anwi'.i(Liiiw TUB COLUMBIAN. iu,oiisnimn,, mIyhi, issi t'UIIMO SAMM, Henry llolliiigslioul, ndmliiWlrator of lliu estate of Mary Cleaver, will soil roil estate In Clanl'?, on Satnrdny, Juno 18. Illrnm Slmgnw, iuliiilnilmtor of (leorfie llotlcnb'ck, will fell roil cilHo on tlio premise In Main township on .S.iturtliy July 2nd, Guy II. MoMisicr, executor of Jolm Met. Cilia, ileco.netl, will sail real estate, nt tho Court JMu n on l'', Junollrd nt t o'clock ii. m. Th ltiingir!ntniinl;o things lively nt Kpy. liMc bai9 can hwfully bo caught ott and nf tcr Wodticstlny next. A largo number of men nro nt work on tlio roal in libjbtslrcot. Mrs. W. A. Wnlion liaa u nice, flock of now millinery gooda nt lic'r ntori In Jersey town. Tho llupcrt Hotel U bolng newly papered nnd painted. Snect l'otn'.o l'lnnls, 10 cent per ICO, S3 1000 at Jwopli Garrlcou'tf, Uloonifburg. II. S. Iteny is making poms addilioni to tlio ttftcliincry of his paint mill nt Ilupert. Cnntl Krnmor of Jerseytown is doing a large lumber business Mr. Clinrles M. Qltton and family of Hrwnii nab, Ohio, nro hero on a vi-It to relatives and fiicnil'. i L. N. Moycr lias purchased tlio Thoma property on Main Street, aud will remove there about July 1st. Somo of tlio farmers in the upper part of the county havo had bad luck with their corn, nnd have been compelled to rc-plant. A. L. Fritz Eiq , deputy for Shciiir Knt, ha retired from that ofiico nnd will devotu him self to tho practice of law. The repaint at Neal'a furnucowill bo made by Joshua Kittuniun, who has contracted for the prupsr and ppcedy prosecution of tho work. Tlio number of water consumers is constantly increasing. Several havo been nddtd during ihe past week. The foundation walls of the now Cor.UMlitAM office nro completed. Thuhrick laying wiii be commenced next week. Hides of nomination of tho Democratic parly, in paniphlol, for Palo nt this oflicc. l'rico 10 CHI If. l'ort .Sai.i:. A twenty horse power elnlionary (limine, in first clim older, luipiiro at tliw oflice. may 0 -1-w Mr. K. 11. Drinker went to Philadelphia on Monday lo attend thu nnuuil mooting of tho lilooinslmrg Iron Company, held on the follow ing day. c Miss Harriot llarman, formerly of Ibis town, but lately of Allentown, has rttiimed to live with her sister Mrs. Tubus at tho Kxchango Hotel. Mr. William (1. Gatclitll, cf tho Bradford Sar, has sued the proprietor of tho Bradford iViiM for calling him a fool. Now, it might be however . There aro very few better country tiycrus than that kept by A. K. r-milli at Jcrscytown. The houso i3neat, tho table is excellent, nnd tho genial disposition of tho l.mdloid makes it a ple.iuro to stop thero. Mondty noxt, May 30th, being a legal holi day, tho banks will bo closed and thoso having notes maturing on that ihy should oither pay or renew thorn on Saturday, and thus avoid pro tests. All should patronizo (ho festival lo bo given by tha Illoomsburg Cornet Hand on Markit Sipiarc on Saturday and Monday evenings May 2S and .50. Proceeds to be used lor purchase of suits for five new members. On and after Juno 1, no printing or wri. ting will bo permitted on the address side of postal card", except that imprinted thereon nt the mmufictory; and Biich as may bo proper for tho necessary direction of the same. Chas. Eayro Iliuklo, Jersey City Heights N. J., writes: "My eoh, a lad of twelve yew, was completely cured of a terrible caso ofKcJcrnaby the Culicura Kemcdios. I'rom his hoad to his led was one mais of scabs." Tim corner stone of tho M. K. church, at Jonestown, will bo laid on Sunday, Juno fith at half past teno'clock in the morning, ltev. M. L. Smyser, of Berwick, will preach tho sermon on the ground". A gcntral invitation to be present is extended. The Normal School liao hall club will take a trip up thu river lo-morrow. In the after noon they will play a game with tho Wyoming Seminary nino in Kingston, and on Monday will play a leturn game with tho boys of the Wilkca-Ilirn) Acitleniy, in Wilkes-liarre. An unusual number of persons have been consigned to tho lock-up of late. If this port of ehnnralizilion is to continue tho town authori ties should furnish Ivttor accommodation'. The colls of the old jail would bo much better than the wretched building now in use. Jeremiah Crowley and Michael Quinn were killed nt Mill Creek, near Wilkcs-ISarrr, l.t Saturdiy, by the caving of the fides of a new shaft in process of construction. The soil was rnirily and caved without warning, burying the men. Thoir bodies were recovered. The bond ordinance has been passed finally by both branches of tho Wlllinnisport council This is n good beginning, nnd if tho bondhold ers will take tho bonds eiil'erol them, there may bo n brighter fntiira for tho debt-burdetied city. Mr. J. J. 11-ower is refitting tho store room, formerly occupied by Moyer Ilros, and wll poon display a fmo assortment of carpets, of vn. ileus kinds nnd grades. Mr. lirowcr nnd oth ers intend to carry on the business of banking in the aiioo room. Mr. Kckort Smith, of Hindi Haven met with tpiito an accident while down the rnnnl boating lastweckj breaking both bones of his left leg in a frightful manner. Dr. V, 1'. Hill wis called nnd set tho leg. Wo uro informed that Mr Smith nt present, isdolnj woll Veruitk Inde pendent. Chimbersburg, (Pa.) Herald. After vninly spending ftao hundred dollars for oilier remedies to relievo my wife, I have no hesitation in declnring, that St, Jacobs Oil vlllcure Nuuralgln, siys M. V. li. Hersom, 1'S'P, (of Pitiklum A Hersom,) Boston, Mass., an enthusiastic indorscr of its merits, Tlio Pennsylvania Stato Teacher' Associa tion will hold its next meeting nt Washington, In the western part of tho State, July 20, 27 mid 23, Arrangements aro in progress to make this one of tho largest nnd most succossful meetings that has ever b;on hold, The town It attractive, being tho teat of Washington aud Jefferson Collego. Mr, John Thouif son appeared at Iho Opera House on Thurs lay evening of last week, bf lo-ro n not very largj audlenro, in a play enti tled "Around Ihe World," This is inertly n tills to a scritsof clmrncter skolchcs nnd music al performances by Mr. Thompson, whope ver satility Is much L'reatcr than his ability. Tho tntertilnwont affords nemo amusement, but is not cf a high gindo and has outlived its popu larity. Variety, now-a-days, must os flttj decided mult to nehieve euccc'c if. Tho recent rains hive produced the mot ben eficial results ris tcgirds tho growth of grass nnd grain. I'rom present appearances there will bo a decided fall In tho price of liny for 1SS1 ns compared with that of tho past you. If you have pimples, boils, salt rhcum.rough "kin, tako "J.tnJIos Blood Searcher." Sold by nil druggists. may20ltv Tho ttuslcos of tho Danville Iiinno IIopltil ticny mo statement that Iho Insttranco comp.v ntes Imvo refund to py Iho losos caused ly Iho recent fire. Several cf th n mm panios havo already pnid, and thnt too, without claiming tho sixty days allowed by tho policies, Section 0 of tho game and fish hws providos mai no wild iowl, winch InelnJi-a geeso and ducks of all kinds, shall bu killed or had In pOHcsslon between Iho l&tli of May and tho 1ft of H.ptemher, under a penalty nf ten dollars for each wlul fowl killed, exposed fir palo or had in rosscssion, I'orgood Cabbigo Plants go lo W. II. Yl' tcr. lie has about ono and n half acres best seo.l sowed, nnd plants fine. liiayliitf A new dally pipcr,27i(! 7iceoii(,has made Its n(: poiranco in Danville. Itlsconsiilernbly Inrger tlio .Sun, of this town, having five columns tar. psgc. i hero is a number of nd vennomenis ami muelt rending matter of a general kind. Victor A. Loticr is editor nnd publisher and II. W. Kjgert, local editor. The Jlecord is to be mi Indepe ntlont journal. A game of baso ball was partially ployed on tho fair grounds lat Saturday between n club composed of young gentlemen of the Wilktf Bine Academy nnd our Normal Schocl nine. Tho visitors wcro deflated by a icoro of 8 to C, a result fur which they account by tho fact Hint theylnvo had 1'ittlii practice together. Per haps they will show n betjer record in tlio re turn garao on Monday. Sick hesdache, nervous headache, hcad ncho from sour stomach, are all cured by th. Mcltaur'a Headache nnd Myspcpsia 1'ilU, Price 25 ceixta. may 13 !Jiy There was glass bill shooting nt C.ilawissa hutSilimhy in which H. It. Aldrieh was the victor by a score of 18 wit of a possible 20. In shooting ofT tho tlo with Willtim Kyor, .Mr. Aldrieh was ngaln tho winner nnd is now the champion. Several of tho members of the C.ilawis'a club nro expert marksmen and pr:c tice is rapidly making tliuir plooting extreme ly accurate. If report) nro lo ha crodilcd, the fanners will Invo a lively time fighting insect foes tins sen son. Potato hugs have undo their appearance in New Jersey and in several counties of New York, and countless hosts ofnrmy worms have begun their rivnges in both Ilia States named Li'tyear the army worms fouu I their way into Ponn-ylvanh but at so lato a date that they did little damage. Cl'iirlos Harlmindicd onThursdiyof last week, at tho residence of!. V. Sharplcss, this tiwn, nged 72. He was a resident of Montnn duii, Union county, and camo here on a visit, intending soon to return. His sickness w.ib brief nnd ho was unconscious for two days be fore his deiih. Mr. Hartman was the oldest of tight children and the first to die. The fiinar al took place on Saturday and the body was in terred at Catmvi'si. A re y on going to paint'.' If so.send lo Henry S. Bear, Montour Paint Works, Iluiierl, Pa., for sample card and prices of Strictly Pure While Lead. Slite Colors, Iron Paints, Putty & , and save the wholesale and retail profit. You cm mix your own colors, from best mater ial, witli Pure I.inscod Oil,for 7o cents to $1.-0 per gallon. Respectfully Yours Sc., npr. lo-Cm Hkxuy S. Heat. A children's meeting was hold in tho Pres byterian church on Saturday evening last,under tha au'plcoi of tho ''Woman';) Christian Tem perance Union." Tho excrcires which were very interesting, bcriu with singing, Bible reading and praycr,nfter which there was ping ing again. Miss Katie Young road an essay on Temperance, Charles Lulz and Miss Alice Brockway recited selections. After a few riiit nblo remarks by Mrs. William Neal, a form of pledge was read nnd twenty-eight children Mgned it. Tho next meeting will bs lull in the Butheran church on SUnnby evening, June S.oth, W. H. Oilmorc's little daughter was bitten in tho mouth by n vagrant cur, on Tuesdiy, Ono of tho dog'e teeth penetrated the in.ule of the child's lip miking a painful nnd troublesome wound. At this writing both of the little girl's lips are much swollen, hut no serious resu ts aro anticipated. Wandering dogs should never bo permitted lo remain in a town of tbit t-ize. Pistol cartridges aro cheap and the judicious use of ono of them may prevent much huma.i buffering and perhaps pave n life. A well equipped and properly conducted liv ir stable is undoubtedly an invaluable public convenience, and travibrs have nn increised respect for a town in which pnch an establieli men I exist'. Tho nahle of Mrssrs. liuckalew, in the rear of the Court house, is one of the kind, and is a credit to Blooni'b'ir,'. About a ibv.en carefully groomed horsss stand in the stalls reatlv lor ue, and vehicles of all kinds atoto hi found in the largo shed. Both nn!- malsaml cairiugis aro superior to those ordi narily offered for the ti.-o of the public and Ibis fuct accounts or the pop Jltrity ot uhijucm. low ptables. We havo rcn;.itedlv c dle.' Iho nltcntlon of the Town Council lo tlio nrcf'sliy for passing .-in orJinanco ritiuiring tho muzillrg of dogs during hot weillier, Nt) heel was pud to iho si'"eion. Now that a child hts been bitten by a worthless cur, perhaps ilia tow.i aulliori ties in ay deem it nilvisahlo to tako so u meas ures to protect tho litllo ones. To kill a dog afT it his bitten a liumiii hsintr, Is very like loeki.ig the s'ablo door afier tho hor-o is stolen. Tho poison is not oxlrietel from the wound by tho slaughter of tho animal. As there la no euro for hydrophobia, prevention is the only thing worth consideration. We havo leicivcd a milt pamphlet conliiln ing a history of tin- great lire nt .Milton on the l lihofMny 1W0. TIitu is n sketch of Ihe di3islerby llev. W. II. i nil tho important f.c's. Tho tiro c.vui'led over moio tlmn nun hundred nercs nnd ilostroyed property valutd at f2,tUO,000. Tbreo thousand people were rcndirtd bom b s'. Tho pamphlet ron tilns full reports uf the o,'al iirircediugs rela tlvutothu distributiin t f tho relief fund, and a fchiddle showing It iw end to whom iho dis tribution wasmaib d' more than SS0.000. The totsl iimount in tho hands of the nustce.swas SS7,819.10 nnd the expenses S1070.C3, Mdton has rapiilly recovered fioin the terrible vislla'ioii of llatno and is prospering. Williamson H. Jao-by is still at Pittsburg ns a Juryman in iho United Slates Court. Ho is at present ingagjd in two cases, which aro bsiug tried together, In which some Michigan Indiuns aroilaiming ihotillo In land in PilUburg. The names of Ihe parllei to iho puitaro ns follow.: Jack Potpiaw, Ke-ne-gaw, and O-gaw.haish-caw-mo-'piay, Ills wife, for tho uso of the Hi d 0 giw-'oilsli-jaw-mo-qiiay his wife, vs. p.llza A. Darlington, impleaded with Nc-bay. i,o-c, and, his wife. Tho Indian claimants nro In attendance at tho tiiil, nnd their lesiimony Is given tliiough in. terprolers. Mr. Jncoby will be homo about Ihe last of next wtek, (iuy Jncoby, Kj , is attend ing to tho duties of tho ItegMoi'j ofiico in his fathci'd absence, Nervous headache, periodical lirsilnche rouralgla hendache ctucl by J)f, Mittaw't Jfeadaeim nnd J)ispfiilui JVU, Prlco 25 UU WW s33w THE COLUMBIAN AND Tho city ntiihorillesof Wlllics-Bnrrf, recent ly ossiyed lo end n ptst house for the rrccp- tion of small pnx patlcntr, nt n point just out side the citv limits. It was n lliou'niid ft et from tlio neatest dwelling. IVrpIo living In the viclnl'y bccitno intcti'ily txrllcd, hit 1 mi Indlgintlon meeting nnd employed a lawyer to procura nn Injunction lo flop proceedings. Judga Wo.idwanl granted this, and now the authorities cay thnt ihoy will build a pest house in tho heart of tho city If tho matter is al lowed lo remain In lis present shape. V 1 S I II 1 , 14 1 M I'Tl 0 V K M V. N T. Mr, Noih Bates, Klmlrn, N, Y., wrllrsi "About four years ngn I bad an nllnck nf bil ious fever, and never fdlv iccuvernl. Mv ill. gcslive organs wero weakened and 1 would he completely prodrntod fordnvs. Alter lisinc two bottles of your Burdock III od Hitlers the Improvement was bo vlsibbt that I was nslon Ishcd, I sail now, thouah 01 vi-ars of ng.', do n fair a-ul rensonablo day's wotk." Prko $1. trial sizi 10 cents. Unsightly pllis of broken stone disfiguro the Main Street nnd for appearance sako plionld be .'omoved without delay. There tiny bo a doubt as to whose duty it is to do this work, but if an accident occurs and mm or boast is injured, Iho town will Invo to piy the dama- 03. Thochenp est itan is lo cirt nwiy the tone, which opin ion is submitted lo tho Town Council for con sideration. If the hoipsnro to remain It would ho well to lnng a lantern over cadi one, to warn drivers. It would look a littls like a per tnment torchlight procession, but it wanld cost less than a bill of dam.igos. 100,000 Cibboge Plan ts fors.laby W. II. Yd- Ur, Bloomsburg, P.i. Patches on .Fourth '.rect, near Market. mny27lf ti:.MottiAi, day ci:iii:.monii:s. In aceordanco wilii custom, the graves of tho soldiers who lost their lives in lh war of tlio ltebellion, will bo strewn with flowers uti Mon- thy next, tho SO.h inst. The Bloouitburg Cor net Band, the various firo compinles nnd citi zens ili meet nt three o'clock in the afternoon on the pubi c sipiaro where they will form in liii't nnd thtneo proceed to the Normal School. Then; iho tudcnls will I lin them nnd marih to tliccemetcry- After tho play I rg of n peliciioti by tlio band, Mr. I). A Hockley wid dttiftr nn mldrtss, Thu ballad "Cover them nvir with beautiful flowers" wid thin be sung, ntal will bo fiiccou lid by hand uiuic. Tlio ceremony of decking tbogravcswilli llowerswill conclude the excrci'cs Mr. it. P. Mailiy will be the lumbal of liia d.'V. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. OiiTiie.-dny nnd Voluediy next, May 31t and .liino 1st, tho Unlunibit Uoiinly hiimlny Soiiool Aesici.ition will bol l n ronveniion in the '.'on brick church, noir Peabrtown, I'i'h- ingcreek township. Sessions will bo held in the mornim.', afternoin and evening of each day. All Sundiy soliool wirkvrs are coidially invited to bo present, and are reipic3t"d lo prepare thsmsalvei t) speak on sonnof the many to ies lo bo dlcit'iil. Uicli Sundiv pchoi.l represented IseKpee'ed ti tako a collec tion and scud the sum obtained to help defray the expenses of the Convention. Deligatis from a distance will be entertained free, nnd conwy.incs from Bloomsburg can he obtained at rcannahls rites by notifying Klias M, Iiu b'liigh, at Porks, this county, fivo days before the Convention. rmsu.s'AL. Judge Klwell held court nt Danville this wcclt. C. K. Kesslcr was in Pliiladolpliia this week buying new goods. Hon. C. 15. B.ickibw an 1 dipt. C. II. Brock- way alien led court at I.aporte this week. Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Punstou Hurled on their western trip on Tuesday morning. Mrs. S. A. Yorks of Danvillo pptnt a few days in town this week with Jli's Kiwell. T. W. Conner went to New Ycrlc and Philv delphiaou Jlonday to purchase goods for his j'ore. Jliss A.D. Webb his returned from ihe west, and wo are informed, intends to make her liuuio here, II. Chy Hartman of hock IIa7cn, formerly of this town, was here last week to attend his iither's funeral. W. 0. Mclvinuey and Charlie W. McICelvy are spending a few days lip tho creek, trying their hands at trout fishing. AOUICULTt'ltAL SOCIETY. Pursuant to call, the members of tho Colum bit County Agricultural Society mot in tha Opera House on Saturday, May 21, for the pur pose of electing officers for tho coming year. 'Iho meeting was called to order by Hon. E .J. McIIenry, with Fred. B. Hirtmnn acting as Secretary. S. J. Connor nnd E, J. McIIen ry wero nominated for Chairman, (loo. H. Kl well and K. D. Ljidy wero appointed as tell ers. Tho voto stood, McIIonry, 153; Conner, SI. Mr. McIIenry then assumed his duties. 0:1 motion, Itohcrt Buckingham was appointed reading clerk, K. 1). Leidy and W. J. Bucka-h-w, secretaries. The minutes of the last annu al meeting wero adopted as read. Tho finan cial statement of tho past year was adopted an read. It was ngreed that the sal iries of the President, Secretary and Treasurer be ll o samo ns Inst year. linn, M. 0. Ilughis nnd I'reis lAiwlcr wero nominated for Prosidcn. Mr. Fowler d'cllned beluga cindid.ilo and a mo lio.i lo reomsidir the closing of the nomina tions wis 1 nt. Mr. John O. Jacoby wns au thorized lo cist tho vote of th Society for Hon. .M. (J. Hughe', nnd tho Ch ilr declared him duly elected. The following nominations wero undo fir Yico Presidents: Freis Fowler, Peter A. Hvans, U. II. Hut, 0. L. Sands, N. H. W. lirown, IJobort Purfcl, I!. K. Bitlui nnd (). W. Chcrriugloii, Tho Chair nppolnlid D. T. Jones and Stmuel Ki-ner tillers. The voto siood, Fr)is Fuwler, 131; Puter A. KvanslSI; U. H. hut, loll C. L. Sands, 13:'; N. II. W. Brown, 82; ltolcit Pursol, 81; O. W. Cher ring'on, S'2; B. F. Batten, 82. Mosts; Fow. ler, Kvans, Kut nnd Sands wero clecttd. Tho bdanee of tho lijka: wis voted for at one time. Tuo following nominations for Kxecutlvo Com mittee were made: Williim Shall'er, Jnmes M. I) wid, Samuel Camp, P. S. Harinan, Neho mia'i Kilcheu and Aaron Smith; for Svcre iary. Fred. B. Ilaitiuan and W, M. Monroe; for Trowirer, James C, Brown and Jno. F. Poicock: for Librarlin, Tlionns Webb nml KiiBirton; for Member of Stale Board of Ag riculture, Chandler F.ves nnd 1C. M. Towks bury. Mr. I, Bower was nlo nominated, but d clincd. ThoChtir nppolnud Jehu Hart in in nnd I. B. Ikelor toilers, Win. Krlckbaum clork. The vote stood, Wm, Slull'ir, 101; Jn. M. Hewitt, 100; Simuol Camp, 102; P. S. liar man, Oj; Nehciniah Kitchen, 05 1 Aaron Smith, GO, Messrs, Sliallor. IK-wid nnd Camp wero elected as Kxccutivu Commuter. For Secretary, Frol. 11. Hartman recolved 101) votes and W, M. Monroe, 01, Hirlmiu was declared elected. Js. C. Brown was Heeled Treasurer, receiving 120 votes nnd Juhn F. Peacock 103; for Lihiariiin, Thomns Webb re celvod 15$ voles, F.1I Bitton,(lj; for Member State Buard, Chandler lives, 133, U. Jl.Tewks bury, 5?, Messrs, Webb and Kves wrro de i lareil elected, Amotion to extend tha time for purchasing membership tickets from Janu ary 1st to Muv 1st was lod, A molion to elect tie ratten ta the Statu Colloi,..', was PiiKti.led, liy leaving It in the hands of I lie Committed ns foritiPi) i. The th inks of the Society wi ro ten dered iho tellers f. r their services, and nlitr pome remarks led been made roncetulng the nianurr of voting nt ll:e next tIecllon,the meet Ing iidjourncd. How often persons havo been annoyed by hurrs rllnglnj; in tlieir uiess or tiotiiing, nnd Ikiw seldom havo Ihev. when edennlnir ihoiu. given It n Ihniight that Burdock Hoot is iho most vnlnalil') lilood cifinser and pin llier known and It is mid by evt ry drugal't iindtir the nnmo eiflluidocli I;) (itl Uilttrs. l'rico $h00, trial tlio 10 nt DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Half the ills of liiinini Ufa proceed from n torpid nnd disordered liver. Submit to them no loneer whllo "riellct's Liver Pills" will euro y on quickly. Pries 2" cents. mny20lw In ro'pect lo tho memory nf Col Thonins A. Scolt, cx-t'resident of tho Punsjlvnnta Hail roid, the direclors of tint corporation have or dered a general draping in bhek ol nil the vast propcily of Iho company. All tho locomotives nnd cars belonging lo tho company havo been heavily festooned. CIIKAP It. 1!. TICKHTSTO THK WKST. If you nro going west savo llmo nnd mciiey by buying tickets. from It, I). Darlington, nsent tit Uupert. Ho represents best routes to the west nnd norlhwe'l. Trains leave Uupert nt G:If, a. m,, 8:50 n. in , nnd -l,0(! p. m, For rales and Information, call on or nddrrss H, D. Daummiton'. May 12-Cv Ticket Acenl, Huperl, Pa, This month there will bo (overal important conventions of the Young Men's Christian Associations, The eleventh nnunnl convention of sccolaries will bo held at Cleveland, Ohio, May 20, 21j In the same citv, May 24, will be held Ihe seventh German National Convention, and from May 25 lo May 29 Iho tttcnly-fjiirlh International convention. Tho ninth "World's Convention" will bo held in London, Kngland, July 30 lo August I. Till) BOUND UNLOOSHD. Char. Thompson, l'rinklln strict, Buffalo, pays: "I have stiflWcd for a long time with constipation nnd tried almost every purgilivo advertised, but only resulting In temporary re lief, nnd afier 'rnnsllpntion still more aggra vated' I was told about your Spring Blossom, and tried It, 1 can now ray 1 nm cured, nnd though pomn months havo clapped, still remain fo. I shnll however always keep somo on hand in of old complaint reluming." Pri ces; 51, 00 cents, nnd trial bottles tu rents. Business iNoUces -t - . - To meet tlio deinniid lor tin; indlsnensablo Self Binding Harvester, D. M. Osborno & Co,, of Altbiirn, N. Y,, nro building ten thousand sill-hinders, ibis year, besides twenty live or thirty thousand .Mowers and Ucnpors. It will be well for fanners con teiiiplntliig buying new machine to rood c.iretitlly tuo "Osburno Monthly," which is sent gratuitously to farmers by mail wheru tin ir iianic-s havo been sent to the riimjuiny. Tho May number will bo found very inter esting, mid will be furnished freo by the Agents of I) M O.-boriie & (Jo. 11 AitMAN &, Agent', May 20 lllnnnisbtirg, Pa, Chirk fi&m do not tako orders, bittcpsh, and helicvu their customers save money by tliis plan, W. II. Yutter, agent for tho Celebrated Itliac.i Ur.-atip; nlso cells pIx mukis tirst-class Sewing .Machines. Needles, Oil and At tachments fur nil machines. Ollice corner Main ami Market MrcN. Kibboiis In ombro sliadi s, also plain col ors. Flowers of nil kind nt Ulark iVc Son's. BOYri' tiUird. Parents, reniember wo havo n very largo stock ot Children's Clothing, anil much nicer nn 1 cheaper than you can make them at home. Uall unit seu lur yourae es at David i.owenberg's. Parasols and Fain at city prices at Clark & Son's. Hcmcmber Hiindy has made arrangements for a lull supply ot Iresti Lake fish tor tho mouth of June. Wo have now open n new lino of chil elie'tis' Lico Caps ami Bonnets from -10 cents lo i?j. Call aud see and save mouey. Clark cc Son. Tho season for repairing your Mowers, lleapers, Tlireslti.ij; -Maolilues and other farming implements is athaud,iind tho idaco to liuvu repairing done is at JlAK.MAN & liASSinif'ri Foundry and Machine htiop. This is the only plaeo in tho county where D. M. Oaloornu ei Co's. machines are im paired. A lull line of extras for all the leading mowers, reapers, i!cc.. kept constant ly on hand. -May 20 1 w FuJl size heavy linen Carriaije lap robes at Luti'iSc ijloan'H. Wo havo been to tho city this week and laid iu more now Ladies' Hats aud Bouuets. You can savo mouey by calling at our store. (Jiurk & Sou, Nobby Business fcutts, Flegaut Dress Suits, Durable Working Suits, Now ouhand at David Loweuberg's, More black Oashmerea nud Silks this week at Lilt'.! Jsaloan's. Ladies, wo keep our stockof Dress Gooc's iu the new untiex. You can fitid dress goods fiom 10 ceuts per yard up to 2, and ui pri ces that will compare with any city retail prices. Bring your samples and compare. Clark & Son. Daiid Lowenbefg would inform his cus tomers iiadtho pubim iu general, Itial hav ing completed thu alterations in his Store', ho is now prepared to supply his customers witli ttiu latest styles of Clothing. Now on hand a muguilicstit stock ot Keady-unide Clothing, holecleel expressly lor ttie Spring trade. Call and inspect aud seo lor your selves. Z. T. I'owler, Willow Urove, Pj. wants 100,000 Hail Hoad Ties. May HJ-liw Tho largest variety and blgge.-.t stock of Corsets to telrct Ironi at uiaiE ec con s. Tlio lisii trado continues, the vegetable trade continues, llio Irutt trade continues ami Buudv continues to pell nnd deliver itt your door lrcsU goods on Tuesdays unit l-rruays. Boots and Shoes, Finest, Hestuud Clte.ip est at F. D. Dentlor's. - ...a Clothing for all, no matter what your size, age or condition uiav tie, at tho Clothing Store ol David Luwenberg. Wo havo now our third lot of Parasols for the tctsou. Tlicy aro kept in tho nn nex, Clark & Sou, Furniture- Cretoues only 23 cents a yard at Lut. Sloan's. L?avo your Orders! Lenvo your Orders at Buudy's lor Irosli Fsh, Fruit and VegetatJles, Uuudi ilcltvered at your door tree of charge, largest Hue of Ladies' Slippers act! fino buocs at Dentlcr stonoe etoiu. Lawns, llic btst 12J cents; Percales, cents nor vaul: Ciiniihams for Dresses. Inrgo variety of patterns. In fa;t, wo have unu of tlio largest stock of wash goods wo uavu ever uuu aim lie prices mo lowest, C'ume nud look ot our stuck. Clark A Sou. All tho novelties in foot wear at F. 1). Dcntler'd. For Indies' linon or cloth Ulsters go to ijUtziVtfeloau's. hresh Fish. K.O. Huntly denier in Fish, Fruits and Vegetables, is reeeiviim daily Ironi tho fisheries on Lako Frio tho tliU'erent varieties ol Lako fish, nich as Trout, Pike, rieKerei, eaimoti uuu wintc-iisii, Highest Cash pi Ice pild for WheAt and ityo tiv i; t'liwier, willow urove. May 13-ilw As Iliavcjust returned from tho South I will bo pleased to seoull my Friends. Bring on your wucal, ityo and Kail Hoad Ties, '.. T, Fowi.ku, May 13 3w Wiixow Cluovi:. Japanese Parasols only 15 ceuts nt Lutz A cioau s, Seo a woman picking a bunch nf gr.ipei Iu another column, at Spper's Vineyards, from which Speer's Port Grape Wine- U mndp, that is so highly esteemed by tho medical profession for tho uso ot invalids, weakly persom and thu aged. Sold by j, . tviuiiu, jau t oi iy Ho for ft Hat I For tho Intent styles, For tlip lamest assortment Fur Men, Youths, Hoys and Children, W t0 4wm uowenucrfis, ISrAKKET RKl'ORTS. BLOOMSBUltO JtAHKET. Wheat per bushel Ityo " . Corn, " einls, " t , Ptour per barrel , l.'lovcrai'cd Ilulter 01 so .4'l c.oo e.r.i . ranow I'otntocs ......... .OS tlrlrd Apples Il.ilns Slrl.'s HhoiiMcrs (tlitckens Turkejs .nn .0.1 K .mi .es .to .10 20 nn laira per pouna ... liny per toil llcuswnx , . , , Our Questions. Arc you n buyer of Men's or Boys' Clothing nt retail? Do you .need clothing for the farm, tho office, tho work-shop, tho coutt-rooni, or the pulpit? Do you want boys' clothing for the fchool-rooni, or for dress? Do you prefer to buy clothing ready-made or to order? Arc you in need of shirts ? If yes, to any or nil of these tpje rics, stato your needs to us, that wc may send you samples and prices. Your Question is, Will this pay for the trouble ? You must judge. Wc will make up tlio case, you must elcciile it. Hut we mti'.t loll you that we have crcatcel the Largest Hctail Clothing Business in the United States by the simple method of giving the best clothing for the le:i',t money. Wo mean that it shall pay you to buy of us. If you buy anil arc not pleastd, return the goods for exchange, or demand your money. Wnnamakcr cincl Brown, S. K . Cor. Sixth & Market Sts. PHILADELPHIA. PUBLIC SALE in- vei I'eiu.i: REAL ESTATE! 11 virtue or power In tint will ot John McOalln, lute of Steuben county, Ni-w Yuri:, deceased, Iho un iteislsned.onecftlio ;v enters uainidln tho will ami netlnc cNveutor in said estate, will orTer at pub llosalt nt tlio tJ.iiirl Itouso In lilocinfMirg, nt ono oclock lntUantternoon on Friduv, June 3rd, 1881, All that tract or parcel of land sltmto In tlio town- thtp ot lleirer In th' c rrity or rolumbl i nnd Stnto or Pennsylvania, formerly Catawlssa township, Norlhumberlaiii county in said HnU) or l'cnnsjiv., nla, becltintnj nt a past, theneo by land of Danlc) Keyersoutn slMcon and one-half decrees enst threu liuiiitrcd nnd fventy-nlno pcrcbe3 lo a post, thence liyliud otJtssj Evans north twenty-clsht degrees e-istetjlity-tour pcrchci ton post, theneo by land of J tse lirooks north twelve uesrecs west eighteen perches to n black oak, ilienco noitli scventy elRlit neurees, east elffliry perclies to a post nnd thecco by lanils of Catlurtno lamgenberircr uortli sixteen degrees west two hundred and seventy- two prcli"? to a post, theneo by land of George LonKenbergerijoith twenty-oto degrees westonti hundred nnd twelve perches to n post, and theneo by ltr.d of 'I'hcni is Lemons outh siventy degrees west ono hundred nnd sixty perches to tho place of beginning, containing Three Hundred and Seventy-two and two-Uiirds Acres of land nnd nllowanco cf six per cent tor roads, which sail tract of land was surveyed tn pursuance cf a warrant dated 23d day ot August, I'M granted to Andrew Clark. The land is unaeatcd and 13 supposed to contain .i.vrisu.iciTi: co.ti,. TCltMs'. Two UioSreJ and nrty dollars on strik ing down tho property, and ths balance In ten days on delivery of the deed by tlio executor. GUY II. McMAKTKIt, Executor, NOTi. IIese. The property was sold fur tho taxes last June, and tho amount rotpilretl for tae3 nnd redemption from tliat s.i e lo which tho above salo will bosubjjet, will bo f'.D.vo. In addition to which will bo Iho taxes accrued slnco iho said sale, on a reduced valuation amounting to about iltteen dol lars a year. .Ioun Q, Fkkezz, May cth, 'ol-ts! Attorney. jJKItCAXTILE APPHAI3E.MKNT. LliTOF UEALUUS IN COLUMIilA COCS'TY. I linri'bv certify that tho followlnc itst cf dealers taken, returned and classlllid by mo In accord mco uuu Hie nets of Assembly. In and for tlio i ear 1 vl,ts correct to tho b.-st of my knowledge and belief. Cl.vss. Tax. ll T ew C. A. Hhuman, neneral Store, T. J. fliuuiaii, (irocery, Joseph Miuinan, lloiel, 7 eo so uo w iw ; mi T tJ Miinan iireuuciiui'i, huh-i, ti. 1'. iirluHime'i ueiieral store, Loll Michael, lleneral Store, 1IENTON. Illram Hess, Hotel, II. 1'. Cveritt lleneral Store, .1. J, McIIenry, lieueral store, II. d; A. Mellenry, lieueral Store, Kin.iniiol l:dLMr. Hotel. n do oo la in on 1:1 Hi ii 11 710 s 1 1 1) 7 0J J. U, Jidaon eieaeral store, 11 IIEKWIUK. II. it. lhwcr. (lenernl stoie. 13 111 III) 11 7IKI It. II. I.tttlo. Dill,' MOIV, r. 1,. iiisii'iiiursi, ruiniuiri-, II. U. Wisilir. Eating House., 7 till till I ll so no .1.11. Hon. " " . . r.aiiies K iirauioiu, noois ana Miaes, M. A, tAieb, uiolhtiig, i:. l). 1'uwler, I'ui uliuro and Paper, iu 7 CO 7 en 7 00 7 mi .). ll. DiuttericK, huuouery, E. f. Kau, llui dwarf, A, v. 1) ekiun, ilenur.d store, Vivas a: Pro tieueral Store, odiIv ko .v 'i liurnton. lleneral Store. i on 11 1." i 13 111 UO 1 1 7 II.) A, in ll lain, Drug store. U, .M. IIIICKIIIJII, LUUlt'LllOULiy. It UorgLi-. lnlaur.tnt, lioHiii.uiA- e'i Uinnii, ilenerat Store, i: i:. Aii.uiw. lifiu'i-id sioni. 1 ..T.'."V U .'U llll IS USO i.l 111 UO 1 1 7 llll 11 7 no r, 'iii no la iiiim & '.'0 no e s i on It 7 10 14 7 CO ll. M. llainard, Tobacco and l'l,'.u's, ll. A. llucklngiiain, stoves aim Tinware u. W. Muuge-r, hullug Hoiiw.., i'ii':is.t bios . 1. umber. John Keller. Hcer lintilor, , Jaikson i, Wo'jcun, tieueral More, U.S. Ent, stoves nnd Tluwnie, HHIAItCltEKK. II. M. E ans i: Ilro., tieueral Store, llLOOMbUUlUl. I. w. Melielvy, tleneral .Merchendlse, Alexander tz ll oodlious.1, store, V. M. eniiii To. Eating Home, J, I' Caldwell, conf.ctlouery, o so oo 14 7 1)0 s ill uo 14 7 00 L, liros,, cioining ntore, L. T, siinriless, Notlou store, l.ut. sloan, ncueriil store, N, J. llfiidei hott, Hrug and Teas, IV, II ullmore1, llestnurant, C. It. Itobblna, I bpior store. William K reamer, neneral stoio. E. ll. iironer, stoves and lluwaiv, Willi mi A li-n.tlroeery, William llabb, " S. W, e'o'iner, " i). strou i, " , , I). A. creasy, eiencral Htoio, J. 11, Klnpoit, llruuuud Hooks, C. E. KehU"-, Hoots und Shoes, A, .1, Evans, Cliithlus store, C. e'. Mil ir. llenersl More, E. Jacob, tijelciHaiid llsh, JosulIi Decker, Candy store, ,r, H, wiSon, lloo.s utid shOkS, I, K, Mtlllor, Oene 'al store, I, , muijiin K Co . ilai'dwaie, Holmes x ho)ler. Hardware, Eoula liernhard, Jeweler, E. cndniau, Kurnlture, i.eorgo lirown, llote1, ti. A, Wilson, confectionery, U. K. Savago, .leweler, II, J, Clark .V sin, lieneral Store, I'eter Ulllmeyir Co., eiioeery, T. webb, 'looaeconlst, r. llro.s lii'Stai'-jiit. Mrs. Jane Seott, Co ifectlonery, W. it. Tubes. Hotel, (I, A, Clark, lluok storo, V. 1). Deutler, Hootsnud Shoes, Moyer Hies , Wkolosnlu Drug store, 14 7U0 14 7110 15 10 1',, 11 7 UO fi 0 till ll mo 13 111 UO 11 7 01 14 7 IKI 14 7 llll 11 7 IKI 14 7 Ull 13 10i( 14 7 nn 7 II I 7 00 700 7HI .7 Ull 7 in 7UO 13 10 UO VI 12 CO 14 7UJ 14 710 a to uj 14 7oo 14 7 (XI II IS (III 13 10 UO 11 7(10 ft til) (10 14 7oo & SOU) 13 10 IM 14 7U0 11 13110 Slour Pros., Drug store, C. I). (liHguaii, .Moves Qt ll 7110 7 UJ 711 7 Ull and Tinware. it W, 11. You r, sowing Machines ( llarlinan Ilros . Urooerv. ,!,Salt.-r. Seu lug Machines and Organs, I, K. Whary.stovos nnd Tinware, J. K. Ever, lleneral Store, W. J. e'orrtlt k co l'uridtuio Htoro, Jacob Keller, Wholesale Notlous. Hundy c Jo hai t, tlrocery, Sluger Mailt g. Co., Sewing Machlnoi, u. A.KIclm, Druggl'l, II ei, Hartman, carpet Storo, I. V, llartiii in, iio-iural storo. llavld laiwenberg, Cothlug Store, Henry liieim, ilrocow, Milium (llger, Ilolel, (i. M k J.K. I ockard, coal Dealern, C.W. Neal silro.,Uoul Healers, i), a. Jacoby, coal nnd tlrocery, 11 Y. Sharplosa, Merctiaiidtte. lllooinsburg Iron Co , lienern) Store, W. c, idcliurd, 1'lour und IVed, .1. W, lloninsu, ' " ,1, ll. steckcr. 't John Wolt Agricultural Implements, Simon shim, A, U'ttla. ilucUtir, X). A, J&coDy, Liquor StorO, ii 14 11 7U0 7 00 14 7 Oil 13 10 00 11 15(0 14 7 00 14 TUO 14 TUO 14 7IU 10 JO 110 13 10 00 700 so en 710 TUI TOO TOO lo toe. i 14 TOO 14 11 II 14 TOO 7(0 Too Tie 1 in woo HOLMES & SOHUYiiBR 13 TO FARMERS. Wo Imvo just opened n stock of A ....!. .li .1 C.i..1 -...I.!. . eiyriiuiiiuriii oiuuis, ollllIVIUOl' Teeth of dilleront styles, shovel Plow MudM and plates made from tho finest quality of steel, Harrow lcetli already made. dicapor than you can buy the iron and make them. "Wo have also taken the agency of the pat ent lour potnleil BARBED FENCE WIRE Which wo are prepared to sell at manulacetirer $ prices. This 13 undoubtedly (he best stylo wire lenco made and is si positive pro lection njruinst the smallest ani- msils. Costs but 87 cents a. rod lo build u four strand fence, in cluding poals, makiiur it tho best. cheapest and most durable fence to build. HOLMES & SCHUYLER. CAI'AWISSA. et. T Knstpr.batiiler. Hotel, . Irticki'Mnllli-r. It.-KtiiiiMint, S li. Iih iwii, st.ju-sati'l Minn noun TIM 7 I'll 710 in no r,n no ttliu mi Dettviier. iien,-ril sron-, William A. Swank. " " V. Miioh, iJctiiuranr, J. It. Kl.tter, Ilolel, tiilb'-rt x Kline-, ejeneral Store, su-r.licu liaUy, c r. Harder, Lumber nnd Hardware s. it. Ilelmer, ili'iieral Mur1. (loorn.Maiilii.t. liunlsanil slii.rv l U I'.'JD II 701 III 10 0.1 la in nn in an ii i I.l loio it 7 no 11 71") 14 7 no 11 7 00 I'l VIM J. K. th irnn'ss ,t Sjiis, lituorul Store, l". E. llardi'r, KuniUure, John MtCoy I'onreeiloni'ry, i mi l in ii .v lu-iiii,', r iirinturo Win John, stoves .V Tinw n re. i nn Kenmii er k Keri r, Hooks nnd miimc, I. M. Smith. Ilnrdwaro and llniL-s. S. 1). Hlnard, lieueral Mure, ! 1'. eJsiniin.Iirug store, A. II. Clenierstuves anil Ttnwnte, 1', ll.siiuman, Clothing and lioot-s, 1 1 7 in) 7 IKI 7 nil 7(H) 7 nil 7 00 !il m 7 uo 7 CO ii. r, cornier k .-.on, ient'r.ii More, I. II. soeshollz. lieueral More, Win. r.eikhlfner. t-cstaurant. rntnwlssi I'aper Co , i ui, Dealers, iiouu.mciiscu, coai 1'eaier, COSYNQIIAM. John I, Kline, Ho'el, A. ll. cliutrh, (lenrrnl store, S f 11 (ill la lo ih) r, rn no 5 jo en r -jo do 14 710 i.uuiL'i neuies, jioiui, Mrs Annie MeKli'mnn. llpstmirnnf. Mis Miry.M"riroe, Itestauraut, win. Herbert, store, ck.n ruu. V.. Tay'nr Fowler, drain and Coal, Jueoli bponsler, tleneral Store. J. S Mann, Hotel, Hiniuas llrnbst. (Irocery, la in no 14 7110 r fjiiiii 1 1 7 0) 1 1 lo no 14 7 00 11 7 (HI 14 7 00 low nro. ,; i;o i,enrai Moro, Whlimlre x Envln, (lenernl store, FdAard Wagner, (I'nral - tore, Fred Ilajenbuch, Farm Implements, CENTltAI.IA. .Tames (loldswovlbv. Ko'ni. 3 .'DPI) El '25 OJ s sum 11 7 no a no n vn on 5 so i o 1:1 lnoo Mrs. Johanna o'Couaer.Lluuor Store, 11. F. currv. Holt I. C (I, Mnrpliv, (leneral store, .1 Stnudeninler, lte.stanrnnt, Janus Morrison ltestaurant. Mrs. Cain lteatatirint, o li. Millim, neneral Store, Edward McFaddon, ilroeurv, 14 7 no i. iiiLT.uivea ami j uiware, (I. W. Davis, sr. DniL- Sinn-. It 11 11 14 14 II s r. II Andrew l-nnalian, eiioeery. 7 00 T on Too 7(10 7 () vn on ill (10 irm .v itiun., lieoerai -sroro. l). E. Keller, siovr.snnd Tinware, I. 0. HLiek. (Iroeei v. Thomas co'lins, llestnurant, Knllf'rl. V,,pi-pll. llp.lonpi., Mrs. E, llnffey, (ieuerni Store, John Mown, Hoots nmi shoes, I,. A. litter Co.. lii'iiexa! storp. 14 7 no 10 vo no 11 7 00 s no oo (I. W. Mich tel. (irecery, Ui. I L-IULT, XlL'iei nsniNacitEEK. W.N. Hoiler, Store, Hurt S: Sivase, store, (I. M. Howell. More. 14 7 00 14 710 14 7 (10 a lnoo 11 TOO c. II. Meyers. Patent Medicine, J. Meileury a liros. eiencral Store, M. Motlenty uio's. tleneral store. J. M. Ammorman, General storo, - 7 00 7 Iiii TIIAO 1U.IIN. Ellas Ooorge tc Son. Storo, 14 7 0) II 7 IKI 11 7 IK) 11 7 01 Vi VIM V' 12 .'HI r, 'i i no 11 7 no r Mi ik) 14 7 no 14 7 iki la lo iki n en no it t on 14 TOO OltECNWCOI). A.J. Dorr, Store, W..M. K.-cs, store, (1. V. Eves, Stole, William Master.-!, (ioneril store, hl!H Eves ,t llro s. lil'lieml Slnr,i. lliuiiphrey t'niker, Eitlnij Houaii, Truman Eves, Stole, S. Htuiddlne, Hotel, .i. i.. weiuvcr, lleneral Store, W. F. Hess, ( stnri. 1'. 1), Ulaek, aeneral srore. iib.Mi.uuie. 0. 11. IMelterlck, Hotel, a. ji. iiuiuuw, i.euerai r.eore. jauuau.l, Hlrlcman Ash, store, LOCUST. M. Seaborne, eiencral Store, 11 To,) iiiooo leader, i.cucrai aiore, W. Venger. Hotel, Daniels,,: Knorr, Ilolel, Kuorr X Dniil, 1. llenerul Store. 14 Too 5 .Ml Oil n so iki 11 7 do it 7141 r, r.uiHi r, vn i n 14 Too n in wi a Minn la Hum 6 Hum David Slim-, lleneral stole, T, 1'. Clierrloslon, Hotel, Caleb ll. I.uiIhIl', ltestaurant, uimj ... . luouui iv ivo.moru. MAHISON. el, Kreamer llcneinl store, jiiiiiiiio, noiei, Win tliiiL'les. lieni ral storo. A. K. Sinllli, Hotel, .MAIM. It. It Yi lter. Hotel. .1 I), lloillue, lieniral Slnre. .Ml IK) T Ml UUUI a. b. i ii!;eiiiii'r'er, Hotel, 1. ItUboii. Mill',.. U. J. Campbell, store, MIFFLIN. Sehwcrirenhclscr ,t Sii)iler,(leneraIstoiii, TOO T IKI T iki T IHI 7 00 A. M. Illdkliian. .Sliav. Cieasuy .c lirown, lleneral Store, Cliaries Miller, Candv Stori", ... ... rvvi v, A. '. Hess. Ilolu'. II T oil suydcr s: Eekrulh, (leneral Store, A CO (III U 7C0 MT. 1'LEASANT. J . 1'. Sands, tleneral siore, 14 TOO 14 TtJ) 14 Tiki 0 CO HO MONTOUit. 0. ll Hosier, flenernl Storo. I'axton & llonnan, Merch'dlso, 11, T. Lajcock, Hotel, eiltANdU. tl. N. Smith, stovea and Tin, l. W. llleks, lleneral Store, (I. ti. t'leekeiibttni', lienern Store, 14 7 01) 11 Too 14 Tiki r coirn W iu I ll ,1 Ml llll Vi It! (W U It CO ..uiuiiuiia uuiiilKOI, IIOILI, i . K. Sloan a Son, (lenerul Sloro, 'iiinuel llnifeiibiioli, Hotel, A. II. Mewurl, tleneral t-toro. c. w. Low, ueiieral store., I'tNE. J. It. V .wler, Dl'tntery, it. W, Lyons, ei iierul Moro. c. It, 1'urker, tleneral store, II TOO 14 TOO ItOAIH.NO CltKEIC. 0. V, Chsrlnutou, Store, SLeiAItLOAF. Ezeklel Colo, Store, Charles Coleman, Hotel, Anuicw Laubaeh, store, S'JOTT. (I. W. Crevellnt', neneral store, J. 1). Werkhlser, (lent-. 1 Store, ti, M. li.iker, eiencral Store, Jao b Miller, lltiiil, s.a. Woinian, tieueral stere, N. Illchart More, (icorgu HuckeM'rocery, W. li. Dleteileh, llenerul store, Hartman llro'i . Confectloaery, A, I'. row ler, Lumber Healer, tloerso lleck'i an, Hotel, silis rouiif, e.euernl storo, 11 TCO 11 T CO s co no 14 7 I.l) 13 10 00 11 TIJ 11 TOO r, co to 14 Ton 11 T no u in no 11 leu 14 T Hi It IW li IV 111 13 lnoo 13 Too A, ll, Whit j, lieueral More.' TOO Li. ..iieAuii.nioei'i uuu'iiuwnrc, Lilly i sieppy, (lenernl store, T T cuiau ii .iui, Lieueiui neore, Too Annnnl i it-Ill l.n l.M ,i,n i. burif, on Tuohday, tho Botenth d ly of June, mi, be-. (,'liitilti; hi lo o'clock a. M.of bald day when and t. MV. v V VMM UVVVUU j UV DvV I'lUJU'Tt UVHUS 11. MellliNItV, uiicatilllu Aptirahter. WANTED; CanflBeraln ffn'rnnn orders for NiirHtrv siivir. l.lo ment nt noon WMIUS? HvSmSi In the bu-' kl in bo nut .required. Nuiiie-rlcii idely and taiorably knonii. i'orU'rmiiiddreiii aL,1.."S1,1 NU'Bs-rUBl 0, U VAV DUSRN, tklaMUhe-d lwv. f (itsivi. w. V teb.JVU.iat tow Alok&tvuortliile', HOLMES, & SCHUYLER. NEW STOCK. Wo Imvo been mlding consitl ernblo to our House Furnishing Goods: our lino of Oookintr Stoves iml Kungea comprises miiny new mm usenii icitiurcs not louiui in other 8tocks. "Wo Imvo tho AVhito Mountain Ice Croiun Freezer. triple inotion; examination alono is gullicient to show their superi oritv over auv other make. Wo are, without question, headquar- lm-n I'..,. ..!.... 1.... ..I' iviio iui eine.-r. jiir viuiui. ui Scissors. Shears. Itnzors. Pocket and lablo Cutlery is greater than iiu siock oi nn tne stores in lown, giving you tho advantage of se lection. Prices run accordinc to quality. Our stock in general. lias all been gone over, sorteel up, and is lartrer than over. We art paying special attention to Me chanics' Tools, and invito exami nation. Anv odd tool not in stock furnished in three days. For tho benefit ot those to whom it may concern, wo take Jrondale. M- Kelvv's or Lockard'rf orders cash value. HOLMES & SCHUYLER (SUCCESSOR TO D. I'lnc KraiulicM, WIiInIUcs-, Ciiiis, IMPOKTKU ALES AND POUTERS IN J50TTLKS BY THE DOZEN. Landlords throuuh out the county will find it to their advantage to call and examine my stock before BLOOMSBURG, PA., Main Street, 2nd Door bolow Iron. July 9, 'SO-ly Tills spico Is resorved for ndvcrtlaeinent of c. c. Citltiinnu, denier In Stoves. Tinware. Term e'ottii 1'lpe, Sc. This ts tbo bestplaco for a Job tif tin root tntr. opera House, t'entiu btreet, llloomabtiri;, i-a. GET IKE BEST. ESTET ORGAITS, STKONG COMFETITIOIV In tho manufacture of Organs is resulting in tho production nnd enlo of cheap goods, made from inferior materials. I refer particulnrly to bogus Organs thnt are continually springing into existence, without any merit whatever, except to bo offered cheap, and then when purchas ed found to bo dear nt any price. Will yuu not then, reader, If you Contemplate Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing tho names of first class, wholly responsible mukers. A good assortment of styles of the colebrnted Estoy Orgnns can now bo seen at tlio now rooms ot tho Only Authorized Agent fox the Estey Organs in Columbia County, A guarantee for livo years from the manu facturers tvccQinpauiea every Estov Organ, J. S-MTEH, Agent, 00 llll HOLMES & SOHUYLER. TINSMITHING. It does not scorn to bo ccner- allv understood bv some of our Initio that we are prepared lo do 'ii;.... :.. ii a. iiiniiiiiiiui in iiu ito ui niiciico. This we have often noticed by tho expressions of surprise of manv who. when in tho rear of our store, noticed men working in an adioiniiiLr buildinir. Wo car- rv a full stock of Tin and Tin smith's Supplies and arc prepared at all times to do all kinds ot work. As low prices seem to bo tho mcsL popular wc havo REDUCED THE PRICE OF ROOFING To 5 Gents a Foot, using the same grade of tin as heietoforo and other work at cor responding prices. at HOLMES 8c SCHUYLER. VJ. H.03HI1VS,) DXlAIiEB, IPX tliimx, and all Kiinl ol ivines con- purchasing elsewhere.