THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJRGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, Insects. An lncrcrtso of insects will como witli tlio wnrm growing weather. Tlio eggs of tlio tent caterpillar will bo nmong tlio Unit to iirodueo worms, which, if lift to themselves, will soon begin their rava ges upon tho foliage. Their coming is easily recognized by their tents, and theso should bo destroyed nt once. Tho best Mino to tako them is early in tho morning beforo theyhavo left their nests or tents, when the whol family may bo removed and vrushed, Tho baio hand is tho best for all within leai'hj for thoso upon hlglt brnnehes uso a liolo with u Hwnb diiied in lyo or Jietroloiim. If a llewly set tree is found infested with oyn tershell baik lice, it is the shortest way to pull it up and burn it. An old tree with th'n pest should bo painted over with sotno non-drying oil, as lard oil; (initio petroleum has been used with Homo success. 'Tim presence of tho bor ers is known by tho sawdust which they make. Tho best euro is u knifo and a who or whalobono probe. Cut only enough to allow tho entrance- of tho plobej never girdlo tho trco as wo have peon hoIiio do who were hunting for bor ers. Tlio curculio of tlio plum stings tho fruit when it is quite small. Jar tho trees when tho fruit is set in tho early iiiorniuir, and so loner as insects nro caught. Tho sluggish beetles aro caught upon sheets spread beneath the trees or arranged with poles to bo held by two persons nut tho insects into tho tiro or otherwise destroy them. Plant lice,that sometimes crowd upon tho growing tips of cherry and other fiuit trees, can bo removed by syringing them with tobacco water; thoso within reach mav bo bent down and dipped in the same 'liquid. Aro Hoots Worth Growing? Wo havo not vet been able to deter nrino to our entire satisfaction, whether there is any profit in tirowincc beets, mangolds and tho like for slock-feeding puposes in our dry, hot climate, althougl wo havo grown and led moro or less each year lor live years back. The pros atid cons seem evenly balanced. Let ev ery enterprisinj fanner cultivate and feed a small lot, carefully observing cost and results, and then determine, wheth er or not to nialA) them 0110 of the regit lar croju. A correspondent of tho Maine Jfarmer says Ins say as lollows: .For tho past fow years I havo fed sev eral hundreds ot bushels ot mangolds to swine and they always thrive on them. Last winter I fed over six linn died bushels to awino with good results, keeping my breeding sows on mangolds alone, ted raw, they not having ouodoi lar's worth of any other food for tho winter, and in tho spring they brought mo iroin SUU to sou worth ot pics each, If tho roots aro so nearly worthless what makes the pics growl If any one that don't think roots aro ood for anythin to feed has a pair of nicely matched steers and a plenty of theso worthless roots, I would liko to havo him give ono Btccr nothing but drv hay, and tho other four-fifths as much hay, together with as many pounds of roots as ho gives tho other in hay, and seo if when spring comes, ho don't think tho watery tilings aro worth something. Tlio Massachusetts wiourhman very seasonably says: "loo many larmcrs neglect to Biipply their own tables witl any suitable variety of vegetables and fruit. 5y a small outlay of money and labor ove'rv farmer can keep his table supplied with a succession of fresh veg etables through tho wholo season, bpin ach planted as soon as tho weather u suitahlo will furnish tho finest greens be foro other vegetables como on, but if it had been planted in tho fall it wiuld havo como into uso in April, under orili nary conditions, then radishes, lettuce cucumbers, tomatoes, pea, beans, sweet corn, summer squashes, beets, melons and turban squashes will furnish a wel come and wholesome addition to tho farmer's fare throughout the season. If, m addition to these, thero aro a lew roots of rhubarb, a bed of asparagus, a bed ot strawberries, and a small eolleo tion of small fruits, a farmer may live in luxury and health, such as his occupation ought to afford, instead of tho tiresomo monotony and scarcity of good thingi of tlio lariii that many larmers put up witl from sheer thoughtlessness, e.arelessnes or laziness." Squashes are of tropical origin, and therefore, when sjiring opens it is useless to plant them until tho soil is quite warm. Again, as they mako a very rapid growth, thero is no necessity of haste in getting the seeds into the ground !S(iiasin's aro good feeders, liking a rip soil. It is best to manure in the hill, am' when danger from tho bugs is over, pull ii) an inn tnreo or rour. j. lrreuow warm soil is tho best. I' or bush sorts mako hills thren or four feet apart, am for running kinds twice that distance All winter squashes should bo ripened thoroughly or they aro waterv, lackmu sweetness and richness, also lacking keeping properties. Bk.mudv ron Oam-.agi-: Wokms. Of all tho many remedies that havo been tried for tho imported cabbago worm since it first began to spread over tlio country and to piny havto with our cab bago fields, few, if any, havo given en tiro satisfaction. It is safe to say that tho most satisfactory remedy so far dis covered is tlio use of pyrethruni. Wo wore tho first to npply this in 1879, but did not caro to recommend it until fur ther experiments bad been made. Theso wo havo made tho present year, and caused to bo made by a number of our agents and correspondents. Tho gener al experience is most favorable, and wo unhesitatingly recommend it for nil tho different worms affecting tho leaves of our cabbago plants. Germantown Tel cgraph. A Cum: at Last. Specifics without number for the euro of Catarrh have been extensively advertised, and doubt less there is some virtue in all. but tho evidence is overwhelming that Ely's Crodm llahii goes moro directly than any other to tho seat of tho disease, and though it is comparatively a now discov ery, it lm resulted in more cures within tho rango of our observation than all tho others put together. Wilkes-Harro, I'u. Cnlon Leader, Dec, 1!), 187!). Wo havo sold Ely's Cream Balm for Catarrh for the past year; have never had a complaint but have received prais es. It gives satisfaction to every one using it Nat. Wolfe & Co., druggists, Wilkes Banc, Pa., Jan. 28, 1880. In order to havo tho best success h growing potatocs.and to socuro a healthy, vigorous growth and a crop free from rot, says Thorburn, it is necessury to plunt iisetiily as the giound can be got ready, select a rich soil, and plant in lows three feet apart, und then tho sets one foot in the rowB, A maikct gardener is reported by tlio (Vitcaio Tribune as saying that neither nail ilor ashes will kill tho cabbago woim, but dry soot will do it every time, provided it is applied TUtor each rfdo- - . Odd Items. Thero aro women who would sooner go to ono funeral than four circuses. Tho raw oyster is tho la.v man's friend. An assistant opens tho oyster nd nil tho lusty man has to do is to open lis mouth. Waifcr (bawling to tho cook); ''One oast lamb mid ono potato. Old gen tleman: "No, no! Not so much lamb and moro potatoes." The Chinese "lleen din" translated means liquor saloon. Victims to constipation and its untold miseries can keep in good condition by a moderate ttsoof Ayor's Tills, tho surest, ...,r....i . .1 . ' ,iiv0t mm must ii-iiuuiu ctmnuuo. A monkov to an oruan irritn1tr Is likn the blower .to an organist. Both raise the wind. A Frenchman saw a negro smoking a now meerschaum. "T hundeil he ex claimed, "why tho pipo's coloring him." That hand that rocks tho cradle is tho hand that moves tho earth. Dr. Bull's Haby Syrup is tho best remedy foi all complaints that children aro subject to, such as dysentery,diarrh(i'n,suinmer com plaint, wind colic, etc. Price 23 cents. When a woman nrrives at tho ago of 3i without accumulating a husband she enjoys attending one funeral more than a dozen balls. rum: rour winu. Wo take pleasure in directing tho at tention of tho public to Speer's celebrated Port Grape A ine, a pure and unadulter ated article, upon which every ono may most imjilicitly rely. This wide is made at Spoors Vineyards, Passaic, New Jei sey. It has a rich flavor, mellow juici ness, and brilliant color: and is high ly beneficial in all its properties for in valids, especially females and aged per sons and consumptives. For sale by O. A. Kleim, druggist, fJloomsburg, Pa. People say they want men to practice what they preach. But, suppose a man preaches tree love or liiccmiiaiismt A writer says children need moro wraps than adults. They generally get mot e. too sweet ron Musio hath power in tho city's din, how passing sweet to list. iVmid tho busy hum of men to tho barrel orgauist: Or, when ramping with the earache, you have agony endured, You try a bottle eclectrio oil and find that you aro cured. Farmers, attention! Corn may not bo so romantic a crop to raise as watermel ons, but it means more sleep for man and dog. A Prussian innkeeper throws a hive of bees among troublesome guests. This saves him tho expense of keeping a bull dog. 31 rs. D. Morrison, Farnhnin Centre Q., writing about Dr. Thomas' Eclec trio Oil, says: "George Bell used it on ia : .i I.: r "ouii, .urn ii. uiuuu mm ul riiuiimaiisiii with only a few applications. Tho bal ance of tho bottle was used by an old gentleman for asthma with tho best re sults. It acts like a charm. New York bootblacks now imitate the barbers, and announce that they havo so many 'artists in attendance that no one need wait.' A Brooklyn girl who married a do- licemau says sho is sorry now she did, as ho is always taking her up for every thing sho says. you'i. lll'.T it won't. And still perchance thy faithful heart, may pino and break when I am gone, Wliilo bitter tears unbidden start, as oft thou uuiscst sad and lone; Tvo lead such things in many a tale, but yet "its very liko a whale," Sly rheitmatio pains I must endure, till I can Eclectrio Oil procure. "Ho's a very unfortunate man," said Dr. Spooner, speaking of a gentleman whose ill luck is proverbial; "and I really believe if ho should fall on his back ho would break his nose." "DON'T KNOW tiiiiii: VAI.UK." 'They cured mo ot Ague, Uilioiisiiefs and Kidney Jompl:iiit, is leconimeiided. I hud half ix bottle left which 1 used for tny two littlo girls, who the doctors and neighbors said could not be cured. I would havolost both of them ono night if I liad not given tliein IIoi Hitters. They iiui uicm so inucii goon i continued their use until they were cured. That is why I say you do not know half tlio value, of Hop Hitters, anddo not recommend thcin high enough. H., Hoeliester, N. Y boo other coluinn. American Jlwal Jfome. New iorks Croton water is full of hsli, eels, mud, straw, leaves, wiirarlers. tadjioles and sixteen other iniseellaneous articles, ami peoiilu who drink it havu to mit cotton in their ears and think of something, way on. HM 1 . . . t m-ii u man negins to titniblo up stairs every ono helps him to get to tlio top, and when ho begins totuinblu down stairs all tho world seems anxious to havo him reach tho bottom. Tin: iii'.Kiirr or roi.i.v. To wait until you aro down on vour .Ii . . uuu wim uiDL-iiiiu you may not get over for months, is tlio height of folly, when you might bo easily' cured during tho early symptoms by using Parker's Gin rn" t. . " . i .... irur ionic, ii costs only a tnl e. can never do any harm, and possesses cura- uvu im ujici uen in mu nignest uogree, o havo known tho palest, sickliest looking men, women and children be como the rosiest and healthiest, from tho timely uso of this puro family medicine. beo advertisement in other coluinn. Ob server. A man has been found who lias made fomc money out ot tho law. Hobor rowed from n jinliro and left tho countrv A TRUE I BO Wm A TRUt 'TONIC V A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER, IKON JITfTKltS nro highly iiko it riiariu on ino uigoKiTf; orpuns, jvmoving an uysiwpuc ynipi jms, sticli as Ultslinr tlx i-W, Hacking, Heat in tKeSlomacJi, Heartburn, tie. Tlio only Iron Preparation thut will not lilnckca tlio tcuth or j;lvo lieadnolK Sold by all UruggUn. Writo for tlio ADO IJooL-, Ji2 j'". of useful and amusing irudlny cn( free. BHOVN CinJMIOAL CO., Baltlmoro, Mil. HI If j . . BITTERS t rt- iti by Mo)tr roiteri MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. discoverer op R.YD8A E. PEN (CHAM'S VE&ETABLE COMPOUND. Por all Female Complaints. Thl preparation, m Its fiamo ttfrnJfleit, entnlnti of YcgeUMo rroioi t Im that aro Imrmlosj to tho moat del JfftlainTftUJ, UfononotrUUIionicritfl of'thi Com 1-ounil will bf) -pcotfnl!WiJ,na relief la ItnniedUto ami when Ha mm U continued , in nlncty-nlno ciwci In a liun, (Irotl.oitnnftncntttirolictJcttctlnthousanJa will tos tlfjr. On Account vt Mj proven tncrlti, It Is to-tlay ro comment! and prcooribed by tho beet physicians In tho country. It will euro entirely tlio worst form of falling of tho tttcnw, Lcucorrhrt-A, Jfrecular and painful JIcnHtruAtlon,ftlOrarlanTrouMosf Inflammation anil Ulceration, riotinf?(t, nil Displacements and tho con tpriucntfiplnalwcaknoasamllj CRpccIMly adopted t the Change i'f Uto. ItutlldhtiolFo and expel tumors tdno of development, Tho (-utlcncy to raneeroulhumorj thero ii checked very ipvedllylylUuso. la . fact It proved to bo the frrrnt nt aid best nmcdy that luw ever bccnillovor c J. J t jwrmcatcji c cry portion o f tho ryntcm, and elrci iicw lirofljid v!or. It remires filntnfm.lUtnloncy, do- troys all crirlnj for cticiilanti, and relieves weatnep t f tho stomach Itcuro-iKoatlrp, Jlcndachci, JJervotui Trosfratlon, Ocncrul Debility, CIcer'.cmncM. lcrrcslon nud InUI fcstlcn. Th&t feeling of benring doin( cans t riff ln, wdshtnnd lackachejstlaa; permanently curtdly Its us?. It will at ll times, f ml underfill circumstan ce, act la harcucy withtiu law that governs tho fem&lo system. 1'or Kidney Complaints of either fecx this compound I j unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound U prepared at 233 and 233 Western A venue, I.) nn, Mam. .'rico $1 1. Six bottles for (S.UO. Bent 1 mall in tho fcrtuof pilH,ahilntho form of I.rzcne.s, on receipt (f price, CUM ir bot, for Ulher. Mm. IIN'KIXAU freely answ er all letters of inrpilry. Send for pani pUct. Ad JrcsJ a oIjovo Itcntio thlt ixtper. No family choulj bo without lA'DIA Ii li.NKHAM MVi:ur.M. They euro Conrtipaticn, r-UIoUbH-h nndTorpIdity of the Urer, 3 etc ts per box. JOHNSTON, I10LL0WAY & CO., General Agents, Phih,, Fa. M1U) I1Y 2I0YEB BROTHERS., Blooxcburg, Pa, u uuu lit 'J YOU GAM BUY THE B LATCH LEY Vnllirl,or with Copiirr. I'cirictnhi.or Iron Unlit;. Tioh ntio ML-ncik-U '.vitli my inline us niiiiiiirni'liirer H wnrnmtcl In inulrrlnl niul ion-,tr!H-llun. l-'cir nl ly tlio U-t Jimics In tho mule. If you d.i not l.nnw wln-ru to nt this juiinp. wrtlu to mo n, In-low, niul 1 will Feud luimoof nsiMit nenrc't you, Mho will tuplyyou nt my lnnct prlci-s. CHAS. 0. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer, 308 Haikct Et., Phtladdplita, Pa. march 4, 'Sl-cm FACTS WORTH KNOWING. ) Olsrer, Botha, Ilnclrko, BtllllceU and' .m&oy otueroi lae dcsi xncuicices Kuowa are bo1 klllfully combined la I-ahkeh's OiNoin Tokic, U to maKO 1C ICO Kivaiebb dioou runiierinu lh uoilin ono Mrongiu ueiigrar -tfer Uccd. C, iwrfM l llin comnofiltlon of PlRKcn-fic Qraou Tonio that no disease can long exist1 where it is used. I you liayeDytpepsia, Hed-; iche, Rhaumatitm, Neuralgii, Bowel, Kidney, or Liver Disorder, or if you need a tulld stim ultiit, or appetizer, tho Tonio Is just the med-; Iclue for you, as it is htghly curative and In-. .YirornTlTlir out aevcr uiiujbiuuitu. ill you aro slowly wasting away with Con- r siciaiess, it you hare a Painful Cough orabad Cold, lUiutiR'a Utxocn Tonic will Burely help you. It gives new llfo and rigor to the feeblo and aged, and la a certain, cure for Rhoumatiim and Cholera Infantum. . It llu EiTod Hundred, or urci; it aj; Kai Yoara. If you aro feeling miserablo don't wait until- -you ore down bick, out uee mo -ionid lo-uay., No matter whatyourdiseniio or symptoms inay, he It wui give prompi reiiii. . DununWl 1iurn' llivnirn tonio 'fl not' f rum drinlc but tho Pet and Pureit l amily: Medicine ever maue, compounut-u vy ty new. process, and entirely different from Bitters, ginger preparations and all other Tonics. Try, a 60c. bottle. Your druggist can supply you. . PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM The Iltit and Jloit Economical Hair Dreulnf exquisitely perfumed and perfectly harmleil. mil Alnars Ileitoro Oray or Failed ltalr ' to III oririnil youthful color and prrance, and ll warranted to atop iu Uling, assist lis twin and prevent baldness. . . ... A few applications of the mt-SAai will soften the tuur, cleanse all dandruft" and cure itching and hu aswun of lh scalp. OCt. 1, 'fO-ly Q Ami :uo::rinNr. iinMt i ui ill in 10 tuLjuuyri.'linyoartii'b la'ill'hw'i cured. Write net .iigcaso.U.:.MAasn, (Jufi cy, Mich, aid April ti-3m Only sao ?' 'h.'.,..,,, 1'IIII..U1K1.I'III4 M.MJI.H. l.'lualloaiiybli)g,rinllie jfttnt mlirrt ire sniil it lit In cx,i,nl, d before won 'W or II. This is' the ine i It Iw otht-r rallies jt tail for $50, All Maohlm-M u,u ranted for thro inrn. b.-til fornur IlliiHtrolt-d Clr i ulur oud Tt-lin)uiiiaU, AiMu-. CIUIII.KSA.M'OOI) i. CO., 17 ll.IiUlSL.IhiUielu, a caw Fcb.lS-SM3w BSATTY'S 0rana 18 twerul Btops. o seta re ei!3 mayot'3My aU NEW RICH BLOOD! J'.ir.oiM' l-urwulre jl lnnko Ncwl(lclt Itlonil, and will coiiiplotcly i-iiangu tho blood lu thoi-iitli-osv.tem In tlnvo mniillis. Anvpereon M 10 W III tatp 1 Kill, 1 t I l.i 'naylunMoiedtoantiiid liraltli. If eudin thing Iw j)0lble. Sent In- mull for 8 letlrr atnmiu. J. fi. .1(111. SO..t CO., J.0JI0H, Mu,., formtrlu Jlinium; Me. ' AGENTS WANTED SfOT.",Ll!uS! tlnii .llnchliu-1 ever invcnto.1. Will lull oivurof ttuciiihu. huh l I l r, mi 'i-isi-- Jrlr.i IDmUiuua. It v.111 alw Vult urcat variety of fancy yorlt for which there Is alwnvj a ready market Mend lor circular und terms to the Ttvomiil v IlultiliiK Itlncliliie Co., iJ) WiMluimton bt liitun. ilasi. Iim (i, -o.y nil 'TONIC rccommcndca for nil diseases ro Jjyfprpua, it.'tr- (tc. Liiriclics nerves. Thev net II 1 . Pb.l8'8.ljr JUST OUT. MORRIS &.1RELAND'S NEW IMPROVED IRE-PROOF SAFE. THE ONLY EIGHT FLANGE SAFE MADli IN THE WORLD, AND CONTAINING OUR Patent Inside Bolt Work, Patent Hinged Cup, Four-wheel Locks, libido Iron Linings, Solid Iron Corners, LATEST FROM MAINE. Lock's ?IH's, Oxford co , Me. Messrs-. Morris .t Ireland: Oents: on tho 2tm of November. 179. oursDOOl mill at i lili place, coxin, two storks high, was to tally consumed li tire. In which there win a larue quaintly or ripooi niiuui-r, spu i nuu uiucks, nji sea soned. Tliu Urn burued for Ihreo and a h.ill d.ivs. Wo had ono of loursnles In our inllluud Tuesday mornlnu following, eighty huuis ufter: tlio was loo uoi iu iiauuie, ueuiir uuvureu wuu uiirnm blocks. bomHtliiio niter It wns opened and tho con tents weru In a (rood slutool preservation, not it book or pipe" Pel tiif destroyed. . am saltstled wllh voursiifes nnd havo ourcliased Another, and can cheertu'ly recommend them to nny one wlshlni; to secuto tueir vatuauies iitui ueiuuesiroyca uv ure. luuiairuiy, i, u, iKiinn, TREMENDOUS TEST. Roasting Thirty llo lis In a Ilcd or lied Hot Coals. CornlLf, N'. Y January c, 'til. Morris & Ireland. Iloston. Mass. 0entlemen:-0n the night of the llro lu our vil lain) ou tho Mth tilt . I hid In uso one of your No. B safes 1 am pleased to Intuim you, alter tho lloor lmvo way it leu into tna celiac, into a neap ot ourn hit; coal, where it roasted for thirty hours, nurcit Izcns and myself iravo ud tho hope or auj tliluir ue ItiK shvhI tu It. on luln - taken rrom tlw ruins 1 was happily disappointed to und my casn, vuui'hers and other urtlcits ol value perteitly tircservu.l, 'I ho cornDlnation work well now. I inn satlsllnd your new and impioml work, odo cf which, a No. 'id, I htvo ord redrt jour agent to-day, wilt afford aosoiuie proieciiou in uuy lire. Truly Yours, E. y. baknes. STILL AHEAD- ltochcster, N. U., Dec. lo, -s:. Messrs. -Morris Ireland: rear sirs: In the disastrous tiro wnlehtook rlaco In this town Nov, so, iuu Morris and Irel aid safo la my store was subjected to a severe l-st, b-lns thrown Into tho cuilarniid a huge mass of debits ten upii i it, anu it ws tu tna iuiiihsoiiiu iwociiyH i take niiMMire in ii.iuriiiiiiir ou ti at uoon excava- lion K was opom d wituoui. M uuiileand the con t- nts were fouiid to be unlcluied. 1 cheeiluly iicom- mend yuitr sur. snnd should I wmit aniitlut' I saould ceitaliiij puicii ioo one Hum yuu. Yours Italy, O.W. Howi: STILL ANOTHER. rrom the (ireat Fire In Troy, New York. Troy, N. Y Heccmber 11, 1S79. Messrs Morris .t Ireland. IDiton: ilntl(iuen:-Aner wltnesflntr tho chnrred books out of the Fares i pone-', also oiieotmy own widen wa Another h.uko. which was t.ot In the heat, ot the lire likotho No hitel puri:lii-.ed ol lou.wldch was In I he III o over lnny-i Ighl hoars, uud had to bo cunltiauliy plated on during Monday night, as It wa completely suiroutoeu who uuriuiig inusuns Ri'd oihrrlnll.itnible niuioilal, on opening It lu the ruins Tee-diiy i.liernooii. I was pleased to Hint the contents, hooks, papers and money were nil pie sertedlna ri-inaikuely good rondltlon, 11 it tills proof or the me ii'iaiities or your sate wo have giv en jour agent an order f -r oi.uNo. b safe. Yours respectfully, Davis x Co. THE GREAT BOSTON FIRE. JANUAHY. lSiO. Mortis A Ireland's Safot Again Triumphant-Messrs, nice, ieuaiin cos. i.-irgo mho neenn its Valu.tLlu lontenti Iniac-t, alter beinf suu Ject.dloliiteu oheut for ono Hundred andThlity Hours. lloston, January t, 1M). Messr?. Morris & Ireland. Ilos on: (!enus:-0n the night of December ss, last, tho bulKllmr occupied lu part by us ut Nn. il Federal street, and whleli w as lour stories high und about vw teet deep, uiuglit Ire und was destroyed, with all itsi-iiiitents.i-Miisisiliigur a ery l.irgesioekot paper, cock uuuiers iuieri,ii3 uuu u- ner uiereiiiin dlzi. While sevr.11 other largo buildings udlolnlnir ours were burned at tho same time, the llaincs wero extinguished tho follow Im; dav. but our block con tinued to burn tor d.iH thereutler. Altera delay or hours wo wero ublu to uato our silo dug out rrom the rums ntid opened, und who pleused to llnd all tho contents well preserved. Tho safe contained our most vuluauln books, papers, policies, etc.. and we now reel suro that our luugaient wns cut lectin bujlpgoneot our iur-"s, wldch wo decided todo utter knowing thu wonderful rtcord or your sales in the great lloston tile ot -lli. Wo reguid tho protec tion or your sure lis most renin kable. and this tiro Is a guaranty or lis becurlty to those who may wish iu puri-uase. Yours very truly, llicn, Kendall & Co, Also a Communication from Es-Gover- nor Ales. Bice, lloston, January isso. MESSRS MOnillS A IHELAND. dents: 1 liuvu made careful examination rf tho contents or the sale putohased of youboinu years since by thu tlrm or luce, Kendall & Co , and which was bubiectio tho test or et-orinom heat la tho great tire or list Sundiy night. I regard tho se curity ot mo saio unuer tuo circumstances as most rem likable. Mum ot Its contents were burned, nor wero niyot them so lnpiredby heat as to bu iu ueruiiy uain igeu. i mioum commit nny sucurn les toyo ir sal) heroatter with addllluiml coutl- deuce, with gteat respect, joins very truly. Alexander U.lllce. THE LATEST YET. BUT THE SAME RiSULT, Ho. Norrldgewock, Mo., Feb. 1, 1891, Messrs Morris & Irelaud. lloston Muss.: Tho saru 1 nought or you labt October was In a iwo-Hory wooueu outiuing, wnicu ouaed Jan. ss, rue IiullJliiL- tuOKllrolu I m hilt it. and the safe building uud Its contents, fell Into tho cellar tition a pile of dry wunl, unklug a hot tiro which lasted iur it-u uuurs. iuu ouisiuo ui mi siiu wns iiuuicn red hot. 11 melted thu hind o and dial oir tho door, llu cmiteiiLs eonsUled or watches, lewelrv. slln-r. warn, books papers .te., all ol which c.iinu oia In good en laltlou. I'uiurs ljliu'ii,' tuo Inside ol tlH .afo wen not lulureil. Tho satn allows for It. K.-K wutt It Is, uu 1 1 It-el well batlslled with wlut It. hisiioiie. rieaso write wiui ou ea i allow for It lunuuiu uuw uue, uuiuuiicu, O. l'.IIALU CHAMPION RECORD in the (IREAT BOSTON FIRE in 1872. tsSend for prices and descriptive cataloguo bo Uxi purchasing elsewhere. MORRIS h IRELAND, 64 SUDBURY ST. Boston Mass. BLCCMSBOBC STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOKMAL SCHOOL DIBTJRIOT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. TMISSCIIOOli.ftant present constituted, otrcra tho very best facilities for Professional nnd.Clnsslcniloarnlnir. ... imildlntrsn.ieloiis. luvltliii; and commodious : complutcly heateil by stoain, well vontllated, llelitcd by cos, and furnished with a bountiful supply of purc.soft sprlnc water. l4lJUailUU Ill-nil mill, HI1U Ull-i.v VI liuci-n. auiuJlll'ID UAlil-Ilcucuu, uiuviuiii, mm uiiiu iiiuii nui iv. I'laiiiMiiu, ill in uiii, uuui. uiiiiui 111 i.uw mvivui,ui moderate, fifty cents a wecl: deduction to all expecting to teach. Studenu admitted at uny time, lloouis reserved when desired. uourses oi Biuay prescriwu uy iuu ouno i I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, CIa? Adjunct Cottrxes : I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course In AIuIc. IV. Course In Thn Momnntnrv. Knlonttitn nnrt OlaMlPAl Coursni nro 1'IIOl'KS-tIOMAI,. nnd Student irradtialnff corrrsponillnHDeKrcesi .Master ol tlio Moments; Master of tho .sciences i Muter of tho Classics. Uraduutcs lu tho other Courses receive Normal Ccrtiilcatcs tiielrnttalnmentK,, signed bv thoortlcersof tho Hoard of Timet". 'inccoursooi aiutiy presctiueu oy lite taio isnoerai, auu inocjicniuicnnu i,iasaicai courses aro nottnieriorio tuoso oi our uesi i;oiii,ki's. Tin. Ktntn rnniitrimn hltfhi.r nrilnr nt rlttypr.-ilitn. ThnMinpa ilonnml lr It ll nnn nf tlm tirimn ntilort. nf this Snhnol t.n holn In sniiurnlt. Iiv fllrnlshlnt? Intel 1 KI.-I1I. uu,i vini.i(-iib I .,-in.iivi n iiji iiui cv iiumi-,. ik innLini Catalocup.adilrc's tlio Principal. HON WII.I.I.V.ll i:i,Vi:i.l rrelik-nt llnnr.l neni. . '7a.- SPRING CLOTHINGS THE LARGEST - OIF CLOTHING. JUST WHAT WE REPRESENT IT FOE CUSTOM TAILORING OR READY MADE. WOW OUT MID WE INVITE YOUE EXAMINATION BEpQtE Q BiY TO KNOW "WHAT TO WEAR" AND "How TO WEAR IT." CALL AT THE DAVIS. .OOO REWARD. ON'K THOUSAND (l.OOO) i'UK.MIU.M Ollered to AM rKHSIlJ that will do a (SKEAT A livNOK OF WOIUC on ANY 0TII1CU MACHINU. WHAT Till-: NEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting, Itwlll mako wldo hem on sheets, Ac, hem alt manner or bias w oolen goods, ss sort merino, crape, or goods difficult to hem on other inaehlies. It makes a moro elastic stitch than any other tnactilm. It will turn a hern and put In piping nt same tlmo Itwlll turn a hem. bow braid on tho right sldo and stitch on trimming at ono operation. It will do relllng bias or straight, cither on cotton or woolen goods. It will tell ncros3 scams on any goods. I will bind a Hress or Skirt and sew nn facing, cither with or without show lug stitches; bind liress Hoods with the same material, either scallops.polnts, squares or stutlghr. iho only machine that will bind Hats. Cloaks, or other attlcles villi bias, satin or silk, riom j 10 3 Incheslu wtulh, without basting, It will gather w ith or without sewing on. Itwlllgathcr between two pieces and bew on at thosamo time. It will mako arufllo and stitch a pillow slip ou to tho facing at the came tlmo. It will Bhlrr any kind or goods. It will mako plaited trimming either with or with out Bowing It on. It will mako plaited trimming either scalloped or straight, nnd sew n plplrg ou at the baruo time. 11 will mako knife plaiting. J. SAIrZEIl, Gen'l Agent, illoomsburgi Ta. oct. 1, '80-tf. Dauchy & Oo's. Advt's. Uli' A 'F'PVQ oiifiAV-i, 17 Wnp. jj sift ooiii I) IV 1 I 1 O en Tongue Hi ed. only f-JS Ad dress Dinlel 1'. lleatty, Washington, .S. .1. iuuy tl 4w MAKE HOME BEAUTIFUL.o1;'. cravings. Cholei subjects. I.Tes' pilces. Sei.u for cataloguo tnd price list. Agents Wnuttd. Ad dress J. C. ilccUilDV & CO., l-Ula, I-a, may o i-w OLD. MEDAL tun IH Ant tint- A ii i list n n, I u.,t 11. ical U ork.warrnU'd t bo tn-kt nj cliuaHl, imlnin usalild tu tm-ry luan,cntitU-4"tIilScieQ0tjtl!J(a or.SulM'rciiTtutiun bound in tu Kilt.aiO 'p.coDUunti beautiful lonn, i.nce only tfil 2.1 tinnl tiy nil( illtutrAUdKaniiilecnlai lenfl now. Aitil 1' Ai.ui: KllflW!.tt'K'uIfl,Drihv.t!,..i;: may U4-w Tlio ItcllNli llio World ! HALFO.RD Sold ly nil iitfort.. maj-r.-iw d Afii:;v:'S! akwa'ts: arijktr. JOHN IU liOUtillS UrW new bik, jnl vwil . sstlllnl SUNLIGHT AND SHADOW uino int fhantJ ier u leriil ta vnu. i s.m.i Due nn ia yon, m Stm ad jliici cl rtut VV, tad ni drawn John Ji. Gonah tan port rty them. Ftr Tilr.. , Jlu'nor, inl iittUHjntenir.llll without ii Kir, It ll tho "ItHMnmy Vookjvr nt, lajout I till 11 otluu lu to I. Cuitt thoiunmiin i-nu, linun.Lt vanUtl. nit-u wij WLim-n. Www la thu tiiiu-, Vr AVciW- TVni. tvryiuattjHCiat 'HrmM Kvm. GfXnuijurliivtilar. Atltlnvi, A. 1. WOUi Ul.Sii t u.N Ai CO., TuU , lUlfd, C'uiu- UU)' ft 1'W t! NEW UBV1SI0N A0EN1N?ASTm ai:w Ti:sT,an:.T. As roado by tho most eminent scholars of ling, laud and Ain.-ilca Half the fi'oo or I nnesponulug Kngll-h Rditlou. Largo Typo, llneusupii.eaiendiif i-d pafrr, elegant blnulng, A separate, ' ('oiiiprilinu. sivu i litor.vU iho ll In nndits,tranUtl i.s,"ln. (luilli.g a tml ucmuut of tho Mew IttWMun, given iu suhscrlU rs. lii-sl i h iniHi f ir agcnU tver offered. Uend btilnp lor pnrtloulars st mice. , Tlio HtNltY 1111. 1. rUULIsniNQ on, Nrrwhli, CVlbU. Apiuw.-og-tw $1 J ' RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES rmwiM iv outivuo juuiik (jliuiii hi . ,uiui.ii,a fhiiii ' uf Trimtcea. STOCK S I? E 1.' S PORT GRAPE WINE Used In the principal Churches forCotrmunlon turponcs. ES:2LLEMT FOR LABIES AND WEAKLY PERSONS AND THE AGED. Speer's Port Grape Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. mills Celebrated Native WIno Is tnado from tho JL Jalco or tho oporto firapo raised In IhlsCountry its Invaluable Tonio and Strengthening Proporties aro unsurpassed bv any other Nnllie Wlno. llcl' g too puro Julcoor thotlrapo. produced under .Mr. HlH-er's own personal supervision. Its purity and genutnrnesi are gurautccd. Tho ouugesi child limy pjriuko of IU generous qualities mid thu weak est invalid u-u It to udvuutngo It Is pntilculaily benltlclilto tho aged nnd debilitated, and suited W tho various ailments that affect the weaker sex. It Is In every respect - W1M-: TO Hi: ItELIKU O.N, SPEER'S 3'. SSficrnw, Q Tho I. J. SHKIIII V Is n Wine of Superior character and partakes nf the golden iiu.illtli-8 1 f thu grape, Irnm which Ii Is made. l-"ur I'uilty. mchnes,i''laor and .Medical I'ropei ties, It w 111 ho round unexcelled. SPEER'S I1 a. This iiimndv statnls nnrlviled In this Country, being lar superior Iur medical purposes. IT IS A 1'UltK tllstll'utlon f om the grape and con. talus valuable medical prop, rtlea It has a dtrcitfi II ivor, fl-ndnr In that of tho grapes trn which Itlsdlstllled.and Is In great lavor UlllOUg tlt'sl CUS1 laiulllrs. Hco that the sUnaturo i f .M.FIIKI) SI'l'KH.Passalc N J , is over the cork or each bottle. sor-n hyc. A.KI,Irr. dec it -sat- To lTc:v:as SuSfjrers Ths Great European lis j ci". tut, j. n, Fiut-sos's si'icinc HuniciNE. Dr. .1. II. Mnipiou'.-i Kpcrlilo Medli-lno Ha positive cute for uM-iwi iker body or Ir lu t.r excess oruny klni.sinh ai weiikness and up dlseasm riMiltlng from .Nervo'ti liehllltv. IrrlUl'liliy.Meiiial Anxiety, Ijitiguor, Lasslliide, Dei ii-s-lon 01 bplrilsand lutie tlonal doraiigelii-iits of lli-i nervous tyatim m-n. eruli.v. Pains lu tho lines nr riue, i MM-. ' nf Mkiiiii v. I'ipin.i I liHTOBI, tiiruoMiiig-ianddl eases tlmt lead n coiumptlcn.lusaiil ty .tan early grav orbotli, Numatii-i how u-ied tni Qt'ltl'lll lilt) v tia rniti uxeesses u f a 11 J liltti-taiir., c kind, a ihoit course m in n nn ihili.o wHni-aTuiu Uio lost rupctlons and ttocuro healHi nnd happiness wheio heliiro was despondencv and glnom.'Jlio spe Clllo .MenlJlne Is bilng usrd with wnmleiful suicess. I'amphii-IH wiit rrco to all. Write ror tliem and get mil pnrtrli uar- Price, wpi'cIlM ll per pne kagc, or Mt p.irkagcs Will Imn-ul bv mall on receipt ot money. Ad liess all orders, J It HI. Ml'- N'H MKDIOI.NKLO, No Ml uml 1 A .Main btri-el, lluffalo, N, V, 100, IliUl-it LKGAL UTjAN'KS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT THIS OFFIOH mtn. I Art. V. Couwo In Physical Culture. therein, tecelvn HlntnDlnloma.. conferrlnc lliofollowln i.ut. mi'v,.n, , imou n .... .v.5, u , ... A n ' 1'. UtfiLMYEl!, Secretary. Bnttlo Crook, Mlchlgnn, MANUFACTURERS OP IIIK ONLt UKNUINE ' THRESHERS, Traction and Plain Engines and Horso-Powors. Mo.t ComplcloTli rtlicr Foolorj ! established in llic lorni. ' IU4U 32 VrADC eontin uoviand mcceBtfutbutu I kHltd ne$, ultbout chantra of uamo, manntfcmcnt, or location, to "bach vp" t4 Vrvati warranty given on alt our goods. STi:.IH - POWKIt SKPAlt ATOItS t and Cltiplltl Sll-ntfl OlltntHofmatchlMivuaUttts. Hunt True I Inn KiiKlticH&ml lMnln KukIhcs ccr wen in tlio Araerimn market A tnvlfitvh ttf fpeetal featvreB ami improttmenlt for 1W1, totretlicr with mprrior qvatttie in rrwntf. tion ami tnntrri-iU not ilreamodof Ijy other makers. I'our Mzc8 of KeparatrH,from O to 12 liomo cavftcitj",.ir $ttam or hone pmrtr, Two m leu of " aiotmtod " I roro-rowerfl. 7Knn nnn vwt r Hi'irctcii inimiicr , 0 U U , U U U ( from th rtt to tix yean a t r. Iriett) constanUy on hand, from which 1b built tho lu- coniparablo wood-work ot our loociuncry. TRACTION ENGINES- Wrongful, nwt cliir bU.anii tltutttr made. 8. 10, 13 Ilorso l'osvcr. Varmvr nml TlireNliernii'ii nrolnvltMto lnventlirato thin tnntchte Thret-hltitf Machinery. Circulara wnt free. Aildrtfa NICHOLG, SHEPARD & CO, Battle Creek, Mlchlenru Jan. 7, SI -Cm aci THE CHEAT JimLIXGTOX ItOVTE. tt7".Vo other lino runs Three Tht-piieh 1'ns Fenger Trains Daily Potwec-n t'liiengo, Dos Molne-i, Council lllulf-", Oninha, I.lncnlu. St. Inscpli, Atehlsim, Tnpchu nnd Knnsas City. Direet i oiineetlniw fur nil points in Kntius, Neliraska, Colorado, Wymnlnir. .Montana, Ne vada. New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon nnd California. Tlio Shortest, Ppeedieit nnd Most Comfortn Mo Itouin vl.illannlli..i to nut Scott. I)enloii, Dallas, Houston, .u-tln, Pan Antonio, Gulved tnn and all oitita lu Texas, The uncmialed lndu -cments oficred liy this Jjlno to Travelers and Tourists ore n follows: Tho oololiratcd l'ullmait (Hi-wlirel) I'aiaeo Weeping Curs, run only on this Line. C.. It. ,t Q. I'al ico Drnwlng-Uiiom Cuts, with llnrton's llccllnlnir Clmlrs. Nu rxtrn chanro for Scats lu itocllnlnir tlialn. Tho fitinniis C. II. & o, I'aiaeo Dlnlinr Cars, florgeous StnoUlug Cars tilled Willi lllcgant IIIuli-II ic-lted Itattan Ito voMng Ihilistor tho txtlusio uso of tli-nt-elaps paef enjrers. Steel Track nnd Superior IViulpment, com lilned with their llroat Through Car Arrango mcnt, tnnlies I his nliovo all ot hers tlio fivnrlto Itouto tu tho South, South.Wojt, and tho l'ar West. , Try It, nnd you will find travcllna a luxury lnlrinl nr n .llaif mifiirt. Through Tickets via this Cclelirate.l Lino for palo nt nil olllees In tho United States and Ciinnda. All Information nlinut Ilntes of Tare, Sleep. Inir Car Aeeiiinmoil.itliins Tlmo Tables, to., will hu cheerfully elteii liy applyitiR to J.Q, A. HKAN.Rc-n'l Knstern Agent. iU Wn-diliigtnii St.. II st'in, Mass. and !il7 Hi-fi ulw-iy. New York. JAMES II. WOrm. dm l',its aim., t 'lile-igo. T.J. IWi'Blt, Gen. Mana.-'ei, Clileuuo. March is 'so, 4ot CANCERS CURED At Crane's Cancer Infirmary, Aai'.ten, If. V. IllINDItEDS UY I'RIltONS tronmll pans of tho world havj been cured of this much dreaded dls easo anj nro now living witnesses that thev have lieeniescued irom atenlbio and untimely 'd"nMi. Doctoi-s. Ministers and Iho Poor treated fn p. Wilie for a clicu I ir gUtn g full p.iri leiil.u s. Adddress Drs. OI.u. i H Ni: i,Ull linuWN, Addison, N. V. Weaver &. Oo's Ads. ul.UUU A I Ml. !"iy aetlvu nun or woman, ha obliged to lent o your on town, or ho away from noma over night, Any one tan conduct tho busi ness Itreipilns noeiipltiii. VB W.LLM'AIU' Villi WITH .V OUTFIT WOIITII Ii: "i'i(i:i'.-sa If you Bro employed ipirtng tho diy vou can mako from f l to p an evei.lng, Nuno i f our agents leimr . a prollt att In a Unglu day. Wilte ni otico for full particulars to u. tl. jtlinoiH-. ii Paielay ureel, l. waco march u, -si-em suppfoTt to ALiTo'fTiEiTs: .ir.i i.-( Highest 1'rles Awaided, .UllVIilt tv M)N,Kj.rch street l'lilladclplila. Highest Awards for tho best llanos: London I'arlj, Centennial and l-cnn'a Stato I'alrs. muoh ll, -il-om w.tcu J L.iSOlU l vO w.4.., u ..iUo ir . II l.ili W, 'lh.,li,.iiii',. , uUll.Ua. I'i .Ul'.i,Tit! ".!; ... ' - i-tiii"i.i'.ii'riM , r i.i.j 01.. u.,. 'II, . ,i,,l, ,f t. . I,i id i-i.iu.Ld t.. IM l:l. 1 l' ii.w'vm...' M'.VTl'.-ri i.i.u.i.J . r li.iiiu.i,. h.,i,..; in. ''! ". 'I. I Hll.lil lll.ll b..,l, b,. Mult I ti-tm Outnt fieo lotliosowho vlslito rD-raL'olu t Lin iirwt .1 mi 1 1 M known, mKtrythlnj; now. t'uptiai not ro- lllllpfH Uu Will I nr.. lull nil .(... I . 1 ii,.v mi,,-.;;..;.. L'iv si?'. u k- -piiBiuawittoiij UiUJO 1LI1UUL BlUYlIJL awaylrom homo over nljUt. No ibk whatever. Many now workers wanted at onco. Many aro mak ing futunea at the business Udles make as much asmcii.arayouuguojB and girls m&kosreat pay. No ono who la willing 'to work tilts to mlio wore tnoney every d&y than can be made In a Wette at any ordluiry eiaplojruent. l"hosa who etigtuw attmua wuimi(( 8uSrt'roa4W torwnb, Aa.iv.a7u. iilu tJ .w--i riTv.i'i,.v..4',n'.',..ii,' I.,!.1.1", .. LST-riTprpTyic ' r-gJ? i ,..r. r.v if.' t 'if.,:;'.vxVr,,;a i-V. . ii.l l,,imiv u. 1 k j imruTtifif.. "5 mu nn r to iln.ii m i , f p tl, , , ,i p,i . .," I nut A II ) s, Usn.i ufilLIIvl., P. U, aid ItAILWAY WINTEIt TIME TABLE. nt, ntiil nftfir Rnnrl.iv. Knr. T. IPSO, tlin t.nln on tun riil'adoiplda k Krln lla Iroad lihlslon win rtrn as lollows i WESTWAIID. Erlo Mall leaves Philadelphia " ' llarrlsburg William-tiort " " .ler.sey Mioro Lock Haven " 11 ltenovo II nrrtt-p nt Krln 11 tnpm 4 Vi am 8 40 11 ui e u M ti-ion to ll on a in T 4r pin 11 nn a m 1'iiAptn h t.i p 111 4 vii p in i 40 p m into pin 4 0 1 p III T M p in 9 10 p in Niagara Kitpiess lcacs Philadelphia nrr. nt VMlllamsport '1 " Look llnM-n ' " itenoio 1'ait Uno leaves I'lilladelphla " llnrrlsliurg " ntrlvoftt Wllllamsport " Lock Haven EASTWAIII). raclflo Impress lcaN cs xk Haven T 1 ft n m - tltl.SI-J I?1UIU I II U III " wllllamsport 8 no am " nrrlvo nt llarrlsDurg li (is p m " " l-hil.MlclpliTa M 45 pin Day Express leaves lienovo loosnm " " Lock Haven 11 ss am ' VllllaiiiAport lasuipm " nrrlvo nt llatrlsbiirL' R4i)piu " i'lilladelphla 0 8Spm Krlo Mall leaves ltenovo vim pin " Lock Haven 1010 pm " wiliamsport liaopm " ntrlves at llarrlsbutg 8 to am " I'lilladelphla 103am Fast Lino leaves llllamsport Vi 15 a tn ' arrltcsatllarriMburg Bin am " " l-hliadclpuln 1 03 n m frln Mntl west nnd Dav Kxt.ress East mako cloud connections atfioriumnocnaiiu wiui & ji. si. it trains for vviiKOSDariu nnn ncrnnuin, PrlnMnll West. Nl.iL'.ir.i llxnress West nnd Pas Lino West mako close connection nt Wllllomspor -wltlt N. U. It. W. trnlnsnoilhi Niagara Express West nnd Day Express Eos make dose connect lun atLockllavcn with 11. E. V, 11. II. trains. Erlo Jlnll east and West connect at Frio with trains on LB. A' M.S. 11. It. ! nt Corry wlthO.C.4; A. V. II. II. i at Emporium with U. N. Y. 1'. II. 11 and at Drlttwood with A. V. It. 11. Parlor cars will run between I'hllalelplila and VYIllamport on Niagara Kxprcss wost, nnd Da Ex press hast. Sleeping curs on all night trams. WM.A. I1ALDWIN, Ucucral supt. NOItTHKKN CENTRAL ItAILWAY COMPANY. un nnd after January Kill, isst, trains will leave Sunbury as follows : NOUTIIWAUD. Northern Express o.iio a. ra., arrlvo Elmlra ls.r.o pm Arrlvo at Cauandalgua 3.2) p. 111 " Hocliostcr 4,10 " " Niagara. 8 43 ' Niagara Express 1.03 p. 111. arrlvo E'mlra 0.05 p m arrhoCanandalguas.8l " " llochester 0 4) " " Niagara U.coara Fast lino c.lo p m artlvo Elmlra 1 1.05 p m Wat kins ll.cspm SOUTIIWAHD. Sottlhern Exprcos 1M a. m. arrlvo Harrlsb'i 8.13a m nrrlvo Philadelphia 7.35 " " Now York 10.83 " llalllmoro 7.40 " Washington u,02 a m IMCllo Express Io.iki a m arrlvo Harrlsb'g 12.05 p m f.rrlvo ITillndelphla 3.43 p m " Now York 0.S3 " " Ealtlmoro c.2) Washington 7.62 Day Exprcsil.CJp in ariIo Ilarrlsburg pm " I'lilladelphla 0 45 " " New York ;.so " " llaltlmoro " Washington 7.52 Krlo Mall l.os a. m. arrlvo Harrlsburg 3.C5 a. mj " Philadelphia T.S3 " " New York :o.3i " ' llaltlmoro 7.40 ' Washington 0.02 L. 1. FAIlMEIl, General Passenger Agott. FIIANK THOMSON, Goneral Managir. P IIILADELPHA AND READING ROAD ARRANGEMENT OP PASSENGER TRAINS. May 11, 1STB. TRAINS LBAVK BCrKUT AS F0tt,0W8(8fKPATnxCKrTD For New York, l'lilladclplila, Heading, l'ottsvllla, &c, 11,45 n. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. 7,21 nnd 7,85 p. m. For Wllllamsport, C,19 0,03 a. m. and 4,05 p. m. TR J IKS FOB RCIXRT LKATZ AS FOLLOWS, (SUNDAY EX CEriKO.) Leave New York, 6,45 n. in. Lcavo Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leave Heading, U.tsu. in., Pottsvlllc, 12,89 p. m ondTamaqua, 1,53 p. in. Leavo Catawlssa, c,20 E,50 a. m. and 4,no p. m. la;o Wllllamsport ,0.45 o,m,2,l5 p. m.nnd4,to p. n 1-assengera to and from New York and Philadel phia go lurougd w ithout change of curs. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Manager C. 0, HANCOCK, General Ticket Agent, Jan. ll, 1-.IU if. ELAM'ARE, LACKAWANNA ANB WMl liU.-l I'.A 11,111) A U. BLOOMSIIURG DIVISION. Tlmo-Tablo No. so, Takes oUcct at 4:30 A. M MONDAY. JUNE 10, 1SI8. NOHTII, bTATlONS. south. a.m. p.m. Scranton liellevuo Taylorvllle.. . ...Lackawanna.... ...... PlttKtuu .. West l-lttston... Wyoming Maltby Hennei t Klugstcu Kingston 9 35 2 la c 13 2 10 2 22 2 80 2 ti C 20 V 25 C 33 C 40 C 45 9 45 9 59 10 07 2 44 2 49 2 53 57 3 15 3 15 3 10 3 15 0 50 0 58 C 69 in 13 10 33 10 2a 11) .14 10 42 10 IS 11 07 11 13 7 10 7 19 ,.1'lj mouth June. 7 IS 7 28 7 86 7 42 8 04 8 25 8 43 8 65 0 06 7 15 . ...ri moutn Avondalo Nuutlcoke .llutiloek's treek. ,,shlckBhlnny... ....Hick's Kerry,... ....Iicach Haven.., Jierv.icU .... llrlar llreek ...Willow Grove..., I.lmo uidge Espy ...liloomsburg..... Itupert Catawlssa llrldgo. lUnvlllo..."... C'liulaiky, Cameron .Northumberland. 3 21 8 20 3 35 3 (0 4 03 4 10 11 U-J 4 13 4 'a i 29 4 33 4 43 4 49 4 53 D OU k n 9 18 l. 30 6 45 7 83 7 80 7 44 8 (10 8 a-i h 60 8 21 9 61 9 11 89 11 45 11 61 11 67 13 18 13 43 P.m. p.m. a.m ... W. F. IIALBTEAl), Burt. B iporlntsndint's Office, scrauton, June 10, is.9. lU 1 A 0,nnt furnished free, with full inMruo V I I I Hons for conducting thu most proillnblo 1) I h'oos that, any ono can engage In. . y "'o huslness Is t-o easy to learn, uudour Instruction nro so slinnlu and plain, that anyone can nemo great i rotlts from 11 veiy Mart. No ono can f ui who is v. llilng to wi rk. Women aro as sue eessful as men. l.ova and girls can earn largo sums. -Many have made at tho business ovrrono hundred dollais In a slnelo week. Nothing llku it ever known before. AH who engage aro purpi loed nt tho cast) and i-apldliy with which they aro ablo to mako money, lou cun engage In this business during yoursparo tlmeutgr. at prollt. You do not have to Invest eapital lu lf.Vo tako all tho Usk. Thoso who tieod ready tuorioy, bhould wrltoto us at onco. All furnished ireo. Address Tims Uo.,Augustn,Malno Oct. 16- -so-ly Catarrh In Ihn luiurt with u partlrlo ltitn tno (lr.iw ktrnin. Ihruugli tho : -llll In ,.ti. leaniirg, and uneaten I'llCiKM. llclo into - - t t. st jT! - ' r.LVS OUKAM MAUI lln Inf. fnlnif! iiti nnH.I,in ... ,1.. . ITi." . " .".i'iwiu iviiil 11111111111(111, U'Kp n wondeiful remedy wherever known. A mt rial )l wP?,Vi?.r.,,i?.,!!''t.tkcl)l'(!B.1 ot lla cmatlvo of la'sioand-Vmeli; lienelic'la '"reVulK'So'MSS c-eiita on iccelpt of M cents wilf inal u packago hend for circular, with full Information, ,U"-KU1,U ELY'S CItliAM HALM I'd . ftl-rnn M V Fou isnla In liloomsburgbv Mojcr Pros., (.' A.'uiclm, BNa.I!Sg,BaBsV'enl!rUa,.iy.,, K1"lK,rU uiu A oer, ji, -ko-ly a makng money tiiaiieo is or- jBkeeplng who nlwat. mw, r.'."'. f JWU 'lobl-. THOSO ...SV.J nuu ng not inn. boysandg calliles. Tho bUjluefcs will nav mom ih,. 'tr, women, own io ii times a I T im 'von "f?urJ"nr.fnMouintenil KutTiVr mMin0 ,Vr WW mrp momenta Addroi"Kco.rPcrtd p.m. p.m. a.m. V SO 12 1) 40 0 23 0 17 0 37 o es v so bti J M U 21 KM 3 40 tl 19 8 46 3 4i 0 14 12 41 12 tO 5 33 3 SO 9 01 8 13 3 10 8 44 8 23 3 0 8 t5 8 12 8 13 8 47 8 114 3 111 6 8X 7 61 2 61 S 58 7 39 2 89 8 17 7 :,2 34 8 H 7 25 2 28 8 00) 7 18 7 14 7 10 7 02 2 "4 7 141 DM UT 7 3' 0 to 1 tl 7 33 6 4.1 1 4 7 29 C 27 1 27 7 11 8 15 0 00 1 Oil MS p.m. p.m. a.m.' BSJ Directions WBmUhUm Tor VPA-i'ritiyCu.iiPllav Fever, ml ft' vft!' i"i.cetB?;HUioi(i, 4o., i'WsCTiV'ti'Sm W -..rtilHClSs,V nostrils! tf itAH t'ttf''S7f breaths'