The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 08, 1881, Image 1
he dolttmbikn. WtCMBIi pltUOCRAT, STAR OP Tit NORTH, and COMJM. II 1 1 11 1 v.l-U...I,ATnil. Imnril Wffltti rvrry I'rlitity innrtilnc, til BtOOMSntlWI, cotuxinu COUNTY. ATTwnroti,thspcryMr, M cents ihieount nllnwert it hen paid In advance. To subscriber out of the county tno terms nro U per, Rtrictly In advance. ir-So paper itlMonllnuni except at llio option of tho puM';""'1 J" J iJi-rcnnntCH nro paid, bullous rMlwied credits will not bo Wven. All papers sent out of thoslntoor to dUtAnt post oniccs must to paid for In advance, unleai n rrsunn iibio person In winmtilacmintjr a3iurncs to pay the Siitneriptlon duo on demand. 1 ' roSTAUK U no longer exacted from subscribers In the county. joe ipiramsramsra-. The Jobbltitf Department of the CnM'tirim i vorv complete, nndour.iobi'rliiilnf! will compare twont Hy with that (it tlm large clUe.s. All worn dono on demand, neatly and rttmoderatj pilcos. ii win wuutilju WRjiimiwwH i ii i iiiw lii l w 1 1 1 1 1 1 in ninni mi iff i mi m n i ii ' " - I IM U Onotnch l-JJ Two Inches. J."' " Thrco Inches JO' JM Four Indies 5.M J quarter column,... no Half column Iiun 1 1 00 (inn column...., ...SO.OU M.m It f..Kl 7.0(1 u.on ir.o) saw KM V.00 MX) 11.09 13 00 i.vno ai.tio nam w-H'SIiWELL, - ..... vi U, BITIENBENDEIl, rjwi BLOOMSUllG, P. 4.., FRIDAY , JULY 8, 1881. J.s.10 1100 KOI M.IM oao except wlicre paruej have accounts. advertisement two dollars per Inch for urn Insertions, nnd nt Hint rato for additional Insortloni wlUiout reference to length. Executor's, Administrator's, and Auditor' noUssi tnrco uouara. jnunuuiJw'uu' uvi..iw Trurntnfit or Local notices, ten ccnta a lino, regulat TUB COLUMBIAN, VOL. XV. NO 2 Dlroctorr. column, on OOI.UMIUA URMotmAT.VOL.XI.Vl, No. 8 douHjS per year for each Unc, rHOKESSlONAI. OAllPS, II. IM'OUKWAY, ATTOUN'liY-AT-L A W, Colcubum HcaoiMi, llloomsburg, P. Mcmhr flf tno ri u i Mimes Association, ol!cctloos milo in any port ot America or Kuropo. K WAl.l-KK, A ttovnoyat'Ttvw. OEce, second door from 1st National Bank. M.OOMSUUHO, I'A. U, FUNK, Attovnoy-at-Lrxw, llLOOMSUOltO.rA, Office la Knl's lloiintsii. EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BLOOMSMJItO. PA. OPPOSITK COt'llTillOUSE. T.nis nnd concnlentsatnplo rooms. Ilatlirnoms, net and cold water, nnd all modern conveniences. F. SHARPLESS, HO. A W.J. IIUUKALEW, ATTOltNEYS-AT-LAW, Bloomsturg, Pa. Office on Mali) Street, first door below t'ourtllousf TOIIN M.CLARK, ' ATTORNEY-AT-I.AW, lUooinsbnrff.ra. .mice over Schuyler's Hardware store. it, t.vm,t. H. A R. R- LITTLE, ROB'T. H. t.lTTI.K. ATTOHNKYS-AT-LAW, llloomsburg, Vn. W. MILLER, ATTOltNKY-AT-LAW, Cor. Centra nnd ltntl lload sis., near I.. & 11. Depot. Lowest Prices will not bo undersold. Manufacturer ot MINE L'AHWlli:ELH,t'oal lireak or nnd llrldifa L'natlncs, Water I'lpes, Rlovcs, Tin ware, I'Iowp, IKON VEKCIi, and nil kinds ot Iron ttlid DrasaOiBtlncs. Tno rtlRlnal Montrose, Iron beam, right hand left hand, nnd nldo lillll'lows, tho best In tho mark et, nnd all kinds of plow repairs. Cook Steves, lioom stoves, and Stoves tor heating stores, fchool houses, churches, &c. Also tho larg est stock of repairs for city stoves, wholcsalo and retail, such as Vlro llrlck.dralcs, Cross Pieces, Lids Ac. Ac., Utovo Wne, Cook Boilers, Skllllts, Cake- 1'latcs, large Iron Kettles, pa gallons to ltf barrels) Karm Uclls, Shd Soles, Wagon lloxes, "Allentown Bono Manure" PLASTKK, SAl.T, Ac, AC, Jan a, 'so-ty Poetical. Dfiieeln llrowcr'sbulldlng,second No, llloomsDurg, i n. B, FRANK ZARR. Attornoy-nt-Tjaw. RLOOMSUURO, PA nmpf. enmer of Ccntro nnd Main Wrects, Clark's fimlMlng. (!an bo cotnitlte'i m Herman. 1 KO. B. KLWELL, A T TO It N 13 Y-A T-I- A W, coi.cmbun UciLDiNd, llloomsburg, l'a. KS Mother of tho llnltpd statca Uw Association Hi'ollectlons mado In any part of America or Europe f H. W1NTRKSTKKN. l"'UKB' Notary Public KNOKIl k WINTEItSTEBN, Attovneys-nt-ljaw. nmco in Ilartman's mock, Corner Main and Mar 'ket streets, llloomsburg, l'a. Syrenw and Ihunltci tollmen. PAUL E. W1KT, ' . .. L i .... Attorney-at-uaw, Horn ln Urowcr's Dlock, one door below Columbian nutiiims IILOOJISUUKU, I'A. HE THE GREAT 1AHREMEDY. i li'OIt. HIDES. Tho Highest Market Prico in Cash PAID FOIl AM. KINDS 01" HIDES AT A. SOLLEDER'S Icntlicr nml Shoe riuilliig Store, Main Si'1si:i:t,Oi'1'ositi: Stonp. Ciiuiicii, BLOOMSBURG, PA. April S, 'SO-ly wee aiBjftBi ei pj Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soronoss of (ho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headacho, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No rrcparntlmi on earth equals St. Jacobs On as a stiff. nttrr. shMinnd rAr(i; External Kuuiedy, A trial cnUUU but tho comparatively trilling outlay of mi CriitN, nnd cvy one piilliTlng with pain can hac cheap and ikijIUvo proof of lu claims. Directions lu Eleven languages. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A.VOGEiER & CO., Jlnfiliiiorc, Jfif., V. S. A. so cometii tiii: rain. BV MAYM.IUWI.RV. out of my window 1 watch tho rain, A blank, whlto mist driven through tho gala Of tho mountain chains, swept on by n great lleslstlcss forco till tho for hllU wano And melt frcm v lew : now tho pines nro tossed, And tho oaks brown limbs wrltho ln tho galo i Tho dark madrono Is growing pale, For tho blast has turned tho hidden sldo Of tho glovsy leaves to tho storm's wild prldo i I Tho whlto drops nro driven against ths pnno socomaththoraln, Tho oaves aro poutlnif a delugo down, Tho shrubs nro beat by tho wild, whlto spray, Tho room Is In twilight, as If (he day Was shrinking away from tho Storm King's f rownj Each hollow Is hidden bcnoalh tho lloo.l. Each footprint, filled with tno rushing drops, And all through tho wlnd-ro2ked, wild, wet wood, Tho trees nrj bowing their heavy lops; Tho storm bents In nt tho window pano So fallcth tho rain. Hut lo t In tho dlstnnco a yellow light Kilts through the clouds, and tho far hills rise, Dividing tho v.itl, to tho golden Bklos s And tho storm, as ono wounded In his might, Trails Northward, uud mutters boauath hla Jiroath, And doparts with tho majcstyiof death. Tho drops still glitter on twig nnd lout, llutahldden thrush pipes a sweet rollcf, Tho sun shines ln nt tho window pnno So ccascth tho rain. C. F. HARDER, DBA LEU IN UY JACORY, A ttornoy -at-lvuw, HLOOMSHUIIU, nmmin i!..i.riik'sI'.ulUil!)E,sceond lloor, over UolTman's Hour nnu iceu niuiu. Oct. S, m HARDWARE, CUTLERY, PAINT, OIL AKD VARNISHES, DO0RS.SASH, BLIPS, BRACKETS Lvimbor of all kinds for sale as cheap as ilio cheapest for cash or produce, If jnti nroatn.iiiT!? eniMltiy l ' utmhu f 3 1, UP il ilu d niill ntUuulfti .tnd UUM Hop Uiutrs. If yrM RroDun? ntvt dlwntlon or uli& rlwl or U or iiwrLi alth vv UnyruUli uchk, rily on Hop W locvtr you, i y U r hj Ml i mtu-t tit r.i -I i ! ni- i iLtmil.Ulllir. tnKo nop uniorbt ITRTeTontfv- I vr uri tiar i com fltitnt, dliMw .tifa. Iiloftil. liver orntnr1 Vnn Will bC I rurrdtfrniiutic HOP Ui tiers Ifyftiiftre dim- It you i n n, J tt -itoillivTovrrmld-n f 111 l.t wink, to rei; t(uuliamtit?rvcanu wutio, uo nop u tuiTcrlntf from any In iinrit tr Touorotoar ymuij, from Uit on a ovu wt. BlUcrc. Tluiuwnthdlo an- it tnmlW from some foun ot Kidney ill if j tL'it ill L'ht iiauh pii)ircirnUit tly w c ft It nnd fowFitlrlt ' it t It may oavo y our llfo. It has, saved nun droua. HOP hub NEVER FAIL July 10, SO tt D. t. O. U tin absolute nnd lriL'Bltfta t.lo euro fur urunKenncfli UaPOI OUIUO). tobticaoi ur uarcviicn. Sold riTilniir circular. uop Bmxaa ITQ CO., ATonLto.OtiU MISS I'ALliAS EUDOKA VON HLUIIKY. Miss Dallas Eudora Von lllurky Hho didn't know chicken from turkey ; High Spanish and Greek nm could llucntly speak Dut her knowlcdgo ot poultry was murky. She could tell tho great undo ot Moses, And tho d.itc3 ot tho war of tho Ilosci, And the reason of things Why tho Indians woro rings In their red, aboriginal noses. Why Shakespeare was wrong In his grammur, And tho meaning ot l;racrHon's"l!r.ihma." And 6ho went chopping rocks With a llttlo black box Anil a small geological lummer. Mio had Mows upon co-education, And the principal needs of tho nation, And her glasses weru blue, And the number she knew Of the stars In e.i!h high constellation. ,nd feho wroto ln a bandwiltlngelerky, And tho talked with an emphiiH Joi ky, Aud sho painted on tllea In tho sweetest of stilei, But fcho didn't know chicken from turkey. Select Story. CATAWISSA, 3? A. may o o m T II. MAIZE, V .mi-W T I A A Al IUnlNtT-Ml-l-vv AND .IIISTICE OF THE I'EACE. Somen in lira. Ent's Building, third dcor from jiain I 1 K. OSWALD, A. Attorneyat-Lawi .Tnckenn lluildinfil Kooms -1 nml 0, May C, '31. BERWICK, PA. M. U. EYEHLY, ATTOHNKV-AT-LAW, C'aWwlssa, Pa. .iiMinn nrnmntiv mado and rfimlttiHt. Ofllc! nnposlUi Oatawlssn Doiioslt Uauk "- tit u. khawn, 'ATTORNEY-A T-I A W , Catawlssn. Pa. omco, corner ot Third and Main Streets. N. S. TINGLEY. Announces to tho public that he Is prepared to do all Kinus or Custom Tailoring, I promptly and at reasonable prices. Now Is tho sea bon fur a SPRING SUIT- And Tloc.lcy'8 Iho rloco to get a rropcr lit. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Miop over lllllmeycr's (Irocery.coroerot Main and centre BiiiTio, ........,,,,,,. . ISliUUMMSUKU, 1 1. C. jE. savage, nBAI.KP. IN Silvorwaro. Watchcs,Jowolry.Clock5.& c Paper Hanging. WM. F. BODINE. IKON 1ST., 11EI.OW SE( OND, HI OOJIblil KO, ro Is prepared to do nil kinds ot HOUSZ: PAIWTIKQ 1'lalu and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, DOTH DECOHAT1VE AND PLAIN. All Mini iil'Fiiriilliirc Rcpnlrca. uikI niaili; as (jootl sin iiw. dunnp my nliscnce, when young ... , disliuKuish uuconlititr to thuir nvor. . : r ,' .. r n halms nml nuii,i.',oy tno louowmy n.iunn. .Kiist, tho loilin biigli, or gumii-killmi? tigur; Ht'comlly, tho" oontiii bagli, which NONE HUT FIUST-CLAS8 WOHKMKN FM PLOYED Estimates IVCado on all Work. WM. F. HOD1NE. n mtnifivnirAM. Attorncv-al-Law. Of- K.-nco. lliockwnv's liulldlng, 1st lloor, lllooms burg, I'cnn'a. may 7, Ni-t f C U. HAItKLEY, I . iiu,fra Imllillntr 2ri(l StOrV. 11001 Vl .-o. - Ollie ltooins 4 0 1 15 J . in HOI1ISON. Attoniey-ut-Law. In Ilartraan's building, Main street. Office WM. M. KEBEB, Surgeon nnd l'liynl- clan. Olllco Jlarkel nreev. nom-uii D II L'rXTO Ur Fk CnrinMin nml I'llVBl clan, (omco and Hosldoncu on Third street ti iwrui.vv Af n . Snroeon nnd 1'liy slc'lan, north Bido Main Btreot, below Market, n. J. 0. RUTTEU, PHYSICIAN &HUKO. EON, onice. North Market street, llloomsburg, Pa. M. C. SLOAS & BRO. III.OOi!SI'KO, I'A. Manufacturers ot Carriages, Btggico, Phaetons, Sleigns rUTFOHM WAGONS, io. Plrst-cloas work always on hund. llEl'AHUNO NEATLY DONS. Prices ridund to sntt tho Minoi. I THE WHITE SEWIEMACH1E All t-inris nf Watches. Clocks end jewoiry neai ly repaired and warranted. Oct, 1, 79. D B. I. L. RABB, PBAOTIOAL DENTIST, Main Btreot, opposite Episcopal Church, bnrg, Pa. lir Teoth extracted without pain. Oct. 1. 1ST9. Ulooms- TV "WILMOT CONNER, M. D., I'HYSI .(.IAN nnrt HTiiuiKON. Boeclal attention clvcn ., II... IliaviUra .ml tiVtrtrfH fit thO KYK KAK Tiioat and suhoikv In all Its vorloya broiiehes. ttr Albo carefully adjusts tho EYE with 1'JvOl Ell ( 8 10 a, m. Ilouns 31:30 p. ro. I 7 8 p. m. Wlihe.barrf, lu! SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. -M-A. J. EVANS, Tho uptown Clothier, has juu received anno line 01 KOW lilHJUS, uimw,ii,i"... r SPRING AND SUMMER SUITS Kor Men nnd Doya lu tho ncattbt mannor and Latest styles. GENTS' FURNISIIIKG GUUUa, Hats. Gaps. &o-. Always on hand. Calland Examine. EVANS' 1ILOOK Corner Main and Iron streets, BiooMSBtraa, pa. PLUMBING, GAS PITTING, STOVES and TIMVARE. Nio: A TERRIBLE MOMENT. T had itist RMoiiied my rosriment in Iudi i, tlio Forty -second Iligl.inilors, bet- tcr cnown as lliis JSiacx vnicn, auur a year of sick in Kuropo, mid was seated in my friend Majo .McGregor's coo", and comfoi table bungalow, gossip ing over all that had oueiin-eil in tno i-iiriw Aliek Fanpiliarson, one of tho Inver- eatild Favipiharsons, strolled in with the, to me, pleasing intelligence of "Tiger." "15y Jove, that old slukarrce, what-you-inay-eall-'ein I never can recollect his name has smelt tho beast, and the Colonel is for getting up a grand hunt, for tho purpose of bagging tho brute and tho skin; tho latter for Urn. " mentioning a lady's name, the owner whereof well, I will not repeat the story." "Deil tako tho Colonel, grumbled Sandy Mcl'licrson. who spoke witn as strong a Scotch accent as liny "hraw ..i,:,.i" i.nvtb of the Tweed: "he's n' tho time speenu about tigers and var mint, and if one o' tho laddies kills a beastie, down ho pops on him for the skin." "It would be awfully jolly to cut out this hunting expedition," I suggested. "And how?" demanded Fanpiliarson. ".lust to beat mi a low beaters, get out to the 3ungle,and iiot the Wast while X..e7cle tlie coiouei m uuii-nug, possible lliudoostanee." "15y Jupiter Olympus! I'm with you!" cried Farquharson; "but wo must start right away, for I heard Old Hagpipes" Ttho irreverent title by which our commanding ollicer was known, acquired from the fact of his ordering tho pipers nf iho corns to ulav at chotohassiiy, alias luncheon, and dinner, till the mess was fairly "skirted" to death "telling Gordon to look up tho guns." "Wo shall start now !" I cried. "I have brought out a capital pair of doublo qarreled breech-loaders, smooth bore tho Prince of "Wales brought down a slag of ten tyno with ono of them at Mar Forest this season and a Snyder." 'Then I'll look up tho beaters and old what-do-you-call-'cin, tho shikarree'said 1 nrquiiarson now huddled together and held council in low whispers, their heads close, their eyes directed to tho jungle, their burn ished bodies .n attitudes suggestive of instant flight. Tho shikarreo ordered us to beat that section of tho jungle on our Immediate right as being the iiiostdense,and where, in all probability, tho tiger was now en joying a post-prandial nap, good diges tion having waited upon appetite, Tho boaters were accordingly assem bled,aud Farquharson look tho near side, whilo I took tho other. With a sharp glance at our gunlocks, and a general hitch to garinents,wo pro pared to go into action "I say, old fellow," pleaded mv com- panioii-iu-arms, "wont you givo mo tho hrst shotT Its my tiger-potting, you know." "Cert.iinlv.Farouharsoii i I'll nivo vou tho wholo thing. I shall only lire in caso of accident." Littlo did I imagino that my words ,vero so soon to bo proved prophetic. In a few seconds tho beaters began to yell in chorus, and to lire bamboo-rockets, anil I can imagine how disgusted tho tiger must have been to have his siesta so strangely and so rudely broken upon. "IIow thoso chaps do yell," laughed Farquharson. "Keep vour eve on (ho jungle, Alick I growled, "and let them roar as much as thev like." 1 had been in a "tightbox" before now bv haviiiL' mv attention diverted from business at what strategists aro pleased In liirm the iiavc.holoi'lcal moment. Not a siiin ha'd tho titter yet given of his presence. Not a blade of the long iuiit:lo crass stirred, save when a rocket lim-d into it. settintr it on lire. The beaters were silent, a signal for tho shikarree. who held up his hand, while his head was perched on one side lilro that of a bird, in tho attitude of listening. "Hush 1" Then camo the unmistakable cough (generally called a roar) of a tiger. I glanced at Aliek to ascertain how the music agieed with him. He had paled a little,but his eyes wto Hashing ami Ins lips eoin'Jiessed, "Wo have him!" ho excitedly cried. "Not yet, old boy. There's many a slip between tho cup and lip," I re torted. "lie cannot escape." "Not if we can help il, but if he's lodia bagh a game-killing tiger we mav lose him yet." There is, in my opinion, only one variety of tiger, although the animal, like all others' that 1 am acquainted with, is subject to a slight variation ot ap pearance that may be more or less ac counted for bv his peculiar habits, which varv according to tho locality and nature of tlio country ho ranges over. In many uni ts of India over which I have hunted the natives recognize three kinds of tigers; ice, and I icsolved lo save tho poor fellow, if I could. It was nu awful moment, and ns I write I see tho etiormoiw head of that The lonir wharf atiMaiidarin, Florida, Hlrelehes some six hundred feet out into tlgc, its gleninlng eyes, its quivering the peaceful St. John's, and hither repair wiiiHKcrr), us oisioiieii upper-lip, us enoi- ine iinnei men, iimit inu nignin ivu .i mous loi'in i while 1 also behold tho laeo their row-boais witn tueir nets, losciiine of poor Alick Fnrqiihnrson, white ns quivering lish to tho inhabitants nnd leath, tho terrible beans noso touching ship the surplus by morning steamer to his cheek. while beneath liiinl.iv his trim. Jacksonville. ... ' . f .. ! . f 1 strolled down 1110 wnan in quern oi a mess and met a tall, bony llsliennan, on whoso faco the habit of Hulling all thank heaven I I was equal to tho emor- night had left a very plain impression, gency, and mado my calculations with "Haven't got n lisli," said he. "No is much sain? jroid ns a clerk 11110:111 tot luck nt all last incut. 1 hiiouui nave up a row of figures in the assured safety had some luck, too, if it warn t for an al- ot a couutiiiir house in tho citv. liualor. Ho not 111 my net and it took An Ahilalihi Alligator. Odd Items. tho great paw of tho tiger stretched out behind it on tlio yellow earth. 1 repeat, it was an awliil moment; but, CAUSE AND r.KKECT. Tho main cause of nervousness is indi gestion, and that is caused by weakness of tho stomach. No ono can havo sound nerves nnd good health without using Hop Hitters to strengthen tho stomach, purify the blood, and keep the liver and kidneys active, lo carry off nil tho pois onous nnd waste matter of tho system. See other column. Advance. The mosquito is n much nbused insect -most everybody hns n slap nt him. WRAKl.Y rP.llSONs' WINE. Old nnd infirm persons need some mild I was but ten yards off. and at that mo nearly nil night to get him out, and tonic or gentle stimulant, especially nt istanco there was a considerable risk there wero two ol tho prettiest schools this season. The wino mado at spoors of bass Hopping by that 1 ever saw. ln stead of trotting n good lot of 11111, us I ought ter have done, and would nev sed in the Atlantic blalcs as tno ix done if it wa'n't for that alligator, here iolli0 wino known, nnd is regarded dist of shooting both man and beast; for, unless I let the tiger have it 111 the head, it wn9 nil up with my friend. t leaped lorward until 1 camo witinn two yards. My heart gavo 0110 beat backward as 1 raised tho weapon to my shoulder 1 aimed at tlio sidoot the head, and tho bullet went from car to ear. The shot was mortal; tho dark blood rushed from tho tiger's nostrils a slight tremor passed over all his limbs, and ho rolled ott, Alick Farquharson then scrambled up to his feet, very white, with his left arm besmeared with blood. His iirst words wero "Hy.Iovel that was a shot. We've done old Hagpipes out of tho skin 1" I don't know how it was, but I Hung myself on the young fellows neck, and hardened sinner that 1 was, hurst into tears likoa woman. It was rather lucky I didn't feel that way half a minute before, wasn t ltT Aliek's wounds were not (langeroiis,and ho was all right 111 n few days. Colonel "Old liagpines" endeavored to nibble thoskin.but Faioiiharson didn't see it, and it now,I believe, decorates the grand old nail nt lnvcrcauld which, ns everybody knows, is the next residence to Queen Victoria's Highland homo Jialmoral. Tlio huge brute was eight feet eight inches long, including the tail, which was three feet 111 length. 1 havo potted two man-eaters since that memorable day, but I hopo never to realize so terrible an experience as that which Aliek Farquharson's rash ness so happily or unhappily afforded me. Japanese, Clilldrvn lives chictly upon domestic cattle : and thirdly, the admec khanc wallah.or man eater, which latter, happily, ore few and far between. A singlo tiger will kill a bullock or buffalo every live days, if he gois tho chance, often eating the hindquarter the Hist night, and hiding the remainder in a bush to consume at his leisure. 'Should ho havo been Hied at,or disturbed on his return to his quaiuy, he becomes cunning, and a great deal more destruc tive, killing a fresh bullock whenever ho wants food : and I havo known tigers that havo become so suspicious that they would not return to an animal they Had killed, although they had only lapped the blood, nnu tho bullock was almost un touched. On tho other hand, I havo known a tim.p retiirnitiL' dav after day to tho car cass of the ox ho had killed, and picking an, notwithstanding ho had been twice tired at by a native sni karree. Hut to return to mv adventure. Tho shikarreo suddenly gavo a low "coo" twice, which told 1110 that he had gotten 011 a warm scent. Suddenly I heard a slight noiso like the crackling of a dry leaf. I distinctly saw a move ment or waving in the high grass, us if tho tiger was making its way toward us. . . Then I heard a loud purring sound, nml Haw somethintr twitching backward mnl forward lust behind a clump of low brush and long grass, about forty yards off. "IIo's there!" I cried in a low tone, to Alick, but without moving my eyes. "I know it. I'lio Japanese children have to endure hardships from their birth. 11 their tiny houaesaro 110 bright,cheerlul lires,no easy chairs,no well spread tables,arouud which your family gather and hold sweet con verse. You must stoop to enter the culi nary houses, and their rooms nro not much larger than closets. A part of the lloor is covered with mats on which they sit and sleep. A block of wood four inches high hollowed a littlo at the top, answers as a pillow, Sometimes it has stulliiiig on top an inch thick over which a clean pieco of paper is spread each time it is used, to save any needful washing. The head poised on this pillow, prevents the disarrangement ot tho hair, so that it need not bejeomoed more than 01100 or twice a week. But the poor babies' and little children's heads aro shaved entirely or have from one to live tufts of hair left on tho top over each ear and on tho back. I havo. seen little babies with heads entirely shaven and uncovered 011 tho coldest day, whilo tho mother or per, son on whoso back it was carried had tho face and head covered, only the eyes and noso visible. Dr. Hepburn says: "only very strongbabies survive their infancy." Japaneso houses havo only paper win dows; they havo no stoves or grates, but a little box, from one to two feet square, with some coal in tho centre, is all they have for warmth or cooking. Two or llireo cups, ns many plates, a tea-pot, a kettle and some boxes toholiMheir cioin- ... I- . Mi .1... mg, complete their iuruuure. jvii ine houses 1 havo seen aro very clean, which their only appearance ot comiort. iltlo children arc often made to tako care of tho baby, A very common sight is a littlo boy or girl, from live to twelve yours old, playing with a kite, with a baby strapped on their baous,iasi asleep, but sometimes crying. In tho latter case, they only say, "lie quiet, nnd go on with their play. But Japanese children seldom cry or quarrel and aro very obo dicnt to parents aud teachers, whom they venerate. I nm this morning with nothing at all in the boat except tho thing. "Have you got mm in the boat! 1 asked. 'Yes; don't yer want lo come down nnd seo hinvt" I followed him down to the end of tho wharf, and preceding us went his fisher companion, a lad ot about seventeen. Tlio boat lav moored to tho bulkhead, and up above on tho wharf, under ashed, sat half n dozen negro women with their babtes, watting lor tho next sleumiioai. Tho boy, with an animated grin, ran down tho Hight of steps into the boat, and as wo approached, pulled out an alli gator four or live feet long, by a cord that was lasteucd about his neck, anil held it on his knees, bending its mil around from side to side. The negro women at the Iirst look, grabbed their babies and lied in all diu c lions, notwithstanding the boy's good nalured, "Ho won't hurt you.'' Ho picked him up and put him down, coiled his tail, rubbed his sides nnd put his big, ugly head upon tho boat-thwait for geneial exibition, and through it all the alligator was as quiet as a lamb. Indeed, ho seemed rather to like the process he was undergoing. Perhaps he liked tho jolly disposition of the boy. "Won't ho bite hitn'f" I asked. "No: alligators won't generally bite," said my fisherman, "unless you tantalize urn. That boy there, is just like a baby; jus' ns quick ns his head is down in the night he's nsloep." Now this seemed just unlike most ba bies to me. I said nothing, while he went on "Last night, sir, after wo kelched that 'gator, wo put him in the bottom of the boat foieward, and that boy there went and laid rijrht down alontrside of him; and, sii, of he nnd the alligator didn't sleep together, 1 oiled in the same blanket tho rest of the night." I looked in the boy's face for some traco ot kinsnip to tho ugly saurian, or some sign of that which had won its mild behavior, but the kind eyes and look of jollv good nature weieall I could see. l'ossibly, if all tho winter visitors to Florida were endowed with good hu mored, rollicking natures, the ugly brutes might yet be transformed into alfection atc domestic pets, which wo might lead about with a pink ribbon or dandle in our arms with interested love. Jfrom J'hrest uud Stream. pure, and is very popular among physi cians. It is especially beneficial for fe males and old people. For sale by C. A. Kleiml Druggist, llloomsburg l'a. No wonder man is sosolHsh nu animal. Hois mado up so extensively of mus sels. sntSTITUlK roil UAI.OMW. AND (JU1KIXK. Simmons 1iver Hegulator, purely vege table, is equal in power to blue mass or calomel, but without any of their injur ious properties. "I have used Simmons Liver Weiruhitor, nnd liud it a most ex cellent medicine, acting liko a chnrm on the liver. It is n most excellent substitute for calomel. I lave tried it in several cases of bilious disorders, chills and fever, and liud it effects n cure in a most satisfactory manner. Dr. .1.11. Bowen, Clinton, On." A young Frenchman complaining of the gravity of Americans, ssid, "they go to the ball nnd dance, us iff they did it by order of the Legislature." Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Hcnew- . 0 . i ... r ...... . ; ens n universal iiivoine ior restoring gray hair to its original color, and mak iug'lmir grow out tniek. A woiu.iii who married a negro ex cused herself on the ground that she was color blind. He thought he heard "the angels sing" but lit proved to be n chorus of yells from the next door children. Ho grow desperate, procured a bollle of Dr Bull's Baby Syrup and sent it to Alts. b. with, his compliments. He was a batchelor. "The mill will never grind with tho water that is past," maybe, but the hand organ giiiids right along with the airs that are past a couple of hundred years. Perplexing l'rulirament. When as, tho world renew ncd terntatlon of tho "While fcowing Machine "ICeen cool!" irnif it. all I'm ns cool ns n lettuco Fnrnuhnrson and I left tho compound iPnf " by different exits, havipg ngreed upon a Another second nnd wo Haw tho am rendezvous. When wo arrived nt the nm( jts wj,Uu chest shining like silver, trysting place I found the shiknrreo nnd :ts e!lrH i,,ia buck, and its open mouth half n dozen beaters.armed not only with '.,11 0f ,rlclliniii!r ivorv teeth. lilies, but with rockets, tho latter lor tho q', jk0 to stuff him in that position," purposo 01 (Hiving tno tiger out 01 1110 observed Fmquhaison. Julyic, Sn-tt W. Hi HOUSE, BLOOMSBURG, COL. 00. I'A. All styles of work done In a superior manner, worK in uiTiimiT paim bv tho USO Ot 11ns, uuu 33. 33. BBOWEB gggaMS We Stallle m Mac', warranted aa represented. freoof charge when artlllclal tioth aro inscneu. omco over mooinsburc Jintikluc Cf inpnny. 7o he (rprn at all hours tlurimj the ilay. noy, wt-iy MISCKLLANEOUS Tlnwaie, mous, In a Brent varloty. All work done by EXPERIENCED HANDS, Main Street corner of Cast, junglo. I hnd taken tho precaution of thrust . ...1. . i. i....,...f. Indtiri-s many unserupulcus competitors to rtforun mij a couieau 00 cnasse, onieer-Killie n imrtj nr mciin iriels tuiDtnro Its renitatlon, we I 1... .1 .. 1... i.t 1 KVto7Smioi ail intending purchaBcrs not to buya giving iu , , uv uy us iowi. White Machine rw with my double-barrel 1 lelt n match for any tawny denizen of the yellow jungle. Tho shikarreo assured us with con sul ruble circiimolocutioii and after ex- 1 .... . . .. 1!.. no ug a solemn promise to save mm except from Its reuular authorized dealers, who will bo sustained by tho following warranty. WE WAItltANT THE tJATUltAL WEAK AND TEAK op this IPLATK NUMIIKIt lOMflll FOIl VAMHA' l'mtPO. IKK INSURANCE. CIIHISTIAN V. KNAI'I', UMK1M8H0BO, l'A. I - . . n.-iif.iivni I'illlUUV C M. HUNKER, GUN and LOCKSMITH, ifflfflj Sewlnc Machlnesand Machinery of all kinds re- SsiAVi'lNSUllANOK COMPANY, dalred. orim Housk liuUdlne. llloomsburg, in. .....ibhiu ore well senooued by nee ' " .. and mc twtw ?d baveneur yet a a imj. AVID LOWENIIEKO. Merchant Tailor "itM naiord ... --. 1 Of rim ouiy. . , - Bdiustcd and nald ' u" "":.; 7,,Vull.nnMalillK0. l'A. tho ucoiicy where iwukh u uj -"v r - 1 I JVViU 1 t - This warranty excepts tho brfcanogo ot needles bobblnsund shuttles. ,. ,v, This warrauiy win uui i , Plato numtier abovo clvcn conesponds with thn number on the shuttle raooslldo, Bewuro of defaced or altered numbers. WHITE SKWJ.MJ 31AOUIWK UK. Tho "WHITE" Shntt'.o Sewing Machine rtas uriatuh oirAciTT than any other famUy Sowing Machine for doing evory variety ot work. J, BAI.TZKH, oenertu Agoni, wooinnbun;, r. n tf , BLOOMSBURG PLANING- MILL. "Hush 1' "Shall I let him havo it?" "Not cU" Tho tii-'er advanced about ten yards highnc8.tho Duke of Conunught, whilo or so in that low crouch which istho pro ni 1.01(1 J'Iiub in mv uuit uiui iirii'i-u l juuu iu nro nimn. ".Now. iUicK 1 1 cried. Farquhni son fired nttho second I spoke letting tho brute nnvo ono narrei. On receiving tho shot the tiger 1 ,t -1. 11 .1 . n !. ..!..., douuieu lis neiid aim j.iwh 11110 u micni, and, turning completely over head and heels, disappeared over a boulder iu tho jungle. "I've hithim!" triumphantly oxclaimcd my companion. "You have." "I fetched him between tho eyes." "Not a bit of it; you struck him in tho chest, and I don't think he's bndly hit." "Clenrthat junglo a little 1" shouted Furquhaison. who, with nil tho rashness of tho neophyte, was for dashing after tho brute in hot haste. Whilo tho men wero tremblingly en t ifit a tiger hnd been 1 overmg nhout thii particular jungle for some time past; that a cow hnd dis appeared, and, having been traeked, in bones were found close by wl ere we woro then holding council of wnr. Tho jungle in which his Tigeiian majesty wns supposed to bo ensconced wns but n short quaitcr of a mile from oamp, and of a very close and dense nature,savo in bald patches, which yielded gooiuy crop 01 nouuiers, or wnero n DAVID LOWENIIEKO. Me Main St., abovo Central Hotel, T 8. KU1IN. dealer In Meat, Tallow, etc., i. . Centro Btreot, betwoon socond ana 1 mm. TAM1CS UEILLY, Tonsorial Artist, UKiUNQ s again nt his old eland under KJfCANK i&unua uaa us usual n'.... ------- - Miok lie respectfully neurits tho ialronKO of his old customer and of tho public generally. joiyu, wit SUCSC1UUH NOW vow the coxjtJ3!rBi-A.3sr IUKTMAN .museum rni KiuariKa AMEU10AN INSURANCE COMPANIES! Incoming of Muncyl-ennsylvanlA. S5S ?h Amortoan of 1 waofphla, 1 lTni(lin.ot l'eubylvuUoi t aruwm cf vcjk, ro. tlinoTereltiow, Yk, Uon Mirki-t BUirt an. K m.. ra. Ml. M. tWIV. :o, Tho undersigned having put his 1'lanlng Mill on Ilallroad street, In llrfct-einhs condition, la prepared to do all kinds of w urk In his line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS. FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lurnbrr used Is well bca&oncd and none but skilled workmen aro employed, ESTIMATES TOR BUILDINGS turnbdiod on application. Plan udipccincatroru pruiKiifu ny nu t'lpenenccu arauuismn til(oitihlnirfrl'a. small stream cut it in two. A fow stilted gaged in obeying orders, my practiced treos endeavored to beard the fierc.n eves perceived a disturbance in the grass rnys of tho Indian sun, but King Sol had u littlo lo tho left ot tho spot at which ii .... .1..;.. r. n' ,!i !. r!.i... .! .1! A .i..l...i. f il.,. shriveled up their foliage until it wns of tho tawny yellow ot the liuiglo grass, that color so admirably arranged to con cenl tho hido of tho tiger. "Ah I suddenly exelnnued tho shi karree, in n low tone, "it's nil right, sahib. Tho tiger is in tho jungle. Ah, hero's his pug" (track). "Seo how it lends light into it. list,' tho tiger disappeared. A "chuck" of tho toutfiio against tho teeth from the shi- knrree. confunied me. "Look out, Alick, hostherol" I yelled; for Fnrquhnrson was already treastiug I havo no other word for it tho grassy billows of tho junglo in a frnntlo eager uess to grapple with tho quarry. I1 nrquhaiBon had reached nn open A Itcmurkaule 1'ony. well authenticated and extrnordin- ary caso of tho sagacity of tho Shetland pony has just coino under our nonce, n year or two ago, Mr. William Sinclair, pupil teacher, Holm, imported ono of these llttlo nmmnis irom nneuanu ou which to lido to and from school, his residenco beingntnconsiderable distance from tlio school buildings. Up to that time the animal had been unshod, but somctimo afterward Mr. Sinclair had it shod by Mr. Pratt, tho parish blucks.nith. " " '" " The other .lay Mr. Trait, whoso sn, thy Xniwilh his fot is n long uiMiiiieu iium .ui, .31111:11111 a liouse, saw tho pony, without halter or anything upon it, walking up to where lie was working. Thinking tho iiuinml had strayed from home, ho drove it off, throwing stones at tho beast, to mnko it run homeward. This had tho desired ef fect for a short time, but Mr. Pratt hnd only got fairly nt work once more iu tho smithy when tho pony's head again mado its uppearauco at 1110 door. On proceeding a second timo outside to drive the pony away, Mr. Pratt, with a blacksmith s instinct, took alook at the pony's feet, when ho observed that ono of its shoes hnd been lost. Having mado a shoe, ho put it on, mid then wnitid to see what tho nuiinal would do. For a moment it looked nt tho blacksmith, ns if nsking whether ho wns done, I hen pawed oneo or twice to seoif tho newly shod foot wns comfortnble, mid finally gavon pleased neigh, erected his head and btarted homo nt a brisk trot. The owner wns nlso exceedingly surprised to find tho animal at home completely shod tho same evening, and it was only 011 calling at tho smithy some days nf terward that he learned tho full extent of his pony's sagacity. Orkney Jter-aid. "That's n vcrv lnriro 'fist.'" observed snace. when thotltrcr leaped forth, and. li'niquharsou. with a tremendous boimd.huricd its head "Yes, sahib, it is ono crcat pug. in Aliek's throat,both their heads going (ircat tigoi great shlkcr" (benst) "for down together. sahibs." "Groat Ood I hoV dono fori" wns my Tlio. healers, -who, ns n rule, mo tho exclamation, ns tho Wood guvoh mad mcsl (lownrdly wntchfR in tho world, Ihroli in my veins Ihen it lkcnme oold An Irish gentleman, with that pecu liar perspicuity of statement chnrneti lis tlo of his race, says the chief pleasure in kissing a pretty girl is when sho won't let you. A Chicago widower selected his noo ond wife for tho elo of her feet. Sho wears nien'u eights nnd ho 1 ightly judfil tiiiit mio would bo 11 gicM lifumi body. The following is from tho San Fran cisco J'ost: They had n terrible timo nt a wedding up nt l'etnlunia tho other day, and which only goes to show how the smallest drawback will sometimes take the stiffness out of tho swellest oe- siou. It seems that iho con niony wasn veiy grand affair indei d. Theie weie eight bridesuini Is, it."' 'he church wiw ciowd ed from pit t" 1-m-. us the dramatic critics would -en-. But, when they gnl to the proper place in tho ceremony, and the groom Im gau feeling aronnil for I he ring, he discovert d thai it wasn't on hand. After the minister hnd scowled at the niihi'iublt' wieleh for a while. Ih" latter h teeled thai, the uiatrie e'uelet had sliji'i il ilni'iigli n hnle iu his pocket aud win krd down into his boot. Ho com nmuicnted the teiribh' fact in n wliNpcr to the biide, who liniii il dendly pale.uiid wns only kepi fiom fainting by the lellee tion that they would inevitably cut tho strings of her satin corsago iu caso she did "Why don't you produce the ringf" whispered the bride's big brother, hoarse ly, and feeling tor his pistol, under tho impression llmt the misernble man was about to back out. "I can't. It's in my boot," explained the groom under his bienth, his very hair, ineMiwhile, turning red with mortifinn tion. "Tiy nnd fish it out somehow hurry up T" mumbled tho minister behind his book, "I'll try," gasped tho victim, who wns very stout, and ho put one foot ou the chancel rail, pulled up his trowsers leg spasmodio iahs lol ling with his loreimger. 1 no minis ter motioned lo tho organist to squeeze out a few notes to fill in tho time, while a rumor rapidly went through the con grcgnlion to tho efTect that 11 teleginm hnd just arrived, proving thnttho groom hnd four wives living in tho east al ready. "I I can't reach it," groaned the half-married man iu agony. "It won't come." "Sit down nnd tako your boot olT, yon fool! hissed tho bride's mothcr.whilc tho bride herself moaned piteously and wrung her hands. Theie was nothing left: ho tho sufferer sal down on the floor and began to wrestle with his boot, which was naturally new and light, while n fretdi minor got under way to (he effect that tho grooin wns beatly tight aud insisted on paring his corns. As tho boot camo finally off, its crushed wearer endeavored, unsuccess fully, to hido a trade dollar hole iu tho heel of his blocking? noticing which, tho parson, who wns 11 humorous sort ot u sky contractor, said giimly: "You seem to bo gelling inariied just iu time my young fiitnd." And tho ceremony proceeded with thu patty of the first pait standing on ono leg, Irving to hido his well ventilated DIIAT AS A l'OST. Mrs. W .J. Lang, Out., states that for fifteen months sho was troubled with a diseui-0 in the ear, causing entire deafness. In ten minutes after using Thomas' Kclec tric Oil she iound relief, nnd in a short time she was entirely cured and her hear ing restored. All things come right to him who will only wait, ptovided he does die in tho meantime. UKAltrOltli, l'A. Thomas Fitchan, Brad ford, Pu., wi ites: "I enclose money for Spiing Blossoms, as 1 said 1 would 11 11 emeu mo. .uy dyspepsia has vanished, with all its symptoms. Many thanks ; I shall never be without it in tho house." Price .r0 cents, trial bottles 10 cents. Never consult a dog upon questions of importance whilo he is engaged in inves tigating a bouean.a. A FKIUNH I.VNIXD. Time over aud again Thomas' Elect ric Oil has proved a salutary friend to the distiessed. As a reliable curative for croup in children, sore throat and bron chial affectations, and as a positive ex ternal lemcdy for pain, it is n never-failing antidote. A young lady wns asked how sho could "po!-sibly n'lTnidto tako music les sons. "Oh, I confine myself to tho low notes." i:i:m:w youi: i.r.Asu. Thtro are limes in everyone's lifo when energy fails nnd a miserable feel ing comes over them, often mistaken for lay.iucss. Danger links in these symp toms, as they arise from impure blood or diseased orgnns. Medical advice is ex pensive and often unsatisfactory. Park er's Ginger Tonio will renew your leaso ot health and comfoit because it restores perfect activity to tho stomach, liver nnd kidneys, and puiiliestho blood, as men and women nstoied to robust health tes tify in almost every neighborhood. Seo advertisement. Advocate. Girls, don't think a fellow is a gentle , , . ... 1 man, necnuso no gives you a poiuo now. Bowers aro alwavs knaves, eo a eucliro player infoims us. hay ravin:. Messrs. Ely Bios., druggists, Owcgo, N. Y. I have been afflicted for twenty yeais, during tho mouths of August and September, with Hay Fever, nnd havo 1 1 u-d various remedies for its 1 cliff with out success. I wns induced to try your Cream Balm; havo used it with favora ble results, and can confidently recom mend it to all similarly afllicted. Bob el t W. Townloy, (ex Mayor,) Elizabeth, is . .1. Missis. While ifc Bnrdick, druggists, Ithucu.N. Y. I it commend to those suf fering, (as I have hi en) with Hay Fever, Ely's Cream Balm; liuvo tried nearly all tho remedies I could fipd, and give this :v deeided prefeteiieo over them all. It has. gieu 1110 immediate lelief. C. T. Ste phens, haidwnre merchant, Ithaca, N. Y. Sent. 0, 1880. Pi ice SO cents. A Very Itoatl. "Aw, guard, they tell 1110 this is a very ciWiit'd road," said tho tourist when lie hoarded the local for Virginia, "Well, rather," wns thu reply. "Thcro nre several places between here nnd Vir ginia whore a passenger in tho rear car can hand a cigar to tho engineei!" "By Jove; that's astonishing. 1 must watch out for the curves, you know " Ho watched, and though backed around pretty well between tho liiuuel mid .scabs, lulled to swing such a trt iiiiifdous circle. "Look here," said ho to Follett when they arrived nt Virginia: "Where wns tho pluco wbero u passenger in tlio rear foot under tho tail of his cod, nnd np- car could hand a cigar lo tho enginecri" muttering "Darn ill' at stunt "Why, 0110 point wns Mound Houses ntcrvnls. there is a good saloon there, and there- U plenty of time for any passenger to get "How could vou think of calling off tho ear, get a cigar nnd hand it to mintio btupidt Go to her immediately the engineer," and tell her you mo sorry." Freddy gota Tlio touiht tumbled, lie treated all to auntie nays: '"I am mxty you,uro so. hands nnd iieknowleilgttltliewll. -vn stupid." I litittim Ifiurlyyc. 91.60 IN ADVANCE