THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Hiring Fiirnl Lnlior. ; j , l'Y'W nuwtloiin nro of uri-nlcr iiinmi t unco to tlio nvci'nuofnriiiL'rtlmn ttio.turu luting to fnnit hutp. Who slmll wo ciu-Iiloy- siii,-1o or maim-d men Slmll wo ooanl our men or luro tht'in to hoard llioinsulvcsl Tlio jimpcr niiswcr to tlii'su questions will necessarily vary with tlio Mirroumlinjf ciretinistmu'es ot tlio farm er. For Ini-jro farmers, wo nro ntronily In favor of tlio tenement system. Jim rietl men uro inoro steady, thuv can ho inoro easily olitained, and their mind is nioro upon your Inisiness, and nhovo all, thoy havo usually had lixperienc'o in work, which is an iinrtlirUui iteiu. In order to adopt tills systum, howcveilhcro must ho convenient tcneineuts in Which the workman can live. Of course tlieso fiuggestions apply to farmers who need much help upon their farms. Wo recom mend tho plan ot men hoarding them selves, on tho ground that they can do it cheaper than any ono else. If a man is inclined to live extravagantly, and hoards himself ho has tho benefit of it. If on tho other hand, ho prefers to live eco nomically, and is content witli plain, wholesome fare, hu has reward hy tho money saved- in this way. Tho witno holds true with tho farmer himself. Hut witli tho farmer who hoards his nicji, ho cannot arrange these things so satis factorily. There is another advantage to tlio plan a plea for tho farmer's wife. In ljiany akfnrmcr'a homo whero several ( men nro hoarded, the farmer's wife is made 'hut a little more than a slave to Work. When men hoard themselves, . milch extra work is done away with for ;,thci farinei'g wife. In discussing this (juration wo do not wish to ho sellish. There nre always worthy, young unmar ried men wlwvlsh to work. This class of farm help can always lind good places among farmers who arc situated so as to ho able to hire men to hoard them selves. Our experience has demonstrat ed the fact to us, that there is great diff erence in hired help. Wo are greatly iu favor of procuring good men when they are lojbo fcninii. Wo behave many farm ers mak'o a, serious mistake in placing too much stress upon tho prico paid farmhands. Thoy hire tho man whom thoy can get the cheapest, with littlo re gard to age, experience or reputation. We prefer to hire good men, and pay good wages. Tlio man who works fol lower wages than ho asks and desires cannot work as faithfully or as well as ho who obtains what ho really should have. It creates in him a feeling of un easiness and dissatisfaction, which work against his employer's interest. Good men who are-paid good wages will in the majority of cases prove the cheaji est help for the farmer. Fertilizing orchards. Professor Ileal, who has been experh mcnting witli an orchard situated on rolling land of a black loamy nature since 1873; repqrts tho following results: "Around sonic trees small circles were kept cultivated:1 but these trees ilo'iio better than those which grow in sod. A circlo of grass extending nearly out to tho ends of the overshadowing lines is of little or no damage after tho tree has grown fifteen or more1 years and has become well established. Trees of this age, left in grass without manure, in our orchards, grow more slowly, produce less fruit, of a smaller si.o and poorer inn. tv. than trees which have been well cul tivated; tho fruit' is generally, inour ex pcriments of a brighter color when grown on trees left iu grass. When spread broadcast about a tree, barnyard manure produces a good effect about two years sooner than when the manure is placed, closo' to the tree. Some trees-were kept heavily mulched, to others ashes were ap plied, at tho rate of one wagon load of leached, or two or three bushels ot nn leachcd per tree; others were given a wagon load of barnyard manure; these applications 'werd made four years ago, and perhaps it is too soon to arrive at conclusions, hut as yet tfie trees appear about tho same, no d'ifferenco being visi ble iu favor of either of the above modes of manuring. Wliern clear cultivation has been practiced, without fertilizers or mulch, the fruit seemed to ho just as abundant and of as good quality as iu the three last cases enumerated. Thor ough tilling of the land has been one of the best experiments, and has apparently produced tlio best results, I 'have ex perimented in thinning apples while they uro small, and find it very prolitnblc. Breeding CMrkeus, In breeding for early market, it is im portant to havo a breed grows rapidly and lleshcs up young;' the Mrin should be yellow, and if tho feathers' are all white, both the chicks and old fowl will lpok much better when dressed than those with colored feathers. Tho color of tho skin is important, yet half of the fowls that are sent to market havo anything hut a yellow skin. Small bone, short legs and a well rounded form arc also desirable and a size, when full grown, not less than five pounds, and not over 'six before dressed, givo tho best early chicks for market. None of these qualities nro an injury to a laying hen; and if to tliem 'aro added good layers, hardy and quiet, wo "havo combined the points necessary for both meat and I'gg. Tho question is raised whether it is right to color butter artificially. Since tlio coloring of butter is probably due to tho coloring matter iu tho food, as well . as to tho power of t)io cow to iu movo tho samu fiom the food, the ques tion may be asked whether there is any inoro wroilg"in putting tho coloring into tho butter than insupplyingfood tothoan imal which will cause tho cow to give milk, tho cream of which will make yellow butter. At all events, as tho coloring is now mado from harmless substance, and tlio colored butter is as good and pure as tlio uucoh r.'d (when properly done), and as people prefer tho u'ucolorcd butter, we think tho benefit of tho doubt belongs to tho fanner." Investigations havo almost invariably proved that cattle plagues have their or igin in lilth and lack of care, either iu tho'stahles or pastures. Tho causes of these plaguew, it has been ascertained nre largely auahigous to those that induce cholera, and many of tho other scourges that ((iino upon the human race, and when they once attain tho degree of contagion, aro as unsparing 'and fatal ns they are among tho human family. Had fooil soon induces unhealthy blood, nnd when filth, foul odor and similar influ ences nro encountered iu that condition of thesystem, tho result is a development of disease, which although local at the moment of its origin, spreads as rapidly as fresh material is brought into contact with it. si;t hack -12 yi'aiis. I was troubled for many years with kidney complaint, gravel, &o.( my blood became thin- I was dull and inactive; could hardly crawl nuoiitj was u old wot n put man nil over; could get uoth mi' to help me, until I j.ot Hop Hitlers, ami now 1 am u boy again. My blood nnd Kidneys aro all right, and 1 nni as W nctivo ns ami of "Hhough I nin 72. nnd I have no doubt it will do nn ' v-fll for others of my ago. It i worth A ltlOii .Man's Woiii; Koom. The owner of the greal Cornwall iron estate in l'ennsylvanl' , Mr. Hubert Coleman, has a lino taste Mid pays much nltenlloii to mechanics and engi neering. To fnclhlalo his investigations ho has constructed a circular railroad witli a double lino of steel tracks, inclos ed iu a largo building. Tho length of the track is about oncnundrcd nnd fifty feet witli two sidings. Patent safely switches, electric crossing signals, safety irogs, anil tlio latest method ot iaslcmng rails aro employed. The turntables of the miniature round house operate auto tnatlcally. Tlio Unco' small locomotives (fompriso every piece of ineclianisni,every Will, boll, screw, lover, lirc,cock,pipe, and pump of tho largest machines. Tho boiler-jackets, roils and driver are-nickel-plated, and soinu of tho bright work is silver-plated. Tho cabs aro of solid wal nut, and tho boilers proper and the lire boxes nro of wrought steel. The ten ders nro of copper, nnd their water sup ply is taken bv scoops from vats on the roadway wliitu tlio locomotives arc iu motion. Tho locomotives nre about four feet in length, including the tender, and are models of beauty. They arc of English design, so far as high driving wheels nre concerned, otherwise they nro advanced American mechanical ideas nnd have many original appliances of Mr. Cole man s invention. Tho locomotives nre tiicd up nnd set iu motion. Around tl.o tracks thoy go, while the millionaire own er watches tho movements of the mlnai turc machinery. Hours nro thus passed all sorts of experiments aro tried, high speed and low1 speed arc compared to de termine tliu comparative effects of ,fric tion.and other questions of railway econ omy. XcTaUit'ie American. (jlrlCK and sum-:. Many people drag themselves wearily about from day to day, not knowing what nils them, but with failing strength and spirits, feeling all tho time that they aro steadily sinking into their graves. If these. sufferers would only use Par ker's C'ingcr Tonic, they would find a euro commencing from tlio first dose,aud vitality )Strength and cheerfulness quickly and surely coming hack to them, with, restoration to perfect health. Sec ad-' vortising column. Tribune. When an apothecary recommends some particular remedy for a cold, ho is not usurping the function of a physician to a dangerous extent, lie may also give medical advice about your corns or your toothache without subjecting you to much risk of injury. , Just how far ho ought, to go in prescribing is a dillicult question to settle. Tho Medical Associ ation and the College of Pharmacy of Washington h.'ivc fallen out over it. Soinu of the, pharmacists in that city have taken it unon themselves to practice medicine as well as to sell it, not hesitat ing to deal with dangerous diseases. The doctors reasonably demand a law against this evil. They further .insist that a pre scription shall not he'maile up n second time unless permission to repent it is marked on tho paper. Their argument on this point is that the use of perilous drugs, is often continued longer than tho physician intended. Tho apothecar ies" reply that the doctors are simply looking out for a multiplication of fees, and that some pharmacists can cure an unimportant malady as well as some phy sicians. The best plan when one is really sick is to "o to a man who has M. 1). after his name. Those letters are not a guarantee of skillful treatment, but they raise a probability ot it. A Strange uml Terrible Disease. A strange and terrible disease has broken out among tho Chinamen employed on tho Canada and Pacific railroad iu Brit ish Columbia. A Chinaman, sat down, apparently, perfectly well, to dinner, when his feet began to swell. The swel ling extended up to his legs and body, reaching vital parts in ten. minutes, caus ing the abdomen and chest to expand to unnatural proportions. lie tumbled down dead '.in less "than 11 ft ecu' minules from tho time the disease attacked his feet. Morii than ouu hundred have been carried off ih tins .way. The whites aro alarmed, and in some instances the foremen have lied. Xear Sardis, Miss., there is an old cat that, is rearing a queer brood, consisting of two eat kittens and three young rab bits (hares). She hatf found them in a field, and after guarding them until their mother came, she caught and killed her and then gathered up the three little ones and brought them home to live with her and her little' family of kittens. The Academy linils 'fault with novel ists' who teach tho rising generation how young gentlemen kiss their dancing partners in greenhouses nnd other seclud ed places. A Port Jervis cat boasts of a posterity of 108 kittens. This cat lias never used tobacco in any form. ' The Melfiodtsta of the United Slates number '3,521,000, and are divided inlo fifieen organi zttion', though the great bulk of llie member ship ia included in the .Methodist Episcopal, the .Methodist KpUtonnl .South, and the African MetlioJist Episcopal. The division was made inlg'5, on tho slaver; ijuettion, and llie lat was Fepirated on the color line in 18(il. The Methodist Protestant is Iho outcomo of a Strug gin iu the Melhodiat Episcopal on the question of lay representation and it bo 1 i tic ti of the Presi ding Eldership, and dots not differ on other points with the parent licdy. The Kvnngelii cat Association is a Herman Methodist body, with its chief membership In I'ennylyaniu'. The American Wcsleyati Connection was form ed in 1813 by Mttnodlst Aholilioniitr, who wished lo takoa religious slar.d satirist slaver The Free Methodist is a clmrpli formed in 1800 hy those who IHievcd that Methodism was gelling loo worluly, and the l'rimjiive Metho dist is the remit of similar though usrlur de parture. Tho Xccro Methodists al'o have several separate mcK TI-o general MethndUt feeling U that a union of mou of iheso churches rniitht nuw he tU'ected. IRON P A TRUE TONIC W A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. lltON BlXTKItS aro Lluhly rccomiucnded for all diseases ro ! qulriiif; u certain and efficient tunic ; fajiccrally Iiul'ujruion, DjsjHjisui, Inter' wimiu rncrt, name jippauc.jjMscj tlio Mood, btreimtlicna tho unlocks uiid in i : ... ,i . n.. ji.. . . - iiko a cuariii ira inu uigixjvr orgunn, rcmuviiig uu uyapcjiiiu.yiuiiiniiia, eucli na Jhtlimj the I'vod, Jidchiug, Jlcut in th4itomach,Jlmrtluri,etc, Tlio only Iron PrcimnUlou tlmt vvl 1 1 not bliifko.r. (hti c(th ur trlvu lieadliolic. Bold by all Urui!lala. Wrlto for tho A II 0 liouk, 'J3 jip. or useful aud uinusin readina eif fret. IJHONVN ClIUMioAL CO., "UaUhi.oro, Mtl, BITTERS --. iu..aJu.. Vat Sft y Htoyvr ktiatkcil. MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. piscovntun op LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Tim 1'oIHvp Cnm For nil Fomalo Complaints. TMt-rorwntl(n, iu Its hama Hit nines, connMj of VptfotAMo rrt'ic. Hoi lliftt nro Ji.imilcM to tho i-iokt del IcatcinralM. t'Kn ono trial tho merit a of this Com jnui.l will !orocoiil-toil(nj relief Is Immetlhto and when It 1 tiw It font Imieri, In CMwn In ft liun. (lrwt.niviT.ianoiitrurolu'fTcctcil.-uthouwnila will tes tify. O.i neeount of Iti proven merit?, It la ttwiaro Ctvnmeitl-jl und jircscrlhutl ty tho be.t l'liyelcttni In tho country. It trill enro (ntlrely lio went form of filling of lU3 titertH, Icticorrhn-it, Irregular find imtnful Menstruation, ftllOTurlanTnnjtdcfl, Inflammation ami Ulceration, Floodlng-i, till Plrplac-cmcnta nnd tho con Kequc'itniinfllweikiieu,ni.dlJ mKiially tdaptcd t tttaChanfrocf Ufa UM1I!I ootvo and ex; I tumor i f roi.i tho i term In fin can ly i tajjro of ilcrclnnucnt. Tho tjnderteytdcxnerujjliuniomthcro Ij cWliud very riHtiUly liyiUu-w. 1.1 fa. S It rrored to bo tho (treat. ct.t find bent remedy that Itni ever Ktu diwoTer rJ. It iKTineatcsevgryiHirtlonof thofycUm.andelTea ii2wltfbftndviror. Hrenovr-jf-ilr.tncsMlatuU' utroyj allcravlntf for ittnUantJ.uni rdlovtg weatnet oftliottoniieh ItcurtrtCloitln-;, Headaches, Nervoni TniLtrttlon, 3t.-ncrJ lVhli;t,EKt.:.unc.3, Depiction i.d Iiiui- r'-lt-t- That feellnrf tif bt-trtntfilovn, caustt.g pain, weight and l iut.-uhe, luiiluuya KncatKnlly cured I y Ham!, UMilntalltlnc-rndunilirUl tlmim ten ciw, act l i haruwuiy ulUitUo U that (-vvuiud tho feiiuL'-ijRtm. For lCldnoyCom:liiiit)of either nex thli cornpoutJ li tiiuuriMife-ed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is pre; ta icd utCMand CMWestei n Afenue, I.jrn, Ma . 'i leo 1.JJ. S: J btttloj fur fciOO. Scrd by uiul In tho form of pllKaUotn tho fuiin tf toeiiits, on m-ti;t tifirlcc, e.W, r hot, fup ilthcr. Urn. MMiltAU freely ans-Aerialllat.racf Inquiry. Bend fur jatu phtct, AJJrcaJtuujoio Matt 10,1 thta ji;ii V.3 fatuity rho-uU bo without LYDIA U 1'INKHAM UVCtt Tim. They euro!on, ruiwUhUit undTorpIdity of tho Liver. CO unapt r box. JOHNSTON. HOLLOW A & CO., General Agents, Phih., Fa. SOLD HY MOYER BROTHERS., Bloorcsburg, Pa, June u ly. AdBNTS WANTKI) (JUtCK to lake ontcraf rlho Cheapest, Most CompleUj and Accurate Edition ot The Revised New Testament AND KULI. 1U8TOUY OF IT J IIEVISION. Now ready for npentp. -Mont deslrablo edillon, low priced. Agents report linmenso Biicccsa, even to Ml orders per ilav. This U n rure chance. J'n rtlctilars rrec. ouinr, s-o. aci huick-. Aiuress iiuiiiiauii Ultus , rubs, in C'licstnut btrcct, l'hlla. npr 8 Jw d BOLD frit DAI AWARDED the Author. A now nnd -treat Med ical Work.wit rran tod the bost and chcai?--ttindi3-.Hift&lle to OTery m&n,tn titled "thn Sctencoof Ufa or.Sulf-Preot-rTation i" bound In finest French rnuthn. cmboMf-d. full Ki)tHtOOpp.eoDtAinsbeaatiful nUl eneTafinijrB, 135 prescrip tions, price only $1.25 tent by tndlt illnstrstedtiAniplo.tlconli; FWI1W THV-irTP i.i:,iL,ni'lltutinr.-,r W h-I'aiu aiiu ii luiuuiJi thi'.ii, no, uiiuuicaet. 1 , lloston. uprlld-4w ACSKIVTS! Ai:TS! AG13NT. JOHN B. CUUtJll'8 hran new hook, jist ituWiiA, entitled SUNLIGHT AND SHADOW Is the IksI ehinco trr nffeml to vnu. It. Krpn.. m .l.aun Iromthc trlcht and ihady iidc. of real life. andjort0l a. t cnaiivv rier inrrri io you. its neenf I B trlcht and ihady iidci of real lfe and poi John B. Gouffh cn ;-tr. them. For Tatlxx, Uiimor. aid iwfcw intcrttt. It tt vittiuut a peer. It I. the "hnnuii) " book for .tyrnti, end out eclli all others 10 to . 80th tiotuanl in I rtu. luOAircats wanted, tneo and women. Now la the time. tTLjxiwvt Tint . WOltTllLMJTO.N t'U.t Tubs.. Ilartfvrdi CoDb nprll 9 4r d FA0T8 WORTH KNOWING. 1 flini.r. Sieba. llisdrtko. Stllllncla ud m&ny other of the best medicines known are so' kllliully combined In Parker's Ginoeii Toxic! u to males It tbe Kreatrst Blood Purifier and To jloalin and hircogia jit.tor.r Krrr ll.ed. Rrt rttirtnft III tbo comnodtlon of PaiiskrV OntoKa Tonio that no dlscaso can ioog exist' where It is used. Hyou hive Dyspepsia. eh.. Rh.umatitm. Nouralgia, Bowel. Kidney. a. LIiia Disordr. or if vou need a mild ntlm-1 'Ulant, orappeliter, tho Tonic Is Just the mod-; icine I or you. as it is nigwy cur&ure aou in, vljoratlng but Dover Intoxicating. If you are slowly wasting nway with Con-' umption or any alclmeas. It you havo a Painful. Cough or a. bad Cold, lUnxin's UlMicn To.nic will surely help you. It gives new llfo and' rigor to the feeble lind aged, and Ih a certain! euro for Rheumatism and Cholera Infantum. . It liaa Saved Hundred, ot Llioij It aaj; have aourir. If you are feeling mlscraUo don't wait until' you aro down sick, but uso tho Tome lcntay.; No matter wliatyourdiseasui or cymiitoruumuy. bo It will give prompt relief. Remember I Tarkkii's Uinoeii Tonio Is not' a rum drink but tho Beit and Purest Family, Medicine ever made, comiioimded by a new. process, and entirely different from Hitters.' r prfiiuntiiuiui uiHi uti uLiiur iijt, buttle. Your druggist can supply you. . PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM The Beit and lloit Ecouomleal Hair Ure.ilai ezqulsiteiy perfumed and perfectly lurmtess. ITIll ilnari lleitore Cray or KiJe.l II. Ir to Its orieinal youdiful color and appearance, and U wambled to atop tu falUnj. assist. Hi growth and prevent baldness. Afcw applications of the Haisam will soften th. hair, cleanse all dandruff and cure itching and hu sjwun of the scalp. Sold byalldniggUua(0js,sofi. oct.l.'eO-ly d LEGAL 15LANKS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT THIS OFFICE P? BROWNING'S por COLDS AND ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M.D. for.a rituriitrrou, 1321 Aroh Street, Philadelphia. Feb. If, '81. ly ass -it--- I 8 pimiym, imckvj r.mripj, etc, j.nrtCIii'S Itlvca new life to tlio nerves. They uct L. i li i ., . ' . I JUST OUT, MORRIS & IRELAND'S NEW IMPROVED EIGHT FLANGE FIRE-PROOF SAFE. THE ONLY EIGHT FLANGE SAFE MADE IN THE WORLD. AND CONTAINING OUR Patent Tnsitlc Bolt Work, Patent Hinged Cap, Four-wheel Locks, Inside Iron Linings, Solid Iron Corners, LATEST FROM MAINE. Lock's M lU'a, OMord co , Jle. Messrs. .Morris .t Ireland: flcnta: on tlio sinil or November, 1S79, our spool mill at this place, foxi), two stories lilyli, wasio tnlly consumed by tiro, In wlilcli tliero was a largo quantity or spool lumber, spo i h aud blocks, nil sea boned. Tlio llro buruerl for three nnd a null Ua)s. Wis lad ooo of jour nates in our mill and Tuesday morning foliowluK, eighty liouis utter; the was loo hot. to handle, beloff covered with burning blocks. Homo lime alter It uns opened and tho con tents wcru tn a rrood state ot preservation, not a book orpipo'belut; destroyed, i urn satlifled with your safes and havo purchased another, and can cheerfully recommend them to anyonu wishing lo becuio their valuables from being destroyed by lire. lours iruiy, i. u. ieiiith, TREMENDOUS TEST. lloasting Thirty Iloirslna lleilof Ited Hot Coals. Corning, N. i ., January , '61. Morris & Ireland. Boston. Mass. (lcntlcmon:-On tho night of tho lire In our II- lagu.on thoiotli ult.Ihidln uso one of your. No. I Hares 1 urn pleased to Inform you, uftcr tho lloor gave way it icii into me cenar, into a neap or ourn lug coal, whero it roasted for thirty hours, our cit izens and myself guvo up tlio hope or anything be ing saved tu It. On beln? taken from the ruins t was nappuy aisappointca io una my casu, voucners ana oilier articles of value Dorleetlv Drcserved. llie combination workd well now. I am satlsllnd journew and improved work, ono oiwuicn.u no. it), 1 luvo ord-red t jour agent to-day, wilt afford absolute protection In any lire, Truly Yours, E. S. Uarnes, ST 1L ABA D- Itocuester, N. n., Dec. to, -8). Messrs. Morris & Ireland: Dear Sirs: In tlio dlins'rous tiro wnlthtook place In this town Nov. .in, the Morris uud Inl ind safe In my ktoru wus subjected lo u severo tist, b-lng thrown Into tlio cllnriuid a huge muss of debi Is fell upon It, and It wis l:i Hh iiilnssouie two days. I take pleasure In tiiformlng jou that upun excava tion It was opened without iroubieuiid thecoriMits were fuiinil tn be unli.Jurcil. 1 cliterrul y recom mend your hup sand bliould I wmil uuolli.r I suuuld ce Liinly puich ixu one Hum jou. Yuurs truly, u. W. IIowk. STILL ANOTHER. I'rom the (Ireat File In Troy, New Ytrk. Troy, N. Y Hecember II, 1ST9. Mesfi s. Morris & Ireland. Hot ton: (lentil incut-After MltiuHMng the chnrred bonks out or tho sales i.peni'it, also one or my own widen wa an it her uku. which was l.otln tlm heal ot the lit a like the No fl Ulelv purchased or jnu.nlilch was In the 11 lo oer H'IIJ.i Iglit hoars, raid had to be continually pla) e'l on during Monday night, as It wa' completely huiroiii iled with burning muslins uml olli. r Inllaiii ible maicilal, on opening Itlu Hie rutin i' e day i IlerLooi , I was pleased to lluu the cuntents, books, papers and u.oi ey wem nil pie bervedlnu reinaikaMy U'O'd coiidmon. With this proof of tlio llie qualities of youi snlo wi) have ;lw en jour ogeut nn order f r one No. a Burn. Yours respectfully, Davis & Co. THE GREAT BOSTON ElllE. JAN UAH Y. 1SS0. Morris & Ireland's tiatot Again Tilumpliunt-Mcssrs. Hlee, Kendall Co's. Large Kate lleveuls its Vuluublu cuntcuis Inuicl, alter being sub ject, d lo luleu elieut for nuu Hundred arid Thirty Hours. lloston, January 2, Uso, Messrs. Morris Ireland. Ucs;oc: Oents:-On the nlcht of Dcccmter is. last, tho building occupied tu part by us at No. tt Federal street, met which as lour hlorles hlyli and about am leet deep, caugm llro aud was do.noyed, with all us contents, coiiM.ilng cf u eiy laigo stuck ot paper, took tinders' nulerlals and o .iier merchan dise. While suvi ral other large b indings adjoining ours were burned at the same time, the Ilaines wcru extinguished tlio following dav. but our slock con tinued to burn ror oujb thereafter. After u di lay ot 13U hours wo were ablu to imvu our safa dug out iruin UU ruiuauuii upeueu, utm weiu pieiu-tu luiuiu ull the cohteuls well preserved. '1 ho safe contained our most valiHblH books, mi lie is. tie Holes, etcand wo now feelsuro llutour Juug.nent wus comet lu bujlngonoot our iufe, wfilch wo decided todo after knowing tho wondeiful record of your sales lu tho great llostnn flro oi 'it. V regmd tho nioti c tlonif your safoi.s most rcmuikable, and this tire Is a guurunly of lis security lo those who muy wish io punniHc, Y'ours vciy truly, llicn, Kkspau. fc Co, Al o a Communica i?n from Es-Govcr- nor Mix. R:cs, lloston, January is o, MESSH4 MOUHIS k 1H1I.AN1- dents: I havo made caitful examination rt Iho contents of tho sate purchased i f you sumo ears Bluceby tbo Arm of luce, Kendall s. Co . and which was Bubiccltn tlio test of eiiormoui heat In tho great lire of last Sunday night. 1 renard tlio se curity or mo Barj uniter mo eircumstances us most rcmaikablu, Nonu of Us contents were burned, nur wcru uir ui uiemnu mjuru'i uy us io uo matcrlallv damaged I shout I commit hiiv securit ies to your sat j hereafter with additional ujuii- uencu. Miiugreuvrespeci., youis veryiruiy. Alexander II. lilco. THE LATEST YET. BTjr THE SAME RESULT, 8o. Norrldgowock, Mo'.. Feb. 1. lssl, Messrs Morris A Ireland, lloston Moss. : Tho safe 1 nought of jou last October was In a two-story wooden bulldlug, which buried Jan. ai. The building took llro In iho night, and thusHfi. building amlltsconnnts, roll lulu tho cellar upon a pile of dry wood, nuking a h it lire which listed for ten hours. , Thjout.luaoflh) sifo wai noited red hot. It melted thu h indlu uud dial on llu door. Tho contents consisted of wa'ches. Jewelry, Bluer. ware, books papors i ., nil of which came, out In good cojdltlou, I'uiHrs lllujugali st fie InalJo of tins sate won not lujureil. Tho sain thows for It self wuut It Is, an 1 1 feel well Sitlslled with wli it I' hasdouo. I'loaso wrlto wli it ua ca i allow for 11 toward a new ouu, uud oUll.-o, 0. P. HAl.L. CHAMPION RECORD in He CHEAT BOSTON FIRE in 1872, SWHeud for prices and descrlptlw wt.iUitio bo ford purchasing uiwwhcie, MORRIS & IRELAND, 64 SUDBURY ST. Boston Mass. kva BL00MSBURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOIIMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. Tllisstlliooi,, as nt present constituted, oilers tho very best facilities for 1'rofcsslonnl nnd Classtcni learning. llulldlngssnaclous. Inviting and commodious : coliinletelv hented bv sleam. well ventilated. Ilirhted bv ima. and furnished with a limir.tlfnl xunilvrit nure.soft spring water. location healthful, ami easy of access. Toacliers oxporlenced, cfllclcnt, and allvo to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and tuorougn. Expenses moderate. Fifty eenU n week deduction to all expecting to teach, students admitted at any time, lloouis reserved when desired. courses of study prescribed by tho State i I. Model School. It, rrcpnratoijr. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I. Academic. 1 1. Commercial, llf. Course In Minlc. IV. Course In ThO K!cmcntry. SclentlllC and ClaSllCAl Courses nro I'ltOPK.mlOVAt.. and Htlldnntu urmlimtnr corresimndliig Degrees! Master of the moments s .iiuu uLuiiiiuieiiin,, oiKiieu uv iiui .miters tu inu iiutirti i no course or ntutiy nrescnueti ny inosiatoisiii)er.u,anti iuo6:io7itincnnd classical courses are not inferior to inoso of our best Colleges. ThuHtatnl'eillllresnlllL'lieronlernl elMzpr.illlln. 'I'hnrlmi.4 ilnl uml ir.. IM nm nf f tin rirlina i-ilil.mta nflhta Hnlmnl In linln In on,Mi,.,i I, ht. fitrntalitnr. Inlnltt. gentnntlelllcleiitTeacheiHforlierscIiools. Tothlsendlt solicits young persons nf good abilities and good purposes.-liioso who desire 'o Improve their time and their talents, as students. To all such It promises ntdln developing their powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor after lcuMug School. 1'or Catalogue, addrrsi tho l'rlnclpal, in", i. iiti.i.i.Ti i.i,i i.i.i,, i-rriurni uonru Hept.s. f.- . ESPRING LARGEST CLOTHINGr. JUST WHAT WE REPRESENT IT FOR CUSTOM TAILORING OR READY MADE. NOW ON HAND AVE INVITE YOUR EXAMINATION TO KNOW "WHAT TO WEAR" AND 'How TO WEAR IT." CALL AT J THE CREAT J: CHLTXGTOX liO UTU. tZT.Vn nther lino runs Three Thrmtgli I'ns renircr Tralm D.illv botwien Clilcngo, Des Mnliii', Ciiiiucil llluir', DnuilKi, Lincoln. M. .Iiiepli, .Melilxiiii, Mint Kansas Citv. llucet ciiniiei'tloni for nil point In Killwi's, Nebrnskii, Cnldindn. Wyoming. Jlnntiuia, Ne ad.i. New Mexico, Arlzuuu, Idaho, Oregon and Calliiiriila. Tlio SShiirlet. Spectlicst nnd Mint Com forta Mo I tout i) vlalluiiuilii.i tu Port Scott, Dcnlton, Dallas, HoiKttin, ,utin, San Antonio, (ialvea tun and nil points In Texas. Tho uiiiiptalcit Inducements offered liythU I.l no to Travelers nnd Tun rials, are as follows: The celebrated I'ullmati (IO-uIipuI) l'alaco Sleeping Curs, rim imlv on ihlj l.lne. C' II. & (J. ruluco Drav.lng.Uootn Cars, with llnrtnn's lteclltiing ('halts. No etra ehargo lor Seuts In Itcclinlng Clialrj. Tho fanmin C. II. Jit U. l'alaco Illnlnir Cars, florgeous Kinnlilng Cars llllid with lllcgant IlU'li-Il.icked ltattan lle vnlvina I hairs for thu txclusivo uso of tlrst clas p nongors. Steel Track uml Superior r.uuipment. com. lilnctl with their Oreat Through Car Arrange ment, makos iha, above ull others, tliolaiorltn Itonto to Iho South, Soutu-Wcst, und tho Far West. Try It, iiinl ynu will find traveling n luxury lntrud of n dln'iiinfort. Thrciiiitli Tickets via thl3 Celelirntcil I.lno fur nulu lit nil ulllecs 111 Iho United States uml Canada. All Information uliotit Hate nf Vnre, Sleep ing Cur Aci'oiiimoil.itlnns, Time Tables, ic., will bi'cheerliillygiien by upplylng tn J. Q. A. ARAN, (len'l Kastcrn Agent. Ui Wiishiiiiitnii St., II 'stun, Mass. and 111" Urn idwav, Now S'nrlt. JAMUS I!. V.'OOII. lien. I'usx. Ant.. I'lileiign. T. J. l'OTTnit, Gen, Manager, Chleago. March is, 'so, -tot Battlo Crook. Mlchlonn. MAHCrirjTOncns or tub only oenuike THRESHERS, Traction and Plain Englnos and Horso-Powora. Mit CumplcU Threader Farlorrj Established MVF fl D C ofonltnuoyt ami ntcnifut lutL I taHniJ n.i, without cluniro or name, management, or lociition, to "lack vn " On ' tryod ie.,i on all our goods. HTIiAIU-IMiWWt Mlil'AllATClHH aud vumiij-iu niriim iiuilllHoy tuoirntett outiuiitl. ivxiiTriirlinti IliiulneaaiulPliilui'iiMlue eer aeon iu the Auiuru un market A Mulllfutl. of tptttal 'enturtt anil fimvriinti for 18SI. tivcther with uupetlor qualltUi U totutruc. lion an d mul.rfiila not dnamod of by nther lnukem. lour alien vt Heuirnt.r, Iruin O to 12 bono capacity, for itwrni or hunt ttowtr. Two t lea of ' .Mounted " llorKl'o urn. 7 ROO finn ''"et r Selerlnl Lumber ,UUU,UUU tionUrtitaiUyriatr.JrttJ) couetuntly on nana, from which la buUt the lu cuui)arublo uood-viork of ouriuaclUucry. TRACTION ENGINES Utrottgeit, moil UurbU, and ffleU tvi r uiJ. b, 10, 111 Ilorsu rower. UirvuUra auut fi). AOlartva " NICHOLS, SHEPARD A 00. Uuttio Creek, Mlohtoaiu an, t, '..tM 'tia yi-iv. i Muster or tho Sciences i Master of tho classics. Uraduatos in tho other Courses rcceivu Normal CcrtlHcatcs or l usiec ' 01 Trnnirm. CLOTHING: - - STOCK OIP ww K S )Wi mj ?J MaTi SPliEH'S PORT GRAPE WINE Used In tho principal Churches for Communion purposes. . EXCELLENT FOB LADIES AND WEAKL? PERSCNS AND THE AGED. Spwer'a Port Grape Wine FOUR YEARS OLD. rplds Celebrated Namo Mno Is mado fromtho jl juice of tnooiKirro urapa raised in this Country Us Invalmblo Tonio and Strengtheniug Properties aro unsurpassed bv any other Native Wlno. lielng tuo pure Julcoof theiliupe. produced under Mr. Speer's'own personal supervision, lis purity and genuineness uru Kurauteed. 'llie youngest child mtiV narrako of Its eenerousdualltles unri lhn wenk'. est Invalid uso It to udviintono, It Is pattlculnrly benltlclilto tho need and debilitated, and suited to iuu venous uiiiueius uiuiauccr. me wcaticr bex. It is iu utuiy respect. - i.m; iu lit lir.i.ii.u u.N. ePEER'S Tho 1". J. smillltV Is a Winn of Supei lor character mm oi me jruiiieu ipiiiuiies m me irrape, Irnm which It Is made. For l'uilty, lllchDess,t'lavor uud Medical 1'iopui lles, It will bo fouud unexcelled. SPEER'S This iihandv stu ils nnrlralel In this Country, being farsupoilor for uivdKul pui poses. IT ISA I'UIIK distillation f om iho eraro and cou tatnsvuluublo medical prop ities It lias a del cite II vor, rdTMcr to that cf tho grapus rr uu u hicli It is distilled und Is In giuat favor among Ural o us fatnlllrs. See that tho slgnaturn i f Al.l'llF.l) KI'Knit.l'assale .s o , ia uver iuu coir or cacu oollle. SOLD 13 Y G. A. KI.KIM. deol 'it. A NO Paper Hunging. VM. F. BODINR, IKON T llllLOW SKCONI), ULOOMMIIUIKI, Vn is pieparcu to do ull kinds of II0TJ3E rAINTINO I'luln and ornamental ' PAPER HANGING, 110TJI DECOK.VnVJJ AND PLAIN. All KlnilM or Furniture Ilcimli'cd. uikI minlc it good un uiitr, NOWK UUT I'lItaT-CLABS WOltKMKN UMI'LOVUU "Bstimatoa Mado on all Works WM. V. R0D1NR. oct. l.ien. PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed ul this Office OS' SIIORTEST iJOTIOE 2ND AT TUB Art. V. Cotir.e In Physical Culture. llmrnln. ir.r.nlvn Wtntn tllnlmnni rnnfirliir. llir. fnllrnvln r. r. im.I.MVI. IE, secretary, THE DAVIS. $1,000 REWARD. ONK THOUSAND (l.OOO) DOLLAUS I'ltfJAUUM oilVreil lo ANY l'UKSON that will ilo as OIIEAT A 1UNGE OF WOKIC on ANY OTIIEU MACHINE. WHAT THE NEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without basting. It will mako vddo hem on sheets. imm'nti manner of bias woolen goods, as soft merino, crape, or goods dinicttlt to hem on oilier machines. It niuiten a mure cihsuc smcii man any oiucr machine. It win turn a hem and put In piping at same time. Itwlll turn a hem. sew braid on tho right sldo uuu uu u miming ui unit uperaiion. It will do Mllng bias or ttralght, cither on cotton It will fell across seams on any goods. I will bind a Dress or Skirt nnd eew on facing, either with or without 6howlng stitches: bind Dress floods with the same material, eltlirrtcallops.polnts. stiuarcs or stalLrhr. '1 he unlv mneiitno thf.t iirin Mats, Cloaks, or other nitlelcs with bios, satin or ono., Hum iuj iiieiiesiu wijui.wunoui oastlug. It will gather with or without sewing on. . Itwlllgathcr between to pieces and bew on at tho same time. It will mako arunie and stitch a pillow slip on to tho faclngat the samotlme. It will shirr any kind of goods. It will make plaited trimming either with or with, out bcwlng It on. It will mako plaited trimming either scallapcd or .miii,.j,uwii u i pirsmai luusarno nine, will make knife plalllng. J. SALTHER, Gen'l Agent, Bloomsburg, Pa. oct. 1,'80-lf. CANCERS CURED At Crano's Cancer Infirmary, Addi:cn. M. ' IIUNIIHEIW OK 1'KKbONS liomnll parts of tho world bavrt been cured of this much dreaded dis ease and are now living witnesses thatthev have been rescued irnm nteriittm nmi nnti,n,,i,. Vi..n,t. Doctors. Mlnlsteis und Iho Poor Heated free. Wrlto !,,., ,!'.. K'i"Kiuupiiriicui.irs. ,uutiress l)rs, Usll lliiOW.N, Addison, N. Y. uci. 1, 'SU-iy Weaver 8c Co's Ads. Q1 (inn A VPU lo made at homo by ,M I I fl iH.UK r,rui,iui,. V!"-"- " buy .or glti. You will na bo obliged lo leae your om town, or bo away from home out rilghr. Any one can conduct tho busi ness It rcipilnii no capital. WE W.I.L bTAHT Yi ill WITH AV( DTFIT WOUTil ti r--"i''ni:i:.-i-,i ' If ynu nro einDioyed during tho div vou enn mako from t to 3 un evening. Seme t f cur ugenis leporr. a pruilt of in In a flngio day. Wnt at orico fur full p.utlctilais toK. II. itlDiiot'T. in itarclay SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. lllirli,.ar II I l'lles Awarded. .Ui:vi: st Ml-V.-WArclibtrettl'lilladolphla. Highest Awards for tho best llanos: Loudon raris, centennial and t'enn'a Mate I'alrs. march 11, 'Sl-cm wtcn LATEST STYLES OP At the 'COLUMBIAN OFflOE.' $51 Outfit free totlioowho wish to engage In tho most pleasant and pi oil table btwness .',., , ' "' u," J"" everyilllllg. flu nwiv imm fi us cuail) UJUUp HllOUl BltlJ lUg Vi.n,. V Kt iniiiii. ?tu nsK wuatever numeia nauieu ui onco. .Mauv aro mak ing fortunes at the buiues.i umies make ns much kSh111111 wwofic f.lU to waku if,oie SrSi y Ty b0 matU,lu a week at any yiSLPPi a 8S01J, rotul 10 'ortuu-J. AJdrb-Si U. Ual- -- ww.i uhiuuu, siuinu. oct, ItYwMy THE WHITE SEWIHG MACHINE Whereas, tho world renowned reputation of tho W Into oowniff Machine H?s, Jn,'Jny nsf rupuious compniltors lo resort to biln, ,MvVuiiiu iHuitimsuiD uut iu uuya WPiiTE Machine fJ5lLt'pt.ou)Ats feu'ar authorized dealers, who will bo sustained by tho following warranty. wAiiiiAjsT'HlJS NATUIIAL WEAK AND TEAIt OF Till! White SlmlllB Sewiiiir Macliii. IT.ATH WITI1IPT uionoii tit. tn.... ' Pl'f'Jlai V A t It K IC TO K KKl Til B 8 A fil EC bobbins audi shuttles? u """ 01 e(uea This warranty will not bo sustained unless tho plate number abovo riven corresponds with the number on tlm nhntitn ror- ,im. i,.V... rivi.irS or CterVd numbrt. v' """"" vl ""' minit 8EWINQ MACIIINB CO, Tho "WHITE" Bhuttlo Ecwlntr MaeWna iichino for Uoing every TMiety ot work. j, tJALTUK, otnorti Jurrtnt Oot.1, -.. l.ioe,?. 'MIL RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES ?rn5 aSlSajm, KSZUECS aaaTTarVnTV anaS3iaaarSai ("gifcarja jOKTHKHN CENTKAIv KA1LAVAY "INTER TIMU TAI1LK, un ana niter nunttay, nov, i, isu, 1110 train on tlio Phi adolplila lirln Un IroadDIMslonwlli run as follows i WKSTWAltl). Erlo Mall leaves riillndclpliU II f,B n m " " Ilnrrliburg 4J6aro " " Wllll.ini' port 8 4t) a in " " .tcisey chore Olniam " " I-oclr llaen V4on in " " licnovo It co am " arrive at lirln 7 4 n m Niagara Express lcnvcsl'lillatlclphla u on u in iinriisuurg liinpru " nrr. nt llllamsport 8 15 p in " " Lockiinicn 4 ira pm " " Henuvo 6 4t)piu Fast Lino leaves 1'hlladelphla in so p tn " llnrrlibtirg 4 uu p in " arrive at Wlillamsport 7 65 p m " " l.ockiiaicn diopm EASTWAII1). l'aclflo Kxprcss lcates Iwk Haven 7 f 6 n m " " Jersey Sl.oro 7tTam " " llllarnsport 8 sou lit " nrrlvo nt llarrlsbtirif lnospm 11 " Philadelphia 45pin Day Express leaves licnovo lotflnm " " Lock Ilnvcn II 23 a in " " Wlillamsport nsspm " arrive at lisnlsburif 40pm ' " riiitadclpulA fi8Spm Erie Mall leaves licnovo ouopm " tekllavcn loiopm " " Wllllnmsiiort 11 no p nt " arrives at llarrlsburg sioam " " rhlladclplifii 7 ns am Fast Lino leaves Wlillamsport 1 IB n tn " nrrliesntllarrlsburg 3 15 am " " l'hlladclpul.i 7 05 am Ei lo Mall west and Day Express I'ast mako closo connections at Northumberland with I,. & D, It, It trains for Wtlkcsbai ro and Kcrnnton, Erie Mall West, Niagara Express West nnd I'as Lino We8tinoko closo connection nt Wlllicmspor wllh N, C. It. W. trains north. Niagara Express West and Day Express Ens make close connection at Ixik Haven wllh 11. E. V, It. ll. trains. Erlo Mall cast nnd West connect nt Kr!o with trains on U ti. & M. S. It. it. i at. Corry with o. c. U A. V. It. it. at Emporium with D. N. Y. 4; 1'. it. U and at Driftwood with A. V. it. It. rarlor cars will run between l'hlla-idphla nnd Willamvport on Niagara lixpi ess west, and Da Ex press Last. Sleeping cars on all nlaht trains. WM. A. HALDWIN, ucncral Sunt. N" OKTHEKN CENTKAL RAILWAY COMPAN. on and after January nth, HS1, trains will Icavo Bunbury as follows: NOHTHWAItD. Northern Express o.mi o. m., arrive Elmlra pm Arrlvo nt Canaadalgua p. m " ltochcstor 4 4t) " " Niagara, s 15 ' Niagara Express l.os p. m. nrrlvo E'mlra n.os p m nriitoCannndalguas.3; " " llochester 9 45 " " Niagara H.sonm Fast lino c.lo p m nrrlvo Elmlra 11.05 p m " Watklns 11.53 pm BOUTIIWAltD. Southern Express 1.32 a. m. urrlvo HarrlsbV 8.15a m nrrUo I'liltailclplila 7.33 " " New York 10 35 " " llaltlmoro 7.40 " Washington s.oa a m l'aclllc Express a m arrive Harrisb'g p m orilvo 1'hlladelphla 3.45 p m " Now Y'orl: 0.53 " " Baltimore 6.23 " Washington l.M Day Exprcm 1.31 p m arrive Harrlsburg 3,in p m " I'hlladclphla 0.4J " " New York 0.30 " Ualtlmoro 0.35 Washington 7.61 Erlo Mall l.os a. co. arrive nnrrisburg 3.05 n. m) " Philadelphia 7.35 " " New York 0.35 " " Baltimore 7.40 " Washington 0.02 L. 1. FAItMElt, Ounoral l'assonger A'joit, FKANK THOMSON, Ooneral Manngir. pUILADELPHA ANJJ HEADING HO AD ARRANGEMENT OP PASSENGER TRAINS. May II, 1S79. TRAINS LKATI KCTXKT AS F0I.L0WE(8CKPATKXCEriXD For Now York, Fhlladelphla, Heading, I'ottsvlllo Tamaqua, &c, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 u. in. 7,Sl and 7,35 p. m. For Wlillamsport, c,23 9,03 a. m. uud 4,05 p. in. TKA1HS FOB RCI'XKT LKAVE AB rOLLOWS, (SCMOAY XJt ' CK1TKD.) Iavo New York, s,43 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leave Heading, 11,55 a, in., rottsvlllc, 12,39 p. m andTamaqua, 1,85 p. m. Lcavo Catawlssa, 0,20 8,50 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave Wllliamsport,9,45n.ra,2,15p. m. and4,t0 p. m Passengers to and from New York and Philadel phia go throug j w Ithout cuango of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Manager C. 0, HANCOCK, b General Ticket Agent, Jan. 14, lsic-tf. D ELAAVAKE, LACKAWANNA ANB WESTEItN HA1LKOAD. BLOOMSUURO DIVISION. Time-Tablo No. 39, Takes encct at 4:30 A. M MONDAY. JUNK 10. 1S!S. SOUTH. a.m. p.m. p.m Hcranton llellcvuc Taylorvllle.. . ...I.acknwanna l'lttston .. West l'lttston... Wyoming Mnltby Hcnnett Kingston Kingston ..Plymouth June. ....Plymouth Avondale Nontlcoke .Hunlock's ircek. ...hhlckshlnny...., ....Hick's Kerry.... ....Beach Haven., . Her wick .... Briar Creek ... Ulow Grovo.... Elmo Hldge Espy ...Bloomsburg llupert Catawlssa Bridge Danville Chulasky Cameron .Northumberland, 9 35 9 45 2 10 0 IS C 20 ti 25 1 10 I 22 2 30 2 S3 2 44 2 49 2 53 67 3 15 3 15 3 10 3 15 8 21 3 U 3 85 3 50 4 03 4 10 4 13 4 '2& 4 29 4 83 4 42 4 49 4 53 5 00 B 13 9 13 1 30 B 45 0 33 0 40 0 45 0 50 0 63 0 59 7 10 7 18 7 IS 7 SS 7 85 7 42 8 01 8 25 8 43 8 53 9 06 7 IB 7 23 7 80 7 41 8 ro 8 8'i 8 50 8 31 9 61 9 9 53 10 07 10 18 10 33 10 29 II) 34 10 42 10 5S 11 01 11 13 11 2J 11 39 11 45 11 0) 11 57 12 13 13 45 S.m. p.m a.m TEAD, riupt. W. F. HAL Buporlntondent's omce, Bcranton, Juno 10, 1S78. "WAINYVKIOHT h CO., WHOLESALE UHOCEItS, l'UIiaDKU'UU, Dealers In TEAS, SYHUI'S, COFFEE, SUGAII, MOLASSES. IttCB, SPICES, BICiUB SODA, tC, &C. X. E. Corner Second and Arcn stroets, HT"Orders will receive prompt atWnUon. For catarrh Hoy Fever. Cold In tho, ic, Inseit with ltttlH nnger, a partlrlo of iho Halm Into tno nostril; draw Hlrong breaths through tho nose. It will bo ub. soi bed, Ueauslug, unit healing tho ulseaicd meinbrune. For DfiirncNN, Apply a partlclo into ho ear. KLI'S OUEAJl IJAUI Having gained an enviable local reputation, d'spla elm: ui! otter preparations In tho vicinity of lint .... uu ,13 iiienis itiuiie, recoguueu as a wondeiful rcmedv whereM-r known. A fair '.rial W'llt C011 nCO UlO must (.kentlfUl nr Itu enrntlvil IKiweiH. It crrcctuallycleaubcs thu nasal pasmgeH of I'utarrhat virus, causing healthy seen lions, al ajs liiilammatloL und Irritation, i lotectslhe mem Imihul tilings of the head fiom AdUlllonalcoliUi, completely heals iho gores, nnd rtstues thu senw of taste and smell. Benellclal resulls aro rcalUed y ? 'i-'W nppHcailotH. A thorough iroalmt nt as dl lectid will euro catuirh. As n household icmeily for cold In the head Ills uutqualcd. 'JIio balm In easytotieoand airieeable. t-tiM iiv ilmei-iki nr. tn cenlH on receipt of 60 cents will mall upackatjo Send for circular, w ith full Information. ELY'S CHEAM HALM CO., Owcgo. N. Y. Vou sale In Bloomsburgby Jlnjcr Bros , f. A. Klelm, N. J. Ilendershoit nnd .1 II. Kfuiiorts by hole sale Urugglsts generally. ocr. si, 'so-ly u TT T71 T TT ourselves bymakng money - H I , 1-' wlionttirolden maiico Is of. J I l'i 1 J I fend, thereby always keeplnir .. i .. ....,. . , T i""iy iiuiu)oiiruuor. luoso who aiwaj s lako advautugo of Iho good chanci s for lllntlne. tnnnev thrtr. nrn r.trnp.i ?...... i fSr1,"?". ,n Poyrty. Wo want m iiiy women, i?Xfiui"'.5 rl3. U),wor1' ' ilKhl In their own lo camies. Tho bus nets will pay inoio than t' n times Sf'PT1! w.aBl'sw. 'orrilsu nn extensive outnt aud all that jou need, free. No one who engages lulls to wt ole lime to tho work or on y your tpare moments Ful Iritormallnn nmi nil n,. 'i. .M'.i7."h ...... Address bimsoM tc co., rortluud, Maine. oct.Utto-ly fOB PRlNTIlNO I Neatly- md chtapl; eiucntod at th CoLVKaU Olflct, ' p.m. p.m. a.m. ti 30 4 12 u 40 9 23 9 17 9 37 9 OS 9 30 5 5S 3 51 9 21 8 51 3 45 9 19 8 40 3 41 9 14 12 41 l'i Zt 8 33 8 SO 9 04 8 13 3 10 8 41 8 23 3 29 S 55 8 12 3 12 8 47 8 04 3 04 8 S9 7 51 2 SI 8 2 7 33 2 39 8 17 7 Wi 3 84 8 12 7 25 2 23 8 05 7 IS 7 14 7 10 7 02 2 04 7 44 1 0 CO 1 57 7 33 6 50 1 01 7 83 6 45 1 46 7 29 6 27 1 37 7 11 6 15 6 00 1 00 6 45 p.m. p.m. n,m. !lrlrVMl SIljAIARRII,C0L08'i'.n-