THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Don't Scare llio Colls. Iti uttering this injunction wo menu inoro limn merely to nvoitl fiiulitctilng tlit colts lest they run ngniiist tlio fence, find hurt themselves. Wu menu fnr Jitore, nlso, (linn merely to nvoitl making tlient wild mid timid, ntt1iott;h both theno dmigqrs nro iniinlnent, nnd justify cnrcfnl iivojilaiico. In nil nnlnuil life, tho iiilfeVlicil liablta of netion may bo greatly neutralized or greatly strength ened by cultivation. This cultivation begins when tho foal stands tip and wicks, and when it U six weeks old the education may bo somewhat regular nnd methodical. If you nro breeding run ning horses", encourage tho colt to extend himself nt a gnllop, for that is what you want him to do in future; but if you nro breeding trotters, encourage tho colt to extend Inmself at a trot, for that is what you want him to do in future rear him, if you can, without knowing that there is such a gait ns tho gallop.' If you havo a young hound dog that you intend specially for tho pursuit of tho fox, you will not, at any time, allow bint to striko out on rabbit trails thntho may como across. If you iudulgo him oueo ho is no much harder to restrain tho next time, nnd if you let him havo his own Bweet will in chasing all tho little ground game in the neighborhood, ho will be of no uso for a fox dog. The dog bad tho Inheritance nnd ho would have been all right if he had not been ruined in his education. So it is witli tho trot ting bred colts in tho Held, livery time you scare up one and make him gallop, it is the dog off on tho rabbit trail. You injure tho colt in driving him out of the gait for which ho was bred, anil to which his instincts led him to adhere. In tho end we will reach tho colt that will not know bow to gnllop; but as a means to that end we must stop making tho colts do tho very tiling wo don't want them to do. Sowing drain. Wo sow our grain loo thick, just as we set our shrubs and trees and plant our corn too close.,Vitli land made mel low and level, and tho teed distributed evenly and properly covered, half tho quantity now used would answerthopur poso. The drill is a convincing proof of this. Hero is tho all-important con dition of uniform covering, and ns all the seed grows, light seeding is necessary if the seed is sound and undamaged. Jloro attention to the seed is therefore called for, and securing this, greater cleanli ness will follow. Our grain will event ually be drilled in, thus lessening the seed to about one-half. Kven this will bo re duced, for wo sow to' thick with the drill. Where tho land is well prepared, as it should be, and the need is all sound, broadcasting will admit of a reduction of nearly one-half, ami tho crop will be better. There will bo a large straw, a larger and fuller .head, and less disposi tion to lodge. Moio labor should bu be stowed upon tho seed bed, which enrich es it as well as improves it othervise,and less seed sown, passing it iirst through the fanning mil, with a full wind on, ns tho light or imperfect seeds make feeble growth. Drainage- Thero is scarcely a farm on which can not bo found, at this season of tho year, some spots that drainage would greatly benelit. The farmer walks over his wheat field asd thinks ns ho mires ankle deep, in passing a hollow, "How much better it would ln for this wheat if the water went down into an underdiaiu, in stead of evaporating from tho surface." A simple water furrow opened with tho plow is belter than no drainage in such places for the grain crops, but they seri. ously interfere in reaping, and the drain age is only imperfect nt best. No investigation pays the farmer bet ter than unilerdraining these wet but rich spots and hollows. In many instan ces, a singlo ditch along tho base of a bill or run, so as to tap springs, will dry a largo area of land. Fanners should look over their premises closely at this season, and note tho spots where drain ing is essential, and mark outtho courses of tho drains. If ono can get on tho lield without injury to a crop, and there is not too much water, spring is an ex cellent time to make underdrairs. Jlu nil Home. Currant Worms, A writer in tho Fruit, Jlecoriler says there is no necessity of breeding currant worms. This is dono by leaving bushes untiimined, the worms always attacking tho new growth iirst. Ifo'says: "My plan is this: In starting a currant patch, I conlino tho bush not to exceed from" one to three main steins and give all the strength ot tho root to their support. As hinted above, sprouts will stait from tho roots each spring; but they must bo rubbed oil' when about f.ix inches long. All currant-growers aroawaro that worms Iirst mako their appearance on tho new growth and then spread over the bush. Consequently, no pprouts, no worms. This is just ns plain ns that two and two make lour. I havo followed this plan for tho last two years, to my satisfaction, and have barely seen thoeflect of worms on ono or two bushes where my plan was not lully carried out. But such currants I never saw grow, tho common red Dutch being nearly as large as tho cher ry currant and a better bearer. I had a few bushes that actually broke down from their load of fruit." Yoi'Nd Pins. When pigs are two weeks old they should havo a pen and troiiL'li adjoining that of tho sow, so ar ranged that they may pass from ono to tho other at pleasure, and should bo fed on mill; at iirst; and as they grow older the food should bo made more nourish ing by scalding shipstuff, allowing it to to cool nod feeding it with milk. Caro should be taken not to scorch the food. Tho milk should never bo cooked, as it would io liable to oauso scours. Differ ent litters of pigs should not bo permitted to mix until they are at least four weeks old. Tho JchlhyopagistH nro now in their glory. This 'is of-ilsli-all. If there's any oatrit postngo on thnt second word please ay it nnd charge it to us. Mr. 0. B. Porter, Druggist, Townnda, Pa. For several years I havo been troubled with catarrh; havo tried many remedies witiont much relief. Ulys Cream Jlfilin has proved to bo tho nrticlo desired, having wonderful icsults in my ease. I believe it to bo tho only cure. L. 15. Cobum, Townudn, Pa., May 14, 1870. Meters. Kly Bros., druggists, Owego, Y, The supply of Ureara Balm I pui chased of you sold rapidly. Such is the demand I havo had occasion to du plicate my orders no less than five times within three- months. My customers. lmv found this wo humbug, but a prep m at Ion of real writ and evidently n&ov croiyii catholieon for tho ouioof catarrh. An nitid ibfrt will produce such vesulU i.imo iilpanliiir to am- oointniiimv. Wn. TuoV, Jwuijtut, Wllto'lbn lit, I Odd Items. A neglected industry: No dot? has yet been nwnrded n prize lor tho best enso of hydrophobia. "If you nro in need, I will mnko you n present of $r0, but 1 will not pay higher rent," was tho sarcastic proposition of it tenant in tho annexed district to his landlord, recently. Alns! it wns ac cepted, Qivo your neighbor n helping hand by recommending him to keep Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup in his family for all tho ills babies arc subject to. When that young ninn out west hugged Ins best girl to death, was it not n ilead lock? It is very little uso for n fellow to mnko lovo to tho fair sex with tho gout in his right arm. Tho best preparation known in tho market for restoring gray hair to its original color is Hall's Vegetable Sicil ian Hair Benewer. Try it I An enquiring exchange says: "What aro boys good fori" Tho ignorance. Why boys make men, sir; and men go to congress and the senate, and formulato deadlocks and things. A Maine man who died, left n largo quantity of llsh, beef and bread, and said: "Theso are tho provisions of mv will." . In England it is growing fashionable to bo "hard up " That is tho most con venient fashion ever invented. 1IKTTKU THAN POIIP.HIN TOUT. Sneer's Port Grape Wine is better than imported Port, and, since the adul teration of tho latter, it must take its place. It is pure, and really excellent and health-giving. Trot Times. Members of tho Board of Health, of New York, and other prominent physi cians, uso this wine forthcirpatients and in their own families. For sale by C. A. Kleim, druggist, Bloomsburg, Pa. Chicago girls havo tho (esthetic craze; they a';e getting up their hair so that it looks like a pile ol rat traps struck by lightning. Tho man who woke up ono bitterly cold night and found ho had kicked all the clothes off was surprised, but lie quickly recovered. Isn't there a seeming incongruousiiess in describing a total abstinence lecturer as at work iu tho moral vineyard Just step in and tell your doctor about it in the mornim? after von Win off your winter underwear. It will save you the trouble of sending after him the nexi nay, nun it ix. Jacob Locckman, 27-1 Clinton street, Buffalo. N. Y., says ho 1ms been using Thomas' Ecleetric Oil for rheumatism. Ho had such a lamn linnk 1 IimI. Iim r-ould do nothing; but one bottle entirely cm ed mm. It is supposed that tho reason Lord Beaconslield never associated with his brothers, James and Balph, was that they belonged to a plebeian family. TO l'UUSOXS AIIOUT 'IO M.lIiltY. "To persons about to mniry,"Donglnss Jcrrold s advieo was "don't;" wo supple ment by saying, without laying in a sup ply of Spring Blossom; cures albumina rhi and other kidney and bladder com plaints. Price oO cents, trial bottles 10 cents. Why does your wife's new spring bon net resemble a snipe? You are silent. We will aid you. 'Tis nearly all bill. Ten mills make a cent, and ten cents' woith ol dog slopped the machinery of a Minnesota mill lour days anil sprinkled hair all over a tonol tlour. Titorw.i: saved. It 'is a remarkable fact that Thomas' Eelectriu Oil is as good for internal as external use. For diseases ot the lungs and throat, and for lheumntism, neural gia, crick iu thoback, wounds, and sores, it is the best known remedy, and much trouble is saved by having it always on hand. A man was recently assaulted and nearly killed iu a New York saloon lor refusing to drink. Probably his assail ant thought ho was insane, 'and struck him iu self defense. Properly referred: Neighbor's pretty daughter "How much is" this a yard.'" Draper's son (desperate "spoons" on her) "Only one kis." N. P. D. "I will take tin ee yards; grandma will pay." out out noons. Tho close confinement of all factory work, gives tho operatives pallid faces", poor appetite, lauguubinisornble feelings, poor blood, inactive liver, kidneys and urinary troubles, and all tho physicians and medicino in tho world cannot help them unless they get out of doors or uso Hop Bitters, the purest and best remedy, especially for such cases, having almnd aneo of health, sunshine and rosV cheeks iu them. They cost but a tritle. See another column. Christum Jieeorder. Wealth may not bring happiness, but it commands respect in a police ollicer. Colonel Higgiuson complains that women aro indi'lfereut about tho right of suffrage. That is probably because it has not been exhibited iu the show win dow of a millinery store. iMi'novr.siHNT rou junk ani nonv. For genuine merit thero is no tonio sold that begins to compute witli Par ker's Ginger Tonic. Ono ,'iO ot., bottle contains more life and stiengtli-restoring power than a bushel of malt or a gallon of pure milk. As nn nppetizer, blood purifier anil kidney corrector, it meets with astonishing success, nnd invalids find its uso promptly followed by re newed energy and vivacity, mental and physical improvement, and gradual res toration to pel feet health. Seo other columns. Commercial. A TRUE A PERFECT STRENGTHENED A SURE REVIVER. IltOX BITTKKS nro lilplil Ilka a charm on tho dlpodvA organs, removing all dyqi'.lo svuiiitonis, kutli as Juilmj the Food, IIcuMmj, Heal in iht Stomach, JIeartlurn,ttc. TJlo itlly Iron Propiiriitlon that will not nlackcs. tho tooth or givo licailaoluv. Bold by all drupgUts. "Writs for tlio A 11 C Hook, 22 n. cf useful and siauslng reading wif rtc 111(0 OinailOAL CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTERS MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. DiscuvEitcn or LYDIA E. PENKHARfl'S VECffiTABLU COMPOUND. For till Fcmalo Complaints, This rl!virftt ton. Mitt tnmo Matilflr, conalntj of VoRtulto rrt)HTtiM fiat nro Larmlcu to tho most del irutolrvrrillJ. Upon ono trtiltha merits oft Mo Com lotnJ will bo roco.rnlud, nsrollvf U Immediate ) And vhr n IU um U cotitlrvaul, In n.'nct jr-n!no casts la a lmn. drt(l,aicrmancr.tcurolicfroctct1nsthouiu(l4 will tes tify, on account of iti prorca mer!t3. It I J to-day to. CovnmcmlC"! ftml prescribed by tho bctt plijclctuw In tho country. It will euro entirely t!io wont fom of fillloff rt tho uterus, Lrucorrhau, Irregular tout painful Mcnstroatlon.nll Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation mhI Ulceration, flooding, ftlllHrplaccincntu nnd tho con i-oaucntsplnalncakitL'M.andli twJaUj adapted ( t'loCIiAtige tt Life. It MlUtllwulve and optd tumors fromtlioutcruilnancrirlysiajo of development. Tho tendency to canccrouj humors thoro 1j chccfcoJ very tpeodlly by Us uso. In fact 16 l.a3 proved ta to tho creat es and bent remedy lhn.t has ever been dl-.cocr c I. It iKrmeatej c cry oi tlon of tho rysUin, r.nd elves newlIfoft!idtlor. It runovcsfalutni! ;r, flatulency, do tiroys nil craving for Mlnulants, tu.d relieves vreakatrt of thofctonmli It cures r.Io.tttn, Itoadaehct, JCcrvous Wt ration, GencrJtcblIty,Icep:erencrj, lK'prowJon and Indl lotion, Tlintfeelinjofbcarinjdcwn, rnuflntf pain, velpht and baclcaebc, Is nlnaya jcnntncntly cured by III UB8, It wtllct all tlmtc, nad t&dcrall circuniLtan. cet, net la binuon vllUtU Ur Oat L'ovcrtu tho femalo crated. ForlCidncyCompialatJcfiltbcr kz this compounj Is unsurpassed, Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 233 and 2TO Western Avenue, Lyrn, Mam, .'rlcotbOJ. Six bottles for $3.00. (JentbyuallfulJio form of pIUc,aluilutI.ofonu ofLownpcs on m-cli t ef price, tl-H Ir lx, tor cither. Mm. X'lNKlLlM frtcly amwiritxlllctttmc-f Inquiry. Send for lau jhlet. AdJrcfiftiaboio Xentlvn this jxtpcr. No family should bo without LVD I A K. 1'INKtlAM LlVCl TILLS. They euro Court! patlca, lUlluusues undTorpIdlty of tho Un r, CS c.its ,er box. JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & CO., General Agents, Ihih., Pa. SOU) I1Y MOYER BROTHERS., Bloomsburg, Pa, JunuUly. ' B YOU CAM BUY THE BLATCHLEY Unl hicil.or Willi Cop, irr. Porcelain, or Iron I.liiiitt;. nnu KU'iirUnl ullli iny mime lis iniumfiu'tutvr w wnrmiitei! In InnU'ilul nuil con. ftrin'il"ii. Kor itlp by tlio lt l.nmcs In llio tni.1i. If ynu il. not fcnmv wIkto ti ti't lliM luimp. urltt' t') mo ui I, low. mill I will fciul inline of UL'ont neurit yuu, who will Mipitlyyou at my lowu-t prlcct. CHAS. 0. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer, 308 Uarket St., Philadslphia, Pa. mareli I, 'Sl-cra ; FACTS WORTH KNOWING. : ! (llorer, Cichii, llouiirnti-, Ktllllnsl and many ether of thu best mwllciDcs known are so UUiuUy combined In 1'arkeh's Ginolr aa to mako it tho createst Blood Purifier and , It. lltit Uoalth and Strength Iicttorer 1 ETcr Tied. ' So "perfect b the composition of Fituna'a OtNticn Tosio that no disease can long exist whore it is used. It you have Dyipeptia, Head-; che, Rheumatilm, nouralgia, Bowel. Kidney, or Liver Duordor, or If you need a mild Btlm ulant, or appetizer, tho Tonio is Just tho med-; lcine for you, as It is UglUy curative and In-. igorating but never Intoxicating. tit you ore alowly wasting nway Tflth Con-; tumption or any aiclmess, if you have a Painful, Cough or a bad Cold, l'irxtu's Qi.sacn Tonic will surely help you. It gives now life and' vij?or to tne feeble and aged, and is a certain; 'euro for Rheumatism and Chulera Infantum. It list Baied or Llrci; It Hay' Kai lours. '. Tf Tfii urn foelintr mlserablo don't Tf ait tlntll' (you aro down Elclc, but uso tho Toxio to-day.; no muier wuaijruurui.i&uvi Ajjiiiuuuuuji be It will givo prompt relief. . Romember I Pabkeb's GiKann Toxio not a rum drlnlc but the Best and Pure it family, Medicine ever made, compounded by n new. process, and entirely different from Bitters,' ginger preparations and all other Tonics. Try; coi. bottle. Your druggist can supply you. . PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM The lltit and Jloit Economltil Iltlr Drciiinf exquUitely perfumed and prrftctly harmlesi. Tf 111 Always Restore Cray or Tailed Hair ' to Its original youthful color and appeaiance, and li warranted to stop iu falling, aaaUt iu grouth and prtrent baldnest.. ..... A few applications of the Iialsau will loften the hair, cleanse all dandrufl and cure itching and hu ssfiurs of the scalp. SoldbyaUdrugguuktsort. OCt. 1, 'fO-ly .d TANITE EMERY WHEELS "1 GRINDING MACHINES May w-ivi (i For SiiwIIIIIN. l ouiiilricH, iili'l illfLrbinuMiiiiitt, inr rlreulari. adarcit T1IH TANITE CO. Ktroiianburw, Monroe Co., I'a. HAVE YOU EVER KNOWN Any portion to bo surlouHy 11 wlrlio it a wenk stem. aeli nr laictlro llverur kidneys.' Aiid wlieti these tignni uie In good condition no jou nutllnd tlielr riOH-ONirenjoAlnegood lienllli? I'ahkkr'ii titsiuit Iomi.iiIw'i.vh regit tilea tlieho linporiaut organs.and neer f.ibs to inaku tlio blood rich t nd iiuro, und lo strengthen everv part ol lite steui. Ulna cured hundrt'ils or des pairing Invalids A.bk your nelglt. bois about It. d may 2J-4W .iinr(::rn!Nr:i3nMt cuii. I lii I j it:uil.,,d.'litiycaric la' 'bin cj mm c i nl. Yti'to cot. l.jc.ui.l) . JI.1B H, t;u!i cy, L.ta. aid April 82-3K1 BEATTY'S "rgins is tisoml Mops, o spih reed; onlvi $i!b. 1'ln.t 03 lls up tw-Illus, Citilog, Kioe. Address Henity, Watlilugton, N.J, mayo, ' uU 1ewricbloodT i'.iron' J'uitiillra l'UU niiikii .Viwlilcli TlliKuUnuil will completely rliango tlm lilixuliti lliorntlroaratem In tlirto trmillia. Anviierxon bo w Hi takn 1 pill enrli night from 1 to 13 week i iiayliiiietiiieilliihoiiiMl bealtli. If mclin thing Ihj tioMlbln. Sent liv mail for 8 letter stamps. . H. , mil X SOS .1- CO., Jloaloii, Mima., furmrrtii Jlniium; M; AGENTS WANTED .OT&El t IllK Alnelllne prer Invcutnl. Will kullapalrof (tuitiius.u.lii llia;r. und TOi:, In ID nilnutca. It will ulu knit a gnat yaruly ot ioucy Wutkliir which there la ahvuua market Stn.l for circular an.ttcniuM the Ttvunlily Kiilttliur Placliliio 4ttl Vi uahlrutonSf., liottun. Mats, mayf.'iMy all "i TONIC reepmmended f;r all diseases ro S 0 $3 i Feb. 18'8iay JUST OUT, MORRIS & IRELAND'S NEW IMPROVED FIRE-PROOF SAFE. TIIR ONLY EIGHT FLANGE SAFE MADE IN THE WORLD. AND CONTAINING- OUR Patent Inside Bolt Work, Patent Hinged Cap, Four-wheel Locks, Inside Iron Linings, Solid Iron Corners, LATEST FROM MAINE. Lcck'jJI Ill's, Oxford co , Mc. .Messrs. Morrh ,t Ireland: (lon'.s: on tlio 2Jnd of November, 1ST9, our spool mill at Mils place, r.nxii, two Moiles lilgli, was to tally coiuuiiuM uy lire. In w'Mcli thorn wmalanro iiniiiitlty or m pool lumuer, spa anil blocki, nil sea soneil. Tuc Urn burueil for tliren ami tt linlf (las. We li til onui.f joursttei In our mill ntul TuesJny inornliijf rolln.vliiy, eltfiity litttts utter: IIih wm too liut. tu li imlle. bulnp; covered with biirulnff blocks. uiiH!lmu alter It was opened ami the con tents wero In it Rood stat-iof preservation, not a liookorptpo-lielnydostrojod. i nut sjllsllcil with yotirsaros and have pinchasi'd nnollier, und can roeotiiinend thcnito nny ono wlshlnirto fcecuto their valuables from belni; dest royed bv llro. Vours truly, I. a. Tiicits, TREMENDOUS TEST. lloastlng Thirty Hoirslna lied of lied Hot Coals. Cornlne;, N, Y January c, S1. Morris Ireland. Boston. Jlavs. Oentlement-on tho ti'ght of tho llro In our vll lace on tho limit tilt , I lid In use one of your No. a hates l am pleased to inrurm you, alter tho lloor Kavii way It fell Into tlio cellar, lino u hfup of burn liitfcoiil, wheroittoasU'd for thirty hours, tiurclt and myself Kavii up Hie lmre t.f nn thluir be imr s.iVrd tu It. On belli; taken from llio rulnslwas hupfilly disappointed to lluu tny easn, ouelier.s and oilier-articles el value rerlcUly nreserved. "Jhu coinulnation work well now. 1 am sallslU'd work, one of which, u No, So, 1 Inve old redr.f jourac;ent to-day, will ullord absolute prutcettcin In any lire. Truly Yours, E. S. IHiines. STILL AHEAD- lloelic&ur, N. II., Dee. io, 'so. .Messrs. Morris .V livULd: Dear Sli s: In tlio dlas tow llro wnltlitonk place In ihi-. iuii Nov. aiMtie -Morrli nnd iri lttid bate In my s'nre was subject t4 tu u hi-ern ttst, bdni; tlirunn Into the ivll .rand n littgo muss of debris r. II upon it, ami It w t in in i iitlusMinie two d ivs. I lake ple.isiiie Iu li f trmln, uit that i.pou e.x.'nva lion It wiilmiil irotili.enid tlieiont tits' wer f.niiid tn ln uuli.jiired 1 I'lituiruly rtcoui nii'tiii juur mr. sand sliuulii i wmii annllur I should co Ulhl; , u eli.iau ore tioui juu. Yours truly, o. W. llou e. ETILL AN OTHER. I'rom tho (Ireat Flte In Troy, New Ycrk. Troy, N. V., Decemlier 11, is;. Messrs Mori Is A Ireland. Ilostsn: fii'Mbm-n: -After wIlnesMnt; Hie dinned books om of t lie sates i petieo, also one of my own widen wu- atioih-r 'i iiko. which win not In the le-iit, of the lire IlKotlio o ('. I itjly purchased ot .M'U.whlch was In 1 lie tile over lnny-t Iglit boars, nnd liad to bo continually plaeil on duriiie; Monday iilght, as It wu' cotupleti'iy biitroui ocd with burtiluir muslins ai d oilier i n iin iblu tnntoilal, on upeniriirltln the tulns Ti'e d.y iflerr.oon, I wns pleated to mm tho contenls, books, napt r nnd itoney were nil pie serie.llna ivinaikaily ittKd condition. With this proof ofllie lire ipinllilestf jour taio wo have giv en jour agent an order f -r ouo No. s safe. Yours respectfully, Davis & Co, THE GREAT BOSTON FIRE. JANUARY. 1S0. Morris A- Ireland's safut Again Tiliimplinnt-Mcssrs. Itiee, Kenilall K Do's, l.atgo hutu Iteveals Its Valuable contents Innict, aiu-r being sub Jtctsd lo luleu i! bent for uno Hundred and Thirty Hours. Iiostou, January 2, lbso. Messrf.Morils & Ireland. Bos on: Gcnl:-On the nlg'at tf lIccctner S. last, tho tail ding oeeuiiiHil lu pan byimiit. N , u federal rUu t, i,n i uhi h was luar HroK lnli und about 'Mi in I deep, tniiglil lira and was dertnij'ed, with all llsriiiitiuiH.c.ii-isiliigif a eiy laigo Hock of paper, took llniU-rs' m tteilaU und o'lcr merchan dize. Wldlu bi v.ral other large bnnolngs udjolulug ouis wt re burin d at Hi" same time. Hie II lines wetu exlliiKid.-lied I lie lollowlm; il.iv. but our mock con tinued to burn tor oats llierenller. Alter a delay of .li) hours wo were able tu nave our situ uug out, II om llio lulns nii'l opened, und went pleax d tollnd all the co items wo. I preserved. 'I lm safecontalned our most vuluablx tmoks. papeis, pMlloies, elc., nnd wenon leisure Ihalour Jit'lg.iienl was eonictln btiiii geneot jour raf-f, which wo decided todo uTter kuuAiug Hie wouoei tin nrord ef your sates lu the great Huston the ol '.a. We lee-iird tho prolec tloii.f jour nilu ns upst rem likable, and this llro Is a guaranty til Itss.cutlly lo llieso who may wish io puu hi-e. Yours very trul)-, lltcii, Kkndsll & Co. Al:o a Commuaicri'.n from Ex-Gover-nsr Alss. R:c9, B ston, Jinuary, MKr-SIH M(IIIUlS.t IIICI.ANI). (Jenls: I tuado e.uelul examlnntlon rf Ihe couleiitH of the bate pincii.isid it jou some jears Mncoby il.e linn if lure, Kendill .v Co , and which wm tubitcttii thu test, of iii iiriiioin heal lu tlw great tiro ef lin uiindiy uUht. i tejaidlhuse oiinty of the sutj under the elrcumstitiiees as most, teiuurkanlu. Mmu uf Us (onlenus ein burned, nor wtro asytf thuuisi Iniurolby lm it, as lu bu mateilaily dam iged I i-lioul i commit tiny srciull les lu y ii ir sad huro.ili-r with inldttluiial conn dence, With gicat lebpect, jouis very truly. AleMuudvr ll. KK'e. THE LATEST YET. lu;ticsam3 nssuLT, so Nnrrldgeivock, Mo., I'eb, 1, issi, Messrs Moirls .V lieland, Boston Mass, i Thu sale I tmuKiii nt jou Oclober was In n iwo-jtory woi den building, which bun o.l Jan. vs. Tim building loukinuln tlio night, and tho hafs. bul ding and lUeoutrtiils, n il Into llio cellar npjn a pllii uf dry wood, making n hot llro which lasted for leu hours. Tho outside uf 111) situ wa i. cited red hot. II melted tho ll ind'u and dial olt Ilia door. Thi contents consisted of watches. Jewell, tdlwr wain. iKjoki papers .vs., all of whlcli oamo out lu giKidiouditlou, 1'ap.iiH lying t'i" Insldo ot IhirufoweM not Injured. Tho bum ilioiva for It h -It wnat Ills, und I feel well aatlslled with what H hasdono. I'loaso wrltowlut juu ca i allow for It tuw'uida co.v one, and obllro, O. F, HALL. CHAMPION RECORD itiliie GREAT BOSTON FIRE in 1872, trz-seml for prices and doscrlpllvo dtalog-io bo foro purchasing ebowliere. MORRIS & IRELAND, 64 SUDBURY ST. Boston Mass, rCTU 3. . i. tiii-w wrctf JZ v XT. J".-T I warn , mMmmJm ill m wmmwmm BLOOM SB URG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH K011MAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER,"jr7Ph. D., Principal. TIIIHSUIIOOl,. .mat nrnscnt constituted. ol'er!itlirivervhestfar'llttlarnr imr,iitnnni nn.i eii?i,in.inr. llulldlngiispaclous, Inviting and commodious ; completely healed by Btoain, well ventilated, lighted by spring Wiiiort laxivi ion ueiiiuiiui, nnu easv ot access, l oacncrs oxnericncod, cQiciont, nnd nllvo to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and thorougn. Expense" moderate. I'lftycftitanweektleductlontoallc.'tpectliigtoteacli. students admitted at any tlrao. ltooras resorted when desired. I Trtll f'uiri ff it f tin tf tirert-( rini 1 hir llm Ufnln t I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV,, Adjunct Courses ! I. Acidemia. II. Commercial. III. Courno In Music. IV. Course In r. JnXnjffir ous. tli.r.?Xtm?K n- Vi, .. , 1 lu Vr 5criu 1 "J'l'OMinio s uuerai, and thu s :icntinc nnd Classical courses aro not Inferior to those of our best Colleges. 'J1,,1!,1 Kf. " "'f,B,r ur,ller ol i:ltl7.unldp. Tlio t mes det land it. It H 0110 ot the priino objects of ihls School lo help to secure ft, by fmnlslitng Inlclll. P2l.nn clu,nn B5 "irs 'or h''.r f c hools. To this end It Bollclts young persons of good abilities and good purposos.-inose who deslro to Improve I heir tlm atuloguc n liir n 1 1 0 promlsos nulla developing their powers, andnbundant opportunities tor well paid labor niter leaving School. KoJ gent una Catalogue. nddres. tho Principal 1111A, vvu.i.iA.ti i;i,vi;i,i Hrpt. 9. 'T.- rrral.lrtil Ilourd SPRING TPIE LARGEST - - - - STOCK OF CLOTHING. JUST WHAT WE REPRESENT IT FOR ll TAILORING mom OM KA1TB WK INVITE YOUE EXA1M I NATION TO KHOW "WHAT TO WfiAB," AHD "Hoi TO WEAR IT." CALL AT THE DAVIS. $51. OOO' REWARD. ONE THOUSAND (l.QOO) DOLLARS rnr..iiiujl olleted 10 AJNr 1'iiliSON that will do an GREAT A lUNGE Olf 'WOltIC on ANY OTHER MACHINE. WHAT THE M DAVJS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. It will mnko wide hem on sheets. Ac. hem nil manner ot bias woolen goods, as sort metlno, crape, or poods difficult to hem on other machines. It mokes a more clastic stitch than any other machine. iu win turn u uein unuput in piping aibiuno iirno ltw 111 turn a hem. niw braid on tho rlcht sldn and stitch on trimming at ono operat'on. It will do f. lllmr tlasor stralcbt. cither on cottm or woolen goods. It will fell across seams on any goods. I will bind a llrs or Sktrt fliiri pew nn fnrenr.. either with or without show Ing Hitches; bind Dress (Joods with the same material, ell her fccallops.polnts, biihuivsui- nviueiii. 1 no oniy maiiimo inatwiii oiua Hats, cloaks, or other articles with bias, Batlir or silk, trom to 8 lnclitsln width, without basting. It win gather with or without towing on. It wlliFiithcr between two nieces and r.nw nn nt. the same time. It will mako amnio nnd Mitch 11 nlllnw din nn tn tho laclngatthotaineilinc. It will shirr any kind of goods. It will mako plaited trlmmlui: either with or with- out sewing it on. It will mako nlalted trlir.tnlnir either soullannt nr straight, und sew a piping on at tho same time, ll will make knife plalllug. J. SALTZER. Gen'l Apent, llloomsburg, l'a. oct. 1, 'SO-if. Dauchy & Oo'a. Advt'a. mMTTVG "IKi.WS I" frpa, .-iSi t (;old I I 1 11 (11 TOI'L"W Iteeilj Olill SVS All. dress Daulvl r', lleally, Washington, N. .1, may tl 4w MAKE HOME BE AUTP VL..,"!&. grnvlngs Clitln. nibjecls. Lues'. 1 ilcis. Si-nd rnrcalulngUHLinl prim list, Aeenis Wanted. Ad dress J. 0. Jlct'UlllIV .t to., 1'nlu, l'a. way 0 t-w P DIB h'lED.M AWARDU t v A tit lm r, A iimw anj ilt tl. icul V tirl.wtirrautt'd t iiu and uhi'AiH-fet, uuliaiH-n'fttlii tti t-very inan.fiiiitJi.l " Uciencuuf Ulo ir.hflf.rri'Lrvoti(n hounttii lincht rri Tiili iimitlin,iiiilHsi'i)1 lull d!t.:l 'i.iritftin IjenqttJu tntl fctiirruTinai, 12i tirtycriiI turns Kico oiiTy s-nt liy 11 (n'llllMlttltliiirllr.W l I'Altf i 1 K lilt, Kit. i buUiucli it, llu.twi. may (I Tdo ItolUh or tJio World J HALFORD SAUCE ! Sold by all (Ji (x-iti-H, may o.iw j JOHN U. UUUfllt 8 bu' niw took, Jvl l.tWu.e., cntHUJ S Ml if T AND SHmiW litUt I4JI cUfit tvtr i.fTcrl to you. Iu Mined aru drawn Irnmt w lr.u nuj ibud iUe of real fiV, amj portniv4 M M" John Ji. Gongli can tiortray thcoi. Fur lVthn.. Humor, nn.l fofet.tntori,.ltli V t'"i( IKtr. HI. lUfUwmmj-iuulor Jv.uU. .naouli (X (.1,1 olll )U to I. SDH, Moiu,,Jm ,,rtu. liill00ll lfiit4. mru nj wornin. Njw tin I n lyVVrfwin jrf , A. W. WUU'X uiHU'toy U Ht., Tfuta., llulfotJ, Ikli' mays 4-w NEW RI5VIS10N aoijntn?aNtku. KEW TCSTA.MKNT. As inada by tho mist (tnlnent scholars or Kng. land and Mnerlca. Hull tho I'llce ot Corresponding lingll'li Billion. I.nriroTpe, linen sii;.-er.c.iltndr-ed paper, vlrgnit binding, A kf pilule '-Coiiiprelien. mvi t'litorytf 'lie HI Jo and in'tran'Utl' i."ln eluding 11 full aoenuut ol tue Ntw IttMslon, given to tiUcnbis. lii'ttdinuo fr artnti tvjrcffirtd, Stud m tab i r part lenlaia tit oi.oe. Ji'liuUKNUY Ilia 1'UBLlSlHNO CO.. KorwKli, Vwin, AJitlW.'WW KHOW TIIYSEI ar0. .V'W1',1'19310.''. l Students graduatng thoreln, tecclvo Hwto Diploma?, conferrlnt: llio followln oraduates in tuo other Coupes tecclvo Normal Ccrtlllcates nf Truatrrx. CLOTHING: ---OB READY MD Used In tho principal Churches for Communion turroses. E:;SLLENT ?03 LADIES AND WEAELV PERSONS AND THE AO ED. Speer's Port Grape Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. rphls Celebrated Native Wlno Is mado Iromlho L Jalcoot tho oporto arapoialsed lu this Country Its Invaluable Tonio 'aud Strengthening Properties are unsurpassed bv any other Nntlvo WIno. lie!' g tno puro Julcoif thoiliupn. pioduced under .Mr. hpeer'u own personal supervision, Us purity and RunulneuPH ant guranfeed. 'llio fcungesi child inny p.inako ot Its generous qualities and thu weak est It to ndvantairo It Is pnnlculaily benltlclU to tho aged and debilitated, and suited to t be vat lous nllmeUs that nllect the eaker sex. It la In every icspect WINK To UK HELIEU ON. FPEER'S P. J. 5 la Tho I'. .1. SIIi:illlY Is a Wine of Superior character and partakes of llm golden 0.11 illlli-s i.f thu grape, Iroiu which 11 is tii.idii. For I'mlty, Ulchness.l.i.ivor nud l'l-ojiertles, it will be found unexcelled, S PEER'S This llltAN'DV Htm iH unrivaled In this Country, being farstipcilorior medical put post 3. IT IS A l'l'IIK dlMll ii'lHii t om the gripe nud con tains valunUu medical ( rup rt e.i It Ins a il'lc.ito 11. or, tlnr.ilnr to that of llio grapes iriuu Mliieli Itlsdlstninlatid Islugivat faor umoug Ural c usi Minllp s. tieo tlut tne slgnmi'-e 1 f M.ritlii) si'EEII.l'iVisalc N J , Uovvr thu cut I- of each bottle. SOL,l UYO. A. KL.ElNr. dec lit -silt- To Kcivcts Sufferers Thi Great European nit. J, n.swi'sos'a bi-Kcino hkpicike, lr. i.ii. Mmp'um'HHrr-eino Medii-p.o u a pokltlvo cult) fur i.wiwi ik f body or I r In ornxcri-s of any KI11 1.MiD'i as wu.ikiicks nnd nl1 dlsi-asta nu-ultlng from tcivo'is IKbllltv. ltilt.ibhl'y.Meiital nlt-ly, Ijiliguir. Iwsltude. Denivs'iloii 0. t-pirlts and lune lloiinl djiaugcments of thu uerutis ystcm ten i, I'alnsln tho DUCK nr kiuo, Lfisv. of Mi'inn y, I ri in.i tiuuoiiiiig'i anitiii eases lead H coninpll(ii.liisai ty A 1111 1 url v crav or both. No mitt n i how hhitterid tin sjblcin maybifuur excethis 0 f an) kind, a Minrt c-oiirtu 1.1TI1 h lie dlilnu will iieloie-lUg lost fiincnons and line 11 id henph nnd happiness where befnm was despoiiilencv and gloom, 'llio !pe clilo Menlclno Is being Usui with Honderful sin cess. Pamphlets sent free tu all. Wiltu fortutmaud l,ei 11111 rnrui' u-iir MiOAL ULANMwS, ALWAYS OX HANI) isioni, xrtln. A'1' TS 'OWICli ml JT 1 gas, niid'turnlshod with a bountiful Btipply ot imrc.soft Art. V. Courie In Physical Culture. 1'. 1'. BILL.MVi:il,Secrctnrj-. Dattlo Crook, Michigan, MAHUFACIUIIEI1S Of TUB ONLY UtNUlNIl THRESHERS, Traction and Plain Enginos and Horso'Powors. Mo( Complete Thrcihcrrflctotr Eotnbllahed In the World. 5 Q48 VC ADO ofconttnvoutantttuecettfulbutu I E.HnO nesi, without clinntro 01 canio, iaanntrcmcnt, or location, to "bach wj" (A Iroad tcarrant given on all our good. STEAM -TOWER SEPARATORS, and CoinplVlO SU illll OlltniHA viatehtt9qutiHttei, MMKiTrnrllnu JikIuchqihI Plain hnnlne cprpcpn in tho Anicrlruii market. A multitude of tptcial ftaturea ami ItnprotttneiAt for ISSI, together with $nperior quahtte in ronxfrur tinn am mat trial not tltvamcduf ty othfr makcrn. f our mzm or oiiarntrn, irom u io is iiorwe capacitbr ilfiiin or horn wmcer, Tv. o nt) 1pm of " ilonntoil " 1 lorf e-rowe ,OUU,UUU romthrttotlxvmr$ilr.ilrlnt) mnatfirttW on hand, from which is built tho In. coiuparabla wooU-worlc of our machinery. TRACTION ENGINES' SI rongeur mwtai4r.&r,Qndf0f. erf r made 8, 10, 13 liorso l'ower. , FnrmerH nnd Tlirenliertnen aro Invltod to Invt-Htiifato thin matchte '1 hnlilnB Alaculncry, Circulars Kent free, Adilrt-BA NICHOLS, 6HEPARD & CO. Bnttlo Crook, Michigan Jin. 7, si-at i --KTSKTl THE GREAT jrrnLiXGTox route. Vff'Sn other lino runs Three Thrnut-h I'ns renger Trains Unlly botween Chiengo, Des Moines, Council lllii!T, Omnha, Lincoln. St. .liiseph, Atchison, Tupuka nud Knnsas City. Illrect nmnectioin fur nil points lu Kunns, Nebraska, Colorado. Wyoming, .Montana, Nc vnd.i. .New Mexico, Arliona, ldaho.Orcgon and Lauiornln. '1 lip Shortest, Speediest nnd Most Cmnrnrtn V,10,."0",1." 1,1 11-ili'iibi.l to I'mt Scott, Dcnlson. Ilallas, llmiston, .Mi-iln. Ean Antonio, Halves ton nml nil points In T oxo. Tho nneiiuiilei! Iinlueements cfTercil bythla I. no to '1 rarclcrs nnd Ttmrlstt, nro m follows! tho celebrated l'ullman (lu-whcol) 1'ulaco 5vc.n.pln,f c.nro' n,n on'y nn I'1'1 'i""'- V- lb & Q. r.ilaco Curs, with notion's lice InliiTt Imlie. .Vu ptrn charge lor Scuts In Itccllnlug OialrJ. llio famous 0.. ll. Si a. I'alaco llliiiii;.-C.irs. fltirgpons SmcUIng Caw Ilttcil with :iegant Illfh-Ilaekeil ltattnii Ho vnltlng (hairs for tho cxeiuslvo uso of first cl.iis pieii-urs. Steel Traelc nnd Superior Hiiutptncnt, com Iiined with their (Irent Thrmigh Cur. trnuifo tncnt.innlioMhKntiovo all til Iters tlio favorite, West l'loHoutl1' Suutli-Wost, and tho I'ixt T ry It. and you will find traveling a luxury Itftead ot a dhcomfnrt. Thrnush Tickets via t!il3 Celelirntod Lino fnr s.-ilo nt all unices in tlio L'r.lted States aud Lnuaun. All Information n'mnt Hates of Pare, Sleen Iiil' Car .ccnniminl.itlims, Tltno Tables, Ac. will bo cheerfully given by upilyitiu tu J. Q. A. lll'.AM, Oen'l Hnstcrn Agent, aw Wiihlii!itiiii St., 11 iston, Mass, n,,,, u-nm".";'. !!r" "'W"V, Now Vorlc. wAMKS l i. V, (If) l .11 l'as;. Agt . Chle-IJM. T. J. l'O lT'Lll, Oen. Manager, I h.u.igo. JIarcli 18, 'o, 4t't At Crane's Cancer Infirmary, Addi::n, IT V. JilCTU!8!'3 1' I'fi'JsUNH tiomall pans of Iho KS fiVii,"!' .'!?,"' l'vliUfiWlllK-.seH that tliev l.avu . ,nls,usa7i;i,heloV','r Llft';"vi-l!IV1V,l r",llcl" 11 Adddrew 1 Oef.V iy ' l.l.OW.N, Addison, ,N, V. Weaver & Oo'a Ads $1000 AYEAii p-' !la -l rl0,!iT 3T,rv 4" Ul"'"' "r 1,0 "wftV from W WIH, bTAlt r Vl' wmi ,N OUTFIT WOIITH $1 l',IIKM.'(iU If yriu ai-ii rmniojed during Iho div sou can nako from 1 to iu nn ineidng, M ma f our i i-etit" S ."Vfi n a,vr1'1 '," " 1,1 " day! r 1 1 d a t, o n eo L? ce "''v"01"1"" VR " i;U'T. Sil ll.u!clay Btrcct, w. i, WAej march 11,'ol.iim SlJPKIlIOll TO ALl7 OTIIKUS; ..IOU',11 Highest r.tUes Awaided, .Hlivillt A- sON.TSi.trchitreet I'l.lladelnlda. Highest A war Is for tho best llanos: London I'arls, Centennial and I'cnn'a hlato I'alra, m iroli ll, 'si cm wicn 'ittrt I'tir Kiil.kiii'nu. .1... liiutl,, r, llill'l ur,. ILfiil. t,l,M.trnlltlrJ. 1.,I,..,. .1 ruyNi..Lr.':.f'i;,?.r,;if!l:,;,r.i-,.u,;'c,-'viii' l il a' 1!'i'i"l S-l"l " ,7. J"''"'"''; ' VJiiik. nil IniiruillMi,, Vi All Ir... Vi ill n I.-V ' i 'itl'J"'' !"l l" enti. April SJ.Jra aid ' ' " ft JW nilttlt fl-Aft in tllrtSA .nUI... . V K lSKeantVnd proUMs JjfJ knP5. .Lverythlng now. Uuidtal uot re- away from Tom. ITotr v&ttT No . "k whaW Many new wojkew watitcid at ouco. Many Ira mav mm 'Krirliyua v2nT0miuVtnugVmuS li n.L.i r.-iMrSrj ulSZzzi l-.Lim! ejja mLi2 aJZA RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES ttK- N OllTlIEUN OEN'J'lvAL 1UIMVAY 'VINTEH TIME TABLE, fin and after Sunday. Nov. T. Iwn. tlm i.-i.. onlim I'liliadolplila Krio l!a lroad Division will run lis iviiui. a . WESTWAltl). Krlo Mall leaves I'ltllndclplila 11 M p m " " llarrlsbutg 4 25 am " " Wllll.itn'port 8 4il am " " .Tcrseymioru VfiDai ' " iiek Haven 41) a a " licnovo llinniri " nrrlvn at llrlo 7 43 n nt N lagnra Kxprcss lcat cb ITi lladcl phla 0 en u p, " " llstiliburg 12 m n in 11 nrr. ntwililatnsport 11 13 pin ' " Iick llnvcn 4V(iptn " " llenovi) K 40 11 in Fast Uno leaves I'lilladelphla U to 11 m " llnnlsbtirg 4tHipm " nrrlvont wnilamsicrt T as inn " Lock Haven 0 lu ji u HASTWAH1). ' 1'acirio Kxrrcss leaves Ixck Haven 7 lu a m " " Jersey W.ora 7 17 a m " " Wllllamsport S to a in " nrrlvoatllairlsbtiiL' Viospnt ' " l'lillailelphla RlSin! Day Express IcaTCS licnovo lonanin " " Lock Haven 11 S3 am " ' viliiamsport isvapm " arrive at llnrrlsburg 8 4upnt ' " Philadelphia e 8.1pm Krlo Mall leavo3 licnovo 010pm ' " Lock Haven lOlupm " " willlamsport; lin.ipm " arrives nt llarrlshurg a no a m " " I'lilladelphla 7 Mam Fast Lino leaves illlamjport l'i in a m " nnUesatllnrrlsbtirg 8 no in " " riillaiiclpiita 7o3nru Krlo Mall west and Day Kxpress Kant mako close. connections niuriiiuiuucrinuii wiui u. a u. it, it Irnlns for WUkesbarro and Scranton, Erlo Mall West, Niagara Hxproia West nr.d t'as Lino West mnko close connection nt Wllliomspor witli N. C. It. W, trains not tit. Niagara Express West nnd Day Frpress Kna mako closo councctluit at Lock II n en with H, u. v. II. II. trains. Ilrlo Mail cast and West connect nt Krh with trains on L. H. M. a. It. It. 1 nt Corry with o. 0. ; A. V. It, 11. 1 nt limnorlum with IS, N. V. A: 1". It. It and at Driftwood with A. V. it. it. Parlor cars will run between riillalelphK and WHIaiii'port on Niagara Uxpress west, nnd Da Ex press Host. Sleeping cars on nil night train j. WM.A. HAl.DWIN, General Supt. OltTIIKUN CEKTKAIi IiATlAVAY COMPANY. On and afu-r January 17th, 1S81, trains will leave, Sunbury as follows : NOB.THWAUD. Northern rxprcs3 c,co a, m nnlvo Elmlra 12.30 pm Arrlvo at Canandalgua s.25 p, m " ltocUcstcr 1.4') " " Niagara. 8 15 " Niagara Express l.os p, m. arrlvo E'tnlr.i fi.03 p m arrive Canandalgua 8.33 " " lloclicster U43 " Niagara li.Mnra Fast lino CIO p m arrlvo Elmlra 11.03 p m " Walkbs lt.cspm 80UTIIWAHD. Southern Esprcas 1.32 a. in. arrlvo Ilarrlsb'g 3,15 a m arrlvo riiltitdelplila 7.M " " Now Yorl; 10.35 " Daltlmoro " Washington 9,02 a m l'iciilo Express a m arrlvo ilarrlsb'g 12.0.3 p m nirlve rhliadeipbla 3.43pm " Now York o,!5 " " Daltlmoro c.21 " WaihlDgton 7,52 Day Exprcstl.O) p m arrho Harrlsburg 8,10 p m " I'hlladelphU fi.45 " " Now York 0.30 " " Ualtlmoru c.35 " Washington 7.52 ErloMalll.os a. m. arrlvo Harrlsburg D.osn.ra) " riill.tdelplila 7.83 " " Now York '0.33 " " Daltlmoro 7.40 ' Washington 0.02 L. 1', FAltMEH, Usneral ras3on'cr AgeU. FItANIC THOMSON, Goacral Managtr. piIILADELPHA AND UEADINO I'.OAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. May 11, 1S70. TI1AINS LSAYE ItCPKltT iS FOM OWSt&rjIDAVKXCErTID I'or Now Y'ork, 1'hlladelphla, Heading, 1'ottsWlle, Ac, 11,43 n. m For Catawlssa, 11,15 a. m. 7,21 and 7,35 p. m. For WlHlauisport,c,23 9,05 a. in. nud 4,03 p. m. TnAIKS FOB RUrXRT LKAVK A3 FOLLOWS, (SCNDAT IX CEr-rnD.) Lcavo Now York, 8,45 a. m. 1javo Philadelphia, 9,45 a. ra. Leave Heading, ll.tsa. m., I'ottsvlllc, 12,33 p. m andTamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Lcavo Catawlssa, r.,20 8,50 a, m. and 4,00 p. m. Lcavo Wllllamsporl ,9,45a.m,2,15 p. m. nnd 4,t 0 p. m rossengers to and from Now York and Philadel phia go througa without chango of caro. J. E. WOOTTEN, C. a HANCOCK, oeneral Manager General Ticket Agent. Jan.ll,ts70-tf. ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA ANB WESTEItN ItAlLUDAD. ULOOMSBURO DIVISION. Tlme-Tablo No. s, Takes eirect at 4:30 A. M MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1878. NOHTII, STATION!). SOUTH p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m 811 4 vt 9 C Scranton.... 9 85 9 !J 9 17 9 CS b 53 8 51 3 4li Ucllcvuo IU 2 10 2 22 2 80 2 53 i 44 2 49 li 53 67 3 tn 3 15 3 10 3 10 8 2t 3 20 8 3.1 3 W 4 03 4 U 4 18 4 'J5 i 29 4 33 4 43 6 IS C 20 ll 23 9 37 9 30 9 2! 9 19 9 14 Tayioniiie.. . ...Lackawanna..., Plttslon .. West l lllstou.., Wyoming Malthy Lennett Kingston Kingston 9 43 3 68 10 07 C 33 G 40 0 45 0 50 tl 53 G 53 7 10 7 18 7 1S 7 S3 7 35 7 42 8 04 8 25 8 45 8 t5 9 05 7 15 7 23 7 30 7 44 8 in 8 32 3 51 3 40 8 41 12 41 12 ft 3 30 S 10 S 83 8 13 9 04 8 44 10 IS 10 33 10 29 10 34 10 42 10 to It 1)7 It 13 11 SU ..I'lymoutliJunc,. 8 23 3 20 S ti ....i-iymoutii Avondalo Nnutlcoko .Ilunlock's 1 reek. ....Milckslilnny... ....Illck's Perry.,.. .... bench Haven.,, P.erwlck ,,,, Ilriar Creek 8 12 8 III 7 51 7 83 7 S2 7 23 7 18 3 13 3 Ul 2 61 2 39 2 31 2 23 8 47 8 3V 8 23 8 17 8 12 8 06 7 14 7 10 7 112 2 "4 ...Willow Oiofc... 1 4ll tspy. 11 39 11 45 11 Si 0 MS 1 57 7 Si 7 33 7 H9 7 11 llloomsburg 4 49 4 M 0 Ml e 4M 0 27 6 15 6 go 1 51 1 40 1 27 uupeii, Cutavilssa liilclgc. Danville........ Chulnaky. Cameron 11 t7 13 18 6 00 8 60 6 18 8 21 9 13 9 61 u 30 9 C 43 1 00 6 13. .Northumberland, 12 45 p.m. p.m. a.m. W Y u ls ?itAB-1s' t'M S'lpurlntmidetit's omce.'bcranton, June it), n?l! dll A outnt riiriilhtieil free, with fun mstruo- I ( I ',?",? ,Lr v'pniluctlug tno most protltnUo y) IU "i"-'s1 Uml. on0 L'-" engage In. ,. , ,, i"riiH-ii'inniii'uM'io icarn. aeiiour ? nit .V. ?r,u bo"i;lo and plain, that any ono Clltl IIIUKO I'llt. I rillllH finill ,1 n iun. tt.... SJilnw,i!J.','lBlllnif ,0.w?-'' Women nro ns kue M, v n ', 1 .,aD.d s r'3can earn largo sums. in , 1, V I. V i , u''"-ii uvit ono nunureii befo! . Yfi uf10 Vtclt' NMIimif "He It uver known nn I i iinniMu 7.7, , " T , 131 U III I IU CUSO m ui.i P VrX y1!1' Wl'ldl ,tUey aro ab, t0 "iali0 vniir tnr.V,r,...r.V b lu,a "'ISIIICSS lllinug fnm0AlKH,,f'r..'Jo?s;t!l,nylU, writot usatSnei. ah m ii' S Addrcbs 'i KUi 1,0., Augusta, Maine Directions For catarrh mi: AM tiM flay. Fever, cold in tlio lieiil, Ac, Insert with 1 ttltl llllimr. n ii-irtlrl,, ot iho Uulm Into tno nostills; draw Mrong breaths through tho nni.ii. 1, win r. .ii hoibed, deatiblng, and iii-aii ig tuu aisoateu iiieiLbrano. rpiy u patticio into KIA'S CllKAM 11 A 1 Af IInintT fnlnr.,l nn i . . rtcte wlS'cuin caiatrn W Will ns dl. ELY'S C11UAM HALM CO., Owfgo, N. V. salol.ug8lush2en?raii M"rcrls a,lU h wm"' OCt, 21, 'S0-1y d HT? 1 13 Iffi ?lY", P maftnir money J-LiiJ 1. ."'7alw''J's';eepiiiif ho alwai s luLo ndai to I .'.rPw t,ur ,10r. '1 hoso rnsklng ffioi m tlwt nrl6?8'' ,liv ISOQi chances lor eU nw'tdt. t L r,,cnV,rt'u' Kbftrally become chan remain In Senv w X, ""!'rovo mcU boss and glrla lo work tnh.u., "Ji".1 ""7 women, calllleB. The i tuslnei; I SVlm ln . 'nc'r owu l0 ordli'ary wacei lRay ""T0 lhan Wn tlmos all v iu youLcod f?i ulB)l ."i1,'?11141'0 outt anO make mCywfy rlbl