THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO'UBIf Y, PA. iiitittfiiiHt, 0. E. ELWEliL, ru... J. K. DITTEMBENDEB, E1Uo"' BLOOMSBURG, PA. Friday, July 1. 1881. Tlio Now York World remarks, "Kx- l'reshlcnt Hayes denies tlint lio nlnlseil Sccrctnry Hlnino. Tlmt is nil very well, but now tho question ilia ho 7 l'rctty rough, that. AVhal a imtiou of oll'ieo-suckcrs we nro to bo sure. According to Secretary Mlniiio, tlicro nro more than 1,000,000 nnnlirfitions on filo in tho various ilcnait Washington. Tliontimhei'Heeins incredible ono out of every fifty of tho peoplo in tho United Mates. Governor Cornell of Now York is ex- crcisiiiK tho veto power witli creat free- doin nnd iudcineiit, nnd is slaimliteriiiir all sorts of rotten bills passed by the leg- iNiiuiire. j us popuiiiruy giuwH njuiuu ninonir thoso who nro not interested in jobs. According to the census reports Penn sylvania ranks third in tho list ot loliao- eo-producini; btates, Kentucky heini' tho first and Virginia- second. This fact will doubtless cause surpriso to many people, ns comparatively few have any knowledge of tho extent of the to bacco culture in tho State. Ocn. Grant refuses to call upon Presi dent Gatlield because Senator Conkling is not allowed to run this country to suit himself. At last reports tho President was "ottinjr nlonj' pretty well without tho society of a not remarkably brilliant guest. Grants views ot politeness and polities might bo vastly improved. General Low Wallace lias marked a passage on page 81 of tho first volumo of liadeau's Military History of General Grant and at tho bottom of tho pngo has written : ''There are more willful false hoods in tho foregoing paragraph than in nny other of the same length m English literature." It would bo interesting to know just what parts of this worthless book are true and correct if in fact there be any such. Congressman Bellzoover has on two occasions appeared to great disadvantage in questions of veracity. After his first effort his constituents io-clcclcd him by an increased majority, and it is now a matter of somo interest to tho people of Pennsylvania to know what those con stituents will do when they next have an opportunity to choose a congressman. Mr. Beltzhoover is not a valuable mem ber of the Democratic party at present Tho countr y at largo will be a loser should Mr. Ccnkling be succeeded in tho United States Senate by Chauncey M. Depow. Tho latter is Vanderbilt's attornoy,a thorough corporation man and a well known lobbyist in tho interests of railroads. It is widely bclioved that ef forts have been niado to secure his elec tion by the use of money, and that fact ought to put sn end to all his chances. Mr. Conkling is much his superior. It is rumored that dissatisfaction exists among the members of the cabinet, and that an effort will be made to get rid of Blaine. That there are jarring elements in the cabinet is beyond a doubt, but mat. tne opposition to limine is me stronger of these is not so clear. It is quito probablo that, if changes are to be made, when they are completed Hlaiue will bo found in tho State department with several cabinet vacancies to till. The Hoard of Pardons recommended tho granting of tho following pardons, last week: John Eckiu ,II1U1 .111111 Ilt'lllll, I VII It, Uought, Bradford, bur- ,i; ii... ir......... v....i- larceny. Randolph glary. James T I trad Icy, Cambra, larceny. Michael Iluiley, Northampton, burg lary, rape and aggravated assault and battery. Edmund 15nvki;y, A 1 1 egh e ny,b 1 1 rgl a ry. The New York Tribune observes, "W believe it to be the judgment of a largo majority of tho Republican party and of the people, that Gen. Grant h ad- m'miflratiou of civil affairs was an much a failure as his military administration was a success. 1 ho aiuiussiou is tardy, but none tho less true for all that. Tho lo piihlicau organs aro beginning to gel very sick ot mo ex-silent man, and aro stating facts that everybody else knew long wince. Tho big saw mill in Watsontown is to bo put in operation oncomorc, after lying idle fornix years. Mr. J. J. lligbeo has leased tho mill, having received from tho lumbermen ot Williamsport, the contract to gather ami saw all the logs that es. caped from the boom during the late freshet, lying between Loyalsock creek and Shamokiu dam. Tho mill has a capacity for sawing 100,000 feet of lum ber per day. nnd it is thought tho logs mentioned will make 1L,0()0,000 feet of sawed lumber. The withdrawal ot John C. Jacobs as a candidate for United States Senator, before tho New York legislature, deserves tho approval of Democrats everywhere. Mr. Jacobs, even if he were eligible, is not lilted for the high position to which bo nsp'fed either by experience or .abili ty. I fop. Claikson N. Potter who received tho Demoeratio nomination is in every way qualified and would do credit to the paity and tho State, if elect ed. What tho outcome of the Senatorial fight may be, no man can foretell, but New York would bo worthily lepresent ed by Francis Kernan and Claikson N. Potter. It is reported from Washington that tho government expects to bo able to provo that tho Star route thieves have plundered tho Treasury to tho extent of nlxnit a million dollars. It can hardly bo said that this statement is staitliug, for tho country was undoubtedly pro nared to hear that the plunder amounted to a good deal more. So many of the thieves have grown very i icli and so muel money has been expended in bribes and corruption, that it was to bo expected that much more than a million ill-gotten dollars had found their way out ot tho '1 reasurV and into the coll'uis of tho nu'inbom of the ring. Tho information probabl means that stealings amounting to a mil lion have been discovered, in oases where there is rcasur to believe that a oonspi rnov to defraud can I hi established The netwoik of evidonoo is clearly growing very close about tho ring and it is lx entiling dfdly mom ovident Hint tho At toiniy General nod tho IVtulilont wc rt-atiy l Ixi congratulated tlNt lliady yml Dorwy did Hot shcoeed ill having tliidr.'di(ilrJeiitr:dt)ni-tiul--i. Tho Temperance party is out in a call for a Stato'lVmporanco Conference, to bo held in Altoonn, on Wednesday, July liJ, to consist of two delegates from each Stale and county Temperanco orgnnl.a tion in Pennsylvania. Tho purpose Is to inoreeffectunlly organize tho Temperanco forces nnd unite them on a common plat form "having for lis object the ultimalo overthrow ot tho liquor tralllo," Tho West Chester Jlepublican thinks that "tlie Pardon Hoard of the State was invented with the Intention of obviating somo of tho glaring blunders and gross outrages which were inado before. Hut it was a mistaken idea; tho Hoard has bee making just nsbad errors and more of them. 'I heroine too many pardons granted, and the business should be stopped." Argument on tho mandamus to com pel tho State Treasurer to pay members of tho legislature the amount of salaries over $1,000, began on Tuesday, boforo JiidgoPearsoninllarrisburg. J. McDow ell Slmrpe made a clever argument for tho complainants, and was followed by Deputy Attorney General Lvinan D. Gilbert nnd Attorney General Palmer for the Commonwealth. On Wednes day J. W. Simouton inado tho closing ar gument for tho complainants. Judge Pearson said it would take some timo to decide, the question, but a decision would bo rendered as soon as possible. A law was passed by tho lato Legisla ture, aud sinco approved by tho Governor, defining the duties of court stenographers in tho several counties of this State. It provides that they shall on tho trial of all civil cases take down ns part of their re port of the judge's charge, every ruling, order and remark of tho judge "relating to the case upon trial, inado in tho pres ence of the jury in any stage of the pro ceedings, to whichcithcr party may ex cept in the same manner and with the same effect as is now practiced in rela tion to tho judge's charge. A novel convention is to bo held in Wilkes-Harro on the 19th of July. It will consist'of officials from all tho conn, tics of tho State who meet to effect an agreement that shall secure greater uni formity in the keeping ot county business throughout tho State. An organization will also be attempted, distinctive from tho other, of those detectives who may attend, with a view to more harmonious and certain co-operation for the de tection and capture of criminals, aud to, as ono of the number recently put it, "free themselves from further bondage to tho high-priced and intoler ant Piukortons." The session is expected to last three days, and it is believed that every county will bo represented by some it not all ot its olhcers. There is no doubt that tho interests of tho people will bo subserved by a uniformity of books and accounts throughout the State. Lieutenant Governor Hoskins and Speaker Sharpe, united in a ruling on Saturday, that a majority of the Senate is not necessary to tho election of nn United States Senator. The federal statuto distinctly states tho coutrary. and provides that at least one vote shall be taken each day until a Senator is elected. Tho New York World contends that as a majority of tho Senate was not present at the joint session on baturday, tho vote taken was illegal and void and that no succeeding ballot can avail. Whether this bo true or not, it would bo a relief to tho country if tho legislature would adjourn and let their successors settle tho question. Tho Hi-Cciitenniul Association is ear nestly at work preparing for the celebra tion of the two hundredth anniversary of the founding of Pennsylvania, by Wil Ham Penu, next year. On Tuesday next, July 1th, tlierc will bo a grand public demonstration in the Centennial building, Euirmount Park, Philadelphia, prepara tory to tho celebration of' 1882. There will bo eloquent addresses by distinguish ed orators; music by an immense com bination orchestra, which will perform, among other pieces, tho now Bi-Conten: nial Grand March, specially composed for this occasion by Prof. Clarke, of the University of Pennsylvania; drill and dress parade by the military; vocal and instrumental concert, and other holiday amusements. The whole day will be ob served as a grand festival, with magnifi cent, and varied entertainments,' and doubtless there will be over 100,000 peo ple in the building during the day. Tlin Si iitu Treasurer's Kstiuatrs Careful estimates have been made by Treasurer Hutler of the total amounts ap propriated by the general appropriation bill and thospccilic appropriations to pub lic and seini-publio charities and other objects for tho next two years. They are as follows: General appropriation bill, 0,000,082; specific appropriations, :i,:i.)2,i:i7. Add to this the constitution al appropriation of $250,000 per year for tho reduction of the publio debt, half a million for two years, and the total is $10,ra 1,719. Tho total estimated reven ue for two years payable into tho general fund and tho sinking fund is $10,808,001), an estimated excess of $271,000. The total, general and specific appropriations to be paid out of tho general fund in 1881 aro $ 1,1171, 119. The total estima ted revenue coming into the general fund is $3,94 1,000, an excess of appropriations over income for 1881 ot over $100,000. On the other hand, tho estimated reven ue payable into tho sinking fund exceeds the amount to bo paid out of that fund to nn extent which, taking into account both general and sinking funds for two years, will leave a small balance in the treasury, if tho income equals the esti mates hitherto made. Trl-S'laie l'ituic aud Inhibition. Tho Eighth Annual Tri State Picnio mid Inhibition will bo held at Williams' Grove, Cumberland county, opening on Monday, August 29th, and closing I'Yi day, September 2, 1881. This will bo tho only agricultural exhibition of gener al importance in Eastern or Southern Pennsylvania this year, as tho State Ag ricultural Society has decided to hold its fair at Pittsburg, in September next, and we have therefoio every reason to believe that the Eighth Annual Tri-State Pie nio will bo greater in every particular than any heretofore held. It is earnestly hoped and confidently expected that members of Granges and farmers' clubs in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Mary. Itm. I A! i'i.iiii i lfiliitL'iir.1 7.iiu laii-i... XT --....T. 1 fl .! !ll I!l . ..(' Jiew i uik ami wnio win prepare uuerai samples of their agricultural products for exhibition at tho tri-Stnte picnio; and that tli ere will be contributions from every Slato in tho Union. This will bo tho largest meeting of funnel ever held in tho United States, aud it is important that the show of ag ricultural products shall be on a grand scale, commetiMurnlo with tho attendance of people. Munufaotuicrera of aud dealers in in chintry,iuipUiin'iits, musical instrumouta, etc.. dcairiuir prominent ignitions on tho exhibition grounds, ami lioraoiiu wanting rt-tn.urui ami outer imkmih-nm uiiviutitv. should Wiu.iminirtdf, oil or I lor, Jnly ir.iL willi Ii. II. Tttftflui. V-jtrin-fclfVi POLITICAL rilAHlSKKtSM. The Philadelphia Times concludes a well written article under tho nbovo cap tion, with tho following trenchnnt words, that deservo to bo read nnd pondered: "Tho truth is tho American people, nro in tho same condition tlmt the people of Franco were during the Third Empire we nro become thoroughly corrupt Tho old idea of fair play and honesty has perished from among us s wo aro socially snobs, for wo meanly ndmiroinenn things; wo aro politically venal, for wo don't earn how men get into olllco or adminis ter office so that our party bo successful nnd our own stoekskept booming. Hayes in olllcc, leprous with fraud, was just ns much nn object of rcverenuo ns Gcorgo Washington or Abraham Lincoln fairly elected. The political condition of tho country rellects very accurately its moral status. Tlicro isn't a partisan in the country that wouldn't prefer tho success of a scoundrel in his own party rather than a saint in tho other. If our boasted education and intelligence have lead us to this, perhaps it would be just ns well to unediicato a little until peoplo should get back to the good old-laslnoned no tions that ill gotten money, ill-gotten nlaee. ill gotten power aro not passports to admiration, reverence, social, religious and political consideration. It is a scorching nrraignment but there is not a chargothat is untrue. Politicians may scoff , . .1 , I ... 1 '...11! til anil (tony mo cunrgos,uui every intelli gent reader of newspapers for the past twelve years, knows that they nro do- served. It is full tune to call a halt, and by consigning to the penitentiary somo of tho rascals who have plundered tho pubho treasury, stop somo ot the rotten and corrupt practices that disgrace the nation. THE JUIIUKS OK TIIK STATU. "What our judiciary really need," rays the Lnncnsttr intelligencer, "ia the greater con (iiliinrt nf the tientili. If thp ttlilperi nf tlin low. er conns were what they ought to he the caea appeAletl to die supreme court would uo com parallvfly few " This is certainlv a severe arraignment. but is it true t We do not believe that publio opinion will sustain the Intelligen cer. Until human nature undergoes a radical change, parties to suits will take advantage of every chance for favorablo decisions and will carry their cases to the court of last resort. Appeals to tho su premo court do not in every instance evi dence want of faith in tho court below, but simply a desire to have the col lective wisdom of a superior judicial body, decide whether the opinion of one judge is correct. It was for this purpose that the Supremo Court was organized. In somo cases, where no precedent is known, tho judge of the lower court ren ders his decision with tho avowed in tention of having it passed upon by tho Supreme Court. In others, suitors insist upon an appeal, perhaps in opposition to the judgment of their counsel, because they are unwilling to submit to deleat without trying every means to avert it, and yet in others, ap peals aro taken, because the lawyers, al tbroiigh having perfect faith in the in tegrity and reliability of the judge below, think that there may be a different mean ing placed upon the text of the law. The judges of Pennsylvania we believe to be, as a class, honorable and upright men, free from political or personal bias and well qualified for their positions. That they have been chosen for their merits, is shown by the fact that Democrats have been elected in strong Republican dis tricts, and vice versa. The plan submit ted to the Governor, and attached to his veto of the judicial apportionment bill, might have the effect of relieving the Supremo Court to a great extent,because decisions tendered by several judges would in many cases, bo deemed con elusive. Tho editors of the Intelligencer, not long siuce, had a controversy with one of the judges of the Lancaster court 8 and were in consequence disbarred. It is perhaps in the nature of things that they should view the judiciary with slightly jaundiced eyes. In considering their experience, their utterances should bu taken with many grains of allowance. WASHINGTON LBTTEK. Washington, June 28th, 1881. This city was lat evening thrown into as great disorder as the New York Re publicans are in. The most violent storm since the city was incorporated swept through the streets ami, in fact, through the houses. Uoofs passed as lightly through the air as feathers do in an or dinary breeze. Kain fell in torrents,and tho streets in tho lower sections of the city were overflowed almost in a moment. The storm was predicted by Veniior for this neighborhood but our own weather bureau gavu us no warning. Supersti tious peopIe,here in thu most enlightened city in America, connected tho storm with the comet and thu condition of the planets, and Mother Shipton would have had hundreds of converts if tho day of final undoing had been fixed for the 27th instead of the 19th. Tho damage in tho city is estimated from $200,000 ton quar ter of a million dollars. The President and all the cabinet mem bers but one have returned from Long Branch, and a cabinet meeting will be held to day. It is believed that several important appointments will bo agreed upon, nnd announced on or before tho 1st of July, It is also thought tho sub ject of resuming tho Treasury iuvestiga tion will be discussed. I have not seen any one who understands why that in vestigation was discontinued. There are guessei, of course, and none of them aro complimentary to thu Department or to the Secretary. It is tho habit among Americans to put a bad construction upon official acts where they will bear it, and in this caso there would seem to bo no room for any but a bad one. Tho Treasury estimate of debt reduc tion for tho month is over ten millions, the receipts continuing to be greater than estimated. Those Virginia Mahouo Republicans who caino hero to see tho l'resident while ho was at Long Hrauch, havo ap. parently given up tho job. They were assured while here, and it is beyond a doubt true, that the President would uot aid in any way an alliance which would inevitably rulti the Republican party in tho State. Hilton. Suiiietldug thatCasiiottie Iguoreib John I. Davenport offered Robert II, Strahun thu appointment of United States Marshal for the District Of that there can bu no doubt, for Mr. Strahau has so stated under oath, and his word no one questions. Mr. Strahau was at thu timo a Statu Senator, and tho offer was expressly put upon the condition that Mr. Strahun should support the administration candi dates for the United States Senate, in opposition to Messrs. Conkling and Piatt. Mr. Daveiiiwrt pretended to act by au thority. Tho presumption is in favor of lita truliituineio, No one could authorize him but Presi dent Garfield. 11 President Ght fie) J did mitboritefttuli n hffor lie dottrvtm huptttchiuMit "iVoo ro ftti MtiM n vatJv Win Three Good Laws Tho following impnitnnt laws having a local application, which were passed by tho legislature which has just adjourned, havo received the slgnattiro of Governor lloyt : To punish frauds upon lifuinstiraucccom Dailies bv nrretits.nhvsicians nnd others. Section 1 Thatnny ngentof n mutual, siock, or co-opeiiuivo mo insurance com pany or association, physician or other person whatsoever who, shall knowingly mnko or bo concerned or Interested in making any misrepresentation or falso statement for thopurposoof securing from nny mutual, stock or co operntivo lilo In sur.inco company or association a policy upon Ins own life, or tho life of ntiv other person, shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof bo lined not exceeding ono thousand dollars, or mi dergo imprisonment not exceeding ono year, or both, in tho discretion of the court Approved tho 10th day of June, A. V. 1881. IIkniiv M. llorr. A further supplement to tho school laws of this commonwealth and to abolish all distinction of laco or color in tho publio schools thereot. Section 1 That hereafter it shall be un lawful for nny school director, supcriu tendeiil or teacher to make any distinction whatever on account of or by reason of tho race or color of any pupil or scholar who may bo in alleiulaiicu upon or seeking ml mission to any publio or common school maintained wholly or in part under tho - , , - i- .i.T . t scuooi laws oi ims common weaiiu. Section 2 That tho twenty fourth sec tion of nn act of assembly approved tho eighth day ol may. a. i. 1 8.) I, entitled 'fAii act for tho regulation nnd contiu uanco of a system of education by com mon schools, 'which section is as follows: "mat lliu directors or controllers ol tlio several districts of tho State nro hereby authorized and required to establish with in their respective districts separate schools for tuition of negro aud mulatto children whenever such separate schools can be so located ns to accommodate twenty or more pupils, and whenever such separate schools shall be established and kept open four months in any year, the directors or controllers shall not be compelled to admit such pupils to any other school ot the district : Provided, That in cities or boroughs the board of controllers shall provide for such schools out of tho general funds assessed and collected by uniform taxation for educational purposes, bo nnd tho same is hereby repealed. Section .'t This law shall take effect on the fourth day of July ensuing the passago thereof. Approved the eighth day ot bunc, a. i. 1881. IIkniiv M. Hovt. To prohibit tho sale to any person under sixteen years of age,of deadly weapons, gunpowder and explosive substances in the commonwealth ot I'ennsylvania. That any person who shall knowingly and wilfully sell, or cause to be sold, to any person under sixteen years ot age any cannoii,revolver, pistol or other such deadly weapon, or who shall knowingly and willfully sell, or cause to bo sold, to any such minor any imitation or toy can non, revolver or pistol so niade.constiiic ted or arranged as to bo capable of be ing loaded with gunpowder or other ex plosive substance, cartridges, shot, slugs or balls aud being exploded, tired ott and discharged and thereby become a dan gerous or deadly weapon, or who shall knowingly and wilfully sell, or cause to be sold, to any such minor any cartridge, gunpowder or other dangerous and vx- plosive substance shall in every caso be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con viction thereot shall be sentenced to pay a tine not exceeding three hundred dol lars. Approved tho 10th day of June, a. i)., 1881. Hknkv 31. IIoyt, mil. vjsnnohh second qukss at july. Mr. Henry O. Vennor, In a Utter to a news piper in Ottawa, Canada, of tlio 23rd ult.,8ay: "I believe that the present summer in one in a triad of similar numiuer', probably the middle one. U H likely lo reneiuble that of 18S0 and to differ in somo of i( minor details. Tho ap protchtne; mouth of July will give a great deal ot lain, aa in 18S0, over a Urge portion of the United States and Cinnda, while in (treat Brit ain tho weather will, in all irnliubiliiy, be likewise ntormy ami wet. The florin's of wind, thutidfr and lightning aro likely to be acveru and frequent. The heaviest rains for Now York and vicinity would locate ufier tho 20th, aud probably on the 2ltiir 22ml ilalo'j be tween the 10th aud IQlh dayn an exceedingly hot term U likely lo be experieuriil in both the United Slate and Canadi. Within n few dayD from tho close of the month, prob:ihly about the 27th or iiSth a cool wve will occur, carrying hosts in Canada and cool wVather gen erally, with i-tonus of wind and rain through out the United Htatex. Where xtorin havo been neyerely felt in the Weatrn and Kouth western State during June, there al-o will the nevereat Htorma of July be experienced. Not- witlu-tinding these frequent and Hovere Rti rms during the month, Iryjiient alternations of fino hot weather will counteract to a great extent the datnoge done to crop In general in the Weal. The entrance of July in Canada, and im) to a considerable extent' in the United Statev, will be cool and showery and the pre? out look-out for the Fourth ia not a very prom, iaing one." A correspondent of the New York Sun who has becu a eufferer from hay fever for many jam, furnirlitu tho following recipe, which al though not perhaiM a eneclflc, hoa afforded greut relief whenever used, Tho mixture must be kept from expuauro as it U of a volatilo na ture. Into a four-ounco wide-mouth bottle, half filled with cotton, and having a close at p. per, put the following uixiure: 2 diachms carbolic acid, SI drachma aqua ammonia (f-po cifia gravity 0 DtiO), 5 drachma distilled watir. 7 drachma alcohol. Iuhale through the nos tiiU News Items. The sleeping Hungarian in the Allen town poor house, spoke to two visitors on Sunday evening, these are thu hist words ho has uttered for 135 days. Ho is slowly improving in health. livery gambling house in St. Louis has been closed, the new law making thu keeping ot such places a lelony. The storm of Saturday aud Sunday last extended from Connecticut to thu Djstrici of Columbia and did great dam uge. In Washington the losses are esti mated at 200,000. llnrvnrd wntt In the rnllmriiitn limit -- -- - a - - race at New London, Conn., on Monday, beating coiumma uy uirco leugtns. Tho Prick Company's Works in Clear field wero destroyed by firo on Stinduy morning. Loss $12,500. John Itodgers, tho 2 year old sou of Sumuel Itodgers of Pittstou, during the absence of his mother for a few minutes Saturday night, upst a pan of boiling water over himself, Ho died Sunday morning from the effects of tho scalds received. Tlio infant thUd of Mr. Priti was kill- ami wrtllly iluvourtd Ly tats, nt Ihla lotweiti PitiwnSlntirhllwdrlj.hin. Tiib lioiiiiuintho nwdiboi Wid ro lit- A despntch from Moxioo dated Satur day last stales that a whole train of the Moreles UailrOad tumbled down Into tho river San Antonio near Cuautla on account of a downfall of n stone bridge. Nearly two hundred nro dead nnd a great many wounded, most of them soldiers. James Young was killed by the sting of n bee, last week, in Richmond Vn. This is said to bo the llrst caso on record Speculation in coal lauds is raging in tho western jiarl of the state, Westmor land county being particularly affected by tho boom. McCaulcy station, on tho Philadel phia nnd Reading railroad, wns entirely destroyed by firo last week. Tho Ilro caught from a Bpark from a locomotive. The drug store of Evans ifc Son, nt Kingston, was entered by n burglar on Thursday of last week. Tho noiso made by tho burglar in attempting to open tho safe alarmed tho neighborhood, and ho was captured and conveyed to the Lu zerne county prison. lie gave his name as John Flannigan, and he is supposed to hail from New York. S. S. Winchester.a well known lawyer of Wilkes-Ilarre, died suddenly, on Sun day last Ho wns nt ono timo District Attorney of Luzerne county. Wilmington, (Del.) Daily Republican. Mrs. Adam Grubb, 281 Walnut streel, has been a great sufferer for n number of years from uxtremopain in the fect,some thingliko rheumatism. She wns also very much troubled with corns and bunions. It wns with great difficulty that she could walk, and sometimes when she would visit her husband's shoo store or any of her children, she could not get home without assistance and often when she would bu walking along tho streets she would bo seized with such acute pain that she was compelled to stop in nt tho neighbors on tho way until sho got bet ter. Somo two weeks ago she heard of tho wonderful cures St. Jacobs Oil was affecting and sho at onco commenced to use it and experienced great relief Im mediately. The pains have left her feet and ankles and tho Inllnmmntion has left tho corns and bunions. Sho is now trip ping Ui to her husband's shoo storo and out to seo he children without experienc ing any pain. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Com pound has dono thousands of women more good than tho medicines of many doctors. It is a positive euro for all female co.n plaints. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pink ham. 11. E. Carpenter, Esq., Henderson, N. Y. Cured of Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twenty years' standing, by the Cuticura Resolvent internally, and Cuticura and Cuticura soap externally. The most won derful case on record. A despatch from Santa Cruz, Callfor ilia, says that Rev. Father Hudson, of Gilroy, while bathing Saturday was at tacked bv a swordlishjand wounded in several places. A bystander went to the assistance of the wounded man and brought him to the shore. Jimmy Hope, notorious throughout the country as an expert bank burglar, .1 HI... 1 . .1 . 1 . .1 w.iH uaiuiuu uii mummy nig police while attempting to rob of P. 15ci ton & Co. iti San Era was capiureu on iuoniiay nigui. uy me ou ino uauk ancisco. The boiler of the steamer Phaeton ex ploded near Cincinnati on Tuesday, while racing with another boat. The vessel was torn to pieces and five lives wero lost. The grand lodge, Knights of I'ythiar, of Pennsylvania, will assemble in Read ing, August 1G, and continue in session several days. The berry crop, it is predicted, will be very largo through the state. Important to Tuavei.kiis Special in ducements are offered you by tho Itiirlington Itoute It will pay you to read their adver tisement to he found elsewhere in this issue. March 18 40-w Candidates (All puiMiiH ulinsiMiiiiW'snrn announced In this column, am pit iliteit to aMilo liytlii) UeclMon of tlio Democratic I'oiiventlon.Hliloli will meet onTuesil.iy August !ith. ItKCUSTKIt ANH ItWOttllKlt. Wo arn nullioricil lo nniiouneii tlio namo or WILLIAMSON II. .lACOUY or l!lnnin!uurK.aK u can illilatci for the ortlco of Iteglaivrunil HitoMit, mib Jectto the rules of tlio Democratic parly. OOIIHTY TliKAHUIIHU. Wo areaiilliorlznl to announce tlin nninnof K, M. TKWKSIllfltV, nan camlliliti' Mr the ollirii of Coun ty 'ITeasincr.siiliJi'ittollio rules of lliu noniocrnl lo parly. lie will not trawl In solicit votis. ItmiKTKIt AND ItKCOUDKIt. Woaiti authorized toiiunounet) tlio nninnof A. II. IIICIIIIINI, of or.owllownslilp, as a tuml'iUM.' for the olllco of Itoglsti rund llecorder, suliject lo tlio rules of tlio Democratic paity. KKdlSTKIt AND UECOHDKIt. Wn nro nutlinrlzed toannounrtitlionninoofd. W. KTKIt.NKll, of flloon shurg, ns a candidal for Die omen of lleglster and llecorder, suliject to tlio rules ot tlio Democratic party. KOIl I'llOTHONOTAUV. We aro authorized toannounco tlio namo of WIL LIAM KltlCKllAUM, of liloom&liiirg, ns a candidate tor ro nomlnatlon for tlio nntco of protbonotary and cl rkof courts, bubject to tlio rules of tlio Democratic party. ASSOCIATK JUIHIE. Wn am authorized to announco tlio namo ot .1 A M FS LA K K, ot Scott townnblp, as u candidate for tlio onico of Associate Judra, subject to tlio rules ot tlio Democratic parly. ASSOCIATK JUDOK. We aro authorized to announce tho namo of K L. SIHIMAN, of, as a candidate for Associ ate Judt'e, subject to Demoeratio rules. COUNTY THKASUllKlt. We are authorized to announce tho namo ot NA THAN CliKAKY, ns n, candidate for the onico ot County Treasuier, subject to tho rules of the Dem ocratic party. COUNTY COMMISSIONKU. Wn nro authorized to anrounce tho namo ot HTEI'II EN 11)1 IK, of Centre tuwnfclilp, as a candl. date for the onico of County Commlsidoner, subject to the rules ot the Demoeratio party. COUNTY TKKABUIIKIt. NATHAN MILLER, of Main tcwnHiln, authnilrra ua to announce his namo rs a caidlSatefor tho of. nee of County Treoburer, tubject to the rules of tro Democratic party, COUNTY COMMISSIONED vVe are authorized to announce the name of Wit LIAII s. FISH Kit, cf Main township, as a candidate for county Commltsloner, subject to tho rules of tne Democrat lo party. FOU ASSOCIATE JUDOK. We am out! prized to announco the namo of ISAAC K. KltlCKllAUM, of llcnton townthlp, oh a candidate for tho cnico of Asboclate Judue,subject lis iuo ruien ui iuo miuuiTuiiupuiiy, FOIt ASSOCIATE JUDOK. Wo aro authorized to announco tho name of J I'AUL FltKY, of l'eaver township, aa a candidate for Afboclate Judge, tubject to tho rules ot thu ueruucrauu puny. ItKCUSTKIt AND ItKOOItDKIt. MICILKLF.KYKliLY,of llloomtbunr, authorises ua to announce Ida namo as a rui dldetufnrthoof nce ot in plhier enil ltccorder, Mitijict to tho diets- ion oi iiio ix'inocrauo loumy lomcnuon, COUNTY COMMISSIONKU. Wo are authorized lo announce tho namo of in in; Cl A T. of Ma in lowr.Hi n. us n can dlilalolor tlio nice of County commissioner, nub- juci iu uiu utciaiou or uiu uuiiocrauo loiiwuuuu COUNTY TltKAHUItlilt. Wo are authorized to announco tho muno nt JAM EH KIKFKll.of Main towuililp, ns a caudldato for the tnico ol Oouii'y Treasurer, subject the rules ur mo iwiwzcrauu paiiy. COUNTY TltKASUItKIt, We are nuthcjitird to announco the namo of A. If. JOIINHi'N, of Hcust lovimblp uau randldala tor tun vhipm ui wuuiyirriuiwrcr, ayigcvwu iMiruira iua iit'tuoorauo irir. UVUNtY tUUWt.JNlM. WCMtttf UlTtHdlO lOBOlt.O B.tulit.IH IDIIAK. tl UklH'I''V ItvuWL esat,ito rr1k.u4UCti J 4.SltUilv CotllllHalflLtv. ttnfctel ttw 1K tithe I)iufctrtlCJ"K (uticura Itching Ilmnors.Sciily Humors, Mood lluinors speedily, perma nently nnd economically cured when physieinns nnd ull other method in I'uil, Cuticura ltiwolvent, the now Wood Purifier, In. trrnnllr, I'ullcunt.n Medicinal -lehy, assisted by tho Cutlcnm Mcdlclmt nnd Toilet Soap, externally, havo performed tho moil miraculous cures of lieu. Inj;, scaly nnd Scrolulous Humors otcr recorded In medical nnnnls. Eczonm Rodent. V. II, Drnke, Kn , Ati'iit for Harper nnd llrottiers, Detroit, Jllcli., Klves nn nstonlshlnif nccount nfhli enso (Kczema Itodont), which h id been treated by n consultation of rli.vslclans without b-nellt, nnd Bpeeillly yielded to tho t'uttciirii Itcmedlcs. Salt Rheum, Will McDonald, SMI Dearborn Street, ChlcnRO, Krnterullv ncknowledifcs n euro of salt Ilheiim on head, neck, face, arms and Ictrs, for soventoen cnrsi not nblo to walk except on hands and knees for ono yenn not nblo to liip himself for eight year! tried hundred j of remedies: doctors pronounced his enso hopeless; pennnnently cured by tho Cuticura Itcme dlcs. Ringworm, tleo.W. Drown, 4S Marshall strect,'I'rovlrtencp, II. I curedby Cullciira Itcmcdltsof n lllnifworm Hu mor, trot nt tho barber's, which Bprend ull over Ids enrn, luck nnd face, and for btx years resisted all kinds ot treatment. Skin Disease. S. A. Steele, Kr Chicago, III., soyas "I will say Hint befoiu I used Cuticura ltemcdles I wns Inn fenr ful stnte, nnd had riven up nil hopo ot ever hnvlinr any relief, They hnve performed a wonderfnl cure for mo andct my own frco will nndnccord 1 recommend them." cuticura Hcmcdlcs nro 'prepared by WKHKHA POTTKH, Chemists and lirmrulnts, w.o Waslilnclon street, lloston, nnd for snlo by nil driutulsts. Prices of cuticura n Medicinal Jelly, smnll boxes r,o cents Inriro boxes l, Cuticura Itesolvent, tho new mood Purifier, $. per bottle, cuticura Medtclnnl Toilet Sonp.iiiccnts, Cuticura Medicinal snavlns Soap; 10 cents; In bars for bnrbera and largo conauiners,ri0 cents. All mailed freoon receipt of price. send for illustrated Trcntlso on tho Skin. MA If Fitters A GRAND COMBINATION OF BLOOD, BRAIN AND NERVE FOODS. Malt Hitters derive their wonderful Llfo-susUln-Init Properties rrom malt, their (uletlne; und Sleep Promotini: Influence from nora. their itrand Tonic and Povcr-KxpclllDB Powers from cai.i.sava, and tlielr niood-Nourlshliiff Principles rrom niox, which are four of tho Kreatst lllood-Produccrs and Lire Creatine; Elements ever united tn ono medicine. Kor Delicate Females, Nurslnc Mothers, and blckly Chil dren Malt Hitters nre supreme. Sold every w here. Malt Hitters Company, lloiton, Mnss. COLLINS' One Collins' Voltaic Klkc rmo f-LASTKii, costinj,' wccnt-, VatTAlri"Wnrr'3 nr superior to every inner VBMW, iBtUCTKlO electrical appliance bcror I Do Pi 4 e-rr-oft public. Thevlustnntly rellow lalt.iv Dyspepsia, Liter complaint, Malaria. tever nnd kuo nnd Kidney nnd Urlnaiy Dtmcultles, and may bn worn over tho pit or thu stomnrli, over tho kidneys or nnv ntTis-ted part. Price 23 cents, bold everywhere. WEEKS POT TER, lloston, Mass. d JuneliMm NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SHERIFFS SALE lly vlrtuo of Biitilry writs Issued out of tho Court ot Cominoti Pleas of Columbia county and to mo directed, will bo exposed to rubllc sale at the Court House, lu ltloomsburg, Pennsf lvanla, at two o'clock, p. m. on SATUKDAY, .TUNE 23rd, 1881. All that certain messuajjo, tenement nnd tract of land being nnd sltuato In Locust townshlp.Coluinbla county, nnd State of Pcnnsj lvanla, described ns fol lows: On tho north by land of Peter miner's estnto nnd (ieorfc'o Itupp's estate, and on the west by land belonging to David Zimmerman aLd on tlio south by lands of Jonas and (icoigo liupp and on tho east by lands belonging to thoestato of Peter Illtner.deceas cd, containing about ono bundled nnd six act cs, 1m tho snino moro or less, It being part of same tt act ot land wulch tho Grants (ieorgoOrant, William Oiant aud Deborah (Irant, oxccutois of 'lliomnsdrant de ceased, late ot Augusta township, Northumberland county, and Stato of Pennsylvania, by their Inden ture dated tlio sixth day or May, ism, urnnted and convoyed to Jacob Fisher and Caleb Fisher and tlio said Caleb Fisher and Sarah his wlfo by their Inden ture dated tho ninth day of May, A. D. 1659, granted and com eyed tlielr bald Interest in thu above de scribed land to J acob Fisher party liercto.whcreon Is erected a two btory framo dwelling house, largo frmnu barn and out-bulldlngs. SeUed, taken Into execution at Uiu Milt or J. 11, Vast I no vs. Aleut II. Fisher and to be sold as tho property of Alem II. Fisher. IIiiawn Att'y. Louirl Facias. ALSO. All thai, cci tain Inessungo nnd tenement or tract or laud bttunto In Locust townMilp Columbia county, mill smtflor Pennsylvania bounded and described as Mllutts, Hut Is U) bay: lliglnlng at a blono In the pubilo road leading rrom Slabtown to MnlnUllo run ning thence by land or Solomon and Will iam Adams noilli Iblrtj-elght digiecs.wcst elghly foui'iuid irte tenths poichcsto iiMone, thencoby land of (leorgo Nlraiisscr booth sew ntj-sl degiees, west sixty-two ran his to astoi.e Ihineobylnnd or I Is llungo south eight degrees, west thirty and live tenth piuluslu u Mono, thence bythosnmo soutli lldrl) dogri'iH, east ono hundred unit three peichrs tn u bliiiie, theiicu by thobaun) houtli lliiy thieo ili-gicc f, west Illicit puchcH lo a Mono, thence by land of Mikinon MraiKser w.iilli lllly-elght do greeseuM Hxly-ilght perchesto 'i sluno In thu ceu tro cf the public mad leading frnm Slabtown to Maliilllu,lhcmo lu said load and by hind ot Solomon Htruusscr north twenty decrees, east nineteen perches to a Mono, tbciicu In und by tho bamo north live degrees, eastblxty-elght perches to the place of beginning, contutnlng sixty -two aciesBtilctmeas. uro.whcreon nro erected a two btory frame dwelling house, fruine barn and ouUbulldlngs. Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit ot David Helwlg, executor of Peter Ilelwlg, deceased, versus Isaao Lewis and to bo sold is tho property of Ibaao Lewis with notlco to John ACums, tcrro tenant. IIiiawn, Att'y. Plurlca Levari Facias. ALSO. All that certain lot or plcco of land sltuato In Flshlngcreck township, Columbia county, Pcnnsj . vanla, bounded nnd described as follows to-wlt: Hoglnnlng at a post In t ho r ubllo road leading from orangovlllo to Stillwater, Ihenco by land belonging tolsano McIlcnry,northclghty-ono nndahalfdo grccs, ono hundred and stxty-mo feet to a post, thenco by lands ot Wm. Ikcler south eighty and a halt degrees, eaBtJelghty twoteet;to a post, thenco by landofCjriis 11. White south elghty.ono and a half degrees wc&t ono hundred and Mxty-tlvo feet to a post In tho road, thenco by said road north eighty and a half degrets, wcstelghty-two feetto tlio placuot beginning containing torty-nlno and seven tenth netches cf ground bo Iho samo more or less, on which aro trcctid a dwelling house and out buildings. ALSO, Ono other lot or pleco of landslluated In tho town ship, county and statu afores Id bounded and do scilbed as rollows, to-wlt: Iieglnnlng nt a Mono corner by a lot ct Bald Ash, thenco by land of Wm. Ikcler north flghty three degrees, east twenty-tour perches to a posr, thiucu by land ot John Znner south thlrly nice nnd ahalf degiees, weBt seven and tivo-lenlhs peiches to a post, thenco by land ol Hiram Depie, south clghty-threo degrees, west nineteen pei c'.'es to a Mono, thenco north six de grees, east four and nlno tenths perches to tho place of Beginning, containing one hundred and beven perches moro or less, on width are erected a work shop and outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit ot Ilcntoti Mutual saving Fund and Loan Bsoclatlon against cnrisnau .i, ami and to bo sold as tho property ot Christian J, Ash. Littlk, Att'y. Vend. Ex. U. II. K.NT, Sheriff. OTICUTOTHACHKltS. Notlco Uheiibv elvin lliatm uons as icicjicrs in mi Public Kelioola or ItWitn ns for tiosl. ncuoni uiMiui win ui net two until sniurduy even ing July Hlb isfii, win n thu bcuid wl 1 hold a meet. tui: to award the Scbncils lor the ensiitiitp enr. 'i wn janitors will ulso VuclicK d at Uiu tame time, Appll- i.iiVH. I" uv Piib .uiiiunvniui HTKPIIIfN KNOltll, Pies. II. F. ZAItlt, Soiy, N OTJOH. Not ico la hereby given that at tho next meeting of tho Hoard cf Pardons ut Hairlbburg, Pu August nd, ihxl, uppllcntlou will bo ir.ado lu duo loriu for urn I'tiruuii ui nisirgu ii. iirnui, ui liinoinsuurg, 1 11,, wuvitieu mwiuuer iuiii, !, u-iauuiw uim IMl' tery wttli Intent to commit ratio, MttH. ANNlKtlilAUL, July Hit TTvlfSOLtmtW KOTICR. Tbt iHlii it Xniy m onuUii fMktiii,si.iHlliiju r.o tllkrlMM. iMlhlll dftv U!lkM. Lv n..a,i.lltu.n. Mini. I. II.S1Y, . , v, NATHh IlACUMAX ilWWttl ,hrSitl,lMs HP Carpets, last addition through the air, and V arc also worth seeing. There is a Lunch-Boom In the building. Valises, baskets and packages can be left in charge of attendant in Ladies' Waiting Room. Mr. Wanamakcr Is desirous that visitors should feel at home when they come, and be free to purchase or not, as they please. N0TE.--Our large Catalogue, with prices and full directions for shopping by mail from any part of the United States, will be mailed gratuitously upon request, address John Wanamakeu, Grand Depot, riiiLAUELi'iiiA. 0 IB- (SUCCESSOR TO D. W. Flue ltrniullcN, WiNKIcs, !, ISIP0HTKW ALES AND l'OUTEHS Landlords tluougl' out the county will find it lo their ntlvimlngo to n i i.... I. l.,.iVv,.,i iMiivilinaiiiir riliimvlirri I cull ami fixtiiiiini! my stocn uviv ......"...f, . BLOOMSBURG, PA., Main Street, 2nd July , NiMy WEBER - PIA A VIM INLAID PUUS0H WALNUT K'.xsy Tonus. Satlxinviloii Guaraiitccti. 33 A.a03ST'S 2?IA.lSrO WARE 3H.003VES, MUf'IO HAM BLOCK, Juno In, 'si-ly .-lO.IIOll MM, II. TIIK REVISED NEW TESTAMENT ! IT SELLS THE FASTEST ! 1st. IIpc.iumi IL t nn ovsi-r rrnio .iiptlnn.oiil far word, Mon or t'ninlirlitsii. Ilar.Mici.iircu'-.icylst'iiarnntrcilUy tlirco icllntlo printing Iiouhs, nnd nlsobjtlio roiiowiurr Hisiiiitrnisiieu JUVllcal fcClmlars. o. Ii. Lowr.v. 1). D. and. nrcntiso It contains acomplctoLIstory of tills Great Itovlslon Movement, nnd glvi-s blograplilcal sketclies ot tlie rmlnent men enfruKCtl upon It. Notice tho Testimony or Indlnc Divines: . . . "Wo tnko p!easuro In ccrtlfllng to ItH aecuracy. Ia typography, pi iss work nntl blmltiifr. H Is every way com menclaolc. Signed A. F.NchnilTler 1).I) N. Y.; Jolin ivdillc, I). I)., N. Y.i C. II. Kimball, 1). 1)., Phlla." , . I commend to my rrlenda tna Anglo-American cdl'lon .1. 1'. Newman, 1). Ii.. L.I.. )., N. Y." . . . ' 1 cordially concur with Dr. Newman. Wm. T. rtabtnii, I). Ii. N. Y." . . "1 bellcvo It to bo n i crfecfrerrlnt.-Cha3. 1'". Ueema, JJ. 1)., N. Y." . . "It la n marvel of American ente'prle. ltev. T. A. K. Kessler, llrooklyu." Hrletn liicliiuing "lllsu.i.v' Cloth, $1.00; Arabewiuo, ti.w, without History, Cloth red edgcs,$l,00; Venetian Mo.-oeco. gilt edges, $1 M. t'utikw nialli'il on ri-rrliit ot iirlei' liero liiic miticriit. Oft infC A ft ii'Mrnci i l Tfi I.UIKIUATIII.Y, active ladles undgentlcmcn fiUjlJUU AUrjlVlo t Ai 1 I'jWtciboilthls woik. It is Far Outselling ull oilier works. 60,m Already Sold. Agenta aro maUlng20 tojw per week, as millions want this work. Outllta coo No Time- to Loso. Address lll'IlllAllli HKOh., I'libllsherB, m CheMniit street, Philadelphia 51?" No other editions contain this Important History or tlin (ireat ltevlslon Movement. Having thrco cgral piliitlrjgoflleesniidelsht bmoerles at workday nnd night Wk CAN SHIP I'ltOMl-l'LY AIIOUT 40 000 COPIES l'Kll WiJKIi. d Juno K-1W WANTED; CanvasserB lu every conn ty In this Mate to tako orders tor Nursery Stock. Ktlmrtv null llitklriililn Vm. plojment at GOOD WAdES. Kxperlenco in Iho bu siness uot required. Nunciles widely and favorably known. For turns address Van Iiiiscn Nuiseiltsl C. I.. VAK DUSUN, Estnbllslud lssu. f (Unkva.N. X, f eb. is, 'ii-i3t eo;y Also stock nt wholesale. Jnno M, TO-tl WHITE BitOItfZK MONUMENTS, IIEADSTONES.&c. Aro rrcommended by tho best authority. They will ncvor craclc, chli,corrodo, rust or BECOME MOSS GROWN. They aro pure, ruined, cast Inc. Tliey nro beau tiful, durable andcheap. send lorcireuiarsto JOHN. A. OWENS, GEN. AGE&T. LEWISBURG, Or Inquire or V. V. Kline, Uloomsburg. July l 8-ni J. W, READER, PRACTICAL BOOK BINDER Nn UOWH.Vr .IIAKKHT (STHHHT, WILKES-BARRE, PA. A 11 tlin iouilai' .IliiKsrliK N, llar liCl'N. Sfl ilillt't'K, I.IIHII'n, si. IMiliolas, liniiiiii lu any 81) lo Iti hlicil. CorrcsponilcneeSolicitcil P. O. Ilox 1C0. , Juiyj i-m Dauchy & Go's. Advt's. U Ii1 A T'l'V'Q CijtciANH, n wopn, s set aoid Itlin J I 1 O cn Tongue Heeds, only tss. mi. ilresi Daiitel K lleatty, Wiiinington, N. J, July 1 4w BOLD MEDAL AWARDED thu Author. A now and groat ilul lcatWork,warraDU)dtlititotttuiLt chiuitInn.HHjnJtljlet(j Mvorv Riftn.HutiiM "Uia ticiencoof Ufa nruU-rrutMrvAtion Uoontiin nnit vrencb wulin, emlKtatuHl. full KiltUU (p.conUins Uitutlf ui jtfttl enirrtTinM, I2& iirimonix tiona. i.rica only lbQt fj KBD'l DfiW. Arlrlnw l'...!. Il-.t KNnW THYSKI.V V!". .Wu!".'".'" -.Hj'Ait- .. tio. 4 Uulfach at. litKtoo. July l 4-w at MV'llliWtiTilillll'l Sent IJiKPiftA? ittW.!iifc.7s!. yjgg UMIKICAN fiKUJt CU, CkllLVm?itf: SSIi. SIP On visilini riiilndclplii.i you will find, among other places of Interest, the Grand Depot well worthy of a visit. Its floor and galltjry mar spaces now cover over three ncrcs,and arc filled with Dry Goods, China, Furniture, etc. The is a large and beautiful Picture Gallery, to which admittance is free. The Pneumatic Tithes carrying the money the Electric-Light Machinery, ROJJBINS,) DBAIiER. IN niim,niiil all KlmlH oI'IYIiicn tuii.l IN liOTMiS BY THU DOZEN. Door below Iron. HARDMAN 2ST O 3, CASE ORGAN, ! STOPS, 110 CASH. WILKX3S-BAB.RX3, FA. ANOI.O A.HHHlOAN 9 tho 1'opular Eilltlon of lUo lino for line, nairo for naeo of the nutliorlzi"! nr. Tiuany, v. i., i.l. u i ihiu.; i. ii. nan, i.u n., iioui, f'SZ Of YOU CAN BUY THE BLATCHLEY PUMP 1Inlliiril,0rivllliCuiiprr.PorccIalii,nr Iron I.tiiliiK. Kaeli nno Meiirlled Willi my iimnoM inniiuiHt-tiiror h wiimmteil In niiitirlal and cmi Flriirtliui. Fur Hilo liy tho ln'.'t houses ill Ilia Inula. If you dn not know where to pit tlilf pump, wrliu to mo ih lielow, uiul I will feul nainu uf agent ni'iirc&l yuu, who will supply you at my lowest prices. CIIAS. O. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer, 308 Market St., Philadelphia, Fa. march 4, '8l-m ais The Man Who Spends Money For advcrtlBlnK In nowfpapers In IheMi Units without llrst obtaining nn estimate or tlEO. 1". Itownhl, ACO'H NewtpnperAtlvcrtlslm,'lluieau,No. liiHpruco street, Now Yotk, is likeiv topayl'O frr whatm'Khtbo obtained torts, fcuch eMirrntes ore furnished to all applicants irratls. bend 16 cents lor leo-pniro pamphlot, with thu list of newspaper ruti-a and reiercnces. r Juhohmw THE BEST REMEDY rors Diseases of llic Throat ana Lungs. Ivr ta'o In diseases of the pul nnd rellablo reineily Is invaluable. Avkii's CnmniY rncTonxi, it Mich n remedy, nnd no . otliersoemliientlyiuer. ; its the coutiilcuco oi ' tlio imlillc. It Is a bcI cutlllu couililtiatlou ot the nieillclnnl prlucU jiles und cinatlvo vir tues ot tlio finest drui!, ; chemically united, of such power ns to Insiiro 1 .i.., !...... ..ii. .. J it!,. Ill" fciviucni. 1M' enii'leiii'V niul uniform- PPTTADflf-" ity of results. It strike 1 L.V- i UltrtU. , ,i,u foundation of all pulmonary diseases, ntTordliift prompt relief nnd rapid cures, und Is nduntuil to pntlenta of any ngu or either sex. UeliiK very palatable, the youngest children tako It readily. In ordinary Coughs, Colils, Soro' Tliroat, Ilroncliitls, Inllneiuu, Clerp;yniiiiiM Soro Throat, Astliinii, Croup, ami Cu turrli, tho effects of Avmt's Oiiumtv 1'eC roiui, are inajjleal, und multitudes avo an. nually preserved from t,eiloin Illness by Its timely und faithful use. It should bo kept nt hand In every household tor tlio jiro. teetlon It affords In sudden uttacks. Iu YVhooiilux-i'oiiHh and Consuniptloii theru is no other remedy bo etllcuclous, tuiiUilns, nnd helpful. Low pilcesiim Inducements to try somool tho many mixtures, or syrups, made of cheap and luclfectivu Ingredients, now ollerod, which, us tlmy niiituin no ciuntlvii iiuiilltics, can nll'ord only temporary relief, and aro hum tudceelvi) and disappoint thu lutleut. Disposes of the und Iuiiks demaud uetlvouiiduiIiTilvotreutiiieiiti und It isdau Kcruus cxpeilmentiiifr with tuiltiiowu and cheap medicines, from tlnie;rcnt liability that Jhesu dUeases may, while ko trilled with, becoiuu deeply seated or lucur.ible, Usu Ayi ii'h Uiuciiuv I'r.croiiAi., and you may ronltduiitly expect tho best results. It Is a staudaiil meilleul preparation, ot known and acknowledged cumtlvo power, nnd Is us cheap as its carelul pieparatlnu und flue HRredlenU will allow. Kmlnent pliyslclaui, knowing its compoirltloii, prescribe It In their practice. The tost of halt a century has -ovcn Its absolute certainty to euro ull pul monary complaints not nluad.v beyond the tacht4 liumannld, Pceparod by Dr. 0. C. Ayer & Co., "ShMkVkrt Ai.u1)(Ukl CliMuUlk, Ibvrall. Watv. WW CHERRY