The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 27, 1881, Image 2

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Iff ffltilllllitttil.
0, 2. ET.WEU,, r
Ffttlay. May 07,1881.
Tim I onto nt Hiirr'Hbiii'fr. tins (Ixoil
.Titnu nth ns tlm day for final niljnurn
incnl. Too colored people Imvo boon recotr
ni.scd liy thin ndniinstration. Kx-Sonntor
UrueoU registerof the treasury ami "'rod
Douglass rocordor of decuN for tlio 7Vm
trint of Columbia, botb lucrative ollicos.
Tlio United Stales Sfiiato rejected tlio
iioniin.'Uion of William U. Chnndlcrtobu
Solicitor (loncrnl, all tlio Democrats mid
Don Cameron voting against bim.
Strungi; tliat Senators wlio supported
Stanley MuUIiowh for .Tugtioo of llio t5;t
pretno Court nliould liolbavo bcenabluto
lend a band to Obundler.
The President mid Secretaries lllaine,
Windom mid lurkwood will take part
in tlio ceremonies nl tlio National Conic
tery,Getlysburg,on Decoration day. (ov
crnor Iloyt nmi staff, tlio heads of Stato
dopartinonlH and both houses of tlio leg
islature will al;o bo present. Tho oration
will bo delivered by lion. Julius C. Har
rows of Michigan
Col. Forney thinks "that ono of tho
most conspicuous instances of party har
dihood is tho coolness with which tho
Republican chiefs pocketed tho electoral
vote of Indiana, when they knew it had
been purchased, and tho bitterness with
which thoy nro now hunting and punish
ing tiie thieves that stole it for them."
Grant, tho national pauper, has been
heard from, lie has written a letter
from Mexico upholding Conkling and
abusing Garfield. Tins is tho first
liuist into popular favor tho administra
tion has had for hoiiio lime and tho I'rcs
ident ought to bo grateful. Colliding
has managed to get himself into such a
position that Grant's pruiso cannot hin t
him much.
A gentleman prominently connected
with Uiu l atitat -Department lias told
correspondent of the Cincinnati Mujiti
txr that "if some check, sumo treiiien
dons example is not made, and the bare
faced peculations and broad robberies
now and then shown hero put a slop to,
our government will become like tho
Kussian government, where every mil
ject regards corruption as indispensa
Old fablo remodeled: A frog who oh
served an ox peacefully grazing on tho
river bank was tilled with envy and said
'There is no reason why I should not bo
as big as that joyful cieature; it is a
incro matter ot mowing, so tho un
happy frog proceeded to inflate himself
with tho East wind; but finding himself
unequal to the task, ho appealed to tlio
legislature to slaughter tho ox. JJelroil
J'Vec Press.
The chances of Mr. Conkling'fl re-elect
ion are growing small by degrees and
beautifully less, and as matters look
at present ho will not have even
tho empty honor of a "vindica
tion" by tho legislature. Mr. Conk
ling mav not have intended to re
sign permanently, but tho pcoplo seem to
think ho had best ret iro to private life,
The best laid plans of even such very
great men ns Mr. Uonklmg cannot al
ways bo successfully executed.
It will no doubt be news to many that
L-iuncso tooacco is being consumed to a
considerable extent both in this countrv
and in England. The supply is so largo
and tho leaf is so lino in color, texture,
and fragrance that merchants are ex
porting it westward to bo mixed with
Havnnas. It is used largely in the man-
ufactnro of cigarettes under tho namo of
iurvcish tobacco. In twelvo months closo
linon 8.000.000 Hounds of this loaf uwn
exported .from Hankow in foreign bot
toms aioue.
Now is a goodtinio for tho Democrats
of this county to make up their minds
that no liiiin snail receive a nomination
at their hands, for a county office, whose
record as a member of tlio party is not
square, tie who asks tor an ollico from
the Democracy must first givo proof that
lie is a member oi that party, and enti
tied to somo consideration from it. Men
who flow oft' on tho Greenback tangent
ouly three years ago, should bo welcomed
back into our ranks, but they should
:V6o bo given somo timo tor reflection bo
fore they are placed in lucrative positions
ly the party they repudiated but very
Whathaa become of Thomas J. IJrady,
latu second assistant postmaster general
His voico has not been heard of late,
clamoring for vindication. An excel
lent opportunity was ailorded him to
provo his integrity, by Mr. A. M. Gib
hoii, lornioriy tlio Washington corres
pondent of tho New York JSitn, who pub
lished tho following very vigorous card
not long Hince:
"Thornus J. Hrady la a tbl"f and cowardly liar,
Invito till attention to tlio (act that my language la
unequivocal and clearly actionable.
"My residence 13 Washlngion, p. o , but I will ro-
pond to auy Invitation to try tlio Us to ot Met thero
or litre, aa Ho may elect."
Mr. Gibson is a inanot reputation and
is responsible, in a pecuniary way, tor
Ins words. Jirndy evidently prefers
'vindication" from the post ollleo depart
ment and that it does not seem likely
lie will get. Mr. Gibson is the ono wjio
exposed tho (Star route frauds and baa
moio fnuU at command than IJrady cares
o J ace.
The Now York Sun in an editorial on
the President' withdrawal of tho New
Yoik nominations, thus speaks of Sena
tor Conkling:
iVhUtino sympathy with Mr. Conkling, We
detest him for III (treachery to tlm pres.). Wuhato
and athcir him, and wMl foruver hate and abho-hlm,
lor lit trriwon to hlncountry In Irjluj- to
ov-ritirjiv Ui'j raoit tiacrod of all tho traditions assc
oluU.'d with tho namo or WashlngtonMio belief
and observance cl ihu framcrH of llio ComtltntIou
-udtoeioatu a Third, Term of tin Presidency,
Mliloti, we uri convinced, Wuuid luvo resulio 1 In Ihu
psru au'nt overthrow of ro, ubllcan government on
th Auierlcanoontliicnt. A mao can Incur no wo'to
doom-no oiu luvoki ii'i greater etrso upon hlu
inomon thin to liuvo it written cn Ills tomb; Ilu
was lhi betrayer cf iho liberty 1 1 th I'ressi no
wuUhv iraltur tu i'lei-dom anil huuaUty by cssaj.
tnir lo treats n 'i lilrd Term of tho I'lesldeney,
Vel maledictions dire, from nil li no pa tl hits, from
nUbrcatstrs to whosolunsin tnv nir s eeiogot.hti,
fall, undo wtlnue lofill, and Mil forever, o Mis
eojinta Leadotlloscooconklinif. Ui alsoconier
vator to whMu koeptuir tliolr highest Inlori'sls an l
thiir most ea ed iljnu wiv mliUillngljr intruttedl
In tliosatno article, tho wiiter holds
that Jtoseoo Conkling in "tho most dan
ovrous limn to the country within till her
TioultiB." 'riitrv nuiny honest Ami
lioiioinhloiribn ij jm eountry Vlio lmvo
fortiutl n jsttntlm' nt1)i)l)i tit iho Now;
The Siipronm Ciuil, on Monday, filed
nn opinion nllhiningthe dreision of tho
0, nut below in tho I ending railroad case.
The opinion is signi-d by Justices
Meivur, I'axsou, (lordm mid Green.
Justice Hhinswood and .lustiees tttcr
rett mid Trunkey disnenled nnd tlie
latter read a minority opinion which
concludes ns follows! "With great
repoot for tho judgment of the
court below mid of the majority of
this court, nnd sensible that the final de
cree settles that I am altogether mistaken,
yet lo me it seems that llio provisions of
tho charier touching the questions nt is
sue nro turned upsulo down, nnd there
fore I dissent." This decree of an al
most evenly divided court ousts Franklin
. Gnwen 'from tho oflice of President of
the road nnd installs Frank llond, Mr.
Gowen remains receiver of the road and
president of the iron and coal companies
connected with it. Mr. Gowen says that
ho will undoubtedly bo reinstated nt tho
next annual election. For the present nt
least, the matter is settled nnd Mr. llond
will receive tho seal of tho company nnd
manage tho affairs of the road, with his
board of directors.
Tho Senate of the United States ad
journed sine die on Friday last. Among
tho more important nominations con
firmed worn those of Gen. Edwin A.
Merrill, of Now York, ns consul general
at London; Dr. George U. Loiing, of
jMassaeliusetts, ns commissioner ot agri
culture; .Tudson Kilpatrick, of New Jer
sey, as Minister to Chili; I.owis Wallace,
of Indiana, as Minister to Turkey; Sen
ator Druce, of MLssissipi, as register of
the treasury; Hon. Glcniii W. Scoliehl,
as judge of tho court of claims: John F.
Dravo, surveyor of customs, Pittsburg;
Dcnjnniin Darlington, postmaster nt
Pittsburg; Stewart L. Woodford, as dis
trict attorney for New York. Tho oth
er New York nominations, withdrawn by
the President just before Conkling's res
ignation, were sent in again and eon
firmed. . The nomination of Tatcuis 1'.
Thompson, as surveyor of tho port of
Philadelphia, was not acted upon, and
went over. He will probably bo ap
pointed by the President. A illiuin J5.
Chandler was rejected as Solicitor Gen
eral by a majority of five,the vote stand
ing, yeas ID liepublicans, nays 20 Demo
crats and Senator Coinerou. Senator
Mitchell, careful man, refrained from
voting and,pcrhaps,is considered a friend
of the administration and of the opposi
tion too. Perhaps.
President Garfield has been most un
fortunate in somo of tho nominations
made for important public ofiiccs. That
of Stanley Mathews was perhaps tho
worst,as ho was to occupy a high judicial
position and decide cases in which mil
lions of tho people's money were invol
ved, when he had already shown his un
fitness to discharge the duties of his of
fice without prejudice. It is generally
believed that his nomination was a re
ward for his services in the Great Fraud
whereby a man not elected was estab
lished in tho White House. Tho highest
judicial body in tlio country is disgraced
by his presence. The choice of Lew
Wallace as Minister to Turkey is not
in tho least commendable, as he is simply
a politician of a not very exalted type
and will rellcct no credit oij tho country.
.Tudson Kilpatrick is another disgraceful
nominee whoso confirmation is an insult
to the nation. Ho does not possess a
single qualification for his oflice, and is
nothing but an empty-headed and un
scrupulous politician. Tlio Philadelphia
77Msays of him :
'As a man hU character U soiled hy grave scau
da's, to which a tflscrodltiblj dubUclty has been
Elvcu by tho manTilmsclf. As an official ha Is Inca
pable, Isnorant end untrustworthy. lie Is notori
ously not to bo trusted In any relation In life, end
ludlsputnbly not tho material to select for tho oner
ous and delicate duties of .Minister to a power llko
Chill, which will f oou bo disputing with this coun
try tho control of tho Southern Isthmus. Further,
more, bis dismissal irom hl. pott at Chill was wel
comed by tho government of that lie-public In a m in
ner that makes hla lo-appolntmeut nothing less
than an outrago upon tho Chilians.''
Grant and Conkling have been playing
into each other's hands for a long time.
The bond between them has been and is,
pauperism and place-hunting on the part
of Grant, and personal vanity on the
part of Conkling. Grant has kept Conk
ling in his train by feeding him with the
most fulsome adulation. Dining tho
campaign, when they were on tho stump
together, after Grant had finished his
littlo speech, ho introduced Conkling to
tho audience nt ono time in llicso words:
'Now, gentlemen, I know you will hear
so much more than I can say on this
question, and hear it so much better said,
that I will say no more, but will intro
duce as llio next speaker, your eminent
townsman and statesman, Senator Conk
ling." At another meeting,Graut said: "Now,
gentlemen, I will introduce to you a gen
tleman who can give !529 reasons why
tho licpublicau party should be success
ful in tho coming election. That gentle
man is tho Hon. lioscoo Conkling."
Tremendous applause.
And to the Pew C. H. Fowler ho
said, if Fowler can bo believed: "I re
gard him, (Conkling), as the greatest
mind in public life, or that has been in
publio life since tho beginning of tho
On that sort of meat Grant fed Conk
ling, and fooled him to the top of his
bent, and Conkling got up such pro
grammes as tlio following:
Niw Yohk, November lo, At n meeting ol llio Ke
pnblicnn central committee, tho ful!olngwHkub
mlttedand icferwi lo tho ii'n.mlttcoou resolutions:
"llesolved, mat In the- oplr.lou of thld committee,
stops hliouU bo taken by our representatives In
Congress, tu to nmem) tho (Mnstltiitloi of tlo t'nl
td titatos as to prcrldo that tho l'rcsldenta and
VI jo Presidents on their reilrrmei.t fro noflleeJliall
Lo adiultt,-il to I'fd membership of the ftena'c.''
And thus he played on tho weakness
of Grant. And now both have come to
un untimely cud Grant's letter has be
trayed both himself ami Conkling, and
their reign is over. Gone to meet Gor-
hauiaud Mnhniie.
Col. Thomas A. Scott, tho great rail
way prenuicni, dieii nt his homo near
Darby, nt niuo o'clock Sattirdnv nieht,
aged .Id years. J lis hist hours weio culm
and peaceful, ami his spirit passed from
earth so quietly that thu watchers nt his
bedside haidly know that the end luul
Col. Scott's dentli was canst il bv paral
ysis, which produced pollening of the
brain. He was injured many years ago,
in a raihoad accident on tho Pennsylva
nia railroad, when )io wns Supeiiuteiul.
cut of tho Western Division, and never
fully recovered from his injiiiies. Ho
possessed a- strong constitution and vow-
emu jruuic, uuii wns ruauicd lo
jimform n vast amount uf labor, both
mental nnd physical, for many years,
hy his dwuli, lbo State has lost her
most prominent citizen, tho community
an honest ami hoimrnblu mnn, and tho
railroad world Its gientet mnnnger, (Jp),
Beott was universally beloved and vu
kihxkixi, until in ttouini mm iiumiic. t il.
cleB. 1 fo pCHMSSOil extraordinary xeut
tlvu ability ami to Ids vomlrml man i
ng. uieiil, the picent excellent condition
oi I no great rnilicriii over which ho pre
sided, ismninlynttribulnble. lie wns ntr
dimbtcdly the ublest railway manager
mis couiuiy anil perhaps, tlio .woild
ever saw. Ills generosity wns proverb
ltd) niiit he has given foiliiues to deserv
ing Persons nnd institutions. Ho was
public spirited, olmiilablo, thoughtful,
for others and utterly flee from arro
gance. His place In tho world will be
hard to fill. Tlio forliinn eft bv Col.
Scott is estimated nt SI 7,000,000, nnd it
is thought that n largo sunt has been de
voted to ohumalilo and eduentiounl in
Htitutions. The funeral took plaoo on
Tuesday nfternonn, and wns attended by
many personal friends and prominent
lfiuiuau oiucinis.
Kxiuiirs TiuiriiAU.
Tho Twenty-eighth Annual Con
clave of tho Grand Coinmatidery of
Knights Templar of Pennsylvania,
will convene in Scranton, on May
iilst and continue in session until
Juno 2nd. Fifty-seven commanderies
will bo represented by about four hun
dred members, nnd in addition to theso
privileged to hit in llio Grand Con
clave, about two thousand Knights
Temjilnr will ho in attendance. Tho
election of ollieeiy will take place
on Wednesday morning, June 1st. to bo
.followed by the grand dress parade, nnd
on mo evening ot llio same day, by a
Ihu couiniandery comprises somo of
tho most distinguished citizens of Penn
sylvania, and it is expected that the
gathering will bo ono of tho most bril
liant ot tlio kind ever held in this State.
The gtand annual parade will lake place
on Thursday, Juno 'J, Knights Templar
will appear in full uniform, nnd a num
ber ot military bands will be present to
add to the interest of tho pageant.
An or.lerrelalivo lo the manner in which
Decoration Day should bo tbctvcil this year,
Imi lieon ijsjeil from the headquarters of tlio
(i. A, of this Slate, from which wo extract
llio following:
"In rgmplianco wilh rules nnd filiations
nml exHlhiK order, Mruilay, May HOlli, will
bo ob'etveil as JlemorM Day throughout this
"As wo nrocalltil upon to ilevoic but one day
of tho ytnr to rendering Iribule lo the memory
of our dead comrader, it is expected that upon
that day tho pursuits und care." of daily life will
be put nide, and that tvery comrade of the Or
der will participate, in the solemn nnd impres
sive service?, fhoniiii to the world that, wilh
in at least, thu mcmiries of our dead compin
ionsiu nroi have not grown dim with pn-iing
yrar, md that w,t, who, throiish the d spsnsa
lion cf 1'rof itlencd have teen permitted to sur
vive them, fully appio-jiate the ptivileges we
"Lit the etrci?o of tl e day be to arranged
nndondjcted t s to reil ct noili'cedit uprn our
organization nnd prove tbnt, with the Gmnd
AniK, Memorial Day i: not ono of tnerriiin-nl
or fr.'tiviiy, but n day when the in n.l of llio
ihc Anit-riean uddlor isgiver. lo sober thoughts
ar.d irno: sum, .n piiM and ns pitriolic as
thoi'o that move I him when he thiolled him
so'f n ii vblun'eer soldier of hi c mtilr and
went f oi lli iiitntiln for its honor ni.d the j.e'
peluity cf its ir.tlilutioic.
News Items.
A dispatch from. Oran says an Arab
uprising has occurred in South Algeria,
during which a number of French sol
diers were killed. The nativu loss is es
timated atilOU.
An infant, apparently a few days old,
was found drowned on Saturday in
Abram's cieek nt Wyoming. It had
evidently been choaked to death and
then thrown into tlio water.
Ifockford (111.) Hogister.
IT.I.I, All A INST A S1IAU1' lllKli:.
This is furnished by Mr. Win. Will
Kill! Frankl'ord Avenue, Philadelphia,
i a.: .-omo timo since l received a se
vere injury lo my back, by falling against
the sharp edge of a mat bio step, the
stone penetrating it at least a half inch,
and leaving a very painful wound. Af
ter suiTeiing for a time. 1 concluded to
apply Si. Jacob's Oil, mid am pleased to
say, mat me results exceeded my expec
tations, iispeeuiiv aiiaycd all pain and
swrliing and by continued use, made a
pei feet, cure. I really think it the most
elheaciuii.s lininiEiit lever used.
Peter Coy, of Indiana coiintv. lost
foity out of a flock of one hundred sheep
in ii icw ti.iys dv ireitiug mom with gram
after his stock of hay had been ex
i-ureius vho allow their children to
grow up with scrofulous humors bursting
from every pore ate guilty of a great
wrong. Think of them pointed out ns
branded with n loathsome disease, and
you will leudily procure them tho Citti
cura Remedies.
ilieoflico of D. Fahnestock it Co.,
brokers, in Baltimore, wns robbed on
Saturday of y 10.."OJ in bonds. Tho bonds
has been placed behind a ecrcen, whence
they were taken without attracting notice.
iV cluo to tho thiet has vet been ob
tained, The A. S. T. Co. Black Tip for chil
dren's shoes is superior lo all others for
tho following reasons: They protect the
too from went just at tho point where tho
wear comes, and do not give the shoo a
bungling and lialched appearance, as do
tho caps sewed on to protect tlio toe.
A collision between two sreight trains
occurred at Landing, Mich., on -Monday,
hoth engines nud several cars were totallv
wrecked. A fire broke out and desroyed
r - r . I. i i i ... .
luur oi mo cars, loaned with salt, larm
machinery and oil. A limo house and
lumber yard adjoining the track weio
..I , V. 1 ' .in
.iiMi ui-Mioycii. tne enure loss is
An explosion of fifteen barrels of
burning fluid in thu cellar of a building
in St. Siweph Mo., on Tuesday, caused
the death of three men and injuries to
many otheis. Thu building wns tie-i-tioyed.
Frank Uiuldon, working at Lucy fur
nace near Kitbtoii, fill thiougli a bridge
on tho Lehigh nnd Susquehanna railroad,
near Odcnweldertown.on Saturday night.
hovering his spinal cord and paralyzing
ins iiony jiom nis waist down, tie is
not expected lo live,
Women thai have boon given up bv
their denied friends as beyond heh'i.
have been permanently cured bvtho use
of Lydia K. Pinkhiiiu's Vegetable Com
pound. It is n positive euro for nil fem do
complaints. Send to Mrs. Lydia K.
Pinkliani 23!1 Western Avenue, Lynn,
Mass., for pamphlets.
Important to Tu tvi:t.Kits Special in
hiceineuis nreofjired you by the Burliugton
Itouie It will pay ynu to read their advei
thement In be found eltowhcro in this hsue.
March IS -10-w
t All persons whoso names nro arnouncid In tuts
ominu, nro i Kilned to abide by tho decision tf tin
Democratlot'onvcntlijn.ftliicli will meet on Tutbday
Avsast dtu
rou.nv TIIKASUItKll.
. Wc orp autliovlied to annqunco tho numo of A. M
JOIINHON, of IW!ut luwu.lilo nn foi
inn onioe of trinity 'iTtw itr, tialiscTto tl,o ruio:
Jf!ljlicnioeiutUlXiiiy 1 '' 1 H
Wa tir iu.h6ruwl to tV.omo "U? ntuof 11. P.
rttw. li Hslilui.Tirfii'l; tohitm. (. a nnSfum (i.-
Itching mul scaly iliscnscs.Scrof
ttliiii8lIuiiior9,UIccnt,01ilHoreaiuiil Mercurial AHi-clious cured when
till other human tieiieied full.
1 here Is no human
nuencycaneoBpccflllr, per.
mmfhltv ami tiLonomlrallv noun
o ino mood, clear
tlio Complexion and tMn. lestoro llio llnlr, nnil
emu every sp cl's of lloliin?, tc-ily nnd (.crofulom
Humors i f tho skin, sealp nn.l liloul n thu outlivi
ra liunietllcs, cons sling of C'ltlcura, tho great skin
euro, cull.uirn Hoap. an tMiulslle Toilet, until ami
NurwTv Nauatlvo, uiil (.'utiotirii Iieso'cnt, tlio now
lilooil I'urliler.
SlUn lltimot'H, Milk Crtixt, etc.
fikln "iimora. Mrs. H. TI. Whipple, Decatur, Mich.
wrlteH that her face, ha! nnif torn" pans of her
boily were elmost raw. lleml coverril with neat's
nnd rores. siiffored fearfully nnd trld everything.
Permanently cured by oiilcur.Utoircrtlcs.
Mil Crust. His. Uowem, 143 Clinton street. Cin
cinnati, speaks of hor aider's chll i who was cured
ot Milk Crust, which resisted all remedies tor two
j cars: now a line, healthy buy, ttith n beautiful
head or hair.
Tetter of llio Hands. Ehiabethllufkley.t.lltlotnn,
N. II.. thankfully praises th Culleura Kerned cs for
nciroorMtcot ih hand, which had rtudcied
them almost use'.e . to her,
Kcaldllead, Alopecia, etc.
Hcnld Head. II. A. linymomt. auditor, F. W., .1: &
H. lt.lIt.,Mlchwna cured of feud head of nlno years'
duration by tho I'uiicurn lfcmrdles.
Palling of thnllalr. Frank A. lloam. Steam flrr
1 iikIuo . Iiostou, uwcured of nlcnicl.i or fallln? of
tho hair !. tho cutlcura l!cmedles,wldch eomploto.
ly rentorrd hhi hair when all said ho would lose It.
DandruiT. lhomas i.uo, l-'rankford Avenue,
t'hlladclihia. Hnhcted wilh damli-uir. whirl, mp
twenty 5 ears had covered his scalp with scalos onn.
nuarierofnnluch In tlucl;uts.s,cuiua bylhaCuli
ciiinltcmedlcs, rutleura Itemedlcs aro .ireparcd bv WKKKH
l'OTI nil, Ohemtsta nnd l)rin,'(;lat, SCO Wnshlmrton
direct, llosten. nnd for silo bv n'l ii.'ihtpi. i'nr,nu
of cutlcura n. Medicinal .tclly.lsmall boxes r.o cents
iiiiru,j.n,n, t-uiu.ura ir invent, inn now niooa
I'lirlller. ner bottle. ( uilrnni MmiiMnni 'rmini.
Soap. M cents, Cutlcura . dlclnal 8havln Haop;
15 cent;; In liars for bnibera nnd largo consumer3,6j
ccntn. Ail mailed freb on tecelrtot price.
send for Illustrated Trcatlbo on the Skin.
TIlI'OO IICt.ttOtlM.
say, what Is that when bli:ca assail,
Ai.d energ nnd octln-i fall,
Implants new strength to meet tho trait?
.Malt Illttcra.
Whit, when tho o'ornorked, weary hraln
litt'li and lclnxoj 'neat It the itrol.i,
llrlujjs It to vigorous tone .ipalQ?
-Malt UUters.
And wlnt, when Herco dls'smpcr's strlfj
.saP. with dire allllctlon rife,
win give now vim and c.irm to life; '
Malt Hitters.
Malt Uittrrs Company, liojton, Musi.
ono Cn i.txs' VoMviir Ki.kc-
TltlO I I.ASTl.B, COhtillitMce-ltS,
voltaic raaEcrao;. ?,:
PAeTCttS ua'lo. They Instantly rellovo
Wla I LIV ln-nn. I.lvnr f'ninrtulnf .
Mflula.keverand uu and Kidney and I'rlu.ity
umicnlttas. and mav i worn over tho nlr. nr llm
Honneh. over tho I dnots or anv nffeto1 nan.
I rlco 23 cent?, held everywhere. WEEKS&iOT
l Kit, Uoaton, Jlasj. d may
Uy virtue of n writ of Vend. Ex. Issued out cf tho
Court ot cemmcti I'lcaa cf Columbia county and
to me diuctcd, will bo exposed to public Eale on tho
lircmljes at two o'clock p. m on
FKIDAY, JUXH 17th, 1SS1.
All that certain lot of grorid sltuato In Ccntralla
llorough, bounded ncd d scribed as follows: on the
noithbyannlley, on tho east by lot of JIary Kin
nell, onthosouthby llallroad Avenue, and on tho
wcstbyl'axtou street, contalnlni; twenty-Bvo feet
In front and ono hundred nnd forty feet In depth,
wiiercon are erected a two story . nmo dwclllnir
hoiito and olher out-bulldlngs.
seized, taken In execution at .ho suit of Frank
lientz, Assignee, Ac, against tho Centralla.Miitual
Saving Fund Association, nnd to ua i-old as the prop
city of 'io Ccntralla Jlutual .ia irnj l-'und Associa
tion VatEzE .t Mian, Attorncjs.
t'. II. EXT.
JIny2--ta hherirf.
iiin To iid mi '(u I v.i lln 1'itnr !))
ivvl !'ir .hi; enr cndli. .April 1 1 111, I SSI
Toau.'t luiiniigh darrcato poor
1.1 Mil 5 mm $ 571 1(1
iii . in i iw:mup;ie.iio icLrtaxct
lu mills.......
4C91 01
C15J 10
II" ain't of unseato 1 land
ax ro
ute. .
tllr.ieil on Ir.riillL'li tluiill.Ml,-
! 10 T
123 S3
10 12
3 ro
271 .V,
831 03
im aiu i-oi nnst-ati'd un n.r
turned on tvMi ihinheuln ..
It ID-
Hy um't of errors and in n ra
tions on borough dupllcito
U.v urn tot ei nn H and exonera
tions on twp dupiic.ito
Uy ain't or lenceiion made by
eoun In iHrurd tta'u
Il.v am'rr.r collector's i. iiitiils
f I'm at a per cent
lly ain't of bdanej put m trcus
ry :
$ 5I0J 111
To um't reeelvi d f-om con- '.tor t 47i7 73
To mat received from County
Tie i Urol uns.itil inn I ia:.... S03 IT
To am't ot bHiucodtia Treai-
urcr 2 ss
C033 CO
lly am't of pior orders relo;mo,l
lly uni t of luasiuei's commts
slou ut S lur cent
f 4952 Ol
101 01
$ com c:i
1) VVID WALSH collector cf Special Tax.
To am't ot special pocr dupllca'o
ot borough at i mill $ 113 so
To nm'tcf sp:Clalpoor duplicate
of two at r mill! iuii. qt
Toam'tctunsi'iitud land taxio-
curved from county Ticasurer. 14171
t 2701 30
11 am't of unseated land lax ro
turnul on ooioiudi dupli'.no.... sis
Uy am't ot unseated tax return
ed on township dupl olio tOJ 31
Hy am'; of erro sand otonoiU-
lions on bom dup loato 3 22
Hy ain't of errors nndexoncia-
tlonsontwpduolloato 151
lly ain't of icducilon madj by
court In illiard esinte 1ST 21
lly am't ot collector s commission
ate per cent no so
Hy am't paid Wm Kilckbaum
l'ruthv Sept. c, issj l oo) oo
liy'nmt pill Wm. Krlckbaum
Prnthv Deo. t, i-o owoo
lly nm t iu.ll order ot lMw.ird
Herat v Mr M-rvlces as Ktowanl
OMl-l Uljg llitt-d Apill H.ISTi tSSO)
Uy nm'tcf iraa-mrer'. oomnili.-
Hon at s p?r cent n 73
Hy bat due ibu dlsuut 107 117
i 2701 30
Wo tr-.n uri-Icislsncd nu-11'or.sof Columbia counv
heiehy c.'lttf v tnul wo have rxiiinlneil thu lrr.,,liv
ajtfount ana Hid it correct as abuo set out.
W.M. I,. MANNlNtl,
K. SMI I'll,
C. Ii. sEtlSilOI.TZ,
Cm nty Auiltors.
t)r(rri)deem.'1 lad Hall.
No tj, April 15, Ism. smuel Keller
iti'i,,.,. ji.,1,1 1 1,,,.. i .,.,.
.No J April 3 1,'n) t) 1, .Murphy uaUusr
iiiiiiu.dtlnlem'iit .. . ,.
No Ts. April 1,0. .Mrs .Ijiiics S ee-
. .ney u.aklug throcds
Nolo, Aprils', Isso, it cluul l'rcctor
No so, May 13, issi, HlwellA: nitto
beiiderpulilhh'ngstat limit . ..
No si. .May l. isso, I'ob.rt I'auvl
22 4S
13 00
25 Oil
30 CO
45 (0
100 no
100 00
15 00
10) O)
01 00
si oi
uutiim.'mii piiuiicra
Nosi, May n, i8,u h.u.j V,'a'li t.e;'-
No a, Uy 3, 'S-OnVoJlsi (U1U -her
servion ns dlieeior
No si May ic, l"0, l'l' mirk salary
Nos3, m-jv15 u-v, nwriiii ssrvlcvs
NoM.vjny l. Imo.i lu nus (lal.iu-hcr
mi vicn as dlreotur
Nu 7, May 1,1, l-so, s 1' 1 cvan shoals
Nj May io.iss). ChuL-s Strausser
o..rp.M,t-r wurk
N1-11, jnvvj 'so, Win I'c liter kovp.
luj vagrants ,.
No vl, auy ' I j, 1- i- m .( juiui
41 oil
12 CO
40 00
SI 00
No 03, juuo s., Issu.Uuk Urus. cot"
No l'l, .lenoso, lsse, V. n. Drlsrhtn'jt
lumOer ; ".....
Nu 03, .lulv a, lt-J, .lames lijl.o su,)-
SI to
43 49
Si 31
43 23
30 00
V3 50
40 tO
! 13
V3 01
S3 00
0 00
Nu uo, Jult 3 isvi, neb' W luVs'linii".
"J ii'ri ni(''ii.-a
N.V7, Julys, lsvi. l)l'(.'u-ry horso
hlioanil keeplig ugiiiit I
.,..i.i,.i n,, ii, ini-,inus viuipui in ai'
vois as ihfilnr
No 100, Aujast I, isso.Dr OACtisii.of
bHi vices , !,.,.
Nnloi, August I, IS'O, lift) oisfrcf
N'll-l'lll ,
No Ji,J. Al'CUkt 7, 1 0, W K Wl'IOtu
Sa ll lillsii l.lrw
No 104. Aujust 7, mi, MT Honjhoa
No 10', August T.ISS0, OuSp llluwu
No loe. Auiut T, UViell Prof
No IUI Ali ruit T, '6s0. Jolio Molmu
, and Olhei'iflliiglnir cruvj
NO im AUUUtt T. IfV), 0 11 HoeUolt
mi-Rwwfiy 'lull ,
Jo lll.fept 4,Wko. A lircrlhcr tin.
wine nnd suiirlilea ,
Ko H,Sept4,IHtii),sainuel Keder tun.
. dries bought for poor houso
No 114, Sept 4. IssJ, ,11'hn II Stokes
work on farm
No llsept 1, tsa, John lll'lg eun
dries fn iioor house
No) nn, pt 4, Ksii.iwisjniter woik
Noll', M'ptt. K-0, K tl Kurtz Mnltli
work ,
No im, pt4, Ijlldlg repair
ing wagon .....
No nw, htpu, tsso, Knorrft Daniels
sundr'es for poor houso
Nn 1VJ, Sept 4 Ivo, 0 II Murphy indsu
Mi-poor district
Noisi. sept lo, isfo, tl w Dals med
icines o,o .,
No IM, Oct s, lsso, Vm Clcavor lum
ber No mi. Oct i, isso, Dr f.nshell medical
Ho inn, Oct a. 1mi, J I Nicel bill heads
Mo 1st, Oct!.', 18)0, Jackson Scechi 1st
No lav, oct ii, isso. Wra rink emlih
No, nt, ocl'i Ksii, Thos Chapman
sen Ices as director
No isn, Oct s,lso. satn'l Keller Bal. as
No 140, oct 50, 180, 1) 0 Iilick mdso
for poor dlstilct
No lit, oct iw, lio, Hykcs a Jones
No I42, net !M,1sii,iahtcl Heaver coal
No 141, Nov c, 1B-D,l.cwls Winer work
on farm
No 143, .Novo, isso, 11 1' roll: wheel-
Nov Uii.Novs.lSSii.saml Itclnbold shco
No 141, Nov i. nso.Charloi btmiidscr
painting at poor hous;
No 14. Nov C, lssf, W K Wcldensaul
senlcrs reiidereil
NnHit, Deo 4, issn, W 11 Ilrlght net
lumber .
No im. lieo a I lsw, A H rortner hard
warn etc
No Mice S3. V, W K Wt-ldtnsatil
horso hlru ,
No , I co M,1SS'J,U W Conover wheel-
S3 01
13 t3
e ot)
I S3
1 CO
(1 CO
430 OS
47 13
!1 CO
43 TJ
fi S3
M 43
CO 00
ico co
h ro
c to
a to
is oa
10 ro
m oo
10 so
S 40
13 CO
s co
0 M
No 7. 3an 3. 'JL.Iohn ll"l:f elrtniv
No 0 Jan 8,-SI,Thos .Miller 2 bbls cider
No lo, Jan s, 'si Jno I. Kllno.posts.oic
No 11, lan 8, 'si, Charles O licit llmo
No, la Feb ls,'8i,.Ju3 Dykc,suppUes for
poor houso
NuiM.t'ebis, -so, Win llerbcit. mdsa
for noor district
10 Tl
45 CO
31 DO
No ss !
I Match B.'sl.llcnry Heaver.!
work .
4 10
No S3 March B, si, Jos Hughes alt'di:
11 motions ,,
No IG.March B, "1, Daniel Hcavcr.coil
Noiif, Alaro, ni,ain'l Kellcr.stoward
Now, " " " "
No. 'II, Mar 2fl,'s1,Burko k Hros conins
Nn no, ilar w, '81, 1 nos (Jcrnty, horso
No al, March so, '71, rat Maloncy and
others, dltrgli trgraicn
No 33, .March so, 'si, W K Wcldensaul
horso hlro
15 00
It 00
mm oo
loo no
40 co
No f,o, April J '8', Jns ltlil.v for cow.
No 40, Apr i.'sl.Or Owens prof servlco
Nor, Aprils, '81. ii wnisli, money
r.dvnnced for district.
No 42,Aprll 2. '.'it,.liio Moian for Mioes
No J::, April 2, 'ri.Jiio McNally for row
No Jl.Aprll 2, -sr, Mis 1-: cuilcy room
No 4iJ,.pill .','81,1' P Uilrke,'y clerk
Or Jcrs of prc lous j cars rcdo;med.
No 45, Mar c. '7. Ed Kurt smllh woil;
No si May. I. "?,() II .Millard, mdn ...
No U3 Hep O.'iS.liPhashell ined scrvUj
4 00
V5 1 J
r.7 so
OS 23
fill HO
23 00
37 no
o iu.i;-ep io, -,s, ueuuen raunnger,
swearing paupers, el"
No 130. I)t-C T.'iS. Win Uleaver.liimhcr
VI 37
No 1 1 1 l'eb SS, '7'j,I)urkn X Hro colllns
No :h May 2.', '7'J, D alsli, services as
No l.'.May sw.'.Hr MeKlbbln meilsi r
no u. July 15,' Jl .Myeispublishu'g
lffl 110
an oo
nvui, uiuiit ,,,
No 21, Aug si), 'V), John I. Klli.o.ccal..
No 23. AU'aiJ. TU.Dr Lashi II lirr.f i..r
. f.2 CO
si ST
CO to
No Aug a , '70, Thcs llor.ity, horso
hlro '.
No a, Sept 13. 'I.', Chas 0 Kck, Hire...
No jo.oct, 8 '70 Dr. MeK bbln wed ser
No 41 oct s, 'IV, Johanna O'Ccnnsr,
horso hire
No 4s, Oct 24, to' Wm Fink smith
tl) 10
.1 ts
10 20
20 00
No co. Nov I, Vi, l) J l'cters, ngt fruit
No S3, Deo if, '70, Simori"i'cttcrVnaaV
No w, Dec 2 , '70, Thos cruiimau.coal
nr,a nauiing
No M. IHC27. '73. II I) M.1l7.i.lnnilleln
43 CO
11 45
No (!t,, 3i, Vu, Thoi cn tpnun.ser-
mccs r.-ndo'ed
No c.i Krb ss. V), j i mo '.punting...
No 05, Mar 27, so, Km hovau, eoi for
poor houi o
No M. Mar 27, 'so, Uliio Wagner wa
ges nsmat,1
No go, .Mar no, 'so, sann Kuiler, mdso
No 7n, Mar 3 1, 'SO.Hr .McKlbhln, mod
leal serv Ices
Receipt of H.invll'o asylum for keop
lug liisano paupers
T3 00
11 W
CO 00
f,l)3 00
Jo' Hi I,'J3201
The following orders Issued during the year aro
.-.It. u,ii,ut,UNI .111,1 iiuuaiui
No 74. Apill si', A ltlely.attendlng m-
sano tiauneis
No .3. April 30, 'so, Ilrldget fleraly.nt-
lendlng lnsano pauoers
No 70, a pill 00, vo, jin John Geraty,
attending limno paupers
Nooo.Morso, 'so, Dr Vusllue, modi-
cine, etc
No 91, JI ar 20,'so, I' H 1 1 uck, h ai d wa 1 1 ,
eto ,
No loa.Aiig T.'Mi.i- j: liuck, hardware,
elo '.
No 112, AugSVMi.liuike c llro.cofilns
No M, sept 10, 'si, c u .Murphy.indso
for district '.
No 123, Sept 10,vj),p rj liuck hardware
Nn 124, Sept 10, 'so, o H .Mlllaid, mdso
No 120, (let 2, vi, Lebanon Mutual
Insuranto Cn Insurance
No 127. Oct s, N), u o ilurphy, indfo
for district
No 131, Oct 2, '3 ,l)r VaS'lao mils)
1111 diclne
No 133, Oct 2. vo, Vustltio .Mears
4 so
17 33
S3 77
(Oil III)
40 5)
557 14
p.-nr services and medlcir 0
No 137. oct S), 'oo, f 1-' Uuike.servlcc.s
No its, Oct 22, -su, 1- F
No 1 .ia, tut hi, " K Hiioic.lnrdwari)
No 1 1 1. cct FO, 'ou, A likly, ntlenUliig
n tliuuons
No 150, Dec I, 'oO, W I'ellTer, kteplug
No 151, Dec 4, 's i.lihorbach Jt Co llm 1
Nos, l)fCV3, Vo, l)r IuKlieltprof ser
No 4, iiio'-M. 'si. (i v ).nis..iiint,i-ie
No C,l)ee S.iso.o W'dieiiie.Ao
No 0 .lan ii. '.si, K 11 Mojreie'nd a c 1.
Nis.Tjh 8,V1,lvh., beet A"-;
No 12, Jan s,vi, Mo:.t Venger.r. pair
ing harness
No ui, .1 n vi, w m I'elller, eol and
kei-plng vagrauts
Noll. Jan s. '81, Thos licraty, coal
and hauling
Nol.'., Jan 15, 'soo 11 Milluul, mdo
for district . ,
No 10. Jan si. 'al, Wm nrjfoo, ntt'y
bC! vires .
Nol7,Jan22, '31, Wra Hrjtua, att'y
No is, l'eb 1", 'SI, I, A miey & Co coal
No s , l'eo 13, vi, Ed l'oy,Mnl;es ren
No ss l'eb is, 'si, .Mrs cjilty, room
rent on account
No 24. .Mar5,'31,Wm l'ciner, keeping
No S4, Mar 5, '31, ii I' Folk.f-mith work
No so, .Mars, Hi, Samuel Heller, ser
vices ls70 as steward in full
No 31. M ir 2i),'3l,.T I hteol.urder book
No St. .M it 20, M,l)r Lashell, prof ser..
No 37,Mar SOl.t) 0 Jluri'by.legul ser
No 33, Marso, 'al, c (l Murphy, mdso
for district
No5, Aprs, I0. 1) F cmry, serMcts
NO 47, Apr 2, 'ii),l' F Hurke. salary us
clerk In full for 'so .,
Total oiders outstanding of Hso
" Is7!'
" " " " 1,7s
" " " ' 1S77
114 CO
CO I'd
45 (11
43 00
I 70
14 40
I'u en
ci cs
v:i 34
10 10
V S3
si 00
20 0(1
IS 23
10 no
0 60
4 10
Tl 73
11 00
3,310 20
CIO 34
1,5011 05
Total orders outstanding at dalo.......
G 477 50
tm 1 uiio ior uuseiiicu 0111s at date...
3,2C ,',7
Total Indebtedness at dale
0 741 10
Amount oi ders issued during last .fiscal
j-ear '
Deduct oiders issued during last llscal
jear for bll's contracted rievlous to
1 hat jear
4,2J1 90
$1,0 31 80
Net ain't bills contracted last year for
which ordei-14 Qrn ,, , ,,,
Net nm t of blllsoniitrucied last year for
iin,ii uu uruera yci i.ceri issued
and uro lefoie callnl urn-etccd bills 3,200 CI
'lotnl expenditures of last jear Including .
ain't paid lorstoik,rai iulinpioc.ueui2
ami uu oiuer expenses f5 su TO
Accojint i f o, (l. Jluiphy, Coltctor nnd Treasurer
To am't ii'eelved from John I'urcell .' si)
uaiaueu uiio uistut. as ptr
hist siainnei.1. pin r 473
" li.ilaiieBdiudl-itilttas per
last btAICIUtM, sp clal 4C9 S3
cit. mcs
Uy,:M'tp,lCo. Audltoi-a ns rcr rr-
. viiji. ii-ii'-i"ii.-u foueo
" am t paid Judgment of c M Vanoer-iluisllojoinhck'-i
of 0 0 Murrhy
Willi lull reslsnr.d costs jjc3
" nmt pal I Jndfin-tit of c .M Vamler
duislloioii ducket of 11 ! Murrhy
Inclining interest 11 n.l eo-ts 903
" ami p.ildJid;ir.eiitofi'(l M'-rphy
ol'lalniidliiioiilfor i 0 loelliei'
with Interem and eosls H3 20
"am't paid judpinent of o o .Mu'.
Hiy bring Nn iot if n o. T. Is'.T
Willi "tircn ini-i ciik icj 40
"nm't raid liiilcim l.t 10 im iii,-.
liln's use linw In luun f 1 f".3,d -Lt,
line ts. aiideos'H
tun'i tf bai ,ico & 1 111 dim iuj dht
01 10
s 11
W, A. M Villi Attliiuy.
T.i nm't paid him last MUtlniicid by
... ii,.- . 11.1 .nir 1., mi., uuasi rir
In bti'iiiliiii in 1 1 i,u 1 ni!, ...
Hy am't cm w A Man fir over pajm't
till) 23
Hy Iho follow hg orders cancelled and icdtt-'mcd!
M.. il Kiwli so 'soin'lhrinascalia
ghtr, n rvlo s ius din i-u r 150 to
" in I)cinber4 ' siol'KHtuk.haid
wire, ,'.o 4aou
" no. net ibcr s, '7J, 10 1' j; iiuck.hard.
wnie, c. 4)13
' 01, Feb. 18, vs.), to 1' K liuck. hard.
(150 23
TIIOS CIlAr.MAN.Tieosurer, 1S73 Dlt,
'Joom'i toh ite Cue Clil at last utlkmint
llvuin'tnfoid.r lssi"d rrU2. lWl forseri
,,vt-niiiiiui nisi, Jen-,11 nixcior on ucct.
lutsentid end cancelled by us
3191 15
r3,0.,C',"!fl"n.,, tl'" fJllnwIuirbilanccs duo this
four District by Iho dl'.l ieis nniie'di
lino by r.ei,l Leulh in.eod 'CUu fur '1 1
" "ThoiiHsileraly.ful' K Curley trtosu,
" " rai. Hurke. ir.mi'iterof To
" linit M.rly, tiosiiivrnr 'Tf
" " O (1 Murphy. (teaseler 'TJ
" " imrtd Wafh, Ci)ll;ct)f of ip)cHl
tax tf 61
63 31
Wo also tlnil dun ti David W.1IO1 irt,n,nF ricui
tho mmtt JJC8 as per foregoing b'tattmcnt.
We. tha undeiU 'ned Auditors cf Columbia coun
ty, Inn 11 duly examined ti. Inn going neoounls. and
find tli baluieo dus by nr.d to ihu sovrdl i moeu
iibovonsined, uoinct ai BctonuimtotUflrrWXC.
" WM. I, HAN'.M.NO.t
K. .8MITf, . A.ultcu.
Apnm,. 'fctol.bLtB.tul
Census of l'oor lloiuo Artll 1, 1681,
Nutnbcttf Iniinles March nl, 'so If
" ndmitted tlurlng tho Jtnr so
" dlsihirg nl find aoicondd during yr Hi
" remaining In houso April 1, 'si si
Wo do recommend that Iho Hoard ot Por r lilrcctors
elu pweedtn ruBko thn necessary repairs 10 said
poor house, vl?! To rnlso tho rear pirt ot fold houp
11010 Pfiu ire with tho main building, put 11 now
roof on I im enllre slrueluri', so 1 1 1n miko It rnirm.
ond wilh the bnlanrotf tin) building, nnd nsn llm
nieessnry discretion In regnidlo light nnd venllhi
lion. 1 ho entire cost not to nxceol men hundred
nnd fifty dolljrs for said Improvements.
Inventory of real estate, stork, produce, etc., taken
tho llrst day of January, issl.
T3 ncres of land, ' llalunati Tract" i,Mo co
(l acres of land, ''William .Miller Tract" sin no
1 dwelling houso ,, 1,cooihi
I'llIlK UIUI1 , ,., MIUIM
1 wagon shell
It.'ii no
75 in)
03 00
1 corn eriu
I coal nnd woodshed...
runsoN At. rnorcHTV.
ono hay rnka
" threshing machlno
" 3vlnd mill
" cutting box ,
" two (i) horso spring wagon
" , " wagon
" can 1.130 ,
Thrco set of harness
ono bob slei a
" plough.
" I100 hatrow
" corn plough
Two scjlhes
ThreoK'rdcn rakes
one grain drill
" Bft t,t cortlngo harness
" wheoi lurrow
" cultivator
" two (2) horso sleigh
" 1 carer
Threo horses
Four cows .,
Two heifers
Tea shotcs ,
Ten beds and bedding on upper floor.,....,
hevcu " " cecond Iloor.,.v....
Four " " In two rooms
Threo cooVIng stoves
0110 heating novo
" rouud taulo
" loungo
" wriiing desk
' dozen common chairs
H dozen cane bottom chairs
ono cupboard
" sink
Threo bed room stands
" look' il.' elasso
S3 no
m oo
CO 01
Ml no
43 II I
CO 1,0
S3 no
7 00
T5 00
ti'l O.)
1 r)
V'n no
fioo no
40 no
loo oo
100 00
To no
23 111)
c no
8 00
lo no
0 00
3 no
B I'll
3 00
4 I'D
1 CO
is no
Two kitchen tables
ono railing lent tablo
Thirty yards Ingrain carpet
rcoDCCK niissoo.v tunw.
C5 bushels of rye
152 bushels of w heat
20.5 bushels uf oats
10) bushels of potatoes
43 bushels of buckwheat
ft 10 bushels of coin In cars
SJ bushels 1 f turiilns
, 4? 73
132 no
, 13123
, SO (il)
, SI 50
, 127 Ml
n M
, S3)
4 00
s no
9" 00
1 l l no
, 40 no
, it 00
. 03 O.I
, 20 ('0
039 S3
5 bu'hels ot beets
4 bushels nr onions
1 bushel of beans
0 tons of com rodder
T tons of lnv
mo heads of cahbago
sen pounds ur beef
11011 puinds ot lurk
so poultry.
I'ltChl'CK ON HANI) JASfAltV 1ST, 1311.
3 tons of hay
4 toes of corn fodder
o tons of straw
10 bushels cf ryo
00 00
40 00
Tl no
.TO nn
1,5 nn
33 1. 1
in no
1,5 no
2 Ml
5 11)
10 P.
IT. Ml
ro ui
12 r.u
8 00
hi uuMieisoi wneat
13)bu-helsof oils
141 bushels otcoru In eais
20 bushels of buckwheat
iu misiieisoi potutooj ,
10 b isli'dsof ta-ntps
ion heads of labbago ,"'
2 barrels of saner Kraut ."" .'
2 5J notinds cf beef
oi.'i) pounds uf pork
I llllUlJ. I'll
1 barrel of ln-gar !..'..-.,".'.'.'..."!!
$313 00
lit do hc-eby certify tho foregoing statement to
w luin-ii, iu inu uestoiour KQowicdgu nut bv'llet,
. ii. SMiril, I Auditors.
At' st: Muhi'iiv, Clerk.
Lt .list township, April so, issi.
Admini4trator's Sale
The undersigned Administrator of Jlniv Cleaver.
late of Cataw lssa, deceased.ln pursuance ot nn order
or ins orphans' Courtof Columbia countv, l'ennsjl-
Villllfl. Will nvnnan U,,l,ll.. , .7..
wFwow w i.uuuu a.i.u uu ia-j pieiuisijs in
mo town oiuatawiss.i, l'cnnsjlvanla, on
Saturday, Juno 18, 1881,
Ait that eel ;aln lot of ground, situate In llio town
or catawlssi, bornded and described as follows to
wn: l.eglunlnntacorncron Main slicet In said
town nnd or lot No. SO, lato of tho estate of John
sharpless, deceased, thence south on Iho division
lino between tho sa.d lots two hundred mid ten feet
to an aPcy, thenco along said nlHy castslxteen feet
and nluo Inches to a corncrof lot lot lato of Isaao
I). IJiMIIc, thenco north a'ong tho lino of lot two
hundred and ten feet to .Main street, theneo west
sixteen feet nlnolnchot to tho placo cf beginning,
tua some being lot No. '.s In tho plan of said town,
wnereon is erect a
in h
-i.itfo-si.ury jc-ramo .Dwelling 3Zousc,
Terms and condltlon?.-$:;o at llio striking down
ot ino property, nnd thu purchase money
on 1110 mst u.iy of April, A. D., mi, with Interest
tromcantirmitlon nisi. Tho purchaser to nay for
. II. Hinwx, Administrator.
Attorney. mjy .j.,.t3
OF vai.uahi.i:
Pursuant to nn order ct thu Or. hnns' Court nf m.
luuillacounty, ra., will be told at public selj on tho
piemiics In 1113 township uf Main, In said
rs.miKHAi, .HiJiV 2, issi.
at two 0 clock p. ra., iho ioIIowIdl- d.isciibed rem B.
iMf, i.uo 01 ocorgo noiict.baik, deceased, to-wlt:
Kuuaiu in mm auun township, Columbia county,
reiin-jivaiiin, bot'.dcd bj landscf Jacub Fcnster.
mat uvr uniiiti end William S. Fisher. Jotenh Hart
-.oi anu omen, contaiain r
nnro or less, whereon aro ci ected a now
Two-story Frame House. Bank Earn
and all nteessary ou buildings; also a geod
ui w.i-ir, Ami uiiun ai;u nnd othcrfrult. Tho
saio wm 00 upon ino orphans' Court terms ot said
county, io-wii:
TE!t.M8.-Ten per cent ot one-fourth thopiuchaso
inuuey un iiniiing uown 01 tno property; one-f 0111 th
less tho ten per cent, on contlrmatlou or snin . nn.i
thobalanco In ono year thereafter, with interest
from coni"matloni.m. -Jho purchaser to pay for
uiuKiug ueees.
Admlnlstintor, Ac., of Geoigo Hollenbath.
-May to. 'si-ts
.uvson. annnno Kiln... in 1 n. , 1 nnn i..-i....
I It III, I 01 SO WM llilll mi- iMn.,1,1 1 1. 1...
nutlet! that I will not bo re-ipoiislbli fir any debts lii.iy liijinit iieted by him, IVimhik trusting
hlnitu aii)lhlngouhiyaccJuni,du Hal their own
I aven Creek, Columbia county.
May 5J 3 v
Tlw uiidnHeined uunlior iippolnted by tho or.
'hans' cotirL or coiinnhi i,i,- i.i ,n-,i..:.t.c,..ii,.:
Ion of Ihu ni'id lnili, Iiiimim ..r n,.ii ,'-.,,....
ndm ul.-iruior of mil dcculuit, n, llll(i ani(iiiithi
I,,.... . ,., ' ""iv.ii, uiMiuiiiis oiiiio in I no
townof liluimwur,' on saiuiduy, the win day ef
Jlloe. A. 1).. Isl at nVlmfe m ... ,w,-r M.T.'. i .
ilullisorhlsiippiil iimeiit. when and wiieie nil ii.r.
sons hivliii; any eiulm on sdd fund will appujr
and piovti Hie simo tr bo debuircd from i-eei'i.ini-
iinv ii., i-u 1 1,.., ., ,r "-0
,,.. , . It. HUCtlXailAM,
JlavSMw Auditor,
rsrin: 0 ruo us j. t.iohnmx, iiKCKisun,
Tho undeihlgnfd niiilllor upptiutt-d by llm Or
haiis' Cn in 1 1 (.'uiunihi.i ei. mul 1.1 ,,.i... ....
IJI1IJ11III Mil 11 111 I 111 ...Inu ,r 1 1 ,11
..'.ti.'i ...,.' . """ilu """ nmo'Jg 1110 panics
oiillileii llii-ielii. h-nii.y civ. n hoi Ilu ihut ho win sit
Iu Im iieh,rgu it llied-Mlis ot his apikiliitiuciit
111 tiiaii..;i ii m t6u tiiwM i.f iii.icmsinirg in .Monday.
Juno nih, imi. it ion iiViceh In tho fun noon U
v ,mm u inn-.- uuii uh!'u uu pe-hons 111-
.,vr,,,M ,,, p,,,,, , ulu iriMj)rti Iu diii'iid or bo
v.w.v. .vv.iiimm(iii ui'j ruiuuut uio tiaino.
cm aiiso, ujiiiKi.Ev.
May ina. 61-1. v Auditor.
Tho uiideif-Igiicd audltur appointed by tho Or.
ihailb' I'Utllt Of Cllllltllbl, 1 nl V In in ,l.-.f ,11.,,.., 1...
lion of ihe balance Iu iho hauusi.t 11. w. .Meltej.
nulls. ..xi'i'iiim i.r tl... , . ..,1 .
niiids,, Und nmniigiliu iijrilvn u.ittiled
llii-n-lii. wl in. 111 Ml. i,n:i 1 1,1 in,, m',.i.,,, '
elay, tho a Hi il iv i f .1 11 nt. isi, at len u'tiuik u
iiinivniu optii tin in.- tiuiuatt his ami Int.
ment when uu 1 ttliriH nil tiriii.u i,r,i-i,... .: .......
n,j.ji,.,i 1., 1,1 .... 1.. 1.1 .... .?"
, - - ".. ,. in u,g inu hamu
or do fop vui debaiivd f 0111 leeeliln uny putt of
thommu. ' 1
Wav-'w CIII.ilt-.ESO ll.VHKI.ny,
mJ -' " AUi tor.
tkTATB Of J04 ill I', PCPiOM, llECSliiEIl.
Tho undersigned iiurtltor uppolnli-d by tlm rr.
haus'l ourt ot Ouluiu' lieuimt'. 1., ... 1: ...".',! V
Uoiicf lhafuii"8 111 thH liaiin; .. J "T
IllliililluKir it mid Mi.m il.o.r in i -? ."".Yi."."
,11 uermu Uiitrilunrinl., 'i0!
iK,houllK;r lu,o,cur aewmu
int-ntul l.H tUl'w f tU tiwn 01 1" on
Friday tho .IQtli diy if Xin. A. 11 . iliV7'.1.1"..?"
OVIOtk 11 tho Mteihuuu ht uil.r iiV .V," . .5""
anu titu'b
Our initnciiso Imilding, extending from iMnrknt to Filbert Shouts, with its piles
of gooi!, in wonderful Ims'uuwi (system nnd its ooiistnnt, tlnoiig.i ol niHtoinorii, Is
ono of tlio sifjlits of l'lilliideliiliin, nnd every stranger who comes to tlio city should
visit our establishment, if from curiosity nlone.
Tlio object of tlio iHosonl card is to enumerate tho different dopailinciits sons to
givo our out-of-town patrons soinuldeaof tho immense slock wo onry of iegillmato
dry goods.
Silks, Satins, Velvets, etc.
Foreign Novelty Dress (loods.
Solid Color Dress Goods.
Caslnneres and lleiges.
lllaek Dress Goods,
(i. .
Hosiery and Underwear.
Cloths and Casliiniercs.
Kid nnd F'nbiio Gloves,
jren's liiriiishing Goods.
1 'arnsols and Umbrellas.
Uplm1 tery.
Housekeeping Imciis.
IMuslius and Sheetings.
Lawns, Chintzes, Calicoes, etc.
li'nncv Goods.
White (Joods.
Kvery out-of-town eonsuuier should send fnrnppct'inion copp of the Journal Jor
the lloitsehohl, uu illustrated paper published iu their interest.
U.'O.'J rccev'l-t t
cnyinjj tr.o hiiitl
nni;iccl...ti.. ;:cliJ by
widths r.r.d priced i.i-.r!:jd, samples of
showing tlu later t styles, and enabling .1 purchaser in any
part of tlio United States to select satisfactorily, and order
the goods conveniently, with certainty of receiving only
what arc sent fur, and at precisely the same prices paid
by city customers who buy at our counters. If, upon
examination at home, any articles fail to be as expected,
wc request tln.ii- return, and send others in exchange, or
refund the money at once if the purchaser prefers.
Our New Spring Catalogue
embracing all the departments in one large book-, with a
system of ordering goods by letter more convenient than
any heretofore, will be mailed, without charge, to those
who send card containing name, town, county,
and state: nothing further is necessary, wc will under
stand what is wanted.
Our stock-, which forms" the greatest variety in one
establishment in the United States, includes Ladies' Suits,
Shawls, Millinery, Underwear, Hosier)', Gloves, Jewelry,
Laces, Embroideries, Shoes, Linens, Gentlemen's Cloth
ing, I Iousckecpinir Goods, China, Silverware, Furniture,
Carpets, etc. Address,
John Wanamaker"
I r
Our Store, known n ihc Crand Depot, occupies tlio 1 locli at TWr- ' VMi
cnthanj Market Strccn. cMci.iliii r 10 Chestnut f,,rrr, ullJ
City I .ill Fipi.ii-..-, ami li.n
ll.roe utrn on
'Iho undersisned nud. tor appointed by Iho Or
phans' court ot Columbia county, to dlMrlbuio bal
niico in handsel Clinton .Melltk.exi ciilor of iho said
riecedcht, to and ainoog Iho parlies entitled
t iereto, will bit at h's ollleo In ihu town of
liloomsliuig. on Wfilnif-day. iho ssth duv ct .nine,
A li isn, otteu o'clock In Iho forenoon to perform
llio duties ef his appointment, when niulwheionP
persons litMnghiiy claims upon said mml will ap
pear mid provu ih haino or ba elebaiied Horn re
ceiving anyhhare thereof.
, , H.HiANK ZAltlt,
Mayso iw Auditor.
The undei-slirned Auditor nppolnted by thnOr
phans' Court of columbi i eounly, lo make dl-ulbu-tlon
of Iho bal into In thohands ot Imnl Hijitieie
cuaidlan ot iho enaie ef Kttelln o so ,U-leased,
lo and amoner tho iuitii.snntiiii.ri urr ..-m ti n.
his ollleo In liloombnrg on Saturday. Juno IS, issi
hi, u-ii ueiocK a, m. io ptrtorm him unties of hlsap
pnlntiiient, when and where nil pen-ons having any
claim on stld fund will appear and prove ihe s tine
or be ileDaricd rrom recelvlug auy r bare theieof.
,, , . CIIAHLEi (1, HAHKI.KT,
Maytio-i-y Auduor.
...Letters of Admlnlsirnllunon ihe if into of Heniy
JJ.Aul, latu tf fcoit lowmdiip, (.'oluu.bla counH.
I'cnn'a., (leeetsed. have bo-n graiilid b thu.;t.gli.i
terot sj d countv in tlm inni.-vJ?..,., ,i ., .'.;,, J,
All persons having claims agnlnst tlm rsia'o cf tho
decedent are icn.ii(.sted In pi- sent tlam torseltlo
inont, und those Indebted lo tho eMuio io inako nay.
ment to Iho lllnleii.lf-iii..l lln1l,,1.,,rv ...mV...
delay. ...i..UUl
,, ... .,. SMIAI1 II. AUI.,
e. , MII.I.E1I, A.tlilllilstinMlir
April 'rnCy' 1"-W
ESTATE OF UEXJAMIN 1 IMiEllllllTlt. nrrcilin '
Letters of administration on thu estate of lienl jmln
l.ludeiliiulh.l ate cf Coiivnyluiii n. ,.n,iiT,.. .,
i.cci-nsed, havo been L-ianied tjV tllll ltHr-.tll l.f t.ll.l
couiily to tno undent g.,ed iidmlulstiater.All peisous
h.i lug claims ajalnsi. tho o.-iutu of said decedent
frL' t-;iu'Mfu to nivseul Hum lor ict'hmeui and
i,n?i,H.l?,Mi:Vrtea,'0ill,u.mj,u te J)meutio tho
w ,.,, INAAOhlMHvllMlTII.
W'a5 , i' i A. i.i.tils.traur.
Slai 1 1. M.Tf . ' "' "'Hiu ll, I u.
ESTATE OFtlEOllllE llfdllts, IlECEASEP.
Leiiei'S Ll'Stillnontill-v nn II,., ft,..,,.. r.
1'eiiiru.. ileeeased. ham ,i..,i i... ... ,..7.."'
..... ..... .. ...ri .. . . . . -"J .i.e. in-Kin.
Uio of Iho deeedea mo le.p.ested to iirese'nt l.e'm
for beltknient nudlhuu in'eMmi it.',i..,.,i,.;!..X
outdcFaUymeUt' IUu t,lUl"r!''l!;( ixicuior with.
il. . III'OHIW,
May 13 sw
ItlliaK MilTINO.
lS tiS'Pi ! WA
teibi. i-ieeled out I.lttlo 1'lVhinge.v He new I lam
i'i'i K?. n'twf "l1"' '" .rt wt,0l'ul1 l-r aco cow-re
t'lltUO. ill fjet NOllll liptunnn nl,,. . .'.:..'
'!,il"i.V.,!!n5'"?0"t l0P nuutmonti, o bo I
I .'i t hl.'h above low water
.niilonc'r!l'1oiii;S!llWl'0t,'i c'l"l0Mcallt '""Com-
Cornmlssloncrs'oniee, County Commlssloncra
...uuiu-uurg. ru auy I , 'bl,
May is, -Bi.jw ' '
.i,l!10.!"-''',on Ff'")ol nislrlct hereby gives i otlco
dajs ot Juiy.'iss , at'lie n o ,7 Ail pe-rsons I u'tliiL!
dtUtrredfiumpoj ment. of tho tamo. "i
uy oruerot ll.o Hoard.
if r siiiTu u.s u. inuutniir,
ll. 1. ?ITll. i-iesideiit.
n x
Cl-.! X
jj aUKUt
1 Fainlnirg Kinbroiderics.
Laecs and Mado-up T.aeo Goods.
adies, blisses and Children's AVimiis.
Ladies' Suits.
Cliildrens' Suits.
I'oys' Clothing.
iMuslin Underwear.
Co. sets.
Ladies' Skirls.
Infant's Outlits.
Gossamer Waterproofs.
Ai t Needle Work Materials.
Fringes, (3imps, etc.,
liiiltons ami Notions.
Lining Materials.
f.inofitnl rr.rel Rnr-- liSrKOl
1 t
ot f'ootl.-i w.mlcel, vc gf
mail, (jratuitoucly, v.'ith
ra area .fl.ctwcLit two and J,
U,u grcund Coor i.I jns. JtJlI SlJUSrC
' s"vj - V
m, l
I f . r VwCJ4
Is a coinpniinil of tho virtues of sarsaparll
i',',,Si i 'V"1'1; "mllll,r'l''. .vellow (lock, with
Inn'i , ''Vi"' l"i,iHl,1 a,"(1 l"'weifitl
' "' I'luuel-eleaiislng, ami llft-sus-
t, lining ..,.i,.t.s, t is the purest, safest,
nnd most illei tua ii teratlvu ineilicllio
linown ornvallalilt, to ll.o imlille. Tlio sd
!7,n,'b,"f ,l"t'llki'" "'"I clieiiilstry lmv.. never
, V1 v'll,,'!1)1:: 11 "-'I'leely, nor ono so
1 i!'"ri n'l'l'"'""" lesiiltlng from
ll I J.' .Vi"1' ,t,1,"tl''' Scrofula and
nil sctolnloiis ellseases, ICiyslnclus.
n nl1''!?"' AiltlioiiyM Kile, Vli'm S
f iu l'i,tn""i. I'i'itiiles, Jllotc ,es,
suV'di. 1 ""'O'-"., 'IVltcr.' Humors
tl w... K,'c,n" healil-heud, ltiii,;.won..
nl i.ii . leiimatlsm, .Morourliil
t.1' V1,,.1',,B," "eniulu Wo.ilt--
? .,ri'n"'dritles, Jiiuntlice,
J-iiiaclatlon, ami ( Dol'lllty.
It 1nJ,!'h,Mr.d!i,"i; ?"'! ;li'ailii (iualltie
It purges out tli.i fim coiriiplloii.s which
In, v U "'"""'""s "'"I flillveiis
Mr. nil?, i !1'"',Io,1!, J'f'hutcs energy nn.l
in. smV ,',. ,lm,1 V1 lienlll., i.n.1
i I,, l. Ilfu '1J vlKortl.iougl.out tho
ouVimi'ni'if exncrlmaut wlili tl.o numer-
0 s low. m-iee-a mixtures, ..f cheap inatciial.s,
1 id wl..,ut liifdlcinal virtues,' offeree as
; lo, il.pur ik-rs, wl.Ht, disevso becomes mora
in j scate.1, Avkii's B.ui3aiaiiii.i..v is n
mver'n,.,'1!, W V1 " vl)
ii m't , i.?i. y ''.r tI,,u 1"',f d'eapest,
Hi i"!"51 J-'"'il'lu t otnl-purlllcr leiiiwu
v,llr? V ii Iuw ,,(;e" wlilo y nseil for forty
fi, J" won Ihu uuepuilliietl e,, .
iiuuco ot inilllema whom it luu Iwnclllcit.
Froparocl by Dr. J. C. Ayor & Co.,
I'rucllcal .mil Analjtlcal Chcmlstii,
Lowell, Mass.
totii ny all uni'iiMHi uvKiivwirEnc.
IlOSt In tlm wm M inii.i...
Always In good condl.lom" Cu nc,?Sri.fn?f5
fefss n,sso,th,;.ruju ina,it- 'wttSsas
iiiayim.w r
llm fllHRt lr, . ' .7 I
'HfMfra'Th A
Ailtor, 'f !jt n am- BAH tiulMU6,tutrath.w ti'Nain
- -'I i