The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 29, 1881, Image 3

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HLOlllMllUll'l.HllllAY, AlMIIIi JOIIi, IS9I
Ouy II. MoMmlcr, executor of John Mc
Calla. (lecemcd, will sell rcrel cstnlo nt llio Court
Houso on Monday May 2nd nt 1 o'clock p. m.
K. t. Towltsbury, Committee, will boII real
tslato neartlio Mcltityre church on Saturday,
Anril SO. See nilvr-rtlsemctit.
- . mid If Hits ordinance will cllcct tliat
Dr. D. T. Krebs, of Light Street, in rjutle HI. tllere '''oulil ha no hesitation In passing It.
Call ret Iho I'eoplt's Hook Storo fur Wall 1'a.
po', Window (Shades Tnuels and Frlnjrof.
The Wtlltamsport Common Council. Irnl Bnl.
tirday nlglil, pimcd tho bond ordlnanco for re
funding the city debt, by Iwulng four per cent,
ten-twenty bonds. Tho vote stood sixteen yens
to threo nays. Tho ordlnanco will now ro to
Iho Select branch. It Is estlmalod that by re
funding, n largo sum will bo sived tho taxpay
ers Certainly thcro Is urgent need f"r laklne
such decisive steps os will festoro tho cltr's
credit In tho eyes of thu people of Iho State,
Col. A. J. l-'rlck, of Danvlllo was In town on
Straw hats and Spring tults liavo become
quite numerous on our streets.
The men employed at tho car'works were
paid In cash on Tuesday.
. it -r , . .
11. i. is uoing n largo trauo in lumber
Work on the nowM.K. church at Orange-
yt is being pushed rapidly forward.
Mrs. Jacob Terwllllger, of Light Streol,dled
on Wednesday nfiomooti.
E. C. Ilundy, tho green-grocer, has taken up
his abode in Stcrner's building, Main street.
Tho May term of Court will begin on tho
2d of tho coming month, being the first Moil'
Dr. II. C, Ilower has moved his office to
llarlmau's building, corner of Main nnd Market
Tho first organ grinder of the season made
his appearance in town on Wednesday. A har
binger of Spring.
While & Conner are turning out largo num
bers of agricultural implements nt their
Orangevlllo foundry.
Como one, come nil and don't forgot tho place
for Wall I'aper, Window Shades Ac, nt Iho
People's Hook Store.
W. Ci McKinncy ,1ms a new hotpo for tho
express business The animal is in color a
dark brawn nnd h very spirited.
At Harrisburg on Tuesday, Iho anli-di'crim-
ination freight bill was doftnted in the Houso
by a vote of 97 nays to G2 yeas.
D. K. Sloan, one of Ornngeville'fi tnost enter
prising merchants, will enlarge and improve his
place of business in a short time.
A correspondent in Unionvillc, Mich, informs
us that thu Ire ou Siginaw bay is about three
feet thick. Not much Sprint; about that.
Mr. Pamnel Unburn, of Greenwood town
ship, is in luck. On Tuesday ho received the
snug sum of $1123 from the Tension liurenu.
Afier nil, a gentle purgative is tho bet means
of curing headache, liver complaint,
lies?, Ac. Uee "Seller's Liver Pills " ap293r
A game of base ball will ho played on the
fur grounds to-morrow, between the xtormnl
School nine nnd players chosen from tho
W- II. Jacoby Esq , has been called upon
to ferve as a juror in the United Slates Circuit
Court, which mcels at Pittsburgh on the 9lh of
W. 1!. Brink, station agent of iho L. & 1!.
11. R. at Kingston, has been ssnt to jail for
five months and fined SoOl) for embezlinir the
funds of the company.
The Convocation of Willlameport met in
Catnwwa on Tuesday nnd continued in ses'ion
until Thursday. Right ltov. Bishop Howe was
in attendance on Wednesday.
Gllmoro k Co. , 020 E Street, Washington'
I). C, requestevcry Soldier or Sillor ivhoterT-
ed In the Union Army during tho lalo wnr, to
send his namoand postoffico address nn a postal
card. Write plainly uamc. post office, counlv
nnd state. In return you will receiven copy of
a new paper, America, containing valuable in-
The Daily Sun made its first appearance on
Monday. It is a small four paged paper of six
teen columns, and contains a fair amount of ad
vertising. One page is devoted to local matters
and a column on tho first page to lato general
news. The first number was qulle creditable
and if succeeding Imucs nrcof equal merit tho
paperwlllgiln popularity. Tho labor necessary
lo the production oladally la by no moms light
nnd llioso who have made this venture will de-
servo bucccss if they achieve it.
No tiouble to show goodi and give prices at
the People Drug and Book Store.
ltusfcl It. Pealcr, formerly ol this county, was
recently elected Circuit Judge of the lolli Ju
dicial dislrict of Michigan! Mr. Pealcr was
born In Fishing Creek township, January 1st
IS 12, studied law in the office of the late
Hobtrt F. Clark and went lo Michigan in 1807,
He has held Iho position of Com t Commission
er and District Attorney, and lias a lncra'ive
practice. His success is great and has been
honestly won by energy and ability.
The shils of C. B. Brockway, administrator
of B- S. Brockway, niainef the Mutual Benefit
Insurance Co. of New Jersey, and the Connec
ticut Mutuil Co. of Hartford, Conn, will be
tried in Pittsburgh during (lie coming montli
hi the I'. S. District Court. These cacs have
been pending for more than ten years. Over
one hundred witnts'es have been examined
The amount claimed in each suit is $10,000
on which thcro is ten years interest.
The annual meeting of tbo etockhol !crs of
tho Bloomsburg Stale Normal School, will bo
held at the cfiico of C. O. Barkley, Ktq.,
on Modday the 2nd day tf May. 1881, at
two o'clock in tho afternoon, for tho pur
pose of electing four trustees on the put of
tho stockholders to servo for the period of llireo
years; anil at tna same u.ue t immniie utir
persons from whom tho Superintendent of
Public Instruction may appoint Iwo ersons to
serve as trustees on the part of the Statr,for the
period ol three years.
V. P. 1Iillmi:yi:ii,
Thieves held high carnival In Calnwis?non
Saturday night hsl, and the iuhabltsnts of that
town nro very naturally somewhat excited.
No less than four phces wefo broken Into by
burglars but In nono was tho plunder obtained
of great value, llnrdei's hardware; storo was
ransacked but nothing carried awny. In
Smith's hardware store tho thieves stole (over-
nl revolvers and a small amount of money.
They found about a dollar and n half of looio
change In Gilbert & Kline's store. An en
trance was forced into the ticket cfiico ol the
D.invillc, llazttton Wilkcsbarro It. II. bul
tho cxpealallons of the marauders were disap
pointed as no money was found. Catawltsa
will need a larger police forco If llieso depre
dations do not ccatc. Tho authorities should
keep n sharp watch over suspicions characters
who are found lounging about iho streets and
ascertain whero they pass the night. Trnmps
beyond number nro prowling nround tho coun
try and It Is well to guard against their at
tempts to plunder.
On Monday n iglit last the post-allico at ltupert
wn; entered by thieves, who obtained access by
prying open n shutter. They madonnunsucccss
fill attempt to force open tho safe and then rilled
the money drawer, but secured only eighty
cents in cash. I hero were several dollars in
another drawer but this the btirglai's overlooked.
The mall matter was not disturbed, A few
nights before, ibe store of I. II. Seeeholl. In Cat
awissa was entered and an attempt mado lo drill
thesaft; nnd it is thought that tho samo burglars
committed iho ltupert robbery. Two tramps had
been lounging about llic office during tho day,
and they departed on the morning train. Posii
bly they were the depredators.
Are you going to paint? It 8i,send lo Henry
S.Beav, Montour Paint Works, ltupert, Ph.,
for sample card and prices of Strictly Pure
White Lead. Slate Colors, Iron Piiits, Putty
ka , and save the wholesale and retail profit.
You can mix your own colors, from best mater
ial, witii Pure Linseed Oil.for "5 cents to $1.20
per gullon.
Respectfully lours iVc,
apr. lo-bm uenky a. jiuw.
Bid blood always causes trouble. Itnny be
n f unity light or lioils.pitiiple', itch, tetter, &c.i
but no matter, ' Dr. LindsVj's Blocd Searcher
is the cure-ill. a,or.29-3w
Tho cranzcrs have purchased a lot on llio
corner of Sixth nnd Market Streets from D. J.
Waller, and wi'.l erect thrreou a substantial
building to bo used as a storehouse.
Next Thursday evening, the members of the
Cornet Band will give a ball in Grower's Hall,
The proceeds will he applied to the purcliaso of
unifotms for new members.
On Wednesday lat, James Kisler, who lives
near Neal's furiiare, procured a warrant for the
arrest of his wife, whom he accused of eloping
with a man named McAhoo,of Dinville. Mrs.
Kisler was arrested on the cars nt Rupert, be
ing at tiie lime in tho company of hor sister.
The man was not found. At the hearing be
fore 'Squire Maize, in this town, it wns not def
initely proved that Mrs. Kisler intended to do
mure linn ieavo her husband. An am
icable arrangcmuit was finally effected, and tho
couple ro tired lo make at.olher trial of life to
Last Sunday morning, somo unknown miscte
nuts attemptid to destroy the town of Shamo
kin by sprinkling coal oil on several buildings
nnd liter, setting them on fire. So far as the tie
strucliou of tho town is concerned, the attempt
was a failure, but tho losses aggregate many
thousands of dollars, not estimating thue caused
by the Interruption of business. Fortunately
no liyes were lost, though there were some nar
row escapes. During the firej thieves were de
tect) d in robbing a store. It is difficult to
conceive of a crime moie frightful or more de
serving of llio most seyero ptinihmenl. To
wilfully and nialicicusly place in j.-opardy the
lives of hundreds of sleeping human being, is
n detd so atrocious ns to deserve unlversnl ex
ecution, Tho destruction of Milton and the re
cent attempt at Sbnmokin woul I seem lo call
for a revision of ibe law rrgarding arson. The
punishment for such nn oflenca should be the
rumens for murder in the fir.-t degree. Tho
man who deliberately takes tiie life of another
is not so dingtrous to the community as the
dntardly scoundrel who endangers tho lives o
scores of helpless men, women and children,
Tho frequency ot these attempts to burn whole
towns hns created a throng feeding that some
thing should be done to protect the people.
It is generally Lelleved in Sbnmokin that the
file was the work ol a gang of tramps who in
fest that neighborhood. While it may lie af
firmed that many rlluncos are imputed to
tramps of which they are guiltless, it is equally
Hue that these reckless wanderers havo been
convicted of numeioiu outrages cau-ing damage
to properly and occasionally loss of life.
What to do with these vng.ibonds is a queftion
not easy of tolutior, bul if they are caught in
the net of starling ncoiitljgratinn, it may chance
that (he problem, s) far as the perpetrators nre
concernci!, will be spec any anil summarily
Let tho Legislature pass a law making urson
a capital crime ami, after a few incendiaues
have been executed, there will be greater safety
for person and property than now exis.s.
Clmmpagno color In silk nnd satin brocsdo
gives the idoa of It tile bubbles on fresh); -pour-ol
llcidslck creamy and with a faint pink
Bin co Vennor the wen her prophet has taken
charge of tho weather the little dicky birds
have lost confidenco in the reason and ore
averse to begin housekeeping. They can hnrd-
ly be b ntued In viow of the fact that there Is a
fall of suow every week.
It Is rather to bo regretted that roller skating
has ceased lo be popular in Bloomsburg. In
oilier places, notably In New York, Philadel
phia and Washington, it Is growing in public
favor, and whero Iho streets and sldewnlks nro
ofnsphalt,thc sport Is not confined lo tho rinks.
Tho cxcrclso Is healthful nnd pleasurable,
within bounds of moderation, and is not restric
ted by changes In the fcasons.
Ucncrel Jemcs 11, Weaver, the Greenback
candidate for President last year, arrived In
lllootmburg at noon yesterday. Ho was to
havo made a speech in tho Opera House in the
afternoon, but wo went to press before tho hour
fixed. Another speech was talked of for the
ovcnlng. The (icnernl Is on a tour through
the Slate, stirring up his followers with a view
to maintaining the organization of the party.
A despatch from the Commissioners of North
umberland countTi dnted Sunbury, April 2Cth,
is worded ns follows: "Geo, Dougherty escaped
Sunbury j lit last night) ago 30, smooth, red
face, about five feet five inches, light liair,sllght-
ly curled, light striped pantaloon. Reward of
S.0 will bo paid for his atre'l." Dougherty
made hlsercapcby tubbing his body liberally
with soap and squeezing through the Iron bars
of his cell window. When ho lived hero he
had the reputation of being an incorrigible
N. W. Ayer k (ion, the enterprising nnd
successful newspaper advertising agents of
Philadelphia, have purchased the business of
S. M. Petlliigell & Co. in that city. In 1872
they secured that of Wcnzcll & Co, and in 1877
that of Coc, Welherill & Co., the oldest agency
in the city. Messes. Ayer & Son commenced
business in April 1SG9 and in tho twelve years
that have elnp-cJ since that datr,kave steadily
prospered. They deservo their success, which
has been won by faithfulness, integrity and in
ilus'rf. Publishers who have had business re
lations with the firm, know that they aro prompt
nnd reliable. It is a pleasure to note iho
growlli of such a well-conducted establish
ment. Mr. Georgo W. Miles of Danville, contrib
utes to the Philadelphia 'lima the following
facts, which will prove of interest lo mnny of
our readers: "In your issue of the twenty
fifili your correspondent elaims that A. Reader
Mnller was tho youngest soldier in Ibe service
from Peimsylv.miB, viz., thirteen nnd a half
years old. C. P. Harder, of Danville, Pa., en
listed in iho First Patallior, Pennsylvania Vol
unleors, June, 1S63, ago elcyen Tears, weight,
sixty-five pounds. Ho served out the time of
the Bttallion, immediately re-cnlislcd in the
One Hundred and Kiglity-sevenlh Pennsylvania
Volunteers and served until the close of the re
hellion, and is now the head roller in the (lien
dower Iron Works"
WHY 11 1 C
Why nre cowardly soldiers llkrhutte? When
exposed to fire they run. Itunnlng Sores and
mpuritiesoflhe blood cuicd by Spring Blossom,
'rlct-i $1. , 60 tents, and trial bottles 10 cent.
COO Bushels of Good Potatoes wanted by
81as Young of Light Street.for which he will
pay tbo liigiiesi market price.
For Lawns. Percales and.Dress Glnnliams
go to Lit 1 7. & Sloan's.
Nobby Business Suits,
j-.irgant uress butts,
Durable Worklntr Suits.
Now on hand nt David Lowcnberg's.
Lut. it Sloan havo tho largest assortment
of Trimming Silks mid Satins In Blooms-
David Lo wen here would inform Ids cus
tomers and tho public In general, that hav
ing completed tho alterations In his Store,
he is now prepared to supply his customers
Willi llio latest styles ot (Jlotlilng. jNowon
hand a magulficsnt stock of Iteady-made
Chilling, selected expressly for tho Spring
trade. Call and inspect and eeo for Your
Light Cloths for ladles' Jackets and Ul
sters at Lutz& Sloan's.
Lilley k Sleppy will open a new store in
Light Street nbout the first of May. They will
deal in eeaeral merchandise. Great induce
ments will be offered to purchasers,
In the State Senate on Tuesday the judicial
apportionment bill was so amended, on motion
of Mr. Wolverlon. as to leave Columbia and at present. Sulli
van nnd Wjomingwill also form n dittrict.
Mr. L,vi ILirlnmn, of Williamsport, chosen
as umpire by tho insurance adjusters, to deter
mine the amount for which the companies aro
liable for tho destruction of llio Danville Irsantr
Asylum, has fixed the figures at $203,110.01,
His report was accepted.
There is urgent need o' rain, the ground a
parched and, in soma p.acjr, cracked by the
liea', and tho roids nre lerrilly dusty. Tho
recent rhiwers barely availed lo moisten tho
jiiirfitcj and tbo crain was benefited bul
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Rutlc, of Carthage,
Mo., nre in lown visiting relatives and friends,
Mr. Rulttr is city editor of Iho Oarthoge Daily
Outlier, and wme Kist lo purchase new presses
f ,r hia nil!. He will remain here about a
It begins to look now ns if our Irout fishers
will soon be alb t) eiiby their favorite sport,
wlilmnt mnrli diint-ir of freoziti!:. Many of
Iho slreimsaro yutlnun l in icy fitters nnd
snow covers tho ground in ilia wooded regions.
Don't hurry tho trout havo hardly laid aside
their overcoats.
If jon aro going west savo time and money
by buying tickets from R. D. Darlington, agent
nt Rupert. He lepresents best routes lo the
west nnd northwest. Trains leave ltupert at
0:15 a. m., 8:50 n. m , and 4.0(5 p. m. For
rates and information, call on or address
R. D. DAttMNllTOS,
April 1-Ow Ticket Audit, Rupert, Pa.
Of course our lady readers will pronornce
the following statement utterly f.ibe, nnd we
aro not prepared to say that we placj any
confidence in it, but give it to show what queer
conclusions some men attain. A gentleman who
bad buried four wives, accounted for his sad
bereavements by slating that his was n placid
and peaceful dispiMtion nnd therefore he never
minrreled with his wives. tontrovcry being,
. . . . . t. ,.r
in Ins view, necessary i w tuiiLiuuuiuu ui
femnlo happiness and coneque:it longivity,llio
iinfnrinniitB e'amos sickened and dud. Wiji k-
iii", ladies, hh'i it, and awful mean besides'.'
On Moudiy lakt IMwnrd Fiirman, son eif
Watts Furmai', engineer at Neal's furirire, met
. . . . . .,, i
wittmsciioiis acciileniai iiiecartui psui -utssm
l.ockaid. He wa3 standing rpon u liuck when
his foot eaujlit in seme unotplaino 1 mauini,
and he was thrown vhl ntly to tho grount',
striking the back of his head, Ho rem iined in
sensible for nbout two hours, an I it was fearod
tint bis skull was fractured. Examination
proved that this was not the ense and Dr. Mc-
Kelvy is nf opinion Ilia' lie will lecover. Mr.
Furiuan is nbout eighteen years of age.
Mrs. Stary Birtondiedat her residence cn
Bock Street, on Frii'ny morning, the 22nd inst.
after a protracted illness, aged 78 years 1 month
and 21 diys. She was thi widow ol Cileb
Barton who was killed on the railroad track
I etween here nnd Rupert in 1Si'i3,oii his return
from Ohio after an absence of two yeirs, where
le had been looking after his landed inteiesis.
Three children survive her. name'y, John M.
Barton, Berwick, Newton W. Barton, Olih,and
Mrs. A. A. Butler of this place, with whom she
had live 1 for many years. Mrs. I. W. McKelvy
another ditightor, died last August. Mrs. Bar
ton was ono of those estimable ladies of the old
school, with whom it is always a pleasure lo
meet. She was for many years an earnest nnd
consistent member nt the Protestant Ivpi-c q al
church, and until her felling IicjI.Ii prevented,
was always a regilar and devoted ntleidant
nt public worship. One of her most prominent
Iraiisofcliiracler was benevolenc1. The poor
were never turned Inmberdior without hav
ing their wants satisfied. Her many nctt
charity wire known or l to the recipient!, for
she did not give for tho name of it, hut from
the love of civini;. Her love of Dowers wis
proverbial, and her lirge grounds weio heauii
fully laid out in Ilower beds. At her own re (lowers were unit at her I, as sl,e
ail f Uod gave them for the living and not for
the dead.
The funeral s;i vices wer.' held at tho house
on Sunday uf ernooa, and iverii o inducted by
Rev. L. ZihriiT. Tbo remains were dtpnsiud
in the f.a!lf lot in Rosemont Ceineleiy. A
very l:irge number of peopli ware In n'toid-ance.
Business .Notices.
Ho for a lint I
For the latest styles,
For the largest assortment
For Men. Youths. Boys and Children.
Go to David Lowenberg's.
Tbo unders'ctied has purchased tho sand
along Flshingcreck of tho Irondalo Co., and
Grotz and Barton, nnd hereby gives notlco
that all persons carrying away tho eaudi from
those places will bo dealt with according to
Jacoii Dir.ri'ENiucit, Agent.
Parents, remember wo havo a very large
stock of Children's Clothing, and much
ulcer and cheaper than you can make them at i t0 hinLI
uome. -,ail nuci beunir jruuroeivea
David Lowenberg's.
Wo have jtiat opened a Btock of
Agricultural Steels, Cultivator
Teeth of different styles, shovel
Plow Blades nnd plates H made
from the finest quality of steel,
Harrow Teeth already made,
cheaper than you can buy the
iron and make them. Wo have
also taken the agency of the pat
ent four pointed
Which we are prepared to sell at
manufacturer's prices. This is
undoubtedly the best style wire
fence made and is a positive pro
tection against tho smallest ani
mals. Costs but 87 cente a rod
to build a four strand fence, in
cludinc posts, making it the best.
cheapest and most durable fence
at Tim ui'cu.v novis.
Altlcloro CYirotiiWi-.
Mi. John Ktzeusperger, manufacturing Jew.
ilex of North Attleboro', Mass., lately com-
auKnlcited to us the following: I suffered fo
math with pains in my nrm, that nt times 1 was
completely helpless. I used that incomparable
remedy St. Jacobs Oil nnd was completely cured
ns If by magic.
The Dusliore Jfcnew tayn The friends of
Michael Meylert, of Laporle, will bo pleased lo
learu Ihat ho has 83 far recovered from his laic
Illness ns lo bo ablo lo travel again. Ho wj in
lown last wcil-, the first time fortoveial mouths,
on his way to New York,
Tho Ihrec-yoar old child of Abtahnm Kline,
ofMt. l'.oasait township, lost its life in a sin
gular manner last Monday. In endeavoring lo
creep through a picket fci'.co llio child's head
was caught and death ensued from slranguln'
The People's Book Storo have iccured the
sola agency in llils locality for tho sale ol
Lo Mare's Celebrated Hoik Crytil Spectacles
nnd Kye Glasses. Will assist the sight most
Ibrilllaiitly, Mrengthen and prercrvo the eyes
and nro very easy and plemnnt to wear. A
call Is solicited from those needing aids lo
Knrroiw Columiuan. The l'le-bytenan
choir nt Hldlny Church, which iris teen a
church choir to all intents nnd purposes for
several years, was formally organlz.'d in accor
dance with I'arli unentary rules and regulali us
on Saturday evanwg April 10 h, nta reguhr
meeting for e'mir prac ice. The e bject of tins
formal organization was lobar outside parties
from assortirg lliat no choir exists at that place1
The old edl'u'ers wore called to their le'pective
places by acclimation s Mr. J. II. Aikiiiiu,
eailer: Miss Maggie Aikmin, organist, The
very phasing and able manner ii which
the Kaler anthems and church music
were tendered at llm Sihhitll ni'iuii n ervicja
woul I Ii ivu eotivlucid the must slcepllc il lint
this litilt liuid ol I. iisici'iiis were abundantly
worthy of the title nnd honor of an utganized
Wesley Hagenbuch, of Lime Ridge, former-
lyuf Cave B ink, Luzerno couuly, n brother of
our townsman, Jackson Uiigtidiuch, Jepaiteil
this life, Wednesday morning, April Soth, A
lurge concourse of friends nnd relatives follow
ed Id remains to their final resting place, cm
Thuri-diy, He was in the rime of life nnd
leaves a young widow and three ch'Uren to
luourn his lot
Salt Bheuiii for seventeen yean. Helpless
for eight years. UiihUo to walk. Got about on
hands and knees, ILud, face, nrck, aims and
legs covered. Cured by Cuiiiuia remedies,
Will McDonald, "SI2 Doirborn streu', Chi
Last Saturday afternoon a glas'-ball shooting
match took place at Rupetl, lliu prize being
valuable pigeon gun, Iho marksmen shot at
twenty balls each, nt a distance ol twenty-one
yards. The shooting win very accurate, s-jv
eraloftho contestants breaking from 15 to 18
balls. II. B. Aldiich of Rupert won the prize.
having br-ken 111 balls, Those who look part
i i the match were C M, Drinker, George
Itelfsnyder, William Yetter, William Kyer,
An on St idler, Ihoinai Harder, B, 1, Luycouk
(horgj Waters, I'eiry Writers, Abel Thomas
nt.d William Dodlur. Others, who hoio unable
to bo p'.ceiil had their shooting ditto by
The comedy, "i.itn'l ol I'oseti," prrsen'ed en
Thursday evoniii of hut w'eV, .is quito satU.
factory. Tlwre ate several iiiiprobilillities in
tho plot. but eno ih ol t'le possible is pres rvti I
o make tho play acceptable. 1 he rcidition
ofllie title rocby M. B. Curtis is deserving uf
praise, as it was nntuinl, easy and nut over
tone. The char ictcr is In many reqiect", novel
to the stage. Sun' I Vlatlrkk. a young Hebrew,
pos&ss'S reuiarknble shrewdness in businets
und wins advancement by honesty, faithfulness
uud zal. He is generous and sympathetic and
his hotter qualities afford an odd contract to his
harp dealings in trade. Mr. Curtis' interpret
tstion of the part was very crediluble. He was
I'tirly supported a, id the pliy gave pleasure to
ill e audience.
The entertainment given bythellyois Shters
nn the following evenlnf, was tlisippiiutinp.iu
that it diflercd materially from what llio an-
nountenicnts liadgiven re iron to expeit. It
was in reality a variety show, the first two acta
consisting of the u-u il plantation eongi, dances
and eccentricities. In the third act .Miss Itj
noldi teciled 'Jurlew shall not loll tr-nlght, '
with good taste and expression. Tho jubilee
sings were well tung. fietl Lyons provttl
h inself nn eaxelbnt hujo player and gave nn.
nilslukabla proof of owning tl.u higg'st month
known to theitrevers. Miss Louise Hyers
is a vivacious actress with a good voter. Her
sister Mndah has a voice nf exceptionally high
range and sang very wel1. She tpolls the elllct
of limit nf her selections by drawing hornit"S,
Tbo strongest feature bf the is the
rendering of the jubilee songs. The variety
business is and Thomas Gsleovei-acled
his pnrt. The title nf the company Is too high
sounding for the style of performance,
Here Is an opportunity for experts among
our anglers to win fame and valuable prizes at
tho same time. The publishers oflieWnnti
Ajloat have offered the following premiums :
For the largest black bass caught in Iho pub
lie waters of the St-tte of Pennsylvania iri'A a
flf, A handsome fly-fishing bass outfit, con
sistinc of a stdit bamboo rod, German silver
click teel, 50 yards of enameled silk line.a creel
three nine foot leaders and a dozen, bass Hies
with flv hook. .
For the largest black bass caught in the pub
lie waters of Pennsylvania ui(t lait ; Avery
fine black bass bait outfit, consisting of a super
ior bait rend, multiplying reelf, lines, leaders
and one dozen hooks and six artificial baits a
There are large bass in the Susquebanr.
nt or near Bloomsburg, beyond a doubt, and ii
only remains to be seen whether our fishcrmei
have enougli skill and patience lo secure them.
We will cheerful'y publish nccounls of (he
cttching of bass of extraordinary size and
This evening there will be p esented at the
Ope;a House, in this town, tbo popular emo
tional drama, "East Lynne," by Miss Ada
Gray nnd nn excellent company. Tho play
lias been remodeled and improved in many re
spects and is, comparatively, a new vers'on.
Miss Gray lias portrayed the iiiilerii-gs of the
lieroiue more tlian a thousand times, nnd her
rendition (if the character is said to be well
nigh faultless. Sho will hesnppoitcd by a care
fully stlcctod troupe nnd the drama be put ii on
the stage in good style. Tho merits of the
piece are loo well known lo need extended
o ilogy, and if it is wc'l plajcd, and we l.ave
reason lo believe it will bp, thoio who attend
the performance cm feel ns-uied of a pi asant
On Wednesday evening, May 4th, Miles' Ju
venile Opera Company, consisting of forty chil
dren, will give Gilbert and Sullivan's delight
ful ccm'crpcra, 'Pinafoic." This is iheonly
juvenile Optra troupe now upon ihe singe, tntl
was formid by the consoliuutiou of tlnee com
pinies. F.ven bo ly knows hnwumminga mu
sical competition "Pinn'oie." is, and there- will
he much eurioaily lo luar its bright nnd spark
ling airs at.d choro eis rendered by children.
For i-nch an entertainment the Opera lloiihe
ought to he ciowd 1, and it is hoped that rlich
will ho lite case. O ir people are find of mu
sic mid will encourage other iroupis lo come
lute by filling the home on this tccaMOn.
Wai.nct Lkaf Haiti ItESTOiiKH'' is entirely differ
ent from all others. It lsasclenr ns water, and as
itH name indicates, Is alperrect Vcgeialilo Hair Ito
slorer and iloes not In any manner affect tho liealtli
wlilcn Sulphur, Sugar or he-nd anil NltratO of silver
preparations liavo done. It will lininedlaiety frco
Iho head from all Dantlrutr, Restore eiray llalr to Its
natural color, anil prctiuce a new growin wavre n
him raiicn off. ltwlllchanL'o lttrhtor farted hair In
a row days to a beautiful Klossylrown. Every not
lie Is warranted. Auk your druirirlst for It. For
sato nt Movbk llitos., lllootnslmrg, l'n. Mnttn, Kltno
A t:o., rnilnuelplila, aim iiaii iiuckcii, new ioik,
Wholesale Acents. oct. su-tt
Clothing for all. no uiatter what your
size, age or condition mnv be, at the Popular
Ulotliing Store ol Uavtrt l.owenbcrg.
Boots and Shoes. We deeire to thank nur I
many customers for the liberal patrotiBge be
stowed upon us, ns ulso lor the often-heard
words ol contuendallon spoken to your
friends and acquaintances. Since the close of
fall nnd winter trade I have been very busy
selecting goods and giving orders to various
factories. Jlostol our goods ueing maue ex
pressly for our trade, these goods aro now
being received and I nm more than pleased
with the assortment. It will be no trouble to
us to show those goods Men's calf Boots wo
have them sewed anil pegged, Sierra shoes
in calf. Buirand FUst split, Men's English
Hals, Sensible, Fetrless and Double Decker
Button. Woman's, Misses' and Children'
Shoes in endles variety. If your foot issinnll
we can fit it, if large we ran cover it.
C. E. Ki:s3i.i:u,
April8 4-w Evaua' Bltck.
See a woman picking n bunch of grapes
in another column, at peer's Vineyards,
from which Speer's Port Grape Wine is
made, that is so highly esteemed by the
medical profession for the use ot invnllds,
weakly persons and the aged. Sold by
0. A. Kleim. jan 781 ly
HEl) house POWDER cures more horses, mules
and sheep thin any other medicine. Suro every
time. octsi, 'sn-tjcow
Tho llChL'Salvn In tho world for Cuts, llrulscs,
Sores, Ulcera. Salt ltlieuin. Teticr. e'hnppecl Hands,
Chilblains. Corns nnd all kinds. of i-klii hruptloni
Fiecklesand pimples, 'i'liu s dvo lsguaranUTQ lo
trlvo perfect rat lf action in every case or money i e-iund-d.
He sure In irct Henry's Carbolic halve, as
alt others arn but imitations. Price cents, l or
sale by all drujgUts. oct tl, W)-lyeow
It seems strange Hint any ono will Mirfer from tho
many rietnngsments brought on bv an Impure coo
Illtlon of tlw Wood, when SCOVII'S Hl,fi01) and
I.1VKH SYHUP will restore perfect health to the
phvsleal organization. It Is tudeil astieiiRthenint:
spiun. Pleasant lo take, and lias ptoen tlselflobo
the best bin id purltler eve r discovered, etrect
ually curing scrofula. Syphilitic dkraxea. Vt eakness
of the Kldnfs, all Nervous disorders nnd Dcb'llly,
ItcorrectH li.'dlgHstlon. It makes Iho old reel joung,
nnd tho young feel gay; and will invariably tlrlvo
out of the s) stem tue many ,111s that human llesh Is
heir to. A slugto bottle wit1 rrovo to yu Its mer
its as n health rencwer, for It, acts like a
eliai in, especial y when tho complaint is of an ex
haustive nature having a tendency lo lessen tho
natural vigor of the brain and nervous system.
oct 2'2,'solyeow
1 f Adam had had a game of 'V I cei ' placed in
his hands t an early period of hisexistenc . the
who If course of hi'lory might have been ma
terially nlleied for ihe heller ntitl if BilioiiMie s
Indigestion, Sick Headache or Dyspepsia were
unknown, Spring Blossom would not be neo ltd.
Prices: $1., CO ceulr, mid trial bottles 10 rents.
Your Sprints Blossom Is a success, I certainly
think lis ell Vets are wonderful, nil the Dyspe
tic Symtoms I complained of have vanished, my
wife also is enthusiastic in prnite of it, she was
ditfigurel by Blotches and Pimples on her face
nnd had a continuous Inndachu, sho is all right
now ami alt unsightly eruptions have gone
you csn refer Buy doubilrg Thomas lo me, It,
if, Williamson, Kile Street, Buffalo. Piicesi
$lt, CO cnti, and trial bottles 10 cents,
CiiAWt'oiiD BoiiniiTU On the 31st ult., at
the Baptist chinch, Blconubiiig, by tho Kev.
J. P. Tuslin, Mr. James C'awfjrd, of Light
Street lo Miss Sarah K. Itobeits, of Bloaiur.
S 1 1 i.k.n initio ii Fish un. A t Iho residence
of Sunt. Ira Filson, Bloomtliurg, Pa., on tho
ml ult., by Kev. D. J. Waller, jr., ltev. J,
GerrelG. Sliellenberger,of McAllislervilie', Jun
i ua comity and Miss AnnieS, Fisher, of Hali
fax Dauphin county.
Jiinlati papers plttue copy, Levan Al the residence of Si
mon Carl, on tho 17th inst., by P.ev. J. V. Bo
dine, Mr. Jeremiah Yeagcr, of Cutawisio, nnd
Miss Cui Imine A. Levan, of Locust tntwi'hlp.
Donson IIkss. On tho 'JOih ult, ly Hen
ry C, Hess, 1., at his office in Kuguil a Mr.
Ihyd II, Didson, f Pitirmount, Luzerne
county, lo Miss Sadie M, Hess, of fc'ugarloaf
township, C'obimbla county,
Wilson WiJN'Nini. On Ihe Oth inst,, by
Bov. A. Iloutr, Mr. J. I). Wil.oi lo MIsa Su
oiiinuh Wenner, both of Piehlngcrcck town
dlCStqut Upon receipt of a postal card, spc- Marktt
it etiying uic Kiiui ot jjootis vaiucti, vrc St.
inir.icdiatcly sctul uy mail, gratuitously, with
widths r.nd prices marked, samples cf
Dress Goods, Silks, Etc.
showing the latent styles, and enabling a purchaser in any
part of llio United States to select satisfactorily, and order
the goods conveniently, with certainly of receiving only
what are sent for, and at precisely the same prices paid
by city customers v. ho buy r.t uwc counters. If, upon
examination r.t home, any articles fill to be as expected,
we rceiuoit Iheir rotura, :.".J .'.wiul ot'.KTS ia exchange, or
refund the money :.t onco if the. purchaser prefers.
Our New Spring Catalogue
embracing all the dcp.irtmcntt in one irge book, with a
system of ordering goo J., L letter more convenient than
any heretofore, will be mailod, without charge, to those
who send us a postal carel containing name, town, county,
and state: nothing further i ; r.ocoary, we will under
stand what i i wanted.
Our stock, which forms Ihe greatest variety in one
establishment in Iho United State -., includes Ladies' Suits,
Shawls, Millinery, Utn'.orwcar, Hosiery, Gloves, Jewelry,
Laces, Lr.'.broiderles, Shoes, Linen , Gentlemen's Cloth
ing, Housekeeping CjoJ;, C!..a, ilvorwnre, Furniture,
Carpet3, etc. Address,
John Wanamaker
13thV ur torc no 11 a 'IC Grand, iwcuplcn the Uock Tlitr
.X City futiure. p: d h rn .1 cf between htu
ullCCl t!rcc acre cn t'u t'T -unJ door olone
s iuiiojuari!i
f l
I.o.vii, Near Kerntown, Pa, on the (lib
I nit., Joseph Ling, aged 77 years and l.'l ihiys.
Vocht. At Itlveisidf, (formerly of JIaln.
vllle) on the 9th inst, Mrs. Annott, wlfo of
Mmsh Vocht, accd 21 yearc
IlKiiniNOTO.v, In Mt Pleanant cn the 11th
lint., Henry Herrlrgtun, aged 35 y,nH, 8
luonthn and 11 dajs,
IIos Died in Centre tnwnahlp on tho 22
ina. Daniel lOtU Ilv-f, aged 24 jtnrit unU 11
day a,
Great and Special Otter for Thirty Days Only I
New " FAVORITE " Organ, (fcQft
Boxocl and Shlppod with Qtool and Book for iJUIW
(lilof practical me,)
(unking a grand lotui ot
II uctaTC'4 uf rotdi.)
ca& solo stops
(full organ and Lnco
(MtllCll iloilUcj t..v
Kent oa trial Ijt 11
ilnvi-, unit freliilit 'M
IkjIIi muj j It nut eiix
Hrfau otlvertlwd flto
tela ot rtcila unlets tl
lim 17 uclatt'4 it
Illu'.ratcil CJUlofJ)
uallfj (rue.
! A. fcof.l, UP
This Great und .Specinl
I.UI IiipetcouiplctoDrrniis in ml
fata oguc. J1. C.k U (pun
1U01IIT HIKIanrn V,.l ,1,.
'I livut. 1 . i
with oiiiT VilutiY
Tho thirteen Btopa
are: Dlapaton, Dulclaua
l'rlnclpal, llauttx.j,
1 lilll'.Clarlontl.CVlcile,
Dctavo.e'oupliT, Snb
HaiB.Kclio, llulcrt, Vox
Humana audLallrillanl
Wo warrant tills
eiruan ! be nrn
rims In evrry ri'
perl, nnd tuarootioll
lor Mx r to glvs
i nl Ire tat!a(actlou.
It Is lie Greatest
Bargainenr Offered.
liny cf n rcllalile linnie-
tea cow been lu buil.
ecu tot TmrtTY-FITK
yrnra ana aoll ucarlr
OU.UOU riauoa atii
eirfaua, and all llf
nitf Miiiaciia
, 4
Although we have, by our Large Assortment, gained somewhat of
a reputation aa being Headquarters for Fishing Tackle, we have
never had the stock as complete as wc have this year. There seems
to be a growing demand for finer tackle. People are not satisfied
with the old stiff pole, line and hook; a little practice with a tly rod
and fiies, rapidly cultivates a taste for scientific fishing. If at first
the catch is not so great in number?, tho pleasure in tho manner of
taking more than repays tho loss To meet the demand wo have a
fine assortment of Irout and Bass Flies, Eods, Keels, Lines of all
kinds, Snell Hooks, Baskets, etc. Flies, etc., selected especially for
these waters, when requested. Call and look dver our stock.
lly virtue of poiver In the will ot Joint McCnllo,
late ot Steuben county, New Yoru. eleceaseil, the un
dersigned, ono of Itio executors named In tiie will
and actlnc executor in said estate, will otlcr nt pub
lie sale at tho Court Homo In lllocmsburg, at one
oclock In tlio afternoon on
Monday, May 2nd, 1881,
All that tract or parcel of land sltuito In tho town
ship ot Heaver In tho county ot Columbia and State
ot Pennsylvania, formerly Catawlssa township,
Northumberland county In salil Male of I'eunsylv.i
nla, beginning utapo9t, thence by land of Daniel
Neycr south slxtcon and one-halt degrees east three
hundred and seventy-ntno perches lo a post, thence
by land ot Jcsso Evans north twenty-eight degrees
east clghty-tour perches ton post, thence by land
ot J?83) Hrooks north twelve degrees west eighteen
perches to n black oak, ihcnco north seventy
eight degrees, east eighty perches to a post and
thenco by lauds of Cathiiloo Longenbe-rger north
sixteen degrees west two hundred and seventy-
two .porches to n post, thence by land of Geoigo
Longenbergcr north twenty-oao degrees west ono
hundred and twelve perches to a post, and thence
by lend ot Thomas Lemons south seventy degrees
west ono hundred and sixty pcrchos to the place of
beginning, containing
Three Hundred and Seventy-two
and two-thirds Acres
of land and allowanco ot six per cent tor roads,
which said tract of land was survej ed In pursuance
ot a warrant dated 23d day ot August, 1TU3 granted
to Andrew Clark.
The land Is unseated and Is supposed to contitn
TKItMS. Two u'inttrcd nnd titty dollars on strik
ing down tho property, nnd tho balance In ten days
on delivery of llio deed by the executor.
Noti Hknk. Tho propeitywas sold for tho taxes
last Juno, and tho amount required for taxes and
redemption from that sa o to which the abovo sale
wilt bo subj ;ct, will be 22'J 20. In addition to which
will be tho taxes accrued slnco the said sale, on a
reduced v.Uuulon amounting to about nttccn dol
lars a year.
John g. Khkkzii,
March 23, 'st-ts Attorney.
(atrccxiseos. to d. w. robbins,) bsax.bx. xzr
Fine Itraiiellcg, WlilNklCH, GIiin, IIiiiiih, miel all ItlntlMot' Wines con
stantly on linnil.
Landlords throughout the county will find it to their advantage to
call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Main Street, 2nd Door below Iron.
OPERA HOUSE, Centre Street
Notice Is hore-hy nlventhat the rollowluc named
P'rsons hat) Hied with tho Clerkot the Court eit
eju.irror f-cssloua nt tho I'cucp or columuit uouutv
ludr iietltluim for llcenso which will be preseuU-d
to thu h ltd Court ou Wt'J&esJiy, the uu.iuyor
.May isai.
llerwlcl; llor.
.loliu HlDderiltcr, Heaver twp.
.losenu ii. Miuman.
Kmaunel IMgur,
uiruni ut'33,
lleluhart lierserj
I't'U'r tiross.
W, It. eiitmore,
.luno U. lirowu,
Win, eilgfr,
ii A. Jacoby,
KOotcntmuaer a: iteir-
.1. II. Klstler.
I Win. llerkhtlmcr,
r.t a. i rucKentiiuier,
Kred. Smith,
Patrick McDonald.
V. c. u'llrleu s Juo.Dui:aD,
Johanna eiconner,
it imam re'itrcr,
liaiilel K. Curry,
.lames eioldworthr.
John l Kline,
In. r.. neurt'ii,
U. II. Deltterlfk,
Hciunirton Veager,
nuuir a wumvi,
'fhos. cncrriUL'ton.
A. K.Ktnlth,
Wesley J. utldlne,
Liquor Storo
Centralla Dor.
Uquor Store
Jeremiah K. Lonirenbcrger, "
conyngham twp.
eireenwexHl twp.
lleuilock twp.
Locust twp.
Madison twp.
Main twp.
A. W. lleHs.
Emandua Uimocsr.
Jacou Miller,
tieo. lleckintu),
Liiaa. vuieiuau,
Mltlltn twp
Montour twp.
fcolt twp.
Sugarloat twp.
llloom E. 11. llldleman, Norman Hheep.
lleuvrr .iHsto lllttenhimv, Jonnllmn Itredbcnder.
lientoii AbraUam llartmau, John It. Keeler.
Ilerwlck Win. .Steven.-.
Urlaf Creek Wm. llippenMeel, Jonathan L'ck.
Catlawissa-Churles nel-w.
evutrallaIohn McDonald, Hforge McKlhany.
KlshliiL' Creek-Henry Koichuer, A. W. I'ltierson,
.1. 1.. Itiinyoii '
eireenwood- Ira 1). Kline.
Hemloik Tlieodoro Dent.
IMS i-t .lumis Hupp, eieoriro e.etty.
Mt. Pleasant John Howell, jr
t)iani;e Mlas Conner, M. r". Conner.
Nioit K. D. Hagenbuch, Charles lirown.
liloomsburg, April is, '61,
WM. KlIIC'KtlAl.M,
iierk i. a.
to i ii i! tciiooi. piREerrous or oolcubu covm yi
flfWTI LU1U in nnrilltnnm if Him fnrli'.ttilrd sol.
tfouof the Actot sin May. 1M. you nre hereby tio-
uneu en inert in oonveniiou, at llio e.'ourt llouo in
llloouishur, nn I he hnit Tuesday of Muy, A. 1). l&ei,
tx'lDi; the third dny or Ihe mouth, at 1 o'o cxk In the
afternuin, and nelect, vtva o e, by a majority ot the
hole number el dlrecu nresent. one nertion ot
literary aud Hcleutlilo acquire intutH.aud of skill and
exiHMlencM in the art or leaching, its county Super
imi'imi'ui. inr iuu iuitu nucLreuiug earn; huu eei"
ttrv Ihe reiiilt to the stale Snperlnundent at llur
rlsburg, as requlre-d by the thirty-ninth and tor 1 1
etli bcitloiu ol auld act.
County Hurie.'lntciidentol Columbia County.
April Ulh st-iiw
Hloom-Wm. nietterlck.
lteaer Israel shell.
Jienton Jamea Wircman, Caleb O'llrten.
lierwlek-s. II. Howman.
Urlar Creek Andrew Fowler, John Miller.
CattuwlBSa A. 'l ruckenmlller.
Center-Kd. llartman, Kllas ltlngrose, Jorwatari
, Walp, T. U. Sweppenhelser.
Centralla Thomas Collins.
MhhluR creek-Kllas winner, reter Bogart, Cyrus
n itobblne, William Rveland.
nrecnwootl-Joseph Uwton, Wm. Masters.
llemlock-E. I). lidy.
Jackson Malhew .Mcllcnry. T. W. Smith.
Tt'J AJta.ruoo.Wm. J.
Moutour-I'eter llelmbach.
irauge-ll. c Everett.
i7oughi'onl0t)b'Ira ''uncU- Jcl" r- bowler, Wm.
Itoarlng creek-Michael Itouch, Peter K. Mentch.
Jjlocm-Wllilam Shaffer, . I. u Olrtcn, 2.T. Kehler.
I!. A . Mitimftn '
llerwlck li. W. Holly.
Centralla belli nomas.
KUhlug Cieek-I).U. hulunrt, John Heldc.
a'T,nLW"' fleaco' K"JaU Lemoa' Alison
IIel'llJStrfVClirlb,opllt'r KU8,cr' a- I'ursell, Jacob
IeilHl 11 V. T...I
Madlson-Wlljon Kves, liallls sterling.
M niln J e h u K l r k o n da 1 1 , "temake r.
.iwuiuui imitiri rry,
M1.. IMpityafit Ut.mi.n ... ..
.. "-" ('.in, v luwiuru, painuei reoiiori.
tHRUgc-Kmanuel Appleinau. 1
JiSSV fih!re": . ,u I'aaccberrltgton.
'com " LamU' K,J' Aluf", Eiellel
DIJIUnC JKocUvm, ItMMOodctu, cmtd Icgt, tvorr ki;t, OTritrung bui.tuU AlflA
I I H n U O Itun Ir.rue, AgrelU and all toiprovcnututi, with ttoot, otr aud uook, lent u I BH
unrUuud;itrtllor 1.11I7 . j Tl
Wheatrcr bushel...
corn. "
Oatu, "
riourper oarrei
Cloversocd , ..,
uutter ,
Pafiow ,,,, ,
Dried Apples ,, ,,,,,,
llamt ,,
sides shoulders
cue-Kens ......... ...
Lard per pound ,,,,,, ,,.,....
UaytMrtMk .,
... ,
... .
. .
(illcn Ib tint-i Vii nli f t ii...
deVf.pKd;adto'urtpeoUD whoS . ly0rercenrD'
f will apply tolhe Court ot ComrLon Pleas Si
ill2ll.,P f.c9.u",sr lorUlu "'l1 ot the lulileent
r?i !.'i?,V,,;mi0D",'"lu' cn Monday, May vnd,
11, at which lime uuy person huttc any obiecl
Hons to his final diKchJrg as n lnkoleni tebtSj
can at pear iiLd make inS same known.
J OT10K.
Notice Is hen by men that ihe mt(rlty l.ere-to-;nr
ulten to J-llas Mudiihull, lo mike li, cf
IttWbir und rrcmu inoi.i j cu my neeeunt .uVi
WHJ..C.H ibe nut daj or Attn, a.V.Ui wulLS'i
aJid. suireiiCtliQ i) iiiuiuaUocseht. """
Uefefc Nt, it ) tei . it i.itt.ttMm.t.
I Apill lM-tW