The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 10, 1881, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSB U11G-, COLUMBIA COUNTY, El THE OOLDMB1AN. iii.uosntiitn, rituiAT, jusiiio, tssi 1'OIILtO BALKS. Tlio executors ol Samuel .Shaffer, deceased, will offer real cstnto for ralo on TluiHdayuno BOln. Ilcnjamln Stiller, administrator of I'hillii Stiller, will ecll real ostnto In Centre township on rJalutday, Juno Siilli, Henry llolllngtlioid, administrator of llio citate of Mary Clotvcr, will soil rial cstalo In CatawU", on S iturday, Juno 18 . Hiram Shiifjars, administrator of QcorRo Ilollcnbtck, will sell reil cilito on tlio prcmltos in Main township on Hiturihy July 2nd, It Is nhnost llmo for excursions. Will you cuciirsh this nen'on ? Call nt the People's Drug and Hook Store for Window Curtains nnd Wall I'nper. Mrs. Laura Mcnagh and Miss Male Wolf, of Shippcnshurg, aro guests of Jno. Kre?sler. l'ur good Cabbage Plants go to W. II, Yet ttr. Ho lias nhout ttie and a half acres Lest seed sowed, and plants fino, Slr.C. T. Sloan has painted his residence on Market street, thereby much improving Its ap. pearnnce, The recent heavy showers have prostrated (ho wheat In places, and will entail romeloscc. There wns fro3t In S.illlvan county on Tuev daynlght laet. Luzorno County has two or three boat clubs, and it is proposed to have n regatta at Harvey's Lake on the Fourth of July. The largo trees in front of the Court House, wcro trimmed on Monday, and the town clock In tho tower Is now visible from tho street. Mr. Cyrus 1). StcHcnry, Mercantile Ap praiser, was in town on Tuesday for the pur poso of entertaining appeals from his list. 400,000 Cabbage Plan Is forssloby W. H. Yet ler, Hlooriuburg, Pa. Patches on Fourth street, near Market. may27tf James Wolf cut ono of his hands uuilo seri ously, on Slondny, at the planing mill. Dr. Gardner was called toldresa tho wounds. Tho place in llloom to buy your Wall Paper, Window Shades, Tasels and Fringe is nt the People's Drug and Hook Store. The Winona Firo Company will hold a fes tival, probably in tho Opora Houo, on tho evenings of the 1st, 2d and -lth of July next. On Sunday nightlnst, there wnsastvetc front at different p'aces in Canada and at Watcrtown New York. Vennor was not much out of the way in his prediction, niter all. Tlio Fourth of July will bo the next "day wo celebrate." Are there to bo any public cer colonics? If so, arrangements should be made nt once, and the results publUhed. Several additional announcements of tlio names of candidates appear in the Coi.umiuax thU wick. There arc two months yet in which to work. The fourth annual commencement cxcrcNci t.f the Lewistown Academy will bo held in tho Presbyterian church of that town on the 2Ut inst. Hereafter trains on tho L.& U.K. R. will run nta reduced rate ofspeed at the KastSlreet crossing, and those bound South will whistle on approaching the crossing. Adam Geringer, for many years proprietor of tho City Hotel, Danville, died very suddenly on Wednesday morning, of hcarti'isease. He was about sixty years of age. James Gilchrit,ono of Pinkerlon's detectives, who was here at the trial of Hester, Tully and StcHugh, died of pneumonia in Philadelphia, last Friday. Wo aro indebted to Hon. J. I!. Iwiittle, for a copy of tho Report of the Pennsylvania Hoard of the Northern and Wralcrn Ilouudary Com mifsionp, for 1S79 and 1SS0. Tho black bass fishing in Wayne and Piko counties is said to be the best ever known. This will cheer tho hearts of anglers dewn this way. Tho festival of tho Reformed Church, held lit Friday and Saturday evenings in Kvans' Hall, was quito successful in every respect. Tho receipts were about S104. Tlio base ball club of Hloomsburg dofeated a nine at Sunbury on Saturday hist, by a scoro of G to 2. Oiir club is earning an cnviablo reputation for skill in tho national game. Gilbert F. Dricsbnchof Hazlclon,wol! known in this county, died very suddenly on Friday night last. Sir. Driesbach had been engiged in the liquor business for pome years. Hyron Shoemaker of Wilkcbarro liai been elected District Deputy Grand Master of tho Knlghti Templar for the northeailern Fection tftheSlato. The debt of tho city of Williamsport is 5051,202, bolng 34.-10 for each Inhabitant. Philadelphia's debt is $54,223,811 or $G1.0'. per capita. Remember, you can get a first-class article at tho People's Drug and Hook Store. Every thing is kept in tho lino of Drugs, Hooks, Sta tionery, Wull Paper and Window Shades. Uibina havo selected ftnee corners and bush es for their nests (his season. This is said to portend violent storms all through tho coming cummer. John Sands of Mordnnsvilledledon Slondny morning last aged about 15 years. He was employed in tho mills of his brother C. L. Sands, and hr.d charco ofthe buying oftho word used. "When I imldicly testified that I hud been cured of a tcrriblo skin humor by the Cuticura Romeditp, 1 did so that others might be cured nnd do not regret tho llmo given to answering inquiries." Han William Tuylcr, Ronton. L, Hernhard invites tho attention of Ihe pub Ho to his large slock of American and imported watches, liloly received. He has nlsa a line lot of.Ipwi-lrv nnil Mllpcrivnrt. all of which ho 1 offering at very low prices. Tho nimio at the Episcopal church on Whit sunday was unusually fino, being ipilto equal to Hint of Easier. Tho excellent quartette choir has gained tlio reputation of being one of llie best in tho Diocese, Wo read every now and then of fnhlng par. lies returning homo with three or four hundred trout, the result ofa day's sport. Tho trout ore lillle things, throo or four inthes in length, much too small to bo cnueht. Such fishing as this is what deplete our streams. There ought to bo a law for the protection of Infmt trout. This Is lbs month of roses and of rain. If the Yennor-ablo man In charge oftho weather ilepnrtment would kindly hobt the barometer ip 1 "fair," and turn on some buh, Iho efiVct ,uprm tho corn crops would hoof corn-side rablo Intciutto the farmers, Tho proprietors of tho Wllllnmspnit Sun have purchased tho half interest in Ihe limner owned by Jacob Ballade, nnd iho two papers will be consolidated on tho ICth Inst. Unify T. S.llado nnd Henry M. Wolf, Jr., will bo the editors. Some charges and Improvements are ointomidattd. and Ihe nan e of tho paper will bo iho Sun and Hanntr, Although this re. duces tho number of Domoerallo pspets In tho .illy, It cannot lo totidddtd u ks, as there tv 111 U t Joining rf tho brains cMho twoofiiew. The Illooinsburg Iron Company aro building i new dam to replace tho ono destroyed last Spring. If you have hltnnlns. hnlU sill i,ni kin, &C tako "I.indlov'j Itlnnil Heiirxli.r." Sold by alt druggists. maySOlw Hulcs of nomination in pamphlet, for sale nt this office. Prico 10 cents, The Alumni Association ofthn HI Stftto Normal School wilt dinner at tho Central Hotel, on Wednesday nf. ternoon,Juno A0h. Half the Ills of human llfo procjed from a torpid and dlorderod liver. Submit In lliem no longer whllo "Seller's Liver Pills" will cure you quickly. Pries 23 cents. may20liv In tho suit of J. Paul Fry vs. Dm. Edwards nnd Patterson, for malpractice, mention of which was made In last week's Comjmman j tho arbitrators decided In favor of Ilia de fendants. Soto agent nt thU placo for LeMare's Specla cles. Give us n call. People's Drug nnd Hook Store. On ono of the hot days of Slay, several newly-lutched chicks wcro killed by sun-stroke, the hen having left I hem temporarily exposed to tho Intense heat. This is tho only caso we know to be authentic. Tho Cincinnati llnqulrcr Is responsible for tho alarming statement that there is danger of tho rovlval of hoopsklrU Wo mention tho fact that our lady readers may get good mid mad before the fashion pels In. Pass fishing dots not amount to much yet, as the fih do not bite freely so early in the sea son. It would bo well if (he law of New York and New Jeraey wore adopted in this Slnte.per. mltticg bass to bo caught on and after July 1st. For heavy and lodged gra'3 tho So. 5 wrought Iron frame mower made by D. M. Osborne & Co. beats them all. It has Enclosed Gear, Hrass Pitman lloxcs, handles easy a nd runs very light. The Supremo Court of New York has au thorized tho corporation of Scribner & Co., to chango lis namo to "Tho Century Co." tho or. der to tako tflcctcri tho 21st of June. Tho July issues of Saibner'a Monthly and St. Xicliotaa will have tho now corporalo print. Husbands aro not required to pay debts of their wives, except for articles uf necessity. A Philadelphia judgo recently decided hucli a case, in which tho prico of a silk dress was in volved. The decision of his Honor was, "a silk dress is not a necessity nnd that tho husband need not pay the bil'," and he did not. There wcro only two cases taken to the Su premo Court, this term, from Columbia county, Young's appeal and Goodman vs. Sanger. A noil pros was entered in the former on Monday, Llglitner's appeal and Welch's appeal, both from Montour county, wcro argued on Mon day, Governor Hoyt has appointed Hon. Wil liam Elwell as Columbia County's representa tive on the board of managers of tho Hi-Centennial Ass ocintion,to celebrate tho 200ih anni versary of Pennsylvania, on the Fourth tf July next. The board Is composed of ono gentleman from each county in the State. Does tho corn grow in this weather ? It docs not grow, it stands still and waits fur sunshine. Does the farmer eniuy tins sort of thing V He docs not enjoy it, he is inclined to howl and smash thing. Will that asi't the corn? It will not assist tho corn but it will rehevu thu press ure on his temror. Tlio Census Hureau is sending out blauli forms, to be filled with religious statistics of various kinds. The Information obtained will bo of groat value to all who aro interested in Church matters. Tho Secretaries of tho Young Slen's Christian Associations aro,qulle naturally called upon to furnish much of tho required information. The Supreme Court, on Slondav, rendered a decision in the case of the Hourgnlgner HuiUl- ing Association vs. the Commonwealth aflirm. lug the judgment oftho Court below.tliat build inc associations are liable to taxation. Justice Green filed tho opinion, which i quilo Ion The cao has excited much interest throughout the Stale on account of the importance of the questions involved. Two millions of young shad are to be pheed in the Susquehanna at various points between the head waters and the Columbia d mi. It tl Fish Commissioners will device some plan to prevent black bass from devouring these in fant Rhad, the experiment may havo satisfactory resulM. Tho poisonous mice water on the North branch will speedilv destroy tho fish above the Nonticoke dam. The next meeting of the Pennsylvania State Stiller' Association will bo held at Piltsburi next September, during tho contiruunco of the Slate Fair. The Pennsylvania Vgncultuiul Society haH offend to furnish power and nil the snaco wauled by tho Miller.." As-ociatton lor tho exhibition cf machinery in their line, free, and will al-o ofl'er premiums for mill machinery utd mill products. Aroyou going to paint? II so,8end lo Henry S.Rcay, Slontour Paint orks, Kuperl, l a c. pard and uricei of Strictly Pure White Lead. Slate Colors, Iron Paints, Putty Ac., and savs the wholesale and retail profit You can mis your own colors, from best maler ial, with Pure Linseed Oil.for 75 cents loS1.20 per gallon. Respectfully ours &c, apr. lo-bm IlKNKY S. llEUT. A kind of vniiely show, trnveliug'.under ti.o nama oftho Don Allen Combination Circus.ur- rived in town on Wednesday. A muugro auu ienco was under tho canvas nt tho evening per formance. There were athWtie feats, character .mi', nnd il.mcep. such as are to be uivii.fc, - . lha ordinary var.ety entertiinment, As a circus it iimouoted t nothing nor was It very remarkable In any respect. New York Union. DID lll.M 0001). Sir Charles J I. Untie r, editor oftho al.ovo piper and Nomry Publio, in a late isiue men tion Iho followiiigi Patrick Koimy, Kmj., -mm, time aero. sufiVrt'd muih from iliuuiuMWii nnd tried ulmost every meani to lid hiiu-elf of this painful rvil, but in vain. He was advl-eil to use Si. JiwoIh Oil, whirl, h di I so kuiws fully, that nil piin has It It him mid he ias healthy im I strong as over baforo, .Mr. Kenny lsnn cnt!iusiistieMi(Woi':ite uf St. Jacobs Oil, and it bus done him good. The law now makes It a misdemeanor for any minor to knowingly ur.d fnUly represent himself to be of full rge, for tho purpose of oh tabling Intoxioiting liquorp, This liw should bo rigidly enf sreed nnd liquor ejealar held to a strict accountability for selling intoxicants t) (icrsons under ago, Thcio i( no ex cuse whalacr, morul or legal, fir a minor who Is seen In public uuJar the inline nee of liquor. His condition proves him a Jaw-breaker, sub ject lo pains and penalties. A tarcastio oichango thus relieves its mind, on a subjicl of daily converatlon alibis tlmoi "How Is the wheat coming ou?" is a question heaid almost dally. Well, it's about this way I If thert's too much rain it will rust, If there's not enough it will spot if a cold mop and a hutd Irost comes It will will. Hut if the weather Is all that can be desired tho wheat crop will be a gocd rpe, raided It Is not Injured by tho gr.m-hor.pors, Jocnsts and other bug, or that no heavy rain, hail, or jvlnd Monm boat it down. Aid yet voma uenwljl prcdktgood A New York jury rccttilly awarded a man six cents damage for thu lost of his wife's af fection, she having deserted him fjr another fellow, ThU Is exactly six cents more than tho alleged affections aro worth, and tho hus band is just that much nhcid, in cash, An M. K, Convention of the Danville district met in the SI, K, church in this town on Tues- lay nnd continued lit session until Thur.'dny, Thcrowas a Urge attendance both of ministers and laymen. The mailers discussed were such as relate to the holler management of tho nf- fairs of tho church, Thcro wcro somo eighty Iclfgalcs present, Bnd nt tho fcaions many in terested visitors were in attendance. The Oil City Leirkk bus the following schol- nrly crillcUm, which has only to bo lead to be appreciated I "We havo received rin advance copy of a new publication cnlllled "Tho Ne w Testament, Revised Kdltlou." Wo lmvo not yet had llmo to look It over carefully, but it Is well printed and seems to be nbly edited. It is indepenuent In politics and wo predict for it a prosperous career." 'I ho Now York Sun of Wednesday last says, "While tho rain was pouring nnd spattering in the street! yesterday the barometers in tho op ticians' shops all persistently pointed to the fair weather nurk. April wenther at tho open ingof June U, apparently, a phenomenon that not only sets th,, prophets all nt sea, but oven deceives the barometer." The year 1331 has thus far been fall of meteorological surprises, but nono moro odd than tho tibovc. A concert will be given in tho hall of tho Normal School this evening, by tho pupils of the Music Department, under direction of Prof. Nile?. Tho now Weber uptight piano will be ued on the occasion. Among the selections is an operetta by sixteen performcrs,and this alone should scryo to fill the hall, as It willboglven the most artistic manner, It is believed that tills concert will excel any of its piedcces sors, as tho pupils aro fully prepared. Tickets may bo procured at George A. Clark's book store. Tho rainy weather for tho last week is very hard on tho wheat; wo notice in a great many fields tho grain is downand badly lodged. It will requiro yood reapers to elo the work this year. .Mr. illinm hycrly near Huckhorn, says lie had an extraordinarily heavy picco of wheat last year which yielded forty-lhreo bush els to tho acre. He used n No. 0, combined machine made by D. SI. Osborne & Co. which lid the work most excellently and to tho sur prise of many farmers who stopped nt Sir. Eycrly'a to see n reaper work iu such heavy grain. The work of improving the channel of the Susquehanna below Wilkc-l!trro, is still in progress and bids fair to be Piicccsful. Tho dykes built Inst fall withstood the heavy mns30 of ice thrown against them in the winter,and by them tho channel is maternity deepened. Men nro now removing gravel from the bar and it is thought a sufficient depth of water will bo secured, to float tho steamboats during the entire summer. The travel by boat between Wilkes Rarre, Plymouth and Nanticoke is very largo during hot weather, and will bo greater than ever when it is known that the trips will not be interrupted. Several prominent citizens of Wilkep-Harro have resolvpd to offer threo competitive prizes valued nt SSIX), $250 and $150, respectively, to be awarded the throe best drilled companies of tho National Guard of the Suto, that enter for competition. Tho competitivo examina tion in to tako phioa in Wilkes-I!irri,nnnually the first of tho series to occur this Fall. Tho Union Lcwlir says: "It is designed to nuke these contests perpetual, by compelling the successful commands to win the palm of vie:- tory throo times, against all comers, before i passes into company ownership, and when such prize ceases lo be a longer object fur com. petition, its place is lo bo tupplicd by as valua ble a substitute." In tho will of Joseph W. Hibb, of Roaring. creek township, who died nbout a year and a half ago, tho following bequests were nude to tho various charitable Institutions named: Indigent widows and siunla women's Society, S1.00000 Institution lor ttie instruction of tho 151 in.. 000.00 Friends' Asylum for the Insahe, !7 t. C..f frxtm ,l.n WI.l!.,f .,.,,1 500.00 800.00 I'CUIU'U ..lull,;, J. iul ,iiu ituii aim uim- ployuient of the Poor, Homo for aged nnd infirm colored persons, 100.00 Training school for feeble minded chil dren, Shelter for colored orphan, Westtown boardirg school, Movamensing House of Industry, Will's Hospital for the Hlind, Institution for the deaf and dumb Friend's Establishment nmoiig Indians nt Tutieass3, Friends of Muucy Slonlhly SIceling, noo.oo ::oo.(.o 1U0 00 100 00 300.00 aoo.oo 200.00 600 00 The several soup societies of Philadelphia also recoived amounts. DEATH OF A VETJiliAN. The venerable Alexander Colleyof Hentou township, reached tho end of his long life last Slondav afternoon. Ho was born on thu 17lh of August. 1780. and was, therefore, iu the 03th year of his nge. Somo throo weeks ago. Sir. Colley had a fall, thu rjult,it was thought, of a paralytii-stroke and never le.Miis bed nor spoke uf,erwards. SI tny years ug.i, Sir, Colley served a term as iiiembtr of iho lesisbituio. lie hus well known a a surveyor, and nlo as a conveyun cer, having drawn tho greater number of wills, deeds undo her 1 'gal paper, for rmidents oftho upper nirt of the county fir years past. After an attivu and u'eful lifu uf alnicst a century, has i usi d from earth to the ist that follows honor-ibid labor. A largo circle tf lelativcs and friends will sincerely rfirret the death of iho aged man. Tho funeral look plaro Thursday morning, and was attended by scores of mourners. On tho 23d of October, 1S23, in Danville, Pa there wes gathoied a 1 irge assembly of citizens and uurotiic brelbern, fiouj far and uenr, f,r tho purpose of 1 iving the corner slonu of C'liii-t P, E. church, Lodge No. 100, of WiUiamspoit with their re presenting "-iiungll ," b. Ing tlio third Inoiderof thu precession. Divine ervieowi pelf irtned at the court buns", Rov It. b.rt Pignut, D. I)., Grantl I'hupUin ol'ib (i i mill I.odgeof Peiiii'ylvau'n.ollicintii g. Wlitu the services were computed, Iho bicthmi and citizens proceeded In Iho site of the church when the comer stone was laid in iiuoifiit inn sonic form by William Donnhisun, W, SI., uf Columbia Lodzo, Danville. Of the officers iu, members of Lodge, No. 11)1), whowero present upon tint occasion, not one lomniiis, film ing gone to that bourne from whriico no tiavel cr return. Hut venerable building, hallowed with thu trnderc'st and ileeptst association known tn lha human heirl, has b'cn razed )ie to give place to a grand memorial .church to bo erected by Iho executors of Peter Haldy. deceased ; and now. after tbo lape of moro than lull a century, when neatly two generations of men huve pnssed nvay, J,odgo JVo. 100, with othor lodgep, expect In bo pres ent and a.alst in faying tho coimr itonu of Iho new ' Christ Chuiel ," Thp ceremony will Le perforuitd bythuGrnnd Master of the fliand Lodge nf Pennsylvania on St. John theilhptui day, Juno 21, 1331. Uiv. Robort PiKgol, D, I D,, now 85 years tf age, who preached ut tl similar reiyico fifty lino years rgo.wlll preach the Bermon, nnd Past Stnilcr William Donald ion. who as W, M , laid the former corntr s'one, Is e xpected lo join tho wink. Tl.o of. tuslon Is expected to Id one of great Intern! and a full rcipiceoAtatlou oftho onltr iijltdtod. jttftiotmpwf (Jcaeie tvHttttiifo WHAT JINKS THINKS, links says ho doesn't like lb heavy show i. He went home ono day last week In a Hinder storm, nnd got wet through, taking tho starch nil out of n new white duck suit, anil his wife blow him up.for not wearing his gossa mer overcoat, forgetful ofthe fact that sho had loaned it to her brother a few days belore lo go ofi'on a summer trip. Jinks had lo chango nil his clothes, and about the time he had got Iresh harness on, his wife called his attention tho fact that the sp-tit from tho verandah was slopped up, nnd tho water would pour over tho edges lu a few moments nnd ruin her flower beds below. Ho took tho kitchen poker and went lo poko tho leave) out of the spout. iVbotit the llmo ho got tho leaven loosened up, the water reached tho lop of the trough on thu verandnh, nnd four barrels full camo over at once, lighting gracefully on Jinkh1 shoulders. t the snmo time, tho leaves nnd water camo out witli a rush nnd attacked him In tho front with a pres'tuo of about two hundred pounds the squareMnch, As soon us Jinks could catch his breath, and pick himself out of tho mud, ho went in tho hoii'o nnd told his wlfo he had got things fixed so that there was no danger of Injuring the llower bed, whereupon io ungrateful woman reminded him that lie had ruined hi Sunday hroadilot h suit, an blow him up again for walking all over tho par lor carpet with his muddy shoes. lis might have wniled until a pleaant day lo clean that pout out, she said. Jinks changed his clothes again nnd put em his new embroidered slippers and sat down to rend the evening paper. Just as ho was becoming absorbed, his wife came in and told him that if ho wanted any butter lor supper, he could go out to the ice house nnd get Jinks went, nnd as he stepped into the spring house ho simultaneously stepped into i:reo feet of water that bad ran in under the door. Then Jinks got up nnd paid some awful thing, and s'arttd for the house with a fixed determination of expressir g his opinion to his wifo about the proper laco to keep ttie butter, but just as ho reached the back door nnd beforo ho could open his mouth, his wifo threw out a pan of dish water, which took Jinks piarcly in tho face, and beforo he could get the grease out of bis mouth, sho lectured him on his carelessness in going out in the wet with his new slippers, and said a whole lot of other things about how clumsy a man Is, and how littlo ho cases for tho trouble he makes his poor wife. Then Jinks didn't say awoid,but ho insists upon it that ho doesn't llko these heavy showers. Communicated.) SGNSIULi: feUOdESTlONS. EniTOim Colujuiian: I notico in jour imuo of May 27th, that it is a good time for Demo" crats to make up their minds as to what kind o men they will uipport; whether OVy will put in nomination men vho will bo a by word and dNgraco to iho L'Ood old Democratic parly, or select men whoso records aro square. Th e picstion arises, what constitutes a square rec ord? I will givo a negative answer It is not one who slarlsout to secure his nomination nnd election by means ofunney nnd drink. If the party were to placo men in nomination vho-o record for honefty and fair dealing wero above reproach, there would be no need of traveling through the county trespassing upon our time, shaking hands with overy ono they meet, nnd making themselves disagreeable generally. Homo two or three years ago, I was at work about half a milo from the bouse. I was rent for, and came in to find a candidate fur trcaru- er, nnd two candidates for commissioner sitting in the shado, waiting for me. I felt well, you know how ono would ftol. Now, what I want to Bay is tlili-; Amend tho rules ko that a man who is a candidate shall stay at home nnd show tho people that if he cannot bo elected by fair, honorablo mean;, lie will follow some other vocation. I believe iho peoplo nro tind of the kind of men they aro compelled lo f up- port, and would rally around end elect good men without candidates doing so much boring. for one, am tired of such proceedings anil un less there is a radical change ir. the party ma chinery, will favor n convention ofthe people, independent of the pothouee politicians ; to put in nomination good, pound meu, I am a Grin believer in Democratic principles and mean to bold to them until lam convinced that the founders of those principles weio iu error. Thero aro a number of men in and out of Congress, who call tbenifolves Democrats who are not "Simon pure." In fact, wo have them in otlice everywhere; in our Stale legislatures, in our county and township offices. Now, the epiestion i!, do wo propose to continue to send men to do the public buaineM that not one-half nf us would trut lo transact our indi vidual atlUir, Hcforo clod rg this communica tion, I would like lo uhk the people of the county to give expresdoa to their thouuhts on Ibis Mihjcct through your piper, believing as I do, that no harm come from It and it may reult in much good, A, M. White. Light Street, Juno Lt, 1SS1. TUB TOWN COUNCIL. At a meeting of tho Council hcldcn Widnce- lay evening last, all tho members wero pres ent, llio minutes of the met regular anil spe cial meetings were read and unproved. A pe tition to open a now vtrcet, Irom liock stiect near the Welsh church, to the Light Strut road, wai Inuclinittly iiostponcil. The grade on various streets and alleys was discussed and adopted. Mr. Neal moved that six whistles ha bought for the police. Adopted. Mr. K ibb moved that $75 be appropriated to procure horns, cap plates nnd bells for the firemen. Adopted. Mr. Neal moved that the Town remove the cinder le.'i in tho i-treotJ by tho Waier Com pany iu laying pine. .Mr. K.ibl, ollered an iiuiendnient llint the Wster Company I u noli- lied to do this woik ni.d that in ca.o of neglect and refusal, tli.i Street Coininlssionjr reuuvu the aimu and that ihu exiiense,wilh twenty per cent mlded.liu deducted troni the i.e.U payment due the Company. Tin1 amendment wa ed tiy a vote of 1 lo S. Messrs Ntr.1, Iluitman and Coiroll vutini' in the negative. The grade on Cathaiine street was adopted as returned liv tlio ergincer. Council will meet at oneoVloik Satuidav i.lternoon the lSih iii't. to htnr l lie parlies intertfeled, and nlso lo near appeals troni tnetnx levy. The following bills were approved und the Seciet.iry directed lo draw ordeis fur tho pny meiit of tho same. Milton '. Cux WufA'r Company Moyer )!ris. rent ol lutk up .Street Oimimisrinuir Kimiiul Neylmid Town CuiiKnlilu Ihirinau A llasstrt Scntiml (!s Company Chill" of l'oliee l'ulic limits Adjouruud, S l.Vfi lno.oo to 00 r.ii H) IK -J 2 10, 7. 'JO 111.110 71) 00 7.'J.r 1.00 itoiiiiuiifiifi m:in. Death, the destroyer of ihe blah ni.d low. has ujjain vWled our Hole cominiiniiy, making s,i I hearts iu many homes. Miss Ida Willlvcr, sged 10 yens, daughter nf Daniel Wulliver, was ouritii on liususv, and ,iolin cand prominent citizen on Wednesday. Ho leaves two luunliterr, orphan?, their mothur Invlnir precedtd him a low short years. Mr. Simdb1 death cist a gloom throughout thu uholc ueigl: borhood, Mr, fitaeey Hcaccck wos also huriidon Wed nn-diy. Afler going ihiongb a rouiro nf lec tures ut Jilleisuu JUuluiil College, I'hilodelphla he was ntlatkud willi nialdrialfevu. uhieh In uilmiliit In f(.itimpii.ii, Jlewrs a young man of much pinpihto nnd a biichl futiiio set mill spread nut bifore hhn, but thu rtleiillws bund ut me ilesiroyer taut him kw. It is ftirlid tl fat Pr Jlmdir wid hnve Itohrsbuig in iho initr fmure and Itcnle in Woonulmg, Ills irony fihm'g lino wllllo sorry lo oio i Is utd is aliu.i in rr. hut I giod w hits of nil v ill l)kw him whuevtr I gcoi. Mr. 1, 1'. nitck and v ifi willitcilHii (I leamro trip to Tioga county. William ltoao has rgalu (nken up his abode 1 tun iiQiiri'urg, Mr'. Janti Long Im return td ffcm t Isit to iicreons. IIKHWICK LETTISH. Sir. S. C. Jayno will so)n oreel n new dtoll Iiil' houo on bis vacant lot em Frnnl utroet. Tho cellar has already been dug. On Tuesday, Mr. F. O. Aihorton nnd wlf nlnrled for Ihilr new home- in Iowa. They had been vlalllng her mother, Sirs. It, H. Wcstlor, Sir. nnd Sire. F.tiiah Klinunr burled thntr youngest child, a daughter, ono d-iy (his week. Sir, Henry (larrion has begun lo run his strawberry wagon through town, Next Sunday will bo Hirst SJnday nt the SI. H. church. Tho II til a 01101 nro preparing themselves for a treat. Tho Sunday afternoon meeting of Iho Y. SI. C. A, aro now held in Rptvoir Park, They nroof n very interesting character and well at tended. Rev. H. A, Citrrnn, of Hh(Mnburg, o.-rupM tho pulpit of the St, K. church In this placoem Sunday, Wo nollro roiiio of the men Inrningboir steps lo tho lowor end of the town whr(,'e tho manufacture of boor is carried on. Ailkough llicy dare not sell It by thu gins, wo Mo In formed they do by thu botllo. Is thcro Jio pos sible way lo prevent this? A man by the namo of Knso was lalcon wllh auvero cramp on Tuo'diy, at the Jackson k Woodln Manufacturing Co's. works. He was taken to Dr. Mttle's office and afterwards to his homo in Neseopeck. CHEAP R. R. TICIvFTSTO THE WEST. If you nre going west savo time and money by buying tickets from R. D. Darlington, ngent nt Rupert. Ho represent best routes to the west Rnd northwest. Trains leave Rupert at 0:15 a, m., 8:50 a. m., and -1:0(1 p. m. For rnles and Information, call on or address R. D. DAnr.tstiTOK, May 12-Gw Ticket Accnt, Rupert, Pa. Business Notices Ladies' Dusters nnd Linen Suits for SI, $1.25, $1.00, $1.7fi, $2.00. $2.50 to $2.75 for salo at Light Street by Silas Young. julOOw A new lot of Grass Cloth and Ladies' Ulsters nt Lutz & Sloan's. Linen All tho novelties Dcntlcr'g. in foot wear at F, I). Hemember Hundy has made arrangements for a full supply of fresh Lauo fish for tho month of Juno. Juno 10 l!tv Nobb7 llusincss Suits, Klcjant Dress Suit", Durable Working fc'tii Now on hand at David Lowcnberc's. Tho fish trado continues, tho vepotablo trade continues, tho fruit trado continues and Dundy continues to sell and dolivcr at your door Ircsli goods on Tucdays and Fridajs. Juno 10 3w Lulz& Sloan have Summer Dross Silks nt C0-,r)3-C5 and 70 cents u yard. UJack from 75 cents a yard up. W. II. Yotter. agent for tho Celebrated Ithaca Oruuu; alsosclls six makes lirst-class Sfwini; Machines. Needlts, Oil and At tachments for all machines. OHico corner Main aud Market streets. Largest lin3 of Lidics' Slippers and fine Shoes at Dentler's Shoe Store Manilla Hay Itopo nnd Sisal Hay Hope, Inch, I aud 1 inch for sale at 10 cents, 1 1 cenls ami 1 2 and 15 cents per pound and Hay Hope Pulleys at Light Street, ntSilss Young's. juno 10-4w Frc9h l'"ish. K. C. Iiuinly dealer in Fish, Fruits and Vegetables, is receiving daily from the fisheries on Ltkn Krie llio (liflbrcnt varieties of Lake full, such as Trout, Piko, Pickerel, Salmon and White-fish. Ju 10 3w HOYS' SUITS. Farents, rununbrr wo havo a very lnrtro stock of Children's Clothinjr, and much nicer aud cheaper than yuu can make tbeui at home. Call and tec lor yourselves nt David Lowenberg's. Parasols from 10 emits up to $1 00 at Light btreot, by Silas Young, juno 10-Lv The season for repair! nu your Mowers, Reapers, Threshi.iir Machines and other farminc Implements is at linud.and tho placo to have repairing done is at HAKMAN it HAsMSKl a l'oundiy nnd Machine hliop. This is tho only placo in the couuly where ju. Usoorno ic Lo s. maclilrips aro it- laired. A full line of rxtras for all the eadinc mowers, reapers, &c. kept constant. ly ou baud. May 201iv Lots of Timothy sen) and Clover coed for ileut Light Street by Silas Young. julOlw Leave vnur Oiders I Leave votir Orders nt liundv's fur fresh Fish, Fiuit and Vcgeta bles. Goods delivered at your door frea of charce. Juno 10 3v David Iiwetibernr would inform his cus tomers and tho public in aeucral, that bav in,; completed the alterations iu his Store, ho is umv prepared to supply his customers with the latest styles of Olothine;. Now on hand n inagiillicsnt stoci ot Keady-uindo Olithin?. selected expressly, for llio Sprint trade. Call and inspect and sco lor your selves. Mr. 1). V. Smith, of Limestonovillc, Montour county, says ho has u.sod an "Os borne" Self-binder since 187'J; has cut 100 acres; been nt no oxpeiwo for repairs; has cut bats that wrro as badly down and tangled as it was possible to lip, and will wager tho prico nt tho maclitiio that ho can cut nnv main that it is possible to cut with any machine, and bind It tighter and heller man tn bo done by hand. T. W . Pursel, near IStiek Horn, says tho "Oiborno" belt-binder jjuv ik i itiiii) b tj a llio viuiM nu fjirji u t uwti linught lat year, "nils tlio Dili" ami does nil mat is claimed ior t. P. E. Mans, near Danville, Pavs ho cut tho wor,t tangled oats lie over n.iw, last your, with tlio "Usborno," anil cannot speAU too highly in its praise. J1AK.MA.S' iV ll.VSSl'.m', Agents, juno 10 liloonuburg.l'a. rU Lillty it Sk ppy'n ihrap Kloro f.t Light net. you tun Luiy i.hwhs iiom ri cents n mil up, iniifbiur.s imui h cents a ynul up, olippt'is Inim i) cents a pair up, htraw JJnts old at tost. Mlicy will tbko Culvts imil Lambs in cxchntige fur goods iveiy Moi.dsy iiiiiriiing early. CtiicktiiH, fciicatf, hum. Dried Prult ol all hinds, Hail; and all toil nl country nrrduco wnnttil, forwhih the highest tnaikct price will tu idlowtd. l!oot and Shoes, Finest. Ilestand Chcaf- est nt r. i.'. jJeutiur s. Clothing inr nil. no mat er what vnur size, age or condition nmv be, at tho Popular uiuiiiingoioro oi uaviu i.owenuerg. Seu a woman pickinu a luirch of cranes iu another column, at peer's Vintvitids. Irom which peer's Pott Orapo W ine is made, that Is no highly tutvruicil by (ho medical prolesiiui for Iho tuo ol invalid", weakly persons and llio Ojred. Bold by u. a. Kii'iin. jail 7 ol ly A lot of nice whiio ihrifiy htdfs.infiliuiii tiw lor mto by Si!ns "joiiiig nt Lluht i3l"Ci. juno iu ",v A Inrsfo assorluieiit of best nualitv lawns at Lot. A .Sloan's fur 1131 cenU : yard. -- Ho for a Hut 1' or tho laic it s!) Its, Fur tho laraest assortment Fur Mm. Youths. IIovs and Children. .io to iMviu i.owennprg h. I,, ,,- A lUMJUUar, lOl'NTlKI'Eir. There Is a daiicirous icmiii if. li in nrrui umn ji'irpoi lltif to bo "Walnut l-cut llulr Kesi irtr."'! ho Mrunges' of iho t'lest taluo cf "Walui-t l..U llpir l!ibliiri'i"tslhiif.icllhit names knmir. Inif Us enicaiy ii y la liuludii It. I'arh bottle ut Ihe KUH 'Ui'U I"" U ' IUU Mll'llH l'l 1U bHjlllltl"'U Of 'l), U. Ileiker ' -lliu lnaniifaeluiTr-blown Hi tlip ul.usi and llio 'Mtehloii r" Is in rhr ami hauntesj us y i. tur. nllllo It Pl'.-.H'Sia all lllu iuiiiiui.nt nrnn.rlli.u iiHCiiksary inle-Uirollfe, luor criiutu, and color . I I. iu uiur, 'loludr, l'i.vliasooii.v frnoi rHno.n.lblu luiileti. ;.ieh b'lllli' v. 0, N, tiHtlentoii. Nhw I III I' I'll I1 WlllllL ill, llll III I i;.i joiKCIIJ', yrlioltiUUi AV'ltll, viM.V4,W,l( t"M Vli, UMMaUWI JXKCUI'OIW NOTICE, K3TATK or OIOIHIS llt'UIIES, BECEASEP, Mtters tctumentary on tho estate of neorire lluuUes.latecf iho town otCulhfia.coliiinbu.!ii. 1'eiin a., deceased, havo Wfii gianted by ihu i:ecl ter of bald county lo M.O.liugbtu, eifcu'oitor t'MAwlsw All perionshuHnirclaVmatKaii stthorl un of the d-cedent aie mtutsied to nirwmt tiii ui tor beltleinont and thoro liidebted to UieeMnto to ..Mj.u ucnv ,u i mi utiucimijueu exicutor with out uckiy. Ifaj'tifCi? ilwcutor, HOLMES Sc SCHUYLER. BARBED 1SRE mo undoubtedly tlio cheapest and most durable fence made, is not riToolcd by lire, wind or llood.doeg not cause snow drifts, takes fewer posts and stock cannot push it down. Our wire in four pointed, is made of two strands of number 12 best galvanized steel wire twist ed together just enough to allow for contraction and expansion in Summer and Winter, barbs aro fastened every seven inches. Tho use of barbed wire is no longer an experiment, as hist year over one hundred thousand miles were put up. We believe cur wire to bo the best and cheapest now man ufactured because it is made of the best steel wireand runs 15 feet, to the pound having tho greatest strength and visibility with the least weight of any made. Put up on spools of about 100 rods weighing about 100 pounds. Price per pound 11 cents by tlio spool, less quantities Hi eents per pound. I HOLMES Sc. SCHUYLER. A CDITOIt'S NOTICE. IN UK-HfiTATH 01' IIOIlFRGV MEI.TCK, DK.CE.13BD. Tin, nriSi.ruirm..l nltilltilr nlmnlntrtl l)V tllO Or- niit.D ,...nrr n, f'nlltlnlil.l l-nntit V. Ill lllcti Itillt,, t,.ll- nnee in hands t.f filutoii itcllck,b.eciitc;r ot Uo Mild rlpwili i-.r. tn j, n.l umnmr llin nartlos entitled I iciuto. will hit at. Ills omre in mo town oi llloonv-uurfr. on weiliiesuay.ino vjinoay oi .nine, a lv. msi. iit.tpii nviork In ihn forenoon lo Perforin tlio duties ot Ids iippDlntmcnt, when and where all persons hiv ing "iiy claims upon sum mini win pear aud prnvo tlio same or uo debarred troni re ceiving any share thereof. D.I'HAN'K.Utll, Auditor. May20-tw UDITOK'dXOlTCE. ESlATU Ol" KSTki.IjA CASK, UKCBASr.!'. Tho iinilnr&lL'iieil Auditor annotated h.v tho or phans' Umirr. or cnitunhla coiinly, to mako dlstrltm- liuniil luo naianco ill liiu lliliuis ill I'.imui itriuuiv, cuardlan ot tho rualo ot UMella esse .deceased, touml uiiionr; tliu p.u ties cntltteil Ihf ii'ln. will sltnt ins uinuu in luoonibiiur on rviiurutiy, .iuik, i- ii iioIntineiiT. hen nnd whero all persons havlncr any I ut leu oeiocic a. m. io of rioirn llio oinins 01 nisnii- claim on said runil will nppear and prom Ihe sainu I ur uu ueuuiTL'u iroill i eceiviu aii sii.iru ineruui. CIIAltt.Eil 11. HAItKLKY. May oo-iw Auditor. UDITOU'S NOTICE, KSTATllOl'THOHAaj. THOHNTON, I1ECCASEI). Tho ur.dersl'rne'l nnilltnr ntinnlnteil bv Iho Or I pliana'co'irtot Columbia county to maku illsirlbu Honor tho nind tn thu honils ot tho executor of T. J. '1 hornton. d. ceiisetl. to anU nmoair tlio nartlcs entitled thereto, hereby jrlvrs notico that ho will sit tnthu dlsLhargi.' ot theilutles of his appointment at lilsouico in tho town of lllooniiburg mi Monday, .luno tilth, lssl, at ten o'clock lu tho forenoon ot Saul U4V ut which tlmi find nlaco all persons In- teresltd In snlil mud nro required to attend or bo fore er debarred from any thare ot Iho tame. CHAHLUa (). UIIKI.I'.V. Auditor. Mnyistli, 81-liv UDlTOlt'S NOTICE. ESTATE CP WII.I.IAU SIVAOE, nECKASEO. 'llio uiiilenlcned Auditor nnnolnteil iiv tho Or- rhaus' Court or snld county, to make dl&tilbtitton of thu balaneo of lvi fund lu thu hands of Davit huvnge, Admlnlstratoi' of iald di cedent lo and amomr parties entitled thereto. villi sltnthlsrilllcnln liluoinsbura In fcnld uounty, on Jlonday, tlio iTth day ot .lime, A. l issi, nt ten o'clock a. in., ot said day, when and whero nil parties luternsled In said fund must intend or bo forever debarred from uuyunre of said fund (IUY .TAl.'OllY. MayS,-lw Auditor. UDITOlWNOriCE. ESTATE OF JOUN MCHKVKOLIIS, T'ECKASED, Tho underblcned auditor nniiolntoi! liv ihn Or. phans' court of coluuibu county toiuakn dlsirlbu tlon ot tho balaneo In tlio hands ot II. V. Metier- Holds, enucutor of tho c&Uito of .lo'in Metier- nolds. deceastd, to and amongtho parties untitled I Hereto, w in et at his olllco In llloomsburi: on Mon day, the Hutu day of (June, nsi, at ten o'cloclc tn tno lorenoon, io piTiorm uio duties it ins appoint ment when and whero all peisons havliiK elalms against said estate will nDoear undmoioilin smnn or be forever debarred from receMus any pait ol IUU UU1U. CHAllLIiaa 11AUKLEY, May 20-iw Auditor. UDlTOlt'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF JOSEPH r. CONNER, EECEASEl), Tlio undcrbluncd nudllor nnnnlnlril hvtiut nr. rhans' Court of Columbia conntv. tn mai-i. dun iim. ttOU OftliefllUd III thu hands nf I.lnvil T. ('nnrirr. adinlulstralorof talJ decedent, lo nnd nmorifi.tho townot liloomabanf on Saturday, ihomthdar of .lune, a. I)., issi at leu o'clock; a. m., to iK'iform Ihu iia, inn t;uiii,t.'ii uil'jiu. ill hiL ill. I w 1.1 rn ill inn I dulles of his unnulnlinent. when wiuti, nil nir. oumj ii i ii uuj viuiiu uii niiiu iiiiiu will Jlj)H;ur I JJJJy iharo thereof. u-u-"'eu irura reeemng It. IIUCKINailAM. May 2T-IW Auditor. Ayer's FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It is a most agrceablo dressing, which Is at onco harmless and effectual, for pro- serving tho. lialr. It restores, with tho gloss and freshness of youth, faded orgray, light, and red lialr, to a rich brown, or deep blacl:, as may bo desired. By Its uso thin liair is thickened, and baldness often though not always cured. It checlcs falling of tho hair immediately, and causes a new growth in all cases whero tlio glands aro not decayed; whllo to brashy, weale, or otherwise diseased hair, it Imparts vitality and btiuuth, and renders it pliable. Tho Virion cleanses tho scalp, cures and prevents thu formation of dandruff; and, by Its cooling, stimulating, and soothing piopcrtlcs, it heals most If not all of Ilia humors and diseases peculiar to tho scalp, Keening It cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of tho scalp and hair aro Impossible. Aa a. DroaaJug for Ladios' Hair Tlio Virion Is Incomparable It is color- Jess, contains neither oil nor dyo, and will not soil whlta cambric. It Imparts an ngrccnblu and lasting perfume, and as an article for tho toilet It Is economical and unsurpassed in Its excellence Propared by Dr. J. C. Ayor&Co., I'ructltal mid Analytical Chomlits, Lowell, Mass, OUl BT IU IHHJIJQUTS KVIBTlrngUE. suiisoninu now j-'ou the aoriTD-szisr S1.C0 IN ADVAKOli. HOLMES & SCHUYLER. NEW STOCK. "Wo havo been adding consid erable to our IIoufo Furnishing Goods; our line of Cooking Stoves and lianges comprises many now and useful features not found in other stocks. Wo havo the White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer, triple motion; examination alone is eudicieut to show their superi ority over any other make, We arc, without question, headquar ters for Cutlery. Our variety of Heissors, Shears, liazors, Pocket and lable Cutlery is greater than th stock of nil the stores in town, giving you the advantage of se lection. Prices run according to quality. Our stock in general, has alt been gone over, sorted up, and is larger than ever. We arc paying special attention to Me chanics' Tools, and invito exami nation. Any odd tool not in stock furnished in three days. For the benefit of those to whom it may concern, we take Irondale, Mc Kclvy's or Lockard's orders at easlt value. HOLMES & SCHUYLER This apaco Is reserved for adverthcinorit of t ('. (lallKnan, dealer In Stoves. Tlnwaro, Tcrr.i t'oita ripe, .tc. 't his Is tlio best place ror a lob of tin root ing, opera House, Centre street, Uluonnbuig, l'a. Cap of iiiii liitag Oak HalL S. E. Cor; Sixth and Market Streets, Philadelphia THE 1861 20th Spring 1881 Twenty ycrs of lessons in how lo rnal-.o and sell the best clolhinij. Wo hava'begun tho twenty-first. All that vo have found out nbout it, wo have put into practice in making up tho 2J acrc3 cf clothing that you will look at for ur trado; it is tho very largest retail clothing .tod: in the country; worth every cent wc ask for it ; and wo guarantee every artide. Moro and Better Material in More and Better Clothing in Lower and Fairer Trices in Than in any other retail clothing house anywhere within reach of American money. The secret of our great business i3 only this : Doinr our level best to make tip tlio right kind of clothing, and having made it right, then counting the cost, and SELLING AT THE RIGHT PRICES. Thb vs have been doinff for twenty years; and have clothed over hundred of thousands, old and young. This Spring wc Overtop every Past Spring. The spring has been so backward that vo have had ample getting-rcady time, and tho extraordinary stock of clothing that every man and boy may choose from is without equal in America. Tho stock u something wonderful. SOUND AS HONEST WORK CAM MAKE IT. The best sewing pn tho best cloths, the bert trimmings, tho best styles, and tho best money's uurth that can bj put into clothing anywhere. It is a (jrcat thin;; to say, that rot another house in the land can do so much in clothing you so well. The clotlu conio. direct to us; wo buy them, largely; wo make tin the clothing in our own well-ordered ways. knowing; all tho things that belong to making dr-;hhiy well, antl they will go direct from us, the makers, to you.-rtho wer.rcr3, net a profit between. That's why Oak Hall has the lowest prleis, as well as tho best clothing. During the past ninety day3 wo havo, in making up this new spring stock, so improved . tho patterns, our ways of naking, minor details, that this spring s exhibition of rcady-mado clothing lntjit hi fairly called READY CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING. Being fnr in advanco of nny hitherto offered for immediate wear. This applies alike to Men's and Boys' Clothing. Our- Custom Clothing Department improves every year. Wo mako to order from tho finest fabrics, and believe wo do tho best wort: that can be done. Orders by mail are filled with tho same promptness and caro that would be given to serving you in person, Extending the compliments of tho house, nnd a cordial invitation to everybody to corao and sec, and mako trial cf tho iOJi Spring Clothing, Wanamaker & Brown, Oak Hall, S..E. Cur. Sixth and Market Streets, Philadelphia. The Iirpest Clothing Houso in America. QAUTION. y son. Ilarman O 8Une.ll taunt rf bp. liirtn left my houso without my consent, I hertVy kIvo notion that I trill not li icbpoiudll tor liny d-Ws that may tin ooiitraotod ly Mm. l utonx uu.ilr.L htmtj unjthlnKOomykcio'aut.dii UatthiHr owu l tic ANDlUtW It. WINE, f.STttitrrccfc, uoiuhiVlA county, HOLMES & SCHUYLER' TiNSMITMING. It does not seem to be gener ally understood by some of our trado that wo are prepared to do Tinsinithing in all its branches. This wo havo often noticed by the expressions of surpriso of many who, when in tho rear of our store, noticed men working in an adjoining building. We car ry a 'full stock of Tin and Tin smith's Supplies and arc prepared ut all times to do all Hinds ot work. As low prices seem to be the most popular wo have REDUCED THE PRICE OP ROOFING To 5 Gents a Foot, using the same grade of tin as heretofore and other work at cor responding prices. HOLMES & SCHUYLER. tite Ok Ml JgUSlNESS CARDS VIBITIHO OAKD1. 1U KUAIM, wxfrrt.s to., .Stly VjJ CA'uy t Hut I kt t& 'OouV