross roads, below
Richmond, Vn. For a while the wound
was thought to bu a mortal one, but
nfter an absence from the 111 my dining
the following month of July and part of
AllgMxt, ho was 011 duty again in Sep
tciiihci', Jo was shot nearly through
the body,as President Garfield has been,
and the courso of the ball rpiiiained n
matter of doubt until after the death of
Gen. Meiulo, from pneumonla,ln Novem
ber. ia72. Then, in the cause ot mcdieui
Bolenoe, a post mortem examination was
mado bv the Into distinguished sure-eon.
John mill, assisted ty an eminent meui
. '4'.' " . .",.
cal practitioner, nnd It wns found thnt (
tho dangerous
snot 01 j unu, inn.', ten
mra boforo, had pierced tlio liver. Our
illustrious Pennsylvania soldier survived
his mortal duntrcr from a wound of that
vital Oruxn. fthu o may pnr snuenug
rant I
Consolatouy. Tho Ili.lf Urcedsaro'
boasting of the victoi v thev havu nchlov-
(i 111 iinaiiy electing a senator.
nut the Mai warts nro not without
consolation. They havo the comfort of
clltctlng that tho Half Breeds haven't
elected much of a Seuntnr, nnyway-only
Waunkk Miu.r.u. N. V. Sun.
It Is vastly amusing to witno-s the
stiuggles of the Republican organs to
cndoise the wood-pulp .senator, and ig
nore their merited almo of him a year
or inoro ago. tine stalwait ournal has
learned that Warner Miller was a de-
sorter from the nrmy during the wnr,and
claims that he cannot tnko his sent, by
reason ol section i,!)!)( ot the federal
cod", which reads as follows i
'All nerfons who tWrteJ llio military or na
val nrvlco 01 inu until u stales turn mil tun r
linn thereto rri deemed tn Imvo
voluntiK ily rollnipiWIiPil nnd torMtctl their
right ol cllll'iisliR, anil men iltaertor shnil
lie foiever iiii;itiili1u nf lioMIng nny elTico of
triift or pr 111 uiu'er tin? United Stato."
Nothing in the history of tho present
administration has brought upon it more
disgrace, than the ending of the investi
gation into the allairs ol tin) treasury.
it has been proved that one 1'itney, who
held an illegal olllco, that of Custodian
of the Treasury, had been concerned in
outrageous plundering, and the people
anxiously awaited further developments.
Secretary Windom suddenly ordered tho
investigation to cease, and it was whis
pered that n prominent olhcial was con
nected with tho frauds. 1'itney, tho
Custodian, was dismissed from ofliec, but
was provided with 0110 equally its good,
presumably as a reward lor holding his
tongue. 110 has never told wnat no
knew nnd never long as ho ispro-
ded for. When the President recovers
and resumes his duties, 0110 of the first
tilings he should do is to order the Treas
ury investigation to be renewed. There's
rottenness to be exposed.
1110T ATnTrsri.'.
A rnllle was held on Fiiday night last
at a public houso in Pittston kept by
George Judge, an ex-member of tho leg
islature At one o'clock in the morning
a quarrel arose among tho participants
many of whom wcro drunk. After much
trouble part of the rioters wcro ejected
and they at onco began a furious attack
upon the house with stones, breaking all
the windows and wrecking things gener
ally At this juncture a party of men
belonging to the.Mit iiiy ruiiinan circus
arrived and were assaulted by the low
dies. During the tight a revolver was
fired and one ball, passing through the
window of the saloon, pierced the brain
of John Magm who stood at tho bar.
Another bullet wounded a woman named
Mollio Miirnhv but not seriously. The
light then became moro furious and pis
tols, knives and billies were freely used.
The circus men finally withdrew to take
the train. Fortunately no one was kill
ed except Magin. Detectives aro now
engaged in the effort to ascertain who
tired tho fatal shot. It is asserted that
ono of tho Pittston roughs was the
guilty person. Such a saloon as that of
Judge ought to be closed at once, as the
, - r 5- f. 1. !.
Class 01 rowdies woo iiuqiieia u, iuuiiiiuu
the safety of the people.
Tho late Legislature passed a law to
regulate the holding of, and to prevent
fraud in the primary elections ot tho sev
eral political parties in this state. The
full text of tho act was printed in our
issiio of Julv 8th, but it seems to be
sub lee t to which special attention should
bo called. It provides that all ollicers of
the election board must bo sworn, and
fixes a penalty not exceeding two bun
ilrcd dollars ior neglect. There is also
a penalty for disregardingany rule of the
party, tor reiectmg the vote ot any per
son entitled to vote under the rules, and
for accepting the vote of any one not
entitled to vote, for any 1 rami in the
discharge of duty by destroying or de
facing ballots, adding ballots to tlio poll,
false counting or making false returns,
the person so offending shall ho guilty
of rt misdemeanor and on conviction shall
)e lined not more than two hundred !ol
tars, or imprisoned not more than one
In one respect the law is incomplete
as it (Iocb not say what shall bo done
with the papers, oaths, ballots ifce., by
the election hoards. It is clear,however,
that in this county the only tiling that
can bo done with them is to return them
to the convention. In every district this
matter must bo observed ; tho ollicers
must bo sworn' in nnd subscribed to tlio
oath prescribed by law ; the return and
tally sheets, oaths and ballots nnd all
other papers oonnected with tho election
must tie brought to tho convention on
flic Oth of August. If tlio officers of any
district should fail to bo sworn in nnd
conduct the delegate election just as tho
general election is conducted, the result
mrfiht bo that the veto of that district
would be thrown out of tho convention,
and tho delegates uot allowed to take
their seats. It will bo well if candidates
look after this matter a little, and see
that the necessary blanks aro prepared
for the election boards so that thoy can
comply with he new law.
Washington, July 10th, 18H1.
Justly or imiiistlv,Hon. ChnrlesFostcr,
Republican candidate for Governor of
Ohio, comes in for condemnation of the
liveliest kind jn connection with tho pro
posed jubilee over tlio Rresjdeut's anti
cipated recovery. Ho is accused of
wishing to turn the occasion into n ineann
of aiding his own election for Governor,
by having tho celebration just prior to
tho Ohio election. Tho other dates men
tioned are November, when tho Presi
dent's birthday oceurs.and October 19th,
when the Yorktown surrender will lie
commemorated The selection of either
would divest the occasion of any politi
cal Hlgnifipnne.e whatever. Tho Gover
nor can hardly nlfaul to do anything like
seeking personal advantage from the us'
sasstntition, The people' were nevei be
fore so thoroughly united in treating any
event ns one outside of politics. A
mere suspicion that ho wished to turn
I lie ooension into one of selfish or politi
cal impoitanco would lift tho Demo
cratiu majority in Ohio from tho few
expected thousands into gigantic pro
tortious, J hu uemoorntlo ticket 111 Ohio,
iy tho way is a good one, and the plat
form is unobjectionable.
Tho assassin Guiteau is becoming un
easy during his solitary coniineinent.
In is still repised newspapers, and, ex
cept that the President is iiliye, which
tact he learns by seeing from his win
dow that there are no signs ot general
mourning, he is iiniutor.iied ol tho cur-
cut events, lie cats and sleeps with
regularity, rends the bible and expresses
regrets thnt his bullet did not accom
plish what lie intended, Ho is n myslory
to tho tow who come in contact with
All roports from tho Virginia cam
paign, nro in n high degree favorable to
t0 regular Democrats. Th
icro seems to
no no nou,unjn,t mo qoiccu
tat the detection irom tno
mxy will lo less tb&u was nt ono tiino
txpeoted, and that tno
colored voto will
be given to a great extent to the
straight Kcpuuucaii uckci.
Ilt'iliulug tlio Mllltla.
Governor Hovt. Attorney General Pal
mer nnd Adjutant General Lnttn, forming
11 good part ol tho Htalo Government nro
in town to-day. They nro looking around,
among other things, for .1 location for tlio
annual eiioainpinonl, While doing this we
wish (hey could discover sotno real good
excuse for the recent cutting down of the
Stnte forces and the wiping out of the
Wyoming Artillery as a separate com
mand. Wo feel assured Hint General
Lnttn knows what it wns done for and ho
ought eeitainlv to give us something bet
ter than tlio story about tho deficiency
in the appropilations. This is entirely too
thin. 1 here is a faint suspicion among
thoso who know how matters nro man
aged at Harrisburg, thnt our military
weio made to suffer, along with n good
many other things, so thnt the unm
"divys might not tie uiterlered with
Everybody who knows any thing nt nil,
knows that it has always been customary
with tho licpiiblicati managers at Harris
burg to pile up n neat little sum for
whnt is called the Contingent, fund,
and tho result was that the gentleman
pnrliculaily mteiested in that liuid de
termined in some way to remedy the de
feet and to provide ngainst, any ecouoini
cnl assault upon it. In older in do this it
became necessity to exeiclse 11 good deal
of strategy. l!ut that strategy was exer
cised and the land was saved. Ol eouise,
is 111 all movements oF tho kind, it wns
necessary to niiiko paciilices. 'The prin
cipals In the fund did not seek martyr
loin themselves so they just looked
iroiind and concluded to cut olt lnanv
things that were counted in when the
appropriations were made. Among them
was the niilitia. lhov made a slash into
the Stato forces and therebv saved some
thing for tho Contingent Fund, and in
consequence, something lor tlio chiefs
Wnsn t that tho wa of it. General 7
Wilkes JSarre Union-Leader.
Tlio Assassin's Confession.
Colonel Corkhill, district nttomcy, has
made an authoritative statement cover
ing Guiteau's action from his arrival in
Washington to tho assassination, He
says Guiteau came to Washington on
March 0,stoppcd at tho Ebbitt house one
day, and then, in turn, secured various
rooms in private houses. On May 10 h
decided to assassinate tlio president. Re
spent several days examining pistols. On
Juno 8 ho bought a pistol, borrowing
money to pay lor it, on the plea that I
wanted to pay his board with it. 11
practiced with it that cvcniiig,uud being
satisfied waited Ins opportunity.
tiii: wnsT
On June 12 lie followed the president
to Ins church to shoot mm, but found
he could not accomplish Ins purpose
without sacrihcing other lives.
Again, Juno 18, ho planned to shoot
him; but was deterred, as already pub
lishcd, by Mrs. Garfield's pale face. One
Wednesday evening the president and
his son and United States -Marsh!
Henry went out tor a ride. 1 ho as
sassin took his pistol and followed them
and watched them for some tiine,in hope
the carriage would stop, but no opportu.
nity wns given.
On Friday evening, July 1, he was sit
ting on a seat in the park, opposite the
White ftouse, when Iig saw the presi
dent come out atone. lie loilowed him
down the avenue to Fifteenth streetau
then kept on the opposite side of the
street up Fifteenth street, until the pres
ident entered the residence of Secretary
Blaine. lie waited at the corner of Mr.
Morton's Into residence, corner of Fif
teenth and H streets, for some time, an
then, as tic was afraid lie would attract
attention, ho went into the alley in the
rear of Mr. Morton's iesidence,exnmincd
his pistol and waited. .The president
and Secretary islaino enmo out together
and he followed them over to tho gate of
the White House, but could get no oj
poiluiuty to uso his weapon.
On tho morning of Saturday, July 2,
he breakfasted at tlio Riggs house about
1 o clock, fie then walked into thu park
and sat there for an hour. Ho then
took a one-liorse avenue oar and rode to
Sixth street, got out and went into the
depot and loitered around there, lie
had his boots blackened nnd engaged a
hackman tor fc2 to take him to tho jail
lie went into tho water closet and took
his pistol out of his hip pocket and un
wrapped tho paper from around it, which
ho did for the purposo of preventing tlio
perspiration from tho body dampening
tho powder, examined his pistol care
fully, tried tho trigger, and then return
ed and took a seat in tho ladies' waiting
room, and as soon ns the president enter
ed he advanced behind him and ilrcd two
News Items.
A dead !illi"ntor, aoven feet Ion,", ivaa
fount) in tho Alk'trjii'iiy river, near l'itts-
burjj, on Fritlny.
Lewis Rockwell, ox-Sheriff nml Treas
urer of Piko county, died in Milford 011
tho 1Hh inst, aged 103 years.
Tho Irvinir IIouso at LoiiL'itnuich was
dobtioyed by fiio 011 Tuesday. Many of
the guests lost nil tlieir bugguge.
Thomas JIcDovitt and If. Letirand
Ensigu were arrested in Philadelphia on
Tuesday, for complicity iu tho star routo
man 1 muds.
Paul Yl'R !t" M'W" Pwiss farmer,
who lived in lia'do Uroek Valley, Minn.
l.MI.. 1 1.! ?r..T 1 .. I ! 11 '
Kitieti ins who titiu seven oiuiureti auq
committed suicide.
At Chieaijo on Tuesdayin three races
of ton heau, tho best ttinu made was
2. 12 nnd tho slowest 2:23. This is
really wonderful sixied.
The Weitinj' opera houso buildinc in
yracuse, onu ot tlio linest 111 tho city,
was destroyed by firo on Tuesday last.
It is estimated that tho losses will ni'rro-
yttie isi,uiJU,uui)
fltin. John 0. Pemberton, died reoent
y nt I'etillyn near Pliiladeli)hia,a''ed C".
llo was a JtleiUeiiant-Gonerai in tho
Coiifederato army during tlio war and
defended Yioksburg against tho Federal
fleorgo Hurtinmi, of 1'arsoiiH, was run
over by n locomotive on tho l.ehlgh Val
ley railroad In Wilkesbnrre, on Sunday
morning, His head was crushed and
ono arm cut 11IT. It is thought ho was
asleep on tho track, llo was taken to his
bomo in ii dying condition.
"Korocd by my political connectioiislu-
to public lifiyny HiifferingH were intcnsl
tied by the comments of thoso who saw
my faeo and head covered with serofu
Ions humor," said n gentleman recently
cured by Cutlcura- Itomcdies.
A bmid of aoven dcaneradocB lioard-
od a train on tho Oliiongo, itock Island
nnd Pacific Jl. R. iioar Cameton, on Fij.
day night. Thoy uhot nnd killed Will,
iutu Wcstfall, tho oonduotor, and a pug.
he utter nonied Jolm JleClcnii, 'J ho
express messenger, Charles Jfunny, was
overpowered apd tbosafo trobbedof nonip
SS.MQ in vtibiiSilcfc "Tho vobbom
tnohvd, followed by body armed
Tlio trolter. Maud S . failed to lower
her record nt Pittsburg, on Saturday.
She mado a milo in 2:15, nnd wns then
wiuiurawii on account 01 n storm,
Write to Mm Lvdln K. Pinkhnm. 233
Western Avenue, Lyiin,Mnss., for names
of ladies that have been restored to per
fect health by the uso of her Vegetable
Compound. It is n positive cure for the
cost stubborn cases of female- weak
The Democratic city conventions of
Philadelphia were held last week. Judge
James T. Mitchell wns endorsed for re
election to tho hunch : Ma ior Moses M.
Vcalc was nominated for recorder of
Iceds, and David Hngertv nnd John C.
Meuainin for city commissioners.
Thursday of last week was observed
throughout tho Stato of Arkansas, ns n
day ot fasting and prayer for thu recovery
of President Gal Held, it having been set
apart by Governor Churchill for that
impose. Hehgious services wcro held
11 all tho churches nnd nil Stnto olliccs
were closed ns well as many prominent
business houses.
flic A. S. T. Co. ever since the intro
duction of the metal shoo tip by them,
have been searching for soiuo material
that had its merits as to wear, and not
its objectionable appearance. This they
now havo in their tip known as the A,
S. T. Co. I Hack, and parents should atk
lor thciii.
The town of Now Uhn, Minn., wns
visited by 11 leniho cyclouo on hridav
last. wno hiiiiiiied buildings were de
htroyed and thiity persons killed and
wounded, lho loss of property is esti
mated at S.riO,000.
Martin J. Lawlor, docket clerk of the
Schuylkill county Commissioners, was
on Saturday last convicted of false pre
tence and six forgeries and nnd acquitted
ot live charges ot mutilating books and
making false entries. Two other cases
remain against Lawler, who has been sent
to jail to await sentence
An empty engine on tho Lehigh Val
ley railroad going south Saturday morn
ing, ran into the northern bound fast
freight train on tho long bridge atWhito
unveii. .lames Mulligan, of Jlaucl
Chunk, had one leg cut off. William
U. Fleming, of Whito Raven, leaped
.1... r.ll r .1 . .1
irom me nam, iaiiing irom 1110 iresiii
to the Central railway track below.broak
ing both ankles and otherwise being
scriouy injured. The train was badly
fEvansville Daily Daily.
A comforting conclusion is that whicl
leads is always to choose tho best. Mi
Andrew Dlmer, Uluffton, Intl., says : I
have thoroughly tested St. Jacobs Oil,
and find for rheumatism and neuralgia it
has no equal.
The notorious outlaw known as "Hilly
tuu jviu, v.. in Kint'ii nisi, oaiuniar oy
oiieiiu i-ni Barrett at Jt'ort summer
New Mexico. Tho desperado had com
initted no less than thirty four murders,
and was yet a young man. Garrett re
ceives s.iuu reward Irom the Territory
and $200 from citizens.
John Iiiimmer, aged 19 years, was
shot and dangerously wounded by a
gang of tramps, near Litilss on Tuesday.
They had robbed him of a ring which,
with the aid of friends, he recovered.
As they were leaving the snot the tramps
tired upon them. Six of the miscreants
wcro arrested and lodged in jail.
Important to Thavelehs Special in
ducements aroofftred you by the Burlington
Rbuto. It will pay you to read tlieir adver
tisement to hp found elsewhere in this issue.
March 18 40-w
All persons whoso names aro announced In this
column, aro rlt'dged to abldo by tho decision of the
Democratic conveutlon.tthlch will mccton Tuesday
August 8th.
no nro authorUd to announce tho nnmo ot
uuimiiv v HUSK, or Hugitnniu lownsnin, nsaenn.
uiuuiii iur inn uiuuu ui uuuuiy uuiniiu-ttioni r, suo
fiu .uu riiiosui hid in iuukuuu purl,.
Wo aro authorized to nnnounco tho ntimeofUV
JUJSR MoilKNKY, if laililtigcrcek toivnshlD. us 1
candlil.itu to- Associate Judge, subject to tho rules
01 inu jiemucruivi pariy.
nro atilborlzetl to aminunpn inn nnrnn rv
WIl.MAMMiN II. JACOliY of III .ansburg.ns a can
didate fi.r tlio olllco of Itegu-tet anil hecorder, sub-
jroi. bu tuu r uiuaui mu ucinoemuc puny.
Wo nrpnutlioilzcd lo nnnounco tlio namo ot li. M
TKWKSuUltY. nsu candidate-for tho oftlco of Coun.
ty Treaburor, nibjectto the rules ot tho Democrat
ic puny, uo wui ijui iruici to solicit oies.
Wo nro authorized to the name of A. II.
IIEltltlNO. of Or .HL'O.lownsulu. as a uandtdubi Mr
tho omen of llrglsltrand liecoidcr, tubject to the
ruiuu ui inu iJeiiiuuruuu purty.
Wo are authorized to nnnounre the name of f). W
STBI'NKH of lileotr sburg. a a candidate) for tho
onicocf Iteglsitrund llecordcr, subject to tho rulss
ui mo ueuiucruiiu jiari.
Wo aro authorized to nnnounco the namo of WIL-
hi&u KiCKliAVM, Jiioominurg, as a candidato
for ro nomination for tho office of prolhonotary and
cl-rtof thescvertl courts, subject to tho rules ot
the Democratic party.
We sro authorized to announce thn nnmn nr
,T A11FS LAK E, of Bcott township, as a candidate for
the omeo or Associate judge, Bubjectto the rules ot
iuu uciuuvruiti: party
We arenulhoilzed to nnnounco the namo of P. L.
nu u.nAf., 01 i.wKHisf a. as a caumaate ior associ
ate juege, tin jict 10 uemccinuc rules.
Wo are autlioilzed to unnounce the name of NA
THAN CHEAfaY, as a candidate tor the onicu of
viuumy jreosureri BUDiecitomB ruics ot me Depi'
ftrrfittft rnrfv. ' 1
We aro authorized to announce the name of
DinriiBiM ruuii. or centre Kiwnsntp, as a candi
date for tho crrice of County Commissioner, subject
iu iuu i uiva ui uio uriuwiuiiu purigr.
NATHAN JIIMJtlt, Of Main township, authnrlzrB
ub to announce bis name bb a candidate tor the of
fice of County Treasurer, subject to the rules of tho
u I'uiuvntuu iuru.
V'e ere authorized to announce the name of Wit
I.1AJU b. rimiKii, ciiiain townBnip. as a c;
ior county commissioner, subject to I
, subject to'thoYulea of
the Democrat io party.
We aie euthorlzed to anncunre the same ot
j baa v ti. kiiiuhhaum, oi jienion 10 nsuip, us
& candidate for the cniio ot Associate Judge,subject
We pre authorized to snnounro the name of J
I'AUL KHKY, ot Heaver township, as a candidate
for AfbociBte Judge, subject to the rules ot tho
iHinocruuc party.
ill CI! A KI. V. KYE11LY, of llloomiburg, authorizes
us to annoureo his nome nsa fnrdldkto for tho Ct
rl co of lit gintr end lti-corder, subject to ihe decis
ion ot the Dtpiocratlo county Convention,
Wo nrn atithoiired to announco the name of
on a hi t m HKiciiAUT, or Main township, as a can
dldalefor tho rfnee or Comity Commissioner, sub
ject to the decision or the Democratic convention
We are aulhorlird tn announce Ihn nsrno
JAllFf) UlUfKlt. nl Wain townrhlp, as a candidate
for t he unco el ('oucy'lrcu.urcr, subject therulei
of thu Demociutio party.
We are aulLcrlztd to announce the nstna nf A. V.
JOHNSON, of locun townthlp us a cuiOldate tor
tho ofttce of Couutr Treasurer. suLlect to tfiarului
of the Demoomtio party.
Wo tiBBUthorbcd lo ifinounoethn ktt,fi u la.
HIHIAl(, tr HMnyctvlk tOHhthlp, M moandKlate
tut lh ofllCH (J Count. COuiinluJ&iiO. miiiW4. m
the ruiot ot Uie UcmooniUo lurty,
tching and Scaly Disoasosj Humors of
thoSoalpand Bkin Jformanontiy
(leo. W. llrown. 49 Marshall St., VrovlcUnce, It. I.,
cured by Outlcnra Hcmoillos of ft Ringworm llumoi
Kotnttholmrbcr'fl, which spread nil over mi o.irs,
neck anil face, nnd for six years resisted nil ktnasof
Y. It Drnko. Ksa.. niront for Harper & tiros., Do-
trott, Mlcli., gives an ostont lilnj account of Ills case
(eczema rodent), which had been treated by n cun
sulfation of physicians without boncrlt, and which
speedily yielded to .tho cutlcura Itcsolvcnt Inter
nally and Cutlcura Soap externally.
II, A. ltaymond, Auditor P. W., J. S. It. it., lack-
son, Mich., was cured ot scald Head of nlno years'
duration by tho Cutlcura ItcmcdlcB. '
lion, Wm. Taylor. Iloston, Mass., permanently
cured of a humor ot tho faco and scalp (eczema)
that had been treated unsuccessfully for twelve
years by many of Iloston's best physicians nnd most
noted specialists, na well as European authorities,
Mrs. Bowers, 143 Clinton St., Cincinnati, speaks ot
lur sUtor'B child, who was cured of milk cust which
resHtod all remedies for two years. Now a lino,
healthy boy, with a beautiful head ot hair.
Frank A. Ilean, Steam Flro Knglno 0, lioston, was
cured of alopecia, or falling of tho hair, by tho Cut
lcura Itcsolvent Internally and Cutlcura and Cut
lcura soap externally, which completely restored
his hair when all said ho would lose It..
Thomas Leo, Krankford Av., Philadelphia,
anllctcd with dandruff, which for twenty years had
covered his scalp with scales ono-quartcr ot an Inch
In thickness cured by cutlcura Itcmcdlcs.
'fh5 Cutlcura Treatment In tho Internal uso of the
Cutlcura Itcsolvent, tho now Wood purlflor, nnd tho
external uso of Cut'curn nnd Cutlcura Soap, tho
(I rent skin Cures.
For Sunburn, Tnn and Oroasy Skin uso Cutlcura
Soap, an cxreilslto toilet, bath and nursery sanative.
fragrant Willi delicious flower odors and hoallng
llcmedlcs aro for sato by all druggists, rrlco of Cut-
Icura.n Mallclnnl Jclly.nmnll boxes r0 cents ; largo
boxes tl. .CutlcuraKesolvent, tho new Illooarurl-
llcr, f 1 per boltlo. cutlcura Soap (tlio queen of
medicinal and toilet so ips), 23 cents. Cutlcura Med
Iclnal Shaving Soap, is cents. Principal depot.
wekks s. rotter, bobton, miss.
CifAll mailed freeon receipt of price.
More continuous and cower.
rulclectrlenl action Is obtained
luLinu aMu"w nnstcrs man nnv it Datiery
bi A .-na mtido The aro n stwedy nnd
- WI9 1 b- certain euro ior nun unci
Weakness ot tno Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, and Urinary
Organs, lthcumatism, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Funato
Weakness, Nervous rains anil Weaknesses, Ma'arla
anil Fever and Ague, l'rlce 25 cents. Sold every.
where, wekkh & roTTEH, boston, mass.
Rowell & Oo's. Advc'H.
NoOue W'lio Is Thoroughly Hegular In tho bowels
Is half as Uablo to dilute ns liuwho H Irregular,
llo may be nttnckod by 1 ontaglous diseases, and so
miy tho Irregular but ho Is not nearly as subject
uj ouiiiue 11 uuences. 'j nu uho oi
s-cures regularity, nnd consequent Immunity from
Juty 15-4W
Smith's Patent Blind and Shutter Bower.
Shutters can bo placed 2, 3. 4, BorC Inches apart
and held scurclyfn either position. Agents want
in either position. Agents want
ed in every county, can make Dig wages bummer
and Fall. Tho best nnd handsomest thing out. Sells
m every nouso. write ior particulars bumpies oy
uiuii iur u wuut imsuigu. Auuress
jujy in-iw r
Twant ONE agent In every town to sell a valuablo
nrtli'lti. No money rcnulrrd until gootb are sold.
Address 1 O Ilox -jax. Now YorS city. July IMm
PAMPUT prn for adsertlsow. loo pogosforM
luuuuuuiccn . (I. 1. ItOWKLL & COM
N Y.
luiy ib-sw
All popular AlHgnzlnvN, Ilnr-
ptll'M. CrlllC'l"N, I.IIICII h, si.
Alcliolas Ilouud in any
Style Ucnlrrd.
Cnrrespondence Solicited P. O. Box ICO.
July I i-m
Real Estate I
y virtue of an order Issued out ot the Orphans'
court ol coiumnia county, tno undersigned admin
istrator of the cstato ot Peter Nlchael.dcceosed, will
ozposoto public sale on the premises In Mlttlln
township, on
SAT lilt DAY, AUUUST 6TII. 1881,
at ten o'clock a. m., tho following described teal
estate, to-wlt:
frill nwfl tnotti Hn t in tvonf nnM nArfli hv lanrtu
I'eter Mlcbael, oa the east lands or John Hoofna.
. .
Twentv-nine Acres
moro or less, with tie appurtenances, whereon aro
erected a
hUU uuuaii, llAKW,
anclout-butldlngs; excepting npd reserylnc howoy.
ex, iuo crops now growing uponuio premises.
tjchmm Or HALlf. Ten per cent, ol tho one.
fourth ot the purchase money to be paid at tho stri
king down of the property; the one-fourth less tho
ten per cent, at tho continuation of sale, and the
remaining three-fourths ln one year thereafter with
Interest from confirmation nisi,
July 8-ts Administrator,
Tho undorslgned, Auditor appointed, by the Or
phans' Court ot, Columbia county, to make dliliibu.
tifator of the estate of said decedent, to and" moii
parties entitled thereto, vll sit at bis olce lu
hioomsburg.on Baturday.July SSrd.iMl. looMlock
tno (oren en, lo perform the duties oil
appointment, when and where a I rattles I
- vi,uu.""w "ou uuu wucre ni parties
interested lu mid fund must appear and present
..w, .n,Mln w. ug Muuuiivu4iuiu any auara
ot GAln fiinrl
of said fund.
0. W. M1IXB11.
In the Orphanf Qiurtforthe County of Co-
rho Auditor appointed by Uie Court, on motion of
T. ThoiniwonrVsi.; td distribute Ute tund in thu
nVlsol A, 11. croup. Admlnlslrator ol Jacob cow.
annus ol a. li. croup, Admii
cr. deeeasod. will meet thenurllL-s tntoruiuvl. fnr
the purpotcs of his appointment on Vrlday, Aucutt
ftlli, lssl.nttwo o'clock p. in., at his onice In Iter
wick. Pa., when and where all parties Interested are
required to present their olal jia or be Ueborrta
irwiu uuuiiug m upon aaia tuna.
JulysMw Auditor,
Mre will bo let, at WelUngton Te
Wellington Teagert hotel,
township, Columbia county,
"!?? ASA ."'.. ..l
funuwnii, ijt'usv luwnsi
I'ennsvlf anla. on Tuesday
pe oviloek lu tho afternoon. The contract tor build.
lug-ii in iuge uTcr iioniiiiKvreck-, near cstnor rur
baoe Ijcujit townithln. tn i & urart-r, ,,-qu. m-
ered bridge US lost long, 16 feet wliio from out to
ariff'tsr?!.' WiS's r.Setwltd
on.andifHt thick. " j$
Mani and kDoclUc.tlanii cub id st iv ndm
wvvv iniMiimni, nuuujsvanii ra
A Vli li kit 111 Nil f VJSrinv
Atul. I. li. ciskv. cicrk. 1 ' w
, ,,,., ..Vin11!?.111.6 old anawoatthy publlshors who have grown rich (It Is said that tho Appletons havo
Pl ATTIflAl. RflOlf TIINHFR Pront ol nearly two from the sale ol their high-priced publlca-
IlVAUHLJj nUUlV JJll'lUJjlV t'ons aie not pleed that their monopolies aro broken ind their power overthrown. Of couno the book
xr . ,.,. K?J?t5.Bni?,?00l! naT,e been used to getting from 40 to ti) per cent, commission for selling these
No IIOU'KST .IIAUKKV fSTllliKT, hTgh-prJced books aro not so well pleased to solIUio Library of Universal Knowledizeon
through the air, and
arc also worth seeing.
There is a Lunch-lioom
baskets and packages can be left in charge of attendant in
Ladies' Waiting Room.
Mr. Wanamakcr is desirous that visitors should feel at
home when they come, and be free to purchase or not, as
they please.
Note. Our largo Catalogue, with prices and full
directions for shopping by mail from any part of the United
States, will be mailed gratuitously upon request, address
John Wanamakek, Grand Depot, Philadelphia.
(svooziaBoa, to d. w.
Flue ItrniullcH, WIiIhUIck. OIiih,
Ptifiitly on mum,
Lniullords throunhoiit the county will find it to their advantage to
. . ,
call and examine my stock bolorc
Main Street, 2nd Door below Iron.
Enxy Terms. SntlNfUctttm Guarnntend.
June in, '
Tho month of July msi, witnesses tho completion of tho largest and most important literary work
this country and tlio century havo seen. It is the Library o. Universal Knowl cdpe, largo tyro edi
tion, In ml re ootivo volumes, containing 10 per cent moro matter than Appleton's C'yclopiedla, at less
than ono-llttll Its cost, and 'At tier cent mnrn ttmn .Tohnsnn'A CvelnnmrtlfL. At a Itttln m nrn than nnn.fourth
ita cost.
Chamber's Bncycloprodla. which forms tho basis of tho library of Untvcrsnl knowledge (the last Lon
don edition of lsso, being reprinted verbatim as a portion ot Its contents). Is tho laborious product of the
ripest lirltlsh and Buropean scholarship, lr ITP"! T V It has developed through a century of uy.
cloptDdla making; lis various editions V Lji.WlvX having been many times revised. In sue
cessivoytors.tllllthuscometo be universally rccognlzod, by Uicso competent to fudge, as standing at
tho very Iront of great aggregations of knowledge and lictter adapu-d than any other Cyclorodla for
popular use. It contains suen tun and Important Informa tion ns tho ordinary reader.or tho can I ul studest
H likely to seek, upon about ts.004 sublects lnoverv dona rtmont or human knowledge. Chambers's Eni v-
I cwproitla. however, Is a foreign production, edited
I theso nnd other del clences alarms corns rtrtn
- 1 added ImDortant articles nnon ahnnt. Pi
of human knowledge, wringing lho whole number of titles under ono alphabetical arrangement 10 about
40,100 Thus tho work Is thoroughly Amcrlcantied, and tho Library of unlvcrtal Kiowledgo becomes at
work which has preceded It,
VX IC1? o' tho 15 volumes, complete, In extra cloth binding, lis.oo. In half Russia, sprinkled.
A il J!i edges. tM.oa. In halt Russia, gilt top rw.t0. In full library sheep, marbled o dges, fSWHi
fcT1l0.aHfS.1l4"0 valuc aDa Importance of this groat Encicloptndla lies especially In tho fact that It Is
Drought within Jho reach ot every one who aspires after knowlodgo and cultore. ft Is really a library ol
i'!iery taow,eJKO- It brings 13 j7Tir TTHTrlvr education cosily within the reach
oven 01 every plowboy ot the ttTj V UljU LllJJN tountry and apprentice boy ot tho
?.,tjr,, Ke,ri'inerandevory mechanic In the land owes It to himself and Ui hu children that such a
i.yciopuxiia shall henceforward form a part of tho outfit of his home. To the professional man, and every
person of Intelligence in overy walk ol life, a Cyclopaedia Is a necessity.
$10,00() REWARD
the people, and their real pi onta in tho end. are
ine,po"pies wants, i lie majority of bookscllors,
piutlon has always looked lo the people. In whose
IS ana OUT nUmerOUS OTJlfir RtniirlArtl lnrt Innnmnarnltlv Inur.nvfnni, n.,H, (An. In.. 11... .on r,l...n...1lnv.
in our more man one million volumes primed last mA rT TTT A ITTiXTrPO
Jf.a,T(Ul!s leal 66 ?S thcieased to probably moro tliau two 1 U (JL U J3 A Giil jN 1 0.
!?i1"S5n),a''u5l?tly.Proro' Vou can order tho Cyclopiodla directly from uI and by unTtlug wltfiyour
neigauorsaud mentis you can secure club rates as follows: ' ujuiuuu.iui;u.i
A dl)0OUnt Of ID IWF RAIlt ulll tu. dlnurnrt to. n nn -1 . . . . . A. ......
cyelopaidla; and a discount of 15 per coat, will bo
speclul pwmluiasMfcaiowslnMuitlouto
$5 000 Reward W M "U'trtbutea
$5,000 Reward ln1BM't!0t"thetlrst$s1t)tobodUitrlbutodamone the 100 olub agents
' ,,.TronXl;njy'i?K''lul1DtQaMmu!lln largest number of subscribers.
tvr nfnhi;iihr vi-nuuii,.rre.?;u0.uQ' 10 00 u'sirmutcQ proporuonateiy to the w no e nua
Der of 8U0bcrlbeia which each ot tho loo club agents may send us.
The IftftmeS Of thil flllhRnrthnvo ,n nn... nAn
InmnnntMrnnntvnn . ,.,h n.H... iTi . . . 7.
...rersons deslrlnfir to r&tae clubs may send to ua
i t" mi4 91 wiur iuu vuiiiniH in nurnrv
the utmost iiwraDtness. :within our
rms mei ln 016 ordcrut tmi receipt yo
... Specimen pages ot tho "Library ot Universal Knowiedtm" win h Dn. ,. n..iniir.
JOHN H. ALDEX. Manaoe.i
July iww
terof said county to Jloluj lurtxel and
M. Ilartiel artmtfl.tS.iSr' r,,.,S -T'""""'
n .ifno nrioinT. .r.r v1 i"-'i3uus uaving
Xltrr!? . ," .uo maw or me uecedent aro re.
quesuj proscut them for setUemenL hlS
luSebiFd Tuaiilate ti makr. avment 5."?
undersigned admlDlHraton wlU th0
iin liilryrt
joiin iiAiirxiiL.
July ut.w
Tho undersigned Auditor appointed by tke Ornliani
Court of coruiuhlii county W woke Astrlbutlon of
WMl meet Uio parlka luleresled
Ws onicoln the Town ol lilooras
receive the samu
ty, on Sam, uuy, the seth day J? AuifSJt C?SS'
at ten o'clock n. ul, of aald l day? when and 'wileii I
parties Interested in sold estate mur7Wr5f S H
torover aunarred trom anv sham nr -
forover deharred trom any share of said tund.
July lts'Mw
11. V. ZAllIt,
sTAvaur irnupoosoM, wckAsin.
Tho undersigned auditor Bpnolnted h n, n
jjlians; court of Columbia couuly.WmakldiitrihS"
tion of tho balance of the estate ot Lydia w nSd"
son. deceasiKl. m hin hi ilr.'j. "j "Pd"
wn, deceased, as shown by the account of JrSrn
MoAnall, AdmlnUtrator of said dMesed irt CS
"'. Admlnutrateror JoiMoaSilLSnV
jctutcu, w lit meei parties lntrKfHi, a-7 T.-
pi,r.nun.uarS',c& k
ta,... A. K, OSWALD.
Qont Tiumi OH Imuran) ui,.a TJT '
iiuut WteJflSS. wSSSSiu
rreo VZ SfirW
visit. ntr
you will find,
among other places
of interest, the Grand
Depot well worthy of a
visit. Its floor and gallery
spaces now cover over three
acrcs.and arc filled with Dry Goods,
China, Furniture, etc. The
last addition is a large and beautiful
'dure Gallery, to which admittance is free.
The Pneumatic Tubes carrying the money
the Electric-Light Machinery,
in the building. Valises,
robbxhs,) dzjaziSX. iwr
IUiiiih, run! nil UIiuIh ol TflncH con.
- , . , ...1 -
purcuasing ciBcwueru,
and published for a foreign market, and could not bo
nm is r:f Amnrtn n pikTa .i writer fijii
IK. ft r in mm trmina mnnthn nntim ti.M
mission, though those who aro not shoruslghtcd discover that
ttlRl? Hum Inl I'Pflal. afln. all nm ullh tlialnfaHUfunf
l ivr
Increased, by 'the Imms'nse sales which result from meet-
however, oro better nleased to slander than to bell
laterests It is. for Its natronaire. nnd It has never looked
allowed to any one ordering live or mora nets at one
oaually among the Mrstcoa club agents whosccdus
. . . . . . . . . -
rJ'0 V'Ci.iuk kucou ruivurua will uu uriniru, mm imp
;no 0lub Bf?enta entering Into competition for them.
he regards under
at once for umniA vni,nAB if hv Aotir in thn
ctinnn n-vtsH in.,!,, h.n ..m i... dn t. .. .... ...
... . uolUHfrVuua .u,j,iUUi,rara
V.iT v ciuos,ana mustratea pamphlet oe-
The undersigned auditor appointed by Ihe Or
phans' court of Columbia county, to inako dlstiltu
1 .3 l "10. ,unillu the hands of tho tieculor oil
RVj dreouent, to and among the parties en
titled thereto, will sit at his ofnee In Plcomsburg,
on Saturday, August lath, us, at ten o'clock
J? the forenoon to iierforra thn duties of his appoint
ment, when nnd where all persons having any
claims unon kulii fund inn .kmi, r,n,viitna-
Sama fir hA dnhlmtri fmut -nnnlnlnr. nltw bli.M-
thereof, " " '
June 1T-4W Audlton.
-A 4.
kstiti or msiu it. iiini, diciaskx
Altera of Administration cnthocstaW otmnun
... ...,uc, mm ui urauge townsiitp, coiuutia oot'n
& .J e"1!1!6111. deceased, have en grai.ted
Win..8 .Jailer of said county o J. Ilowarti
. .. . . B--."V, UUI1.IULM,UI. n,u in;
of orangeville, admlnblrmor.
All persons
JiS "if claims against tho estato ot Bald doco-
fJJSWIudebtea to tke estate 10 make ayment.
to tho undersigned Admlnlstrater.wlthout delay.
VW.Miu.iH, Att'y.
orangevlUo, 1'a.
Hmf.t'm.ii'ww,,arlr 00 the estate or Jba
Hands, late o Greenwood lwp Columbia county,
OeceaseO, have been granted by the lieiwrr of sold
SSSSS.1.?.?;1?"'0' wngefille;eiTculor. AU
f ".".''f cU"3 KUit the estate ot said de
fi Went are. requested to present them fLr aettle-
rTiVmAr,. . it;. .?.V1UC.U";U. " 'he estate to mw
Siyf underslgnod admlnlstrater, without.
west, ana inose Indebted to t ,n tn mike
0. W.Mtiua,
Juno 4-w
Ojajjgev.lle, 1'
a?xiB aoi.tT3sa:BiA.3sr
M0 UN AJ).YAlOlt