The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 24, 1881, Image 2

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Friauy,,Tuno S-L. 1881.
Tito lc)iililionii oranns nro lipgiuninj,'
to admit tlmt General (4rnnt'n views of
tho duties and rcspousiliiliticfi of mli1ioof
fini'tn, nro nnrrow and conleniiitilile.
When did ho over hold contrary opin
ions 7 Nothing in his nnblio llfo has over
Tho Louisvillo Courier Journal rises
to remark that "Thoro is no longer a r
tiolo of niyotery about Grant. As long as
ho kept, h'fs lips closed as tho "Silent Man,"
ho could inako an ininression. Having
now beoomo ono of tho most garrulous
of mortal, tho tunato liltlouoss of tho
man leaks out copiously."
Sir. .Too W. Furoy, assoetato editor of
tlio Ilellotontu wotenman, is a candi
date for register and recorder of Centra
(mini. v. with verv nromisinir chances for
Hiiocess. Ho is a lively writer, n reliable
Domoorat and a good iellow generally,
anil that kind of a man ought lohavo an
Sir. Carl Sclittr.'H New York jVwnih
An nuts it thus: "An unfortunate ao
riuVnt may put tho Vice 1 'resilient at tho
head of tho government. And wo may
assure Mr. Arthur that tho neonlo are
contemplating with shamo and dismay
tin- nossibilitv of Mr. Conklinc's errand-
boy becoming President of tho United
Those interested in snortini: matters
wid be nleased to hoar that Mr. Robert
Ibmner has siguilii'd his intention of per
niittim'his famous horses liarus and Htl-
win J''orrest,to trot, in public tins season,
."'f. Conner thinks that they an boat
ib bfsl records vet made and foivo Vtin-
il iVilt'n wonderful man- Maude b. (
Hot. n milo faster than U.IO'J.
Tho hull of Commodore l'erry's tlag
hhii). tho Lawrence, is still sailing tho
lakes under the name of tho Harriet I Jus,
a schooner of 179 tons burden. Her up
nor works have been rebuilt several
times, but her bull u its sound as when
she went into tho battle of Lake Kiie,
Sept. 10, lSia. Slio is in Toledo.
Ex-Senator Dorsey carried tho stalo of
Indiana for tho KopublicaiH last tall, so
nil lus friends nrondlv claim, llto very
high toned men of tho party gave him a
dinner as a sort of acknowledgement of
his services in corrupting tho politics of
tho country. It floes seem rather rough
on Doinuy that tho benelieiaiies of his
labors nro doing their boot to land him
in tho penitentiary.
It's wrong, perhaps, but certain it is
that tho people are not waiting with
bated breath for tho result of the bribery
investigation at Albany. 'Pears like
there was a largo sized want of conli
denco in tho proceedings. There have
boon investigation committees before
this, whero tho necessity for an honest
verdict was apparent to everybody ex
cept tho members of tho committee.
A meeting of the United States Mimii
ed Pensioners' League was held in Phila
dol)hia,.Tuno 115th. Tho object of this as
sociation is to secure an increase of pen
sions to !?I0 per month for soldiers who
have lost an arm or leg in tho service.
A committee of five was appointed for
tho purpose of inducing maimed soldiers
and sailors all over the country, to join
in tho movement.
Tito llarrisburg Patriot is so utterly
disgusted with tho behavior of Stale
Senators during tho late session, that it
advocates tho abolition of tho Senate.
A much better plan would bo to rediico
tho membership of both houses to tho
number they contained before tho Con
stitutional Convention changed it. Wo
A may not get a better quality of btatos-
men, but nro not apt to get a worse.
Hamilton Lisstou, a prominent manu
facturer of Philadelphia has bought
b'JOO.OOO acres of land trom tho State of
Florida. It is said to bo the largest pur
chase ever made by a single peiou in
the world. Tho tract is nearly as largo
as the state of New Jersey. The price
paid is unknown. Sir. Disston intends
ijjiiUll..-i-lv?- -1 w immigrant)! Oil"
the land.
Tho municipal authorities of Cedar
Rapids, Iowa, havo refused to grant li
cences to any tavern or saloon keepers,
hoping thus by one bold stroke, to finish
liipior drinking. Now, however, tho ser
ious question arises how to meet tho ex
penses of tho loeal government, which
heretofore havo been defrayed in largo
part by tho fees and taxes paid by tho
liquor business. And tho worst of it is,
that liquor drinking has not been stop
ped at all Six miles distant is the town
ship of Slat ion, where beer and other
drinks aro to bo had in unlimited quanti
ties, and to that place tho thirsty popula
tion of Cedar Rnpidsutakodnily pilgrim
ages by means of a handy anil now ex
tremely prosperous railroad.
The country is nick of tho lloptibllcanbtu of
which Mr. Conkllng Ik tho type. The Itonub
llcati party Is tired of bosaWui, qusrreU about
patronage, slavery to the machine iirnl tlm
statesmanship of Iho feed-trough. N, Y.
Why, bless you, man, that's all thorn
is left of tho party. Its mission ended
long ago and it litis lived for years on a
reputation for good deeds and tho spoils
of ollice. Since Grant went into the
Whito House and public plundering and
rascality received, for tho first titno in
tho history of tho country, a Presidential
sanction, tho Republican party has been
steadily going down hill. To say that
it is "tired of what gives it existence is
moral, perhaps, but surprisingly lidioti
Tho A'idow of Frank Lcslio has at last
taken possession of tho estate and tho
assignee, Air. Isaac W. England, has been
released from further duties. Tito estate
at tho timo it camo into tho possession
of tho nssiguoo was inventoried ut $76,
000, nnd was encumbered by debts
amounting to about 8100,000. In Ions
than four years the assignee has compro
mised with and obtained releases Irotn
all tho creditors, and has turned over to
tho executrix of Sir, Frank Leslie, who
had meantime died, an estate worth cer
tainly not less than half a million dol
lars. Though several millions of dollars
passed through Sir. England's hands
during ins nsslgneoshlp, his accounts
woro passed without tho challenge) of a
In those days, when so much lias to bo
published about delinquent trustees nnd
estates absorbed in the process of admin,
inflation, it is gratifying to find, so con
piouou mi illustration of utrast fulth.,
Cully ml wisely ulmlui&twel. i
It betjins to look ns if tho Democrats
of the Now York legislature were play
ing into the bauds of the Republicans,!!)
Voting tor .mint u. ,lncol, who is inoli-
ijitilo under tho Constitution of the State.
I'hls inlghtfieein liicredible.did wo not ro
member that John Kellv.nn aliened Dem
ocrat, helped to defeat the nomination of
I utien for President nnd jmvu tho Statu
to Conkllng. Thero may bo sonio of
those Kolly Deinoernts In Albany it's
quite likelv,u$ there is a diversity o'f scal
awags to bo found there.
It is reported that Secretary Windoin
in his search for rottenness in tho Treas
ury department has been very successful
too much so, in fact, as he has ordered
the investigations to bo discontinued.
Whether this bo true, wo cannot stnto
jiositively, but it is so very like the end
ing of former liopubliean searches for
fraud that wo aro inclined to credit it.
When a Democratic President occupies
tho White House again, then nnd not
till then, will the people over know what
rascality has found tiplaeo under tho roof
of tho Treasury.
ly intelligence received from the
Warner Observatory, Uoehester, N. Y
it appears that still another comet bus
just been discovered by Dr. Gould, Di
rector of tho Cordova Observatory,
Argentina Republic. South America.
This comet seems to bo the groat comet
of 1H07, and is located in tho Constella
tion of tho Dove, right ascension ti
hours and declination South ill) degrees.
It is not visible from this latitude and
not known yet that it will be. although
it is likely to be,as thecometof IH07 was
distinctly seen. No apprehension need
bo felt at tho unusual nppeiiianco of
comets during the present year, as they
do not possess the power to work injury
to tho earth or any other planet.
What will thoAineiiean Jliblo Society
do with the revised New, Testament'?
Tho Rov. Dr. Taylor, formerly Secretary
of the society, says iii tho .Independent
that it will "wisely and necessarily refuse
to bo forced into any measures for the
permaturu adoption and publication of
a revision which lias vol to endure the
double test of critical scholarship nnd
popular approval." Ho thinks that the
present demand for the ollline is being
fully supplied by piivnlo publishers.
"Nor will Hiblo societies," he adds, "linil
their vocation gone by continuing to
print and circulate the common version.
The most that they can do will bo to pub
lish tho New concurrently with the Old,
and this they will do only when they liud
tho demand sufficiently urgent to justify
tho change of eonstittitious and charters,
and tho nooei-sary risks and of
tho work ; but until thero shall bo mort
unanimity in its favor, on both sides of
tho ocean, they will make hato slowly.
One thing should bring sweet conso
lation to the New Yoik republican the
collection that his brethren ebo where are
quite as deep in the mud as ho is in the
mire. In Pennsylvania the metropolitan
machine has been wrecked aiidtheiuaich
of the Cameron men is toward the peni
tentiary. At Washington tho gooit and
groat men who last year saved the
NNNation from the rebel brigadiers,clnp
on false mustaches am! slouched hats and
fly over the back fences whenever a harm
less hook agent rings tho door-bell. In
Ohio tho managers remark philosophically
that they always expect the State to go
Democratic tho year after a Presidential
election. In New Hampshire tho parly
has been split in two overtlioSenalorship
by tho ambition of that "political tramp,"
liillce Chandler. In fact thero is thunder
all round tho sky, and our lieptibliean
friends cannot complain of lacking
"l!ie s.ul relict
That ml3:ry lives tlio fellowship ot crlcf."
Ar. Y. World.
lilUUK.U'liDU ItAOlUb.
Adam Badeau, a former staff officer of
Gen. Grant, and his most obsequious toady,
has written it book which he calls a "Life
of Grant." It purpoils to be histoiioul
and a reliable military work, but is uoth
ing of tho kind. It is simply a nauseat
ing eulogy of Grant at theexpen.soof other
generals who did good service in the
war, Aiuongothers whom Ladeati assails,
though his attacks are hidden under ap
parent praise, is Gen. George 11. Thom
as, a man of sterling integrity, unblem
ished reputation and high sense of honor,
a belter soldier than Grant and in ever)
way his supciior. For litis ho isshuitily
taken to task by Gen. H. ". Roynton,
wito in an elalioialo article m the J'lnla
dolphin Times of Monday, exposes the
ignorance, lnalevoleneo and mendacity o
tho so-called biographer. Ladeau's work
on Hie one snlo and that ot .Icltcrsou
Davis on thu utlteu. nit.jiiin tint
most" unreliable and worthle.-s of tho
inany that havo been written concerning
mo reiieiiion. 1'ow, il any.rcally intelli
gent men expected much front such u
writer as IJadeau, but his book appears
to bo worse than was gonoiully anticipa
ted. Tito belittling of many in the hope
of making ono great, and calling tho to
stdl "history," may suit men of lladeau's
stripe,but they aro uotsullieiently numer
ous in litis country to create public senti
ment. Tito proper place for Ibidoau'sbook
is the junk shop, mid not tho library.
U was written to destroy tho reputa
tions of better nicii than the author, but
it will not achieve that result.
Assemblyman Titthill recently made u
vigorous speech befoto tho joint conven
tion of tho two Houses of tho Now York
legislature, in which ho charged biibery
and corruption on tho part of certain loll
byibts who aro pushing the candidacy of
Chauncey SI. Depew for United States
Senator. Sir. Tuthill offered to ltuuish
tho names of witnesses to prove the
truth of his statement, if a committee of
the joint convention bo appointed, Sena
tor Strahau testified before tho Iegisla
tivo biibery committee to the effect that
John 1. Davenport, on behalf tho l'resi
doiit,tendorod to Sir. Strahau tho United
States Slarshalship for tlio Southern Dis
trict of Now York, Davenport frankly
said that Strahan's inlluenco was oxpecietl
to bo turned against Conkliug nnd
I Matt, and ho demanded tin immediate
answer. Slrahtiu declined to accept the
ollice on those terms, anil in less than
twenty-four hours another man was ap
pointed. Agftcmhlymau Bradley has testified that
Senator Sessions endeavored to bribe
hint with SiiUOO in ittorey, to vote for
Dcpow. A delightful picture, ti uly, of
licptiblicnu decency. Thero is a verv
general belief that if Sir. Tuthill were af
forded tho oppoi Utility, ho would expose
a mass of itiseality su'ch as hns never yet
boon known. Senator Strahau has been
in political life for many years and has
borne an excellent character. His state
iiient cariies loo much weight to be care
lessly oust aside. Senator Si ssions has
long been known ns a lobbyist and one
employed to procure legislation nnd, ns
tho bribery of Sir. Bindley is just in his
line of business, thoro is every reason to
boliovo that tho chnrgo is true. Tho do
cent RopiibHumiii of New York must be
highly editlod by the dovelopiueuti of
the i nut few weeks and wait with
anxiety for fiurttar expuwivg. Jn tbe
tttfltilfmo thai m n Ueml loo MraftftflM
th. iKvtim r,f UtW3l
UpMlFM -
Com Grant i-j notjittely to heed a btog
raphcr,'tti giVo pnjtotity nn adequate
conception of whnl manner of man ho
was. Tito columns ot the newspapers of
thu present day aro siilllclent for that
Work, nnd if Olive bo uuydu the fiituro
win havetho courage to wado through
the stuff thnl the "great Captain" pours
into the ears of newspaper reporters, such
persons cmi arrive at a fair estimate of
his oharaeter, made by himself. Grant's
selllshness and anil y aie such that any
political inoVeiiKMil at variance with his
views, ln construes inlo a personal gilev
nnee. His uno dled-forlntevfeu'iiee fit tho
Senatorial light in New York, hinges
solely on the fuel, that Conkllng has been
his staunch suppuitor nnd therefore must
bo right, whilst l!oberton, who opposed
his third term aspirations, luitt,;w von
tru, bo wrong. To him, polities aro in
separable from the npoils of ofllee. Ho
always looked upon tlio I 'resiliency ns a
personal gift and greedily look nil the
perquisites appertaining thereto or in
tiny iso belonging. A host of eneltiiis
could not havo dragged down Grant's
lepiitatiou us ho himself has, within tho
past few weiks. During the hist Ptesi
ilcntial campaign ho disgraced himself
and guvo fresh grounds for tho charge
of mendacity, by his iinsietnly attacks
upon Gen. H.ittcouk, nnd his more recent
utterances slill further d'-grado him in tho
eyes of till the honorable nnd intelligent
of his countrymen. Initiate interview,
Grant thus spcaksot the l'tfsident, "Gar
field is n man without backbone a man
of lino ability, but lacking slamitia. Ho
wants to please everybody and is afraid
of incurring the enmity 'of all tho men
who are around him." Grant was never
troubled with tiny such feelings anil has who are ilillu
eneed by public approval or condemna
tion, lie eared nothing for any one save
himself and wa royally indifferent to
popular clamor, lie traded on his repu
tation and in his greed for power and pelf
did such deeds as would haw driven or
dinary mortals out of the country in dis
grace. Perhaps it is as well thathe should
be his own destroyer. It is a just retribu
tion for the evils his administrations
brought, upon the country,
In another column will bo found the
new law for tho prevention of fraud and
bribery at nominating elections ami eon
vcniious. The attention of candidates,
judges and clerks of elections, and dele
gat is to conventions in called to the pro
visions of this law which are very siting
cut. It will be well for all such to exer
cise g.-eat care lest they offend and render
themselves liable to tie; heavy penult ic.i
named. If this law is enforced, as it
slioitid be, a stop will be put to many
practices which tend to eoriupt. voters
and destroy the purity of elections. It
is lull timo that something were done lo
crush out the evils which have increased
yearly, and which havo brought the poli
ties of Iho country into disrepute. Tho
ptiiehaso of votes with money, or piotn
ises of ollice lias grown so general that
it has almost come lo bo looked upon us
inseparable from a successful campaign.
Nothing can bo more utleily degiading,
or more at vatianoe witli the system of
goverutneiil by the people. The political
power of a town or county loo frequent
ly vests in a clique of corrupt and design
ing men who buy their suppoitcrs as
httleheis buy cattle in the market. Thoro
is not n section in the Slate uhcro this
ovil does not exist, in agieater or less de
gree. Columbia County is, perhaps, as
tree from corruption as any in tho Com
monwealth, bat thero is no doubt that
politicians hero havo obtained ollice by
tho unlawful use of money or by promis
es of preferment. Under tho new law,
such practices aro inisdemeanois and the
terms aro so explicit, that comparatively
few men will dare expo-o thein-elves to
Iho risk of lino and imprisonment. Every
good citizen should feel it a duty to do
all in his power to ensure the enforce
ment of the law, and tho result will bo
that ollices will only bo obtained in an
honist and honorable maumr by men
who are qualilied, mentally and morally,
to fill them.
Con option in politics, like all evil
things, gtows rapidly when unmolested,
and can only he cheeked by tho people
under the ntovisioiis of a ligoions law.
All our lender.) should carefully peruse
the text of this important law, because
eleelois as well as candidates can find
therein much food for reflection.
Governor Hoyl has vetoed tho judicial
apportionment bill and tiled an idabomto
iK.juyn j(!i in. teutons for his action.
I'.y Iho bill the counties of ti teen, Heaver,
Jefferson, Lawrence and Lebanon, each
of which contained less than 10,01)0 pop
illation, weio made aejmruW judicial dis
tticts. Tho oonttitulion proideis that
"whenever a county shall contain 10,01)0
inhabitants, it shall constitute a separate
judicial district." and as neither of tho
counties minted complies with this re
quirement, tho Governor holds that
thov are illegally constituted. Ho stales
thai 'there is now a universal recogni
tiou of the inexpediency of tho great in
crease of judges in tho courts of common
pleas, hindering their ellieieiicy and af
fecting tho dignity of tho judicial ollico
ami by imposing duties anil labors upon
them in many of tho districts, far within
reasonable requirements upon their time
and ability, tending to lower tho public
estimate of their functions." That tlio
Governor will ho sustained by tho people
does not admit ot a doubt, and a vote ot
thanks is duo him for preventing a largo
and unnecessary addition to the expenses
of tho State. Tho message concludes us
"A written plan litis been submitted to
nio from a source likely to inspire tho
highest confidence in its practical value
and wisdotii.lottching tho organization of
our courts, to utilize tho services of com
mon pleas judges.and relievo thostipreino
court, It is appended heteto and filed
that it may find such publicity, and se
cure such consideration by the people, and
the legislature asilsiiuportaiieu is entitled
to demand."
Ueiowilh wo give the plan, which, it
is thought, emanates from the Supremo
Every II vo (.1) contiguous districts may
bo formed iiitoau iutcimcdiuto one call
it, if you please, a circuit, tho five presi
dent judges to form the oouit. No writ of
error or appeal to lie to tho supreme coin t
trout tiny county com l unless llrl earned
to the intermediate court and final judg
ment thero entered. It could bo so ar
ranged lltut these intermediate courts
should sit twice a year at such place as
they may fiotn time lo time elect. Tho
proihonotiiry of the court of common pica?
of the county where the oouit may sit to
be tho clerk of the court. Somo special
provision may bo inado for Philadelphia
and Allegheny. In Philadelphia tho four
president judges might foim tho court,
Mud in Allegheny the three prosident
Thu advantages of this system seem to
First To reduce the number of writs
of en or ud appeuls lo the supremo court,
otf thus Hilar Uw judgm nwre lime to
t4wMeMy Important que.
iKMB, ui ivavttw www iiiortj
hundred cases nrgttcd In tho supremo court
and about two hundred non-stuls.
Second It would tend to seuur6 Uni
formity of practice in Iho several dis
tricts. Third It Avould givo more constant
employment, which will tho bolter quail
ifj them for.llieir ollicoV '
' Fourth There would bo no niblitioiial
expense to tho stale.
A hi'SNltillvp I'nwonllvfl of framl ami
Ciirnqiliim at Primary Klri'tloiis.
Tho following Is it copy of the net of av
senibly pnssed tit the late session of tlio leg
islature for tho prevention of frnutl nnd brlh
tr nt nominating elections mid conventions!
Hittion 1 lie il enacted, rte , 'flint litre
lifter If n candidate for any ollico within this
o.'iiiimoinvoalth linll dlrrctly or hullroe'.ly
Rive, olfcr or prmnlsu to give, or procure any
ttthrr pcrtou to give, oiler or proiniso in give
to any rlcctor nuy h or reward, In money,
Koodsor other valuable thliifr, or any ectiri
ty for tlio p lynientor the delivery of money,
Hoods or other valuable thing, or any ollice,
emolument or employment on condition ex
press! or implied thiitsltcli elector shall
cat, irive, retain or withhold his veto or bso
Ills Influence nt a uiwiimiling election or dele
gn'o election, or cmt, jlva or substitute
another to oust or givo his vote or itsn his
iiillile.ncfl nt n lioin! tinting coiiviitlon Air or
nninsl the nomination of any particular
cantlldiitn for nomination, so m to procure
such person to tie voted for at any election
to tnko place, tho person so hiring, procur
luz, influencing, abetting, endeavoring or
ollbrlug either directly or tndlieetly tliroogh
otlurs, thoir aiders or nbittors to procure
the to bo voted lor by unci- electors,
shall bo guilty of n tnUdemcauor nnd on
conviction shall be sentenced lo py a fino
not exceeding three hundred dollars itnd
ho imprisoned for a period tut exec ding
threo months.
Section !J -If any elector ruitlioriz-d to
veto nt nay public election id'terwards to
take place within this commonwealth for
any ollliie shall, directly or indirectly, accept
or receive from tiny person desiring to ho
nominated ns candid ito for olliw, or from
Iho friends of any such person, nny gilt or
rew.ud in moaev, goods or other valuable
thing, or any office or employment under an
am cement or promise, i xprt.-jtd or implied,
that ftich elector shall givo or withhold his
vote for tlio nomination of such a person as
a candidate for ellleo til Mich olietion, or
hall accept or nc.uvo the promise of any
person th it In shall hercslier rteeivo any
gift or lewatd in iiionev, goods, portion or
ether valuable thing if ho ill vote for the
nomination ol such ,i person as a candidate
for ollice, and (-hull hereafter vole for the
nomination el' such peisan, he shall be
guilty ot'a, and, on conviction,
shall pay a Hue not rxccdiier three hundred
dollars and bo Imprisoned tor a term of time
not extecding three mouth.
!?!: I UX !! If any elector shall directly
or indiiecily flVr to give h is wtu er influ
ence at any nominating election, delegate
election or nominating convention to any
person de-iring to m nominated as a candi
date for ollice. or to the friends of any such
person, in cmiHlder.Uion that fur such vote or
inlhteuc" he is to receive any gift or reward
in money, goods or other valuable thing, or
any ollice or employment, ho sh.ill ba guilty
of a uii-deinf alior, and on conviction shall
pav a lino not exceeding three bundled dol
lars and undergo n peiiodcf imprisonment
not exceeding thrtn months.
Section 1 If nny person not modified lo
vote at a general election shall veto ut a
nominating elation held by any political
paily, or it nny parly shall i.rnciiie, advise
or iodorsosiicii d scpialified person to so vote,
or il any person shall vote at innro than one
election district or otherwise, vole more than
ouoo on tho same day for the nomination of
a candul ite, or shall fratiiluleiitly vote more
than one ticket lor the same candidate at
tho same tune, or il any pcrsm shad advise
or procure nn itlurso lo do, he or i hey shall
be tin i 1 1 v of u misdemeanor, nnd on convict
ion shnll be fiutil not exceeding the sum of
two hundred dollars nun imprisoned fur
term of time not. txco ding ilnce months.
bKGTIo.v o In nil elites where a person is
ck-cltd or chosen, er shall act as n delegate
to the convention to make nominations fur
olhccsand shall receive, acceptor solicit nuy
nrinoin money, goons or tiling ot value, or
any oflice or poitinii, ns an inducement to
make or loin m any ii'Miiination fur any Per
son lo bo voted lor as nn flicer or candidate
f'r c Mice, or shall in like manner anil for
like reason, agrco lo abstain from voting for
any patticular poison, thai I bo guilty of n
ini"ilemeatior, and, on conviction, shall he
sen'enced to pay a fu.of not more than ono
huiidnd dollars nd ho tmprisouid not tx
cpo ling threo month-,.
fliCTlO.V 0 Any pirs in elected, chosen
or acting as n member of the louu'yorex
i cuiive committee tif any p.irlv, or ut iiulifo
ol n return board to count up and cast the
volts polled nt a pnmarv elte ion, held lo
make nominations fur olllc, or any person
appointed a clerk of Htch return board, who
b'ihii (tuectly or toiliiectly aceepr, receive or
solicit money, ollice, appointment, employ
n ent. lettlmoni ;1, reward, or any other thing
ol value, or lue promia ot all in either ot
them to inll'.inieo his yoto or action in the
di'chatge, performance 01 noi.-pei fionniuoo
ol iviy m;, iftitv or ohlii;aljou pertaining to
such ollico shall be guilty of a muilen'cmor,
and on conviction thereof shall be sentenced
to pay n lino of not mom ihnn one hundred
dollais nnd to be impri-oned for a time rut
excee.ilig tnreo mouiiis, Any ptisr.u or
p.-ioons who shall directly or indirectly by
oiler or prombo of money, eflico, appoint
ment, employment, testimonial, reward or
other thing of value, or who shad by threats
or intimidation endeavor to inlluenco a
member nfa county or executive committee
ol'auv pirty, a judge or clerk or any re
turning board in the di-ohurge, performance
or noii-performnnce of any act, duty or ob
ligation pertaining to such ollictt shall bo
guilty of a misdemeanor, nnd on conviction
thereof shall be sentenced to pay a fino of
two hundred dollars and to undergo an im
prtirmineiitnot exceeding six months.
Approved the eighth day of dune, 1881.
JliiNHY M. Iiovr.
News Items.
A heavy rain and wind storm did
great damage in llallimoro on Monday.
r'froy, (N. Y.) Press.
Jlr. r. J. Alelvin, Editor Warren,
Muss. Ifcmld, was cured of severe neu
ralgia by tho use of St. Jacobs Oil.
I'rovidenco 11. I. editors tiro in trott
bio two of them too nuw in jail for
libel and a suit is pending against
The more costly iho shoo worn by chil
dren the moru important it is that they
should bo protected from wear by tho A.
S. T. Co lilaek Tip, as they double tho
wearing value of tho shoo,und givo them
a neat appearance.
John Hunter, Heceiver of Taxes in
I'hiladolphia.has requested William Don
ohiigh, Collector ol Delinquent Taxcs,to
resign forthwith.
Thousands of women have been entire
ly cured of the moat stubborn oases of fe
male weakness bv the use of Lydia E.
iikhaiu's Vegetable Compound. Send
Mrs. Lydia E. l'iukhain, ;ia Western
Avenue, hyim, .Muss., Jor pamphlets,
Charles Iv, Taylor, u young lawyer of
I'ottsvillo convicted of eiubo.zleinent from
tho county, was sentenced on Monday to
two year iiiipiisoninent, a fino of $100.
costs of prosecution nnd restoration of
tho money stolen.
Tho Hepubllcan conference commit
tees of Schuylkill county mot in 1'otts
villo on Monday but failed lo coiupro
misc. There will undoubtedly bo two
Republican tickets in tho field,
A riot took ldnco nt tho Falls of the
Sohurlkill on Saturday hiahr. between
gangs ot negroes ami wnues, jcevoivcra.
raiwi ana otnw wonpoiw voro usoii niul
tho row ltwt twitynimito8.
BHHUW1' III Willi VUl) llljllltl,
The iron suspension bridge spanning
tho Allegheny viver nt Pittsburg was
partially destroyed by firo on Sunday,
causing u loss of J? 10,001). Tho bridge
cost S UOO.OOO nnd was thought to be
fire proof.
If l5. Carpenter, Esq., Henderson, Nv
Y. Cured of J'sOriasis or Leprosy, of
twenty years' standing, by the Ciillcutn
Resolvent internally, and Culicura and
Culicuru soap externally. Tlio most won
derful case on record.
A vicious horse in New York killed
his groom last Friday atul tho next day
fatally injured another groom. Tho
animal was sent to a veteiinaiy surgeon
to bo killed.
what aii.s you 7
Unless Iho food is properly prepared
in tho stomach it becomes corrupt nnd
poisons tho system it is intended to nour
ish. Dyspepsia nnd its accompaniments
nro bad bioalh, headache, constipation,
piles, biliousness and depression of spir
its. Sufferer with dyspepsia experience
a rapid nnd permanent cure by the use of
Simmons Liver Regulator. It is purely
vegetable and pleasant to tho taste. A
haif-tiiblcspoonful of tho Regulator, ta
ken after caling, ensures good digestion.
Important to Tkavklkrs Special In
ducements nro offered ou by tho linrlliigtim
ltottto. It will pay you to rend their adver
tisement lo be found tlsuwhcto In this issue.
March IS -10-w
All person? whoao names nro nnnouticert In this
column, nro vletlgcil lo ablilo by tho decision of tlio
Democratlo Oonvoutlon.wlilcli will moot on Tuesday
cocNrv Ti:nASL'iti:tt.
Wenreiuitliorlzid to announce tho name tf II. M.
I htt KSilt'llV, as a cniihrlite for the ollico of noun
tv 'I reusiiror, subject to the. rules ut I lie lieincerat
lo party, lie will not travel to solicit votes.
Wo nro ntillinrl7Ctt tonnnntinco Hie unnio i.f A. II.
ItUUIIINO, or ()rino:townslilp, us n cnailM.ito for
I he ollico of ltcKlsternnd I.'eecnler, fclibjeet to llio
rules of tlio Deinocintlc party,
Wo nro nut!iirl70tl to announce thu of (I, W,
Nl'HUNItlt of nloorr hiiiitv. n cioMld.ilo tortile
omen of IfruU'er nwl Uccoidor, subject, to the t lilt s
of inn Democratic pnrly.
roit I'ltoTltONoTAKV.
Wo nro niittinilml toniinouneo tlia nam,! of Wll
I.i Ml Kttll'UIIAUM.iir lllonnisbtli'ir, ns.a candidate
fur r iioinlnitlmi for the uniuo of prollionot try nnd
ft H of lliKcvr-ril ourl-s, Bitl'Jx'l to the tiilcsof
Mm Democratic party.
. ASS0CIA1 u .unxiu.
Wo nro nutliorl.pil to anmiuncu tlio linnio of
I AMES I, M U, ot Ncol I hmnslilp, nsnc.indldilofor
the oniee of Aswuto Jtnltrv, subject, to tlio rules of
tlio Democratlo pirly.
AsietATi: JUiHiie.
Wo nro niittio l. to ut nouiico tlio l.nmo of I'. I,.
H ll'M N, of t'ltawtssn ntn caiulidnli! fur Ab-socl-ulu.liMgo,
Muldrct to licu.ocuitlc mica.
We nio nutlioilcd to unnntinco tho rmmoof NA
THAN intHASV, an n c.indldnto fnr tlio ollico of
County Tri'ii.suitT.&ubJccl to tlio rulcsof tlio Ucin
ticrullc pin ty.
Wo nro iiutlmilmt to announce tlio iiunio ot
NTni'llfN Putin, ort'ciilro t wut.bli,ns u candl.
line fo' lite Ibcotif I' Commissioner, subjict
to tho i tiles of llw Dcnu'Cnute patty.
NATHAN MlU.lin, of Main tovnlilp, aiitlinrlzcs
us to nunouiifo bis mono ns it entidM.ttv for llio of
lli'o of county 'nonsuit r, Mibjcct lot he rules of tlio
COUNTY COMMISSION:!!. nuthorl7cd tjumnnuneo llio nitmoof Wll
1,1 M S. PISH hit, of Main towtiKltlp.
lor ounty CoinmlMdoner, bubjuct to thu rules ot
tlio Deliiucrii lo parti .
Wo nio niill.r ilul to nmiotinco tlio name of
ISAAC K. Kllll'KltAli.M, of lionton towiisldp. ns
n Candida to lor tlio i lllco or Assoctalo Judj,'c,subject
to llio rules ut tlio Diinocrnllcpaity.
Wo nro nutbml.fil to utiiiouneo llio riamoof .1.
1'AUI, I'll KY, of neater tmniflilp, 113 n caiulldalo
for At-.soctali! .fudo, subject to tho inks of llio
Deinoi.iritic paity.
iti'otsi uit and tti:coiti)i:it.
MICIIAi:!. 1'. EYKltt.Y, of llloom .burtf, nlitliorliCS
113 to ntinotiiico Ids tuiino nsn candldnio for tlio of
llco of Hiffts-tt'i- niul in colder, RUbJ'ct to tlio dcclc
lon of tlio lkmrxrutlo County t'omontlon.
Wo nro nuilioii7cd to nnnounco tlio mmo of
uiniii.r-.M iiiaciiAUT, of .Main townslilp. osacan
dldate tor tbo i.tllce 01 Coubty t'eininls-lomr, nib
jixi to 1110 deci?ion i f 1110 Democratic t'onveulwu
COUN l'Y Ti'.BASl.'ttKI!.
Wo nro nutl.orlKi'd t aiinounco tlio nanio of
JAM Kis K .! ( (. or Mum uwiih nn. as a cttnl i nto
tor the oflice ot Conn y Treustiiur, subject I lie 1 tiles
ui oiu fuuuoruiio pany.
COUNTY TltlWM'imii.
We nro nutlioilzed to announce the namo of A. M
.lOUNSoN. of 1 ocust lowiishln 11.S 11 (uimIIiIjio for
llio ollico of Cuuuly Ticnsi.ier, hiibjiel to tlio titles
ui uiu ueiiioentiiu lutty.
Wo mo oullioilcd to nunoittiuo thu nainjofll. V
MKtUt, of l''tsl.DiL'cie(l; lowlnlito, ns neindldatr
for tit 1 onit'e 01 Count t ouiiiilUloiitr, sutJect to
tttu lULVai'l tllU l,UHK.l I .1 UL 'illy.
Ily virtue of n rtt of Fieri Facias Issued out of tlio
Court of Cunnion Picas of Columbia county, to mo
directed nt the stilt of JblinMcIaughllu ngiitntt tlio
Nortti nnd Wtt,t Itraneli ltnllioailCoiiip.ini. I here
by iftvc notice Hint I will to publto siitout
tlio Com t HouMjln l!lcoiii5burt', on TDK-DAY tho
Mil day of .IDLY, lssl.ui. tin o'clock In tho foicnoon,
llio tondivny nnd roadbed nnd nppuiioiiaiices cf tlio
sntd Noith mid Wtst, hianeh itnllroad Company,
stltuto In Ihoiountl'Buf Coluioblaiiud l.iucine, on
tlio sotitli rldo of the Sufiuelmiinii titer (now In
process ot construction between lliotonn of Catn-
wlssa and tho City of Wllkes-llatre), Uigctlier whit
tin) right tf wtiy, llxturts, ties, iiialeilals nnd cor
porate property connect e"t I herewith, nnd also tlio
corporate franchises nnd tlKlita of said r.dhoad
company under or by lituo of Iho Actor Assembly,
entitled "All act to Incnrporato tho North uud Wist
lirunch liallioad Coiiipany,"i,ppiovcd lath May.issi,
unit of nil ut lnr acts niiplleiillo to said company,
U. II. 1CNT,
llloomsburifl,luno3. issi. sliertrf.
Tlio pa
liartnerldii lierotofoio exist Inir bet ween .1. II.
Ko-itv uud Joiiuiban hncliinun. nsbrl, klatets and
ooiitiueiors, is 11,1s uay aissoiteu by mutual con
,T. It. K&S'l Y,
Illooui!biirg,JtJnot!l ibsi.
a u. riuiii, .iiiorney-aii.'iw. uilice
ax. in coiuinutan iiunuiug, Juno 21, '61
It will positively cui'uSlvlt
Tlio itetrulalor will pohhlvely euro tills terrible
dlseuso, Wousbeitciupliallcnlly what ttuknowto
Hionld not lu letMiilnl nsn trltlinirnllinent. Nn-
luro Ut'liiaudsilio ulmnsl legubtrlty ot lliobotTels.
1 iicrriiiio, us-ist iiuiuio u oiKiutr Miniuons jattr
IteguUior. It Is harmless, mild nnd elTeciual.
Holier It nt luiiiilft.r tlioko wliosnifpr tlivnrtr
uiy wiui riiL'M. uuiuircua aim wtu emu
IVrMJUS I1HV l(iU fill lltlnrk4 v (ifPfH.ICir.n1lv
Iriklnu a fiiihtt of Mimiiob4 KutfUtator tu kecptho
Bad Breath.
(lenernily nrlslntr from n disordered stomach, can
bo cerroctoa by tnklntr Wmuions Uvtr liogulutor.
Khmnor.8 1 Ivor Itetrtilatorsoon rratlluitra ibis ou.
i'obi, Hum nn, n,Mi'iu, uanuL- mo bKtii cicar iinu
iroe from tilt linpuiltles,
cldidreu surrerlng llli collosoon oxpcrlenoo rn.
lief whan H mrnons I.hir llegulator landinhiUtered.
Adults nlso deilvo k'lent U tieiltfrom thin medicine.
It Is not uiin'easniit. It s harmlcis ntd urcctlve.
Purely urcliible,
Sold by nil Druggintu.
Junetl, "SMy
ltliifctnttHl. L'litanwt slid lust. ulla nt kii.
hoiaian's 'PfrWYRTAr liIFil irJ 1 1
A, J. JULIAN 0(1., I'ltM.
I chiii,' IIiitnora,Scnly Humors,
Blood Humors ppccdily. ponnn
tii'iitly , uud economically cured
whou pliysiciuns and nil other
methods i'tiil.
Cntleurn Uosolvont, tin? now llloort Pttrttlcr. tn
ternnllji, cut lent n. n Medicinal .lehy, nPflsled by
tlm ciitlcuin Medicinal nnd Toilet Soap, externilly,
hive performed Iho most, miraculous cures of t ten
Injr. Kcnl.v nnd Hcrotnlous Humors over recorded lit
tnudlcnl iinual.t.
Eozoma Rodeoti
V. tt. tirnkn, Ti ,n?ciit for tlarper nnd llrothcr?,
lletrotr, Ittch., trlves nn nstonlslilin; nccount "Mils
rnso (Hcenift llodenl), which had boon tienleil by 11
coiiMillutlon of plivsiclrtnn wllliout hincllt, nr.d
speedily yielded to tlio Cutlcura llcmudles.
Salt Rlioum.
Will McDonald, 1IJ Dcnrlioni htrect, Chlcitiro,
erattfully ncknowledires n euro of n.tll Illienm on
licad, neck, faco.nrms nnd loirs, for piventoen enrii
not nblo to wnlk except, on hands nnd knees tor ono
yonrs not. nbln tohnip htmsi'ICforelBlii yonM! tried
ImiHlreiH of remedies: doctors pronounced his oasi!
liopi lesaj pertiinnently cured y tlio cutlctim ltelno
dlcs. Ringworm,
(Icq. W. llrown,4S Marshall street, Providence, It.
I., cured by Cutlcitm Itcmedl sof n lilniftrorm Hu
mor (?ot at tlio bather's, which spretd nil over Ids
ears, 11 ric nnd face, and for six ycnis ic3tstcd nil
kinds ot treatment.
Skin Diseaso.
H. A, Steele. Ksi Chicago, 111., swsi "I will say
Hut. before 1 used Ciillcuritllcmeillcs 1 was In n fear
ful itnle, nnd had riven up nil hopo of ever having
nntr teller They havo performed nwondcrfnl euro for
mo nnd of my ownrrcs will nndnccord I recomtnend
t'tiitctiru ltemodtes nro prepared by WntiKHA:
POTTUli, ultemlsts nnd liruirglsls, my Wnslilmjtoii
stieel. lloston, nnd fnrnalo hy nit druifBlstn. I'rlees
ot cutlcura 11 .Medicinal .lolly, small boxes Pi) cents
liii'tro boxisjl. ciitlHirn lit solvent, tlio new liloon
I'tirhler, $ per bottle, cuttcitrn Medicinal Toilet
Soap. '.dents, Cutlcura Medicinal Sliatlui? Moapj
15 cent; In bars for barbels 11 lid largo consumer,.',')
cents. All mailed froeon receipt of price
bend for illustrated Trcattso on tlio HUln.
Map llltler.sileilvotlietrwonti'ifut I.lfo-Sud.itn.
hu lTottites from si ai.t. t heir 0;Moi lug and sleep
rroiuotliig liilliii'iuv riom noes tlielr i;innd 'I'onlo
niul 1'i'ver Kxi oiling 1'ower.s from calisavv, nnd
llitlr niooil-Noiiil-lihig Principles trom iiion, wlilcli
nro four cf iho greut.'st lilooihlToditcers nnd hire
Crer.tlng Cletnt'iils cter tniltod tn ono rnedlclno. for
I'tdlcato I'omiles, Nursing Motlieis, and sickly Chil
dren Mult Hitters nrehtipremc. Mold everywhere.
Jl.ilt Ultterd Company, liojton, Mvii.
OuoC'oii.iNs' Voltaic. Knc
Tliro I'I.astkii. eRtlni?23eentii.
33S'cir(TTiin Is Mr superior lo ovi-ry otliui
nfJ,CLtl,lnlJ ,,.trt.nt n,,nll,in t.i.rn,'., llio
Pi A oTCttPt public. I Iiey Instantly relieve
tlSTC.v' lijspep'-la, f.lter Uoinnlalnt.
Maluil.i foter and guo and Kidney nnd Uilnitj
litilieultlcs. nnd mavo worti oer tlio oltof ilt
stom.uMi, otcr tlio ktdnovs or nnv alleeted nail
lTlcuM cents. Sold everywhere. WEUKH& I'OT-
Tht:, lloslon, Mass. 1 JuneliMni
Ol' VALl Allhi:
Ily virtue of nn order Issued out of tho Orplinns'
Coin I of Columbia county, tlio unJertitgued ndiiiln
lstrntor of Iho estatu of Philip Miller, deceased, will
cxposolo public sale on thu premises In Centre
lownsblp, on
nt. two o'clock p. in., tlio tullowln: dcEcrtbcd real
estate, to-wlt:
LOTN03, sttuat') lu Ccntro to.vushlp aforesaid,
botinded nnd descilbcd in follows: On llw west by
landof Jani -sCiii, and 011 tho south by lot, of 11311.
jainlti Milter, on tlio east by purpaitNo. r,, and 00
llio mil 1 11 by purp.ut No. iLcontntnlng Ono Hundred
and seventj tdno 1'eiclics.
I.')T No. t, sltunto In Centro township aforesaid,
bounded una dcsjilbcdns folloivs: On tlio west b
purpart Nos a nnd 4, nnd lot ot Itenjamlu Midi r,
011 tlio f,outli bv put part No. 1, on tho cAil by pur
part No. tt, and on tlio not Hi by purpart No. 2, con
taming TWO AL'ltts nnd lUty-nhio porches
I.11TN0. it, Mtuatoln Centre township, aforesaid,
bounties on llio west, Fouth, east nnd north by put
parts Nos. 5, 1, Tnnd'i, respectively, coutalntns
two Acni;siinit tltty-ntno perches.
LOT NO. T, sltiuto In Centro township, aforesaid.
bounded on tho west, south, castand uorlhby pur.
parts Ncs. c, 1, s nnd 2 respectively, containing
two aukes and iifty-ulno porches.
LOT no. 9, situate In centre township, nforesnid
bounded 011 tho north, west anil south by purparts
no. 8 nn-i 1 respectively, and tho oait by pur
parts !os. 11 and is nnd lot of Amhow otnulce
andJohn W. Miumin, contntnlng TWO A CUES nnd
Ilfly.nlno percnttH.
l.or No. 10., sltuafo In Centro township, aforc
sa!d, bounded on the north, cast and south by pur-
puis os. 1 anu k, nnd on tlio wist by purparts
ftos.ii nnd 12, nnd by lot of Andiew dingles and
Jolm Vt. bhumuu, containing 1 Wo ACHES andllf.
tv-nlno neielifs.
LOI'No. 11, sltuatoln Centro township, nforcsntd,
iraunuoo on 1:10 wost, nortn and oast by purparts
Nus.n, i and lo respectively, nnd on tho south bj
lot ot Andrew (.hifles ai d John W. Miuman, con
taining t'llty Perchts
LOT no. xi, situate 111 Centre toivnslilp.nforesild,
bounded on tlio 1101th by thu Lacl.awanna nnd
lllooinbuig tho east, south nnd west bj
purp.uts, Nos. 10, 1 and P. lespeethely, containing
l'triy l'erihes.
l.or Nu. is, situate In Main township, county
nfjrcstld.biundcdoniho north by thoHiisiiuehinnn
river, on the east and south by lands now or late ol
llio heirs of lleorgo Longenberger, deceased, and
ol Iho ivesl. by lands of , eoritnlnlng
112 il CRESS,
:uiil lirtj.two petclies.
LOT NO, li), 11 WIIAItl-' I,(i P, Mliiatn In tho Village
of llspy, Columbia county, utoiesald, adjoining the
North Itr.inch Canal 011 thu south, an alley on tho
north, nnd Markotbtreet In naldtown on tho west,
containing about three-fourths ot a square perch.
Also, tlio undivided one-third of tho following des
cribed piece or pircel of Hud situate In Centro
township (recovered by ejjetment iigalnst Lovl .Mill,
cr to No. in, December Term, 1872, tlnco tho death
ot Philip Miller), bounded nnd described as follows,
10 wit: Iieglutilng nt a stone, corner of land of Mel
nncthon linker, thenco north thirty degrees and ten
minutes west by laud of Philip Miller ono hundred
nnd lit u perches to nstono, thenco by uuarry lots ot
c. (I. Itlcketts north slsty-ilvo nnd three-quarter de
greos east Hoventy-ono nnd four tenths perches
to a stone, thenco by land ot Nathaniel L.Camp
bell south thirty degrees and ten lr Inutes east ninety-two
nnd boyen-tenths perches to a htonc,
thenco by lot of Joshua Webb south blxty-scven
and ono-quartor degroes west twcnty-llvo nnd
tin co-tenths perches to a atone, thence by landof
tho fuiuobouth east perches to a htono.
tho noiilicrii corner of aforesaid landof Melanctlion
llakcr; iheiico by said land t-oulh slxty.suven and
onu-uuai ter degrees west forty-slx and tlirco-lenths
porches to tho plneo ot beginning, contululug
Forty-four Acres
ncitmeasui'ed'ed BUd mty"lurt'u Pt'i"-eS0t land,
f'iilM?..ol'HA,.'E Tt'n Pcr ' or tlio one.
fourth of Iho purchase money to bo paid ut tho htrl
king down ut iho proinrtj; tlio onu fourth less tlio
urn per tent, nt tlio toullrmatlon of sale, nud llio
reluuhi Hum iico-founbs In una ,.nr 11,.....,.,,.., .,
Interest from contlrmatlon nisi. Purchaser or nur.
chasas lo pay far deed or deeds.
or VALUA11L1!
Piiisuant to nn order of thu Orphans' Court or on.
lumbl.iuniiity, l'i ill bo sold nt public wis on the
piemuos m 1110 lotviiMilp of .Main, hi bald couuty.ou
nt two o'clok p. in., the fullowlng djscribed real es
tate, Uto of (ieorgo llohenbjck, deceasod. to.wii-
Mtuaio in fcniu .Mum touutlilp, Columblt cotudy
renins itaiua, bounded by lands pf Jacob Punster,
inaiher, imnlel and llllam H. Fisher. Josenh Lart.
zi.'l and others, containing
inoroorluss, whereon aro erected a now
'l',TTr,.,.., 1..., II T-..1-T1.
xtnu-jjiuir iuvmu i-iousu. iiiiiiK num.
and nil neccsstry oiit-bullJIngsi aNi a good hnrlng
of Water, Al'l'LH OitClIAltU mid other fruit. Tho
Baldwin bo upon the orphans' couit terms or said
county, to-witi
TL'it.MS, Ten per cent of ono-fourth the nui cliasn
money on striking down of tho proudly: ono fnmtii
less tho ten per cent, on confirmation of brio, and
thohalanro tn ono year thereafter, with Inteiest
from toutlrinatlountsl, 'lh purchaser to pay for
making deeds.
illlt.VM hJlUUAltH,
Administrator, &o., of (Ieorgo llollenbach,
May 9', sl.U
SlUlt I TKjtATisif on ImpiDved Methods Tables,
OtUll vitKn. nr owl umiliH i.,.ri,.r.i o,,,;.,!'
JKlVlfs ftJroAN llKlHIlt CO, ChMiibViVl.;''?;
t L iV0 1 1 . a June imw
Chestnut Upon .eccipl of n
qi cifvintr Uw l::nJ of
. ., . 1 11....,..'! rr.nttiilnulll. Willi
r iiiir.icdi.'t.ciy scan -y
widths niul nricca niarhal,
Dress GooDS-SiLics,Etc.
showini' tlw hurt rij-Li, mv! cHtiblmg n imrchascr In any
part of the United State J lo lucU salisfaclonly, atul order
the roods convvMlcn'J, vith c. Haii.:y f lucwving only
what nro Bent fur, and at 'm tame prices paid
by city customers v!io buy 1 "t:r counlcrs. If, upon
cxaiiiinnlioii f.t lioi.i , :,;: !., .I-lc : fail to bo as expected,
we request tln.ii' rwU...v, i a I : nd oll.jrs 1.1 exchange, or
refund the money ; . "ii..'.- if l-'" l-.uicliasef prefers.
Our Nov; f ir-'ig' Catalogue
embracing nil the dq :mci,.l : in ono lai V book, with a
system of order,':i:c ("' ' ijUu1' r.'.oro convenient than
any heretofore, a. H i.iail I. viUiout c!iarr;e, to those
who send tuiipoi.lal c.rd a,;.l,:i,iii.:; rame, town, county,
and stale: notli'.. further i i necessary, wo will under
stand what is wanted.
Our dock, whi-.h forms the preatcst variety in one
establishment in U.o United fitates, includes Ladies' Suits,
Shawls, Millinery, U.. l.rwca.-, Hosiery, Ciloves, Jewelry,
Laces, I'.mbroiil-r.'e', Shoe.:, Linen., Gentlemen's Cloth
inrr, Housekeeping Cjods, China, Silverware, Furniture,
Carpets, etc. Addrea.i,
John Wanamaker
r fl it.', l,nn n tl- itnml 1' ,1, 1, ,v , icil il j Me'.l:..t Tlilr.
.,, I, In! .' 1 ., m , , itl." ( 'itilmit St,-, t I
rinc tlrantllCH, WlilNklrN, (.Ins, Uiiiiim, niul all Kinds oI WIim h ri
(lHllllj 011 IiiiikI.
LtmdionlH tliioul. out llio wuiiity will liml it to their ntlviuitngc
cull mid (ixniiiiiui li'iy steel; before purchasing elsewhere.
Main Street, 2nd
July 11, Ni-iy
ii!isy rci'itis. KiiiiNiaoiion iiarant:eii.
Baoisr's FiA-isro wahb k,oo3vts,
,j(),ono mii, ii.
I it. lira'iE.a i It Is nn fxnct itp.o.iiotlon.woiil for wonl, lino for Uno, nniro forp.iiro of tlionutlioil7c, v
blouot (.niiiLrli!!;u. Its rxiici nccuriicy lij:uar.uitecil by tlircu rrllitlilu rIIni; Iiouscb. anil iihohtt
!" 9WlnK iWltiKitlslifl lllbllcal btLclars. 1. II. THInuy, 1). U., I.I.. I)., l'Ulla.; I. II. Hall, I.I.. i., i:ot
suil. riucnit-o It contains (tcomploto lilory of
?ktjtclii-a c-t tlm rtnlDet.t tnon ciift.itrrtl iipjn It.
., V ,tI,u"iu"; ul ifuut'iH ti'itrititN . . .
tyiiognipliy, press voik ami bmillnir, It Is every way coiuineiidaule. hlL'nuil-A. l. Sclnuninr I). I)., N, I
i'0,',;y'?'H-;,v'"t',,,'K'lnl 'Icommenaioinyfrk'niUtho Anj;
r Bablnc n-r ?'i 'v ,,',wln:in'4 ','!: L1""',N'Y'" ' 1 conllnlly concur with Dr. Newnun.-Wt
13 u nurvi'I of enterirSo.-ltev. T. A. K, Kessler, Ilroo'klyn
I rlCPS: IllflllfllnL-i'lllelnrvrlnth jlin. A,.nt,nQ,M,' t., n,,
Vrncllaii Morocco, .-fit piIpm. i s,i '
I'uiili1 mulled mi 1'1.,-,'iitt r iiri,-,, .t., ...i,nv.. .....,....
530 tQiOfS AfJllN'PV! V I VIMin "3Hl'lATi:ijY,nctlvo ladles nntlKcntlcmcD.
JrJr'riTiiSTiH, );', '-4N ' P "AN I Vil to sell this work. It Is Far Outhcimttc all otn
"n!i -in . I.,, . ArL:l,ay b'.1', AB"i?.,,s nro maxl'iS J-0 to JKr eck, as mtlllons want Hits woi k, liuttt!
pi.riirM.Mn.innwi K c?nll!llll, "hU 'mP0'",
Cffl.ll prllltIlltroniCfSailllt.lrllt b mrtcrlpR fit wnrk
WK UAN Mllll- I'lttlMI'TLY AliCll'T 40 tlWCOl'lKS l'Elt WKE1C d Junn 17-lw
TIlO UtlllMRlLMLfr! pvrrntni- in,,u.l LUnirr... c-
lateof tho tou of lllonmsbiiig, in tlio Cuunly o'f
Columbia, diceisod, tvlll cxposn to halo upon tlio
pi duties on
Thursday, June Q, 188 J,
bt'Slunlng nt 10 o'clock, it. in. tho following TIIACTH
of LAND.
No. 1, known ns tlio HOMESTEAD 1'AIIM, situ
nto In East llloamsburff, co'inty ntortsalil, bounded
nnd described us follows, to wit: nouiidid on llio
north by I'lshinKcrtek, on tlio fcouth liy otlu r lands
of hald Sitiniicl Wiairer, I lm ruoo or tho moomshurc
Iron Comn.inv liclm. tlm iiivmi,,.. h.,.. ,
n ,.w ,, ,,u, uno nn mu
west by mid Vlshlngcrccl:, cnntalnlni;
No. fluiato In Hast lllooin.sbiinr nforiwild,
Imilndcil nml il,.s.prllu.l ,,a ri.,in... ..,.. ....... .
- ... ,uu,.c, it, iiuunueii
on tho north by other lands of said S,imuel Kharfer. llm , i ,.n ... ii, .... '
7" v uiu 1'iuuiustiiirif iron company
betDL-tlin rllvlrllnn. II,,,. ,., ,, ' :
. ., .-... .., u UJr rihuim-crenc
and lauds of .Mnthlns Slurfer, on tho south by lands
otJohu (I. l'reeye, Eni , nud on llio west by public
road Iciulluir from lllootnsburi! to Alt. l'luaaunt, cou-taluliiL-
Aci'CH iint! 1,17 lt!i c:In'N.
The abovo tracts of lam firn Inn l,l,,i. . .... ...
cultivation and tlu rn ,.r.,i.i ,
llAUNS.uiiil other out-bulldlngs Inn good Mut'itor
Theso traclH win tin cni.t c,,,.i.,, . ........ .
. uwuilvfc puun reserva
tions and oxcepllons nsuro had and math) by tho
IJlooinsburc Iron Conmnnvin , i
- , ww ouiu piimiui
Khairer, doieased.
Iho executors also reserve all t'raln In tho wround.
Browing crops and personal pi opert upon tho prein.
TElt.MS 01'' SAVETpn p..,
Ot tbn nnrrhnan mm,.,. ,n .. .",
don of the property! tho ouo fourth less tho ten Inril Itl . "Iu
' - "i um.-naui,t me icina lnlnir
ITJT ',sA"rll'.'8M."nd the rcmttininif one.
Half of tho three-foiirlhs April i, issi.wm, n,c,r
from Anril int. lsst. nn rt,.rir ' . ..." "lur ?l
annually, unpaid plTS
bond ami mortcum ... .. Ulruu
o--o vvuj uim iiiyitiiuifoa lo lm
tio paid for by pu t chas,er. u
l osesftion win boytven Apill 1st, lssi,
Juno to-sw
nifuMI I'Jf.K'i.'' 4nJ- "' l-u.
ii. V .'.'?;'!.f'.1Vni,.l".Tlciri. from
'ill I' t lltNt lioiTtl. at wulvhr
ytfr.?"1 -t,tint.t 1 ritL
U ,rlc4 ur muiiljr.flK, i-uit
For rales, furthor Uifunnotini,
and tntfttut Aiup ot uuii"',
l'Oiial carcl.spo marKBt
S wllUctl' x'a. . St.
1, -v
Mtinpleu of
I' ' I ' I 'ttu ' " M I,(T
11.1 'I rjunc. Hallbfllttr
Door below Iron.
AMll.o ..Mi;itI(!AN lstlia l'optilar Kilttlou of tlio
tills (Ircat Itcvlslon .Movement, nnd gives MozrapUc
" o iuko pioasuro in ccrurytntr to its accuracy.
ll'iout UUtory, Cloth, red cdgcs,tl.O
"lory ottlio areat Itevlslon Movement. liulutr thre
I nv nn, r,l,.ht
I'iillii, cl,nr'ivllli:opn I'.I'om lnlii.orlron
I.IiiIiikh. Each nun Mendlcd '.titli lny inline as
liiiiiiiiliu turiT is wnrriuiti'il lu material uinl f""
Uriiilluii. l'nr mlu by tlio bit Iiouh'S lu llio
trade. If y.m ilo nut knniv wlieio tu uit lull
pump, willn tn mo us below, niul I will find
liuinuiif ukciiI ncarohl you. who will nil, lily lull
at my lmtc-t prices.
CIIAS. 0, ULATCHIXY, Manufacturer,
308 Market St., Philadelphia, Fo.
march 4, '8!-5m nis
l-lu,.,iiiid will uiiiiiilctfly chain-u U I1'"1"1
iliui'iihi'ov tern In thrcii 11 iiiiIIh, Anv pciMin
WllOH ill (111,(1 1 , ,-ll'hIKllt',,lu 1 ii12M,'I'I.'
Iii iv Ihiii'-Iiuv,! tiiwuind liciltli, if nich 11 tliuitf
bu hii-dMc. Scut In-111 ill fur b letter klnmi.
J. S. .11)11 N.sfi.V .. CO., JSuilun, Mint;
(tinimli :,,,,,;,.,
lllltr .llui-hlitn pvi r liitiiitcl. Win Liiitatuuof
ktockum, witli IIIM'.I, ami TOM i oinpli tc, In
JOliiliiuti-. It uill alu Ull a BrntvufUly uf finer
yv'V"r,wlilih llicraUsln-a it ready tujrkct N-ul
rirctriuiarttiid trmultl,fl 'l'womhly IlnlttiiiB
ainililnc Co., irj WMlilnumSt., ltu.tuu. Ainu-
'itrstniM ,fr;,-., iilll. i v.... I r
The Man "Who Spends Mono)'
for ndvortlMnir in
Tifivtimn(ru In tlift.n tlllltS
)V I0.1.1,' l11 'intulnliit' nn tstlmiito of (ito. f
HOWELL ACO'8,Ni'WbpupefAderllslni:lluieinio.
liiHl'ruco hirett, ow Yoik, Is 1 kely 10 raj w tn
wliiitm'i'litbooijinliiedriiris. Mich inlirutts are
!!!P,Mlt''' to all uppllcants t'rutls. M ud S5 cents lot
luo-naeo nn in nhl, r. win, tt, nut r,f ,.,.uk,uit r rules
nml " "wv "' "v .A.',,, .u.
Htbtviuukva. r JUUU iv."
ml, A T'P V'Q "ItOAND, 17 Ktops, .1 Set 1.014
,ir."M., J. en TonKim needs, only A M,
drew Uaultl i IJealty, WnslilUBton, N, J. Uliium
' ij,, ii.
J(DU u, vo-u
tub aoLUDM:BrA.3sr
$K50 in advanuf;
toil i;i . . 1 w . ..,. ... '
frt vtui'iuau t"':j ..,...d -I
LUKffi" I "'.'Jet, ";?""