THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO OtlTY, PA. Ilmtk Nnllcfs. Hrr.Krric Maiiaxink. Tho.luly iiuiii hur of tins Kvlcctlc lii''uia n now voliimii iindltt cuiboilisliuit with n vory liiwttiftil sloel o'jgruviiif,', entitled "OphoH.i." This engraving is n eompiitiion-iVufjo to "Mar guerite," which apptiiirotl in the Jniwnry number, nml which hus been universally jironoiiiiceil tlio tintut nnd most nttract lvo pictino Hint ever ntipcnrotl in the magazine. "Ophelia" is not inferior in cither interosl of subjeol or skill in exe cution. As refjards tho literary contents the number is unusually rich, containing nbout twenty five tirticles, many of them of first rate interest nnd importance. Tho list is us follows: "Karl of llcncons fiokl" "Bimetallism," by Prof. W. Stan ley Jovons; "The 'Sunbeam' in n Storm: nn Extract from Mrs. Brassey's Diary j" "Fortunes of Literature under tho Amer ican Republic," by George. E. Wood berry; "Babies and Science;" 'Tract XC and its Consequences," by .Tames Anthony Fronde; "Sonnet on tho Deaths of Thomas Cnrlylo and George Eliot," by Algernon Charles Swinburne; "Rambles Among Books; II.,Autobiography;""Tho Permanence of Continents," by J. Star kio Gardner, F. O. S.; "Kith and Kin," a novel, bv Jcssio Fothcrcill. chanters XIV. to XVl.; "On Novels and Novel makers," by an Old Novelist;" "Tho J.ovo ot tho fast; "The Urigiu ol uc liciou Considered in the Light of the Unity of Nature," by tho Duke of Ar gyll; "Thackeray as n Poot;""A Story of tho White- Czar;" "William Blake by Frederick Wedmorc; "Lost;" "What is a Molcculct" "Tho Morality of tho Pro fession of Letters." by Robert Louis otevenson; "Une lear in a Herman Cookcrv School;" "Presages of Ait- iironchinir III;" "Oirton and Newnhani Colleges for Women;" "Memory's Song" Literary Notices; Foreign Literary Notes; Science, nnd Art; and Miscellany. Published by E. R. Pulton, 2f I?rmtl Street, New York. Terms, 5 per year; single copy, 1.1 cents; Trial subscription lor mreo months, yi. Jfarpcr's Magazine lor July is an in teresting nnmiter. .Mrs. uiianipney con tributes a charming description of Opor to and tho Oporto Vineyards, with beau tiful illustrations. Mrs. Annio Howells Frechette describes tho lifo of Lord Lornn and tho Princess Louiso at Rideau llall giviiitr all tlioso details in which tho public has a legitimato interest. This article is illustrated with excellent por- trails 01 ino AiarquiH anil ins royal eon son, ana wun interior views ot idtlcati Hall never before published, T. B. Al- dnch contributes a delightful article or ratner me Hint part ot an article en titled "A Day in Africa:" a description of ono day's adventures in Tangier, with fine illustrations from drawings bv II. B. and J. C. Jones. Samuel Adams Drake's "White Mountains" series, illustrated by W. II. Gibson, is continued E. Masoti contributes a paper on "Old Dutch Mas tere" including Douw, Metzu, and Alie ns, with portraits, and engravings from their paintings. Asa II. Waters gives an interesting biographical sketch of Thomas Blanchard, tho inventor of the eccentric lathe, with a portrait. A pat riotic poem by Julia C. K. Dorr, entitled "The Parson's Daughter," is finely illus trated by Fredericks; and Mr. Abbey is represented by another of his character istic lull-page illustrations of Merrick s poems. George II. Holdcn contributesa sketch entitled "Hawthorne among his 1 riends, containing a characteristic and hitherto unpublished letterwritten by Hawthorne to his friend William B. Pike. Thearticlo contains other novel and interesting matter. Among tho especially timely articles aro "Railroads in Mexico," bv F. E, Prendergast; and "A Bicycle lira," by Edward Rowland. Dr. S. Austen Pearce contributes a anions musical pa per.entitled "Tho Music of tho Spheres." The serial Novels by Miss Woolson and Thomas Ilnrdy aro continued by iiuwaiu Jiveiett liaio and Arthur Jlast high. Among tho poems of tho Number.arc two especially noticeable "lurst Ar pearanco at the Odeon," by the late James T. Fields; and "My June Boy, by Christine Chaplin Brush. Tho Editorial Departments are, a usual, full of entertaining and instruct lve mailer lor an piasses ot readers. TIIK CKNTUKY CO. (I'OItMKIU.Y bOnill.NK & co.i Tho namo of the corporation formerly known as ncnlnier ifc Uo. (publishciH i ".Sfrilnier's Monthly," "St. Nichola "The Songs Series" of liym ana nine hooks, "rtongs lor mo naue nary," etc.) has now 'been changed the Century Co. The title of 'Seri iht'h Monthly" will become "The Co Itnv." with thu next volume. " Nicholas" is slightly changed us toil uuL-tUUi. 1wmiu now "St. Niflinliirt." !i IlliiHtratt d Magazino- for. Young Folks. Tho July iiumbei-s of thtwi limgaziia's II. I fllU litter V. 1u,n. .l.r, ....... ..... iuipiiut. "fcrihuer" for July contains a pajtcr of hpicial and timely interest, "The Peo ple's Probltm," in which the writertakes tl.egiound tliat tho time has come for .1.. , r . . . uiu pccpie oi mis country to exciciso uieir ugni io "auertiie government. Besides a wealth of liternry and illus trated matter, lhem urn :ilv ill lliii number, tho concluding chapters, of two unuinm, novelettes, "juaijame i-ieipliinc, by George W. Cable begun in May) .--I it A T.' f..l lr ' -Fll!.-. . 1 .. ttr iuu ji i i-jiiui aii'tipojiHiuiiiiY, uy iv. 1). Howells (begun in Juno), Tho May June and Jnlv iinmlipru -niiiniiiiiir tluc two complete novelettes aro offered for j. . .... 1 w. On tho 25th of June was published the juiy number ot "t. .Nicholas, contain iui: many brilliant Jeatures for vacation time, including chapters of two capital serials for boys by Rossiter Joltnson hii W. Stoddniili "llnw In Strict- nml lw... a Fresh-Water Aquarium;" a fnll-pagu iraii oi uengreinoni, tne uoy violi ut; "Storieu of Art and Artists," wi tli Homo cxipusitu reproductions, etc, Pi'icu (iF Kfrilint r'n ATnnllilv .l fin year; S5 cents a number. "St. Nicholas," t fll ........ tir i ti.i Sold v.w u jTtii; ..J t;i;i'iD u liuiliuur. everywJiere, now TO SAVC, All men nml women who work hard with mind or hndv nro Biibicct to neii odienl attacks of biliousness, which may vnd in disordeml kidneys or liver and diuigeious illnifs. A fit) tent or $1.00 bottle ot Ridkers Ginger 'Joniu will leep lltece organs aetive, and by ue venting tho attack save you .much hick news, loss of timo and great expense, Many fnmilifs are kept in perfecl health by using tho Toniu when spring or tall slckuees threatens. JJcluy al t-uth limes means danger. J)etroii J'-esii. See other column. Tlio liiiin who yivrH hia frifiul n glass of I101110 bifwi'd lit'ir malt treat a inin Mr. TCtiNt ImM bevn am-sted In Cliica- j!o Hiut in irons is, howevrr, no niw I thing. It Iiiib inxnllv Imod dlsoovorcd tluil tho nnini'M of several of tho most noted liik.cs )n Maine wcro f,f cured ly olioji j inr ono ot ov SeorctBiy KvaXV Henti-n a 11 into lire vno( Kuytiw. I'ninnifrcial I'amlor Did you ever observe," said Colonel Gilhooly loMnjorSpilkins,ns they mean dered down Gnivcston Avenue, "did you ever observe, Mnior, how ditlicult it is to get n strnlglillorward answer, n plain yes or no, trom people generally. "I don I think I ever did. 'Well, sir," continued Gilhooly, "I'll bet two schooners of beer thnt wo can go into a dozen stores and ask if they have got certain things, and if they have not got tliein,the storekeeper will not say so, plaiuout, In one single instance." 1 cv 1li I f .!.-.. 1 !.! 1 opiiKius luvesugaicii ins ciuuuug, iinu finding two car tickets, said it was n bet. I'licn they strolled into n French or Itnlinn fruit store; and Gilhooly asked : "Ilnvo you n green waterniclon for sale?" "Wntcrinelon i" exclaimed tho as founded foreigner, "ziz is ze wlntair season." "I didn't ask you for nny meteorologi cal intelligence. Anybody who pays ten dollars a cord for wood Is npt to suspect that summer is fading nwny ; bcsides,I've got nn almanac at home, llavo you got a green watermelon T "Hero is zc orange, zo banana, zo upple." "Don't want any lessons in botany. Have you got a green watermelon 7 "Ze green watermelon is not green watermelon is not ripe Ft- "I didn t ask whether it was ripe or not: I merely asked you if you had one; but come. Spilkins, let's go. lie will give us a history ot the J tench nevoiu Hon before he answers the question. Let'f meander." The next place was a millinery estab lishment. "Madam," said Gilhooly, "have you a tried mule lor sale i Tho lady got as read as a turkey gobbler, and craning her neck out she said : "Sahf "Have you a fried inuln in your elegant establishment 7 "I've got a husband, nnd brothers, sir. who protect nio from insult." "1 didn t ask lor your pcdigrcc,ina am, lvo got ono of my own. There is no in sult intended. I merely asked a civil question." "l ve got a husband. John I Uh John 1" "No need of calling him, ma'am. If you will say that he is mule, you needn't produce him. Wo will take your word tor it. "John! Oh, Johnl come quick; here are two galoots insulting me. "J.,etB go, sau! spilkins. "1 II pass an appropriation to pay for tho beer. "l oii might as well, responded uil- hooly, "for you won't get an answer straight out. If you go into n drug store and ask lor a cranberry pie, or some baled hay, or a copy ol l opes lissay on Man, or an accordeon, they will spring some new liver encourager on you, or a box ot bunion cradicator. Aiul they went and got the beer. a lady's wish. "Oh, how I do wish mv skin was as clear and soft as yours," said a lady to her lnend. "You can easily mako it so, answered the lnend. "How T inquired Hie nrst iiuiy. -uy using nop .outers, that makes pure rich blood and bloom did it for mo as you observe.' liead ol it. Cairo Mullet in Tho chiropodist dates from William tho Corncurer. CAUXIOJV. SET THE BEST. ESTET ORGAlsTS. STRONG In the manufacture of Organs in roBulting in the production and Bale of cheap goods, made from inferior materials. I refer particularly to oogua uruiia mat are conuiiuiiiiy springing into existence, withou! any merit whatever, except to be ollercd cheap, and then when purehas- uu luunu 10 uu ucur ui. uny pnuu. If you Contemplate consider it your only 8afeguard to names ol iirst class, wholly responsible makers. A eood assortment nf styles of the celebrated Estoy Organs ot ttie Only Autnonzed gent foi the Estoy Organs in uoiumDia uonniy. ii guamnieo lor nvo years lrom the manu facturers accompanies every Kstoy Organ. IRON P A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. IRON BITTIiltS are lilalily rccommendul for nil diseases re quiting a certain and eWclcnt toilio ; e)Ccially Jndigaiion, Uytpeptui, Inter miltext Fmcrt, Want of Appeiitt, Luts of Strewjth, Lad of Energy, etc, Knrlclics the blood, strengthens Die inuaciee, aim glveo uunr life to the nerves. They uct like A charm on the dipmtlva organs, removing all dupeptlc uyinuloins, tuch as 'Jhiting the I'voil, lieUhUg, Ileal in At Stomach, Heartburn, tie. Tlio only Irou l'reimratlou tliut will not blackcM the teeth or glvo lioaduoltA. Bold by all Umggbu. Write fur the A li 0 liouk, 32 pji, of useful and aiausliu; reidini; tent free, IlltOVN CmailOAJi CO., Baltimore, Md. DITTETDC Dll ILflw TAKE SIMMONS LI VI! II REGU! ATOH It will positively ci n - 1i llciuturlit!. DYSPEPSIA. Hio llririilalor will noslilrplr ctirn tills Icrrlblo illsrajc. Ve assert cniplmtlially what wo know to ba iruo. CONSTIPATION Huml'l not In rcRnnl-d nsn trilling Ailment. Nn turnilcimtidithu inmost icBiilarliy ot tlio bowi-ls. Tliorcfori1, iislt, nntnro bj-fuMntf Slmmoni Liter Ki'Riiiaior. it is nnrmicss, mim niui cin'iuiai. PILES. Iinili'f li nt lmnd for thfsn wlio suffer il.rvnflr-r Uiy with I'llcs. it tinicurttl lmmltcds unJ will euro jou. MALARIA. I'preni tnav nolil all nttarlcs bv oeciwlonnlly tnklnu a dmo of Simmons li?iruwtor to keen tho llrt-rlu licnlthy notion, Bad Breath. (lenfro'lT orllmr from a dlnlrpil stonweb, cm ho corrected by tnklnu Simmons Liver ltcgulntor. Jaundice, Simmons I.lver UcBulatorRoon erndlentOB Uili dls. me from tho njatm, IcaMng tlio skin clear nnd frco from all Impurities, COLIC. Children ftufferloir with colic noon nxnerlcnca re. Uct nhen S lnmona Mvrr ltr);ulator Is ndmlntatcred. Adults also derive (treat bcnriltfroin this medicine. n is not unimwsatit. u is iiarmieas ana caccuvc. l'urcly M'Kctnblv. Sold by all Druggists. TRY IT. Juno t, 'Sl-ty kw RICH bloodT J'imoim I'tttinlirn J'UIm jnako Newlllcli W.hvI, nml v. ill ixi n ilwel. lilomlln r 'I'ntiio v -tiin In tlin-e iiiiitH. Ain'iierHnn M n,l v 'lit i.p 1 pill . eh lllv 'it friiin 1 to 13 weeks in iv be iiMonsI In niiiiiiI liialtb. If Mii'lm thing Isijio-iIIiIi. Sent bv m i l t..r 8 leller HfimiH, . .V. ,11171 Vd.V .1 I lluHtuil, ,1iuj., tvtllrrlt llmiftm't ,1,V. AGENTS WANTED lijjl tllllr Mnelllne i-vcr lnilitr,1. will kliltapdlrof mkiii.i, au an.l Toil complete, la 2Hiil!iiit.f II will a, mi it ureal virk-ty vl fancy wul,r,ir,likli HiiT' Isnlwiit il market rk-iil birilruilaran.l li rnMUii- 'I'wijiulily Hulttlliff Mitt III III' 'ii.,Ji'J V.'j1iIiiiii..iiSI., Il, ail. Ill.iy 0, MMy lll.l Host Frasrast & RcficsU&g cf Fcrfamos ExceediRily Delicate and Lasting. Frioe, 25 ot3.; Lares Esttlca, "3 cu. SoU If dealmla DruglJk ltrfumtrr. Siaalart ofllU cex A Co .N. Y., oa trery boltlff. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC C The Medicine for Every Family. NEVER INTOXICATES. Made from Gincer, JJtichti, Mandral e. SUIlincu. I ant btlicr oftlie liest vegcu.blc remedies known, r Pakkrr's GinCek Tonic his remarkably varied curative powers, u iMtic greatest Momach Correct or, UIooU Purifier and Liver Kegub tor ever made & Tho Best Medicine You can Use for Restoring Health & Strength It commences to act from the Tint dose, searchci out the weak organs, and it warranted to cure or help all diseases of the UoweU, Stomach. Mood, Kidneys. Ii er, Urinary Organs, at I Complaints of Women, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Uheumsv tltm and UrunkeiiueM. Try a bottle to-day ; 1 1 may tive your life. 50 ct, and$( sizes atalldrujgisw. Every genuinebotUe has our signature on otiiside wrapper, Hiscox & Co,, N. Y. Large saving in buying $1 size. Just yvttnt la Wnntcd. Everybody whose hair is gry or tided has fell the need of a Hair Restorer and dressing that U cleanly, agreeably perfumed and harmless. Par ker's Hair Italsam satisfies the most fastidious la these r expects. Sold by druggists at jao. sod $1, OPIUM Anil ITIOIlVIUNr. Ilnbl t cured In 10'nycanca UblMied! 10(10 cured. Wrllo flat toff case. U11. Mahsii, (julucy, Ulcb. April sa-sm aid T3Ti a mmv'f! Organs 18 useful stops, sets reods OZiAi 11a pianostissop r"Illus. U italoff. Free. Aaaress uuauy, wasuingion, n.o, may o, 'si-iy uiu MIETITIO uiu you not men, reader, Buying an Organ select an instrument bearine the can now beeeen at tho new rooms J. SALTZER, Agent, Bloomsburg, Pa Vth ly JUST OUT. MORRIS & IRELAND'S NEW IMPROVED EIGHT FLANGE FIRE-PROOF SAFE. THE ONLY EIGHT FLANGE SAFE MADE IN THE WORLD. AND CONTAINING OUR Patent Inside Bolt Work, Patent Hinged Cap, Four-wheel Locks, Inside Iron Linings, Solid Iron Corners, LATEST FROM MAINE. Lock's Mill's, Oxford Co , Mo. Messrs. Morris Ireland:: Oents: On till) Sind of Nnvprnhpr. itn. nnr nnnnl mill ut i Ills place, uixai, two Merles high, wnsio- wuu luuauiueu ujr mu. iu ivinuu Liiuru wna a tarra iiuantlty or spool lumber, spor,s and blocks, all hua sourd. Tho Urn burued for three nnd n. huir iinvs. UU UUUVI jUUI DUIcn 111 UIU lillll UI1U IIIL'KIIIIV morning foilowlnu, eighty hours niter; tho lire, it was mu uoi, 10 nauuie, uciog covered wun ourniiig blocks, fomotlino utter It wasonened and tho eon. tents were In a good ttatool preservation, not a book or naoo'beliiL' destroyed, mm sinljlli.,1 wiih your safes udU havo purchased anolher, nnd can cheerfully recommend them to nny ono ulshlngto m:i;uiu iueir tmuuuiro iiuiu ukiu ueruyeu uy ure. l uui n i ruiy, i, u . j Euirs, TREMENDOUS TEST. lioastlng Thirty nours In a lied of Kcd Hot Coals. Corning, N. Y Januarys, '61. Morris it Ireland. Boston. Mass. Gentleinen:-on the night of tho Ure In our vll- Innu nn .I.aUH.I, .,1. I I . .1 1 .. .. . .UhV UU IUUWUI Ulb, 1 U'UIU uw UUI' Ul JU'Jr iiu. b safes. 1 am pleased to Inform you, alter the floor gave way It fell Into tho cellar. Into a heap ot burn- iuk wtii, wucro it, ruuait'u lur luiny uouni. uur cil Izens and myself gave ud the hope of anvthlce be. ing saved In It. On belnr taken from the ruins I was happily disappointed to lied my easb, vouchers and other articles of valuo perfectly preserved. The combination worku well now. I am satlsned your new and improved work, ono of which, u No. lio, I have oidereu of jour agent to-day, will afford uuauiuiv jiruictnuu iu uiiy uru. Truly Yours, E. S. Uahnks. STILL AHEAD- Ilochester, N. II., Dec. 10, "so. Messrs, Morris & Ireland: Dear sirs: In tho disastrous flro which took place In this town Nov. so, tho Morris and Ireland safe In my store was subjected to a severe test, being thrown Into tho cellar and a huge mass of debris tell upon It, and It wus In the ruins some two days. I take pleasure In Informing j ou that upon excava tion It was opened without trouble and the contents ero found to te uninjured. I cheerfully recom mend your mli sand suould I want another I should ce tuiuiy pui Chubu one troin i ou. Yours truly, o. W. IIowk. STILL ANOTHER. lTotn tho Orcat l'lro In Tioy, New Ycik. Troy, N. Y liecember 11, 1ST. Mesu-s. Morris S Ireland. lioHon: (lentil men: Alter wltnestliig tho charred books omof tho safes nneocit. also one of my own uhlcn wa a urn her uiikc. which mu cm In tho heat of Uiu lire likothu Mi. r. lately inurluwd of ou,nblch was In tho lire over rnny.i Iglil huurx. tuiii h,id to bu euiitli.utilly plajed nn during Moncluy night, us It wu'. eoiupltii'ly sin iniu ileil ullh Imiiilng muslins iimI nllu r material, on nrentng It In the ruins Tiic'duy iiilernoon, I v. us ptimcd to llml the eontcnls, liCHiku, u.ipirn nml u.uiiey ncro allpie hirtedlun ri'iiuilcul ly good eoudltluii. Ulllitlils piooronuu Mic ii'i.iiiu.'h in jiiiiiunn wenaogiv. en jour ugeiaiiu orner i T oi.o ro. h hare. Yours respectfully, Davis k Co. THE GREAT BOSTON FIRE. JANUAUY. ISSU. Morris tc Ireland's uafoi Again Triumphant-Messrs, iiii-i-, nruuaii a, bun, iiigu nuiu Iteveais lui Valuable contents Intact, after being sub jected to lnleno heat for one Hundred mull hluy Hours. lloston, January isso. Messrs. Morris & Ireland, lloston: (lent: On thu night of December is), last, the building occupied lu Hurt by us at No. VI Federal street, und w hKli was four sUirles high aud about Hoe leet deep, caught lira and was destroyed, wltn all Its contents. cnnMsi Ing of u very largo stock of paper, cook cinuers' materials anu oiner mercnun dlze. While beveral other largo bulldlnin adlnlnlmr ours were burned at tho same time, the names were extinguished the following dav. but our stock con tinued to burn for dais thereafter. After a delay ot ISO hours wo were able to uuvo our safe dug out from the ruins and oiiencd, and weru plearcd to find an uiu i-uuiuuis wen prcaurveu. j uu auiucuuuunuu our most valuahln books, papers, policies, etc., and we now feel sure that our luaement was correct lu buying one of your tales, which we decided to do aner Knowing mu wunaenui recoru or your haies in the great DosUiu fire of It. We regard tho protec tion ot your safe as most remarkable, and this lire Is a guaranty ot lis security to those who may wish w purcuosv. Yours very truly, Itici, Kindill Co. Also a Communication from Ez-Govor nor Alox Rico, lloston, January 3, ISKO. MKtiHIia V0I1III8 A IRELAND. dents: I have made careful examination cf the coutcuta ot the sale purchased of you sorno years since by the nrm of luce, Kendall ft Co , and wbtcn was fcubiectto tha test ol er.ormous beat In the great tire of last Uaaday night. I regard the bo- vuriij ui mu mno uuuer uio eircuuisuincea us uus, reinorxaoie. none or us contents were nurnea, nor were asyot them so Injured by heat as to tie materially uamugvu. i Buuuiu commit any securit ies to your said hereafter with, additional conn. uuucu, wun great respect, yours very truly. Alexander 11. lllce, THE LATEST YET. BUT TBS SAUS SESULT, So. Norrldgowock, Me. Feb. 1 , 1 1S1 Messrs Morris & Ireland. lloston Mass.: Tho Hiiro l tjousrii ot you last October won In a Iwo-Mory wooden building, which buried Jan.v&. Tho building tooknratn the night, and the sato, building anu Its contents, felllnto the collar unon aplluofdry wood, making a hot flro which lasted lor ten nuurs. -jue ouisiae oi tne Bare was neateu rvrj not. it molted the nandio and dial on tho door, Thu contents conslited of watches, leweliy. tlui-r. waro, books rapt rs 4c., all of which came out In good rondlllon. I'apeis lying agali,st ton Irisldu of iuDm nan nut luiuiuu. judbhio tuuwaiorH self wLalltts, and 1 feel well satlslltd with what It. uosuono. nease write wuat you can nuow for it iuitwuh ubw uue. IU1U uuiiku, O, F. HALL. CHAMPION RECORD ia the GREAT BOSTON FIRE in 1872. HKcud for prices anU dc&ciipUvo c&Uloguo h& MORRIS & IRELAND, 64 SUDBURY" ST. Boston Mass. BLOOMSBURG STATE NfiHMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOJUIAL SCHOOL DISTRIO'J. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. .n . nflr.H.l.ntA.tfhA.I rnnlllllna In. tiffifxaalnn nl Dtifl f?lna:f.n , Imrn llulldlngssnacious. Inviting nnd commodious : completely heated by sieam, well vcnlllaled, lighted by gus, spring water. Ixwatlon healthful, anu easy of access. Teachers experienced, ofllctont, and nltvo to their work. Discipline, firm lint kind, uniform anil thorough, moderate Kitty cents n week deduction to nil expecting to leach, students admitted at any timo. Koouis reserved when dcsli t d. courses or stuay prescrioeu oy iiiooiuioi I. Model .School. II. Prepfirntory. III. Klementnry. lV,ClnIcil. Adiunct Courscsi I Acailcmic. Il.Coinnicrcial. HI. ConrKo in Mmic. IV. Course In Art. Tho Elementary. Sclentino and ClasslRAl Courses corresponding Degrees Master of tlio Klcinentsi Mastorof thosclcncosi .Muster of lho(;iaslC3. tlraduates in tho other Courses receive Normal cemucuieij tneirnuainmcnis,. signed uy too inucersor mo iiunni Tho State rcnulresa higher order ol citizenship. Tho gentnndcmclentTcachurstorherSchools. To tnli and their talents, as students. TO oil such it promises Catalogue, address tho Principal. Illli. V 1 1.I.I.l.ll Jtl.W r;i.l.. I'rr.lliriu lionril Hopt.S.I(l.- SPRING CLOTH LN( LARGEST - our CLOTHING. JUST WHAT WE REPRESENT IT CUSTOM TAILORING OR READY MADE. IMOW ON HAND WE INVITE YOUR EXAMINATION BEpQE Qi Blly mn Fmw "nmim mn wpiti" wn "rinm mn wi?ad nil" CALL AT THE DAVIS. $1,000 REWARD. ONK THOUSAND (l.OOO) HOI.I.AUS IMtKMlU.M .(IVieil in JNY 1'HKSnN will i'ii n (MUOAT A lt.N(lH OK WOKK on ANY OTHEU MACIUNK. NEW DAVIS 1 VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. It will mako wide hem on sheets, Kc, hem nil manner of bias woolen goods, as soft merino, crape, or goods dlfllcult to hem on other machlnts. It makes a iHorochistto stllch than any other machine. It will turn a hem aud put in piping at same itmo It will turn a hem, sew braid on Iho right side and stitch on trimming at one operation. It will do fi lllng bias or straight, either on cotton or woolen goods. It will fell across scams on any goods. I will bind a Dress or Nklrt and tew on facing, cither with or without showing stitches; bind Dress (foods with the Hume material, eltuert,cnllopa.potntii, squares or stialghr, 'Iho only machine that will bind Hals, Cloaks, or oUier articles wllh bias mtln or silk, from ; to 3 Inches In wluth, without basting. It will gather with or without sewing on. It will gather between two pieces and sew on at the same time. It will make a ruffle and stitch a pillow slip on to the facing at the tameUme. It will shirr any kind ot goods. It will mako plaited trimming either with or with, out sowing it ou. It will moke plaited trimming either scallaped or Btralgut. and sow a piping on at the same time. 11 will mako knife plaiting. J. SALTZER, Gen'l AKcnt, uerri Agent, illoomburg, Pa. oot, 1, '80-tf. N.w. t'llilli , tl, ... r.l-Uf I. rt"rui Tlt'fltT, fro.ii 'b uMUl ',- , if.. I.. tK' 1 'i oiin, mnpiran,, t ifllt, A II IE U N, l,r v 'It !! , "I il n in 1. Hiv n ti i ,i...iir ' ,m. i in .1 , 'i iwt..t , ;, i) r ..i.i ,f M. : , 4l I lu fill, i,il l. -I, :i ', lwln , 1 1 il' .ir 'ii ,i'i .. ii, ii i in ... i mu't i f tr ! 1 n' cv -i, tui p a ai, a i' ri . iimfii' i, lllu., fl r . IJtJ E ii,P rUt U O. I' ii I ,r- r. ii'Iii. vHillliiuil Ii tlnin., Ill .i. n I i,l.i .1 lit, i.m i till' III' 11 1M I 'III. I-Vr lull it, fin i lun ltd rii-i' I'lll V 1.H t M ip II llllll 4 it, .) in,,,, H,l,tr , Q, A, BEAN Ota'lIVIrrii A LKOAL 1ILANKS, ALWAYS ON HANI) AT THIS OFFIOK .., IP -11 15 II .Q.A.BEAN G'iri,lriA II i l-Jfll IT l'r,.iu way .SewVuil. hii,;i IIJ1 Juno ir-3u aru IMIOKUSSIONAU nml students graduatng oi i iwwi". times donandlt. UU ono of tho prlmo objects of end It solicits young porsoui nf good auuiiics and good aiain uoveioping uioir powers, anuuouuuant opporiuniucs ror wen paiu moor niier luaviugovuuui. to. ,,t....t.n . oi I runirm, 1- X. - - STOCK SPEEK'S PORT GRAPE WINE Used In the principal Churches for Communion Durposes. EXCELLENT FOB LADIFSAND WEAKLY PERSONS AND THE AOED. E peer's Port Grape Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. mills Celebrated Native WIrio Is mado from Iho L julco of tho 0iorio drape raised In this Country IU Invaluable Tonio and Strengthening Properties ore unsurpassed by any other Native Wine. l'.vl g tne pure Juice ot tuolirape. produced under Mr. Hpeer's own personal supervision, IU purity and genuineness aie guranteed. The youngest child may parrako of Its generous iruollties and the weak est Invalid use It to advantage It Is particularly benltlclal to the aged and debilitated, and Bulled to the various ailments that affect the weaker sex. It Is In every respect M WINK TO UK ItELIKU ON. SPEER'S P. J. Sherry, The P. J. BlIEIinr Is a Wine of Superior character and partakes of the golden qualities of the grape, from which It Is inadu. For 1'urlty, Itlchncs.s,Klaor and Mi-illeal ITopertles, It will be found unexcelled. SPEER'S I. .I.lSraiMEy. This nn ANDY standi unrivaled In this Country, being far superior for medical purposes. IT IS A l'UUK distillation t om Uio grape and con tains vuluablo medical properties It has a dellcato flavor, similar to that ot the grapes from which It Is dlstllled.and Is In great fav or among nrsl olas3 families. Heo that tho Mi-nature ot ALKItlCD RI'liEK.I'assatc N J., is over tho cork of each bottlo. SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM. doo U 'so t- To ycrvous Sufferers Iho Great European Eersedy. BB.J. B.stMvsoN'a'srrcii'io ueiiicine. Dr. J. 11. Simpson's Spocltlo Medicine is u positive cure for nvei work ot body or brain or excess of any klu1,Mich ns weakness and all diseases rasultlug from Nervous DeMllty, Irrltttblllty.Muntal Anxiety, languor. Lassitude, Denesslon ol Spirits and func tional djmugements ot tho nervous system gen erally. Talus In the luck or si'io, ujs.' of .Memory, I'rema turooldago unddK eases iiiut ieou 11 connnptlon. Insaul ty A' an early gravi or both, Numnttei how shattered tin system may be from excesses of mil kind, a short course ui mm iiiidicinu win n.tioiu iuu lost functions ana procure neoiui ana happiness wueru uviura was uusuuut'iicy mm gioom. 'l no npo cltlo Medicine IS being used with wonderful success. I'amphlotu sent free to all. Write for them and get full purtrlcuiar. Trloe, Hpocinu xi.oo per package, or six packages iur so,i u, i in uu neui. uy iiiuu on receipt or money. Auuinna an uiucrn, 11. oi.-ui mn a M AliluiriiS LU, nu. uh aim iim jiiaiu autn;u imuaiu. ri. x. lot). It, 'SMI "nTAINWKIOUT A CO., W1IOUCSAUC (JltOUBim, I'UILADILrillA, Doaionln TkAH, HVKUI'U, CON-UK, SUOAK. sick, Bricts, sioina koa, kt., n. li. B. Oortt Mdamd 'sZjX ktlto UriU, mrvtatn tt'Ui VtetlVe rrtait auou. urn. I In it and furnished with n bountiful supply ot purv.soft Kxppnse? V. Conrso In I'liysical Ciilllire. therein, lucelvo stalu Diplomas, conferring thefotlowlh this School to help to scrum It. by furnishing intent. purposes.-lhoso wnoacsire to improve tucir uiuc r.i. Hi ',i.ii 1 u, it, cvi.1 1. uii j . nnttio Crook. MlchlRan. MANtirAOTimrns or m onnr oiscimb THRESHERS, Traction and Plain Englnos and Horso-Powors. Met CoMnildoTh roller FacUiry) Established In 1.1.0 World. 1840 f f UP A DO of conlinuoui anil tvetufulluit YrfltiaB.. uiilimit rJianira or namo. tjZ. maiiwrerucnt, or location, lo"6oe uj"l steam - rmvnit hupaii atohs , ana Complete Mcnm Oiitntaorw','''?"oi(.. nnlii TrnrtlonKnKlncstndriuliitiniiluca ever BCn In Uio American market. A miMtiuU of tpertal featvret ami mproctrnmU for 1881 , together 1th nptrlor qiiatitUtin t oiulrue. tion and tm.(rfal. not dreamed of by ether makers. lour alzoa or Henarawni, irora iiwi uru Caraclty.of iHam or horte roiftr. Two itylen of " Mounted '' Hnifo-rowc 7,500,000 (from thru to fix vnr$air-dritA) itnn4t nn tisti.l frnm tthfrti in built tllO iD comrarablo wood-work of our waclilncry. TRACTION ENGINES Sronout.moiliJarmltt.and tUtri"'"" maJ. H, 10. 13 Uorse l'owcr. . Farmer and ThreMliermen are Invited to lnTMUnts Una maicMn 1 hrthluK Machinery, Circular! eent free. Audrcaa NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO. Battlo Creek, Michigan Jan. 7, si-cm ii tiis aria THE GREAT BXTItLINGTON ItOVTE. I27No other lino runsThrco Through Pas nonger Trains Dally between Chlcngo, Ilea Moines, Council Illuffs, Omaha, Lincoln, St. Joseph, Atchison, Topckn nnd Kansas City. Direct connections for nil points In Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Ne vada, Now Moxlco, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and California. Tho Shortest, Speediest nnd Most Com forta bio Ilouto vlallannlbiil to Fort Scott, Denlsan, Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Oalvoe ton and nil points In Texas. Tho unequalcd inducements offered by this una to Travelers nnd Tourists, nro as follows: Tho colohrated Pullman (10-whecl) Palaco Sleeping Cars, run only on this Llnc.C, 11. & 8. 1'alaco Drawlng-Tioom Cars, with llorton's ccllnlng Chairs. No cxtru cbargo for Scats in llcclinlng Chairs. Tho famous C, II. Ic Q. Palace Dining Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars Ottod with Elegant High-Hacked Kattan lto volvlng Chairs for tho exclusive uso of Oral class passengers. Steel Track and Superior Equipment, com bined with tholr G rent Through Car Arrange ment, mokes this, nbovo nil others, tho favorite Itouto to tho South, Soulb-West, and tho Far West. Try it, and you will find traveling a luxury instead of a discomfort. Through Tickets via this Celebrated Line for silo at all offices lu tho United States and Canada. All information about Kates of Faro, Sloop, lnr Car Accommodations, Timo Tables, Ac Will lie cboorf ully given by applylnc to J. Q. A. IlKAN, Oon'l Eastern Agent. 'JM Washington St., lloston, Mas. .... and 1117 liroadway, Now York. JAMES H. WOOD. Ocn. l'nss. Agil Chicago. T.J. I'OTa'Elt, Clou. Manager, Chicago. ' March is, '80, 40t CANCERS CURED At Crane's Cancer Infirmary. Addicen, N. 7. IIDNDIIKDS rjFPKHtONS licmsll parts cf Iho world have been cuicd cf this much dreaded dis ease and are now living vtltnissts that the) have lioclors. Ministers end the Potr tiiaUdln e. Wrlto c.'w SUSS. U V?f? JV1.1 1'nr'lculHiB. Adddrcts Drs. Weaver & Oo'b Ads. can be inailo nt hnmn hv i UllV U(!t lilt Tnnn nrutiinnn luuu" iuu" boy for girl. You will not bo obliged to leave jour own town, or bo away from homo over night. Any ono cancoLductlheousl ness n requires no carltal. UK WILL bTAIn''yI AN OUTFIT WORTH mifi.J'?u. fmP'oyed during tho Hay you can mako from tl to is an evenlrg. s( mo of our agents report a prcllt r.f m lu n t lng dky. wrlto nt onc5 I?L,,",1,4iUcu",rs 10 IIHIHOIIT. w Iiartlay i.Ufet,Nl, vfco march u, bMm SUPERIOR TO TljrolTOls: AUIAIl Highest Prljcs Awardtd. MKVUIt dt NON.7M Arch Street Phliadelnlilu. Highest Awards tor tho best Jiauoss London Paris, Centennial nnd Venn'a Slate Pairs, march II, '61-fin wjen $5! outnt freo totLotowiio ssit etipage In a dav a, l m.;' il"VJ " ."" H"UK. 10 " . f .1 v ttoii lutiuo VrlUlOUl fitavintr away nom home over nlghU No risk whatever Maiiy new workere wanted at once. Many Vro maki log fortunes at tho business. Udles Tnate Tas much as men, and young bojs und girls make grc tSS? No one who is willing to woik h ifi w make more wonfy every day than can bo maitoln Tawcek u?ny "'A'W rmployment. Thoao who engage a onei ,w.nnlLll,,SS, roft,to '"tune. AddnS u. u5H hit tio.. Portlsna. Males iwiTia. i o-ly LATEST STYLES OP O.A.IIjXilllsro OAKDS At tho 'COLUMBIAN OFPIOE.' 11 RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES i )KNVU.AiSM JUlJiKOAl). 1'IIILA. lllblilllia a. ....... ...... BUMJIKII TIME TABLK. On and after Hundiy, .lime W.IM1. tlw trains onthnrnl'wioipniiKSJvriii im hu.iukhimuuwui run asfollowst -,,...,, I j a r ivivi'i Erlo Stall If nves l'hllmldplila 11 r.5 p ra IliirlViurg 4S5ai " wiilluiniiort 840Hin ii Jcipr v ."hore tooam ii isx k- llnrcn 0411 a m i ' i:i noia 1toi, am ii .Mini ivl. l;rln 7 11 In Nliimr.t Kprcss leaves I'lilltitrlphlft n no am " ' lNnlsburif taispm nrr. nt Wllllarnnpori air, pm ii " Lock Haven Jsopm ii " Hcnovo b so p m ii Kunn In i r, p ni Vast Uno leaves Philadelphia 1810 pm " llarilsbutir 4i)iim ntrlvo at Wllll.iinsjiort 7 cr p m Lockllaen tiiupm BASTWAItl). 'iicino Htprcsn le.ites Lock Haven 7 on a m i v Jenny Khorn 7 87 am " "iiiuimsport Hvnnm " nrrlv o at I larrlsbu rg la n p m ii " l'lill.idclphln, niopm ii " Kane 8 on am Day Hxprrss leaves lienovo inuinin ' Ick Haven II Slam ' Wliiiainsport U ii p in arrlieat llnrrKbuiir mnpni I'hlladelplilii r, 41 pm i " Krlo 11 S3 am Krlo Mall leaves lienovo Umpm Iick llnrcn 1o U p m ii " wiuiamsport U3ipm 11 arrives at Harrlsburg 8 no a in " Philadelphia 7 its a in Fast Mno leaves Wllllamsport UlUrn arrives at llarrlsbitrg 3 15 a m i' " Philadelphia 7 !) n m ttrtn Mull and Fust Lino west And Paclllo Kxriresq i.'nr. imiko Close connections nt Northumberland wllh I., ic U. It. II. trains ror YVllkcbarro and He ronton, UrinMnll West. Nlairnra Kxnrois west and Fast Uno West mako close connection ut WllUomsport with N. 0. It. W. trains north. viiumra KxnrcRS west nnd Day llxnrrss It.nt make close connection atLotkllnu'n wIlhll.E.V, It, It. trains. Krin Mull east nnd west connect at Kr'o wllh trains on U H. .t M. M. II. It. , nt Corry with o. o. II. I'.A' W. It. ll.i nt F.inpnrliliii wllh 11. N. V.P. It. H. and at Driftwood with A. V. 11. II. 'arlor cars will run between Phllalcliihla and williitiMuort on Nlaram Hxpress west, nud Day Kx- press mist. Bleeping curs on nil night, trains. .I'M A tl . T T.,l'fT ii i. . i.m.u it ill, tleuerul aupt. N OllTIIKItN CKNTUAL ItAILWAY COMPANY. on and after January tTtli. ISsl. trains will leavo HunUury iwfollows :i nillllilYAllU. Northern Kxprcss CM a. m.,nnlvcKlrnlra 12.50 pm Arrhu nt C.mandalgua 3.23 p. m " liochoster 4. ID " Niagara, s is Niagara Express 1.05 p. in. arrive K'nilra 8.05 p rn nnlvo Cnnandalgua .s,3s " " Ilochester 9 45 " " Niagara U.B0 n m Fust Uno p m an lve Klinlra 11.05 p m " Watklns 11.65 pm 80UTUWA1ID. Southern Gxprcas 1.3J a. in. urrlvo Harrlsb'g 3.15n m arrliu Philadelphia 7.35 " " Now York 10.35 " " llaltlmoro 7.40 " Wajililngton 9,02 a m P.iclllo Express a m arrlvo Harrlsb'g VIM p m unlu Philadelphia 3.45pm " New York ess " " llaltlmoro " Wnshlnglon 7.52 Day Kxpresil.S) p m arrive Hnrrlsburg pm " Pliimdelyhla c.45 " " New York 9.B0 " llatuuioiu G35 " Washington 7.02 Krlo Mall l.n.i a. tn. nrrlvo Hnrrlsburg 3.03 a. m " Philadelphia 7.35 " " New York "0.35 " 11 llaltlmoro 7.40 " Washington 9.02 L. P. FAIiMElt, General Passenger Agott. FRANK THOMSON, Oenernl Managir. J)HILADEL1IIA AN I) KEADINd KOAD AHltANQEJIENT OF PASSENGER TKAINS. May 30, us). THilNB I.KtVK IlUFRKT AS K0LL0W8(8DNnlT EXCKITXD For, New York, Philadelphia, Heading, PottsvUle, &c, 11,45 a. m For CataMssa, 11,45 u. m. 7,vo and r,,45 p. m. For Wllllamsport, 6,15 6,50 a. rn. and 4,00 p. m. T1I1IKS FOIl KnrKRT I.EiVS AS FOLLOWS, (H0N0AT K CBITKD.) Leave Now York, vU. i'nmancnd 8,45 a. ra. nnd via. Hound Drool; Itouto 7,45 a. ni. Leavo Philadelphia, 9, 15 a. m. Leave Heading, ll,w n. m., Pottsvlllo, 12,0 p. m and Toraaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leavo Catawlssa, 6,10 8,40 a. m. aud 4,oo p. m. Leavo Wllllamsport,9,45 a.m.'i.wi p. m. and 4,30 p. m Passengers to nnd from Now York, via. Tama nend aud to and from PlilialWphln go througu withoutchangoot cars. J. K. WOOTTEN, Ueneral Munngur C. 0, HANCOCK, ueneral Passenger and Ticket Agent, Jan. lu, lisl-tf. D ELAWAHE, LAOKA WANNA ANU WKSTKHN KA1L1IOAD. BLOOMHIIURO DIVISION. Tlmo-Tablo No. 3(, Takes effect nt 4:30 A. M MONDAY. JUNK 10. 1818. NOHTH. I hTATIONS. SOUTH. pill, p.m 6 19 6 20 b 25 6 33 6 40 6 45 6 Ml 6 69 6 69 7 10 7 18 7 IS 7 28 7 36 7 42 8 04 8 23 8 43 8 63 9 OS 7 13 7 23 7 30 7 44 8 no 8 32 860 8 21 9 61 9 scranten -liellevue Tiiylorvllle., . ...Lackawanna...., littston ..West Pitts ton... Wyoming Maltby liennett Kingston 9 35 9 45 i 10 2 16 2 22 2 30 2 38 2 44 2 49 i 63 67 3 16 3 15 3 10 3 15 3 21 3 26 3 35 3 60 4 113 Id 63 10 07 111 IS 10 33 10 29 111 34 10 42 10 66 11 07 KlngRton ..Plymouth June. ....riymoum Avondale Nantlcoke .Uunlock'B creek. ....Hhlckahlnny.... ....hick's rcrry.... ....llench Haven... 11 13 4 10 11 20 4 18 Derwick ., lirlur Creek., ...Willow Orovo, Llmo llldgo., Kspy...... ...llloomsburg., ......... uunort 4 US 4 29 4 33 4 42 4 49 4 65 B IX) B IS 9 18 b 30 6 40 11 39 11 45 II 61 11 51 19 18 Catawlssa llrldgo. uanviuu.., cnulasky... Cameron.. .Noithumberland. 12 46 S.m. p.m. a.m TKAb, sunt. superintendent's omco, Seronton, June io, 1878. 7 - f outnt furnished free, with full lnstrnc V I I I Hons for conducting tho most prolltable t li I I business that any ono can engage In. j. vy Tne business Is so easy to learn, and our instructions are so simple and plain, that anyone can make great profits from tr very start. No ono cun fall who la willing to work. Women nro as suc ressful as men. Hoys and girls can earn large sums. Many bare made attho business our ono hundred dollars In a single week. Nothing llko It ever known bcfoie. All who engage aro surprised at the ease nnd lapldlty with which they uro able to make money. You can cngsgo In this business during your spare tlmeat great prollt. You do not have to invest capital In It. we take all the risk. Those who need ready money, Bhould write to ns at onco. All furnished trie. AOdrets Tkbk tco., Augusta.Malno ocu 16' so-ly For catarrh Hay Fever. Cold in the head, 4c, Instrt wllh llttlii nnger, a pnrllfle ot the liuim Into tne nostrils; draw strong breaths through tLo nose. It will te ab sorbed, cleansing, nnd healing tho diseased membrane. U'or IrfiicNH, (Apply a purtlclo Into 'ELI'S ORHAM KAMI Having gained nn enviable locul reputation, displa cing allotiior preparations In thovlclnllvof ills- oiseoiery. Is, on Its merits alone, recognlcd as n wonderful remidy wherever known. A fulr trial will convince tho most skeptical of Its curntlio Powers. It effectually cleanbis Hie misal pastoges olt.aturrhal virus, causing healthy tccn liens, al lays Inflammation and lirltaimn. vroteclslhu mim branallliiiiigs of iho iead from addlllonalcolds, couipletilyhenUilhii pores, and rcslirts tho MDbe pf tasto and smell, Henetlclal Iicsulls aro realUed by it few applications. A thoiougli iiealmi nt eb dl rietid will cure Catarrh. As n housthUd runidy for cold In the head It Is uutqunled. 'Hie balm is easy to lite aud agreeable, bold by tlrugglMs alio cents. On receipt of 60 cents will mull u package send for circular, wllh tull luformatlon. ELYU C1IKAM IIAUI CO., Owego, N. Y. Fou salo In Iiloomsburgby moj er Pros., o. A. Kielru , V'il lenaf nJl0U end J, II, Klnriorta and by Whole Bale Druggist generally. Oct, 81, -so-ly ,i HELP: Yourselves by innkng money riiuu H KUlut'n uuuiiiu la u.- forcd, thereby alwsiskceplnlf h. .,,.r"7r ; poverty rrom your uoor. -i nreo SSkinVJ?d.Tlll,u8 u'u good chances for ma King money that ... ....n. im. veaitu, woile these who do iiot Improve .ucU ".MS"11! r", o woikfofna right In Ibclr ounlo- Vw i iSJF.Xf liw.v 'udfj an exttnthu outnt nfd vtaniVLtiut JlWr. Vou uu 6 'tvu jour v ail ibV ifH" ?f .or V"1 jourtpire tirit. I"l.lI,.lcr.,',,,t"' dU that li fcirdtd sfulliin. p.m. p.m. a.m. SO 4 12 9 46 9 2.1 9 17 9 37 9 08 9 30 8 63 3 61 9 21 8 Bl 3 48 9 19 8 46 3 41 9 14 12 41 12 36 8 S3 3 30 9 04 8 13 3 10 8 44 8 23 3 20 8 65 8 12 3 12 8 47 8 04 3 114 8 39 7 61 2 SI 8 23 7 98 2 39 8 It 7 2 2 34 8 12 7 25 2 28 8 06 7 18 7 14 7 10 101 IN 7 44 66 1 B7 7 38 C 60 1 61 7 33 6 45 1 46 7 29 ( 27 1 27 7 11 8 IB 00 1 00 6 4B p.m. p.m. a.m. mssd festal
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers