The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 20, 1881, Image 3

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iit.uoMsntnui, fhioav, may 2d, tsst
Henry Holl!nglioiil, lulmlnlstrntor of Iho
ct-ttUe of Mary Cloavcr, will roll real oslato In
Cnlaff iem, on Saturday, Juno 18,
Hiram SlitiRnrs, administrator of Cleoriio
Hollcnbaclt, will cell red culato on tlio premium
In Main township on S.ituriliy July 2nd.
Ouy II McMn'.cr, executor of John Mo.
Calla, ilecciisJ, will sell rent calata at tlio Court
Hoti!3 on Friday, Juno 0:d nt 1 o'clock p, m.
Street l'otnto l'lnntf, -10 cent per ICO, $3
1000 at Joseph Oarrlfem', Illooiiuburi!.
Two pump stocks in oirellcnt condition enn
bo olitaintd for vory roaionaMo ntes. Imitilrc
nt tliia office.
A communication from llinton is tint inpert-
cd fjr tlio reason that It readied us loo lato for
ThoolTIco of J. H. Milza K'tp, Juslico of
tlio l'etico and, U now in M re,
Km' buildlni; opposite tlio Court IIouso.
Tho atininl examination at tlio lilooimburc
Stato Normal School will be hold on Weilne?
day morning, Juno lGlh.
1'ori Sale. A twenty horse power utatlonary
engine, in first clnso order. Inquire nt this
office. may 0 d-w
Rev. F. 1'. Manhart of Catawlffn liai bocn
cli03en paHor of tho liUthcrnn church In this
town. Ho haa not yet accepted tlio call.
II. L. Diffinbich, Kjq., of Lock Haven, In
addition to hii dntlei as Alderman nnd editor,
is acting m Mercantile Appraiser of Clinton
Trout fi.'hcrmar. should never f.iil to kill water
snakes whenever encountered. TJicze reptiles
are said to destroy numbers of mut. Kill
If you have pimples, boils, silt rlicmii,rou&h
pkin, &c, tako "Iiinilley'ii lilood Searcher,"
Sold by nil druggists. ta.ty20lvr
tcv. Father Doliohue was chloroformed and
robbed of $300, nt his rcnidcnca in l'lymoulli,
on Friday night last. There is no clue to tlio
perpetrators of this outrage.
Mis. William Webb will servn ice cream
during the season atlier lcciilenco mi Market
street. Her reputation ns u manufacturer of
this luxury will bring her a largo patronage.
Comical chango in the temperature, isn't il7
At least it would bo ifono were midoof india
rubber, or cast iron. Who was it tint designat
ed this ns tho "lompcrnto" zone, any way?
W. I!. Tnbbs, landlord of the Exchange
Hotel, returned on Friday evening last from a
three diys' visit to Philadelphia. Ho is thor
oughly informed ns to the Spring Myhsofhnts
and brought hack n simple to show his friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilirkenbinr, v;ho had been in
town for fcvernl dnys, ro'utned to Philadelphia
on Thurydiy of Inst week, whence thoy will go
to Council Wilds, Iowa, where Mr. I'.irkenbino
has n contract for the erection of water work.
A young man nauicd Dennis Murphy, about
20 yea's of hge, was drowned in tho canal, at
Danville, last Fridiy aflornoon. He was bath
ing and was attacked by cramps. He hail only
been in this country three weeks.
T .1 XT Mt... ,.!.-. T It-
in titu revii'M xi cii iimuiuiuiu uiu .uurii s
Prayer is materially abbreviated, and all men
tion of the wonder-working Pool of Uellicsda is
omitted. Twoorthreo generations will come
and go beforo this new Biblo becomes the ac
cepted version.
W. 13. Allen opened his new More on Mon
day evening. Ho lias a largo assortment of
fine groceries, provisions, gliss nnd rpiten
ware, Ac, As hu proposes to do a eash trade,
his prices are correspondingly low, lie has had
several years' experience in the biiMtiess, and
will undoubtedly meet with success. His storo
is a model of neatness.
Vattlc Creek, (.Mich.) Daily Journal.'
'Upon baing spoken to concerning St. Ja
cob's Oil, our fellow townsman, Mr. Theodore
Wnkelse, said; I had been milTering with
rheumatism; and obtained tho greatest relief
from the uso of St. Jacob's Oil. It has nho
been n-ed in my family for some time, nnd has
never been found to fail in giving prompt re
lief. The editor of the Williamsport Janncr claims
that Williamsport has the prettiest young l.idy
in the State, but declines to publish her name.
Just abovo the paragraph mentioning this fie',
is another which may allord a oluo to the
young lady in question. In it the editor le-
turns (Siariks to an un-namcd demoisello for
".. large and fragrant bouepjet." Now hIio will
know who is meant.
On tho night oi March 10th, W. W. Wilson
a merchant of Sunbury, disappeared suddenly
nnd it was foarol that ho had been tuurdereil.
Last Friday his body was found in the rivor
beloiv the dam. Ilis wntch nnd $100 In money
were found on tho body and the coroner's jury
in view of this fact rendero 1 n verdict of acci
doital death.
The Danvillo Record calls upon tho author!
tics of that burg to protect citizens from rowdy
iiin. The paper claim) that the strcols aro
thronged with idle blackguards whoso vulgar
ity is shocking. A few earnest and z;alous
polico officers could very soon abate that
nuismce, nnd tlio authorities should give tho
matter prompt attention,
Mrs. John Herrinj ot Mount Pleastnt town
ship who died on tin 5th Inst, was buried on
rriday last nt Orangeville. Slio wns 7C years
of ago nnd was tho mother of fovcral children
mw living. Of these, Mrs. A. J. Knorr lives
in Centre township, Oeorgo A. Herring in this
town, A. I), and C. II. Herring in Ornngeville
Two others realdo In Wilkcs-llarro and ono in
Woaro informed ihat Mr. Joshua Fetlcrman
of this town will loa candidate for County
Commissioner nt the next Itepuhlioaii Conyeiv
tion, Tho constitution provides for thetlcc-
tlon of otui Commissioner beloni'ins to tho
minority pirty, and Mr, Feltorman, should ho
uo noruinuted nn.l elected, would perform the
duties of tho ctlicomost ncjoplably.
Tho Select Council ot Williamsport on Mon
day night last, pai-sed filially the bond ordl
nnnco. Tho Common Council to which body
it was subsequently lcfcrrcd refused to agree to
tho consideration ofamendmenUniul adjourned
without action, Oneoftlicso days the Coun
cits of Williamsport will reach the conclusion,
that it is just as well to dhpo'o of public busl-
nefs of euoli importance! ns this oruinnnce.
Last Saturday, Constable Iteubeii Harris nr
rested Franklin Heigh, tho captain of canal
boat GOD, on a warrant chargln? him with as-
sault and battery upon Frederick Human, lock
keeper at Itupert, The oll'.-ino was committed
on the 7ih of May. Ilolgh was taken before J.
11. Maize, Ksq, who hold him in $T,00 bill to
uppcar fur a hearing on the first of Juno at ten
o'clock In tho morning.
Are you going to paint? Jf so.send to Henry
8. Keay, Montour Paint Worts, itupert, im,
for snuU card and prlcoi of Strictly Pure
White Lead. Slate Colors, Iron Paints, Putty
&s , end save tho wholeialo and retail profit
Yuu can mix your own colors, from best mater
ial, with Pure Linseed Oll.for 75 cents to?1.20
per gallon.
Respectfully Your Ac,
apr. 16-Cin Usury S( Heay,
Wghl Itorcrend M. A. DeWolfo Howe,
Illtliop of Central Pennsylvania, wilt ndmlnts.
tcr the rito of confirmation nt St, l'aul'd Kpls
copal church on Friday evening, May 27lh.
Wo aro Informed lliata largo class of candidates
will bo presented.
Mr. A. C. Chapln ,was sworn in as a member
of the Unr on Saturday last, having passed n
good examination for admission. C. 0.
ley,L. S. Winlcrstcenand Geo. K.KIwell Ksq.
were, his committee. He is a young man of
ability, and we wish Mm success in the prac
tice of his profession.
A drunken man wai put In the lock-tip ono
afiernoon last week, and ho mado it peculiarly
lively for people in the vicinity, His howls,
yells, profanity nnd dep!r.ito efforts tj break
down tho door, wore vastly edifying. The lock
up Is not a fit phco In wllich to confine n hu.
man Wing, c cclally on n hot day, nnd pris
oners cm hardly he blamed lor protclliig vig
oraii'ly ngiinst llioir incarceration therein.
Hut profane and noisy domointrallons of disgust
are not pleasant to thoso who reside in the
Mcsrs. If. J. Clark &Son havenddtd to their
large stock of goods, an assortment of beautiful
bonnets well deserving tho attention of tho
hdles. Tho latest and most popular styles In
all the fashionable colors, are exhibited and
the collection ii claimed to be the most com
plcto and extensive ever seen In liloomsburg.
The storo lias been greatly improved of lato
and is now so spacious, so well lighted and so
well nrranged that it Is a pleasure to niako
pnrchnse therein. Tho Mesr.. Clark nre al
ways ready and willing to display thoir good'.
Sick headache, nervous headache, head
ache from sour stomach, nre nil cured by
f)r. Mcllaur's Headache ami Dytpcpsia Pills.
Price 20 cents. ma 13-O.v
Wo havo received a copy of tho forty
eighth annual report of the Pennsylvania In
stitute for the Instruction of the Wind, at their
meeting held on the lClh of December Itul. It
appears from this that tbero weto on tlio first cf
December, 210 blind persons in the Institution
increase of eight over the preceding year.
The Treasurer reports receipts during the vear
of 01,021.02 and expenditures of S88,32B,yS.
Tlio cash bilance on band is $1,5,741 03. Of
the 210 inmates ol the Institution, 108 aio from
nothcr shooting match took place on tho
fiir grounds last Saturday afternoon. There
were twelve contestants, each of whom shot nt
0 bnlbs.nt 18 yards. Mole's rotary trnp was
sed. The following nre the names of the
marksmen who participated : C. M. Drinker,
A. Sollcdcr, Henry Aldrich, I!. T. Laycock,
William Yetter, William Ever, George Keif-
snydcr, Aaron Stadlor, Abfl Thomas, I.byd
Krelg, Mr. Iliirman and Mr. Fox. Messrs.
Aldrich nnd Yetter tied at 18, and will decide
tho auction of supremacy at tho next meeting
which will be held In Catawissi to-norrow.
Nervous headache, periodical lipndaehe
neuralgia liendaebn cured by Dr. Mittaur's
Headache and Dyspepsia, Pills. Price 2."
cents. may YA iw
The annual statement of the Conyngham anl
Centralia Poor Di.'triet i-honld have appeared
in ourhft i3iue,but the copy got into tlm liandi
of ilio editor of lite Scntinit by mistake, on
iies'ny of last week, nnd ho informed no ono
that he had it, until Friday. The copy was
delivered there by mistake of a messenger, but
woaro informed by the person who sent it that
the package was addressed to the "Colum
bian," so that the editor of the Sentinel mu4
have known that it was not intended for him.
However, as the contract for publication was
niado with the Coi.umman" nnd Republican, it
will make but littlo difference to tho district
how many papers insert it fur nothing.
We lnvo received from L. II. Itogers a sheet,
2 x !!S incliej,thit may fjirly be cilled a mar
vel ofcondensed information. On one p.ige are
rules of spelling, punctuation, us of capitals
and letter writing and a list of 2,000 words of
similar pronunciation. Tho next pages g,ivo
the correct spellingof no lcs than 23,000 word',
most ingeniously indexed. On another page
are 20,000 synonyms. A more useful produc
tion it would be difficult to find. Tho price is
only 25 cents nnd the shetts aro sent postpaid
by mail, by II. L. 1'ogers, 73 Maii'en L ine
New York. Tho publication is worth tea tim:s
its price, to all writers.
The annual meeting fjr the election of cfii-
ccrs of the Columbia County Agricultural, Hor
ticultural and Mechanical Association will bo
held at Woornsburg in ill 3 Opera Hou3e, on
Saturday, M ly 21, 1SS1, nt one o'clock p. in.
Fl'.Kl) II. IlAllTMAX,
May 13 2w Secretary.
To-morrow afternoon a meeting will bo held
in tho Opera House, this town, for the election
of officers of Iho Columbia County Agricultu
ral Association. It is earnestly hoped by those
who take an interest in tho success of tho Asso
ciation, that nil who are entilkd to vote may bo
present and that only competent and roliablo
men will bo chosen, It imy not bo out of placo
at this time, to speak a word of praise for tho
present officers They havo been nctivo nnd
earnest in managing tho affairs of tho Aesocl.v
tion and havo earned the confidence and re
spect of the community. If any of th'era are re
nominated, it will be perfectly safe to voto for
them, as there is every reason to suppose that
they will do as well in the future as in tho
past. The last fair was fo successful In every
respect as to afford the very beit reason for re
electing tho officers under whose management
it was conducted. We learn that lion K. J
McIIcnry will not be a candidate for re-election
as President, and can only hopo that his suc-
c6sor may prove as acceptable.
One of tho most notable sociablo events of
tho season, was the welding of Mr. Frank Per-
ley Howe, of Dauvills, and Mi's kathaune
Scott Woodward, of Heading, which was boI
emniiod at Christ Church, Heading, on Thurk-
lay of last week, 'flu brblo is the daughter
of tho lain Warren J. Woodward, of the Su
premo Court, nid Ihegroom is a son ol H'ght
liov. M. A. Dow olio Jlowc, ilishopot tneJJlo-
eosoofCential I'mnlvanin. There were four ;
bridesmaids, Mb Alice Iluekahw, cf this town,
Miss JIaudo Huyt, daughter of Governor
Hnyt, Mbs Margaret J. Arnett, of PlilUIel
phin, nnd Miss Annie Stewart, of Heading.
Tho marring; ceremony was c u dueled by
op llOWe, ISSISKU l.ev. l) . J wriii.-K,ii'iaur
of Christ Church, i ho Heading J)ipnlch says:
"l'fio bride was becomingly a'lired In a hand.
porno bridal rolu cf whi o hand embroidered
crepo, fa I'rinceM-', trimmed with Dnchtssa lace,
and woro a lick brid tl veil of white tulle. She
carritd n bunch of mpholus buds nnd Mies, of
the valley, and looked charming and mcde-tni
the (lowers themselves. 1 ho bridesmaids wsro
dres'cd alike, in white embroiderol mull, with
dosp embroidered mull coders, large Gsincs
borough hits with whlto plume, and each car
jied a basket of flower?. Tho e fleet was very
pretty, bright and spring-like. The groom,
best man and utdiers, wore the conventional
There w.u a very Urge attendance of promi
nent persons, among whom woro Judges Sttr, Trunkey, Mercur and Gordon, of theSu.
preme Court. Judgo Paxson was provenled
from being present by the death of his father.
The bride and groom slaitnl In thu aftornoon
for Drlttol, It. I , tit New York, and will return
In Danvillo after Ihelr wedding trlp,and eetllo
down to Iho erjoymentof married life.
Half (bo ills of human lifo
proceed from a
Submit to (htm
torpid and disordered liver.
no bngjr while "dellet'd Liver Mils" will
curs you iulcVI, IWce C5 tenti. tantf0lw
A meeting of dclcgatts from the different
Granges through the county was held In Cor
ell's Hull last Tncsday,to discuss tho erection
of n store In this town. About fifty persons were
present. Committees wero appointed to draft
plans nnd specifications, nod (o ascertain tlio
difference in tho cost of a brick nnd a frame
building. Tho lot has already been purchased
and tho structuro will be forty by sixty feet, It
wilt bo exclusively a wholesale store, and will
ho carrlod on as a stock company, in shares of
five dollarseneh, no person to bo allowed to take
more thnn fio shares. It is probable (lint work
will begin on the building this summer.
A tiAltttNf AllMS AtTAtlt.
On Tuesday morning last, a terrible accident
occurred noar Malnville, by which Ivrj men
wero killed, and two others so seriously injured
that their recover Is doubtful. Tlierniesof
tho victims aro Cha.des Nus, David llrcdbtn
nnr, Conrad llrudbmner nnd Joseph Kckrotli,
nil 1 1 nek me n on the Suubiiry nnd Hazttton
railroad. They wero on n hand car and had
gone a short distance on tho high trestle work
near Malnville, wbin they wire rtruck by an
engine nnd thrown to the ground benotlh. Da
vid llmlbcnnor was Instantly killed; Kuss had
his leg broken in three places nnd wns other
wise no badly hurt that he died soon nfitr; the
other men wore alive nt last report', but aro
not onpected to recover. All are married men
nnd llvo in Seotch Valley at Mifllin X lloads.
On Friday last, the community was shocked
by the rumor that the corpsopfn young woman
had been found floating in Utile Fishing-creek
Mount Pleasant township, and that nil tho cir
cumstances pointed Rtrongly to Hiicido. The
story proved to bo tiuo. The body was discov
ered, nt about two o'clock in the afternoon by a
boy named William Wellivtr of Kyct's Grove,
nnd ho nt once called George llartzcl who wns
working in an ndj'oinirg fielJ. Tho body was
identified as that of Msggio Shannon, nged
nbout 21 years, a daughter of Jackson Shannon
of Jerseytown. She wasa niece of Mrs. Xebulot
Shultz of Mount Pleasant and a cousin of Mrs.
Chandler F.vesof Millville. J. H. Maiz?, justice
of the pcace,of this town, was promptly notified
nnd repaired to the spot, where he empanelled
a jury consisting of the following persons; John
Wanick, Daniel Wnnick,Nevin U. Fiink.Henry
W. Melick, George Hnrtzel nnd JohnGirton.
The body was examined nnd the jury adjourned
to meet a. Mr. Maiz '.s office in llloonibuig on
the following morning to hear evidence in the
The jury mt pursuant to adjournment nid
four witnesses testified, in the older following:
'ebulon Shultz swore that Mnggio Shannon
was a niece of his wife; came to his liou'o from
Marietta on Saturd iv night, May 7ihj she arote
about five o'clock on the morning of trie flth
nnd told Kate Pursel, another niece of Mr.
Slinhr, tint sho was going away; when nkid
where she was going replied that she did not
know; In iuado her slay until nfier breakfast;
she did net siy that tho intended to destroy
herself; she was in distress nbout her sittntiuii,
which scorned to bo of pregnancy, but sho re
fuse 1 to reveal it.
Kute Puritl (elided as to Maggies' having
the house; asked witness to accompany her to
the bouse of Mr. Purse, tho father of witness,
near Millville; could not do so as Mrs. Shuliz's
baby was sick; Maggie seemedto be in trouble,
and said she knew she w ould not git well; said
she would not make trouble for anybody else;
made no remark about putting herself out of
the way, and would not loll the cause of her
trouble. Michael Hawk was waiting on her; ho
lived nt the same place; could not say when ho
list saw Maggie; had not called oa her silica sho
returned from Marietta. Ho ti Id Mr. Joseph
Eck at Millville, that if this had not happened
to her ho thought sho would b.j his wile; that
lie had always liked her, but would not marry
her now; ho would go lo jail first. Maggie
lived nt Chandler Kvea' in the falloflSSO; Mi
chael Hawk lived there; afterwards she worked
for Joseph Sharplcss in Woom:burg, then at
Jncob Dieflenbach's, after which she returned
to Chandler Kvet.'.
George Hartzel testified as to the finding of
the body by Welliver; Daniel Wanich was
called and waded into tho creek to pull the
body to tho Ehore; saw no marks of vlolenco
on tho body.
John Girton testified that Maggie came to
his house at about half past nine o'clock in Iho
mcrning nnd asked for a drink of water; in
quired whether tho Millvillo hack had passoci;
she carried a bundle and walked towards Mill
ville; did not see her again alive.
Tho jury rendered a verdict that Maggie
Shannon camo lo her death by drowning Iiertelf
in tlio water of little Fishingcreek. There is no
duubt that the unfortunate girl had been led
astray and preferred death rather than enduro
the shame that was soon to come upon hcn
One more victim to add tothelist of tboso who
havo loved ''not wisely, but too well" ono
more young life sacrificed to passion one moro
weary soul impatient of tho world's sorrows,
impetuously rushing into tho presence of tho
great Judge. An old, old story, but none the
less pathetic because tho sin and the shame
have been told us so many limes,
It is sad enough at the best lo note tho end-
ingof a life just when tho world looks fairest
and brightest, nnd when tho future promif-es
juysninany nnd ills a fjw. Uut it is doubly
sad when an eirlhly career ends so Morinily nnd
when the final crime of self destruction adds
to tho blackness of the sins that caused it.
The remains of tho poor girl wero laid in
their final resting place by the poor overseers
of Hemlock lownshlpso cuds tho tragedy.
Quite an inlercstirg game of base ball was
played on (he fairgrounds, last Saturday after
noon, between a nmo fiom the Wyoming Semi
nary, Kingston, and ono from tho Normal
School of tliia town. There was some littlo
delay in beginning, owing to tho objections of-
feied by tho visi ors to having lioyce act bb
pitcher for the Normal School boys. This was
finally adjusted '.amicably and (day began with
the Klnj-s ons at the bat. The following are
iho names of the nines, respectively i Sein-
inary, Acker, Colley, Landon, Lewis, Haul
ing, Carpenter, Haucher, llrcnnan nnd Htm
luck; Normal School, lloycs, (homey, Stan
ton, Lincoln, Jones, Martin, McCl iy, Fleischer
and Powell. Harding pitched for his men dur
lug tho first innings nnd was rueceeded bv
Acker- lioyce tossed tho ball for tho homo
club during tho entiro gnme. '1 ho visltois so
cured two in the first innings nnd three in the
fifth, getting "goose eggs" in the others unli
the ninth. They seemed unable to "get the
lruig" of lloyce's pitching, but in the last in
nings Ibey achieved (lint result and knocked Iho
balls all over the field. They t-ucceeded in add
ing seven rui.s to their score beforo they wero
rctirel with a total of twelve to thoir credit
Tlio homo nine were "whitewashed" in tho
ven ill uud olghth innings, but made cnougn
runs to win the game, their ecoru Mantling at
thirteen. There were eomo vny pretty plajs
throughout the gams, both at Iho bat and In the
field. Tim umpire, who was thosen by the
vieiiing (l ib, was fair in Jim judgments as a
geueral thing, but made lund'chion too dclib
era lily. Especially wai this tliciosa in tho
sUth inning, In which two of thu homo club
were put one owing to the that iho umpire
did not unuoiliiee a ball lo be "foul," until the
men on bates hnd made runs mid wero un
able to regain thoir places. There wns a iniiu
ber of spectators present, among them many
ladies. The best of humor prevailed mid the
glint) was so wo'l contested that all prvont
were pleased, ilie formal 1 ehool i.h.u wi l
uo iindets'&od, play a gsuio at Ktutston at
a date tiot it made known.
Jndgo Krickbaiim was In town on Wednes
day. Kit ltobbins, ol Fishingcreek, attended the
Grange meeting on Tnenl iy.
Col. Mi J. Keck of Hnilcton registered nt
Iho Kxchango Hotel on Monday.
Dr. W. U. Ktobs, of Light Street, has re
covered from hii recent severe Illness,
John M. llarlon has returned to the Central
Hotel ns clerk. He is vory popular with tho
travollng public, nnd thoroughly understands
his business, The Central has bocomo n first
class home under Its present maiingcmtnl.
Krt-Sherlir Carter of Tiinkhatinock nnd J.
C. Towncnd of Williams porl, wero in town on
Monday ntlondhig lo business for D. M. Os
borne & Co,, the fimous manufacturers of agri
cultural implements.
C. H ltobbins and C. C. Peacock started for
Denvor,Colorndo,on Monday night, tho former
for a pleasure trip, nnd Iho latter with tho ex
pectation of fotlling In tlio west. Jonas Agor
will rnnduct Mr. ltobbins' business during Ills
The closing exercises of tho public schools
took place on Sitiirday nfcrnoon last They
consisted of declamations, compositions, dia
logue", singing, Ice, nnd were all very credita
ble to teachers and pupils. Tho paper road by
Miss Uidleman was very entertaining, nnd was
full of fun nnd good hits- A number of visitors
wero present. In the High school department,
prizes wero awarded lo Ireno Phillips, Frank
Sloan, Annie Fux, Mnttie Sterner nnd Iry In
lireece, who were iieilher lalo nornbsent during
tho term. Tho prizes were linndsoino books
given by Pro f. Schoonover. On behalf of the
pupils, Miss Annlo Fox presented Professors
Schoonover nnd I'uckhuhani each with a vol
ume of I)icken. lleraarks were mado by Su
perintendent Snyder, A. C. Smilii, K'(., ltev.
J. P. Tustln, Georgo K. Klwell and William
Krickbaum. The past year has been a very
successful one in (he public schools, Excellent
instructors have b;cn employed, nnd the most
lnrtnonious and kindly feeling has existed be
tween teachers nn I p'iplls. Oar school board
is composed of good business men, who look
carefully after tho interests of the district. No
town in thu State can boast of better education
al advantages thin Woom.burg enjoys.
If you are going west save limo nnd mcney
by huyiog tickets from It. I). Darlington, ugent
lit Itupert. Ho represents best routes lo the
west and noithwest. Trains leave- litircrtat
0:Ui a, m., 8:00 a. m , nnd 4:00 p. in. For
rates and information, call on or address
Ma 12-0w Ticket Aeent, Kupirt, 1'a.
Mr. James lloat started on Tuesdiy for CVld
wator, Mich-, where ho intends visiting his son
and other relatives.
Dr. C. Lenker has returned from Lancaster
City, where ho was attending the Stats Medi
cal Sciely.
llev. G. V. Savidgd assisted in laying the
eorncr stone of tho ue.v M. E. church, at Mo
Henry's, on the Orangeville charge.
Mr. F. P. Harris intends painting nnd other
wise improving his residence.
Willie, son of A. J. Iieoglo, who ha) been
dangerously ill, is slowly iccovering.
Mr. William Old has purchased the proper
ty, formerly ownoJ by Jesse Olil, deceased.
Without doubt tho best churn ever introduced
in this county is now on exhibition nt tho Cen
tral Hotel. Tho grott usefulness to farmers
claimed for it is positively a firt. Heliums
the butter, works out tho buttermilk, and salts
the butter while in the churn, bolides churning
in much less tioie and makingat leaRt ono tenth
moro butter from tho same cream than any
other chum.
Churnr, township and county iight3 for sale
Tolli:y & Loi ci street, Agents,
Itloomsburg, Pa.
Business Notices
To meet the demand for the indispensable
Self-Binding Harvester, D. M. Osborne &.
Co., ot Auburn, jN. j ., nro building ten
thousand sell-binders, this year, bebides
twenty five or thirty thousand Mowers atiu
Hearers. It will be well for farmers con-
loiplating buying new machines to read
carefully tlio "Osboriiu Monthly," which is
tent gratuitously to tarmcrs uy man wnere
(heir names have been tent to (ho company.
Tlio May number will bo founil very inter
esting, and will be lurnisneu (rco by me
Agents of JJ. HI. UfUnrno (Jo.
Hahman & Hasscrt, Agents,
May 20 llloorrtfeburg.Pn.
White.Ulue and Cardinal Shetland Shawls
just opened at I. W. llartiuan's.
Ladies' Hats and lltmnetsat Clark & Son's.
I. W, Hartnian has Linen Lap Hobes for
00 cents to? I 00,
More Black Silks just received at Lulz &
J. W. Lilley.ofiuefirmof Lillcy & Sleppy,
ot Light Street, is in Philadelphia laying in
a stock of Fine Goods which will bo isold
very cheap.
A full line of Ladies' and Children's Hos-
iery, Gloves, Mitts, TieJ, Notts, Hamburg
Edgings, Laces &e at low prices at Clark t!c
000 Iiushels of Good Potatoes wanted by
Silas Young of Light Street;for which he will
pay ino uigneti manei'i price.
Go and see that beautiful Silk Stripe and
barred goods for Dress Trimmings, 70 cents
n yard nt J. W. ljartinan's.
For Gloves and Mitts co to Lutz &
J HU pcmuu I'M 1 1 I'm I ii', ju'ii .'.ui,tir,
Kenpers, Tlireslii.i,' .Machines and other
('.., ,ttw. Imntcmaiitj ii of lifitul ntlil (liu lilnoa
m'Ul.tlf l(iiriin.ui" 1 ... IIHIIM,-"!. ,'IUWU
tn huvu repairing douo is at HAHMAN it
llAKSKRV.; .n, litre mill Mnelilnii Silinil
'I bis is the only place in the county whore
IV M. ri.linrmi A. IWi. tilltplilnfw 'irntn-
palred. A full line of .extras for all tho
loiulng mowers, reapers, etc., kcptconstnnt
ly on hand. May 20-lw
Fans and Parasols, full line now open at
(Jlarfc ci con's.
Nobby Ilusiness Suits,
Elegant DrcM Suits,
Durablo Working Suits,
Now on hand at David Lowenberg'i.
I, W, Hartnian sella the Lost Liwqj foi
12J cents a yard.
Wide Percales 10 cents a ynrd at Lutz &
oloan s.
55. T. Fowler, Willow Grove, Pa.wanh
lUU.UOO Hall Hoad Ties. May ia.3w
Hoots and Shoes, Finest, lint and Cheap
est at V. U. Dentlor's.
Clothing for all, no matter what your
hv, age or condition mav be, at tho Popular
uiomiULjaioro oi David i.owenbcrg.
Large st lino of Ladles' Slippers ar-d flr.e
aiioes sn wentier amine store,
Do not fail lo look at our Illack Cashmeres
prices lower than ever at (Jlaik & Son's,
12J cents u yard for the best quality of
Liwiiu at Lulu & Sloan's,
Lacea of tho NewtsilStyics for Trltnminir
Ginghams and Lswn Dicsieiifct I. W. Hurl-
Highest Cash pilco paid fur WhcAt nnd
ltye (7 Z. T. Fowler, Willow Grove.
May 13.3sv
David LoweiibprR would innirm lil cm
tomers nnd the public In general, that hav
ing compieted the alterations In his Store,
ho Is now prepared to supply his customers
witli tho latestslyics of Clothing. Now on
hand a mngnlficstit stock of Iteady-mado
Cbthlnp, selected expressly for tho Spring
trade. Call ami inspect and sco for your
sjlvcs, ,
New Lot of Dress Ginghams, Seersuckers
and Huntings nt I. W, llartiuan's,
ltst Liwns 12J cents n yard nnd Lace
Hunting 12J cents a yard nil colors, nt Clark
& Son's.
Llnoti nnd Cloth Ulsters for ladles at Lulz
t Sloan's.
Parents, rnnf mbcr wo hnvo .1 verv larco
stock of Children's Clothing, and much
nicer nnd cheaper tint) you can make them nt
nomc, can and seo tor yourselves nt
David Lowenberg's,
Shoodn Herges, Nuns Veiling. DeHeiires
Cashinere f.iconla nnd other Dress; Goods In
nil tho new Mimics nt Clark it Son's.
All tho novelties in foot wear nt F. D.
Dontler's. '
Corsets, from 00 cents tip at Clark & Son's
As I hnvejust returned from tho South I
will bo pleased to see nil tnv Friends. Hrlnc
on your Whoal, llyo nnd Hall Hoad Ties.
T. i'OWLElt,
May 13-3w Willow Gnovi:.
Sco a woman picking n buoch of grapes
In another column, at Spcer's Vineyards,
from wllich Spcer's Port Qrapo Wine is
made, that is so highly esteemed by tho
mcuicai profession lor tuo use ot invalids,
weakly persons and tho aged, tSotJ by
C. A. Klelm. jan 7'81 ly
Ho for a Hat I
For tho latest styles,
For the largest assortment
For Men. Youths. Hoys and Children.
Go (o David Lowenberc's,
Vanue MceiAlteiEl., On May Olh, nt the
Manse, Iiloomsburg, by Hev. Stuart Mitchell,
D. D Dr. William T. Vance and Miia Alice
Mesirgel, both of Orarigcville.
Goi.DKit Wn.LtAMs. At Stillwater, on the
2!trd ult , by tho Hev. G. W. Dtmlap, Mr. G.
M. Colder to Miss Minnio Williams, both of
Stillwater, Columbia county.
Kissiai- Howr.n. On the 17th inst. at the
resilience of Mr. .Inckson Hower. Wooinsliuri.
by Hev. Stuart Mitchell 1). D..J. C. Ki'inr
Jf. D of Conyngham, Pa , to Miss Kale II.
Our Questions.
Arc you n buyer of Men's or Boys'
Clothing at retail? Do you need
clothing for the farm, the office, tho
work-shop, tho court-room, or the
pulpit? Do you want boys' clothing
for tho f chool-room, or for elress ? Do
you prefer to buy clothing ready-made
or to order ? Aro you in need of
shirts ?
If yes, to nr.y or nil of these ente
rics, state your needs to us, that we
may send you samples and prices.
Your Question
is, Will this pay for tho trouble ? You
must judge. We will make up the
case, you must decide it. But wc
must toll you that wc havo created
thu Largest Retail Clothing Business
iu tho United Stales by the simple
method of niving the best clothing for
the least money. We mean that it
shall pay you to buy of us. If you
buy nnd are not pleased, return the
floods for exchange, or demand your
and Brown,
S. E.-Cor. Sixth & Market Sts.
jJ E H C A N'Tl L E A P P H A I S E M E NT .
I horeby certify that, tho followlns list of dealers
taken, returned anil classliteU by mo la nccordaricu
w ltli die several nets of Assembly, la and for tlio
year correct to the b;st ot my knowledge and
Class. Tax.
C. A. tiliuman, ueneral Store,
T. J. Miunian, Grocery,
Joseph Miuimm, Hotel,
Nathan llredbt-iiner, Hotel,
(). 1'. Dilejuaeti (leneral More,
Levi JUlclucl, ueneral store,
lllriim 1 1 ess, Hotel,
H. l'. Uvcriit, oencral .store,
J. J. JleUenry, (leneral Store,
II. A Mclleiiry, (leneial Store,
Kuunuel Kdgnr, Hotel,
J, t". j:dsou ueneral store,
II. It. Hower, (Jencral store,
It. 11. Little. Drug store,
L. Disielliurbt, l'urnlturi',
II. II. Wtblier, i:atlng House,
.1. II. Ilovt. ' "
names fc llradtord, Hoots and Shoes,
11. A. Ixieb, ejlotlilng,
1). I'owter, Kurnlturo and Paper,
J. II. Dlettcrlck, stationery,
Kti. Knie. Uuidtrare,
A. V. U'ckson, (leneral Store,
l'rcas & llros,, lieneral Store,
opdyko 'ltiornton, e;enera( Store,
A. itrltlaln, liruff Store,
11. M, llockuiait, confectionery.
co un
60 oo
- oo
7 oo
fi 0 00
111 10 II I
is loon
1! 7111
t. M 10
U 7 00
13 10 00
14 700
7 00
SO 00
7 Ul
7 0O
7 0O
7 00
11 IS 1I
13 10 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
5 i)m
12 vim
11 licil'l, ut-f i.iuiaui, s. Cilitinan, elneral Storo.
K. K. Adams, Ueneiul Store,
11, M. llarnaul, Tobacco and Clirars,
tl, A. liuckliiKUam, stoves nnd Tlnwaro
n. W, Mauser, Kutlng House,
Kreus llros , Lumber,
.lolin Uclter. Het-r HotUer,
Jackson ti Woodtn, (leneral Store,
It. S, unt, stoes and Tinware,
II, M. Kvansi: liro., (loncral Store,
I. W. McKclvy. (leneral Merchandise,
Alexander ti oodliousi', btore,
f, M. (illiu iro, Hating Hume,
.1. l' Caldwoll, Confeellonery,
L. llrnsu, Clolhlittf Store,
L. '1'. suari lest, Nottoa storo,
Lutz & Sloan, (leneral SIoid,
N, J. llcaderiiott, Drujj and Teas,
V, II. (llliuore,,
('. II. ItoljiJlt.a. Liquor store,
William Kroaraer. (leneral stoio,
IC. ii. HiotiiT, Motes and Tluwaie,
William A leu, Urocery,
Willtuui Kubb, "
H. W. Conner, "
l). stioup, "
l. A. Creasy, (leneral Store,
J, 11, Kltipori, Urmrnud Hooks,
C, 1.', Hurler, lltxits and Shoes,
A, ,1, Hvaus, Clutliliiji storo,
('. c, .Marr, (leneral More,
K. Jacoby, (i)elersiuid t'Ull,
Joseph Docker, Candy Store,
J, li, Wilson, Hoots nu3 Mto.u,
I. K. -Mlllier, (ienerat btore,
L. ilunyan x Co Hiirdwnro,
Holmes Selri)ler. Ilaidttare,
1iuls tieriiliard, Jeweler,
K. Ctidmun, furniture,
(eomo llruwn, llnit-l.
H. a. Wiuou, Corif' Ctloncry,
O. K. S ivatft. lewt-ler,
II, J, ci uk & sin.iici.cml store,
l'eler itllliney.-r Co., Urocery,
'I'. v ebb, Tocneoontst,
1. (irof.s liestsiirunt,
Mrs. Jano Scott, Cuufoclloncry,
W. H.Tilbbs. Hotel. "
ei. A, e'laik, iiouk storo.
V. 1). Hentler, Hootsiind Shoes,
Moyer Kits., wiioleulo Drujf store,
.Miner Urus.. linn.' store.
13 10 00
14 7 00
SO 00
13 10 00
till 00
SI 00
14 710
a so oo
14 7 oo
5 lu 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
13 10 Oo
1 1 . oo
ti SO CJ
ii vista
13 10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 Oil
13 1010
14 7 0.)
7 CO
7 0(1
7 00
7 oo
7 00
13 10 00
14 7 00
14 710
5 eooa
14 loo
14 7 00
II 1501
13 10 0')
14 7 00
5 '."100
II 7 oo
r co no
13 10 00
II 7oo
11 is on
C. o. (I dlKLiui, stoves nod Tluwaru,
11.- II V..,.. w..t.,.... nn.l'.i
W, 11, oier, sowlus .Machines and
llHrtmin lirus , diocery. n
J.Saltz'r, Sew lot? Machines and Organs, 11
, i:. Wintry, Moves and Tlnwaro, II
7 on
7 00
7 00
7 0H
7 00
T Oil
i. roer, iieut-rui riure, 14
it j. (.in icii ti tvu., i uruuuru more,
Jacob Keller Wholesale notions.
llundy K Jiejhai t, Urocery,
Sliiser Mm fy Co., Sewluir Machine,
C, a. Klelm, lirutrulsr,
ll. ei, ilartiuaa, C' rpet storo,
1. W. Huniiun, il le.-alhtore,
Da Id Jaint-oberif, Cotlilui; stoic,
Henry Ktelm, urucviy,
tMlllam (111,-er, Hotel,
(l. M .1 . K. I oekard, Coal Iiealtra,
C, W. Nval llro., Coal liealcis,
i), A. Jacoby, Coal und (Iroeery,
II I', hhariiless, Merchandlso.
lilooinsbtiri; Iron Co , deiioral Store.
W. c. Itleuard, Hour end J oed,
J, W, llollman, " it
J. II, Meeker, " "
John Wolr Agricultural Iiaplements.
(iliaou shlvu, i ii '
A. Lewis, Uuckutir,
0, a, oy, uquor SWro,
13 10 00
11 1510
14 7CK1
H 7 OU
14 7 00
14 710
10 30 01
13 10 00
14 100
ii tyim
1 111
7 00
lo son
41 I UO
Wo lmvo just opened it slock of
Agricultural Steels, Cultivator
Teeth of different Htylcs, shovel
Plow Blades and plates made
from tho finest quality of steel,
Harrow Tcclh already made,
cheaper than you can buy tho
iron and make them. Wo havo
also taken tho agency of the pat
ent four pointed
Which wo aro prepared to sell at
manufacturer's prices. This is
undoubtedly tho best stylo wire
fence made and is a positive pro
tection against tho smallest ani
mals. Costs but 87 cents a rod
to build a four strand fence, in
cluding posts, making it tho best,
cheapest and most durablo fence
to build.
(-. L. Koster.uiudor, Hotel,
A, Triick'iir.illler. Kextaurunt.
BO 00
110 00
7 0J
7 OO
SO (0
00 00
S ii. lilmtvii. Moles nnd Tlntvu o,
" ut'iuiicr. iti'iii-rai more, .
William A. Swunlr, " "
1'. Miitili, ittntaurant,
.1. 11. UWIi-r. Hotel.
(ilib-rt Kline, Ueneral store,
r-iciilil-ll imiav,
c v. Harder, Lumber and IlarJwaro
m. n. Dolmer, Ucnernl sior .
eieonri'Miitihait. lenolK mill Slioo.
12 12 UO
14 7 01
111 10 0)
la 10io
10 20 00
1.1 10 10
11 7O0
1 1 7 00
II 7 01
14 7 (10
.). K. r-lurp.usH Sous. Uvncrul Slore,
T. H. Harder, Km ntture.
.lonu ;.ici;iiy. unniecnonerv,
lbirrintn llenrio, I'lirideuro
Win John, Stoves Tinware,
Tnn keiilnll'i r Kebir. Hooks nnd Music.
.1. M. Nmllli, HiirdtMM and l)ru:,'s,
12 12 50
14 7 00
.-. ii. iiiuuw, i.uiifrai ;iuri-,
I. . I'. Osintin, Drill,' store.
A. H. (.'leaver Stoves nnd Tinware,
1' ll.smiman, t'loihlni; and Hoots,
II. r, Korlner Son, (leneral store,
I. II. Seeslio'.tz. (letter U More,
Wni, ncrMiltncr. cstnuruiit,
Cnliiwlss i Taper Co , i m Dealers,
JoliiiMccscli, Coal l ealer,
John I, Kline, Ho'el,
A. II. Church, (lenerul Storo,
Daniel Ketnes. Hotel,
.Mrs Annlo McKlcrn.m, llestaurant,
Mrs .M try Monroe, Kestaurant,
Wui. Heibert, store,
7.. Tny'or l'owler, drain and Coal,
Jucoti Sponster, (leneral Store.
J.S Mann, Hotel,
1 nomas llrubst, (Iroeery,
Low llrj. Co. (leneral Moro.
Wltitnilro Li win, (lunernl stare,
1'dttard Wanner, ei -neral More,
l'red Hajenbueh, l'arm Impleiaents,
James eioldsivortliy. Hotel,
Mrs. Jnlninna O'Conacr.Lliiuor Storo,
n. r. i.'urry. Hotel,
O n. .Mnrplie. (leneral Slore,
.1 MuudciiiiiL-r, Kcitaiirant,
James Morrison Iicstaurant,
Mis. Cain liestaurant,
(i. H. Mtllirrt, store,
Kdward Md'uddon, tlroc'erv,
A. II. Fortner.stoves and Tinware,
(1, W. Davis, Sr. Drue store,
Andrew Lanulian, (lioceiy,
Irvln Hro's., (ieoerai sioro,
D. K. Keller, Mov.-s mid Tinware,
n. O. Illack, (iroeery,
Thomas Collins, Kestaurant,
llobcrt I'arrell, llestaurant,
-Mrs. K. Ilaney, (leneral Store,
John Moran, liools and Shoes.
I. . A. Klley Co., Ueneral store,
ei. w. Micluel, orccery,
Win. I'eitrer, Held
W.N. Hosier, SI mv,
Ilurf Savage, Store,
el. m, llowi-p, More,
c. n. Meyers. ratx-ntMcdlcluc,
J. I- Moueiiry tiro s. Gciievnl Store,
M. Mcucnry uro's. Ueneral store,
J. M. Ammerniau, ueneral steire,
Elta3 Georgo Sou. Ueneral store,
A. J. Dorr, store,
W.M. Kves, si ji-o,
c w, Kves. store,
wiuiniu Masters, Ueneral Store,
Hills Ees llros. Ueneral storo,
Humphrey Darker, Uatlng House,
Truman lives, store,
S. llaeldlne, Hotel,
J. 11. Welliver, Ueneral Stow,
. V. Iless, lieneral store,
1. 11, Illack, Ueneral Store,
C. 11. Hletteilek, Hotel,
A. U. Vanllew, ucueral Store,
lllrlcman Ash, store,
M. Seaborne, Ueneral Store,
Jacob Yeuifcr, (leneral store,
W. Veaner, Hotel,
Daniels Knorr, Hotel,
Knorr Daniel, Ueneral Store,
David Mine, Uencrnl Store,
T, I'. Clicrrtngton, Hotel,
Caleb 11. Ludwlir, llestaurant,
UeuryM. Ycciim Co. store,
c, Krcamcr.Oeneral stole,
Wesley Dildlne, Hotel,
Win iitngles, ueneral Storo,
A. K.Sinllh, Hotel,
II. It Yetter, Hotel,
J. D. Hoalne, (leneial Store.
J. K. Itfenberuer, Hotel,
J. lllsliop, Moru,
U. J. Campbell, Store,
SchweppenheUer Siiydcr.deueral Store,
11. J. liernlDKcr, Furnlturv:
A. M. lllclltiitan, Sure,
creasey Hr.iWD, Ueneral Store,
CU tries Miller, Candy store,
J. II. Heller, stoio.
A. W. Hess, Hole ,
Snyder JSckroih. Ueneral Store,
J . r. Sands, (leneral Storo,
u, ll. Hosier, ueneral storo.
l'axton k llarinaii, .Merch'dlso,
11. T. Lajcoek, Hotel,
u. N. smith, Stoves and Tin,
l. W. llleks, (leneral store,
(I. s, fleckeiistlne.eieneroi Store,
Lmandus Cuani;-.!, Holcl,
i . K. Sloan son, Ueneral Store,
uiuuel llDueubujii, Hotel,
A, ll. Mowuit, Ueneral Moro,
c, w. Low, ueneral store,
J. It. Fowler, HMliiery,
l(. V, Lyuns, (luteral moio,
C. It, Darker, (leneral Sluie,
o. W. cherlngton, sioro,
KzeklolColo, Store,
Cliarles Coleman, Hotel,
Andrew Laubaen, btore,
7 (Ml
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
VII 00
7 00
7 10
s rooo
la looo
s coin
r, voto
5 20 00
14 7 to
1.1 111 (HI
14 7 00
s to oo
14 7 00
13 10 00
It 7 00
11 TO
14 TOO
5 CO 00
13 if, (H)
IS 11 Oil
1 1 7 OO
n so ihi
ti vo no
S 20 I II
13 llld.l
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
n 20 00
0 00
11 7 00
14 7 00
10 20 00
14 7 00
b (0 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
14 7 01
14 T 00
14 T 110
11 7 01
12 12 50
12 12 60
5 20 00
11 7 CM
S CO 00
11 7 00
14 7 00
13 10 00
14 7 00
11 T 00
14 TO)
14 TOO
6 CI) 00
fi Co 00
14 T Oo
It 710
s co oo
S 2011)
11 7 00
13 10 0(1
is coon
13 10 00
S CO 00
00 (Kl
7 Ml
Ml 00
7 00
14 700
14 7 IHI
7 oo
14 7 00
14 7 00
Co Oil
T to
11 TOO
14 UO
II T oo
n Co oo
T Oti
T ('II
13 101.0
& CO 110
12 12 CO
12 14 CO
11 700
11 700
11 TOO
14 7 00
C CO 00
11 7 00
(1. . ercvollnj, ueneral Slore,
Weikhlser, lienor ' Sloie,
(i. M. llaker, (lenfttl store,
Jao b Miller, Howl,
,', Vor""n (leneral hlcro,
N. Illcltart More,
Ueoruu nuclei, urocery,
) . D. Dleterleh, (ieLerul Store,
Hart mim bro'M , confeet onery,
A. 1". I'unlor, Luinber Dealer,
13 10 00
14 7 U)
CO 00
T 00
13 111 00
11 7(0
1 00
7 (Kl
silis louuir, Ucueral btore,
5' r. MW.1'' "eneriil store,
A. It, Vt hllo, (leneral Moru
c. Miexod.Moves nnd Tiuaro,
l.t'ly & bieppr, (leneral storo,
::..vw ivm' mi) iititti,
ru to
13 looo
13 TOO
14 7(0
11 1 oo
14 100
1 I T .III
, 1 M vv
A ll nim li iIM t. 1..IH a. . .
' s I ..ui, ut.'!jvrui more,
..,-,.,. . .. iit uu iivm auuu i.uuii,iiQii:oin juoomE
Wr: '"i0 tu,t ul" ot J Jne, is ii, li.
L'luuliif ut lo o'eloek a. j, ot Bald day when and
oviius h.mciii:nuy,
CanTwsf n in every coun
Iv In thU itan ti. tali-.
crdersrorNiuaeo' Steele,
r u " i ' "- uiw 4Wsii
i u uumu UIseTlt) C. L. VAN TJL'SEV
Kftanithed iut. i (UKivxfft V
Kb, is, 'immwvv ilWWWkRVWeW
Wo havo been adding consid
erable to our House Furnishing
Goods; our lino of Cooking Stoves
and Kanges comprises many now
and useful features not found in
other stocks. Wo havo tho White
Mountain Ico Cream Freezer,
trijilo motion; examination alono
is eufiieiont to show their superi
ority over any other make. Wo
are, without question, headquar
ters for Cutlery. Our variety of
Scissors, Shears, Razors, Pocket
and Table Cutlery is greater than
the- stock of all tho stores in town,
giving you the advantage of se
lection. Prices run according to
quality. Our stock in general,
has all been gone over, sortcJ up,
ami is larger than ever, Wo arc
paying special attention to Me
chanics' Tools, and invite exami
nation. Any odd tool not in stock
furnished in thrco days. For the
benefit of those to whom it nitty
concern, we tako Irondalo, Mc
Kelvy's or Lockard'a orders at
cash value.
Fltiu It rami! un, AiVliIsKlcM, fJStis, limns, : IttiielN oI'IVIiich cou-
(H!t!.V Oil 1)1111(1.'
Landlords through out the county will find it'to their advantage to
call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Maia Street, 2nd
July 9, '80-1 y
OPERA HOUSE, Centre Street
In tho manufacturo of Organs is resulting in tho production and fuIo
of cheap goods, mado from inferior materials. I refer particularly to
bogus Organs that aro continually springing into existence, with'oul
uny merit whatover, except to bo oll'ered cheap, and tlieii when purchas
ed iound to bo dear at any price. "Will you not then, reader,
If you Ooatemplate Buying; an Organ
consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing tho
names of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment of
styles of the colebrated Estcy Organs can now bo seen at (ho now rooms
oj tho Only Authorizsd Agent fov the Eatey Organs in
Columbia County, A guarantee lor five years from tho manu
facturers accompanies every Eatev Organ,
S'SLiTXEIB, Agent,
J tut 9 W.'BO-tt ir w
It does not seom lo bo gener
ally understood by some of our
trade that wc aro prepared to do
Tinsmithing in all its branches.
This wo havo often noticed by
tho expressions of surpriso of
many who, when in tho roar of
our slore, noticed men working in
an adjoining building. Wc car
ry a full stock of Tin and Tin
smith's Supplies and are prepared
at all times to do all kinds of
work. As low prices seem to bo
the most popular wo have
To S outs a Foot,
using tho same grade of tin as
heretofore and other
work at cor-
responding prices,
Door below Iron.