The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 29, 1881, Image 1

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    Zimm wiwiuwkwwm
q dolumbi&n.
iMiinl Wi-rUly, rverj- 1'rldny timrnln, nt
tit nnMstil'iin. nm.mim a mtnnv i..
t 3-t HI M
onolnch umi I--"' Hm l-"'"i
Two Inches it.ou i.m r..m hid
Throo Inches .. l.o.i 4.M t.n)
Kour Inches 6.0,1 .ll 11 u)
Quarter column.... nm .m loon r..i
Half colmnii I km 17.01 3VI)
uno column sand svou 30.00 drum
VniHr ni1trrrtl4Cinitill nivflhlf- ntlflrtorlv.
Uio, a
AT TWO POU.AIIS POf JTMf, Ml CCntS dlsCOtltil OUrmcd
oiinirtM wnnj nrp w per voir, strictly In advance,
i irNn naner d eont n nod piicm it u .,n
I UNI m - .-.. iiun inj h it rjii,
All papers sent nut ot tlm stato or to post
oniocs must be, na il tor 'In advance, unless n roi,mi.
.-Uilo person In Columbia county assumes to pay the
.uberlptwn duo on demand. 1
' posTAOK Is no longer exacted from fcubscrtbera In
tlio county.
job FisinsrariitsrG.
Tho Jobbing Pep irtmcnt of tho Cor.CMiitiN I very
complete, mid our .loli Pilhtltig will compare f,ioni
My with that of lii large cities. All work dono on
demand, neatly and at moderate pi Ices.
stent ndvrrtlsomcniijmiKi 1m p.ild tor before , iscrtcd
except wncro parlies u.ive accuuius.
Iral advertisements two dollar, per Ineli tor three
Invrtlons, and nt tlial rate tor Insertion
without refcrenco to length.
Kxeeulor'B, Artmlnlsttator's. and Auditor's notices
three dollars. Must bo paid lur when Inserted.
Transient or Local notices, ten cents a lino, rcgulai
O.B.ELWELL.. 1 ...........
. K. BITTEHBENDEIl, f '"'"
.n.r rmiininnM vm vv un 1- advertisements nan rate,
..rAwHsU;JA.t S.t VtOi' nVi ,'l '"'" " 1,10 "IiuMnew Directory" column, onf
UOLUMI1IA DKMOCHAT, VOL.XLY I, NO. A aoUnf pcr year for each lino.
Colchman iiuim-imi, UiCiomtburg, I'a.
McmbT ot tlio 1'nlted states Law Association.
OCll 1. l"-
,ny part ot America or liuropo.
OClcs. second door from 1st National Hank,
inn. 11. ISH
Office In Knl's IHjildin.1,
Uloomsltirg, t'a.
onlce on Matb Street, drat door below Courtllouee
-"OtlN M. CLARK",
Olilcc over Schuylei's Hardware Store.
j ft. LITTI'l.. hub 1 . 11. 1.1 i ii.c
1" II. & K. B. LITTLE,
-' L 'PTflTI M IJVM. A T.T. K V
Hloomaburff, ra.
Tho Highest Market Prico in Cash
Lcsitliei- anil Shoo l'liullng Store,
Main STiir.r.r.Oi'i'osiTi: Sioni: Ont'iicit,
Aprils, 'so-ly
If) PHMQIfiMQ t"ornoi,i)iiiKH,
LV.'Vq VJlUfVJ lJi, IjUi.u.tuollitt, tr
mi I'iriii. 'ih,ni,nii,,l, riir.tiirlrcn
1 ri riiiiK, f,tM, m ,1 , i tu-iiiu-,iiricie win,
r itti) llUiit.i,, Th, 11, ,ti 1, rr t,in.t,irr. i,l
.'.iltl'.""111"11' IM IIKAokSiiJ IMir.NTV.
rAII.M'H irtnr, l t'.r lnu-M,ri. hnl,ll,ri
1 111 1 nn ur..l nnrlit an I old. buMlrri
ml In lr ftfl'Tr r..r 5 .,,r rli-lil nt r iirr. Semi l!
iirni.. rr l li.. ('.iifn-s,.MIrr,"iiii,i I'unl .r
1 1 II tmiy 'm. 1'ii.k. ni,. iii.lftiitMli. .
,1 n r. r(, illi. ii-in , f lvnl' n, t m eilfH".
Alf) j, l.vtk lliyxha.H Ulllll'KluD.
April 82-2m
ooiceln Browcr's building, second floor,room No.
, liloomaburp;, l'a.
Attorno5rn t-1 ,n.-iv.
omro corner ot Centre and Main streets. Clark's
Oati be consulted in German.
Jan. 10, 'S'Mt
cotxiinuN lluir.Dma, Hloomsburg, Pa.
Merfber of the United States Law A&soclatlon.
Collections made In uny part of Amcrlcn orEuroro
OCt. 1, 1979.
8' kh0 ' Notary Public
omco in llartman's lllock, Corner Main und. Mar
ket directs, llloomsuurir. l'a.
tgS-ramont and lionntics Collected,
Only S30
i-i.ii 1 1. 11. J.'iiniiuAiijriii,:eMtl li.e
I lnntktt. Hi ttirtntu . ...,
Uttihi'cxtttnluiil before fMl
V"U fr II. This 1 II11. fnno
it' icinii, rc 'ii.pTiirB rrt.iilfi.r $eo.
All Mm tiii.1-4 Mariiitilfit tor tnrii
jf 1. ',rii f'li-i.iir Illiiitriiii-iHir.
ct.Ur til. J Ti AJilii m
I'HAItl.KS . V.Odll A CO..
17 IMcuia, lt.Udel;h.i, h.
E. WIltT,
(iniec In Ilrowei's lllock, one door below Colombian
July 10, '60 It
Attornoy-m," liuvv,
onico In tho Coi.csintAN Bulldlne;, second noor.
OOt. 8, 'SO.
An Oblii'iil'S'i I ill Ili'iitt'tly. Jlri'ioicfitltcWiirtus
i' t'l'lif MflYf.-iHfi'I kri plliriilu'.t t. Yi' (;lltitnlHia
lt vlrlil.'. Wo bum hundred 01' TiMltnoni. l.col
li'i'tc 1 In t'io lust lfyi' ti. priln4 tmu luivilv Hide
i II 1 I Hi I 'I fjn 1' t' I 111. lltllt-llllCOHV W'ui III
Di.l. oyrr 1-1 rcnuivc the W urmi nil klm'- rniif,
N 1. hum. mid . Unit infi-t llm liumnii .(i-lirn,
I'.'muri in h !) ih' ,t mid bIvo Ilium tn their Millciltic
patn'tit". lime m ii'i .i"i?j nior iimitlmi abort tlili
tlmr hi !i!v rell.dilo tneillchiu. l'rlee, .c. per Ixjx.
A.W.'WHIGIIT & CO., Wholesale DruMlsts,
Market aiJ Front Streets, Philsdclfl.1!
feb- 11,'si-sm
To Ncrvo'is Sufferer: Ihs Great European
1111. J. 11. suirsoN's sitxihc medicine.
Ilr. .1. II. Mmnsnn's Spcelllc Mcdlcliio Is a noslthn
cure forirteiwi ikiflody tir li'jln erexcets ofuny
Kin 1, sui'ii as we'iKiii ss ana an diseases rasuiin:
from Nervous Deblll'v. Irrltabllltj'.MftiUI Anxiety,
Lani'iior, i.asMiuui', lierivssiun 01 r-piniH and Hint
tlanal dorangements of II111 iierons hyMein ten
eraiij , 1 uitis in mr
Hack or Side, I.0S'
of Memory, l'rema
Hire old aw nnddl
eaus that lead t(
t'0 11 nipt Ion, Uisuiil
ty A-an early ijrnvi
iirl.r.lh. X'nlnilttiM
how shattered tin I tw1v315
system niaybofroii. Ktj
excesses of a 11 5 IKSrXXKh
kind, a hort course m this un dlilne w'lTl nltifOTIw
lost functions and procure neuiiii unu Happiness
sheie bi'fnri) was desnondenev and trlnom, 'I he mk-
cltle Menlclno Is brlni; used with wondt'lfitl success.
Pnmrhli'ts sel.t tiee to all. Write lortliemnud
cet full pattrlniiar.
I rice, l-peclllo l.oo per package, or six packages
for W," 11. Will bo sent bv mull on receipt of money.
Address all orders, ,1. II. SIMPSON'S MKDIClNIiL'O.
No. 1ii4 and 11 0 Main street, uutiaio, x. v.
let). 11, si-ir
T) liUClCIN'GIIAM, Alloniev-al-Lnw. Of
lY.llco, llrockway'a llulldln-r, 1st noor, lilooms
burs, l'enn'a. may 7, 'so-l t
n (I. HARKLEY. Attorney-at-Law. Office
, lu Urower's building, snd story, Itooms 1 & a
1 IS. llOHISON, Attorney-at-Law.
1) '. In llartman's building, Main street.
D'.l. W.I. M. KUBEK,.iirKeon and I'hyfi
clan, omco Market sueet. Near depot.
T K. EVANS. Jf. D.. Surccon and Thysi
J . clan, (Olllco and llesldcncu on Third street
T 11. MclxELVY, JL D., Surgeon and I'liy-
sician, norm siao Main Direct, dciow jiuirnei.,
Oct. 1, "73.
onicc, North Market street,
Hloomsburg, l'a.
It. I. L. IJABB,
Main Street, opposlto Uplseopal Church, lilooms-
uurg, l'a.
I"" Teeth extracted without rain.
Oct. 1, 1S79.
17CIANnnd Sl'IIUKON. special attention given
u tUu Diskasks and ukpkcth of the Kvu. Kau
Tiiuoat undsuiis:nv In all Its varlovs branches.
! Also carefully adjusts tho KYK with I'l.OI'IIIt
tErous, Arrcn.
Nouralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backache, Soronoss of iho Chest, Gout,
Quinsy, Spro Throat, Swcliinqs and
Sprains, Burns and Scalds,
General Bodily Pains,
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Foot
and Ears, and all other Pains
and Aches.
No Preparation on earth c quali St jAcon On. as
a sufr, Kttn; simple and r1,,11 Kxteniel Iletneily.
A trial entail, hut the rimiparatlvily trllliuii oiillay
of "ill Ci nlM, und eery uiio nillerlln! wllh puin
can have cheap and jm-ltlve proof of lis claim.
Direction lu Klcven I.imp;ni;n,
llatttmarr. Mil., V.8.A.
Tho undei'slirned .MHItor nnnolnled bv tho Or.
phans' Com t ot Columbia 111 iko distribution of
the balance In the hanos of tho iieeoiiiit'iiit among
tho parties leerallv enlllled to lectdu the samu
will meet tho parties liiteiesk'd lu said estate ill
111 oine-e 111 nit, rown 01 i.iooiiHourg 111 sauioini
ty. on 1'rl l iv. the i'.uli o.iv m .Mull. a. I)., tssi
at ten o'clock a. m . of said dav. wlem and wb to all
paillisliiterested In said estate must attend or be
forever debarred from any xli ire of .s ild tund
I.. H. W.M.I.KII.
aprll 1, 'Sl-iw Auditor.
(Ill KliOW,
When you n pilr of lulghteycs meet,
'I'liUmaku jolr heart In rapture heal !
Whn once voice seenn to you more sweet
Than any other volej ou know
do slow, my friend, so slow I
Kor brightest ejes have oft betrayed,
And sweetest voice of youth and maid
Tho very falsist things have said,
And thereby wrought n ileal of woe 1
do slow, my friend, go slow I
Whin you're convinced you nre a poet,
And, wishing a'l the world to know it,
Call on some editor to show It,
Your verses full ot glow and blow,
do slow, my friend, goilow!
Tor muiy none lias done the some,
And thought to gr.i.p the hand of fame.
And jet lias never seen tho samo
In prlat. And why waste-baskets know I
do iloiv, my friend, go slow I
When ou lo greed for monej jleld,
And long tho mlg'ity ponerto wield
Thai's always found In gold in II ild,
With senseless pomp and prldo and show,
Oo slow, my friend, go blow I
For thousands, tempted by the glnro
01 wcnlth, luvo fallen In tho snaro
Sjt for the thief. An 1 now despair,
H'gret undslumo havobrcujht them low s
do Blow, my friend, go slow I
Tho good old earth Is ncer wrong;
K ich ot her works takes J ust so long i
Months pass bctoro a happy throng
Of daisies la the meadow,
do slow, my friend, go slow!
And spring gives life to summer's llow'rs,
And summer's sun and summer's show'rs,
Prepare the fruit for autumn's bow'rs,
And autumn frost brings winter snow i
(So, slow, tdy friend, go slow!
iludijc I'.lliol.
fifb4, 'si -8m
ARE PAID ctery oollkr tllanl.ltj la
I,,.. . r .1 . l.v up..,. I. nt ,.r 1 II.. r, iai. A
CVj-SIWIU'Mi t i. kiiiil.liiMuril'iiti'r.luo
V ') r !, lll'I'TI'l.Uir lull . -Ii.lil.ilu-
I" 11. Intl. ( mil r imi l-iii lliiiiifl.iiiiU uru
111 .1, tj 1111 iii'To 11, if t't'ii tun.
IV in iih 'ili in .in.! ittpi tiilint fuliir
1 r ti , l In r , f - ' lar- rt 'i in, 'I III II 0
.irnn t ai'-tiriiin, IltlL'.XT V llls-ilini-i
friiiiniil ItiliirW i nr ri uiro,
r'" -full 1 ,111m. Sen i!C t.t.i',l icni'y
1' n n I It lint. :. Ail'il, -
. P. (1. .Fltinernltl A Co., ciita
An iii. hull i, '.'.Un linl. I'ftrti
I' A.W I in-. Ph. t Imt I !'.'ilikii
Ci. an I !i. I' K i ii"'i I r, - t c. iilr.l
It ink. bullllyl' lUvlt t.i ,lulli. Nuiuu tt,3
Nut leu Is hen hv sUcn that, (he follow Ipc account
has been Hied In the I'rolltoiiuiao's olllceof Coliiiii
bitieoiinty and will bo prr-cnted to the Couit of
Common Pleas of s.dd county on 'I ucsdiiy, tint 3rd
day if May, A. I), issi, ami eontlrni'il after
the toiiith day of said term unless exceptions be
nieu wiiuiu iiiaiiuue.
Account of Cl.ii 1 C.illendar, Committee of Writ lit.
(1. M. (MUCK, I'lothonotniy.
itepiuy. iipiu i, -ji'tc
Letters of aihiilnhtrallon on the estate of Mary 11.
lla'tzel latoof Main township, Columbia county,
ilccciised, have been granted by the lleguter i f said
county to tho iiiider.sgneiladiiilnlsirator.All persons
having claims airallisi tho (elate of said decedent
are leituested to pli-scnt I hi Hi tor settlement and
those indebted tolhc estate to make p.ijiiient to Iho
undersigned administrator without delay.
K. 11. IkF.i.Kit, Admlnl-trator.
Attorney. MalnMlle, l'a.
Mnreh ns-ow
(iKNTS WANTED for the llest.'and Fastest Sell-
A lug Pictorial Hooks and lllble. I pees reduced
33 per cent. National Publishing Co., rhlla,
march 4, '81-3m aid
Select Story.
"in the palace of truth.-
l!i''li;inl TiiniiM', a lawyiT, let, lis hopo
of future1 fiiiiic, rotiiniiii'' lininc tlio oilier
nijrlit in an iiiioiiviulily luid liiinior, found
a curtain little note awaitinp: liim on his
iiiuiiti'lliiccu. It had just come, his laud
lady said, and slowly tcaiiuy; open the
L'iivcl()ic, Dick lu.'iii as lollowi:
My I)r..i:Mi!. Ti unci!: .'laiiy ihaiiks
for votii' lovclv llowcis which have Wen
irrcatlv adiiiiretl. It was like vour
thoii.nlilfiilness to l'L'iiicniWi'iiiy liiitlidiiy
when I had alino-l torirotteii it invseli.
I wad so sorry to miss your call this af
Sincerely yours,
l'i.iii;i;sn: K'l.nn 1:1:
A very graeioiM little note, lull for
some reason it appeared to afford its read
er lint small satisfaction. Dick read it
twice with a ciuTuilc lip, then tossed it
into tho scrap basket, lie lil a cimai',
stretched himself in an easy chair and
thought fully observed through the smoke
wreaths tint bewail to lloat around his
head: "What a precious little liar she is!
As if I didn't see her,teu minutes after she-
was 'not at home,' to me this afternoon.
start out driving with 'Pom Maker in that
onfoundetllv jerky ilt-nr; cart of his.
Shouldn't wonder if tie had jerked her
out before they i;ot home, and serve her
right, too! Why, Snip, what is the mat
ter with vou, sir;"
.Snip was the skre terrier, who failni''
to understand why he had been so Might
ed, .was seekiii"' to secure his master'!
i he-e old coki'Ou ations are well seasoned by age
and nun tkstko and have never jet had a loss set
tled by any court or law. Tbelr assets are all invest--ed
In soi.ui SECUBiTlEsand ato liable to the hazard
of kihk only. , . , , ,
Losses iT.osti-Ti.v and nosrsn y adjusted and paid
as soon as determined by ciikistian V. KNArr, srEO
Tho people o( Columbia cuiuty should pat ronlzo
the agency where If any are settled and raid
by oneof their own iltlzer.3,
Nov II, 'su.
a ID n. 111.
S-. '51:30 p,
(.7 o p. m.
IVilliCKburri', l'n"
J uly l o, "?o-t t
Tonsorial Artist,
s again nt bis old stand under UXCHANOK IIO
TKL, and lias as usual a FIliST-CLASS llAHUEIt
shop. Hu respectfully solicits tho patronage of
his old customer and of tho public generally.
jHlylO, 'su-tf
All styles of work dono In a superior manner, work
warranted as represented, Tkktii i:xtkact
eii without 1'ain by the use of (Ins, and
free of charge when nrllllclal teeth
are inserted,
onico over Hloomsburg Dauklug companj-.
7o Ic open at all hours during the day,
Nov. a-i-iy
oulllt fiirnMietl free, Willi full Instruc
tions for conducting te most proiltnblo
business tnai any ouu wu
'i in, iiiisinesstssocasy to learn, ami our
Instructions nio so simple and plain, that anyone
citu make great I rollts Hum it" e,iy stni t. Noone
can all wl.o Is w lllng to w in k. Women ni o as suc
cessful as men. los and glilscan unu to sim
Manv have made atthii bus ness ov,runo hunuied
ilollais in ii single week. Nothing like It ever knew n
be o.c. A 11 w Ko engage are surpi lscd at tho ease
vour snaro tlmeat gr"al prollt. You do not have to
invest caplia In it. o take all the i Isl:. Those w ho
need i resaty n oney. should wilteto us at once. All
Srir..,r,., r..i ahTiVo-lo in jcco. Aue'usta.j nine
iUllllSULU .11.1,. vu -
oct. 16' '
Sewing Machines and Machinery of all kinds nv
dalrcd. Oi'Kiu Hocsk llulldtng, lllooms,burg, Pa.
AVID LOWENBERO. Merchant Tailor
Main St., above Central Hotel.
T 8. KUIIN, dealer h, Meat, Tallow, eta,
Centre street, between Second and Third.
Cor. Ccntro and Hall lload Sts., near L. & U. Depot.
LmTOst Pricss will net be undersold.
.Manufacturer cf MINE CAll WHEELS, Coal Hreak
crandllrldgo castings, Water Pipes, Stove Tin.
ware, Plow?, IKON FENCE, and all l.lnds ot Iron and
lirassC stings.
Tho (rltMnal Montrose, Iron beam, right hand,
leit hand, nnd bide lilll Plows, the best In the mark
rt, and all kinds ot plow repairs.
Cook Stoves, P.oom Stoves, and stoves for heating
stoics, i chooi houses, chuiches, ic. Also the larg
est stock of repairs for ctly s.toc3. wholesale and
r,nii ,,ii n, vim nrlck.drates. cross Pieces, Lids
&c. &c Stove Pipe, cock Hollers, skllllts, cake
i'lates, large Iron Kettles, o gaUons to 1 barrels)
Farm Hells, slid Soles, Wagon Boxes,
"AUentown Bone Manure"
Jan o, 'so-ty
bt'AtlvH IS
Silverware WatcherJowelry.Clocks.&c
, cntawlssa, l'a.
collections promptly mado nnd remitted, onice
opposite catawlssa Deposit Hank. m-3S
' A T T 0 It N fi Y-A T-L A W ,
Catawlssa, l'a.
onico, corner of Third and Main Streets.
ai irtnris of Watches, clocks and Jewelry neat
lj repaired ana warrauvuu,
Lycoming of MuncyPennsylvauta.
North American ot l'L--ideIphla, l'a
Franklin, of "
Pennsylvania of "
Farmers of York, Pa.
Hanover of New York.
Manhattan of 11
Grace on Market street No. , UloomsDurg, ra,
oct, w, 7ily.
Aprll ti-em
Ami !trnt:: ciNr.tinMt
cured In u t,. aid.) . 'leu '
JU'iipllii't P-WtnrtJ. MrlUIICt-
1 IligCllkil.l) . UAIiltl, I'Ull'C)', AIKU,
Manufacturers of
Carriages, BtAggiea, Phaetons, Sleighs
nrst-cloas work alwsys On band. '
rncea reaa4 to suit ths tim6s.
P A T I INT S K 1 1 tT-M I ' P l' 1 1 1 '!' I f 1
-JXX'i ,liwibi't-oirntl,of.iv,-ir U I ',-1
I U Willi till K.IH-.P ul fnrm til Vs,; 9
I T1 a rL-niiirkiib.u uccri'e, una r 1,1
I'.t .V. "rt luV'i'tt eiifl.'itna l.y ; , -it.(
'", .jfA plisn'ciifiiTru.-yriKelTOi ,V B.
f-Ts.-l (',ntol.ln..l 1 TliiiKitirn SWjt.l' VVM
W l'rno lil Maud iip.vJili Mwj si?;-V ttV-nteilVO
fviT-rtt'iiTii. 1 1' -pi, c-iri-eu itu n ,t6- iilt ti - 'i r.lff.
1.x 'l.t hv trn-ui-ryrwrr.. Aircn'a ni k-tiu-ir IV- 3.
nin 'ul l'ri.tU n " linnnti'. Send furu-rnii-1 i ' il,
lj': iv.i-i.ii A t'n , fl Hrini'ltfiy.N Y,o-t Cic-icrcl
Ui.' it. Amnts, .1 11. ifyit int ,lt (J,i rroiloala,
M. r tna n,l-ijr.tttu--:rL-ti, t a'e-iffD, in.
aprll i-4w
?.lliyl i
":vi w
rttri ll.
il. ,l
,tli.i'tl. iiinnil uio
Hop L.ttcrj.
IfYP'iruejouii'f rrd
i ,. i,,... ,,t i,i in t
n ,1 nr -itu U' M
po.iru. altli or aii'.ul-li
Li -t, uly on Hop
'.Vliwi.-r you n
AtK'iut.r vott 1
.1. t v ,. tt r tYittr
.,. , .Id , l.'.lll-illl.'. tlHI
pi or -.1101111,111111-'.
WltlhlUt tHlOXlMllHU, Iffi
1.1 I A l O I O
Il-tvp j-oil
ur nr
ol llio i.f.iiiliio'l,
lirfruriifrtfil f
You will lie
Hop Ulttora
.i tii-niL 1
fly nmil or i I- Vft
ur t 'Inovrrliu,
I tiilulirtt.lil.t'liruuu
tvo.-,u, u.a nop u.
finlTerlrn.! front any In,
OUUr KUIlL'riiiK Hum
Ilk' Oil IX LLU Ot fellll.'
Blttora. , Jt
. Tliouiinilsdls n,
; il iiu-.lly f i inn Homo
eil, iiuito carnestlv. "Hut there aru
plenty of men who arc always stupid,
while you can bo rather ciitcrtmiimu;,
when you are at your best," und shi
mmed fciitly from him to greet, a new
batch of guests.
"Y as I ever damned with such faint
praise Wfore'r" thoimh Dick. "I won
der il I am at my best to niirlil?"
I., . , . , . , .
nil a moment lie sioon, uiKlllg n sur
vey of the scenu before him. The liiusi-
cians were playing u waltz, and playing
it well i only strange to say there was a
nine among them, which came piping in
with its shrill, persistent little treble in a
inaiiiiei' distractive to Dick's over sensi
tive car. I lu thought of Mozart's saying
that the only thing in the world worse
than a llutc in an orchestra was two
lliile.s.aml wondered at Mrs. Ci l ey's choice
of music. Xevertlieles-i, as long as he
was there lie might as well dance, and,
looking around for familiar faees,h'H lirst
glance fell upon a brown-eyed maiden
whom he h(l met at a party only the
week before, and whom he had admired
with tho guarded and half-supercilious
admiration of a veteran society man. In
another minute they were on the floor
contending with their fellow creatures
for a little room to whirl around in, and
seemingly successful in their struggle,
until a slight lurch sentlheni rather sud
denly against another pair of dancers.
"That was stupid, wasn't it" said Dick
as they slopped to take breath after the
"Yes," replied she of the brown eyes,
raising uieni lrankiy to hw lace; "vou
are rather a poor dancer. Perhaps you
are out of practice?"
"Indeed I ought not to be," protested
Dick, in utterable indignation at tlio
ehartre. "1 never danced more in mv
life than I have this winter."
"Is that so' It must he awkwardness
then," said hiscoinpaniun.gently. "Some
people never can thoroughly learn. I
think it is a natural gift."
Dick wondered if ho could have heard
aright.or if that wretched little llute.still
piping awav so complacently, had abso
lutely bewildered him. II there was one
thing he prided himself on more than
another one gift, natural or otherwise,
which he felt sure of po-HC'ssim' it was
his dancing. Was the brown-eyed dam
sel out of her mind, or was she simplv
mi ill-bred little thing who did not know
t good (lancer Irom a bad one! Which
ever win the ease, he lost no time in
getting rid of her. and, mute with amaze
ment and disgust, took refuge among a
group of men at the door.
i on here, turner.' said one ot them.
I hardlv recognized vou at litsLvoii look
.so vellow."
"I should rather think vou did," was
the friendlv answer. "I just said to Smith
here as you came up that between your
sallow skin and that bald spot on your
head you were beginning to look like an
old man but ore your time. Why don't
you take to eounlry lilu and early bonis
and tresheu up a Int;
"Why don't vou mind vour own affairs
and kindly leave me to attend to mine?"
retorted Dick, now thoroughly aroused,
and without waitinj; for another word
he veered around and left the groiip.who
one and nil seemed profoundly astoiiish-
"Siieh a pity it should have been u
failure," lie heard one of them whisper
in a tone of sympathy. "And after all
the expense you have'goiie to 1"
"I am sure, then, it must have been
tlic fault of in v irnests," returned Mrs,
tlrey. "fori did my part as well as!
could. Why, .Mr. Turner, arc voir tid
ing so soon, I wonder if you too found
my paily a stupid onet"
She looked so harrassed that Dick for
got the grudge he owed her and would
gladly have declared her ball both bril
liant and delightful, but the words he
wished lo say stuck in his throat!. ho ab
solutely could not give thorn utterance.
An awful impulse was upon him, and to
his own secret sorrow and dismay he
heard himself assuring her the painful
truth that it was the most di-unal affair
he had ever witnessed in his life. Then,,
overwhelmed with shame at his own in
voluntary rudeness, ho turned away and
his eyes fell upon tho crimson roses still
blooming frcslily over the doorway.
What an idiot he must have 'been?
Thcre'in plain Knglish letters, were the
three words, "Palace of Truth." As he
looked and read, the magic Hutu iiealed
forth so loudly, and with so shrill a tri
umph in its tone.thut Dick fairly jump
ed, and the violence of the- start, kicked
the sleeping Snip, who leaped out of his
iii.isiers nay and gazed at nun Willi re
proachful, wonderinc eves.
"Eleven o'clock, as I'm a living man,"
said Dick, yawning. "Three hours
asleep,aud no ball for me to-iiii'tit. Suit
you Jittlo villain, why didn't you awaken
Snip was silent. He felt the arrant
injustice- of the remark and bore it with
the equanimity ot a stoic.
"W ell, said the master, slowlv, as he
lit his candle, "since- you did not, and as
I have iiad all the dissipation and all the
caniior 1 need lor one nnilit, 1 think, lit
tic dog. that you and I will go peaceably
ami gralelully to lied.
A .New I'uu'itit'iit.
notice bv Mtling upright and waving his cd at Ins ill temper
front paws to and fro in a gentle- audde- !v this time he began to feel a little
preeating iiislnon. uncertain who to approach next. Ilav-
"l.i(l 1 hurt your leelings, poor little tug been told already that he was stupid,
bov?" said Dick, tenderly. "Well, I tiglv and a bad dancer, what was there
wouldn't, I insure vou, for a dozen little left for him to hear? lie certainly had
llirts like l'lora Kedifcr, but I do think, never met so many disagreeable peopl
Snip,aud 1 expect you to agree with me. in his life, and he- had seiioiid thoughts
that wo would all be much belter oil it ol beating a permanent retreat, when he
ivomen, and men, too, would say out caught sight ot a blonde head halt hid-
tiuthfullv what w:.'s in their minds, in- den behind the azaleas in the conserva
stead of this eternal - beating around the tore. It was Florence Itedifer, whom
bush. Why can't people be a little morn he had never expected to meet to night
candid with their lellow creatures, in Und whom two hours ago ho would have-
slead of fooling them to the- top of their indignantly avoided. JJut for some rea
bent and then laughing behind their son his contempt for her flatten and
back? Do vou know. Snip.'" falseness had been strangely modified in tthe consistency ol very thick molasses;
Snip didn't kno.v, but he was the last ko shot t a time that he felt a positive I this the professor calls livdrolitli. This
dog in the world to contess his ignorance yearning to listen to her pretty noth-1 livdrolitli, by means ot a hand pump is
The New Orleans 'J'iiiw.i gives an in
teresiing account of a recent evjieriinent
made in that city by Prof. Vou ('ruling,
of Munich, in a new paving for streets,
which is worthy the consideration of the
town council. At Prof. Von ('ruling's Derbigny stieet, between Canal
mil liieiiMlle, was pal at his disposal
mil closed to trawl on March ".' I. at 1J
oeioeu. and vcstivnav. (.March .u .at
X'i o'clock in., was opened to the public
Kvervolii-aciMiainteiljwith the dirt streets
of tlie city knows the condition of the
same, and Derbignv was one-of the worst
in point of ruts, mud holes, etc. To-dav,
the street, the sidewalks and the gutters
thereof, present as line an appearance as
any hlreet in the world. The whole
stieet is paved in solid granite ,-trcet,
sidewalks, gutters and ctubs to a thick
ness of eighteen inches, and the cost of
the whole work willl not exceed fifty
cents per square yard. Considering the
cheapness and beauty of the work, the
rapidity with which it is performed, and
the durability of the lrivemenl, the in
vention is truly marvelous', The follow
ing will give a faint idea ot the modus
operandi : Alter pre-paring the toad bed,
gutters, curbs and sidewalks out ol the
ground itself, the earth is made perfect
ly smooth anil level and beaten down
with common spades or rolled with an
ordinary street roller, and allowed to
stand a few hours of a sunny day Then
mi ordinary cistern of a capacity of six
thousand gallons is filled witli our com
mon cobble stones, and a solution ot
three-quarters river water and one-quarter
acid (.tho secret whereof is known to
the- professor only; is poured in so as to
cover the cobblestones completely: the
cistern is then closed tight and in forty
minutes the contents of tho cistern is rc-
luccdto a semi-liquid substance, having
Surprised Indians'.
Phe toner who stole- and drank u bot
tle of whiskey (as ho thought), and found
it to bo wiuej of ipecac, was one of the
limit v thieves who swallow more than
they can keep down. 1 he experience of
some copper-colored robbers out west was
about as miserable as his. An Idaho
mining canni, intending to celebrate the
glorious Fourth, ordered a heap of lire-
works to be sent lo them. A wnoie
. . r . 1 . , . ., !,
wagon load was lorwarden, aim wnue
on its way was captured one night ny a
band of Indians. They did not exactly
know what sort of property tlicy liad ggt
hold of, and proceeded to investigate.
The chict thought tliucaiinun eracKers
were- cigars, and the little ones cigar
ettes, which articles he had seen in use
at various camps lie- had visited, and he
listrilmted a lot around, and they an
lighted up for a smoke, and in a moment
a more surprised and puzzled set of In
dians never got together.
I ho chiet had a cannon cracKer, anil
ifter the explosion it was three minutes
before he could breathe enough to yell,
and then the wild shriek lie gave could
be heard a mile awav. That ended the
Another brave tell oil the top ot the
wagon with a big box of giant torpedoes
and the crash that greeted him as be
alighted scared him so that begot up and
ran off at break-neck-speed.
A soiiaw contrived to get a pin-wheel
afire, and as she dropped it on the
ground, the natural tendency of the
thing to whirl around made it go over
tlio ground like a w'hcel of lire, sending
out ashowcrof sparks, and causing the
affrighted lady to scud away from it,
witli her eyes as "big as saucers" with
The pin wheel got under the wagon
and ignited it, and the Indians tried at
first to extinguish the flames; but pretty
soon a Koman candle went oil, and lie-
fore tho man who was hit by the first
ballon the nose could clap his hand on
the lniured member another ball was
thrown there and then a third.
Then the rockets began to go olT, and
take the braves in the legs and ribs, and
the different colored lires threw lirst u
red and then a blue light upon the
More pin wheels got loose, and when
a brave jumped to avoid a pin wheel be
got intothe air iust in time to be hit by
a rocket, and and almost every red man
was more or less burned: and in about
live minutes a crowd of the worst scarei
and most frantic Indium. 1 ever saw was
scurrying oil' in the darkness across the
prairie, bellowing witli pain and'fear
And the next load of lire works sent
through that region won't be meddled
with bv those Indians. liostoti J'otf,
f.irin of If. I (1 n a V
tllst'.t-o (Lut iiiiil,t
iirinn-jriwi-fji i,
(I it r-t-n. !
1 nvi, lull ll tirft rnti il
ty tt tiniuiy unu ut
Ply wfitk ami
lmni'l"it .Mrs
It i It mill
rtnvo your
life. It una
saved nun
D. I. C.
an absolute i
mill lrrL-Mii-ta
ji-lo euro for
uruuixvmu'oo t
un or oMum.
lubnecu, ur
Bold bvtlru sr.
I'l-tv. rxiitilur 1
Unit lur.
i Toronto, Oat.
JUIJ 10, 3U- -ll
Oathartie Pills
Ctiinlilno tilt tlii.ii i st catli.itth- Jirim iples
Li mi'ilii hie, In proportions lu'eiirati l.v ml
just.' I ti, sii iirn mtniiy, i-tii.iiiit, niul
iniiliuinilv nt cll'iit. Tlicy un- tin- lesiilt
id M an t f cun liil study niul pm Ileal ex.
in'iiiiii'iil. niul nio tin1 iiu'-t t ll'ei icui-
tlx- yet tllM-iivi'iiil for illsr.isrs t iiiisetl liy
ili-i.iiigt ineiit of the stimuli ll, liver, anil
linwrls, which lerpilto -iriiiupt nml elfei'tual
in it-wnt. A Kit's I'll is mo specially
upplii iililo In this class ol im-v
it t ilni'i tly un tlio tliipstlvi) ami assliui.
I, lllln pl'ni'essfS, nml li-ttuti legiihir
lie.ilihv ni'tioii. Tlit-ir oxteusiwi un Hv
p!i .i. In tlu-ir prat-tii c ami l-,v all
titilieil nations. Is nun of tlio many
Munis nf their value in n safe, sure, ami
riiitiv iru. unu 11111,111, ' .i-.iii i.i, .
in! loiiiiiininileil nf Hi" cuiiii iitrateil
Xilllll lit plll'clV Vl'gftlllilO SllOst.llll'C.S,
tht v urn positively fi'o (ruin inloiiiel or
niiv injurious i i ipei't Ins, niul t mi lu uiliiilii-liter-il
lu i liiliheii wlili jn-rfi-et surety.
Avt-it's I'u.i.s nro an effectual ciuo for
Constipation or ("iistlvt'lii'ss, Indices'
Hun. iljspi'psl.i, l.ovi of Appetite,
Koul Hliuiiiicli anil llrcath, Dizziness,
Ileiiihu'lic, Loss ul" Meinur.v, Numbness,
lllllouiiieis, .liiiinillei-, ItliotiiuatlMii,
I'riiptloiis unit Sliln Diseases, Dropsy,
Tumors, Worms, NeunilKln, Colic,
tlrlpos. 1)1. nil. ii-ii. Dysentery, (lout,
riles, Dliorders of Iho l.tver, nml alt
other tllseasi-s n tnltiii',' (mm a illiortlcrcil
stale of th.) dlgcstivo apparatus.
As a Dinner I'ill lliey have no cipial.
YVIillu gentle la lln lr anion, tlicio PII.M
are tlio must tlioroiigli nml si ineliiii'j i',uhar
lli' that can bo i iiipluvetl, ami never jslvn
p.ilil inili-is tlio bowels aru hillmiutl. nml
lin n tlu-ir iiilliieneii Is healing. Tliey stliiiii
jatu Ilin appetite ami tllgnsllvti organs; tliey
opeiiitn lu purify niul enrich Urn blond, anil
Itupait ii'iiowcd health ami viur lu tlio
uholu system,
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & C.,
I'l.utleal nml Aiuil) Ileal t'lieiiilita,
Lowell, Mast,
toio bv all unvcoim tn:n(wi:ne.
so assuming a look of wisdom which Sol
omon might have envied, he gave a mys
terious little bark that could mean any
thing nml composed himself again to
".lust S o'clock," said Dick, consultim
his vatch "In two hours I've got to dress
and go to Mrs. (Ircy's ball, the biggest bore
ot the season I haven t a doubt; but there
is no escaping it. Aicn'tyou glad, Snip,
vou don t have to go to balls;
Snip barked again, this time in an af
firmative milliner. He always accommo
dated himself to bis muster's moods and
was well accustomed to being questioned.
Aleit and vigilant he watched the cigar
dwindle down bv slow degrees, while- lie
waited in well bred silence for a renewal
ot the conversation. Hut Dick was drowsy
and cross, and when the cigar was
smoked out he turned bis head aside and
fell fast asleep, while his little dog, curl
cd contentedly around his feet.looking
up into his master's face with a world of
patient love in bis honest brown eves.
Seven, S, il, 10. Was it possible that
he had slept neailv two hours, and the
clock was striking 10? Dick jumped
iip.glanced at his watch to make siirc.and
.1.1 , ! ,1 I t . . . . I .
wiiu a htmeii groan picparcn to iniiiici
liuuselt into his dress suit. I his was
never a very rapid process with him, and
bv the tiiiiu he entered Mrs. (Irav's bril
liantly-lighted house thcgreatclock in tho
hall was pointing to quarter past 1 1.
'Phe rooms were crowded and stilliiu
ly hot. 'Phe very flowers appeared to
droop under the glare and heat, nil ex
cept some deep red loes which had been
arranged in a sentence over the door
wav. and whose glowing hearts present
ed the most sumptuous and unwise bit
ot coloriug.evcn in thai many lined apart
meiil. It was strange, but Dick louiid
himself unable to read that sentence,
although composed of onlv three shoit
winds. 'Phe h uigiiage, even the letters,
were unknown to him, and for half a
minute he stood puzzling over the mys
tery. Then the incoming
crowd gently
moved him aside, mid abandoning the
eltort, ho made tho best ot his way to
ward the hostess. A pretty little woman
magnificently dressed, but stciuiiig v
already much fatigued with the woik in
hand, half
lllgs and to see her blue eyes upnneti
with that tender glance of "truthfulness
lo his. It must have cost her a great
deal of time and patience to cultivate
that glance up to its present perfection
and it was unkind, alter all, to sneer at
the result of such honest and cndiiiing
The next minute he was by her side.
She did look very pretty ; her lair hair
tumbled in some mysterious fashion on
the top of her shapelv little- head; her
bright face lit up with smiles, and Jier
white silk i-leaniing under the- colored
lamps witli a soft and shifting radiance
that pleased Dick's cultivated eye. Ho
was one ot those to whom a woman s
jrown is a matter of indilfereiice.
"I came here tor a littlo air," she said;
the rooms are so terribly hot, and the
whole affair is very stupid. Don't you
think so.'"
"It has been worse than stupid for
me. he answered, laughing, "i nave
been insulted wherever I went. First,
Mrs. (irey told me I was often very stu
pid, then Ai iss ineeni.tio you know heir
She is dancing now with Tom Stern."
I don't know her; but never mind!
What did she say lo voiif"
She told me that 1 was awkward and a
bad dancer, and intimated that I could
never thoroughly learn."
Florence Ucdifer burst into a laugh as
clear and merry as silver bells. "l!ut you
now. .Mr. lurncr, she said, "your best
friends do not claim for you that you
nance wen.
Dick gasped and then recovered, he
was gelling hardened now. "I always
Haltered invsell that I did, liu s.inl
She looked at him in some surprise.
"Of course I don't ineuii lo sav," she ex
plained, "that one cannot get around with
vou at all. but only vou aru not very o-raee-
0 r
tul or sure looted. 'I here are plenty ot
men here who daiieo worse. .Mr. rjinip
sou, tor instance.
-I should hope so," said Dick, us Simp
sprinkled over the- street, sidewalks, gut
ters, etc, so as to completely saturate
the whole and then allowed to dry. In
about twenty hours the liquid has pene
trated the earth to a depth of about eigli
teen inches, and has so completely grani
tized or pclnhed the same that it may
compare favorably in puint of hardness
to square block pavement.
Ill nek Heath.
Piic terrible Oriental plague known
as the "lilack lJcaih. that in lornier
entiiries caused such devastation in hu
rope, and mat in mi i mane us reap
pearanco in I ripolis alter men had long
ceased to tear us visitations is sun
alive, and has recently appeared in
America and on the borders of the- Cas
nan Sea. In the vearlS'G it showed
itself in Mesopotamia. In 1878 it cross
cd the boundary line ot lussia,and cases
that were detected in IS'ishni Novro
mil, Moscow and other places spread un
easinessthouglioutall l'.urope. 'iciniauv
and Austria closed their boundaries, and
cut off all communication, railway as
well as other, with the empire ot this
Czars. The dread disease did not spread
in litissia, and finally disappeared fioin
the F.uropean domain, some say on ac
count ot the energetic sanitary and quar
antine regulations of T.oris Melikoff, oth
ers because the atmospheric conditions
happened lo be- unfavorable to its exten
sion. Hut the- lilack Death has con
tinued ever since, and has just given a
sign of renewed activity by annihilating
a whole paity of pilgrims from .Mecca,
and crossing the Euphrates to show it
self once more in Mesopotamia.
He nl iiiir Lumber.
sou, a mile weak eyed man, who held
his lair partner as if he feared she was
packed with dyimmilo and was in danger
every minute ot exploding, moved labor
iously past the door. ' If that is the
smiled as Dick edged up to best yot .an say for me, Miss Florence,
1 shall never have the audacity to ask .. tt.. rit i . . .... ..." .
" you just come, .ur. i unieri you to (lance again, ami with u hcavv
she said. "I thought you were to be one- heart ho left the conservatory, now fully
ui my i-.iuy oiriis. satishcd no had nail enough ol .Mrs,
"ho I would have been, ho explained, (ircy's ball.
"oiiiy,iiiifoitiiiiately,I fell asleep and did lie took a glass of chanipagno in tho
not waiiuup in nine. supper ixoni, where its quality was bo
un, uuu was tuu case, was it : en, mg neeiy discussed by the voung men
Kiicn a lenginy nap ought to brighten you who lingeied there, ami went back to
up beautifully for the rest of the even- itay his paitipg icspocls to his hostess,
lug. know, you are rath- There wci'o still plenty of peoplo about,
er stupid," but a chill seemed to have fallen upon
1A!.1. I.,,. l..1 I ;r , ...... .
iiuiv luuM-u in uer in seu u snu meant menu mo dancers wero lew, and every
a joke, hut her pretty faco was gravely bodv looked bored or discontenled. Mrs
raised to his. " on are flattering me, ' Grey was saying tho last words to a par-
no sain, snoiuy. ty of guests who wero about tnliiir their
I III , All'l AA ...I..A.1 II .1... I - .
j a uuu t invito tuiyiuieeu, sue answer-"departure
Keceutly when the lawyers in Judge
Cary's court in Carson Cily,wero waiting
for a verdict in a petty larceny case, sev
eral stories wero told by the legal lights
which provoked considerable surprise.
Judge (Jarv evinced the- greatest in
terest in these weird tales and edged up
to tno group.
lliesc are cm ions varus, gentlemen,
but I believe them all. I had a dog
once, buck in Nebraska, that I kept to
herd lumber."
"I leg pardon, .Judge; did you sav tlio
log herded lumber;"
Yes, sir; coltouwood boards. We .al
ways kept a dog there to bring the lum
ber in at night."
Everybody paid the closest attention,
as ihcv knew the boss was at work.
"It was this wav. Cottonwood boards
warp like thunder in the sun. A board
would begin to hump its back up at 0
o clock in toe morning, and turn over
liy 1 1 it would warp the other way witli
the heal and make another lion. Each
lime it turned it uio.ctl a couple of feet,
always following the sun toward tho
west. The first summer I lived in lirown-
villo over ten thousand feet of lumber
Skipped out to the bill the day before
I adverliicil a house raiMii. I went to
the county seat to attend a law suit ami
when 1 got back there wasn't a stick of
timber left. It had strayed aw ay in tho
upland. An ordinary board would climb
a two-mile hill during a hot week, and
when it struck the timber it would keet
w oi unu in minimi iiiiiuug ine ut t-s mu- a
garter snake. Even- farmer in tho
State hail to keep shei herd dogs to fol
low bis lumber around the country, keep
ii logeiner ami Know wnerc n was in
the morning.
A preacher whoso delight was to star
tie his hearers said that there- were three
things which a woman should both bo
and not be at the samu time. First, sho
should be like n snail, always keeping
within her own house; but she should
not bo like- the snail which cairies all it
has upon Us back. Second, sho should
bo like an echo and speak, when she is
spoken to; but she should not bu
like an ehco, which always
manages 10 nave mo nisi word, nurd
she should bo like the town clock and ul
ways keep time nml regularity! Imt she
should not bo like the town clock, which
speaks so loud that nil tho town can
hear it.
'Phe Elmira ldcerticr gives what it
thinks a fair estimate cf the worth of
Xew York millionaires, prefacing tho
list with the remark that it they should
shako oil' tho mortal coil to-morrow, not
one of them could take a penny to
that bourne whence- no traveler returns:
William II. Vandeibilt. ".,000,000;
ay Gould, 8S'.l,000,000; ltiissel Sage,
tf'lo.OOO.OOO; D. O, Mills, .-..OOO.OOO;
C. Iv. Garrison, S?:?0,000,000; Cornelius
Vandeibilt, 818,000,000; S. .1. Tilden,
SlL'.OOD.OOO; C. F. Woerishoffer, SK.
000.000; Milbank, ? 10,000,000; F.
II. Green, yi() ,000,000; E. D. -Morgan,
$0,000,000; W. K. Vandeibilt, SH.OOO,.
000; David Dows, S7,.'.00,000 ; Sam
uel Sloan. 0,000,(100; W. I.. Scott, !?,i,
000,000; II. N. New-comb, .,-,,000,00();
Addison Cauunaek, $1,000,000; Solon
Humphreys, !?:i,."00,000; George Osgood,
s.'l.OOO.OOOj ('. .1. Osborn, :i,()00,000-
II. . I. Mai'iniand, Sc'.iOO.OOO; .lames I.'.
K'eene, S'.'.'.'OO.ODI); II. N. Smith. !? 000,-
000; D. P. Morgan, l,o00,00t).
Odd Items.
Hypocrites are now called oleomarga
rine Christians.
An EngliSh lady killer calls himself a
great hunt list.
A e.mnnn ball must pass within three
inches of a man's nose to produce blind
'Phe Philadelphia Star asserts that
truth whispered is more effective than
nonsense thundered-" and truth it is that
l)e. thill's Cough Svrup is the best reine-
in the- land -for curing n cough or
Never rent a house- of a man who
talks sanctimoniously nbout gospel re
It was a dentist who complained last
summer il- the country that a wasp has
only one tooth.
'Phe contribution box is superior to tho
ballot box. It is never stuffed and in
no danger of repeaters.
An oyster, said Hood, is vcrv anoma
lous, for you have to take it out of its bed
before vou tuck it in.
A new novel is entitled: "A liiirlcsquo
ctress' Dress. It is very short, well
Thomas Mvrcs, Hraccbridgc writes:
"Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is tho best
medicine I sell. It always gives satis
faction and in cases of coughs, colds,soro
throat, burns, ifcc, immediate relief has
been received by those- who use it.
Everything has to pay up sometimes;
even the- little- chickens have to shell out.
When he takes her in his arms to kiss
her, Clara says her husband resembles a
It-scaling envelope.
'Phe lirooklyn clergy will postpone
further levivals. until after they have
taken their summer vacations.
Spixk's PonrGitAi'i: Wini: rim Wi'.ak-
i.v IT.usoxs. l his excellent product ot
the grape is prescribed and used by tho
leading physiciansin the country, when a
'cneious and nourishing wine is desir
able ; especially for females, aged persons
Hid consumptives : and by churches tor
comniuiiioii. Hundreds ot .New ork
Physicians have visited Speer's Vineyards
and Wine Cellars, but twelve miles dis
tant from New York. For sale bv C. A.
Kleiiu, druggist, liloomsburg, Pa.
"My wife," remarked Fitzboodle, "is
fairlv crazy over the spring fashions.
Shcs got tliG delirium triininins."
It is a great blessing not to have any
money. You don't have the anxiety of
loaning b and wondering if you'll get
il back.
Curran said of a man with a very sol
emn lace: "Whenever I see smiles on
that man's face, they remind me of the
tin clasps on an oaken eolliii."
Drummers never have to serve an ap
prenticeship. As soon as they enter upon
their business they become journeymen.
When our lirst parents moved into
their new bouse from the- Gardci of
Eden, they carried everything in a baud
Tin: i:utii.i:ss ncsinovi-.i:.
That ruthless destroyer of so many
lives. Consuniption.uiay be prevented by
using Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, a speedy
and comprehensive medicine, used also
for lameness and soreness, cuts, bruises,
sprains, burns,pilcs,kidney troubles,frost
ed feet, burns, warts, bunions and othtr
bodily troubles, as well as diseases and
injuries of horses and cattle.
A Troy lawyer asked a woman on tho
witness stand her age, -uid she- promptly
replied: "I sold milk for you to diiuj:
when a baby, and 1 haven t got mv pay
An exchange says: "John Green got
under the switch engine Thursday, lie
lingered four days." lie must have.liked
being under there better than we should.
Life insurance' companies are opposed
to cremation because they cannot dig up
i man to ascertain whether or not ho
committed suicide.
Take it -easy and live-long are brolh-
t-rs.aiidaro related to Aver's Sarsaparilla,
which has lengthened many a I He.
Hoot ami Suilille.
When cavalry are to prepare for the
inarch, "lioot and Saddle" is sounded,
It might easily be imagined that il oiig
innllv meant that the men were to put
on their ruling boots and saddle their
horses, Such, however, is not tlio origin
of the phrase. W e have boi rowed many
ot our technical terms from the French,
and among others, "lioot and Saddle.
'Phis is a corruption ol "liouto-selle,"
which means simply saddle, "boutc," be
ing nu old Noiinan word still used by
the peasantry, signifying place. "Houto
selle" is, therefoie, "place the saddle.'
A'oteii and Qitcrieu.
Ely's Cream Halm is iho only catarrh
remedy of many I have tried which has
acted as a cure. I have been troubled
for over lifteen years; mv head has been
most of the time stopped and very much
iullameil, It has opeiied'iny nostrils and
reduced the iiillaiuuiation. ' My eyes aru
improving, so that I can stand 'strong
light, which 1 have not been able to do
for years. Nathaniel I'eglev, with E
F. Mont, .Merchant, Wilkes-liarre, Pa,
My case is similar to tho above, and
would recommend tho remedy, (Cream
liulm) to nil siillerei'S irom L atari li. 11
II. Hodman.
Ely's Cream Halm sells better than any
other preparation for Cuturih. hnd gives:
I l ......!. f. ..!.! i a . v
IiicuiT suusittcuuii, i. AUinsironcr, (ling
uist, WilkxS'lJuri-c, Pa.
There is many a man in the world who
never committed but one act of folly
nnd who won't get to the end ol it until
he- dies.
isucrs cr.i'.TiricA'iKs.
It is no vile drugged stuff, pretending
to bo made of wonderful foreign roots,
barks, Arc., and pulled up by long bogus
cei lilicates of pretended miraculous cures,
but it simple, pure, eflective medicine,
made of well-known valuable remedies
that furnihes its own ceitilicales by its
cures. We refer to Hop Hitters, thc'pm
esl and best ot medicines Sec another
oluinii. Ilcjniilicdii,
The Uoehester Jiuiocnit reiuaiksthat
he is a slow young man, indeed, these
days, who don't know more about mar
ried life than the father of foiiileeu
i-Aiuii's Aiiviri: -in iiii w-i.i: 111111:11s.
The quaiest of all qiiareinvintions that's
astonished the gossoons of late
Is to see the tall young mill riding on
a wheel of carciinifereiice great;'
"Pis a wonder they don't take a tumble,
and lull like salt maekeiill sphlit;
Sure I've often been nsked for to thry
one, but my answer is, "Divil a bit,'"
I'm not very iiisely ('lightened, by either
man, woman or spooks.
Hut to lido a big wheel it quite scares
me, though pel Imps easier far than it
There's one thing 1 do know forsartain:
If 1 should be tempted to fry,
I'd lay in a lew bottles ol" Fcltctiic Oil
- best forbiuiscs tho woild can blip
ply. '
Jcftvtric Oil Vuruijrtiplier.
The most lioimlar color in Paris for
the hour is called giraffe, and also goes
by the name of the crust of toasted bread.
If you expect to find puiify in poli
tics, you aio as iinrcasonable as tho cir
cus owntr who m,t his elephant lo tlio
depot to get his trunk checked.
HOW bill. SWr.l) MONKY.
"For nearly six years my daughter
was most of the time on a sick bed from
kidney and other diseases peculiar lo
women. We had used up our savings
on doctors nnd prescriptions without any
benefit. Our dominie advised us to try
Parker's Ginger Tonic, and four bottlen
effected n marvelous cure, As it 1ms
been our only medicine mhcc, and n dol
lar's woith has ki-iit our family well over
n year, wo have been able to lay up n
Httlo money again for p. rainy day.' .
A Poor iMnn'ii Wife.