Tll5COLlTIBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUItG, COLUMBIA COUNTS', PA. MOIIB TALK Allllllr 8JIAM. MX. WluMiovcr this iti as' iniikcfl Itsiiii lit'u.inio, tlisro is miiuli t'oitlrovpiay in ri'jjiird to it, 801110 untcrt'iiiiiW ono the ory mid Home rtiiothor. Tliia in not only ho with the ;cop!o in gcnr.ial, hut phys icians dilfiT, nho, in roeel to some lolnH. I )ii'.uiiK' this will nlwny he to. There are very few ieoilo who lave over seen u cruo of eniuil itoxi therefovo hoy know, except wlml they Knther from liininr.whlrh is nhvnys full of 'iToticMtis statement?, therefore the jjpiieriil inte1Hiiei ill regard to the disease gains nothing. In ntiHwer to the ipiosiion, what is Rinall pox'? 1 maintain it is simply an eiuptivo lover, in ils eommeneenicnl not unhko hilious fever, scarlet fever or ty phoid fever. The eruption is only a Hymptom whieh the dis ease. It is maintained hy hoiuo medical authors that vnracelln, "chicken pox" is only a modilied form of variola, "small pox" This is not eorreet, for the ana tomical appearances show a decided dif ference. This, however, is a question to ho left with the profo slon. In' the management of the two diseases, there is no material difference. The disease makes its appearances about ton or twelve days from the time the individual is ex posed to the contagion, in the way of constitutional disturbances, by an inde scribable pain in region of the stomach, and the vomiting of bilious matter, pain In the head and hack, particularly about the loins, weakness of limbs, general las situdo and chilliness, and, if the attack ho severe, delirium and sometimes coir vulsions. These symptoms are just what may bo found in a case of bilious fever; if uncomplicated will last for about three days, when a papular erup tion begins to appear upon the face and neck, exceptionally upon the thighs and limlw first. At the samo time the con Htitutional symptoms begin to subside, and the patient becomes, in a great mea sure, free from pain, and continues so up to (be commencement of the third plage of the disease which is eight,- or ten days later. In about twenty .four hours from the first appearance of the pimples they become more prominent, pointed and capped with a hard granu lar excrescence, winch in passing the lin gers over becomes detached, Some wri ters compare them to the feeling as re sembling small tdiot. I think tliev feel more like grains of sand. This is one of the first diagnostic signs. At this time there begins to appear upon the mucous surface of the mouth, nose and eyelids, a bright rose-colored rash, which in n few hours develops into vesicles, and the gums become spongy, the glands of the neck and face inflamed and swol len, saliva is excreted in excess, so that tho patient may be said to bo salivated. In fact the appearances of the vehicular eruption upon the mucous surface of the mouth, nose and eyelids are tho principal signs that mark the diseasu and which arc noticeable first at the liftii or sixth day from tho attack. Without these signs, and ' granular excretion upon the faco and neck that I have just described, the disease cannot be defined from that of chicken pox. Small pox has for its cause, both eni domic inlluences and contagion, aind I believe I may properly say, spontaneous development. I am "inclined to beliuvo that the former is tho more frequent cause. Changes of atmosphere are es sential to. a healthful influence, hut they also serve as an element of exposure, together With the eflluvia arising from tho decomposition of vegetable matter, especially in our thickly settled towns, where it is more abundant in the way of cess pools, pig pens, refuse, garbage, and many other abominable nuisauccs that collect in back yards. All of these in lluences give rise to diseases that destroy scores of lives annually. When these influences subside, contagion soon loses its foothold and runs out. This is very clearly demonstrated in the contagion of vaccine virus. After it has passed through a number of individuals it loses its pow er and is no longer elTictivtj Then we are obliged to u-sort to the mmroe. '"the cow." for a new supply. All civilized nations at this time believe in the piiu ciplo of vaccination at, dcinoiibir.itcd by Dr. Jenner. May I f, l!Mi, ho vaccin ated a child eight years old with matter taken from thr hainfof a milker t In) li'lii received tlie disen.-o trom a cow? 1 he expet intent tiiieceeded perfectlv7"amT the child recovered from the disorder. On the lirsl of .Inly following, this child was inoculated with small pox- nratter," and it resisted the coiitagion eutiielyT It is the great, protecting agent againsj Mitall pox It is frequently said 'to be the most emitatriotw of all diseases. Il'ivmtr m, t with it only upon three dif fen 1 1 u'ruMon in tnv life of iiiuctice; it may appear ridiculous, in prolcssiniial i I'lU fw .in. tr .1.,.. 1 I t.. '... vn v " ni.uii II r Dili IIIIMl! eonlaj'ious than either scaih t fever or measles, but nevertheless, I dirso stale? and let any one show to the contrary if they can. In scarlet fever and measles we the first place, a higher grade of fever, dining .the entire course'eonse quently there, ii'ust be a greater amount of (llluvia exhaled. It is true tky do not teiminateiir Re'aTcs of dried purulent matter, but clothing has becomo infected in the sick room and carried to a reinoto distance and discnecs contracted from it. I am of the opinion that no clothing that is clean will remain infected when expend for a few minutes to the reno valing influence of sun and air. Second ly, from experiment, there is nothing auoiii Bmaii pox to prove tfiat it is high ly contagious except the purulent mat ter developed in the vesiclu anil that only by coining in contagion with bi ti ded and mucous surfaces. Persons are". not susceptible to the containon at all times, even those who have never been protected. It has been said by. physi cians that a person cannot enter lltn sick room, without previously being vaccinated, and not contract the' disease, Hiirli a statement is without teason. .It immly at pat ticnlarliuien that any one is Misceptible to the infection. Tltoso who contract tho disease from tho eflluvia ex hah d tn in the sick, are tho-io who have previously been exposed to miasmatic and epidemic influence for a considera ble time Their vital forces having be come impoverished and weakened, they bicoiin MMHptiblcjitid 'contract thoills-euM- It bus frequently been askedt at peiiod doew i he discus, become con ti " ; I n ib n. swi r, ai the period pat. id t" exhale vititi- ltd ttlluviA, which is usually at the commencement of tho purulent stage, or when pus and mutter begin to form in the vc-ieles, which is about the seventh or eighth day of the disease. It has been asked, will suiillpox develop svontuncoui ly, without diiect or indiiect contact with ti v diseasef it will, and I I've the cubes that have ncently occurred in the Vvolt tuuulicH jts;n. stances. They are four in number, living on tin ee contiguous lots, with an excess bivo mouth of (tees and shrubbery, most likely inclined to wet, situate on the south fide of Filth near K,kI stioet. In three of them families, I have been in at ttndanee, moieoT W, for u number of jiaiu Jliiiinj the pnft two or thife tius liny have been xiek with lniasitiiit in fivty, ogn'., bilious and pei nteJrm it willing fevcin. On the 16th of Wnv ns 1 wn visiting nn accvmcftemcnt Jifilient lVi"K""lm' tirem"', my "UC'iillon waai called to William Wolf, who was suffer ing with a billons stomach, pains in back, head, and limbs. I picscrihnl for him. In a few days the diilUultv passed, and he resumed his wot I;. OnIavL'2nd, I was called to see Henry Wolf, who was sulTeting with severe pain in head, back, and had a sick stomach, in the course of threo or four days there ap peared about twenty bright two colored spots on his face and fcalp. They were spoken of at the time ns resembling var ioloid, but, 1 thought it hardly possible, as Mr. Wolf continued to gel better ami had not been exposed to tho disease. Small pov was considered as rot hav ing nnv connection with the case. I re garded it as n hilious type of fever, the same ns William Wolf's, but more se vere. iSoon nfler, Lvdla I teaser, a giand child of Mr. Wolf, was stiickeii down with vomiting. delirium, chills and pain in back. After a period of three or four days she broke tint with a papular eruption. At the same time the former symptoms all subsided and she became comparatively comfortable. At this time, Mrs. Vo1f was taken with symp toms similar to those of Lydla, but not so sovero and she recovered in three or four days so that she was ablo to be about. I believed tho children to have chicken pox, as theie were a number of cases in town and had no suspicion of smallpox. Dr. Mclteynolds, having the 1 tenser fainilv, with the exception of Lydia, uiuier contract, was called to treat Lizzie. Ho thought the ciuptions loo full for chicken pox. Calling my atten tion to that fact, I was led to mako a closer examination and found the vesicu lar eruption in the mouth, eyelids, and nasal passages, and the granular excres cences upon the neck and face, which decides these four or live cases to be varioloid and small pox. Theie is no evidence of these people having contracted the disease from any one living off the premises, which if true, tho disease at least in one instance of these eases, must have been of spon taneous development, arising from mias matic inlluences in that particular lo cality. At the date of this writing, June 17th, I cease inv attendance upon theso cases, they being in a fair way to recover. J. HEvans. fixiili: ladii:. Those languid, tiresome sensations, causing you to feel scarcely able to be on your feet; that constant "drain that is taking from your system all its elastici ty; driving tho bloom from your cheeks; that continual strain upon vour vital forces, rendering you irritable and fret ful, can easily be removed by the use of that marvelous remedy, Ilop'llitters. Ir regularities and obstructions of vour sys tem are lelieved at once, while the special causo of periodical pain is perma nently removed. Will you heed this. Cincinnati Saturday Niylit. Can a Chinese shipyard be called a junk shop uknkw lourc i.easi:. Thero are times in every one's life when energy fails and a miserable feel ing comes over them, often mistaken for laziness. Danger lurks in these symp toms, as they arise from impure blood or diseased organs. Medical advice is ex pensive and often unsatisfactory. Talk er's Ginger Tonic will renew your lease of health and comfort becauso it restores perfect activity to the stomach, liver and kidneys, and purities the blood, as men and women restored to robust health tes tify in almost every neighborhood. See advertisement. Aduncate. GET THE STRONO 'MlETITIOIV In the iiiniiufnctuie of Orcratis U msull of clieaj) goods, made hoin inienor uuyuo ijuuo vucib 111c tuiiiiiiuiiii o Jin IIJJI llg 11110 UXISICIICO WltllOU tiny merit wlmtever, except to be offered cheap, and then when purchas ed found to be clear at any price. Will yu not then, reader, If you Contemplate; Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard' to select an instrument bearing the names of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment 0 styles of the celebrated Estey Digitus can now be seen at the ucwroonif yi nit- vriuy jouvuuiu:u fjgDUi iUl 11XX) XjaZOy JTgtlllB IS o'oiuiuoia vounry. a guaraniee lor live years from the manu facturerd acconJaniea every Kstov Organ. iROli U A TRUE TONIC H A TRUE A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER, IKON" BITTI2IW uro hijilily recommended for all diseases re quiring a certain and efficient tonlo ; especially Iiullgtuion, Jjspcjain, Inter vtittekt I'evtra, Want of Appetite. Lou c Urenith, Lack cf Jintrgy, tie ICnrielics tlioLlcxKl, nil tnylliens tliu iuiuc.'(. anil ciruniewllfotatliaucrrcs. Tlicact liko a UiSrni pit lli$ dlu'OilTi. organs, removing all dyspeptic syaiptoma, such as tte JhM.ihi, ml in the Stomach, Jfcartbu, eta. Thooilly Inirt lr!)iirtUI(m tlint will not blnckcu (lto tooth or fjlvo licailuolio. Bold hy all dniggisU. Writo ot tlio A II O llooW, JI2 jul uf ustful and aiuiuint; nwlltiu k-h! frte, IIKOWN CUHMIOAL CO., lialtlmoro, Mil. BITTERS TAKE SIMMONS LI V KR RKGULATOlt It will positively euro. sick HeiHliiclic, DY.C PERSIA. the llcBiUntur will i.oxiilxiv cure Hits ten Ibid rilwiM:. WtiMwileiiiidialKittly what wokliowto bo (run. CONSTIPATION HiiuM t.ol I" tif.inli-il ns.t trillion ailment. Nil tUV'limti(Milie ill men' rcffiiltiilU ot tlio bowel. TlieMui imM nntiira ii fnHnif eimmuin Liver H.'Riil Ui.r It is li.irniltds, mild mm eiruccnat. PILES. Ucllof l nt I'nmlfor tlirmtwliomitTcr ilayntler JnJ Willi I'lli'fl- It niucuud liumlreds mid will euro nm MALARIA. Iviormi mv nciin ill nm ki lj- (votclminlly ufcir.jj i ii.iS" if siinm ,i,.i I.. uteator to kecptbu liver In health)' ncHon, Bud Breath (U'nor,Vlr nllr Imnn ill mlwil ulctmeti, oil) l-oeor 'cd In tkiiiK smm Mv.r tcgiiin'or. Jaundice, Simmons Mver lleKiiMt'irMMnrnidliwteNtlitmth easi! from Ihe rnti'in, luaMtii' thu 6kln oli nr anil tree firm nil linpuittles COLIC. Children surferlntf w ith colli) nuon cxpiulcr.oi! ro ller when s mmoiii l.tur l.i (riil.itor lsiiilmlrillereU. Ailnlts n'RO (It rlio creut hi'in'itt trcm llils ineilletnn. II. H nut lirinleniiiit. It Is hiinnlws atirt eireLlUc. Purity ve(,'etnhn. Sold by nil Druggists. TUY IT. Jiino l, si ly NEW SIGH BLOOD! j'cw' I'maalhn i'lllt itiuku Netrllleh ll'n!,:u ' .i ,.,io(.li'iel.i l.aim.i ti o I.I.mmI In lieniiln ' l'iii in thrie ii i.nllis. Anv iernn M ii. w ill i i ., i il,l "i i-ii s , i ,-1 t lonii 1 o I'.'ui'cl. i i,ri. ,ei,, lnii'il l . .mi l lienllh. (f -uelm tlilii 11,1 . i..iHi in ire , li'ilw n':niiM. . .V. .NMMIV.I VO., Ilo.iluil, Jlttlts., vnnt'I; .".ili..'i. .1.'.'. AGENTS WANTED ffiSffraSfi Utile ,(lu ell I lii r,cr Inn lit" I. Will kiiktniulref lui.uuii, una lli:i'.li iin.l 'l ()i: compute, In aiiiiinuus It will niN, knit a Rri'al arirly of faiicy ivurk fur utitili there Ik nhvnvi. a reaitr innrki-t S.-H.I for ruuiliirmi 1 1,'inn M tin- 'Cwnnililv HnlltlliK Machine C'o..4iM l'l,liuloiisl Ikuluu, Alasi. tiu) 0, sl.l) nlJ lfost Fragrant & Refreshing of rcrfames ExceedlRily Delicate and Lattlig. Price. 23 eta.: Larso Bottles, 7H ota. Sot J by d.ftUrl In Dmgi K Tntamerj. Slgnaluri ofllU. co I ACo.N.Y.. on enry bolt).. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC The Medlcino for Every Family. NEVER INTOXICATES. t Made from Cinder, Uuclm, Mandrake, Stillingia, and other of tlte best vciret.iUe remedies known. 1'AkKKH's OlNCErt Tomc ha remarkably varied j curative powers, &. istliecreatestSiomach Correct- 3 r or,iiiooai 'turner anuuvcr Kcguutor ever mauc l The BeBt Medicine You can Use for Bestoring Health & S tree gth Itcommenccsto set from the first tlose, sea relies out the ucalc crgans, and is warranted to cure or help all diseases of tlie llowets. Stomach, Blood, Kidneys, Lh er, Urinary Organs, at 1 Complaints of Women, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Itheamu tiim and Drunkf mif . Try a bottle to-day i iim.iysaveyourlife. 50 ct. and $1 sizesntatldriiggist. Every genuinebotde has our signature en ouimJc wrapper, 111 wo x & Co., N. Y. Large sating in buying $1 siie. Just Wlint in Wanted, Everj-body w hose lislr U gray cr failed has felt theticedufn 1 fair Restorer mid dressing iliat is cleanly, ngnealJy perfumed and harmless. Par leer's Hair ltatsam satisfies the most faMlJ'ious in these respects. Sold Ly drurcistsat uui $i. oct. l,'SOly OPIUM And SSOKl'tlir.T. Ilnlilt curi-.l Ir. li ltLJil.iyi.'lVn ytfiinu---ta'.ll.'.ird; 1,M c i:n-.t. Wr'terlaU .ngciisc. U :. Macmi,, AlUli. .prtl sn-Sin aid T3f ATV trifirs IS mclul sti)i3. a sets roeJa o tui.j),'. nee. Aijare?s uvitty, mMinuKion. inu s. Sl-sy ultl caution. &m BEST. mntoriuls. I refer particularly to J. SALTZER, Agent, nioomsburgf, Pa TONIC FoA it l ly JUST OUT. MORRIS & IRELAND'S NEW IMPROVED FIBE-PfSOOF SAFE. THE ONLY EIGHT FLANGE SAFE MADK IN THE WOELD, AND CONTAINING OUR Patent Inside JJolt Work, I'atent Hinged Cap, Four-wheel Locks, Inside Iron Linings, Solid Iron Corners, LATEST FROM MAINE. Lock's Mill's, osfonl co , Me. Mi-ssrs. Morris A Ireland:: Oen'8: On thu ttund or N'uvemliiT. ism. nnr tnnii mill lit 1 Ills place, (until, to stories lilKh, wusto tallv cousumi-u by lire. In which thprn irnokn.1, quantity ot spool lumber, spo.iia uud blocks, nil boii-hoiii-d. Tlio lire uumeil for three anU a lnill tlajs. nv Liu ouo 01 juui-huii's in oiiriniitunu Tuesday mornloK rollonliitf, eighty Ikuis alter: Him was too Hot to handle, belug covered with bumltii; blocks, tiome tlmo alter It as opened ami tho ion tents were In a good stntof prestrvatlnn, not a book or luiwtwlni; destroyed. , am satislled with yoursiifes und hnvv uurchusuil nnotlu'r. nnd run cheerfully lecomtnetid them to nnyona wlshliurto CCI.IIIU iiit'ir vuiuuuius irum uoini; uesiioyeu oy lire. lours iruiy, 1. u. TEI11I8, TREMENDOUS TEST. Uoastlnc Thirty Ho us In a lied of lied Hot Coals. Cornlcg, N. Y., January C, 'Si. Morris A Ireland lloston. Mass. (lcnllemcn:-0u the night ot tho lire In our vu lture on ihoucth lilt. Ill din usii anpolinar No. 5 Mfca. 1 urn pleased to ltitorm you, after the floor iravu niiy ii itu iniu me cuiinr, lino u uenp 01 burn lnucoal, whete it roasted for thirty hours, ourcit. lzens and hell cavo ui) tho lioru of nnvthlnir tip. Inirsavtd In It. on lelas taken tiom thu riinislwun hnpplly disappointed to Und my eusli, vouchers arid other aniens of value reriectly preserved. Ihe combination works well now. 1 ratlftii'd your now and lmptuvtd work, ouo of vthtch, a No. -I', 1 hive trd-red in jouraKent to-day, vv 111 afford ftusumic luuicilivu lu Uliy 1110. rruly Yours, E. H. IUknks. STILL AHEAD- Kochtster, N. II., Dec. 10, 10. Messrs. Mollis & Ireland: l)iar Slis:-In the disastrous Hie wnichtook place In this town Nov, .in, tuo Morris Ireluidsafe lu my utoro was subjected to a Sctie test, b-lnt thrown Inlo the ii llorand a huge mass otdi'bi Is t.-ll upon It, ntul tt was In thu iiilnsMmio twodajs. I lake iile.isilie In 1 l.Iul Inltiir i oil I hat iinoiiexrava- uoti If wasopiiii u without trouble uril llioconMits wen-iutinu to ii iiiiii.juicd. I chiirtully recom nii'iiil juur miIi 8a ui him ,1.1 1 want iiLolher I should cj.iaini) iii'ciiuwi ube iioin joti. Yours truly, Cl.W. llnwK. STILL ANOTHER. I lulu tho Ureal t'liuluTioy, Now York. Tin), N. Y., luciiiibcr II, isiu. Ucsirn. Morris .V liehiuil. Itoi-'lin: li"iilli lu. 'li: Afti'r itllhi S'liiK lliti charii'd lionks oiitof Did faffs i lu.'i.i'''. also niir nr inv own whti'ti u.i" , mother I'ltko, which urn i.ot In the Ileal of tin' lit.' like lliii No il l itolv puii h ised of nil, which W.IS III till) tlllMiM'l II'IY-I llflll, llll.irh. uud had In b'j phmil i n iluni.n Minnl.i) nlht us It ll'.('Olllpll l.,V hill IL Ml lll'll Willi Hill hllljf IIIIISIIIIS hi il iilli'i- Ii, II tin ilitu tiiati'tlal. oh ui i'iiiiiL' It In Ihn iiiIihTiiii il.iv i tli'ri,ooii, I was ph asi'il to llinl thu I'liuti'iitH, liiiiiks, napirs ntul null') uum nil pi t sri led lu 'i it in. n km ly Miml condition. Willi this piooi ui i nn iiiniiiiiilliirsM (iiui sail' wn hae yiv en j our iiKi'iitim ouh r f r oi.e Mi. s safe. Yours ri'Spcel fully, Davis .t Co. 'I'HH UKKAT BOSTON lflRE. JANIIAIIY. .Mortis ti liclatid'H Knfm Apiln Tiluiiiphiint-Messiu llll'l', Kl'lllllllt il i'O'H. Ull'l siifu HuveulH ItH ValiialiNi cohli'iits Ititait, after Im'Iiii; sub Jii lt d lu liitrn nhi'iit for nno llinidred and 'llility Hums. lloston, January i, nut. Messrs. Mollis K Irt'lini.l. lloston: (ienlfc: (in the nlul.t cf Deiember ss, last, tho bululliur occiinl-d In nait by us at Kcderal street, and nlilch was lour hloiles lil;li and about win leet deep, eaUKhl lire and was destroyed, with all ltscoiiliMH,ciiin-!.Mliii;Lf a Miy largostoekof puiwr, tin k Linuers iiiaitTiais nun o i er iiiercuuti Uli.'. U hllii heM'ral otbt r lurcii bulldliiL's ll1 loliiliiir ours weie burned at thu same tltuv, the Ilames were exllnauli-hed thu follow Inir dav. but our stock con tinued to bum fur uais then after. Alter a delay of ISO hours wn weie utile tu uo our safe diiu out trom thu ruins and ii)ieiied, and were pleaed lu Itnd ull the contents well pteserved. 'lha safucoutalued our most Yuluuhln books, papers, policies, etc, and wenowfeelbuietliatourJuiiL'nii'iil was toirectlu biijlnt'onuof nur lafos, which we decided to do after knowing tho wonderful record of your sales lu the sreut lloston lire of Wo reeura the protec tion of j our rale as most remuikuble, and this lire Is a guaranty of its security to those who may wish iu puruiasc. Yours very truly, Kick, Kkndall & Co. Also a Communicaticn from Ex-Cover nor Alex. Rico, lio ton, January 8, 1SS0. MESSHS MOHIIIS & IKELANll. (lens: Ihuioinailii careful examination rf the contents of the tale purchased of you tomu jears slnceby ILo hrm ot luce, Kendall & Co , and which wan subiectto tho test of etounou heat In the great tire or latt .Sunday nlKht. I retard the so curlty of tho eafo under the circumstances oa most reimirkaolo. None of Its contents were burned, uui ntiu any oi iiieiu su lujureuuy neatasioiw luuiviiaiiy uuuiatu. iMiouiucommu anysi'curu Us to your safj hereafter with additional oouil dence, With great respect, jouih very truly. Alexander 11, nice THE LATEST YET. BUr THE SAME R5SULT, So Norrld'.'twoek, Me., Keb, 1, 1MI Messrs Morris & Ii eland. HgfUui Muis.i The ealu I rnuehi ui jou lest (K'tcberwai In n wo-story wocden bulldlnif, whnh buried Jan.Sfi. Tlio butldlntr tookll'i'ln tho nluht, and llw sof,, bulldlliR and Its, fell Into the cellar upon a pile of dry wood, mokltii; a hot me whkh latted forteu hours. Hieouisluoot tho sjfiia .eatid n u nut. ii meiieti ino unuaio and utai oir tho door I he conteuts conbl-ted of watches. Icwcim. tiiin, ware, books popi ra Jtc, all of which came out In irood roudltlou, 1'apeis hlDL'atrati tt the inside ot Ibiifafeweru not Injuud ihesaiu ihos for It hell Ills, Biid I it el well satinied with what It uuauunu. rieasu write wuai jou caa allow for II 1WI1.IHH UVR UUV, UUU UUIIXU, O. V. HALL. CHAMPION RECORD in the GREAT BOSTON FIRE in 1872. ICficnd forpilooa and descrtptlvo catalofiio 1. fore purchauinu'claewhcro, MORRIS & IRELAND, 64 SUDBURY ST. Boston Mass, Mimk r BLOOM S&UBG STATE NOHMAl SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL HOHOOL 1 I ft 1 '!.! t'T Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Hv, D, J. WALTBK, Jr7Ph. D., Principal. TlllHSUIIOOh, asat present constituted, otitrs tho very best facilities for Professional and Clnsstcailearnlnff. ,,ntifi nnilv of nure.ioft lltilldlnirsBnacious. Invltlnif and commodious i compleU'ly heated by steam, well ventilated, lighted by km, and furnMicd with i bountltul sunptj 01 punon sprlncwater. ,..., wicaiionneniiniiii, nnueaiy oi ncccfls. macners Bxiiuneueeu, iniu., nu.i uniu i ;"v""'-i " '", ' , Vi moderate. Kitty centn a weok deduction to all oxpcctlni: to leach. Htudeuta admitted at, any tlmo. Itooms reserved when desired. courses of study prescribed ny tuo :stato i I. Moitel Hcliool. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adlnn.! ftuifaoa T A p.'iitenitn. 1 1, nntiiinrretitt. III. fnnrnp In Mimic. IV. Course In Art. Tho Klcmentary Sclentlllc anil I'lamhwl Courses correspondlnB Hegri-cs ; Master of tho KletnentH ! Master of tho Sciences : Master of tho Clasitcs. Uraduatcs incirntiainmcnis,, siiineu uy mo uiiicersoi ino iiouru rnecoursu ot Hiun y orescriDeu uy ino ataio is nncrai, Tnoriiatoreiiuiresaniirnerorueroi cuizensiup. gent anil oiucicni. rencners lor iierncnoois. m iiiiiuiiu anuineirtaienis,asMiuuenis. 10 an sucn 11 promises Lainioirue,nuurc3ft 1110 lTincipai. ltXl It'll t 1411 H .X'!.! . f .. H.fl.l.lnn( tin,, v.l Sept. R. 'in.- ' ' ' SPRING CLOTHINGE- THE LARGEST - - - - STOCK OIF CLOTHING. JUST WHAT WE REPRESENT IT FOB. CUSTOM TAILORING OR READY MADE. ItfOW OlM HAND INVITE YOUR EXAMINATION TO KNOW "WHAT TO WEAR" AND "flow TO WEAR IT." CALL AT THE DAVIS. $1,000 REWARD. ONH TlKillSANI) (l.OOO) DOI.I.AIIS I'HKMIUil ull"ieil id ANV I'HUSDN tlmt will iln (iltKAT A ItANOK OK WORK on ANY OTIIKIt MACI1INK. WHAT TI1K NEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without busting. It will make wide hem 011 sheets, ic, hem all uiiiniieriif hias woolen Hoods, us soft merino, eniH', or L'uods dllllciilt to hem on other machines. It makes ,1 more elastic stitch than any oilier machine. II will turn a hem and put lu pi l lie; at same tliuu It will turn a hem. how hrald 011 thu rlu'lil side and stitch on trlnunlni; at 0110 operation. It will do f, lllnc tilns or straight, cither on cotton or woolen yoods. It will fell across seams on any goods. I will hind u Dress or Skirt and tew on faclnu, either with or without Hiuwlne; stitches; hind Hretu floods with thes.iiiiomaterlul.t'llliurtcallops.iioluts, squares or Ktiatght. '1 ho only machlnu Unit will bind Hats, Cloaks, or other articles with tlas, butlu or silk, from x to 3 luchislu h, without bustlnif. It will gather with or without snwlni; on. It will father between two pieces and sew on at the same time. II will mako nrunio and stitch a pillow slip on to the facing at the samo time. It will shirr any kind ot goods. It will muko plaited ti tunning either with or with out sewing 11 on. It will mako plaited trimming either Bcalluped or straight and bew aplpli'gou at thu same time. 11 will mako knife plaiting. J. SALTZEB, Qcu'l Agent, lUoumsbursr. Pa. oct. 1, '80-tf. J 1 t,u IT-lm LKOAL 1ILANKS, .ALWAYS ON HAND AT'TUft OWJOK BS1 ' UP . . . ! lit! f.3 i rh ' i 1 iti.iNj.t 'SB-a 1 ,. :,:;.".rt Sk n ;'.. gr, :ir 1 ' , )&-.. ' " u , , ,, 1 , , tfhimM l'j . . A On ' Ti trrr lj P&y "r,,, V ' mt . , . ... r.i.nin nro I'llOKKSSloNAU ami Htuilcnw graduAtni,' ui i usiee-. .... aim mu 5 ;ieuiuic nan tiassioui tuuisus ru nut ; iiioinnes ueiiaiuin. aimiiuui vuoihiuhjuuiulm ui 11, suuuiis jiiiiiniirimunn s,inouiuramu uiuiu ueveiopiu muir powers, uuuuumiuub uiiuuituuiktun wi nf iP.n.l.iia. PORT GRAPE WINE Used In the principal Churches for Communion Durposcs. EXCELLENT FOR LA LIZ E AND WEAKLY PERSONS AND THEASED. Speer's Fort Grape Wine ' FOUR YEARS OLD. mills Celebrated NutUo Wlnn Is made from the J. Juice of thu oporto drape raised lu this country Its Invaluable Tonio and Strengthening Properties are unsurpassed by any other Native Wlno. Bel g the pure Juice of thuiirape, produced under Mr. Upeer's own personal supervision, Its purltj' and geiiuiiirness aie guranteed. The youngest child muy partuko of Ils geneiutis iiuallttes and the weak est Invalid use it to advantage It Is particularly benltlclil to tho uged and debtlltated, and suited to the various ailments that nfTect the weaker sex. It Is In every respect WINK 'to HE UKLUiU ON. SPEER'S P. J. Sherry 5 Tho 1'. J. MIIUItltY Is a Wlnn ot Superior character and partakes ot the golden qualities ot tho grape, from which It is madu. for Purity, ltlchness,t'lavor and Medical l'roperttcs, It will be found unexcelled. SPEER'S . .l .lSraiidy. This 1IKANDY stands unrivaled In this Country, being tar superior for intdlrnl purjioses. IT 18 A 1'UltH distillation f om tho grape and con. tains valuable medical properties It has a dellcato tlivor, similar to that ct the grapes from which It Is dlhtllled.and Is In great favor among first clas-i families. Keo tluit tho signature of ALFRED Hl'KElt,Passalc N .1 , Is over thu coik.of each bottle. SOLD nYO.A.KLEIM. lleOM '60 t- To Ncrvon: Sufferers Iho Great Eurcpcaa Roycdy. UK. j, n. simi'son's srticinc mkiiicink. llr. J. H. Simpson's Wpeclllo .Medlcino Un positive curoforuerw(iikoriiodyor brdii or excess of any kind, such as weakness and all dlieases rasulllug from Nervous Debility. Itrltablllly.Menlut nnxlety, iJHiguor, l.ussltudo, Dern.'silon 01 bplrlts and func tional lUraugemunts of Ids neivous sytstcm t-eu eraliy, 1'aliislu I lie nacK nr mho, uoi". ot.Mpmo-y, rrcuia tore olJiis'O anil ill eases thai loud ti coiism.llon,lnsiii'l ty fan early gravt or tioth. No luattei how aliattered tin system may b" frore exm-ses of a 11 j kind, u . h'.rt 0"Ur, e 1 n n 111, dielue wul lerivie iu,i lost functions und troeuie heahh and happlueBt where beioru was despondency and gloom, lha Hpo- uiuu lieilieinu is I'eilli; u...! tvuil wuoudriui SUI Cia1). riimuhi. ts Ki-tt fr e tu all. Willp for llieiiiand get fu'l liarfleu'or. rrlo". Sf "Kl" ll.'W per parksge, or all packages Address all urdera, J. II. HIMI-S'iNN Mh'DIUlNKCO, nut iui mm jutiui amui, xiuuaio, , v. lob. II. Ht-if rAJNViUOIUCO., WllOLKiJAUl OltOUKItS, 1'IIIUDILrW, IXiakursIa TKA8, avitoxn, vavruE, uuuAit. mouikuu N, K, vonortiMiMia Uia Arnh wmiim. i.,.i i-in,i Mi.ifr.mi anil thorouirn. EtdpiisH' V. Course III l'liVAicill Cnltllie. therein, jccclvn State Diplomas. confcrrlnB '!' fp,VV'5 lu tuo otuer uourses reccn u norunu v. ..u.i.r . n,.wnf.ii. iu' 1 , VX cumTi hv furnlihtni? Inlclll .uw o.muv. .u ,, .y, .', -(-"". K1,"'" i;.vtntrHchoot Fn P. 1. IlIf.tMYBIl, Secretary. liiniiiiiMHinwuiram Battlo Crook, Michigan, UH0rA0TOBIB9 OF tllU ONLY OKNUlSE THRESHERS, Traction and Plain Englnoo and Horso-Powors. Mo.tComnlctoTbrf.licrriittorjt Established U thoWartd. 1040 f f ur A DO ofollntiownii,li.lit6"t J I ItAnOiK". without chaniro of nimo, O - tnaomreuicnt, or , location, to " baa up i Iroad warranty yiten on all our goods. STEAM - l'CIWEU HEPAUATOUS taS Coinpli le Mtenm OiiintiMflijiiHrta. Trnrtlon JCnulncn ami l'lnlii Luglnc over neon hi tho Amerlean marsct A tnuUltuitt of tjvrtal ftmxuru am tmprotmtnU for 181, toirothor with npe rior qualtttt' it r omlnie. tt,m an j nafrlali not dnianiM of by other make. Four sli of HeparaWw, from 0 to 18 bono Capacity, for ttuam or hortt rxnrtr. Two ftylm of " Mmintod " Ilonw-roworj. 7Kffi nnft eet or Scleeteil Lambrr OUU.UUU (rmnlrfloUymro(r..Ir(it) couitantty on hand, from which l built the u romimraulo wood-work 01 our macniuery. TRACTION ENGINES mo!-. 8, 10, 13 llorie Tow . Farmer nnd Thresliermen are Invllod tt JnvfwtUrato UiU tnateAie.. ThronahiK Machinery, Circulars sent free. AddroHS NICHOLS, 8HEPARD & CO. Battle Creek, Mlohlsaita, sion t THE GREAT lWItZTNGTON ROUTE. tVNo other lino runs Threo ThroiiRh Piuv reiser annus iiiiiy uoiivcen Liucngo, oca Moines, Council lllutls, Omaha. Lincoln. Bt. Joseph, Atchison, Tnpeka and Kansas City. Direct rminrTtlnilfl fur lilt luilnta In l.'ntiuau Nebraska, Colorado, Wyomtiur. Mmitunii, No vbuii. now juciico, Arizona, luano, Oregon nnd California. . Tho Shortest, Speediest ntul MoatComforta- Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Galves ton nnd nil points in Terns. ine. iincgunicn inuiieciueuis nucrcd bythla Lino to Travelers und Tourists, nro n.i follows: The colobrnted Pullman (Kl-wheell I'alaco Sleeping Curs, run only on this Line. C, II. 1c O. Palaco Drnwlnir-Itoom Cars, with llnrtnn'A ltccllnlng Chairs. No extra churgo for Seata In ltccllnlng Chairs. Tho famous C, II. & Q. I'alaco Dining Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Can fitted with Elegant Illgh-Ilackcd Italian lto volvlng Chairs lor tho eiclusivo uso or first ciass paiicngcra. 8tccl Track nnd KilnprtnT' Pniltnmonf. fnm. blnod with thoir Great Through Car Arrange ment, makes this, Rhovoaltothcrs, tlio favorlto Homo to tho South, South-West, and tlio Far m'SV. Try It, and you will find traveling n luxury Instead of a discomfort. Throutrh Tickntn -lit tlita rrlnhr' r.tnn for snlo ut all ollicca in tho United States and Canada. All Information nhmit Rates of Faro, Sleep. Ing Car Accommodations, Tlmo Tables, iL will bo cheerfully givon hy tipplying to J. Q. A. 111'. AN, Gcn'l Eastern Agent, 'JOU Washington St., Uostnn, Masa, ,., nndai7 Hro4dwny, New York. JAMES H. WOOD, (len. Pass. At Chicago. T.J. POTTElt, Oeu. Manager, Chicago. March 18, '60, 40t CANCERS CURED At Crane's Cancer Infirmary, Adiiscn, N. Y. lUINDltEDS OF PEHSONK from all parts of tho world have been cured of this much dreaded dis ease aud are now living witnesses that thev have beenieseued Iroin a terrible and untimely death. Doctors. Ministers und thy Poor treated free. Write I?S,1c.'.'i9Vll!r.,Llv""'',ul,P'ir,,culi,r8' Adddress Drs. Oct I o h l'"UWN, Addlton, N. Y. Weaver & Oo'o Ads $1, AYEAK can bo made ut homo by any uctlvo mun or woman, tuy.or gill. You win not oe tiDiigcu to icavo your 0 u ton 11, or he away from home over night. .nv nno enn en,..iiit.t ihf. h,,Ji. he-ei- It retiulris no capital. n Ji WILL s 1 '"'jj'Vj1 AN OUTFIT WOUTH 11 nu are pinnnv,., nm-ti,,. 11, ,1... ...... ... muko from fl to n an ;ei,leg, f-cmu ct our ogenu report a piuilt of jji m u single day. wVtu. at ,mee for full particulura to a. t). nllihut'T. "u liarcliy street, N. Y. "m.u milieu 11, Ol-oiu BUl'BKlOlt TO ALL OTHERS. .11 lit 1 Highest I'llJes Awarded, PIANOS nilCVHIt Jk N(N,T91 IrchMteet Philadelphia. Highest wiiriis for thu best Haiioss London Paris ud eun'a State fairs. UJIUII 11, Sl-tlU WACII $5 Outnt fnA In II.MA uhr. .-1.1. . ti,7, nr.Vf ni,ra.V"V,v ""j;'r..,!'''r.'e'u a day and upw Mis iVeVsil,-,1 3 as men. and young bejs and girls m.itrrat iSS? No one who Is wllTlng' to werE fi lis to rtiake uiMe uiontj eyLry Caj- than can t it.aliu iw Jk t on""' emplojiniut. Tttsw who t 7gie ouci wtuniidaatiort row to rortuna. AUnm ti tu5? un, Kiitund. Main itTvJ o 1 " LATEST STYLES OP At tho 00LimWAlI omoE. 17. m RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES DliNNaYUVANlA JtAliilUlAU. 1'IIILA. L DKI.riUA r.tllG It. It. DIVISION. 1 SUMMER TIM 13 TABLE. On and after fitindny. Juno mm, tho trains onthol'iilinucipnia.v, nno nn ironnuniiion wlh run as follows! ,.,, uu y IV .Mil'. Erlo Watt lenvm I'lil'artetnhla 11 r,j p , " " IturrlHhiirg 4S5am ' William-port S4naw 1 " -lorsey ahon 11 mi 1 " " l.oek ilnven 40ni " " Hetiovo n ca , , arrive at f.rlo )km Nlagam Kxpretflleaeriillnfle1rlila 1,1 11 nrr. at .vllllatniport, . ' " LnckliaNcH 4 "n u i " lleti.ivo - 1 " " Kane , Fftft l.tne leavp I'lilladi'lplila 1 i- 'i HotrlsbuHf 4 n , " arrive at WillluiuSp -.r " " l.oei'. llaM ii 1 KAhTWAhD. f dfle KtfireiMi leaves Lock lla-, n 1 " " .iBi'iisy si.oiu t 1 " " w llllarnsport 'o n " arrive at llarrhhuig tins n 1,1 " I'hlladelphht tu. , " " Kttno imiiiii Diylixprcssleavos henoio in 0.1 am ' " lock Haven 11 Mam " " WllilnitiEriort 11 Da pta " arrive at lliiirtiburc R 40 urn ' ' Philadelphia iW pu " ' Krio 1135 am Erie Mall leaves Itonovo a 0 u ta " Ix;k Haven 10 lu p m 11 " Williamson 11 no p m " ntTlvesatltarrlsburg snoum " " l'hllidelplua 7 3Snni Fast Ltno leaves V, llllarnsport U ia n m ' arrives al llarrlshurg 11 in u m " " rhlladelpuu T35am Erie Mall nnd Fast Line west and Paclnu Kt East make cose connections ut Northumhonotirt with 1.. 11. it. H. trains for Wiikesbatre ana scranton. Erie Mall West. Niagara Exurou West and Pn,t Lino Wesnnako close connection at Wllllomseoit with N. U. U. W. trains north. Nlncnra Express West and Dav Exnirsa f,,.. makoclosoconnccttun ut Lock llinen with 11. e.V, ... ... 1 uuin. Erie Malt east nnd West connect at Rrln wiiii trains on L. H. M. 8. It. H. i at Corry with O. c. 11. 1'.4! W. It. It.i at Emporium with 11. N. Y.&l'. IL II. and at Driftwood with A. V. II. It. Parlor cars will run between I'lillalclnhla nnd WtUamsport on Nlaara lixnress west, and Dav Ri. press Kast, Sleeping cars on all night (rains. VM. A. 1IM.IJW1N, Ueneral oupt, NOKTIIEKN CENTHAL KAILWAY COMPANY. On nnd after January lith. lf-sl. tralnt. wilt u Sunbury as follows tl nuiaunTuui, Northern Express u,3u a. in., ariivo Elmlrn li.30 pm Arrive at Canandatgua 3,'ii p. m " Rochester 4.40 " Niagara, m 48 " Niagara Express 1 .115 p. m. nrrlvo Eimlra fl.M p m nrrlvo Canandatgua 8.33 " llochcster 945 " Niagara u.toan Fast lino Clop in nrrlvo Eimlra 11.03 p m " Watklns 11.65 ptn HOUTIIWAltl). Soulhern lixprens 1.32 a. in. arrive flarrlsb'g 3.15a m nrrlvo Philadelphia 7.3.1 " " New York 10.85 " " Ilaltlmoro 1.40 " Washington S.CS a m Puclllo Express 10.1111 a m arrive Ilarrlsb'g ni.015 p m nrrlvo Philadelphia 8.45 p m " Now York 6.J5 " " Ilaltlmoro C.20 " Washington 7.G2 Day Kxpivj1.5) p in nrilvo Ilarilsburg 3.40 pm ' Philadelphia (1.45 " " NcwYoik 9.30 " " Ilaltlmoro C35 " Washington 7.52 Erie Mall 1.03 a. m. arrive Harrlsburg 3,03 a. mi ' Philadelphia 7.35 ' " Now York 'O-SS " " Baltltnoro 7.40 " Washington 9.02 L. P. FAItMElt, General Passenger Agei,t. FltANK THOMSON, General Jlanagi r. piIlLADELP; HA AND HEADING ItOAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGEU TRAINS, Maybo, 1681. TRAINS IKAVK llCPKHT A FOLI.OW8(SCM1I1T EXI'KITVD For New Y'ork, Philadelphia, Heading, 1oi.,,jo, ftc, 11,45 a. ra For Catawlssa, 11,41 u. to. ; ,10 aiv, 0,J3 t , in, For WIUlamsport,il,15 a.M a. m. uud y u IKAlNarOll RDPKKT LkATI AS F0tJ)ws, (r HPAr CK1TKD.) Leave New York, M i. Tamanend 9,45 a. to. and via. Hound ilrook Ilouto 7,45 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, 8,43 a. id. Leave Heading, 11,33 u. m., Pottsvlllo, f!,to p. u andTamaqua, 1,55 p. m. Loave Catawlssa, c,to 8,40 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave Vllllamsport,9,45a.m,,oop.ui. and 4,3) p. m Passengers to and from New York, via. Tama nend nnd to and from Phtln go tuxougn without change of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Manager C. G. nANCOOK, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. Jan. li). lisl-tf. ELAWARE, LAOKA WANNA AND WBSTEHN HAILUOAD. BLOOMSBURO DIVISION. Tlmo-Tablo No. 39, Takes effect at 4:30 A. ,M MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1818. . MI'Af IflWQ . NOHTH, STATIONS. SOUTH, a.m. p.m. Scranton Uellcvuu Taylorvllle.. . ...Lackawanna.... Plttstou .. West Plttstou... Wyoming Maltby Dennett. Kingston Kingston....... ..Plymouth June. ....Plymouth Avoudalo Nantlcoko .Uunlock'a creek. ....Hhlckahlnny-... ....Hick's Kerry.... ....licocu Haven.,, Herwlck .... lirlar Creek ...Willow Grovo.... Lime Itldge upy........ ...Illoomsburg Itupert Catawlssa Bridge DauvUlo Chulosky....... Cameron .Northumberland. 9 35 V 1U 2 10 2 Tl 2 so 2 33 2 44 2 49 2 63 67 II 16 C SO 6 25 II 83 6 40 e 4: 5 60 a 65 6 6 7 10 9 46 9 59 10 07 10 IB 3 15 10 33 3 15 7 18 3 10 7 1$ 8 15 7 Sfl 10 99 III 84 10 42 10 33 11 U7 11 13 11 !M 3 21 7 35 7 49 3 20 33 3 60 4 03 4 10 4 18 4 iX 4 29 4 S3 4 49 4 49 4 33 3 00 B 19 9 18 u 30 5 45 8 04 8 25 8 45 8 35 9 Ot 7 15 7 23 7 30 7 44 V'l 830 8 11 9 61 9 9 11 39 11 45 II 61 11 37 12 18 12 45 p.m. p.m. a.m W. F. IIALUTUAfi, Sunt. BaporlntODdontl Otnce, Scranton, June 10, 1679. (U -1 f outfit furnished free, with full Instruc VIII tlorm 'r conducting the most prolltablo Il I 1 I business that any ono can engage In. H Tho business Is so easy to learn, aud our Instructions are soslmplo and plain, that any ono can mako great profits f 1 om tt e very start. No ono can fall who lswllllng to work. Women aro as suc cessful as men. hoys nnd girls can earn large sums. Many have made attbu business overono hundred dollars In a single week. Nothing llko It OTer knewn befoie. All who engage ore surprised attheeaso and rapidity with which they aro ablo to make money. You can engage in this business during your spare time at great profit. You do not have to Invest carltal in It. We toko all the risk. Those who need ready money, should write to us at once. All furnished tree. Address Thck to Co., Augusta,Malne oct. 16' -bu-ty Directions For Catarrh Hay Fever, Cold In tho head, Ac, Insert with Uttlu finger, n partlfle cf tho Halm Into tne nosttlls: draw strong orcntha through tho nose. It will to ub Hotbod, cleouHlng, and enlliig tho diseased membrane. Apply , particle Into ha ear. ELY'S CBKAM BALM HnMng gained an invtalli x.-a' 1111 1 H' eln A 1 r , t i. . , OP 1 in 1 1 u 'i 1 1 ui il 1. . wonderful nmidv wherevir ki.ewn. '.i'al will the mtst skeptical of Its curative Powers. ItelTeetualh clent.hes tho nasal puM-agia of 1 utarilial vlrui, causing huilihy las Ii lltiiiiiiuilor, und liritullun. io'ei,tsthr mem hrniiiilllMcgs of the hiud tiom', completely heals thu muich, and riM'.res ILo sense of tasu und smell. lienellelalCiesults aio realUed Vy afiw applications. A thorough 1 reatmintos di rected III cure Catarrh, As a household rtmidy for cold In Ihe head It Is unmualed. The balm U easj to ute and agreeable, sold hy druggists at to cents, ou receipt of 60 cent will mall apacktgo Scuj for circular, with full information. iXYU CltEAM liALM CO., Owcgo, N. Y. Fou sale in Illoomsburg by iloyer Uros., O. A. Eltlm, N-'iJ,.."enaf rauou Ba J . KlLtwrU and by W Uulr sale Druggists generally, oct, 91, MKly & HELP Youiaeliea bytaukng uose when & void eu cfaauce la Of- tared, thereby aJwavsketpUiif i?..?w., ariUfe of tu good chances lor wealthy, wnlU Hcm who do not Improve uch f J 4ta In tttvttty. Vowant iamy wotafs, r.,ir 'Jr 'u,uf iot v light in lueirowur S,"- ?i UaU.u wui pay Loi thu U t-'u oruiatry vrag. v. tumuli u ..uiit duiai ut IJfU1 to wutk lor u light In their owiik aa xt4BUi ouiat kid 5JiH,L0l '. No who tkiattt fag iaiu tww your .r b oursll. ly ftl MBttlr. Ttru n d. i Ik VwS u Miy jwu vr m wuru p.m. p.m. a.m. 9 3D 4 12 9 4H 9 S3 9 17 9 31 9 08 9 30 8 69 3 51 9 94 8 51 3 45 9 19 8 4 3 41 9 14 12 41 19 S 8 33 3 30 9 04 8 13 3 1U 8 44 8 23 3 20 S ti 8 12 3 IS 8 47 8 04 3 04 8 39 7 31 9 Til 8 28 7 38 2 89 8 17 7 S2 2 34 8 12 7 23 2 28 8 Oi 7 18 7 14 7 10 7 02 2 04 7 44 IK UI 7 39 6 60 1 31 7 33 8 43 1 48 7 29 27 1 97 7 11 6 15 00 1 00 8 48 p.m. p.m. a.m. WrVM mm