The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 08, 1881, Image 2

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0. . EtWSLL. I rut..,,
Frldnv. -Tuly 8. 1R81.
As nn evidence of the Iiicwihu in bus!
ncss tliroiialiottt llio Statu mid llio
nmoiint of work clono in llio oflk'o of til
Nucrctnrv of the Connnomvc.iUli. it Is
Hinted that tlio foes from tlmt oflieo paid
by tlio Deputy Secretary into llio Stnto
Treasury for the quarter ending May 81,
1831, were within a few dollars of
88,000, tho averago ninotint licretofon
being less than $!1,000 per quarter.
Tho tower clock of tho First Presby
terian Church. Nownrk.N. J., lately stop
ped. Tho town timi-keepor found in the
wheels of tho elnek a tangled mass of
hay, twine, grass, cotton and feathers,
amounting to nearly half n peck.
pair of birds had entered thu tower
through n hole in tho dial and attempted
to build a nest in thu machinery of the
clock. Tho slow revolution of the
wheels toro their work to jiieces. and
they kept on reconstructing it until thoy
stopped mo wneeis.
It bodes no good to tho country -that
tho Kopublican press snows sucii an un
hesitating willingness to mako common
causo with tho friends of repudiation in
Virginia. The whole strength of the
jHahone movement is based upon its sor
did appeal tothu advautago to be derived
bv a refusal to pay u certain proportion
of the Stato indebtedness. Tho success
of tho lieadjuster ticket is tantamount
to an act of repudiation, nnd if tho He-
publican party deliberately assists in this
consummation it cannot liopu to escape
tho consequences. 1'hila. Jiecoru.
l.esistanco to the now prohibitory law
of Kansas has gono so far that whilo
juries in tho cities rofuso to convict
liuuor sellers, even upon tho clearest
evidence, in Atchison the common Uotiit
oil, with tho co-operation of its presiding
ollicer, the Mayor, has adopted an ordi
nance providing for tho granting of
licences to taverns and saloons This
action was taken in express ridicule and
defiance of thu prohibitory constitutional
amendment and tho laws based upon it,
Tho temneraneo men havosinco thenhad
a mass mecting,and call upon tho JIayor
to resign, while Governor bt. John threat
ened to call out the militia and put tho
laws into execution by forco of arms.
All this because the uopulation of tho
cities is not willing to bo deprived of
its beer by tho rural population s tern
pcranco predictions.
Last Saturday morning the wires
Hashed tho report to all parts of tho
country.tliat tho iTesident had been as
eassinated. Fifty millions of people were
filled with horror and dismay,on hearing
that, for thu second time in tho life of
tho nation, the hand of an assassin had
been raised against a Chief .Magistrate
Tho first statement, that tho President
was dead, proved to be untrue and
general sense of relief was felt, althougl
it was soon known that his wounds wei
dangerous. Since then the President
with strong will and vigorous framu has
struggled against uiseaso anU,it is hoped
Never before has thero been such a strong
and spontaneous outburst or sympathy
for a high official. From all parts of
tho country and Irom abroad havo como
messages ol condolence and denunciation
of tho assassin. On Sunday last prayen
wero offered in hundreds of churches
and in thousands of homes throughout
tho land, for tho speedy recovery of tho
stricken 1 resident.
Tho dastard who fired tho shots, is an
irredeemable scoundrel, whoso lifo for
years has been of tho most detestable
character. A petty swindler, hotel thief
nnd adventurer, who preyed upon tho
community and was known to the police
as a worthless wanderer.
Although thuru seemsto bono grounds
jor the assertion that ho is the instill
meut of a conspiracy, his own words,
written and spoken, prove that his mad
act was thu outgrowth of tho faction
light in the Ucpnblicau party. I In de
clared that ho shot Garfield becausuhis
administration was ruining the country,
and rests assured that ho will bo protec
ted by tho stalwarts.
Tho peoplo havo grown vory sick of
stnlivnrtism, and atlus should put nn cud
to tho aspirations of Conkliug and his
followers. Certain it is, that hereafter
all that pertains to stnlwartism will havo
;m unsavory odor, and will keep nlivo
tho memory of tho crime attempted last
Saturday. No sane person can for a
moment, associate Conkliug, personally,
with tho horrid event, but tint fact that
tlio assassin proclaimed himself "a stal
wart of tho stalwarts," shows that his
deed was thu residt of a distorted view
of tho party struggle which threatens to
icnd the ltuptibhcau party in twain.
'l lio Susquehanna Uif or.
The project of improving tho Susquo-
hauua river so ns to make it navigable
for vessels, has been revived again says
the riiiladelplua Jsomtny liiilletin:
"Tho project of improviugtho Susquo
hauna river so ns to liial-o it navigable
for vessuls has been revived again. Wo
do not know how many times thu sub
ject has been agitated in the past build
red years, but it would tako some time to
count them up. Tho Pennsylvania canal
system had its earliest conception in a
plm lor makingthoHimiueliannn naviga
Me, nnd tlio matter has been talked of
at intervals over since. Jt is a source of
chagrin to tho utilitarian Yankee mind
to see a stream of such magnificent pro
portions lying idle because it has not
water enough in dry weather to float a
saw log; but thu, enormous m-pense that
would bu necessary has prevented any
efforts to mako it usoful except to feed a
attml along its banks. Tho bottom is loo
rocky to bo dredged, and tho only way
to mako tho river navigable would be
either to blast out n channel for n hund
red miles or more, or elso to build an
embankment In mid stream, to run along
its course nnd to force all its wator into
half or loss than half the area it now oo
mipje.s. Tlio latter plan would be the
i hi'apur, but would bo open to tho oh
jfction Ijiat much of tho work would
liave to bo renewed after every mshet
It is to bo feaifd that tho Hin-quehanna
must bo left to itself as an impracticable
stream, its mission evidently is to bo
picturesque and nothing else, and it is
in this aspect that it must bu utlliwd, jf
at all. A rido along its banks is ono of
tlio finest excursions in tho United States,
nnd the river Itiwlf forms a prominent
feature of nil tlio viovrn jn tho summer
excursion guides lelnting to its section.
In this wnv it nttraotH travel eis and uo
oau 1)0 Hindu to "pay" to a slight o tent
but unido from this, Pennsylvania can
otdy boast of it ns ono of tho biggest,
handsomest nnd most utterly uels
j-jvers on tins c6ntintnt.,,
ha Assassin a Worthloss Scoundrel
Named Oharlos J. Gultoau.
rko President Still Alivo nud Hopes
Entertaiuod of bis Eecovory.
vi.!i1iMil. wnq (dint, at twentv
LIIU . ivn. ....... ---
...i. .t..u i.'iot 1 1 i i in n clock on aaturdav
llllllillivn J....JV - -1
morning, at tho Haltimoro and Potomac
rill 1 1 mil I MUIL1UU I" ii iwmiifivuiii
had gono thero to tako tho tram for
Now York, where his family wero to
join him lorn trip to iew jMigianu
Hunt, nnd Windom. Post
master General James and others of tho
party lw
had already taken theirseats in the
Tim Vwaidcnt had iust nliclited
V,lH iv - , u .
rnm ii unnrrinoo nnd was passing inroum, mi liia wnv In Mm tr.nn
UIU limits iui ,,Vi
arm in arm with Secretary lJlame. hen
when about half way across tho ladies'
oom two shots wero heard m quick sue
cession. Tlio rresuicni reeieu aim raeu, niiiitn melted torwaru alter r.
iiiinl- bi( limn who carried an old
num., -- : . ,,
n,.i:rnr.i'in ulalM in lim hand. 1 ho man
u'na him 7m bv two ollicers. A crowd had
by this time "gathered around the Presi
dent, who wasjlying on his aide on tin
i,,..r,iniin,l Onn bfill lind cntorotl
the back of the light side, between the
hip and the kidney.
It was about ten o clock when he
was carried to tho White House. Guards
were at onco established at tho gates
n.i turn- i-nmnanies irom inn jixonni
nickctimr tho grounds.
At tho Whito House after removing
tho clothing, it was discovered that the
President had not been wounded in tho
arm.although a bullet had passed through
his sleeve. 'The report of tho arm wound
. ,.ii.,l nut liv tlie tattered slcovo and
Miia ,HVU uiiv j
tho fact that his hand was covered with
1 1 ,.i ...i,;..i, ,irnailiin tn bis liaviiu' nrcss-
U1UUU,V1II ....... -" o i
ed his hand against his sido when wound
ed there. Upon falling ho vomited, and
his hand swinging around threw bjood
into thu ejected manor, n nasBiuce
i,nn lipovered that ho vomited no
i ' .i
U1UWU. . .......
Ad.. i,n Trrmiinnt realized that he
had been seriously hurt his first thought
wnn . j - - 4
.i,:i,i.nn " 1m nvnlaiined when unon onen-
n In. l,ia InmilV. 11 IV OOOr WHO UUU
i . l.A nn... All. Klmiif. lintiilltiir
ing his eyes nu ni" i,.......,,
nvor Mm and other members of the
(ini,in,i wim had been hurriedly sum
moncd from tho train by Colonel .Tame
.lin linil r.harie of the transnorta
.:.! .,! wlm iminediatelv after the
llllll lllll Tl -
shooting ran down tho depot platform
with tho startling cry. "Tlio President
has been shot." Surgeons were at once
summoned. The President evinced no
distress whilo waiting at the depot and
on tho way to tho Whito House in the
ambulance ho was quite cheerful. Ho had
not then begun to suffer much pain.
Tim viiln to tho White House was as
fast as the ambulance horses couid go.
A detail of mounted polico accompanied
, ..f ..nnln intiliir Iwil.l.wl
it, 11 CrOWU Ol JIUUJJ1U 1 mining nullum
mi... iH.:in ITmwn irntusi worn closed lie
illU 1 llliu 0
hind the nmbulnuco and tho crowd shut
out. Ollicers luted tho I'resident Irom
tho ambulanco to tho front entrance.
Mood had then somewhat
i... .i,,i l.itn mill be was nalo and hnr-
W';uiwiui in... i - r
L'-ird Ho wns carried to the bedroom
on tho south sidu of tho building on tho
second floor adjoining tho library and in
which Mrs. Garfield passed her recent
severe illness. When placed in lied he
soon grow stronger, and upon learning
j-..n..i Mr 1?lis that he had been danger
ously hurt his thoughts again reverted to
his family, ami mo iui metwugu unn
went Irom the vmiu iiuiino was ad
dressed to his wife at his dictatlon.iu which
ho gently informed her that ho had been
hurt, nnd with a message of lovo urged
her to return. Colonel Iugersoll joined
.i.,: (i.iiiiimi nt tho Whito House soon
nfinrilu! President reached there. Ho
saw tho President and lelt him euoour
....... i i linnn that his Htroni' 1 1 1 v s i 1 1 1
illicit i" i..,'w - - g --j i
wmilil overcome tho effectsof tho wound
Sir Hdward Thornton called at about
tho same time and sent his condolences
to the President.
Tim Prnsiili'iit realised that Ills con
ditlon was growing worse and through
out the afternoon inquired often of tid
ings from his family. Judge Advocate
f'...,n..ol Murnim. who was nncoiiiiiiinvini
11VIIUK1I J " 1 " -11
Mrs. Garfield from Long P.ranoh, sent
-- i ' I
ticable, and just beforotho o clock bul
mi I'inmi t li i litrii Diunivnrt wnrn an iii.iii
letin a tcicgrapu camu irom mm amioim-
cing thfttnt a:a; mu jinri-y wero ai, wii- nnil that tho train would 1m
iiini(pi"i t - --ti'-r -.
rushed through without stopping. It
was thongiu iv woum mnvo suoriiv
..iir. r. Ilr "Motrin, ono of tlin nlivu!.
1111V. l. , - -,y.
cian9,shook ins head at this information,
and said no leareu vuo I'resuieni would
dio beforo tlmt. It had been discovered
that the ball had penetrated the liver.
liYum .1 o'clock Oil. tho President's nmi.
dltion grow worse and his solicitude for
his family tnpruaseu, luepiiiao had l.lll :iml lie was lodinir streniflli
At (1:1 i,wlion he was sinking rapidly.the
sound ol cnrruigu wuix-m im uieNouiii
.liii-i. nrnnacil 111 III. 1'l'tWOIlllv he olllui'il
liis eyes anil when ho opened them he
. J . i ; r i .1 i .
looked upon ins who iiuu uungmer ai
his liedside, each holding a hand and
with their faces bent tenderly over him.
Ho smiled, pretend their hands and
again closed bin oycii. Jn a little while
ho opened them again and soolai kindly.
Tin l.'iil iwi'omo HO weakbv tlilalltnn Dint
Jfrs. Garfield was requested to retire.fear
iug tliat her continued presence might be
injurious. M '"'I u few mo
ments, when tl0 pliysieians conuluded
that tho ease was bopelessjtliey renioved
tliolr objections to her presence)' and
thoreforo she sonrpely eft hiiq until just
before hu lost eonseloiisniess.
At tho While House llio scenes were
thu saddest of all tho day. Heorelarv
jllalno walked tho library floor from
noon until evening, with leaden eves
and bloodless face. Upon him nioro
than anv one elso tho blow seemed to
havo fallen, T0 other members of tho
Cabinet sat in thu consultation room with
anxious, hard-lined fnucs.
As the afternoon woro on and tho
Piesident's solicitude to seo his family
became known there wero many prayers
that liu mlht at least bo spared that
long Tho party ya expected at 0:!10,
At that Hour AUoiiiey-i.iuiiEra mao
Vcagh descended to tho youth portlpo to
numit. ilii'in. Ho stood there ci'eot as
tjiough bravely determined to faeowhat
migtif pflino. i lie traiti iuiicii 10 nrrivo
piomptly anil llr. JagVeagh's conrago
ilrooptd. At 0 o'cTook iio was joiuel by
JnttiW ml Hatry Gnrfleld.tho rrcsi eiH a
pons, Posima'torGcncrnl.Tamcfl nnd Mrs.
.lames. Mr. MacVengh sought 1p isolate
himself, lie had evidently taken more I
than ho wished to fnuo and as tho tlmo
for facing it drew near ho was utterly
undone. Tho approach of tho carriages
up the drivo took him to thu bottom of
tho steps lending to the portlco.nnd gave
Mrs. (lui field his baud ns sho stepped
irom tho carriage, but ho had uo words
for her nnd was relieved when her boy
Harry took her In his nuns and led her
up thu steps. Shu was very much over
come nnd leaned heavily against him.
hen tho poitieo was reached Jiarry
stopped and kissed her, nnd then they
wont in together, iMtss iUomo unriicid
was led Into thu houso by her brother
James, Mrs. Hockwoll, who wns one of
tho party, by General Swain, and Miss
Uockwell by Colonel Oorbin.
iMrs. Itnrheld.altiiougli still weak trom
her recent illness nnd shocked by tho
suddenness of the grief which hadcoiuu
to her, behaved with n courngo and self-
control equal to llioso ol her husband.
iSot only has sliu not given way to the
terror and grief which sho necessarily
leels but sho has been constantly giving
eiucieni uiu riu liir sin it Dili urun in nui
.11! !.! .... f- ... !i I.... 1 !.. i
power to tho attending physicians.
While sho was out tho President asked
Dr. Jlllss if thero was any hope for htm.
Dr. IJliss replied that ho never lost
"No," responded tho I'resident cheer'
ilv. "whilo there is lifo there is hope."
At eight o clock a consultation ot
physicians wns held nnd an unanimous
conclusion reached that the President
could not survive tho night. Ono of tho
ribs had been fractured by tho pistol ball
and tho liver pierced. Thero was how
ever a decided improvement within thu
next hour.
Tho President passed a comparatively
comfoitablo night. lie slept considera
bly, but was on one or two occasions an
noyed by pains in thu lcet and ankles,
thu usual aeconipaninient,Dr. Miss Bays,
ot a wound ol mo cuaracicr received.
While awako ho was conscious and per
fectly calm. He showed a disposition
at times to converse nnd evinced somo
curiosity ns to the effect tho nttenipt to
i . i -i i -i ... .i . .i.i.
muruer mm nad promiceu on inu puonc.
Hu nsked nbout tho wonld-bo murderer
at times, wondering what had caused the
i . i ,,t .ii.t i.:
man to snoot mm. "x never uiu uuu any
injury," said the President; "why should
ho havo wanted to kill mo I
During Sunday tho President's condi
tion remained for tlio most part, unchang
ed. Hu appeared to bu somewhat bet
ter until a Into hour when ho became
restless and complained of pain in his
feet. On Monday morning hu was able
to partake of food and seemed stronger
Thu President was comparatively quiet
and free frompaiu oinuonday night and
during Tuesday. So marked was the
improvement that Dr. Miss, tlio physl
ciau in charge went to his home, for the
first time since tho shooting. Thu be
lief yas strong that tho I'resident would
The disease from which the President
suffers is peritonitis, which is inflain
matiou of tho membrane that lines tho
whole abdominal cavity and covers all
its contents. The pentoncuni.the a nalo
mical name of the membrane referred to
is very extensive, and as in
llammation of one part of it almost ne
cessarily involves tho whole, tho danger
needs only to bo mentioned to bo seen,
One of tho symptoms of tho disease is
tympanites, or gas generated by tho in
(lamination, which, having no meaus of
exit, as that generated in tho stomach
has, distends the abdomen until it is
sometimes ns tenso ns a drum-head. It
is to remedy this that Dr. Simms tele
graphed from Paris recommending r
puncture of tlio abdomen. Tho Presi
dent's pains aro relieved by tho hypoder.
inic administration of morphine, and
consequently ho is drowsy and sometimes
Tho President was comparatively
comfortable on Wednesday. Ho took
nourishment and seemed to improve
steadily. No unfavorable change was
noted during the day. His pulsu was
still high.but has got below 100. Though
thu President is not yet out of danger
.lua physicians feel much encouraged.
At this writing therp seems to bo reason
able grounds lor tho belict that he will
Till: ASSASjlN.
Charles .1. (iinteau is about 40 years
of ago ami was born in Ann Arbor,
Miob. He is short of stature, has a sal
low face on which grows a straggling
beard. Ho is a man uttcily without
character, a persistent office seeker, and
a swindler. .Numerous hotels and board
ing houses in Nuw York and Washing
ton havo unpaid bills against him. In
1872 ho was oxpelled, from tho Calvary
ISaptist church, JNew Vork. tor dishou
esty nnd disgracoful behavior. In 187-1
ho was in jail in Now York for obtain
ing money under Jnlso pretenses. Capt.
ICenly of tlio Now York polico forco says
that Uuiteau was oeu ot a gang ot pro
fcssional hotel thieves. Thero seems to
bu uo evidence whatever that ho Is in
sane. Ho was perfectly cool when ar
rested and acknowledged his guilt with
out any attempt at evasion. In his pocket
was found the following IfHer.
Jui.v U, 1881.
"To tho Whito House:
"Tho President's tragic death was a
mv necessity, but it will uiiitu tho Ho
publicau party apd save tho republic.
A human life is of small value. During
the war thousands of bravo boyu went
down without a tear.
"I presume that thu I'resident wns a
Christian and that hu will bo happier in
Paradise, than here. It will bu no worso
for -Mrs Garfield, dem- soul, to part with
her husband this way than by natural
death. Ho is liable to go at any time
any way. I had no ill-will towards tho
Presidpnf. U death was a political
"I am a lawyer, a theologian and a
politician, I am n stalwart of tho stal
warts. I was with General Grant and
thu rest of our men in New York during
tho canvass, I have some papers for
thu press which I shall leavo with liyron
Andrews and his co-journalists, at 1,'120
Now York avenue, whero all tho report
ers can eo thi'lu. I am going to tho
jail. CiiAitM'.s GiqriiAi;."
Tho following letter was found on tho
streets soon after Guitenu's arrest, with
thu letter unsenled and addressed.
'I'jeasn deliver at once."
"To (jonera) Sherman or his first assis
'taut in clujrgo of tho War Depart
ment. "'o (jr'NiuiAi. Siikuman; I have just
shot thu President, I shot him several
times, as I wished him to go ns easily ns
possible His death wus a political
necessity. I am n lawyer, theologian
and politician, I am a stalwart of thu
stalwarts, I was with General Grant
and thu rest of our men in Now York
dining Hp canvass. I nm going to tho
Jail, Pfe'nso order oiit your troops and
talio poiHosslon of tho jail at onpo.
"Very respectfully,
, ClIAlll.KsGui'fUAtfi"
Guiteaii had boeu awaiting tho Presi-
fpit at the depot for nbout half nn hour,
durfng which ho stopped into a retiring
loom and loaded hiiniisfo.
Ollicer Kearney, who was stationed at
tho depot when tho shooting occurred,
said that ho had noticed Giutcau acting
busilcioitly in the IndkV room and had
thought of sending him clsowhcro when
tho Piesident's carriago drovo up. The
I'resident asked Kearney how much tlmo
ho had. Kearney replied "ten minutes."
Then," said Kearney, "thu President
got out of his carriage and came into tho
ladies waiting room. I had pist turned
my back when I heard two pistol shots
in rapid succession. I ran around to the
II street doorol the Indies entrance rooms
just as I reached there! saw thoprisoner
coming out. Wo met on tno slept a
grabbed him nud told him i must put
him under arrest "All right," said he.
'I did it and will l'O to inll for it. I am
a Btalwart and Arthur will bo President."
1 then took tho prisoner out into the
waiting roonir nnd tho pnvnto watch
man nnd myself carried hlniover to head
quarters. On tho way over ho gavo mo
his card. J'olico headquarters wero not
a block from tho depot. Upon being
searched the so called Whito Houso let
ter nnd a letter addressed to General
Sherman wero found upon him. Guitenu
had left nt tho news-stand nt tho depot a
bundle ot papers, including n letter situ
liar to the Whito llouso letter,addressed
to llyron Andrews, correspondent of the
Chicago Juter-Oeeuii, for the informa
tion ot thu press. JL ho documents in
cluding a pamphlet ol n stalwart speech
reviewing Urant s career, said to have
been delivered by Guitcau in New York
last August. Thero was nlso a lot of
papers supposed to bo descriptivu of the
londitiou ot uuiteau s mind irom day to
day. District Attorney Corklnll has tho
papers nud will not let them bo seen nt
present, but hu says they aro a queer
compound of religion nud politics. After
n suou (icicnuoii :u ponce ueauquariers
I . , . ..." I ! 1 I .....
the prisoner was removed to jail in r
closo carriage in which wero seated Lieu
tenants Austin nnd Kckloff, detective
Mclilfrcsh nnd ollicer Lewis. Guitcau
talked freely and said what hu had dono
wns for tho good of tho Republican
party and tho country, llo had nothing
against Garfield, but wanted Arthur to
bo President.
The fact that Guitcau, who had not
money enough to pay his board and
washing bills, was enabled to pay $11
lor a pistol and to a hacknian u.ilu
rally suggests an inquiry as to tho
sourco from which his money came. It
is said that tho officers of tho Govern
ment have evidence to show that Gui
teaii was accompanied to tho depot by
another person. Who that person was
cannot bo ascertained. Whether the
man was insanu or not there can bo no
doubt that tho crime was coolly planned
and deliberately executed, liiiiteau ove
two weeks ago visited tho jail to make
an examination ot it and was denied ad
mitaneu by tho Warden. Ho saw that it
was safe enough to defend him from the
hands of an infuriated mob. Immediate
ly after the shooting ho expressed great
anxiety to be taken to the jail immediate
ly toescapo the fury of tho crowd. The
letter ho sent to General Sherman request
ing that officer to send troops to tho jail at
once, evidently tor no other purnoso than
to defend him. A prominent lawyer of the
city said to-dav "insanity does not con
template tho risk and coolly plan to avoid
it. Insanity is not capablu of such ac-
curato calculation ot danger, tor the
danger of being mobbed for such an act
is thu chief one, nnd of so systematically
planning to escape it no, sir. That
man is as sano as you or I, and ho is
legally responsible for his act."
It is said that intimations havo been
given of late that tho President might
bo attacked, and unusual precautious
have been taken to prevent such an
Guiteau maintains his coolness and ex
presses no fear for himself as husays tho
Stalwarts will tako caro of him. Tho
fellow is not insane, but is irredeemably
vicious and utterly worthless. A luna
tic named Daniel McNamara appeared
iu Washington on Tuesday and said ho
had como to kill Secretary Blaine. Ho
was sent to tho insane asylum. He
was harmless and carried no weapon.
"Forced by my political connections in
to public hiu,my suttenngs weio intensi
fied by tho commonls of tloso who saw
my iaco and head covered with scrota
lous humor," said a gentleman recently
curod by Cuticura Kemodics.
Tho following bills passed by tho leg
islature havo received tho signaturo oi
tho Governor and aro now laws.
To regulate tho holding of nnd to proyont
frauds in the primary elections ot tho
i i.i .t . .. ,i.
several pouucai panics nunc common
wealth of Pennsylvania.
That from and after tho passage of this
act it shall bolawiul and it is heiebv made
tho duties of the judges, inspectors nnd
clerks or other ollicers ottno primary oiec
tions,moctings or caucus held for the pur
pQso of nominating candidates tor stale
city or county alhees williin tlio com
mon wealth of Pennsylvania beforo enter
ing upon tho discharge of their dutics,suv-
orally to tako and subscribe to an oath or
affirmation in tho presence of each other
in lorin as toIlow8,namely: "f A. li.) do
that I will as judge, inspector or
clerk (ns the caso may be) nt tho ensuing
election, impartially and faitlitully per
form my duties in accordance with tho
laws and constitution ot tho common
wealth of Pennsylvania qnd in accordance
with the rules nnd regulations adopted by
the party of tho county ot lor tho gov
eminent of tho said primary elections,
meetings or caucus to tho best ot my
judgment and abilities." Tho oath or at
lirmation tihnll bo first administered to
the judgo by ouo of tho inspectors, then
tho judgo so qualified shall udminister
tho oath or affirmation to the inspectors
and clerks nnd may administer tho oath
to any olector offering to vote as to
his qualifications to voto at such election.
section 5i. It any judge, inspector,
clerk or other othcer ol a primary eleu-
tion ns aforesaid shall presume to. act in
such capacity beioro tlU taking and sill
scribing to tlio oath or afliriiiatipii requii
ed by this act ho shall, on convict'icui', be
lined not exceeding two hundred dollars;
and it any pjdge,iuspeutor,olerk or other
ollicer, when in thu discharge of his
duties as such, shall wilfully disregard or
violate the provisions of any rule duly
mado by tho said party ot
county for tho government of tho liri
inary elections of the party ho shall, on
oonvictlou, bo fined not ufjeediny two
hundred dcllars, and if nny iudgo or in
spector of n primary election ns nforo-
said, shall knowingly reject the voto ot
any person entitled to voto under tho
rules of tho said party or shall
knowingly rcceivo tho voto of any per
tjoi or persops not qualified ns aforesaid,
shall on conviction (to pied iQt exceed
ing two hundred dollam, nnd it nny
judge, Inspector, clerk or other oflioer of
a primary election ns ntoresaid shall bo
guilty of any wilful fraud in tlio dis
charge of his duties by destroying or de
facing ballots, adding ballots to thu poll,
other than those lawfully voted, by stuff
ing tho ballot box, by false counting, by
makina false returns, or bv anv act or
thiug whatsoever, tlio perucn fco offend
ing shall be guilty of a inlsdemennor
nnd upon convlotion shall he fined not
oxceodlng flvo hundred dollars or im
prisoned not exceeding ono yoar or
t'jtlier at. tfip discretion, p( tho court,
AH ncti 'or jiars of nptq of; nsBpmWj
inconsistent with this not nro hereby re
pealed, xcpt in couiiliiu or cities where
special nets nro in forco for thosamo pur
pose; provided however, In such cases
where tho provisions of this net nro ac
cepted, tho specinl nets shall bu null nnd
void; provided further, That tho provis
ions of this net shall entail no expense
to tho county or cities ndopting it.
Approved .luno au, IH8I.
Hl.NKV M. Hoyt.
To protect frn!t,gnrdens, growing crops,
grass, etc., and punish trespass.
Section 1. That any person or per
sons who shall wilfully cuter or break
down, through or overany field, orchard,
garden or yard, fence, hotbed or green
house, or who shall wrongfully club,
stone, cut, break, bark or otherwise mu
tilate or dainago nny field crop, nut,
fruit or ornamental tree, shrub, bush,
plant or vine, trellis, arbor, hotbed or
greenhouse or who shall trample or in
uiiywiBu liijuru any gram, grass, vines,
vegetables or other giowing crop,orwho
shall wilfully tako or carry nwny nny
grain, corn, rye, wheat or other field
crop, fruit, vegetables, plants, fruit or or
namental trees, vines or shrubs, whether
the samo bo nttaehed to tho soil or not,
shall subject said person or persons to
a penalty of not less than flvo nor nioro
than fifty dollars for each and every of
iense. Section 2. Any iustico of the peace
or alderman, upon information or com
plaint mado belt. re him by tho nlhdavit
ot ono or nioro persons ot tho violation
of said net by nny person or persons,
snail issuo his warrant directed to any
constablo or polico ollicer, to causo such
person or persons to bu arrested and
brought beforo said justice or alderman.
who shall hear and determine the guilt
or innoceneo of such person or jiersons
so charged, and, it convicted ol said ot
fenso or offenses, shall bo sentenced
to nay the said penalty aforesaid
attached to said violations, with costs,
one-half to go the party or parties in
jured to pay lor damages sustained, nnd
the remaining one-halt to thu school fund
of the district in which said ofTenso was
committed : Provided that the defendant
ordefenilnnts,on refusing to pay at once
said penalty, shall bu committed to tho
common jail of laid county for a pe
riod of not less than ono day for each dol
lar of penalty imposed, unless the defend
ant or defendants enter in a recognizance,
with good security, to answer said com
plaint on a chargo of misdemeanor beforo
iho qunrter sessions of tho peace of the
....... t l.'i. ,i nv-. .. r.
uuiuiiy in wuicn uiu oiiensc lscomimueu,
which court, on conviction of tho offense
so charged and failure to pay tho penalty
imposed by this act, with costs.shall com
mit said defendant or defendants to tho
common fail of tho county for a period
of not less than one day for each dollar
of penalty imposed. Approved tho
eighth day of June, a. i. 1881.
IIenky M. Hoit.
Tho inventions of tlio A. S. T. Co. have
saved tho people of this country millio'is
annually, and thu most important one is
their f Slack lip lor children s shoes
Parents who havo declined to try the
metal should not fail to give the black
tip a trial.
Wheatpor bushel
nyo '
Corn, "
0.1 ta, " "
Flourpcr barrel
Kfffi-s -
Dried Apples
Miles A; Shoulders
Turkeys .
Lard per pound
Hay per ton
10 00
IA11 persons whoso names are announced In tills
column, aro pledged to abide by tho decision ot tho
DemocratloConvention,whlchwlll meet on Tuesday
August otli.l
Wo aro authorized to unnounco tho nnmo of Ham
UlSI. II S1IULTZ. of Susarlosf lownshin. as n can ill
dato for tho onio Of Associate Judiro. subloct to
Democratic rules, lie Invlus every man In tho
vuuuiy iu tumiurillin.
Wo nro authorized lo announce the lumo of
WILLIAMSON II. JACOIIV ctllt.xmsbiinwwiican.
dldatfl for thnoniroof Ileglster and Recorder, sub-
ji.i.k kw tuu luunui uiu j.'1'uiui-iuiiu puny.
Wo nro authorized lo announce tho natnonf H. M
i iswKMuuiii , nsn canuiiKio for tno onico of coun
ty Treasurer, uibjecttotlio rulcsof llio Democrat
iu imriy. no win not iraiei 10 solicit toics.
Wo nro authorized to unnounco tlio nnmo or A. n
thooniceor HertMrsnd Recorder, subject to tho
HEUIIINO. or Orancre:towiisiili). as a candiilatn for
I uii-a ui iuuiri ium,iuuu iuii,
Wo are authorized to announco tho nainoor (1. W
STERNER, or Illoorrsbun.'. ns a candidate for tlin
oraco of Roaster and Recorder, subject to tlio rules
ui uiu ifi-iumTuuu puny.
Wo aro authorized to announce tho nnmo of WIL
LIAM KRICKBAUM, or Bloomsburg, as a candidate
for re-nomination for tho onico of prolhonotnry and
cl-rk of the several courts, subject to tho rules of
the Democratic party.
Wo arn authorized to announce tlio namo of
J A M KS LA K R, of Scott lownf lilp, as a candidate for
tho nfllco of Associate J udiro, subject to tho rulcsof
inu iJciuucruim juriy.
Wo nro autlioilzpd tn Annnunr-jitlinnAtnfmf V.I,
HliUMAN,orcutuls!-a, as a candidate for Assocl-
aio iiuoge, Ruuject to iH-mccrauo rules.
Wo nro authorized to announce tho namo of NA
THAN CREASY, as a candldato for tho onico of
County 'J rensutt-r, subject to tho rulcsof tho Dem-
wi nut, (ii i j.
Wo are authorized to announco the name of
ni iu-uni-i i uiik. or centre townBhip, as a candi
date for the onico or County Commissioner, subject
NATHAN MILLER, of Main townshln. authorizes
us to announco tils namo as a candidate lor the or-
nee oi county Treasurer, kuoject to me rules ot tro
LI AM 8. 1'IHll HU, of Main township, as a condldato
Wo are authorized to announce tlio namnnfWiL.
iur i.uuuiy uuiuioibbiuiit-r, suujeui iu me rules or
We aio authorized to announco tho nnmo of
ipnnu iv. jn' iiuu lunilBIUl', lia
a candidate for the onico of Associate Judgc,subject
iu mu I uica ui iuu iiiuutrauu ui i j.
Wo nro authorized to announco tho nnmnr.f .1.
PAUL 1HKV, ot Rearer township, as a cardldato
iur Actiuiu u uue, tiuujeci iu uiu rules o ine
ucuiucraiio pariy.
MICnELI'.EYERLY. of Dloomshun.'. authorizes
us toannourcelilsnameasa cardldateforthoor-
n ce of Register and IK corder, BUbject to tho decls-
iuu vi ine m'mocruiio loumy convention.
Wfl aro aufhnrtrptl In nminiinon thn namn nf jir.ivimui , ui jpuiu luyvuHiup, uhul'HII.
dldatofor the nOlco or County Commissioner, sub
join iu uiu ncciuun oi lua Dcwocrauo i-ouvcnuoii
Wo aro autliorlied to announce thn namo or
JAMKS KIKKltlt.of Main township, as a condldato
for tho onico or County Treasurer, sublecr. Iho ruins
ui iuu uvuiuumiiu party.
Wo aro authorized to announce the name of A. M
JOHNSON, pr Locust towuililp uf.ii eandldaip ,or
Iho office of L'ouuir Tn-4
utj i Ti-itouri n BuuRti to ine ruies
or tno jJt-inocrtuio putty.
Wo are authorized to announco thn nnmnnfll V
BIX1AR, of FIshtngcrH-k towbshln, as a candidate
for the ofllco of Count v comnilLMoner. autikiet ii
ttjo ruu ot thu DemucraUo parly,
a u FRirra.
Atinrncy.ftt l.w. Office
2. in Columbian nuuaine,
junu, vi,
Thov tell it on ono of our citizens who
was ambling toward his plaeu of business,
that ho vt as approached by a lauy ac
qiialntnncu of tho family, who said!
Mr. . 1 hear you aro suffering from
rheumatism, is it sot" "Humor 'tis in'm"
said our citizen of few words, as ho pro
ceeded on his way. Over in Chicopeo
our neighbors nnd friends havo been hav
ing quito a timo with rheumatism t but
according to receipts received by our
representative (ho flurry is over, as tho
sure antidote has been used and thus
commented upon': Mr. C. N. Munches
ter, Cutter sticet, says relative to his ex
perience : I havo used St. .Incobs Uil
ind esteem it the best remedy lor rneu-
inatisni 1 have oyer tried, It acts like
magic, and f cannot over-estimate us
value, when i pronounce it the grentest
rhcumntio remedy of the age.
Tho Host I'nrt of Man's Llio.
It has been mv lot for many years to
asist in making laws for the government
of tills country, but tho nioro I consider
tho problems of social and political ar
rangement, nnd the lorces that most in
fluence nnd control it, the less do I find
tho statute books hnvo to do in the regu
lation of tlio actual lives and occupations
of tho people. I mean how few of these
occupations which engross the greater
portion ot our time, causo our labors and
anxious considerations, in which wo are
most deeply interested, spend most of
our money upon nnd bestow our powers
in every way, nre thoso to which nny
stntuto lnw or constitution compels us.
Tho best part of man's life is in tho
world of his natural affections, and that
realm has laws of its own that neither
know nor heed king.kaiser nor president
nor reiehstags nor congresses, and nro
deaf even to tho voices of popular major
ities, but heed and obey rather tho gen-
tlo voico of woman nnd tho cry of help
less and feeblo childhood. Senator
Thomas J Jiayurd.
I.Mi'onrANr to TkaveIiEiis Special in
ducements nro offered ynu by thu Burlington
Route it will pny you lo re.ui ttielr nuver
tisctnent to bf found elsctvlicro in this issue,
March 18 40-w
Itching and Scaly Diseasesj Humors o:
the Scalp and Skin Permanently
Goo. W. nrown, 43 Marshall St., l'rovUUncc, H. I,
cured by Cuticura Romodlcs of a Ringworm llumoi
eot at tlio barber's, which spread all over liU ears,
neck and (ace, and (or Blx years resisted all kinds ot
P. II. Drake, Esq., agent tor Harper & Bros., Pe
trolt, Mich., gives an astonl-hlng account ol his caso
(eczema rodent), which had been treated by a eon
sulfation ot physicians without bencht, and which
spoodtly yielded to (tho Cuticura ltosolvent Inter
nally and Cuticura Soap externally.
II. A. Raymond, Auditor F. W., J. S S. R. 11, Jack
son, Mich., was cured or Scald Head ot nlno years
duration by tho Cuticura Remedies,
Hon. Wm. Taylor, Boston, Mass., permnnpntly
cured ot a humor of tle facoumt scalp ((czetnu)
tint hid been treated unsuccessfully for twelve
years by many of Boston's best pbjslclans and mos.
noted specialists, as well as European authorities,
Mrs. Bowers, 113 Clinton St., Cincinnati, specks of
hor sister's child, who was cured of ml'k cust which
resisted all lemedlcs for two years. Now a line,
healthy boy, with a boautlfi'l head of hair.
Frank A. Bean, Steam, Flro Englno c, Boston, was
cured ot alopecia, or falling ot the hair, by tho Cut.
leura Resolvent Internally and Cuticura and Cut
leura Soap externally, which completely restored
his hair whoa all said ho would loso IS.
Thomas Lee, tno Frankford Av., Philadelphia,
afflicted with dandruff, which for twonty years had
covered his scalp with scales ono-quartcr of an Inch
In thickness, cured by Cuticura HrnidluS.
Tho Cuticura Treatment tn tho Internal use of tlio
Cuticura ltosolvent, tha new Blood purlller, and tho
external uso ot CuUcura and Cuticura Soap, tho
Great Skin Cut.
For Sunbur Tan nnd, Ojrearjy Skin uso Cuticura
soap, an exquisite toilet, ba,th ami, nursery sanatlvo
fragrant with, delicious Rower odors nnd hcaun;
Remedies nro for sala by all druggists, l'rlco ot Cut
icura, a Medicinal Jol'y, btnall botes r.n cents ; largo
boxi-sfl. Cuticura Resolvent, the new Blooal'url-
ller, t per bottlo. Cuticura Soap (tlio queen ot
medicinal and t)llctsoips),23couts. Cuticura Med
icinal Shaving Soap, is cents, l'rlnclpal depot,
wkrks rotter, uoston, hash
C wah mailed tree on receipt of prico.
Moro continuous and power-
It" electrical action Is obtained
VMTiiiVMHVrirtwn "um 11,111113- tuitam;
vMimi ggggutviw 1'iasters than nny ll battery
Pi a nvellft made. The) are a spvedy and
JlSTfc"w certain euro for Rain r-itl
weakness ottue Lungs, nyer, iiiuncya,anu urinary
Orpins, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Uystcila, Female
eaicncss, Nervous rains and weaknesses, Malaria
and Fevor and Aguo. l'rlco 25 cents. Sold every
where. WXKKS & rOTTKK, IIOSTON, 11AS3.
Will be let at EsthcrFurnaco Bildire. Locust town.
shlp.on faturday.thu loth day of July, ism, a brldiru
nace. To be a w ooden braco covered bridge S3 feet
long between abutments 10 feet from out to out ut,
top ot abutments and to bo a tect above low water
10 uo urccitfu icuariiigirccic, near KBincr Fur
marK. Aouimenisio ooieuuur, unastoiio tiler in
'lans and Ftieclncntlons cm bo seen at tlin Coin
mlssloners' onico or on day ot IctUng at the bridge.
STEPHEN l'OUE, 1 Commissioners
A. II. HERRING, j Columbia Co,
July Mw,
Kesil Estate !
By vlrtuo of an order Issued out of the Orphans'
Court of Columbia county, the undersigned admin
lstrator of tho estate of l'eter Mlchael,dcceatied, will
expose to puono saio on luo pxtmises in Mlulln
township, on
at ten o'clock a, in., tho following described real
estate, to-wltt
A certain mossuago and TRACT of LAND hltualo
In said Mlllllii township, bounded andduscilbcdus
follows, to-wlt: on tho west and north by lands of
l'eter Michael, on tho cast by lands of John Hootna
glo and on the west by lands of George Nungcsur,
Twenty-nine Acres
more or less, with Iho appurtenances, whereon uru
i reeled a
und out-bulldlngsj cxcoptlng and leservlnghowov-
tr, ine crops now growing upon thu premises.
ici(jia ur hale. Ten percent, of tho one-
fourth ot tho purchase money to bo paid at tho stil.
king down of llio property; tho one-fourth less Iho
ton per cent, at tho contlrmatlon of sale, and the
rematnlugthreo-tourths In ouo year thoteafter with
Interest front contlrmatlon nlu.
July Wa Administrator.
otlco Is hertdiv riven that ti iinfn irivon i,v n
Q. B.TUoinas, dated May wtli, imi, for t'.o, payablo
Iu three months, la Invalid, us thero was novatuo
Klvon mo for said note, undl do not propose to nay
10 same when due. Any person taking tho nolo
from said (l. U. Thomas dooa um own risk.
Julye-lw "mu uVai.
Notice Is hereby Ktven that at tho noxt moolUur of
tho Board ol I'ardous at llarrUburg, l'a., Augiut
Sud, lssl, application will be irado
assault ai
u duo form for
tonylpuid December loth, ut osjawlt ana
tua liuruun ui iitHirtro ii. uraui. or nirniinuiiiin.
1 1
try wiui tutout ia wmuiiuu
Smmmmmm i .. ,q mi Ml' III 111 If I MBHMHR'
Inst addition
tltt'OUt'll IIIC air, RllU
r nrc also worth seeing.
There is a Lvnch-Jioom in the building. Valises,
baskets and packages can be left in charge of attendant in
Ladies' Waiting Room.
Mr. Wanamakcr is desirous that visitors should feel at
home when they come, and be free to purchase or not, as
they please.
Notk. Our large Catalogue, with prices and full
directions for shopping by mail from any part of the United
States, will be mailed gratuitously upon request, address
John Wanamakkk, Grand Depot, Philadelphia.
llfniwllnu. AVIllUlflfW. IjlllN.
nut. tlm pnniit.v
call and examine lny stock before
Main Street, 2nd Door below Iron.
July 9,"
busy xcrniM. miNiaciioii uiiarnntooii.
Juno Hi, '81-ly
.-,(, mo soi, ii.
." ' iv ii nn l-a-ui, ii-piiijii( iigii,iiurii iur wuru, iiuu lui iinv, fiuiu iur lilii;t-.oi llio UllllionOll VPr
slonorciunljildfii'. lis pxiu t accuracy Is Ruarantreil by thrco ic'laulu prliitluir , houses, anil alsotvll
followlnuilWIrgulahcil lllUlcnl tcliolarH. O, 11. Tiffany, 1). 1).. LL. U., I'lilla.; I. H. Hall, LI.. 11., liotl
2nd. rWauso It contains ncomplctc history ot
aketches of tho cmlrent mtn i nrapoil unnn it.
hollce llieTt'stlmonvot J.eailiiif: Divines! . . . "Wo tako pleasure tn certifying to lta accuracy. Ii
typography, press wo'fc anil liludlnir. It Is every wavcoromendnli'c. Hljrned A.F.Sehiunier I).I) N. V,
.John reddle, I). 1., N. v.; 0. II. Kimball, 1). 1)., 1'hl'a." . . ' I commend to my friends tno Ancio-Amcr
lean edition. J. I' Ilemmin. 1). n.. KI n . N. Y." . . . 1 1 cnnllnllv concur utih nr.
T. Sabine, 1). D. N, Y " , . "1 believe It to bo a i
ia u iii'inui ui jMnu'icnn ente prifc. iiev. t. A. K. Kessicr, luooBiyn.-
l'rlces: lr,cliidlnc;"ilislor.v' Cloth, $1.00; Arabesque, ttl.ou. Without History ,-Clotli red cdgcs,1.a
(loplfH miilloil on rt-i-i'Iiu of iuU'o ivliei-o eliavc noncent.
Ort rf"bTnrte Hi'ATmo Mf A Tmi.M I.inii:ni,VTi:i,V,acllvoladlesndirentleincn-
'r'yrT,v' nuiilio MAW J TjI to sen tliU woik. It Is I'nr outselllni; all otlict
works. Already Sold. AgenWaro making t'20 tojso per week, as millions want this work. OutBU
600, N? Time to Lose. Address I11I111IA1U) liltos.. Publishers, 723 Chestnut street, Philadelphia
rJ?" No other editions contain tills important History ot the Great Itevlslon Movement. Having thret
Tho undersilgccd auditor appointed by IhoOr-
nhnns Iimrr. nf Pfi'iimlim nmihii, tr. mni-n .licii,,,.
lion of tho funda In tno hands of tho administra
tors of Hald ar,fl nrnnnir thn tinrtlrn iintl.
tied thereto, win Mt nt tho cfilco of Geo. 15. Ulwell,
Ksq , In tho town of llloomsbnrg, on l-uturday, tho
sixteenth day of July, I'm, at ten o'clock In Iho
forenoon, at which time and plato all persons hav
ing claims against said citato must appear and pic
toat tho same or. bo debarred frctn any share of
amu luuu.
Junoio-Gv Auditor,
Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or
phans' court of Columbia county, to mako distribu
tion of tho fund lu Iho hands of tho executor of
said decedent, to and among the parties en-
miuu Lui-reiu, ivm yii m ins onico in tiiooinsDurg.
on Pnturdiy, August 13th, iss., at ten o'clock
in tho forenoon tojicrform the duties of his appoint
ment, when nnd whero all persons having any
claims upon said fund will appear nud provo tho
same or bo debarred from rtcclvlng any share
Juno 1T-4W Auditor.
Letters of Administration onthocstato oflllram
H. Kline, lan ot orango township, Columbia coun
ty, Pennsylvania, deceased, hao been grai.tcd
by, tho Register of said county to J. Howard
Kline, of orangovlllo, administrator. All persona
having claims against tho ostnto of said dece
dent lirO renuest.l In TiriV4itil. thpm tnr mlll.nDni
and thoso Indebted tolha cstuto to maku payment
w iuu uuucisiuuu Auiiiiiiinvruior,wiiuoui, delay.
CmV MI"-" AWX oraiigcville. T'iu
Trtl(ira lnuf.l.nnl.M. .... ....... . - .
...iviinw., ii',, luiunium county.
deceased, havo been granted by tho HcrIskt of said
wSSf? V; K VP' 01 Vrauievllle. exeeiilor. All
!.XrV ', vKUMia UJJ.U4UOI. inn L'Himc oi Bam a
SeiaDt W l"e undersl8ea aolnWvator, without
V. W.WIU.EU, Kieeulor
--. - K IV. ClUIAIV.
K8TATE OP JOHM KVH ln nvi.icDn
G Tho undersigned, Auditor appointed by tho Or.
'ns' court of CjilumbH county, to mako dlstrlbu"
lnl07hUrf:?I?nS,rll?yJuly.!, a'1" "tlO oSoik
iiw m,SAt,Mmil,on'...'0 li'i form tho duftB of
..UerMdlniid fnramnT,,7roSaiSEcS
of said rund.0r ,0' l'U'r da"lr, l d " "
Junow. 0-W-MI,AI;Sni.
iinn0.llSl?.li!'b' K'vfn that nnpiicatlons for post-
Nrhnnl TiUi.1; ,.'.n'.u "'"''"0110 hCIIOOlfl (It II com
lSSjtfiJ V.IV'L,'!'11' wrday oven.
cations to bo sent to tho FecutaFy. u
aturilbN K.MIKlt, nes,
II. P. ZAItll, Ho, y.
K iiiVn1miI1('i!fJ?,!1i''erc.'.c'0J0 existing between J. H.
tent. . - i u,ui,lu inuiuaicon-
Illoemsburc, Juno wW"18
Aio recommended by tho best authority. They
will never craclr, chlp.corrode. rust or
7i!nry ,f.r. ,l!uro' 1";0, cast line. They aro beau
tlful, durable and cheap. Bend for circulars to
Or luqulrect Y, V. Kline, Uloomsburj.
SoiltlJXf'flf. iwpfwwl Ntlhods. Tables'
uuub 1 yields, urlces. urolim ind wn.m li.itJif
FrCe ANWUWAN 1UUU t-O.: thauibTrtburj;
visit. nn
you will find,
nntonir other nlacca
of interest, the brand
)cpot well worthy of a
visit. Its floor and gallery
&v spaces now cover over three
nii.t mi. fillrv! Willi rirtz Crr,a
llUll-0,llllvi mv. ...... - uwu.lj
Carpets, China, Furniture, etc. The
is a larcc and beautiful
Picture Gallery, to which admittance is free.
Tlio Pneumatic rlibc$ carryincr the moncv
urn-wi wjjyiii. Mwiunvryt
Jill" ",1"M tE
will find it to their ndvaiitnr'o i
purchasing elsewhere.
ANUI.o AllllltK'AN Is tho I-opular Edit Ion of tho
thl3 tlroat licvlslon Movement, nnd elves Wlosraphlci
erfecfrcprlnt. - Chas. I'. Deems, u. D., N. Y," . . "1;
Juno IT-lw
Unlluml.or Willi Cupper, Poreetaf n,or Iron
XilulUHt. Kaeh ono Hcnelleil with my name as
manufacturer la warranted In material and con
Mnietlnii. For salo by Iho ben houses in tho
trade. If you do not know whero to get tlili
pump, wrlio to mo as below, ami I will send
unmoor agent nearest you, who will supply you
ot my lowest price.
CHAS. 0. BLATCHLEY, Manufaoturer.
SOB Market St., Philadelphia, PlL
march 4, '8l-era ass
UioAtithor.Anui.ndirut MuT
tea Woik,mn-uited tlio bait ud
clin.ixt, iDdu.iml J, u mrr
orulM,n!aemtion ' boondla
nniwt 1-V.inch miuUn, funboifled,
full M l , . . , I
- l " nwwraa UUDUIU
el mmjwrt, IU pracni.
,tion,j)nee ouTj tUSwuit It
mill; Ul(uUt4MlHiii4e,eoootj;
juiyi -w
Diseases of the Throat anfl Lungs.
ami rellnblo remedy U
iiivaluaUlo. Avku's
Citriinv 1'ECToitAr. U
sucli u rciiieily, anil no
, otlitrsocuilnentlyiuer.
; its tlio conlldenco ot
' tlio public. It it a scl
untitle combination of
thu medicinal princl.
Iles ami curatlvo vir
tues of the Ihiestdrutjs,
! clienilcnllv united, ot
Wi such Power ns to insuro
J;K(, tlio grentest jkihsIIiIu
WrAlt clllcleiievniul uniform-
lJl'i , I t il-?AT yoi results. ustriKci
tiiViuuriij, nttliufoiimlatlouofall
pulmonary diseases, nITorilltic tiroiniit rellet
und rapid cures, and Is minuted to pat louts ot
-v "t," . cuniTiwx, Aienia very luiatauio,
tho youngest clilldren tako it vemllly. Ill
ToitAi. aro magical, utul imiltltiides urn nu
i ual y preserved fiom serious lllnesn bv iti
timely and faithful use. It should bu kept
it hand in nvery liousehold ior tlio pro
tectum t nffouh in sudden attacks. In
yiiooiiliiK.oiiKli nud Consumption
uicro u no other remedy so etllcuolous,
koothlii", ami helpful.
lMvr iirlces nro Inducements to try somo of
'"ii"? ''-;'. or syrups, nmdu of eheim
H i 1lni'lf"',lv iugieillems, now ollered.
iV. n "'wyi'ontiilti no curatlvo (pmlllles,
inli. "i ouy ,l'"povary relief, and uiu
lil!S,iU'c?l.0 ttl!(1 l'l"''l'P0lu.t tUu Ritlelit.
nKcases ot tlio throat ui l lungs demand
E"1, oxperluientlus with unknown ami
thtapiiicdiciies.(roiii tho great liability tlut
. .. iits
JlvoucfiltH Iniluoiiii, ClorKjiimn's
horo Ihioiit, Astlnuu, Croup, and Ca
turrli. tho ellects of Avkh'h I'ih-im,v Pkh.
Avi.u ' Mv;:v4 iiiciu.iuiu. wnv
S VII!I",V I'lwoii.M., and yon way
conll lently expect tlio best leaultsi It U i
n .I'll .1!'.'il "i101' cul Preitaratlon, of known and
ncKiiuw Icdgeil ciiiatlvu power, uud is u
Wr. nn?," llt;ar.t;",, l"eKUiiUoi, and niw
wl llo-. Vt'uluelit pliynlelaus,
maeil '",rol"Wlon,rescill.ut III lliilt
mv!n.,.u-li1,0.u',u wt "" " iHituiy has.
WcllSm,!;aani,n.,,0t M hU'U
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 84 Co.,
I'ructlcal Hint Analytical CheinUt..
Lowell, Mat.
tm V AVI butl.vl.Til IVI.WVMUE..