The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 29, 1881, Image 2

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0. E. ELWELL. I phi...
Friday. April 90.1881.
Oovonior Hoyt Inst weik Vetoed tlio
bill confeniiiit upon tin; Court of Com
mon l'lem tlii' xnvvrto isui! uiite of
miimlnmm to :ill Slnte otllceit. 'J'lii'
Sftintp vi'fiisoil to tlu',bill uvir llm
Mr. 1J. It. lfii)us it Isnniil, into l)i tliu
liwul of llm ti'HiiLr.niro inirty in Ohio in
next KhII'h iiimiiitrii. We ulioulil fmicv
that tlila would just uliout suit his fin
ibiv, but those White House oranges
must be nbntidoned.
Mr. W. A. M. (trier of llnzkton, who
enst the first vote for (hulield at the
(!iittiuo convention, lias been iiouiinntrd
as Third Assistant l'ostmnster General.
Mr. (trier is n banker and has never held
n jiublie olliee.
President (tarlield's administration is
Wingpnblicregnrd and eonlidenee daily.
SVIion tho Senators get through siial
blinj' and thus clogging the wheels of
jiubfiu business, Mr. Garfield may find
that it is too latu to restore tho confi
dence of tho people.
An exchange estimates tho cost of
Mr. Charles S. Wolfe's speeehmaking in
the legislature at half n million dollars,
l'erhaus, but there have been members
who did very little talking and yet cost
the Commonwealth u good deal more
tliau that by corrupt legislation. Two
wrongs do not tnakeja right, but an anti
Cameron man is not necessarily a worse
institution than a Cameron knave.
A bill has passed the House at Har
risburg, filially, requiring tlio payment
of all nioceys belonging to tho Com
monwealth, collected by any city or
county treasurer, into tho State treasury,
and repealing nil laws which authorize or
permit tho disbursing of any public
money, for any purpose, by any county
treasurer or other person receiving State
If there is one publication which,
abovo all others, is utterly worthless, it
is the Legislative Jiecord. There nro
many persons in tho State who nro inter
ested in the proceedings of tho legisla
ture and would be glad to read tho de
bates if received within a reasonable
lime after they took place. Tho Jiecord
is a fortnight behind time and is there
fore of no value whatever. The print
ing of this posthumous publication is a
totally unneccessary expense which some
of the reformers ought to cut off.
Philadelphia has given fresh evidence
that reform still exists within her bord
ers, in tho conviction of several election
ollicers charged with frauds nt(tho ballot
box. Tho people of that ring-ruled me
tropolis will soon enjoy tho luxury of a
fair election if this tidal wave of reform
doesn't take an ebb. Some of the city's
representatives at Harrisburg might lie
left at home after their present terms ex
pire, without any injury whatever to tho
credit or material' advancement of the
public interests.
There was an exciting passagc-nt arnii
in the 'House at Harrisburg on Monday,
between Speaker llewit and Hon. Chas.
S. Wolfe, in the course of which the
former spoke of Mr. Wolfe as ''the dic
tator from Union." Mr. Wolfe fiercely
denounced tho Speaker as "an abettor o'f
ringsters," and declined to withdraw tho
expression, as "his duty to tho people of
tho Commonwealth would not permit
liim to change his opinion." "If this
89veied their personal friendship he could
not help it." All of which goes to show
how injudicious it is for statesmen to
formulate their estimates of one another.
It has long been an open secret that
there were scandalous frauds in connec
tion with what is known as tho star mail
routes. A year or more smo it was an
nouiiced by General Itrady, Second As
sistant Postmaster General, that there
was a deficiency of $2,000,000 in this
branch of tho service. Investigation
brought to light the fact that in D.'J out
of inoro than 000 star routes, the pay had
been increased from $700,000 to S2,800,.
000. 15y this enormous iucrease, certain
favored parties pocketed vast sums of
money. A subservient Congress actually
granted Itrady's insolent demand for
an appropriation to meet this deficiency.
ITunder Ilayes' administration nothing
was dono to check this rascality. An
investigation was undertaken but oamo
to naught, and tho belief became general
that members ot (Jougre,s were implicat
ed with tho post-ollico authorities. When
Mr. James becamo Postmaster General
ho collected such evidence as led to the
prompt dismissal of ISrnily. Tho subject
Hliouul not ue dropped nerc. mere nro
other men of high Btanding who should
lie arraigned for their participation in
this gigantic scheme of plunder, and nil
connected therewith should bo tried mid
punished. The Washington correspond
ent of tlio Now York Timet, tho leading
Kepuimcau newspaper oi tlio country,
gives tho names ot many well-known
men who benefited by tho frauds. Anion
these are ex-Congressmen S. IJ, Klkins,
of Now Mexico, nnd Logan II. Hoots, of
Arkansas, ex-Senators Horsey, ot Arkan
Has, and .1. H. Chaffee, Congressman
PniKC.of California, Money, of Mississn
u ami hilis, or Louisiana anil .Senator
tavov, ot 'iexas. Hio tact tnat so
many prominent politicians were involv
I'd, was tho reason doubtless why tlio
Congressional investigation fell through.
Now that thoro has been an exposure,
tho people will watch with great anxiety
tho action of tho administration. Pres
ident Garfield can do nothing that would
raise him higher in public esteem, than
to punisn tneso roimers, and aid in every
way the efforts of Mr. James to cleanse
bis department. It is a mutter of doubt
with pome, whether .Mr. Garlield is more
than President deliire, but this doubt
would ho dispelled to a great extent, if
iio wero to show tnat wnero puuiio pliiu
derers aro concerned no lias no respect
or persons, and no desire to shield offen
ders. It is high time that lotteniiehs in
public stations should bo punished and
if members of ConurcH nro implicited
in frauds they should faro no better than
lu iro vulgar nscals. Tho people havo
jrrown weary of tho peculations of jmhlio
i.tllcials and disgusted with their immu
nity fiom punishment. If .Mr. Garfield
(k'x'iu to mnko his ttdiiiinihlrailon one
of tho noblest in tho history of tho coun
try, heru in bis opportunity. Honesty,
puritv and patiiotio devotion to tho pto
plo'fl interests will far outweigh tho ml
vunlugts to bo gained by tho shielding
of oonupt politicians. Tho sword of
justice ought not to bo btayed in this
TDK FA lilt Allll r SfATUK'
The tironxo statue of tlio Into Admi
ral David P. Fnrrngut, was unveiled in
Washington on Monday, with suitable
ceremonies. Tho President mado n brief
speech, accepting the statue In tho name
of tho nation. Addresses wero deliver
ed by ex-Postmaster General Maynard
and Hon. iJaniel . voorhees. llio
statue was erected by order of Congress)
nnd Mis. Viunlo lteam Hoxio is tho
sculptor. It is colossal in h'iko, and was
cast from tho blades of tho pronellor of
tho United States steamship Hartford,
tho vessel that boro Admiral Parrn
gul's ling in his operations ugn'msl south-
n ports durum tlio rebellion. It rests
Hjioti a grnnitu base about eighteen feet
IiihIi. The Admiral is represented us
standing upon the deck of u essel with
one loot advanced ami resting upon u
coil of rope. The right hnnd'grnsps u
marine glass, nnd the poso of the heud
nnd figure indicates that tho Admiral is
looking intently for the npponrunoo of
uu anticipated enemy. At each of the
four corners of tho base is a four-inch
mortar erected on a bronzo carrince.
These wero also mado of inetnl from the
propeller of tho Hartford.
Tho statuo and base cost 20,000.
Tho following document enclosed in a
copper box was imbedded in tho ped
estal. "David (11 isgow Kirrngut, tlio first admiral ot llio
rnlttil Slates navy, m born nt Oainpbcll'H station,
mur KnoxWllo, TenncHieo, on tlio tlhof July, IbH,
Uu was nppolatrd n midshipman In tlio United
States navy, December 17, A. D., 1811). Ho served
luring tho war between Great Britain and tlio Uni
ted States, fleelnrcd A. I)., 1812, and In tho war be
tween .Mexico and tlio United States, declared A,
1)., isia. lie nerved with great distinction In tlio do-
fence ot t'iri national governmcn. durlntlio wur
ot tho lebcllton, A. D., 1m)1 to ISM. 11c received suc
cessive promotions In recognition ot his valuable
services, and on July 28, A.D., ISilJ, ho was commis
sioned tlrst admiral ot tlio United Suites navy, l.'o
dlod August 14, A. D-. ISto at Portsmouth, New
Hampshire, atter devoltag a lifetime ot great honor
to the servlcfl ct bis country.
"A grateful nation now erects this statuo to hli
"A. V., 1SS0."
Signs of Ucpublirnn Dissolution.
The feud between Mr. Itlaino and Mr.
Conkling, which, like the the sword of
Damocles, hangs over tho banquet at
which tho Hepublicans have seated them
selves, is but an outward and visible
sign of disorder, disease and decay, deep
within the intestines of tho liepublieau
body corporate. If it wero only a wran
gle between two strong men, it might
be, ns for years it has been, held in
abeyance by the twin agencies of polit
ical interest and mutual friends. For a
long time it was indeed but a personal
dispute, and, ns such, kept within bounds,
and, though often the occasion of in
convenience, it boded notliiii'' more seri
ous than such passages as those which
resulted in tlio nomination ot J laves at
Cincinnati, and at Chicago iu tho nomi
nation of Garfield. Tho quarrel, how
ever, always a pretty ono as it stood, has
grown with the growth and strengthened
with tho strength of its principals, and
breaking out afresh under now and en
larged conditions, it assumes an import
ant public character, uud menaces the
party with an issue, iu tlio settlement of
which conviction u'nd duty lend their
phalanx to tho legions of malice. Lou
isville Courier-Journal, (Pern.)
flie Contest Itetwcen (lie President uud the
Tho people will undoubtedly sustain
tho President iu this contest against tho
arrogant dictation of these few men who
aro attempting to coerce him. People
havo had their attention directed to this
matter more during tho present adminis
tration than over before, because com
placent Presidents havo quietly submit
ted to this Senatorial dictation, and now
for the first time iu years a man is found
at tho head of affairs who seems resolv
ed to havo his own way. Tlio issue is
fairly joined and the country awaits with
more than ordinary interest tho result of
tho struggle. The people aro satisfied
that unless a decided check is put to this
practice now, it will continue to grow
and may eventually mako tho President
a mere puppet in the hands of designing
men, Tho time seems to have come
when it must bo authoritatively settled
whether the President lias any constitu
tional rights which Senators aro bound
to respect or whether he must obsequious
ly defer to senatorial dictation. Han
caster JYew J7ra, (Hep.)
'flie Czar's Assassin. '
Sophy Perovsky, who was hanged in
St. Petersburg for complicity iu tho as
sassination ot tho lato Czar, was a young
lady not only of exceedingly good edu
cation, but also of very good family.
Sho was a descendant ot tho famous
Marshal Perovsky, and had a near rela
tive now aide-do camp to thograud Duko
Alexis. Sho was good looking and lady
like iu appearauce. When stopped in
the street by tho police ofllcer who ar
rested her, sho did not for ono moment
lose her presence of mind. Sho addressed
tho officer with much dignity, and at
tho samu time begged him not to involve
a lady iu any disgraceful scandal on tfiu
street, but to escort her quietly to tho
nearest police station. In St. Peters
burg tho story goes that en route to tho
police ollicu sho opened negotiations with
her captor, who demanded fifty roubles
for her release. Tho young lady had,
unfortunately, but thirty iu her pocket,
and tho myrmidon of tho law would not
trust her for tho balance.
Auditor Geuerul Lemon's Clerks.
Tho term of tho now Auditor General,
John A. Lemon, begins on Monday, May
2nd. Mr. Lemon announces tho follow
ing appointments of clerks: Chief clerk,
Thomas McCumnnt, Blair county; cor
poration eleik, Itobert S. Prnzier, Alle
gheny couutyi clerks, Ilonry N. Grntliu,
.Montgomery couutyi George (J. Wil
kins, Philadelphia; J. Itriggs Myers, Ve
nnngo county, .Funics II. McAllister,
Dauphin couutyi (twin L. Harvey, Hunt
ingdon couutyi W. .1. Hush, "Fayette
county; James 15 Story, Hutler couutyi
J. J). Laciar, Lu.erno county; messen
ger, Samuel 1 taker, Hlnir county: night
wnteliinan, Lorenzo Toylor, Dauphin
A lilunrirrlug Leslslaturt).
For phenomenal blundering tho legis
lature of Wisconsin bears oft tho palm
It passed an apportionment law which
ciiiuo to nought bi'causo it entirely over
looked a town of 2,r00 inhuhitautft; it
passed a lax law which oamo to nought
because it provided for doing something
with tho lux eeitilicates on tho .list of
.linifM it ii!iu.wl im nnti.f rntitliHr nw
which also ennio to nought because it
formally repealed another law which
was not iu existence. This blundering
is so gross Hint ono is nil but tempted to
believe that it was committed purposely.
A notable diameter nt tho Norrislowu
Insane Asylum, Frank It. Puree), died
on Sunduy. IIu was a lad of thirteen
year). A long timo ago his mother
locked him iu tho cellar ol Iter house iu
Kuttou uud Lent him theie for four
years. Jlo became insane, vneu tlio
neighbor learned of tho Inhuman pnso
tlrsy hud tho toy removed.
The reports of April t, received nt tho
Department of Agriculture show an in
crcaso of nearly -t per cent. In tho nrea
sown in winter wheat, Kansas nnd
Missouri show tho largest increase, Ohio
ami Illinois but slight, nnd Now York
and Pennsylvania remain tho samo ns
last year. Indiana, Kentucky, Tonnes
wo and Virginia each report somu do
crease. Owing to tho prevalence of
snow tho condition of tho crops was not
given iu largo portions of tho principal
wheat growing states, but wherever men
tioned, it was stated ns below tlio aver
ago of last year. Tho alternate freezing
and thawing during the month of March
was tho most detrimental of any weath
er during tho winter. The live stock of
the conntiy, notwithstanding the scarcity
of lood pioduced by the long nnd severe
winter, has come' out iu fnir health,
though low in flesh. No malignant or
prevailing diseaso is icpoited over any
inrgc extent of country. Disorders of
lungs nnd stomachs aro often mentioned.
Great losses from cold and exposure nro
reported from the plains of tho far
News Items.
Kight persons wero killed and several
wounded by a railroad accident near
Ozier, New .Mexico, on Sunday.
Hoiks farmers say that there will bo a
big crop of apples, peas and cherries
this year.
Simon Hollands, "tho strong man of
Tremont," is dead. Ho was famous for
his physical strength.
Captain Harvey Eastman, a veteran
of tho War, fell into a pond
near Erie, n few days ago, and was
Tho Norristown post-oflice was entered
by burglars on Monday moruitir and
stamps and money to the amount of
SHOO stolen.
James Thomas Fields, tho well-known
author, publisher nnd lecturer, died in
Itoston, on Monday night.
Somehow, Senator David Davis seems
to bo too independent to acquire either
influence or popularity. Ho is generally
paired with himself on important ques
tions that arise in the Senate.
Detroit Post and Tribune.'
I have a little girl, said Mr. Henry
Doyle, of this city, in a conversation,
who was troubled with a severe lameness
in her lei's, pronounced by some erysipe
las, by others rheumatism. I had tried
several remedies without effect, when I
was induced to apply St. Jacob's Oil,nnd
I am happv to say that the use of but
ono bottle cured her, and she is now able
to go to school again.
Dennis Murphy, a burglar, while rob
bill" tho store of George Irish in ltutTa-
lo, N. Y., was shot anil fatally wound
ed oy the propnetor.
Largo forest tires aro causing an im
mense destruction ot timber in Pike
county and across tho lino of Now
York State.
Uy tho breaking of a trestle over the
Meredosia river near Albany, Indiana,
eight lives were lost. It is not known
what caused the giving way of the
The expense of shoeing children can
be reduced one half, by their wearing
those protected at tlio too with tho A.
S. T. Co. IJlaek Tip. Every tip has
A. S. T. Co. stamped on the front of it.
John Menney.of Ashland, shot Thom
as Scheiiren at Locust Summit, North
umbcilund county, lust week, llowus
taken to Ashland and placed iu tlio lock
up which he subsequently set on fire, lie
was rescued, nearly suffocated. Sclieuren
is dangerously wounded.
Women that havo been bedridden for
years havo been entirely cured of female
weakness by tlio use ot J.ydia K. J ink
hum's Vegetable Compound. Send to
Mrs. Lydia E. Pinklmm, 233 Western
Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets.
A Hungarian named Gy umber, an
inmate of tho Lehigh county poor house,
who had been asleep for hoveuty-four
days, jumped fiom tlio window on Sat
urday and tell a distance of twenty-live
teet. htranox' lo sav lie was not ma
terially injured and showed signs of
permanent waking.
Dr. ltrovvning's O. & C. Cordial is in
valuable to tho consumptive. Taken
with rcmilurity and accordiue; to direc
tions, its effects aro wonderful iu acute
uud chronic diseases of the throat ami
lungs. For sale by all druggists, and
tho proprietor, Dr. ISrotvning, 1117
Arch street, Philadelphia. Price r0 cts.
Tho various collieries near Wilkes-
Harro resumed work on full time,last
'My life," said a irrnteful lady, "had
been ono of intense suffering and misery
until cured ot a dislmunno; serotinous
humor by tho Cuticura Remedies." Ask
your druggists about them if troubled
with itching and scaly liuinois.
Tho post-otliccatPittston was entered
at an early hour on Tuesday morning by
burglars, who broke open tlio safo and
robbed it ot a small amount ot money,
postage stamps and registered letters.
There is no clue to tho perpetrators.
Tho Albany Jmio Journal says that
"a multiplication of holidays is a sure in
dication of tlio decadence of a nation."
In view of tho fact that tho oldest na
tions on the globe havo tho most holi
days, this assertion is open to objection.
Tlio days of public rejoicing aro so few
iu tho United States that there need bo
no fear of a speedy decay here, if the
reverse of tho Journal's proposition bo
Important to Tkavi:i.khs. Special In
ducemeuls nro rilfered yen by the Uurlintoii
Route. It will puy you to read their adver
tisement to Ijh fiiutid elsewhere In this issue.
.March 18 40-w
A brutal nnd unprovoked murder was
committed iu Scrnnton on Saturday
night last, tho victim being in old man
named .Michael Kinney. The murderers
aro three Italians who wero all arrested.
Threats wero mado of hanging by tho
enraged tnendsot hiiiuey.
It 14 wt-11 fkir roultri at nnwHrtnnpra
keep tlio newcpiiper hw In mind, lie
wc republlxti It from iluiulo time. II
it is: "The cuirl line t'lcidid
person unit: Ids taper di-tomliuied lie m
pay an arrearage?, or Hie piinu.ner may i
timid to emd it mi i II the uymn t ii inndt, and
collect the whole amount wliclln r llio paper is
taken from llio poat-clBce or mil, A Is, action
for fntii-I fan bo liiBllmioJ fUMln.t tinv nrfinn.
whotliHp lit. ti. ri tmnn.lli'n in h finf.iif!.l uiuu; n.
not, liu refuses to uy fnru publication. Home
lorgct tlil, una ihink Hut merely ii-fiialng Iu
take the intiter from the ixt. Dice settles llie
Ihr County iSufKriuttniUnt ',
0. H.OAMl'ItKI.L.
For Qiunty buptrintemlait,
T.I). JlILLUlt,
Ir'Clunfy iluyerintehJait,
The oienli'K of llio troul fessin tlitatenr
will be conahhrally I dor limn tnnl, owing to
the mow, which Mill liu fiom six IlcIic In two
feet (le p In llio wouili mi J on lie) mountains In
tlio upper part ol'tlie Stale. Trout fishers nro
tlio incut enlluulnsllo of men nnd will undergo
nlmott Any amount of Inconvenience nnd ill.
mmf irt In punnit of their epor', b it ilicru Is n
limit to liiinnn endurance. Wivtlng In the Ice
water of a ttrenm Unit II iws through n country
covered wilh enow, nn'nil mor' kii It V rin i tlinn
tho ptinsuro of lecuting tlio full, warrant,
It Is feared that, in some, the trout
have tipen killed by the 1 1 rye amount of Ice,
but llil Is tie rely a matter of corjectuic When
the wiuin winds and gentle showers dlsolvc
llie I co bariietp, nnd buds nnd IjIo'iiiim appear,
cur ongleis will il ubtliM find lliat tluru nic
enough trout In furnish lliem amusement.
A religious journal observes : "Tlicre nre
two eln'ses of people hi llie Lurch: llio otic
Is made up ofllinxc who do the hard wiuli of
llie church, llie ulbei of llioie who fit by the
liro ami limt fnilll.'' '1'liladif Isiou into wurketa
nnd grumbler! Ik uol peculiar to any locality,
but can bo ob'Crvid in sll communities. Noth
ing is more depressing lo rarntst and conrclcn
tlom constant fnill-findlnr', nnd
it materia ly retard the property of iiligloiis
bodies. Tlio-o who nro ncllvily engaged In
church work neco'sirily sicrifirc much perron.'
nl comfort nnd give their time and strcicts
without earthly rownrd, rx'cpt such in conies
fiom well doing.
A liro nt Shamnkiu on Sunday morn
ing last cau-ed a loss of iJoO.OOU.
Semothtn? Ofla'.crost to Evsrr Maa Woman
aai Child.
Is yo'ir Illood Impure nnd loaded with the Poison
ot KeroMa :
laynurLirn Sirenjrth oozluzout throjgtinn In
curable Ulcer or sore?
Is your Skin covered with Itchlng.Scaly and Scrof
ulo:n Hum irs;
Is jour Oomiiletlon dl-dlsured with Unsightly
Eruptions or Ulcmlshea ?
Is your Hair Thin, lifeless, and rapidly tailing out,
and n covered Willi scales 1
Is the Skin on your Hnnda Hough, IleJ, Cracked
or llleeolng7
Is your Child growing up with s:rofulous Humors
buretlns rrom every pore?
Is llaby nnitctcd with Scald Head or any Scalp or
hut J1UU1U17
It so. then no human nsMncv can so SDoedllr. nor
nnnentlynnd economically cleanse the Illood, clear
the Complexion and;skln. restore the Ihilrnndcii'e
eu'ry Bpecies ot Itching, Mialynnd Scrotuious IIu
mom ot the Skin, Scalp and Ulood, as the Cutlcuia
ui-uieuien, i-uusiillllUl ,
1. Cutlcuri, tho groit Skin Cure, n Medicinal
Irritation. heals ulcers und HOrtis.eatK nwnv (Ih.iU Hkln
ami tlcsh untl restores tho llalr when destroyed liy
.-ituj iiiiiuuisHim ijiuuu t uis'jus. i lieu ov eeuis.
Largo boxes f l.oi).
Cuticura Medicinal Toilet Soip, an exqulslto
Toilet. Hath and Nursery San&tlte. rrncrnnt wlih
delicious llower odors and healing tialsuim. softens
heaH, refreshes and !ieAUtllls tho Coinpnlxlon nnd
Skin- I'rlca ascents. Prepare! for shaMng, 15
3. Cuticura Iie30lvcnt. tho now Illnoil nuriner.
cliianses tho Itliod throush llio I.lvcr, Ktdneys.Ho -els
nnd Skln.and eradlcato everytraco ot scrofulous
nuuiura or ncrcaiiary moou coisons. rrice ii.uo.
Tim cullcnra and Cuticura Soap externally and
tho Cuticura Hcsolvent Internally will positively
cur.' every species of Humor, from u common rim
plc;to Scrofula.
Inquire noout them ntyour druggist's. Itteut
hero In Hits town you may nnd evidence of their
wonderful cures.
Send Stamp for "Illustrated treatise on tho Skin"
containing the most remarkable testimonials ever
recorded In tho annaU or medical practice.
Cuticura Itemedles uro prepared by
WEKKS & POTTUU, Chemists and drujglsts,
BOO Washington St.. Iloston, Mass ,
CJ'-Cutli'ura Hemcdlts mailed free to any address
on receiptor price.
Strength Creator,
And Health RESTORER.
Unf'rniented Malt. Hons. Onllnva nnd Iron.
Vn iiiedklnu like It for tho llraln, lllool.
Lunw. Miw life for functions wenkenid bv disease.
dHibilltv and dlt.slpatlon. Positive- o ire for malaria.
l.iver huiney ami urinary dlnlcultli-H. Comfort and
strength for delicate females und Nursing -Mothers.
Warranted tho Pniwt. most Kconomlcil nnd best
mdlclii called "I'.li tors " Sold every where. Mall
MOMtl ni) us and power
ful electrical action Is obtained
V"ITAieteSfrtrPT"t( "'inns voltaic nectrlc
V,'UA)' HartjU-tCIRlO eluslcrs than any li battery
Pi Ac-rca9t made. They aro ii ppedy and
lS I C.P certain euro tr ealn nnd
Weokn-na ut llie Lun.'s. l.iver. Kldnuvs. nnd Url
nnrv orKiins. Ittieuinathsiu, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Ke
nt le weakness, N'Tiotis pains und Weakness, juiln
rli, nni Peer and l'Uo. Prlo 'ii cents, sold
everyw hero. WEKKS & IMTTKH, Itoston, .Musi.
afseis In every conn
this Statu lo take
rsforNuts.-ry silci:.
Stendv nnd l)e.-,trublo Km.
ploy input at (1001) WACIEH. jCxperlencH In tho bit
Hlness nut required. Nurseries widely and favorably
Auumi. rui inn iiuureon
Van Dusiii Muser.esl C. I.. V.v DUSnV,
Kstal-llshed lsj'j. Oknkva. N. Y
tub. is, 'u-ist eow Also stock at wholesale.
Engagement Extraordinary.
ix ax i:vrntKi. M'.w vi-m.-iox op
As iierformed liv lnr over l.otn Hin-in. I'nuiiinr
Prices 85. and bO cents, iteserveu M?ats at lien.
tier's Shoo store.
Wednesday, MAY 4th,'81.
Mxles? Juvenile
Opera Company,
Tho only JiiTenllo troupo before tho public, com-
Mia.-M u. mid uiivipiwa in uiree oi iusl seusou s com
panies. An oiK-aiilailon of fortyp rsons. who will
produjo Ollberi & Sullivan's creaiesl operatic sue.
"our sau:y snifs a beauty,"
Ml AIIVAM'i: IN Pltll'HS, a.t uud .'.() eenu.
Kesmrd Seats now sale at Deutler's Shoo Store
MuKluney's block,
letlctsbf AdmlulMrallonon I he estate of Henry
W, Aid, luto bt eolt towLshlp, Columbia county,
Penu'u., deceshed, liae born ijranud by llio lli'i;l
tei of wilduiiuuly lothe undcrhlKiiid udinluiblralilx.
A 1 uertous havinif claims against tho esu'u of tho
iiecedeiit am uiiuvsteu to pr sent Uiem lursetllo-.
uiuut, and Ihosu ludebleU lo tlio eslale to make pay.
mem to the Administratrix, without
0. W. illlIEK,
Alu rney.
April '.d-bw
r, u, kbpy, Pa.
OT llliVlSlb.V
AH mado by tho inruvi eminent tcholars of Bag
laud ana Auiuilca. Half tho puce or corresponding
Diil'Ii h Ifdillon. (.ariru Ty pe, llueu siuiHi'.caieniUi.
ii paper, rhKant blnijlni;, A teparulu ''Compreheu.
slvo imtoryur tho 1 1 jo unditsitranluUoi,s,"lu.
(ludliiK a lull uccouut of the JMew Ittvislon,
L'lven ui NubscrllM-rs.
Hest ch nice far niienta ever olfercd. Send stamp
lor narllcula rs at once .
Couu. ApillK.'eu-ilw
au ulecllon fil tuleersof 1'aluwlsa 1M.1l... Co..
will b held at tliuhuuso of J. II. K'siler, Catiwlssa,
oi Monday. May ud, between l lis houra of ouu
uud MX o'clock n, in,
(ifcO.N niLlllillT.
A(iriU)-iw bivmary,
Uy vlrttio ot siitdry writs Issued out ot tho
Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county and
to mo directed, will bo exposed to publlo salo at tho
Couit House In Itloomsbu rtf, nt 3 p. m. on
MONDAY, MAY 2nd, 1881.
Atlthato'rtaln mcssiiaBOor tenement nnd tract
ot land situate In orangcvlllo In tho county ot Co-
liunbla nnd Commonwealth ot Pennsy Ivanla, boun
ded and described as tollons, lo-IU HeRlnnlnjt at
a post or corner on Main street, thence bylaniUof
HenrySllncr sitilh sixty-eight desrees, wat eight
perches lo n post, tbenco south thlrty-ono degrees
west three perches und two-tenths to a post,thcnco
by lands of Henry Btlner nnd Mary Itaihurst north
slxty-elght degrees, enst eight perches to n post cn
Main street, tbenco nton; Main street north tlility-
one degrees east three perches nnd two-tenths to
tho placo ot beginning, containing twenty -tlvo
perch'is nnd two-tcnlln.
Another lot of land, bounded as follows, to-wl'i
lieglnnlng ut a post corner In line or land of Htmuel
Achenbnt h, thence nloug Iho Bnmo north Hilt ly do
degrees east eight perches to a post, thence by land
of widow Marlit north seventy-two degrees west
seventeen nnd two-tenth! perches to n post, Ihenoj
by the afore-descrlbed lot south twcnty-nlno Ue
glees west eight nnd three-tenths lurches to a
post, thenco by lutid of Henry miner south sixty,
nine and one-half degrees eastsoventcen nnd tlucc
tenths perches to the placo of beginning, contain
ing one hundred nnd thlrty-ulno perches of land on
which ate erected a two nnd a half story dwelling
home.hnrness shop, frnmc stable and out-bulldlngs.
Seized taken In execution at tho suit of Samuel
Achenbach airalnst Ilnchcl Ann llarman nnd Ja
cob Jl.llarraan, her husband, with notlco to M, L.
Kline, terro tenant, and lo bo sold as thepropcrty of
llachcl Ann Hnrmanand .lacob M. llarman her hus
band, with notice to M. L. Kline, tirre tenant.
iKki.Eit, Attorney. levari l-'acias.
All that certain house and lot of ground situate
In Catawlm township, In the county of Columbia
anutstato oi Pennsylvania, lying nnd being on the
east side ot fourth street, bounded ns follows, to.
wit: Heglnnlng nt a corner of a lot belonging to
William Williams on Fourth stiect aforesaid and
running ihenco by said Fourth street northeast
wardly fifty feet to laud of DaWd fUrouso, thenco
along tho simo south clxtynnd oiie-hiif degrees,
oast one hundred and twenty-four feet to the publlo
road, thence by tho said road soulh llfty-slx andn
halt degrees west fifty fect to corner of said Wl Main
Williams, thenco by the snmo north tlxty degrees
west one liundrol and twenty-four feet to tho placo
or beginning, on which nro erected n two-story
iramo uwcinng nouseana out-o-lldlngs.
Seized, taken In execution at tho salt of Slicn
pan! (loodman against A. V, Cool and Sarah .1.
Cool and to be sold as. tho property of A V. cool and
t-arnu J. cool., Attorney. Lev. Fa.
Ml that certain lot of 1 ind sl'.uato In tho village
of (ilen City lathe County of Columbia and Slnto
of Poansylvanla, known ns lot No. four (I) In plot
o. n.rco (3) on map or plan of said village, bounded
ana described as follows, to-wlt: on tho north by
au alley, ou tho cast by lot .So. live (V. on the
south by First street, and on tin west by lot No.
Ihree (a), cmtalulDg Illty feet In front nnd one
hundred and lifty fect In depth, on which aru erect
ed a two slory frame divcl.lng homo and out-build
Seized, taken In execution at tho bult of tho
Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund Loan .V. As
sociation against Isaac Swcsny and Caroline Sweo
nyand to bo sold as the property of Isaac Sjtco
ny and Caroline Sweeny.
Ltm K & Millih, Attorney s. Lev. Fa.
All that lot tr piece of land sltuato lnlienton
township, Columbia county, and state of Pennsyl
la, bounded and described ns rollons, to-wlt: De-
ginning at apot In tho road up FUhlogcrcck,
thence up tho said road north two and a half de
grees, west six perches and thruj-tenths to a post,
ihenco by land ot William Colo north llfty-elght nnd
thrce-(uartcr d"grecs west sixteen perches nnd
four-tenths to a rost In tho road to West Creek,
thence by said road south thlrly-one and a quarter
degrees west live perches and four-tenths to a post,
thenco by lands of John Conner, south llfty-elght
and threo-nuarter degrees cast twenty perches to
tho placo ot beginning, containing eighty-three-perches
and six-tenth i ot a porch, strict measure on
which aro erected a two-story frame dwel.Ing house'
stable nnd out buildings.
Seized, taken In execution nt tho suit of c. 1).
Urockway against M1.H 1). Cole', and to bo sold as
tho property of Silas 1). Cole.
HaocKW a v, t ttorney Vend. Ex.
All that eel tain pieco or parcel of ground situate
la Flshlngcreck township, Columbia county, Penn
sylvania, described as follows, to-wlt: Houndedon
ho north by Und if Lazarus and Thomas Hut Ill-
son, on the uorih east by laud ot Oeorgo Pcaler, on
tho south-west by land of Philip Hnangst and Ed
ward Unangst, containing forty. seven acre s and sixty-four
perches, on which aro erected a framo house,
barn and out-bulldlngs.
S lzed, taken In CM'Cutlon at the suit of tho Or
nugetP'o Mutual Saving I und and Loan Associa
tion ngalust William Vnangat and to be sold as tho
property of William Uuangst.
M11...K11 Attorn y, n. Vend. Ex.
Terms cash,
SherlU'sonice, April 8th. 1S3I.
lty virtue of an order ot the Court ot Iho county of
Colurabta tho undersigned will sell at public unc
tion on Iho premises, near tho Jlclntyro church, on
at one o'clock p. in.
Iho farm known as tho WILLI AM FOX l-'AItM, ad
Joining lands of E. I). Kern, E. M. Tewksbury, Adam
Feterolf, Sol. Hlder, tha (IliSinnyer tract, Jacjb
tioas, und tho school house lat, contalnln ;
112 ACRES.
The farm li well supplied with running water,
und a VAUIETV OFFHUIT, Ilointe, Hani ami mil
bulldliiKH.' There Is about twenty acres In Timber, and ten or
twelve In "sprouts aud pasture. School Housuand
Church at hand. Tho dlstnnco to Catawlssa is three
miles and to tho coal market towu3, twelve or four
teen. MUST AND WILL US sold, subj jet only to an dower bond of Elizabeth Fox, and leaso ot
present tenant for ono year, aud In tho interest of
Itonunus Strausser.
TEIIM-J. Ten per cent of one-fourth thepuichasu
money (ibove dowerjon striking dosvn tho property;
one-Iourih less the ten per cent, on couUrmatlon,
tho balance In ono year thereafter, with interest ou
bond aud mortgage at thecxpenseot purchaser.
B. P. FoiiTNUK, Committee.
Auctioneer. Catawlssa, April 8, '3l-ta
Annus: the records and nrocccdlngs ot tho Court
or common Pleas of i:olumbla county It Is Inter
alia, thus conuilned.
Thomas bcbrctuer 1 No. 117 Dec. Term, isso.
vs. Divorce.
Kate Schreffler. j
Now February .. lssl. 011 motion of D. H. tletz. at
torney of llbellant 11 Is ordered that Iho Shertlt shall
cause notlco to bo pubholicd lnouujar uioreotlhu
newsp-apeis published In Columbia county for tour
Kiicccssltu weeks prior to thollrnt dav ot next term,
requiring tho respondent to appear ou said day Ui
auswer complaint. Proof haviug neen inada of tho
return of tho atlas subpicna ot a nihil.
Certltlcd from the records this elo v. Hi day ot
December, A. D., lsso.
U.M. Qi-icic, Proth'y,
nprll s-to.
in tuk kstatu or i-ktkh iitciuti., rJECkisto.
The Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania to Joseph
Michael, .Mllllu township, .Maiy. Iim-iin irrled milt
William Plan, Malnvllle; John .l -huel..Mit!lln town
ship; Lydia, Interuurried Willi Henry niuuer, lla
zlvion, Luzerne co., Pu.j Phoebe, lulerinarili-d with
I rlah McAfee, lleav.r town-jhip; i-nmui-l Mlehtiel
rind Washington, .Mlllllu lonnsuip; uiah lleeK,lbter'
mulled with We. Icy Voho, ( Icm), l-.ititou Pa;
llebecea litck. Inter nnnled with cii'ires ilimnp
bon.roiUlugut WIMIaiiisoorl, Pa.; El zabelh II -it,
residing nt.MllllliiMile, Columbia eouuty, P.i.s Wll
Hum Pick, last II lug nt PlilUdolplila, P.i ; Frank
lin llsck uud Jos -pii neck, lit lug ut inr UU, P.t.;
II11IU I'.eiw.lim-uiuirlel with .h-liii Mlcli.i-I, litlng
utUi-rtvlck. Columbia coumy, I'a., nil clilioivu 01
Kllzab'lh Michael, now il ceuseit who tva liner
marrled with Samuel Heck, nowllltlngut Mllllln,
CotuiiU'laroiuiiy. Pa; llebocea .liiiiuumau, Htlrai;
ntlie.ivertowui.lilp, Columbia c nmy, Pa; Henry
luime-ruiuu, ivaul ngal llluglowu, schuylkllicuuu.
ty, I'a.; Enoch, resldlnL' ut .tlalti tiwu
shlp, Columbia county, I'a ; hlizuU-tii oiultois. in.
tcrniarrled with Lett McAfee, iesldlu In lleavtr
townsnln. Col imbla co.iiuy, i'a., all chlldreii ol
Sarah Mlchail, luU-rmuriu-d wlih Christian Zliu
meimuu, (boh diceusid); Samuel Snyder, 01 Mill
liuvino, Columbia eouuty, Pa., guarduii ud litem ot
Franklin Heck, a minor; i.udwlg Zimmerman, Itlnir
lown, Schutiktll county, Pa . Kuanll m nl ittdieir
Zlmmermari,l(i)ory .hnuieiinanund Enocli Zimmer
man, llueu) Ucsciuidatiis ol I'ii.-- ,tiu u-l ueceuued,
and to lid )H'r ens lulerestud. llreetlug: You uru
hereby cited tohu and uppenr hi Uro thu Judues ot
our Orphaus' Court at an orphans' Court lo bo held
atlllooinsbu-gon tho ilrst Monday of May next,
then end there to accept or letusoto lake Iho real
estate ol said Peter Michael, deceased, ut thu np-pral-ed
vuluatlou put upon ltbyibu inuuest, duly
awaruod by the said Court and icturned by tho
sia-rlir. or show cause why 11 shall not be sold. And
hereof rati not.
Witness the Honorable William Klwcll, I'.e-Md-nl ol
uui said Court, ut l)loiiisiiur.', the twintv
tirih day of Fubrunrv, A, l one llwu uud 1 Igtit
hurcdred and eighty -one,
Wil khickuauu.
U. M. Q0IC. Clerk O. 0.
Utpirtr. uprii.H,
Tho following appraisements of real and
personal propertysct nnart 10 wiaows or aeceeiua
into been tiled In Iho oniro of tho lleizlster of Col
iimbla county, under tho ltuies of Court, nnd will bo
proseiiled tor nbsoluto conilrmntlon lo tho orphans'
Court to Im held In nnd forsnld conn
ty. on Monday, the 2nd day of May, I8SI, at two
o clock p. m., ol said day unless exceptions to such
continuation nro prctlouily tiled, of which all per.
sons Interested In said estates will tako notlco I
1, Widow of 0. D.S. Marclay, late of llloomsburg,
2. Widow of John J. Longcnbergtr, lato ofMimin
township, deceased.
S. WMowof ftamuot Bummers, lato of Montour
township, deceased,
4. widow of Joseph I.'. Rands, late of Mt, Vl'nsant
township, deceased.
8. Widow of Justus F. Mam, lato ot llcnton town.
ship, deceased,
Heirlstcr's Oniee. 1 W. 11. . MIDDY.
Ulooinsburg, April 1, 'si. f licitl.-te'
JLV Notlco Is hereby given to all legatees, credi
tors nnd other persons interested In the estates of
1110 respective (leceueniR nnu minors, 1 11.11 1 ne roi
lowlniradmlnlstratnrfi'.nxpeutnrn' and t?imrillans' no.
counts have been Hied In Iho onico of tho lleglsler of
Col. oo, nnd will bo presented for conilrmullon und
1111U..U11L-U iu me iiiniiaiis 1 otirt 10 uo neiu 111
liioomsourg, 011 .tiouuay, .May a, issi, at s ociocu
p. in. on mild day 1
1. Tlio account of Itzal II. l:r,t. Trustoo nnnolntrd
by the orphans' Court in tlio estalo of Ellen
1 one, into or 1110 Town 01 uiuotnsuttrg, ue
ceased, s Tho account of John Cole, executor of Joseph
IV.In Ift.n tf UI.....I.... ,n.,.l.) '
8. First niidtlnalnccountof Hat Id s. Ilclwlg, guar
dian or xiius, Harrison tV and John A. P. Ilvl
wig. minor children ot Sarah Ilclwlg, lato of Lo
cust township, deceased,
4, Hioilrst nnd partial account of W. tt.Mcrlcle,
executor of Ilcnlamln Jlerlcle, late ot Madison
township, deceased,
6. Tho Ilrst nnd nnal account of Clinton Melllck.
executor or Oodfrey Melllck, lato of Mt. Pleasant
luniisnip, ueceascu,
0. Tlio second nnd nnal nccount of E. It. Ikeler. ex.
ecutor ot Thomas l.nhoraton, latoof tho Town
ot Illoomsburg, deceased,
7. The Ilrst nnd llnal account of Samuel Nevlmrd.
ndmlnlstrutor of so rah C. hhultz, lato of Centre
iuwusuij'. uL-veuseu.
8. First and llnal nccount of C. U. Jackinn. euar.
dlan of ltebeccs, J. Marsh, minor child of James
.-uu so, nuooi leniro townsmp, aeceascd,
0, Tho tlrst and llnal nccount of Samuel C.Jai no,
uiiiiiuiaiiiiiui- uu uoiiis non oi d0.l.u 11, liotl
son, lato of tlio borough ot Hcrwlck, deceased.
10. The account ot Daniel liryfogle. guardian of
Sadie J. Case, minor child ot Hannah Case, lato
01 iiioom towusuip, ueceascu.
11. Tho account of DintelDn tolo. tninrdlannf Us.
t 'lla case, minor cutid ot Hannah Case, lato
ut Diuviu iun9iiip, ueeeitseu
VI. Thcnrst and llnal account of William tllnnnn.
steel, adinliilstratorof Sophia Hlppenstcel, lato
of Hrlarcreek township, deceased.
13. The llnal account of Elislia II. Illggi and Jni. H.
11. 1 ui K.nurvmnx uxeciiiorsm unaries 11. iioeu
Ier, lato ot tho Town ot Ulooinsburg, deceased,
14. Tho Ilrst and llnal nccountof John Kcssler, Jr.,
administrator of John Kcssler, sr., late ot Pino
lu. ii9ui), ueeeuseu.
15. Tho second und nccount. rf Thpmlnrn vn
Dowcll, Induilntstralor 01 John McDowell, latu
or scon townsmp, aeceascd.
10. Tho second nnd llnal nccouit of A. J. Albert
son, niimluistraHir 01 John Davis, lato of llreen
wood township, deceased, ns Hied by his admin
istrator, Joseph W, Itetcj.
17. Tho account of Joshm Fettcrmin, guardian of
Ell, ibeth llartzel. ilato MlUrr. mm- iiiwiiuwl 1
inuiir child ot ln-j.imln .Miller, lato ot CaUi-
.vissu eoiTiisuip, ueceascu.
IS. Tho second nnd nnal nccount or I.lovd T. enn
tier, udinlulstrator of Joseph P. Conner, lato of
Centre townsulp, deceased,
19. Tho ilrst and partial account of I. K. Krlckbaum,
one of Iho administrators ot Thomas Davis latu
01 iieniou lowiisnip, aeeeaseu.
80. Tho Ilrst and llnal nccount of I. K. Kit kbaum.
cx.cuior or uas v, hnrns, laic ot Iloutou town
ship, deceased.
11. Tho Ilrst and llnal nccount of Joslah Coleman,
udmlnlstiator of Abraham C, Kains, lato ot
icuwti wii u3iii;, uvueuseu.
ti. The Ilrst and narllal account or A. 1'. Vonntr.
iiauilnlstratir of .Men-y A. ltoberts, lato ot
wivvutiuuu wii 113111 i, uui:eiueu.
23. Tho second and account of Moses S. v
nge and It. F. Savage, administrators of Joshua
oat-age, uie oi Jackson tawnshlp, deceased.
.'I. Tho ilrst and Dartlnl nccount oroeenrn v. Me.
Ewcn, administrator ot Datld Demott late of
lireonwoou townsnip, accented.
23. Tho second and llnal account of ncster A. Ed
son, administratrix of Uenjamln F. cole, lato of
it;uiuu lumiauiji, ueeeuseu,
2ii. The first and llnal nccount of Allen 11. crnnn
administrator of Jacob Dower, lato of DrlarcretU
umusuip, ueeeaseu.
27. Tlio Hrst and llnal account of M. A. Ammor.
man, administrator of John Kvcland, late ot
FlshlngereeU township, deceused.
s. Tho sjcond account of Ivl Shanernnd Levi
Fester administrators of David Shaffer, late ol
iuiiui.iui;n tut.uauii, ueoeusuu.
20. TllO Second account Of lT2Ul il. Knf nrtmtnlktnv
lor do bonis non of Peter Ent.luto ot scott town-
suip, ueceascu.
30. Tho Ilrst nnd llnal nccountof 11. W. Mnttnvnniii
executor of John Mclleynolds, latoof the Town
01 ijiouiusourg, ucceaseu,
SI. The first aud Ilunl account of N. P. Monro, ml.
minlstrator ot Sarah Summers, lato of Hemlock
!t2 Tlirt flrt nnd llnl n.i.nnnlnf Inu.n Tllnl.o
dlanot AnuloF. Hughes, minor 'child of Joseph
C. Hughes, late ot orango tow uthlp, deceased,
33. The llnal nccount of Peter SI. Kerthner, admlnls-
iiuiui ui nuiiuu J.11111, iaie 01 jiouiour townsnip1
34. The second and llnal nccaunt of John Annlnmnn.
executor of llaunuli Appleman, late of thelown
ui uiuuiiiiuurg, ueeeuseu.
35. The so'ondand llnal nccount of John Ilartinin,
uuiuwiiaiiuiui 1 wiLiiii-i v.riiuer, laie 01 Hem
lock township, diceased.
311. Tho ilrst and llnal nccountof Datld Savogc, ad
ministrator ot William Savage, latoof Fishing.
cieek township, deceased
37. Tho second account ot William Harrls.and James
. iiiuTis, uuiiiiuisiraiors 01 jaeoo Harris, late
01 iiciuiock lowiiBiup, ueceaseu.
3$. Tho ilrst and tlnal account of Lloyd Yeageriind
..... .uuiik, U11U11111SUUUJ13 iu niiuiuei i.raig,
,.,v ... ntbcunuvu vun iiauii, UCLl 'Ilseu
Si). Thu fei'cond nni llnal ivtirSwnni.-
ndmlnl.trator ot Leonard Adams, late ot Locust
Bloimsburg April 1, St.
iwgisier s unice, 1 w. H. JACOBY,
Rswell & Co's. Advc'a.
Hest In tlio world. Ijis.14 1 ni'Pl- lli.nt nnrnllmr
Always In good condition, euros soies cuts bruises
and cums. Costs but llttlo more than the Imitations.
jivery package lias 1110 iraue mark, l all tor tho gen
ulne, and take no oth t.
anil 8 4-w- r
For llnishlDg Walls and Celltngj, Is iho most valua
ble mateilai Known. It Is fur superior to Kalso.
mliie.nnd morn econcml nl. It Is a valuable dlscov.
cry, and us merits as a wall nnlsh nro uneiinaled
It Is tho only tutu nl and durable finish for walls.
It will pay 5011 to send for sample card and ttstlmo.
Mills to m:i:i.i:v nuns,, as uuriiog sup, n. v,
city. r apr. s-iw
A YEAH ana cxbenses to ne-enrs-
outm, Free. Address P. O. VICKEUY.
auiiusiu, H1U1UO, I Upr. S-4W
KtChromoCariH, loo.jor 25 large, new Cluonio
Jwcards, birds and (lowers; or vopjvtly aold and
. m iiii uuuie, ivi.-. itassiu iTiuiiug
f , . . 1 UpillB--tW
SQQQayenr to agents, nnd expenses jj OutHt
w vwirr., .uuieba r , nvvuiu .v CO., Augusta Me.
aprllHiw r
1 liVEHTIHKIOI etid for our select Pstof locil
inowspnpers. (luo, P. Howell fc Co , lo Spruco at,,
N. Y, nprll s-iw
I) ? K fP'P V'Q "WHNS, 17 swp. Set Hold
DIjAI I I O en TongiiD Heeds, only fM Ad
dress Daniel F, Ueatty, Wasnington, N. J. upr s 4n
Our Questions.
Arc you ;i buyer of Men's or Uuys'
Cluthini; at retail ? Do you nccil
dotlune; for the farm, tlio office, thu
work-shop, the court-rtiom, or tlic
pulpit? Do you want hoys' clothinjf
lur the trliool-room, or for dress? Do
) ou prefer to liny tlothiny rcady-matlu
1 r to order ? Are you in need of
shin 1 ?
If yes, to nr.y or all of these que
ries, state your needs to us, that we
may send you camples and prices,
Your Question
K Will litis pay for the trouble ? You
must juel;;e. We will make up the
case, you must decide it. Hut wo
must toll you that wo have created
llie Largest Ketail Clolhiner llusinc53
in the United States by the iimple
method of Hiving the best tlothintf (ot
llie least money, Wo mean that it
shall pay you lo buy of us. If you
buy and nro not pleased, icttirn the
Ijoqds. for tscliaiijjc, or demand your
and Brown,
S. K. Cur. Sixth a Market SU "
mmimi i ciomb.
12 1-2 To 50 CENTS PER YARD
Knell nml ovcrv slvlo of tin. one l.iiii.lroil
fflu 11 stock not only lliulnrgcxt fVi-r sliown, but licliuvctl tobo ulisoluli-ly lioyomll
All Itntt-Wool Htutri. Most oithetil
coit more to manufacture t bun our mark,
cd price, and represent soma great nar
gains. They consist ot llKKlKS, AHMltllKS.
CA SUM lilt US.
All llnll-Wool Fahrles; many would bo
gooil valuo at o und W eenti.
Them also nro TIVII.I.KH IIBKIIH,
.MUHKS, uro.
Fully ai cheap ns tlio olherlnls and
couhlsts of MOHA1K-1. .MKLXMIIW, I
ciiKi'us,PKiiiii.i:cLoiHs,sntii'ia,cic. :
All splendid value: mnnv now snips not i
i shown before tills reason. They tmhnico I
Probably tho largest assortment of 1
twenty-tlve-centdress goods ever shown. 1
Thero are many enticing bargains amonir i
Please remember that this immense
der 50 cents per yaril,:ind does not refer
assortment, is even greater. Those who
uiiiuiLMi in iiiu xaAijj uituitt VaAtL'SmhWi: inroumt which ineir supplies can
be secured almost as satisfactorily as at the counters, livery lady should send for
si specimen copy of tha Journal Jor the Jfousefiold.
In the nitinufitcture of Organs is lesultitig in the production nnd snlo
of cheap goods, mado from inferior materials. I refer particularly to
bogus Organs that are continually springing into existence witliottt
any merit whatever, except to be offered cheap, and then when purchas
ed iound to bo dear at any price. Will yuu not then, reader,
If you Contemplate Buving an Orean
consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing the
names of first class, wholly responsible maker. A good assortment of
stvlea ot t 10 cnli'liriitcil l'Rtnv ni nmid ...... 1 .?... .1
,!' A , a "V ? t5""D ,,u" uueiifii ai mo new rooms
ot the Only Authonzsd Agent fov tho Batey OrKana in
Columbia GouiltV. A "nnninto m. fivn a.... n
. J n;-
riuLvuitr l.KTriNG.
TWU ho at Rfimusl Knmr'a farm Itouso In fontre
iu v';,t,J'J!,,"1,?'"llr.",y ,IU i"-tl1 dly nt Apill. ikm iu
auilock lulho rluiniKjii. a kionu uiHut uir
- run In Cunlro iuhiiHiIii m-ur Siumul Hnoir'H
turm. lUnH iiiul fcjwi llcallous iiiu hu ktu ut thu
ri'hlUt-nau ct the uuderDlKiuil.
April 8 iw' suK'ivMir3un;vutro twn.
llnnlnn Unlitnl IlL.l.l.i 1 1...
i lit MUhJ Hhi "WK'A tiS'ilrKt', KS n'i W &
(iuiHof July, issi.m Hoiilon. All perwiui l iili L'
linn r l 11 lire sent them m tnn timo or ho "rcvir
UchirriU Hum pujmcntot llio samo.
Hy order ot tho lioiiiii.
fi.'J.S'nr I'ri'tlllCIlt,
Si-'cictary. uiiKh u-sin
Dauchy 8c Co's. Advt'a.
I'or Wmv-nilllK.
l ouiiJrli-.. uu-l
lur cltikUrf. bddr...
ittcturers accompanies every i'stov Organ.
Juu J" SL.?ER, Agent,
e Co,!
" "in- mwnin
nnd fifti'cn, roiiriwiils from THliKM Tfti
AT ill CltNTS. moativot (lootls that In any
: ol lur Iious-3 would lint o been marked at
; nrw. cents nt tho vera- lowest, uud com.
Considered by mnnv tolncltido somooi'
the H.irKilns ot the counter. Amnnc;
them will tie touhdSll.KM l.KI)HTIIII'K.t
Aminff llilp lot will bo 'found mnnv of :
: tho fabrics selling tliionghout tuo city nt !
I 6occnts,coniprIsinsrNi)Vp.LTlESntHALP !
I STllli'KS, 0-4 WOOL HKlOES.ilO INCH i
! Few In number, bur. liemnrkablo liar
trams V17! li-4 OEHSTBIt CLOTHS AND
: Somo of tho be.t bnrgalnswo evo offer
assortment includes nnlv goods nt. mil un
to our stock of liner fabrics, in which the
aro unable to visit us 111 person, are re-
ww uiniciiu nuill LI1U lll lllll-
JuoomsburR, Fa.
5 r.J'Vy'."1 CoI,l''-,,'ceIln,or Iron
limn ff u m, J? .'L1' "na Mt'r' 1(1 'H my nuum u
tin It, u7.r 'w1"1nt't In, niiiu-ihil ami i-oii.
tnil,, Vr ,:yi,h0 I'""" In tho
iiuiip, wrlio in mo im ,i- uw, on,i i wrir.t'iiil
uiV'teiVrK:' y0U' ' "f"'-"1-tlUAB.
0. BLATOiaEY, M.uufacturer,
march , 'Si-cm t &,