The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 03, 1881, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUItG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. illSlA J. K. BIXT3Hai!MDEn, Eilt0"' BLOOMSBURG, PA. Friday, .Ttmo H. 1881. Tho l'lillndeliihiit 7'wm run out ol lanuMinni' on Wcdiiusdiiy, nml hadn't a wrd to throw nl iho "rooston." Never wiv di-Aloo-t MoC'luro. Tn view of thu dioijrai'.oful and disor- di rlv iirocecdiniM in tho Wislaturo dur ing thu past Hcssion, it might he well to compel mcmbfix hereafter, to givolionds lnr good behavior beloro tlioy tako their eats. Tho Hpeakor should "ivo double bonds. A misplaced switch at Beaver Swamp li' iir Trenton, on tlio I'eiiiiHyivantit inn roa-l last IUond.iv caused an accident that resulted in tho death of two persons and theiniiiryof more-than twenty. The train wasrunninir fifty five miles an hour and two passenger cars wero smashed to pieces. That hiidi toned and incorruptible sheet, tho iiarrisburg Patriot wiyrt "llio iiitieoiniooi press is slowly 'citchiiij' on' to tho idea that thislc'iishituro is not so bad that it iniidit not havo leen worse. ' This assertion may bo taken us oim'ial, as tho J'amol u umloiiinuiy the noblest 'nmcom ol them all. Grant seems determined to loso no chanco of loweriuj' himself in such pub lie esteem as ho is now held. His latest evploit is a letter urging tho legislature n ISew orkto re-elect "our aoiiiuorn. If there wero no other reason why Conk lin' and l'latt should bo defeated, this would lie sullicicnt. Itiiporinlism ought to have no support in tins country. The Williamsi iort Gazette aial Jhdlc fi'i states that ex-Senator Chalfanl, of Danville hsis been favorably mentioned sw u Democratic eandidalo for Stall Treasurer. Ah. indeed, and who has mentioned" him, except perhaps Mr. Cliiilfntit himself.' Doubtless tho Ga-i-.-He and Bopublicans generally, would be glad to havo the Dauvillo politician nominated m easy to beat, you know. Tho New York Express, John Kelly's organ, is trying to convince, its readers that Mr. Tilden is figuring with iMr. Conkl'mg to buy one .Soiiatorship with Democratic votes. It is a perfectly safe thing to discredit any story that emanates from tho wretched traitor Kelly, whose betrayal of tho Democratic parly is well understood. Kelly only repiesents tho most debased elements of the party. Tho six-day pedestrian content in Now York, for tho O'Leary international bolt, ended on Saturday night and llio victor was a little fellow named Vint, who made i score of .7S miles. This beats all iormer records. Vint only weighs I OS jbc. and ia tivo feet two inches in stature. His pluck and endurance wero remarka ble and havo richly repaid him, as his receipts will bo largo. The legislature will adjourn next Thursday, Juno Oth. Only a few acts of importance have been passed ; Ono of thcho m tho bill providing for a loan of ten millions of dollars, tho maximum interest to bo four per cent., to meet tho manning indebtedness of tho Comnioii weultli. Tho sesiion has been chiitly remarkable for personal explanations nutters in which the people of tho State tako the feeblest kind of interest. For o, theso many years the news pa.urs of Philadelphia havo been striving to secure a reduction of car faros to five cents. Tho des'ued result is as far olT, apparently, as when tho effort was lirst niitde.but llio papois Keep uptlio assaults with unabated vigor. Tho averago Philadelphia monopolist is about a3 stub born a creature as is known to tho pres ent generation and it is doubtful if any thing this side .of :i popular uprising will move him. Ever since Speaker Ifewit threw aside dignity and decorum and descended to scurrility and vulgarity, ho has never lost an opportunity to demean himself. On Friday last, ho engaged in an uti neomly wrangle with Mr. Wolfe, leaving the chair and making disgraceful re marks upon the floor. IIo insulted .Mr. Wolfe and Mr. Nobingcr and. aftor tho adjournment, exulted in bin reprehensi ble conduct. How did Howit happen to aopiiro tho reputation for decency and respectability ho had when ho oiitorod the House, any way! Tho administration of that truly good men Rutherford Hayes proves to have been about as rotten m any tho country bus ever had. In every department thus la.1 investigated, framl and corruption uve been discovered, and thu end is not yet. Perhaps Hayes could not prevent tho stealing, as tho rascals who put him in tlio While House insisted upon ro Avards for their services and retused to nart company with the bcniflciary of their crime. Tlio namby-pamby moral-1 ity at tho White 1Ioiij is in sickening ontrast to tho star route plundering and tho audacious lobberies ju tho treasury department. What tho people desire to know, now, is whether any id' the public jdundcicrs are to be punished. Tho beauties of a republican form of government are beyond enumeration, so many and yaricil aro tho phased of free dom pretwjitcd for consideration. Owjii--ionaily souw unusually choice develop ment excites ur wonder, such, for iu wtuiu'o. As that at Albany recently, where the Vice President of the United States was doing ins utmost to injure tho l'resi 'lent, by striving to secure the re cleo 1 wof Coukling. Although it ia yuito generally understood that the Vice Pres cient is a mere creature of Lord Uoacoe, yvf .i decent regard for his high otllee, riliijuld havo induced him to refrain li'oni roclaimiiig it iio publicly. Arthur ought i i tin one thing to rcdutMii his tarnished reputation follow Coukling lead and iVfiun. The Governor has vetoed the bill granting pensions to veterans of the Mexican war for the good aud sufficient mi" ii that there is no money ju lho !!(. sury for tho payment of such claims. Th. mo message condudes as follows: -l'atil adequate provision is made by tlm General Awombly for tho icstorutiou f the finances of tho Statu to u certain ami I hculthy condition, and for tho pit) nifwt of appropriations already overdue, 1 i-lmll feel It my duty to Interpose exec utive disapproval of measure not strictly mciiwiry, which impose additional four .dons on tho jtroasury." Thiro can i no doubt of tho justlco arid force of Hum n.rjrumi nt and it will nvet with popular tipprovul. Beyond iu, tho payinont f pensions in a nmttor which propci liclo-ng l tlo Jfl'j)crfti t)wrtiftch't, ' (hunt is on his way bark from Mexico and will of cottrxo rush to the rescue of lloscooal Albany. If the I'uniblurtn ofNowYoil; wish to earn the respect of tho groat body of tho American poo plu thoy will reject (C'onkling and snub (Irani, It is hard to convince tho ox- Ticsident that impoiiiilisui is dead but that Is a good way to try. Tho Greenbackers will hold their Stnto Convention at l'ottsvillo on thu l.'lh of Juno, to bo followed tho next dav bv an old fashioned pic-moat Girardvillo. Gen. Weaver, Hon. GilbeitDo La Matyr and Jesse Harper, of Illinois, nro to bo tho principal speakers. If thorp is any vitality loft in thopaity, Weaver is determined to bring it to tho surface, and at tho same time ro Instate himself iu tho good graces of the rank and file, who nro inclined to look U3kant at him, aftor tho terrific over hauling ho received at tho hands of prominent Greenbaokera last Fall. A prominent Republican politician who is an intimate friend of Senator Colliding, recently said to a correspondent of the Cincinnati! Commercial; "This is the last Republican administration. It would bo as well to paint a sign and put it over tho White 1 louse door thus : 'James A. Garfield, last republican tenant of this building. "' Ho added "I believe tho re publican paity is holding tho last term of its leaso of power. Wo can wiite over its tomb : "Killed, but not by the Dcmocrata." Tho view taken by this gentleman is that tho dissensions "in tho Republican party are past remedy and that, whether Colliding is defeated or not, tho Slates of Ohio and New Yoik will surely go Democratic at tho next olection. "This is a stalwart opinion and is entitled to consideration. THE FlUlir AT ALltANV. There does not seem to boaposibility that Coukling and Plait will bo re-elected United States Senators. Tn spite of tho most vigorous and untiring work by Conkl'mg and his friends, they wero un able to secure a majority of Republicans for tho caucus and thus a defeat was foreshadowed. A ballot was taken on Tuesday and resulted in I!.") votes for Conkl'mg, !) in the Senate and -Hi in the House. Piatt received '.'!) votes, 8 in tho Senate and L'l in the House. It requires SO votes to elect. Tho Democrats voted for Kernan and Jacobs, tho former receiving ol votes and the latter ."3. On Wednesday a second ballot was taken and Coukling lost one, having only .'il votes to his credit, Piatt held his 20 votes. It is probable that there will he a deadlock for several days to come,but llio chances of Coukling and l'latt will not be im proved thereby. If the Democrats ro main firm, tho election of Senators may bo postponed until another Legislature is chosen. In that event the people would havo a chance to express their views. LYNCH I,AW. That HiiKpccted criminals should have fair trials and bo given every chance to establish their innocence,! a proposition sustained both by law and justice. It not infrequently happens that circum stances, which at first sight, point con clusively to the guilt of tho accused, aro readily dispelled when submitted to ju dicial investigation. But of lato years tho delays of the law have grown inler niinablo and so numerous aro tho legal devices used by shrewd lawyers, that the crime is well nigh forgotten beforo the final decision is readied. Iu an adjoin ing State a murderer, still unhung, has already had three tria!s,iu each of which a verdict of guilty was rendered, and there yet remains a chance for pardon. As a result of such delays there has arisen in Bonio parts of the country,a feeling of uncertainty and of impatience that "has led to tho unlawful and unwarrantable hanging of persons whoso guilt was con sidered past doubt. Those who road newspapers carefully must havo been sur prised at tho number of lynching that havo occurred during this past' twelve months. Most of the.-o summary exe cutions havo been for monstrous and re volting crimes, and this fact has to a great extent restrained public condem nation of those who unlawfully punished tho guilty. Lynch law is utterly in defensible it is' opposed to tho wiitten law and to every principle of decency and morality aiid it is to bo deplored that there aro many instances in which right and justice aro set aside in favor of tho indignation and wrath of the hour. If lynching wero resorted to, where there aro no courts to try tho offenders, tho matter would bo dill'eient,but such is not the case. In tho majority of lynchings during tho year, the prisoners havo been taken from the custody of tho Sheriff and out of securely fatened cells. It is im possible not to concludo that in these eases tho people wero unwilling to await tho slow and doubtful piocess of the law. A subject m) grave as this demands, and must eventually receive tlio attention of our law-makers, though in just what way tho present modes of legal proce dure can bo changed cannot be deter, mined without study and lvllection. The main point to bo decided is, whether tlio guilt or innocence of a prisoner can not bo determined with hs delay than is now available to those who have money to pay for tlio iicsl of legal talent. Mi'Munes Afhr JlacVeajjIi's Si'Jiji. A llarrisburg special in tho X. V. .SVut says: It is said hero that. fames McManes tho Gas Trust boss of Philadelphia, is determined to drive Wayne MoVoagh out of the Cabinet, and that ho predicts that his purpoiio will ,o attained before Congress meets iu December, bout three weeks ago MoMantw went to Washington to confer with Blaine upon milters of public interest. Iu the coiuse of con er?Hlion ho told Blatiio that some time previous in tho meeting of tlio Chicago Convention, a .oiderenco was held at tho olliet of Whuiion Barter jn Philadelphia, at which, bi siden Barker, McManes and MiicVeagh, and others .hostile to Grunt, were present. McManes told Blaimi (hat at this conference Bil ker cuthusiastiu::)!' nijvouatcd tho Hum iliation of Garfiihl, belle ing )in to bo thu most available PiKfjidulc, but that MaoVeagh igorou!y otipced Gatljild, saying, iicojidiuir to McMuiics' rcpoit of tho conference: "It will never do tononi iuato Garlield, for ho is sj steeped in oomipliou that hisciudidacy would re quire a continued defense of his con nection with woij paveuiviit contracts urdCitdit Moblliur, ami other corrupt transactions. "I never heard' any man," i,a(J McManes to Blaine, "say such harsh thing of mother ni MaoVeagh said of Gai'flehl ou lhat occasion, and I cannot for tho life of mo understand why a re former like MnoViiigh could accept an otiiui under a Picident so conupt'a i reprcnenlu (Jnilleld to be." And Mo Manes UewlllftJ wjfli saying that Blaino replied tluu: "Tho nrceptanpo of tho At tonify GouernWhlp by MaoVeagh, mpjtr tlio (liruiiuistDiioi H, is net near ho siiifiu lor us that (l.'ii lii'ld appointed liim to tho Antco,kmwluir,fl hoilld what MuoVeogh hud oftid of him, twwety word iiltocd on that opoiiMOii was Imthfmly KporlOM; to Ghrtlfld,' The judicial apportionment bill passed ! the iiouso hnally on Wednesday by n votoofl!l' toU.V By this tho number of judicial distiicts nro increased nine and the number of judges fifteen. If the Senate adds a few, the people will havo nocniiFoto complain of want of Cotut facilities. Mr. P. Lorillard's three year old colt Iroquois won the Knglis'h Derby, on Wednesday, tho first American horso to win that race. News Items. Tho cpizootio hasappeured in tho west ern part of tho stale. An Haslon school teacher locked up ono of her girl pupils on Friday for re fusing to .recito lier lessons. Tho girl jumped out of a window and ran away. The distance she jumped was fully two Rtories.yot she received no injuries. Nat Harris, a prisoner at llairisburg, is trying hard to commit suicide. On Thursday last ho cut his throat j on Fri day ho lore open tho wound, and on Sat urday made an attempt to hang himself. All his efforts havo been unsuccessful, and now hi- is under strict surveillance. Chicago Western Catholic Tho latest man who lias been made happy though tho uso of this valuable liniment, is Mr. James A. Conlau, libra rian of thu Union Catholic Library of this city. Tho following is Mr. Con hin's indorsement: Union Catholic Linn.utv Association-, HO I Dearborn Street. Chicago, Sept. 10, 18M0. 1 wish to add my testimony as to the merits of St. Jacob's Oil as a euro for rhomatism. Ono bottle has cured mo of this troublesome disease, which gave me a great deal of bother lor a loiig time; but thanks to tho remedy. T am cured. This statement is unsolicited by anyone iu interest. James A. Conlan, Librarian. A hoy named King employed at. the Beaver .Mills, Williainspoil, "fell from thu edging burner, adistanco of sixteen feet, Fiiday morning and fractured his skull, from the .effects of which he died in tho evening. Parents, in buving children's shoes,ask for those with the A. S. T. Co. Black Tip upon them. They will outwear any shoe, and add to the beauty of tho finest made. A. S. T. Co. always stamped on front of Tip. A violent thunder-storm passed through tho Catawissa Valley on Thurs day night of last week. Tho lightning shatteied several telejrraph poles, aud struck and instantlv killed William Davis a boy, who was ploughing in a field at Zion's Grove. Crawford county sends a ton of butter every week to different western markets. Women that havo been given up bv their desired fi lends as beyond help, have been permanently cured by tho uo of Lydi.i K. Pinkliams Vegetable Com pound. It is a positive euro for all female complaints. Send to .Mrs. Lydia U. Pinkham L'HiJ Western Avenue' Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. Baik-peeleis aro iu demand in Tioga county. It is estimated that 1.000 men are engaged in the business iu that coun ty at present. IT HKADS THE LIST 01 all oilier preparations or uiO'Iii-inc. In ci-'cs of nausea, lie.vhcr p, d ?i'u csi or irrrgu laritirs of i In- a'(ii', lSunlod; I l 'od Hitters Imve no I'lmil, I livy n.ver iiilm afl'iinlins inumsJiitu rihet". Price $1, trial ciza 10 cenis. Friday afternoon a tiamway iu tlio Beaver Mill yard, Williiuusp.n t.'foll four teen feet, laden with four trucks of lum ber, six men and a borne. George Hoff man had a limb broken in two places above the knee, and Neli-n Byers, fore man of tho mill was seriously injured. The other men escaped with trifling in juiies. Parents who allow their children to g.-ow up with scrofulous humors bursting ironi every pore aro guilty of a great wrnntr. Think of them pointed out as branded wish a lo.ithsiuno disease, and you will readily procure them thu C'uti eura Kcmidics. TIk I'xteiiMve works of tho Collier White Lead and Oil Company, iu St Louis, wero destroyed by lii'olas't Satur day niht. The loss is over .")0.),OJ0. KKVKlt TOO LAIN TO .MKND. Th ,T. Anlii", Will'iim ftnvt, K.ut lloll'.. lo, nnltt: "Vour Spfii-f IIIywiiii lias wmk'il 0:1 mi i.ili,n',ii. 1 li.iil no Hppfiiif; iik'iI to tlep litihv an I ;;,t tip i 1 dm tnornirj; miro-f('i-'': my lirv.iili n- Miry ell' u.itu nml I h (I'thI fiom si-Mim hculacte. Siiu-u using i'mirf-pr iu lHiooma 1 dii'so mrmiitnnia fcavo v.ini-U'l iiinl I ln'l ipii u vull," I'rico 50 ctntfi, in-1 iolilei 10 pints, Torrilio tliunder storms aro icpoited iu this and other States. Sovcial deaths havo been caused by lightning. JMl'OitTANT to Tr.Ayiii.f.iis Special hi ihuoaifciiu nro r ll'i-reil j on by tho IJurlliiston lloute. It will pay you to read their adver tisement to be I'nuud tlsoivlitre in this issue. .March IS-JO-w Candidates ll poihOa) n huso namvs aro cnnouno il tn U1I3 cu.uinn, aro UeiU'cil toabldj by 1110 ilccl3lon ct the Di lo convent lon.uli loh will meet on Tue&day Aui; J l'OIt ASSOCIATE JfUOE. Wo mo,i il in announce tlio n.imo ot JS.,M, U. KIIM'KIIMJ.M. i,f livnton township, as n c.iiiiliiluio for trie f!eo er Atsci latd Jud;;e,sulijccl iu iim riiUu i,l tliu Pi nio(riilJ raiiy. TO!! ASSOCIAT1! .n'POli. W11 nro milliri!"il to untimiMo tt.a namoot J. I'Afl. KllHY. if 1 rnvrr tnunsliip, ns a euuiliiiatu for AtM.t'1-ito .iiiclsi', bubjoit lu llio rulcb of llio Diir.iCn tic p.nty. IIKdISinit AN'P ItHollllKlt, JIK'ny I.J, I'. FYK1II.V. i f lllcciiiH.urt', niitliorlrca n 1111110111 co Ills i-niiii' tin a tiii'ill'li,to fur 1110 iif llc(i nf Ih.'HiTBii'i llwonlcr, mill 'it la Hie decis ion if Uw Pi iiiOipipH j;o:(ntj';'i)iivi;ullon. COVNJ V 105IMISSIOVKU, Wo a n.uli'iii.:?il tg nan. win i'io namo ol I'll lil IS Hi;iC I llll'. 1 f M.1I11 li)tnt.llll. IISIICAU. iiiilii'i inr inn I'liui' in i'i. iiiy 'in-n u luiii-r. mil -).il in He .it'i'UlM f tli j IM.i juiuliu 1 onviintloa CoUNl'V TilEVtilMlEll. Wi ,1,1) .jiiljjr' i'iI li unionrmo llio iiatnn rf JAMI m Kll.l',clt.o Jlaln Ijviiiiliip, ns it cimlidUu for Hi 1 niiliM of (j uoy TrCwsuitr, .uWcet tho 1 uloa if Hi Ociuuoiuilo p.iriy. - ' COU.NTV TliKASUIIEll. We ii'i' a'at'n .lciHitinoui.Oii ILo DAmi" if . l JniiNW iN, of noiat ii.wni'lilp u,.i oaiidlil in f r "Im-'S i.f '''inii'v Ticasunr, s.lju't to tliomhu ui iu l.fiiiifKUi.f pifil;, cot'sry i.oiuiiKJin.sEK, Wh arofliiihoilu'il in Minuunoj llio naiiiorfli 1' Fil.Mr, i,f Hki 11 ucici 1: towb.iuii, nm c' uui.iiii f t iliicllloi. of County 1 nuiinlUloner, iuM-'CI luili rtiku of tUo Pemuorallo poly. A UDITOH'S NOriCli. EiriTS of v.u 1 uii mvjoi:, nact'Asco. ine umJcrilifiieil Auiilmr nptioltteil by tho Or. pliilm1 1 illii't WHuldcouiity, lo innkn tlistilliui ion of t liu liiilai.Cii ot iln fuml In llm baniln of Uavtil r-nvnijv. Aiinimu'Mitrr if ncri 0 ceo-"'' m hvi. iiiiiouir 11.1 rlloii 1 nl 11 liil ili'-rtiinilll kltfcllitanilicoiii ll'u .mliinv Iu ml.l iioiinl)'. tin M..ih1hvi 1 It t l.'tll il.iy nf Jui.u, A. o.. imi, in U'n o'clixisu. m.. of h.ill 1l.1v, wlifB nml ulvio nil p.irl li 3 Inifro-leil In said fuuu must ainiaor bo forever debarred from ul ;Mro of BlUdfUOd auv J.voniiY. vy3,ir Auiitor, jOTICE. ru'j noi'um -in . 'i iitu jet ii'tri-uj fives nouuu Jim nnutnidii1in mU ui onlors iifn n f.ald DH tf.M. wlfi fv raid ui vvvvn tuu 111U mil uttountli diyjnlJiili' HM, m p'li'r.M. All mr on bavin r nrdn win tirui.iii utvtn hi mat tuna ol !o forvr dibllTWlivm liorinciii 11' Win hito-fa. b ' liyoiUcfOltlu'lHwiil, tf. JOIIJi J, M01 KNJtY, 'i 11. 'P. Wutni. rrNlQT,L ,1 il. li-imi, , ' BiJJiAttry. , n ui ii-am , lcltiitg aiulBcaly dirfeiifjcaciof ulousllumor.'',Uk,oiP,01tiyoroaiiti(l Mercurial Aflbctions curod when all oilier lituimu it'feuciufi Jail. 'I lirro U iiohiimin AKfnryrnniiARprcilllr, por innnontly una rrtinnmlnillr ibMiiHi tho lilnod, cioir the (Umpii'xlnii nnd skin. H'ftore llio llnlr mil cnrei'icrynp 'iif Iti hlnif, i'nly find fcrnfulous Humors rf Uu skin, Sculp nn I Hi nd ns tlio ciiiuvi r. Uemiidlc, ronnntlnt; cf cnliciirii. M10 vrrntiskln euro. 1 uMoninHonp. an cvpdsllii 'lolli-t, linlli nnd Nurociv snoalhe, nn I t'iuicur.1 licsolvnat, tlio now Skin Humors, niillt Criirif, oti:. FMn tlttmors.-Mi'3. S. K. Whipple, Decatur, Mich, writes Hint her f.ieu, hea l nml uomo uirmct her body were 1 Imoit raw, Head envi'ivil Willi conns nnd imros. Huacriid fonriullv mid ti b d nvrrj thluir, I'cmnnentlv iiirrdliy l ulliiim llrrrcillnti. .Mine t'rut,-Mrs, llowcr", 113 ('Union sln'r-t, Cln Cltmtiil, (n)i'aln(if her Msfcr'n chil l who wnscurril ot Milk t'riwt. which leslsti'd nil remedies Inr two yrnini tow 11 hue, lie.iilhy b-jj, with 11 lieaittlttil hnid of hair, Tetter of tho llandi -Ll.zabi'th line klcj.l.ltlleton, N. 11.. lliinkfully pralacs the CniliMirn Kemc il'es tor n cirent tetter et tlio, which had rendcrtd tluni almost u'lcn lo her, ficaldSIcad, Alopcrdn, etc. Scnld Head. II. A. Ilajinond, nndllor, V. W ,Jj k H. ll.ll!.,jllchwa? ciirnl or wnM hend of nlno years' iltiriitloa by tho C'ullour.i itctacdluj. I'aUltitf of Iho Itatr. vranic A., Htenm FIM PtiKliio ii, l',oton, wiisi tirrd of r.lcpula nr falllne nf tho hair by tlio Culloiiiii lii'iiiedles.whlch emnpleti). ly rrH'ircd Ids Inlr when nil k iM ho would loso it, D.indrurl. 'ili'irnxs ih, out Frnnkronl Wcniw. t'hlladtli.hln, mil cied with dnndniir, which for twenty years had e ivoird hmrc lip with scaloa nni. rjuatter nt nn Inoh Ii tlmkuim, cured br tUO CHilt cuiiiltemcdloi. ("iitlnir.i Itompdlca nro rrr1roil bv WEIllfg l'ori'Hii, Olii'inntsnnd Pro ri;l". yn Wttlilnirt'iii vtreet. Hilton, mi l for silo by all ilnifKlals, 1'ilces utC'iilleur.1 n.Med'el'ial Jolly.biiiuli boviifo ivnts lame li .'N Jl. 1 utl.'ur.i i'"s"lvcn(, th" new m.iin I lU'ib r. J per bottle, cullenra Meillelnnriollfl .soap. JMents, Onllcura Meil elnul MinMni; saop: in Cft.t , In burs fur barbel j nd lirtrn eonsumcri.Oj centi. Alltniillcdfrtton icii'lttotprlii'. suid tor iini. trulul Tro dl on the tUn. E Tlirvo iuos((ons. Ssy, wlmt is Hint when Imiis osinll, ,i il eu-rtfi nml notion fall, IiiipliDt- new btrcn,"ih to tnet tho calej Malt nut What, when llio o'ei vorked, weary brain Ilrcii ii' d icl.ixe.s '(K'.uh Iho Hraln. lulngslt to MioroUMtmioifaln? .Malt hUtii'd. And what, wlion tierce dislempci-'a sttlfa As'all. nithitlrinntlcibnrlt!!, will ylve new vim and c'ni-iii 11 li;o; Malt llltiora. Jiftilt Dittir) 0- inpiiy, Boiton, Jlrss. COLLrs. "noC'itUNS' Vot.TAtO KI.I'C- Ti! . i-t.isn.K, cobtlnsfWcent". Is far superior to eii rv other i li nppllaiice bif"i' tuc VOLTAIC 3 ELECTFJO,'. 'nine. Kicyinftaiit.iy rilleio ll'IMr.. II I llVtl- IV.I.u.lnl... V...: .'.""' "" 1 i"1 Hi iiuiii'-.i 111111 ciinaiy Iilllicnlilcs. and may U worn over tho pit or ilia Mnmirti. ncr thu hldeovs or anv nlfei to 1 parr, i;r;caM cents, sold everywhere. WEIJKsfi I'DT TKU, llostou, Mas. d inay OKIMIAXb' COLMfT SAJ.K Vi' vai,uaiii,i: i!ylitiioofanord.T Issued out tf tin Orphans' Ciiutt of cclumbla county, the underMirncd admin IMratorot thaistnti' of 1'liIllp.VI'ier, iloccnscil, -will cxpoboto public salo on tUo premises lu Centre townsblp, tn SATUISHAT, JUXIi 23TII, 1SS1, at two o'clock p. rn tho followlns diteilbcd real estate, to-wlt: I.UTN03, sttaatn H Cenlr.j township aforesaid, bannded and dean lUedai fjM.v.vs: Oa llio wistly l.iudcf Jam 'St' ui. and onthes,outh by lot of Hen Junlu Miller, on tho east by purpart No. r and ou the norlh bv purpjrt No. i.contaliiice Ono Hundred and StViiniy-i.liio IVichcs. LOT NO. i, i-ltuate In Centre to.vnshlp aforesaid, bjundedand desirltiedas rollowt: On tlio weit by purpnr s Nos sanl 1, and 1st ot Iientamln Miller. on llio f-uii It bv vx pai t N . I, ou tho eait by pur pnt No. il, nnd on tho norlli by pm pat t No. V, oon Ulnlni,' two At'.lES an 1 nfty-n'io tierches LOT NO. 1:, ntuato In ftnire toiviiFhlp. r.f jresald, lioeidsl on (ho w esr, tninh, east and north by pur. p.uts iioi. :, 1, 7 and 2, respectively, coatalnlU!, TWo AdiES and Ibiy-nlue pcrehe". Lin ..o. 1, situ on in cvnttu township, aforesaid, Iwuuded oa the wist, sjnth. cast aid ntr hby pur parts No.-. it, I, s mil 2 lespowllicly, containing T1V0 AUKKS ,111 1 ilfiy-niuo perches. Li ) I' N'u. 'J, situate 1 1 centra I v nsh'p. aforesaid, bgiindedoniliouorth. westand south by purparts Nix. 2, s and I rpwtlvely. nnd tlw east by pur pirts Nos, 11 and U gui h,t cf Andrew Olnglos 1 n 1 .fol'i W. Mmm in, 0 nu'-di.g TWO At'IU'.S and tlf..alao perenm. 1.0 1" NO. in., situate in Centre lowroliip, nfore si'd, bouuo.lon tlw ncilh, tait and toum by pur P'ltsN'os. loud i, nml oath'i wmtliy pippaits Nos. II p'l.HS, and by lot i.f .nd'2w (.Ingles aud Joha . Miumoti,'' l.'K'iWo ACltt'K nndtlf-ty-nlne pieli n L01' No. 11, sltuitf Iu C''M,v lownlilp, afur.isald, Ininliton Mi, ivjst, nurlli nr.d u 1? t by purpirts Nos,i, 1 .111 1 Li ii'sp.'ctlrelf, and nn Hie sr.titu by lot ot.MiiIrew unities aud ,loi.n i'. Miunun, con talnlni; f'ttv IVivius I'll' NO. li, Ut iato In iVutro lOAiishlp.aforosild, Inunded on tin ninth by tho LmUwanua nnd llloonub irjf r.i'lro id.on tho ii.o.t, south and west by jmrpaits, N'03. to, 1 and l. lesinelUvly, ejatalntutr I'Mty Tci'ilics. LuV No. n, tltu.ito In Mala township, county at ircsil.l.bjunW nnthj north by thus inpi-h .una rtv,r, un the ejit and sou h by lands now or latu 1 f tho heirs ot uoor.'o J.u.j,'eiibcri,'cr, ileccoscd, mid on ll.o west by lands if , ccualnl-v; IIS ACRES, audlltly-tno ruihis. M C NO. IJ, a WilAIlt' LOT, slUato In tho MllflKe of Espy, CiU-nbla co'iuty, atorcsald, adjolnlnj; the Nurin llrancii cuialo.i the su'ith, nu alley 0:1 tho uaitli, and Marlcotstrootlu said tuwn on (Lowest, coatalfns about tlneo-lourths tf a s pi.iro reich. Also, in undlvlccJ one-third of tno followln,- dos ciiuut ice 1 tr piaet of NuJ t-ltiuio In Centre to.vathlpi.-ccjiciedby chctuunt aa' Leil Mill ertoMu. in Dtcembcr Term, ISTJ. 1I1.10 tho ilenth ot mtUp M'lloi), blinded mi I deseilbed as follows, 10 I't li.'itlnmni; at a stone, ecru r cf land of Me! ancluoi, ll.ik.'r, thence north thlny d ';r;ojand ton islnules west by I i;U ot 1'hllip Millar oao h jndred and lire perelu's U .1 sto ic, tticue-.' by ipitrry lots ot u 11, ll'.ek.'tts m rth .stty.vj an I thni'.ipiarter t'c grees cast wi r.ty one and foir tenths perches t.) 11 st ue, thenoo by land of N ith.inlel L. t'.ituj -bell siuili Ihlity detrrn-s and ten 11 Inuies east nlni-ty-tivu and s-'Vcn-teailH H'rcl.ea u n ttone, by lu' of Julmi Wob'i outh slxly-ssvin nnd one-ipiailer i19"-cjs west tncntctlro nnd llmc-t..'i,is perelipj 10 a stone, ther.pi! by land of Uu iiiijj soqil, ,11 pcrclipi tq a stone, tho nortliern 01 nor of atjrosal 1 1 uuof Molanctlou Ilalvir; thunco by said la-i 1 tonlh slsty-soven and one-ituai tor dej. eos west tortj-slx and tlirco-tenlhii pcrclu's to tho plaeu cf bclnn'.nsr, contalnlnj; Forty-four Acroo and ono l.undred aid lltlj. three pvtctisot laud no it iiiuanuic. ' I HUMS 01' s.U.r..-Tcn per t. f tho cue- foiiiih if t;p 1 u'clwf" moiiMy to be p ij at tho stri king down id ilia iruu.'i't) tt.o ouo murip, )caino ten pur unt. at tho comlinullJii of sale, nnd the ri'iiatnlnv three-fourths In onu j ear Iheivafter with Inn-res' from oir urination nisi. I'mchaiercrpur. chasers lo p.ij f r JX'd or ilea J, UENJAMI!! MILLEII, Junu3.U Administrator. Dauchy &. Co'3. 4.ivfR. aULU MtOAL AWARUtJ tlu Author Ain-wamUrtut Mul. icult)lk.w irjnU'tllhulxot&nil ihtMif-i. imlitptu'-iilili) tn vury luun,(iiliUi(lUielSci4ncoinifi 'r,S-i(-j,r,(WT&tion bouuji'i fci!) SM-Jbt pkc iiivaii AauMil j 11 tufcTum'VS! 11 pri'Krrii v illl lHuktraL.wlnitTni.U A.til J KNOW TUyBELlUl!.rfVh1i'iv.u,i.!;lV,1S: Juno 34.1v Tlio HcIInIi ol' tliu World I HALF0.RD SAUCE! Si lil liy ) 1110 3-1 tin Umccvn, Ar.?;TS! AdKX'VHl ACRiT. Julltl 11. UOUOIt S tni' ut tuuk, Jutt t,Muh,d, tutllUl SUNLIGHT AND M" John . Oowfii cn prtrirty tliem. Tor rth, Uumir. uiru inUrrtt, it h W ltWul h par. till tl 'UMmiy' look )vr .temlt, tj ouU h.msSifefiiiWte I J4IIV Vin M SlIEJaBTS SALE. fly Mrt le cf n writ of Vend, fcx. Issued out of tho Court of Common I'leas of Columbia county nnd to we directed, w III bo cxpotcit to pnbllo snlo on tho lucuitics nt two o'clock p. m on I'ltlDAY, JUNK 17tli, 1831. Allthntceitatnlotof cround sltunto In CcnlralU tlorough, bounded nt it ill Bcr.bod n.'i follows: On tlio north by nnnlley, 011 tho rait by lot of Mary l'ln hell, on llio nouns by Itallroad Avcbup, nnd on the Mostbyl'Axton strcot, contatulnff tiventy-llvo feet In front nnd ono hundred and lorty feet In do Mb, whercoanro 1 reeled ntivo story fratuo dweldtK hoitio and other out-bullillnss. Melted, ukon Incxecullon nt ihosult ot mink Itcntr, AsslifM e, .Vo,nsalnt Iho C'etitralla Mutual Saving fund Association, and lo bo nold lis tho prop, erty of Iho CctdtalU Mutual HaxtDj; fund Association Fnr.P.zs & Maiib, Altorticye. Maya'-U V. It, EST. Sheriff. N.N'UAL UlIl'OltT OL'' CniDiiulitim TomiihIiIp unit (N'litriillit t'nni t)ln Irlei lnr the jeiiri'iiitliuf April I llh, ISSI DAVID WALSH, COLLECTOK. Hit, To nm't borongh durllcato poor tax nts mills To nm't twp implicit:) poor lax at 10 mills , f 5T1 111 4s'Jl 01 -tmi ID Clt. Uy nm't of unvnled land tax ro turned on lioroueh duplicate. .. J 10 67 Uy um'i ot nmenioil land tax ro tliriii'dontl)iluphciilo 139 SS Uy nm't of erioin mid exoiura-lloiisoiiUit-uuithdupllealo 1(1 12 Ily nm't ot crt'Disuml I'xoncra. tlnns nn twp duplicate 3 00 lly nm't of rumictlou tnado by court In (lliiiril llstmo 271 S3 Ily nm't of Collector's Commis sion nt r per cent 'ii) 03 lly nm't of balanoa put lu treas ury 4 lii is -i 5H3 1,1 DAVID WALSH, TltnAHUItlJIt. UK, To nm't received from co'lector t 4707 7J To mat, tecolved from County Tiei uriritns.iaN).t land tax... SKI 17 To uni t of wal inca uilo nuis uicr 1 M f 60.-,0 f.1 OK. Uy nm't of poor ordt rs rcttcemod nnd eanc-llcd Ily nut i.f lreniitct'i commis sion t : per cent i IMH r.l 101 n-2 t 5013 C3 D.VV1D WALSH Collrctor ct Special Tax. Dl!. To nm't nf reilal poor duplicate ot borough nt, 1 mill f 113 23 To iitn'tif xp'clnl puoi' iMpllcil) ot twpnt ml Is illil 27 To ntn'Lcr uns'.it.'d land laxrt' fiom County Treasu it. Ill 71 t 2701 SO CI!. Ilv nm't ot unsealed land tax re turned nn boiuiliih rill rill all)..,. 2 IS Uy nm't of unseated t ix tettirn. cdon towmhlpdupfoito 2iio.1l lly nm't of erro smul 'ixonera. lions onboro dup'leato 3 22 lly nm't of errors and exoneiv - tlonsontwpdi'plicato 1 Oil lly nm't of ledticllon ir&Oa by court. In illrnrd esmto 137 25 lly nm't of eollsctor's cnnimI.slon at;. per cent no 30 Ily nm't paid Wm Krlckbjum l'rothvsept. C, tsoJ 1 0,11 on lly ain't pill Wm. KrlUbauni l'rothv Dec. 7, lso con r.n lly utu't paid order of II Iward (ici'.itv tor sorvlceg as steward order helm: tla,ed Apill 11. 1S7S csn on Ily nm't of trcasurei s commis sion at 2 p"r cent 41 7" By bal due Uu district 107 07 $ 2701 31! Wo thn undersltnotl auditors of Columbia county heieby ccillfy that we halo examined Iho foregoing uccuiiuiuuii nun 11, 101 1 1 ci us uuuiu i,ei UUl. WM. L. MANNINO, ) M. K. MM ITU. C. II. SCUSUOLTZ, I Coenty Auditors. Orders redeemol In dutall. No tj, April 1. lssii, SuTiuel Keller monoy paid farm hinds No 77 April .ll.'so C U Murphy making annual ttntem-nt No7S, .W so, issa, Mrs James Swci- 15 III) ney innKing inrouiis No 70, April ao, IssJ, It chard I'roctor surgery No so, May 13. lssj, liiiu ll.v Ultten- bender pabllshlngstdt ineut.. Nn si. May 15, 1S), Itobert Fat lei boarding sick paupers No si, May 1.1, isi'J. David WaWi scr- Wees list director.... No S3, May 13, issu.Thomu uallagher sen Ices as director Nos4 May 15, isso, l p liuik salary as clerk NoM, Mav 15. 1M', D Wolih S.TVlCuS ns director Nosii May 1.'., lss,),'l homas (lellagher bcrvicHs as director No 7, May 13, jsn, s 1' Lcvan shoals nnd clover seed Noss, May29,lssJ, Charles strausser carpenter woik No so, May to 'oo, Win lvnier keep- lug vagrants No 01, .iijy 20, issu, r v liurk room rent No tu, Juno 20, ls;0,llurk & uros. cot- ilns No 04, June 20, lSsl', 'V, II. L'llghtngt lumber No 01, July 3, Umi, James Ujke sup plies tor poor home No t'il, July 3 is-a. (leo W Dav.s laid- Icbio and suppl'rs Nni'7, Ji.lva.lsSi, Dl'Cu iy horso tin 0 and keeping ngr.uii s . Ndoi, .laly 3, isS'i, riioscii.ipmin sui- vlees .is drector No 1110, August 7, lss",lir Owens prof si'iMees No Ml, August 7, lsn, Dr owet.s pii,f siivtces No l"i2. August 7, lsin, W K Wildeu- saul horse line No, 101, Auiust 7, p-s, M T ljunehoo siatlonciv Nolo-', August 7,ls3), casporllluwn clothing No lOil, August 7, isso.Dr Laslicll prof services No 107, Augtr.t 7. '-.-n, .Tnhn Mohan en 1 otliusillcflim grave No 10?, Aug 7, '-u,.! C liroivn pu .ilsn. ing statement, No 11,0, August 7, iss.1, Locust iv. p tui tion for (Mupers No lie, August 7. KM), 1) 11 Scosliidu sliawbeirypl'inls... .f Nullt.Sept l.if.i. A llt'ortner nn- waio and sundries No tia.Sept l.lswi.Siihiiiel Keller bun- dries biiugh. for pmr Iiouso No 114, sept 4, Isso, John it mokes worKonfJim...... No Its M-pt 4, lsvi,.fohu Hi Ig suu- ilrles fo- pour houso No no, sept 1, Dso,l.u.il3Mlllerwoik on f rm No il-, bept4. isso, u i) Kurt, smith work No 110. cpt4, lsso.M Lllillg icpalr- Ing wagun Nu l'W, sept 4, issii, Knorr.'.' Daniels surdrlcs for poor Iioumi No 12.', bept 4 ls-o, C 11 Murphy mdsu for poor district No V2 Sept 10, issd, (1 W Dails lued- Iclnes u;o No 12S, Oct 2, Isso, Win Cleavor lum ber No 12.1. Oct 2, lsso, DrLnsliell medical services No 11111, Oct a lsn, .1 1 steel bill heads No 131, Oct'.', ls.0, Jackson Secchrlst l.arniss Noun, oct 2, ls-o. Wm Vltil; smith work No, 13i. oct 2 issi, Thos chapman services as dliectnr No 13,i, oct ,isn, sam'i Keller sal. ns steward No 110, Oct 110, W D G lll.icli uidJO tor poor district , No 141, Oct an, lsso, si'kes k Jonc3 coil Nu 142, Oct 30,lssn,)anltl Heaver coal No 141, Nov fl, lS.o,Lewis 1'ltner woik oafarm No 145. Novo, lsso, 111' I'o.k wheel. wilght Nov ),No8,lisi,saml liclnbold slii.o mending No 7, Nuve, l-rO.CIiniloi Mrausser painting at pour unm No 14', Nov 0, W. W U Wcldensaul kcrvici s 1 endi'i'i-d No 'Hi Deo 4, Issn, V li iwf lnnihjr . Now.', Deo 21 isij, a H lvii tacr waiB eto , NoM no 3, V), W K V,1J, Usui. 1 horso li in N'i2, iitcM,tssu,o W Coma er wheel wright No 7, Jans M.-lohn Hlilg Idn- No 0 Jan s, sl.'l 110.1 Mil it 2 li'ils cider No in Jan s, $1 .Ino I, illiie,niitK,ii c Noll, .lull si, ChiiKs C U'k linn Ho, 111 "11b l','SI,.Jas D ke,sui' lles f or poor houn No 80, Fell I'', "t"n Will lloitett m.'o ;i uj si to 31 11 Ml 10 no 2S02 1 CO !9 IIS 47 13 DO. 00 s 00 3 10 10 Ol) nu 111 Sl 12 00 :i Gill I', III 10 711 4 i Ol' 31 '.10 rir pour iiiiiii't no 24 tiar. Willi. .... ari.U5)M1UcLi',4iin,,) 1 10 No 25 Miiie.13, 61,, Ion llll 'inn uil'dg II i.PHQi.a ,, No2ii,vaiih 1 si, D.inii 1 iienvi t.eoil No 21, .Marl, ' ,sam'i Kii'ler,'oward No vu, No 1 Mar vu '.iLIIiii ky. f llrna eofilns No i'is ,il..r!.il, si Ihu, linaty, hoivo 1.1m No 31 Ma"')! 21'., 'ii, I'at Mjlaney ivid 15 on II un vo 1 no IHO I'll 40 00 1100 I'uicii nu'Ki KK'ties 1. . 11. . 1 ,1 . ' IV If 11' Nnlu, Sli I i, .1!, W K WilJunsai.1 nnao limn '.... ; No so, Apr 1 ' s , J n iiii li ior crn, . No 10. Apr 2 sl.iirowein prif fervtco No 1 , Apnl'i.'ni i Wiuili, inoiiey' ii.ivauii d lor d'siil t .. ' No 4,,vprll 2, M.Jnri Mo an f ,r Hpus' No 4H, ,piJI2. 1 .1-11 VuNiilly mi fuiy um' ' v.JJ m!"-i wi5i No4l,Aprt 11.1 li' ihirkicicrji' Orders of iirevtius j oai a redoenied, No 40, Mars, 'fs, I'd Kui'i.siullli will; No si May), J-,iill I lard, mdi . NoOJS.'P (1,'ts.l'i'tjislii'll med s. rMJj No MJSop u, (s, liuibeu I'uhtluger, bueuilng paiiiH is, it-' No U.U. DioJ,' s, Win cleavcrjumbcr No 14 1 I', b vs, '7'j.llin Lo A tiro coiUns No 3, M i 22, '19, D w nlsli, tcrvlces as diiulor No 1 .', miiv 2J,'lo,l)r Mi'ivibbln med bit S-4?iJi&yV J,'0 HI, Ailgiii!'!'u,'.Vp'hti','Klln'i','c'c''dil" NUVMig!), Usliell prnftcr Nu 29, Auu 3 , 'jii, 'j'aos ueruty, liortiH li t" , , No 13 H'pt in. '19, Chaw u l-.ok, limn,,, Nu 40,001 s 711 Dr. McK bbln men sir No It lets, O'Connor, ho-83 hire No 4s. 0' l U, Wm V'lnk tinlth woil: mm ,..... , No to. ixov I, '19, 0 J 1'etcrs, ugt frulc 0'$?Di'Vj'' ,.l !. ,' Din W, I'C-c , T9, 'I'hW Ctupinun.coaJ nnd luiiillnJr 1.....1 n. 1 no V5HI s Si 25 s'Mlo 31 ii 110 37(0 GUI 311 2J70 47 ro 2137 57 73 100 ()l 1)3 01 1 a rn nlno flllO It S3 8:0) io so JHf) Nu M l 2t 21 " MJ lie.nwlclBO No ll .lti it, rtfp Wi-f U.Wf VlifluMMOlXM ..,i, ,i,..,,vr.... No tn, Teh as, wi, J I siol, printing.., 6 00 Un o., Mar ti, vj, r.m Lovau, cot I lor poir houno UM 5so r4, Mar si, vo, Tlldo Wnjner wn- ires n:tnald - Moo Nu c.3, Mnr mi, 'so, i-11111'l Keilcr, trdeo bought II Oil Nolo, Mnr tin, 'yo.Ur leal km lees WiO'l ltieelpt of Dauvillo nsjlum for kcp. tog luruiio paupirs m)m Total, tl,3liu Thn following outers Issued during Iho year nro stlb iiutsint.dliig and unpaid! No 74 April 8'i, Al.'lcly.allindlngln. sniio paupeis 01:0 No is, April no, 'fo, lltldgit ticrnty.nt. tntiilliiglnnno paupers 4 to Noil., Apnicii.'sn.MrsJolin (tcraty, attending limno paupers 4 5J No HJIr.i, Sii, Dr Vnitlne, medi cine, etc , , GO" Nno.', Mnrni,'(i,l'Klluck, linrdivnlc, i'io ! ,' 17 3S iso ina.Aiig i,-tn,i' 1; nuck, hardwntu, t3 7f MIK) I no O'l lltVi 1MW 10 SI DS71I No 115, AtigSJ.'sn.Uutke .1 llrocelllni No ill, Hept lo, 'so, 0 O Muiphy,mdJo for district No 12.1, sept in.'so,!' 1: linen iiardwnro Nn 124, sept 10, 'so, 0 11 Mlllatd, mdsu forilltilct Noun, Oct , i, 1. 1 ipnon Mutif lnsurnnco CD insuianeo No 127, oct 2, 'si, u 11 Muiphy, mdso for dlslria No 1.11, Oct 2, 'sj.Dr Vasilio mdsj Medicine No Lis, oct 2. to, Vnttino .t Mcars prof services and medicine No 137, oe.t si, 'so, v v nutke.servlcci nscietk No 133, Oct 22, 'sa, vv llurko.scrviccs ns clerk , No 139, not m, 'so,!' U liuck,h,irdivaro Nn in. Oct ro, 'so, A lilely, nttcLdliig H (llbbons ., No 1M, Deo 4, 'o, W I'elffer, keeping ngianti ..,.., No 151, Deo (, 'syihoiuacli ft Co tun ) No 3, Dec 2.1, 'so, Dr 1 jr No4, 0, 0 VJ. 'AVU W Davls.paltit.elc No r.,Deo 2J,'sii,tl W Dali,medii Ine.Ao No 0, Juno, 'SI, U ll.Monrehi'nd X 1,0. No 8,-Juu s,'sl,KnorrD,ui!els.bcef Ao No 11, Jan s.'sl, Jtoit Yenger.rcpali- Ing harness No is, .1 11 . si,Wm I'elffer, cojI n-ut keeping vngmnls Noll, Jan 8, '31, Thos (Icraty, coal hauling No ia, Jan 13, 'soo 11 Millard, mdio for distrlet , No 1(1, Jan 2J, 'si, Wm llryeon, ntt'y SOi'Viil 1 ,, ,., No 17, Jim 22, 'si, wm UrisoD, ntt'y services ,," No is, Kib l, 'si, I, A Hlley & Co co il No 2', 'en is 'si, Kd I'oy.serilces reu .No 22 Feb l, 'si, Mrs lent on necount No 21, Mnrs,'si,wm 1 elilcr, keeping vagrants Nu 2S Mar B, '31, 11 p l'olk.f mithwoilc No eo, Jtnr 6, 'si, Samuel Ki Her, scr- Ices I s;o ns steward In full No 8f. Mir 24, 'st,.! I stfel.order book Nu 31. M ir20, '"l, DrLnsliell, prof sr. Nu 37, vine W.'SI.C (1'gil scr No lis. Mar 10, 'si, c (1 Murphy, n.dio for iltstilct No 4"., Jipr2. 'to. or curry, services No 47, v pr 2, 'in,!1 1' liurko, saliry as clck lu full ror 'so Total orders outstanding of l0 ' " " " 170 " " " ' I 7s " " " " 1S77 Total nr tcrs ouut indlng nt clato ... Ain't fir unsullied bills ;iv dato... T011I iniletednfsnl da.e. Aiiiount trdirs Issiiul during last MIeciI yeir ,, Diduct oiders Issued during last llseal eai' for bills cotitracted prcilous to that j ear Net nm't bills contracted Lut ytar for wnli h orders nr lssii"d of blllsci'titracied lastjearfor which no orders have yet. Lien Issued and nro beforo called unset', eii bills Total expendliures ol la-t ,uar Including 7tf II I to 0 00 41 Oil 2 it, 2 4$ 00 4 70 II 40 110 Wi 17 03 r,2 ns v:i 111 10 10 0 23 21 00 3.V) M 20 00 soon IS 2V 11 Oil I0OO 7(1 C si) 101110 110 7il 73 1100 t.j" r,3 S (IJ 70 00 3,3 1 a 20 r.m :u 1.VI0 03 l,llt eti 0 477 M 3,2116 117 "ii.TIT'ii) fJ,2310J 1,0 3U10 2,200 13 3,200 t urn 1, i'iiih lui r hick. iiinii improvements nnd all other expenses 33:1 70 Account f C. o. Murfliy, Collector and Treasurer or ls.j. D, To ain't n eelved from Join Pureed $jj 10 uai.iiieo nun uistr'ct. 113 per lostsintiineiit.piir 473 ' balance nuo illtilctns per lastbtjtcmcnt, bp.clal 4C0 30 I JO 02 Clt. Uycii'tpdCo. Auditors ns rcr r celptoiiieelled "nm't paid Judgment of CM V.mccr- deisileoondicket cf C 11 Murjiy wlih Inti resiH aud costs " ain't paid Judgment of C M Vani'er- derslle 1 un docket ot v. (1 Murrhy including Interest nnd costs " ain't paid Judgment or (! (I Murphy obtained in (o irt for $u'j toiclher with Inteiestnnd costs " nm't paid Judgment of o o Mur- thy being Novt'fof Dec. T, 1.-17 with ''itirest, nnd costs "ain't paid Judgment tn ill Mtir- plij'a uso now In court f.iri3,debt. Into est and costs " um't of balmco still duo ilia dlst W. A. MAltit, Attorney. (0000 1C3 49 91 10 s II 19a 02 Dlt. To nm't paid hlra last seltlemi nt by y'ii'i'iiimii, nu,', iiiasurer In lliinlda Ion or nu 1 ninnrn lto ro liy ain't dus W A .Marr fir over rnym't 23 $i:o2J 1, lly llio follow 'ig orders cancelled nnd redeemed: rc. ii jinidiso soioThrmnsonlla- gher. seivlo s ns director lto 00 "in October 4, ' s to 1' K llmk.hard- wire. Ac. 40 00 " 3.), octobir s, '79, to r u cuck.liard. ware, c. 49 13 " 11.', Feb. ss, 'so, to I' 13 limit hard. waic, .vc. u id ISO 2.1 THOS. CIIAI-.MAN, Treasurer. 1S73 D It. To nm't buitiLco Cue dlst t i.ut tttllcment (191 15 mi 11 nm't nf order Issued April 2, l;sl for scr' "ii "iiiiun 'hsu jour as uirt cior on acct. presentiil nnd cancelled by us 191 ir, Wofrither tln'i thn r.-iiinu'i, . i,,M.,a i.t., l'oor Dlsiilel liy tlw fiill,visiia'nd: ' Duo by Neiil Lo!ilIiiii,cnii' for '! 1 017 eo ,uii,iii-,ii-iaiy,ior r. u.iriey in asil- iirtnrl7V " " I'nt. liuike tivas rerof '70 " ' 1 tun-Daily, tiL'usiiivrof ;" " " (' 11 Murphy, tieasnrir '7J " "D.lll iVul-ll. fill I..rt..Tr nf motlil llli) VI CsS VS S3 3 1 S 11 tax if s. ijc7 WMidto llndflunti David Walsh. Ircasuier cf 1S.0 tlio sum tf 2 .11 as per fin going sturcment. We, tho undoislgned Auditors of Columbia coun ty, have, duly exsiniiieu tlm foregoing accounts, nnd Mud tl.c balaueo du bv and to tin) several nlllcers iiliovo iiuined, coirect as Bet upposito their rcspuc- WM. I, MANNI.Nd, r. r., rM 1 1 11, . , C U. SEESIiOI, v minors. il r 1 .', ij jss. Census of Poor House Apr 1 ', issi. Ntimnei 1 f lidiiit. s Munli 31, ',-.) iidniitud uii'l' g ihu jiar " dlMlinivdaiid .1 . 0)11 1 ddiirln " 1 iiilinlllirii' th limi&ti 11,111 VI fjr Wmlo ten lumen! unit lliu Hoard of I'o o' Director! do pn end hi make Urn i.ecuSMiry lepilrs to said poor him vl: Tu raise Hie tuar pan ot said limine uoto 1 sipiarn with tlio mul l building, put anew mor on I he eld lie structure, uj i,s tn iiuko It cones. Kind Willi tlio balance of tho building, and uso tho .iiii-souij uiaiiiwiiii in iciii'iu 10 ugi.1 nnu venlll.i Hon. 'I lu entire cost not to c.xccol ueveu hundred mm nu uuuiiia lor mm luipruvemeiiis. Inventory of real estate, stock, produce, etc., taken "l U.UMUU.HJ, IDJI, KRAI. ESTATE. 72 ncres of land, ' Ha'huian Tract" ncres of land, "William Miller Ti act" 1 tin idling homo I bank barn 1 wagon shod 1 dm crib 1 coil and woodshed PERSONAL 1'IIOI'EHIV. Oao Lay rako " tlinslilig maclilnu " wind mill,,.,, . 'l cutting Imv " iwo (t)hotto sDriiii; wugon ', " , " wagon " cnrrlago Three set i f hai uess , nu hou s o 1 " 1 lougu lioe harrow " cull) I'loiisli 1 Two sejtlies Tlireeg id' ii r.ikui Ono gialu di 111 " s t i.f t: iinngo larne-R ,. " wneei h-r.'uiv " euitivau r :;; " twnivj li.r.jbicL'h n real or it 1 k. Three Irises Four 0 iw- 'I wo li In is 'leu slutes It lUiKIII Ml ITIIKtriMIK. Ten beds and bidding on upper !! ii,r.. suien " " i emu II nn' Four " ' luiworojjH Ilireu 10,1 Irg stovus One lieutltig lovo " round tibia "I'lltt.g" , " win ins i' "t , ,,,,. " tlii"ii u.'iain'in vlialu .. . Wduen oiiiu lotlo.-ii uiialrs 01111 eupbi) id " sink ; Thret) li d roji.i stands Jot let t g gl 1SH). TwokPih"iit I'dca "no Id lug leal tiit.K' , Tiiluj yarns ingrain carput ivuirc:: tuismoN kauji, (11 lui h Is of no ivj bu-helsi I wheat ,,,, , si..", buli'ds 1 f .; $1,500 110 240 II I I.MOOI si 0 111 330 nil 75 00 MM) ., 23 00 ... CD 00 3 00 .. ::.iu ... 3D 110 ,., 4 Ml I .. ,',0 00 .. 2.-1 10 n on 7 uu , 5 (III 9.14) ,. ii ,.. 75 00 ,. 30 00 1 f.O "ro , zo in ... to 00 ,., 31w)00 .. llll I II ... 40 10 .. 100 10 ,., loo co ., 7o I'o CO 0 1) .. 25 IHI 3 ll.l 3 Ou ... 101.0 1: 00 3 00 I On 3 Ikl 3 00 4 10 I CO 2 I) :: 00 in 1 a 4175 IflBt It J 2!l ion btl'iielsi i'ii.1 I" innif.. is m lelC'iW lent io bii'ln la ' 1 lorn 1 11 1 un,., r. ii'i-li is t imti ps. 'MM ' l,.M, ,,, Ml (HI 2J 311 127 HI 0 Ml D 11,1 ll'.'l'i I "l'l IS .... I Ii ithels id .ml Ui;,,, I liipjliel 1 1 tiu.i u 9 Ion. of en 11 fudd r 7 tons' 1 li iv -Il liuillls I t 0 I'dillge &! polpids of In 1 f . I ini p uiiCsof p;n;. sopuu'.try 1 ",nii,. 2 30 4 no 2110 'JO 0.) 110 on 40 no 14 30 Hi Oil 20 l.l) 9s7$3 I'llCUl'CEON lUNUJANrAHVlsT, ISSI, 3 toas ot hay t lor 8 of (I'll Ml 11 r . , ?',', si , .n 1' ,U,!".V '(.!M'.; ",it,......,,,: fi ) 09 SB IM 70 OU it!u m r .r.Ti :::::: 110 MHlli'l- 1) p rn III I'.iri 21 luiniel. 11' hai l, tho .1, , , 70lll'i.hlllit lHlatuo , 10 b'l.U-Isi ft I ul 11 I'll I I'luL lit 1 11 lu-1,-1 ,, 2 bal l ids i.f s.i ,11 ..nut I'M 111,11 ads if Lilt ,., 1, ..., irt no til 10 11100 MIO 2 SO 5 CI) 10 00 11 to r.i 0 into 800 Duo pounds of pork ruuriy, .11 1 barnltf vlurgar W(. d'ilin-e I'll.n-eiin'iidiji i.i'.u'oii,5 suieaigiit to Wra. 1. M..NN.Nrt,i 1 09 aH ii 11. AUWUc. a Mwki'ui.ciciv, " W,Xlit towiiMilp, AptlltSSl, SEASONABLE DRY GOODS Which coiunioiicc iMuy JUNE JUJLY If..... - 1 '1.1 r..l JVIlC'r II lllglliy BUL'UL'SSllll HC'ilSOII IIIU HISl lliy.-l l'l HI' 11, 1,1111 il ullll'K nggt'fgiitliiy nhout A MILLION OF DOLLARS nnil much loo larjjo iu crrtnin dcscriptloin of food., which, though soasoiinhlo .nu highly di'sirablu now, may not bo no nnothcr sciiisoit. iirrangcsiaenis Sbr the Future looking to tlio extension of our business nml thn enlnrtfuniciit of fueilitioH forks convenient Irmsaetion, iil.-so rentier it and uroiith' 1 educed. Wo propose, therefore, to offer extensivo nnd very Hiiusiml inducements to tho people to tako from us during the next ninety days tho greater poition of the nbovo nmounl. Iho bargains ottered Our organization and machinery for. tho rapid distribution of largo iiiaitiliis of goods smoothly nnd salisfitctotily nro believed to bo unsurpassed in the Aim ii can market, but no elToit shall bo spared to Etreiiijlhcii them nnd add to their iffi. eimiey duriiirrtho pressure of th'tt) CLOSING yAhE. liver. person within reach ot L'liiluilelphia and liaviugdry goods to buy pIioiiM visit ns in person during the continuation of this sale,but thoso who are tumble to leave home can receive their supplies at thu marked down prices through the .MA llj UliWi'.U WlU'Aii l.MJiM. ST8AWB81DGE& CLOTHIER, MARKET STREET TO FILBERT. li W. COR. EIGHTH STREET "PHliaADELiPHXjHL. Cb.03tn-:t Ui .1 roccb t cuyir';r Uk: hmd nir.icc .IJyi:.;.! I St. width.) r.r.d I'.rici. ; r.:;;;!:ct1, cair.plc 1 cf Dress GooDS,SiLKs,Etc. shov.'iirrl'.i: laic t rtylcs, r.iul cnablinrr .1 purchaser in any pait of l'l- Uniti;d Sinter, to select satisfactorily, and order tho goods convoni(.ii:'y, with certainty of receiving only what aro scr.; for, ,r.i! at precijjly tho same prices paid by city cu-.tonio -.-s v.!:o buy at our counters. If, upon examination al lionu, rny araclc:; fail to be nn expected, wo request their rctv..-::, send othcr.s in exchange, or refund tho ir.oiuy r.t cmce if thu purchaser prefers. Our Nev Spring Catalogue cmbraciivr r.:i tho dop.::trncnl:i in one large bock, with a system of or Jj: lag 1 ,od.s by letter more convenient than any heretofore, will bo mailed, without charge, to those who scud us a postal card containing name, town, county, and slate: nothir.g further i ; necessary, we will under stand what is wanted. Our stock, which forms the greatest variety in one establishment in th j United S'.atei, include.". Ladies' Suits, Shawls, I.Iiilincry, Underwear, Hosier', Gloves, Jcwchy, Laces, Embroideries, Shoes, Linen 1, Gentlemen's Cloth ing, IIouLckeep'r.g Good.), China, Silverware, Furniture, Carpets, etc. Address, n PHILADELPHIA. 13tX Our ctr,r-, Lnn-vn ih th'! Oralid Ui-nlll .111 1 Jll.n!icl SUVUs. i il r lli-i-i', r.l r in nc m.n.s on A CDITOIl'S ; :otick. -LJL ciM I IlL-tSTATC Ct UODIISKV Jtn.tCK, DECIUf KH. Tlio underf.,sm'd nudltni' niinoiiitcd liv Uu- Or nlnn.s court oi Cuimniii i i-fiiinii'. n, , i.,.i. In li.imlsof OilWoti .Mtlii k.e.v lukt if tlm ild'i'dchl, to anil nmoii llu nnriliii i-i.t lliL-ri'to. will bit nt ills iiliii'o In lliu town ot Illuiim-lmrir on Wiilin-Mliy.tlin viuli cmv i,t .luiu' A 1).. lbM. ntlon h'i'Ilc).- In th,, r.,i.,.m.,. i,. tin- iluiloa i fills niipilutiiiiiit, lii n i,nj un, n, I"1'"1""' ' K'"S (.I.HIll.S 1 lll MILl lilt It Hill Bl)-l-l'ill" ill.d I.Hiln Ml,' hiitnii r.r I,. i iii.l,i,i,,T ,.. I'ClvliiL' any nluru liii'ivut. Mnyso.4w AiidltHr. A UlHTOt.'.S.NOl'iWC. l-STATE Ol' CSTKM.A CASE, IlFCKASBil. Tho undoislirncd Auditor oppolided In- tlio Or plians Lourl i.f Culuiiiijl.i rounfy. to tmil.ii r lMrilm tloiKitllioli.H.iticu liitliuluud.s.jt Dai'itflllrifoBlt Buatdlau of tlm isialo r KMilIn est) ,(! roa-ul to aud iiiiiuii- tl.o pai His entitled tlicrutu, will it at .... .... v ... i.iviiihuuik uu r miruav, ,iunt i-, I'-sl ','!!,?. u:k. A' '. I':"""" IliuuuttiM uf 1iu.ii,. poliitiiiriit. when and wIrto uii frsiiis linim; any claim on s dd fumi wi i npw ir ami iuv.vh t hi- samu or lu iK'U.iricd troin li-ct'tvliiu- any Muro tlnu of. fauyhlurotlituof, CHAltl.lis (j, H.MtKIIiV, Miduur. Jlaj M I v JI)M IXISTH ATI'. I X XOTICK. nSTHK OK IICNKYW. AVI, IHrKASFP. U-ticisof AdmliiMiailim iiii iliocnuU'cr llcniy W. Aul. t.ii.i fr.spnii ii.iii.ii, , i.i u'HiuSf.Vvlt'u" u"i'" t-rumd liy tin, iti'i3: , ., .... j ... .... miii inn fiiiiuiiiisiraiiix All pci'.-uii.sluimi' ul.iliuiiiuratubtniiii'Mu'uof tlm lll'Cl'dClltaiU It'll. UMl ll tf, l.r umr II,.,,.-, ,a,. t,.,n.. ini'iit, aiid lliuwliiiiibti'd lo ll.ii I'Matu 10 inuLo lll'.'I.t. in llu, in, ,1.. ral.pi, ...I i.t.,... ,u nay. ..S. litjliy i..-.0..i. .iu!iiiuial!ulll. IIIUIUUI bMt.Ml It. Al' C. W. Hit IKK, Alti rnrv. .i iiuiiuuruiiix. 1'. O, tupy, l'a, April 'JO li.V A DM I X ISTIt ATOIfS XO riCIC, UrTAlEOl'llSNJAMIN UNDEujlurii, DfCEJSIp. U'ttcrs of luu on thu ,-siiiti! of licnlawtn liindeimutlulati'i.t Coiiuwlntu iwp, eoiuiiiU.iio .ifntid, liiiin wen Kraiili'd t,y tin, liwltlir of hat ! coiiuiy to tno unders uu.'d it il i n 1 n 1 , t ri; l or. A II ihtsou h liiMli!,' fauns a.-alimi tin- ointuif Mild difud"ut I r,5M':!'TVI'U,,i' '','m'"' "'HMfr nt 1. int-ut and uud.-rslfiii'd admliilslrati.f wltnout, Ufiiiy, n , ,,, mAOU.S'DlillMl'ril. ' uiiir. , Adiididitrator. yTlW- P.O.mUBtun,i-a. XliCU'lOU'd xoncE. i;3tati: or oMLuie itfiiiins, iikceaskp. ii.', . , .""'ii'irntary on ino rstatu of ncr.tue lilting, lain if lliu lu.,11 tf L'alaHlsMi.Ooliimlila io Viiiii.,il,ci.'.i,t.d . luvo tuoii Ki'.iiitulby i,u "tt li r ct sutd uiiui.ty io J ,(, iiuLdiib. I'xi'eu ui ot atawla,, All iwrB'onsliavlnecl.linH lt tuv'it 1 1 u of lliu di-ii'deiit am leiiui-xii'il io ?ri"iit iiiuu, fursi'itti'Mi'tit ai.iltiiu.o litiitbiDd loSiiutlitaiu to o"tft avlm,''Ut 10 'lt0 UI'a,,!!'''"'-a "'"Sior ttltK .,,..,(,' M. fl. H170HKS, MJ ili liiet-atur, UDlTOtAi XOTICK, " EiTlIK 01' T11QMA3 J, TUOilNTON, DECEtlEI). xZXF; tno or Il ll'l lllM'lUlt'l" Of tl.O d'111'U 01 111" lltir JUt uitfut itrusltd Hi suid land lto icuu ri'd lo attena rfr Si, furuvvrtAvtara-d froin auyVLari if ino "amo. CltlllLES O, II ltKLEY. iiayiatu, si.jay Auditor, UDITOU'S XOTICK. ESTATE Of 40SBI-U '. CONNKII, DICEAStn 'I'll.. tir.f1ui,.!,.r , A . ' . . Urn oltho tund lu Hi i liatids tf loi iri Tom Jii..,"; on ttturdi.y,ina)tira-'y cf fcons lnvtn anyclatin on said fund will lirrSll TTV'S ?S$M' i? sf)ti. a tjt-t com. '.AW i IK'Mly, WiuiUUiiiwd, h.m: jjttOfAw I nsrasroxjasraB -a. of 2filliiiii(l will contiiiuo iluiliif; AND AUGUST. 1...., .1 f At,,., Illlll UU lll1, n .l-.t ilenirablo that tliw stock should bo f-pct ilily are 111 111 every one ot our ofr. postnl card, rpc- cf oelii v.'ant J, v.'c iij.h1, f;i'.tuilouul-) with Drnot. n-eunln ilir. 1 Url. .. Tl.l. I'Mu.ldi I ! Ij Clitsinnt S r. ,.l n rn :.-i uTUlui'i'i two lliu !.iuu..U Cuiir al nild it l.-ti nil i ,m!np?"n(1 01 ,ho virtuoa of sarsaparil ; niaiKlraki) yellow dock, with I ln ,,.0 ns1,' lro'.H t'oweiful t.iiniiiK I'luiuoiits. It ii tho purest, safest, ? c?',"al "Itwatlvo medicine J ." "f01 "V,'1 a,jlu ,0 tl10 l,,ll,'''' Thu set S luedlcli.o nml chemistry havo Dover produced so valuablo n reinedy, nor ono SO' potent to euro all diseases res t ini: froni ull'"'..'1' Itcme!' Seroriilit'nmL nil scrofulous illseuses, Iirvslnelns. .,n,?e,l.!!,l;.,St' A'"I"JJ'" i''Iro, AS,pfS II nil a ' I ", 1 3 I'jlMlllCS, Jilotf ICS, '... 1,"0IS. Tetter, IIitniorsT in". . 'i0'""' iUnc-wornu iiiii cy",''"K''. Kcnmlo Weak. ,vf.?.f, .""I'Kiiliirltlos, .Iiiimillcf, Anecllons of tho IJver, nvsiiciwlii! iMimehitloii, GoneVal Ucliulty. ltii!clSn,t:h'K ?u'! l'll,i"lsl'iK iliialille PurRj's out tlm foul corruptions which m ', ?!!! ,'i"t,U V001,1 " uso derauKC K 1 ,"'ny,- ' stlwulntM uuil t'liltvoiw tlio ital functloiis, protuotes enei"v nml h Kr m4 pwvm iirtl. ss wlmh ! . . "Iovi"ia vKr tliro.iKliout tho .Visa 'X1"' ,hu fuSimt ,r01" n.V 'llu 2,, "c fvoni humility of tlio J3AitsAi',Mtn,t,A a fair trial, ousSlm-Unl:T,,Oi0'',1,;,'i'u,!llt.'vil11 tho ""mor and i' n frl mllixVKt' "l i''"-M luaterials, a ui without niedle nal v rtites, olteii'd as miv1 I'1?' wJ,Uu !llsi'as 'omel i,,o?o now .r i.'i, Tx t;t'",etMtoil eurattvo in ,', '' -K t.,ls, 'y a,r 1110 '"'. cheapest, 1 1 ivs in ?m, "Jlootl-iuirllkr known: KcXn ? u i "'."3 c'"l'ltion, anil pre vears .mil1!,1."1'' bcCU JvU'uly "SUI' defioo. t ",t fS W01.' ,Ilu "'"l'lalllleit eiilllf ileuco ol millions whom it has beuullled. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 8: Co., l'nutlcal nml Analjtlcul Clieiuljti, Lowell, Mass. I01U UY AU. unwIUHM U'tHYWUEKS. A UDITOK'S XOTICK. Market! St. 1A city yr lull Duarej mm. ESTATE Of J06UII B. DCDSON, tiKCKASEP. Tho undersigned audilor appointed liy tlio or phans' I'cwi cf colutntia couiiiy to inal.u distrlbu. i'!!!i0,M '0'u".)8 !'! tu-' lianusyr a. o. Jajno wl" inJnUlraior of si d dccedetit to at d iiimfiir thn Riii 'it ffl7iVVi'ei?t01 b?S w.ft"Lfcat iw 111 it n I i" fn, '" 1', '" '"Ul"J '"a "I'l'Ohlt. infill at ins nuo,) in t io town of HitwiA- on l'i day tho.iotlt day of June, A. n . "si ui two o'clock In tho aiieriiooii of ba d day, it t left tlmo Bharoof tuii Tiamo. 'v'u"0 irom any May 13-1 w A, Iv. OSWALD. Auuliur, UDiToifsxonci:. ESTA1E UF JOHN WJilJiol ju, nH'FASKt), Tlm iindi'iflt'i ctj uuiliti r iirnoiiited liv iim or. pUaub'Couitwl'uliiiiiljtA louiiit ti Sail f n mhiTiu d;w C3Alt'.G3Q IIAliKLTV, Auditor. Way r.m criloK