THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. IJI.OI)JHnUlin, FRIDAY, MVYO, ISSl I'UllMO SMM1. fluy tl. MiMtVcr, e-xjcittor of Jjliri Mc Cilb, iIjcc.hjJ, will sell rjrtt cslnlo at Ilia Uourl Homo on Friday, Juno 3rd nl 1 o'clock p, m. Sillte Hnjinbitcli, a1 nlntstr.itrix of W. C Haijcnbiicli, decsnso 1, will noil pergonal properly at tlio Conner farm In Centre town ililp on Tuirdiy, May 17. ' Numbers of wiM e'liclc linvo been seen on tic river of laic, but fw Imvo been shot, Heail Mayor Ile.itty's orcan fidmtlscnicnt, andenil U Winhngto,i, X. J., for liii latest lllustrrilcil catalogue A meeting of tlio KicccmtWo Committee oftlio Colnmbl.i County Agricultural Society was lield nl the Ecliaiigo llolel on Tuesday. ISov. II. 11. lleliuer, of Sellnjctrnyu, will preach in Ibo cliureh on Sundnji Mav 8tb. Aficr nil, n genllo purgative is tbebent means of curing headache, liver complaint, bilious lies', ke. Via "Seller' I.tver Pills." np'J93w Among the patents Rrnnled by iho United Slates to citizens of tlil Stale, on April Sfitli, was one to O. 13. Mcllick of Blcomsburg, for improved fire-proof paint. If the Mincra' Journal U lo be credited, there will bo a rise in the price of coal dining the month of Mny. This will not bo plenixnt newa for contumcrs. I Tho Williamsport Cotincilmcn wore to have appeared at Court on Thursday lo answer for contempt, but Judge lilwtH extended the timo until tho li'Jtli of June. The lot purchased by the Grnngers is on the corner of Sixth and Cenlro Streets. Through a misunderstanding wo located it, in hat week's paper, on Market Slrcct. It is claimed that the wheat crop has been more destroyed by tho lro-sta and cold raim of Apri1, than by nil the scvero wealher of last Winter. Mr. AV. H. Jaccbv will s'tart for Pittsburg tomorrow, to ervc ni a juror in the United Sia'.ca Circuit Court which convenes on Mon. day. Hid blood nlwnys caur-ea trouble. It may be a fimily fight or boiKpiniplc, ilch, letter, sic; but no matter, "Dr. Lindse' Illood Searcher is the curt-ill. npr.'J9-3w Numbers of traveling agents have visited lllooinsbiiri; during the pal wetk.and the hotel proprietors havn "larfed silvery larfs'' over their good fortune. Th Iraverrc juror weredifchnrfcd on Tue day afternoon, nil tlio business of the sen'lon having been illspo'cd of. Tho fnlo cfiho tract d land In Ileaver'lown shlp.lale Iho cointo of John McCalln and known as tho Andrew Clark tr.tct, hag been postponed until Friday, June 3rd, 18S1. The properly wasadvcrtlned to bo told on Monday lail at iho Court Houss in Uloonnburg. Clus, Kayio Hlnkte, Jersey Cily Heights. N. J., wrilcss ".My ron, n lad of Iwelvo year, was complolcly ojred of n tenlblecaso eifKezemahy the Ciillcura llemedlo', From his head to his lect was one mnsof fcabs," At Mr. A. Solledci's leather nnd alioe find. If.g store on Main Street, npro.'ilc St. Paul's church,the liiitluft market price In cash Is nld for all kinds of hide. Mr. Sjlleder has bicn for many years In buinos hero, ntid Is known as nn lionet Hnd honorable dealer. An old fanner says that where a hawk kills ono quail, n crow will kill twenty, If this is a f.icl, it Is one not generally known, and atl'oids another ronon why t!ic-o thieving anddeatruc liv birds r-hould ba deslroycil. Tho Pennsylvania Stalo Medial So ciety will meet at I,ancalcr on Iho 11th of thin month. An address will bo delivered by Dr. John T. Carpenter, ol Potlsvillr, tho President of iho Society. AVo liavo not learned how nnny, If any, Columbia County phyMtiins will attend the ueelirg. On Saturdiy.Mny 21ft, the Columbia County Agricultural Society, will elect e dicers lo servo for iho ensuing year. The mcoliiig wdl be hold in this town, and It will be well If all the members make n point of bolng present on the occasion, In order that competent oflicers may be (elected. Kev. AV. AV.Kvnns, Presiding Elder of this district, will sail from Now York for Liverpool on tho 2nd of July, In the steamer Cily of Her lin, Ho will visit vnnous portions of Europe bofore his return, and will attend the Ecumen ical Council tr, n liich he goes as one of the dele- Kales Irom this country. The town clock nerds attention and should receive it ut unco. 1 1 decs not make a respec table eflbrl lo keep the lime nnd is never coi rcc'. If anybody Ins charge ot this municipal chronometer, such pcrsfn should keep it in running otdcr. A'ory general regret is expressed by tho pco. pie of Itloomsburg, nt the death of liev. Dr. John M. McCron, which Kail even! occurred in Philadelphia on April 20th. Dr. McCton was for a long timo pastor of the Lutheran church here and was greatly esteemed and beloved. lie was 05 years of ng The AVilliamsport 7mner mentions that llw Tho question that most interests tho nverage I Foason has (nrrived when ono can clothe one's citizen just now, is when inter will como lo an end and c'tvc Spring n chance. At this rale we will not have Summer until Fall. Tho William-sport Select Council have pas-ed the bond ordinance on second reading. It will como up on third reading next Monday evening, and will in all probability bo ador ed. n li lies of nomination of tin Dfinocratie party of Columbia county, in pimphlot form, for pale at this ofl'tcc, nt ten senls a copy. Candidates will leceivo one when they announce their narner. On the 21st of March lart, Fred Allagior was drowned in Iho river at Oanvl.K Las'. Mon- lav lmdv ns lound on Iho island near Sunbiirv. and taken to Danville. The funeral took pluco on Tuesday. Farmers ought to be careful of whom they buy seeds or trees, as the Suite is fwanning mill, awtmllprn (.nllincf pnuiious vntictier. No purchafes e-hould to made of persons not per sonally known nnd reliable Fort Sale. A twenty horse power stationary oniltin. in lirat clnss older, hmuire at thii- ofiix. may 0 ,-w A re rmlar monthly inceling of the AVinona Firo Company was hold on Monday evening. It is expected that hose will soon be lurnishcd. The alT.eirH of tlio company nre in a flourishing condition and the roll of members is f-leaJUy self "in the iiidecerieo of a blush. The nenr ct approach to that Kind of coloring is the pe culiar appearance of the Mesh after the admin- i'terirg of n blatk eje. Tho rsinbaw-Iike lints ato then quite striking, if not ornamental. Does the Jlanner mom that this is the reason for blickeye. and if r, why? All busincs conlra.-U slould be in writing. It is never cafe to trun tolliecin- Btrnclion either pnrty may put upon nicibil agreement. A'ery freipienlly'it happens that dillercnec of opinion arise, nnd ihence result annoyance, loss of money and, finally, expen sive litigation. If a contract is reJuccd to writ ing and propeily worded, there is no necessity for thu intervention of lawyer?. Tho regular monthly meeting of the Gospel Temperance Union will be held in tho lliplist rhurch on Friday evening, Miy 0th. Miss Ivmna S. Allen, a representative of the National Prohibition Alliance will address iho inceling. The merchants of Ulootmburg are wide- nMike and determined to satisly their custom eta this season, in proof of which assertion wo cull attention to the many new advertisements appearing in this numbirof the Columbian. It has long tince been established that liberal ad-verli-ing is the only ture road to success, and thofo business men who lake the mo-t puns to keep the public informed of what they have lo sell, aro the ones whese bank accounts arc the Urges'. Oeneral James li. AVeaver, tho Greenback eindidate for President at the laat election, made a speech in tho Opera House on Thuday iif.crnoon of last week. He is a plessmt speaker anil interested his heaters. The speech was review of tho history of the pany ; contained some sharp criticisms of national banks fro n a OreenbacK point of view j was in no sense abu sive, and wns favorably received. (Jen. caver was to bitterly as-aihd by members of his own p.irty during the enmpnigr,lhathe very ratural ly desires to establish his loyalty and honesty in the minds of his followers. WILtlAM It, S1YD3K, Mr. Snyd r hat ssrvol threo coH'Cllive terms ns County Supoiinler danl of public schoo's an I rclinquislie.l his oil! n on Trie illy Inst. He retires with nn t-nvliilile reroid ns a capable, zo.ilous nnd painstaking ofiiclnl. J lo has worked oirneitly nnd faithfully to incrotse tho cluclency of the schools and has earned tho respect and confidence of the entire community. Hit popuhrily steadily increased from his In troduction Into office until he retired, nnd his successor can only hopo lo achieve a like happy remit by following the excellent cximploict by Mr. Snyder. AVo join with his ninny friends In tllering congratul ilions and good wishoj for fjlure prospetry. SOMlllIllS' OltlMIANS' HM-.NION. The reunion of tho graduates nf the S I lin s' Orphans' schools of Pennsylvnuln will I e held nt HnrrUbutg, August 2lll', 25th nnd 2Gth. An ntlcrtdanca is expected of nbmt 800. I). A. Hull, Corresponding Secrelary, of Heading pays! "K.iilrojd rates will nboutonucent per tulle, tickets good fur threo days. The ho tels at Hnrrifburg wlil make a nditctijn ofone half to n l soldlem' orphans wlilld in that cily Indeed the nductions in everything will bo so large as to warrant the attendance of every "slxtceiifi" in Iho Stale. Alva S. Ortw, the Presldcn,sajs of tho propose 1 reunion! "Wo will, at tho August meoling,cndenvor to organ iij ourselves into a permanent society, that wo may beef mutual benefit to each oilier, nnd pcrpctualo nml slrcngthen Iho bonds which bind us together In or.o common family." The reunion premises to lie n mccesful affair. vi:n.noii on .may imsathbk. A'ennor has mado his weather predictions for Mny. They are ns follows : Towards the end of the first week in Mny, or about Ihe 5lh and lllh, snow falls may bo looked for in the lower provinces of Canada, nnd about May 3 frosts arc probable in Central or Southern Illinois, wiih rain and snow prevailing in some localities. There will also, In nil probibillty be snow falls through the (Inlfanl the St. Iiwrenco dis trict about the 8th anil 9.h. Afier the 10:h of Mav, however, hot weither tuny bo expected, nnd nfier the fifteenth buh fires will probably lire ik out in certain district?, although thunder plorms are nlso piobable on I he 13th nml 10th. Iialweeu lhe20lh and 25th there will probably be cloudy weather with tains, and vegetation will luvo advanced con'iderably by llm 2 1 ill of Ihe mcii'h. Iletween tho 20ih and 25th the weather will probably be eool. The month will end hot nnd sultry. SIIEltlKl-S SAI.KS. The following properties were dispoted of. ns ulnteil, on Saturday li't, at tho Court Housi: The lif.i estate of Cnorgc H. Shnrpliss in two lots e f ground in Montour ton-hip were unsold for want of bidder'. Properly in Orange tc.wnhip of Rachel Ann nnd Jacob Harman sold to Catharine Slnueh for SHOO. Property in Calawlssn to nabip of A. X. and Sarah J. Cool to C. AV. Miller, for S1II0. Properly in 15. aver township of Isaac and Caroline Sweeney to the Columbia county M. S. F. Apsoeiation for $50. Property in Henlon towruhip of Silas D. Cole, to Alinis Cole for $110. Property in l-Vhingcreek township of AVill inm Unnng-t for $470. AT Till: t PEItA HOUSE. The prtsentstii ii of ''Mist Lynnc" on Fit day ovenlng last d ice not ca 1 fjr any i x'end jd criticism. The play is ",inotietial," nnd is requirements are ebl mi fully met. The p'lnc' pal role was assumed by Mhs Ada (liny Is n fairly ralldaclory tr miner, hit was not so acted as to nroupe much enthusiasm, The support was far from Rood nnd ns a coti'equcneo Ihe fnulls of iho play wero intensified, "East Lynno" Is much loo difficult for nny but ex ceptionally strong troupes nnd In rstcty given with success, Misi (Irny's-company would show to boltor ndvntilngo In less nmbllious nt tcmpU. The presentation ol tho comic tpera "Pins, fore" by the Juvenile Open Compnny nt Ihe Opera House on Wednesday evening, was both Interesting and amusing. Tho dnmitlo abili ty displayed In tlio leading characters, notably Jovphine, Little Jluttcrcup nnd J)itk lkatleye, quite remarkable. Milor Ccllins has n strong, cbar voice and made n vry acceptibltf Qmoran. Master Arthur Dunn was excellent ns lkdiltye. Miss Kill Emanuel art cd an 1 stnj with spirit and fjreo in Iho part ol Jliitkrcup. Miss Jennie Dunn, as Jowphinc was Iho star of ihe evening, an easy nn 1 grace ful nclrcps and the pojsessor of an unusually strong nnd well manage I vole?. Tho chorus was sufficiently powerfil, the childish trebles at times beirg almost loo piercing, It is minifestly unfair to irslilule any comparison between the singing of tliese j lvenilcs nnd that ofadult',and it Is in nnre than propo; to s.iy t!nt,nll things considered, the opern was qutle fairly rendertd one grievous mistake is made the music is sung much too rapidly. It was well nigh im possible to fd!ow tho text and some of iho choruses were utterly ruined, tho i.olci follow ing each other in such quick succession as to destroy the melody. There is no necessity for this hurry and It ciight lo be abandoned. The muicnl gem of tho evening vim Josephine's ai'a nt the beg lining nf the second net, which wiih given with much expression and tp.slc and in perlect time. The little pcoplo .ire will worth hearing. I'KIISOXAI,. Apso- SE 11ALU A match game of base ball, the firrt of the season, was played on the fair grounds on S i; urday afternoon last, betirein the Normal School Club and a nine chosen from the play ers in town. The school nine had frequently phyed together nnd in this respect had a great advantige over the town bays who had joined together "for this occasion only " That little ills ult nntage, however, d:d not prevent them from winning iho game nnd by a very hand some score. The phyers from the school were, McOlay, catcher; Jones, centre lield; Mnrtir, third bae; Geddis, right lield; Lined second ba-e; Chesrey, left fit Id; FleUher, find bise; SUnton, short slop and Powell pitcher. The town nine were, Shelly, catcher; Iiiice,pitchei! Woodbouse, short "top; ltuckingham H. firpt lia-c; ltuckingham II. second b ise; Melz, left field; M iloy, third bae, A'analta, centre field and Ihomi-, ngut lielu. llio playing was very good. The score stojd IS to 0 in favor of the town nine a very decisive defeat cf thi scholastic delega'ion. Numbrrs of smnll birds have perished dur- in tlm cold weather this Spring. Tco anxious to beciu housekeeping and too careless concern- inu ul.ters and chest protectors. This climate oilers few inducemcnls for earlv ftalhered im migration. The Milford.Pike county, Ditputch mys there nre sixteen inches of snow in Iho fcretts of.Mt. Pleasant, the ice on Moosle lake is Iwo fet thick, and the lumbermen nro hauling logs on pleichs in tho west end ol Sterling township. Nicjtito of affairs in May, Isn't it V Oh, A'er.- nor, A'ennor, this is your work. C. F. Harder of Catawisf.i, whose advcitiie- incut will bo tuiind elsewhere, has on hind a large stoek ct hardwire, cutlery, paints, oils and varnishes. He also mum fact ll res doors, 'sish.blinds &i!., and deils extensively in lum ber of nil kinds. Those who purchase of him will be perfectly satisfied. Aver & Sou's Minimi gives j ist the informn- tilon netded to make a judicious selection of nurwrs any newsnaper advertising. It con- Uk nho many advantageous special olftrs. SmtsMi receipt of Tell Cents. Address N. A . Ayer & Son, Advertising Agcutsl imes liuild- Ing, Pliiladeli bin. The following unpal itible announcement has nn interest for the farmer. The army worm having run Itscnieerns ihe chief insect eit for 1880, Prof. Uiley, a lending entomologist at AVashlnulon. liromises nn entirely dlllerent visitor ic tlio shapo of thu sevcntecn-year locust winljstel by thu thitteen-yenr. As there Is no "r" in the namo of this month ninnv persons will refrain from eating oysters and devote ihetmelvcs lo the consumption of clams. Oysters taken from Southern waters ere just as good now, us Northern bivalves nte during the winter. Excellent oysters enn be obtained ill New York during ihe Summer. A beautiful Weber upright piano has been purehapcd for use in the Normil School, of Mr. A. P. ISacon, the well-known music deal er in AVilkes-Uarre. This pi) le of piano is un surpassed by any in the market, for purity and richness of tone ar.d for what is known n3 'singing quality." It Is u mo-t attractive piece of it is handsonie'y cased. This is the sixth piano purrluiped and is absolutely nccespnty for ihe accommodation of the large number of pupils, now under the instruction ol Prof. Nilee. It may be well for our lady readers to know that, some oi ino iiiguiy-cuoreu i.iney stockings now so Ciphionable,are dangerous ar ticles lo wear. Only n few days ago a womnn in New Yurie was so badly poisoned by the dye used in coloring an expensive pair of stocking, that it was found necessary to amputate o e of her legs. AVilh such n dreadful possibility in view, great care ojght to bo used in the sr. liction of stockings. When f ishiou's diclates conflict with safely, ihe wisdom of disregaidlng litem is too obvious for extended comment. NUH.MAL bCIIOOL TKUiS TEES. The stockholders of tho IUoomsburg State Normal School hold their regulnr annual meet ing on Monday afernoon la-t. Mr. Caleb Hir- ton was chosen chairman and Mr. Sylverter Purpel, Secretary. Messrs. James llirton ar.d Peter ISIIlmoyer were appoiuteJ tellers. Hon, William Elwell, William Neil, John A. bun- xton and Ellas Menilenhali were electee), witn- out opposi ion, as trustees on the part oftlio tocUhohleis lo rerve fur three years. Hon. Charles It. IlucUlow. CharUs 0. IUrkley, I. S. Kiihn. and O. F. Knapii were named as suit alio persons from whom ihe Superintendent of Public Instruction may lelect trustees on tho part uf the Stalo. NJ Lli'K.NSKS I'JIt JlKHWlrii. Dca Moinci louu. State lltgitlcr. AVo notice tho following In tin exchange: Mr O. B. Havcrcr. Foreman N. Y'. A N, H. H, H Co . mll'.red for eight days with terrible pain in the back, nlinoat lo distraction, until he heard Q 8,1()w v0ft,onj 0f t,e iW y Perger, of and used St. Jacob's Oil, on 6 bottle ol veliien . .JCr tHtlmoii y of itaolf amounted t) nolh The application of It liergcr of fl.-tw'ck for restaurant iiciii-e was by the Court on Wednesdiy nfernoor. I here wus a rimoc. strnnce presented by quite a number of Iter wick's best cliuens. Hut two witnesses were cured him completely. Thero is a great deal of complaint that par itlos are violating the fish laws in cnlching bas nnd niko before the season opens, No boss or pike enn bo taken between Iho first day e f Di comber and the first day of Jurr, under a pen. ally of ten ibllari for each tl-h caught. Hi' alio unlawful for nny penon lo catch basser pike in any way but by hook and line, under n penalty cl ten dollirs for each lih rauglil. Ing. Mr. Little, representing Iho remon strant', then reail an nniclu nf agreement be tween C. 11. Woodln and II, Herj.-r, dited April IS h, in which lierger aureed fur tho eon tideiation of three hundred di liars, not lo ap ply fur n licento belore .iluy Is', las.', ieven ly. five dollars were paid at tl.o s'gnlng of the instrument. No nllnerses werecalltu on In half of Ilerger, but Col. S'ownrt s'nted tint lierger had been induced In sign it by inl.sri'i resenlalioni ns to the nmounls lo be paid oilier parlies who signed the sumo kind of nil agree menl. After n short consultation, the Com t ri fused the licens1, .nylng lliey wire willing lu Iteadcrs of newppapcrs an hiidly fnil to rc mark ihe number of pos'-olhce robberies per netraled of late. As many us half a dozeu have taken place in a elnelo week, but only one, that uivj Mr. Woodiu's experiment a fair triul, am! in Pltleton, has materially binelited the rol. lo grant a license to lierger now, when no cue Lor. llyoienlngleller3lhtsedeptcdalotshave else from that town hadmii'ii spplioition, nn rendered themselves lltblo to imnUlinicnt tin- der tlio same nrrangemtnt as lie had cnteie dor ihe United Stales law, and It Is to be hoped into, would be unfilr, ar.d would gho lierger tint the government will ule soruo tacasuics I a mcnopoly of theVhole trallio fir the com ng to detect and iniPtlton the cfiendeiB, Vyiar. ELECTION OF COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. An unknown man, n Kungaiinn so he sail' entered the hoi e M Mr I. S Kiibr, -orncr of Fouith i nd Cent c slrce s, on Thuruliy afui- neon of last wetk nnd win 'e-rnl tliMngh the' halls nnd Ckiiis In nn hIhiIcs port t f way. lie wni pe-iti ti .Mr. Kuhii's dnughtir who called her ructlier, In responso to an impilry as lo what he wl-hed, (he nun said (hat ho was hungry. He was furnished with food, but seemed In no hurry lo depart, but pomebody mentioned tho nnmo of GWtablo Woodward and ihen ho left (he premi'cs In n hurry. HOLMES & SCHtfYIiER. LKdIShATION FOU TKACIIEIW. The teachers of Scrantin hive adopted a form of circular lo be sent to iho teachers of the Stale, suggesting that a conven tion of teachers be called lo take into cogni zance certain subjects of vital importance to the professional Ic ichor. It Is proposed to prepare n law which shall fix the tenure of professional teaclicrp,increase llieir pny,establlsh an uniform sjslctn of qiiillfication', ami to Inko Into con plderatlon such other points as would suggest themselve! looking to an Improvement of the professional standing of the teatdier. A place for the holding of the proposed convention has not yttbeen selected,!) it it will probably be held 'n Reading. IIL'CKIIOHN NKWH. Mr. Danlil AV. Harris lias returnolfrom Michigan and is at present in rmliew's store. AVillio,an only ton of A. J, danger ouily ill with scarlet fever. Miss Anna Leidy is visiting nt Hamburg. Mrs. Dr. C. Leukcr is visiting her mother nt AVilkes-Ihrro. A dispatch from her to the doc tor that their baby was sick accounts for iho Docloi's absence. Our farmers are planting corn. I. I.oi's wifo had (he worst case of Salt lthcum on record, pity sh had'nt i chance to ne Spring IllossnmKemedy. Price-: 10 tcnlp, nml trial bottles 10 cents. .lOL'JtNALlSTIO, James Lake of Scott is n cand'da'e for ciate Judge. Col. S. Knorrwili attend court at Pitls'jutg next week. Mr. AV. K. Dttnolt of Madipon township.will taken Wclern trip this Summer. Mr. F. II. Harlnian.ihe efficient Secretary of tho Columbia County Agricultural Soeie'y was in town on Tuesd ly. A. M. Johnson of Locust was in town this week looking nfter his chances ascindidnte for Countv Treasurer. 0. W. Sterner was lusy during ibo week in urging bis claims for Ihe i dice of Register and Recorder. John R, Keel r nf Ronton was foreman of the Grand Jury. Tie busineps was conducted piomptly and I ropeil.. Nathan Mil'cr of Main, is a candidate for County 'l'reisurer, and was in town looking af ter his interests. Competent judges ne unanimously of the opinion that .Millard K Lonncr of Orange is the best looking man that sat on the Grand Jury til's week, and as regard- mustaches Ah I AV. H. Jncoby, the present very efficient rnd obliging Register nml Recorder, will le a can didate for re-election, nnd-ho will hurry soino of his competitors if they want to kwp up with the prncepeicn. Mr. Will II Clark is in Philadelphia, under the medical trentment of Dr. Onss. Helms fouiewhat improved and bis physician enter tains n favorablj opinion ns regards his re covery. The addition to tho store of H. J. C'nrk it Son is rapidly approaching completion and will materially improve tho appcaratre of Ihe building. Mr. H. II. Clark went lo New York on Tuesday, to purchase new good'. Mr. Chas. K. Terry has retired from the edi torship of the AVyomii'g Democrat t in order to devote himself lo the profession of the law. Mr. Alvin Da.v, his partner, will continue the publication ofihe Demmat, Mr. J. S. Grimes, the nowly-oleclcd County Superintendent, was born in Light Street nnd has pisseil mostof his life in this oounly. He studied in Iho Rloomsburg Normal School for several years and graduated in the class of 187", He has had twelve yon's experienceas n teach er nnd is in every tespect well qualified lo ful fill all the requirements of his office. The daily Union-Lai ler of Witkos-Rarre ap peared on Monday Inst, enlarged and improved, A column bns been added to each page, the t-olumns lengthened and n new nnd nint bend ing supplied. For some lime past there has been a sleady increase in advertising nnd the enlargement beemnc a matter of necessity. The Union-LcmUr is n bright, wil'-iilited paper nnd deserves the popularity it has won. AVe con gratulate our con lcni orary on the prosperity that itsenlatgid dimensions ir.dicntes. A COUPLETS ESiMllUSriMEST. Our ineiei-ing pa'rnnge having rends red it rue ssuy lor us In li-id larger and more con venient qu irlers, thu erection of n utw build ing has het-u determined upmi, nnd workmen are now engaged on I'. The locitinn is on Main stree'. next to W.C. Mclvinney's. 'Ihe building will be "j fee-t front by feet in depth, thiei s'ories high. Oi the first Ihor front will be tho b-i'iixss office, an I back of that the e litorii 1 and res room1-. The entire Ihirtl Ibor will In use 1 fir composing nnd job looms. AVutfr power will be introduced in stead of s'eini. We expect lo take possession of the new office about ihe first of October, nnd when established there will have one of the most convenient nnd irst uppointttl country offices ii the State. TO FARMERS. Wo lutvo just opened n sloclc of Agricultural btools, Cultivntor Tcotli of different styles, shovel Plow Blades nnd plates " made from tlio finest quality of slcel, Jlnrrow Teeth already made, cheaper than you can buy the iron and make them. "Wo have also taken the agency of the pat out four pointed BARBED FENC Which we are prepared to sell at manufacturer's prices. This i3 undoubtedly the best stylo wire fence mnde and is a positive pro tection against the smallest ani mals. Costs but 87 centrj a rod to build ,i four strand fence, in eluding posts, nmking it the best, cheapest and most durable fence to build. HOLMES & SCHUYLER. Business Notice? l.sdie-' Linen titiiI & SIikui'n. Cloth Ulsters at Lulz f.Ort Ihiihrlx nf Good l'.itMlnirt rnnlpd bv Silas Young of higbt Street,for which he will jiay ttii) iiij.;lie't nwrkt-t price. -It! pieces white stono ware at I. W. Hart man's for s.'i.QO. cv ir.ioW out. ic Sloan's. Hint .--ilk- Umbrellas t.t The School Directors of Coluinbln county met in the Court House on Tuesday afiernoon las', for Ihe purpo:e of choosing n Courty Su perintendent of public school?, to e-erve for the ensuing three years. The convention was cnlled to order by W, II. Snyder the outgoing Superintenden', who in a brief speech express ed the hops Hut tlu Directors would heartily sustain his successor In officennd would interest themselves in Ibo cons-tiuction of good school houses. Mr. Snyder thought that there was not enough care exercised in selecting leacheis, and thnt too often iho.e were chcsn who were not worth the sal uies paid Ihe m. There should be discrimination in this matter. I here were more than S00O scbohrs attending iho public schools of the t-oun'y and no Superintendent could personally supervise the education of all these. Directors i-houhl Inko an Interest in school lualtirs. Mr. Snv.ler iuodelly claimed lo have done the best he could for the schools during ids term, and said that if mistakes had been intde they were ofthehead and nolof ihe heart- Dr. Henry I.. Freas of Iierwick was chosen President of iho Convention by an unanimous vote. Ihe fjllowmg gentlemen were selected to serve as Secretaries; AV. L. Manning of Jackson, Georgo Heifsnjder of Ostawissm J, D. llodino of Mninville and II. F. .irr of lllooms- burg. The roll of directors was then called and no less Ihiiu I'.'l responded lo their names. There ari lot) directors in the county, and the largo propormn of these present at theConveu tioil, shows iinmlstaLaLly that a deep Interest is taken in matters pertaining to the public schools. It is n fact worthy of mention, for it is very much to the credit of thu directors that they app.-triate tho impoitsuce of their duties- The salaty of tho Superintendent fur the coming unchanged and will bo the same hs In that just pas.ed. Nominations being ni.t in o.dd-, tho fol lowing names were presented to the Conventioi J. S. Grimes of Mount I'hnniut, Chillis II. C.impboll of Ilriatcreek and Thorn is 1). Millar of Illoonisburg. When Mr. Cumpbill's name was mentioned his certificate of qunl:ficalioii9 was Fubmiited. AVillinm Krickbnum was cho'en readingcl.ik ut ibis point, in order that tl.o S.cru'.aries might Keep uu accurate tally of the votes enst. ,1. C. Drown moval lo proce.d lo a ballot and ano her director made a motion that nil thu nominations ho made at that time, as ho had umhts'cmd It was intended lo ir.tioduce new names i.fur one c r two I allots had teen takiiii Mr. HroKi.'s mo ion prevailed and n vote was tilen will iho filluwiug rtsul (tiiiiis Gil, Miller IIS, Cuiupbtill As fill votes were ne. esaiy to a choice, Mr. Giimes wus dtu'iired duly elected, The Convention then iidjournid. It wis evidently nampiho lo tome of tho dlrci'tois Out only one hnllol was uectsary,and it is more than prob.iblu that, if two cr three ballots hud resultid fruiileHsly, n candidate not I limed in the Oi iivhi Ion weuiid haio leen put in nominal op. 'J he be. of f eliiii prevailed and i.o.hnw tic nrr d timnrlhe hat nnny of the p,o:evdingb. THE TOWN COirxCII.. The town falliers held a tegular monthly meeting on Wednesday tvening, nil being present. A petition was presented for ihe opening of a street from First street lo Ihe Light Street load. This was laid over until iho next meet ing. Tho town solicitor was instructed In oppose tho opening ol" the proposed rend from Irocdnle lo the Shaller farm. A petition f)r opening Fourth itrect from Kist to the Irondnle railroad, was laid over un til iho next meeting, The Secrelary was directed to giyo notice to tho Treasurer to satisfy Ihe judgment agnliifct C. llobbins. On motion, the Secrelary was instructed lo obtain prices for horns and plates for the fire men and whistles for the police. A petition was presented asking that Ihe crossingat Centre slrcct anilheconu,liteliangut ton line with the curb. This wns laid over. A proposition to movo tho lamp-post to a point on a lino witn me run, on tlio same orner, was agreed lo. The following resolution offered b M'. Neal was adopted : Itenolvetl t That Iho BOO feet of boso, bought conditionally at the lust legulur meeting, for tho Wlnoua Hopo Co., he luiruliused nml thtl the nozzle be n mctol branch pine instead of leither. The following resolution was defeated : J'esolied: That the 1'rerident be instrucled lo sign the water oidets. passed nl the sp?cial meeting April 15ih IbSl as an amendment lo that resolution. On motion, the Highway Commissioner was instructed to give notice that all pavement out of repair, mut bo repairjd wiihin thirty dnyr, c therwise the work lo i dono by the town and twenty per centum ndded. A permit was granted to Samuel ICnorr F.sq, to occupy part of Fifth streot pending i-cpairs to his house. O.i motion, (lie tax rate for (he ensuing year was fixed nt emit mills on first-clnsi pi'opcrty, This was agreed to unanimously. The following bills t'jr April wero approved and iho Secretary Instructed lo draw orders for their payment. Gis Company, $70 00 G. A Fuller, pruning, HI 00 Chief of Police, 4 00 Water Company, 100 00 S r ct Coiiiinislotit-r, 11 fiO 1 1 li;h Constable, 8 Hi It. Ihnis police duf, -I CO 1'rothi notm's bill of cos's in suit ofCom- monweslih vs, I, S. huhii ct, al. 7 'JO SemHo's salary, 15 00 $230 01! ItUtOLUTIOMS Of CONDOLENCE. At a meeting of the Kspy Idge Xo. 081 I. O. of O. F. held April 2-'?, 18S1 the fol lowing preamble nnd resolutions were ad opted. AA', It liai pleased an all-wiso Providenco to remove by c'ealh from a-nnngst us another beloved and faithful member, Urothe. Past Grand H A Aul, endeared to us as a member and poss essed of amiable qualitiev'ivacity liua prom ise. Therefore be it llcsohcd: Thnt while we lament the death of our esteemed brother wo bow in submis sion to the decree of Divine Providence nnd rejiice in tho hope that lie has gonotoa brighter home whero pnrling will bo no moro nnd where death 1ms no dominion. Resolved: That we will ever cherish the memory ol 'ur departed brother and by this impro-sive loss feel called upon to renew our diligence to work in the cause of humanity, knowing the certainty of death and the un certainty of life. Jlaoteed : That we sincerely and affec tionately sympathize with the family and friends of our deceased brother and express hone that, He who tempers the wind lo the shorn lamb, may soothe them in their sn l affliction nnd comlort them in their sad bereavement. Jletolied: That a copy of these resolutions ent to t no umlly ol tho deceased, a ccipv nread on the Locke Journal and that they be publisli'd in the County papers at Blooms- burir. 1MXII.Ii lUOWKY. T. W. Hautman, r Co,n- Wiai.r.v Hooni:, Nobby l!uiness Stirs, Kleg int l)rc ts Suit, Durjblc- Woikii g Suits, Xmv uD hand at D.ivid Loivenbtrg', Xoxt WVek Court people are invited to call at I. W. Harlnioti's. Hoots unci tihoes, Finest, Bast and Cheap est at F. I. Dititler's. bo. Couit then ndjonrneJ, HOIFOIITHI.WEST. If you are going west save lime-rind money by hnjii'g tickets from It, D, Darlington, agent ut Uupert. He represents best routes to the wist and northwest, Tialns leave lluporlat Gilfi h, en., 8:60 n, in , and -l.OOp, tn, For nits nnd Information, call on or address It, D. lAnM!cfTO!i April 1-Ow Ticket AkchI, Kupcri, 1'iw HOLMES 8c SOHUYIiBR. NEW STOCK. Wo have been adding consid erable to our IIoubo Furnishing Good?; our line of Cooking Stoves and ltnnges comprises many new and useful t futures not lound in other stocks. Wc have the White Mountain lee Cream Freezer, triple motion; examination alone is sufliciont to show their superi ority over any othnr make, We are, without question, headquar ters for Cutlery. Our variety of cissors, Nicars, JKa.ors, rocket and Table Cutlery is greater than the stock ot nil the stoics in town, giving you the advantage ot to- lection. I nces run according to quality. Our stock in Loncrnl, has alt been gone over, sorted up, anil is larger than ever, We aro paying special attention lo Me chanics' Tools, and invite exami nation. Any odd tool not in stock furnished in threo days. For the benefit of those to whom it may concern, wc take irondale, Wc Kclvy's or Loekard's orders at cash value. HOLMES 8c SOHUYLBR. HOLMES & SCHUYLER TINSMITHING. It does not seem to be gener ally understood by some of our triido that wc are jiropaicd le do Tinsniithing in all its branches. This we have often noticed by the expressions of surprise of many who, when in the rear of our store, noticed men working in an adjoining building. We car ry a full stock of Tin and Tin smith's Supplies and arc prepared at all times to do all kinds of work. As low prices seem to be the most popular we have REDUCED THE PRICE OP ROOFING To 5 Gents a Foot, 1131112 tho same grade heretofore and other responding prices, of tin as work at cor- HOLMES & SOHU YIER (SUCCESSOR TO 33. W. HOBBXNS,) DEAI.EB. IN rinc IlramllcN, IVliirsklc.s, Gins, Hums, anil all Klnils oTITliieH con- -tiiiiti3 on liaml. IMl'OKTUD ALES AN I) POHTEliS IN 150TTLKS BY THE DOZEN. Landlords thiougl out the county will lind it to their advantage to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. BJLOOMSBURG, PA., Main Street, 2nd Door below Iron. July ,'$My D.ivid Lmveiibpri; would ir I'iriii lii-s cm' lonieT.s iindtlio public, in general, tlint hav ing coniplmed the ill term ion in liisStore lie is nov prepared to supply liis customers -.Mill tno lu'.put styles ot ejlotluna. Now on iiatul n mapnificstit ntoc!c of lteady-miide Cl.illiinp. i-olec'eel expressly lor tlio'Spring rraue. iati anil inspect anil see lor yeiur selves. The ncople over the river knoiv that I. W Ilarlmaii's Ciuod-s are nice i.nd cheap. Ho for a Hat 1 ror the latest sljlcs, For tlm lari-est ii'sortment Fur Men. Youths, Hoys and Children. Go to David l,owenberj;'s. The Ladies from Catawissa, Uerivick, Or- anKeville, Espy, Light Street, liuckliorn iScc. ndinirc I. W. Hurtuiau's Stock uf Spring Dress goods. Mover Uros. have not vet cccunic-d their retail department, but customers can obtain whatever they wih in the wholesale itore, and can always fiud polite and ntteutivo cerks to wait upon them. HOYS' SUIT?!. Parents, remember we have n very large utock of Children's Clothing, and much nicer and cho iper than yon can make them at Home. Udii ami sen lur ynur-elws at David Ltnvinbrrg's. All the novelties Uentler'ri. in foot wear at F. D, Puke her on terderly, handle with care, Fu-liioned n sh-rderlv, young and si liiir: Oli it was iitiful in a whole oil) fill, one knew inoucli to cure lier uyspjiilic wes pondencv by iK-liing her . Some Snrii a lllosscin. I'ricef $1. , 50 cenls, and liial bottlos 10 cents ItOU.Nl) AUOUT 1IOAIIINOCHKUK. Mr. Uudolph Yea;er lost a good liorso some ftw days tine. l'r.iyir meeting every Thnr'diy evening in the M. K. church in O'is village. Henry lhrnd, of this plioj, liai taken a situ ft'iou as hoslleral ivisllers notet in cacawissa Mr. Chailes Fahringer, of Milton, is heme bolng soui3ivhat "out of sorts." He proposes to indulge in i brief suspension of work. Mrs. Limbert Cunp, re-idirg soino iwo miles saiitl -west of this placr, died on Sunday fjrenoop, of heart disease nnd rheuriiatiBm. Mr' Jerry Ciabl-, of Oorden, the supposed Ui-be.drowried man has "til mod up" as sound aul jolly as ever with a ousin of his in Nes. copeck. Miss li. L. hitler, of llloomsburg, editress of the Coumebr addressed tho L. audit. Sun lay school, and exhibited an idcl atd iclics from I mill on Sunday week. Mr. Gera Hower and Mrs. Itudolph Yeager nre seriously ill; the for.uer from injuries re ceived by a brick falling on his head some f-w weeks since-, while in iheemjliy Krug. The W. B. q mrterly Conferenco convened In the Free Will church on Saturday and Sunday. The Presiding Klder, Kev. Mr. Mumiiia, was resent, assisted by Hevs. L. 11. Gipple, of Paxino-, and h It. Kramer. On Sunday morning (lfly.ix persons communed. Some of tho boys as will r.s adults should hear In inlud tint it is ontrary to Iho laws of Ood nnd man to gi nloiu the watci's edge with a ho)l, line and red on Sunday, jSEoniVTE. I. W. Ilarlmaii's Dress, Oinghain, Lawn, Hunting. &c. take tho lead this Spring, A GREAT II) FA. l'iMTlo lliAnnlr.. n ,1... n.,l 1' 1 fit . !.! ".,... UWKII, Uli llll It ll-I Wl I III I, UCII I II 111, Like ii grale lull of coals I glow, a great full house to sec; Ar.d if I do not grateful prove, a great fool I should he. And nnjbodv else would bo a croit fool to go with his lace all covered wiih Pimples and lilotches, when Spring lllossom ltemedy can no nun at every druggist v. Prices: St., ,10 cents, and trial bnliles 10 cents Are you gdng to paint? II so,send lo Ihnry S, Kiuv, Mon tour 1 Mint orks, Kuperi, Ps.. fir sunplj card ard prices of Strictly Pure White Lea-1. Si He C.ilors, Iron I'aiulr, Putty ,ci, s.-ivj the wholesale ntid retail ptoht. You can mix your own colors, from best tnuit r- ial, willi 1'u re hlnecod OH.for 75 cents to 51.20 per gallon, Itespcctfully Yours kc, epr. IQ-Oui Htsuv S, Hkav, IMvlil I teiBu ntid mm son 1 1 1 no ycat'd old, wi'i'u liuint'd to ileutli In thoir house nt-nr Lancaster, on Motility morning InH. "WAt.NCTl,FAi.-IlAiKl!KsTOiiKu,,ls ontlrelv iltner ent limn nil ntlu-rs. It Is ns clear oh water, ami as lis niunii Indle.iti-s. Is ulpi ne-ct Vegi-ialile Hnlr He-slurt-r ami iloes not In any milliner alTi-ct. tlie lu-allli wlilcii Milpliur, bUL'nr of anil Mtrato of t-llver rrup.irailuns liavo iloni-, It will linimrtlnu-ly free I ho Iieail from all li.uiclrull, Uestore liray Ilulr to 118 natural coloi-, ami rrcilu.c a new grow 111 wtie re II lias t.iuen ult. it iviiic-iihuko liglilor tinted hair In a few days lo a Lt-autirul elossy Lronn, i:ery hoi. tlo Is warinim-d. Ask jour drugutd fur It. Tor tale nOlnvKK linos., llloomsburg. I'n. sinltu, Kllno v uu., i-ji)iauL'iiuui, lliiu nail IIUCKC'II, rrw ioik iiuieuuiu .i;uins. occ. Tl, su-ir A large nnd complete assortment of toilet soaps of all kinds and grades just received at Jioycr jrov, mis stocK nugtit to lie in epected as it is the best in totwi. Itrlrg your samples of Silk to Lulz & Sloan s and compare them with their gooc! ueiore you ouy. uioining lor all. no mat rr w lint vour size, age or condition mav be, at Ihe Popular uieuiiiiigaiciro oi wavid l.owenicrg. Largest line of Ladies' Slinners and line Diioes ai ueiiuer Btioe ctore. oeo a woman picking n but on grapes in anotucr cniuuui, at spcer s Vlncvarel from which Sneer's Port Grane Wine made, that Is so highly esteeueil by the- i ! .... i , . . . iiiuiiiciii piuiussion ii r ine use ol invalids, weakly persons and the aged, Hn'el by u, a. Kieim, jan 7 ol ly Huntings, Lawn at Lull! A Sloan's. and cither Dress Goods ItESCUED V'ltOM I1SAT11. Tlio follow lot? btatement of William. I. couelilln, ot s-oiiieiviue, .muss.. is so rcinarKnoiii lnt wou to ask for It tlio attention of our i eaiters. llnsnisi lu tliu tall ol is;g wt.i n l was taken with a Violent iiieeuinir oi um uunirs iouoeu uy a w-n-roeoUL'ii I soon begun to lose my uppetlte ami llesli. iwas so wiuik uiunu Unix inai I couiu not lease mj bed. In the summer of is;; was admitted to tlio en v llospltul. wtillo t lie-rut he doctors said I had a hole In my left luug as bin its a Halt dollar. 1 expended over a ininiireu uunarsin ihkijis uuu ineuieiues. I was bo lur cone at one tliue u reecrt went around I wasdi-ail, lguiu up hone, but u filend tnlilmoof nit, w.u. iuui.h ii.i.sim nuc tiii; umih. iii giieuuiinv menus, ininuitg that my case was Incurable, but I got a botuu lu bulltty ihem, when to my surprise mv grutltlcutlon,! coinuit-iiced to feel better. .My hope, ouce dead began to rt-Mie.and to-ihiy I feel In better spirits than I have tor threo years. "1 wrlti this hoDlnir ic.u will nubllsh It so thnt f i ery oiiuutll.ciedwltti ilbi-a'i a luncs will bu Induced ujiuuo ur, mil. nun s nsisuni rur inu i.uul'S, vii buuonvhiced that Cu.NSUMI'l in.N CAN IIH CUHKH. 1 navo lUKiii iwo uon es uiiucan potnneiy buy thill It lias dune in iro L'oid Ihm all tho other nii-dlelnm 1 lUuvo, lak-n since mv Bli-kness. My cough basal, most unilroly disappeared and I slull toou be able ocotowoik. 80 hi by dniffrlsts. '1-Hkn M m. Ilioiv Uftlsam nly Djwrvot coautcrMtn, lx-ow LOOK HBBEI GO TO C. C. GALIGNAN, pora GOOD JOB OF ROOFING AMD SPOUTING. FOR .A. QOOD JOS OF PLUIVlBlt4Q QiS plTTtIQ HE KEEPS A PULL SUPPLY OF LEAD PIPE, IRON PIPE, TERRA COTTA PIPE, AND CHIMNEY FLUES, ALSO AT ALL TIMES A FDLL STOCK OF STOVES, HEATERS ISTID BADGES, S rOVE A RIB TIBI SHOP IN OPERA HOUSE, Centre Street BLOOMSBURGr, PA. Chestnut Urcw receipt i f ;t postal card, spc- Harlfet gt ciiymjj tlie kuul ot f; loci:-, vantcil, :a iiiir.ieuMtfly semi by n;;.', tjratuitouiily.with wiclth.i r:ul price:; marlxJ, saniplc; of Dress Goods, Silks, Etc. showing t!;-- h- t rtyle:;, r.r.d t-v.blin a purchaser in any part of tl;.' United States to njkvt satisfactorily, and order the jood:i conveniui'Jy. v. ith crlr.i.:l of receiving only what aro r.ent for. anJ :l pr.-cijcly tl; prices paid by city cu .to:r.c:u . !:o bry at ; i.r countera. If, upon CNamination at no:ne, ;.::y we th-!r return, refund the :::oney ;.t onv.0 Our New Spring Catalogue embracing all the c'.cpartmcnti in one lr.rtro book, with a system of ordcrint; rjcjoih 1. letter more convenient than any heretofore, x. 'W be mulled, without charge, to those who send u ; a po: u.l card c.ntairtini; narr.o, town, county, and stat 2: nothiiyj furtlur i ; r..c.:-ary, we will under stand what i s v.;..led. Our etod:, which f nv.z r;rcatcr.t variety in one establishment in the United State 1, include. Ladies' Suits, Shawls, Millinery, U.ulenvvar, HosL.-, Gloves, Jewelry, Laces, K.:;broidi..-ie i, Sho. ;, Linen', Gentlemen's Cloth- :.::e.! jan 10 ue as expected, v.". .1 others i:t exchange, or t!u purch.iuer prefers. ing, llouschecpl.'! CooJ Carpct3, etc. Atldrej.:, Lliina, iiilverware, Furniture, John Wanamaker PHILADELPHIA. Glty IV 13th Street j x Ot r ftcir , 1 now -i . . ith: 1 1 M-u.. t -y 1: illt. it Strft.-,, l t ;irt, cu ir.Ics the nt TMr ; 1 j Slr i-t .. it 1 . .1 1 f t i 1 11 Ihi tiiU ill Snmrs iMARKKJMtErOllTIS. III.OOMSBUKO MAKKET. Wheat per bushel ',oo Itye " 0) corn. " t Oata, " " , s Klour per barrel , , ceo Cluverbuesa 6.W llulter in KBK ' TllilOW , 118 l'otatoes ,. ,70 Dried Apples oa llama 18J bides & Shoulders , ce l ull kens ,i Turlejs m ii' Lard tier DOUnd .10 luyperton woo UdOlWUX t.t,l,,t,it,. (. ,.... O'l'lCK. '1 lie itenton frliool niMrlct lirreby k'lve a notice llmt ullmilhlinulmt' Kli ol 01 ilri s uMi.h t-utel Dis trict will I u inlil loiwetntLo tlibt and lllteertli elu) 11 or July, insi, ar mritnn. All r rwn tiailne onurs win pre ki-nt llu iii n Hint time tr to lorcver iH Lu 1 1 ed lam iiijnn iii or ti e- umo, 1 oide-rol tlio l'oaiil, JDII.N J. MtlirMIV. II. T, K11ITH. i iebldmt. -i-r"inry .nnrcli U-3in No lice In lii'ictivi lien ilini I lie 1 tit Ik illy I cicto sons t'llin to ) Hum jtln rt i lmll, lei iruVo H'lia ot luiuHrnid 1 -fi ne luoiji-ycn my uti uul en. uteiil, -. oil I lie lis bt day ol A rll, H.,lb,M, ulllidiuMU and BUrrundtied by muiun1 ior-tit. K11I1AHTOV. A I'Tlt 19, Til 4T ik, .utMJtMiALL.