f tii iwi ii in I fitrm tm i mm r 1 1 THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Surely for Cattle. In vttnv of Uio recent los by firo of fifty -two licntl of vnliialifo .Tursey cattle. Bwitred in n burn on tlu Dawsbn Colo imiti cstatoln I'eniisylvniiin, which wcru lltcrnlty roatril in the burning building, which contained eighty tons of hay ami utrnw, an agricultural engineer writes m follotvi to tho Country Utiitlcmmi: "Tho modern Improved barn U a cost ly, cumbrous denlh-tra., devised under mistaken ideas of economy of Inbor and with a view of magnlliconco of chow. There is not a bain of tho kind In exig ence to day that is really worth n tithe of its eoU for its convenience, nor i tlu safety of the stock shut up in it assured for twentj-four hours. Tho accidental dropping of a lamp, tho treading upon a match, tho ignorant leaving in n cor ner of a handful of oily ragi or a paint er's overalls for twenty-four bouts, might start a contlagrations nnil the smoke and heat wlll.in nearly every cae, prevent ao ccsh to tho poor creatures, which arc con lined under a largo imnntltv of tho most inflammable material In wide open barn, so constructed ns to become the most ac tive, fierce and rapid cremation furnace in existence, with open cupolas for a draft chimney, nnd wide spaces and lloors to furnish tho blast. U is a wonder that sensible farmers can bo so thoughtless and inconsiderate, especially when the system bus no other recommendation in its f ivor except show, "Cattle may be kept in perfect safety in separate sheds of very cheap construe tion, which may bo made as ornamental as desired. These may be so arranged us to be connected with the barn, root cellar and feeding room in tho most con venient nianucrfor feedings each ani mal may be kept loose in n separata stall, with doors which can be opened in an instant, and every animal released in case of fire. "Much disaster, as the loss of a build ing can be repaired with case, but the loss of stock is irreparable, to say noth ing of the harrowing knowledge that they havo been cruelly burnt ahvc as a sacrifice to their owners mistakes. If he wants an elegant bain as an ornament for bis farm, well and good, but as a business matter let him have his costly and iavorito cattle kept comfortable out of reach of a lire.which may any day or uigtitr consume tho cosily tnnlcr-box called tho barn." Mangels'. Any good rich soil, the richer the bet ter, will give a paying crop of mangels. A strong gravel is good, or a sandy bam, but 1 prefer a heavy loam, almost clay; if naturally or artificially under drained, this, if rich, will give the very best results both as to quantity and qual ity. I have had splendid results by in filling in winter or early spring; 1 havo also had tho same by using a corn stub ble well manured. I have also raised fino crops succeeding a crop of mangels. Tho main point is to have tho laud rich and fine; plow deep and bo carclul to plow well; harrow, cultivate and roll till tho surface is mellow and no lumps arc lelt; mark rows thirty inches apart, with a marker similar to a corn-marker. Sow not less than 200 pounds of bono Hour and three bushels ot salt per acre; to do this throw it lengthwise of tho rows, so as to get all you can immediately on them. For ridging tho ground wo use a thrcQ-tootb cultivator or corn hoe, by removing tho centre tooth, and setting tho others so as to throw tho soil toward tho vCcntre, and to let tho horso follow tho mark we make a slight but sullicient ridge, just where wo desirothe row. Tho reason for ridging is because all lumps and stones naturally roll down hill, and of course away from tho row of small plants that aro directly on top of the ridge,and we can begin to cultivato much sooner by having tholand ridged. 1'oultry Manure. I'ouiirjr inn.,,,,,-,, i.s l,v fav the mos,t val uable fertilizer produced on fnrnw Fowls eat concentrated food that is rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, and their droppings partake of the nature of tho food they devour. Gram, tho seeds of small plants, meat, and inject produn, w.hen decomposed by the action of the digestive appaiatus, I icher fertilizing ma terial than grais, hay, and i.tiaw. i sides, birds void their urine in a solid form, and combined with the excrement that is usually solid. Asa consequence, it is not liable to bo wasted if tho ma nuro is rightly cared for. Poultry ma nure is about as valuable as the best Pe ruvian guano. To make it of tho high est value as a fertilizer, however, it must bostorcd.and applied to tho ground with care. Exposed to the weather it will bo dissolved by rain and carried off. Placed in lf.vgo heaps it heats and the ammonia is driven oft and lost. Applied to tho soil in too liberal quantities, especially when fresh, it is liable to destroy tho vi tality of seeds ami to kill delicatu plants. It should bo stored in a dry placo and in comparatively small lots so it will not be injured by moisture and not ferment. It is belter to mix it with dried peat, road dust, or some other substance that will aid in keeping it dry and tend to arrest fennontation. Tho best results attend its'uso when it is well beaten up and very thoroughly mixed with these sub stances before it is applied to tho soil. Lime and ashes should bo kept from it, as they act upon it in such a manner as to liberate ammonia. A correspondent of tho Hartford Times writing from Now York, says: There aro in I (roadway three live-story liKirblc-front buildings which have stood idle forfifteen ycais, Thispropertyshoitld bo good' for 50,000 a year at the very least. It has not produced a dollar during tho long period named. Tho taxes on it amount probably to $10,000 a year Tho interest on tho money invested in it must bo at least as much more. I fit were routed like oilier property it would havo yielded at least fctfSO.OOO in the time named. Instead of that it has cost tho owners in taxes and inteiestnot less than S!100,000. Why is it not rented.' Nobody knows. 1'liero it stands, year after year, a inon unient of vacancy and heavy loss. "To let" bills aro on it all tho time, but it docs not let. I urn told that it belongs to a wealthy tumily in J1 ranee, who sent money here many years ago for invest incut. Tlioy havo never Mien it, and its control is entirely in tho hands of an agent. Ifo watches it closely, and is always polite to pel sons making inquiry about it; but lor some inoxpiicaiiio reason ho never strikoH a bargain with nnv cue. A gentle man told mo recently that dining a visit to JT.inoo a low wars ago lio tried u. too the head of the family that owns it for .1 . r .r.. . - r ... . , . . .i mo purpose ui iicgouuiiiig tor it, iiiiiinu Frenchman, a gruff old Count, would not give him nu interview. Tho property Is going to decay, in tho' heait of the busi ness part ol now lock. Tho mother who gave her hov castor oil was informed by thu infant tlmt ho would bo much obliged if bIio would Cftitor oil elsowhuu Tho Ainervlan Wftlihuin wnle.li com pnny linn just rVuslvHlOu'only uulducl ids nwardo.1 to iihv exhilrilsof wfttelxu TiMhu InlenwiUoun) cxWWllwi ii i Odd Items. The ilog for a surgeon A setter. A dry subjectan ligyptiai mummy. If lifo is but a dream, people should avoid ehcee. Preserved pairs -The animals in tho arte. Song of the lark "Wo homo tilt morning. Won't 8 ! "rotit on nit." L. P. I'ollett, Alnrion. O , stairs that he has used Thomas' Kclectrio Oil for burns, and linn found nothing to equal it in soothing tho pain and giving relief. Jones calls his poetry Virtue, became ilis its own reward. Somo of tho country schoolboys call tho school houses tanneries. They're on tho hunt for oleomarga line. Tallow old Do Spiritualists receive their wiitten messages on rapping papci? An Iowa fracas report says tho atmos phere was opprwsivc with brickbats. When you feel a cough or bronchial afTection creeping on tho lungs, take Ayer's Cherry 1 Vet oral,' and euro it be fore it becomes incurable. "A bird in tho hand is worth" a good deal less than it is in tho bonnet. Indigestion has comically been defin ed as "the ingratitude of the stomach.' -j Ifc It makes a poison feci sad to hear al crying babv, snlfeiing probably fiom ... a . . some slight pain, which could bo easily relieved by tho use of Dr. Hull's Kaby Syrup, which is for sale at all ding stores. A Jerseyinan calls it Apple John. Ho can't get trusted for any more, and is not familiar enough with it to call it Jack. Hrown says his minister takes his texts from tho Uible, but he can't tell what the parson does with them. They never get into his sermons. ritvi'p. Tens of thousands of dollars are squan dered yearly upon traveling quacks, who go from town to town prolessmg to euro all tho ills that our poor hu manity is heir to. Why will not the public learn common sense, and if they aro stiffciing from dyspepsia or liver complaint, invest a dollar in Spring Hlos som, sold by all druggists, and indoised by the faculty. See tettimonials. Price oO cents, trial bottles 10 cents. Never address your conversation to a person engaged in looting up a column of figures. Theie's nothing so deaf as an adder. An itinerant preacher, who rambled in his sermons, when requested to stick to his text, replied that Scattering shot would hit tho most bink" ntenovr.sir.NT ion mind and nonv. For genuine merit there is no tonic sold that begins to compare with Parker's Ginger Tonic. One ."U cent bottle con tains more lifo and strength residing power than a bushel of malt or a gallon of puro milk. As au appetizer, blood purifier and kidney corrector, it meets with astonishing suecess,and invalids lind its use promptly followed by renewed energy and vivacity.mental and physical improvement, and gradual restoration to perfect health. See other columns. Commercial. 'What aro tho worst results of a civil war?" cried an orator. "Widows," shout ed Jones, who bail married one. It is said that under tho now liquor law of Kansas a mechanic uiii.-t havo a physician's prcnciipliou before ho can buy a spirit level. C1KT u,T nootc. Tho eloo confinement of all factory work, gives the opoiativos pallid faces, poor appetite, languid, miserahle feelings, poor blood, inactive liver, kidneys and urinary troubles, and all the physicians mid medicine in the woild cauiiut help them unless thev get out of doors or use Hop Hitlers, thepiiHst and best lemcdy, especially for such ea-cs, having abuiul mice of health, sunshine and rosy chicks in them. Thev eol but atiille. Seo another column. ClirUtimi Jieconler A great many persons are like the cir ens poster, lis ohiv U'cnuso they aro stuck up that they attract intention, "These freshets" oberes a Western paper, "aro simply reserves of moisture now hastening to the front." a ui:ua::ix wist. Mr. A. Spoor, of New Jersey, whoso Port Grapo Wine has such a wide repu tation, and which physicians prescribe so generally, was the first m this country to introduce the ait ot milking wine liom tho Oporto Grape, which is now the best wino to'bu had, and has become the fa voiito among the most prominent phys icians of Now Yoikaud Philadelphia, who havo visited the vineyards and wino cellars of I'assaie. Families and aged persons aro benefited by it. For salo by C. A. Klciin, Druggist, Hloonisburg'Pa. "Did you sco niv last poeniC Yes, it was simply perfect." "Oh, conic now, really, you know nothing is perfect in this world. "Oh, yes nonsense is. It is a Mississippi man who puts it thus: "At the earliest solicitation of those to whom f owe money, I have con sented to become a candidate for coun ty treasurer." A SKINHTCANT IWl.T Tho cheapest medicine in use is Thom as' Kclcct'ic Oil, because so erv little of it is required to i fleet a cuie. For croup, diiihtheiia, and diseases of tho lungs nnd throat, whether used for bath ing tho chest or throat, for taking inter nally or inhaling, it is a matchless cent pound. Several persons recently broke out in tho Hergon county jail, It was with tho measles, and tho slieiiff sayt.it was a rash attempt. A TRUE IRON mm - A TRUE TONIC w A PERFECT STRENGTHEINER.A SURE REVIVER. IKON mTTJiKS nro JiIKlily rccouimenacd for nil diseases re quiring n certain and efficient tonic ; esjieciall IndiijtUion, Ihjtpeptta, h' r viitleU Fatn, ll'anl c AppetUt. Lots of Strength, Lad of JCnerqy, tie, Knrkhes tho blood, Btrcngtliens tho iiwscJe?, and gives new llfu to tho nerves. Titcy cct llkoa cliarm en tlio digtJw: orpans, rcmovliiifalldjrBiejii!o8ynintoms,itutli Iron Prcpunitloii that will not blncke:-. tho teeth or i;Ivj hcadnollft. Sold ly ell druggists. Wrlto for tho A II 0 Hook, 2 pp. cf wwwi uuui uuiuaiu rcuuiii erru jrcc. IJHOAVN OIIKMIOAL CO., Caltlmoi-o, Mil. i MA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. am DMlOYEREtl :r R.YDIA E. PKNKMARfl'S ygggTAiLijrooTmi). Tlir IVMtlvo Cnrg For all Fomnlo Complaints. VcirttAblo rrv.tlL') Cititat Lamil.K( ttht.iut.t t!il l"fttilnvnlM. 1'; i trtil tin- .t r.ti or llili . i rhm Hi tiraMc?nt'::ii(1 Jrt hlTitty-nlnecawfi.iahtirv, i!m!,atrwicntcurol.tc-irwtal,aith't!aneJI fill lot llfy. on aedirtint titlijprovuui.Tirltltlito-Jayrc tnnimonilnlf&ttprwrlbjilL'jr tho Luct itiyit;I.iiis la Jli country. It wW euro Mttmly wotvt form ef filling rf tlin titenin, Ioueorrinia, Imcnlir imd ittiiful MfflrtrarttAtMillOvrtahTnmMai, litfUmiTUitWi f.n4 tneerullon, IlooUn;?, al tMniU mru ti mA tin con twquynti!twlwt"flkr!CM,uiMh irpryMljr iu!atel ( tVChAfifof Uf, K witlillwtrtve and cupH t union f .itm tiio u torus in nn r-.r' o f development. Tbo IwJcnojrtJ'Hncerout lnmoni there li choe&ed u-ry ppewlily tniuimc. f:i f.vfc 15 i rovwl to lo lho trrrat. ivt eru ik r6 pnU ltct p-mil tliat lio tvtr been li:uter '.r'SVi",7.r-',,?'.,T!f'7,f,,lBlT.M 1I.VUU-4I Itll'l lMilUlinilil41IUItIll.illl'1 troyj Allcrarittff f cr fcttiuulttiitc, a,u J rcllovoi ttnorj ot llianMiivi.h Itcuril.loatln, I!."i!aolwi, Ncrrmin rrtKtrctlr.n, aoncral lMljHlty,fili:ci.imtii, Doprtiwloii nul Imll ITPftlon, Thtt ftt Miitf of liccrtnirown, cauctf tf poin, vclci'tftnd tacLailir-JtlncrBlnnnrifntly cured ly iUf '. JtwillttttlItI:ncfl,radLndt'rc.U clrcuiist.ii rc.', net l.t haiujy .iththo 1-w that fuvtrti tbo fcnuloKjrtcri. FurKMnoComt'Ialtitjof cl.Iicr tax UA comj-uuiij him-inrpiisued. Lydia E, Plnkham'i Vegetable Compound IiI'n-pnivilotSMAndawiWctpni Arnue, I.yrn. Mft4, .'rl'-uCl.OJ. S.t taltl.sfor&M. Sti.ttyiuAlllntU forwof i.!IKnj(itufia form t f IizHun. en rwtlit ofprlro, Jl.or), vr x, tjr dthof. Mm. IINKIUM frctlyanswcr3n.il! t mof Iniulry, BcnJ fur !au I blot. A'MretaaiulwTij Xrnttot t hli ;uxr, ho famitytliuul.MhJwltliout LTIHA . I'lNKUAM IJVEIl TILLS. Tlicy euro Cot:t!iatlo.it LUiuuaucs utul Torjilelity of tlmUrtr. Ucii tu (cr tux. JOHNSTON, IIULL0WAV ic CO., General Agent?, Phih., Pa. soi.i) iiy M0Y3B S20THBRS., Bloaasburg, Pa, Hint' i. iy. YOU CA?J BUY THE B LATCH LEY 11 TJnlliird,or Willi e'oppcr.Pnrtelnlii, or Iron T.ln ftuii ono tciinltcil lth my i.ntno iui iniiniil'iu luivr t wnrointnl In mute rlnl nnil con flMH'tlun, Vur ttiU) ly tlie best roii'cs In Uiq Initio. If vnu tin lint ;nmv wlicru tn cct UiN lumi. wrllu Id mo in hfluw, nMl I will K'lul nnimxir nwiit rrnro't you, Mho will tuj'ply you at my lnM".t prices. CHAS. O. BLATOHLEY, Manufacturer, 308 Uarkct St., Philadelphia, Pa. march I, 'Si-Cm ats FACTS WORTH KNOWING. Olnter. Dacha, WanJmko, Ktllllnel and muiT other or uio rteHi meuicines Known aro bo stjlltully conibtnod la 1'arksk'o Gi.sotii Tonic! ,aa to umko it tho prcatest Blood Purifier ind The lltit lloaiin unu Mrcngm lie.iorer ' i:tcr Cted. ! ' Bo perfect la tho comiwsltlon of riRKin' IQciokr Towio that no disease can Ions rxlst; where It lausou. li you ii.iT'juycpcpsu, nem-, ache, Rhoumaticm, Nourllgia, Dowel, Kidney n. Liwp Di. ardcr. or If vou uoed n mlM Btlm- ulnnt, or appetizer, tho tosto 1j jut tho med-; IC1I10 lor yuu. U9 lb 1 umuiy tiuaura uw. w. Tigorating but novcr Intoxlcatlnt;, If you aro Blowly wasting away with Con lumption or (tny sickness. If you Inre a Painful Cough or o hail Cold, I'arciii'h GlMicn Tone 'will surely help you. It Rius new lifo and vlpor to the feebla nnd oRnl. nnd is a i-crtuin 'euro for nheumatitm and Chclera Infunlum. It lite Sated Hundred! or Lhci; It Jf; Sato lonrn. If you aro fecliiiB mlscrablo don't wait until rou nro down tlolt. but use tho Tosio lo-Uay. No matter wlntyourdlseaseorByaiptomauiay be It will plto pmtnpt rcll"f, ' Kemembcr 1 I'arkcii'h Oisaen Tonic not a rum drink but tho licit nud Pur.it i amily Medicine ever made, coinpoundnl by n new nrocves. anil entirely different from titters.' Iglnpcr preparations nnd nil other Tonics. Try r coo. bottio. bottio. Your (Irupplst cau sujiply you. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM The Beit and iloit Ecouomlcal llilr Crciilur uquisitdy perfumed and perfectly harmless. TT111 AlniTt Restore ura; or inacj uair ta its original youuiful color and appearance, and ll wanaiiled to stop its L i stop its falhnCi aalisl US grgwlh ud prevent baldness.. A r.u. snnliealionl ef the BALSAM wi'l Soften ta. hair, cleanse all dandruff and cure itchinc and hu souri of the scalp. oldrjyalldrus:cisuu.aosi. OCt. l,'-ly .a TANITFIhsi aP! IV lr clnuliir.. adar.u EMERY WHPFL5.-J TIlnTANITECO. CRINOINC MACHINES Iuy vu-iw u Ntrmnlitiituv, Mourov Co., HAVE YOU EVER KNOWN Any person tn boserloinly n ul'lmt n enk stom ach or liMcilvu liver or kidi.ejb.1 Au.l liii th h i.ri;ain uiu In (,'in.il eoiKlltlon no uu hot llml their poM.esa'irt'iiJo.iliii.'pood lienlihf I'ahkkk's (iImieii TONI,, nlwijB repu ules tlit-eo liiipcnont oii;ans.aii(l never fills to luakollio blood ncu muiiure, and lo Rlroncthen tverv part ot Hie s.ittt-ui. uliun cured huuilreditof ilcspalilus Invalids, Ak your Uflgli- bora abjui it. may so-4 .v Aninri::i'ifiM:iiuiiit curi'd lulu tu.udu a.'lenj i-arhfs ta''Mnd; 10M rinrd, Nrilo.ini. uil'cj.f.li , Uau.ii, (Juli.cy, Jllcb. aid Aprll 5S-3m 3EATTY S 0rKJlls ' iiffiil Mnpi, s,.Mrinil-i only $i'5. l'laro3fls.Hip nr-lllup. Uitaloir c'reu. Address Jienity, huizton. n j mayo, 'il-ly nil i'moiM' Vurtiiitlvp I'ltlu innkrfNew lllcli Illi. al, and will completely ehaiiKo thu IiIikhI In tliucnllros.v.lem in thivo iiuhiIIh, .nvperm who will tnkol lilllcat-linlirlit from 1 to Isureki limy Iw i-p.tureil tn smiml henltli, It tiulm tliliiJ bojiolbln. dentin- mall for letter stniini., J. K, . lOtIS NO.V . CO., UmIoii, Mi m formrrlfi Jhniii'ii; Mi; AGENTS WANTED KTO,S,fvlJ,,,S. Ilnir .tlacliliii. cur iii.W,i."w i"i ..f,.1,, ,VI; Hoitinaa. Willi MlM:!, Ull TOl: iiiiimli . li, Vi inlnutes. It ui.i u:wi knit a treat vuiiiiv of faiicv. worKrorutiichtherelsalwavii n rca.iy umiket Stu 1 ' lrrM.'l.Ul ''''i1;, I'nnsl.i tlie Tsvoiiililr llnlllliiu Dluclliiio Co,, va U'j.lihuU-n lt., llutuu, Masl. mayf.'SMy TONIC MRS. W RCH BLOOD! JUST OUT. MORRIS & IRELAND'S NEW IIV5PHOVED SIGHT FLAMM FIRE-PROOF SAFE. THE ONLY EIGHT FLANGE SAFE MADB IN THE WORLD, AND CONTAINING OUR Patent Insklo UolL Work, Patent Tlingcil Cap, Four-wheel Locks, Inside Iron Linings, Solid Iron Cornors, LATEST FROM MAINE. I.ctK'd Mill's, Oxford co , JIc. Messrs. Mori 14 tc Irolond: ilonts: On tlni Woil or Noiembor, 1T9, o ir spool mill at. 'lilJ place, Mi.m!', Iho stories lilfli, was to tally cotiMimoil by niv, In wni.'ii I hum uu a I into q'l.uitlty ot spiiol I ii ni irr. i-i ) i s ami blocks, nil hex Miniil. Tliu nr imr ii il t ir iln"'i ami a li iir il.iv.s. sv Ii id nnoif .ourhJti-t In our nullum! I'm s. by moiinuif roiioi'iii, I'liTniy ikiiis uiui: tin im. it was too not lo li inillc. ti"ln tT cove rwl with liurnint; blocks. Mini i llmo niter it u opencil m il Uio n n lents witu In u irooil stat"o( pioscrvutlon, not n book or pipe-UlIiib iloitroicil. , am xitlillcil llli jours.ites unil Inivo i)ual.'iiseil another, mnl inn clieeinriy rojommeiul Uunito nnyono wlshlnu'lo bcciiio their valuables from beln; ilesi 105 od iv lire. ouis truly, I. 11. Tt uns, TREMENDOUS 'TEST. ltoastlnr Tlility lloirs In n lied of lied Hot Coals. CornliK, N. Y , Januarys, 'SI. Morris & Ireland Iloston.Mass. (icullcinen: on the n't'ln. of tlio llro In our Ml. lairo on tho Mth u'.t , I Ii d In life one of n ir No. b sates 1 urn pluosnl to Intoim sou, utter tlio lloor l-jVii way It tell Into tlw cellar, lino 11 hap of burn Ini; coal, MheioH tonsleil tor thirty hours, iitirilt l.i'in alid mMit emu tin tlio lino of auMlilDU' lie nor ikvi il lu 11. on belli; taken from tho ruins I was happily (ii.iipointeci to mm my cusu, owners ami oilier oiilons of value (erlectly moservu1. Uio comblnalioii work nell now. 1 urn MitlslU'd jcurnewaiiillinpHiv.il woik, ono of nhtcli,n No. an, 1 hive orrt red of .uur lielit lo-day, will 0II01U ulso;uto JiroU'Llion tn any inc. Truly Yours, K. S. Uahnes. STILL AHEAD- 1 oclmtcr, N. II., Ucc. IC, 'to. Mcssis. MorrU & Ireland: Dear Sirs: In the dlsas' rous fire v.'nltli took placo 111 1111s ioaii .ov. im, uie .Morris nun ireiinii saio in mv s'nrii was sublecird lo 11 soero list, blnir thrown Into the eellnrand 11 lniuo mass of debus tell upon 11, mo 11 wis 111 111 1 nuns hoiiio iwoimvh, I tako pleasure In li.r.inulii.' Mm thof. upon exenviv lion r wjs opciii il wiihoiii 110i1b.e111.il Die cunt ills were fiiuiid In be iinpjuied. I eliierruly ucoin mend ymti' sab sand bliiiulci I wniit utiolhir I suould cj.'iainij pii-eiiiibe one trom you. Yours truly, 0. W, How k. STILL ANOTHER, 1'rom tho meat I'll 0 la Troy, Now Yirlc, Troy, N. Y liccember II, 1T0. Misers Mcrrl3.tlicl.ind, lliit n: lienth 111 'tii-Afer ulncsi,ir llm clniriod books out of lite Mires Po. e . nl,-n one 01 my own vililcn was .viui lier aho I'liei was initu il.e Ip'.'il of III - hie bkti Mi" so Ol I 1 11 ireli ti-cd of 11111, which w.is in me Hie t ver er ' t(rlr iii.n mnl h.id to be ConiiMi.tli) piiiieiiin iiuiine; Mimdi.y iii-hi, as It u'a euiuuieiixy sinroiii 1 ed nllh lniiidnh' uiuMlns a d "'ii r i' 11 m tbie 11111 o 1 I. on , euu n It lu 1I1O ruins I' e u.y . lieu mn , I i,s plenM'd 10 llirl tlio coiiteiils, Lool.h, pupi r.s aid 11 01 ey weio ull pie. bene I In i r iiMik.t ly en d condition. villhtMs proof 1 f Hi" tlie la'liles o join nun wolinvct'lv vnjutir lif'i.t 111 1 ider f r one No. st-nfe. Yomsit'sjcclfully, Uavis .t Co. THE a HEAT BOSTON FIRE. JANUARY, ISM'. .Morris ,t Ireland's nfo almIii Tiluinphain-Mesjrs. ltice, Ki im.ill .v. l!o's. L.i ;-rJ Mile Keveals Its valiublu contents mm 1. niter belli sub-Jt'Ct-.d 10 UiH'ii 0 heat, lor niio Hundred and Thirty lltura. Iloston, Januaiy !, l;o. Jlessrf , Mori 14 Ireland. Uos on: (!cnlt:-tiu the nltfSt rf Decemri r 1M, last, Iho bill dine occupied 111 11.nl hi Haul Si. il Keihrul stret t, ull I 111 ll Wits hl.ir HI'I Irn lllth mill 11 bout '.110 icet neep, iniiui Hid aim was uesiroyeu, witu nil lis Cecil lilt., i'"li-iolll)tr 1 1 a eij lai;o block ol paper, coeu ciuuers materials auu o 1 er uierciuu dl.e. 'A'ldlosev ral oilier larco bulldliiL's udlolnlnc ours were burin d at Iho fame ilin", iho Usiiies were I'xunjjuHii'd ilw lelloiMm; d.ic but oursiock con tinued to burn foi uah lliereiificr. Atler a dilay of 130 hours wo were able to iuvo our silo nu;; out from Uio ruins an I opened, nud weio pliin-eiltollnil nil tlio co itents o.l pii'sertvd. Tin ,iluconlulaeil our most, v.ilu ibl" books, nape's, pi II ues, eic, nnd wiiiiowfJelniielli.itourJiiiii;nuiil was comcilu bin Ini; ono il jour iaf , which wo iliclilcd todo alter ku iuiuif uio wonuei uu n corn 1 1 j our sales 111 lliem eat llosioii lire ol ':-'. Wn leu'i r.l III" imiiec lion 1 f jour mho us unst rem likable, and lids llro Is a uuii-aiily ol Us socially to thoso who may Mlsh 10 pui 1 11 i-e. Yours U'ij' truly, Hick, Kf.niui.i. ,V Co, Al:o a Ccrr.nur.iea.i:n from Ex-Gover nor Ale::, P.ico, ll"bton, January 5, ls-O. MESSltMOIlIMS.V; llli:i.Nl). (ienlsi I liao iii'idn eauiiil cxaiulnallon tt tho coutuu s of 1 no b.iio nurchasttl t 1 011 somo jcars slucuby I he ilrm of luce, Kenui.ll & Co . nnd wlilch whs buoieciio me icsi. 01 niormoiM uoitc in uio Hieit lire ot hkt biind.ty nlht, 1 ronidtliese eurityot Uio sato under tliu clrcuinsUnces as mo.t. rein irk mlo. Noun of Us rontenus veio burned, nor wirj iwy 01 uicuisi iiijtiro'l ojr no il as 10 no uiaieii uiy 11 tin itfen 1 riiuui 1 ooiiiiuit any si cunt lus (uynir sat lunuticr with aildllluiicl conll djticu, Willi float respect, jouis vi ry truly Alexander 11. Illco. THE LATEST YET. SU; 7K2 CAU3 P.iSULT, So. Nnri ldccwock, Mo. I'cb, 1, mil Messrs Morris ,V Ireland. II iston Mass. 1 Tne safe l in.iijiit of jou l..n dctobcr win In n wu-.tory wo Men billldliiv'. which bun oJ Jan. v.v Tim liuildlm; iiK'kllelu III 1 11II1I, and thi'Mif-, bill dim; and Us Coufnis, felllnti Hie eell.ir iiimm .1 pilii it dry wood, miklii'.' a hoi nrowlileli listed Ml I" 1 hours. Thiioiitolno nf 111 1 sifo a 1 oited reii mil 11 m-iie.i in ' iiinuio una uiui 0:1 uu Hour Til conll'lils Ciill.l.ted of wuleleis. It i In . till 1 1 rtf.im. tm iki pap rs x t., ull of widen 0.11110 nut pi inl 111 nil Ion, I'np is Ivln.'ii.'il' st fi UiMdo ot th- nf ivori ii"t I11J1 id Tim sit" Inms for II. a i wi.ni.iiis, nu 1 1 1-el wo 1 sunn 'it '.villi unit U h.iMl i'io. I'leuso wuio h 11 )ui ca t allow for It .WMUlttt. bu.l UilV, Ullli UUil.i:, 0. V. HAIL, CHAMPION RECORD in lie GREAT BOSTON FIRE in 1872. CWSend forpileen and doscrlatlvo OiUUa lo bo furj purcaasiiii;els.iwlicie, MORRIS & IRELAND, Bo. ion Mass WW BLOOMSBURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOIUIA'L SCHOOL DlSTJtlCT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. TIIIHHt'HOOl,, asat present constituted, oilcrslhovcrybostfaclllllesror I'rofesslonal and aaaMcntcarnlnL', IliitldtniM snaflous. Iiivlttuir and conimodloui : completely heated by steam, well cntllatcd. lighted by cms, ami furnished with a bour.tlf ill supply ot imrc.sotl 'Lwtlou'lioaltlitul, ana msv of nccci. Taachcrs experienced, eMelent, and altvo lo their work. Discipline, firm Imt kind, uniform and thorouyn. Expensef moderate. Kitty cents a week deduction to all expecting to teach. Students admitted at any time. Hooms reserved whun ueali ea. courses oi siuuy preserioeu uy mo ev.uio i I. Moilel School. It. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Clntc.il. Adjunct Courses ! I Acnlcmic. II.Comincrci.il. III. Coiir.o In .Music. IV. Course In Art. V. Course In 1'liy.slc.il Culture. Thn Kli'ini'titarv. Hclentlllc anil t'lanleal Courses nro I'ltOKKSSION'AI,. and WMldents trradiiatnir theicln. rocolvn Statu Dlnlnmnq. rnnferrlne the followln corresponitlintlieureisi .Masteror Uio lilomci.ta; . duster of thocleiioest .Maiterof tho Classics, uraduatej their attainments,, Blcnrd bv the Otllcersof thn lloard ot Tustct". Tiiecourso of stun y presenneu ny tno Mate is uncrai, ami tnos ;inntiuc nnn ui.issicai courses are not interior to tnosn or our ncncoiicucs. Thu Stain renulresalili'her order ot clll?onsldn. Tlui times doliandlt. Rlsoncof tlu prlmn oblcc'.s of tills School to h"ln to secum It. uv furnishing Inll'lll' gent and I'illclent Teachers for her Schois. Totldsendlt solicits youni; persons of goo I aWllllos and pood irii ineir uiienis.ns "iuueiiis, io an suen u promises UntalogiR'.addresUhe Principal. i in rs ii.iii.i.ii lii.ti i-.i.i,, rrrsiiiciu iiourii SPRING CLOTHINGS- THE LARGEST OIF CLOTHING. JUST WHAT WE REPRESENT IT FOR CUSTOM TAILORING- OR READY MADE. NOW OBI HAIKD WE INVITE YOUR EXAMINATION BEfOtE YOll QllY TO KNOW "WHAT TO WEAR" AND "Huw TO WEAR IT." CALL AT THE DAVIS. $&.OOG REWARD. ONK THOUSAND (1,000) UOI.I.AHS IMtK.MlU.il i.tSVi itl lu ANY l'UUMiN tint will ilo iis tiiiK.v'l' A lUNtilO OI-" WOUK on ANY OTHEIi maciiini:. WHAT Til K NEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. If win mako Mh hem on sneeis, Ac. hem nil manner ot b'as woolen troods, os colt inei tnn, crape, or (roods dinicult to hem on oilier nuielil"es. it makes a tnoie elastic stllch thannuy oilier machine. It will turn a hem and put In plplui; at same tlino It will turn a hein. sew braid on Iho rlyht tldo and stitch on trlimntni; al ono operat on. , It win do f i:n k t-las or ftralght, either on cotton or woolen goods. It wl.l fell across seams on nny goods. I will bind a Unm orsklitand tow on facing, cither with tr wlihout Hiowlng Mucin s; bind liress (ioods with lliesfimeinaterlal, elihersc,illops,polnls. siiuaresor st n'uli. 'Iho only ina' hlno thutwlil bind Mats. Cloaks, or oilier ml ides with bias, nit In or silk, from j to 3 inched In wlaih, without basting. It will gather with or u input sowing ou. Itwlllgather betweeu two jkecs and sew on at the same time. II will make amnio and stitch u pillow slip on to tho facing at tlio '.aiiio llmo. It will shlrrnny kind of goods. It will make plaited trlinuilug cither wlllt or with out sewing It ou. It will mnko pliltrd Irln.mlng either tcilhiped or straight and sew ,i plpli gon at tho same Hint', 11 will make ludfo plalllng, J. SAI.TZKK, nen'l Agent. lilouiasburg, Pa. oct. 1, "80-1 f. NEW HKV1SI0N a!KNti:u. Mnv Tcsr uicsT. As made bv tho mint linlnent scholars of Klip. l.init and snierlci. Half tho I'rleo ot i oncKpondlt g Kngll'li Eilitloii. laigi'l'jin', linen sii'in'-caleiulai-ed parcr, elegniit Mudlng, A kepaialo "Coinpiihen. slvo ilstory i f Uio ll lo ntul lls,lranlill(iLS,"ln. eluding n tall account of Uio New lli-vislon, given lo suhscrlbers. Host eh meo f ir ngeits ever orrercd. tend sump tor pnrtlciil.il h nr. nneti. 'IhollKNItY 111U. I'UllI.lSIIINO ('". Nnrnleh, Conn. April 29, 'so sw FRAZER AXLE GREASE. l'ct In llm world, I nu-1 nt'i r itian nnv mho". Alwiys In good ftii.illlli.il. I'UIOSM r(i.,nitK,liiids s nnd eo-ts. Hinlsbni lu i le nun i i'imi tlielinliiii on. Kvi lyiuickui'Ii'tsih" irado maik. Cull lor tbo gen uine, mnl take no oilier, inaj If l-w r TAKKAXT'S SKLTZEK APKHIKNT. May rroperly bo oillnl I'iii"llercnls9" ot medlclno tor It i leiuiiies uiui u's useful sinbltf.and allows i li" reciiperatlvu powers of 'he bum lo do tho work cf restoration ,to henlih Nun edlclne cures; Nmuru iilono em us. 1 l.i-;.ipei lt,t pi ns tho prop r avenues the luiicl o uaie puinl ud to resume their work, aud thu pall jut jii is til, 1-OI.U 11V .ULlJl.UlHIIaT), m iy is 4.w LKfiAT. nLA'lvtl, ALWAYS ON HAND -i"S 1 ainui uuieiupiu itieu tioweis, unuuoauuaui, opporiiimiies lor wen jiaiu nioor inter leaving sciiooi. ro 1 ni -ii-usiees. - - - STOCK SPEEU'S PORT GRAPE WINE Used In tho principal churches for Communion turposes. e:::slleiit fop. ladies and we.kly PSR3:N3 and theaqed. Spf3er's Port Grape Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. his t'tlfbralcd Notho Mr.o Is made from Ilia Juice ot the Opono (irapo talsed In lids Country T Its InvaUnblu Tonio r.nd Streiigtlieniug Properties nro unsurpassed hv any other Xante Wine. i:el g tio nuro lulcoof Ihodiuni'. nioducid under .Mr. .'peer's own persoiuil sui eivislnn, Its iiuriiy and genuinrnist nro guranfeed. Tho jounki st child muy paimkii ot Its geneiousiiualltles mid llw weak est liitalldiiMi It to ndvanlairo It Is pan'cularlv I'i'iilllcl.il to tho ngi il nnd ilehllltiilcd, and tuned to thu Villous nlliueLls Unit nfreet tho weaker sex. U Is in eveiy resptct - tviMi'io iik keuuu o:i. f PEER'S riic 1'. .1. SIIIIIIIIY Is n Wine of Snpci lor character H nmt lMitakesof lh"goltlen iiunllll'S of thu crape. iiiiiii .iiiii-ii ii ii. in, him. rur i iiiiij, iueiiuess,riaior niiu .Miiucai I'i'opei lies, it tt in no tounu unueciieu, S PEER'S This llltANDV studs mulvnled In this Country, uviuit lur s'ipeiior iur iiieijn ui purjioses, IT IS A ITIIKdWiiiailnii f inn tno sraru and con tains valuable intdleiU rnpi.rt es It Ins n d'lcitu llivor, tlmdnr to that of llm grapes Ir mi which 11 Is distilled and Islngruat Utor mnuiig ilr.il e us faiai:i s. beo thit Hie signal ire f M.FHK11 HPEKH.I'assalc j , is over ii") coi r or eacn bottle, SOO I1YC.A.KLEIM. dec il 'so t- To l'crvor.3 Sufferers th: Crtat Earorcia n . - j 1 CiV. nu. j ii. piiusos'a n'tcinc mciucinx. Ir. .1. II. Mtppson's sri'Cllto Medlfli.o Is n positive eiuu inr ntei hi i 1. 1 1 tuiu.v ur ir in ui I'.Ml-.s l,t any kin l.sui'h ns wenkiiesa nnd nil diseases r milium.' flomeiV)Us Debllltv. Ililtabliliy.Minl.il nnx'.ily. uiniiuiii. i.tirnii itue. iiM'ienaiuii te rpn ns nun luuo tlou.il dirangemeiits cf thu neivona tystetu uen i ml.-, I'ali slnlliu iiaei, o'- I'loo, t.os". nf .Mi luory, 1 rema lilioolditguuiiddl ni-es that lead Ii onMiiplKrii.turu"! iy .Caiuiirly gr.iv irbolli. Nu ni.tiif i IlOW l-llllll'Mil I III Mysieiiiinayb iron "l'"l-hl of n n kind. I Mioi 1 1 "line iaTIi s lie d cine will micro Uia losi f it etit ns tui'l rrocum henl h nud happliuss wueiu is'iurn nun te'spui ueitev tuiij gloom. 1 1 c Npo tine Mi ul 'lne s I i-P g usetl wllh Honderful siltcess. I'aniUneta sent tree lo ull. Write for Hum and get full tiatirl"U,(ir I rice, Nierii. l l.i pi r package, or six packages tor iv u. Win If .i nt bv mull on receipt of money. Address a'lorilein .1 II NI.Mt's N's MltlilCIMJCO. No ni and I ll .Maluslli'tt, IlUHulo, N', V. lOLll.-SI-lf WAINWHiailT&CO., WliDLltSALK aitOCKHH, Dealers la TBAS, SVHUl'8, COFrBlf, UUUAlt, M0LAHSC3 mo, Eficts, aicmn uorii, at,, ac '.'l, S. CoUr tWOond .ni Arch Atrccto, Ci.ioi.il, jurrr.n In Iho other courses receive .Normal ccttlllcatcs pMrposes.-lhose wlmdeslru 'o linriovo Ihelr tluic l . r. iiim,.m w.it, fccrctarj. mm Dattlo Crook. Michigan, MANCTiOTUnittS OF THE OSbY OKKLIKE THRESHERS. Traction and Plain Englnos and Horso-Poworo. MoitComalctoTlirmhcrl'oilory ! Eotnfcllohod In tlie World. IG40 fff UP A DO oc(intfntowlanlMi'iiI'ii't. J 1 J I tMllO netl, Mltlinut ih.imro Of tllnno, ti. inanaiaun-'iit, or lotaUou. to" lack iij"lA drood warranty uiren on all ourgooas. STIIASI - I'lmiill SKPAltATOKH , and C Iilell' Menm Olltlll1 trnlthltnlnuaUtln. nsniTrnrllnn IhiBliiesand I'lnlu Limlncil ct er scon lu tho AniiTu-iin marcct. A intilHtwU of tperlal features nnd (miror.mil f nr Issl, tcsrctlicr wltll mi'trlor r(iralillf fn tmulrvt ((,, awl mattrt'iU not dreamed of by ethiT main rs. l'our rtzes of Keparnt.m, from 0 to IS horse capacity, for tleam or Aor.n i'nw. r. Two plylos rf "Mrantcd'1 llnr"o-rowcn. 7ti(f fnn l'''' of M'li'flnl l.iunher ,UUU,UUU (from three toirixyrnrtutr.ilrie't) coi.itantly on Uand, from wlilch Is built tho lu i.ii,,i.:ir:iLlo wood.tvork of ournwcUncry. TRACTION ENGINES made. S, 10, 13 liorso l'o'ner. , Former iinii TlireNheriiicii nro ltmim 10 lncwtiKTit thU matehu ThrctfUUiK Machinery NICHOLS, SHEPARD &. CO. Sattlo Creek Michigan. Jin. 7, si .tin At; i THE CREAT liriiLIXGTOX ROUTE. tirSn other lino runs Throo Through J'as. BPtiKCr Trains Dally botween Chicago, D03 Moines, Council llluir.s, Omaha, Lincoln, St. .lofcpli, Atchison, Toiiokn and nnnsas City. Direct ronnccllon) for nil points In Knn?as, Nebraska. Colorado. Wyoming. .Montana, Ne vada, Now Mexico, .rl2uim, Idaho, Oregon and California. Tho Shortest, Speediest nnd Most Cnmforta tilo Itouto vlallannlbi'.l to Foit Scott, Dcnlson, Uallas, Houston, .utln. San Antonio, Calves ton nnd nil points In TV.tas, Tho iincqunlcd Inducement? rlTcreil by this Lino to Travelers and Tourists, nro in lollows: Tho celebrated I'ullmnn (hi-ivlicel) l'alaco Sleeping Cars, run only on this Line. C. II. & (. ralaco Ilrntvlng-Iloom Cars, wllh llorlon'3 llccllnlng Chairs. No extra chargo for Scats In ltcclluliig Cnnlrs. Tho fanioiu c II. & g. i'nlaeo Illiilii!? Cars, florgeous Smoking Cars lltted wllh Llepant lllnh-Ilacked Ilatt.in llo voltlng Chairs tor tho cxtluslvo uso of llrst class passengers. Steel Track and Superior Htiulpment, com bined with Ihelr Great Through Cur Arrange ment, makes I hi', abot o all others, tho fnvorlto Homo to tho South, South-Wcst, and tho Far West, Try It, nnd you will rind traveling n luxury Instead of n illscomlnrt. Through Tickets via tills Celebrated Lino for sale at all ollitca in tho United States and Canada. All Information about Hates nf Fare, Sleep. Ing Oar Accommodations. Tiino Tables, iic.. will bo cheerfully given by applying to J.Q. A. nKAN.flen'l Eastern Agent, 4M WnMilnutim St., Iloston, Mass. i . ., .t.,"."!1,1111 ll"' "'way, New York. JAMLS It, WOOII. (Ion. I'uss. Aut Chicago, T.J. l'OTTUU, Ucu. Manager, Cliicajro. March Is, 'SO, 40t CANCERS CURED At Crano's Cancer InEtmar?, Aiilsca, N. V. lll'NDIIUDS OF 1'EltsONS liomall pails of tho world have been cured of this much urcadud uls- ,,., ,,,,., i llllll inev nave been rcscueil irom aterrlbio and untimely ilea h. Moctor .Miulsu?is and the I'oir treated fnu Wind iiiV; iT, '.V II".' "".''""'"a. Auuoiess ura. 0 ll INK .V i.UMl uhoWN, Addition, N. V. Oct. 1,'su-ly W oavor & Oo'b Ads $1,000 AYEAK" can bo mada at homo by nnv ucmvu man or ttomnn. IlllV , .,' (.1,1 V ..,11 ' . o"" " "in IIVU w obllgi d to leave your on town, or bo away from houw i.ver night. Any one can conduct Iho bust' ti' ss Hrciiitris no capital. WCWiLl.hl'.VUI' V'd' WITH AV Ol'TFIT WOIITII (I ' I'lHIl! -a If you aro rmn'oied during Iho iiiv nn can s ! i'.nrr TJ, U.'J.l!' ''Vt':"'K' f" ' ' fir "KlUtS . .,, ..' '"" " iui;tii ii. iy. ii rii'j at once "i" . pJiticuUra ton (,. itiui.ol'T, mi linivlay stieit, N. . wtco match ll, 'ol.iiui SUIMiHIOlf TO ALL OTHERS JV lu IJ.Ii UJ PIANi Highest l'll'H Awarded, ,ui:vi:it A; M)., Iii'.'.trclifclreet riilladelplda. Highest Awards for iho Lest I Unos: London I'arls, Centenid.il and 1 cun'.i tjtats I'alrs. niiroi 1 1, 'si cm wAco 1 P".;jpiowo i-ir r.jj,mi;un, '"1'!,"'f i! ' '"' "'"I'fi'Ol'lli I. 1'. n. i r I v. n . ,...w III- ' . rni .ir,u.ir,.jii r iuen.it. imc ',';",'. IVi.1""'1 '" '"A'-l! "'i l LUt'.NTV . 'IV"'.;. "". .'!. i'- . ........ ,.,vvi(.u i. . iu, tiier., h 'ii..., mi l .ri.li i.r,.r.r.,;. ..tl.liii,a,.J, s, ia ,r, l,".l,l'.,l;"'ri,7 ';,,;?"''rriflil.iii.c.. St.,la n.i I i . , , . """"luill," ftns I lii.i ll ApilU:-2lll aid S5 nilttH frttA Intlificaul.n ud.V ...w fiimn uuu iuiiiuoie uillllOSS I known, kterti ninr. i. nn, ismi.i . re- 110 ;.i....' io, .:t,,, .. - i Vv ibff iiDwirS ViV i"," ffiHff 'J . ittay rom born over nii?ht. Nn n.ir h r,,v? I ir.V.tw,S'rHvr?.w".ntC(1 ul Shco' Wwiy ro taaic. Iugtuii'li6sattti0l)ulripiu IjvIIos mako as mueli Mn.nntkhoUvtlim tovort fiUaix) it.ko iao! aioueyevvryt Wthiic.WUui(liilii4.u'w.vi1t; 1 1 HWaaiii,.jiiijm::jm RAILROAD TIME TABLES jJOllTHKUN CENTRAL KAIJAVAY 'VINrHU TIME T.VIJLE. nn nnil nffer Rnndtv. Mor. 7. lMI. thn lini inlhi'l'hl iidolplilaKilnlIaIroJidDltl.sIonwlli run as follows t WKSTWAItl). Krln Mali ltnvos 1'IillortelpMi 11 r.r, p tn " llnrtlfcburg 4 ." it iu i vuilt.iui port s in an, i " .lersey iluir.) ll nil n i Lock llaten tijuiim " lleiuito 11 nr, run il nrrlvn nt l.Nn 7 4S n in Kl.ijain Kspresa 'catesl'hlliulelplila i in " " IIIIIIISUIIIK , V 111 i ill " nrr. nt Mlll.imspoit at.-, pm " Lock llaten .I'.'Opin ' " lienovo f'4nptn Fast Lino leaves 1'hlladelPhl.i 12 io p m " Hiiiilsburc 4 ii pin " anlvont Wlillnmsport TKlpm " Lock llaten v lupin KASI'WA III). Pnclila Hxprcss lent cs Lock llnvcn 7 ( r, n m " uer.""',v nuuio i 1 1 ii in " tt llllamsport s no a rn " r.irlvo at llartlstnirg tinr, pw " Philadelphia n't."! pin Day Express lenven lienovo luninm Lock llaten II !.ln in " wililamsport VJsr, pm arrlvent imiil-burg asoptn ' " I'lilladclphla c o.ipm Kilo Mall leaves lienovu vivpin 1 " Lock llaten loiopm " " willlaTisport llBipm 111 1 I I ei. tl t llllllDOlll), "'Wlllll ' " Philadelphia iuium Fa3t Lino leaves Illtninfport Vi 15 a m " nrtlvcsntllarrlsburg 8isnm " Milladclpnl.i 7 Mam Krlo Mali wcstnntl Day Lxbrets Last, mako clenii coniiictlonsnl.NorlhiimberlandttllhIA; li, u. H trams tor tt iii.cso.u io uuu pi rnuiou, Die Mall West, Mngnr.t Express West, nrel ras Lluo Wcstmoko close toniieUlon nt Wllllunaiior with N.C. ll. W. trains iiotth. Nliigiirn Kxpress Weft and Day Fxptt a J'ns make elotc eonnectlun nt Lock Ilntcn ttlih n, k.v, It, K. trains. Hrlo Mail east and West connect at. Fr'n tutu trains on U S, .V. . H. It, It. ; nt Corry with o.t.jc t. V. It. II ; at. Knipnrlum with 11. N. Y. & 1', li. 1; and nt iirittwoou tviiu ,. t, n. u. Parlor ens will run belucen I'hlla ,elph1 1 and tMllam-pultou Mngara bxpuss ttct, nnd In 1.x press jiost. Bleeping cars on nn nigut irainn. WM. A.1IM.DWIN, tienernl supt, SkTOnTIIEHX CI2KTI1AL KAILWAY 1 , V.t.H I .vt. . . on and ntur January nth, If!, tralii3 tvlllleavo Suubury as follows : NOHTHWAUD. Northern Express c,3o n. in., arrive Klmlra IS.no put Arrive at Cinandalgua fl.'.'ip, u, " ltoihestcr -14) " " Niagara, c -15 " NUgara Express 1.03 p. in. nrrlvo L'ln'.r.vHi di p m nrrlvo Canandalgmfl.31 " " llochester 43 " " Marar.i w.ODara Fast lino fi.lo p m an Ivo LImira ll.os p in " Wntklns ll.Mpta bOUTHWAHI). Eoulhcrn Sxprcos 1.32 a. rn. nrrlvo IlnrrlslV s 'Sa m nnlvo riiradelphla 7.3.1 " " New Yotl: 13.35 " " Ualtlraoro 7.40 " Washtmjton 11,02 a rn l'acillo Express lo.im a m arrive llarrlab'j tu.es p m tnlvo I ld'adcphia c.45 pta " Now Yoik C.?3 " " llaltlnioru C.20 " Wiuhliglon 7.52 Day Exprcsii.g) p m nrrlvo llarrlsbu-tr s.io p m " lTill.idelphla o.ir, " " NetvY'oik s.so " " Daltiuioro 0.35 " Washington 7.r2 ErloMalll.os n. rn. nrrlvo Ilnrilftiug S.0sn.m) " l'hlladc lplda 7.33 " " New Yoi k o.nj " " Daltlmora 7.40 " Washington u.02 L. 1'. FAltMEK, Oonoral l'asoea,'0r Aseit. FItANK THOMSON, Ooneral Managir. nUILADJJIil'HA AND HEADING KOAD AIUtANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TEA INS. May II, 1S7D. TKAIKS LEAVK HtJrKI'.T A3 rOI.IO,8(srKPAVK.CErTfO For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, l'ottstiilo Tamarptn, ftc, 11,43 n. m For Catnwlssn, 11,45 n. m. 7,21 and 7,S5 p. m. For Wililamsport, c,2S 9,03 a. m. nnd 4,0c p. m. TKAIN3 FOB BCriRT LEAVB Aq FOI.tOWfl, (SCNDAT KZ CBPTKD.) Lcavo Now York, 8,45 a. ra. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leave Heading, n.Wia. m,, 1'otUvlllo, 12,3a p. ra andTamaqua, 1,35 p. rn. Lcato CaUtvIssa, u,20 s,co n. in. and 4,00 p. m. Leave Wililamsport ,0,45 a.m,2,lG p. ni. nnd t,co p. m 1'asscngers to aril from New York -md l'hlladci: phla go througa w ithoutchango ot cars. J. E. WUOTTEN, CO, Hancock, General ilnnngcr General Ticket Agent. Jan. 14, H70-tf. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AN1J WKbTKItN UAlLitOAD. BLOOMSI1UUC1 DIVISION. Tlme-Tablo No. ss, Tak"3 effect at 4:30 A. M MONDAY, .Il'NK 10, 1S.S. NOllTil STATION. SOUTH. p.m. p.m, a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m 4 12 ll 10 . ..Sriardon.... .. ..Lellovue.... ...Tuyloivllle.. .ttik.tv.'aniiu.. .... l litsion:... West I'ltl'itnn 9 3.1 9 45 III IS 13 r, 2D t. v.i ll !! 17 J vi b f.S S tl S ii a ir, S 22 y in II 37 II 30 9 l a 3i 0 4(1 C 45 C SO f ts 0 I'i 7 10 7 15 7 IS 7 S3 7 35 7 42 8 III 8 23 8 43 8 5 3 M 3 4C 3 4 12 41 12 6 3 .10 a in ..'9 68 2 as a pjl 2 44 2 4'J '2 6J t7 3 IS 3 15 3 111 S 15 3 21 3 M 3 lis S CO 4 0.1 4 11' 2 14 . W joining Maltov .... llentif 1 1. 10 07 S 3J 8 13 ? m' Kingston " 1(1 IS 10 33 6 ll, I. I jiirLtm. ..I'll mouth .nine. ....Plymouth Avondalo Nantleoke Lllltlln,'l.''l. . n.lf S 23 3 ill 3 ts 10 !i) e 12 6 114 7 M 7 33 7 2 7 21 7 19 7 14 7 10 J 1)2 c r.r, o M 0 46 t 27 6 IS 6 uO 3 12 3 III 2 fil 2 89 2 84 i its S 17 10 34 6 Sl-I S 2s 111 42 KhtpL-ul.ln, t "it., . S nl....Illrk's Keri'v""",1l 07 8 12i..,.l.iaeh Haven.. '11 13 8 HI! llet wIcK U 21 4 13 9 03 4 23 7 13 4 29 7 23 .1 u-l 1 ml Ilrlar creek., ,.,'itlliow drove. Llme'llldgc., 7 ! EHpy....... 1 4 1 M 1 tl 1 40 1 27 ...11 39 4 4'J 7 41 7 sil . It nnni.liiir 11 43 4 49 S 111 7 33 1 29 Itupcrt CaUittlssa llrldgo. Danvlllo Chulasky 11 S 11 ;.J 4 !5 S .i'J 5 110 S SO ft IS S it 9 IS DM o 30 9 6 li 9 7 11 12 18 1 W b 43..Noitnuuibcrlad. 12 43 p.m. p.m, a.m. p.m. p.m. n.ra , . ., F. DALsTEAD, hurt, s ipsrtntnndeiifi OBco, Hcranton, Juno ll), 1S73. outnt fuinlshn.1 net'.vtith nm iniriic Hon tor cundiiellug fe most rroillablo L -L J Vi1''".'''31! tlia li"y oao Cjn bgagu In. ,,' "" uusiuesa n Nirasy io leain, ami our in&iriietlnnsiiru soMmplu nnd plain, that nnyono rV it . V i, " " " r' "an. ro one eSiUe 1 l" " 10 '"rl:' Women nro ns suc ? J1 , ""'"' 1 " aui1 BlrU ca 'nrn largo biitns. n L"i'lVl! "!''"? 111 ,l,u business oter ono hundied doll.i s in a slnplo tt eek. Nolhlng like It ever knetvn . " Al' mgago arosurpristd at. Iho case Uc?rl''"y "I'll ttlilch they aro ntilo to inako Innr i...). !?. c"". vuUAn " business during n,v, P.",1?,1 1 'u Sf al Prollt' Vou do not have to itneHcapimi m it. o tako all the ilsk. Thoso who riShii.dr', T?,yS !,hl"."d wrUu 10 U! at once. All furiilsliedreo. Addu-sa Tkcii tt Co., Augusta.Malno 52BrnuAr..j For Catarrh 'irr.re r.oi'5;f' oreaths through thu nose, It. villi to ab soibeil. i leaimlnt- and an ,i-:. crii.r Healing iho I'Tseased inoinbrane. i-- ..,ff a'i M'l'ly a jmitlclu luto 1IU LOIt EM'S (JitKAM BAI.3I llnilru- ,rnl, ...I ... .... ... e ni. ri'',,i... . ' ltcai "puiotirn, il fpia dlsoVefy: 'J i"., Va !! So " i'i.".! . !' '"-tcv er known. T lair trial iH ttfri ii . fr . t or its ci rat to or t afai i ie!li lir,, ' cleanses Iho uosiil pasragis i ts in i .L', l'",",Mul; I'talti y bicriilons. nl run i i ',' 2' G,n V " V""'""!!. I loieelslho mom ci mi le I'lfu,',,11'" 1111111 "t-'"i addlllonuliolda, o asti a'L 't ll"K,".'1,! 11 riM,,es Iho wiite Vy u f w nnnKS 'iV.L11'1'.1 clul Ih-'WHh uio realled ri eft il lunm'J o,'a- ' ll'i'eugh treaimi nt as ill fur told l i il , nl" li1.1'' AR a noi-Mli'M H'lnidy .asvir.ii.'i'.'1. 'u. HI? liuqunlcil. 'ilo baliu Is renin ?, . . , ".''.'i "'IR' 'hl by III I'BBlsIS at f'O Mnd focularM, fuff nlo.m'al.olu1' U ..... c v.itcA3l HALM CO., Owcgo, N. Y. L01! I'lwinibiirgbv Mot er Pros . c. A. li lelm. alo DlSgPs uraiiy."1 Klul'orl!' ftid b' m wii.ii, w-iy (j HELPS Vtiiirselvis byinakng money , hen h gold ii chnnco Is of iciul, llnii by alttutskef nlng who alwats t, in riv...?,' rl ' H ur Uuor, 'iliosu in Idng moi, t in t Vu';llll.':' t'l.a gcod clianctslor KIi.,S U I Ble Oflltil lei.i rnlle l.iermo ealliry w i,,ie " V" 'i ho" do "iiof tliancisn mnii. i, ."v.. .n0 "t i. ui. h,. .!"'".: : iiuprutu turn iiiiiirui Cailln, llio lm.lr,7.u . M .isiiviM 11.011 "' '" ousintis vl 1 nav inni-o ii.om i, . il,.,;"? inr i s right n l .o r own lo own io- irdli oiy wages tv ri.VtU"15' ,aoro ",an "" ,llnl? all that lou ne i?iurisi.?"c?lrul,tu',1'I:1 wages. w rurm.i t Jou need, thZ No : IL. "5 .'fry rapidly. Yon em, rtn, ,mir Fun iiitoimition . S r Wr. .GUrpare mi nn nu Adduwi fi-S t.. Wa i-UeU ifntino .. Illnft ,n ,i,ftr...' -. v.'.. uviwin jwu. VLflfAODVfiiTfHiWIIay Fever, Cold in tho I JrR5fCOLDVFA!vl,1,f Ml 'inseit wllh riAlOif AUJllltlo llnirer, a partlflo r-i cdi'titAx ho Holm mm mo 1Uj3..wuo.str Is: draw stronB S vv stii toy Mojtt .Hll' Utll