The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 24, 1881, Image 3

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iii.ooMsnumi.rniiur, jusksi, issi
Tlio executors ol Hatnuol Klmirer, iIccmkciI,
will offer real estate for mlo on Tliur'(lay,.Iuno
Ileiijiinln Miller, ndminla'rjlor of I'lilllp
Miller, will fell renl ostulo In Centre tawnrlilp
on Ssluulay, Jump 25i,
Itlrntn SIniRnrs, administrator of George
llnllenbiclc, will nil reil estate on tlie premise.
In Main township on Hilurtlay .Inly i,
D.m't kill tori'b. Tliey eat potato bugs
Posing! stamp, werofirnt luc-.l In llm United
Unites In tlio year 1817.
V (1. Hurl ley received a fine new safe for
ofi'ice, on Weilncslay.
Tlio person who Ion a yellow crotid canary
hlrde.'iti rccovor tlio s.ime hy cilllng at thin
Holes nf nomination of l ho Democratic party,
in pamphlet', for pale nl till oflice. I'riro ()
Calvin 1!, Heller, of Danville, delivered tlm
valedielory at the roinmcnreincnt exerciser ol'
l'ranlilln mid Marshall Coll.'Ke, Lancaster,
Moycr llros. aro havinir n xuli'tuiliil stone
pavement laid in front of tholr More n tonvt
nlcnco for which the pnhlic return thanks.
What nil uli'cnt-mln.liil people weuro to he
sure. It is B.iid that no let than 2,000 postal
cards arc mailed daily, without address.
If you want liaiilns In Clothing, go to
Omsk' ClothiiiK Stole. Ho is 11 Ins Summer
Clothing at cost, Sharpies building, Bloom.
It Is idmply marvelous how quickly constipa
tion, bilioumon and sick headache nro cured
by "Seller's Liver Pill." 23 cents. junelTlw
The class day excreisei at tlio Normal School
will lake iilaco on Wednesday nfiernoon next at
four o'clock. Commencement will bo on the
following day.
The libel suit of Scranton vs. Chase, which
Judge Klwcll went to Wilkes llarre to Ity, was
continued until the 3rd of October next, tho
defendant not btjimr prepared.
Iioils, pimples on tho fare, salt rhoinn, old
sore, nml nil culuneouteruptionsdiappearliko
magic when "Dr. Linclsey's lilood Searcher" is
used. juno 17-lw
County Superintendent J. S Grimes has is
sued notices, giving dates ol examinations of
teachers in the various school districts in the
Tho committee on decoration request that t'ie
citizens of tho town will attend to the decora
ting of their residences as early on the morning
of the Fourth ns possible.
In tho notice of the death ofMis. 0. T. Wil
son in lust week's Coi.u.mman, he rage was
given ns M. This was an error of the types
the figures shouhl have been 43.
Dr. .1. K. Kvnus has shown us two imnieno
strawberries, grown in bin garden, each ol
which measures 7 inches uromid and weighs
ljj ounces. The berries are tho Sharpies
The publishers of the Williamport Sun C
Jlanner will bestow a copy of their weekly for
oau year upon the person furnishing the be-M
snake stoiy. This e-Ifering of a premium for
mendacity cannot bo loo strongly condemned.
"When I publicly teslided (hat I bad been
cured ot'a terrible skin humor by the Cuticura
Itcmeiliep, 1 did so that others might he cured,
nnd do not regret tlio timu given to answering
inquiries." Hon William Taylor, lioston.
The Williameport Jlanner i sued a supple
ment last Friday, coutnirlng a full leportof
the coiumciicciucnt exeiciscs, nl Dickinson
Seminary, willi the full textof the various es
says read on tho occasion.
Cut worms aro playing havoc with tlio crops
in ccrlnin pails of the Stale, hut Columbia
county has not mi flu reel to any great extinl n
yel. Tho bug and worm crops of 1881 are ler.
Gray squirrels are lepoi ted lo bo very nu
merous in adjoining counties. They may bo
lawfully killtd on and after September let.
Previous lo that timo Ibey cost iho sporlfinuii
S3 each, payable to any justice of die peace,
Mr. Thomas Conner h is taken po-wion of
bis new store in Miss I'rtriman's building,
Main street, and desires to lur.i- his customers
hinilo aware of that fiict. He will bo glad to
greet them in bis new establishment.
Vennor predicts ii Mnrni period, with sultry
weather, fn.iu this limn to the 28th ins', and
coider weather on i lie 29ih and SDlh. He hits
tho truth with frequency to reudir
hN progimstioillniiH interesting, at lta't.
Aflor a long delay, involuntary on our pari,
hricklnying was begun on the new Coi.ii.miuan
building l.isl Wednesday morning. It is be
lieved tint there will bu no further interrup
tions to the progress of the work.
One of the propibtoisof ibis paper will visit
the townships of FMiingcieik, Uinlon, Sugar
loaf, l'inu mid Jackson during Hie month ol
July, when he botes that nil persons iiulebtted
to the Col.UMHlAX will be prepaied to settle.
We have reeeivid an extended nrtitle on the
subject ol tmall pox, wiiltrn 'y a physic! in of
this town, which will appear in the next issue
ol the Coi.ii.MWAN, wnnt of space prcvonllng its
publication this week.
Mr. George W. I.ajcoek and Miss Jichccca
llarton weiouiiitid in lmmingeon Tuesday of
last week, in Wilke -Ilaire. I! ,lh were former
residents of Ibis town, anil have many friends
here whowii-h ihem good furluuo in their mat
rimonial venture'.
The Willimni-port Uautle .1' Jlulhtin says
that "llloomsburg may well be piouil of her
Stale Nonniil Sehool, which, uiiiler thoellicient
management of J'lofcwor Waller and liU as
sUtunt', has been steadily growing in jiopulurlly
and patronage."
An exchange states that an eagle in Heading
lives on cats. A permanent engagement can
be made for the biid In this town, on the mort
favorable terms. Apply lo any sluep-Ioving cit
izen. No family should bu without an eagld ol
such extremely credltnbto la'le.
The air has been cool and pleismit of lile.ex
cepl for two or tbiio hours in the middle of
tho liny. In Ciurnbi, however, Iho coolness has,
been earrinl in extroiuf, for on tho night of
the loth and 10th of this month there wi ro fr-uls
eeveio enough In nip llm growing pliutt.
Tho lUfjrm Church, corner of Third nnd
Iron slreetf, ljoks like now building. It Ins
been pilnted nnd penciled by D. II. Vanilla
ami tho improvement in its nppearanc.' is uvst
marked. A pilot bus be. n us.'d uud Ihls
produces ilia effect of pro .-el brick.
Tho ess j of Sanger ve. Coidman was udirni.
(d by the Supreme Court on Mondiy. This wh
tho only case laken fioui this County at tin
present let-in. There wt-w two I""'"1 Mnteiiir
Counly, Llghlucr'a appeal and Welch's nppsnl,
both of which were aflinncd on Mondiy.
ltov. Kdwln N. l.ixhtncr died at his home
In Kivorslde, Minlnur counly, on Sunday, iho
12lh Ins'., aged CI yeir'. Ho wu reel -r of
Christ Cliunli, Danville, for sixteen yenn-, and
letired on uccuunt of filling helth, Ho was
'Warmly beloved by a largo circle of friends.
I" he members of Ihc Sunday school of tho
Lutheran Church will give n fcllvnl In tho va
cant , tnrorooni of Mrs. Hut's building, on Fn
hty and Saturday,Junei 21th and 25th,
Ice cream, Mtawberrios, cakes, eVc., will Lo
Coiuiurnoemenls are In full blocni, and the
newspapers nro filled lo repletion with reports
Mlhp i-xereUos at vnrlous Institutions of learn
lug throughout the 1 mil. "TIih sweet girl
Krsduatc'M,, hor robes of while has become a
proininont nnd pleasing feature- in the hi.lor
of the day nnd nil ihe wotld knows of her Hi
irary powers,
l'on Sai.k. Onnbiy borso, st-vtutcot hands
high, weight IMO, puen roars old, or one lay
mnrc, Mxluen hands high, weight, 1100, nine
years old, Can lie driven single or double-,
rerfeclly gentle.
D. A.,
l'ino .Summit, Columbia Co. l'a.
Tho loek-np was more tluin well tilled on
Friday nnd last, Th railroad hand
"ere pild at thai lime and lndul;,'ed a liith too
froqiiently in stitnuhnls. We should fmcy that
one Iiitiht in tint loek in, t, !., ,1...
, .unlit; ,,
iiiosttuiiliriniMl llppUr to "swear off." In hot
weather Ihe Imibllna is
. " nj k"Bh 11,1 "-
Urn piaco that Dob lug..Tsf,ll ni)s eUe not
At the Djino. ialio Convention ofXnrthumher
land county, held at Siinlmrv on rtllf li
teo.. l.yon,ofShamoklu receive I Iho noini
inuon loroiiuge on llm foutlli hallot. His most
formidablo compelilor wns Tiumnii H. 1'urdy,
of Sunbury. It wns tlio most exciting conven
tion over hold in the county, and there was
much feeling on iho part of friends of the dif
ferent caudldnlcs.
Tickets at excursion rates can be bad over Iho
D. L. A W. It. H. from Scrnnlon in Nnrilntm.
heihnd, good from Juno 23rd lo July 1st, for
inoe Who Wish to attuid Iho coum encement
exorcises at LewUbutg. Orders for ticket" on
tho Philadelphia ,t Frio . It. from Xorth-
uninerinnel lo J.ewishnrg will be sent if re
quested. Address Hcv. A, K. lloll, Lowis
hurg, l'.i.
Mr. J. J. Iirower has moved into tho sloro
room of his building, formoily occupied by
Moyer llros. and offers to tho public a largo
and caiefolly elected assortment of carpels,
mattings, oil cloths In short everything per
taining to that line of business Tho roods nrn
all of the latcbt nnd most dcsiiablo patterns and
Mr. J.roweretoes not intend to be excelled by
any dealer, ellher ns regards eiualily, rmantitv
or price. His stock inoi its close iiui-pection.
Messrs. Carey .S: 1'oalcr, undertakers nt C'am
bri, send in the names of threo old men,
buried by them em tho das specified; Mellaril
Gregory, of Muhleiiburg, Liuerno county,
June fith, aged !) 1 years, 4 months; Alexamler
Colley, of llenton, Juue Dili, nged 01 years,
9 months; and John Allegar.of Jonestown, June
lllh, nged 01 years, 2 months and 11 days.
Those are nil well-attested ca-cs of longewty.
The milted ages of ihe tlnco exceo I 2S0 years.
If you are going west save time and money
by buying tickets from H. D. Darlington, agent
at ltupert. He leprescnts best routes to Ihe
west nnd northwest. Trains leave ltupert at
(l.'lii a. m., 8:50 a. m , and -1:00 p. m. For
rates and in formation, call on or address
It. D. Daii unci nf,
May 12-Gw Ticket Atenl, ltupert, 1'n.
It is believed ibat some 5000 Maons will
hke part in the ceremonies, at the laying of
the corner slono of Lhrist chlireb, to-day, in
Danville. Inndlitionto ther, , it is .xpccled ninny members of tho l'rotcstant Kpisco
pil church will be pic'cnt. Several hauls
have been engaged, including Ihe well known
Hiiivgold band, of Heading. Speeiil tr.tliw
will ha inn anil liikeLs will be furnished at rc
dtie.d rates. It will bca gala day in Danville.
The gindualing clans of the Normal School,
numbering fortj-one, pafe--cd a mcces'-ful and
cred iliill j exi niiiialion or. Friday last. Dr.
Higher, Superintendent f Public Instruction,
and Deputy Superintcnebnt H.iiick were pres
ent, nnd woro we 11 pleased willi iho evidence
all'orded that tho iiibliucucn of the c!a.-s had
been thorough and conipieliensive. The ufl'iirs
of the school, we are happy to statore inn pros
perous condition and its future looks brighter
than over.
On Monday morning lift, as tin- team of
bluk horse i hebingi.ig to Charles Krng, w.n
driun id ing Ihe iianows bclwoin Hup.rt and
CaiawiMi, ihe- aiiini ils look fright at a passing
locomotive nod spring violently forward. The
driver, Fou-t Yonder, was pulled over the
d-isliboai.l and drugged (iirquil.i a di.-tancc.
Ho wis sluniicel nod briibeil (-ouiewlia', but
pluckilv held on to the reins, and nuee.ib-d in
topping ihe frightened hors.s. His iloiermin
alion and louingo uudouhtcdly stved the
hortos and wagon from damage, if not destruc
tion. The H'eifjinsbiirg lute bill club drove uver to
Loeusl (I ip on Situi.hy h-i, I. play a game
uiih llm niiu at nl ice. Tiio rido w is lo ix
and lire-ome and when the hovs ri-iehed tho
end of their jouriuy they wnu much fitigued.
Tliey wern cirdidly roioived, Inndjouioly
lie.ued and decisively v.inq'iished Tins game
was only partially played, but tho so.ire when
it inUed stood 2(1 to 2, and the double figure.,
were in favor of Ihe Loeusl (bin club. The re
turn g ime will be played hure-, and wo have-
no doubt that our club will do holler.
The llerwlck Jmlqicmlent says that D. M.
KurU and A. W. Friiz are engiged on n work,
intended for gratuitous dblribution, entllhd
"A Couden-td Ili-toryof llerwiek, lllooms
burg, Danville, Sunbury and Xorlhuiulierlnnd."
It is Iho inleniion of those geiilliinen lo i-euo a
book that will be useful us a means if relbrei.d
and will iucluJo a complete directory of the
counly and borough edict m e-f I'oluinlda, Mon
tour and Northiiinberbiud countie-, the chinch
os, bocltllos, etc., a rovltw of the eoiumcrciil
and manufacturing interesls,iind valuablo infur
malioii concerning the banks, post offices, tele
graph, railroads, etc, and will contain about
one- hundred and fifiy pages.
Wo sr.. indrbiid to tlm author, Mr. D. II. U
llrower, for a volume en.illed "Danvil c, l'a-t
and 1'reseni." The hook, as iMiiimo Implies,
Is n bi-tory of Dinvllle IVum Ihe e-.tiliesl d ij's
up to iho present liuio. Tho, histori
cal and bii.gnipl.ioa', nro i :;rot.llngly iiituct.
lug lut only to r-sidents of Iho t'.i.u, hut lolhe
general puld c. There is a topic con-
noeied wiih Ihc mton-'ts of D.w-vil o tl. tit
not loceiveait'iiii. n. Tim hook is nrhlen In
un easy roai'ubl I tth- in d call bar. ly fail to
nlfird pK-n'uro to thoi-ewlio piuu it, Mr.
Ilrowi-r Imi evulun ly Mient iuiieli time ni.U
taken Rieal pains willi hii boede and U entitled
lo praise for his lalorr. Thu price, po-t-paid,
is $1.70.
At.tiiieelingol'iho.'llic-rsol' Agrhulturil
rio. io.y, hi Id mi hjloreby Hfit-iiicon hwl, nt Iho
Kxcliut-K Hotel, 1'eler A. Kvuii", l-'r.d H. and C.urhs Smd were cl:t led dtl-Bt-aies
lo UIO.'l oilier t i elcft IrmlOJi
of ihe Agiiculiiiral College, and I'eler A,
JCvsns, U. II. Fnt unl Thouns Webb were ap
pointed a eouiuiiite-M on grounds. The da'e of
Iho next Fair was fixed fjr Otobor 12th, lath,
lllh and 16th. Tho church or eating labia wus
let to iheGiruvin lUfurint-d church, of Illoomi-burg-
Tho fair iroundi cinnot 1m iuo.1 for bill
plii) lug or olhcr purpotc until after the
his b.'eii en1, 'J'he djlegalos lo the Agricultu
ral College will bve hem on the 2itli init-,
nnd vlll be abntit tomal diJ-
The Market Htrccl slorfof Moyer llros., bu
been clised and both tho drug and express hind-ne-ss
transferred to their new and hatubomo is
tnblishnieiit on Main Street, This fuel shoti d
hi homo in mind by (heir numerous custom
ers, who will find nt tho new storoevery con
venience nnd facility for Ihe prompt and sills
factory transaction of business. June 21 1-w
The Winona Fire Compuiy received COO feel
of hemp hose, and two brass pipes on Tiie'.l.iy
last. This hoso l wnrranlcd lo Inst as long
as thai tnndo of leather nnd requires much leu
c ire lo keTp In order. Tlio Winona company
is iin-y fidly prepire-.l for service, cxccpl n n
gards unifotnis, nnd these lhiy hnpn to obtain
with iheptoceids rf Iho Mlval to be given on
the 1st, 2nd and lib of July next.
M-i-cnlint- (Iowa) Dally J.untnl.
Messi,. ,1. n.,VCo. Mukigor,Mich.,
Ihussie-ils: St. Jacob's Oil Is tho best lini
ment aiound hete. Wo -ell morn of it ibmi of
anv olher proprlonry medicine wo have in our
'lore. Our customers an- continually pralsint!
its rlleetlve rpislilif.; nnd we think, (lint ills
be best remedy for rhruni iiImii, nourilicin,
etc , we have ever bail in stock .
Thofo Cat adian fanners who refrained from
plaining, in iho the world would ho
destroyed on Sunday last, must regret their
ercduliiy now. Ol't repealed failures on llm
part of prophets of dl aster .1 i tint nmi,r o.
eliscourig.-tliem iii theloist.or winken tho fiiih
ol lliulr followers. The intelligcnco of the ninr
Icenlh century Ins, ovidently, failul lo reneh
certiin lioigliliorhpods,
Moyer llros. Invite their friends, customers,
and tho public generally, to visit their new
drug store, corner of Milti nnd Centre
streets They havo the laroet and b
of goods to be found In this part of the Stale,
and aio determined not to hi excelled by any
other dealer, oillier as rcgaids quality or price.
Their storer, wholesale and retail, will amply
repay inspection.
'Ihc festival civen by" the ladles of St. V.nil'u
chureli on Friday aid Saturday evenings,
wni cnureiy euccesflul, both In a so
cial and pecuniary rensc. Tho room was
well filled by ladies nnd gentlemen on both eve
nings, and their nurcbases of ibn dplir.if-ica nf-
feted were so liberal that a handsome Mini was
realized. Thu ere reeeintu u-orn f51 .17. r..-,
and after deducting expenses, thero remained
Cum ..
eo.).u.j io no nppneu to tne cxtluguifhment of
tho church debt. Tho result is highly gratify
ing to llioso having the affair in charge and
most creditable to thoso who attended.
Areyou going to paint? If so.sond to Henry
S. Hear, Montour Paint Works, Hupcrl, l'.i..
for simph- android prices of Strictly Pure
White Lend. SI itc Colors, Iron Paints, Pulty
.Ve , and r ive (he wholesale and retail profit
Von ran inK your own colors, from best m.iier
ial, with Pure Linseed Oil.for 75 cents to SI. 20
per gallon.
Kespeclfully Youro &c
apr. l,"-Gm IIenuv S, IIiiay,
"l'lie Crisis in Ireland"? the subject of a
leciure to ho delive-ied in tho Opera House,
Illoonisl.urg, em Tuesday evening next,,
by M. M. O'Su'livan, ono uf the traver.-ers
in tho bite Irish State trials. As Mr.
O'Snllivnn is thoroughly conversant with
ail tho farls reiativo lo Iho peculiar state
of affairs in Ireland, it may be cx ccted that
his address will bo both iutciesting and in
structive. It will undoubtedly he a strong ar
gument for the righteousness of tho iqiri ingof
the Iri-h people, against the tyranny of tho
Fnglish government. So well known an orator
asj Mr.O'Millivun should hnvea large audience.
Kits. Col.u.MliiAN : If the law gives the Com
missioners the power to regnlato the peiccnt
agj of the County Trcaturer on the counly lax,
would it not I o eci neuiical nnd wise for the
tax-payers at lb.- coming delegate election lo
make ; candidates for Commissioner pledge
themselves, if elected, lo reduce the ( crceutage
from four to two per cent., thereby saving
enough money to pay (he expenses of two Com
miwdonois, and rliil pay ihe County Trtasurci
a huge salary for his cervices.
Oiangeville, June 20th, 18S1.
There is .mother lailway project under way,
thutwill ditectly iill'ect the interests of lilooms
hurg nnd Columbia county. The Pennsylva
nia H. H. Comiiiiiiy iropoto to lay a track ns
f.illows: Crowing Iho rive rat Clark's Island,
below Catawissa, the rond will run between
the river and canal lo Kuperl, there will
cross tho canal nnd run up the bcrm
hank ns far as Xanlicoke, whore it will
probably cross thu river again and make
connection with tlio L. V. li. K. or tho
L. Sc S. li. It. This would give Iho Ponnsyl
vnnia ro'id direel eoniniunlcithui with the coal
II -Ids of Ihe Wyoming district, and thus obvi
ato tho iieu-seily for piying imniensu sums for
Ireight titliu i). L. ,UV. It. It. A force ol
engineers arrived here on Tuesday morning
and regibUred at thu Fxshango Hotel. Tho
following is a list of their iiiime-: I. F.
White, A. J. Coipr, J. Heine, (I. While, T.
P. Yeager, (I. Wolf, S. Carter aid Freas
O'uinn. If the Piiinslvaiiia H. It. is in car
ties', this now o.ilorpiUo will ho rapidly pushed
lo completion.
It lias b.en brought to our knowledge that
peivous are in the habit of visiting Kosiinuiil
Cotniliry .uid plucking llowers, carrying
tliem away hy b.i.skf U-full. Such a:tu are
sti icily forbidden Ik law, :t..d ofl'endeis render
tin m-c Ives liable to fine uud iinprisonmenl.
Tint then! may bu no unecitiii.ty upin thumb
ject, tiiehis is uivcu herewith.
SKC'IION l. lie it enacted, etc, Thai nny pei
son or who i-hi.ll wiit'oll) ami in .Melons
ly destroy, inutil ile, injure, pluck oil, deface
or remove iherefre ni, any tree or trees, vines,
llower, grass, or ornamental shrubbery, grow
ing, being or temporarily heed therein, for
orn uni-nUil or useful purposes, in any ceme
tery or grave-vnrd in this I'o.nuiouwealth,
used for Ihe inieriiient of humnu lieings,
or shall wilfully lic-spuss in uud upon
private enclosures in nny t" melerv or grave
y.iiel afori-scid, sliall bo guil'y of a misd'
unaiioi, and on conviction ot anv siid
offenses, be sentenced to undergian imprison
ment not exec-eding oneyinr,or to pnjr n fine
of not exceeding ono hundrcil dollars (100) or
both or either, at the eli'creii .n i f tho Couit
Approved the l!) h day ul May, J870-
li may lo well lo stato that a watch will be
kept hereafter, and tho.'o dulcoied in commit
ting ihe cfl'ens'.s specified will, bo punbbed to
Ihc full extent of tho law.
ADOltKllNAI. AltlilVALS.
On Silurday nfioinoon h t, n pirlyof In
dian children from the school at Caili-1 , ni
rlv.d in town. Tho news of iheir mining bad
prcid und q die a irowd was ussemblod at tho
nillrud s anon in Liei". " 1 1 1 on iho d isky vini-tort-
They were aicouipuuied by ihtlr pit
cepiro s, Miss Hingis, daughter of William
llurgess, formeily of this county. Tho chll
ilrou, so.'inloon in nuinbcr, walked d'inrouly
through tho .trcot', appurenlly indifferent lo
ih curiosity they nruu.od, Duiing (heir brief
stay in t wu their were the oljuelsof interest lo
a host of upectutoiy, I nth old cud louug. Two
Inrga w. gone coiivuvol ihuui to Milhillo,
wh.te ihu will spend their huniuier vae.ilion
Tn-- of thu childr.n, fjur gills and thir
t:tn boy, uiid'lh. uih.s to which tl.ey In-long,
i.i. uko.'i ihu rtgister hook nt Iho Kx
oUAugu Hotel, and are as fd.o.vv;
Walton, Pawnecq Mabel D.innmoe, Kiowa;
Auuio Meuuul, Pueblo; Klizibeth Dixon,
Mouoinouioi I rani; lwiss, Kloux; linger, Si
oux; Stephen, Sioux- Doty, Cheyenne; Joe
Yeit.or. Pnvaj Duke, Sioux; Chojler, Sioux;
Kmbry (liluon, Hlon.v; Wilon Troni'-, Kiowa;
ICrnW liUc-St, Cluyeniic; Joe T)hir, Sioux
Joseph Wlnmoby, hijKienoiue j LuLo rhllli,l
Nt Perco,
St..l'aul's church will hoconrceralod onTues-
day morning next, tho servircs beginning nl
ten o e lock. Tho cleigy proent will most In
Kvnns' Halt and proe. o I llience lo the chtirrl ,
wearing their rohcJ, li is thought that elirl.t
or len clergymen will bu in atlendance. Hi.
Hcv. M. A. DoWolfe Howc,l!ihop of tho Dio
cese, will ptoiiotineo the sentence of consecrn
lion, The services nro of a very solemn mid
iinpresivechnrnelor, nnd will undoubtedly at
tract n Inrgo congregation. The visiting clergy
and numbers of the vestry, past and prasenl(
will be entertained nt lunch, Immediately afte r
iho service, nt tho residence of Mr. J. II,
Wonre-dhdto nntiounee- that Iho two chll-
tlie.ii who nroslrk Willi sninll pox, have parod
tho dangerous utiig, of ih- disease slid nre now
regaining henllh. Three, new e-nses aie report
led. Mrs ttonser nnd two of her children.
Those l.illur, n mentiono 1 in hist we. k's Ceil.
U.MlitAK, had not bevii vnni luali-d, nnd were liv
ing III the house of Mi. Wolf-,wh-ro the il bouse
first nppoucd. From present indications,
neither u' these cases will ho severe, X rumor
obtained ciicillatieiu, n few days since, lliat
llieie wa -e can of hihiiII pox in the house of
Robert Hngpuhiich, on ICnst Street, This
proved to bo iiiiirne, The attendant phyidclau
informed us that tho nfitictioii was nothing
more nor less thin what is commonly known as
hives." Th,.io is no Decision fr alarm, but
thero is urgent need of watchfulness and care.
Willi otdinary precautions ll o spread of Ihe
disease may bo averted, or kept within the im
mediate vicinity of thu plaro where It origina
ted. Cleanliness U ono safeguard og.ilust con
tagion, and a free mo of such disinfectants ns
chloride of limo and copperas in vault", and
wherever thero isdtc-aying matter,woul.l bond-
vi-ablo. Whitewash liberally applied lo out
buildings h always proper.
It h nol believed that small pox will become
cpidcniic,Iand, even should n few more cases ho
reported, that fact should not ho accepted as
proof to tho contrary.
1,000 pounds Hatigh & Son's celebrated Fer
tilizers, just icccivcd and for sab by Mrs. H. II.
Aul, Kspy Depot, Pa. Tho goods havo gained
Mich a reputation for vol id merit by tho many
who havo used ihem, that there is no necessity
to ciiiieiss the county ami take inort'jaijca on the far
mer's cvminj crops in order to mako sales, They
contain no mute hulk, suc't ai dirt or sand. The
foUouimj analysis is guaranteed: Ammonia, 2
lo 2J per cent; soluble and precipitated phos
phoric acid, 5 to 0 per cent; equal to available
bono phosphate, 10 lo 12 per cent; soluble
bone phosphate-, 7 lo 8 per cent, and sold at
tho low price of $30 per ton, making it the
htsl and cheapest manure on tho market. Have
alsojust leceivcd near lead of salt, fresh and
pure, which is being sold at bottom prices,eith-
cr by the barrel, sncl: or bushel, and as the ten
dency of prices is upward, now is the timo lo
buy. A full stock of Dry Goods, Groceries,
Fish and Provisions, Pools, Shoes, Clothing,
Notion-, (Juccnswnre, Wood and Willow Ware,
eSe., Ac. i always on hand, and will bo sold
at prices that will make it largely to your ad
vantage to give us your patronage. Owing to
our inexpensive location, advanlago in trans
portation, Ac., we can bandlo goods nt consid
erably lower prices than mostother parties and
we propose giving our customers the benefit.
Cash )taidfcr Jl. Jt. Tics. june 24-3w
Miss Margaret Slenker, of New llerlin, is
visiting Miss DiEsie McKclvy,
Miss Forsytho and Miss Withington nro the
guests of Mrs. M. E. Knt.
Mrs. Hewitt, of Uellefonto, spent a few
lays at J. J. Hrowcr's recently.
Mrs. Slenker, of Now Berlin ii visiting at
Mr. J, II. llnrinan's.
Key. T II. Cullcn, of Freehobl, N. J., is in
town, and will preach at St. Paul's (
ciiurch on Sunday.
A. ij. Fritz, Esq., b.u his hw office lempora-
ly willi C. I!, llrockwny, Esq., whero be can
be found by all those who may desire bis ser
vices. His card appears in ibis bvue.
Mrs. Dr. Gardner, Mrs. J. G. Freeze and
Miss Maude Frtezj are spending tlio week at
Lewis' Lake.
Mrs. Ewing, of llarri-burg,is visiting at her
fathci'd, A. C. Smith, K-q.
Prof. G. W. Ii.utebjof Shenandoah, attend
ed the cx.imin itiun.s nt the Normal School last
William Hryson, Esq., nnd Thomas Gerity,
of Ceiitralia, were in town ou business ou
Tho J.iy Cooke was not ready to receive
gll.sts, but still euteriainid ils first ones on
Thursday night. Tiny were- Mr.nndMrs. John
i. Funston, of Ploomsburg, P.i. Mr.h. is Pre
sident of Ihe lilonuirhorg bank, and stalled ou
a trip to Winnipeg yeslerday,togelherwilli Mr.
Coopor, oishier ol llio Allcntown bank, and
Ilev. A.J. S. D.ipps, a director of the i aim bank
They were nceoni) allied by Mr. Sch reibcr, and
are on ii tour of iupeciion. Upon their re
turn Ibey willgo to liisniaick and End of tho
Track. Mooreheid D. T. Atyus.
Farmers, don't forgot Hnrnian A IIus-
B;rt carry a lull lino of all kinds of riaper
knivos and oxlins. juno 17-lw
rotniTIl CHMUI.Y.
The energy and inniestness evinced by tbo-e
having injehargo llieiirraiigcmcnlsfur the Fourth
of July celebrat!ou, augur well for Ihe succchs of
tho undertaking. Every possible means Ins
been adopted lo add to tho interest of tho oc
casion, end up to llio present limp, all the
signs nro fuvoraUe. It la expected that dis
tinguished guests will ho preeni,aud addresses
lolivero.l by eloquent speakers. A committee,
composed of threo liu-iiibeYs from each of Ihe
firu companies, has been appointed to make
cuernl arrangements. The members iirea.s
follows; Friendship, Chief, William Webb,
John Yost and W. II. Gilmoru; Winona, Ed.
IJ. Clark, W. It. Tubbs and Paul E. Win; Hes-
cue, Wallacj Hagenbuch, Harvey Verry and
William 0. Evans. At a meeting of Ibis com
mittee held laal week in tho paihrs of the Ex
change Hotel, Mr. Webb was chosen Piesidenl
ohd Mr. Wilt Secretary. A finance commilteo
wns uppointed ns follows: Friend thip, Messrs
Hotter and Housul ; Hcue, Messrs. Hagen
buth and Evans : Winonn, Messrs. Winter-
steen und Peacock. Messrs. Tulibe, Gilmoru
and Wirt were appointed a couiuitlec on invl
latioiis, Mr. Wntto precuic speakers, Mei-srs
(iilinorj aul Yost U secure mueic und Messrs
Chuk, Gnoigo Itbeu.o and 1). Hageiibuch lo
lako charge nf decorations.
Al a i-ubicqiiiiit lueelli'g held en Monday
hisi, the li nine o coinmiltee made favorabh ie-
poits of piogios'. Ci iiimuuicallons fieun all
the Danvi le fuu compaiius Were leud, uccept
ing iho invitations sun il.ini to be pre'Ci.t and
piriicijiute, Mr, Georce E, tlwell was elect
.el TrcMturer. Ai o'her nuetiig cjf the Ceui
mitlee will be lie hi (his evening. II. e Friend
ship company of Danville will bring their
steamer, -md the Washington hn-o company wl l
bu accompanied by a iluiiii ioi s- ll' ibiihle
there will he u dir lay ol fire wotks in the eve
niiu. LIl'niK nro heing iniulo tu noure oxeut
sio.i tales on Iho railroads. In our next issuuii
full programme) will begiwn. 'Ihe people of
the county may rest iitsured Ihut thucolebrullon
will ha in every rerpect criditabh, and will ei
eel anything of tho kind in lllooimhurg for
many yoars- Wo expect lo co mch an lm
menso ussemblago as will prove beyond a doubt
that tlio pcoplu still delight to honor the tiuiil
verary of tho Day oUuelependcnce,
Thcr Imvi Uen msiiy tnivnls of ttnvelitig
men In town of late nnd Ihe holds have hud u
a lively Undis lhiiinesso tnut bo improving,
F. M. Towkshury, of Calawlsa township,
wo lenrn Is a candidate for Counly Treasurer
Mr T. is a life-long Democrat, from n Jcffer-aon-Jarkson
slock. Twenty fivo years ago
ho insdo his first political speech In this coun
ty nnd has nlwnys worked for the party. If
nominated and circled as of course he would
be he will make a fillhful officer, ns he is cer
tainly competent. Mr. Tewksbury will not
Irnvel to solicit votes,
ISew'pair Directories nre sometimes groat
conveniences, hut they would ho much more
Mlisfaetory if they contained reliable Itifurinn.
lion ns to iho circulation uf papers. In How
oil's Diieelory for 1881, wo find one paper In
this county given a clicul itloti "exceeding ono
thousand," when llsiirtiml iwiia Is not hnlf of
that number. Another ono i quoted hi "not
exceeding e,im thousand." This is nearly cor
rid. It don not uxctud it thousand, nor does
it eepial a thousand hy six hundred. 1 f the le
porlsfiom other countios nro n Inaccurate ns
from this, the dlrcctoti'n "imply mislead the
people for who'o Information they are said to
ho published. Tliei " 1 but one way lo remedy
this defect and that U for the pll'jli'hers In ic-fu-e
lo give any circulation lo papers, whole
editors are u -twilling to miko an nlli.hwlt n to
the coricctmiss of Iheir figures in answering in
quiries ou Ihnl point. It will not do lo publish
a sworn statement ns to ono paper and allow a
paper with a much smaller list to claim a
larger one. All should be tie ited nliko. TIiom
wllh larger lists will not hesitate to mako afli
davits, if It Ih known lint no oilier papers in
Iho county will bo permitted lo chim a larger
ono without swearing lo it. A little reform is
needed by the Directories in this mailer.
IlltowK Pimsrx. Juno 17th, hy Hcv. S.
Mitchell, D. D., at Jlloomsburg, Mr. Atilsbcry
Drown, of Sullivan county, to Jliss Sabina
Purscl, of Mount Pleasant township, Columbia
Business Notices
Ladies' Dusters and hincn Suits for fl,
$1.25, $1.50, $1.7i", $2.00. $2.50 to $2.75 for
saloat Light Street by Hil:w loung-jujuow
Havo niouey I Suvo money by buying your
Clothing at UrosVN. Y. store.
An endless variety of Straw Hats
Uleariug out very ciieap at
David Lowcnberg's,
Hemcmbcr Iltindy has mado arrangements
for a full .supply of fresh Lako fish for the
mouth of June. Jtmol0 3iv
If in want of Dress Goods or Trimmings
goto Clark et Son's.
Reaner and Mower Knives, Knifo Sec
tions and Pivots of till kinds, Stoves,Hangcs,
WI C:1l 1),r.a..lm., X'n fnr finln trtiv
at Sharplcss' l'oiiiulry. juuc21 4w
A full assortment ol' Neck Wear for gen
tlemen at F. D. Deutler's.
s H i
Look nt tho Grand Suit of Clothing for
$0.00 at Gross' New York storo Bloom.
Navy llluo Suits,
JNuvy uiuo rams, i. urn iiuo
at David Lowenbcrgs.
Wo havo a few mora of those Twilled Silk
Parasols. Clark & Sou.
Tho fish trade continues, tho vepotable
trade continues, tho fruit trade continues
and Iluudy continues to sell and deliver at
.1 T.....I. n a-iiaLilnva nml
yejur eioui iieau tuuuo v11
Frielius. Juno 10 3w
New Lace Collars at Lutz A Sloan's.
Manilla Hav Hono anil Sisal Hay Hope,
I inch, I and 1 inch for sale at 10 cents,
II cents and 12 and 15 cents per pound and
1 lay Hope Pulleys at J-ignt btrcet, nt Silas
Young's. june 10-lw
Dailies' Linen Ulsters at Clark A Sou's. .
Fresh Fisb. E. C. ISundy dealer in Fish,
Fruits and Ve-gelnblcs, is receiving daily
from the fisheries on Eaku Erio tho different
varieties of Lake fish, such as Trout, Pike,
Pickerel, Salmon and White-fish. J u 10 3w
Whito Vests, Dttcrs, Linen Pnnts,
A largo lino ol bummer GooHs
nt David Lowcnbcrg's.
Straw lints at less than wliolcsalo pricn nt
Gross' N. Y. htoro.
5v--n n woman nickiiiL' n bunch of grapes
in another column, at Spcer'a Vineyards,
from which Spccr's Port Gtapo Wine is
made, that is t,o highly rstcemed by the
medical profc-s-ion for tho use ot invalids,
weakly persons and the nged. Sold by
O. A. Kleiiu. jau 7'S1 ly
Par.iiols from 10 cults up lo $1.(10 a'
Light fcfr el, by PI Ins Ynuiig juno 10-l.v
More- Panonls at Lmz eV Sloan's.
We aro cdlering special bargains in La
dies' Trimmed Hats und liniini-ls. Call
oon. Clark iS: Son.
For a Fine Dress Shirt,
For a Finn Fancy Shirt go to
Davi.l Liiwenberg's.
Tho season for rc-nuiriiig vour Mowers,
H.-apeis, Thieshi.ig Machines and other
farming implements is at hiind.anel tho place
to hnvp repairing ilono is at 1IAHMAN et
HASS1HIT S Fouudiy and Maclinio Sl'op.
This i tho only place in tho county whero
1). M. Osborne. ec Co's. machines nro ic-
naircd. A full line of rxtrns for all the
ieailing mowers, reapers, Ac. kept constant
ly cm lianil. -way w
Clothing suhl cheaper than ever at Gross'
N. 1, store.
Wo havo now added to our stock a full
linn of Ladies' Muslin Undergarments,
which wo think as good and cheap as can Lo
mado nt home. Call ami examine.
Clark oV bon,
LotH of Timothy teed and Clover seed for
sulo at bight ctre i t tiy fellas l tiling, juiucw
- .
For Fine Shoes of nil kinds, go to Dent'
New Lace Curtains at Lutz e"c Sloan's.
Leave your Oiclc-rs I Leave vour Orders at
liunclv's for Ircsh Flh. Fruit ami Vcgeta-
hlcs. Ooeels eleliveicel lit your door free of
liurge. Juneiuaiv
Tlio hti-t are the cheapest huy your Hoots
auel bhocs of Deuller,
When in the couroot human events it
hocomcs necessary to purchase) Clothlog, for
a bargain go to David Lowenhcrg's uud you
will get lull vutuo lor your money.
Moro Linen Ulstets nt Lutz et Sloan's.
Shoss at cost at Groin' K. Y. storo.
Jlr. D. W. Smith, of Liinestoneville,
Montour counly, bays holms used nn "Os-
horne" Self-hinder since lb7i); has cut ICO
acre; heen ul no expento (of repairr; has
cut imtn that wcio us badly down and tangkil
as it ns po'sihlo lo he, and will wnger
tne price 01 tun iniiciiine that lio can cm
any grain that It l pe'stililo to cut with nny
machine, and bind ittltthtrr and better than
can ho done by hand. T. W. I'uri-tl.iienr
lluck llr-nt, Kays tho "Onborno" fc-clf-bindpr
bought hint year, "fills tho bill" and dots all
that Is claimed lor It,
I', K. Miiiih, near Danville, (-ays ho cut the
ivorit uinitieii oais no over n.iw, Inst yctf,
wiui iup iHuonip, nml cannot speak too
nigiily in iih piaise-,
IIauman & ILvbur.HT, Agents,
juno 10 llloiiiiibbiiig, l'a,
If ou want Linens or Alpacas go to
Gross' N, Y, storo
Thf-ro la a rlftlifi mutt . r.inil, t l. r..,r,i..i,.nn
pni portlne; to bo "Walnut Leaf llalr"'! ho
MronecBi ovlile nco 01 iho meat value cf "Walnut
Lent llalr IlcMoier"ls tlio fiiit Unit iiarlleB know
ing Its cltloacy try to linlintu ll. rach bo.ilo of the
uui.imiu uud u "iiiu buniio" uiii.o siKiiaturu or "i,
r.. itviivu, i in, i!ii.iiui-i,!iLriioewi in inn Kiasbl
and Iho "Itltloiu " Is cseli nr nn.l imtinlrun.u u-.
ler, while it roMCWetintllliecciniiciiiiit piorrrllet
iiocenj.ry lo ieleie life-, MKor.uiowtli, and color tu
iho Ualr. I' only iroin ictionwbjo lurllcst,
ttetli Wttlti vprrriLlfd. c, H. Crlltcnton, h'ew
i ivibvitj, L.V-.MOV itvm. ote, j, wj-tt
nro undoubtedly tbu cheapest nnd
most durable Ibuco iiiude, ia not
rlToetcd by lire, wind or llood.doos
not eiutfe snow drifts, lakes fewer
posts and Htoelt c-nniiot ptibh it
down. Otir wire is four pointed,
is niiido of two strands of nuinber
12 bet galvanized steel wire twist
ed together just enough to allow
for contraetton and expansion in
.Summer and Winter, barbs are
fastened every seven inebes. The
use of barbed wire is no longer an
xpornnent, as last year over ono
uindred thousand miles were put
up. We Dcliovo our wire 10 no
tho best and cheapest now man
ufactured because it is made of the
)cst steel wireand runs 15 feet to
tho pound htiviiifc tho greatest
strength and visibility with tho
least weight ot any made, rut
up on spools of about 100 rods
weighing about 100 pounds. Price
cr pound 11 cents by tho spool,
ess (uantities Hi cents per
Tlio tin.lcrslcnwl auditor annotntcil by tlio Or-
Dhans' Court of Columbia county, to ellstrltnito bal
ance In bawls of Clinton Mcllck-.e.iccmor ot tlio salil
decedent, to and among tlio parlies entitled
thereto, will bit nt bl3 ontco In tlio town or
liloonisijurs, on Wednesday, tun nam eiay or .nine,
A l).. issi. nttcn o'cloct In tlio forenoon lo perform
tlio du lies of ti'i appointment, when nndwlioioall
persons lulnBny claims upon bald fund will ap
nearnndrrovo tho samo or uo debarred from le-
celvtntf any sharo Uereof.
ii. ri.A.iv .i.ii,
Mayn.4iv Auditor.
n-lm tln,lnr,l.nnrl A.lriflftr nr.nnlntr.,1 hv flirt Clr.
pliana' Court of said county, lo mako distribution of
tlio balanco of tlio fund In tho hands of David
Kavairo. Administrator of said decedent lo nuo
amonu parties entitled tlicrcto.wlll sttnt Utsofllccln
iiioomsoura in sain county, on .iionoay, euo nui
day of June, A. 1 issi, nt ten o'clock a. in., ot
said day, when and w hero all part'eo lnte -ested In
said fund must nt tend o- bo forever debarred from
any sharo ot said fund
liUl JAUU1J1,
Jlayjb-tw Auditor.
Tlin iinilnrslt-nprl nudttor nnnolntpd bV tllO Or
phans' court of Columbia county, to mako illstrlbu-
Ilnn nftlm funil In tin, lmnilH nf T.lovel T. Conner.
udmlnlstrntorot said decedent, lo and nmoiiK.tliO
nartles entitled thereto, will sit nl ins oinco ju uio
nwnnf lllnnmh.m- nn S.-lnrilftV. llio 'i.Hll d.lV Of
June, A. 1)., ISal at ten o'clock a. in., to H;rfonn the
uuticsor nisaiipoinimenc, wncu unu wnuiu un iiu.
bons h.iMinr any claim on said fund will apiv.ur
unu jirovo tho same or bo debarred from receliUiR
any share thereof . .,...
li. itLeii.u.i..,.,
Jlay 2T-1W Auditor.
. I ,, l,V ,l.neir
plians' court of Co:umbin county, to inalcodHtrlbu
tlonot the funds In too hands of tho udmlrlstra
torn of said dece and ai.ionc tho partlcn ei ti
lled thereto, will sit at tho ontco ot Cieo. V.. Llwc-ll,
libit , In tlio tonn of lllooinsbiirg, on faturday, Iho
slxlecntli day of July, I'M, at ten o'clock In tho
lOlUUO.UI, III .IIIV11 i.niw .luu j.iuw ,-v..... ......
Inir claims against said estate must aptiear and pre-
...7. 1... ,,..,..-... ..iiiii iiiiv H i:11-.'l l.r luu nitwu w uu ,.w... " -.
said fund. ..,.
x-. r. iiii.i.ii.11 m.,
Juno Hi-oiv Audttor.
Letters of admlutstritton on tho estate of llenjamln
I.ludeiiuutli, lato of comni:niini iwp.coiumoiaco.,
.'(.i-i!i-.r.,i. it:i., ot-i-ti irranic.l bv llio lte-elstcr ot said
county to the miflorsiiroed aihnlntstrator.All licrsons
UilvlUK C '1I111I1S uauillhl. hilt riu.wiui Du.u m vvuuui.
niu le-iiue-Meel to present thoiu for settlement nnd
ttiOMi Indebted to tho estate lomako pajnieutto tho
uuderslfracd auiiiinisiraiorwiiiiouc.ii-iaj-.
J7.1.U ijl-Ui I. 11,,
. V. Mil t.KH, Adinlnbtiator.
At torne-y. 1'. O. Itlnmow n, l'a.
May cl-cw
I.fili'1-H Ifstninciitarv on tho cstato of Cloorea
Hughes, lata of Iho town ot Cataw lss.i.Columbta co.
l-chi.'ii.. .!.'ciiis(.L huo be-on irranle-d bv tho lle-els-
tcr of said county to M.Cl.lluiftics, executor, of
l'atawl!s.i All persons havlni; claims aculnst I ho cs-
laio or llio iieceiu'iii 1110 ri'.iie'sioii 10 pre-se-ui iiiciii
for settli-uient nndthoso Indebted lo thoestnto to
mako n.iv incut lo tho undcrblcncd executor with-
outucfay. o
Slay 13 uw Kxt'outor.
Uio undcrslL-ncd auditor nnnolnte-d by tlio or
phans' Court of Columbia county, to mako ellsn lbu
1 Ion of tho rund In Ihe hands ot the exec 1 or of
said decedent, lo nnd ninoni; tho parties en
tilled thereto, will sit at his onico In H nomsburi!.
on SniuuHy, Auru-i 13th, issi, at ten o'c'oc:
In Iho forenoon to perforin tho duties of his nppolrt
Inent, when and wheio nil poisons havlni; nny
claims upon laid fund will nppcnr andprovotho
sumo or bo debarred fiom itcclvlng auy share
JunolMtr Auditor.
:mtatk uf iiikam k. klink, i-lckased.
Letters of Administration on tho cstato nrillrarn
11. Kline-. Into ot Oianeo townshtn. Columbia comi
ty, I'ennsylvanla, deceased, have been ernntcd
nv uio iicirisicr or said county to J. Howard
Kline, of oraiiBCi llo. administrator. All persons
jniviuk cinims nirainse inn csinie ot said doce
llotif vi nlinLtA.1 tn urnon.i, .Ii.k.i tn tn,. ,
and those Indebted to tho cstato to makn payment
iu iuu i.uuviciuuu vuiiiiiiiaiui.ur,viuiuiic uciay.
J. IIOWA1II) ki.ini:,
C. w. MIi.i.kii, Alt''. Orange-. Mo, l'a.
NciTICB Is hereby clvcn that an application will
tin muiln If, tin. (Innni-iihl,. i.-n.-ii.
.Hideo of the Court of Ccinmoii I'le-as, ot tho Co.ictv
of Coliiir.bin. cu lilrtay. Iho 1ft day or July, A.' n.,
ism, for a Charter to incorporate n Mutual Aid So
cle ly for utiaorrled persons In tbo Town o. Dlooms
burn. V. T). DENTI.Klt. I
JOliM I'Bai'ock. J- com.
L. a, WIN'I'liHSTEEN,)
Juno 10. 'si 3y
Icttcis trbtnmcntary on Iho crtatn of Join)
Kiu.ds. lateet iireci.weod twi C'oluinbla cnuntv
elrcrnfoil, hr.vcl ien Blunted by tho liejdsteror snl.l
county to ll K. Sloan, cf I'ruiiL-eelllr-. cy. a 11
pi i sons haclnir tinting HKiilnst tbo cstato of said de
cedent mo leiiuested lo present the in f r settle
mint, and those Indebted lo Iho istalo lo miki-
I'ujiiieju iu mo ouueisiucu uuiun.isiraior, without
- , J)' K.KLOAN,
C. W JIiuiK, Kiecutor,
, Alt'y, Oraiiejevaie, l'a.
Notice u in rebv ctven that nn application will b.
mmto to ItlsK xcelleiipy, llcnry.M. Iloyt, ilocinor ol
uit-riui' ci reiiiis.ieiiu.i.,iorie ciiiiiie-.'oi inoorrsii'a
tint of " Ih" llatnwlssa Maiiiifue-turlncr f-ninnanv".,!
tlio f.tliilaj or J ul, A. I) , ISM. umlc.-tho troMstnio
e l the (li iierol Act of Ass. inbly, upiirov- .1 iho tweii
isiilntli duvet A pill. A. IL, Mr. 'llio character unn
ui r,.m ii mi-njij in vj uiixTi oriiieii oeintr III.
biilUllne nnd liiai.iilactuiliiL- or r.illriu.ti -nru m, , ,,,,
caiolmronoli. trim rat lounctiy i.i.d Irun buslncsi
in vvni-cv.iie'u ineiceuili.
W. 11 1IIIAWN,
Airy for Company,
Catawlsba, l'a., Juno 17, 16si-3w 1 '
'Iho undersigned, Auditor appointed by tho Or
i bans' court of Columbia county, to uiaku dutrlbu
i Ion ot the lur.d in ll.o bands of Uiu ndmlnls
lialore.t thoostutoof said decedent, to nnd nmoiii
imitlOH entitled thereto, s 111 sit at his omeo In
Mooinsbuiij.on Baturdoy.July Mrd.issi, at lu o'eloc
In Iho torcii" on, lo u rform tho duties ot
his oppolntmenr, wheu and whero nl partm
lntrroctr.1 In said rund mint ninxnr mm ,
tliblr rltluu CV bo tower dcbaiieUtioui any Bliuitl
of said fund, 3a
..... CW.MILI.Klt. Tfl
juuv mi, Aicaiwr
Look over our stock of gooiln
for present use uud fcee if there is
not something you want. If so, call
on us, wlicre you have tho advan
lage ol" greater variety und lower
aikivtttor Teeth.
Horse 1 lay ForlcH.
Hay Fork' Pulleys.
Hand Hay Forks.
Hand Hay linked.
Gnisri Scythes.
(I rain Scythed.
Beythe Snaths
yeythe Stoned,
Grain Cradles.
Sisal J I ay Hope.
Pure Manilla Jiope.
Hand Grass Sickles.
Hand Lawn Mowers.
Fly Trap.
Wire Mosquito Netting.
Ice Cream Frecezcrs.
Cherry Seeders.
Preserving Kettles.
Thl3 space Is reserved fcr advertisement of C. c.
ClallKnau, dealer In Moves. Tinware. Term C'oit.i
1'lpe, ,vc. This Is tho best place torn Job of tin i oof
Inu. orcra llouse, Centre slicet, lllooinsburB, l'u.
, -
On the ist of this month our stock of Men's and
Boys' Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods at Oak Hall
was seven hundred and forty-three thousand one hundred
and seventy-five dollars and eighty-one cents.
MMiiiii m ! nw HMiiif i nnr Miimiii- iini'-MinM
Where is there another such stock to select from ?
The old house has been remodeled.
The old hands (most of them) arc still there.
The old principles of just and right prices, sound
goods, fashionable styles, substantial finish, arc strictly
adhered to.
Who founded the business, is at Oak Hall every day look
ing after things, and in all the history of Oak Hall it was
to push up its high standards and drop down to lowest
tiCSr5;; old-time greeting to our friends everywhere,
and another cordial invitation extended to come to Oak Hall.
Wanamaker & Brown,
Cor. Sixth and Market Streets, Philadelphia.
The Largest Clothing House in America.
The last new thing we have done is to open a TEN
DOLLAR ROOM, where we have gathered a great lot
of full Suits, suitable for dress or business, which we shall
sell at $io.
You can judge of the cheapness of our stock by seeing
what we can do for $10. v. & H,
XTOTICK 11 irsolulloii cf tho Hoard ot Directors
i oIiheNoiiliiu.dWtst liriiiicb Hull 1 load Com
I'any, a sreclul iccelUe cf the- siockLoldcrs of thu
company Ik culled lor Tucrnuy, Jui o lsl, lesl.ut
t o o'clock p, in., ut tho oiileo of iho eomiwny In
UlcoinsburK. WW. MI,bcetetury.
It does not seem to ho gener
ally underritood by some of our
tnule that we aro prepaied tc do
Tinsmithing in all its brunches.
This we have often noticed by
tho expressions of surprise of
many who, when in the rear of
our store, noticed men working in
an adjoining building. Wo car
ry a full stock of Tin and Tin
Hinith's Sunnlies and tire prepared
nt all times to do all kinds of
work. As low prices seem to be
tho most popular wo huvo
To 5 O exits a Foot,
using tho panic grade of tin ns
heretofore und other work at cor
responding prices.
fr - fl .1..
V181TINO tlAHl)8,
l-orxiats, u. o.,i
Neatly tad Utiyiiv vrtateel ut tho C'OLtii
tiAa Oi,