Sfe ifyfiittiBm 3. E.ELW3LL. It-iit... J. K. 3ITTEHB2ND2B, Eller' BLOOMSBURG, PA. "Friday, .Tnno 17, 1881. l.nt Sunday, no less than RUty lives were lost in cyclones in tlm WmU Tho fueling of apprehension is growing in tense. 1. W. Jackson, of Mercer county, was noininateil for State Treasurer by the Greenback convention at Pottsville, on Wednesday last. It is said that many of the bills passed by the lato legislature will not receive tho Governor's signature. Twenty of tliem have been laid nsido for veto pur poses. A riiliniilniiM bill has been introduced in tho Michigan legislature imposing Ann of SiniXl and imitrisonmont for year, on any person publishing an account ot a muraer or naugmg .... A writ of mandamus was served upon tho State Treasurer on Wednesday, to test tho legislative salary question. lion. Charles V. W olto was tlio iielttion cr. There will be an nrgument on the tho morning of tho UUrd inst It may gratify our readers to hear that tho emut martial in the Whitaker ease lias ended, and that in the near future it mav bo known who split tho colored iMirsou's oars. Thev have been an ex pensive pair of auricular nuisances to tho country, anil ineir msiippuai.iucu num the public ga.o will be n ruiiet. At the Convention of the Eriiscoi church of Central Pennsylvania held York. Pa. this week, the question of ilivisinn of tlio Diocese was rcfciTcd .al at to a committeo of eight clergyman and eight laymau.to makoreport at. itiu uu.m meeting ot convention next year m Maueh Chunk. The subject of an assis taut lishop for tho present Dioceso wai roferred to tlio same committee. f4nnnr.il Grant has alwava been indif ferent, to public opinion, and, apparently linoillcss of censure, no matter how we deserved. It is not probable that ho will bo greatly moved by tho expressions of r-nnlnmlit. Rfl lihiirnllv bestowed tinon liim, for liis gratuitous intermeddling with Conkling's squabble with the Xew York legislature. Such influence as he onco possessed has nearly vanished mul lie will soon bo an eliminated factor in national politics. Tlio Louisville Courier-Journal nitl ilv observes. "The administration should bu made to understand that if tho Conk l!nir iii'i.liiiin is Kiiuisbed. tho count rv is in no temper to seo another machine of lho same kind.with a different labtlonlv. net up in its place. That sort of business will not do." Conkling is vastly prefer ..l.lrt tr ( ntnllliniiv- AT IVm'tv-. V.-lllllpr. bill's attorney and a thorough monopoly man. Probably tho cheek for the largest amount, of money ever drawn in this country was given by the Pennsylvania P. II. Comnany.last week,to pay for the Philadelphia Wilmington and Baltimore It. R. stock recently purchased. The mon ey was not duo until July lst,but tho ex cellent financial condition of the com- pany justified 'tho anticipation of the payment. Tho ciiock was lor &iJ,!Jrj; O.VJ.fiO. AbliniKrlt tlm tiiimilmi-s nf thn llMnsl.l tnm iliil nnt. nt their nav for tho time H)etit in Ilarrisburg, beyond one hundred tiays, tney were noi unci ly impecunious. They had money enough to buy gold watohes.silverwaro Ac. to present to the omeers or tne two nouses,even mo pages 'nliiimimr In." It. in roasonablo to mn- poso that tho boarding house keepers and barkeepers also got what was duo them, and thus are the only residents of the State who regret the departure of the statesmen irom me v;:iiuiai. Tho Ohio Republican State Conven tion was held in Cleveland, on tho 9tl of June,Sonator Sherman in tho chair. The platform adopted endorses tho adminis trations of President Garfield and Gov ernor Foster and congratulates tho lat ter on tho successful refunding of tho state debt at Jem than three and lour per cent, interest. It also endorses the policy of giving full protection to Ameri can labor and discriminating in favor of homo urodiiction. The temperance plank favons leaving tho wholo liquor trallio to legislation. General Charles Foster was renominated for governor by acclama Hon. The Republicans are in trouble again as regards tlio election of an United States Senator. This time it is in the Now Hampshire legislature, where ther is it dead-lock in the Scnato and tho House have voted to postpono tho election until tho meeting of tho next legislature. King Caucus seems to hav lost his power, a fact attributnblo to tlio vcryj uespouo exercise oi u in mu jiu meuiatepasi. legislative squuuuies nn not seemly, but as they appear to givi nroof of independence of thought and action on tho part' of membeis, should not perhaps bo condemned. "Out of this nettle, danger, may pcrhaps,bo "plucKe the tlower ninety. Tim Philadelphia Ledijer speaking o one oi tne most outrageous tonus public plunder at Ilarrisburg, says: "Tho disgraceful frauds upon the .Stale Treasury arising from the employ ment of politicians who do not work as pasters and Solders, messengers, clerks. (.. ill. irnri-isliur''. would not bo nemo . , a, T ... i i tratcd or attempted if these wnployees wv-ro paid reasonable- salaries for the work they are supposed to do. Those who liiro substitutes at two dollars a day to ilo tho work for which Uio State pays six dollars a day have pointed oat to the leuwlaturo the maikot price for mini tservices, and if the wnges were reduced Ao the market rate the htato would savi anoney and none of tho employees cent milord to do their work by deputy. The .State Trewjircr recently inquired r.f AHnnuiir General '.'diner, whetiierhe will bo compelled to pay ,Uw full amounts claimed by members., ami rov;ni'ii mr in tho general appropriation bill. Jlr. I'nliiipr iii renlv addressed a letter .to tho Treasurer, in which ho re-alerts Jjjo oiunion that the jueiniiers ot tho legUla- itinn .1 not. iUlfitli'll to liavilient beVOIld ho Hiiui of $1000 'wh. Tho letter ends as follows.: "My .contusion is that you .ought to withhold payment to membeis .on account ot salary qt auyjium i)cyoua .$1000 for tliOAiession jus-t closed." Tih iiuernberH are umd ajjgriqved mid view Mr. Palmer's opinio.n vith the mo,st tiiMirniiiK IUiruft." It now remains to be nvvn what the tfupremo Court think ot tlio matter, as mo quenuou win jnittcd to them for final dceiop- Till: TltOUIlLB AT AhllANV. Tho balloting for United States Henr- tors, in Albany, still continues, with no ipparonl probability ot a result. 1 hero as been no material change in tho voto for Conkling, but Plait has lost ground. 'hauncoy M. Depow having run up to I voles. An nililllional tcuturo nl in crest lias been added to the struggle by tho charge of biibery madoby Assembly man llr.Klloy against benator bessions. Ibinlley asserts that sessions gave hlui $2000 to vote for Dcpewi the money was handed to Speaker hlinrpe and the turn er exposed in the House. A committeo f investigation was nppolutcd)andis still a session. Tho testimony has been far from favorable to Sessions ns regards haractcr. lie has been a notorious lob byist and a paid agent to obtain legislation. There is great bitterness be tween tho tactions, uoiikitngs irionus claiming that it is an undoubted caso of bribery and Dcpew's adherents denoun cing It as a conspiracy to injuro their candidate. The breach is widening daily and tho chances of reconciliation growing fainter. COMMHXDAlihi:. One of tho most meritorious bills passed by tho Legislature just before ad journment, was that increasing tlio salar ies ot .Judges ot tho supremo Uourt. Hereafter the Chief Justice will receive SS,.")00 per annum and tho others $8000. In view ot tho arduous labors perlorined by lho judges and tho iinportnnco of their work, tlieru will bo no grumbling it this increase of salaries. It has long been conceded that tho compensation of tho judges was inadequate and tlio increase, even at this late day, will meet with general approval. .Not only are the duties of tlio Supremo Court judges, exacting, hut they arc of tho utinosfim portance, affecting as they do tlio inter ests of the people of the Stale, and that linally. I here is n strong leeling ot op position to increasing public expenses, but it does not extend to tho payment ol public servantswliose labors are evident ly great and worth more than the ro muueratioii bestowed. There is no judge upon the bench, lilted lor the position, whose income would not be larger if lie were practicing at tho bar, and although this is, perhaps, not a sulljcient reason for tlio increase of salary, it is neverthe less entitled to consideration. A STKAX0E SI0KY. An odd affair is reported in Wilkes- llarre. Last Tuesday, a man known as Frank Smith, proprietor of a shooting gallery, appeared before the Mayor, gave his name as i'. v. tiurrell and claimed that a girl, who ho said was his daughter, was detained against her will at tho Mansion House kept by F. IX Girton. This alleged daughter was living at tlio hotel in tho capacity of housemaid, and was known as Emma Smith. Burrell tes tilied that Emma was taken from her homo in Rochester, New York, when but '2 vears of ago by his runaway wife, and that during the fourteen years that have since passed ho has been scorning tho whole country for her. Ho says ho has traveled thousands of miles and ex pended thousands of dollars in the search. : Mrs. smith and -Miss Smith Irom 1 itts- ton were present at tho hearing and claimed to lie Emma's stepmother and sister, and that Emma was 19 or 20 years old. Jumna herselt says she did not be lieve she is Smith's child, but refused to go with Jiurrell until lie should furnish further proof of his right to call her (laughter. It is a complicated case. A despatch received irom S. T. JSInck, dep utv sheriff of Broome county,states that Burrell's reputation is bad and that ho is wanted lor some olteneo committed in New York State. Mr. Girton denied that tho girl was detained and as Burrell could not provo the fact, no order was issued. U tie case created no littlo ex citement. Nu MUKK I'OOb. The following is the text of tlio excel lout law forbidding the playing of pool, or oilier games of chance, for drinks. It will meet the approval ot all reputable citizens, as the evil habit prohibited was rapidly transforming tlio youths of the laud into drunkards and gamblers. There should be no laxity in enforcing this law, which is eminently iust and proper, and all olteuders should bo con sidered as enemiesof youth and punished accordingly. Section 1 That if tlie proprietor.keep erdesseo or manager of auy saloon, hotel, tavcrn,inn,billiard room or other place of resort or entertainment shall keep, main tain or permit to bo played upon his premises, or in connection therewith, or having passage or communication to or with the same, tho game or amusement ot pool with balls, or any other game ot chance, tlio result or prico of forfeiture of payment in any form of such gamo or amubcmeut shall be by drinks ot vinous, spirituous, malt or browed liquors or any admixture thereof, ho or sho shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con viction thereof shall bo sentenced for tho first offense to pay a lino of ono hundred dollars and to undergo an imprisonment of not less than ninety days, and for tho second offense to pay a lino of Hvo hun dred dollars and to undergo an linpris- onmeiit of not less than one year; and any license granted for tho keepiny of such saloon, hotel, tavern, inn, billiard room or other place of resoi t or amuse ment shall, upon such second conviction, bo declared null and void by tho com t in which the said second ofteuse shall be tried. Approved June 1, a. p., 1881. TUE bAlK bEOISliATUlia The very general expression of pleas ure nt tho adjournment of tho Legisla ture, is proof positive that tho recent ses sion had earned the disapproval of the peoplo of the State. Tho number of laws enacted is small and tho work could have been dono in a decorous manner, in less than one hundred days. Instead, however, of devoting themselves to tlio transact ion of public busmen, the members hit tercd away their time in undignified at tempts to harass Attorney General Pal. nier for )iis official opinion as to tho salar- les duo tlieii), Whether he was right or not, does not enter into tho question tho manner of procedure adopted by thu members is indefensible. Jt is to be re gretted that the many honest and well meaning men who ilcsjrcd to do yh:)t was right and just, suffered themselves to bo overruled by thu "lewd fellows of the baser sort." Unfortunately for the people, the eliquo ot noisy politicians known as "roosters" weru uuito well versed in parliamentary tactics ami bo iug thoroughly unscrupulous wereena bled to shape or retard legislation as they .dojuijed, Thu House was unfortunate in havingsucli Speaker us llewit. Ho is uttuly duyo.l(J pi dignity ami loft the euair on mwu WW H't" occasion to m dulgu in the vilest abuse, upon the floor To him, more than all ntlier. is the dis older and tmbulenco of the House to hu barged. The voters of Blair county yii',f(f tff:)) to let him remain at home lereafte(r. 'Vei us a wholo the session was batten of good nyultpls record was tiliwoiipy, unl yio mom vers who prefer vol their reputations, ought foWthunk iuUiint they eBcaicd defilement, 'Tlio THE COLUMBIAN AND Philadelphia delinquent tnx law was not repealed, and for this failure the peoplo of the city have themselves to thank. When they succeed in sending reputable representatives to the legislature, they will receive more sympathy and nssls tauco from country members, nud from tho people of tho State. run sniii.M's work. Tho storm of last week did great dam age in various paits of lho State, thu loss ol property being very heavy. The llood in tlio West Branch carried away several sections of the Lock Haven boom and fifteen or twenty millions of feet of lum ber were swept away. Much of this will bo recovered. A tremendous earth slide near Whctham on the Philadelphia it Krio R. R. wrecked a freight train. Fourteen cars were smashed or destroy ed by lire, Geo. Brand, a brakeman, was instantly killed, and he was mo only one injured. A train on lho Bald Eagle Valley road, near Eaglevillo was thrown from the track and badly damaged. The passengers escaped with scratches and bruises. Washouts are reported in many places "on different railroads. At Pittsburg tho river roso twenty nine leet um tho low lands along tho batik were Hooded. Families were compelled to abandon their dwellings, and seek places of safety on higher ground. The Josses of lumber are immense and is believed will aggregate 1,000,000. Fortunately no lives were lost. Work in some o'f the largo mauuiaetur'mg establishments along tho river will bo suspended for some days to come. Tho Pnxton creek overflowed its banks at Ilarrisburg and tho lower part ol the city as inundated. Gardens were destroyed, fences and out buildings washed awav and much dam age done. The storm extended over a great re gion of country and was very severe along tho New Jersey coast. The southern mails were delayed by a wash out ot the railroad track near llavre-dc-Grace, Md. In Minnesota tlio storm was exceedingly severe and was accompanied by a gale that prostrated buildings, up rooted trees and destroyred the growing grain. Two or three lives were lost by Jailing buildings. Such a heavy and prolonged storm in .lime is something umuual. and may bo included in the list of extraordinary happenings in this year of grace 1881. ADJOUHNMENT OF TUB LEUISbATUUE. It was mv privilego t'o bo present at tho closing sessions of tlio legislature last week. Everybody has heard of tho contusion that attends the making ol laws in this state, but no one can realize tlio extent of it, until ho has seen with his eyes and heard witli his ears. While bills were being voted on, on final pas sage in tlio House, tho members were engaged in throwing paper balls at each other, and the convocation and general hubbub was such that it was utterly im possible to tell how a member voted whilo the yeas and nays were being called. Tho reading clerk, Pearson, called the roll of two hundred members and took their votes on one bill in two minutes and forty-live seconds. Not more than ono half the mem bers voto unless some bill of importance is up, but this does not prevent the Chief Clerk.llarry llulm, from recording them on whichever sido ho thinks will do the most good. It is asserted that a certain measuro wliicli,according to the clerks tab ly.failed of passage by one voto on Wed nesday night, actually received enough votes 10 passu. v nue n. is wen Known in Ilarrisburg that Uiihu has been in thu habit of passing or killing bills by man ipulating tlie tally list, I bavo never observed in tho reports ot legislative pro ceedings that anybody has ever mado an effort to put a stop to his corrupt prac tices. It would have been a proper thing for some of the so-called reform statesmen to bavo taken this matter in hand, by insisting upon it that the laws should be mado by those who wero sent there for the purpose,and not according to tho whim of the clerk. One of the first things that strikes tlie visitor to the House, is that tho cousin lionul convention made a grave blunder in increasing tho number of representatives. 1 his has made nn uuwichllv body, and the quality of statesmen lias deteiiora ted in a far greater ratio than tlie quanti ty has been increased. There are uti- loubtedly some able men in the legisla ture, but tins j are an exception to the rule. There are altogether too many young and inexperienced hands at tlio wheel, a fact that is mado clearly apparent by reference to tho proceedings of tho past session. The minds of tho majority of tho members seemed to bo moro inter ested in tlio question of salary,duringtlie closing hours, than in tho bills that were being rapidly read on final passage A committee of tho Scnato and House was appointed immediately after adjournment to conduct proceedings in tlie courts, to compel the State 1 reasurer to pay the extra five hundred dollars to cacli mem ber, which under the advice of tho Attorney-General ho has refused to pay. For a session of one hundred and fifty days, if the time wero profitably spent, fifteen hundred dollars is not too much, but that is not the point in dispute. It is simnlv whether tho law which allows a per litem of ten dollars after ono hundred days, is constitutional, and tho motive ot thu Attorney General in deciding that it is not, can havo very littlo to do with it. As the legislative apptionment bill did not pass, a special session will probably bo called by lho governor for next winter. TUB TROUIiLK IN MILLEKSBUItU. A despatch from Lancaster dated Juno 9th gives the following interesting ao count of tlio scliolabtio mutiny, which lias caused so much e$cjteuent through out thu State: "The troubles whin!) layo been brewing iu tlio Millersvillo State Jv'onnal School, four miles from here, for sotiin weeks, caino to a climax this morning, when between seventy and eighty of tho students, who withdrew from thu sihool on Monday, marched do, vn to this cilv under the escort of about onu hundred nud fifty of their com panions and departed for their various homes. The circumstance? which led un to tho present situation are briefly as fol lows : Among the rules of the institution is onu forbidding any of tho students to see their friends anywhero else than iu tho parlor nt tlio school biil)ing. The female students aru not permitted to s)iow their fathers or brothers arpipid thu grounds, nor tho male students their mothers or sisters, even on nnniversaiy occasions. Even visitors tiro not allowed in tho grounds accompanied by persons of thu opposito sex. A gentleman came from West Chester not long sinco witlf his wile to call upon her sister, who is a student iu thu suhool.aiid was compelled to separate from her whilo passing from tlie street to the buildings. A graduate of the sclio6l stopped to converse with two old ladies, parents of some of his joriner cluskinates, who wero seated in tho ground,am) was ordered away by sumo of the teachers. Last Friday Dr. Brooks addressed the students iu the chapel upon thu suli jt jQt and iu the course of Ids remarks Prohibited any public criticism of thu J rules' of tho school by tho students, UVJtiU.r JI.Ua DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO TNT upon pain ot suspension or expulsion. This occasioned even greater indignation among tho students und at n reunion of tlio literary societies, held on Saturday evcning,tho editor of tho occasion, J. V, Coates, of Lycoming county, rend nn ar ticle fiercely attacking Ibis "effort to sup press trcedotn ol speech, as Dr. Hrooks action and that of tho faculty was de- seiibcd. Tho editor's sentiments were rnptutotisly applauded by the largo as semblage of students present and the enthusiasm was redoubled when J. I). Hippie, of Mount Joy,tnok the lloor nud in his capacity as critic gave Coates n vigorous endorsement for tho stand lie had taken. The affair terminated in a voto of thanks to tho editor and critic, which passed with a rush All this oc curred in tho presenco of Dr. Brooks, who constituted ono of tlio audience. On Monday lho faculty look cognizance of tlie matter and expelled Coates and suspend ed Ripple. In anticipation of this event a paper nsd been mil in circulation among tlio students pledging tlio signers to leave tho school it Coates and Hippie were dismissed. Tho faculty remained firm, tho rebels resolute, and", ns soon ns tho sentence had been pronounced upon the offending editor and ciiitc, final ar rangements wero made for an extensive withdrawal fromthoinstitution Tuesday night tlieio was an enthusiast iu gather ing of the disaffected, in which pledges wero exchanged to stick to tlio last, and Coates nud Hipplo wero lionized by their companions. On Wednesday morning there were a few additional suspensions, and tlio fiat that went forth alt who mani fested sympathy with the malcontents by accompanying "them to Lancaster would bo siinilnily treated. The female students, who are in close sympathy with thu revolt against tho rules, were refused permission to seo tho boys off, but they disobeyed, even though ordered hack with a club, and when the line moved towards Lancaster they as sembled in thu yard and shook liamb'jover tne lence Willi tlie revolters. A band led the way and a prominent feature of the display was a banner borne aloft by onu of thu students bearing tlie legend, Free Speech," in largo characters. "Along the line of march the procession was cordially greeted. Arrived in this city tlio body assembled in front of the olflice of the fntellt'iencer, which newspaper lias ta ken up the cudgels quite energetically in behalf of tlio rebels, anil after tho band had played a serenade, three rousing cheers wero given for its editors. The party then repaired to tlio Pennsylvania Railroad Depot and about sixty'of the number left for their homes, their depar ture being the occasion of tremendous cheering. It is said tho number of depart ures will reach onu hundred." A Coal Miner Impalcil on a Priming Needle. A miner named Charlos Gilgallon, of Arelibald, is suffering from onu of the most painful accidents that ever occurred at that place. He had with him in tlie chamber where he worked a hoy who helped him to load coal and put away his tools. Whilo inserting a charge of pow der for the purpose of blasting down some coal, Gilgallon handed the priming needle, a sharp, slender tool five feet in length, to the boy, who thiew it into the "gob," with tlie point sticking upward. As soon as Gilgallon tired thu fuse leading to tlie blast he jumped on thu "gob," to get out of tho way and was impaled upon the priming needle, which entered at the groin and caino out just back of tho arm-pit. Physicians say it penetrated tho liver and right lung. With tlio needle thus slicking through him, Gilgallon ran some distance, then staggered, fell and called tho horrified boy to his assistance. In tlio fall the miner's light went out, and the lamp in the lad's hat revealed a shock ing spectacle when ho went to his aid. Willi much dillicully he pulled tho needle from Gilgallon's body. Just then tho driver caino along ami called out, "Bring on that, ear." Tlie wouudut man sprang to his feet and pushed the wagon out of tho chamber without any nsistance,tlien walked about IS00 yards along the gang way.until lie met two laborers, who help ed him out of thu mine. The doctors who are attending him think it possible tnat lie may recover, as ho is endowed with wonderful vitality and courage. Mine accidents aro of frequent occurence and various kinds, but nothing so peculiarly painful as this lias ever happened beforu IT nion-Leader. CHEAP U. R. TICKETS TO TIIJJ WEST. If you are (joing west save tlmu um! mcney by buying tickets from It. D. Darlington, agent lit Huport. He represent licpt routes to the west and norlhweat, Trains lenve I'upert at C.'lfi a. m., 8:50 a. m , anil -hOO p. m. For rated und information, c ill on ormhlrm It. D. Dahmnoto.v, May 12-tiw Ticket Atrenl, Ttiiperl, I'n. News Items. Several cases of small-pox aro reported in Norristown. Francis Murphy is drawing largo crowds to Ins temperance meetings in the oil regions. Trickett, the famous Australian oars man, lias arrived iu this country and it is expected will take part iu races this season. At Chicago, on Sunday night, officer Mahoney, while attempting to arm at two drunk' ii burglars, was shot and killed. J ho burglars escaped. Kx-Jttdgo Reichard of Wilkes Bairo returned from Furopo on Saturday. It is tho seventeenth time lie has crossed tho Atlantic. The Dauphin-county Com t have grant ed a new trial to Henry and Frank Rum. bergerjconvicted of the murder of Daniel Troiitniau in December last. 4neric:pi hgrs.es n0'itiuto successlul abroad. Mr. Lorrillanl's .Wiyi(')(.t has won tho Princoof Wales stakes, and Mr. Jfeeno's FwhaU tho (jraml Prize of Paris. Fifty hogs have died lately iu tlie vi cinity of .lerieo Long Island, from a strange diseaso which bailies thu skill of th veterinarian surgeons. The diseasu is said to bo spreading. WiHiaii) fross attempted, to cross llip Siisquchaina near Fairnndsyillu pu Fri day last, using two logs lashed together ns a boat. Iu trying to leap ashore from the logs lie fell into lho stream, and was iriwn!l. The hiiblnctfs part of the village- nf Lttdingtou, on Lake Michigan, at the terminus of the Flint and Pcre Marquette Railway, was nearly destroyed by flro Sunday evening. Tlio loss is estimated at $200,000. The jury investigating tlio Victoria disaster rendered a verdict in which they find thu capsizing of the boat was due to water iu tlio hold; that the boiler was not securely fastened, and the supports of tho proineiiiulo mul hnrrieanu decks were not properly braced, and of too slender a nature i also condemning tho engineer, captain, nud government inspector for not repairing the above defects. Thu captain and manager wero subsequently arrested and held to bail to answer the chitrgu of manslaughter. An extensive cave-in of a portion of the Diamond mines iu Wilkes Untie is expected. Orders have been issued by Charles Panish ifc Co.Jhu operators, for bidding nny employees to enter tho inlno until further notice. Lydla E. Pitikliam's Vegetnblo Com pound is a reiuarkablo remedy for nil those painful complaints and weaknesses common to our best female population. Send to Mrs. Lydla li. Pinkhatn, 2M Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. Tho coroner's jury in tho recent railroad disaster nt Hear .Swamp, rendered a ver dict censuring the Pennsylvania R. I!. Co., for not employing a stillluient nud competent force to operate switches ami signals. Three jurors dissented and filed a minority verdict. Port Huron Commercial. Charles Nelson, Esq., Proprietor Nel son House, speaking to us recently, ob served: 1 suffered so much with rheu matism that my arm withered, and phys icians could not help me. I was iu de spair of my life, when some one advised mo to try St. Jacob's Oil. I did so, and ns if by magic, I was instantly relieved, and, by lho continued use of tlio oil en tirely cured. I thank heaven for having used this wonderful remedy, for it saved tny lijc. It nlso cured my" wife. Governor Iloythas issued a charter to the Water Gap and Schuylkill Rail road Company, the lino to run from Fottsvi"o, passing through Schuylkill, Carbon and Monroe counties to the Delaware Water Gap. Tho road is to be O.'i miles long anil the capital stock of lho company three million dollars. Henry Wheleii, of Philadelplii a,is presi dent of the company. Parents will find tlio A. S. T. Co. Black Tip not objectionable like the metal, while it wears as well. By asking for it on their children's shoes they can reduce their shoe bills one-half. According to lho recent census, the population of Loudon is !l,81 1,."71. This includes thu cities of London and West minster and the ten parliamentary bor oughs of thu metropolis. Tho entire length of London north of the Thames is about 1 0.J iniles,nud south of tlio Thames, 10 miles; breadth, 10.J miles; circum ference, 00 miles. II. H. Carpenter, Ksq., Henderson, N Y. Cured of Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twenty years' standing, by tho Culiciira Resolvent internally, and Cuticura and Cutieurn soup externally. The most won derful case on record. Patrick Rielly, of Sniokotown, near Curbuudalc, attempted to assassinate Rev. Father O'Rourke, dining the cele biatiou of ma-s Sunday inoining. Rielly leturned home from thu Danville Insane Asylum a few months ago, and has been frantic at times since then. On Sunday morning ho marched through thu streets to thu church, carrying a joaded repeat ingiille. Arrived there ho passed up the centre aislo to the altar and aimed his gun at thu priest. Several men caught him before he could fire and forced him from the church. Important to Tkaviu.i'.bs Special in-(liict-muuts are nfr.-reil you by the Iliirlluttoti Route. It will pay you to read their adver tisement to hi- found elsewhere in this issue. March 18 10-w Candidates. (All porson-i whoso names aro announced In this column, aro iledsjed to abldo by tlio decision of the Democrat lo convention, which will meet on 'ruesday August Olh. POU I'ltOTIIO.NOTARY. Wo aro authorized to announce Ui3 namo ot WIL. MAM KltlUKIIAUM, of IlloDmsutirt;, ns a candidate forre-nomtnatlon for thoonico of prolhonotary nnd cPrkof tlit sever d ourts, subject to thorulesot tho Democratic party. associati: .itnwi:. Wo nr.i authorized to nnnouncu tho rnmo of TaMKS I,Ki:, of Scott lownthlp, ns a ctmlldilofor tho ollleo of Asioelaw .I ml ire, subject to tho rules of ASSOCIATE .Tl'PO If. Wo aro nntho't.ed to nnnouneo lho name of P. I., S t'U N, of CuaHlski usa candidate lur Associ ate Jiuifu, mibjict lo Pcmocrnllo rules. COUNTY TIlEAKUItEIl. Wo aro authored to nnnouneo tho rnmorf NA THAN UUUSV, as a candidate t. r tlio otllce of louniy j reasurer, suijeei lotno ruiesci inu Dcnv ocratlo parly. Wn nro authorized to announce tho namo of n i ni it n.i 41111., ui -.imiw L" M m?ium, iia u iumui dale for lho ofllco ot County Commissioner, subject COUNTY TKEAbUltEIt. NATHAN Jtll.I.Ett, of Main township, authorizes us to annoiinciilils namo ns a eandWate for tho of tleo ot County Treasurer, tubject to tho rules of the iiemucruiu pany. COUNTY CO.MMlSSIONr.il. Wo nro authorized to nnnouneo tho namo of Wtf, HAM S. I'lSllh.it, of Main township, as acandldato for 1 ounty Commissioner, subject to tho lulesof mu uemucrai iu pai ly. YOU ASSOCIATE JUDGE. Wo nio autl.ni!d to nnnouneo tho namo ot ISAAC K. KllICKIHl'.M, of Denton township, ns u candidate for tho i.tlleo or Associate Judge.subject iu iiie rules oi mu uemueiaiu pany. l'OK ASSOCIATE JUDGE. Wo nro authorized to nnnouneo tho namo of J, PAUL I'll fcY, if Heater township, as a candidate for Ahsoclate Judge, subject to lho rules cf lho ueniociniiu puny. KEOISI Hit AND lIKCOHDKlt. MIOIIA EI, 1 EYHItl.Y, of IllooiiKbun.', authorizes us in nnnouneo uis iinino ns a canamrtie ror me or lleo of lt (flster nnd lit eorder, MibJ.-ct to tha deels. Ion uf the Democratic County (lonventlon. OOL'NTY COMMISSION!?!!. We am nut homed to nnnouneo tho nmno of (umii.LH KKicuAitr, r.i.Maiu lowii'iup. nsnenn dldato for lho Ihee ot Couuty Comrnlsiioner. tub J.ct 10 the decision ct tho Democratic Convention COUNTY THEASUItKIt. V.'o are authorized t uunouneo the nnmn of JAM KS l I HPKU, of -Main township, ns a cumulate lor the ofllcy of Couii'y Triuuier, subj.-ct tho rules 01 1 11 j ueiuocrauo pany. COUNTY TllKASUKKIt. We nro authorized to announce tho namn r.f A. M. Johns in. on count iiwnt .in s oana djto for tl.o mice of couuty Tnnsurtr, subjeuto the rules oi 1110 utmocrauc pany. COUNTY COM.MISSIO.NEU. WotHoru'hotliedtn rnromooiho nomoofll.r Kim Ml. of PlstslnKcrcrk township, n acandldato for ih t olllcii nt County ( ommltsljiicr, suujjct to tlij rules of tho Democratic! p ir(y. V. Ulll.lC NOTfCT. Notice h h rehy riven that nn npnilcatton' will be mado tn IlltH xcelleno', lleury.M. llnyi, (Inu-ruor of tlio .Statu ot I'cnns.Wvnuhi.tor a elm tern! Incorpnra. tlonef "'I he I'.Uawlfcs.i Manufacturing Company" on Ihnr.ih day of Julv.A. l mi. uikIt tho provisions n! the (icnenil el .f Asm intily, opprov. d tho tweu. ty.nluth day of Mull, A. !., I7I. Tlio eharjeier und object, ot paid eeinpiiuy to bo Inecri orated tiling thn building und manuladurliigof rutliond eara an t tho eairjlngon nf a genral foundry und Iron busluess In connection therewith. W. II 1IIIAWN, Att'y for Company. Catawls-at, l'a., -ItinoU, ISl-Sw WANTED; Cauvaf M l s In every conn ly In inu Mato tu tuku orders Ipr Nursery Mock. Steady anil Uestrablu Ihn- nlovmrnt at Hoot) WMIKH. Exnerlenco In the bu. kIiiuuh not required. Nursciles Vildcly and favorably Known, ror utiph iHtureis Van Duscn .Nuiscruai C. I.. VAN DVSEN. Ettablhlied Isa'J. I tltLVA.N. V. fpb. I", 'll.qti ow AlaoyocWnt wholesale. riii, nun hoi.n. REVISED NEW TESTAMENT! IT yi3TJ.S THE VASTEST ! 1st. lleeausoltls an exact rep-o.ucl'on.word for word, llni for line, pigo fir pjgo-of lho ntilliorlo Iyer. Hou olCiunbiltlgo. lis exact accuracy Is guaranteed by three lell.llu (ilullng housts, nnd uhuhvthe followlnjruuilngulshed llltllcal schohirs.-o. II, 'llirany D. D. It- !.. I'll la.; I. II. Hall, I.I., p uobt. "'Villi, riee'auso It contains a c.impieto history ot this droit Itovlston Movcinoot, and glua biographical fkeli heael the i rnlnoi.t iin-n engaged upon It, , .. . Notice ihiTestlmiiiivot UiadliiL' Lllvluen: . . . "Wo tako n'9WlM PI o.'itlfjlng to Its necuraev: in typography. preKH work nndb'ndiiig, lllsuvery wnveojimeiidiulu. hignud A.l'. Sell turner D.D., N. V.i Julia Peddle, D. D., N. V.i C. II. Kimball, 1). I)., 1'hlla." , . I cuiuinend to my friend, luo Anglo-Mner- ICUU IMI'lUli J, r. ni'ttUlUll, I... Il , n, I. T. Miblnn. I). n. N Y " , . "I bellevo It Ui Iw a Is a nurvei oi American enierpn.se, nuv r. a. i. I rlceBi-Includlng "llistorv'-Cloth, $1.60; Arabesuuo, la.iw. Ithout History, Cloth red cdgos.tl.O): Venetian Morocco. 0, gill eugeH, i Ml. rpic iiniiicti mi r.t'eui if iirtrv vt la-re ttohuvc unuueut. 20,000 AlibNTS VANTKI)raVira works, f u ow Already Hold. AgenH are making lit) tolsonjr week, as Wo mi 'I Hue Ui U)s. ZiUlriw uiltlliAUli II Iu ., I'ubllshiM, lit Chesmut strut t, I'htlndrlph'a ty NouU eremtloiisooutulu ihLsliuportuiit History or Um droit itovlalou Muvemeut, llut log three egriil Iirlntli B t mceH ui,U i Iclil tuii.H rl a at wcik lny vbdilglit W cam ttiur i'i(oiiTi.v Auoiri'4o,ooDcorjitintK winit. u junonw fiificiira Itching Hiiniors.Scaly Humors, Blood U it mora speedily, permii-ui-utlj' nud economically cured when physicians nnd till other methods itlll t'uttoiir.i ltesolrcnt, tlio now lilooit Partner, In trrimllr, Cniloum, n Mt'illcltinl .Tcl'V. nvslsteil by tlio ciitlcnrn .Medicinal ami To'Iet Soap, ruler nullv, liavo orrurini'l thy moit mlrae-Mom cures of Itch liiK. Scaly ami Serotinous lluinoisovcrri'CoiUi.'Uln int'dl at nniiMi. Eczoma Eotleut, V. It. Drake, Kq ,ncnt for tlaipcr and ttrotliers, Detroit, Midi., Rives an (LStnntslilnif account, i ' Ills cn.! (Hiv.eiim Undent), wtilcli Had lieen treated liya consultation or flUMclans ultliout lienelll, nt.tl speedily jleldcd to tlio L'utlctirA ltemuillca. Salt Rhoum, Will McDonald. SMI Dcorlinni street, t'litcno, pralefnilv ncKnowledircsix euro of salt lllieum on lieiJ, iicek.f.vo.nrmsnnil lejcs for notrntuen jenrs: not alilo lo walk except in lmnHnnd kneuafor ono venr: notnhlo to hiip himself forcltflit yeirsi tiled hundred! of remedies; doctors pronounced tils ensj liopi loha: permanently cured by tlio Cuticura Kmc dies. Eingworra. (ten.W. Ilrnwn,4S .Marshall slreetl'rovlrtenee. It. t., cured by cullcura UemeUI'aof a Itlnirworm lln mor cotat tho barber', which spread all out lits ears, n ck nnd race, nnd tor bu jeais resisted all kind of treatment. Skiu Disease. S. A. Steele. Esi., Chicago, III., siyss "I will ray tint before I used Cuticura ltcmedlc I wai In a fear ful state, nnd had ?lvon up nil hope of ever having any relief. They have pel formed a wonderful cure for mo and of my own Iroe will nudnceord 1 recommend them." Oitlcnrn tlcmcdlcs nrc 'prepared by WKKKHJC roiTUlf, Chemists nnd PnurjTlst.fi, ado Washington Htrect. lloston, anil for sale by nil drnsttflsts. 1'ilrcR ot cuticura a Medicinal Jelly, small boxes Co cents larire uoxi-sll. I'litlcurallesohent, lho new llloon l'urlller, $ per hot tin. Cuticura Medlcloal'lollet Hoap. 'Jlcents, Cuticura Medicinal WhaMnir Soup; 13 cent?: In bars for barbers nnd larcu consumers,.'.!) cents. All mailed frro on receipt of prleo. send for Illustrated Trcatlso on tho Skin. A GHAND COMBINATION OF BLOOD, 15RAIN AND NERVE FOODS. Malt Hitters derlvo their wonrlprful l tru-touinin. Ins Properties trom siai.t. their (Julctlmr und sleep- luiii.'idiv iiiuuriiuu inmi noes lueirgrnnd 'ionic and lever Kxielllni; powers from camsiya. anil their lllood-Nourlshln! 1'rlnclnles rrnm mov. which nro four of tho irreatst ninnd.l'rnrtiirpr ntu! Mre. Lri- iiiuK uiemuius ever united in ono medicine, l or I'cnc.m. i-envuci, ivursin? .Mothers, nnd flekly Chtl- ucu ,11111 i.uicia uu- supreme. . jiu ever wnere. M.'lt Bitter Ci nipmy, Uouon, Mas'. I rxiM. Ono C.iit.ixa' Voltaic Fi.vc. Lvl-'-,,'c" TKto l i.ASTEii. cnstlDL'Xiirpnfa. VOITMC jj!gjUEC1N0! I'l Ap-rrda I'uiiiio. ineyinsinnu.v renee 1 trv lUHliWli. I.lvcr I'nmtilnlnt. Malarli reverund U'uo it ml Kidney nnd Urinary Hilt cullies, and may h worn over tho pltof the torn tell, over the kldncts or nnv infected nart. Price S3 cents. Sold everywhere. WEEKS s t'OT- uk, notion, sum. ci juneio-lin Itiii-(!WH hxcriwioK Tickets, from rMffiim arvl iotntt, t DEN TJ nw nn a1 fttifl it irtnj" thrt tti'ficin. Vr.K.UULUUAUU HFKIJNUS, II till l'UEIILO, AND ItETUUN, l.yMX Oil MH-HtKNT JtourKM, lit WOM'ltT fully low late. TIhuo tlekt'ta will In? (?hh irmnir went within llftpcn (IS) iliij--triutulitcnf wile, tuiti to return until (ktoher 3 1st following. l'ulliiinri J'filiKti Cum nn mrt by tliln n-iniintiv trvmi CHICAGO U COUNCIL IltUFFS, TOPKA nin! KANSAS CITY, formlnn n Mm- wlil. Init out- rhruift) uf mrt to DEHVEU ami rUEULO. lMnhttf Car aro ut tnchiit to nil thruuvh tinln, Inwhlcli rnoaldranbe obtained at tliotvion able price of icTcnty.flvo cntd. For rates, farther Itiformatlim ami decant Map ot UnlU.d Statu j tru atldrt'88, J. Q. A, BEAN, Gen'lEaiternAgt,. :si7 llroaUway.NewYork.nmlHCb Va&klm:ton St., llLHtou, Maud SUEIUFFS SALE.. lly Mrtuc of a writ of VeLd. Ex. Issued out of tho Court ot commou l'lens ot Columbia county and to me directed, will to exposed to public tnlo on tho prt mlses at tu o o clock p. m on HUDAY, JUNK 17th, 1881. .Ml that certain lot of ground situate In Centralla llorough, bounded ni d dcfccr.bed n3 follows: On the noith by nn alley, on tho east by lot of .Mary Fin noil, on tho south by liullroad Avenue, nnd on the west by I'axton street, containing twenty-tlvo feet In front and ono hundred and forty feet in depth hereon nro ciLCtcd a two story fraino dwelling huiiio .na other ouWjulIdlngs. Seized, taken In execution nt .ho suit of Frank itentz, Assignee, Ac, ugalust tha Centralla Mutual Saving Fund Association, and to bj sold aatho prop- city of lho Centialla Mutual HaMcg Fund Associa tion Fiii:ezs Jliuu, Attorney b. U. II. ENT. H S Ml Mierltf. EXKCUTOKS' SALK OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! Tlio undersigned oxecutorsof Samuel Miarfor, Sr., lato of tho town of .Illoomsburg, In the County o! Columbia, deceased, will t-xposo to salo upon tbo premises on Thursday, Juno 80, 1881, beginning at 10 o clock, a. in. tho following Tit ACT? cf LAND. No. I, known ns lho UOMESTEAI) FAIIM, situ ate in East liloomsburg, county aforesaid, bounded unl dcser.bed ns follows, tow!!: hounded on the nt rth by Flshlngcreek, on tho south by other lands of said wmuei Mhalrcr, tin raea of the liloomsburg Iron company belni tin dividing line, and ou tho west by sild Flshlngcrctk, containing 141 ACRES AND W PKUOIIES. No. tluuto in East liloomsburg aforesaid bounded nnd described as fullnns, to wit; Hounded on tho norh by other lands of said Samuel Shaffer, deceased, tno r.ico ot mo liloomsburg Iron Company being tho dlvidlctr Hue. on lho otst by Flshlngcreek and 1'iiida of Mathian Mi tifer, on tho eouth by land1 citJohn ti, Freeze, Ksij , and ou thu west by public road leading from llloumsburg to Mt. 1'leaa.int, con lalnlng ft'i .teres mul 117 I'ciclios. Tho abovo tracts of lant nro Inn high statu o! cultlvatlnn nndth 10 nro (reeled Ihereon, llol'SES ViAUNS, imrt other ciiMiulldlnga Inn good statu of repair. Theto tracts will bo sol.! subject to such reserva- lions nnd exceptions nsnru had nnd mado by the liloomsburg Iruii Company la deed to 3a! I Samuel WialTer, do 'taFed. 'l ho executors nlso reseivo all grain In lho ground growing crops and persons! propel t r upon tho ncm sos. TEH MS 01' SAME Ton per rent, of one-fourth t inn iiureuu.si iiiont-v uiuu ji.iui ni inu SDlKlUg dou ( f the propertj: tho ono-Iourlli Uss tho ten per lent. Apill 1st, Its s nne-lialt vt lha remaining ilirto rourllis Apill I, usa, nnd tho reinnlnhg one halt ct lho tiuee-fourlhs April 1, ivii.wiiu inures) from April isr, ul, nu deferred payments, psyable unmully, unpaid imrehaso money to lm becured nt boud ami mortgage. Deeds and mortgagea to be bo paid for by piuehair j'ussihmuu itiii uo given .vpiu ist, iss-j, WILLIAM HII.UYEIt. 11. 1". lUltl'AUN. L Uvfciilm-o JOfl.N Al'I'LEMAN, J Juno Ift-Sw Fitters Till! ANOI.O A.li:iH('AN ltllit) I'upular Edition of the . . . 1 iuiuwh, vuuvu, i-nu i-tunuuu. win. i-rtect reprint. Chas. F, Deems, l, 1) , N, y," . , .jt messier, uruoKitn." ITHI.V, ncllvo l.vlloaudgeiitlmen i work. It 14 Kir OulHellhiir all oilier njrweck.us mllllous waut this work. iutiu Y, PA. f7k..l.. .. . . UIBStlUI, Ul'0:i I CCCipi Ol .- ti rirviivf the kind ol' immediately send by nail, gratuitously, with width3 and pricfl markc .', catniilcs of Dress Goods, Silks, Etc. showinr tto late t stylc-i, an I enabling a purchaser in any part of the United Stale to f Jcct satisfactorily, and order the roods conveniently, wil'i certainty of receiving only what aro sent for, and at p. wisely the same prices paid by city cur.tomcn who In- at mir counters. If, upon examination nt home, nay a.ticlc-J f;iit to be ni expected, we request their return, and send others i;t exchange, or refund the money .-.!: once if the purchaser prefers. Our New Spring Catalogue embracing all the dcp.utincii's in one large bonh, with a system of orderinjf gud.i h letter more convenient than any heretofore, will be mail :d, witlunit charge, to those who send us a postal card ci .itaining name, town, county, and state: nothiilg further i i necessary, we will under stand what is wanted. Our stock, which fornvi the greatest variety m one establishment in the United i'-talca, includes Ladies' Suits, Shawls, Millinery, Underwear, Hosiery, Cdovcs, Jewelry, Laces, Embroideries, Shoes, Linens, Gentlemen's Cloth ing, Housekeeping Goods, China, Silverware, Furniture, Carpets, etc. Addrcs3, John Wanamaker PHILADELPHIA. ni. Our Store. l.non ni tlio Cran.l I lu.-n'.Hna.l J!.irl.rl mkcm, cxi- Ciiy 11. "I f "ii.Te, nrd list r. , Ln tlm ..... . i.iin x 5 r O. IB. ROBBIITS, (SUCCESEOI5. TO D. W. ItODBIWrS,) DHAZ.BR IK niicKramllcs, WlilsUlcN, i.liis, Mil 1111 Ull lltlli.i. ISirOUTKI) AL1S AND rOHTERS IN 110TTLES BY THE DOZEN. T mi.llnrils tl.rntiMi nnf, tho coiiniv .-. " . " . T .. call and examine my stcck Ucloro BLOOMSBURG, PA., Maia Street, 2nd Door below Iron. Julys.'swy WEBER- PIAlsTOS, A FINE INLAID FKKX0II WALNUT CASE ORGAN, STOPS, S!)0 CASH t:asy 'I'eriim. SHdNraclltui C.iiarmitc:il. EA-aoisT's txa.jsto wa.k.e booms, 3IUSI0 HALL 1JLOCK, WI11IZBS-1IARR.B, PA. Junoio.'si.iy OIU'IIANS" COUKT SAJiH OP VAI.UAIILE Meat IDisitle I By vlrtuo of an order Issued out cf thu Orphans' Court of CcIuinMa county, the UQuerMgncd admin istrator of tho cstato ot Philip Miller, iloccascd, will exposoto public nalo on lho premises In Centra township, on SATURDAY, JUNK ?.1TH, 1SS1, at two o'clock p. m., tho following Cescrlbed real ostato, to-wlt: LOTM)3, sltuato la Centro township aforesaid, bounded and described as follows: On tho nest by land of Jnrn:scm, and on the soutli by lot of lien Jamtu Jllller, on tho east by purpai t No. B, and ou tho north by purport No. ,conutulns Ono Hundred and Scvcnly.nluo Perches. LOT NO. e, sltuato In Centro township aforesaid, bounded and des:rlbedas follows: On tho west by purpar;s .tos a and 4, nnd lot of llenjamln .Vlllcr, on thu smith hv nurn.lrf.Vn. Inn th nrtc part No. o, and on tho north by purpart No. 2, con talnlntr TWO ACHES and lltty-nlao perches LOT NO. c, sltuato In Ceniro township, aforesaid, uuiiuucj on inu hcsi, souin, cast and north by pur. parts N03. 5, 1, T and a, respectively, containing TWO ACRES and iltty-nlno perches. LOT NO. 7, sltuato In Centro township, aforesaid, bounded on tho west, south, east and north by pur parts Nos.il, l, s ant a respectively, containing TWO ACHES and tltty-nlnoperchCF. LOT NO. 0. situate In rvntrn town-thin nfnoM bounded on lho north, west and south by purparts ' 0 "nu i respecuvciy, ana tho east by pur parts NOS. 11 and 1-2. nnil lnt nt ln.l.n-rln,.in. and John W. Shumau, containing TWO ACItES nnd Lor no. m., situate In Centro township, afore said, bounded on tho north, ea9t and south by pur puts No, land 2, and on.tho west by purparts N03. 11 and 12, and by lot of Androw Olnales and juuu . cuuiuan, containing two ACHES nndrif. ty-nlno perches. LUI' NO. II. Sltuato In (Vntrn tnu-nehln nfA-..ni., bounded on tho west, north and oast by purparts .um iu respectively, and on tho boiuu by lot of Androw Clngles and John V. Shuman, con tatnlngFllty Perches. LOT .NO, tAsitualu In Contro lo.vnshlp.arorcs .hi, bounded on tho north by tho Uckawanna nnd Hloomiburg rnllroad.on tho oast, uninii i. puiparts, Nos. 10, land V. resptotlvely, containing . . ulna, Lot Na. 15, sltuato In Main township, county aforesild.bjiindedoiitha north by thoS'isiueh una river, on tho cist aud south by l.ind-t now or lato of tho heirs of (leorgo LoiigenU-rgi r, deceased, und or. tho west by lands cf , containing 112 ACRES. and mty-two perches. i.o r no. io, a WHAltt' lot. situate In tho vlllngo of Espy. Columbia county, aloicsald, adjoining tho North llranch Canal on tho souih, an alley on tlio north, nnd .Market street In said Iowa on tho west containing about threcfourihs of a s.pnro pcrth ' Also, tho undivided one-third of thu following di-'s. crlbed piece or pirccl ot Uuii sltuato in Centro toivnfhlii(recoveredbveltni!nii,..,inai , ertoNu.M. December Term, Istj, iioco tho death . .mni.iiuit-rj, uounuoo aud described at follows to wit: ltcutnnlDir at a stonp. ,i ancthon liaker.thenco north thlity lU.'rcesaiid teii uuuii-a uy i inn or riiii p .Miiiu.- ono hundred nnd live perches to astonn. C tl. Illck-tu norlh bl.uy.lvu and Ihreo.ipiartey tie. grees east ucwnty-omi and four tof.n.1 iK.-rches toasWne.thenco by Und o( Nathaniel L. (,'amr bell south thirty dei;r.'ta and ten ir Iniiles east nine-ty-two and acven.tcntln perches to n hodo thoncs by lot of .hwhui W. hi, ...,n, u.. ' ?,',w. 1?.Un,1"lr,,r, tlogrn Wttt twww-nvo and .....v-n.M,... .utii iu a suine, tuencs by Und ot lho samo south .cast. . t .... ho northern corner ot aforesaid Ian lo! Melancthon Maker; thencu by Kl. land south sUty.seveii and ouo-rpiartcr degrees west forty-slx and threcteuihs , .v .no jnatiu ui w'Kinning, containing rorcy-tour Acroa TEHMS 01' HAI.E.1 fourth cf ths purchase money to be paid at tho tin! j mo ouo rourth less tho ten per cent, at the conilrmatlon of sale, and lho remaining throo-fourths In ouo year thereof tor with Interest from comirinniinn ni, n..,... chasers to pay for deed or Heeds. IIENJAMIN .MILLKII. Juno8-t3 Adtnlnutrntor. Tho Man WhoSpoiuls Money riir uiivcriising in newppnpeis n theso tlnwa ft . I'r' ,'plnlng iu, isilinale if (lEo ' ? tow hl.L Cl)'lt Newspaper AdterilslHg liiiiuati vo ind,;xl;;c,es"t', wu" ,h? ,ut aww$ & Jrest nanlcl F. lieatty, mmouX7, 1 iS'tt Tw ) NeaUjr eplj cutJ t Iii it. -i i v.... v., -j -v f'oods wanted, wc gt. - nr' t. .-ir lr lho Ulch r.t TWr- .am(U uicsinut bitch ni.n rn an i of l.tittcni two nmi uroun.i i.e. r uiunc. Hums, mul nil Ulnrts ol ivines con. will find it to their ildvimtilfiC lo - t i i purciinsing cjsewnuru. HaRDMM Administrator's Salo OF VALUAI1LK REAL JSTATE ! Tho undersigned administrator of Mary Cleaver, lato of Catawlssa, dcccased.ln pursunnco of an order of tlio Orplnns' Court of Columbia county, Pennsyl vania, will expose to public salo on the premises In tho town of Catawlssa, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, June 18, 1881, All that certain lot of ground, sltuato In tho town of Catawlssa, bounded nnd described ns follows to wit: Ileglnnlngata corner on .Main street In said town and of lot No. 29, lalo of tho cstato of John Sharpless, deceased, thence fouth on tho division lino between tho said lots two hundred nnd ten feet to an alley, thenconlong said alley oastslxlcen feet and nlno Inches to a corner of lot lot lato of Isaac 1). Llnvllle, thence north along tlio lino of lot two hundred nnd ten feet to .Main street, thenco west sixteen feet nlno lnchoi to tho place of beginning, tho s?mo being lot No. 23 In tho plan of said town, whereon Is erect a Two-story Tramo Dwelling: House ic-rmsnnd condltlons.-?60at tho striking down o! lho property, and tho balance of purchase money on the Hrstitay of Apill, A. 1)., issa, with Interest from confirmation nisi. Tho purchaser to pay for deeds. 11ENUV lIOLLlNd.SnUAI), W. II. ltiuwN, Administrator. Attorney. may 20-ts OIU'IIANS' COURT SALE, OF VALUA1ILU REAL ESTATE! Pursuant to an order of tho Orphans' Court of Co lumbia county, Pa., will bo sold at public salo on tlio premises In the township of .Main, In suldcounty.on SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1SSI, at two o'clock p. in., the following described nut es tate, late ol Oeorgo Hollcnhack, deceased, tn.ult: Situate In said .Main township, Columbia couuty, Pennsylvania, bounded by lands ot Jacob Fenster mailier. Daniel and William S. Fisher, Joseph Hart zel and others, containing FJPTY AOnES inoro or less, wheroon are erected a new Two-story Frame House, Bank Barn, and all necessary out-buildings; t iso a mod Spring otWa'ir.API'LBOltciiAlIU nnd othci-lrult. The sail will bo upon tho Orphans' court terms of said county, to-wlt: TKII.MS. Ten per cent of cncfourlh the purchase money ou striking down of tho propertj ; one-fourtli lesstho ten nercei.t.nn rnmirmi,.. ... tho balance In ouo year thereafter, with intert i.uNiiuuiirniauonmsi. 'lho purchaser to pay lor mating deeds. 11I1IAM SHUUAliS, Administrator, Ac, otueorgo llollenbacli, -May 2 1. 'sl-u VOU CAN till THE BUTGHlEY PUWiP l!,i!l.l!r.'I'0rvnTM " I'l'T, lWr..lii,or Iron man ifiu-tlirM' nnu "ixoiKHl w in, my iinino as fin k h "i, fvJWiftr,5utW ''! lunterlol nud con- ! , J.'. 1 f (!X '" M Mow, aiul I will wild CHAS. 0. ELATCHLEy, Manufacturer, . ,o 308 H3rltet St" rwiadslphla, Pa. marclH, 'si-om ati NEWRIGH BLOOD! ueiiosslhlo. Rent hv in nil for u letter (taniju. AGENTS WANTED j-viitwnEms , .on ttfc'i OtUblvUHlttluK ....ui .,! ,nfl. HiaiKBl ' X li IV nn p s utnuuaiw 1 1 !